Research Papers on Business Management

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Research Papers on Business Management

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Asian Cultures and Business Management

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of research on Asian cultures and business management. This paper looks at the influence of Western culture on Eastern business management strategies. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Economist Tom Peters' Ready, Fire, Aim!

    A 5 page paper that examines the revolution of innovation and change that economist Tom Peters has sparked under the traditional world of business management and training and how his system of utter chaos and irrationality has taken root and spread worldwide. A brief background of Peters' life before becoming the "guru of gurus" in business management is presented, followed by a discussion of the contributions he has made to the field of economics. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Taekwondo Industry and Strategies for Business Management

    This is a 5 page paper discussing business management strategies in regards to the taekwondo industry. Despite all of the traditional business management initiatives many companies undertake when opening new businesses such as good marketing and promotion strategies and following the guidelines required by any industry, many companies still fail in spite of their good efforts. In examining the concepts of business management in relation to the increasing popularity of taekwondo on an international basis several elements within a business strategy should be considered for business success. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 21st Century Corporate Success and Management Reporting

    A 5 page paper that examines the benefits of management reporting as part of a productive and profitable inter-enterprise business management philosophy. Included is a description of a type of management reporting and analysis software that is currently being offered as an innovative solution to organizational and management reporting problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 21st Century Corporate Success and Management Reporting

    A 5 page paper that examines the benefits of management reporting as part of a productive and profitable inter-enterprise business management philosophy. Included is a description of a type of management reporting and analysis software that is currently being offered as an innovative solution to organizational and management reporting problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Three Essays on Business Management

    This essay is actually three essays dealing with business management topics. One covers the five stages of new companies, and why new management is needed for various stages; the second follows the concept of changing a vertical organization to a a flat, or horizontal one; and the third issue deals with the role of managers and leaders in today's corporate culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Eastern versus Western Management

    A 5 page paper discussing adaptations that East and West have made in business management over the past several decades. Organizations in the East and the West have altered details to fit their own needs, but in the end, West has adopted some of the best of the East; the East has relieved itself of many of the inhibitions of responsibility for other separate companies. The result is a convergence of approaches to management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Three Essays on Business Management

    This essay is actually three essays dealing with business management topics. One covers the five stages of new companies, and why new management is needed for various stages; the second follows the concept of changing a vertical organization to a a flat, or horizontal one; and the third issue deals with the role of managers and leaders in today's corporate culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Neil Bogart and Casablanca Records' Rise and Fall

    A 5 page synopsis of Fredric Dannen's account of the risk and fall of Neil Bogart and Casablanca Records in his book Hit Men: Power Brokers and Fast Money Inside the Music Business. The writer relates how Bogart and Casablanca defined the worst excesses of the disco era. It is a tale of extravagance and incredibly bad business management. No additional sources cited.

  • Thomas M. Hout's Harvard Business Review Article, 'Are Managers Obsolete?'

    An 8 page analysis of Thomas M. Hout's March, 1999 article for the Harvard Business Review, which is intriguingly entitled 'Are Managers Obsolete?' As this title implies, Hout cuts right to the chase as he offers an examination of the latest proposed perspective for evaluating modern business management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Guardian Higher Education Supplement Article on Academic Stresses and Challenges

    An article written in the style of the Guardian Higher Education Supplement, based on interviews with academics in a university Business Management Department, dealing with the kinds of stresses and pressures which academics have to deal with, and their coping strategies.

  • Business Management

    This 3 page annotated bibliography includes three books and two journal articles regarding business management practices. This is suitable for topics related to downsizing, cost cutting and increasing the profitability of a firm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Developing a Career as a Tourism Director

    This 18 page report discusses career planning for work as a tourist office director. The role of a tourist office director, whether in a convention and visitors’ bureau for a major city or at an independent resort setting requires a clear understanding of what best serves tourists’ needs and what the tourist most expects from his or her visit to any particular venue. Such work requires an understanding of and commitment to fundamental practices of good business management, as well as a thorough understanding of the area, service, or venue being offered by the tourist office. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Small Business Venture and Receiving Government Assistance

    A 7 page paper. The question was: What types of government programs or other assistance is available to start-up businesses? The writer discusses some of the many programs and the vast amount of information available for small business entrepreneurs through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Some of the programs discusses are the more than 75 Online courses that can be accessed. Some of the hundreds of publications available, such as the Startup Guide, the Small Business Management Series (SBA) Publications and the Success Series along with workbooks available for many of these courses. The essay also provides an overview of the SBA loan guaranty program. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Incentives and Compensation Management

    An 8 page paper examining the role of incentives in business management. Factors which determine a strong business are defined. Comparisons of technology and the human factor in business are also noted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Incentives and Compensation Management

    An 8 page paper examining the role of incentives in business management. Factors which determine a strong business are defined. Comparisons of technology and the human factor in business are also noted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Business Administration Overview

    A 10 page paper that presents an overview of business administration and its primary functions. Discussed are the four major areas of skill required to build the framework of an effective and integrated business administration, which are the skills of overall management, business marketing, management accounting, and business statistics. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Business Management Case Study of Uris Hall's Dormitory Kitchen

    This 5 page paper provides an analysis of a case study submitted by a student. The functioning of a Dormitory Kitchen is evaluated. No bibliography.

  • Business Management and the Chaos Theory

    5 pages. Chaos theory holds that the seemingly disorderly pattern of chaos actually creates order in the theory of the universe. One of the most popular examples of chaos theory is that if a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world it can create effects that cause reactions on the other side of the world. In other words, out of chaos comes order. This philosophical argument can also hold true in business and is being embraced more and more in the business world. Managers believe that a seemingly insignificant event in the business world can have an effect that grows to cause results in what many feel are unrelated causes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Aspects of HRM

    A 15 page paper that explores three broad aspects of human resource management The first is the evolution of personnel administration to human resource management and the reported differences between the two. The second investigates the roles and functions of human resource management and discusses staffing, performance appraisal, administration, i.e. record-keeping, and change management. The writer comments on the external and internal environments. The last section discuses the link between human resource management and business objectives. Strategic human resource management is described. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Issues Pertaining to Strategic HRM

    This 20 page paper discusses a number of issues related to strategic HR management. Following a general introduction that discusses how strategic HR management is defined in the literature, the writer addresses three issues: how strategic approaches can be used with a sample of HR management functions; an analysis of the factors related to effective HR management; and the most recent perspectives regarding HRM and future trends of human resource management. 1 table included that compares the effectiveness of several functions in HR departments that are business partners of the firm with those that are not partners. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Connection Between HRM and Strategic Management

    8 pages. There are differences between the two terms strategic management and strategic human resource management. As this paper will show, these are different facets of somewhat the same function. While there is definitely an art to successful management techniques, management of a business and management of human resources are both quite definitely different positions altogether. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cyberspace Business Startup

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of how to begin a business inclusive of financial considerations. The business plan is explained and the paper goes on to address issues of management and marketing. Applicable theories are provided. A sample business related to information technology is used. Because the case study is an Internet based business, much of the literature and analyses are pertinent to e-businesses. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Business Process Management's HRM Tool

    A 14 page paper discussing HR’s role in directing or supporting business process management. The HR function may be the most dramatically changed of all organizational departments over the past decade. It has moved from a persistent drain on the bottom line to an effective player in achieving corporate strategy. In so doing, it has become a highly useful tool of business process management. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Business Continuity and Crisis Management

    This 13 page paper considers what is meant by business continuity management and crisis management, the value it can ad and why it should be an essential part of any business strategy. The paper then goes onto consider the choices available and how a plan ay be developed ad implemented. The bibliography ites 7 sources.

  • Things to Consider if Implementing Performance Management

    This 4 page paper is written in 4 parts, the first part looks at the link between performance management and business objectives. The second part discusses three parts of a performance management program. The third part looks at the link between motivation and performance management. The last section identifies some considerations when considering implementing performance management. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Business and the Effects of Environmental Regulation

    This is a 9 page paper discussing the impact environmental legislation has had on business and the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation. Within the last two decades, the environmental impact of business and industry has led to necessary legislation in global resource management. In many instances, businesses have had to change their design, processing and testing practices in order to comply with legislation which cost many industries a great deal of money. On the other hand, there has also been a great deal of waste in the business and industry sectors which has had an extreme environmental impact globally. Because of this, the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation has increased significantly. Many businesses have taken a pro-active stance and initiated environmentally-friendly practices which not only decrease their own costs, especially in the area of energy consumption, but have also provided the businesses with a positive public image and can help in the marketing of their products. Because the world’s population and need is seen as increasing while the natural resources around the world are seen as decreasing, it is the expected role of business to not only comply with environmental legislation which will decrease the environmental impact of industry but businesses must also become proactive in the areas of conservation and global resource management. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Implementation and Strategy of a Business Plan

    A 14 page paper presenting an "academic" business plan that outlines the process of the relationship between a hypothetical organization and its client through the development of a business plan. The business plan address the essential components of creating a business plan, identifying the necessary processes and how to implement them, as well as various strategy and management aspects of the larger plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Singapore Management Style

