Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Motivational Theory Application
An 11 page paper discussing the theory behind motivating employees. Following a decade of downsizing, cost cutting and merging, more and more businesses look for ways to give their employees what they want. Too many companies believe that employee motivation rests in monetary rewards, without either realizing or acknowledging individuals' needs for recognition. Formal studies and informal surveys alike reveal that while managers often will list money as the top factor in motivating employees, the employees themselves are much more likely to list first their desire for recognition, for someone to let them know they truly have done a good job, a fact well known by some of the country's most successful companies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Attribution Theory, Leadership, and Organizational Behavior
A 10 page paper discussing how attribution theory can be applied within the organization to enhance employees' performance and the organization's overall productivity as well as competitive advantage. The theory provides a means for both explaining and predicting individual behavior, and is based on the assumption that individuals will ascribe certain qualifications to either an employee's or a manager's behavior. The paper uses the negative management style of Peg Witte, CEO of Royal Oaks Mines as example throughout, and contrasts the resulting corporate culture with that of Merix Corporation under the leadership of Debi Coleman. The paper includes an illustrative chart. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Theories and Concepts of Employee Motivation
30 pages in length. Too many companies believe that employee motivation rests in monetary rewards, without either realizing or acknowledging individuals' needs for recognition. Formal studies and informal surveys alike reveal that while managers often will list money as the top factor in motivating employees, the employees themselves are much more likely to list first their desire for recognition, for someone to let them know they truly have done a good job. Today's most successful companies are ones in which employees have no question of the regard in which the company's leadership holds them. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Alternative Style of Management Work Team Approach
This 8 page paper considers the benefits that can be derived from implementing work team approaches as an alternative management style and relates this in a number of areas of development for Federal Express, a company that focuses on the team approach in their human resources management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
US Business and Work Groups
An 8 page research paper which examines how this management technique is changing the way the U.S. does business. This concept blurs the lines between management and employees, empowers employees, and involves them in the success and productivity of the company. Many U.S. companies regard it as their best means for keeping a competitive edge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Evolution of Work Groups
A 12 page research paper which examines how work groups are changing the way that American business is conducted. This concept has been accepted as the U.S. industry's best hope for keeping a competitive edge in today's marketplace. The writer examines how this concept is being implemented by some U.S. companies and how current research points the ways in which the concept continues to evolve. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Organizational Development and Psychologist Kurt Lewin
An 8 page research paper on the life and subsequent work of German-American psychologist Kurt Lewin. It describes some of Lewin's theories, and discusses about how they relate in society today. Lewin is most commonly regarded as one of the founders of the Organizational Development (OD) movement He described organizations as existing in a state of "quasi stationary equilibrium", or rather he thought that they tended to be static and resist change. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Women, the Workplace, Management, and Glass Ceilings
A 9 page essay on the struggles that women still endure in the professional, corporate world. It is argued that while women have indeed enjoyed some advancements in business, they still are barred from achieving top-level management positions. Thus, they are looking through a 'glass ceiling.' In answer to this, many women are forming their own businesses. The role of downsizing and other relevant minority issues are brought into the discussion as well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Entrepreneurial Women
8 pages in length. There is really nothing any more remarkable in women entrepreneurs' efforts than there are in the men counterparts' work, at least not in the present. In the early years, women were at a distinct disadvantage if they intended to focus on any business that could be seen as untraditional. Since those first ground-breaking years, however, women-owned businesses are just businesses—sound management practices and tuned acumen truly is without gender. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Strategic Commitment and Corporate Competitive Advantage
This 3 page essay discusses the ides of strategic commitment in a company and the ways in which it adds to a larger corporate advantage. Strategic commitment is a separate and unique field of endeavor that is marked by the inclusion of ethics and the moral responsibilities of management as a part of a much larger strategic planning process. Follow-through on such a commitment is what allows any firm to enjoy a unique competitive advantage based on the relationship that it has established with its constituency. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Contemporary Entrepreneurship
A 9 page research report on the state of entrepreneurism near the turn of the 21st century. Entrepreneurship is as active as it has ever been. Regardless of the industry or beginning size of the business, there is opportunity still in good ideas. As the giant corporations continue their downsizing processes, many of their "victims" are going into business for themselves. The old principles still hold today: the good idea that fills a niche, backed with good solid planning if not as much cash as everyone would like. Today's business climate is more competitive than ever, and is a factor today's entrepreneur has to closely consider as in no other period. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Benefits of Diversity Management in the Workforce
A 5 page paper discussing the benefits of effective diversity management. The days of the myth of the homogenous workforce are as far past as is that of Total Quality Management (TQM) applying only to manufacturing environments. Too many complain that in today's highly competitive business environment that there is no room for management approaches that are believed to be impossible to measure, but the business results of effectively managed and highly diverse organizations belie that objection. Diversity-conscious organizations are finding that diversity can be an asset rather than the drain that others insist it is. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Nonprofit Organization Management
An 8 page paper on the importance of studying nonprofit management today. The writer posits that non-profit organizations require many of the same administrative skills that their profitable counterparts do and stresses the influence of funding, financial analysis, computer knowledge, evaluation, etc; Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Nonprofit Organization Management
An 8 page paper on the importance of studying nonprofit management today. The writer posits that non-profit organizations require many of the same administrative skills that their profitable counterparts do and stresses the influence of funding, financial analysis, computer knowledge, evaluation, etc; Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Year 2000 Problem and its Economic Implications
An 11 page paper that provides a substantive overview of the background behind the problem of computer systems and the year 2000, and considers 3 possible solutions to calming the economic panic swelling and critiques these solutions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Year 2000 Crisis and How Y2K Can Be Successfully Managed
A 10 page overview of the predicted computer/communications apocalypse and management techniques. The author concentrates on two areas of concern, date coding and the introduction of viruses based on the millenium and other biases. However, the larger view is taken of 'mainstream' date coding problems, and considers audit cases and costs. Mitigation focuses on internal and global management of the problem. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Year 2000 Computer Crisis
This 5 page paper discusses the year 2000 computer crisis. The problem as already resulted in computer shut-downs when merchants attempt to scan a credit card with an expiry date of 2000 or beyond. The problem is real and can result in possible mayhem. Why it is a problem and the possible repercussions are discussed from economical, safety, and everyday life perspectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Problems with Changing to the Year 2000
This 5 page paper explores the subject of the millennium bug by focusing on two particular articles on the topic. Both pieces address the scope of the concern as being global, and each in its own way present solutions to fix it. The paper also includes the subject of contingency plans. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Total Health Plan Project Management Case Study
A 12 page paper that describes project management for the development of a comprehensive health management program for a small company. Includes: work breakdown structure, task flow, project schedule and reporting, costs, and evaluation of project and performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Total Health Plan Project Management Case Study
A 12 page paper that describes project management for the development of a comprehensive health management program for a small company. Includes: work breakdown structure, task flow, project schedule and reporting, costs, and evaluation of project and performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Manufacturing Types
This 5 page report discusses the basic types of manufacturing in the industrial environment. Most analysts will agree that there are certain primary types of production systems and a business that already has an established between manufacturing strategies and production systems are generally likely to perform better than their competitors who operate without such a fit. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Examination of Charismatic Leadership
This 5 page paper explains why leaders such as David Koresh and Charles Manson had so much power over their followers. Charismatic authority is defined and explored along with the motivation of such leaders. The propensity of ordinary people to join cults is also addressed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Creative Management Styles and Research
A 60 page research-oriented paper discussing creative management styles. There are organizations that have not been able to make the transition from the traditional autocratic or authoritarian (rather than the authoritative) style of management. Today, creative management styles come in a variety of names: situational contingency management, the transformational approach, the cultural contingency approach, and value-based leadership. All, however, have their roots in TQM. Organizations that could not be successful in implementing TQM generally are not successful in implementing any of these, either, because all, including TQM, require a corporate culture that supports creativity and a commitment to change, and values open communication between workers and departments to the point that they will defend it if necessary. This paper examines the underlying problems preventing the formation and nurturing of that corporate culture so necessary for sustaining any creative management style. Bibliography lists more than 50 sources. M-Creatv.doc
Ford Motor Company CEO Alex Trotman and His Management Skills
A 5 page paper evaluating the leadership and management abilities of Ford Motor Company's CEO. Ford has always been a solid performer but never spectacular until Trotman's programs took firm hold. The 1997 profits of $6.9 billion not only is the highest in Ford's history, it also is the highest of any automaker ever. Trotman absolutely is proactive, as evidenced by the bold steps he has led Ford in making in his time there. Of course, Ford was successful before Trotman assumed his role of CEO, but much of the spectacular performance of recent times can be attributed directly to his leadership and his efficient and systematic direction of Ford's current direction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Ford Motor Company CEO Alex Trotman and His Management Skills
A 5 page paper evaluating the leadership and management abilities of Ford Motor Company's CEO. Ford has always been a solid performer but never spectacular until Trotman's programs took firm hold. The 1997 profits of $6.9 billion not only is the highest in Ford's history, it also is the highest of any automaker ever. Trotman absolutely is proactive, as evidenced by the bold steps he has led Ford in making in his time there. Of course, Ford was successful before Trotman assumed his role of CEO, but much of the spectacular performance of recent times can be attributed directly to his leadership and his efficient and systematic direction of Ford's current direction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
External Factors and Effects on Management Decisions
This 5 page report discusses the ways in which external factors such as the economy, prices, socio-political atmosphere, competition, and much more, influence management decisions in business. Just as people do not operate independent of their peers, businesses and other organizations do not operate independently from the environment in which they exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
External Factors and Effects on Management Decisions
This 5 page report discusses the ways in which external factors such as the economy, prices, socio-political atmosphere, competition, and much more, influence management decisions in business. Just as people do not operate independent of their peers, businesses and other organizations do not operate independently from the environment in which they exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis and Observation of Sales Training
An 8 page paper in which the writer reviews the training techniques, procedures, and overall style of a sales manager observed while teaching a new class of sales reps the 'ins and outs' of cold canvassing. Issues concerning sales pitching, handling common objections & rebuttals from customers, territory selection, and more are covered. The writer is particularly concerned with the way the sales manager appeals to the psychology of his team while offering colorful anecdotes and metaphors to maintain their interest throughout the entire class. The writer also accompanies this group on their first day in 'the field' and outlines their progress and productivity in selling-- under the manager's guidance. No bibliography.
Analysis and Observation of Sales Training
An 8 page paper in which the writer reviews the training techniques, procedures, and overall style of a sales manager observed while teaching a new class of sales reps the 'ins and outs' of cold canvassing. Issues concerning sales pitching, handling common objections & rebuttals from customers, territory selection, and more are covered. The writer is particularly concerned with the way the sales manager appeals to the psychology of his team while offering colorful anecdotes and metaphors to maintain their interest throughout the entire class. The writer also accompanies this group on their first day in 'the field' and outlines their progress and productivity in selling-- under the manager's guidance. No bibliography.
Social and Professional Success Through the Management of Time
A 10 page research paper on time management and its importance to the individual in today's fast-paced, production-orientated society. Steps necessary in the effective management of one's time are discussed including : task prioritization, planning, setting of deadlines, etc; Problems and obstacles to accomplishing such goals are explained as are ways to overcome them. Decision-making is of primary importance to this discussion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Social and Professional Success Through the Management of Time
A 10 page research paper on time management and its importance to the individual in today's fast-paced, production-orientated society. Steps necessary in the effective management of one's time are discussed including : task prioritization, planning, setting of deadlines, etc; Problems and obstacles to accomplishing such goals are explained as are ways to overcome them. Decision-making is of primary importance to this discussion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Journal Article on Organizations and TQM Reviewed
An 11 page critique of a journal article on TQM using other articles as a measure by which to critique it. There are several references available on the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM), and dozens with reports of how it "fails" in two-thirds of the attempts to implement it. Those companies unsuccessful in making TQM a foundation of their business most often have selected only a few of the principles of the entire TQM philosophy, however, choosing to attend to the mechanics of the philosophy rather than the underlying principles of attention to customers and employees. The paper includes a short glossary of terms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Middle Managers and TQM Implementation Implications
A 65 page paper discussing reasons for failure of TQM implementation, particularly as it applies to middle managers. The paper gives an overview of the approaches to TQM of Deming, Juran and Crosby, and focuses on Deming's 14 Points as the basis for properly-applied TQM practice. Deming's philosophy of management within the framework of TQM leaves no room for authoritarianism or autocracy; participative management is required if TQM implementation is to be successful in any firm of any size. The paper includes discussion of a mail survey identifying three middle-management attitudes toward TQM's potential effects on their jobs, including detailed descriptions of both observed and potential limitations of the study. It concludes that middle managers have legitimate fears that can be overcome with Deming's admonishment to invest in training and education of all employees, including the middle managers of which Deming himself made no mention. Bibliography lists 31 sources.
Marks and Spencer and Customer Value Management
This 15 page paper investigates customer value management and customer value analysis and applies the concepts to the practices Marks and Spencer seem to implement and/or advocate. Examples of other businesses are also be offered for the purpose of demonstrating some of the concepts discussed. The essay concludes with recommendations for Marks and Spencer to further their competitive advantage through specific customer value management action steps. One graphic illustration is provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Meritor Savings Bank, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Clain
5 pages in length. The writer discusses a claim of sexual harassment and discrimination in relation to Meritor Savings Bank. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
U.S. Immigration and the Green Card
A 5 page paper that argues the fact that recent attempts by the U.S. government to stem the wave of illegal immigration have proved to be futile and that the time has come to take a different approach to this growing problem. This paper focuses on the fact that the American nation was built on the concept of immigration and stresses the fact that employers who import and exploit illegal workers should absorb the full impact of government measures taken to rectify this situation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
International Trade and Cultural Differences
This 10 page paper looks at the different barriers than will face organisations who wish to undertake international trade, this includes language as well as cultural issues such as religion and social structure. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Future of Managed Care and Specialized Laboratories
5 pages in length. The writer offers a SWOT analysis, the four P's and recommendations as they relate to Specialized Mountain Bike Company. No bibliography.
Fears of Hostile Takeover at Dresdner Bank
This 5 page paper provides a look at Dresdner Bank amid acquisition worries. The hostile takeover phenomenon is discussed as well as a plan for a bank to thwart such an attempt. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Mass Customization Market Strategies
A 5 page paper that defines the concept of mass customization and outlines the benefits that can be gained through the utilization of this innovative marketing strategy as well as the framework that guides its design, development, and implementation. Also included is a discussion that focuses on the advantages as well as the disadvantages of "lean production", the managerial process that has also come to be known as "stress management". Bibliography lists 4 sources.
International Contests' Advertising
This 12 page paper examines advertising in its
latest internet form, "international contests. The
"information highway" has increased our
accessibility to products of the world, and added
a new glitch to those advertising "road" signs:
the international contest. Are these international
contest ads valid, or just another form of gambling,
or is there really good "stuff" just waiting for
you to pick-it up? Bibliography lists 25 sources.
NOTE: Sources attached = total this unit = 35pp.
Bibliography lists 25 sources..
Business Role and Value of Emergent Strategy
This 8 page paper looks at the value and role emergent strategy plays in busyness. The reasons and decision behind the evolution of an emergent strategy with an original and unpublished case study used to demonstrate the value of this type emergent strategies, in conjunction with other more well-known cases. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Business Role and Value of Emergent Strategy
This 8 page paper looks at the value and role emergent strategy plays in busyness. The reasons and decision behind the evolution of an emergent strategy with an original and unpublished case study used to demonstrate the value of this type emergent strategies, in conjunction with other more well-known cases. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior
This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior
as an important component of business
administration, which combines psychology,
sociology, and management and attempts to explain
behavior within organizational settings. As a
manager, it is fundamental to understand how
individual personality attributes, group dynamics,
and organizational structure interface to create
corporate cultures and affect behavior.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior
This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior
as an important component of business
administration, which combines psychology,
sociology, and management and attempts to explain
behavior within organizational settings. As a
manager, it is fundamental to understand how
individual personality attributes, group dynamics,
and organizational structure interface to create
corporate cultures and affect behavior.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People
A 5 page analysis of Dale Carnegie's classic text How to Win Friends and Influence People. Since 1936, this classic self-help book has offered solid, practical advice on leadership principles that are still applicable today because, while a lot has changed since 1936, human nature has not. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Great Britain's Supermarkets and the Effects of Products That Are Environmentally Friendly
This 7 page paper looks at changes in Britain's supermarkets inclusive of strict government regulations and industry standards. Environmentally friendly products are discussed in light of the expansion of the British supermarket and its impact on the society and the economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
German Music Industry Investment
9 pages in length. The writer discusses why there is economic potential for a company to invest in the German music industry, citing the rising popularity of rap and hip-hop music. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Business and Change
A 12 page paper. Change is the only constant in business as well as in life. Nothing stays the same. Social, technological, political and economic forces demand organizations to change or go out of business. One of the most difficult challenges facing any company is how to overcome the natural resistance of employees when changes are made. This essay discusses change theory, including the reasons for resistance and techniques for overcoming resistance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Reintroducing Pepsi to Germany
A 5 page paper that outlines a business plan explaining the reasons PepsiCo, Inc. would target the international market in Germany, traditionally an area dominated by Coca-Cola. Included are projected risks involved in this venture, as well as a synopsis of the marketing strategy that would provide the best results in this market and reflect the image that Pepsi wishes to present. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A Discussion of America West Airlines
A 5 page paper discussing America West's competitive strategies.
America West has been able to effectively compete against Southwest Airlines, American and
Delta. This paper examines reasons it has been able to be effective and makes recommendations
as to how it can enhance its competitive position, which is already strong in the limited number of
markets it serves. Includes one chart; bibliography lists 1 source.
Senior Management and the Significance of Risk Management
6 pages in length. The writer discusses the importance of risk management, the significance of the senior manager, the influence of risk culture and technology's impact. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Economic Growth and Sustainable Business Strategy
This 4 page paper looks at how economic growth can promote sustainable strategies in business. A number of scenarios and case studies are given in this concisely written paper to aid the student in the understanding of how green issues and business can be seen as coexisting with both sustainability and profitability achieved. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Three Books on Marketing Compared and Contrasted
A 9 page analysis that examines three books on marketing-- Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy; Market Segmentation by Art Weinstein; and The Marketing Imagination by Theodore Levitt. Each book is examined, in turn, as to common issues that it shares with the others. No additional sources cited.
Stock Analysis of Lucent Technologies
This 5 page paper looks at Lucent Technologies Inc. (LU) form an investor's point of view. A description of the company, inclusive of future plans, is provided. Financial data is analyzed and recommendations are made in light of industry trends. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Self Regulation in Advertising
8 pages in length. Advertising self-regulation is a
critical component of corporate social responsibility. Such efforts much exist inasmuch as the ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concepts that are often absent from a business
standpoint. The writer discusses how the basic motives behind this concept stem from the desire to not only advertise a particular product but to also do so in a responsible manner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Market Proposal - Launching a Triad Hallmark Store
A 10 page paper that outlines a marketing proposal for the business planning and commercial launching of a corporate Hallmark Crown Store affiliate. Explained and discussed are proposal structure, situation analysis, SWOT analysis, campaign & communication strategy, media plan, appropriation & budget, and keys to ongoing success. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Literature Review on Intellectual Assets Management
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the topic by reviewing relevant literature on the subject. A company profile provided by a student is used as a case study for purposes of review. A description of a sample study is provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Literature Review on Intellectual Assets Management
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the topic by reviewing relevant literature on the subject. A company profile provided by a student is used as a case study for purposes of review. A description of a sample study is provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
An E-Commerce Marketing Plan
A 10 page paper. No one can doubt that e-commerce is here to stay; it grows exponentially each year. Companies, whether product or service, that do not have an Internet presence will lose business to those companies that do have an Internet presence. This paper presents a marketing plan for a chiropractic consortium. Topics include: description of the business; competition; e-commerce; designing a web page; and salesmanship on the web. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Management Concepts in 'Wall Street' and 'Twelve Angry Men'
5 pages in length. According to industry analysts, there has never been – nor will there ever be – a single, most effective manner by which to manage. Indeed, the vast number of components that comprise the overall aspect of leadership precludes there being an exclusive method for optimal management strategies. The reason for this stems from the fact that companies must be looked upon as individual nations that require specific direction based upon diverse variables. When assessing this notion as it relates to the films "Twelve Angry Men" and "Wall Street," the writer discusses different approaches each movie utilizes to gain much the same outcome. No bibliography.
Are Mega Mergers Beneficial or Detrimental?
A 6 pages research paper that addresses the issue of mega-mergers and whether they are good or bad for the consumer and the country as a whole. The writer argues that the mega-mergers are 'bad' because they generally diminish competition, limiting choice by the consumer, and also that this gives too much power to large corporate power. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Possible Futures For The Microsoft Corporation
A 6 page research paper that analyzes what the decision of Judge Thomas Jackson may mean for the future of the software giant, Microsoft. The writer argues that even if the breakup occurs, it could be eventually have a positive effect on the new companies that will evolve from Microsoft—unless the arrogance of the Microsoft leadership makes this negative situation even worse. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Leading Change by John P. Kotter
A 5 page research paper that summarizes and evaluates John P. Kotter's book, 'Leading Change,' which pertains organizational change. The major premise of the author is that the magnitude of change in today's business world is increasing so rapidly that leadership, not just management, is required. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
1999 and 2000 Performance of the Disney Company
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the company with a focus on how the company did during 1999 and 2000. Charts are included to illustrate a five year trend. The company is assessed and projections made. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Focus Groups A Practical Guide for Applied Research by Richard Krueger
A 5 page paper that examines the 1994 book by author and professor Richard Krueger entitled Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Applied Research. Discussed are the book's purpose, points and presentation, its contributions and shortcomings, and its recommended readership. Also included is a brief discussion on the differences between quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Bibliography lists 1 source.
United Colors of Benetton Ethic Uses of Death Row Criminals
A 6 page paper which
discusses the recent campaign of United Colors of Benetton which chose to use the slogan
'We on Death Row,' and implement the use of criminals on death row to promote their
products. The paper argues that such an advertising approach is very unethical and highly
offensive to the public for a variety of reasons. And, while Benetton claims they wish to
make a political statement about human rights and capital punishment, such a statement
could be made in other more appropriate ways. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
21st Century Corporate Success and Management Reporting
A 5 page paper that examines the benefits of management reporting as part of a productive and profitable inter-enterprise business management philosophy. Included is a description of a type of management reporting and analysis software that is currently being offered as an innovative solution to organizational and management reporting problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
21st Century Corporate Success and Management Reporting
A 5 page paper that examines the benefits of management reporting as part of a productive and profitable inter-enterprise business management philosophy. Included is a description of a type of management reporting and analysis software that is currently being offered as an innovative solution to organizational and management reporting problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Thomas M. Hout's Harvard Business Review Article, 'Are Managers Obsolete?'
An 8 page analysis of Thomas M. Hout's March, 1999 article for the Harvard Business Review, which is intriguingly entitled 'Are Managers Obsolete?' As this title implies, Hout cuts right to the chase as he offers an examination of the latest proposed perspective for evaluating modern business management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Cattle Industry of Argentina
A 5 page paper discussing current conditions in
Argentina's traditional focus of national pride, its cattle industry. The traditional method of
raising cattle is open-range, but Argentine beef can weigh as little as half of that raised in the
feel-lot system. The Argentines prefer the traditional method, which results in beef of higher
quality and lower cholesterol. The paper suggest possible contributions of industry and
technology in improving herd management in Argentina through adopting the feed-lot system
for most animals while retaining the open-range approach for others, followed by astute
marketing of the benefits of range-grown beef. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Evolution of TQM
A 4 page paper outlining the basic precepts
of TQM and then reviewing three articles discussing TQM. TQM is now 50 years old, but it has
never been more relevant than it is in today's business environment. Increasing competition has
forced organizations to treat employees as assets, which is more conducive to the participatory
management and information sharing critical in the full implementation of TQM. These articles
demonstrate that TQM is not only a management philosophy, it primarily is a common-sense
application that offers real solutions to many of the complexities of business. Bibliography lists 4
LBO Phenomenon
This 24 page paper explores the phenomenon of the leveraged buyout, taking the reader from the turbulent eighties to the gentler buyouts of the 1990's and into the twenty-first century where projections are made. The LBO is defined and many examples are provided. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Franchise Opportunities Represented by Hilton Garden Inns
This 20 page paper takes a look at this franchise opportunity and analyzes how it has fared in today's declining hotel market. The concept of franchising is evaluated in a general sense, in the hotel industry and in respect to the Garden Inn hotels specifically. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Workplace and Resolution of Conflict
A 5 page research paper that deals with the importance of conflict resolution in a workplace situation. The writer outlines the typical causes of workplace conflict and then proposes strategies that the manager/leader can take to ensure against and handle such conflicts, stressing the communicative component. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Harassment in the Workplace and Legal Issues
This is a 10 page paper discussing the legal issues of harassment within the work environment. Despite the well established legislative acts which exist in the United States and other countries which prohibit harassment within the work place, there are still many instances which still exist. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits harassment based on age and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits harassment based on a disability. In addition to the enforcement of these regulations in the work place, the EEOC also provides guidelines to employers as how to prevent and correct harassment by establishing written procedures, educating their managers and employees as to the policies and reporting procedures and immediate attention to any complaints registered among other measures. Despite these regulations and guidelines, corporations are still charged with many cases of harassment each year resulting in great monetary and reputation losses.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Business Psychology and its Meaning
This 10 page papers examines what is meant by the term business psychology, which also includes industrial psychology, and how its practice may enhance organisational performance. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Overview of Human Capital Management
This paper examines the concept of human capital management and its importance to a company's bottom line. Also under discussion are tips that a company can use to help initiate human capital management within its firm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Department Store and its History
A 6 page discussion of the advent of the department store in consumer culture. Making their advent in the mid 1800s these stores would change the way stores marketed goods and the way consumers shopped for them. This paper discusses store geography, design, and labor considerations, particularly in regard to women. Bibliography lists 1 source.
TQM Principles
This 17 page paper discusses Total Quality Management (TQM) and emphasizes the fact that this is not a quick-fix but a continuous long-term process towards improving the quality of product and production. Following a definition and brief explanation of Total Quality Management, the principles of this approach are outlined. This includes the 14 principles as proposed by Deming. The reasons Total Quality Management efforts often fail are discussed and Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases are outlined.. This is followed by an actual example from a researcher. Other measures of quality can be used in conjunction with Total Quality Management. The writer discusses how the ISO 9000 series certification is related to implementing Total Quality Management. The final part of the paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of small companies in comparison to large companies attempting to implement Total Quality Management. Includes 1 page Table of Contents and Abstract. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
The History of Wal-Mart
When the first Wal-Mart opened in the early 1960s, the idea of discount shopping among rural America was almost unheard of, except for the five-and-dime stores. But with Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton's vision, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. today is a multi-billion dollar, international company. This paper examines Walton's philosophy, a little bit of history, and some glances into the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Toy Helicopters' Marketing
A 5 page paper discussing the dilemma of Majestic City Helicopters. The company began retailing toy helicopters in 1994 after realizing that the core business of providing helicopter tours of London likely had little room for any further growth. Business was promising enough at the beginning, but since has declined each year. A marketing consultant has made suggestions; it is now left to the company to decide what it will implement and how it can best approach increasing sales of its toy helicopters. The paper suggests moving away from the mass market to upscale outlets and otherwise addressing its marketing mix. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Team Approach Organizational Change and the Management of Conflict
5 pages. When an organization implements change of any type there is bound to be conflict. This is especially true when changing from individual-based work to the team approach to management. This paper points out the possible conflicts that arise when implementing teams and how to circumvent those problems before they get out of hand. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Examining CSX Corporation
This paper is an overview of CSX Corporation, an international transportation firm, relying on a huge network of rail, trucks and ocean carriers to get products from one place to another. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Eastern versus Western Management
A 5 page paper discussing adaptations that East and West have made in business management over the past several decades. Organizations in the East and the West have altered details to fit their own needs, but in the end, West has adopted some of the best of the East; the East has relieved itself of many of the inhibitions of responsibility for other separate companies. The result is a convergence of approaches to management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Positive Customer Outcomes and HRM
This 10 page paper examines the concept that the customer is king, and Bon's observation that if this is so, the second most important person is the one who has direct contact with him. Thus, how companies treat their employees is important in respect to customer service. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Operations Management and the Saturn Corporation
This 8 page paper begins by explaining and defining operations management. It then provides an introduction to Saturn Corporation, including the company's mission and value statement and the philosophy upon which the company was established. Next is a discussion of the operations management processes at Saturn Corp. Finally, the writer comments on what can be learned from how Saturn operates the plants. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Workplace Absenteeism Management
This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.
Workplace Absenteeism Management
This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.
WorldCom, Enron, and the Application of Business Failure Prediction Models
This 27 page paper considers the way in which models of business failure may be applied to real life examples of failed companies that applied for Chapter Eleven Bankruptcy. The paper starts with the consideration of two companies; Enron and WorldCom, outlining the reasons and circumstances surrounding their failure. The writer then considers several models that can be used to predict business failure. These include Altman's Z-Score Model, Argenti’s Failure Model and others. These are then applied to the cases of Enron and WorldCom in order to ascertain if they would have been able to predict these bankruptcies in advance. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
Carstab Chemical Manufacturer's Quantitative Approaches
A 7 page paper discussing how the use of statistics and probability can be applied in making business decisions that affect the bottom line. The example used is a chemical manufacturer (Carstab) that produces a product needed by many customers but needed by one in higher grade. Most of the lots of product that Carstab makes is acceptable to this single customer, but nearly half are not. Carstab develops a pretest resulting in indicating that 90% of what the company sends the customer will be acceptable. The paper discusses this scenario, along with a "what if" discussion of a different set of probability values. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Human Resource Management and Affirmative Action
This 5 page paper begins with an introduction and definition of affirmative action. Research has shown that a companies with a diverse workforce tend to be more successful if the diversity is managed well. The writer discusses two approaches to managing diversity and ends the essay with comments regarding how HR managers can protect the company. bibliography lists 7 sources.
Competition in the Greek Shipping Market
A 40 page examination of the Greek shipping industry and competitive forces, followed by a proposal for merger of the management companies of all current Greek shippers. Increasing outside competition is normal for the Greek shipping industry, but increasing regulations and environmental protections have increased costs to the point that Greek shipping is not as competitive as it once was. The paper proposes that all companies merge management function into a holding company that can then offer shares for sale to investors. The proposed structure enables current owners to retain ownership while combining forces to enable all to be more efficient and effective in competing in the growing worldwide shipping industry. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Information Management and Hotels
This 10 page report discusses information management as applied to the hotel industry and discusses one particular (fictional) hotel and its strategies. As with every other industry, the hotel industry has been radically changed by information technology and its application in terms of guest services ranging from making reservations to ordering room service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Information Management and Hotels
This 10 page report discusses information management as applied to the hotel industry and discusses one particular (fictional) hotel and its strategies. As with every other industry, the hotel industry has been radically changed by information technology and its application in terms of guest services ranging from making reservations to ordering room service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Leadership, Team Effectiveness, and Personal Development
8 pages. There is an integrated set of assumptions, values, beliefs and data that define the role of leader. This paper includes a personal leadership assessment as to what defines leadership strengths and weaknesses as well as how to address these issues in order to become a more effective leader in an organization. This is an effective and capable research paper for the student looking for information on leadership and personal development. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Work Teams and Conflict Resolution
A 5 page overview of conflict in the work environment. Defines conflict and analyzes its elements. Suggests that the team approach minimizes the potential for conflict and more easily resolves it when it does result. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
This is a 5 page paper discussing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA): its history and application in a health care setting. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was first introduced in 1987 as a national award for quality in manufacturing in the United States. In 1998, the award was extended to include the health care and education industries. The award is not only meant to award industries for their current quality but to also provide support and guidance for future quality. Regardless of discipline, the award includes certain categories which must be met in regards to establishing and maintaining industry quality which include leadership, strategic planning, human resource development, information analysis, process quality, operational results and customer satisfaction. In physician offices as part of the health care system, a patient-centered focus also creates more of a concentration on patient satisfaction, staff education, and innovation in regards to constant communication with the rest of the health care community.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Home Depot's 5 Year Marketing Plan
This 16 page paper presents a marketing plan for the named company. Home Depot Inc. is the largest home improvement chain in the world and the second largest retailer (after Wal-Mart) in the United States. The company has historically offered a vast array of home and garden improvement products at the lowest cost possible with the best customer service. In recent years, its customer service has declined dramatically. This paper presents a market analysis that includes a company profile, industry analysis, analysis of the competition, a SWOT analysis of the company, mission, financial and nonfinancial goals, target markets, customer analysis, expanded services, marketing mix (4Ps), selected financial data, and a marketing plan with five-year financial projections and the five-year implementation plan. 3 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Three Essays on Business Management
This essay is actually three essays dealing with business management topics. One covers the five stages of new companies, and why new management is needed for various stages; the second follows the concept of changing a vertical organization to a a flat, or horizontal one; and the third issue deals with the role of managers and leaders in today's corporate culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Three Essays on Business Management
This essay is actually three essays dealing with business management topics. One covers the five stages of new companies, and why new management is needed for various stages; the second follows the concept of changing a vertical organization to a a flat, or horizontal one; and the third issue deals with the role of managers and leaders in today's corporate culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Business Ethics Violations
This 5 page paper explores a few examples of violations in respect to insider trading, corporate espionage and sexual harassment. Recommendations for preventing ethics violations are made. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Taekwondo Industry and Strategies for Business Management
This is a 5 page paper discussing business management strategies in regards to the taekwondo industry. Despite all of the traditional business management initiatives many companies undertake when opening new businesses such as good marketing and promotion strategies and following the guidelines required by any industry, many companies still fail in spite of their good efforts. In examining the concepts of business management in relation to the increasing popularity of taekwondo on an international basis several elements within a business strategy should be considered for business success.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Young People Anti Smoking Initiative Proposal
A five page paper which looks at the way in which an anti-smoking programme aimed at teenagers might be structured, in terms of the kind of factual information which could be presented and the possible strategies used to persuade young people to stop smoking. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Australia's Orbital Engine Corporation
This 22 page paper is an in-depth look at this Australian company that developed a revolutionary two stroke engine and fuel system. The writer considers the strategies they used and how they may increase company performance in the future. Analysis used include a PEST analysis, a SWOT analysis, Porters Five Forces, a stakeholder analysis, and a brief financial analysis. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Estelle Enterprises Case Study on Strategy Development
This 6 page paper considers a case study provided by the student where a company faces threats and has to develop a strategy to cope with the threats. The case is briefly outlined, and the strategy included related diversification, the development of a new channel of distribution; the Internet and the development and maximization of competitive advantages. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Building Image, Brand Awareness, and Textron
This paper focuses on the image-building and brand awareness techniques used by Textron, Inc. and Textron, Financial. While Textron does not market itself in the "conventional" way, through various acquisitions and other methods, it has maintained a strong brand identity in the many markets this company services. Bibliograpy lists 5 sources.
Dental Practice Quality Management
This 5-page paper focuses on total quality management in context of a dental practice. Issues covered include employee empowerment; customer satisfaction and the need for measuring quality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dr. Sandra M. Finch's Dental Practice and Customers Role, Satisfaction, and Retention
This is a 5 page paper discussing various suggestions and opportunities for customer satisfaction and retention in a dental practice. Assessment of the information available on the web site of Dr. Sandra Finch, D.M.D (, provides the reader with a good outline of the services available in her dental practice in White Rock, British Columbia. The web page gives background, education and training information about Dr. Finch herself under “Meet the Doctor” as well as other customer services areas such as “About the Practice”, “New Patient Information”, “Cosmetic Dentistry”, “Testimonials” and an email contact address under “Contact Us”. The importance of the customer/patient is emphasized throughout the web site and the invitation is also extended to welcome new patients. However, in order to retain her current patients and attract new patients, various customer relations procedures could be introduced which would provide a unique edge over the competition. These practices could include increased advertising through other areas of the media, public speeches to local social groups, customer satisfaction surveys, setting up a referral network, larger access through the web page, guaranteed appointment times and extended hours among other suggestions.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
HRM and Shortage of Labor
A 6 page paper that considers the labor shortage that many corporations now face. This paper addresses the automotive industry, in general, and General Motors specifically. Survey data indicating the types of job functions where labor is scarcest are provided. The writer comments on GM's vertical integration in an age when this model is no longer efficient. Lastly, the writer offers suggestions for General Motors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Total Quality Management Overview
An 8 page paper written as an internal report on TQM as a possible route for a company to take to increase quality while reducing costs. The paper provides an overview of TQM; its history and development; the Baldrige Award; and underlying management philosophy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Marketing Plans and the Incorporation of eMarketing
An 8 page paper. E-commerce continues to grow at exponential rates. In today's marketplace it is essential for companies to incorporate e-marketing in their overall marketing plan. This essay explains that e-marketing still requires the company to consider segmentation and positioning. The differences are also discussed. Three types of Web positioning are explained. Characteristics of Web shoppers are reported. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
An Overview of International Trade
This 4 page paper outlined 4 different concepts in international trade. The first half of the paper examines direct foreign investment (DFI),what it is and the advantages and disadvantages associated with it. The second part of the paper outlines what is meant by invisible exports, trade restrictions and privatisation.
