Research Papers on Nutrition

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    This 5-page paper presents a proposal for dealing with obesity in the United States. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Heath Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract

    A 5 page research proposal for nursing research into the effectiveness of aged garlic extract (AGE) on cholesterol levels among study subjects with confirmed heart disease. The proposal includes reference to disseminating results within the Neuman systems theory of nursing for a “systems” view of the use of garlic in conjunction with statin drugs and other traditional treatments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Anorexia Nervosa Qualitative Study of Family Therapy vs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    This is a 9 page paper using a qualitative approach to study cognitive behavioral therapy versus family therapy for treatment of anorexia nervosa. A qualitative study of cognitive behavioral therapy versus family therapy for treatment of anorexia nervosa includes various non-experimental components. Firstly, a statement of the problem introduces the prevalence of anorexia and the need for successful treatment in this disease which claims over 10 percent of those diagnosed. The statement of the problem is then followed by the purpose for the study, if any assumptions can be made and a qualitative review of the current methods of therapies. Several therapies have been used in the treatment of patients with anorexia which includes cognitive behavioral therapy, individual and group therapy, family therapy and pharmacotherapy as well as nutritional counseling. In this study, an assessment of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and that of family therapy are examined through a comparative view of current literature. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Contributing Factors to Adolescent Obesity: A Research Proposal

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of the issue of adolescent obesity and a research proposal on the subject. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Evaluating the Impacts of a Vegetarian Diet Proposal

    A 20 page proposal to evaluate the effects of a vegetarian diet on health and quality of life. A specific emphasis is placed on evaluating the effects of the vegetarian diet in terms of disease prevention. Provides a review of the literature and presents the hypothesis that vegetarians are likely to enjoy an improved quality of life, a lesser propensity for obesity and such diseases as cardiovascular disorders, osteoporosis, cancer, and diabetes. Suggests experimental methodology for testing this hypothesis and supports the contention that this performance can be judged through a comparison of cholesterol levels, body mass index (BMI), and medical history in regard to diseases, and blood sugars of vegetarians verses non vegetarians. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • 'Jump Start' Grant Proposal

    An 11 page grant request package requesting funding from a private foundation for a nutrition and exercise program at a public school in California. The paper includes a letter of intent and a cover letter; title page content; project summary; organization statement; community assessment and needs statement; program design and timeline; program goals and objectives; program evaluation criteria; and anticipated budget. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Education of Sub-Saharan Women/A Research Proposal

    A 6 page paper proposing research into educating women in sub-Saharan Africa in health issues, concentrating on nutritional needs, condom use and general health matters. The desired end goal is to design a program addressing topics particularly applicable to women in sub-Saharan Africa, including both social structures and specifics of disease transmission and development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Proposal for Outreach Education in a Community Needs Assessment

    A 3 page proposal for conducting a needs assessment of community outreach education efforts targeting health care issues. Designs a study incorporating qualitative input from independent focus groups and representatives from various governmental and private agencies regarding the effectiveness of existing outreach programs and specific community needs. Anticipates that coupling this qualitative input with quantitative information retrieved from the U.S. Census Bureau will aid the design of stand-alone, financially independent, outreach education programs within a three year time frame.

  • Integration of Alternative Medicine with Western Medicine

    7 pages in length. Concluding evidence points toward a growing trend of western medicine practitioners collaborating closely with alternative doctors. It is not without significant forethought that the two very separate entities have joined together to create a synergistic approach to health care. The writer discusses that prevention is the key for the alternative approach, where historically and typically, the western medicine practitioner has focused more upon treating the illness or disease after it has already been diagnosed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Effects of Exercise during Pregnancy

    This 6 page paper discusses the effects of exercise for pregnant women, and finds that exercise, under a doctor's supervision, is recommended for all women, unless they have a medical condition that contraindicates it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • High Carbohydrate and High Protein Diets Compared

    This 10 page paper looks at these two very different diet types and notes the battles between the diet doctor gurus. Their theories are assessed and compared. The paper focuses on Dr. Atkins's New Diet Revolution and Dr. Ornish's Eat More, Weigh Less. Other diets are mentioned. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History of Yoga and its Trends