    A 15 page paper assessing Singapore’s readiness for participative management. This paper reviews views of business in terms of Asian culture and Singapore’s unique position to determine whether participative management is appropriate in Singapore. It concludes that not only is it appropriate, it also is very much in practice. The paper discusses management theory, management history, Singapore’s great progress over the past 40 years and gives examples of two leading Singapore companies already using business models most conducive to participatory management. One (SembCorp) has even adopted the philosophies of GE’s Jack Welch. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Business Plan Writing Success

    A 10 page paper on the process of writing a business plan. A necessary tool for approaching either investors or lenders, a well-written business plan is also useful for helping keep a business on track and moving toward its stated goals. The business plan as a management tool helps the manager lead the business and avoid falling into the trap of finding that the company is leading the way, with everyone including management simply trying to keep up. The paper lists the specific sections needed in a well-written plan and the items that should be included in each. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Theories on Motivation and Management

    A 4 page paper noting that management of engineers is nearly as notorious as management of programmers. Both are technically sound and know where it is that their efforts need to take them, but may have a lack of business or management knowledge that can allow them either to be managed effectively or to manage others effectively. The paper discusses the theories of Blanchard, Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor, as well as the origin of the “Hawthorne effect.” Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Entrepreneurial Women

    8 pages in length. There is really nothing any more remarkable in women entrepreneurs' efforts than there are in the men counterparts' work, at least not in the present. In the early years, women were at a distinct disadvantage if they intended to focus on any business that could be seen as untraditional. Since those first ground-breaking years, however, women-owned businesses are just businesses—sound management practices and tuned acumen truly is without gender. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Western and Eastern Management

    A 10 page paper comparing management approaches in the East and West hemispheres. Management in the East and management in the West has been seen in the past as being two totally different concepts, similar only in the fact that they each are intended to result in effective management of the organization. The trend of globalization has done much to even out many of those differences, however, as has increased attention to transparency in management. Economic difficulties in both the East and West have obliged organizations in each to operate more efficiently, which in turn has led businesses of both origins to be more pragmatic in their operations. The result to date has been that Eastern management is less circumspect than in the past; Western management has begun to acknowledge more than only the bottom line and quarterly results. Management in the East and West has begun to converge into another form that has taken the best of both. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Management Defined

    A 16 page paper. Definitions of management are offered and contemporary models of management are explained. This is followed by a discussion of the four categories of management functions and the skills needed for effective management practices. Organization design is explained in terms of the mechanistic and organic perspectives, which are also compared in terms of the characteristics of each and the management style that is more often practiced in each type of organizational design. The impact of information technology is explained and discussed as are the major categories of employee motivation strategies. The paper ends with a discussion of the content. While most of the content is applicable to management in general, specific data and discussions focus on business practices in New Zealand, for example, statistical data on the proportion of firms using information technology. Data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 28 sources.

  • Functions of Management and Future Trends

    A 4 page paper discussing how the four functions of management - planning, organizing, leading and controlling – are likely to change in the future. Management today and tomorrow needs to focus more on planning, organizing and leading. There are few aspects of the face of business now that lend themselves to control alone. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Environmental Protection Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing the political and management climate at the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is a government agency that has overreaching authority over business operation and frequently has the final word on whether processes will be allowed. It is a political entity, however. Though it can and should use modern management techniques, its nature as a government agency keeps it grounded in classical theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Common Management Information Protocol and Simple Network Management Protocol

    This 17 page paper looks at Simple Network Management Protocol also known as SNMP and Common Management Information Protocol also known as CMIP are both alternatives that can be used in network management. Both of these systems have advantages and disadvantages. This paper considers why Simple Network Management Protocol is not the ideal system for network management and how Common Management Information Protocol may resolve many of these issue, but also has some additional problems, such as increase use of overhead resources and increased complexity and also examines the functionality of CMIP. The paper presents two case studies to illustrate the way that CMIP is of great benefit to the telecommunication industry, but is of limited benefit to other industries. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Examining Business Ethics

    An 8 page paper discussing awareness and use of ethics and critical thinking in arriving at ethical business decisions. As the face of all American business underwent monumental change in the 1970s and 1980s, it appears to be poised to undergo still another wave of change in the form of greater attention to corporate ethical behavior. The purpose here is to investigate the origins of ethics; whether ethical behavior can be taught; and why today’s businesses so often seem to seek positive business results only for short-term gains. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Car Rental Business

    This 8 page paper considers the potential start up of a new car rental business. The paper outlines the business profile, performs a SWOT analysis on the business and the position it will have in the industry and then finishes with recommendations of the type of owners and some strategies that may help the business develop. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Business Planning Books

    This 10 page paper looks at 7 books that can be used for business planning, outlines their contents, style and presentation and then considering the ways that they would be valuable for a business student when writing a business paper or business plan. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Business Differences: Canada and Egypt

    A 20 page paper discussing business risk in Egypt; potential benefits of doing business there; and the cultural differences between doing business in Canada and doing business in Egypt. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Benefits of Teen Jobs

    A 5 page paper providing a section for a much larger work examining the problems created by teens working too many hours during the school year. This section provides a review of the current environment and difficulties of change, as well as a plan for solution. The plan is that educators create lessons based in disciplines relevant to students’ jobs. Likely subject candidates include business math; technology use in business; business planning; business strategy; microeconomics; and macroeconomics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Leeds Development Agency Case Study

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student; Leeds Development Agency are considering a strategy where existing local businesses are supported rather than investment made to attract new businesses to the area. The potential advantages and disadvantages of this strategy are considered and the way that the agency may help existing business with business tools such as PESTLE analyses is discussed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Winning People Over by Burton Kaplan

    A 7 page analysis of Kaplan's book in which the writer argues that this is a well-written blueprint for improving business relationships. In this book, Kaplan lays out a detailed and comprehensive plan that demonstrates how an individual can get control over not only their business life, but their personal and social life as well. Kaplan is a well-known business consultant, so, in essence, this book allows the ordinary citizen to access the expertise that business officials have paid thousands of dollars to obtain. No additional sources cited.

  • Overview of Management

    A 38 page paper. What is management? What are the functions of management? What are the skills needed to be an effective manager? These are the questions answered in this comprehensive essay. The essay begins with an introductory overview. The next section explains and discuses a number of the schools of management/philosophies of management, including TQM, systems, behavioral approach, transformational, strategic and others naming many of the internationally known experts. A discussion of management functions and roles is next in the essay. The four major functions of management are discussed as are the levels of management. The ten roles of management according to Mintzberg are identified and discussed. The skills needed for effective management as presented by a number of scholars and practitioners are discussed in the next section. Skills are also correlated with the functions of management. The essay ends with a summary and conclusion. The essay includes some specific discussions related to the United Kingdom. 2 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 48 sources.

  • Organization Success and Efficient Management's Important Role

    This 5 page paper argues that efficient management is essential for any company to be successful. The paper looks at the ways that management can influence the work place, such as though the management of employees and how this can add value to the processes. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Management Practices and Factors That Affect Them

    A 6 page paper. Three general topics are briefly discussed. The effect of technology on management practices; the effect of changing socio-cultural factors on management and the effect of economic conditions on management. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Comparing Various Programs of Project Management

    A 12 page paper. Project management is an important field in both the public and private sectors. This importance is evidenced by the fact that there are so many college/university programs specifically for project management. With an emphasis on the United Kingdom, more than 8 programs for masters degrees or certificates in project management are described. These include three in the U.S. and the rest either Online or in the UK. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Assessment of Armstrong's Quote 'Human Resource Management Nothing More Than Old Wine in New Bottles'

    This 9 page paper looks at the quote by Armstrong which states “Human Resource Management is nothing more than old wine in new bottles” and supports this by looking at the different forms of HRM and personal management and how these compare with older ideas. Includes are the ideas of scientific management and motivation using the idea of economic man as well as the ideas of social man and the studies of Mayo and Maslow. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Operations Management and IT, TQM, and JIT Effects

    A 9 page paper that begins with a brief introduction to operations management and gaining a competitive advantage. This introduction is followed by an explanation of each: just-in-time (JIT); total quality management (TQM); and information technology (IT). The writer discusses how each of these has changed and improved operations management. For example, JIT and TQM place a greater emphasis on customer satisfaction an on using teams. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Knowledge Curve in the context of Change Management

    This 9-page paper provides an example of change managment and knowledge management implementation (with specific examples referring to PricewaterhouseCooper's KnowledgeCurve intranet). The paper includes implementation of change management, communicating such implementation and the importance of knowledge management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Strategic Management Overview

    This 55-page paper provides an overview and background of strategic management. Topics discussed are the various approaches to and theories for strategic management, as well as case studies documenting actual strategic management processes. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • William Langewiesche and Niccolo Machiavelli on Management Style

    This 5 page paper examines management style according to Machiavelli and also according to author William Langewiesche. Neither book is explicitly about management. Yet, management style is gleaned from the information contained in the two works. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Leadership, Management and Changes in These Fields