Customer Management and the Fictional Sunshine DVD Rental Company
This 4-page paper examines the fictional company SUN SHINE DVD Rental Store and the best computer-based system to help the store better manage customers and inventory. Under discussion are inventory management systems and CRM. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Employee Training and Organizational Learning Initiatives
A 8 page proposal for an online, outsourced employee training program. Today’s budgetary constraints place new limits on activities and send planners in search of new areas in which to make cuts. Training becomes the target too often, and at a time in which it can be most beneficial to the organization. The purpose here is to propose a rationale and method of increasing training without increasing costs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
A Four Cities' Analysis
This 9 page paper is a totally fictitious analysis of different demographic aspects of four areas, showing how to analysis different factors such as income, ethnicity, music preference, number o f children and use of the media. The paper shows how to use cross tabulation in essay format. The statistics used are fabricated. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Cyber Setting Leadership and Decision Making
This 4 page paper looks at cyber management and focuses on elements of decision making and leadership. Leadership is defined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nail Enamel Marketing
This 5 page paper uses the 4 P’s model to develop a marketing plan for a new nail enamel (nail varnish). The paper considers the product, which is an environmentally friendly nail enamel, and the outlines how the product is developed for the market, along with the price, placement and promotion. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Project Management and Team Effects
This 4-page paper examines how project management is impacting by teams, and implications for project managers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Role of Customer Relationship Marketing
This 11 page paper considers the role of relationship marketing, how it impacts on companies and their customers and the value it may create. The paper examines this in the context of financial services marketing. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Nursing Personnel Performance Appraisals
A 12 page paper discussing enhancing objectivity in performance appraisals of nurses. The performance review process is recognized to be necessary, but it seems that relatively few individuals or organizations are satisfied that employee appraisal is complete, objective, ethical and positively contributes to better financial management within the organization. Many organizations continually seek to improve the process by which they evaluate their employees’ performance. Particularly in nursing where ongoing shortage of nurses continues, healthcare organizations want to ensure that their nurses view their current positions as beneficial to both the nurse and the organization. Greater objectivity and definite career development goals can assist nurses and their employers in achieving this goal. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Project Management and Teams
This 4-page paper discusses the impacts of groups/teams on the role of the project manager. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
International Operations and TQM
This 6-page paper discusses the concept of TQM and how it fits with global operations. Issues discussed include understanding of worldwide customer service and re-thinking what, exactly, quality is. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Satanism Rumors and a Proctor and Gamble Trademark Study
A 6 page paper. In the early 1980s, rumor began floating that Proctor & Gamble's Trademark represents the devil and Satanism. The Trademark was designed in the mid-1800s; it includes 13 stars and a bearded man-in-the-moon. The writer explains what the Trademark really represents and relates the company tried to modify the depiction in the early days only to have drastic results. The paper also discusses the revival of these absurd rumors in the mid-1990s and what the company did. The paper then goes on to discuss integrated marketing communication approaches and how P&G could use these tools to mitigate the negative impact each time these rumors surface. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
U.S. Pizza Market Strategic Pricing
This 7 page paper considers the pricing strategy that is seen in the US pizza market. The paper begins by considering elasticity, and how sensitivity to price changes is dealt with by the different competitors. Issues such as promotional and predatory pricing are considers as is life cycle and the role of costing as well as differentiation in pricing strategy. Three companies are used to illustrate the patterns, these are Dominoes, Pizza Hut and Little Creasers. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Learning Organization Power and Leadership
This 19 page paper considers the role of power leadership and mastery in a learning organisation. The paper begins by examining what is meant a learning organisation and its’ characteristics and then considers the different types of leadership, applying them to the model of the learning organisation. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
American History X Film and Portrayal of Group Norms
A 5 page paper. Every group develops norms of behavior. Group norms are the behaviors that are expected of each member of the group. This essay discusses three group norms that were demonstrated in the group of friends in this film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Learning Organizations' Functions of Management
A 6 page paper discussing the four primary functions of management – Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling – in both their historic meanings and as they are applied to the learning organization. Management of the future has an appearance that looks far more like people working together for a common set of goals. Leadership was not always a requirement of management in the past, but it gains increasing importance with each passing year as poor substitutes increasing are found to be inadequate. It is in this vein that at least one of the labels of the four functions of management, controlling, carries a negative connotation. This is not the controlling that Henry Ford practiced, but rather is sound management of the organization in which people are free to be creative and innovative. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Learning Organizations' Functions of Management
A 6 page paper discussing the four primary functions of management – Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling – in both their historic meanings and as they are applied to the learning organization. Management of the future has an appearance that looks far more like people working together for a common set of goals. Leadership was not always a requirement of management in the past, but it gains increasing importance with each passing year as poor substitutes increasing are found to be inadequate. It is in this vein that at least one of the labels of the four functions of management, controlling, carries a negative connotation. This is not the controlling that Henry Ford practiced, but rather is sound management of the organization in which people are free to be creative and innovative. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
An Overview of the History and Future Trends of Advertising
A 48 page overview of advertising. Merchants and manufacturers have been advertising their products and services literally for hundreds of years. Though advertising never has been as intense as it is in today’s hypercompetitive environment, it nonetheless has been instrumental in the success (and failure) of many, many businesses over the years. The purpose here is to review advertising’s history and how it has changed over the years, and to glimpse into the future for what forms it likely will take in coming years. The paper discusses advertising’s history; the 4 Ps; semiotics; the fallout of Calvin Klein’s 1995 campaign; international advertising; and advertising as art. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Human Needs, Human Resources, and Human Resource Management
10 pages in length. The extent to which the combined efforts of human relations, human needs and human resources are inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of these three all-important aspects precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Human Needs, Human Resources, and Human Resource Management
10 pages in length. The extent to which the combined efforts of human relations, human needs and human resources are inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of these three all-important aspects precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Consumer Behavior and the Luxury Fashion Industry
A 50 page paper that provides a comprehensive report of the luxury fashion industry. There are several headings: Introduction, which offers comments about the luxury fashion industry in today's environment; the High/Luxury Fashion Industry, which discusses the competitive nature of the industry, the effects of 9/11 on companies, which house owns which other houses, the elements used in competition, changes in the operations, the impact of the consolidations on other aspects in the industry with examples; Self-concept and Ego Needs, which addresses the relationships between these characteristics and the purchase of luxury fashion products; Motivation as Related to Purchasing High Fashion products, which includes Maslow's hierarchy with examples of the types of businesses an individual would patronize at each level of need and also includes discussions of other motivations to purchase high fashion; Branding, Fashion Companies and Consumers; and Marketing & Media Impact on Fashion Industry and Consumers, a comprehensive discussion of the interrelationship between marketing communications. A focus is naturally on European designers but others are also mentioned in the text. Numerous specific examples are included. Far too many subtopics to mention in this abstract. 1 Graphic illustration is included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Harry Potter Film Marketing
This 8 page paper considers how the first Harry Potter film was marketed, the challenges that had to be overcome and the way in which the marketing has supported a long lifecycle and escaped the image of commercialisation. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
The Knowledge Curve in the context of Change Management
This 9-page paper provides an example of change managment and knowledge management implementation (with specific examples referring to PricewaterhouseCooper's KnowledgeCurve intranet). The paper includes implementation of change management, communicating such implementation and the importance of knowledge management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Industrial Districts, Industrial Clusters, and Influences
This 5 page paper answers five different questions regarding business, these are what economic and institutional factors determine the emergence of industrial clusters, what economic and institutional factors determine the emergence of industrial districts, what economic and institutional factors determine the character and the role of business networks, how agglomeration economies influence the behaviour of firms, and the importance of the economic milieu for the behaviour of firms. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Scientific Management Theories, Motivation, and Theories
This is a 5 page paper discussing various aspects of management including scientific management theories, the Hawthorne Experiments and other areas including an example of a social structure found within a work setting. Over the course of history, work, mainly manufactured work, has been studied in terms of the various elements required needed for the production of an item and the time it would take workers to complete this task. In addition, with the introduction of certain industrial technologies over time, manufacturing and the management of manufacturing systems and teams have been altered to accommodate new trends and technologies. Management, within an historical perspective, had little to do direct contact within the employees which was generally left to the foremen. However, Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 19th century began to think in terms of “scientific management” in which production management became important to improving the overall production of any manufacturing area. While scientific management looked mainly to efficiency in production, the Hawthorne experiments in the 1920s found that work places are very much social systems and workers reacted accordingly. Lastly, employee motivation need to be established by owners and managers in order to initiate recruitment for firms and retain employees once recruited.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Business Management Case Study of Uris Hall's Dormitory Kitchen
This 5 page paper provides an analysis of a case study submitted by a student. The functioning of a Dormitory Kitchen is evaluated. No bibliography.
Law Firm's Operational Improvements
A 7 page paper. A work team at a law firm has been given the task of developing a plan and an operational system that will increase employee motivation and improve the firm's efficiency. The writer discusses the components of strategic planning, including vision and motivation. The paper then discusses a specific software application that increases efficiency for law firms. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Energy Industry and Risk Management
This 10-page paper focuses on risk management in the energy industry. Although a good deal of the focus is on commodity swaps, other forms are listed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Eliminating Inspection of Garage Doors by Acme Doors
A 10 page paper presenting a business statistics exercise. Acme Doors manufactures garage doors that have been found to vary widely in final weight in the plant, a matter that can affect long-term performance and customers’ views of the level of quality of the product. A tenet of TQM is that quality increases as manufacturing efforts are increasingly brought within statistical control. A study sampling final product indicates that Acme’s manufacturing process will need to be refined before it eliminates product inspection in trying to implement TQM in its production activities. Includes 2 tables and 4 charts; PowerPoint presentation available. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Paradigms
7 pages in length. Quantitative research should begin with an idea that is usually articulated as a hypothesis by the researcher which then, through measurement, generates data and then by deduction allows a conclusion to be drawn. In contrast to this method, qualitative research begins with intent to review a certain area. The researcher then collects data through observations and interviews and generates his or her ideas and hypotheses from these data. These inferences are largely made through what is known as inductive reasoning. The strength of the quantitative approach is in its reliability or the repeatability of the pattern. The same measurements should yield the same results every time. The strength of qualitative research lies in its validity or closeness to the truth; as such, good qualitative research – by using a diverse number of data collection methods – should actually touch the core of what is going on rather than just skimming the surface of the facts, which is why it makes for a better approach for human relations research than its quantitative counterpart. The validity of qualitative methods is greatly improved upon by using a combination of research methods, a process known as triangulation used by independent analysis of the data by more than one researcher. The writer discusses these two research paradigms with regard to human relations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Concept of Human Relations
8 pages in length. Human Relations practice is based upon an eclectic mixture of theories from different academic disciplines such as psychology, sociology and political science; while each discipline indicates divergent methods to the overall approach of human relations, they all share a common denominator of empowerment and reassurance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
New Athletic Shoes Line Creation
A 6 page marketing plan for a new line of athletic shoes. The explosion of involvement of women in both organized and casual sports is a trend that the established brands missed along the way; Nike at least now is working to rectify its slight of women. This provides an opportunity for a totally new brand and company, one that can provide styles for all feet but highlight women’s lines. The base product will be a new running shoe. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
United Kingdom's Mobile Phone Industry
This 9 page paper examines the mobile phone service sector in the UK. This sector is dominated by four providers; Vodafone, O2, T Mobile and Orange. The paper looks a the current state of the industry and the companies within the industry, influences that are or may be felt and the way companies compete. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Business Management
This 3 page annotated bibliography includes three books and two journal articles regarding business management practices. This is suitable for topics related to downsizing, cost cutting and increasing the profitability of a firm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Student Submitted Case Study on ILI
This 4 page paper examines the case study of ILI supplied by the student, the case concerns an early internet auction company. The paper explains and examines the strategy being used by the company.
Cinema Industry of Great Britain
This 12 page paper examines the state of the British film industry and the different influences. The paper starts with a PEST analysis looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences in the film industry in the UK. The paper then looks at the determinants of demand, the strategies for a company entering this market and the potential need to use 'efficiency wages'. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
ISO 9000 and TQM
This 14 page paper looks at the concepts and original ideas behind Total Quality Management, TQM, as it originated in the 1950's and then looks at the ISO 9000 framework, the motivation for using it and the impact it has on a business. The paper argues that they are similar tools which have similar results. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Mergers and Value Creation
This 8 page paper considers how a merger can create value, and the difficulties that it may face, Using the example of the merger/acquisition of Chrysler by Daimler Benz and the problems that were encountered as well as the potential for value to be added. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
UK Gender Discrimination
A 12 page paper. The gender pay gap in the UK is the widest of any country in the European Union. About 30 percent of managers and administrators in the country are women but they are concentrated at the lowest levels of management. Further, they are paid 24 percent less than male counterparts. This essay explores the issue of gender discrimination in the workplace and the very real glass ceiling that exists. The writer provides the core elements of the law and reports the lack of significant changes in more than three decades. The essay also provides suggestions for eliminating gender discrimination. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Comparing Various Programs of Project Management
A 12 page paper. Project management is an important field in both the public and private sectors. This importance is evidenced by the fact that there are so many college/university programs specifically for project management. With an emphasis on the United Kingdom, more than 8 programs for masters degrees or certificates in project management are described. These include three in the U.S. and the rest either Online or in the UK. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Target, Sears, and Wal Mart Macroeconomic Forecasts
A 4 page paper discussing forecasts for these companies 2004-2006 in terms of macroeconomic factors. Of course the macroeconomic environment plays a huge role in retailers’ success, but then so do those who establish and then implement policy and goals. Sears and Target are not entirely equal with Wal-Mart in terms of buying power, but they have the necessary management tools that could place them on more equal footing with the retail giant. What management does with the opportunities before it depends less on having ready cash than it does on practicing sound management. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Student Supplied Case Study on PRODEM FFP Banking Services in Bolivia
This 4 page paper considers a case study supplied by the student; PRODEM FFP a company supplying banking services to the low income sector in Bolivia. The paper examines the strategy that has been used to compete and create competitive advantages, the longevity of this strategy and why it is so effective. The second part of the paper considers the future of this strategy, along with the opportunities and threats to PRODRUM FFP.
BPR, and TQM in Information Systems
A 19 page paper, expanding on the 16-page version of the same name. This version adds an outline and an expanded conclusion, and updates the bibliography to current APA 5th edition. Otherwise, the paper remains focused on TQM and BPR initiatives as they apply to IS. In business and in reality, the bottom line is nearly all-important in the business environment of today that is approaching a hyper-competitive state. The lessons from TQM and BPR that apply to IS are that IS must be an asset in contributing to the organization's efforts to enhance and then maintain its competitive advantage, and that there are varied organizational, management and technological factors associated the IS as an agent of business strategy that cannot be ignored. Change is integral to both TQM and BPR, and change is one of the most difficult accommodations that IS can make for the organization. Nonetheless, meaningful and useful change must be managed and allowed to occur. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Chage Management and Diversity
This 13-page paper discusses diversity (particularly in the United Kingdom) and how to initiate diversity in the workforce. Topics under discussion include how to strategically implement diversity plans. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Chage Management and Diversity
This 13-page paper discusses diversity (particularly in the United Kingdom) and how to initiate diversity in the workforce. Topics under discussion include how to strategically implement diversity plans. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
United Kingdom Workforce Diversity Management
A 12 page paper. Diversity is a fact of life in today's world. This essay provides data regarding ethnic minorities in the UK and discusses the drivers for workplace diversity, such as legal and social. The Race Relations Act 1976, amended in 2000 and again in 2003 is discusses as is the European Union Race Directive of 2000. The benefits of a diverse workforce are discussed with examples. Two specific companies and their strategies for managing diversity are reported. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Concessions and Sports Management
This 14-page paper covers questions pertaining to food and drink management inside of a sports venue. Topics discussed include the customer, costs of owning and operating concession stands and how one actually gets in to sell the product. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Short Term Change Management and Boeing's 7E7 Dreamliner
This 6-page paper discusses short-term change management in conjunction with the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Cellular Telephone Services and Optimal Pricing Plans
A 12 page paper providing a proposal for research into customers’ perceptions of the value of their cellular telephone service. Competition is so very intense in the industry that the service provider able to operate at optimum pricing levels likely will gain competitive advantage over other competitors. As price pressures increase, profit margins will become even tighter than they are at present. It is in this range of operation that sound and astute management provides the greatest benefit, and where optimum pricing can provide competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Marketing Feasibility of Natural and Organic Food Products
A 6 page paper discussing the launch of a new product line specializing in natural and organic origins. Del Monte Foods seeks to establish its Organ-A-Farms line of organic and natural food products packaged for and marketed to the mass market. The company can emphasize natural products and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as part of its public communications and relations messages. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Controlling Workplace Internet Usage Through Planning
This 5 page paper focuses on problems of Internet usage in the workplace. Aside from the problems, a plan is provide that is related to how a company can balance security with privacy issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Team Building Through a Virtual Team Experience
A 5 page paper providing an account of the process of team building that an actual team provides as a result of a one-week team project in a virtual, academic setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
3 Terms of Project Management
A 4 page paper that defines and discusses three specific terms associated with project management: control points, earned value analysis and risk management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
3 Companies and Their Styles of Management
A 4 page paper discussing management changes and philosophy of DaimlerChrysler; Sunbeam under “Chainsaw Al” Dunlap; and Harley-Davidson under Rich Teerlink. The ultimate point seen is that more people-oriented management is the better choice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Crisis and Risk Management Nexus
This 6 page report discusses the nexus or connection that exists between security and facility managers and why a post-incident investigation would learn more from a successfully managed crisis than from one which was poorly managed. The connection or the link, the nexus, between risk and crisis management is one that requires that managers understand just how bad a situation can be. The problem is that an emergency or crisis can be anything from an unexpected financial set-back, a natural disaster such as a flood or an earthquake, the malfeasance of a company employee. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Questions on Information Technology and Management Supply
A 10 page paper answering 6 questions about supply chain management; JIT; ERP; EDI and accounting. The paper contains diagrams for the supply chain of two manufacturers and a university. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Increased Corporate Governance Effects Assessment
A 15 page proposal for studying this topic. Nations and organizations throughout the world are more aware of the need for greater corporate governance, and many have taken or are considering alterations to standards that could increase corporate responsibility and compliance in financial reporting. What remains unclear is how some of the proposed and realized changes may affect business operation. The study proposed here seeks to determine how accounting and auditing standards may be affected by these changes. Bibliography lists 31 sources.
Marketing Strategies for Coca Cola
A 10 page paper. The Coca-Cola Company has been the world's largest producer of carbonated soft drinks for many years. It holds that position through diversification, development of new products, creating new markets, and market penetration. This essay reports and discusses the company's marketing mix, how they target niche markets, and how they position the company. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Domestic and Global Security Management
A 15 page paper that presents a study proposal. The paper includes: a statement of the problem, the significance of the problem, purpose of the study, literature review, research questions and methodology. The problem is that security classes are not included in all organizational leadership programs and this kind of class should be included because managers at all levels are being asked to be responsible for security. The literature review presented provides the justification for including such a course. September 11, 2001, combined with hundreds of terrorist attacks across the world have taught us that certain fanatics will stop at nothing to kill and destroy. Companies and organizations face threats today that are new and more complex. Examples of how some companies responded in terms of security upgrades are included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Comparative Strategic HR Management Between Southwest and Ansett Airlines
11 pages in length. According to Mathis and Jackson (2000), the challenges of HRM are both vast and ongoing; the environment HR management must face on a daily basis is such "because changes are occurring rapidly across a wide range of issues" (p. 1). Examining two prominent airline companies and the manner by which they have addressed their respective HR challenges provides the student with grounds for comparison between two very different success outcomes in the same industry. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
An Organizational Transition Analysis
This 10 page paper relies on a case study of an organization submitted by a student. In the analysis, systems theory is used. Corporate culture is discussed as well. The change involved in the case study is related to the integration of systems. How it may be accomplished, what obstacles are expected and cost factors are all discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Case Study of The Frigidaire Company
This 6 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. In 1996, Frigidaire introduced a new front-loading washing machine, the only real innovation in the industry in many years. Sales were more than 30 percent below projections. The essay provides a brief background, problem statement and analysis, key facts in the case, alternative solutions, recommended solution and implementation using the 4 Ps marketing mix. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Analyzing a Security Guard Company
A 4 page paper. The security guard industry is one that is highly fragmented with more than 10,000 companies. This essay provides a SWOT analysis of one company, Command Security Corporation. The analysis attests to the company's adaptability, strong fiscal position and the challenges it has faced as well as trends in the industry. Statistical data included.
Oprah Winfrey's Management Style
This 8-page paper focuses on management style portrayed by Oprah Winfrey in her business; as well as the positives and negatives of her style. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Utilizing a Learning Contract Within an Academic Setting
This 12 page paper considers how a learning contract may be developed. This examines the proposed project background, how the project links in with academic studies, the personal learning objectives and how these can be defined and measures, with three different targets given. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Critical Thinking, Making Decisions, and Fallacies
This 6 page paper begins with an overview of fallacious arguments, including explanations of deductive and inductive reasoning and common fallacies in syllogism and rhetoric. The writer then provides an example of three common fallacies in financial analysis methods. The writer then discusses how and why critical thinking processes must be used when making decisions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Market Research on Frigidaire's Front Loading Washing Machines
This 2.5 page paper continues the case study of Frigidaire's new front-loading washing machine. The essay begins with an overview of market segmentation and an outline of market research the company has that segments the market. The writer then recommends positioning strategies for marketing this new machine. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Survey Questions on Corporate Governance
A 6 page paper offering several questions and rationale for them. The questions are to constitute a more involved survey of senior financial managers, a companion to a 21-item survey including questions requiring only short answers and rating on a Likert-type scale. Those questions are contained in KSacctCorpGov2.rtf, which also provides the literature and proposed method for a study of how changes in financial reporting standards affect corporate governance and senior financial managers’ behavior and perceptions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Human Resources - Two Case Studies
This 10 page paper outlines two different case studies in human resources. This paper considers the issues raised and possible solutions.
Industry Segmentation
This 9 page paper considers the value of segmenting and shows how this may occur in four different industries; airlines, recorded music, national newspapers and television channels. The paper shows how different segments may be identified and the interactions between various segments. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Google's Management and Leadership
This 10 page paper looks at this relatively new company, its founders and the leadership found within the walls of this unique corporation. The corporate culture is discussed along with the leadership of Page and Brin and the CEO they hired. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Allstate Investigations and Security AAA AAA-Allstate Security and Investigations
A 3 page paper discussing goals; financial projection; success factors; and controls for a security guard company’s plans to adopt and implement iPIX™ 360-degree stationary cameras at commercial accounts. The company believes that the cameras will reduce direct labor costs as well as maintenance costs associated with mechanical panning cameras currently used. Bibliography lists 3 sources. 7-slide PowerPoint presentation available as well.
Distribution Management of Gino in China
A 4 page paper discussing an Ivey case on Gino in China. Gino is a provider of residential, commercial and industrialized burners. It has used three distributors to develop its business in China, but now is faced with growing its business beyond that which distributors can manage. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Case Studies In Technology and Management
This 5 page paper reviews 5 case studies from the book Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation and considers what the student may learn from each case study. The cases include SMaL Camera Technologies, Intel, Hewlett Packard Kitty Hawk, Microsoft and Patterns of Industrial Innovation. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Golden Age of Hollywood and Economic Strategy
A 9 page overview of the economic strategy launched in film production and promotion during the 1930s and 1940s. This strategy, in part, included the dynamics of film production (dynamics of the producer-unit system) and the alliance between studio systems and exhibitors, alliances established through vertical integration. One of the most important inclusions in this economic rationale, however, was the "bankable" star system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Business Probability and Statistics
A 4 page paper using a survey of 288 employees as the data used in statistical analysis of that data. Questions answered through calculation of probability include "What is the gender distribution?" and "What is the probability this person will be an hourly employee whose intrinsic satisfaction is 6 or more?" Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Management, Employees, Creativity, and Opportunities for Learning
This 14 page paper consider to what extent employers need to ensure there are learning opportunities for employees if they want a motivated, committed and creative workforce. The paper considers the role and importance of learning in an organizational setting with reference to theories such as McGregor and his Theory X and Theory Y, Alderfers ERG theory and the concept of the Learning Organization as advocated by Senge. The bibliography cites 19 sources.
Golden Age of Hollywood and Exploitation
A 12 page overview of the economic strategy launched in film production and promotion during the 1930s and 1940s. This strategy, in part, included the dynamics of film production (dynamics of the producer-unit system) and the alliance between studio systems and exhibitors, alliances established through vertical integration. One of the most important inclusions in this economic rationale, however, was the "bankable" star system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Chemical Engineering and Process Control
A 7 page discussion of the variable foci necessitated by process control. This paper discusses the hands-on chemistry requiring process control alongside such aspects of the process as information management and system design. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Oil Company Perspectives on the Natural Gas Industry
This 49 page paper examines the natural gas industry from the perspective of an oil company. The paper looks at why gas and oil are important, the nature and origins of gas, how it was first used and developed into a commercial product. The paper then examines the ways in which exploration and drilling occurs, how it is produced and transported from the well to the end user, the view of natural gas in the middle east and how it may be renewed with a cocktail of micro-organisms in depleted oil wells as well as the and potential competition to the fuel. The paper ends with a brief conclusion. The bibliography cites 19 sources.
Low Cost European Airline Industry Literature Review and Categories of Information
This 11 page paper examines the way a information for a literature review may be divided into different sections. The literature review this considers is the way low cost airlines compete in Europe, specifically Ryanair and whether it should become a global company. The paper divides the subjects into the generic strategy areas and more specific air industry categories.
Candy Store Problem Management
A 3 page paper discussing how a candy store manager might deal with three very different employees and the leadership theory that best fits the situation with each individual. The paper includes discussion of situational leadership, contingency theory and leader-member exchange. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Sunburst Hotels and ERP
This 6 page paper examines a case study on Sunburst Hotels supplied by the student. The paper answers 4 questions, looking at why the company needs an ERP system, the concerns over using an external ASP to outsource the ERP system as well as the operational and technical concerns of suppling the ERP system internally and or getting it externally.
It's Popcorn Time Marketing Plan and Recommendations
A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available PowerPoint® presentation of a marketing plan for a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn produced according to a newly-patented process. The marketing plan recommends instituting online sales and entering agreement with a third party gift business, as well as hiring a knowledgeable, no-spam Internet marketer to assist the company in promoting itself online. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
It's Popcorn Time Marketing Plan and Recommendations
A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available PowerPoint® presentation of a marketing plan for a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn produced according to a newly-patented process. The marketing plan recommends instituting online sales and entering agreement with a third party gift business, as well as hiring a knowledgeable, no-spam Internet marketer to assist the company in promoting itself online. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
New Durable Medical Equipment Company in Maryland and Business Form
A 4 page paper choosing a business form (LLC) for a new company and assessing the liability positions of senior managers at HealthSouth and RiteAid, two businesses operating a corporate form that could not protect senior management from charges of various types of fraud. HealthSouth's Richard Scrushy was the first to be tried under Sarbanes-Oxley; the RiteAid case began several years before the law went into effect. The point is that even though the corporate form of business ostensibly offers greater liability protection, it does not insulate corporate officers from being forced to assume liability for their actions. The LLC structure will be sufficient for protecting the owners from frivolous lawsuits, and they have no need to fear legitimate ones. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Process of Innovation
It has been noticed that innovations at the beginning of a product lifecycle tends to be radical, and the product becomes more popular the innovation slow down into incremental developments. This has been seen in many industries, from cars to computers. This 9 page paper considers how and why this pattern of innovation may be seen giving real examples to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Indonesia Rice Shipments by the United States
A 16 page paper exploring all aspects of establishing that section of a supply chain that moves rice out of the United States and into Indonesia. Indonesia has not been a willing recipient of US rice since 2003 and periodically imposes bans on all imports of US-produced rice. Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in rice in 1984 and seeks to retain and strengthen that position; its rejection of US rice is an effort to protect internal producers. US rice still can enter Indonesia as humanitarian aid, however, and rice is transported the same way regardless of the political complications surrounding its movement. The paper discusses both logistics and marketing topics, focusing on how the chosen shipper, Maersk Sealand, can most efficiently move rice from several US ports to the port of Surabaya, Indonesia. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Software Quality and Can It Be Measured?
This 19 page paper considers is the quality of software can ever be measures. The paper starts by trying to define what is meant by quality and then looking at ways the needs that quality software will meet can be defined. The paper then looks at systems of developing software that can be used with the measurements that have made to assess if they can be used ion conjunction with each other. Theories included in the paper encompass soft systems modelling, hard systems modelling, actor network theory, requirements engineering and agile engineering. The bibliography cites 29 sources.
Dubai and Astrology Promotion
This 24 page paper focuses on whether or not astrology should be a part of doing business in Dubai. The paper argues that it should. Astrology is discussed in depth as well as the ways it can be applied to business. Doing business in Dubai is also a part of the discussion. Attention is paid to law in the United Arab Emirates and its importance. Also addressed are freedom issues. The paper concludes that astrology should be used primarily for entertainment purposes. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Turkish Textile Industry and WTO's Impact
This 40 page paper looks at the issues faced by Turkey and is an in-depth proposal for a paper to consider how Turkey can deal with the changes that will be seen within the textile industry as a result of the elimination of quotas under the multi-fiber agreement (MFA) as a result of the WTO rulings. Turkey is facing potential gains, but also threats, especially from China. This paper looks at the aims of the research, the rationale for the research, performs an in-depth literature review and a methodology. The bibliography cites 28 sources.
It's Popcorn Time Marketing Mix
A 4 page memo to the owner and financial advisor of a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn addressing promotion, pricing and distribution issues associated with plans to implement online sales and perhaps entering into a contractual agreement with a national gift service company. IPT appears to be well positioned to expand to the degree that implementation of online sales and association with the gift service company will require. What remains at present is to ensure that current suppliers will be able to meet anticipated volume increases, and to design the new business goals in such a manner that they do not adversely affect existing customers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
ZIP Code 60614 and Demographic Characteristics
A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes and Excel® charts used in an available PowerPoint® presentation. The presentation examines the demographics of Chicago's 60614 zip code, where 78% of the population has at least a 4-year college degree and median family income is nearly $132,000. The presentation and paper identify an MBA degree as being the most readily accepted within this zip code, and identifies five types of businesses that could be expected to do well in a strip mall within the zip code. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Moscow and Chocolate Exportation
This 12 page paper begins with a comprehensive report of the chocolate and confectionery market in Moscow, including leading companies, market shares, and the effect of multinationals on domestic companies. The writer discusses managing the supply chain for this industry and suggests technology solutions. Transportation logistics are discussed with recommendations for shipping chocolate. 1 Table included. Statistical data included.
Speaker Notes for the Qualitative Study 'Sustainability in the Boardroom An Empirical Examination of Dow Jones Sustainability World Index Leaders'
A 7 page paper consisting of speaker notes for a 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation that is also available. Published in 2005, the qualitative study surveys members of the Boards of 18 companies included on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and identifies an appropriate Board approach to establishing and maintaining sustainability, one that can be used by other companies confronted with the issue of sustainability and the need to take a formal stance on it. The matrix that the authors create is one that can be seen as being quite adaptable for many different types of organizations in widely disparate industries. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
UK, Work, and Disabilities
This 21 page paper gives a good and comprehensive overview of employment and the disabled person in the UK, paying special attention to the males. The paper starts by looking at the statistics that show the differences in employment and unemployment rate between disabled and able bodied workers, then looks the way disability is viewed in the work context and how this has changed over time before looking at the current legal situation with reference to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The bibliography cites 23 sources.
The Addition of Alternative Fuel Cars to Lotus Rental Cars
A 3 page paper discussing the state of alternative fuel choices in 2005 for the purpose of assessing the feasibility of Lotus Rental Car of adding alternative-fuel cars to its fleet. DaimlerChrysler, Ford, GM, Isuzu, Mercury and Nissan all offer flex-fuel vehicles designed to operate on either gas or ethanol, or any combination. Prices are falling and are close to prices of those with standard fuel systems, and neither the customer nor the company needs to be concerned about what type of fuel is placed into the tank when the car is rented. Lotus certainly should seek negotiations on flex-fuel vehicles for its future purchases. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nursing and Mandatory Overtime
A 3 page paper discussing resolution of the conflict between nurses and nurse management arising from mandatory overtime. The nursing shortage has been operational for a generation now; it is unlikely to end soon. In the meantime, both nurses and their employers need to work together to identify alternative processes rather than striving to maintain the status quo of duties when everything else about health care has changed in recent years. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Research Proposal on Managing a Global Brand
When a company wants to sell brands in more than one country it has choices in the way it managements the brand, either with a stand approach or it may customize the marketing for each market. This 14 page paper is a research proposal with the objective to identify which of these approaches is the most effective marketing strategy and of there is no clear winner how a company should determine which strategy to use. The proposal gives a strong background to the question and presents a clear methodology for primary research. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Coffee Shipping to Miami from Lebanon by DDP Shipping
This 10 page paper looks at the process of arranging a shipment of coffee from Beirut to Miami. The paper starts by considering the cargo of coffee and then looks at the DDP INCOTERM which means delivery duty paid identifying the different stages and responsibilities of the exporter and the role of the letter of credit. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Consumer Shifts and Cola Manufacturers
A 5 page paper discussing cola manufacturers' focus on bottled water as a product they can move along the product life cycle curve as dark, sugary colas continue to decline. Some marketers in the past have believed that consumers will buy anything they choose to place before us; astute marketers have come to understand that such is not the case. Consumers do need time to accept a new product, however, such as was the case with bottled water. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Nonprofit Organizations and 2002's Sarbanes-Oxley Act
A 5 page paper. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, also known as the American Competitiveness and Corporate Accountability Act of 2002, was passed in response to the many accounting scandals in private sector corporations. There are provisions in this Act that apply to everyone, however. This essay discusses how nonprofits are being affected by the Act. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Snapple Acquisition
This 4 page paper examined Snapple and its products in the year 1992/3 immediately before the company was bought by Quaker looking at the structure of the product base according to the Boston Consulting Group matrix and then by the GE Matrix. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Training Considerations for Preparing Dealers to Sell An Italian Brand of Short Wave Radio
A 5 page paper evaluating alternatives available to Radio Palermo, an Italian manufacturer of short-wave amateur radios that is well accepted in Europe but has poor sales in the US. The company and its US dealers are at an impasse, with Radio Palermo insisting that dealers train their sales people better and dealers retorting that they are unwilling to give Radio Palermo any more attention than their other 150 vendors. The paper recommends developing a training program for dealers and their salespeople. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Market for Sport Shoe Trainers
This 11 page paper looks at the market for trainers or sports shoes, considers the motivation of the buyers how consumers may the decision to make a outraces and considers what impact this will have on the way marketing should be undertaken by companies in this sector. The paper uses examples from Nike, Reebok and Adidas to illustrate the points raised and show how marketing may be most effective in appealing to the buyers in this market. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Supply Chain Components' Examination
This 10 page paper examines the purchasing or procurement, departing stock, improvements, transportation and vendor held stock issues in terms of the supply chain and shown they can and may be managed looking at a range of issues in business literature. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Madagascar Resort Pricing, Placement, and Promotion
This 4 page paper develops the outline and justification of a marketing plan for an up market resort in Madagascar. The product has already been created so the marketing plan looks only at the price, placement and the promotion. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
How To Successfully Franchise in East Asia
This 20 page paper prepares 4 case studies that can be used to assess critical success factors for franchises. The paper uses Starbuck, McDonalds, UPS and Marriott Hotels as examples of international businesses used to identify these factors with specific attention for the East Asia region. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
UK's Dixon's Retailer and the Implications of its Cessation of VCR Player Selling
This 5 page paper looks at the decision of the UK electrical retailer Dixon’s to stop selling video recorders and proposes a research study to assess the marketing implications of this decision. The paper justifies the question, undertakes a literature review and then considers the benefit and gives a brief methodology. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Support for Women Entrepreneurs in the UAE
This 12 page paper looks at the different organizations that provide help and support to female entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates, outlines the help that is provided and the way they operate. The paper looks at those which are set up specific to give women help and those that help all entrepreneurs. The paper then considers what help is needed in the future and the gap between current provision and current needs. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
NetFlix Case Study
This 11 page paper looks at the case of NetFlix the online DVD rental company, considers the current strategy and sources of competitive advantage, examines the reasons behind the company’s success and considers the way it may need to change and adapt in the future with new technology such as video on demand impacting on its’ business model. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Child Labour
This 11 page paper looks at what a company can and ought to do to ensure that there is no child labour in its operations and supply chain, looking at the human rights issues as well ad the general issues involved in terms of measures that can be taken directly and indirectly to avoid the need for child labour. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Leadership v. Management
A 5 page research paper that explores two major questions pertaining to leadership and management. The first questions is “What are the differences between leadership and management?” The second is “What are indicators (and measures) of leadership effectiveness?” Both questions are explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Intercultural Communication
This 9 page paper examines the way that mistakes or misunderstanding may occur in intercultural communication. Using the example of a business meeting between western and Vietnamese business people the paper looks at examples of cultural differences, looking at the cultural barriers that exist and how they may be overcome. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Buying a Laptop
This 5 page paper considers the process of buying a laptop computer with the use of a needs analysis. The example used in s laptop computer for family use. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Creativity and Innovation
This 62 page paper is an examination of the way that creativity and innovation take place in the commercial environment with a special focus in information technology. The paper presents an introduction and an aims and objective section before defining what is meant by creativity and innovation and examining the way that it can and does take place constraints and influences and the way it is managed comparing theory to reality. A research methodology using two case studies is presented and a conclusion presented. The bibliography cites 46 sources.
Intaldata Case Study
This 8 page paper looks at a case study presented by the student and puts together some questions and answers that would be suitable to use as a revision aid for human resource management and issues concerning change, culture structure and leadership in a firm. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Motivation In Three Companies
A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to motivation theories, identifying the two major categories of theories. The essay reports some of the activities in three companies and correlates those to Maslow's and Skinner's theories of motivation. The companies are: HSBC, Tesco Plc, and Google. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Market Reseach Proposal
This 10 page paper looks at a fictitious proposal to assess the value created by the sponsoring of an event. Sponsorship is used widely as a marketing and PR tool; however it is not always clear if these sponsorships add value to the brand or impact on the brand and product perceptions. This paper presents a proposal to investigate the role and influence of sponsorship in a brand. The paper uses the example of McDonalds, but the proposal could equally apply to other companies. The paper outlines the problem, presents a brief literature review and a methodology for qualitative and quantitative reseach. The paper also includes costing and a time plan with Gantt chart. The bibliography cites 7 sources
Marketing Communications and the Selling of Financial Services
Financial services products are an intangible good and may often be a grudge purchase making them harder to sell. This 5 page paper considers the role of communications in marketing financial services and looks at how a financial services company can gain a competitive advantage. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Cinnabon; Competitive Analysis
This 8 page paper examines Cinnabon and performs a strategic external analysis of the company in the wider environment. Using Porters Five Forces model as a framework to look at factors such as market attractiveness, major trends, value delivery systems as well as a customer and competitor analysis. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Technology in an Organization
This 3 page paper considers a firm that is losing its’ edge and suggests the use of new technology, outlining the benefits and disadvantages and how it may be implemented, The example used is the introduction of RFID in a winery. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
On The Job Training
This 4 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the advantages and disadvantages or costs of on the job training (OJT). The second part of the paper describes the learning cycle and considers how a company is a case study supplied by the student is complying with the learning cycle and how training may be improved. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Sport Obermeyer Case Study
This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and assesses the optimal order quantities for a company contracting with suppliers in Hong Kong and China, and then examines ways that the supply chain may be improved and the issues that should be considered when choosing which subcontractors to use. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Peapod Case Study
This 4 page paper examines the case of a supermarket in the US using e-commerce to sell groceries. The paper answers three questions. The first considers why the supermarket has been so successful in its’ internet shopping venture. The second part of the paper looks at the challenges the company may face in the future. The last part of the paper discusses whether the same model would be useful if the company wanted to start up in the UAE and/or GCC. The paper focuses on the supply chain issues.
Human Resource Management: A Comparison Between Civilian and Military Management
This 11 page paper examines Human Resource Management. The paper compares and contrasts human resource management in the military and in the civilian world. While some similarities are noted, it is concluded that that things are remarkably different between the two. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
ITC eChopaul Case Study
This 8 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student where ICT Ltd introduce a system called ‘eChopaul’ in order to create value in the supply chain for for soybeans in India. The writer answers four questions. The questions look at the objectives of the eChopaul system, the principles if supply chain management are seen, how it adds value and whether or not all parties to the transaction under the older system can still be ‘winners’ with the new system. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
ITC eChopaul Case Study
This 8 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student where ICT Ltd introduce a system called ‘eChopaul’ in order to create value in the supply chain for for soybeans in India. The writer answers four questions. The questions look at the objectives of the eChopaul system, the principles if supply chain management are seen, how it adds value and whether or not all parties to the transaction under the older system can still be ‘winners’ with the new system. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Fast Food Culture
This 14 page paper argues that the fast food industry has brought a fundamental change to the eating habits of people both in the United States and around the world, and that the change is not for the better. It also briefly discusses alternatives to fast food, such as the slow food movement. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Airbus A3XX Case Study
This 5 page looks at a case study supplied by the student. Answering five questions, the paper considers the position of Airbus in 1999, looking at the reasons behind the development of the Airbus 3XX, the breakeven point, the overall demand for very large aircraft and the position of Boeing and whether or not Airbus should go ahead with the launch. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Quest Diagnostics
A 3 page paper containing slide contents and one page of speaker notes focusing on the business and industry of the country's largest contract laboratory diagnostics company. An 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation is available. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Business Planning Books
This 10 page paper looks at 7 books that can be used for business planning, outlines their contents, style and presentation and then considering the ways that they would be valuable for a business student when writing a business paper or business plan. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Organizational Behavior And Teamwork
This 14 page paper begins with a definition and an historical overview of the study of organizational behavior. The writer explains how organizations are defined and described and the many different aspects of organizational behavior and what affects organizational behavior. The writer then discusses teamwork and its relationship to organizational behavior, the obstacles to successful teamwork, the need to consider diversity and how this issue may be addressed, the group development process and the need for training. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
PEFA.COM Case Study
This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Pan European Fish Auctions is the idea for a new auction site to sell fish and overcome the mismatches in the market. The paper looks at the advantages and disadvantages of the plan for both sellers and buyers, the way this could change the supply chain, the key business function and the way that the firm may be able to maximize the benefit of first mover advantage.
Macro Economic Influences on New Car Sales 2002 - 2006
This 4 page paper discusses the performance of the new car industry in the US and the level of sales between 2002 and 2006 considering the different macro economic factors that may have influenced the level of sales. The paper includes two graphs, one comparing new car sales with the growth on the GDP and one comparing the sales with unemployment rates. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
MGI Case Study
This 9 page paper is written in two parts. The first part examines a case supplied by the student, where a team is failing to progress. A potential leadership apprach and style is suggested that will help overcome the problems. The second part of the paper is a memo from the leader telling the team members what will occur. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Ethics in Accounting Practice: Rules Based Accounting versus the Conceptual Framework
This 4 page paper asks: will liberalizing the rules, while relying on a conceptual framework, result in an improved situation? Both sides of the issue are considered. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Legal Right Versus What's Right
A 4 page paper that discusses the issue of having the right to do something versus what is right to do. The essay presents four situations that could emerge in a company and discusses the company's legal right to do it and explains why it is not the right thing to do. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Business Plan for a Golf Course in China
This 20 page paper is a business plan for starting a new business in China by buying a run down golf course and developing it into a highly differentiated golf club. The plan includes sections of the company organization, the products and services offered, the personnel, the development of the site and the marketing of the club and the financial projections for the first year in detail, including cash flow, income and balance sheets, and projections for the first five years. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Marketing Plan for a Golf School in Shanghai
This 13 page paper is a marketing plan for a golf school located in Shanghai. The paper starts by considering the target market and then uses the model of the 4 P’s to outline the product, price, placement and promotion of the school. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Corporate Culture And Corporate Social Responsibility
A 6 page paper that focuses on three multinational corporations who have operations in Brazil. The essay reports and discusses CSR activities of Archer Daniels Midland Company, Diageo plc, and Chiquita in Brazil. The writer comments on how the corporate culture supports these activities. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Assessment of Singapore and Mexico for Business Expansion
A 9 page paper assessing the political, social and legal systems of Singapore and Mexico. The two countries are as far apart in social and legal aspects as they are in geography. Both are business-friendly and welcome foreign business, but from different perspectives. Of the two, Singapore is much more selective. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Analysis of Marketing Opportunities; The Car Market in Australia
This 16 page paper examines the macro environment in Australia to consider the suitability of launching a new luxury hybrid car. The paper outlines the product and then considers the economic, demographic, cultural, natural, technological and political influences from the theoretical and the practical perspective. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Managing Diversity
A 5 page paper discussing 4 points of diversity management: changing definition of diversity; changing US population; bringing groups together; and recommendations for diversity management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Marketing Communication; Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Sainsbury Own Brand
For a brand to be successful the way marketing communication takes place is very important. This 12 page paper looks at three brands; Coca-cola, Pepsi and Sainsbury’s own brand to assess the way that they are marketing assessing the way that communications are used and their effectiveness in reaching their target market. The paper focuses on the marketing communication in the UK. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Rightsizing Charlotte (Case Study Analysis)
This 9 page paper uses a case study analysis to discusses theories and concepts related to the organization. Rightsizing is defined and compared to downsizing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Starting a Nursery in Jeddah
This 26 page paper presents a plan for the opening of a nursery in Jeddah to care for children between the ages of 3 months and 6 years. The paper gives an outline of the plan, presents a marketing plan, discusses human resource issues, presents both capital and operating budgets and cash flows, a project schedule is also included with a Gantt chart to demonstrate the critical chain. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Fast Food and E-Commerce
This 10 page paper considers the impact that e-commerce has had on the fast food companies and their financial management. The paper looks at the potential ways e-commerce may be used, such as management of the supply chain, marketing and the use of the internet as a sales medium. The paper uses examples of real companies to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Decision Making Under Uncertainty; Case Study
This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and answers questions concerning the way decisions may be made under uncertainty. The first part of the paper applies the MaxMin, MaxMax and minimum regret model. The second part of the paper presents weighted probability calculations.