    This 13-page, turabian-style paper deals with yoga, the trends, its uses and its history. Also included are discussions about the six main types of yoga. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The History of Pilates

    A 3 page paper on the history and creation of Pilates. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Weight-Loss Diets Cause Weight Gain/Diet for Health

    A 3 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares weight-loss diets with eating healthy. The writer argues that weight-loss diets, per se, do not work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Availability of Junk Food in Schools

    A 3 page research paper that relates the problem of childhood obesity with the availability of junk food in schools. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature Review and Proposed Study Outline on Middle Aged Women and the Impact of Exercise

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the effects of exercise in middle aged women. The paper includes a short literature review and possible outline for a proposed study. Studies investigating the effects of exercise in middle aged women have been positive in their findings. Research has ranged from studying aerobic or non-aerobic exercise in regards to lipid concentrations as well as those which study weight training in regards to overall body fat and body weight among other factors. It would seem that in all cases, middle aged women have shown improvements in regards to overall health from exercise in addition to reducing their risk for heart disease by reducing lipid concentrations, cholesterol levels and blood pressure among other variables. While some studies involves thousands of subjects over many years, most studies involve a relatively small number of subjects, randomly assigned to controlled short-term exercise programs after which the results are compared from pre- and post-measurements. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Obesity and Television Viewing: A Review of Literature

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the existing research on the issue of childhood obesity and television viewing from two different perspectives: researchers who believe that it is caused by sedentary recreation and those who identify advertising and fast food consumption as the problem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Wellness & Nutrition for Healthy Aging

    A 7 page research paper that contains a brief abstract and addresses the nutritional needs of the elderly. The writer examines literature pertaining to the crucial role that nutrition plays in regards to obtaining the goal of healthy aging in populations of older adults. Using a theoretical framework provide by the nursing theory of Joyce Fitzpatrick, this examination and synthesis of relevant literature specifically addresses how nutrition impacts wellness and the implications of this information relative to nursing practice. Sections of this paper are identical to khwelnut.rtf, but this paper focuses on the needs of older adults, while khwelnut.rtf addresses nutritional needs across in both older adults and children. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Childhood Obesity and Effective Treatment

    A 36 page research paper that examines the pandemic of childhood obesity. This literature review examines the empirical research on the topic of childhood obesity in order to discern the efficacy of treatment options for this epidemic, which is plaguing the industrialized nations. Conclusions are then drawn concerning the efficacy of these proposed treatments and/or programs and how the literature suggests that childhood obesity should be addressed in light of this data. The review concludes by discussing the implications of this research in regards to possible future studies that will add to this body of knowledge and contribute to the goal of effectively coping with this societal problem. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Contemplating the Diet Monster

    A 4 page contemplative essay/ research paper on the topic of dieting. The writer looks at the variety of trends that have dominated the literature of dieting over the last several decades and offers personal observations on the subject. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Health Club Management

    A 15 page paper discussing management of the new-generation health club. As the baby boomers enter new phases of their lives, things change in all sorts of industries. The health club and day spa industry has been growing steadily since 1995, the year that the first of the baby boomers began to turn 50. The paper addresses varied management issues, including expanding revenues without expanding facilities by providing outsourcing services for those local businesses with health club facilities on site. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Athletic Competitions and Allowing Anabolic Steroids

    This 7 page paper argues that while steroids may not be completely safe, they should be allowed in sports competitions. Ethical, medical and social considerations are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Childhood Obesity/The Role of Schools

    An 8 page research paper that examines the debate about whether or not schools should allow vending machines to sell junk food and the effect this has on the nation's children in terms of the obesity epidemic. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Managing Weight and the Influences of Environmental, Psychological, and Physiological Factors