    A 7 page paper comparing a century-old view of management with today’s practices. Many of Henri Fayol’s concepts are in evidence today, but his primary precepts – i.e., one “right” form of organization, one “right” manner of approaching organizational issues; full decision-making responsibility for the CEO and none other – have fallen out of favor in preference for more participative approaches to management that also account for and make use of differences among individuals, differences that can give organizations competitive advantage in their industries. The purpose here is to weigh Fayol’s concepts against today’s management practices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • MIC Agents of Change

    A 12 page paper discussing MIC systems, specifically those of activity-based costing, inventory management and management information systems as appropriate agents of change within the organization. The ultimate purpose of MIC systems is to coalesce into an entity of overlapping units that create at their point of juncture more advantageous methods of operating. Whether focus is on activity-based costing, inventory management or any other feature of MIC systems, the simultaneous use of all components has the ability to lead the organization into sound and profitable change beneficial for all stakeholders. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Educational Human Resources and Diversity Management

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the impact and implications of diversity management in regards to educational human resource management. The writer specifically focuses on the example of LaGuardia Community College in New York City, which has used diversity management techniques to address the needs of its diverse student body. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Evolution of Human Resource Management

    A 3 page paper. The writer comments on the evaluation of human resource management over the last century, explaining and demonstrating traditional human resource management. The writer then defines and explains strategic human resource management, including some of the models being identified as strategic and the trends towards these models. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sport and Roles in Management Practice

    This 13 page paper examines roles in sport management such as coaching and upper levels as well. The subject is discussed in general but specific examples are provided. The focus is on management and includes management theory. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Management and Financial Accounting

    A 6 page paper defining and providing examples of financial and management. Management accounting also provides decision-making tools, while financial accounting gives investors and regulatory agencies a view of how effective management's decision-making has been during the reporting period. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Pain Management and Nursing Involvement Increases

    A 19 page paper divided into 14.5 pages of text and 4.5 pages of annotated bibliography discussing augmenting the nurse's role in pain management among the elderly within the nursing home setting. Pain among the elderly has been seen more as an unfortunate fact of life in the past, but current approaches to pain management and pain education appear to be beneficial, leading to less dependence on pharmaceuticals and less cost to the elderly as a result. When combined with a higher quality of life, nondrug pain management appears to be worthwhile. The Harvard-style annotated bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development

    12 pages in length. The extent to which human resource development is inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of competent management precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Why is Talent Management Increasing in Popularity?

    This 16 page paper looks at the rise in interest in talent management. After defining what is meant by talent management the reasons that explain this increase are examined along with the methods and approaches to talent management that can be adopted, including the recruitment and training approaches. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Military Supply Chain Management

    A 4 page paper discussing general supply chain needs for the U.S. Army. Though the principles of supply chain management are the same for both corporate and military models, there are significant differences that directly affect supply chain management. Military supply chain management requires the addition of these other needs and influencers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Systems Management, Human Relations, and Scientific Management Styles

    A 4 page paper that describes and explains three management styles: scientific, human relations and systems management. The writer ends by commenting on the management style that is appropriate for the criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Management of the BP Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Crisis

    This 15 page paper at the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill which occurred in April 2010, examining the event from a quality management perspective, identifying the problems in terms of quality management before and during the disaster and then discussing the way in which quality management could be improved at the company. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Management, Women, and 'the Glass Ceiling'

    5 pages. There is a well-known phrase called the glass ceiling which means that women are normally only promoted to a certain height up the corporate ladder. While there may be some women higher up in management sometimes these are just 'token' positions so that corporate management cannot be accused of discrimination. This paper will discuss the difficulties women have in getting the top management jobs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Company Conflict Management

    5 pages. Conflict management styles differ from company to company. This paper discusses the conflict management styles engaged at Ernst and Young, and compares it to one's own personal preference for conflict management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Implementing Performance Management

    This 9 page paper presents an outline for a manual designed to support the implementation of performance management; presenting the way in which the performance management would take place, including planning, personal development and review stages as well as the support provided by the HR department. The second part of the paper discusses the way in which performance management may be evaluated. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Management Control Systems at Jazeera Airways

    This 27 page paper looks at the concept and practice of management controls over people and systems, using the Kuwaiti airline; Jazeera Airlines as an example. The paper discusses at the company and management control systems (MCS) that are in place, including employee appraisals, financial controls and marketing assessments. The systems are assessed in terms of congruence with the company strategies and a recommendation is made for a strategy to enhance the management control systems. The bibliography cites 21 sources.

  • Management Support Systems and Outsourcing

    The use of Management Support Systems (MSS) and outsourcing are two separate events that are both seeing increased occurrences. This 16 page paper considers the way in which the potential impacts of outsourcing management support systems. The paper starts by considering what is meant by a Management Support System (MSS) and how they are used. The potential advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing are then discussed before being applied to the potential outsourcing of MSS services or functions. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Kirham Instruments Product Development

    A 6 page paper using Harvard Case 9-697-058 to assess the new product development process at Kirkham Industries. Kirkham supplies biochemical and biomedical researchers with specialized laboratory devices and equipment, and its management has determined that a centralized approach to management new product development would be beneficial. Results demonstrate that such centralization is counterproductive, however, and the paper recommends that Kirkham decentralize its product development efforts while still retaining management involvement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Disease Management/Hypertension

    A 9 page research paper that discusses disease management programs, with a focus on hypertension. To address the problem of hypertension, healthcare provider systems and health plans have turned to the strategies provided by disease management (DM) programs as a method for improving patient outcomes in hypertension management. This examination of DM programs in regards to hypertension seeks to evaluate DM as a tool for containing cost and ensuring quality in regards to control of this chronic condition. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Managing Knowledge in Schools

    This 9 page paper begins with a discussion about knowledge and knowledge management and how human resources relates to knowledge management. The essay then focuses on knowledge management in educational settings, providing ideas for implementation and examples. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Pain Management Literature Review

    An 8 page literature review of self-management and therapeutic touch approaches to the management of chronic pain. The purpose of the paper is to provide a literature review; theoretical framework (Neuman Systems Model); problem statement; and research question. The question is, "Is TT an effective drug-free approach to the management of chronic pain in elderly nursing home residents?" Bibliography lists 11 sources, most from 2007 and 2008.

  • Enterprise Wide Risk Management

    This 10 page discuses the following quote "Enterprise wide risk management as an assurance tool is increasingly being mandated as either principle or requirement within developed markets and economies". To discuss this the concept if Enterprise Wide Risk Management (EWRM) is defined and compared to traditional risk management, the way in which it has become a corporate culture issue and whether or not it can add value. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility And Energy Management

    This 14 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper looks at the concept of corporate social responsibility discussing what it is or why companies may choose to adopt it, frameworks may be used as guidance and essential elements of corporate social responsibility strategies. The second part of the paper looks at the concept of energy management, examining why and how it takes place and uses the example of Hewlett-Packard to demonstrate energy management in practice. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Information Management at Sony

    This 11 page paper looks at the use of information management systems by Sony. The paper examines the company background before looking at the way information is used, including management information systems and the creation of a division to deal specifically with information issues. The bibliography cites 4 sources.


    This 3-page paper is a book review about Joseph Wells' The Small Business Fraud Prevention Manual.

  • Managing Quality and Risk Management in a Mental Health Environment

    This 12 page paper looks at the concept and use of quality management in healthcare with particular attention to a mental healthcare facility. The concepts and meaning of quality care are discussed, along with the way it is implemented, Internal and external influences are considered and some recommendations are made for improving quality management in a mental healthcare facility. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Masaaki Imai's Gemba Kaizen A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management

    This 3 page paper reviews the book “Gemba Kaizen : A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management” by Masaaki Imai, considering the main message the implications for lean manufacturing and just in time management and the general approach which the book advocates. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Explanations of Communication in Organizations

    A 10 page paper. This essay discusses these communication concepts: formal and informal communication, change management, conflict management, virtual office vs. conventional office, and internal communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Investment Concepts, Tools and Theories

    This 36 page paper examines a number of issues that are important to investors and portfolio management. Te paper looks at asset allocation, the section of investment with tools such as capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and efficient market hypothesis (EMH), multifactor models of risk and return, including Fama and French’s Three Factor mode, bonds and bond management, derivative analysis and the different types of swap contracts. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • America's Waste Management Services

    This 6 page paper looks at the waste management industry in the US, defining it and then looking at the major companies in the industry; Waste Management Inc., Allied Waste Industries and Republic Services their sales, profits and strategies.

  • The Principle Agent Relationship between Management and Employees

    This 8 page paper examines the principle-agent relationship that takes place between the management and staff of a company. The paper explains what the relationship is and how it manifests, looks at what is meant by agency costs and considers how elements such as moral hazard, adverse selection, asymmetry of information and signalling are seen I the way the relationship ship is run. The paper ends by considering how the employer should management the relationship.

  • Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Internal Audit in the Public Sector

    This 10 page paper considers different influences which will impact on the effectiveness of an internal audit in the public sector; factors discussed include the general accounting system in the public sector, internal controls, relationship with external audit, relationship with management and management support, regulations and standards, the qualifications and expertise of auditors, the way audit recommendations are implemented and the audit committee. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Effective Management versus Effective Time Management

    A 5 page paper making the statement that effective time management and effective management are not the same thing. Effective time management is most definitely a part of effective management but complete effective management entails many more aspects than the management of time. The issue is addressed from the perspective of the manager or supervisor. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Effective Management versus Effective Time Management

    A 5 page paper making the statement that effective time management and effective management are not the same thing. Effective time management is most definitely a part of effective management but complete effective management entails many more aspects than the management of time. The issue is addressed from the perspective of the manager or supervisor. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Knowledge Management and Information Technology

    A 13 page paper discussing the point at which IT data becomes organizational knowledge. In its early days and even until rather recently, IT provided only a means of tracking historical data and contributed virtually nothing to the bottom line. Every organization must operate as efficiently as possible in today's business environment, however, and IT moved into the position of being a strategic tool. The data it held then came to be knowledge that the organization could use and needs to use to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. As Laudon (1995) notes, IT truly is too important to the organization to leave only to the IT professionals. Marketing and senior management need the knowledge it holds or can create in order to form the most effective strategy for the future. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Journal Article on Organizations and TQM Reviewed

    An 11 page critique of a journal article on TQM using other articles as a measure by which to critique it. There are several references available on the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM), and dozens with reports of how it "fails" in two-thirds of the attempts to implement it. Those companies unsuccessful in making TQM a foundation of their business most often have selected only a few of the principles of the entire TQM philosophy, however, choosing to attend to the mechanics of the philosophy rather than the underlying principles of attention to customers and employees. The paper includes a short glossary of terms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Responsibility and Business

    This 3 page argumentative essay considers if business should be primary concerns with making profit or if there should be a perceived moral obligation placed on business to be socially responsible. The paper looks at both sides of the argument. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Ethics and Human Resource Management

    6 pages in length. Because society is fundamentally based upon performance and profit, it is not unusual to find that it is necessary to impart a sense of corporate social responsibility with regard to contemporary commerce. The ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concepts that are often absent from a Human Resources standpoint. It is important for the student to realize that the very issues of corporate social responsibility should rightly exist within every company's infrastructure; however, one can readily realize that social integrity is not something that is often at the forefront of modern day Human Resource Management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Post Second World War Business History of Japan

    A 7 page paper tracing the changes in Japanese business following World War II. Today, the keiretsu structure that allowed massive accumulation of nonperforming corporate debt has been dismantled, at least in that portion discouraging appropriate corporate governance. Economic consequences of past actions appear to be the limiting factor in Japan’s attempts to move past the effects of the bursting of its bubble economy and then the Asian currency crisis. Its foray into Western management styles discounted the value of its workers’ dedication to their companies. That dedication is grounded in centuries-old culture, however, and likely still exists beneath the layers of policy-imposed constraints. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Airbus Case Study

    This 24 page paper is written in two parts. The first part is a case study looking at the Airbus Company, which is an EADS company. The case study looks at the history of the company, its products including be A380, the structure of the company and it is facilities, the competition it faces from Boeing, the management and leadership. The second part of the paper answer questions regarding some of the challenges faced by Airbus including the pressure for innovation, the accusations of insider trading in 2006, the dual CEO structure, the policy of compensating for currency changes as well is other influencing factors such as US government influences on Boeing and the potential of new entrants into the aircraft manufacturing business. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Exploring Decision Support System Usage in ECommerce Research Proposal

    This 27 page paper is a research Proposal to Explore the Use of Decision Support System in E-Commerce and includes a literature review. The use of both E-commerce has increased tremendously over the last decade. E-commerce is usually seen as sales over the internet but actually incorporates any transactions over an electronic medium. This is usually seen as an advantage. This paper considers how the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) may help a business to enhance their e-commerce strategy and align strategies so that the efficiency is increased and results in a better profit. Many companies, such as Air Canada and FedEx already use DSS to great advantage increasing the efficiency through management of their resources. These are systems designed espially for those companies, but DSS are also available over the counter for smaller companies. The paper then shows how, with the use of a qualitative case study, following an extensive literature review the student can undertake primary research to identify the option model for the use of DSS is any given industry. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Indian Banks and Corporate Governance

    A 13 page paper assessing governance at 2 private and 2 state-owned banks in India. Businesses within the same industry operate by standard means in many respects, but each is different in its management, goals for the future and perspective on the value of customers. The process of assessing governance at four Indian banks reveals immense differences in these factors. The banks examined here are ICICI Bank Ltd., HDFC Bank Ltd., State Bank of India and Global Trust Bank. The focus is on financial performance for two years prior to and two years after significant capital inflow. In the case of ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank, these points were when they became the first and second Indian banks to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Includes 2 figures and 5 tables. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Bridgewater Castings and Strategic Decision Making

    A 7 page paper discussing the state of business for this manufacturer of cast iron wood-burning stoves. Seven specific questions address management accounting and strategy issues to conclude that Bridgewater should not presently drop one of its two products, but rather seek out methods of making the under-performing product more profitable. The paper suggests that it develop innovations presently not offered by competitors to be able to profit from first-mover advantage as it now enjoys with the product it plans to retain. Otherwise it will be facing the same situation when competitors begin offering similar products. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Personal Home Information and Risk Management

    An 11 page paper discussing the risk to which personal information is subjected at home. Home is the primary repository for personal information for most people. The paper provides an inventory of the types of personal information held in a single home that also houses a business and a graduate student, followed by assessment of the risks to that information and a security plan intended to control those risks. The plan follows that of the “Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems,” Special Publication 800-30 of the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NISTA), identifying information assets; assigning a loss value to each; and identifying vulnerabilities and the likelihood of each to arrive at a risk-rating factor for each item. The paper concludes with a security plan for those items at greatest risk. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Operations Management and Small Business

    This 21 page paper provides an overview of operations management in small businesses. Following an introduction, there are five headings. Inventory control reports different approaches to controlling inventory to maximize profit and minimize waste, such as JIT for manufacturing firms, perpetual inventory systems and the brown bag system. Pricing offers different pricing strategies that take into consideration the customers, the market and the competition. Financial operations discusses the need to evaluate and analyze fiscal performance and also discusses record-keeping approaches. Designing the workplace offers general comments and approaches to maximize efficiency and eliminate waste. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Management, Organizational Structure, and National Culture

    A 14 page paper. The essay begins by defining national culture and corporate culture and how national culture influences business culture. The writer then explains the different factors that influence the national culture, such as language, class stratification, emphasis on group or individual. Hofstede's four dimensions of culture are described and used as the benchmark for determining the national culture in the U.K. and the U.S. The writer uses two companies to illustrate the relationships between and among national culture, organizational culture and management styles. The companies used are Dyson Appliance from the UK and Apple Computer from the US. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Successful Corporate Turnaround of Black and Decker

    A 11 page paper discussing the Black and Decker Corporation, a manufacturer and marketer of power tools, hardware, and building products for homes and commercial applications. Black & Decker underwent a radical restructuring in 1985 that cost close to $215 million. Ultimately, the restructuring has paid off with sales and earnings climbing for the past 13 years. Now, in 1999, the company has announced ended the business year of 1998 with its strongest balance sheet in a decade. The company’s share (BDK) was up 44 percent for the year, resulting in a five-year compound annual growth rate of nearly 22% in comparable per-share earnings. The turnaround can be easily attributed to the changes made in strategic management at all levels of the company. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • System Upgrade for the XYZ Corporation

    A 14 page paper discussing the dilemma in which XYZ Corporation finds itself. Founded in 1985, the company provided contract financial services for larger businesses. With the growth of outsourcing, XYZ finally moved into providing payroll outsource services for other organizations. By 1999, XYZ's mainframe system that was new in 1992 was obsolete and the company's board has charged the CIO with creating a framework for upgrade. Points considered are customer perceptions and satisfaction, costs of upgrade and total costs of ownership, and outsourcing in terms of recurring costs and as an IT management tool. The paper urges XYZ to adopt a policy of long-range planning and consistent annual technology budgets after getting past the current crisis in which XYZ cannot compete with new entrants that have much more modern equipment and software. The paper recommends that XYZ consider using an intranet and Internet PCs to satisfy its preference for central control and "dumb" terminals. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Diablo Drilling Corporation and Proposal for Flexible Office Hours

    Flexible Office Hours Proposal - Diablo Drilling Corporation: A 10 page paper that presents a proposal suggesting the implementation of a flexible work schedule for the employees of the main business office of a small drilling contracting company. Also discussed are the various ways that this option could benefit both employer and employee. The purpose of the plan, which is to reduce the amount of productive work time lost by initiating the option of more flexible work hours, is thoroughly explained as it applies to a small office with a total of four participating employees. Also included are technical and management plans, organization qualifications, cost analysis and recommendations. Bibliography lists 5 sources. LCDiablo.doc