Outsourcing and HBOS
This 15 page paper looks at how outsourcing may be used and why outsourcing is attractive as well as the potential problems associated with outsourcing. The issues are considered in general and then applied to the case of Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS). The bibliography cites 16 sources.
E-sourcing Strategy at Sun Microsystems
A 4 page paper discussing a Stanford case, "E-sourcing Strategy at Sun Microsystems." The case discusses Sun's plans to implement a dynamic bidding system for vendors, altering the company's procurement process. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Work-Life Balance and its Effect on Ethical Decision Making
A 28 page paper discussing how "workaholism" may affect individuals' ethical decision-making abilities. The paper includes a review of literature in work-life balance; a discussion of the philosophical base of ethical decision-making; and a review of how "labor saving" devices at home and work during the last half of the 20th century have resulted in less leisure time rather than more. When those individuals with poor work-life balance – whether by their own doing or through requirements of the employer – "live" the job, then they have little time to think before acting and merely react. The annotated bibliography lists 23 sources.
The Merger between XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. and Sirius Satellite Radio
In February 2007 it was announced there would be a merger between XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. and Sirius Satellite Radio. This 3 page paper examines at the financial motivation for the merger. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Lester Electronics Case Study
This 20 page paper is based on a fictitious case study supplied by the student. Lester Electronics faces several problems, it may loss an exclusive contract with trading parent Shang-wa Electronics is a takeover bid for the firm is successful. It is also facing a potential take over bid of its own. The paper discusses the different issues and opportunities that the company faces, looks at the perspectives of the different stakeholders, identities the problems and then identifies and assesses different solution before determining the optimal solution and developing an implementation plan. The paper includes a range of tables that were used to help determine potential solutions. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Lester Electronics Case Study
This 20 page paper is based on a fictitious case study supplied by the student. Lester Electronics faces several problems, it may loss an exclusive contract with trading parent Shang-wa Electronics is a takeover bid for the firm is successful. It is also facing a potential take over bid of its own. The paper discusses the different issues and opportunities that the company faces, looks at the perspectives of the different stakeholders, identities the problems and then identifies and assesses different solution before determining the optimal solution and developing an implementation plan. The paper includes a range of tables that were used to help determine potential solutions. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Developing A New Branding Strategy for A Fashion Firm
This 17 page paper looks at the way that a new branding strategy could be developed for a fashion company which has a target market of male and female 14 – 22 year olds. The paper examines the target market and the influences on that target market, determines the brand message and values and proposes a brand strategy that can be used to communicate that brand message to the target market in a way that will be well received. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Reed’s Clothier Case Study
This 3 page paper uses a case study to answer questions about the financial difficulties facing Reed’s Clothier, a Virginia men’s clothing store. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Internet Marketing Options for a New SME
This 3 page paper considers potential marketing options for a new medium sized e-business. Choices such as search engines, banner advertisements and viral marketing are discussed along with a potential way of monitoring the sales that the different marketing sources create. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Three Essays on Realtors and Real Estate
This 3 page paper comprises three short essays on realtors and some of the issues they face in the real estate industry.
All the Wrong Moves (HBS Case Study Analysis)
This 4 page paper examines this Harvard Business School case study. Recommendations are made. Bibliography cites 7 sources.
Technology In The Management Of Distribution Companies
Technology has revolutionized the way in which distribution companies are able to operate. This 4 page paper looks at the way in which some aspects of technology are currently impacting on the distribution and logistics industry, considering the benefits and difficulties of a present, and considers how they may develop in the future. The technology discussed includes logistics software, satellite navigation systems and radio frequency identification (RFID). The bibliography cites to sources.
Warehouse Management; Frazelle’s 5 Dimensions
This 4 page paper examines the concept and management of a potential warehouse using Frazelle’s 5 dimensions model where the five dimensions are profile, benchmarking, innovation, automation and humanize. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Intuit, Inc. (HBS Case Study Analysis)
This 4 page paper examines this Harvard Business School Case Study. An update in respect to Intuit is also provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Evaluation of Talent Management Strategies; A Case Study Of a University
This 50 page paper looks at the issue of talent management. The paper starts with an introduction with background, aims and objectives limitations. This is followed by an in-depth literature review that looks at relevant topics including the definition of talent, how it may be identified and the use of training and development programs and the value of mentoring in developing skills and talent. A methodology is presented for use in gathering primary data with the use of questionnaires to assess the way talent management is taking place in an organization. Simulates results are presented and discussed and recommendations are made based on the research findings and the literature review. The bibliography cites 36 sources.
This 6-page paper provides an overview of Dell Inc., as well as a SWOT analysis of the company and its competitors. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Wal-Mart's Illegal Immigrant Workers
A 7 page paper discussing the ethical aspects of Wal-Mart's use of illegal immigrants. In 2003, federal agents arrested more than 300 illegal immigrant workers as they finished their shifts cleaning 60 Wal-Mart stores in 21 states. Wal-Mart avoided any problems of implementation by simply bringing all cleaning activities back in-house. It cannot hope to control the actions of other companies, but like its own customers, it can refuse to do business with them. Whatever savings the company gained from using contractors was more than offset by its single $11 million fine. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Entrepreneurship And Human Capital
A 5 page paper that provides an overview explanation of Schultz's Human-Capital Approach to Entrepreneurship. The writer reports a research study that focused on the importance of entrepreneurship in certain cultures, the one reported is Brazilian. The writer concludes with comments about entrepreneurs being developed at established firms. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Healthcare Industry Phase
A 4 page paper. The writer identifies the four phases of industry growth with comments about the healthcare industry related to each growth stage. The essay also identifies some advances made in the industry, demonstrating why this industry will always be in a growth phase. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Hotels - Added Value
This 3 page paper responds to three questions: how organizations in a fragmented industry add value, which discusses Porter's ideas; should hotel companies follow these same methods; and the strengths a hotel needs to be successful. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 12-page paper addresses various personnel issues, such as employee induction, the need for training and control systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 7-page paper provides an analysis on potential environmental litigation for Alumunia, a fictitious company facing alleged environmental complaints. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Supply Chain Management at Carrefour
A 12 page paper examining the supply chain of the world's second-largest retailer and the largest retailer in Europe. The paper discusses the company's history; its Aldata supply chain management software; JIT; Carrefour's shared service centers; global supply chain management; RFID; and Future Supply Chain 2016. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Pricing Parking - Case Study
A 4 page paper based on a student-provided case study at Georgia Tech. The essay investigates the problem with data, provides alternatives and makes recommendations that will benefit the college. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Georgia Tech - Parking Case Study
An 8 page paper. This paper is an extended version of PGprkga.RTF. In this version, there are six subheadings to correspond with the structure of a basic policy analysis problem. These sections are: verifying and defining the problem, establishing evaluation criteria for the solution, identifying alternative policies, assessing those alternatives, a matrix comparing each alternative to the criteria, recommendation and implementation of the new policies. The issue is parking spaces and a deficit in the school's budget, primarily because students and staff do not want to pay a daily rate on top of the annual permit price. 1 Table/Matrix included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Intercultural Communication In Organizations
A 10 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of these interactions. The writer reports and describes Hofstede's dimensions that describe a culture with examples. The essay also reports the six barriers to intercultural communication as presented by Jandt. The writer discusses and comments on cross-border mergers and joint ventures reporting a couple of the problems with the Daimler-Chrysler merger. Examples of marketing miscommunications are provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
This 3-page paper examines the concept of brand loyalty as it applies to cell phones (Sprint) and movies (Disney). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 4-page paper presents a case study about conflict management between a project leader and one of her team members. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 9-page paper focuses on a case study, detailing how a human resources director can turn around a poor-performing staff of a cruise. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 9-page paper focuses on a case study, detailing how a human resources director can turn around a poor-performing staff of a cruise. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Versatile Shoe's Product Life Cycle
A 3 page paper describing the anticipated life cycle of an innovative shoe product. Movement through the product life cycle is predictable and can be assessed with measurement of units sold or revenues. Knowledge of the point that the product occupies at any given time on the curve of the life cycle informs marketers of how they need to approach their promotion of the product. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 3-page paper examines a blog developed by Southwest Airlines and determines its effectiveness as a marketing tool.
This 12-page paper focuses on how to develop and write a case study with personnel issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Issues in e-Commerce
This 10 page paper discusses five issues that are of importance in e-commerce: security; identity theft; legal issues such as copyrights; cross-border problems; and market valuation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Corporate Governance
This 58 page paper look at the issue of corporate governance, including what it is, how it can emerge, different models of corporate governance, the approaches regulation including mandatory compliance and legislation which includes consideration of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and self regulation. Also included in are discussions on ethics in terms of corporate governance and cases, including Enron, Parmalat and Johnson & Johnson that demonstrate good and poor corporate governance practices. The bibliography cites 37 sources.
Information Systems Technology Projects Fail
This 14 page research paper responds to two questions; What factors contribute to the failure of information technology systems projects? and How does leadership affect the success or failure of information technology projects? A literature review reports the excessive proportion of information technology projects that fail, the major reasons projects fail, the categories incorporated in a project and the phases in any project. The analysis section discusses the importance of communication and suggests and justifies the transformational leadership style as the most appropriate for project leadership in today's complex world. Statistical data are included. Examples are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Silvio Napoli as Schindler India (HBS Case Study Analysis)
This 4 page paper summarizes and evaluates the Harvard Business School case study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Organizational Development Case Study
A 14 page paper that uses a student-supplied case study of EKEM, a fictitious furniture company in Australia. The writer spends approximately half the paper analyzing the company's operations and management as they exist, extremely low morale, slowed growth, and poor management styles. The next section includes different alternative strategies for the company to improve. Motivation is briefly explained along with examples as well as a more effective management style. The recommendation is to adopt TQM to save the company. Deming's 14 points are briefly outlined with comments and discussions about how this company will need to change. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Huffman Trucking Case Study
This 30 page paper is a case study on the fictitious company Huffman Trucking. The company is successful and growing, but a major competitor is growing at a faster rate and Huffman ant to compete more effectively. The CEO has decided that the firm should adopt a customer centric strategy. The paper examines the situation and the potential solutions focusing on internal marketing as a key strategy. The bibliography cites 23 sources.
Huffman Trucking Case Study
This 30 page paper is a case study on the fictitious company Huffman Trucking. The company is successful and growing, but a major competitor is growing at a faster rate and Huffman ant to compete more effectively. The CEO has decided that the firm should adopt a customer centric strategy. The paper examines the situation and the potential solutions focusing on internal marketing as a key strategy. The bibliography cites 23 sources.
Central Bark Dog Daycare Marketing Plan
This 16 page paper is a marketing plan for starting up a new doggie daycare center in San Francisco. The idea and potential market are both examined along with a launch campaign and initial marketing budget. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Project Management Control
This 8 page paper looks at project management control, answering four questions set by the student; how resource scheduling reduce flexibility in managing projects, outlining the risks associated with leveling resources, compressing or crashing projects and imposed duration or 'catch-up' as the project is being implemented, why is it critical to develop a time phased baseline and how WBS differs from the projects network. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Writing a HRM Case Study
This 11 page paper looks at what should be included in a case study written for students to analyze. The paper starts by looking at what should be included and the general approach to be taken. The paper then presents a sample case study for a fictitious case study which demonstrates problem in a firm due to the failure of a manger to follow the HRM polices. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Event Management;' The Live Aid Concert
This 15 page paper looks at event management. The management of the original Live Aid concert is examined using Shone and Parry (2004) event planning model, the event is then considered using a SWOT analysis examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as a PEST analysis which looks at the external influences, including political, economic, social and technological influences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Airline Industry Trends
A 6 page paper discussing trends in the global airline industry. Several airlines have made changes specifically targeting the business traveler, but many of the world's leading airlines face survival issues. All airlines are required to address financial, security and customer issues. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
The Steel Industry
This 28 page paper is an examination of the global steel industry. The first part of the paper looks at the historical and the current performance and structure of the steel industry. The paper then looks at the performance of three international steel companies representative of different segments of the steel industry; The United States Steel Corporation, China Precision Steel Inc. and Acrelor Mittal. The background of each company is outlines and the financial performance is assessed with ratio analysis before an assessment of the stock performance and the stock price. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Diversity and HR Departments
This 3 page paper examines diversity in the workforce and how this affects human resource departments. Bibliography lists 1 source.
A Case Study in Social Responsibility and Environmentalism
This 10 page paper creates a case study that can be used to examine social responsibility and environmentalism, and then provides notes with the models and approaches that could be used to analysis the case. The company used as the case study is Royal Dutch Shell. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
This 5-page paper discusses cyberterrorism, what forms it takes, and how it can threaten businesses in the United States. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
"Napster 2.0: The Cat Is Back"
An 11 page paper discussing the marketing of Napster 2.0, the revival of the company that largely created the music download industry. Napster has the ability to regain share in the industry it helped to create. As increasing numbers of downloads are to music phones and not to MP3 players, consumers are likely to view less of a link between iTunes and iPod. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
This 3-page paper is a review of Classic Airlines, a company facing the higher costs and increasing customer complaint load of many similar companies. Bibliography lists 1 source.
End State Vision and Strategy for Best Snacks
This 3 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Best Snacks and have launched a new line in a healthy snack foods, but it is not meeting its’ profit targets. The paper outlines the end state vision, identifies potential alternative strategies to help the firm reached its end state division, evaluating those alternatives before presenting the preferred solution. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Portfolio Team Management
A 5 page paper. Fletcher managers a major portfolio and has reached a point where he needs to hire specialized analysts to help. Based on the information in this case study, the paper discusses Fletcher's leadership style and why it is appropriate as well as Fletcher's major mistakes when hiring. The writer also discusses Fletcher's team management processes and make recommendations for improvement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Business Decisions for Will Bury
This 7 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Will Bury has developed a new product, and needs to develop a business plan and look at his pricing strategy. The paper presents relevant concepts and applies the, to the case and presents recommendations. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
A Short History of Cigarette Advertising
This 3 page paper traces the history of advertising in this area from the 1930s to the present. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Successful Project Management
This 8 page paper looks at an example of a social and healthcare project in the UK and assesses the different elements and processes that are needed for the project to be successful. The discussion includes looking at stakeholders and setting targets, the use of the PRINCE2 framework and the CHAOS success factors. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Analysis of Chemicals Company
A 5 page paper that is based on a case study of this company. The writer identifies the problems and solutions following the line-of-business strategic analysis model. Problems are identified at two levels. First, there is a huge problem with subsidiaries and this is the focus of the paper although the effects of the changes on end customers is mentions. The writer comments on the challenges of a matrix structure and provides recommendations for the new marketing manager. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait
This 32 page paper is an in-depth literature review looking at different aspects of leadership and how they may be applied in the commercial environment. The paper starts by defining leadership and then looking at the importance of leadership, looks at the way culture may impact on the way leadership emerges or used practiced as well as leadership theories including great man theory, trait theory, behavioral theories and contingency theories. The bibliography cites 40 sources.
Case Study Ineffective Leadership
A 7 page paper that presents a hypothetical case study of a chocolate manufacturer. The writer reports the background of the case and identifies what the new CEO did wrong. The paper offers recommendations for the new CEO to fix his mistakes and get the company back to where it was in terms of morale. Kotter's change management process is reported to identify mistakes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Why is Transformational Change Less Attractive than Incremental Change?
This 9 page paper looks at two types of change; revolutionary change which is also known as transformational and discontinuous change and incremental. The two types of change are defined and then the reason why employers and employees may prefer incremental change is considered by looking at factors influencing change and the use of models to manage change. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Managing Change
This 6 page paper considers whether or not change management should still be considered as a separate subject. Modern management methods incorporate many approaches that support human relations management ideas, communicating with employees and taking social needs into account. The paper assesses the way that change management techniques are present in everyday management processes. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
This 12-page paper presents a corporate compliance plan for Riordan Manufacturing's Puerto Rico branch. Also discussed are various laws in the commonwealth. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Changing Operations - A Case Study
This 16 page paper is based on a fictitious case study provided by the student. A company needs to go from selling a standardized product to selling customized solutions. The paper considers different aspects related to that change, including the need for a new organizational structure, planning include a Gantt chart for the project, activities management, quality management, health and safety management and the way measure may be taken to use for future improvements. The bibliography cites 12 purchases.
Internet Gerocery Shopping and the Case of Webvan
This 8 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. The market for the internet shopping services is considered and the needs of the segment are outlined, the cost structure is considered in order to identify areas that may be leveraged in order to support profit creation and the problems that the firm faces in becoming profitable. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Forbidding Romance In The Workplace
3 pages in length. The desire to curb romances with a 'no dating' policy has increased exponentially with the growing awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace. However, there are both legal and ethical considerations to make before drafting and implementing such a policy that depends mostly upon individual state laws. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Understanding the Psychological Contract
This 100 page paper examines the role of the psychological contract on the employment relationship in an international context. The paper is written as a dissertation, with a full introduction, literature review methodology and then research using a case study approach. The paper defines what is meant by a psychological contract and then considers the influences on the expectations of the employees and employers that are inherent in the psychological contract. Two cases studies are created and then analysed using international examples the employment relationship in France and Japan, these are examined to assess the theories, and assess the impact of the psychological contract on the employment relationship and how it is influenced by different cultures. The bibliography cites 89 sources.
Assessment of BabyCare
This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student regarding investment into a new business in China selling baby goods. The paper answers three questions. To assess if the company is a good potential investment, to determine if the direct sales market suitable for emerging market and to evaluate the firms’ financing options. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Strategic Decision Making for IMAX
This 12 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. IMAX needs to consider two potential strategies. The first is whether or not to increase the number of Hollywood films that they show, the second is whether the firm would be better if it were acquired by a larger company with more resources. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Magic Pulse Limited and Kitomba
This 11 page paper looks at the New Zealand company Magic Pulse Limited and Kitomba software that has been design as an appointment management system. The paper examines the position of the firm and the strategic choices the firm has for growth, assessing different markets and different entry methods. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 6-page paper provides an overview of Jet Airways (India), as well as an overview of airlines regulatory markets in India and Europe. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Strategy Recommendations for Perpetual Mercy Hospital
This 9 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. The Perpetual Mercy Hospital is facing challenges; there is a potential new clinic opening and the current patient profile is not providing the desired level of revenue. The situation of the organization is considered and potential strategies are discussed before recommendations are made. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Marketing of the Discovery by Land Rover North America
This 8 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in three parts, the first part looks at the Range Rover and Land Rover Discovery brand role and characteristics. The second part of the paper assesses the three potential positions that could be used for marketing the Discovery and the last part recommends a specific positing with relevant justification. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Managing Risk
This 9 page paper is written in three parts. The first part of the paper defines what is meant by risk in the business environment, how it can emerge and then looks at different types of risk. The second part of the paper considers risk management in the private sector considering how investments are assessed and risk managed. The last part of the paper looks at risks in the public sector, considering different types of risk and strategies used to manage them. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Analysis of New Balance Athletic Shoes Inc.
This 14 page paper is an analysis of New Balance Athletic Shoes Inc. The firm is facing a challenge Adidas is acquiring Reebok so there will be stringer competition and the firm needs to assess the situation. The paper presents an analysis of the situation using a PESTEL analysis and Porters Five Forces as well as the internal issues and then presents recommendations. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Analysis of Jaguar's Web Site
A 4 page paper that begins with a short historical account of what is now Jaguar Limited. The writer analyzes the company's Web site considering user-friendliness, ease of obtaining different kinds of information, the evidence of a global perspective and a general overall analysis of the Web site and its links. Different URL addresses are incorporated into the text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Office Supply Store Developing Teams
A 6 page paper that focuses on teams and uses this case study for examples of effective and ineffective practices. The writer reports and explains the evolution of a team, i.e., its development through stages. Other topics include how to build trust, what makes teams fail, problems members might have and the type of team described in the scenario. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Use of Sex in Marketing
This 15 page paper looks at the way that sexuality and sexual content are present in advertisements for luxury goods and considers the reasons for the success of such adverts by looking at the way that the messages and content can be deconstructed by the audience. The case of Gucci marketing is used as an example. The bibliography cites 19 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses the marketing mix, the 4Ps, and how McDonald's Corp. uses the marketing mix. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Explaining the Phenomena of Increasing Protectionist Policies During a Global Recession
This 10 page paper is a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes looking at trade and the way that a global recession may lead to governments adopting more protectionist policies. The paper examines the concepts of international trade, looking at why it takes place and then the conditions of the 2008/9 credit crunch to assess the value and problems associated with protectionist policies in that environment. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
The International Position and Strategy of Unilever
This 4 page paper is a proposal to examine the international strategies of Unilever. The paper includes an introduction, aims and methods and justifications for the study as well as a brief overview of the methodology and the tools that will be used. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Implementing an eBusiness Solution
This 22 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Xtra is a fictitious firm selling Hollywood memorabilia which needs to introduce a new e-business system. The paper is divided into 5 sections looking at different elements of the implementation. The first section considers the requirements and constraints for the system; the second section looks at issues concerning implementation, including resources and timing of the implementation. The third section looks at how leadership should be undertaken. The forth section discusses the way the change should be managed by looking at potential barriers and the use of communication. The last section looks at the value and potential use of mentoring and coaching for the implementation. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
PowerPoint Presentation of Aims and Methods of Training
This 18 page paper is a PowerPoint presenting made up of 10 slides along with speaker notes. The presentation looks at training and development, looking at what it is, why it is good and the different approaches that may be adopted, such as team and group training and individual development. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
PowerPoint Presentation of Aims and Methods of Training
This 18 page paper is a PowerPoint presenting made up of 10 slides along with speaker notes. The presentation looks at training and development, looking at what it is, why it is good and the different approaches that may be adopted, such as team and group training and individual development. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Strategic and Environmental Analysis of the iPhone
This 4 page paper looks at Apple’s iPhone and the way that the firm competes from a strategic perspective. The firm is then considered in its’ environment using a PESTEL analysis. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
The Use of Customer Relationship Management in High End Fashion
This 14 page paper looks at the way that customer relationship management takes place in the high end, or luxury fashion market in Europe, considering the way both personal and technologic development are impacting on customer relationships. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
HRM Gap Analysis for Riordan’s Hangzhou Facility
This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan have opened a new factory at Hangzhou in China, but due to local labor shortages there are workers employed form a number of different countries. There is recognition that there needs to be cross cultural management of the employees. This paper looks at the situation, the issues and opportunities as well as the end state vision in order to identify the gaps. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Marketing an Ice Rink
This 4 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Ice Land is an ice skating rink that wants to attract more customers, but marketing has only met with limited success. The paper looks at how and why the current marketing is failing to meet its targets and suggests a new approach. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Marketing an Ice Rink
This 4 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Ice Land is an ice skating rink that wants to attract more customers, but marketing has only met with limited success. The paper looks at how and why the current marketing is failing to meet its targets and suggests a new approach. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Using a Balanced Scorecard in a Bank
This 6 page paper looks at the potential use and benefits of a balanced scorecard at the Bosom Community Bank, considering the potential measures that may be included, the way sustainability may be incorporated the way it may be used as a control and as an interactive tool and finally, the way that a balanced scorecard may be incorporated into the way executive bonuses are calculated. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
The Growth of Small Businesses in the UK
This 9 page paper looks at the way that small business grow and considers the argument that businesses will not grow unless they have the skills of an entrepreneur to push them forward. The paper looks at the entrepreneurial process and examines a number of small companies that have grown, using UK examples. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Marketing Case Study - Amber Inns in 2005
This 14 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Amber Inns and Suites are a hotel chain in the US, having faced several years of losses the firm is starting to recover. The paper looks at the hotel industry in 2005, the positioning of the firm, the financial performance and the way marketing has taken place and then builds on the past with some new marketing ideas and present a budget based on previous years and the adjustments that are needed to meet the new marketing plan needs. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Blue Ocean Strategy
This 5 page paper looks at the value and potential use of the blue ocean strategy as advocated by Kim and Maubourgne, considering the advantages and benefits, but also looking at potential problems and associated risks. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Music Industry Since 2003
A 4 page paper that responds to four issues: how has the composition of the industry changed since 2003; what impact do stakeholders have on the industry; how to gain a competitive advantage; and whether or not a sustainable competitive advantage is possible. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 22-page paper presents a marketing plan and situational analysis for the Twisted Juice product line in Egypt. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Project Management and the Value of Communication
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of communication in project management. A hypothetical case study is used to highlight the theme. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Organizational Learning and Business Performance
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of organizational learning. An argument is presented for the relationship between learning and business performance. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Continuing Professional Development - Value in Flexibility
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of continuing professional development. Emphasis is placed upon the value of knowledge, skills, and behavior. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
A 6 page paper that begins with the legal definition of sexual harassment and the two types defined by the U.S. Supreme Court. The paper discusses what conduct can be viewed as harassment, the impact of this conduct, and what the victim and employer should do. The writer provides comments directed at human resource managers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Social Networking/Associated Problems
This 5 page research paper examines the problem of declining productivity due to employees using social networking sites, such as Facebook, during working hours. Other associated problems are also examined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Quantitative Study of Airline Profitability and Fuel Hedging
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of airline fuel hedging. A quantitative study is outlined to determine a link between hedging and profits. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Advertising in the Chinese Market
This 3 page paper examines an article about marketing in China. The paper focuses on the study conducted by authors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Strategy Models for Bank Frey
This 10 page paper looks at the small private Swiss bank, Bank Fey, its’ background and strategy and then considers the way in which ‘The Art of Banking’ and blue ocean strategy might be useful to the bank. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
The Hewlett-Packard Acquisition of Compaq
This 4 page paper is based on a case studies applied by the student, which discusses the influences on the decision by Carly Fiorina of Hewlett Packard to acquire Compaq. A set of questions answer, discussing why the decision to make the acquisition was made, the perceived benefits, the difficulties the market believed would be present and how this strategy compares with Dell. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Managing Quality in a Logistics Firm
This 14 page paper looks at the importance of quality and how it may be measured in a service organization using the example of a logistics firm offering heavy equipment moving services. The concept of quality and how it may be applied, identification of a model to measure services and potential method for improving services are all presented. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Organizational Learning Consideration for Entry into a Middle East Country
This 4 page paper is written in the style of a report, looking at the concept of organizational learning and the consideration a firm may need to make is looking at expanding operations in to the Middle East with particular attention to Saudi Arabia and Arabic culture. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
A Case Study of Work and Family Programs
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of work family programs. The example of NASA is used to examine how programs help employees maintain work-life balance. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Use of Psychology in the Development and Use of Brands
This 15 page paper looks at the brands and the way in which they are used and developed in order to support sales and revenue creation with the understanding and leveraging of consumer psychology. The paper looks at the way branding takes place and the way in which consumers relate and identify with brands and then examines a case study that demonstrates the use of psychology in branding. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
The Use of Psychology in the Development and Use of Brands
This 15 page paper looks at the brands and the way in which they are used and developed in order to support sales and revenue creation with the understanding and leveraging of consumer psychology. The paper looks at the way branding takes place and the way in which consumers relate and identify with brands and then examines a case study that demonstrates the use of psychology in branding. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
Glass Ceiling
A 3 page paper which discusses a case study of a woman’s experience with the glass ceiling. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Glass Ceiling
A 3 page paper which discusses a case study of a woman’s experience with the glass ceiling. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Re-Entry Shock
A 3 page paper that discusses reverse culture shock, which can happen when a person who has worked overseas may feel when they return home. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Foreign Investments - Making the Decisions
This is a 9 page paper that provides an overview of foreign investments. Through speaker notes for PowerPoint, the Philippines and neighboring countries are analyzed economically and politically for investment potential. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Influence of Culture on Organizational Learning and Business Practice
This 11 page paper looks at the concept of organizational learning that has been developed in then west and considers how a firm may use the ideas by need to adapt them when setting up in Saudi Arabia, looking at the way business practices may need to be adapted to meet local culture and the way that this will influence business in general as well as organizational learning. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
On-Site Childcare Programs: The Work Life Benefits
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of child care programs. An overview is given of the benefits such programs afford to the work life balance of employees. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Change at Cosby Manufacturing
This 8 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, looking at the potential mistakes made in changing the manufacturing firm to a matrix structure and issues which may arise associated with a new project for the implementation of a new management cost control system. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Is Employee Development Worthwhile
An 11 page paper that presents a proposal for a study. Sections include introduction, literature review of the topic, research objectives and questions, research methodology and limitations. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
This 5-page paper provides an analysis of the Harvard Business School case study "Recruitment of a Star."
Strategies for Risk Management
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of legal risk management. Information is presented as Powerpoint speaker notes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Does the World Trade Organization Hinder Economic Growth in Developing Countries?
This 3 page paper looks at how why the international political environment and the operation of the World Trade Organization A constraint rather than promote growth in developing nations. The paper considers how developing nations will often go through comparative advantage, and then discusses some of the ways in which World Trade Organization regulations, the general environment undermine and limit that growth. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Discrimination Presentation
This 4 page paper looks at a case provided by the student and considers a case where there is a claim of racial and gender discrimination. The paper, which is made up of four PowerPoint slides and speaker notes looks at the concept of gender and racial discrimination why it is outlawed and at a potential solution. The paper is written with reference to US law. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses ethical behavior at Alcoa. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
How Can We Stop Harassment?
This 13 page paper is made up of a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by speaker notes, on the subject of preventing harassment within the workplace. The presentation defines what harassment is, how it takes place and the problems it can cause, and then provides a practical approach to reducing the potential of harassment occurring in the workplace, as well as giving guidance on the way in harassment incidences should be handled. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
How Can We Stop Harassment?
This 13 page paper is made up of a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by speaker notes, on the subject of preventing harassment within the workplace. The presentation defines what harassment is, how it takes place and the problems it can cause, and then provides a practical approach to reducing the potential of harassment occurring in the workplace, as well as giving guidance on the way in harassment incidences should be handled. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
How Can We Stop Harassment?
This 13 page paper is made up of a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by speaker notes, on the subject of preventing harassment within the workplace. The presentation defines what harassment is, how it takes place and the problems it can cause, and then provides a practical approach to reducing the potential of harassment occurring in the workplace, as well as giving guidance on the way in harassment incidences should be handled. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Managing Employee Performance
This 9 page paper looks at performance management, what it is and how it can take place, looking at the use of tools such as performance assessment and appraisal system as well as performance related to pay ass their use in performance management. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Corporate Governance
An 8 page paper that reports and discusses corporate governance at Hess. Sections include: executive compensation, director compensation, minimum stock holdings by executives and directors, election of directors, and biographical information of current directors. The writer comments on how Hess compares to GE. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Improving Customer Retention - Useful Measures
This 6 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation of 4 slides and accompanying speaker notes assessing the measures that may be used by a telecoms company to increase customer retention with a product focus. The slides took at measures that may be used, such as assessing competitiveness of the pricing structure, dimensions by which the measures may be used, such as by region or by product type and ways in which the analysis may take place.
Strategic Allocations of R&D Funds and Pricing Decision for Handheld (SLP 2)
This 6 page paper is based in a scenario provided by the student, with the need to make adjustments to a plan allocating research and development funds and making pricing decisions. The decision for each round and the results are shown. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses Bank of America's acquisition of MBNA and why culture clashes, for the most part, were avoided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Sirtris and GSK
This 12 page paper is based only on a case study supplied by the student and their lecture notes. The case concerns the potential acquisition the biotechnology company Sirtris by GSK, answering a set of questions asked by the student concerning the way that the acquisition may be proposed and assessed and issues of integration after the acquisition takes place.
Marketing Cape Town to the Commercial Envitonment
This 10 page paper is a marketing plan to attract more commercial visitors to Cape Town for conferences, exhibition and promotional activities. The plan looks at the location, the target market and suggests a suitable strategic approach. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Issues in HRM - The Work Life Balance and Issues of Fairness
This 8 page paper looks at the concept of the work life balance and the way legislation may support it, looking at legislation in the UK, the benefits that may be reliaed fore the employer, the concept of fair pay, the psychological contract and the main aims of discrimination legislation. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
The Approach of Multinational Corporations to the Ethical and Social Responsibilities
This 18 page paper considers the way in which multinational corporations may view and deal with issues concerning ethical behavior and social responsibility. The concepts are defined within a commercial environment, and then discussed with reference to real-life cases that demonstrate the way in which evidence for ethical behavior and social responsibility may emerge. The discussion includes consideration of the underlying motivations of the company’s for adopting these types of behavior. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
How Unilever Leveraged the Finance Department to Promote Organizational Growth
This 13 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The writer examines how and why you were able to drive growth, utilizing a balanced scorecard approach, with the changes driven by the finance functions within the company. The concept and use of the balanced scorecard is discussed, and considered in the context of the Unilever case study looking at the way that decisions were made that lead the firm to success. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
The Importance of Branding in Marketing and Sales
This 17 page paper looks at the concepts of marketing, sales and branding defining and explaining the role of each before considering the way in which a firm may use different strategies to promote brandings which in turn may promote sales. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
This 9-page paper focuses on an overview and characteristics of a learning organization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Event Management - Using the 5 W Model
This 4 page paper uses Goldblatt’s 5 w’s of why, who, when, where and what to examine the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, focusing on the 2011 event. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses a case study concerning genetic testing in the workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Employee Retention Through Leadership
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of employee empowerment and retention. Speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation address how employee morale is tied to leadership. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Employee Retention Through Leadership
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of employee empowerment and retention. Speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation address how employee morale is tied to leadership. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Consulting for Organizational Development
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of organizational development. A case study is reviewed to establish the major obstacles to organizational development in speaker notes to a PowerPoint presentation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Xerox's Transformation
A 5 page paper that provides a brief history of Xerox and emphasizes the transformation of Xerox Corp. under Anne Mulcahy. The writer also mentions Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford, and the challenges both these CEOs faced and how they handled those challenges. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Why Are Female Stereotypes in Advertising Still Effective?
This 52 page paper is a research paper looking at the way that feminism has failed to make an impact in advertising, where there continues to be the highly successful use of female gender stereotypes in advertisements. The paper presents an in-depth literature review and then simulates research results. The research results are then analyzed and findings presented. The bibliography cites 54 sources.
Research and its Value to Organizations
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of organizational research. Examples of its effectiveness are explored as well as an enumeration of the differences in qualitative and quantitative research. Bibliography list 2 sources.
Marks and Spencer and Customer Value Management
This 15 page paper investigates customer value management and customer value analysis and applies the concepts to the practices Marks and Spencer seem to implement and/or advocate. Examples of other businesses are also be offered for the purpose of demonstrating some of the concepts discussed. The essay concludes with recommendations for Marks and Spencer to further their competitive advantage through specific customer value management action steps. One graphic illustration is provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Business Operations and the Role of the Internet
A 5 page glance at some of the applications of the Internet in conducting daily business. The most obvious applications of sales and marketing are mentioned, but the paper concentrates more on data management, communications and intranet applications. The growth of the Internet has made communication with remote locations—district offices, outside sales staff, favored vendors, etc.—more efficient than ever before. Use of the Internet in increasing productivity is not limited only to large businesses, either. One NY deli increased their lunch business by 30% when they began accepting take-out orders through their Web page. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis of 360 Degree Mangement Feedback Management Method
A 5 page paper that analyzes the benefits and problems of using the 360-degree feedback management method. The writer supports the process as an important tool in improving worker moral and organizational effectiveness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Analysis of 360 Degree Mangement Feedback Management Method
A 5 page paper that analyzes the benefits and problems of using the 360-degree feedback management method. The writer supports the process as an important tool in improving worker moral and organizational effectiveness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Signature Label Selection at a South Dakota Microbrewery
A 5 page paper that explores how the owners of this small brewery can determine which label costs less to produce, thus which to use as their signature label. Their accountant recommended one specific costing process to use; this writer suggests one that should yield more reliable information. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Survival of Bureaucracy
A 5 page paper discussing the likelihood of the survival of bureaucracy through the millennium. Warren Bennis predicted in Changing Organizations that the bureaucratic organizations as we have known them would disappear by the end of this century. Though Bennis' timing appears to be incorrect, his theory gains more credibility with each passing day. Without question, bureaucracy will last at least until the millennium, and even well into it. Before another though? It is much more likely that Bennis' prediction will be seen, even by this generation, to come to bear. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Corporate Compliance and Minimizing Waste
This 20 page paper asserts that waste minimization is the most effective form of compliance for any corporation. The necessity for compliance, based on public health and environmental reasons, are explored. Also included is the history of industrial practices and the environmental movement as well as an explanation of how waste lowers the quality of life. Detailed methods of effecting minimization, along with easy to understand examples and the inclusion of the 'waste management hierarchy', is a focal point of the paper. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Corporate Vision and Apple Computers
A 3 page paper describing the need for a company to state a vision. The writer profiles Apple Computer, Inc. and details how that company uses this successful business concept. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Leadership and Law Enforcement
5 pages in length. In the changing face of law enforcement, officers are more dependent than ever on the cooperation of the public for which they work. No longer able to be "all business," they, too, must employ the principles of good management and good public relations in order to foster partnership relations with the public. The management personnel charged with leading those with the most direct public contact are required to exhibit at least the same level of skill in dealing with those for whom they are responsible. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Leadership and Law Enforcement
5 pages in length. In the changing face of law enforcement, officers are more dependent than ever on the cooperation of the public for which they work. No longer able to be "all business," they, too, must employ the principles of good management and good public relations in order to foster partnership relations with the public. The management personnel charged with leading those with the most direct public contact are required to exhibit at least the same level of skill in dealing with those for whom they are responsible. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
3 Major Airlines and Management
A 9 page paper discussing the similarities and the management philosophies of American, United and Delta. All old, established companies, they are the three leaders of the US airline industry in terms of total revenues. Neither was profitable until the federal government authorized air mail by private carrier in 1925, and all three operate with only an uneasy peace with their pilots. The paper asks whether any of the three practices TQM, and concludes, based on the company-as-hostage stance of the pilots, that they do not. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Coffee Industry
A 5 page essay on the world-famous aromatic brew from the coffee bean which includes an analysis of the fluctuating coffee prices of 1997 and the history behind the beverage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cost Comparisons Between UNIX and Windows NT 4.0
An 8 page paper discussing a cost comparison between WindowsNT 4.0 and UNIX which shows UNIX to be a better value and less expensive to a company. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Microsoft Windows NT and UNIX
15 pages in length. Battles have long been waged and lost throughout history, but there is nothing quite like the technological competition that is being pursued between Microsoft Windows NT and Unix systems. At the very beginning of the server war nearly two and a half years ago, Microsoft Corp. introduced Windows NT as a direct competitor of the ever-popular Unix system. Vendors that distributed Unix were amused by the so-called competition, labeling it too immature to ever establish itself in the same category. The writer discusses whether or not NT has proven itself as a viable competitor to Unix. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Winn Dixie Marketplace Supermarket Advertising Analysis
A 6 page paper analyzing a full page advertisement appearing in the October, 1998, issue of Southern Living. The paper discusses the marketer's use of image, including color, issues of class and gender and how their services can allow a 40-ish mom to study for her final while using Marketplace non-grocery services to keep her family from missing out on the other things she might otherwise be doing, including making dinner and a birthday cake. Every mother doing something besides mothering is concerned that she does the one without leaving the other undone. This advertisement reflects this stance in its images, and shows respect for those feelings and responsibilities, and does it all through an image that conveys upper-middle class comfort. No bibliography.
Children and Advertising
A 5 page paper discussing the ethics of advertising directly to children. One of the largest and growing consumer markets is that of children under 15 years old. This group increasingly has their own money with which they can make their own decisions, and they are making those decisions with a vengeance. For whatever reason, parents are giving over spending decisions to their children. With older children, it is good training for them to be making many of their own purchasing decisions. But with the young ones, marketing today is becoming increasingly deceptive in its quest for increased creativity. Bibliography lists 8 sources. Adv-Kids.doc
The Oxymoron of Advertising Ethics?