    11 pages in length. With two-thirds of the American adult population overweight and just over thirty percent of them considered obese, there is no question as to the critical nature of weight management in the United States today. The influencing factors - which are mildly persuasive for some and wholly overwhelming for others – run the gamut from a thin-crazed culture to nutritionally-void fast food to an altogether uneducated society when it comes to eating a healthy diet. People have reached the point of being utterly confused and frustrated when it comes to making informed nutritional decisions, given the fact that they have been spoon-fed conflicting – albeit well-meaning – advice from myriad sources that keeps them in a perpetual state of obesity. Far too many people never gain the upper hand on their weight problem, with about 300,000 ultimately succumbing to the fatal aspects of unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity inherent to obesity. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Sports and Leisure Time

    15 pages. The argument herein that personal time for leisure in sports participation is being reduced is critically evaluated. Are people finding more time or less time when it comes to personal activities? Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Adding an Athletic Trainer to the Sports Medicine Clinic

    A 4 page paper promoting the concept of adding an athletic trainer to a sports medicine clinic. The paper argues that an existing sports medicine clinic has the opportunity to use athletic trainers on staff in the same roles that nurse practitioners and physician assistants fill in the practices of internists, gynecologists and other medical specialties, as well as providing better client education for injury prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Asthma and Exercis

    A 6 page paper on the causes of asthma and its relationship to exercise. Main focus is on yourth sports in schools. Subjects covered include: medications, alternative treatments (warm-ups, masks/scarves, swimming for cardiovascular and strength training, relaxation), and what school coaches and parents in combination can do to help young athletes. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Home Care That is Client Centered

    Client Centered Nursing Home Care. (12 pp). On any given day, nursing homes are caring for about one in twenty Americans over the age of 65. Almost half of all Americans turning 65 this year will be admitted into a nursing home at least once. One fifth of those people admitted into nursing homes stay at least one year-one tenth stay three years or more. It is projected that in 2020, 40 percent of Americans will die in nursing homes. This paper examines what is necessary for client-centered care programs in nursing homes. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Counseling a Dysfunctional Family with Obesity

    This 4 page paper discusses the ways in which a community health nurse could use the "family as a client" approach, the structural-functional theory and evidence based nursing to counsel a dysfunctional family with obesity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • How Mass Media Can Impact Teenage Girls.

    (7 pp) Almost all of us are affected by mass media in one form or other: films, television, radio, music and music videos, magazines and other print media, and now, the internet. We delude our selves, when we say that, we are not influenced by media: it comes in with the oxygen and leaves with the Co2. Yet of all those under the "spell" of the media, it appears that adolescent girls are the most vulnerable. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Dehydration, Effects and Prevention

    A 5 pages research paper that describes dehydration, its effects, the role of electrolytes and steps for prevention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Optimizing our Nutrition

    This 5 page paper emphasizes the importance of good nutrition in optimizing health. The role of amino acids and fatty acids is the primary focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 8-page paper explains why healthy eating and exercise is very important to a person's lifestyle. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dieting: Just Eat Healthy

    A 3 page paper which examines how the best diet is one that consists of eating healthily and sensibly. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Diets: Choices, Healthier Lifestyle, Disease & Popularity

    6 pages in length. What one chooses to feed one's body makes a tremendous impact upon how that body performs. Fueling all corporeal functions, the type, quantity and nutritive value of food can either fortify a body or compromise it until it becomes vulnerable to disease. Even then, the composition of food is such that it can help to once again restore health when the body has undergone trauma or disease. Weight management involves modifying how and what one eats often to the point of eliminating certain foods that are deemed fat inducing, a choice that can withhold essential nutrients necessary for a healthy mind and body. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Cholesterol and Health

    A 4 page overview of cholesterol. This article delineates the different types of cholesterol and their role in human physiology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Digestive Health: Dietary Choices in Celiac Disease

    A 3 page consideration of the choices that must be made in regard to food for those suffering with this condition. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Role of Nutrition in Treating Celiac Disease

    A 10 page overview of this condition and the problems it introduces in terms of diet. This paper provides an overview of both the foods that should not be consumed and how to go about choosing healthy foods that can be consumed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Behavior and the Influences of Nutrition