  • The Growth of Small Businesses in the UK

    This 9 page paper looks at the way that small business grow and considers the argument that businesses will not grow unless they have the skills of an entrepreneur to push them forward. The paper looks at the entrepreneurial process and examines a number of small companies that have grown, using UK examples. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Nonprofit Organization's High Power Board of Directors Creation

    A 4 page paper on strategies in forming a high-power Board for a nonprofit organization. Whether the organization is nonprofit or for-profit, the role of the Board of Directors is largely the same: governing the organization. Ultimately, those with greatest policy experience are the most likely choices in creating a high-powered, effective Board. Those lacking executive private-sector business experience can learn to overcome that detriment. It is much more difficult to overcome policy-making deficiencies than business deficiencies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • New Business Concept - Mobile Brake System Servicing

    This 6 page paper presents an idea of a new business, identifying the market segment and target markets and performing a SWOT analysis on the business concept. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • A Plan for a New Business

    This 5 page paper considers how to look at a potential new business. In his example the new business is a PC workshop. The writer looks at the exiting competitive environment, the competition and the way the company may fit into the existing marketplace and develop a competitive advantage, The writer then gives some financial projections including the start up costs and general five year projections. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Business Plan for a Golf Course in China

    This 20 page paper is a business plan for starting a new business in China by buying a run down golf course and developing it into a highly differentiated golf club. The plan includes sections of the company organization, the products and services offered, the personnel, the development of the site and the marketing of the club and the financial projections for the first year in detail, including cash flow, income and balance sheets, and projections for the first five years. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Reducing Green House Gas Emissions in Irish Dairy Farming

    There is little doubt that green house gases need to be reduced. This 15 page paper summarizes an article that assesses the potential of different dairy herd management systems to reduce the direct and indirect green house gas emissions. The reseach also looked at the impact on profit levels. The paper summarises the findings of the reseach and then offers a neutral opinion on the reseach. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Health and Poverty/Incidence of Childhood Asthma

    A 5 page research paper that relates the details of literature review search for studies pertaining to the treatment and management of pediatric asthma among low-income young children. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 10-page paper examines a case study about the fictitious Evergreen Investments and what can go wrong when it comes to customer relationship management implementation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Apple and Dell, Supply Chain Management

    This 12 page paper looks at the supply chain of Apple Inc., focusing on the computers and the physical supply chain and compares it with Dell Inc. The paper gives some background to the companies and then looks at the way the supply chain operates upstream and the type of suppliers that are used as well as the management of the downstream supply chain. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • How Decisions Are Made

    This 8 page paper considers the process that is undertaken when a decision in made. The different types of decision, such as operational, managerial and strategic are examined and models, such as Simon (1977). The paper then considers the role of management support systems (MSS) and decision support systems (DSS). The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Technology/Hospitality Industry

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the many uses of technology in today's hospitality industry. Technology has changed the way in which the hospitality industry operates. It has gone from pen-and-paper accounting to utilization of the latest computer and automated technology. The writer discusses property management systems and other innovations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sharek, et al (2004)/Low-Income Kids with Asthma

    A 4 page article critique that examines a study by Sharek, et al (2004), which looked at data concerning asthma disease management in children. While asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease, there is currently “no validated ‘gold standard’ for measuring’ asthma outcomes (Sharek, et al, 2004, p. 797). Frequently asthma intervention are evaluated by utilizing a variety of disease status outcomes, but this can lead to ambiguous information and, subsequently, an increase in errors. Sharek, et al (2004) address this problem. No additional sources cited.

  • ADHD: Causes, Behaviors, Strategies

    A 7 page research paper on ADHD. This examination of literature pertaining to ADHD, first of all, discusses the causes, symptoms, and behaviors that are associated with this disorder, but then concentrates on teaching strategies that have been formulated to address the management of ADHD in the classroom. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Sustainability and Business

    This 7 page paper looks at the way in which sustainability is a current issue in management and the way it is developing and emerging in the commercial environment. Different approaches to sustainability and sustainable developed are discussed and examples of companies adopting various strategies are presented. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Strategies of Gerber Products Company

    This 4-page paper discusses certain product and management strategies as introduced by the Gerber Products Company, the people who produce the baby food. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Large Event Risk Management

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of risk management. The hypothetical case of a large multinational event is used to provide examples. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cai Lan Oils and Fats Industries and Organizational Change

    This 10 page paper looks at this company and how it can meet future challenges. The firm is discussed and theory on organizational management is included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The Job of a Real Estate Manager

    This 8 page paper looks at the roles and responsibilities that will be part of the job of a professional real estate manager. The paper includes consideration of aspects such as the protection of revenue, maintenance, management costs, administration and budgeting. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Approaches to Property Portfolio Management

    This 9 page paper looks at the different approaches that a fund management for an investment portfolio manager may adopt where the investments are 100% in property. The general investment approaches of passive, active and post modern portfolio manager are considered along with their viability for a property fund manager. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Factors in International Finance and Trade Development

    This 8-page paper discusses development of international trade and finance. Topics focused on include international currency transactions, management of foreign risk, international trade financing and financial equilibrium. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Purposes And Natures Of Financial Statements And Managerial Reports

    This 3 page paper looks at the role and purposes of financial statement and management account statements or reports, considering who they are designed for and the way that they are used. The paper then considers how financial statements may help with the making of informed decision regarding the firm and how they may reflect ethics. The bibliographic cites 3 sources.

  • Dow Chemical; Ratio Analysis 2005 - 2006

    This 10 page paper presents a financial analysis of the Dow Chemical Company from a range of stakeholder perspectives. After a brief introduction to the company ratios of interest to a shareholder are presented including the net profit, earnings per share and the price earnings ratio. Ratios of interest to the creditor then discussed including interest-rate coverage and the current ratio was the last section looking at ratios of value to management including gross profit, stock turnover and debtor days. The bibliography cites seven sources.

  • Hewlett Packard and Dell Printer Wars

    A 4 page paper discussing HP’s decision to stop offering HP printers to Dell to sell with its computer systems following Dell’s announcement that it also would offer low-end, low-quality Lexmark printers that eventually took on the Dell private label. The entire scenario highlights the fact that both HP’s and Dell’s management disregarded the needs of customers and shareholders in acting from arrogance toward each. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pecos Printers Pricing

    A 5 page paper in two parts. Part 1 (4 pages) provides a management accounting exercise in pricing and selling printers. The owner of the company fails to realize he can accept lower unit prices after meeting his fixed costs. Part 2 discusses marketing alliances between the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) and outside retailers to increase choices available to AAFES customers without increasing the company's costs and without the need to stock the products. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Information Technology Portfolio Management

    A 5 page paper defining and discussing the use of the IT portfolio as a means of gaining control over IT projects and IT costs. ITPM is an approach to managing IT and IT projects as components of a larger portfolio of IT-related assets. This implies, of course, that the one managing that portfolio is able to identify and assess applicable risks and quantify potential returns. The portfolio management approach is being used in a wide range of industries and appears to be gaining attention of additional ones. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Case Studies In Technology and Management

    This 5 page paper reviews 5 case studies from the book Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation and considers what the student may learn from each case study. The cases include SMaL Camera Technologies, Intel, Hewlett Packard Kitty Hawk, Microsoft and Patterns of Industrial Innovation. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Similarities and Differences Between Private and Public Management

    This 4-page paper is a sample essay, discussing if the educational training for a public administration manager can be handled through an MBA program. The paper contends that no, MBAs and MPAs teach two different aspects of management, and if an MPA were abolished, students would have no idea how to work in public sector agencies.

  • Municipal Public Administration

    6 pages. This essay relates to municipal administration as based on articles in scholarly journals. This critical analysis of administrative tactics and policies as based on the articles will help the student to assess the necessary requirements for successful public administration techniques in such things as urban management and public policy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Literature Review of Emergency Preparedness in Puerto Rico

    This 15-page paper outlines a review of literature in support of an approach for emergency preparedness of Puerto Rico when it comes to natural disasters. The paper also includes natural disaster that occur in Puerto Rico, as well as some recommendations to help spur an emergency management program. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Just in Time Inventory Management at NUMMI

    This 3 page paper is written n two parts. The first part looks at NUMMI (New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., a strategy alliance between Toyota and GM, and looks at the way in which the firm managed stock, keeping it to a minimum and the way in which supplier relationships were managed to achieve this. The second part of the paper then looks at the importance of planning scheduling and logistics in just in time management systems. The bibliography cites 2 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses how quality management and quality assurance can be used for an independent filmmaker interested in shooting a film. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Quality Control and the Connection Between Total Quality Management and Reengineering

    7 pages in length. When addressing the aspect of quality control, the relationship that exists between re-engineering and total quality management (TQM) is both inherent and extricable. One cannot exist without the other, inasmuch as the very essence of re-engineering means to restructure an approach that no longer proves beneficial; by incorporating the tenets of TQM, quality control experiences the synergistic outcome of combining two such rejuvenating entities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Project Management Control

    This 8 page paper looks at project management control, answering four questions set by the student; how resource scheduling reduce flexibility in managing projects, outlining the risks associated with leveling resources, compressing or crashing projects and imposed duration or 'catch-up' as the project is being implemented, why is it critical to develop a time phased baseline and how WBS differs from the projects network. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Wall Street Theories Considered in A Random Walk by Burton Malkiel

    This 8-page paper is a review of Burton Malkiel's book "A Random Walk down Wall Street." The book discusses a variety of investment theories (supporting that of Modern Portfolio Management) and includes a summary of each of the four parts.

