Research Papers on Parapsychology

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  • Paranormal and Transpersonal Psychology Relationship

    A 6 page essay discussing the relationship between transpersonal psychology and the paranormal. Specific examples are given with discussion relating the effects of induced hypnosis and ESP which is then related to the precepts of the transpersonal movement. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


    This 4-page paper covers the concept of states of consciousness, with a specific focus on altered states gained through meditation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Analysis of Faith Healing

    3 pages in length. Gary and Ray both experienced the tangible but often unbelievable benefits of faith healing, a method by which the healer's hands-on approach brings relief from pain. That Gary physically, emotionally and spiritually accepted the healer's ability and Ray staunchly did not makes no difference in their respective outcome, inasmuch as it is the healer's faith that ultimately allows for the therapeutic action to occur. No bibliography.

  • Bermuda Triangle and its 'Mystery'

    This 5 page paper debunks the mystery of the Bermunda Triangle and takes to task the misinformation which is prevalent on the internet.Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Reincarnation and Past Life Regression

    A 3 page informative speech discussing past life regression and reincarnation, focusing on evidence supporting the notion of past lives. The bottom line is that close inspection of the reasons underlying individual reactions to fears, personal prejudices and other points that collectively define any specific individual can be beneficial in addressing personal issues in the here and now. Whether these individuals truly are relating the events of past lives cannot be absolutely verified or measured, but evidence suggesting their veracity is strong. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Confirmation of the Existence of ESP

    A 4 page paper describing three personal-knowledge experiences of the writer with ESP-related experiences, followed by some of the history of Joseph Banks Rhine's Parapsychology Laboratory opened at Duke University in the 1930s for the purpose of empirically investigating the existence of ESP and psychokinesis. The paper states that nearly all of us have had some sort of unexplainable extrasensory experience, and works to the conclusion that ESP does in fact exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Personality Characteristics and Paranormal Beliefs

    An 8 page paper that investigates the relationship between personality and a belief in the paranormal. A number of studies are discussed that address the personality variables that are most closely related to a belief in the paranormal. The few studies that attempted to address the effect of such as belief on one's life are also reported. While there is disagreement regarding how such a belief actually affects a person's life, there is agreement regarding the personality traits that are correlated to such a belief. Bibliography lists 10 sources.


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