    A 7 page research paper that looks at this topic. There is an old saying that "You are what you eat," which refers, of course, that it is what we consume that provides the nutritional building blocks for the body. Considering the truth of this statement, a corollary would necessarily follow that what we eat, and therefore how the body and brain are constructed, necessarily affects the way we act. Researchers are, therefore, exploring the various ways in which nutrition impacts behavior. This body of data indicates that nutrition affects behavior in a profound manner. The writer particularly focuses on studies that examine the effect of nutrition on childhood development and behavior. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nutritional Supplement Creatine

    A 5 page paper discussing the relative benefits and concerns over the use of the nutritional supplement creatine. Written from the perspective of a student who is interested in the supplement’s long-term impacts to her fellow students, this paper advises that while the use of creatine as a nutritional supplement might be considered one of the least deleterious practices pursued by these athletes and may actually result in some forms of athletic performance, athletes should consume the supplement only with extreme caution as there are no long-term studies testifying to the absence of long-term deleterious effects. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • U.S. Dieting Problems

    A 5 page paper which examines the problems dieting in America, includes successful dieting stories, and considers Japanese foods which encourage a healthy diet, and the diet pills which are currently available. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Dieting

    A 3 page overview of dieting, in which the writer argues, based on scientific research, that diet do not work and that rather than go on extreme weight reduction diets, individuals should eat frequent small healthy meals and exercise. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • High Carbohydrate and High Protein Diets Compared

    This 10 page paper looks at these two very different diet types and notes the battles between the diet doctor gurus. Their theories are assessed and compared. The paper focuses on Dr. Atkins's New Diet Revolution and Dr. Ornish's Eat More, Weigh Less. Other diets are mentioned. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Deceptiveness of Diet Plans

    5 pages in length. One says to eat only low-fat, low-calorie foods; another says to eat only the foods found within a certain group; yet another says to eat only the amount of food that equals the number of points one is allowed for the entire day; while still another advocates eschewing all of the above and consume only high protein, low-carbohydrate foods. Clearly, the myriad weight-reduction plans that exist throughout contemporary society are enough to confuse any potential dieter. The writer discusses how contemporary diets reflect the significant pressures placed upon those who are both impressionable and vulnerable. With the primary influence being that of popular culture, overweight individuals are faced with difficult choices when it comes to proper food choices and weight loss programs. Atkins is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History of Yoga and its Trends

    This 13-page, turabian-style paper deals with yoga, the trends, its uses and its history. Also included are discussions about the six main types of yoga. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Benefits of Yoga for Asthma Sufferers

    A 3 page discussion of the potential benefits of Yoga in treating this complicated condition. The author emphasizes that no definitive proof has been found that Yoga does benefit asthma. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Review of Research Evaluating Green Tea Extract

    A 3 page critique of a research study conducted by researchers at the Biological Sciences Laboratories of Kao Corp., Tochigi, Japan. This study reports a correlation with green tea consumption and improved physical endurance. The author of this paper points out some important considerations in regard to experimental design and the researcher's affiliation that make these findings less impressive. No additional sources are listed.

  • US Children and Obesity

    A 10 page overview of the problem of child obesity. The author points the finger at television and corporate advertising, both of which serve to lead our children into sedentary lifestyles and poor nutritional habits. The key to this problem, however, is parents. Parents must take a more active role in their children's lives and not be so ready to place them in front of the electronic baby-sitter. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Obesity and Television Viewing: A Review of Literature

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the existing research on the issue of childhood obesity and television viewing from two different perspectives: researchers who believe that it is caused by sedentary recreation and those who identify advertising and fast food consumption as the problem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Asthma and Exercis

    A 6 page paper on the causes of asthma and its relationship to exercise. Main focus is on yourth sports in schools. Subjects covered include: medications, alternative treatments (warm-ups, masks/scarves, swimming for cardiovascular and strength training, relaxation), and what school coaches and parents in combination can do to help young athletes. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Benefits of Fitness

    An 8 page paper which examines the benefits of fitness. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Youth Fitness