  • Success of Marriott's Marketing Strategies and the Management Descriptions of Philip Kotler

    Philip Kotler describes a method of marketing management, which applies to the success of the Marriott marketing strategies that began in 1985 as reported by Steve Swartz. Kotler's method is based on customer satisfaction that also satisfies the corporate goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources. jvMariot.rtf

  • The Benefits of Adopting a Management Information System

    This 4 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student to assess the way a management information system (MIS). Javabooks is a book store and cafe, where all process, from ordering to sales, are undertaken manually. The paper start by looking at the benefits and then considers the way other firms are gaining cost savings using MIS. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Manulife; BCG Matrix Analysis

    This 11 page paper uses the Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix) to examined the international insurance and financial management company Maulife, looking at the way the matrix can be used and for Manulife. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Matrix Structures for Business

    This 6 page paper examines how and why matrix structures can add value to companies or projects where management adopt the structure. The paper argues that the value is added as long as the culture and attitudes support the matrix. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Memory Management and Functionality of Windows XP

    This paper explores the basic functionality of Windows XP and its method of memory management -- virtual memory. 5 References. jvWinXP.rtf

  • Management Approaches to Crisis

    This 6 page paper looks at crisis management and the way that an organization may face an organization either by having a plan for change and planning for a response. The paper presents answers to a set of questions, looking at the difference between prevention orientation and a response orientation, assessing the impact of attitude on preparedness and the way crisis may lead to learning. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Banking Finance Questions

    This 7 page paper looks at questions supplied by the student, working out the net interest, net interest margin, net profit, return on assets and return on equity and equity multiplier for a bank. The paper then consider the interest rate exposure and the type of swap needed, capital requirements, the issues between management and regulator and comments on actions the bank should take. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Criminal Justice and the Development of New Technology

    3 pages in length. It used to be that tracking down and apprehending criminal suspects required a combination of psychological outsmarting and a whole lot of physical legwork. Today, while still necessitating the ability to outsmart criminals, the legwork has all but been replaced by new technology, particularly when dealing with assault crimes. Pertinent to today's ever-expanding criminal justice system is the implementation of computer technology as a means by which to accomplish such objectives as criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, crime-mapping and analysis, DNA identification, predictions, personnel management and administration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

    This 4 page paper examines the management practices of this organization. Historical data is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 5-page paper examines the link between performance appraisals and performance management, while giving steps toward improvement in a corporate setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Designing a Performance Management System for Southwest Airlines

    A 12 page paper discussing points that could be included in a new performance management system for Southwest Airlines. Celebrating 35 years of continuously profitable operation, there are several points of measure that can benefit the company. Measured entities need to directly contribute to overall performance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • IOM and the New Purchasing Operating Model

    This 10 page paper addresses Toyota's brake pedal problem in terms of International Operations Management based process improvements. The recommended model is the New Purchasing Operating Model as part of a Strategic Importance and Criticality Matrix. This matrix joins the Cost model with the Learning model. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Chemical Engineering and Process Control

    A 7 page discussion of the variable foci necessitated by process control. This paper discusses the hands-on chemistry requiring process control alongside such aspects of the process as information management and system design. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Diabetes Control: A Review of Literature

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of 8 articles that represent current research in the area of diabetes management and diabetes education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Compensation and Employees of the El Dorado Company

    This 3-page paper is a case study explaining compensation and employee retension for El Dorado, a company that manufactures canoes. Topics discussed include non-financial compensation, data collection and rewards for management and salaried employees.

  • Management and the Workforce in the Twentieth Century

    This 6 page paper looks at the twentieth century and the changes in the nature of management. Taylorism is discussed as well as newer models such as participative work systems and knowledge work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Differences Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management

    This 28 page paper looks at the differences between HRM and personnel management. The writer looks to the evolution of the two disciplines, their similarities and differences, and how they may be confused. The second part of the paper then considers the different personal requirements of an individual in order to be successful international personnel manager. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Retail and the Significance of Managing Space

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of space management in the retail industry. Several stores are evaluated such as Wal Mart, Home Depot and Sears. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Structure, Management, and Public Organizations

    This 5 page paper considers how we may see public organizations and how the structure and management should be seen n terms of a service for the public. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Profile of Waste Management Inc.

    This paper is a profile about Waste Management, Inc., what it does and its earnings. The profile also discusses whether it is a good stock buy or not, based on financial factors such as P/E, cash flow and other environmental issues. Bibliogaphy lists 4 sources.

  • Machine Learning, Data Mining, and KM

    This 19 page paper looks at knowledge management and the use of data mining in conjunction with machine learning. The writer considers how this may add value to banking practices, such as managing and reducing risk, increasing marketing response rates, retaining customers and maximising the use of resources. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Managers on Styles of Management

    A 7 page paper reporting on the results of interviews with three active managers. The managers were asked the same questions. The paper provides their answers and concludes with a discussion of their different styles. One of the managers is purely autocratic; the other two favor a participatory style of management but differ greatly in their pursuit of it. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Organizational Communications and Conflict Management

    This tutorial paper covers the idea of conflict management within organizations; and how communications fits in. Also discussed is resolution, prevention and negotiation. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 3 Issues in HRM

    A 6 page paper that discusses three specific issues related to human resource management: the functions of HRM, the importance of the department, and the fact that people are the company's most important asset; the concept underlying getting paid work, which includes a short discussion on why there is a different wage/salary for different jobs; and labor law, including the laws that fall under the EEO. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Information Management and Hotels

    This 10 page report discusses information management as applied to the hotel industry and discusses one particular (fictional) hotel and its strategies. As with every other industry, the hotel industry has been radically changed by information technology and its application in terms of guest services ranging from making reservations to ordering room service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Team Approach Organizational Change and the Management of Conflict

    5 pages. When an organization implements change of any type there is bound to be conflict. This is especially true when changing from individual-based work to the team approach to management. This paper points out the possible conflicts that arise when implementing teams and how to circumvent those problems before they get out of hand. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Change Management and Just In Time Implementation

    This 7-page paper discusses implementations of new systems in the workplace and challenges inherent in such implementation. Examples used include the Just in Time (JIT) system -- a method of quality management -- and how this system was successfully implemented at a company. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Chief Executive Officer's Organizational Management Tools

    This 7-page paper examines the organizational tools available to today's CEO. "Tools" described include use of contigency approach, Maslow's theory, participative management, team-building and concept of content and process theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Global Account Management

    This 5 page paper looks at global account management according to information submitted by a student. The pitfalls of global accounts are discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Dental Practice Quality Management

    This 5-page paper focuses on total quality management in context of a dental practice. Issues covered include employee empowerment; customer satisfaction and the need for measuring quality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Decisions in Management Accounting Cases

    A 5 page paper assessing two management accounting cases. One addresses whether a one-location retail establishment should eliminate one department and expand another, one addresses the inability of a company’s board to determine where the company’s profits and losses lie due to inept accounting. Includes 3 tables. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Scientific Management and Taylor's Theories

    This 9 page paper examines the theories of Taylor and his development of Scientific management in order to access the relevance of these ideas today in a contemporary work environment. The paper agues that the model is still very relevant due to the way socially and the employment relationship has evolved. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Successful Management and the Value of Perspective

    This 5 page paper looks at how an understanding of perception can help make better Managers. The paper includes what is meant by perception, the importance of comprehension and how it can effect the management of equal opportunities. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Corporate Culture and Management of China and the Effects of the Cultural Revolution

    This 10 –age paper considers the way in which the Chinese Cultural revolution (1966-1976) impacted on management and corporate culture in both the short and the long term, including the continuing ongoing effects still felt today. The role of the importation Hong Kong managers is also considered. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Management in the Classroom

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of classroom management techniques. Behavioral as well as issues regarding organization are addressed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Financial Investment Model Limitations and Long Term Capital Management

    A 9 page overview of the applicability of financial models to investment. The author reveals the investment strategy of the “Long Term Capital Management” fund to contend that this strategy was based largely on models such as that accounted for by the Black-Scholes Formula. The failure of this fund serves to exemplify the fact that models are based on normal behavior, when normal behavior is replaced by abnormal behavior even the most advanced financial models fail to perform. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pain Management Choices and Patients Rights