An 8 page paper asking just where advertising professionals should draw the line in their methods to protect their future, and how much responsibility the manufacturers of legal 'vices' have in ensuring that their messages are directed to the proper target, and not put forth in an effort to recruit just one more generation of addicts to their products. One observer says that increased pressures on tobacco advertising prohibition forces the tobacco companies to find new ways to convey their message, and that they could well feel forced to participate in subliminal advertising as one after another of their existing advertising paths are blocked. The paper also addresses sexually exploitative advertising. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
An Analysis of Television Commercials and Programming
In this 5 page essay, the writer reports their observations of television commercials as they occurred during a certain one hour television program. Recorded were the times that commercials occurred, their length, and content. These variables are analyzed with respect to advertising market and other relevant data. An illustrative chart is included .No Bibliography.
Business and Ethics
A 4 page paper that considers the statement: "ethics has no place in business" and relates this statement to a discussion of companies and multinational operations.
Business Applicability and Common Morality
6 pages in length. The concepts of right and wrong seem so simple on the surface. Webster's defines morality as adherence to a standard of "right human conduct." Superficially, that definition would be easy for the "simple" to understand. When the focus is narrowed, however, it seems that the concept of morality grays in its boundaries. Morality is not only the black and white that the "simple" so seemingly effortlessly can see, with that clear line of demarcation between it and immorality. Focus is increasingly narrowed in our harried lives of today, but all of us are charged with keeping vigilance on the level of standard we will tolerate. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Issues Surrounding the Tobacco Trade
A 5 page essay exploring the issues surrounding the exporting of tobacco and tobacco products. Is this a policy the United States Government should continue to support in view of its opposition to the use of tobacco within the nation? As one of the top cash products within the country and with hundreds of thousands of people dependent on the industry, the question as to the U.S. government's role in supporting its export is a complex one. The writer discusses the issues in terms of economics and ethics. No bibliography.
Changes and HRM
A 5 page paper discussing whether HR is really changing or only appears to be. Not too many years ago, Human Resources (HR) was the poor relation of the corporate world—it was believed that the existence of individual HR departments was necessary, if only for the record keeping function they performed. As business is increasingly competitive, however, HR is taking on a much more active role in the organization's strategy planning, often while outsourcing much of the administrative work for which they previously were responsible. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
An Overview of the Advantages and Disadvantages of 401 K Plans
A 5 page essay discussing the pros and cons of 401k plans. Bibliography lists approximately 6 sources.
Retirement Planning and the 401K
A 10 page discussion of 401K plans and their importance in retirement planning. Identifies financial goals such as growth of principal, the reduction of tax liability, and the importance of protecting the principal investment and discusses a strategy for achieving these goals through the utilization of 401 Ks. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
An Examination of the Americans With Disabilities Act
This 6 page paper explores the Americans With Disabilities Act and provides an overview of pros and cons. The paper concludes that legislation is needed, and even more must to be done due to rampant discrimination against people with disabilities. Free 1 page outline included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Injustice and Immorality of Downsizing
A 5 page paper analyzing the contemporary trend of corporate downsizing from the point of view of the downsized employees. Issues discussed are loss of income, shattered self-esteem, the difficulty of finding comparable work at a comparable salary, and the problems with "contract" employment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Job Performance and the Impact of Training
An 8 page jumping-off place for a study on the effects of training related to job performance, based on interviews with five managers and ten employees each from two companies, both electronically-focused: one designs and produces ambulances and mobile MRI units; the other produces printed circuit boards for a variety of applications. This compilation consists of introduction, methods and discussion sections, and includes an appendix listing nine questions that comprise the survey of the two companies' employees. Bibliography lists nine references.
Successful Examples of a Democratic Workplace
A 16 page research paper examining the qualities of three of the 'best' places to work: Measurement, Inc., Federal Express and GM's Saturn division. Each of the three demands the best of their employees; each has some of the most loyal employees in their respective industries. The common bottom line among the three is that they view their employees as thinking, feeling individuals with needs and aspirations of their own, and each recognizes that happy, fulfilled employees equals happy, satisfied customers. In keeping with Theodore Levitt's admonition that the sole purpose of any business is to create and then keep a customer, each of these companies recognizes that any business achieves that goal only through their employees. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Corporate IS Outsourcing
This 5 page paper takes the concept of outsourcing information systems and analyzes a variety of factors in a simplified fashion. Pros and cons of the practice are noted. Several large firms which take advantage of the practice are named. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Overview of Offshore Outsourcing
This 14 page paper discusses various aspects of offshore outsourcing including the issues it raises, problems, benefits and risks. Offshore outsourcing has been used by companies in different industries since the 1980s but the practice has increased significantly in recent years. The employees that has been hurt the most by this practice in recent years are software programmers. A number of issues surrounding outsourcing are discussed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Importance of Literacy in the Workplace
An 8 page research paper on the importance of workplace literacy. Skills for success include writing, speaking, listening, interpersonal, cross-cultural, basic computer, and organizational. The writer examines the extent of workplace illiteracy and employer training programs designed to resolve this problem. A number of relevant studies are discussed and appropriate conclusions are made. Bibliography lists approximately 15 sources.
Worker Literacy Enhancement
A 16 page paper discussing research-based investigation of various methods in use to determine which might be considered best for training the production worker in basic skills and the benefits to the organization of such training. The hypothesis that formal training should be as dissimilar as possible to the school setting in which none of these workers have been successful in order to provide the most value to both the workers and the organization providing the training. The literature review, method and discussion points to the conclusion that the hypothesis is supported best when adult methods are used and reinforced with on-the-job training. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
California and At Will Employment
A 14 page essay on the legal doctrine which states that employers can dismiss employees for any reason at any time, and, conversely, that employees can quit for any reason and at any time. This paper examines exceptions which have been made and at the current rash of ‘‘wrongful discharge'' lawsuits which are slowly changing this doctrine as it applies in the U.S. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Workplace Violence
A 10 page research paper on work-related violence and some of its possible causes. The writer discusses the prevalence of this problem, how conflicts arise, and what can be done to lessen the impact of tensions created by poor communication, lack of empathy in the workplace, etc.; Social, psychological, and stress-related theories are applied to the discussion. Bibliography lists approximately 20 sources.
Unfairness of Telecommunications to Women
This 6 page paper describes the phenomenon of tele or 'cyber - commuting' and its popularity in modern society. It is argued that tele-commuting has actually intensified the consequences of a male-dominated workplace and that women are afforded the same lesser economic status and lower positions in the corporation they have always had as a result of the advent of computer technology in terms of telecommuting. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Women and Telecommunications II
In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Women and Telecommunications II
In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
TLR Inc. and the Pros and Cons of Virtual Teams
A 5 page study of virtual teams discussing the advantages and disadvantages. Highlights TLR, Inc., a software manual company that makes extensive use of virtual and gives my opinion of their effectiveness. Also gives my suggestions for ensuring the success of a company's virtual team(s). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Proactivity and Workplace Resistance
A 30 page paper that provides an in-depth analysis of workplace resistance and the importance of a proactive approach. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Product Placement and Job Design of McDonald's
This 7 page paper is written in tow parts. The first part looks at the job design at McDonalds by applying Hackman and Oldham's five core job dimensions. The second part of the paper considers product placement, and as an example looks at the 4 P's (price, place, product and promotion)of McDonalds and more specifically one product, its children's happy meals. The paper includes one diagram and the bibliography cites 4 sources.
Overview of the H.J. Heinz Company
This 10 page paper provides an overview of this company as well as a look at its competitive position. The firm's marketing and financial strategies are examined.Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Workplace and Impact of Smoking
A 5-page paper that examines the affects of smoking in the workplace on both business and nonsmoking coworkers. Discussed is the Environmental Protection Agency's 1992 report concerning the dangers of 'secondhand smoke' and the trend toward smoke-free working environments that this report instigated as well as both employer and employee concerns regarding nonsmoking policies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Using Technology in Business
This 8 page paper is broken down into different sections to highlight questions submitted by a student regarding the use of technology by The General Electric and 3M Companies. Several concepts are discussed including TPN and EDI. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Leadership and the Importance of Vision
This 7 page paper provides an argument that vision is important as a leadership tool. Several journals articles are used to support the premise. The concept of vision is defined and supported as being integral to the running of a successful organization. An annotated bibliography is included which lists 4 sources.
Management Accounting Analysis of the Master Budget
A 25-page paper that presents an overview of the master budget along with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages involved in its use. Also included is a discussion of the changing world of management accounting and the direction it is predicted to take over the next few years. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Team Improvement of Communication Skills
A 6 page paper addressing the situation of
deteriorating team functioning. The effectiveness of some of the organization's teams has
been diminished by means of increasing occurrence of conflict, rumor and backbiting. The
paper reviews the observations of several communications writers and consultants, and
recommends exercises at the team level designed to improve communications and assist
individuals in maintaining a perspective that focuses on the company, rather than on the
individual. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Taiwan and United States' Corporate Law
This 6 page paper compares and contrasts corporate law in each nation. Both U.S. and Taiwanese business structures are outlined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Taiwan and United States' Corporate Law
This 6 page paper compares and contrasts corporate law in each nation. Both U.S. and Taiwanese business structures are outlined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Options of eCommerce Payment and the Cost of Cyberspace
A 20 page paper that looks at the various payment options that presently exist in the world of e-commerce. Payment options discussed are online credit card transactions, digital cash, online checks, and smart card technology. The features and benefits of each of these options are examined and the privacy and security concerns surrounding each are discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Options of eCommerce Payment and the Cost of Cyberspace
A 20 page paper that looks at the various payment options that presently exist in the world of e-commerce. Payment options discussed are online credit card transactions, digital cash, online checks, and smart card technology. The features and benefits of each of these options are examined and the privacy and security concerns surrounding each are discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Companies That Are Reactive and Proactive
This 5 page paper compares and contrasts proactive and reactive firms. Such approaches in respect to environment is demonstrated. A real life firm that changed tacts is explored. There is an emphasis on international business and how proactive and reactive approaches are integrated into the export business. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
US Companies and the Effects of NAFTA
This 5 page paper takes a look at NAFTA and its impact on U.S. firms. The future ramifications of the treaty on businesses is noted as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Website Design Analysis
An 8 page paper that analyzes the appeal of the home pages of twenty separate websites on the basis of user-friendliness, color, graphics and professionalism. Also included is a brief discussion of the factors that make some websites sizzle while others sink.
Advertising to the Global Community
An 11 page paper discussing the cultural
differences that must be considered when attempting to design an international advertising
campaign, ranging from the obvious such as language to more subtle attitudes toward
characteristics of specific colors or overt materialism. The media used for the message is
important as well. An example used in the paper is the reduced effectiveness of newspaper
advertising in a developing nation where extremely low per-capita incomes and literacy
rates combine to make a newspaper a luxury item useful only to relatively few citizens.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Tyson Foods Case Study
8 pages in length. The moral dilemma in this particular text addresses the issue of business ethics and integrity. Is it wrong to receive special treatment when it is nothing more veiled bribery? From an outsider's point of view, Tyson Foods was attempting to cover up issues the company
did not want brought into the public eye, and Espy was more than willing to accommodate their compromised position. Determining what constitutes values is the fundamental purpose of corporate social responsibility. Given the fact that all of humanity must coexist on the same planet, there has to be a modicum of consideration with regard to business values. If not, then there would be no sense of tolerance or respect for individual life. People have to abide by an ethical code as a means by which to ensure proper behavior among the world’s population. According to Tyson and Espy's
behavior, however, one must question who is to determine just what this corporate ethical code will represent, and who is to say that all commerce must follow it? The writer discusses that defining ethics is to define man’s proper values and interests, a concept that must exist within the
framework of all business infrastructures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Internet Marketing Information Management
An 11 page paper discussing various data
mining techniques and their applicability to marketing tasks. The paper examines searching
newsgroups postings, web mining and opt-in email lists as workable approaches to gaining
consumer information for the purpose of more narrowly targeting the Internet consumer. It
recommends a combination of web mining and opt-in lists as a realistic and cost effective
method of gaining valuable consumer information without entering the world of spam.
Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Elements of Price Competition
6 pages in length. Price competition is often the primary component between and among rival companies. However, woven within a company's price structure is a collection of other critical elements that help to shape the ultimate strategy.
While company A might have a better product at a slightly lower price, company B's marketing tactics allow for them to be extremely competitive while still charging pennies more for the same item. The writer discusses how product pricing is not merely affixing a price tag; rather, it is the culmination of industry statistics, marketing ploys and an
overall understanding of a particular store's target
audience. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Flight Cancellations of United Air Lines
This 3 page paper emphasizes the fact that United Airlines has recently had to cancel hundreds and hundreds of flights. While United claims the pilots are refusing to work overtime and are instead just calling in sick, the fact is that their contract expired in April. This focused paper takes a look at both sides of this issue and how it is affecting United Airlines in general. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Comparison of Equity and Expectancy Theories
A Comparative Report: This 5 page report compares the comparative report between Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory and J. Stacy Adams' Equity Theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Corporate Downsizing and its Impact
10 pages in length. Describes the effects upon the corporation as well as the people when a company chooses to downsize. A history of downsizing is included, as well as the effects felt by those employees who were not downsized but remain with the company. An interesting look at this all-too-common occurrence. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Business Administration Overview
A 10 page paper that presents an overview of business administration and its primary functions. Discussed are the four major areas of skill required to build the framework of an effective and integrated business administration, which are the skills of overall management, business marketing, management accounting, and business statistics. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
College Bookstore Marketing Plan
This 12 page paper provides a marketing plan for a campus bookstore based on example survey results and research of industry trends. Several charts are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analysis of Website Surfing for Specific Contents
An 8 page paper that presents an analysis of eight specialized, specific-content websites. Discussed are the overall presentation of each of these websites in regard to graphics and theme, color and contrast, user-friendliness, and professionalism.
1931's Davis Bacon Act
This 5 page paper provides an overview of this 1931 act pertinent to unionized workers. The possibility of repeal, and the movement to repeal the act in the 1970s, is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of the Construction Industry
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the industry and addresses subjects such as population, technology and trade union influence. The modern construction business is the focus of this paper that also touches on the industry's roots as well as changes it has endured throughout the years. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Marketing Plan Development
This 8 page paper is a case study in developing a marketing plan for a specific product. This case looks at electrical fencing and suggests a campaign including television and press designed to take advantage of the psychological aspects of marketing messages. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Fewer and Fewer HVAC Companies
A 20 page paper discussing reasons for so much consolidation occurring now, its benefits and consequences. One of the hallmarks of the "new" economy is that intense consolidation is taking place in most industries. Fragmentation results from myriad companies working in the same industry developing their own forms of operation and approach to their businesses. When those companies come to believe it advisable that they combine forces, the melding of their respective corporate cultures is an aspect of their merger that must be met with as much analysis and consideration as that given to financial reports and current business results. This is true in any industry, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Overview of Home Shopping Network
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the Home Shopping Network (HSN) and where it is headed. The company is evaluated and compared with Porter's five forces model is used to evaluate the company. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Evolution of Internet Marketing
An 8 page paper discussing issues of
consumer behavior, promotion strategy and product positioning on the Internet as its use
continues to grow. With all that is uncertain about the evolution of Internet commerce and
the final path it will take as it continues to change, marketers can be certain that they will be
required less to guess what consumers are doing. Tracking and data mining software
increasingly will be in operation to give statistical reports about what consumers are doing
on the Internet and will give marketers a quantitative base from which to work.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Skills Needed for the Public Relations Profession
This 5 page paper examines the field of public relations and specifically looks at the skills a person needs to possess when embarking on such a career. Skills discussed include communication, research, negotiation, creativity, and problem solving. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Consumer Decision Making and the Influence of Spouses
This 5 page paper examines one article about spousal influence in the consumer decision making processes with a focus on subcultural variations. Gender and cultural differences are examined. The article is assessed and used as a springboard for further discussion. No additional sources cited.
Gateway Inc. and the Application of Sales Management Principles
An 11 page paper. This essay presents a sales plan for Gateway, Inc., which is the #2 direct marketer of personal computers. Topics include: description of Gateway, Inc, including their vision and philosophy; selected fiscal data; marketing mix (4Cs); competition; fiscal comparison with primary competitor; competitive environment; goals; marketing strategies; sales plan monitoring and controlling; summary and conclusions. 2 tables are included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Contemporary Workplace and the Importance of Equity and Gender Issues
7 pages in length. Because corporate America is essentially a man's world, it has been extremely difficult for women to break the mold and be accepted for their talents, while not being overlooked merely because of their gender. The writer discusses why gender and equity have become critical issues in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Definitions of Human Resources and Management
This 10 page paper focuses on a definition of management and demonstrates how, using that definition, a manager in the field of human resources can effectively control workplace diversity in addition to other functions. Various concepts are explored such as leadership, planning and organization, and the creation of incentive programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Peter Senge's Five Disciplines
Peter Senge has been one of the most influential business theorists over the last decade, in his book "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization", he puts forward the idea that there are five disciplines an organization must tackle if it is to be successful. This 8 page paper considers those discipline as a while and then individually. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Critique of a Journal Article on Management
This 5 page paper critiques a journal article on a topic related to a business course as put forth by a student. The article utilized is written by Robert Heller and is entitled 'The Evergreen Route to Growth.' TQM is discussed. Annotated bibliography lists 3 sources.
Scientific and Classical Management
8 pages in length. Classical management carries with it myriad definitions, in particular the need to maintain an atmosphere that is restrained and simple, conforming to established taste of critical standards or adhering to traditional forms. Scientific management, on the other hand, represents the coupling of science and engineering as they relate to work practices as a means by which to augment management control and productivity. Its emergence took place in the forty-year span between 1880 and 1920, where it
was significantly dependent upon machinery in order for work to be appropriately subdivided into highly specialized, routine tasks. From a management point of view, the very foundation of the classical theory was to establish a universal method appropriate for all situations; indeed, it was a search for truth. It was as if the theorists were in search of an end all be all sort of application that would effectively address all questions as to how organizations worked and how managers should managed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Starwood Hotel's Switching Services, WizCom versus Pegasus
5 pages in length. The writer compares switching services as they relate to the Starwood Hotels.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Case Study of Domino's Pizza
6 pages in length. The writer discusses business ethics as it relates to Domino's delivery service problem and Satellite Telecommunications. No bibliography.
Leadership vs. Management
An 8 page paper. What are the differences between a manager and a leader? Are there distinct functions for each, distinct characteristics and attributes? This essay discusses these questions and provides answers. The writer also discusses those attributes that are common to both. 1 table included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Management Practices of the Ford Corporation
This 11 page paper is truly postfordist in its concentration. While some older management practices of Ford in the early years are noted, the focus is on the present and future of the Ford Corporation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Management Effectiveness and Gender Influence
This 14 page paper considers the impact of gender on effective management. The writer looks at both masculine and feminine styles along with the development of management styles, starting with scientific management up to more recent models from the humanist school and seeks to discover any relationship between gender influences in the development of the different management styles.The bibliography cites 30 sources.
Workplace Safety and OSHA
5 pages. Safety in the workplace is the subject of regularly scheduled meetings due to Occupational Safety and Health Association regulations. In order to promote goodwill among employees and to encourage their attendance at these meetings there are often promotionals and giveaway items at these meetings that serve as constant reminders throughout the year that safety is a priority in the workplace.
Physician's office and the Deming System of Profound Knowledge
5 pages in length. The very root of effective management is the lost art of communication, which is why the Deming System of Profound Knowledge focuses so greatly upon its resurgence into contemporary society. Whether a small family business of fifteen people or a conglomerate with tens of thousands, Deming illustrates how the fundamental basis of communication is not only the byproduct of profound knowledge but is also the one, single-most effective tool one can develop, particularly within the environment of a doctor's office. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Relationship Between Andersen and Enron
A 5 page paper that discusses specific aspects of the Enron crisis. The writer first provides 11 points in outline form that describe the relationship between these two companies and the impact this event had on Arthur Andersen. The second part of the paper discusses the parties who were most responsible for the crisis and justifies why these particular people shoulder the most responsibility. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Management Perspectives of the United States,Japan, and Germany
A 19 page paper evaluating the thought that US businesses make more business decisions based on short-term performance than do businesses in Germany or Japan. Companies in other parts of the world seem not to be quite so quick to act on the basis of short-term results, but rather to build for the long term. Germany’s BMW and Japan’s Mitsubishi provide distinct counterpoints to the system that has developed in the United States. There are indications, however, that such attention to longevity is changing in today’s business environment. The paper describes some of those changes and points to the influence of long-standing cultural traditions that continue to provide direction in both Germany and Japan. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Internet Business Marketing
This 5 page paper focuses on as an example of an e-business and looks at a variety of marketing schemes. ACNielsen, SRI and Cyber Dialogue are noted as companies that help businesses gain access to marketing information and techniques. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Business Management and the Chaos Theory
5 pages. Chaos theory holds that the seemingly disorderly pattern of chaos actually creates order in the theory of the universe. One of the most popular examples of chaos theory is that if a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world it can create effects that cause reactions on the other side of the world. In other words, out of chaos comes order. This philosophical argument can also hold true in business and is being embraced more and more in the business world. Managers believe that a seemingly insignificant event in the business world can have an effect that grows to cause results in what many feel are unrelated causes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
TQI and Its Implementation at Coca Cola
This 5-page paper, by using various examples from the Coca-Cola company, attempts to address the execution phase for Total Quality Implementation including management support, customer satisfaction and employee feedback. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Change Management and Just In Time Implementation
This 7-page paper discusses implementations of new systems in the workplace and challenges inherent in such implementation. Examples used include the Just in Time (JIT) system -- a method of quality management -- and how this system was successfully implemented at a company. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Chief Executive Officer's Organizational Management Tools
This 7-page paper examines the organizational tools available to today's CEO. "Tools" described include use of contigency approach, Maslow's theory, participative management, team-building and concept of content and process theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Overview of Global Account Management
This 5 page paper looks at global account management according to information submitted by a student. The pitfalls of global accounts are discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Operations Management Overview
This 5 page paper defines the role of operations management and the operations manager, explaining the roles in strategy, production and how operations management may produce a competitive advantage for a company. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Motivation and Workforce Diversity Management
9 pages in length. Managing workplace diversity and motivational approaches, such as gain sharing and executive information systems, in a contemporary organization does not require new-fangled ideas or unproven theories; to the contrary, tried and true techniques that allow for attainment of organization goals in an effective and efficient manner are accomplished through the basic standards of planning, organization, leading and control of organizational resources. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Improving TQM Through QFD
This 4 page paper provides an overview of TQM and includes a look at the three matrix QFD model. TQM is looked at favorably. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ten Issues Relating to HRM
This 14 page paper responds to 10 questions or issues: the diagnostic and strategic approaches to human resource management; Five greatest challenges for the human resource manager today; the roles and functions of the human resource manager; the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action & Managing Diversity; steps to selecting the right employee; performance management and evaluation; what questions should the human resource manager be ready to answer in a discrimination hearing; what is the relative importance of merit, ability and seniority when promoting an employee; and what is job analysis and what is its value. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Safety and Health
This 6 page paper looks at different issues regarding Health and Safety at work. The writer argues that the engineer has a moral responsibly to consider health and safety when designing products systems or services and looks at the role of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the role of the health and safety engineer in industry, the role of the health and safety committee in a modern factory, the use of risk assessment tools and the value in health and safety measures. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Connection Between HRM and Strategic Management
8 pages. There are differences between the two terms strategic management and strategic human resource management. As this paper will show, these are different facets of somewhat the same function. While there is definitely an art to successful management techniques, management of a business and management of human resources are both quite definitely different positions altogether. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Hamot Medical Center Organizational Analysis
A 14 page paper assessing the success that this Erie, Pennsylvania hospital has had in striving for nursing excellence and making the best use of all resources available to it. In the manner in which the old business cycle underwent so many changes that today’s version needed the designation of the “new economy,” so does Hamot Medical Center discuss and pursue the “new nursing” that both builds and preserves the professionalism of nursing. The paper examines the hospital’s organizational structure, vision and mission, and assesses the organization’s success in pursuing and achieving its goals. The paper discusses the role of organizational structure in maintaining an atmosphere in which change is both possible and positive. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Organizational Communication Theory and Downward Communications
This 5-page paper covers downward communciation, a theory of organizational communication. The essay examines the concept, discusses its use and then weighs the pros and cons of such a theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Kant, Ethics, Drug Companies, and Drug Sales
7 pages in length. To delve into the concepts of morality and knowledge in relation to drug companies supplying physicians with incentives to persuade them to prescribe high-cost drugs to their patients is to re-examine the wide and varying societal rules that bind one to one's cultural existence. Due in large part to Kant's (1948) enlightened writings, humanity constantly works hard to fend off inherent materialistic tendencies it harbors in exchange for acting upon the tenets of social responsibility; however, this particular situation throws humanity's efforts toward being a civilized being back by hundreds of years. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
UK Football Club Manchester United and its Marketing Success
This 10 page paper examines the United Kingdom football club Manchester United and how it is marketed. The club has successfully made the transition from sports club to commercial entertainment enterprise whilst retaining credibility and increasing profit. The key to this success has been strategic marketing and differentiation and the use of alliances and sponsorship as well as brand extensions. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Western Pennsylvania's UPMC Health System Presentation
A 12-slide Power Point presentation on UPMC Health Systems in Western Pennsylvania, including discussion of the effects of the organizational structure of the system. The paper associated with this file contains speaker notes and sources only. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Automotive Industry and JIT Inventory Management
5 pages. When one auto manufacturer had a problem with a huge backlog and no inventory with which to finish it, they went to the parent company in Japan to see how to address the situation. Looking at several different options, it was decided that Just in Time management was the answer to the problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Automotive Industry and JIT Inventory Management
5 pages. When one auto manufacturer had a problem with a huge backlog and no inventory with which to finish it, they went to the parent company in Japan to see how to address the situation. Looking at several different options, it was decided that Just in Time management was the answer to the problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Difficult Problem of the Nursing Shortage
A 6 page paper offering a letter of petition for publication, abstract and a short journal article discussing current efforts and future predictions of increase in the current nursing shortage. The current nursing shortage is expected only to intensify over the next generation. Though there are 126,000 hospital vacancies for RNs in late 2002, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects that number to rise to more than one million in less than 20 years. The American Nurses Association and recently entered into a strategic alliance designed to assist both employers and nurses in finding the matches most meaningful for them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Costs of Recalling Products Analysis
This 5-page paper, taken from a case study, discusses the internal costs of a product recall, and factors need to be considered when designing a plan to address these issues. The case in question deals with an auto company that recalled cars with steering defects. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Harvey Industries Inventory Management
This 5-page paper, based on a case study of Harvey Industries, discusses how this manufacturer can better streamline its inventory management system. The paper lists recommendations, including assigning the duties of management to one person and better prediction of manufacturing cycles in order to better determine the inventory necessary during peak line times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
7 Risk Management Questions
Seven risk management questions answered in 7 pages. Questions include defining risk; how risk differs for organizations and for individuals; comparison of qualitative and quantitative analysis and the worth of each; using multiple criteria in decision making; and the possibility of identifying all possible sources of risk. Other questions address the value of exercising risk management procedures on the risk management process and evaluation of the idea that if all sources of risk could be identified, then no risk exists. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Two Articles Compared Regarding Business Ethics
This 7-page paper compares two articles on the subject of business ethics: "Entering the Third Age of Ethics by Rushworth Kidder and Curtis Verschoor and "Christian Character: A Different Approach to Business Ethics" by Sondra Wheeler. The paper notes that each of the papers has a different view on ethics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Sunnyside Manor Nursing Home Changes
8 pages. After careful evaluation of the present nursing home facility and patients it has been noted that it would be to the advantage of executive management of the organization to add on to the present facility an assisted living area in which healthy senior citizens could live in safety and yet with the added security of having nursing care and licensed caregivers onsite. Includes an executive summary, barriers to change and how to overcome those barriers. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Pros and Cons of Internet Grocery Retailers
This 14 page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of selling groceries on the Internet. Written in two parts the first part considers the advantages and disadvantages for both the supermarkets and the customers. The second part considers the profile of customers in Hong Kong supermarkets and how they may or may not be suited to shopping on the internet. The primary research was conducted by the student.
Hotel Industry and the Value of Efficient Customer Service
This 5 page paper considers potential problems with customer service in a hotel. The first part of the paper gives 7 examples of bad service, the second part of the paper then considers how the a hotel that has many complaints may improve customer services. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
HMO Effectiveness Speaker Notes
A 5 page summary of a Power Point presentation and speaker notes assessing measurement of quality of care for Aetna U.S. Healthcare in 2002 plus a one-page handout summarizing the presentation. The presentation discusses member access to services and member satisfaction, and how management can increase the measures of each. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Examining Business Ethics
An 8 page paper discussing awareness and use of ethics and critical thinking in arriving at ethical business decisions. As the face of all American business underwent monumental change in the 1970s and 1980s, it appears to be poised to undergo still another wave of change in the form of greater attention to corporate ethical behavior. The purpose here is to investigate the origins of ethics; whether ethical behavior can be taught; and why today’s businesses so often seem to seek positive business results only for short-term gains. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Future Trends In Management
A 5 page paper. Numerous factors have and will continue to change the practice of management. Advancing technology, changing demographics including an aging workforce and vast diversity in the workforce, and globalization are just a few of the challenges facing managers today. These factors will continue to change the way in which managers manage. This paper discusses some of the forecasts for how management will change in the future, including a different perspective on the four major functions of management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
CPM and PERT Management Tools of Project Planning
A 21 page paper. The introduction to this essay briefly discusses the importance of planning and provides data regarding the proportion of projects that fail and why. The writer then explains the difference between project planning and project management and discusses the importance of managing the project. Work Breakdown Structures and their importance as the one of the first steps in project planning are discussed. A brief historical overview of Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Management (CPM) is offered with a comprehensive discussion of each of these project planning tools. Using PERT and CPM are discussed with examples from two actual projects and the results of those projects. The writer ends the paper with a discussion of the importance of risk management within project planning and project management and steps for managing risk and uncertainty. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
CPM and PERT Management Tools of Project Planning
A 21 page paper. The introduction to this essay briefly discusses the importance of planning and provides data regarding the proportion of projects that fail and why. The writer then explains the difference between project planning and project management and discusses the importance of managing the project. Work Breakdown Structures and their importance as the one of the first steps in project planning are discussed. A brief historical overview of Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Management (CPM) is offered with a comprehensive discussion of each of these project planning tools. Using PERT and CPM are discussed with examples from two actual projects and the results of those projects. The writer ends the paper with a discussion of the importance of risk management within project planning and project management and steps for managing risk and uncertainty. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
A Nike Inc. Corporation Overview
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the corporation. Its history is explored and how it will fare in the struggling economy is discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
IT and KM
This 4-page paper reviews the concept of knowledge management (KM) and discusses information technology systems and software that support this management initiative. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Australia Soft System Modeling and Rural Tourism
This 7 page paper considers the subject of rural tourism and the problem of choosing the right channel of distribution. This paper looks at a case study in Australia; Carrick Hill, how this is marketed and the way in which soft systems modelling is well suited to this case. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Sound Management Strategy of SWA
This 10-page paper focuses on Southwest Airlines, a company that has been quite stable during the recent period of mergers and acquisitions. The paper traces Southwest's strong performance to its management style. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Software Engineering and TQM
A 12 page paper discussing software engineering in terms of Total Quality Management (TQM). The paper includes a brief history of TQM as well as discussion of the Deming, Juran and Crosby models, and then places software engineering within that framework. A primary feature of software engineering quality, then, is the service of assisting customers to identify all aspects of their requirements for any new product, particularly in those areas that they have not considered because they are not technically proficient in designing and producing new systems. Quality results from meeting customer expectations, which may be difficult to identify. Appropriate antidotes can be found in the Deming model of quality. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Early Management Theoretical Pioneers
A 15 page paper comprised of two major topics: management theory and ethical corporate culture. The longer section explains and discusses the contributions of five specific early management theorists: Robert Owen who worked to reform factories and schooling in the early 1800s based on treating the employee fairly; Henry R. Towne, who is recently being given credit to his contributions to scientific management theory prior to Taylor's work and who established the first professional organization for engineers; Sun Tzu whose principles outlined in The Art of War have been correlated with management and organizational theory; Henry L. Gantt who made four major contributions including the Gantt Chart; and Hugo Munsterberg, who is called the father of industrial psychology. The second section discusses the importance of developing an ethical corporate culture. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Cultural Industries, Tensions, and Interrelationships
This 11 page paper looks at the cultural industries in the UK. Cultural industries include a range of organisations, from museums, tourist attractions the heritage sites to theatre, film and music. This paper considers how interrelationships between the organisations may manifest, the value they can create and the pressures and tensions that will impact on the organisations and their interactions. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Stadium Security and Honeywell
A 3 page paper discussing the need for increased stadium security and the capabilities of the Honeywell Stadium Security System. The system includes provision for fire detection, security and close-circuit television, as well as for public address voice alarm and a system for the hearing impaired. It also provides communications capabilities. Expensive at $3.9 million, it may be able to save the stadium through reduced personnel need, tighter security and lower insurance premiums. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Studies of Employee Absenteeism
This 5 page paper looks at several studies related to employee absenteeism. Psychological reasons are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Advertising's Subliminal Messages
This 4 page paper discusses the use of psychology in the world of advertising. Specific examples given. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of India's Tata Consultancy Services
This 3-page paper is an overview of India-based Tata Consultancy Services, one of the world's largest software services companies. The paper focuses on the mission on the company, the service it offers, its clientele and other factors. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Problem Solving and the Development of Teams
This 5-page paper discusses the concept of teamwork and workplaces by using as an example a specific case study that demonstrates what happens when a team breaks down in communications. Also study and this case is the literature available on the topic, and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 5sources.
Employee Motivation and Budgetary Controls
This 10 page paper considers the statement that benefits of budgetary control are outweighed by the de-motivating effects of the budget on the staff of the organization. The paper considers the role and manifestation of budgetary controls and how they interact with motivation theory. The paper utilizes the models of economic man and social man. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Environmental Protection Agency and Management Theory
An 8 page paper discussing the political and management climate at the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is a government agency that has overreaching authority over business operation and frequently has the final word on whether processes will be allowed. It is a political entity, however. Though it can and should use modern management techniques, its nature as a government agency keeps it grounded in classical theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Which Represents the Best Research Methodology?
A 4 page research paper on quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The writer examines the benefits and disadvantages of each method, as well as the rationales used for favoring one type over another. This examination also shows the advantages of combining these methods so as to approach a research topic, such as risk management, in a more comprehensive manner. This examination then switches focus to the topic of risk management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Data Presentation and Methods of Statistical Evaluation
The 7-page paper focuses on statistical evaluation methods, qualitative and quantitative techniques for collecting data and methods of how to present data once it is collected. Particular focus on is placed on the Kirkpatrick and Phillips models of data collection.
Cultural Understanding and Security Management
This 10 page paper discusses the quote “A security manager can only be effective if he or she thoroughly understands the workplace culture within his or her organisation”. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
ICU Nursing Ratio Restructuring and Change Management
A 4 page paper evaluating the possibility of restructuring the ICU to gain one-on-one nursing, using Lewin’s change theory. All health care costs continue to increase despite managed care, regulatory insurer and individual efforts to halt the spiral. The ongoing nursing shortage has meant for ICUs that they may have fewer RNs available to them and that recruiting and retention has become more costly over the past several years. Though costs are of significant importance to ICUs, quality of care remains of central focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Employee Handbook Creation and Project Management
A 6 page paper. In this scenario, a consultant has been hired as project manager to prepare a manual for new personnel. The essay discusses assumptions made, then, lists content of the manual. Two other staff members are also assigned to the team, one who is responsible for gathering the needed documents and one who will design the layout for the manual. The writer identifies the critical path tasks and includes a Gantt chart. The writer then discusses contingencies and trade-offs. 1 Graphic illustration included. Tutorial notes included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn and Diversity Management
This 6 page paper looks at Robert E. Quinn's book called Deep Change and applies it to the concept of diversity management. Practical applications of Quinn's theories is the focus of this paper. No additional sources cited.
Management in the Future
A 4 page paper discussing the likely form of management in the future, including a discussion of the four functions of management. Success in the past has been attainable without the presence of true leadership, but achieving success without it in the future will continue to be less likely than in the past. Henry Ford’s century-old techniques are no longer viable. Today and in the future, Herb Kelleher and Jack Welch provide better models. Their companies have risen to leadership positions in their industries despite great opposition, and the rise was fueled by the superior leadership present in each. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Literature Review on Change, Environment, and Culture
This 6 page paper is a literature review on the subject of change, the environment and culture, looking at theorists including, but not limited to Michael Porter, Henry Mintzberg, Charles Handy, Nadler and Tushman, Lewin, Senge, French and Bell as well as Johnson and Scholes. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Management Defined
A 16 page paper. Definitions of management are offered and contemporary models of management are explained. This is followed by a discussion of the four categories of management functions and the skills needed for effective management practices. Organization design is explained in terms of the mechanistic and organic perspectives, which are also compared in terms of the characteristics of each and the management style that is more often practiced in each type of organizational design. The impact of information technology is explained and discussed as are the major categories of employee motivation strategies. The paper ends with a discussion of the content. While most of the content is applicable to management in general, specific data and discussions focus on business practices in New Zealand, for example, statistical data on the proportion of firms using information technology. Data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 28 sources.
Overview of UK's Shepherd Construction
This 5-page paper provides a SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) on Shepherd Construction in the UK. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Promise of Mediation by Bush and Folger
This 11 page paper compares and contrasts two different forms of mediation--negotiation and transformative mediation--with the use of the book The Promise of Mediation. Authors argue that transformative mediation is superior to other forms. No additional sources cited.
Societal Marketing and Green Marketing
A 14 page paper. For the last three decades there have been intermittent attempts at marketing campaigns that emphasize the environmental safety of products. Concern for the environment has become a common and popular theme among consumers in many regions of this world. This essay explains green marketing, the principles of green marketing, the past failures of green marketing and the different segments of green consumers. The second part of the essay discusses societal marketing, the principles of societal marketing, the movement towards sustainability and the concept of the triple bottom line, and Kotler's five societal marketing concepts for which companies should be responsible. The writer also comments on the reasons consumers became cynical about marketing campaigns promoting environmentally-safe products. Survey data are included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Women Influenced by Shopping Malls
This 5 page paper looks at how malls influence women to purchase items. Fashion is discussed and the cosmetics counter is also probed as well. Ideas about how the mall is different from ordinary stores and how the mannequin and all the other things in the setting do influence women and how they approach fashion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Suitable Models of Strategic Management
The seven-page paper analyzes the assertion that strategic management theories/models tend to be relevant only two firms that are over certain size or in certain industries. The topic outlines one or two of such models, and presents a case study supporting the assertion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Management, Organizational Structure, and National Culture
A 14 page paper. The essay begins by defining national culture and corporate culture and how national culture influences business culture. The writer then explains the different factors that influence the national culture, such as language, class stratification, emphasis on group or individual. Hofstede's four dimensions of culture are described and used as the benchmark for determining the national culture in the U.K. and the U.S. The writer uses two companies to illustrate the relationships between and among national culture, organizational culture and management styles. The companies used are Dyson Appliance from the UK and Apple Computer from the US. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Manufacturing and TQM
This 7-page paper discusses TQM in the context of a plan for a fictitious manufacturing company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Examination of Earned Value Management System
This 10-page paper offers a discussion about the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) and its effectiveness for project managers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Analyzing Martha Stewart Everyday Colors® Advertisement
A 6 page paper analyzing a full-page advertisement appearing in the August-September, 2003 issue of Budget Living magazine. The advertisement is for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia’s line of Martha Stewart brand paint colors. The paper assesses the advertisement for appropriateness for the audience and effectiveness in its message, concluding that it meets both conditions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Twenty First Century Directions for Human Resources Management
A 3 page paper discussing some of the trends of today that promise to become commonplace in the future. HR of the future likely can be expected to look much like that of today, for the issues discussed here – diversity, participatory management, flexibility, recruiting and others – are likely to persist for some time. The ultimate goal will be to build a high-performance workforce that can change along with the needs of the business. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Human Resource Management Changes and the Reinvention of General Motors
A 4 page paper discussing how General Motors might set about reinventing itself through its Human Resource function. The paper uses GM’s Saturn division as an example of what GM could expect to accomplish. Today it has a similar opportunity to reinvent itself, using the same concepts it experimented with in its creation of its Saturn division. Greater worker autonomy, greater transparency on the part of GM’s management and cooperation from GM’s unions all can combine to create an effective and dynamic environment in which employees are encouraged to be full contributors to and partners in the company’s purposes. GM already has accomplished this once, and recently. If it would, it could apply the lessons learned through Saturn to the whole of the GM organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Jonathan Ellis and Rene Tissen's The Seven Deadly Sins of Management
A 3 page paper which examines and
critiques “The Seven Deadly Sins of Management” by Jonathan Ellis and Rene Tissen.
Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Article Review on the Trends in Sales Management
A 3 page paper that provides a synopsis of an article entitled "Watch this channel" by Erika Rasmusson. This article focuses on information technology and the evolution of Online Marketplaces as a new distribution channel. Vertical and horizontal marketplaces are explained with examples. Certain opinions in this article are supported in articles by other authors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Literature Review of Global Brands' Localization and Technology
This 10-page paper provides a literature review to determine how and if technology does help localization of global brands. The paper also points out pros and cons to globalizaion versus local marketing activities. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Bolman and Deal's Theories as they relate to School Systems
This is a 10 page paper discussing the primary management practices within the school system in the context of Bolman and Deal’s four organizational frames. Bolman and Deal’s text “Reframing Organizations” (2003) deals with the concepts of frames within the workplace which employs the “usable knowledge” available from a management perspective and also addresses the failures within organizations “due to lack of imagination”. Organizations are broken into the four conceptual “frames” of structural, human resources, political and symbolic which account for the various aspects of planning, staffing, organizing, directing and controlling within any organization. The management functions within school systems can also work within these frames as they include all of the same vital components which must be managed and maintained as within corporations.