    A 6 page exploration of the factors that have entered into declining youth fitness. This paper emphasizes the importance of a physically active lifestyle and good nutrition in insuring good health. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Improving Food Safety

    This 3 page paper is a food safety and informtion bulletin, which is designed to provide information about food safety, methods for storage and hand washing, all of which impact food safety. This bulletin also provides informaiton about healthy eating and links to information from the Food and Drug Administation and the Department of Agriculture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • All About Fiber

    This 3 page paper discusses fiber: its function in the body; source of fiber; the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber; fiber in children’s diets; and what is surprising about fiber. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of 'Fad' Diets

    4 pages in length. America's obsession with dieting has reached epidemic proportions to such an extent that the simple endorsement from a celebrity all but guarantees the product's wild success. Learning that a number of famous personalities engage in certain dieting fads is all many people need to hear to encourage them to jump on the bandwagon themselves without fully understanding the risks and failure rate of the given weight loss trend. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Proper Nutrition And Good Health: Culinary Cause And Effect

    3 pages in length. More than one hundred years ago, just after the turn of the twentieth century, culinary science recognized the cause and effect of proper nutrition equating to good health. Although the extent of this knowledge may not have been as vast as it is today, that it was even a component of culinary in any way indicates a strong association between the art of cooking and the healthfulness it instills. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Book Reviews on 3 Culinary Texts

    This 10 page paper reports on three books in the Kitchen Pro Series, one by Mark Ainsworth on fish and seafood, and two by thomas Schneller, one on meat and one on poultry. The writer offers a comprehensive overview of each text, arguing that these books are crucial references for anyone with or seeking a career in the culinary arts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Obesity and Childhood

    A 6 page paper discussing the growing problem of obesity in childhood. Television, electronic games, uncertain dangers in urban settings, parents’ busy schedules and a plethora of other influences all combine to contribute to creating increasing obesity in children. Children are more sedentary than at any other time, and marketers believe there is great value in marketing directly to those efficient influencers of parents. The cost of marketing directly to children now tops $12 billion annually, and increasing numbers of health professionals believe that today’s children face a lifetime of learning to deal with and overcome the physical and psychological influences of childhood. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Childhood Obesity Control Measures

    This 5 page paper evaluates childhood obesity and measures that can be taken at the school and community level. Recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Vegetarianism Benefits

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of vegetarianism and lists the different types. The bulk of the paper concentrates on health benefits of not eating meat. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Q&A: "Transition to Vegetarianism"

    This 5 page paper uses Rudolph Ballentine's book "Transition to Vegetarianism" as a basis for a question & answer session about the benefits of a vegetarian diet. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Older People and Yoga

    A 3 page paper which examines, through comparing and contrasting, two articles that discuss the benefits of yoga for the older generations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Integration of Alternative Medicine with Western Medicine

    7 pages in length. Concluding evidence points toward a growing trend of western medicine practitioners collaborating closely with alternative doctors. It is not without significant forethought that the two very separate entities have joined together to create a synergistic approach to health care. The writer discusses that prevention is the key for the alternative approach, where historically and typically, the western medicine practitioner has focused more upon treating the illness or disease after it has already been diagnosed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • More Negative Than Positive Effects of Anabolic Steroids

    A 4 page overview of the numerous adverse impacts which have been associated with the unsupervised use of anabolic steroids. These impacts include both physiological changes and personality changes as well as increased potential for certain diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Athletic Competitions and Allowing Anabolic Steroids

    This 7 page paper argues that while steroids may not be completely safe, they should be allowed in sports competitions. Ethical, medical and social considerations are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nutrition and Health Problems in the Elderly

    A 7 page paper discussing controlling diabetes and obesity in the elderly through better nutrition. Intervention that seeks to control both diabetes and obesity in the elderly is not an easy task, but it is one that at least is logical. Patient education is paramount, as is an approach marked with creativity. Visual attractiveness is more important as well, for taste and smell are not as active as in individuals’ earlier years. Controlling diabetes and obesity in the elderly through nutrition is not easy, but it is possible. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • School Aged Children and Nutrition Factors