    This 5 page paper addresses issues surrounding pain management. Should a patient be allowed to die if medical science cannot properly manage his or her pain? The Dax Cowart case is referenced in the discussion. Other issues are addressed such as addiction to opiates and just how much influence a patient should have in his or her own medical care. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and JIT Inventory Management

    5 pages. When one auto manufacturer had a problem with a huge backlog and no inventory with which to finish it, they went to the parent company in Japan to see how to address the situation. Looking at several different options, it was decided that Just in Time management was the answer to the problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management Accounting and Errors Caused by Fixed Costs

    This 5 page paper looks at how fixed costs may cause errors management decisions. The paper looks at this in a logical manner, first explaining what fixed costs are and how if they are inaccurate they can lead to major mistakes in the information upon which decision are made, The paper then looks at how mistakes may be made in the way fixed costs are estimated. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Management Accounting and the Source of Error Represented by Fixed Costs

    This 7 page paper considers how fixed costs may be a major cause of error in management accounting. The paper looks at how production techniques have changed and traditional cost accounting may be inappropriate due to increased fixed costs and falling direct labour costs leading to distortions and a domino effect. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Skills and Functions of Management

    This 5 page paper identifies and discusses the four functions of management and the skills needed to perform those functions. The functions are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Each is explained. The writer then comments on the skills needed to perform each and all of these functions, such as communication and delegation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Inpatient Case Management Service Adaptation and Analysis

    This 5-page paper examines micro and macroeconomics and how such concepts can be applied to a hospital's case management system. The paper relied on specific examples from two hospitals to help support the topic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Leadership and Nurse Management

    This 4 page paper looks at a case study in nursing to evaluate methods of nurse management. Leadership theory is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Organizational Design, Management Knowledge, and the Contributions of Contingency Thinking

    This 8 page paper considers how contingency thinking has added to the knowledge regarding management and organisational structures. The paper looks at how the thinking has helped lead to new strategic tools and is reflected in the newer organisational structure models such as flatter more networked structures. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Compaq Computer's Logistics and Quality Management Tutorial

    This 2.5-page tutorial examines quality management and how it can be used as part of an overall corporate strategy program. The tutorial uses as an example Compaq Computer's inbound logistics plan. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Telecommunications Management and Intelligent Agents

    This 7-page paper reports on intelligent agents and their role in telecommunications management. Topics discussed include intelligent agents and their impacdt on organizations, trends and definitions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Tesco's KM

    This 6 page paper considers how the supermarket chain Tesco’s use information management to gain a competitive advantage and add value to the value chain. The paper outlines the system used and explains how it benefits the company., The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Investment and Commercial Banks' Management and Risk Assessment

    This 5 page paper considers the different types of risk assessment and management that may take place in commercial and investment banks. The paper gives examples of the tools used. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Transportation and Shipping Industry and Quality Management

    This 4-page paper focuses on the importance of quality management within the shipping/transportation industry. Also provided are examples of shipping companies that integrated quality practices in to their processes. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Management Theories of Revolution, Change, and Turbulence

    This 6 page paper discusses several of the prevailing management theories as well as what failed aspects gave rise to the theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparison of Management Practices and Employment Culture Between Germany and the United States

    This 3 page paper examines the differences between management practices, corporate culture and the employment relationship in Germany and the US. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Product, Service, and Process Quality Management

    This 7-page paper focuses on various aspects of total quality management including customer service and quality planning, measurement and improvement. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • MetLife Management

    A 5 page paper assessing MetLife’s management and marketing in terms of its strategy for the future. This old company went public in 2001 and now focuses on banking and total financial planning as well as life and health insurance. It seeks to be relevant to customers’ lives in the present, rather than being important only at some time in the future. The paper discusses the composition of the Board of Directors, actions by CEO Robert H. Benmosehe to effect the changes at MetLife, as well as the company’s marketing philosophy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Defining Management

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the concept that as a Human Resource Manager, one must use the definition of management, which states that it is the attainment of organization goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources, in order to explain how to manage workplace diversity and motivational approaches such as gain-sharing and executive information systems in contemporary organization. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Human Interaction and Impression Management

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses impression management as it relates to human interaction. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Delegation Importance and Nursing Management

    This 10 page report discusses nursing management and nursing leadership styles. Depending on the circumstance, a manager may find that he or she is a situational leader, a democratic leader, a leader focused on transformation, or even an old-fashioned autocrat. However, regardless of leadership style, the nursing manager must be able to delegate responsibilities on a variety of levels to be truly effective. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Supply Side Policies and Demand Management Techniques

    2 pages in length. The writer discusses the components of demand management techniques and supply-side policies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Merger of CIT and Newcourt Credit and Subsequent Management

    A 3 page paper discussing CIT’s acquisition of Newcourt Credit, emphasizing the current management styles at both organizations. CIT is more reserved and methodical in its operations, while Newcourt has a history of seeking innovation in finance. The company acts as the financing arm of Dell Computer and Yamaha Motors, but in a way that the customer never sees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Senior Management and the Significance of Risk Management

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses the importance of risk management, the significance of the senior manager, the influence of risk culture and technology's impact. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Definitions of Human Resources and Management

    This 10 page paper focuses on a definition of management and demonstrates how, using that definition, a manager in the field of human resources can effectively control workplace diversity in addition to other functions. Various concepts are explored such as leadership, planning and organization, and the creation of incentive programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Workplace and Humor

    A 9 page paper. The premise that humor and fun make a more productive workplace and a more motivated workforce seems logical. Many agree with the premise and the few studies that have been conducted support this premise. But, for as much as is written about humor and work, little empirical evidence exists. This paper discusses the benefits of humor, the use of humor as a management tool and the problems managers need to be aware of, such as sexual harassment. The writer also reports how male and female managers are perceived by subordinates in terms of the use of positive and negative humor. The writer also comments on the possible underlying hostility expressed in humor. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Questions Regarding H&R

    This 4 page paper answers 4 questions on a case study regarding the Canadian sewing machine company H&R. The first question looks at the way in which firms using sewing technology of the impacted by changes in the macro environment. The second page considers the influences of the microenvironment on the suppliers and manufacturers of sewing machines. The third question looks at some strengths and weaknesses of the management of the organization. The last question assesses different strategic alternatives that the company may use in order to recover from significant losses. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • British Airways and Organizational v. Self Interest

    This 15 page paper considers how poor organisational culture can lead to individual preferring to act in their own self interests and not that of their employer. This is illustrated with an in-depth case study. British Airways has a record of poor employee relations and a history of numbers industrial disputes. The case study shows how a low trust culture developed more then twenty year ago, and how subsequent changes have failed to redress this situation. The paper argues that this, when combined with increased emphasis on individualism, and the bias use of emotional labour where it is only the façade that matters, employees have become insular and the preference for self interest is the result of a culture with poor management, a low trust. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • MS Project Case

    This 11 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Written in two parts the first part examines the case study and considers the way in which failure to fully define the project may lead to complications in the actions which should be taken by management in order to the second part of the project uses Microsoft Project to assess the scheduling for the project and budget in different scenarios. This includes presentation of Gantt chart and budgets prepared in Microsoft Project. The case study looks at the fictitious company of Provenance Insurance. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Decision Making in Schools and Information Technology's Uses

    This 47 page paper is a full length dissertation examining the use of information technology and computer systems to help with decision making. The paper starts with an introduction, considering why this is an important issue and outlining the rest of the paper. The next section is a comprehensive literature review which looks at theories concerning decisions making, barriers to decision making and management systems designed to all technology to help with decision making. The paper then outlines the methodology for primary research using a case study school and presents some findings along with a discussion relating the findings to the literature review. The paper ends with some conclusions and recommendations. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Hospital Innovation Program Education Proposal

    A 22 page paper presenting the full proposal for an innovation program at a large hospital. Program goals include (1) enabling insulin IV drip on the medical ward, rather than transferring the patient to ICU; (2) assisting patients to gain and maintain control over their blood glucose levels; and (3) encouraging continuous improvement in nursing knowledge and patient education. The program's theoretical base is a combination of planned behavior and the health-belief model in which the patient believes a problem exists and that treatment is effective. Outgrowth of the program will include greater patient education for better self-management of their diabetes. The paper includes sections addressing implementation and evaluation. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Intersect Investment Case Study

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Intersect investment needs to change that there is disagreement within management regarding the way the changes take place. The CEO wants to adopt a customer intimacy model but there is resistance. The paper conducts a gap analysis looking at the issues and opportunities within the case, considering the stakeholder and ethical perspectives, determining the end state vision and then looking at the way the company can bridge the gap from its current position in order to achieve this desired position. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Business Ethics Violations

    This 5 page paper explores a few examples of violations in respect to insider trading, corporate espionage and sexual harassment. Recommendations for preventing ethics violations are made. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cost Management to Reduce the Cost of Oxygen Supply for Hospital

    This 71 page paper is a paper regarding a project undertaken to reduce the cost of oxygen supply for a hospital or other healthcare organization. The paper starts with an introduction, including a justification for the study and aims and objectives, and then moves on an in-depth literature review looking at the way in which cost savings may be made. The principle approach to cost reduction is through supply chain and inventory management as well as a reduction in wastage. After identifying a suitable change that may provide savings, different ways in which a change could be introduced are assessed and a suitable change model is identified. The paper then goes on to describe the change, how it was implemented and assesses the results. The bibliography cites 36 sources. This paper is the 2nd paper of a set of 3, the 1st is the research proposal (file name TEoxygensavep.rtf), the 3rd is a reflective learning document (file name TEoxygensaver.rtf).