A study published by Souchet (2001) is used to show the management practices within the school system in regards to the role of a principal within a small urban setting in the Mid-Western United States. The school principal within the school setting is “also known as the middle manager and the site administrator” in organizational terms and is considered as the major managerial influence within the school as he or she must determine “whether the education is effective or ineffective, whether morale is high or low, whether the school climate is positive or negative; whether personnel are satisfied or dissatisfied; whether students achieve or don’t achieve; whether parents and the public are cooperative or uncooperative; and whether there is effective or ineffective management and leadership”.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
History and Uses of TQM
A 4 pageoverview of the evolution of this management style. The author notesthe key players in the development of TQM and emphasizes it has evolvedover time to emphasize the human element of the industrial elements ofour business world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Employee Benefits Package Sample
This 8 page paper offers a sample benefits package for management and non-management employees. The writer also comments on the reasons for providing the benefit and why there is a difference in certain benefits between management/executive and non-management employees. Benefits included are health, dental, vision, paid days off, including maternity leave, family leave, new father leave, holidays, sick days, vacation days, child care, and different retirement benefits, including profit sharing and stock options. Research has shown that having a generous employee benefits package attracts talented people to work for the company and keeps them once hired. For instance, studies have shown companies can save as much or more than $75,000 per year when child care assistance is offered. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Public Health Advertising v. Direct to Consumer Advertising
A 9 page research paper that contrasts and compares US direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs with the European approach, which emphasizes public health education because the advertising of name brand drugs in the EU is prohibited. The writer concludes that these two forms of advertising are converging and that this evolution offers a positive benefit to public health. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Performance of Teams and Project Management
A 9 page paper. Projects fail more often then they succeed, which is why it is so important for the project manager to know how to establish a team and how to influence their performance. Project managers face any number of challenges, such as the cross-functional matrix team and the geographically-dispersed team. This essay discusses what is needed for projects to succeed, the skills and knowledge the manager needs to have, the most effective techniques to overcome the 'authority gap' and the strongest influencers to motivate team members. The essay also comments on the group and team development process and on motivation theories. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
A TQM Overview
This 4 page paper defines and examines TQM. TQM is compared with the traditional management model. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
eBusiness Strategy Establishment
A 1 page overview of a 9-slide PowerPoint presentation, “Determining e-Business Strategic Goals.” The entire effort highlights the need for sound management and explicit identification of where the organization wants to lead its e-business unit. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Diversity Practices and Google
This 5-page paper attempts to examine diversity practices at Google by examining this company's culture and studying Silicon Valley's attitudes toward diversity and inclusion programs in general. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Bear Gram and the Vermont Teddy Bear Co.
This 5 page paper examines Vermont Teddy Inc., founder of the Bear-Gram. The paper looks at the economic, political, legal, technological and socio-cultural influences and how the company had responded to these influences. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Human Resoiurce Management in Public Organizations
This 8 page paper considers how HRM manifests in public bodies. The similarities and differences with commercial entities are considered and then theories of public HRM are discussed, looking at issues such as traditional and out of fashion ideas of the need for stability and the support given to this from modern studies as well as the desire for innovation and change within this sector. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Effective Security Management Through Financial Management and Accounting Understanding
This 10 page paper considers how, by understanding accounting systems and management accounting practices, security can be improved. The paper defines security and then looks at the potential areas of weakness that require understanding, including internal and external security threats. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Mismanagement of Enron
This 4 page paper discusses the specific roles that Lay and Skilling had and how they were abused. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Effective Presentation Creation
This 14 page paper look at the different considerations that should be made when undertaking the creation of a presentation. This includes the different ways of creating meaning, the tools of presentation, including the use of PowerPoint, and the way in which information will be attended by those attending the presentation. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Performance Appraisals and Management
A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Performance Appraisals and Management
A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A Case Study of Hewlett Packard's European DeskJet Supply Chain
This 6 page case study is based on a case study included in Operations Management for Competitive Advantage by Chase, Jacobs and Aquilano. The essay describes the situation and the challenges and issues HP needed to address regarding the distribution of DeskJet printer models in Europe. The issue was to develop an inventory management model for this segment of HP's business. The model included the use of generic printer models with customization and localization performed at distribution centers in Europe. The essay then comments on the inventory control model of the student's place of employment, a restaurant. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Literature Review and Contemporary Business Sales Strategies
An eleven page literature review relating to sales and marketing strategies in the modern business environment, with particular reference to the impact of Internet and Web technology, and the changes in marketing which have been brought about by the development of e-commerce. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
XML and Web Services Development
A twelve page paper which looks at the importance of XML in the development of web services, and the impact which web services have had on international trade and e-commerce, especially with regard to increased globalisation by Australian corporations. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and Risk Assessment
A paper which looks in detail at the Risk assessment and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, with particular reference to the concepts of "sufficient" and "suitable" as used in the Regulations, and the way that these have been interpreted in recent case law. Bibliography lists 25 sources
Collaborative Communities by Twombly and Shuman
This 6-page paper is based on the book "Collaborative Communities," and discusses examples of companies/choreographers that have created such communities, and why they are, in theory, win-win situations for customers, suppliers and companies.
Student Submitted Case Study on Personality Types and Team Assessment
This 4 page paper uses a case study submitted by a student. The case involves four team members and their Jungian personality types. The team is evaluated and the roles of each of the members are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Seventh Edition of International Marketing
A 14 page paper listing the main points of an international marketing text that has become a standard. The paper provides some information about the authors and some notes about the organization of the book before listing the main points of its 20 chapters. An accompanying PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Management and Change According to Henry Mintzberg
: A 3 page research paper that examines the what Mintzberg meant in his 1973 study that characterized managerial work by brevity, fragmentation and variety and also whether or not this observation holds true for today. The writer argues that it does. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Loblaw's Human Resources Management
A 6 page paper outlining the recruitment and selection process for a Human Resources Manager at Canada’s largest food distributor. The paper reviews the entire process of recruiting and hiring an HR manager, beginning with writing the job description to taking the selected candidate into the organization and through orientation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Greatest Efficiency Management Model Selection
This 3 page paper examines MBO, TQM and Covey's Seven Habits and chooses amongst them to resolve a problem in the business world. Production is the problem that needs to be solved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Evaluating Work Teams
This 7 page paper uses a case study as a springboard for discussion. The case study is evaluated in respect to the use of work teams. Literature is used to relay theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Retail and Supply Chain Management
This 10 page paper examines the role of the supply chain in retailing business, especially in convenience G-stores. The paper looks at the objectives and the management of the performance of the supply chain and also the developed supply chain concepts concept such as ECR, VMI, CMI, cross-docking and the value chain. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
'Uniforms in the Closet' by Jennifer Egan
A paper which considers the importance of informal groups in policy development and service delivery in public management, with specific reference to Jennifer Egan's study of gays in the military. Bibliography lists 1 source.
An Original UK Business Startup Plan
This 9 page paper is an original business plan for starting up a business, looking at company mission, strategy, planning including financial planning, required resources and key issues. The business chosen is that of an independent financial adviser company. The paper includes an examination of the past present and future market for this sector in the UK. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Travel Agency Business Plan Start Up
This 11 page paper sets out a business plan for setting up a new travel agency business in the UK. The plan includes company name and mission statement, strategy, considerations of the current competitive environments, including market trends and current major competitors. The paper then gives projection including a three-year cash flow statement and three year balance sheet statement. The bibliography cites 1 source.
A look at Hershey Foods
A 5 page paper with an accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation. The paper discusses Hershey’s position in its industry, specifically by means of Porter’s Five Forces analysis and a SWOT analysis. A table compares 2003 performance of Hershey to that of its leading competitors (Cadbury-Schweppes, Mars Corp. and Nestlé) and its industry. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Corporate Expansion from India to China
An 18 page paper discussing options available to an Indian company seeking to enter China. Delhi Manufacturing is a small manufacturing company in India with no international operations, and is planning to enter China as part of its stated strategic plan. Outlined here are several alternatives available to the company in terms of entering China and becoming an employer of choice within the local culture. Included are examples of best practices of other companies that have gone before, as well as explanation of rationale underlying recommendations for how Delhi Manufacturing should proceed with entry into China. All recommendations are from the Human Resources (HR) perspective; and all are designed to increase the company’s standing in the local and regional community in which it operates. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership
A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership
A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Project Management and Aspects of Behavior
A 4 page paper discussing a situation in which the project manager has abandoned the project, which is behind schedule and over budget. Several key team members have quit, and those who remain are focusing on whether they will have to fill in for the departed ones, rather than focusing on completing the task at hand. The paper answers several questions, all of which address the matter of communication and cooperation in some manner. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Health Risks and Managing Crises
This 13 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. The first part the paper uses figures supplied to investigate the causes of illness in a workforce following a works barbeque. A link between illness and age is considered using a chi squared test. Then the different foods are examined to identify the source of the problem, demonstrating how correlation may not indicate causation. The second part of the paper looks at an ongoing situation where it appears there is a serious health risk to employees causing heart attacks. The paper outlines the steps that should be taken to investigate this risk and protect the employees.
An HR's Decision to Insource or Outsource at An Auto Dealership
A 6 page paper weighing the question of whether a 70-employee auto dealership should institute an in-house HR department. The paper assesses available options and the shift of HR focus over the years to conclude that yes, the company should implement a new strategic HR function in-house rather than outsourcing mere recordkeeping outside company. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Statistics Questions and a Dissertation Plan
This 12 page paper is written in two parts. The first part is a proposal for a dissertation or project examining how implementation of e-Commerce for Singapore Stockbroking Firms could take place. The proposal includes a literature review and a methodology as well as an outline of why this is a valuable subject. The second part of the paper answers specific questions regarding the use of statistics and statistical testing methods. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Impact of Audits on Accident Rates in Hong Kong/A Research Proposal
This 15 page paper gives an in-depth research proposal to examine the hypothesis that accident rates will drop in the Hong Kong construction industry is health and safety audits are made compulsory. The paper looks at the background and shows why this research is important in terms of human and economic cost. The paper then considers methodology and gives an example questionnaire, discussing how it can be analyzed to assess the hypothesis. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Leadership Study Literature Review
A 20 page literature review that is designed to be used with a study on leadership that employs the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), developed by Kouzes and Posner in the late 1980s. While this review of pertinent literature does not solely address studies that have employed the LPI, this point is occasionally stressed, as this is the study instrument to be employed by the student researching this topic. In the following literature review, research studies are examined in which leadership was addressed in reference to gender, age, ethnicity and education. Bibliography lists 32 sources.
1997 to 2004 Pueblo, Colorado Steel Workers Strike and Settlement
This 4 page paper examines the strike that began in 1997 and the final resolution that occurred in 2004. Details are provided. The issue of forced overtime looms large. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
4 Management Principles
This 4-page paper focuses on management and its four principles of leadership, planning, organization and control of organization for successful business planning. Bibliography lists 1 source.
General Overview of Knowledge Management
This 15 page paper examines the rise of knowledge management; KM. Written in 5 parts the first part considers why this rise has taken place, the paper then considers the potential problems encountered in implementing an intranet into an organization, the existent to which social capital facilitate the creation of knowledge in organizations, Nonaka and Takeuchi’s four means of Knowledge creation and the defining characteristics of knowledge workers. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
New Hospital Case Management System Project Management Case Study
A 5 page paper. A hospital is installing a new case management system. This essay presents a budget, a detailed time-phased budget, an explanation of costs, including the calculation of indirect costs. 2 Illustrations included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Organizations and Conflict Management
A 5 page paper that describes different types of conflict styles and reports a protocol for dealing with conflict. The writer comments on how to persuade management to adopt a conflict management approach. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
American Leadership as Personified by Steve Jobs and Virginia Henderson
A 5 page research paper that profiles 2 American leaders: Steve Jobs of Apple Computers and nursing theorist and innovator Virginia Henderson. The writer offers a profile of each leader and argues that these two individuals exemplify leadership qualities. Henderson's work changed the entire perspective of modern day nursing, making it more patient-oriented and humanistic. Jobs' missionary zeal towards computing has broadened the horizons of human knowledge by bringing computers into the home and making them "user-friendly" so that even children can access the Internet's broad knowledge base. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Research Proposal on Safety and Health
This 15 page paper proposes a health and safety research project to look at the tools of assessment and how suitable they are to measure unseen risk, such as air quality. The paper gives a justification of the study, the aims and methods, a time table and a literature review examines models that may be used and the risks of poor air quality. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Research Proposal for Small Business Diversity Planning
This 30 page paper provides an overview of a proposal and the final research study on diversity planning. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Performance Management and Incentive Plan Design
This 10 page paper considers the development of a performance management and incentive plan for the field and corporate staff of a fictitious company. The plan has to balance team based and individual based rewards, to determine when there should be the use of cash and non cash incentives and show how this can be communicated and administered without adding to the overheads. The plan looks at a targeted profit share system as well team and individual assessment that are linked to wages or salary as well as non financial rewards such as recognition and attending events. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
United Parcel Service Strike of 1997
This 10 page paper discusses the UPS strike in August 1997. The writer discusses the issues, the strategy used by the union, the outcome, the lessons gained from this strike and why the American public supported this strike. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Ryanair Future Strategy Determination
This 19 page paper is a dissertation proposal to examine the position of the Irish low cost airline Ryanair and to develop a future strategy for the way it can increase market share and revenue in the long term. The paper gives an introduction, outlines the problem, presents a literature overview and a methodology followed by an annotated bibliography. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Doctor's Office and Scheduling Streamlining
This 4 page paper discusses ways in which one doctor has used operations scheduling to streamline his office operations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
English Law and Directors' Duties
In March 1998, the DTI launched a long-term fundamental review of core company law. As part of their inquiry the Review carried out a major analysis of the role and function of directors. The Government believes that the statutory statement of directors' general duties is of fundamental importance as it codifies the principal duties of companies directors. This 11 page paper discusses this statement with reference to decided UK cases, legislation and academic views and briefly describe the background to the Company Law Reform Bill. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Issues of Service Quality and the Marketing of Transportation Services
This 4 page paper examines the issue of marketing and quality measurement in the transportation services, such as airlines, train and ship companies. The paper looks at how marketing may face different challenges, how they have been overcome and the way that quality measurement may be used to enhance marketing. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
RyanAir Strategy Measurements Paper
This 12 page paper accompanies a proposal to assess future strategies for the Irish low cost carrier RyanAir. This paper looks at the way in which past research has been undertaken including elements such as moderating, extraneous and confounding variables. The paper consider show this research has been conducted and the results measured and how it may be applied with the primary research. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Avian Flu and its Effects on Business
A 3 page overview of the varied impacts to business
that an Avian Flu epidemic would result in both domestically and for the world as a whole. The author emphasizes both the direct and indirect impacts of such an epidemic. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Research Proposal on Cost Accounting
A 4 page research proposal seeking to identify both financial and nonfinancial performance measures that can benefit a new company and its parent in several respects. The first will be to assess the new company's progress on a historical basis; another will be to assess nonfinancial measures that positively affect future financial results. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
eCommerce Systems Development Plan
This 25 page paper looks at how a company can plan for the introduction of an e-commerce system. Using an example company that already has a marketing presence on the internet the paper consider how the current resources and future goals of the company should be used to develop a e-commerce strategy and develop a suitable system. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Virtual Prototyping and Virtual EngineeringTechnology in Manufacturing
This 4 page paper reviews two articles concerning the use of technology in manufacturing. The articles look at virtual engineering and the use of virtual prototypes. The main points of the paper are summarized and the writer states why the articles are interesting. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Research Proposal in Cost Accounting Presented
A 4 page research proposal seeking to identify both financial and nonfinancial performance measures that can benefit a new company and its parent in several respects. The paper recommends maintaining basic financial measures including revenues, costs, cash flow, net income or loss, current assets, current liabilities and inventory on hand. Necessary for use in daily operations, they also are necessary for determining additional measures including current ratio, profit margin, return on assets and return on equity. Customer satisfaction is the most important nonfinancial measure. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Global Trade and the Effects of Outsourcing
This 17 page paper examines the potential and real impact of outsourcing on international trade. The paper looks at a range of theories that indicate why outsourcing might change international trade patterns, increasing direct trade and supporting unrelated trade, increasing demand and developing or enhancing trading partner relationships. The bibliography cites 30 sources.
Doctor of Business Administration Research Proposal Outline
A 3 page outline of a research proposal for a DBA (doctor of business administration) program. The outline provides a full introduction and outline headings addressing financial constraints, building the business case and proposed research questions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
German Retail Industry Case and General Application of Business Ethics
This 16 page paper is written in three parts. The first part of the paper asks what the term business ethics means and explores this with a definition and a philosophical approach to ethics in business. The second part of the paper considers how ethics can be seen in the German Retail industry, using examples to support points raised. The last part of the paper considers whether or not the German government should intervene to enforce ethics in the German market. This section includes the comparison of the German market with two models of corporate governance. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Business and Ethical Practices
A 5 page paper answering 3 questions. The first discusses how an individual applies ethical principles to business practice; the second discusses ethical possible ethical practices at a community college in Georgia. The last asks whether "business ethics" is an oxymoron; the answer is a decided no. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
2004 Annual Report of Cooper Tire and Rubber
A 3 page paper critiquing the online version of the 2004 annual report of this company. It may be that the company is quite forthcoming with financial information, but its annual report gives the impression that it is striving to avoid providing that information. It repeats narrative text to the detriment of provision of financial information. Whether it means to or not, the impression the reader gains from the electronic version of the 2004 annual report is that purchasing the company's stock may not be the best use of limited investment resources. If the appearance of hedging is not one the company intends, then it desperately needs to improve organization of its annual report for 2005. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Domino's Pizza, IS Investments, and Competition
This is a 3 page paper which examines the current use of IS in Domino's Pizza and how the restuarant chain can continue to maintin it's market share through the use of other technological advancements.
The bibliography has 2 sources.
PowerPoint Presentation on India's Manufacturing Industry
This 7 page paper develops the outline for a PowerPoint presentation on the state of the manufacturing industry in India, looking at its size, importance and competitiveness. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Business Plan for Cannondale Bicycle Company
This 4 page paper develops a plan for Cannondale, the bicycle company to increase net profits using a market penetration strategy. The paper outlines the goals, strategy and marketing tactics. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Masaaki Imai's Gemba Kaizen A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management
This 3 page paper reviews the book “Gemba Kaizen : A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management” by Masaaki Imai, considering the main message the implications for lean manufacturing and just in time management and the general approach which the book advocates. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Automotive Industry and Management Theory's Evolution
This 10 page paper examines the development of management theory using the automotive industry to illustrate how the changes have emerged and impacted on the commercial environment. The paper starts with the development of scientific management and its application at Ford, the influence of Alfred Sloan at General Motors and the changes seen as a result of the entrance of the Japanese car manufacturers into the automotive industry. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Juice Red Tomato Company Human Resources Investing Research Proposal
This 5 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal for investing in HR change at a company called Juicy Red Tomato (JRT). Bibliography lists 5 sources.
'Chucks' of Converse
A 4 page case study of Converse. Converse is a shoe company founded in 1908 in Massachusetts. In 1917, the company introduced a canvas, high-top shoe that it called the "All Star." In the 1920s, a semi-professional basketball player named Charles "Chuck" Taylor joined the Converse sales team and began aggressively marketing the shoe throughout the Midwest as he ideal shoe for recreation and sports. For the next four decades, "Chucks," as they became known, were the shoes to have, particularly on the basketball court. This case study of Converse and Chucks looks specifically at its branding strategy. No bibliography is offered.
Absentee Employee Reduction
A 5 page paper that begins with statistical data related to the incidence and costs of employee absenteeism. The writer discusses some of the causes of absenteeism and offers a few ideas for reducing the rate. The first three pages are the report, the last page is a speech about the report. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Leadership and the American Express Company
A 4 page research paper that discusses leadership at American Express in terms of leadership theory drawn from the latest literature. The writer argues that American Express International is a company that is following the new paradigm toward leadership, as this company's practice draws on the latest ideas in leadership theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Museum and Community Arts Center Governance and Effectiveness Enhancement
This is a 3 page paper which briefly discusses the purpose and nature of a Board of Directors, a strategic plan, and the leadership style and management techniques of an Executive Director.
The bibliography has 1 source.
Southwest Airlines Fortune 500 Company Analysis
This 6 page paper is an analysis of some of the operating strategies and characteristics of Southwest Airlines, which is #310 on the Fortune 500 list. Bibliography lists 8 sources
Literature Review on Empowerment and Leadership
21 pages in length. To define the concept of leadership is like trying to describe the myriad shades of white available in a painter's palette: There are so many similar yet unique components to this color that there can be no singular description. Instead, leadership is comprised of a vast and expansive cornucopia of adjectives and edicts and theories that serve to outline the way in which to be effective in a management position. While book knowledge is the foundation of most learning curves, application is something quite different, especially when it comes to possessing leadership qualities; providing a list of characteristics outlining an effective leader is one thing, however, to actually have someone successfully put them to use – as well as incorporate innate abilities to manage that often cannot be taught – is the true challenge. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
English Law, Corporate Identity, and the Doctrine of Separate Corporate Personality
This 7 page paper looks at the concept of the separate corporate identity under English law. The paper is written in two parts. The first part critically discusses the nature and significance of the doctrine of separate corporate personality and considers how it is applied. The second part of the paper assess the situations where the doctrine of separate corporate personality may not be applied with reference to case law and statutory examples. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Case Study of Evans Shampoo
This 6 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. Evans, a shampoo manufacturer is due to launch a children’s shampoo with fewer chemicals, but it currently can damage hair that is treated wit a particular type of hair dye, usually used by elderly women. A competing firm, Cacti, know about this flaw and are threatening to release this information to the market. They are also preparing a shampoo for the same market. It will take another two weeks of research and development to perfect the product. The paper answers a range of questions including a stakeholder analysis, the way the decisions may be made, the balance of power, ethical approaches and a potential decision on strategy for Evans.
Boeing Lean Manufacturing Possibility Evaluation
This 5 page paper evaluates the possibility of enhancing Boeing's customer service system. The concept of lean manufacturing is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Nonprofit Organizations
This 9 page paper provides an overview of the nonprofit with particularly attention to their goals and how they measure success. The bulk of the paper provides outline summaries of six organizations selected by a student. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Hersey's and the ERP System Implementation
This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper answers question regarding the problems and faults in the way Hersey’s designed and implemented an ERP system, which resulted in order delays and lost shelf space over the busiest candy selling time of year. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Business Intelligence Acquisition Approaches
A 12 page paper discussing approaches to acquiring business intelligence tools such as hardware and software, and then presenting proposed methods and anticipated results of a study seeking to determine whether organizations seek "best of breed" solutions or those that provide a "best fit" with existing infrastructure. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Marketing of Neptune's Gold Seafood
This 11 page paper is a marketing case study based in a case supplied by the student. Neptune Gourmet Seafood is a premium brand is seafood, selling at a good premium on the market. The company have invested and have increased supply beyond their premium market demand. The suggestion has been to start a lower priced mass market product but concerns exist for the impact this could have on the company’s existing brand and how it may devalue it directly or indirectly. The paper looks at the theory and the practice to consider how Neptune should respond and suggests a marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Kirham Instruments Product Development
A 6 page paper using Harvard Case 9-697-058 to assess the new product development process at Kirkham Industries. Kirkham supplies biochemical and biomedical researchers with specialized laboratory devices and equipment, and its management has determined that a centralized approach to management new product development would be beneficial. Results demonstrate that such centralization is counterproductive, however, and the paper recommends that Kirkham decentralize its product development efforts while still retaining management involvement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Eastman Kodak and the Digital Imaging Market
This 5 page paper looks at the case of Kodak and its’ late entry into the digital imaging. The paper considers how Eastman Kodak can best innovate in order to gain market share and increase profit. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Conflict Styles At Workplace
A 3 page paper that discusses conflict management styles, which styles exist in the writer's workplace and which style the writer prefers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Conflict At Work - Case Study
A 4 page paper that describes a hypothetical conflict in the workplace and discusses the conflict management approaches each party used. Recommendations are given. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
MedSource Case Study
This 4 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student and answers four questions. These look at why OEM medical device companies contract out work, the strengths and weaknesses of the firm, the differences between two similar firms and the way a meeting discussing an over run on time should be handled.
Canyon Ranch Case Study
This 3 page paper looks at the case of Canyon Ranch. The issue of whether or not a CRM (customer relationship management) system should be adopted is discussed as well as how it may help, the potential strategy and infrastructure and the potential for CRM to be a sustainable strategic tool. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Retail Automotive Industry
This 3 page paper begins by reporting the importance of this industry to the national economy. The essay reports sales increases and increases of major brands and models and which types of automobiles are selling best. The writer comments on the major American manufacturers and how this industry needs to change. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Issues Concerning Leadership
In this 5 page paper, the author discusses and comments on: transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, management versus leadership, servant leadership, formal and informal authority, ethical decision making and a personal theory of leadership. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Security and Secrecy Issues Following the Cases of Wen Ho Lee and Robert Hanssen
This 10 page paper considers a range of security and secrecy issues following the cases of Robert Hanssen and Wen Ho Lee, in the light of the Webster Report. The paper discusses what policies and practices can be put into place to protect security, why securely breaches have taken place with specific attention to government organizations, the problem of balancing privacy and confidentiality issues with investigating espionage, the problems of data security and role of digital forensics and evidence standards and the short falls of many systems. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Value-Based Management in the Financial Services Industry
A 10 page paper discussing the interest that a financial institution is likely to have in value-based management and value chain assessment for decision-making purposes. Value-based management rests on the concept of the value chain, consisting of the inbound logistics; operations; outbound logistics; marketing and sales; and service (The Value Chain, 2005) activities of the organization. Financial services organizations must address all of these issues as well as the financial aspects of operations of businesses they are assessing for investment or financing services, or even for acquisition. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Root Production on Kava Island
A 3 page paper providing the text contents of an available PowerPoint® presentation addressing establishing commercial production of kava root extract on Kava Island, a "virtual" island in the South Pacific. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Root Production on Kava Island
A 3 page paper providing the text contents of an available PowerPoint® presentation addressing establishing commercial production of kava root extract on Kava Island, a "virtual" island in the South Pacific. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Lester Electronics Case
This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The writer summarizes the position of four companies in the case study, two companies that have been trading with each other and two that are trying to acquire them. The concepts that the case demonstrates are then outlined. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Amazon's Frontiers
A 7 page paper assessing some of the areas that traveled through before becoming profitable. Preceding Amazon's arrival at profitability was a metamorphosis almost as complete as that which takes the caterpillar to the form of butterfly. Along the way the company developed a business model that serves it and its customers well. Three of the areas that Amazon has had to navigate are those of technology, the "chasm" of customer acceptance and its own evolution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Global Workplace
This 5 page paper discusses whether or not the global workplace can be a solution to social conflict, and if so, how.
Sustainable Development; The Influence of the United Nations
This 9 page paper looks at the contribution of the United Nations (UN) towards the development of the idea of ‘sustainable business practices’, evaluates the United Nations political influence and examines the different geographical and political agendas which have contributed towards the concept of sustainable development from this institution. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Training Program For McDonald's Franchisees
This 7 page paper is an analysis of a group project provided by the student. This essay discuses the organization, purpose of training and participants; the effectiveness of the training program; challenges the team faced during the project; interpersonal relationships of the team members; the effectiveness of the project as a learning experience and what could be done differently. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Managing Working Capital
A 6 page paper discussing the need to limit working capital. At first glance, increasing working capital over time would seem to be advantageous for the organization. While the company needs to seek to increase revenues over time, increasing the amount of working capital available to it is not always in its best interests. The financial manager needs to know how to allocate capital, including limiting the amount of working capital that the company carries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Rock Of Ages Value Chain = Case Study
A 3 page paper based on a student-supplied case study. The essay provides a summary of management issues facing this company and recommendations for management actions. In the case, the company's manufacturing division is not performing up to expectations. This is a granite company with quarries and manufacturing facilities; the company also sells its own products. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Courting the Customer at Best Buy
A 6 page paper based on a case discussing Best Buy's experiments in customer centricity and how to move the successful experiment to all of the company's 822 stores. The recommended alternative is phased implementation, beginning with the most important features. After customer centricity has been in place for some time, per-store revenues are likely to be greater by the time to begin the more visible phase of the shift. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Funding Requests
A 3 page paper comparing the competitive grant, action research proposal and business plan. Each asks an individual or organization for financial underwriting, but each has different goals and points of focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Leadership at Gene One
A 5 page paper providing a leadership concepts worksheet and discussion of corporate culture. Gene One's senior management has decided to pursue a strategy that will result in the company's IPO within three years. Not all of its management personnel are in agreement, and the CEO has had to insist that everyone work in the same direction, and work as a team. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Improving Ethics In Finance And Corporate Governance
A 5 page paper that begins with comments about how ethics emerged in the first place. The essay discusses the importance of ethics and comments on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and how this can be used to improve ethics in the company. An example of how one company changed its procedures to become more ethical is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Arbitration Dispute Resolution - Case Study
A 3 page paper based on a scenario provided by the student. The employee in this case was fired based on a binding arbitration clause in the employee handbook. The essay points out the discrepancies between the handbook and the document the employee signed. This employee is also covered under the ADA. Court cases are used as examples in the writer's analysis of this case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Strategy for Emirates Airline
A 25 page paper discussing Emirates Airline growth and strategy for the future. In 2004, Emirates Air's CEO Maurice Flanagan stated that the airline's order for 90 new, luxury aircraft to be delivered over a period of time extending to 2012 likely would not be sufficient for the airline to meet the demand that its management intended to create by that time. The astounding statement proved to be prophetic. The paper discusses internal and external environments and makes recommendations for the future. Bibliography lists 35 sources.
Change Considerations at Good Sport
A 21 page paper discussing Good Sport's culture and structure; power structures and politics; managing resistance to change; and leadership style and conflict management. The conclusion provides recommendation for managing change and conflict at Good Sport. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
The Power of Incentives
This 4 page paper examines three different incentive plans that an HR department might want to create. Various incentives such as contests, company sports, raises and promotions are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Small Business And Entrepreneurship: Values, Ethics And Social Responsibility
4 pages in length. To understand the broad scope of challenges that face small business owners is to realize the fundamental components associated with entrepreneurship. Indeed, the extent to which such industrialists must abide by certain standards of operation in order to be successful is both grand and far-reaching; that small business preparation and performance represent a mixture of concepts and real world issues speaks to the way in which owners incorporate various tenets that work best for their specific small businesses. However, there is one area Joyner (2002) discusses whereby all small business must comply if the owner expects it to thrive: values, ethics and social responsibility. No additional sources cited.
JetBlue Case Study
This 42 page paper examines the airline JetBlue in the context of the US airline industry. After an introduction the paper discusses the condition of the airline industry, the profitability of the industry and uses a pest analysis to examine the macro environment. The strategies of JetBlue are then examined at firm, business and operational levels and compared to strategies of competitors. With an understanding of the industry and the firm the writer goes on to suggest potential future strategies. Each of the suggested strategies is analysed and recommendations made for viable future strategies and how they may be implemented. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
The Bead Bar Network
This 6 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student; Bead Bar, to assess the outline of a potential network structure. The paper considers the background of the company, the use of the network, topology and architecture and the inherent advantages and disadvantages in the choices made. The recommendations made included a distributed network and a client/server architecture. The bibliography cites resources.
Starbucks Case Study
This 6 page paper considers the case Starbucks. The paper answers for questions posed by the student. The first looks at the controllable and not controllable element is the companies faced while entering a global market. The second question considers the sources risk faced by the company, the third critiques of Starbucks overall corporate strategy and the last question discusses the way Starbucks could improve profitability in Japan. The bibliography cites two sources.
A Recruitment Problems Case Study
This 4 page paper considers a case presented by the student. The company is due to start 15 new recruits, but is facing problems. With less than two weeks before the new employees are due to start it is noticed that some applications are not complete, that transcripts are missing, that none of the candidates have been sent for mandatory drug screening, as well as a company having a shortage of training manuals and the training room been double booked. The paper discusses the way this may be dealt with and the way protocol may be introduced to prevent the same situation reoccurring. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Negotiation
This 5 page paper explains how conflict resolution, mediation and negotiation are related, and how cooperation, strategy and the conflict/negotiation style impact the conflict resolution process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
How To Maintain Intercontinental Hong Kong As The Market Leader In The Hospitality Industry
This 40 page paper, including executive summary, examines the way in which the Intercontinental hotel in Hong Kong may retain its position as the market leader in hospitality industry. After a brief introduction the paper examines the position of the hospitality industry in Hong Kong and then looks at the competition faced by Intercontinental. A SWOT analysis is used to analyse the position of the hotel internally and within a broader environment. Following the analysis innovative plans are presented that will help the hotel remain as an industry leader. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Motorola's Quest to Regain Market Share in China
A 6 page paper discussing Motorola's history in China and its loss of wireless handset market share in the early 2000s. The paper recommends that the company focus on long-term profitability, in the form of working to increase market share now and then preserving the market share it is able to gain. In no event should the company allow competitive pressures to force it to market with an inferior product as it did in the US with the low-end Razr. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Operations Management and the Fast Food Industry
This 7 page paper looks at operations management and considers operational difficulties faced by the fast food industry and looks at the way operations management may be used to help resolve some of these difficulties. The potential benefits, as well as limitations, are discussed by considering the way in which the industry embodies many characteristics of a service industry. The bibliography cites resources.
Organisational Behaviour
The Influence of Attitudes, Values, Ethics, Personalities and Cultural Differences on This 6 page paper looks at the way in which factors such as attitudes values and ethics personalities and culture can influence organisational behaviour. The discussion includes theories from Schein and Hofstede. The bibliography cites eight sources.
JKA Case Study
This 8 page paper answers questions based on a case study provided by the student. JKA is a commercial programming consultancy firm that has expanded into other areas including dispute resolution. The case answers questions concerning the marketing of the company; how brandy should take place and the value of CRM, management of the company; the organisation and communication within the company, and accounting; the impact of opening an office in Dubai on the ratio analysis and cash-flow statements. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Implementation of CRM at Verizon
This 10 page paper discusses the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) at Verizon. The paper looks at how and why the project was initiated, how it was planned, the identification of business needs, the design of the system and the result of the CRM implementation. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
CrysTel; A Case Study in Organizational Change
This 16 page paper looks at the way in which change may be introduced into an organization. Using a case study supplied by the student and the writer discusses suitable models of change which may be used to create a culture that will accept ongoing changes, the problems which may be faced when implementing change, the way in which resistance could be overcome, suitable leadership styles and ends by considering challenges the organization may have to deal with in the future. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Outsourcing by Major American Companies (A Literature Review)
This 5 page paper examines a variety of journal articles related to outsourcing. American companies are the focus of attention. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Information Management
The 16 page paper is written in five sections and looks at the subject of information management. The first section considers the way in which the management of information has changed in recent years and the way it has developed into knowledge management. The second section discusses the way that information flows through a company and the way that it is managed to create useful knowledge. The third section discusses the practical management of information including its collection and storage and what can go wrong with the process. Before section discusses the way that information systems can help companies effectively meet strategic and operational objectives. The last section discusses some of the potential challenges that information management will face in the future. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Business Plan to Open a Chain of Fruit Juice Cafes
This 14 page paper presents a business plan for the start-up of a new (fictitious) business selling fruit juices, fruit juice cocktails and smoothies. The plan proposes the opening of a chain of outlets with expansion using a franchise model from year three onwards. The plan includes information under growth and financial objectives, legal structure and ownership, finance, organisational structure, stockholders, marketing plan including customer and competitor analysis. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses the roles of leadership and management when it comes to strategic change.
Diversity at Cingular
This 12 page paper looks at the diversity at Cingular. Carrying out a limited diversity audit the paper looks at the level of diversity and the underlying policies and strategies that have brought the company to this position. The paper goes on to assess how the already good position could be improved. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
SunPower Case; Considering FDI in Brazil and UAE
This 3 page paper answers questions set by the student concerning foreign direct investment. This includes defining FDI and looking at vertical and horizontal FDI, the levels of FDI in Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, and questions that the firm may want to ask regarding FDI patterns before determining international expansion plans. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Leadership in Healthcare
A 4 page paper discussing effective leadership in healthcare. The paper discusses leader-member exchange as an appropriate leadership theory for healthcare, as well as the use of power in leadership. The paper identifies informal, positive power as being most effective in professional healthcare settings. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Lexington Diabetes Center Marketing Plan
A 22 page paper containing slide contents and speaker notes for a 26-slide PowerPoint marketing plan for a diabetes educational center in Lexington, Kentucky. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
The Case of 'On the Go'; HRM in a Fast Food Restaurant
This 14 page paper looks at the case of a fast food company that is having human resource problems following the departure of a long term manager and new people taking over. The paper identifies the issues and then discusses a number of theories that may be used to help assess the causes of the problems and identify potential solutions. The paper is based on a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 30 sources.
Conflict Management - Hypothetical Case Study
A 7 page paper that begins with a scenario of a conflict in a hypothetical work team. This is a situation where there are negative behaviors and underlying tension and conflict rather than a two-sided or other type of conflict. The paper draws on the ideas of Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith's book, Resolving Conflicts at Work. The writer also comments on different approaches to conflict management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Conflict Management - Hypothetical Case Study
A 7 page paper that begins with a scenario of a conflict in a hypothetical work team. This is a situation where there are negative behaviors and underlying tension and conflict rather than a two-sided or other type of conflict. The paper draws on the ideas of Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith's book, Resolving Conflicts at Work. The writer also comments on different approaches to conflict management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Case Study on Mary Kay
This 6 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student; Mary Kay Cosmetics. The remuneration of the agents is considered, looking at the main components and motivators, the profile of the agents and the way that the package may be changed to provide ongoing motivation while cutting the costs of the current program that provides cars for the top achievers. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Diversity Audit; The Bank of America
This 12 page paper looks at the Bank of America and conducts a brief diversity audit on the human resource practices. The paper starts with some background regarding the bank and then considers the most appropriate approach the research. The audit is conducted using data already in the public domain and the paper ends with a recommendation. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
This 4-page paper examines the video game console industry, its major players and its strategies (both development and marketing).
Why is Talent Management Increasing in Popularity?
This 16 page paper looks at the rise in interest in talent management. After defining what is meant by talent management the reasons that explain this increase are examined along with the methods and approaches to talent management that can be adopted, including the recruitment and training approaches. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Business Psychology; Team Work For Effective Organizations
This 5 page paper looks at theories concerning the way that individuals will interact and develop into teams, including the influences on their behavior and perceptions with a team environment. The paper looks at theories including those of Jung, Belbin, Le Bon and systems theory. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Overview of Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
In 12 pages this comprehensive overview on gas arc metal welding (also known as MIG welding) includes definitions of the process, history, equipment, procedures, advantages and disadvantages, problems and solutions, helpful hints, recent developments, and the future of GMAW is also considered with an examination of the merits of tandem GMAW. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
Reallocating Marketing Budgets
A 5 page paper that introduces the topic by commenting on marketing changes when television became popular. The essay comments on Internet marketing and corporate sponsorship of different events with examples. The last part of the paper focuses on sponsorship marketing in Singapore. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A Research Project To Determine The Best Way Of Increasing Customer Loyalty At Scandinavian Airways Systems (SAS)
This 79 page paper is a dissertation style paper undertaking research to look at how the Scandinavian airline SAS can improve customer loyalty and the potential of using customer relationship management (CRM) to achieve increased loyalty. The paper looks at the development of the company, how they compete and the current loyalty system that is in place followed by an in-depth literature review concerning customer loyalty and CRM. A methodology is offered and simulated primary research results are presented before a conclusion is reached that recommends the adoption of a CRM system. The bibliography cites 54 sources.
Responsibility Accounting Applied to Coca-Cola
A 3 page paper discussing the benefits and uses of responsibility accounting. The antidote to micromanaging is delegation, but with that delegation arises the need for managers delegated to, to be accountable for their decisions. Responsibility accounting fills that need and is practiced at many companies, including Coca-Cola. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Motivational Needs of Employee during Times of Organizational Change
This 10 page paper looks at the motivation needs of employees at times of change. Change can result in a number of different actions and reactions, which require different considerations compared to the motivation of employees in ongoing operations. The positive and negative issues are considered along with the ability of line managers to deal with these issues. The bibliography cites 30 sources.
Marketing the Harley Hydrogen Cycle
A 7 page paper creating a product and a marketing plan for the VROD-H, a hydrogen-cell Harley-Davidson motorcycle based on its 1130 cc motor developed for the VROD series. EPA and California emissions requirements for motorcycles become much more stringent in 2008 and again in 2010; the product will be marketed first in California because of that state's existing and still-developing "hydrogen highway." Bibliography lists 4 sources.