    A 4 page overview of the importance of good nutrition for children. The author asserts that a good nutritional plan takes more into consideration that vitamins, minerals, and calories. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nutrition Concerns in AIDS

    An 8 page review of the importance of adequate nutrition in Auto Immune Efficienc Disorder. This paper details the various physiological processes that can be affected by nutrition. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Wellness & Nutrition for Healthy Aging

    A 7 page research paper that includes a brief abstract, which reads as follows: This examination of nursing literature addresses the subject of nutrition and how it impacts the goal of wellness. As this is a broad topic, the paper narrows the topic to the two periods in life when nutrition is particularly crucial to wellness, which is in childhood and in regards to older adults. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Link Between Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

    A 6 page paper exploring the relationship that exists between Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Analysis of low and very low calorie diets

    The quest to lose weight involves a combination of physiological and psychological components that work synergistically to reach the desired goal; for a percentage of people, the objective to drop pounds is focused more upon aesthetics but for others it is a matter of improving physical condition and removing health risks inherent to obesity. The writer briefly discusses the risks and benefits of low and very low calorie diet plans. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review on 'Runner's High' Research

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the issues of “runner’s high”. A literature review involving “runner’s high” reveals that several areas of research have been associated with this phenomenon. During intense exercise, endorphins, originally known as endogenous morphine, are released into the blood stream resulting in a feeling of euphoria and peace for those who experience it. The release rate varies in individuals but it is generally found that it occurs at around 76% of the maximum heart rate. While increased endorphin levels have been associated with several positive side effects, many negative side effects have also been found especially in female athletes. High endorphin levels inhibit the release of a hormone needed for menstruation, luteinizing hormone (LH), resulting in menstrual complications or amenorrhea. In addition to possible side effects, researchers have also stipulated that running and exercising can be addictive. Endorphin release is also associated with alcoholism, smoking and over-eating, all considered to be addictive. However, many athletes feel that addiction to running or other forms of exercise can be considered a positive addiction as exercise can lead to a reduction in cholesterol levels and better cardiovascular health overall. While this may be true in most cases, exercise has also been found to be addictive to the level where some people eventually experience deterioration in their professional and personal lives and need counselling, psychotherapy and antidepressants in order to overcome their addiction. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Massage Therapy

    This 5 page paper discusses some aspects of massage therapy, including its history, and how traditional massages differ from those given in America. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Manufacturing Milk and Microbial Issues, Required Processing, and Storage

    This 12 page paper relates the issues around milk manufacturing, storage, processing and microbial issues. Milk is one of the most prevalent beverages in the Western diet, and communities throughout the world view milk as a form of basic sustenance. Over the course of the last century, the development of methods for manufacturing, storing and processing milk products has reduced health threats directly related to microbial issues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Organic Foods

    A 4 page paper which examines whether organic foods are actually better for a person than non-organic foods. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of Organic Foods

    This 6 page paper focuses on organic foods, their definition and whether they are better or more nutritious than their conventionally-grown counterparts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Personality Traits Required of Health Club Personal Trainers, Class Instructors, Receptionists, and Managers

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the personality characteristics needed for managers, receptionists, class instructors and personal trainers with references to the health club setting. Throughout organizations, the personality characteristics of the employees must include a great deal of range depending on the position and the mission of the organization. While there are considered to be several types of managers, all of them should be committed, confident, energetic and hard-working among many other unique qualifications. The personalities of receptionists are particularly important because they give clients the first and lasting impression of the organization. Receptionists above all must be warm, friendly, discrete and unobtrusive in addition to be able to handle a great deal of stress brought on by unpleasant clients. Class instructors in health clubs also have unique personality characteristics. In a sense, they pick up where the receptionist left off in regards to maintaining a good impression of the organization. In addition however, they must be outgoing and perceptive enough to be able to motivate a large group of people although each person has his/her own learning preferences. Lastly, personal trainers have to even more “in tune” with the individual personalities of their clients in order to make the relationship work. Personal trainers are good listeners, good motivators and have to maintain the proper professional/personal balance with their clients. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Controlling Weight, Diet, and Physical Fitness