10 Drivers for the Development of Manufacturing Industries in Small Economies
This 3 page paper outlines 10 different drivers that will impact on the development of manufacturing industries in a small economy. Drivers considered include, income and disposable income, exchange rates, interest rates, liquidity in the credit markets, consumer confidence, employment levels, technology and supporting or complimentary industries. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Forecasting for On Your Mark
A 3 page paper discussing forecasting and budgeting at an apparel manufacturer. The result of the combination of an accurate forecast and a budget based on that forecast is function at optimum levels for the organization's success. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Performance Of HR Activities By Line Managers
Front line managers are taking on increasing levels of activities that for once performed by the human resource departments of companies. This 16 page paper looks at what type of activities nine managers are taking on, why there is a shift of HR activities to nine managers, and how companies can be sure that the line managers a suitably qualified to undertake these tasks. The paper reference to specific companies to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Kurt Lewin: Understanding How To Lead Change
9 pages in length. Heralded as having a "profound an impact on the theory and practice of social and organizational psychology" (Schein, 2006), Kurt Lewin instilled a fresh and effective perspective on organizational change that was long overdue. Schein's (2006) article provides a significantly better understanding of Lewin's (1999) contribution, how it was unprecedented for its time and why it still stands strong even now in the twenty-first century, especially with the way today's organizational presence is under a great deal of pressure to escape a shaky economy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 5-page paper provides a marketing strategy for a plasma television set. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Who Should Pay For The Infrastructure
A 5 page paper. The question is whether or not the government should pay for the infrastructure. The paper reports the condition of the infrastructure in the U.S. and how much it would cost to bring it up to standards. The writer reports and comments on the debate of who should pay for improvements as the population grows and also reports what some states have done to address the problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Wal-Mart in 2007
A 6 page paper discussing a case dated late 2007. A time of economic contraction is an excellent time for learning, applying lessons and building for the future and the better days ahead. Recommendation for Wal-Mart is that it focuses on the US market and seeks to learn all it can about changing economic conditions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Who Killed the Electric Car?
A 3 page paper which examines elements of the film Who Killed the Electric Car? Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Global and Multi-Country Strategies
This 4 page paper looks at three different products; a personal computer, a washing machine and an online MBA degree and discusses whether a multi-national company should adopt a global or a multi-country strategy for each of these products. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Music Industry Decision Making
A 4 page paper reviewing several decision-making tools and relating them to the international music market. The paper discusses the Pareto principle and decision tools of Paired Comparison analysis, Grid Analysis, PMI(Plus/Minus/Interesting), and Force Field Analysis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Managing Change; The Chemical Industry
This 12 page paper is a report looking at change and the considerations that should be made when it is implemented. The first part of the paper looks at changes which have occurred in the chemical industry in the since the 1990's, then issues concerning the way change may be resisted and managed are discussed, including potential types of change, potential reactions and strategies to overcome the barriers to change. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Stress And Change At Work
A 4 page paper that beings with general comments about change and stress in the workplace. The essay explains some of Selye's thoughts about stress and then discusses what stress is in the workplace and how people can deal with and manage stress. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Strategy, Leadership and Vision
A 5 page paper assessing the relationship between strategy, leadership and vision. As markets, technologies and external economic conditions continually change, there is frequent need for change within the organization. Strategy seeks to meet that change; leadership provides the vision for it. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Arctic Mining Consultants - Case Study
A 4 page paper that responds to certain questions and issues in this case. The paper provides a summary of the case, symptoms of the problem, the leadership style used, the motivation of the individuals, team dynamics, what should have been done and recommendations for future strategies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 7-page paper examines the ethics and stakeholders behind Therac-25, a device used to treat cancer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Human Resource Planning Process
This 8 page paper Describe the process of HR Planning in organizations, looking at the purpose and stages which are inherent within human resource planning. The paper then goes on to consider some of the challenges we faced HR specialists in the future, with specific attention to the practices, challenges and issues relevant to human resource planning in Ireland. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
To What Extent Can Decisions About Operations Really Be Strategic From The Firm's Point Of View?
This 3 page paper considers to what extent operations management, and decisions regarding operations management may be strategic. Examples of strategic operations management are considered along with the constraints that may be present, in order to determine the extent to which there is the potential for strategy in operations management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Friedman and Corporate Social Responsibility
Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman commented that "There is one and only one social responsibility of business to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say engages in free and open competition, without deception or fraud." This 3 page paper considers this view and discusses it in terms of corporate social responsibility and a firm's strategy. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Managing In An Inclusive Environment: Diversity
This 3 page paper considers the issues of creating and managing an inclusive environment in the context of managing diversity. The paper considers what an organization that values diversity needs to consider and address in order to manage and balance issues related to facets of diversity. The paper looks at an example of good diversity management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Sexual Harassment Case - Co-Workers
A 4 page paper. The scenario is that a male co-worker patted a woman's buttocks. The writer responds to specific issues: what is sexual harassment, what the writer would do if the women in the scenario, the organization's responsibility, and an outline of a sexual harassment workplace policy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Sexual Harassment Case - Co-Workers
A 4 page paper. The scenario is that a male co-worker patted a woman's buttocks. The writer responds to specific issues: what is sexual harassment, what the writer would do if the women in the scenario, the organization's responsibility, and an outline of a sexual harassment workplace policy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Risk Management Questions
This 16 page paper answers a set of questions set by the student concerning risk management. Issues discussed include the types of data that may be recorded by an airline for risk management purposes, the risk management cycle, why risk management is important, the direct and indirect impact on profitability and the types of probability measures that are useful. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
What are the Most Economically Beneficial Services Exports?
The exporting of services is increasing. This 9 page paper considers which services may be most economically beneficial for a city to export. Different types of service exports are discussed and the way that the most economically valuable service may be deterred is examined. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Organizational Learning at Airbus
Airbus is a company that relies on the use of knowledge, with particular challenges as a result of the fragments structure of the firm. This 12 page paper examines the firm, its structure, culture and systems and the way it has adapted and changed using knowledge in order to assess whether or not the firm could be classified as a learning organization. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Organizational Learning
A 5 page paper discussing organizational learning within the concept of the organization as a "brain" in which many bits of information are stored. These bits must be retrievable to be useable, indicating the need for a central repository system (i.e., accessible information systems). Bibliography lists 9 sources.
The Characteristics and Supply Chain of Proctor and Gamble
This 11 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Proctor and Gamble are considered in terms of the way that they compete, looking at the characteristics of the organization and how they have responded to factors outside of their control. The second part looks at the supply chain and the third part of the paper compares Proctor and Gamble with Unilever. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Assessment of the UK Supermarket Industry
This 4 page paper looks at the structure, performance and trends in the UK supermarket industry, including the performance of Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morrison’s. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
This 5-page paper discusses aspects of U.S. trade with China including imports and exports and how much U.S. debt China holds. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Facing Challenges Similar to McBride
This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Two issues faced by the firm are identified; how to use pay as an incentive and compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Two other companies that have dealt wit the same issues are identified and their solutions are assessed. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
HRM at Riordan Hangzhou Plant
This 9 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan Manufacturing has opened a new facility in Hangzhou, but due to local labor shortages they are bringing in workers from other areas. The paper looks at the issue of diversity management, looking at the situation, the perspectives of the stakeholders and alterative solutions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 3-page paper is a book review about Joseph Wells' The Small Business Fraud Prevention Manual.
Management Concepts
This 9 page paper looks at four components used in business; customer care, kaizen, just in time inventory management and total quality management. Each of the concepts is explained and the interaction outlined. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Marketing Issues at Classic Airlines
This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, looking at the way Classic Airlines is positioned and the way that it is marketing itself with a loyalty scheme. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Personal Development Plan to Development Skills of an Entrepreneur
This 9 page paper looks at the concept of an entrepreneur and the way that the student may develop entrepreneurial skills for themselves. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Public Relations Field and Mathematics
This 4 page paper examines mathematics as a discipline and how it applies to public relations. A sample chart is included and interpreted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Public Relations Field and Mathematics
This 4 page paper examines mathematics as a discipline and how it applies to public relations. A sample chart is included and interpreted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Examination of the Structure, Conduct and Performance of Airlines
This 7 page paper presents an analysis that looks at the structure, conduct and performance found within the airline industry on a global basis. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Walmart Good or Bad?
This 4 page paper discusses whether or not Walmart is good for America and argues that the answer is both yes and no. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analysis of the Sullivan Ford Auto World Case
This 6 page paper examines a case study that appears in a text by Lovelock and Wirtz. The eight Ps of marketing are discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Is the Marketing Mix Outdated?
This 16 page paper looks at the concept of the marketing mix in order to assess whether or not it is still a valid modern in the modern world. The paper looks at the way it has developed and the way it may be used, alone and in line with other marketing ideas and the criticism that exist. The ideas are then considered to determine the validity of the model. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Bertram Chemical Company (Case Study Analysis)
This 15 page report contains an executive summary, a case summary, and four other sections. The paper makes recommendations and provides information about trademark infringement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Problems at Koito
This 4 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student and answers a set of questions regarding the reasons why certain investors may be interested, the practice of greenmailing and the differences in supplier relations ships between the US and Japan. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Leadership Problems at S&F
This 9 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, it looks at the leadership problems that are found in the fictitious organization, considers how those problems arose and make suggestions for the way in which leadership could be better in the future. The paper focuses on the application of theory to the case study. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Assessment of Costco
This 11 page paper looks at the retail model of Costco, considering the way they compete, the strength of the leadership and whether the model is one that is optimal for the needs of the business. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Models of Leadership
This 19 page paper looks at the concept of leadership, examining why the study is important and then undertaking a literature review. The literature review starts by looking at the ideas of Goleman and then considers other approaches and theories of leadership. The paper then presents a new model that can be used to assess leadership styles and contexts. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Development and Marketing of Flying Cars
This 3 page paper looks at the development of flying cars, summarizing some of the progress by the main players and assessing the way that they may be marketed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 7-page paper focuses on Plas Tech Ltd., and answers questions about management theory and styles.
This 4-page paper provides an overview of how Glegg Water Company can introduce its new, superior technology to gain more market share and sales. Bibliography lists 1 source.
This 3-page paper presents an overview on Spectrum Brands. Also included is a Nine-Cell Industry Attractiveness matrix. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Plan for The Custom Woodworking Company
This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, using the data provided a plan fore the project is developed, gathering facts, looking at alternatives and determining the priorities and ways success will be measured, The bibliography cites 1 source.
This 5-page paper discusses the grape used to make chardonnay, and outlines a potential vineyard in Australia that would make this type of wine. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Rectifying a Poor Motivational Environment
This 6 page paper considers a scenario where a call centre is losing staff as they are dissatisfied with pay levels and feel that the bonus scheme is implemented in an unfair manner. The paper analyses the problems and considers the way that the scheme and approach of the employers towards the employees may be changed to increase motivations and productivity. The paper looks at motivation theory, equity theory and employee engagement as part of this analysis. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Tourism and the Internet
This 16 page paper looks at the development of the internet as a distribution medium for travel services, concerning how and why this has occurred, identifying relevant factors and looking at how firms such as Expedia and Orbitz are able to satisfy customers’ needs in an effective manner. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Steve Jobs as an Exemplary Leader
This 4 page paper evaluates why Jobs is such a good leader. Theoretical material on leadership is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Internet as Distribution Medium for Music
This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the supply and value chain comparing the internet and the bricks and mortar distribution medium. The second compares the costs associated with each medium. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Tobacco Advertising
A 3 page paper which looks at how tobacco advertising affects the young of the nation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Plan to Win at Merck
A 3 page paper based on a case study. This essay discusses some of the important elements in Merck's Plan to Win strategy, which was initiated in 2005. The essay also discusses challenges the company faced and how they handled those. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Challenges of One Leader
A 3 page paper that begins with a scenario where the manager is facing personnel challenges. The paper identifies the leadership styles the manager may be using and why they are good or not. The paper also explains the difference between leadership and management and between formal and informal leadership. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Should Aboca Enter the US Market?
This 6 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Aboca have the opportunity to enter the US market, the paper assesses whether or not this would be the right decision, looking at other opportunities that are available and practical issues such as the differences in the market and financing. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Determining Sales Prices for Pecos Printers
A 4 page paper discussing Pecos Printers, Inc pricing. Elements included are contribution margin income statements, variable and absorption costing, and variance analysis.
Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Cars of the Future
A 6 page research paper that discusses the latest innovations and thinking about the future of the automotive industry, focusing on electric cars and ideas for mass transit. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Strategic Planning at CC Industries
This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student and undertakes a strategic process plan part of a project for the introduction of a payroll service by a financial management firm. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
A Female Owned Native American Trucking Business
This 4 page paper reviews the case study to identify the various qualities that made this Native American woman so successful as the owner of a trucking business. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Sales and Operational Management at Speedy Momentum
This 17 page paper is based on a case study supplied by then student. The paper looks at the way that the firm may determines its sales strategies based on the way it competes, the processes that maybe recommended for recruitment and selection, consideration of techniques that could be used to control output. The differences in skills of sales representatives compared to other occupations are considered and sales representatives operating in an international environment are considered. The bibliography cites sources.
A New Market for PGI?
This 8 page paper examines the case study provided by the student. The first part of the paper looks at research that a car insurance company has undertaken to assess the potential of entering the general insurance market. The second part of the paper undertakes a customer, internal industry audit. The third part of the paper uses the 4 P’s to consider the way that the organization may enter market. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Problems in Research Projects
This 6 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Wireless Telecom Company has a problem with projects, the latest project; the Maximum Megahertz Project is running over schedule and over budget and may never be completed, this is not unusual. The paper identified the problems in the firm, the causes of the problems and recommends a solution along with a project plan and Gantt chart. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Learning Theory Applied to a Government Department
This 11 page paper considers the concept of organizational learning and applies it to the UK's Inland Revenue service, now part of HM Revenue and Customs department. The paper started introduction, undertakes a literature review looking at the concept of organizational learning and then applies these ideas to the strategy undertaken by the Inland Revenue. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Business Plans and Research Proposals Compared
This 5 page paper examines the preparation and contexts of formal research proposal and business plans in order to identify the commonalities and the differences in the two document types. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Managing Conflict in Brazil
A 4 page paper that discusses a proposal to offer training in conflict management in organizations in Brazil. A recent global study regarding the costs and frequency of conflict is reported. The writer explains why the proposal is good and why it would work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Innocent Drinks Value Creation
This 16 page paper looks at the UK firm Innocent Drinks, which specialized in smoothies and fruit based drinks. The paper looks at the firm, the way in which they compete, the products and marketing mix and the competitive advantages that they have developed and how they add value to their operations. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
iPhone Marketing
A 9 page paper. This essay begins with a discussion of some of the many principles of marketing that have been published. The essay goes on to discuss the marketing program for Apple in general and the iPhone in particular. The paper illustrates how marketing principles were actualized in the marketing program for this product. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Recommendations for Wal Mart in 2010
This 5 page paper evaluates a case study written in 2008. Information is included to bring the analysis up to the present. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
MIS at a Large Snack Company
A 7 page paper that responds to specific questions about a case study. The writer discuses components of the company's IT plans, strategies to communicate the companies plans to executives and managers. A framework that will support IT and business strategies is included. Recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Lessons That May Help Smith Systems Consulting
This 4 page paper looks at two problems faced by the fictitious firm Smith Systems Consulting; the problems of positioning and differentiation. Two firms that faced similar problems are identified along wit the strategies they used to resolve their problems. The cases are then compared to SSC. The paper is based on a case supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
The Applications and Benefits of Human Resource Development
This 4 page paper looks at how Human Resource Development (HRD) contributes to an organisation’s workforce capacity through development, adding value to individuals and the organisation, discussing the importance of building a strategic approach to training and developing staff. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Statistics in Business Decision
This 4 page paper looks at the way uncertainty can be dealt with in business by using statistics and probability. The paper presents as example of a shop that needs to determine how much stock to purchase where there are different influences that can be measured with statistics and probability. The bibliography cites 1 source.
The Growth of Online Shopping
A 3 page paper. The writer provides statistical data reflecting the growth of e-commerce in terms of sales. The data for the most recent holiday season are provided. The paper also identifies Online shopper demographics. Strengths and weaknesses of e-tailing are reported. The writer also comments on the growth of Online shopping in India. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Leadership and Personality
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of personality and leadership. Speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation provides insights into the sources of a leader's power. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Why Do Employees from the Employer?
This 22 page paper is a research proposal for a full-length dissertation in the causes of employee theft. The problem is considered from the context of security risk management, looking at a number of different theoretical approaches to causes of crime, with an in-depth literature review, and a proposal for a suitable research methodology utilizing quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
Live Cycles of Products and Projects
This 3 page paper explains the five cycles in the product life cycle and the four phases in the project life cycle. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses intermodal systems and global supply chains. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Reflection on a Research-Based Team Exercise
This 7 page paper is a reflective learning document, reflecting on a teamwork exercise writing a number of different wiki articles agile practices. The document reflects on the processes, considers the way the team formed, how the task was undertaken, and how performance could be improved on subsequent exercises. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Strategies and Change At Temsa Global
This 6 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student, at the way in which Temsa Global compete, considering the way this is changed since 1984, strategies which may be needed for expansion and the benefit of investment in the research and development center. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Sports Markets and Demand Forecasting
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of demand forecasting. The declining interest in baseball provides an instructive example. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Sports Markets and Demand Forecasting
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of demand forecasting. The declining interest in baseball provides an instructive example. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Marketing Segmentation for Health Care
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of market segmentation in health care. A hypothetical strategy is unveiled in speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Coaching Leaders - A Plan
A 5 page paper. This essay responds to a case provided by the student of a leader who was authoritarian. The writer suggests a coaching process be used with the leader to help her become more effective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Facebook Group for Students - The Marketing Strategy
This 19 page paper is a marketing plan to market a Facebook group with a limited budget. The paper identifies the target market and looks at their motivation for using Facebook and, outlines marketing objectives, looks briefly at the 7 P’s and then presents a marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 19 sources.
A Facebook Group for Students - The Marketing Strategy
This 19 page paper is a marketing plan to market a Facebook group with a limited budget. The paper identifies the target market and looks at their motivation for using Facebook and, outlines marketing objectives, looks briefly at the 7 P’s and then presents a marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 19 sources.
Points on Reward and Performance Measurement
This 3 page paper looks at three aspects of performance and reward management. The first question identifies two purposes of reward in performance management. The second question discusses three components which may be present in a total rewards package. The last question identifies two sources of data for performance appraisal. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Things to Consider if Implementing Performance Management
This 4 page paper is written in 4 parts, the first part looks at the link between performance management and business objectives. The second part discusses three parts of a performance management program. The third part looks at the link between motivation and performance management. The last section identifies some considerations when considering implementing performance management. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 18-page paper is a model of a business plan for a sporting goods store. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Business Ethics: An Overview
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of business ethics. Arguments for the justification of ethical practices are given. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 5-page paper focuses on analysis of the case study "Guidant: Radiation Therapy." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
New HRM Strategy for CCDC
This 13 page paper is a case study based on a scenario supplied by the student. CCDC is a construction firm in the Middle East, which is looking for ways of improving their HRM strategy. The report looks at the issues facing the firm and identifies suitable strategies including adopting a policy of creating employee engagement and increasing training and development. The report looks at how and why the strategies should be adopted supported by the underlying theory, and the ways in which they will compliment existing policies. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
This 6-page paper provides a company and industry overview for Bed Bath & Beyond. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
How Does Animated Advertising Impact on Children’s Perceptions of Marketing Messages?
This 9 page paper is a research proposal to investigate the way in which cartoons or animations in cartoons influence children’s perceptions of the products they are marketing. The paper gives some background to the research and identifies the target audience, presents a brief literature review and an outline for primary research. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Advertising in Wind Power
This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of wind power. The value of advertising in wind power is explored. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Marketing AOB
This 19 page paper examines an Australian business; Australian Online Bookshop, in order to determine a suitable marketing strategy. The firm is examined in the context of its business environment, looking at the using a PEST analysis and looking at the firms’ competition. Following the examination a marketing strategy is recommended. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
The Competitive Position of Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts
This 20 page paper is a case study based on a case supplied by the student. The background to the firm, vision and mission and competitive strategy are assessed. The environment is examined using Porters Five Forces framework and the competitive position of the firm assessed. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
The Competitive Position of Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts
This 20 page paper is a case study based on a case supplied by the student. The background to the firm, vision and mission and competitive strategy are assessed. The environment is examined using Porters Five Forces framework and the competitive position of the firm assessed. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Chinese Energy Needs and Supply
This 7 page paper is an in-depth examination of Chinas future energy needs and provision. The general position, forecasts and the specific situations with reference to coal, oil, gas, nuclear power and renewable energy are all examined. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
The Music Industry and E-Commerce
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of e-commerce. The applicability of e-commerce in a niche music company is explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Diamond Industry and De Beers
This is a 20 page paper that provides an overview of De Beers and the diamond industry. Forces are analyzed and a new business model is proposed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Jamie Dimon Harvard Business Case
A 4 page paper that discusses specific issues related to the Harvard Business Case of Jamie Dimon and Bank One. The paper ends with comments regarding entrepreneurial organizations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Employee Rights and Organizational Security
This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of organizational security. Balancing security needs with privacy issues is explored. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
The Selection and Use Secondary and Gathering of Primary Data - A Practical Demonstration
This 7 page paper looks at the way a business decision may be aided with the gathering and use of primary and secondary data. The use of a fictitious decision regarding the opening of a restaurant is used to demonstrate the way in which data may be gained and used. This includes the way primary data may be gathered through the use of questionnaires. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Performance Appraisals
This 3 page paper is a broad outline on the use of performance reviews. Written in three parts the paper outlines how frequency of performance reviews should be determined, the benefits of performance reviews for employers and employees and the process of a performance review. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Business Financing Alternatives
This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of business financing. Pros and cons of various alternatives are weighed. PowerPoint speaker notes are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
JC Gear Risk Case Study
This 3 page paper is based on a case study of JC Gear Company supplied by the student looking at the different types of risk that will be faced when making a decision regarding the type of software to purchase. The different types of risk and potential level of that risk is discussed. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Customer Relationship Management in the Public Sector
This 3 page paper consider how and why customer relations are important in the government services sector, looking at the benefits that a customer centric approach can create and the way that it will also aid efficiencies. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
This 3-page paper compares and contrasts traditional human resources management (THRM) with strategic human resources management (SHRM). Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Projecting Financial Value
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of financial projections. A PowerPoint script and speaker notes are included. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
New Business Concept - Mobile Brake System Servicing
This 6 page paper presents an idea of a new business, identifying the market segment and target markets and performing a SWOT analysis on the business concept. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses the advantages of outsourcing sales activities to an external organization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses Wal-Mart Stores Inc. as a learning organization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Strategies for Cyber Security
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of cyber security. Strategies responses to cyber attacks are explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Strategies for Cyber Security
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of cyber security. Strategies responses to cyber attacks are explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Literature Review on Sexual Harassment Policy
This 3 page paper looks at sexual harassment policy and its effect. Three articles are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Considerations for Setting up a Distance Learning Internet Business
This 17 page report style paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. DL Limited is planning on setting up a distance learning operation in conjunction with UK and Turkish universities. The report looks first at the way strategic decision making can take place. The report then looks at other potential markets, product development, required resources and the identification of issues which will need consideration. The bibliography cites 25 sources.
A Gender Discrimination Case: Issues at Walmart
This 3 page paper provides an overview of a case study, in this case that of Walmart and existing sex-discrimination charges against the corporation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Managing Risk with the ATOM Process
This 15 page paper is an outline risk management document for the launch of a new product; a device that will allow card payments to be taken connecting to mobile devices such as a smartphone of laptop. The company, product and outline plan are assessed and the risk management requirements are discussed with reference to the ATOM process. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Leadership Theories
This 12 page paper examines different concepts of leadership and management, tracing the development of different ideas and theories from personality and trait theories to the modern concepts of contingency theory and the work of theorists such as Goleman, considering the ways in which they may be used to explain the practice of leadership. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Progress in a Degree Course and Plans for Future Career Progress
This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part is a reflective learning document considering learning that has taken place so far on a BA Security and Risk Course focusing in the gaining of analytical skills and improved communication skills. The second part of the paper looks at a long term career goal for gaining a senior management position and provides a plan, with justifications for the actions, in order to achieve that goal. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Selection and Training in Organizational Psychology
This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of organizational psychology. The use of the discipline in various contexts is explored using Google, Wegman's, and DreamWorks as examples. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Business Ethical and Environmental Issues
A 4 page paper that responds to four specific topics. IBE tests for ethical actions with an example. Why should government ensure corporations are environmentally friendly. What is environmental sustainability and challenges for developed and developing economics. What are advantages, disadvantages and ethical issues of Online pharmacies. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Persuasion Analysis of Mac Advertisement
A 6 page paper. This paper has several sections in its analysis of an Online advertisement for Apple Mac computers. The first sections describe, in detail, the advertisement. The paper discussed central and peripheral routes in persuasion, subliminal messages, cognitive dissonance, conditioning and the four elements of persuasion in ads. Each is applied to the Apple ad. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Airline Pilots and a Mandatory Retirement Age of Sixty
This 17 page research paper examines the issue of mandatory retirement for all American airline pilots at age 60. The writer includes background information and a detailed statement of the problem.
How to Prevent Workplace Sexual Harassment III
An 8 page paper on sexual harassment in the workplace in which the writer explores its legal definition, actions that can be taken to prevent/stop it, etc.; Several companies with anti-harassment programs are presented. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Contemporary Society, the Workplace, and Sexism
An 8 page paper on the problems with sexism in today's society. It gives a definition of different types of sexism, talks about different gender roles in sexism, the law and sexism and sexual harassment, and gives some ideas on what can be done to change the way people look at and deal with this problem.
Contemporary Society, the Workplace, and Sexism
An 8 page paper on the problems with sexism in today's society. It gives a definition of different types of sexism, talks about different gender roles in sexism, the law and sexism and sexual harassment, and gives some ideas on what can be done to change the way people look at and deal with this problem.
Workplace and Transsexual Issues
A 10 page overview of transsexuality and the issues which often arise in terms of societal perceptions. Includes an emphasis on the employer's obligation to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable working environment for both the transsexual and the non-transsexual. Gives an overview of the legalities concerning the societal rights of transsexuals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Workplace and Transsexual Issues
A 10 page overview of transsexuality and the issues which often arise in terms of societal perceptions. Includes an emphasis on the employer's obligation to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable working environment for both the transsexual and the non-transsexual. Gives an overview of the legalities concerning the societal rights of transsexuals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Singer and Organizational Culture
This 6 page research paper investigates organizational culture beginning with a statement from Singer that understanding human culture requires more than one kind of theoretical model. Organizational culture is defined and explained in terms of different theorists. How the culture addresses issues is also discussed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Literature Review of Tuition Reimbursement Articles
This 10 page paper reports on 10 journal articles emphasizing tuition reimbursement programs. Statistics are included regarding the percentage of companies providing this benefit and the dollar amount some companies provide. This benefit has been found to multiple benefits for the employer as well as the employee. No additional sources cited.
Literature Review of Tuition Reimbursement Articles
This 10 page paper reports on 10 journal articles emphasizing tuition reimbursement programs. Statistics are included regarding the percentage of companies providing this benefit and the dollar amount some companies provide. This benefit has been found to multiple benefits for the employer as well as the employee. No additional sources cited.
Contract Demands of UPS Pilots and View of Management
A 6 page paper. The Independent Pilots Association (IPA) representing UPS' 2039 pilots allowed a by-mail survey of their members last August (1997) following the end of the Teamsters' strike against the company in the same month. Though UPS offered pay raises for their pilots of between 36 and 94%, the pilots nonetheless rejected UPS' contract proposal. The average pilot pay at UPS currently stands at $151,000. Pilots are restricted by law from working a full schedule—they are all essentially part-time employees, and their current hourly rate (without a contract renegotiation) stands at more than $200. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
1997's UPS Strike
A 5 page paper discussing the UPS strike. The writer examines the goals and of both the company management and the union and whether or not they were reached and how. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Necessity of Labor Unions Assessed
A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the history of labor unions and then considers their roles in the current system. This writer demonstrates that they are no longer necessary constructs of business for a number of reasons. Bibliography included.
Union Advantages
A 7 page paper that explores the increase in union membership in 1997 because of advantages (general and specific) provided by unions to its members. The needs of today's employees in a reorganizing and downsizing corporate environment are attributed to a new growth in union membership. For this reason, unions have realized a reverse of the decline in union membership experienced over the past 15 years. Today, unions are helping workers in industries as varied as aircraft workers to physicians. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Global HRM
A 11 page paper looking at the implications of managing international human resources. Looks at issues such as cultural differences, wages and compensation, strains on expatriated managers, and legal requirements. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Business Information Systems and Emerging Trends
This 5 page report discusses the emerging trends being seen as 1998 winds to a close. Four high profile and cutting edge topics are briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
LAN Computer Network Construction
An advanced-level 9 page research paper on techniques, procedures, and standards for the successful establishment of a Layered Approach Network (L.A.N.) in business settings. The ISO's definition of seven layers of network structure are explained as are recommended tools, cable, and so on. Issues concerning the construction of the LAN are then described layer by layer. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Overview of Database Marketing
A 10 page research paper examining how databases are having a revolutionary effect on how products and services are advertised. The writer explores their positive uses as well as problems that are being encountered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Business World, Computability, and Machine Languages
This 14 page paper examines some of the key concepts of computers and their uses, machine languages, and applications for communication in the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Internet Usage by Two Companies - Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct
A 5 page paper discussing two companies that heavily participate in Internet commerce, Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct. Overall, the promise of great success through Internet marketing has not been realized in most areas of sales, but personal computer sales and online brokerage services have been exceptions. Both are wonderfully suited to Internet commerce: Gateway's customers obviously are computer literate; DLJ Direct's customers have come to rely on the ease and rapidity of stock trading using an Internet service. Though the Internet has not reached its full potential as a sales tool, it is heading resolutely in that direction, and to the point that those companies not offering extensive online options to their existing customers may lose those customers to businesses that do. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Videoconferencing and Business
A 9 page paper discussing the use of business applications of video-conferencing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Global Impact of Computers
An 8 page paper examining the conditions today that involve the computer and the world. Many cultures around the world have been deeply effected by the technological growth that involves the computer. With the development of the today's computer and technology, the world, for the most part, is becoming such that it works faster and more efficient in relationship to communications and business. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Multinational Marketing and Cost Effectiveness
A 7 page paper. With increasing numbers of companies taking on a more international focus, many businesses are attempting to streamline their marketing activities in order to be able to take advantage of the cost savings potential of designing only one major marketing approach for the purpose of serving in several national markets. With the differences between cultures of the countries, though, it is possible (and easy) to offend the people of one while being successful with the people of another using the same basic marketing scheme. The paper suggests analyzing the character traits and culture of each country's people, then building a marketing approach based on those traits that are common to all, such as expected levels of formality. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Global Marketing Negotiations and Tactics
A 5 page paper discussing international marketing negotiations and tactics between high and low contact countries. Also discusses cultural differences that affect marketing strategies as well as how Europe's shift to a common currency will help with marketing and trade internationally. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Global Joint Ventures and the Management of Risk
An 11 page paper discussing some of the conditions from which organizations involved in international joint ventures must protect themselves. Business has a more global focus now than at any time in the past. While that global presence contributes to the success of all segments of a specific organization, it also enhances the need for astute risk management. Aside from the normal fluctuations of the business cycle, international joint ventures also can be affected in their success through currency fluctuations, economic health of the host country and local political stability. Business entry into a new national market in the form of an international joint venture is in itself a measure of risk management, in that neither party bears the full weight of the risks associated with the new venture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Studying International Management
This 12 page paper answers the question of why one should study international management. Within that context a variety of factors are observed as they pertain to culture, religion and the law. Product applicability and marketing considerations are also reviewed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Studying International Management
This 12 page paper answers the question of why one should study international management. Within that context a variety of factors are observed as they pertain to culture, religion and the law. Product applicability and marketing considerations are also reviewed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
International Business and the Importance of Training and Development
An 8 page paper discussing training options and problems in several countries, and some of the considerations that need to be made in assessing that training. It should be judged in a value-based system that takes into account cultural differences. Not to say that there ever should be different levels of performance accepted because of cultural differences, but assessment needs to allow for differing cultural views—Southeast Asian countries may think us strange yet understand what we see as standard practice on the basis of long-standing relationships, while the countries of the emerging market of Africa simply see us as strange. Goals will necessarily require more time in those areas as both sides reach understanding about the basic beliefs and assumptions of the other. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Oil Industry of Venezuela
This 8 page research paper explores the rise of the oil industry in Venezuela and its significant impact on the country. Many other industries have flourished because of it, e.g., construction. Despite some problems managing the money in the beginning stages of their oil industry, Venezuela has seen a significant improvement in its infrastructure and public services. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Nepal's and Japan's Telecommunications Industries
This 10 page report discusses and compares the telecommunications industries of Japan and Nepal. Numerous factors, including the geography, culture, demographics, and economy of each country are reviewed and compared. The role such factors play in the development of the nation's telecommunications systems is also discussed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Sunscreen Marketing In The Caribbean
A 10 page analysis of the market climate in Jamaica and the Bahamas for the introduction of a high-end sunscreen product. The tourist trade in the entire area is growing, and both countries are attracting visitors from areas that were formerly uncommon for the islands of the Caribbean, such as of the Western European nations of Great Britain and Germany. Aside from increased sales and increased exposure, the benefit of taking the product international via entry into the Caribbean market is the same growing numbers of Western European tourists and the likelihood of those tourists wanting our products available through other outlets closer to them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Widget Box Product Marketing of Widget International
In 12 pages the author discusses all of the marketing strategies connected with marketing the Widget Box, a product of Widget International. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Ford and Coca Cola Presence In Mexico
A 15 page paper discussing the two multinational companies' success in Mexico and further south. Both Ford Motor Company and Coca-Cola have strong and growing presence all over the world. Their presence in Mexico, however, has produced business results that both manufacturers could wish to duplicate in every market in which they operate. Ford has performed so well in the Mexican market that the senior management responsible for much of the growth and success has been moved to Ford's European headquarters for the purpose of reproducing the Mexican experience in Europe Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Brazil and Toys 'R' Us
16 page presentation on how to open up Toys 'R' Us in Brazil. Great for those studying international business related topics & issues. Lengthy appendices and comprehensive bibliography listed 9 sources.
Shipping by Truck
A 6 page paper describing shipping a truckload of goods from the production plant to the customer. The company calling for shipping is the manufacturer of digital telephone switches; its carrier is a national carrier that leases trucks for specific uses, leases fleets, and provides drivers on contract basis to businesses with continuing need for shipping. The first part of the paper describes the process; the last is a description of a trip from North Carolina to San Francisco in mid-winter. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Italy and Retail
An 8 page paper in which the writer discusses retailing in Italy. Covered are Italy "then," now, and in one possible future. Of particular concern are the reasons for certain market failures and successes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Diagnosing Organizational Problems
9 pages in length. Organizational development can only occur if you truly understand the underlying causes of problems and successes. This is why organizational diagnosis is so critical to a company's ongoing prosperity. The writer discusses issues relating to organizational diagnosis. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Volunteer Organization and Group Dynamics
6 pages in length. The writer discusses group dynamics in relation to formal and informal settings, addressing such issues as communication, stature and prestige. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Internet Congestion
A 10 page paper discussing some of the ways it could be possible to reduce the increasing problem of Internet congestion. The paper discusses ISDN, ADSL, cable modem connection and DirecPC, but high-speed connections do little to ease congestion aside from perhaps allowing the user to spend less time to accomplish what he needs to do. Infrastructure needs to be shifted away from dependence on the circuit-switched voice system that existed long before most could conceive of computers. To accomplish that shift, it would be beneficial to look at IP telephony more as a method of data transmission rather than simply a low-cost alternative to conventional telephone service. In the meantime, the combination of the cable modem and the virtual private network appears to be a workable way of easing Internet congestion using available technology that could be implemented right away. The Internet is doubling every nine months, and there is little space for esoteric theorization without first ensuring that progress is made in practical areas. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Small Business Startup
This 5 page paper provides an overview of what is entailed when beginning a new, small enterprise. There is a focus on financial considerations and creating a business plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SA
Small Business Impact of the Family and Medical Leave Act
8 pages in length. The writer discusses how small businesses have been impacted by the Family Medical Leave Act. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
1996 Article on How is Microsoft Currently Doing
In 5 pages the author discusses the following question pertaining to a 1996 article on Microsoft, 'How is Microsoft currently doing? Is it happy w/ its current performance situation? Where does the firm want to be 5 years from now? What are the firm's weaknesses and strengths? What strategies does the firm have to use to be successful in the future?' Bibliography lists 1 source.
Overview of Hybrid Electrical Vehicles
An 8 page paper. A hybrid vehicle is one that uses two sources of power, such as gasoline and electric batteries. These are on the cutting edge of automotive technology. This paper discusses how such vehicles are powered and introduces the Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight. The writer also reports what American manufacturers are doing in this area. Finally, the disadvantages and advantages of hybrids are described. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Overview of Health Club Management
A 15 page paper discussing management of the
new-generation health club. As the baby boomers enter new phases of their lives, things
change in all sorts of industries. The health club and day spa industry has been growing
steadily since 1995, the year that the first of the baby boomers began to turn 50. The paper
addresses varied management issues, including expanding revenues without expanding
facilities by providing outsourcing services for those local businesses with health club
facilities on site. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Health and the Effects of Stress
7 pages in length. The writer discusses the negative health impacts inherent to stress, with particular emphasis upon the workplace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Management Theory According to Taylor and Fayol
This 5 page paper looks at early management theorists Fayol and Taylor and compares and contrasts the two paradigms to emanate from their work. Taylor's scientific management is highlighted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs In Business
A 5 page paper discussing application
of Abraham Maslow's humanistic psychology to the needs of business. Maslow's theories may be
overstated in the belief that people are intrinsically good and intrinsically motivated to improve
themselves and their stations, but they have been found to be overwhelmingly useful in
organizational management and employee motivation enhancement. Successful application in
business depends on moving from one level to the next, however. As Maslow states, the qualities
of any level cease to be motivational once the individual achieves and sustains that level. Includes
one chart. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Medical Records Decentralization Literature Review
5 pages in
length. This paper is a review of literature on the topic of
decentralization of medical records. Due to the difficulty in
accessing health care records when there are different clinics in
the same building, many health care facilities have adopted new
methods of organizing and recording patient medical records that
are more easily accessible.
Medical Records Decentralization Literature Review
5 pages in
length. This paper is a review of literature on the topic of
decentralization of medical records. Due to the difficulty in
accessing health care records when there are different clinics in
the same building, many health care facilities have adopted new
methods of organizing and recording patient medical records that
are more easily accessible.
Human Resources Issues
A 5 page paper. Human resource personnel face a myriad of issues daily, such as sexual harassment, employee-employer, fairness to all employees, and violence in the workplace. What is it that causes an employee or former employee to commit violence, to kill coworkers? Why are so many workers having emotional outbursts? These are questions that are discussed. Strategies for preventing violence are also reported. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Organization and Change Management
9 pages in length.
discusses change in the organization and techniques and methods
used to manage planned change. Leadership skills as regards to
change are emphasized. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Hierarchical Structure Interrelationships as They Relate to Nursing Accountability
A 4 page discussion of accountability in nursing. Contends that accountability is an integral component of all aspects of nursing. The nurse is, of course, above all accountable for the well-being of his or her patient but, with recent pressure from state legislators and higher education coordinating agencies, accountability is becoming a greater and greater emphasis of all aspects of nursing. In the case of student nurses, and indeed all levels of nurses, this accountability is channeled through a chain of command, a chain of accountability which can extend both upwards (through the institutional hierarchy), downwards (to the patient) and even sideways (to colleagues and other professionals) dependent on the organizational structure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Considering a Sick Leave Case
A 5 page paper which examines a case of sick leave, written by
Laura Turek, and titled "Sick Leave." The paper addresses what specific people affected
by the case should do, why the conflict occurred, and how it could have possibly been
prevented. No additional sources cited.
The Effectiveness of Periodical and Television Advertising Evaluated
A 5 page research paper that examines TV and periodical advertising and whether or not this expenditure is actually worth the billions that advertisers pour into this effort to be competitive in the world marketplace. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Today's Human Resources Management
This 5 page paper provides an overview of trends in human resources management. Many issues are addressed including discrimination, proper benefits distribution, and sexual harassment. Legal aspects are highlighted.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
HRM and the Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA’s Impact on Human Resources Management: This 5-page essay examines the relationship between the American with Disabilities Act and human resources management. Implementation of the ADA programs for any organization will take time, effort and additional financial resources. However, taking the time up front end to outline an organizational plan is one of the best first option choices that management can make. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SNAdahum.doc
Human Resources Management and Diversity Training
Diversity Training in Human Resources Management: This 13-page essay examines
the feasibility of diversity training relevant to corporations and their HR management staff. Diversity is about respecting differences, fostering understanding, value creation and overall market effectiveness inside and outside of one’s organization. But will there be a backlash? Bibliography lists 8 sources. SNDivhus.doc
Various Models of Management
A 5 page paper. Management thought continually evolves as changes continue to occur at rapid rates. This paper discusses models within the scientific, behavioral and contemporary schools of thought. A comparison is then made between a behavioral model and a contemporary model of management. Bibliography lists 7 sources. PGmgt3md.rtf
Issues Regarding Public HRM
A 9 page paper. Specific issues within public human resource management are investigated, including: issues facing public human resource managers, job analyses - why and how, and performance based compensation plans, including their relationship to expectancy and equity theories. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Case Study on the Value of Materials Management
This 5 page paper explores a case study submitted by a student. The concept of materials management is explored in depth.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Today's Youth and Counterculture Force Feeding
Counterculture Force Fed to Today’s Youth?: This 8-page essay examines how today’s dark counterculture is marketed to modern day youth, what at stake, and how music (and other media) contributes to its ribald success. Only by committing oneself to an ongoing program of talking to, listening to and systematically monitoring this demographic group can one hope to profit from this burgeoning market. Bibliography lists 6 sources. SNCountr.doc
Workplace Discrimination Problems
This 8 page paper provides an overview of the problem of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Suggestions are made as to how business owners can avoid related lawsuits. Drawbacks of recommendations are also considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Workplace Discrimination Problems
This 8 page paper provides an overview of the problem of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Suggestions are made as to how business owners can avoid related lawsuits. Drawbacks of recommendations are also considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
American Hotel Industry Changes
A 21 page research paper that is divided into two distinct parts: Part 1 discusses a history of American Labor Law and Part 2 discusses the Changes in the Labor Market. An overview of the major labor laws that would be applicable to the hotel and hospitality industry is provided beginning with the Fair Labor Standards Act and going through the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The most often filed complaints in the hotel industry are those related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment. There have also been legal problems with the child labor laws. The second part includes, among other topics, the median ages in specific job categories, current employment and expected changes by 2008, changing labor market, and how to hire and retain good employees in the hotel industry. Significant amount of data included. 4 tables included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Organization and Individual Study Similarities
This 5 page paper provides an overview of how organizations and individuals are studied. Studies and theories from psychology and sociology are discussed in light of business research. Similarities regarding individuals and organizations include goal oriented strategies and attention to the aging process.
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Monitoring of Email and Internet Usage and Ethics
A 5 page paper. The extensive use of the Internet and e-mail in the workplace has led to more employers monitoring these activities. Monitoring has been attacked on the grounds that invades privacy but there is an enormous amount of literature that demonstrates the legal foundations for such monitoring. This paper addresses this issue and concludes with a resolution that meets both legal and ethical concerns. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Customer Needs and Total Quality Management
This 5 page report discusses the many components
of TQM that are essential to assuring that a customer’s needs are
full met in ways that serve both that customer and the
organization. In virtually every context of the business mindset
of the 21st century, value, benefits and long-term outcomes drive
the larger considerations associated with the operations most
often associated with customer satisfaction. Bibliography lists
4 sources.
Ethics and Organizational Psychology
This 6 page paper provides an example of an ethical dilemma an organizational psychologist might face. Within the context of the problem, sexual harassment is discussed. APA guidelines concerning ethics, particularly in respect to confidentiality, are used in finding a solution to the problem. Issues concerning downsizing are also broached. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Human Resource Management Aspects
A 5 page paper that answer's specific questions. Issues include: definition of HRM and strategic HRM, advantages/disadvantages of strategic HRM, functions, internal and external forces, and a decision making process. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Information and Interview : A 5 page paper
which offers an examination of sexual discrimination and harassment and then presents an
interview with a man and woman wherein they are asked about their views and
experiences with sexual harassment and discrimination. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
China's Kentucky Fried Chicken Fast Food Chain
This 5 page paper takes a look at KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), a fast food chain that is competitive in the United States as well as other parts of the world. The chain's experience in China, along with socio-cultural obstacles it has encountered, is explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
ITM Application of Company Manufacturers
5 pages. Information Technology Management (ITM) in manufacturing addresses technology aspects such as client/server distributed architecture and object oriented programming. Bandwidth ITM solutions address broad areas within any business; things such as manufacturing, distribution, finance and project management, as well as service and maintenance, transportation etc. A seamless integration is essential to provide visibility and consistency across the manufacturing aspect as well. This proposal will give a clear cut explanation of the usefulness of ITM in manufacturing companies, with special attention to the needs of the less developed countries. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Ethics and Human Resource Management
6 pages in length. Because society is fundamentally based upon performance and profit, it is not unusual to find that it is necessary to impart a sense of corporate social responsibility with regard to contemporary commerce. The ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concepts that are often absent from a Human Resources standpoint. It is important for the student to realize that the very issues of corporate social responsibility should rightly exist within every company's infrastructure; however, one can readily realize that social integrity is not something that is often at the forefront of modern day Human Resource Management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Construction Industry and ISO 9000 Use
5 pages. The purpose of this paper is to show the success and/or failure of the use of the ISO 9000 quality management technique in the construction industry. The description of as well as implementation of ISO 9000 is discussed and any benefits or difficulties that might be associated with this method are covered as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Principles of Management
A 14 page paper that discusses the changes in management principles over the decades. The writer offers a very brief description of just a few of the older management theories and then provides a more comprehensive description of the most recent principles of management. Sharing knowledge and information is emphasized. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
eCommerce Management Challenges
This 5 page report
discusses the management of electronic commerce or “e-commerce”
and how it continues to revolutionize the way the modern world is
doing business. The most successful businesses involved in
e-commerce are able to provide dynamic connections to customer
data bases using numerous interconnected routers for corporate
clients, as well as Internet access for mainstream consumers.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Interdisciplinary Management Factors, Training, and Nursing Competency
A 12 page discussion of the varied factors which enter into nursing competency. Suggests that while the degree of training a nurse has is directly related to competence, so too are managerial factors. Identifies interdisciplinary managerial factors such as quality
assurance programs and the establishment of clinical
pathways as being significant to nursing competence as well. Includes a one-page Roman numeral outline. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Issues Associated with Sports Marketing
An eight page paper which looks at several aspects of sports marketing, in terms of the potential consumer base, marketing strategies, the importance of market research and the way in which these factors affect both sport itself and sports-related products.
Bibliography lists 6 sources
Workplace Sexual Harassment Survey
This 6 page paper provides an example of how a fictitious company dealt with sexual harassment. Results of a survey are used in order to determine whether or not there exists a sexually charged atmosphere in this company. An appendix is included to show survey questions and compiled results. Statistics are used to provide evidence of a problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Human Resource Management and Total Quality Management
A 31 page paper. What is the relationship between total quality management (TQM) and human resource management (HRM)? That is the question this research paper addresses. First, a brief history of each TQM and HRM is presented. The writer then describes, outlines and discusses: the integration of TQM and HRM; implementing TQM in HR departments; why TQM fails; more tips of do's and don'ts when trying to implement TQM; conclusions. The paper includes discussion of a vast array of issues related to the main topic. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Overview of Manufacturing and Management
An 8 page paper that begins with a very brief definition of the manufacturing industry. The paper then goes on to discuss a number of aspects of management in the manufacturing environment, including decision making, the effects of using teams, motivation, and performance appraisal. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Workplace Random Drug Testing
This 5 page paper looks at a hypothetical case study submitted by a student. The scenario is based on NBC's E.R. television program.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development
12 pages in length. The extent to which human resource development is inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of competent management precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development
12 pages in length. The extent to which human resource development is inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of competent management precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Copyright Law and Music Piracy
This 10 page paper takes a look at music piracy and copyright law and how entities like Napster have gone south. Some cases are mentioned. Recommendations on what record companies should do to make money are noted.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
HRM and Policy Development
This 7 page paper addresses several specific issues related to HRM. These include: why are line managers becoming more involved in HR policy development and implementation; implications of an aging workforce, a diverse workforce and skill deficiencies in the work force; how labor shortage is affecting HRM; internal versus external recruiting; example of HR practice that supported organization strategies and that were not consistent with organization strategies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Student Case Study on Viking Sewing Machines
This 10 page paper examines a case study on Viking Sewing Machines that has been supplied by the student. The paper answers four questions regarding the skills and benefit that are brought to the company by the new CEO, the changes in the company, the strategic capabilities and the key factors of the future success of the company. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Settlement, Secrecy, and Smith Barney
This 5 page paper examines why many plaintiffs, including Pamela K. Martens have not settled in the Smith Barney sexual discrimination case. The paper then outlines why such settlements should not be shrouded in secrecy and how this leaves a bias towards the employer. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Settlement, Secrecy, and Smith Barney
This 5 page paper examines why many plaintiffs, including Pamela K. Martens have not settled in the Smith Barney sexual discrimination case. The paper then outlines why such settlements should not be shrouded in secrecy and how this leaves a bias towards the employer. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Portable Printer Marketing and Business Plan
A 5 page paper providing a mission statement, SWOT analysis, business and marketing plan for the PalmPrint, a truly portable printer designed for use with handheld computers. The PalmPrint represents the next generation of miniaturization of computer peripherals. It will appeal to the “gadget conscious” for early sales; it will appeal to serious users for sustainable growth and development because of the value it offers the user. The new generation of handheld computers elevates the class from PDA to true computer when adding a folding keyboard; addition of the PalmPrint completes the set. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Sports and Target Marketing
This 5 page paper considers the importance of target marketing and then applies this to sports readers in the age group 18 – 25 from the perspective of a magazine. The need to attract the readers and to profile the readership is shown as necessary in order to attract advertisers. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Business Decision Types
5 pages. This paper addresses several different business discussions including sexual harassment, safety programs, bargaining units, and positive suspensions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Quality Control and the Connection Between Total Quality Management and Reengineering
7 pages in length. When addressing the aspect of quality control, the relationship that exists between re-engineering and total quality management (TQM) is both inherent and extricable. One cannot exist without the other, inasmuch as the very essence of re-engineering means to restructure an approach that no longer proves beneficial; by incorporating the tenets of TQM, quality control experiences the synergistic outcome of combining two such rejuvenating entities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Jobs and Stress
This 14 page paper considers the way in which stress has become a focal point in the workplace and how employers are dealing with the apparent increases in stress levels. The paper looks at how developments have taken place and the role of counselling as a central tool in the systems that have been put in place to develop stress management. Examples are given to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Case Study on Staff Turnover Reduction
This 7 page paper considers a case supplied by the student where a large company is suffering from high levels of employee turnover. Based on theoretical models the writer shows why this turnover may be occurring, the types of people that may be staying, how they are feeling, and how management may change the situation to increase retention and motivation. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Learning, Organizational and Personal Levels
This 8 page paper considers how learning may be facilitated at both a personal and organisational level. Looking at the model of a learning organisation the characteristics are outlined before example cases are examined to show how a learning organisation operates. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Decisions in Management Accounting Cases
A 5 page paper assessing two management accounting cases. One addresses whether a one-location retail establishment should eliminate one department and expand another, one addresses the inability of a company’s board to determine where the company’s profits and losses lie due to inept accounting. Includes 3 tables. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Daycare Facilities and the Workplace
A 6 page paper evaluating the legal, ethical and social implications of the workplace daycare facility. The workplace daycare facility carries no apparent negatives and thus quantifies as a strong positive. A possible negative could be increased cost for the business, but that increased cost likely will be offset by increased worker productivity (less worry about children); fewer days absent (children come to work when schools are closed); and reduced employee turnover. All three of these likely will save the organization far more than the daycare will cost, so the net effect of the possible negative becomes a strong positive for the organization as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cyber Cafe Setup Business Plan
This 9 page paper is a plan to convert a café into a cyber café. The paper lays out the background ands the plans to carry out the conversion including a Gantt chart and a capital costing budget. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Marketing Lexus G's Series and Mercedes Benz E Class
This 8 page paper compares the marketing strategies of these two companies. Specific topics include: target markets; relationship marketing; promotional strategies; marketing mix, such as product, promotion, distribution, selling, public relations, pricing strategy; a comparison of Web sites and the audience they seem to be targeting; international marketing and recommendations for Mercedes to compete better with Lexus. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Strategic HRM and TQM
An 8 page paper. The writer has selected two articles that act as the basis for this essay about human resource management: one focuses on the theoretical foundations for strategic human resource management, the other focuses on the relationship between total quality management and human resource management. The essay provides a brief overview of what each article reports and supports the conclusions with other literature. The writer than discusses the value of each approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Porter's Five Forces Analysis of United Kingdom Supermarket Chains Safeway, Iceland, Asda, Sainsbury, and Tesco
This 7 page paper considers the UK retail food industry and how pressures have been changing, including the situation prior to the use of e-commerce and the impact that has resulted from internet shopping. Using many examples and looking at companies such as Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Iceland and Safeway, strategies are considered and the attraction of the market as a result of the changes is assessed. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Western and Eastern Management
A 10 page paper comparing management approaches in the East and West hemispheres. Management in the East and management in the West has been seen in the past as being two totally different concepts, similar only in the fact that they each are intended to result in effective management of the organization. The trend of globalization has done much to even out many of those differences, however, as has increased attention to transparency in management. Economic difficulties in both the East and West have obliged organizations in each to operate more efficiently, which in turn has led businesses of both origins to be more pragmatic in their operations. The result to date has been that Eastern management is less circumspect than in the past; Western management has begun to acknowledge more than only the bottom line and quarterly results. Management in the East and West has begun to converge into another form that has taken the best of both. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Definition and Discussion of Executive Coaching
A 15 page paper defining executive coaching and discussing its immense rise in popularity over the past decade. Executive coaching is expanding rapidly, continuing to find greater numbers of areas in which it can be useful. As much as business has changed over the past several years, the executive coach can be a valuable asset to the executive hoping to advance or retain a current position, and taking part in leading his company to greater profitability. A blend of management and psychology, executive coaching is growing at a rate of 40 percent annually. The globalization of business is a fact of life that will not change, and the face of US business may be in the process of reinventing itself again. Not only is executive coaching growing rapidly in the present, it is likely to continue to do so for years to come. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Scientific Management and Taylor's Theories
This 9 page paper examines the theories of Taylor and his development of Scientific management in order to access the relevance of these ideas today in a contemporary work environment. The paper agues that the model is still very relevant due to the way socially and the employment relationship has evolved. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Successful Management and the Value of Perspective
This 5 page paper looks at how an understanding of perception can help make better Managers. The paper includes what is meant by perception, the importance of comprehension and how it can effect the management of equal opportunities. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Shipping Operations and Operations Management Objectives
A 5 page paper. The goal of operations management is to increase customer satisfaction, productivity and efficiency. There are many approaches to accomplishing this goal and numerous tools the operations manager can use. This essay discusses what operations management is. It then discuses the major challenge for shipping companies and the effectiveness of automation. Finally, the writer uses FedEx as an example of how a shipping company can greatly improve operations using different techniques, including technology, teams and incentives. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Organizations and Currency Risk Management
A 10 page paper discussing the external and internal need for managing the currency risk that organizations increasingly deal with as globalization continues to increase. The trend brings with it the need to equalize business results based on widely varying changes in world currencies. In recent years, the dollar has been strong relative to other major currencies of the world, and while good for the US economy, a dollar greatly stronger than other major world currencies creates a bevy of problems for multinational organizations. Because currency values are never static but can be depended on to regularly change in exchange value, organizations must devise measures that minimize the effects of that currency exchange rate movement. The paper provides several corporate examples, including Caterpillar, Merck, Honeywell and Dow Chemical. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
HRM Changes
7 pages. A thorough look at changes in human resource management in recent years in regards to the interaction with employees and the way employees are managed. One could say that human resource management today is just 'old wine in new bottles' because the basics don't change but the words and presentation do. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
TQM Implementation
This 10 page paper explores the relationship and importance of human resource management, operations management and corporate culture when implementing total quality management. The writer begins by discussing the need for total commitment to the principles of TQM. The writer then discusses the need for the appropriate culture and climate and the essential role of human resource management for successful implementation of TQM. The essay includes a case study example, using FedEx and the operational changes this company made to implement the TQM principles. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Competition Issues and Microsoft
This 5 page paper comments on three issues: The effect on share prices of Microsoft's Internet competitors when Microsoft acquires companies; Whether or not Microsoft competitors are threatened by Microsoft's financial moves; and If the financial market should feel threatened by Microsoft's dominance in the operating system market. For the first issue, the writer provides three examples of recent acquisitions and makes general comments. The second issue is approached by demonstrating how, in at least one market, other companies give more competition to Microsoft than the other way around. Finally, the writer discusses Microsoft's smart card operating system and the threat this poses. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Company Conflict Management
5 pages. Conflict management styles differ from company to company. This paper discusses the conflict management styles engaged at Ernst and Young, and compares it to one's own personal preference for conflict management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Company Conflict Management
5 pages. Conflict management styles differ from company to company. This paper discusses the conflict management styles engaged at Ernst and Young, and compares it to one's own personal preference for conflict management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hong Kong Labor Market Trends
This 75 page dissertation papers examines the labour market in Hong Kong. The paper begins by exploring the impact that global economic slowdown is having on the Hong Kong labour market, looking first at the economy globally and the problem of over-capacity and then at the specific impacts the global economy is having on Hong Kong as well as more local impacts, such as the transfer of rule to China. The writer then looks at the development of the labour market and how the economic changes have forced the structure of the labour market to change away form the more traditional manufacturing to new technology and the desire to build knowledge based economy. Issues such as the skills shortage, the disadvantages and advantages of the links with China and its’ membership of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the role of vocational training are all considered before the conclusion that within Hong Kong occupational trends demonstrate a new economy. The bibliography cites 61 sources.
Overview of Facilities Management
An 8 page paper discussing the role of facilities management and the roles of those involved in it. All business is obliged to operate as efficiently as possible in today’s competitive environment, and most are looking for additional ways of decreasing internal costs. The paper discusses the role of the facilities manager and workers as well as considerations in establishing facilities goals and objectives. It proposes that an appropriate measure is that of decreasing time devoted to “trouble” calls parallel to increasing time spent in preventive maintenance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Technology and Privacy Rights
A 6 page contention that individual expectations of privacy are decreasing radically with advancements in modern technology. In spite of recent legislation recognizing the importance of privacy, for example the Human Rights Act of 1998, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, and the Information Protection Act of 1998; our privacy is being intruded upon in both our personal and professional lives. Indeed, personal surveillance is becoming more widespread, more continuous, more intense, and more secretive than it has been at any other point in our past. This occurs both through the use of high tech equipment like cameras and computerized monitoring programs but also through the interception of personal computerized data. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Internet Marketing of Nokia to Students
This 26 page paper considers the role of the internet in order to assess if it is suited to the selling of Nokia mobile telephones and accessorises to a target market of students. The paper first looks at marketing on the internet and the potential market before considering the way in which the target market and the product fit in with e-marketing concepts and how that market can be accessed. This includes discussion of internet service providers, e-commerce solution and security issues as well as marketing. The recommendation is that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that the launch of a site should proceed with caution. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Marketing Campaign Case Study Development
This 10 page paper designs a marketing campaign for a student health clinic that is to be held once a week in a rural school. The paper considers the service and the target market as well as the budget, then using marketing theory and the way it has been applied by commercial companies to a similar target to develop a hard hitting and effective campaign. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Service Quality Management and Rosenbluth Travel
A 5 page paper discussing Ivey Case 9A95D020. Rosenbluth Travel was a leading company in its industry in 1992. It had been focused on quality for some time, but had reached a point at which it did not know how best to proceed. The paper identifies several alternatives and concludes that the company should ask its customers and “front line” workers for their input. Management should become involved only after receiving input from these two critical sources, to ensure that management gives its support to activities and efforts that will increase Rosenbluth’s value in the perspective of both customers and current employees. Otherwise, it risks placing great effort in achieving ends totally irrelevant to its customers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Volunteer Program Success and Staffing
This 4 page paper begins by discussing Staffing the Volunteer Program Success by Susan J. Ellis, who emphasizes the importance of hiring a person to manage and supervise the volunteer program. The essay then brings in other authors who have written on the same topic. Statistical data regarding the number of volunteers and their worth in America are included. A six-step process for managing the program is outlined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Online Shopping Analysis of Singapore's NTUC FairPrice Supermarket Website
A 15 page report that provides an analysis of the NTUC FairPrice supermarket Online Web site. Sections of this paper include: Online Revenue Stream; Target Customers; Market Positioning; Marketing Mix (4 Ps); Web Site Design; Web Page Design; Payment Method; Security Measures; Privacy Policy. Statistical data included. 2 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
McCann Erickson's Project Implementation and Corporate Culture
This 10 page paper looks at the ad agency McCann Erickson, its corporate culture and how it manages and implements projects. Various examples are included. The concept of corporate culture is discussed and defined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Supplier Positions in the Cell Phone Market
This 5 page paper examines the relative positions of the major suppliers of handsets in the cellular telephone market. The paper looks at Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Siemens, Sony-Ericsson and LG Electronics. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Software Design Systems Analysis and Ethics
A 3 page research paper/essay that considers ethics in regards to systems analysis and software design and IT in general. The writer discusses viewpoints on ethical guidelines. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The American Market for Cable Based Telephone Service
This 5 page paper examines the US cable telephony market, looking at the size, major competitors, existing patterns and trends, forecasts and major influences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Overview of Information Security Management
A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Overview of Information Security Management
A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Job Candidates' Assessment
This 4 page paper uses a case study provided by the student to construct and use a matrix to assess three candidates for a job. The way the categories and weighting are chosen his shown and the matrix is included. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Appraisals of Work Performance and Employee Satisfaction
A 6 page paper that discusses some of the reasons performance appraisal systems fail to do what they are supposed to do. Research identifying the factors related to the employee's level of satisfaction with the performance appraisal process are reported. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Pharmaceutical Industry, Prices, Returns, and Generic Drugs Competition
This 14 page paper examines the way in which prices of branded drugs, and the related profit they create for the pharmaceutical companies, is impacted when patents expire and the branded drugs have to compete with generic products. The paper considers how the law of supply and demand manifests in this market where an increase in supply does result in a reduction of prices and to what extent this occurs. The paper also looks at the US Hatch-Waxman Act which was introduced to decrease the barriers of entry for the generic drugs whilst the patent periods were extended. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Cable Telephony Services of Time Warner Cable
This 5 page paper examines the cable telephony services of Time Warner Cable a division of the AOL Time Warner. The paper looks at the development of these services when competing with local telephone companies and how the introduction of VoIP services may help push forward cable telephone services for the company. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Management Aspects
This 5 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper defines and describes four functions of management; planning, organization, leadership and control. The second part of the paper discusses which of these will be most important and how e-commerce has impacted on these aspects. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Characteristics of New Public Management
This 7 page paper examines the criticisms that were made of the traditional approach to public administration looking at the inherent weaknesses in the older systems. The paper then discusses the key characteristics of the term New Public Management (NPM). The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Harassment in the Workplace
8 pages in length. Internal issues have made it consistently more difficult for women to work their way up the company ladder and escape the lingering element of workplace harassment. Because corporate America is essentially a white man's world, it has been extremely difficult for women to break the mold and be accepted for their talents, while at the same time fend off unsolicited – and gratuitous – harassment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Cultural Differences
A 14 page paper. As businesses continue to expand globally, the ability to negotiate and resolve conflict in different cultures successfully becomes essential to success. This essay discusses how culture affects conflict management and business negotiations. The four approaches to researching this topic are outlined as are different ways of understanding culture and how those approaches can interfere with communication and conflict management. Specific examples of how company managers in other cultures approach conflict management are provided. For example, U.S. managers often approach conflict as competition while many Asian managers either try to avoid conflict or try to compromise. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Harvard Case Study on Shell's Sustainable Development
A 5 page paper based on a Harvard Case Study. This writer identifies problems from the case study and offers alternative solutions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Tool of Earned Value Management
This 17 page paper examines the tool of Earned Value Management (EVM). The paper considers what it is, how it works, the data requirements, how the systems are created, the way earned value is generated and presented, how the data can be used and where and when EVM should be used. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Types of Management Projects
A 7 page paper that discusses some of the many ways in which different industries use project management techniques. The essay begins with some data about how the field of project management has grown over the decades and the need for project management in today's marketplace. The essay then goes on to report how project management strategies are being used in four different industries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Bridgewater Castings and Strategic Decision Making
A 7 page paper discussing the state of business for this manufacturer of cast iron wood-burning stoves. Seven specific questions address management accounting and strategy issues to conclude that Bridgewater should not presently drop one of its two products, but rather seek out methods of making the under-performing product more profitable. The paper suggests that it develop innovations presently not offered by competitors to be able to profit from first-mover advantage as it now enjoys with the product it plans to retain. Otherwise it will be facing the same situation when competitors begin offering similar products. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Project Management Programs Advantages and Disadvantages
The use of project management software programmes, such as MS Project, is increasing in popularity. This 11 page paper loos at why this may be occurring by examined both the advantages and benefits of using this type of software as well as the potential disadvantages or weaknesses. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Questions on Information Technology Acquisitions
This 4 page paper looks at different aspects of Information technology acquisitions. In five parts the paper considers the alignment of company and IT strategy, the value of The U.S. General Services Administration (GAS) contracts for IT purchases within US federal agencies, reducing ongoing IT acquisition costs, methods of evaluating acquisitions and the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing IT functions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Workplace and Sexual Harassment Prevention
A 20 page paper discussing prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. The issue of sexual harassment is one that no organization can afford to dismiss in today’s business environment. Companies must ensure that they adequately protect themselves from legal action on the part of employees, but the matter extends well beyond that point. Business is more competitive than at any other time, and organizations of all sizes need to gain full benefit from all of their employees. They cannot achieve that end in an atmosphere in which a portion of the workforce is marginalized or forced to choose between working in a hostile environment or finding another job. Formal policy statements are necessary, as is regular, ongoing training. The most influential factor in preventing sexual harassment, however, is strong, clear management support. Businesses that set out to eradicate sexual harassment will find that their workers enjoy better morale and are more productive. Includes one chart and one table. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Coca Cola and Employee Performance Management
This 14 page paper evaluates the performance management systems of a well known company; Coca-Cola. The paper is written with reference to managing employee performance measurement in practice how it is performed and the way this practice relates to theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Logistics Industry and Automotive Inbound Material Transport Collaboration
This 20 page paper examines the way that problems currently facing the many industries, including the automotive industry, regarding the inbound logistics. Increasing costs and inefficiencies are reducing profits for the carriers and sellers and increasing costs for the buyers, while many lorries travel empty on the roads. This paper considers how these inefficiencies are being tackled. The paper concentrates on the automotive industry and how the efficiencies can be enhanced in Europe. The paper includes initiatives such as the European Logistics Users Providers and Enablers Group (ELUPEG). The bibliography cites 25 sources.
Change Management and the Fictitious Ryanair Corporation
This 15-page paper focuses on the CEO of Ryanair (a fictitious corporation) and how this organziation can and should manage change implementation.
Evaluating UK Fire and Rescue Service's Disability and Race Policy
This 16 page paper considers the way in which the fire service in the UK can be seen in terms of fairness and equality. The paper looks the presence of ethnic minorities and also at the introduction of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 after a long period of exemption for the uniformed services. The way in which this is applied to the fire service and rescue service is examined and the interaction with other safety legislation is also considered. Special attention is paid to the inclusion of dyslexia as a disability. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Product Life Cycle of VADs Ventricular Assist Devices Product Life Cycle
A 6 page paper discussing where ventricular assistive devices (VADs) currently reside on the product life cycle curve; what factors are likely to affect their growth; and how long producers can expect the product to be an active contributor to revenues. Recently approved by the FDA as an artificial heart, VADs are poised to become an end-goal product rather than only a bridge buying time until a heart can be found for transplant. The paper discusses costs and what producers can expect to gain from VADs over the next several years. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Common Management Information Protocol and Simple Network Management Protocol
This 17 page paper looks at Simple Network Management Protocol also known as SNMP and Common Management Information Protocol also known as CMIP are both alternatives that can be used in network management. Both of these systems have advantages and disadvantages. This paper considers why Simple Network Management Protocol is not the ideal system for network management and how Common Management Information Protocol may resolve many of these issue, but also has some additional problems, such as increase use of overhead resources and increased complexity and also examines the functionality of CMIP. The paper presents two case studies to illustrate the way that CMIP is of great benefit to the telecommunication industry, but is of limited benefit to other industries. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
William Langewiesche and Niccolo Machiavelli on Management Style
This 5 page paper examines management style according to Machiavelli and also according to author William Langewiesche. Neither book is explicitly about management. Yet, management style is gleaned from the information contained in the two works. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Singer and Business Mogul Madonna
This 19 page paper consider the case of the well-known singer Madonna and looks at how business sense has allowed a singer develop a multimillion dollar international business organisation. The paper looks at the development of the businesses within the music industry environment considering the use of strategy, differentiation and product lifecycle influences. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
British Airways and Iceland Air's E-Commerce Ventures
This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the web sites for Iceland Air and British Airways and assesses them for cultural sensitivity and ease of navigation. The second part of the paper performs a PEST analysis, looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences on airlines with specific reference to their use of e-commerce and the internet. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Smyth Printing and Ecommerce
A 6 page paper discussing the planning process that Smyth Printing should undertake in preparation for designing and implementing an e-commerce addition to the business. The paper discusses system (whether manual or automated) analysis; identifying all that the company would want from an e-commerce application; and the most cost effective way of going about achieving its goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Long Term Prospects for Customer Relationship Management
This 14 page paper examines customer relationship management and critically analyse how the marketer can prevent the demise of customer relationship management in the future. Evaluating this with examples how to sustain the credibility of relationship marketing for the customer. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Music and Sex
This 19 page paper begins with a general introduction of the use of sex in advertising, per se. The author then reports the way sex has been used in the music industry, including some of today's rappers moving into making porn movies. Britney Spears and others are used as examples of performers who began with an image of wholesomeness and transitioned into a very different image. Examples from Russia and Japan demonstrate that using sex to sell music is not and American phenomenon. Does sex really sell music? The jury is out. Consider the fact that while sales in the industry dropped by 3 percent in one year, sales in the Christian and gospel arena rose by over 13 percent in that same year. The author presents a discussion that includes comments from those who believe sex sells, e.g., even a classical label used sex to sell one artist's classical music, and those who believe it is not working at all. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Electronic and Physical Best Buy Stores
A 6 page paper comparing the virtual and physical shopping experience and benefits for the company, using Best Buy as the example. The virtual and physical stores are great complements for each other. They each have their strengths and each contributes to the company’s overall success. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Studies in Nursing Leadership
A 4 page paper reviewing two studies focusing on management style in nursing. Autocracy has no place among nurses at any level, particularly in levels of senior management. As the entire health care industry continues to grow and evolve, appropriate leadership style is critical to the overall success of departments and organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Production of Sportswear Manufacturing
A 3 page paper assessing the production process at a sportswear manufacturer for the purpose of doubling output in the most efficient manner possible. The individual examining the production process also is considering buying the business. The paper concludes that production can be doubled with the addition of 3 employees and 4 machines. Includes diagrams of current and proposed process flow. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
SWOT Analysis of Mercury International Ltd.
This 3 page paper provides a SWOT analysis for this case study based on information submitted by a student. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mobile Women's Wellness Center Marketing Plan
A 15 page marketing plan for a new concept in women's health care. WomensHealth is a startup women's wellness center providing service primarily from a mobile office that will travel to office buildings, factories, malls and anywhere there is a concentration of women needing fast and affordable access to basic health care as well as to a wide variety of health care screening tests. WomensHealth will conduct individual patient education sessions with women, and will hold classes for small groups. PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Global Outsourcing
5 pages of the text content of a 13-slide PowerPoint® presentation (available) on outsourcing. There are four slides each on Global outsourcing, alternatives to outsourcing and outsourcing to insourcing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Global Outsourcing
5 pages of the text content of a 13-slide PowerPoint® presentation (available) on outsourcing. There are four slides each on Global outsourcing, alternatives to outsourcing and outsourcing to insourcing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
HHH Strategic Plan
A 24 page paper presenting a strategic plan for a home health and hospice provider of nursing care. HHH stands poised to enter a phase of growth that was not envisioned at the time of its founding. All of health care is in flux and continues to evolve. Even though there have been many changes in recent years that have led to increased need for home health care, it is likely that changes occurring in the industry in the future will add to that need as well. These changes added to the fact that the first of the baby boomers only now are entering retirement age indicate that demand for the services that HHH offers will increase dramatically in less than five years' time. The company has the option of remaining as it is, but if it is to grow with the industry and be able to take advantage of increased demand for home health and hospice services, it must plan for future growth in the present time. An accompanying PowerPoint® presentation is available. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
A Sector Matrix and a Production Chain Compared
This 9 page paper examines Gereffi’s production chain and compares and contrasts to the concept of a sector matrix as proposed by Froud, looking at the similarities and different and the way they may each be applied. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Gold Mine Selling
A 3 page paper in two parts. The first considers the present value of a gold mine expected to be exhausted in two years' time; the second addresses the issue of whether the bonds of GM or Cisco Systems are the more attractive. It appears that GM is doggedly clinging to being what it wants to be, rather than providing products its customers truly want. Cisco is expanding its traditional reach without abandoning its traditional markets, and finding positive results. Cisco is the better choice for bond purchase. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Team Strategy Formation and the Film Ocean's Twelve
This is a 3 page paper which relates the concepts of team development - forming, storming, norming, preforming, and transforming to the film, Ocean's Twelve.
The bibliography has 2 sources.
The Vitamin and Supplement Market In Belgium
A 5 page paper that discusses the vitamin market in Belgium. The writer comments on the attractiveness of the Belgian market, provides demographic data and comments on the reluctance of Belgians to self-medicate. A specific product, VitaPlen is discussed in terms of the appropriate target market. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Powerful Radio and Television Advertising
A 14 page overview of the power of advertising. Concentrating on television and radio advertisements the author emphasizes the tendency of advertisers to target emotion, cultural affiliation, and even gender to persuade the audience to buy a product. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Sample Dissertation on Low Cost Irish and UK Airlines
This 41 page paper is an in-depth annotated bibliography prepared for a dissertation investigating low cost airlines in Ireland and the UK and potential future strategies. The bibliography lists 55 sources which range from generic strategy reference books to academic papers and articles and news articles and case studies concerning companies such as British Airways, RyanAir, EasyJet and the first airline company to follow a low cost strategy; Southwest Airlines. The sources are summarised and their usefulness assessed. The paper contains 55 sources.
Atlantico and River Beverages Accounting
A 7 page paper discussing budgeting processes at River Beverages and at Atlantico. River Beverages strives to gain a high degree of accuracy, incorporating many unnecessary steps in the process and holding production managers accountable for the performance of non-production departments (i.e., sales). Atlantico's approach is only to "do even better next year," costing it the possibility of price breaks and more effective use of available labor. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
GE in Top Ten of Fortune 500
An 8 page paper discussing the only company appearing in the top 10 of the Fortune 500 that also is the most admired company in 2006, for the sixth time in a decade. It seems clear that leadership style is most responsible for the positive benefits and results that GE gains each year. It is open but demanding, exacting but forgiving. It prefers failure over inaction. It focuses on bottom-line results but places people at a higher level of value than any other aspect of the business, relying on its people to carry the company through change after change. PowerPoint presentation available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
GE in Top Ten of Fortune 500
An 8 page paper discussing the only company appearing in the top 10 of the Fortune 500 that also is the most admired company in 2006, for the sixth time in a decade. It seems clear that leadership style is most responsible for the positive benefits and results that GE gains each year. It is open but demanding, exacting but forgiving. It prefers failure over inaction. It focuses on bottom-line results but places people at a higher level of value than any other aspect of the business, relying on its people to carry the company through change after change. PowerPoint presentation available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Management and the Australian Company Macmillan Distribution Services
This 9 page paper examines the role and importance of warehousing and inventory control and management and the transportations and distribution arrangements for the Australian company Macmillan Distribution services. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Market Plan for Kent's Organic Food
This 10 page paper is written as a report for a consortium of organic farmers in Kent who have a limited budget but want to market their brand of organic foods nationally. The paper outlines an approach and then considers the target market and the media that should be utilised to meet the goals and stay within the budget. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Fictional CD Store Saving
A 10 page paper describing changes in the recorded music industry and providing a business strategy for a fictional CD store for the next five years. Midland Music is a regional music retailer chain in the Southeast. It is left with six stores after closing two of its worst-performing local stores. The industry is in flux and promises that in five years' time it may bear little resemblance to the music industry of the past, particularly as iPods become more common and more customers opt for single-track downloads rather than purchasing CDs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Frozen Foods Industry and Energy Conservation
This 3 page paper traces trends in energy conservation that could be applied to the frozen foods industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Learning Organization Creation
This 17 page paper considers the way in which an company may change and develop into a learning organisation. The paper starts by defining what is meant by a learning organisation along with the benefits and the barriers. The paper then looks at how the transformation could take place. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
AboutCountry Web Survey
This 7 page paper provides an overview of a survey at AboutCountry, a WEB site. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Real Estate Market of Lebanon
This 4 page paper examines the property market in Lebanon. This includes the patterns of development, rises in property prices and the average cost of real estate in 2006 as well as looking at the major development companies. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Strategic Management and Trust Relationships
This is a 24 page proposal for a research study. The paper includes: an introduction, purpose, theoretical base, methodology, questionnaires and conclusion. The essay discusses strategic management processes, including planning and implementation, and the role of trust or confidence in the organization. 3 Questionnaires are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
4 Articles on Employment Security Reviewed
10 pages in length. The writer discusses four articles pertaining to job security. No additional sources cited.
Overview of Intercultural Communications
This 3 page paper discusses intercultural communication: what it is, what problems it entails, and how these issues can be resolved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Definition of Logical Fallacies and Their Types
A 4 page research paper that examines and discusses several types of fallacies. The term "fallacy" refers to errors in logical thinking that can be found in argumentative language (Haskins). This examination of this topic looks at three logical fallacies and how these errors in logic relate to the processes of critical thinking, and how its application can be found within the decision making process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Marketing and the Hierarchy of Needs of Abraham Maslow
This 3 page paper uses two examples from real life to demonstrate how advertisers get people to purchase things. Psychology is employed in the analysis. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A look at the Hotel Mini Bar
This 11 page paper looks at the company called Bartech. Specifications for its mini-bar are relayed. The value of having these in hotels is also contemplated. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Positive and Negative Aspects of Fast Food Restaurants
This 3 page paper discusses the pros and cons of fast food restaurants. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis
A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis
A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Sainsbury, Competition, and UK Supermarket Industry Loyalty
This 30 page paper looks at the way loyalty is gained and retained by supermarkets in the UK grocery sector with the aim of helping J Sainsbury gain market share. The paper presents a literature review looking at loyalty schemes including a section that consider how and why Tesco has been able to gain higher levels of loyalty than other supermarkets. The paper then presents some potential primary research identifying the way loyalty is maintained. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Dell Computer Pop Up Ad Design
In this 12 page paper, the writer was asked to focus on Dell using a pop-up ad on the Internet. The writer begins by describing the intrusiveness of pop-up ads. This theme carries through the paper. The essay includes the objectives of the ad, expected results, costs of Internet advertising, where to place the ad, checking results and adjusting the ad and several other issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Bullying in the Workplace
This 4 page paper discusses workplace bullying, and constructs a fictional scenario to explore the issues surrounding it. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Indian Real Estate Corporate Merger Proposal
This 5 page paper examines the real estate market in India. A proposal is made regarding which firms might be successful by merging. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Taking a Cruise to Puerto Rico
A 23 page marketing plan for a weekend-length cruise route between Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands. It is the mission of the venture to increase tourism in Puerto Rico, enabling each country to take advantage of its neighbor's tourist trade. The ultimate goal is that weekend cruise visitors will note the surroundings and accommodations, and return for on-land visits in the future. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Promoting Weekend Cruise to Puerto Rico
A 6 page paper containing slide contents and speaker notes for a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation promoting the addition of weekend cruises between Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands. The presentation has many pictures from Puerto Rico. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Promoting Weekend Cruise to Puerto Rico
A 6 page paper containing slide contents and speaker notes for a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation promoting the addition of weekend cruises between Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands. The presentation has many pictures from Puerto Rico. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nonprofit Organization's High Power Board of Directors Creation
A 4 page paper on strategies in forming a high-power Board for a nonprofit organization. Whether the organization is nonprofit or for-profit, the role of the Board of Directors is largely the same: governing the organization. Ultimately, those with greatest policy experience are the most likely choices in creating a high-powered, effective Board. Those lacking executive private-sector business experience can learn to overcome that detriment. It is much more difficult to overcome policy-making deficiencies than business deficiencies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Physical Evidence and Marketing Services
For a business to succeed marketing is very important For services marketing is harder as the intangible nature of the output means there is not a physical product to sell. The 10 paper is a proposal for research to assess how important it is for marketers to provide ‘physical evidence’ for the claims they make about services. Many theorists have argued that the need for evidence is very important and looking at service companies such as Singapore Airlines it is perceptions rather than proven quality such as ISO marks that is important when gaining customers. The paper suggests primary research that could be undertaken to assess how important different types of evidence influence the purchase decision and gives a timetable for the research over 13 weeks. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Exconom Expansion
A 3 page consultant's proposal to research likely targets for expansion of Exconom, an excavating company in Singapore that uses tunnel-free technology for cabling and piping infrastructure needs. Exconom's management is hesitant to expand at all, so the consultant offers a proposal for supplying information on other ASEAN nations as well as China as likely targets for Exconom's expansion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Cingular Wireless and Diversity Audit
An 8 page paper providing a diversity audit of Cingular Wireless. The company gained a "Baloney Alert" from DiversityInc Magazine in 2002 but has improved to the point of gaining 10th place on the magazine's Top 10 companies for diversity in 2006, and first place for Hispanics. It appears that Cingular Wireless is on the right path but has not reached any particular milestone in its quest for optimal diversity of its workforce. There are no specific, overt problems evident on a superficial level, but there may be deeper ones that the company will need to address soon. Certainly winning a space in DiversityInc's Top 10 will serve to ensure that diversity remains a point of focus. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Nestle's KitKat Candy Bar Marketing
This 3 page paper looks at how Nestle market 2 finger and 4 finger Kitkat bars and why the marketing for the two variations is separated. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Overview of Diversity Management
A 3 page paper that begins by defining diversity broadly and explaining what managing diversity means. Obstacles to managing diversity are discussed, such as some common stereotypes, and other factors that act as obstacles. The advantages of a diverse workforce and of effectively managing diversity are discussed.