    A 3 page examination of the relationship between physical fitness, nutrition, and weight control. The author breaks this relationship down to a simplistic formula balancing out energy consumption and physical expenditure. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension a.k.a. DASH

    This 10 page report discusses the “DASH” or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet DASH is a sound dietary concept that has the potential to save lives and offers a new way of thinking about health, fitness, and nutrition. Hypertension or “high blood pressure” is a major health problem in the United States but African-Americans face a much greater risk of hypertension and all of its related health problems than white Americans. This report particularly focuses on DASH, hypertension, and the African American population. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Etiology and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

    An 8 page overview of the etiology and treatment of this systolic condition. This paper describes the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as diagnostic criteria and treatments. While surgical interventions, and even highly experimental procedures such as stem cell transplants are employed in some cases, by far the most common intervention is pharmacological. Although there is hope on the horizon, there is currently no cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Need to Improve School Lunches

    A 10 page research paper that offers a comprehensive overview of the need to improve the quality of school food. Topics examined include the program promoted by Jamie Oliver, the Food to School Program and also the finding of empirical research literature. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Medications and Bipolar Disorder

    A 5 page research paper that focuses on the effects of medications used to treat bipolar disorder and includes diagnosis procedures and the role of the athletic trainer in regards to clients with this problem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Commitment to Exercise and Setting Goals

    12 pages in length. Motivation is one of the most critical components to maintaining exercise commitment. While that is not a disputable fact, the manner by which people achieve satisfactory motivation in order to maintain exercise commitment, however, is where many fail to uphold that resolution. Looking at the synergistic relationship between goal setting and exercise commitment leads one to realize how focusing upon a certain finite objective – reaching a goal weight, dropping a certain number of dress sizes, impressing a new love interest – becomes all-important to the final result. The predicted outcome will show how people who have a specific goal in mind – short- or long-term –when taking on an exercise program maintain much more commitment than their counterparts who have no specific direction in their fitness program. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Adding an Athletic Trainer to the Sports Medicine Clinic

    A 4 page paper promoting the concept of adding an athletic trainer to a sports medicine clinic. The paper argues that an existing sports medicine clinic has the opportunity to use athletic trainers on staff in the same roles that nurse practitioners and physician assistants fill in the practices of internists, gynecologists and other medical specialties, as well as providing better client education for injury prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cancer and Vitamins

    9 pages in length. Vitamins have long been touted as cancer-fighting agents when supplemented with an already vitamin-rich diet. Their effects on abating symptoms and even arresting various cancers have been studied with great interest over the past several years. The writer addresses both the skepticism and optimism of vitamin therapy with regard to the fight against cancer. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 1998 Plans Available at Weight Watchers

    A 5 page paper discussing the program and the different types of plans available for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Included is a brief history of the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dietetics Field Writing

    A 5 page paper which examines the importance of writing skills in dietetics, and also provides a definition of “good writing.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Differences Between British and Naturopathic Diets

    5 pages in length. The difference between a naturopathic diet and a British diet is quite vast; while one is laden with saturated fat, too much protein, simple carbohydrates and overprocessed vegetables, the other promotes the ingestion of only fresh, unadulterated produce and grain products, focusing mainly upon the easily digestible and nutrient-rich food choices. The writer discusses these differences as they relate to the food pyramid. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Vegetarian Advantages

    In this 8 page research paper, the writer documents some of the more healthy aspects of a vegetarian diet-- arguing that even though we may not all want to follow such a 'strict' plan-- adhering to certain key aspects of vegetarianism can be most helpful indeed. Discussed are : the health risks & problems associated with eating meat, foods consumed by vegetarians, and common vitamins / minerals that we all need to include in our diet. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Obesity in Adolescents

    8 pages in length. There are a number of variables that work together as a means by which to establish the state of an adolescent's health. Among the outside determents that help to shape the teenager's nutritional perspective, it can be surmised that there exists a great deal more to the modern diet than merely what is ultimately consumed. The writer discusses issues related to and influenced by adolescent obesity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


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