A Career Path as a Marketing Manager
This 14 page paper looks at the career of a marketing manager. The paper is written in three parts. The first part looks at the role, qualifications and skills needed as well as general background information. The second part considers the labour market conditions for the chosen career and the third part of the paper uses a SWOT analysis to consider the students plan to pursue a career in marketing management. The paper is written with specific reference to the UK, but most aspects are valid internationally. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
The Development of Career Models based on Existing Theory
This 4 page paper looks at different career models including the Protean Career model and Boundryless Career model and then looks at the ENFP personality type under the Myers-Briggs test, looking at their characteristics and considering what type of job the would be good at. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost
This 3 page paper looks at the concepts of absolute advantage in comparative advantage comparing and contrasting the two. The paper then defines and discusses opportunity cost and considers the way in which this is seen with in international trade theory. The bibliography cites for sources.
Tambrands; Marketing Case Study
This 4 page paper examines the marketing case study of Tambrands; manufactures of Tampax. The paper looks the wisdom of the company becoming part of the Proctor and Gamble Corporation and the way in which advertising has taken place in different markets with different levels of resistance to tampon products. The bibliography cites one source.
Marketing Tobacco Products; The Ethical Issues
This 4 page paper considers a case study supplied by the student. The case looks at the marketing of tobacco products by US companies to developing countries and considers whether this may be as ethical taking into consideration a range of outcomes including social and economic. The paper also discusses whether it would be right to prevent tobacco companies from marketing despite selling a legal product. The bibliography cites one source.
McDonald's and Obesity; A Case Study
This 4 page paper looks at the problems faced by McDonald's and its’ association with unhealthy food and obesity. Answering questions set by the student paper discusses the problems of using a cartoon character to advertise to children, the potential of a law banning fast food advertising to children, whether or not advertising should be banned even if obesity rates in children are not falling in countries which have a ban in place and the problem is that the company has faced in the UK trying to overcome its unhealthy image. The paper ends with some commendations for a short-term and long-term strategy. The paper is based on a case study provided by the student
Business Contract Law - Case Study
An 8 page paper based on a scenario provided by the student. The case involved thermostats. The company has exclusive distributor contracts in different countries for their Celsius thermostat with a faceplate instead of decals. A person representing himself as an exporter assures the thermostats will be going to the Middle East but they start showing up in the Netherlands undercutting that distributor. The essay discusses the elements of an enforceable contract, breach of contract, the facts of the case and how they relate to different legal issues, the value of oral agreements and more. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Case Study: Bob Marsh and Cooper Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
This 3 page paper summarizes Bob Marsh’s case, states what might have been done and why, and answers the question, how could this happen to someone like Marsh in a company like CPI? Bibliography lists 1 source.
Kudler Fine Foods Case Study; Legal Issues
This 8 page paper examines the case study supplied by the student. A business has to make some decisions with legal implications. The paper examines the business issues in terms of the legal environment. The first part of the paper considers the implications of making layoffs, the second part of the paper looks at whether it be wise to enter into written contracts and some suppliers, the third part of the paper discusses potential product-liability is in the sale of organic food and the last part of the paper outlines some legal considerations when hiring staff. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
The Importance of Effective Selection and Recruitment
This 8 page paper looks at the importance of effective selection and recruitment strategies. The paper outlines benefits and costs associated recruitment and considers the way in which recruitment should fit in with the overall strategy of the company. Effective recruitment is examined in the context of different organisational approaches the paper goes on to look at the different talks which may be used to help create an effective selection and recruitment strategy. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
The Marketing of Nokia and Sony Ericsson in the United Arab Emirates
This 22 page paper looks at the way in which the cellular phone equipment company's Nokia and Sony Ericsson are marketing their core products; cellular handsets, within United Arab Emirates. The paper looks at the telecommunications industry in the UAE and the background of the companies before considering the way in which they are competing, including the positioning of the companies, the prices, the products, the promotions, the target markets and target market profiles. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Lawrence Sports Inc.; Executive Summary
This 3 page paper is an executive summary for a case study supplied by the student. The case concerned a Lawrence Sports Inc., a company facing a cash flow problem due to the lack of working capital management. The bibliography cites two sources.
Assessment Three Cinema Websites Using Nielsen's 10 Heuristics
This 27 page paper examines three cinema websites which markets the cinema and encourage ticket sales. The three websites assessed in terms of their target population and the way they are presented with reference to Neilson's 10 usability heuristics. The cinemas chosen for the assessment the Odeon, Vue and a small independent called Palace Cinema. The websites assessed the UK websites for the cinema. The bibliography cites eight sources.
Gretchen Fox And Fox Relocation Management Corp
A 5 page paper that presents a profile of the company and of its founder. The essay discusses the company's growth and success and its strengths, which include a collaborative culture. The writer comments that weaknesses, if any, are not apparent and ends with comments about the company's future. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
McDonald's in China; SWOT, PEST and Porters Five Forces Analysis
This 8 page paper examines McDonald's in China. The paper presents a SWOT analysis examining the strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats; a PEST analysis looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences; and finally a Porter's Five Forces analysis discussing the current competitors, the threat of new entrants, the power over buyers and suppliers and the power substitutes. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Exporting U.S. Wines to China
This 10 page paper explores the feasibility of exporting wines from the U.S. to China, and argues that despite some potential difficulties in such technicalities as labeling and distribution, the market potential, plus the growing Chinese consumption of wine, makes the project attractive. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cerner Corporation - Training Analysis
A 9 page paper. The essay includes a Table of Contents and Executive Summary. The main paper is divided into six sections that provide a background of the company and its mission, sales, employees, discussion of current employees, existing training and career development programs, the company's ranking in turnover and training, training interventions recommended, the cost of training and how it will be evaluated. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Volkswagen Eos; Marketing Case Study
This 10 page paper examines the case of Volkswagen and their new convertible car; the Eos. The paper presents an outline marketing plan including an assessment of the current market position of the car, a SWOT analysis, a potential marketing strategy and action plan and control measures. Following the outline marketing plan the paper suggests two attract marketing segments on the West Coast of America and proposes an alternative market coverage strategy. The bibliography cites five sources.
Weber and Taylor on Management Theory
This 4 page paper provides an overview of a POWERPOINT presentation on the concepts of Weber and Taylor and their views of management. This paper outlines the specific material for each slide and the notes that can be used to describe what is on the slides. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Statistical Analysis of Sales Figures
This 5 page paper is written in 2 parts and is based on the case study provided by the student. The first part of the paper describes the way in which least-squares regression analysis has been used to project the demand for individual goods based on historical data provided to the last 4 years and then goes on to give an overview on the total projected demand for the company as a whole looking at the general trends. The second part of the paper is made up of four Microsoft PowerPoint slides that accompany the text. The bibliography cites 1 source.
A Business Plan for Wal-Mart
This 27 page paper presents a business plan for Wal-Mart with the aim of helping Wal-Mart become a learning organisation. The paper starts with some background to the organisation; an examination of the organisational issues and problems and the potential solutions. The paper then presents a plan to implement the change looking at how and why the solution of becoming a learning organization will benefit the company and how the change may be introduced and managed. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
AT&T Dallas Works Case
This 8 page paper examines the case study provided by the student. The right identifies problems exist with the case which include resistance to change, a poor employment relationship, low levels of motivation and potentially presents a survivor's guilt. The relevant theories are discussed and the implementation of potential solutions is outlined. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Choosing a Promotion for Piggy Bank
A 3 page paper discussing the focus of a promotion offering cash back on credit card purchases made with a Piggy Bank credit card. Choices are to offer incentives at traditional retailers or limit the incentives to online sales. The paper recommends choosing traditional retail because its growth is slower and more predictable, allowing the bank to enter the promotion with a better sense of what the total cost will be. A 9-slide PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Choosing a Promotion for Piggy Bank
A 3 page paper discussing the focus of a promotion offering cash back on credit card purchases made with a Piggy Bank credit card. Choices are to offer incentives at traditional retailers or limit the incentives to online sales. The paper recommends choosing traditional retail because its growth is slower and more predictable, allowing the bank to enter the promotion with a better sense of what the total cost will be. A 9-slide PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
- Case Study
This 6 page paper answers specific questions regarding Amazon and its market. The questions include consideration of how or why Amazon have been a successful online retailer, whether or not Amazon customers also use other sites to shop for books and CDs, what aspects of customer services have aided Amazons development, why high turnover does not necessarily result in higher profits, the differences between an online and a bricks and mortar experience and the potential problems may face as they continue to expand their product ranges. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
- Case Study
This 6 page paper answers specific questions regarding Amazon and its market. The questions include consideration of how or why Amazon have been a successful online retailer, whether or not Amazon customers also use other sites to shop for books and CDs, what aspects of customer services have aided Amazons development, why high turnover does not necessarily result in higher profits, the differences between an online and a bricks and mortar experience and the potential problems may face as they continue to expand their product ranges. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
GM Powertrain Harvard Case Study
A 5 page paper. This case study is set in 1997 when a new plant manager is faced with numerous issues. The subtitles include: brief history of company, competitive and business environments, problems in the case, options and recommendation. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Populations Services International Marketing Case Study
This three page paper examines aim marketing case study supplied by the student. Population Services International (PSI) has been employed to market the Raja condoms and Maya contraceptive pill in Bangladesh. The sale of the condom is has been successful, but the Maya pills have been less successful. The paper considers why there have been difficulties in marketing than and suggests a new strategy to improve sales. The bibliography cites two sources.
Populations Services International Marketing Case Study
This three page paper examines aim marketing case study supplied by the student. Population Services International (PSI) has been employed to market the Raja condoms and Maya contraceptive pill in Bangladesh. The sale of the condom is has been successful, but the Maya pills have been less successful. The paper considers why there have been difficulties in marketing than and suggests a new strategy to improve sales. The bibliography cites two sources.
Inventory Control at Toyota
Toyota is credited with developing the just-in-time inventory management this 5 page paper examines the inventory management systems used at Toyota, the way they are implemented along with the advantages and disadvantages associated with the systems that they use. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Nike; Computerized Interviewing Process Case Study
This 4 page paper looks at a computerized interview system used by Nike and answers four questions assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the system, whether or not there are any potential equal employment opportunity issues, looking at the way the system was perceived as public relations as well as recruitment, and finally considering the way that the system may be improved. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
What Is Strategic Human Resource Management?
This 10 page paper considers what is meant by the term strategic human resource management (HRM). The paper discusses the importance of HRM, considers the different approaches to HRM and the way they may be used, the benefits of the different approaches and the ways in which they can be strategically applied. The discussion includes subjects such as Taylor and scientific management, the human relations school, motivation theory, the matching model and the resource-based view. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
EDC and SLK Case Study
This 7 page paper looks at case supplied by the student. EDC, a non-profit making organisation is outsourcing its information technology functions with an offshore company. The paper answer several questions regarding off shoring including how best practice was seen in the case, key success factor is, the potential differences between for-profit and not-for-profit organisations and the way a decision concerning off shoring may be undertaken. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Apple; Background and SWOT Analysis
This 11 page paper examines Apple Inc. The first part of the paper looks at the background of the company and its development. The second part of the paper discusses the position of the company in late 2007 and performs a SWOT analysis to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company faces. The paper ends by presenting potential strategies which may help the company grow in the future. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
New Coke: Marketing Flop
4 pages in length. Diversity is a critical component to any company's continued success; without the benefit of change, organizations cannot expect to remain competitive within their own industries. However, there is a fine line between reinventing an already popular product within acceptable consumer boundaries and completely altering the product so it is wholly unidentifiable. The Coca-Cola company crossed over this line when they introduced the ill-fated New Coke in response to Pepsi's many offshoot products. The extent to which consumers shunned New Coke is both grand and far-reaching; that the manufacturer was compelled to bring back original Coke a mere seventy-nine days after New Coke's release (McGregor et al, 2006) speaks to a marketing faux pas that should have been realized long before New Coke ever progressed beyond the proverbial drawing board. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Business Law Questions
This 4 page paper provides an overview of three business law questions, one about the types of negotiations, one about a sports case, and another about manufacturer warrantees.
Assessing Employee Motivation; Research Proposal
This 18 page paper is a proposal to assess the level of employee motivations with a company or organization. The paper sets out the purpose of the research and the research question along with justification. This is followed by an in-depth literature review and the proposal of a research design and methodology. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
The Philippines As a Potential Business Destination
This 5 page paper examines the Philippines a potential business destination. The paper starts by examining the economy of the Philippines; its’ performance, its’ structure and its’ trade patterns, the nearby economies of Malaysia and China are also outlined. The paper then considers some of the potential issues management may face with setting up a business in the Philippines including the cultural differences. The bibliography cites eight sources.
Ethical Case Study; Is It Ethical for an Employee to Use Work Time for a Personal Projects?
This 9 page paper discusses the ethics concerning an IT professional who has used the slack time at work to write a program for personal use. The program is to identify undervalued stocks on the stock market so that the employee can purchase them. The employee has made personal gains. The paper looks at the situation from a range of ethical perspectives including consequentialism, deontological theories and principilism to determine whether the employee has acted ethically or unethically. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Ethical Case Study; Is It Ethical for an Employee to Use Work Time for a Personal Projects?
This 9 page paper discusses the ethics concerning an IT professional who has used the slack time at work to write a program for personal use. The program is to identify undervalued stocks on the stock market so that the employee can purchase them. The employee has made personal gains. The paper looks at the situation from a range of ethical perspectives including consequentialism, deontological theories and principilism to determine whether the employee has acted ethically or unethically. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Change at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria
This 26 page paper considers the subject of change management and how it has been applied in the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission. The paper starts with an introduction, aims and methods and a justification for the research. This is followed by an in-depth literature review regarding change management, looking at a range of change models and approaches to managing change. After a brief consideration of the role and structure of the CAC the organisation is examined in terms of the way change has been undertaken with recommendation made for future change management. The bibliography cites 25 sources.
Caribou Coffee
This 35 page paper examines the second largest coffee house company in the US, follower to Starbucks. The company has had a difficult few years; the paper undertakes an in-depth analysis looking at the company its mission and values as well as its products. An environmental analysis is conducted used in order to formulate and proposes a strategy to help the company move forward. Goals and implementation plans are presented along with a financial forecast for the plan. The paper includes a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
World Wildlife Fund Marketing Plan
A 10 page marketing plan for the World Wildlife Fund, targeting corporate members and school teachers in the United States. The plan seeks to gain new members and corporate sponsorship totaling $6.25 million on a $400,000 investment. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Coca-Cola Production Costs
A 4 page paper answering several production costs questions and using Coca-Cola as the reference company. Questions address production costs; supply chain management; and the production possibility frontier. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 4-page paper covers the socioethical remedies necessary for promotiong lean manufacturing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 3-page paper is an analysis of various business intelligence tools, offering the idea that the tools are good for numbers-crunching.
Lenovo; Marketing Strategy Analysis
This 5 page paper looks at the case of Lenovo, the purchaser of IBM's PC division. The marketing strategy of the Chinese company that trades in China under the name Legend is examined. The paper is provided on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Do Management Theories Develop As Management Problems Arise?
This 6 page paper considers the way that management theories have evolved over time and considers why and how they develop, looking at the influence of the environment and the commercial context as well as the basis on former research. The paper looks at management theories including scientific management, motivation theories, competitive strategy theories and change theories. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Tyco Case Study
A 4 page paper. Using a case study, Tyco International: A Case of Corporate Malfeasance, provided by the student, the writer responds to three questions/issues: how to account for Kozlowski's behavior, how to account for the board's failure to fulfill duties, and what new CEO Breen must do to regain public confidence as well as that of other stakeholders. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Marketing Plan for the World Wildlife Fund
This 17 page paper is a marketing plan for the World Wildlife Fund, (WWF). The paper starts by looking at the organization and considers its current situation, the target market and the competitors. A new strategy is then suggested, presented using the 4 P's and 6 M's. The plan ends with the presentation of the financial forecasts. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Leadership Theories And Personality Traits Of Effective Leaders
A 20 page paper. The first part of this essay discusses some of the major leadership theorists and their ideas, including Drucker, Mintzberg and Goleman. The second part discusses the personality traits that have been associated with highly successful managers and leaders. The paper ends by presenting Collins' Level 5 as the quintessential leader and incorporates ideas presented earlier in the paper. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Making Hospitals Eco-Friendly
A 3 page paper that reports what some hospitals are doing to become 'greener.' The writer reports hospitals building new facilities who are trying to attain the LEED certification. The paper also discusses some of the things existing hospitals can do to reduce waste and energy costs and the benefits of doing so. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Harley Davidson - Strategic Analysis and Choices
This 18 page paper looks at the well known motorcycle manufacturer Harley Davidson, examines it performance and the environment in which it operates in order to determine a potential future strategy. A PEST and a SWOT analysis is used to examine the form in its environment and the industry along with the competitors is assessed. The paper ends with some potential strategy recommendations defied in the gap that is present between the objective of growth and the current strategies and performance. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
How to Increase FDI Into Libya; Introduction and Methodology
This 16 page paper is the introduction and methodology for a large project which looks at the way FDI may be increased in Libya. The purpose of the research, aims and objectives as well as constraints are discussed and then the methodology, which is targeted at FDI decision makers, using surveys is outlined including sampling and the application of the surveys. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
The Application of Game Theory
This 8 page paper is an explanation and an application of game theory, including a consideration of the normal form and the extended form with the use of a game tree, the Nash equilibrium, sub game perfect and the application of game theory in an extended game. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
The Organizational Structure Where Managers Have Strategy-Executing Responsibility And Employees That Participate In Strategy Execution
This 4 page paper considers the quote All managers have strategy-executing responsibility in their areas of authority, and all employees are participants in the strategy execution process" and looks at a different range of organizational structures to assess which is likely to be the most supportive of this approach. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses various aspects of outsourcing, including what types of jobs are good for outsourcing and what shouldn't be outsourced. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Nokia v iPhone
This 9 page paper looks at the launch of the new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. The paper is written in 3 parts. The first part of the paper looks at the concept of environmental scanning and why it is important to marketers. The second part of the paper undertakes environmental scanning, using a PESTEL and SWOT analysis considering the position of Nokia with the launch of their first touch screen telephone with the online music service 'Comes with Music'. The last part of the paper outlines a marketing campaign that could be used to market the telephone. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Why Has Packaging Become Such A Significant Part Of Marketing Activity?
This 3 page paper looks at why packaging is so important in marketing terms, issues such as customer perception and image are considered and ethical and environmental concerns regarding packaging. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
This 6-page paper covers information about a career for an owner of a record label and recording studio. Topics include salary, skills required and duties of the job. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Continental Case Study
This 8 page paper looks at the case that he provided by student and considers the actions which should be taken by company which has interests in 4 different industries. The company has to decide which industries to invest in, and which interests you should sell. The paper looks at the current position in choices available to the company and the makes recommendations.
Current Issues in Sex Discrimination Law
This 3 page paper looks at an English sex discrimination law issue. The paper, written as preparation for a presentation looks at what is meant by discrimination, how sex discrimination can take place, and the impact of the Gender Recognition Act 2004. The paper includes a poster designed to raise awareness of this new act. The Bibliography cites 3 sources.
Otis Elevator 360 Degree Performance Assessment Case Study
This 4 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student; Otis Elevator is introducing a new 360 degree assessment scheme for their managers. The paper looks at the potential advantages of the scheme, potential problem that may be encountered when implementing the scheme and other consideration that will need to be considered. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Personal Development Plan
This 10 page paper is a personal development plan based on information supplied by the student. The paper proposes a career goal for someone in junior management to reach middle management and run a department within years, current skills are identified a needed skills are identified. A plan to obtain them is then presented. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Ethics In Information Technology
13 pages in length. Information Technology (IT) is arguably one of the most expansive and influential forms of advancement mankind has ever created; that it serves to connect, facilitate, market and educate the entire global community speaks to a human discovery of monumental value. Indeed, something so significant in a positive light must also harbor shortcomings that can be just as substantial, which is clearly the case with the ethical concerns inherent to IT. Considered the four most prevalent ethical issues in today's IT - privacy, accuracy, property and accessibility (PAPA) - they garner tremendous attention as the illustration of how imposing an otherwise beneficial human advancement can be to its own makers. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Marketing a Hospital
This 10 page paper considers the way that a hospital will develop a marketing strategy to market its services. The paper considers the way that marketing theory will be used to help identify and develop a plan, what marketing elements the plan should include and how the plan should be linked to the overall business plan. The paper looks at who the marketing plan will be developed it does not present a marketing plan. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Integrated Marketing Communication and Creating Brand Awareness
This 4 page paper is written in two parts, the first part looks at what advertising and promotion is so importance in an integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategy. The second part of the paper considers the way that brand issues and desired image need to be considered before formulating a brand strategy. Both sections are illustrated with examples from the marketing of Calvin Klein. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 3-page paper proposes steps a person needs to take if she suspects sexual harassment on the job.
This 3-page paper proposes steps a person needs to take if she suspects sexual harassment on the job.
Lend Lease Case Study; Improving Organization
This 10 page report style paper examines a case study supplied by the student concerning the Australian real estate company Lend Lease, in order to propose a way that the firm could improve their internal organization. The improvement suggested is the move to a team based, or lattice framework structure to improve the management of the projects. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Knowledge Management
This 11 page paper looks at knowledge management and the ways in which a firm can gain value from a knowledge management strategy or system. The paper defines what it is meant by knowledge management, looks at the different types of knowledge management that can take place and the barriers to successful implementation and what approaches should be taken in terms of knowledge creation and leveraging knowledge to overcome potential barriers. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Role Segregation
A 5 page paper that discusses what role segregation is, the need for separating roles, why it is important in organizations, how it might not be helpful, and benefits of role segregation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Recorded Music Industry In The UK
This 5 page paper looks at the recorded music industry in the UK. The sales for 2007 are given with the break down between physical sales, digital sales and performing rights, the way in which royalties are paid to songwriters/composers and performers is discussed, and a 2008 Top 10 Pop Chart is provided. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
The Main Strengths And Weaknesses Of Tourism As A Means Of Economic Development
Tourism is a growing industry and has a great deal of potential to aid with the economic development of developing countries. This 4 page paper considers the potential strengths and weaknesses of a developing country using a tourism strategy to increase revenue. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Organizational Communication - Case Study
This 4 page paper applies the communication process to a hypothetical organization. The essay includes: the communication climate in the organization, strengths and weaknesses, management's approach and an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Request for Proposal
This 4 page paper considers the issues to look at when writing a request for proposal and then presents a fictitious request for proposal (RFP) for a CRM system for a manufacturing firm.
Improving Performance in a Call Center
This 19 page paper is a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes looking at how to improve a call center which is not meeting any of its key performance indicators. The strategy includes training the staff and introduction of motivation strategies. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Communication Models; Information Transfer, Transactional Process, Strategic Control, and As a Balance of Creativity and Constraint
This 7 paper looks at 4 models of communication and considers the major insights provided by the four primary organizational communication models; communication as information transfer; transactional process; strategic control and balance of creativity and constraint. The 4 models are considered individually, looking acts characteristics and the way which they may be utilized. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Information Management
This 9 page paper is written in 4 parts. The first part looks at information management methods and system, including paper files, databases and management information systems. The second part of the paper considers storage issues, the third part looks at decision making and the last part of the paper outlines the stages to running a meeting. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
IBM Systems and Technology Marketing
This 8 page paper examines the marketing approach of IBM Systems and Technology, part of IBM, in order to determine whiter or not they are a marketing orientated firm. The paper includes a discussion on the propose of marketing in a modern organization, a SWOT analysis of the marketing, consideration of the B2B model and the use of customer relationship management, the marketing mix and the general marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Systems versus Enterprise Architecture
A 6 page research paper that, first of all, offers a 2 page summary that differentiates systems architecture from enterprise architecture. Then, the writer summarizes the content of 2 web sites and 1 journal article. The final page offer findings and conclusions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
This 4 page paper provides an overview of sexual harassment policies in the workplace, and includes a plan to address disciplinary action to protect the employer. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Market Research Proposal
This 3 page paper is a proposal for market research to help a hotel chain determine whether or not they could save money by decreasing the quality of the bedding and the towels. The proposal contains the aims of the study and a methodology is presented.
Market Research Proposal
This 3 page paper is a proposal for market research to help a hotel chain determine whether or not they could save money by decreasing the quality of the bedding and the towels. The proposal contains the aims of the study and a methodology is presented.
Healthcare And Strategic Management
A 4 page paper that responds to specific issues. The first is why healthcare organizations need to adopt strategic planning processes. The paper provides an overview of the evolution of strategic management and defines the terms, strategic thinking, strategic momentum, strategic planning and strategic management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Human Resource Management at a Telecommunications Company
This 11 page paper looks at the approach and practices of human resource management at the UK telecommunications company British Telecom (BT), considering the way in which recruitment takes place, as well as looking at issues such as performance assessment and training development. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses reasons for high employee turnover in the long-term care field and some solutions for counteracting the problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Recommendation for Clearsky
This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Clearsky is an airline that wants to install a WiFi service; just before they sign a contract the supplier signs an exclusive contract with another airline. The paper considers the situation and the problem looks at the critical issues and potential solutions before giving a recommendation. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Diversification at Phelps Dodge
This 5 page paper looks at a firm that is reliant on copper process for its revenue, creating volatility. The paper considers the potential value of diversification and looks at other strategies that may be used to reduce the level of validity in the firms’ revenues. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 7-page paper provides an analysis of the University of Phoenix case study concerning Carl Robins, ABC Inc. and personnel issues. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Politics in Organizations
A 4 page paper. The catalyst for this paper is a 1998 article entitled "The new rules of leadership and organizational politics - In the Trenches." The writer discusses the content in relationship to today's workplace. The writer comments on power in social relationships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Communication Case at Office Supply Store
A 7 page paper based on a case study from Harvard Business School. This essay focuses on communication issues as described in the case study. The writer comments on communication barriers, communication channels, an effective communication strategy for Lewis, organizational culture and other issues in the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Corporate Culture at Container Company
A 3 page paper that begins by describing what a strong and weak corporate culture is like. The rest of the paper describes and discusses the culture at Crown Cork. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Golf Industry in 2005 and Porters Five Forces Framework
This 8 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first part of the paper looks at Porters Five Forces model, the importance of different factors and how the models can be used. The second part of the paper applies the model to the US golfing industry, based on a case study provided by the student. The third part of the paper looks at the way in which the strengths and weaknesses of the industry is likely to change in the future. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Workplace Dilemmas and Ethics
This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Valerie faces a dilemma at work, she has found out her boss is accepting kickbacks and is behaving unethically The paper looks at the different dilemmas that are present identify the different stresses, consider the bosses approach and the influence of corporate culture. The bibliography cites 3 sources. TEvaldil.rtf
How Samsung Compete in the UK Cellular Phone Market
This 11 page paper investigates Samsung in the way in which they compete within the mobile, or cellular, telephone market in the UK. The paper gives a background to the company, and considers the company utilizing a market based view and a resource based view, followed by a PEST and a SWOT analysis. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Analysis of Major Credit Card Company
A 5 page paper that is based on a Harvard Business School case study. The writer discusses the principles of brand and product management, how marketing analytics has given the company a sustainable competitive advantage and what risks face the company with recommendations. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Leading Plastics Injection Molding Company
A 4 page paper that discusses some of Riordan's operational business systems using documents written about this privately held company. The writer makes recommendations for improving some of those systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 5-page paper focuses on career and performance management for employees at InterClean. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Kudler IT System
This 5 page paper is based on the case study supplied by the student. Kulder Fine Foods needs a new IT system, the position of the company is considered and the recommendation of an ERP system is made, looking at some of the issues which would need to be considered before adopting ERP. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Planning an Expansion
This 12 page paper looks at the case study supplied by the student, examining a regional company which is manufacturing and selling cellular telephones. The paper explores the current position of the company, and then presents a strategy for the company to expand nationally and internationally based on the development of a new product. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
This 10-page paper investigates research and studies concerning leadership styles and their impact on motivation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Potential Marketing for a Flying Car
This 5 page paper looks at the potential market for flying cars, identifying characteristics that may be important to buyers, identifying potential target markets and then assessing the most appropriate distribution channels for two of the potential target markets. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Fair Trade Goods and Consumer Purchases Patterns
This 7 page paper looks at a recent consumption trend, increased demand and consumption of fair trade products. The way the patterns is emerging, influences in the trend and the way it is used by retailers, as well as the limitations in the trend are all discussed. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Human Resource Problems at One Company
In this 5 page paper, the writer identifies human resource issues and problems at this company. The key problems are related to how executives view the problem. The writer also discusses a new human resource business system for the company and how it will improve HR. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Communication Case Study
This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, Blue Ridge are suffering as a result of weak communications, The paper looks at the problems and the pertinent facts and recommends a course of action. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Nano Car and the Company's Financial Goals
A 3 page paper. The Tata Group is the largest private-sector corporation in India, comprising 95 separate companies in several business sectors. This essay discusses the strategic and financial goals of the Group and of Tata Motor, which released the Nano car in 2009. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGttn3.rtf
The Effectiveness of McDonald's Advertisements
This 4 page paper is an analysis of a television advertisement broadcast by McDonald's, targeting families, examining the messages which are being sent regarding issues such as perceptions, values, assumptions, beliefs and expectations. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Pacific Oil and Reliant Chemicals Negotiations
This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. A contract is being negotiated, the issues with the negotiation are discussed looking at the problem and the way that the weak position of Pacific oil may be strengthen.
Interclean Training and Mentoring Program
This 7 page paper is based on a case study where a firm need to implement a new training and mentoring program to develop team based customer centric selling practices. The paper cites 7 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses the concepts of labor relations management and human resources management, pointing out similarities and differences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Vanguard Pricing Decision
This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Compressor Controls Corp., has to decide what price they will use to bid for a contract ion India. The paper assesses the relevant issues and suggests a price. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
This 12-page paper provides a literature review about strategic management and its meanings. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Case Study of Processes at Mario’s
This 5 page paper is based on a fictitious case study supplied by the student. The pizza restaurant is not operating at maximum efficiency, using an online simulation the best way to arrange the operations, looking at issues such the table arrangement, ordering system and ovens that are used.
Strategy Recommendation for Minor Bus Company
This 6 page paper is a 14 slide PowerPoint presentation based on a case study supplied by the student. Minor Bus Company is a small bus company that is facing increased competition. The presentation looks at the issues and presents recommendations of the strategy the firm should adopt. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Strategy Recommendation for Minor Bus Company
This 6 page paper is a 14 slide PowerPoint presentation based on a case study supplied by the student. Minor Bus Company is a small bus company that is facing increased competition. The presentation looks at the issues and presents recommendations of the strategy the firm should adopt. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
The Success of DoCoMo
This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student; DoCoMo was the dominant supplier of mobile telephone services in Japan. The paper considers how they gained this passion and marketed to the young adult market as well as the business market. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Assessing and Implementing Internal Marketing at Huffman Trucking
This 11 page paper is based on the case study supplied by the student. Huffman Trucking needs to make some changes. The paper considers the problems, looks at the state division of the company and discusses the alternative solutions before determining the optimum solution and putting forward and implementation plan. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Product Packaging
This 3 page paper uses Hine's work as a springboard for discussion. The paper concludes that package design ought to be given a lot of thought before a new product release. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses the concepts of negative word of mouth marketing and viral marketing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Primary Research Tools
This 8 page paper looks at the use of focus groups and postal questionnaires in market research, considering the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods. The paper then presents a sample questionnaire suitable to be used by the automotive industry to assess desirable characteristics of cars and after sales service. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Assessment of the Position of General Mills in the Ready to Eat Cereal Market
This 20 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. General Mills are active within the ready to eat cereal market and are facing a changes, the changes are considered and advance given regarding future strategies, The paper looks at how and why the industry had been able to remain highly profitable for so long, what changes where occurring with the entrance of private labels and the reaction of General Mills. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
General Mills and Ready to Eat Breakfast Cereal Market
This 24 page paper is a in-depth look at the ready to eat breakfast cereal market in the 1990’s the way it had performed and the changes with the entrance of the private labels. The paper goes on to consider General Mills, the strategy that they adopted as a result of the changes, the risks associated the strategies and what strategies may be suited to the firm for the future. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Implementing Six Sigma at the Academic Medical Hospital
This 12 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Academic Medical Hospital has been running a pilot study with the intention of implementing Six Sigma in their emergency department. The paper looks at issues concerning the pilot study, including the results that were obtain, how they should be reported, the problems and barriers to implementation and the way that the process may be adjusted to ensure that the final stage is successful. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
An Assessment and Marketing Proposal for New Student Loans
This 33 page paper is an outline and marketing campaign for the development and promotion of a new government backed student loan. The paper starts by looking at the role of marketing and the background to government backed financial products before looking at the new product, considering the advantages and disadvantages as well as performing a SWOT analysis and then presenting a potential marketing campaign with a marketing budget of £4 million. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Nike Leadership
This 5 page paper looks at the leadership of the well known sports apparel Nike, considering how the leadership has determined the strategies looking at how they may be seen as questionable and the ways that they are defended by Nike. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 4-page paper provides an analysis of the case study "Urban Outfitters Continuing Case Study -- Marketing a Business."
This 3-page paper analyzes the case study entitled "The Rise of Finland's Nokia."
This 3-page paper analyzes the case study entitled "The Rise of Finland's Nokia."
Recommendations for CleanTime
This 17 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. CleanTime, a firm selling clearing supplies, is facing increasing competition, and has undertaken cost cutting measures including staff reductions to improve profits. The measures have had only minimal success. The case is analyzed to assess the relevant problems and solutions are recommended to help the firm recover. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Employee Absenteeism as a Form of Negative Behavior
This 10 page paper looks at one type of negative behavior pattern in the workplace; absenteeism and looks at how and why it occurs arguing that where absenteeism occurs in an underhanded manner it is the result of a feeling of inequity on the part of the employee, feeling that they are entitles to take the time off. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
The Viability of a New Type of Smartphone
This 8 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Immo are a company specializing in security, surveillance and communication equipment. They have developed a new type of smartphone which combines communication technology with personal protection. The paper considers whether or not the product to be launched, looking at the potential target market or markets, the characteristics of those markets, whether or not the product should be standardized or differentiated in the way in which marketing may take place. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
This 5-page paper discusses the use of industrial organizational psychology (occupational psychology) in the process of employee selection and training. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Strategies Starbucks May Learn From
This 4 page paper looks at the strategies that have been adopted by other firm when facing the problems that are currently faced by Starbucks. Strategies discussed include increasing loyalty, the running of promotions to increase demand for product, product development, lifecycle renewal and dealing with difficult issues. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
The IS for the Business Placement office at Midstate University
This 7 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student concerning the development of an information support system over a number of years. The paper assesses some of the problems and issues that were present and looks at the way these impacted the system development, considers the successes and makes recommendations for the future. The development is analysed using the systems development life cycle (SDLC). The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Maximizing Employee Value Through Job Analysis
This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of job analyses. The role of analyses and organizational psychology in employee selection is examined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Employee Motivation and Retention
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of employee retention. The link between motivation and retention is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Health Care Organizations and Data Mining
This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of data mining. Speaker notes for a Power Point presentation are given. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Plan to Enhance Personal Learning and Growth
This 7 page paper is a strategic personal development plan for a student, designed to help them increase their learning of skills and knowledge using tools such as reflective learning. The paper outlines the processes which will be used and justifies their inclusion in the plan. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Strategies for Network Security
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of network security. The advantages and disadvantages of various strategies are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Human Resource Development
A 5 page paper. Organizations spend billions of dollars each year on training and development programs yet most seem to be ineffective. This paper discusses ideas to improve the effectiveness of training. Statistics are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Ethical Leadership: Research Design and Analysis
This is an 18 page paper that provides an overview of the research process. Research on ethical leadership is carried through from proposal to design, implementation, and analysis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Job Reductions - A Review of Related Literature
This 15 page paper looks at the issues which will need to be considered by a firm that is facing problems and needs to reduce jobs, including outsourcing and downsizing at the same time as increasing efficiency. The paper is a literature review on relevant areas, including dealing with downsizing, using flexible job practices and dealing with the unions. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Intelligence Tests and the Subjectivity of Results
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of intelligence tests. Different theories of intelligence are cited to show the limitations of tests. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
How Should Tesco Develop their United Kingdom and United States Markets?
This 98 page paper is a project to looks at the way in which Tesco, the successful UK supermarket, which has been struggling in the US, can develop an aligned strategy for both the UK and the US market. The paper provides an extensive literature review, looking at relevant theories which may be applied, including concepts of competitive advantage, the application of the marketing mix, theories of international marketing and issues concerning the creation and maintenance of loyalty. Following the outlining of a methodology advocating a case study approach and outlining the way primary research will take place the firm is then examined. The case study starts by looking at the way the company competes in the UK and then at the operations in the US where it trades under the name Fresh and Easy. With this background primary research is simulate to assess what customers in both countries want and need. The results are analyzed and used to design suitable strategies. The bibliography cites 72 sources.
The Marketing of Real California Cheese
This 7 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and answers a set of 8 questions concerning the way that Real California Cheese (RCC) was marketed, such as the reasons behind the success of the campaign, the importance of the RCC certification as a brand mark, the development of brand personality, the consumer promotion strategies, use of public relations and the importance of the web site.
Determining a Future Strategy for Starbucks
This 7 page paper examines Starbucks examining the way that they compete, looking at the company in terms of value disciplines, generic strategies and grand strategies. This analysis is then utilized to make some strategic recommendations for the future. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Starbucks - Planning a New Product
This 10 page paper outlines a plan for Starbucks to develop and introduce a new product to expand their market by attracting more non coffee drinkers. The paper presents the objectives, tactics, milestones, action items and identifies the key success factors. The budget and financial forecast are also presented. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 3-page paper provides an example of an article for the publication Marketing Scene about Apple Inc.'s target marketing efforts.
Role Ambiguity Causes Problems for Company
This 15 page paper begins with a brief scenario of the case. The paper analyzes the issues and identifies the problems. The paper explains the need for role clarification and communication and also discusses the need for effective communication. The writer provides specific recommendations for the company to improve performance. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Problems Faced when Implementing Change
This 5 page paper is a three slide PowerPoint presentation along with speaker notes examining the different types of barriers that may be faced when trying to introduce change into a firm. The way barriers and resistance emerge and both organizational and personal barriers are examined. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at Google’s eCommerce interests, considering the scope of the business and the core elements. The second section discusses the particular challenges that Google faces in marketing itself. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Corporate Social Responsibility: Malden Mills
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of corporate social responsibility. The case study of Malden Mills and Aaron Feuerstein is used as an instructive example. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Best Buy: A Corporate Analysis
This 6 page paper focuses on Best Buy. This paper concludes that Best Buy must garner public support in order to attract new consumers and appease loyal customers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The WonderBra and the Selection of Promotional Strategies
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of sales promotions. The WonderBra is upheld as an example of choosing the appropriate sales promotion strategy for the product. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Advertising and Its Relation to Psychology, Sociology, and Mass Communications
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of academic disciplines related to advertising. Psychology, sociology, and mass communication are explored in this context. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Developing a Communication Plan for Jack B Nimble
This 14 page paper provides a communication plan for a case study supplied by the student. Jack B Nimble is a fictitious company that has a number of communication issues, where communication has broken down between the company and different stakeholders, including suppliers, business partners and expatriate employees. The communication plan outlines the communication requirements, proposes a communication strategy and examines the way in which implementation may take place utilizing an Internet and intranet infrastructure. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Operations Management: The International Issues
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of operations management. International issues changing the face of OM are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Plan for a New Restaurant
This 19 page paper is a plan assessing the potential to open a Peruvian themed restaurant in San Rafael. The paper examines the marketplace for the restaurant industry in the US in 2011, as well as the specific conditions in California. The general trends in the market, including consumer tastes, and the competitive environment is assessed. The paper then gives a general overview of the proposed business; including the way that it will deliver an authentic Peruvian style dining experience. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Bumble Corporation: Exploring the Improvement of E-Commerce
This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of e-commerce. A hypothetical company is used to demonstrate how e-commerce can be effectively improved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.