  • Issues of Emergency Response Disaster Management

    A 20 page paper discussing issues surrounding emergency response as it relates to disaster management. The paper discusses emergency response resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but it also discusses events such as Hurricane Fran in 1996, centering on the coast of North Carolina where the category 3 storm made landfall. The key to effective emergency response - excluding the training that can be seen as being a constant value – lies in the quality of communication between diverse teams and agencies responding to the event that has generated a crisis. The purpose here is to address two primary questions: “Are emergency responders equipped to communicate with others outside of their departments in time of crisis? [and] What are strategies to improve communications?” The paper concludes that emergency response in urban areas is highly effective, but that the same efforts in rural areas can be hindered by communication deficiencies. Bibliography lists 11 sources. A companion 16-slide Power Point presentation is available.

  • Listening Techniques

    A 16 page research paper, which includes a 1-page abstract and an 1-item appendix, that addresses the topic of listening, which is a foundational skill to academic achievement at all levels. This literature review explores the topic of listening, both from the perspective of how teachers can improve on their listening skills and also how they can instruct their students in regards to listening skills. Topics covered include the importance of listening; approaches to improving listening; classroom management techniques, getting students to listen; listening in the early grades; listening to music; listening techniques, effective listening; the importance of teachers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • English Language Learners and Direct Instruction

    A 5 page research paper. In the late 1960s and early 70s, S.E. Engelmann and his colleagues designed a comprehensive instructional model, Direct Instruction (DI), for Project Follow Through, a large experimental program funded by the federal government (Stein, Carmine and Dixon, 1998). DI integrates effective teaching practices with a sophisticated curriculum design that includes classroom organization and management, which is augmented by careful monitoring of student progress (Stein, Carmine and Dixon, 1998). This examination of DI, first of all, looks at what, precisely, constitutes DI practices and then investigates whether or not DI holds the potential to increase the academic achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs). Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Museum and Community Arts Center Governance and Effectiveness Enhancement

    This is a 3 page paper which briefly discusses the purpose and nature of a Board of Directors, a strategic plan, and the leadership style and management techniques of an Executive Director. The bibliography has 1 source.

  • Property Management and Database Design

    A 31 page paper discussing criteria for and design of a distributed database for a small real estate management company. The company sells properties and manages others, and needs a database useful to both employees and tenants. The paper recommends that the company use an SQL-based distributed database. The designer’s primary focus, after determining all the needs of the company, should be that of producing a design that will be useful several years into the future. Its cost should be recovered at least in part through its usefulness as a sales tool, rather than only a method of reporting historical results, those things that already have occurred. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Big Business and Low Budget Graphic Design

    A 15 page research paper that addresses the revolution that has taken place in recent decades relative to the field of graphic design. The writer argues that the ability to produce quality graphics with a small budget is now available through technological innovation, but that the human elements of creativity and knowledge of graphic art still govern how the technology is utilized. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Issues of Emergency Response Disaster Management

    A 20 page paper discussing issues surrounding emergency response as it relates to disaster management. The paper discusses emergency response resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but it also discusses events such as Hurricane Fran in 1996, centering on the coast of North Carolina where the category 3 storm made landfall. The key to effective emergency response - excluding the training that can be seen as being a constant value – lies in the quality of communication between diverse teams and agencies responding to the event that has generated a crisis. The purpose here is to address two primary questions: “Are emergency responders equipped to communicate with others outside of their departments in time of crisis? [and] What are strategies to improve communications?” The paper concludes that emergency response in urban areas is highly effective, but that the same efforts in rural areas can be hindered by communication deficiencies. Bibliography lists 11 sources. A companion 16-slide Power Point presentation is available.

  • UK Workplace Absenteeism Management

    25 pages. Absenteeism in the workplace is becoming a growing concern for UK employers. Each year the statistics only worsen as the statistics concerning absenteeism continue to mount. Absenteeism costs both time and money as well as having an effect on employee morale. There are solutions that have been effective in slowing down employee absenteeism however, and this paper will consider the methodology, the need for management and control and will make recommendations as to how a company can save itself from the costly problem of employee absenteeism. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Workplace Absenteeism Management

    This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Diets: Choices, Healthier Lifestyle, Disease & Popularity

    6 pages in length. What one chooses to feed one's body makes a tremendous impact upon how that body performs. Fueling all corporeal functions, the type, quantity and nutritive value of food can either fortify a body or compromise it until it becomes vulnerable to disease. Even then, the composition of food is such that it can help to once again restore health when the body has undergone trauma or disease. Weight management involves modifying how and what one eats often to the point of eliminating certain foods that are deemed fat inducing, a choice that can withhold essential nutrients necessary for a healthy mind and body. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dan Vergano's Article 'Water Shortages Will Leave World in Dire Straits'

    3 pages in length. According to a report by Dan Vergano, whose article entitled Water Shortages Will Leave World in Dire Straits appears on the Water Environment Federation's Web site, the next fifty years poses a significant threat to the entire global population where water shortages are concerned. Over half of all people on the planet will suffer with the detrimental impact of a worldwide water crisis caused by man-made problems such as coral reef destruction, coastal rise due to global warming, tremendous drops in various bodies of water, waste (human & industrial), poverty, as well as wholly inadequate management of current water resources. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cordery's "Another Case Of The Emperor's New Clothes"

    5 pages in length. Is organizational teamwork as beneficial to production and the overall bottom line as theorists declare them to be? John Cordery responds to this inquiry with a mixture of personal and realistic contention in his article entitled "Another Case of the Emperors New Clothes" published by a 2004 issue of the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. While the author does indeed hit upon a few issues that leave management theorists hard-pressed to support the holistic value of teamwork within the organizational venue, Cordery (2004) also offers up some interesting perspectives whereby readers ponder which, if any, past organizational theories have ever embraced the fundamental principles necessary for empowering and motivating workers to perform at their most efficient level. No additional sources cited.

  • Angina Pectoris From a Nursing Perspective

    An 11 page paper discussing angina from a nursing perspective. Angina pectoris can be regarded as an 'early warning system' heralding cardiovascular disease, but it also is a condition that itself needs to be managed. Treated angina results in far fewer occurrences of myocardial infarction (MI) than untreated angina. Patients know that the possibility of MI is great after they are diagnosed with angina, and nurse-led care programs are highly effective in providing quality patient education as well as alleviating patients' fears. This paper reviews the condition and discusses nurse-led management of it. Includes a 3-page outline and an abstract. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Expansion of Paper on Nursing Delegation and Shared Governance

    A 14 page expansion of a 4-page paper by the same name. The health care facility that maintains a shared governance model is able to make greater use of all the resources available to it. Typically, each patient care department of a facility such as this has a nurse manager who serves as a facilitator in unit governance and as a liaison between direct-care nursing staff and nursing administrators. This organizational structure is more conducive to true shared governance than hierarchical straight-line organizational structures that have the effect of insulating administrators from those providing direct patient care. It also ensures that those having the greatest degree of direct patient contact have a voice in establishing policy for both the present and the future. The paper discusses shared governance more as a philosophical approach to management than as a “how to.” Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Nursing Home Management Interview Summary

    A 6 page paper discussing a meeting with nursing home management to discuss the development of an in-service educational program addressing the use of physical and chemical restraints. The facility received two state-level citations and seeks to heighten staff's awareness of both restraint use and state laws, but its primary purpose is to pursue continuous improvement in patient care. The meeting between a Master's student and the nursing home administrator, director of nursing and director of staff development results in plans for the student to develop and present a two-hour staff development program addressing the use of physical and chemical restraints. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Self Presentation and Self Image

    A seven page paper which looks at the way in which self-image and self-esteem are developed, and their relevance to self-presentation techniques in impression management. Bibliography lists 4 sources

  • Nursing Competency and the Use of Technology

    An 8 page discussion of the need for technological competence in nursing. This paper asserts that utilizing technology to optimize patient outcome is directly dependent on a nurse’s competence with that particular technology. Because technology is changing on a daily basis in the medical environment, nursing competency is an ever evolving phenomena. The problem which exists, therefore, in insuring nursing competency revolves around insuring both adequate training and provisions to provide the proper management format and accountability which is necessary to insure that nurses continually perform their duties in the most competent and constructive manner. The establishment of well designed quality assurance/quality improvement models and clinical pathways are critical components of this task. A 1/2 page Roman Numeral outline is included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nursing Need to Delegate

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the need for RNs to delegate tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel. While unlicensed assistive personnel (UAPs) are available in a number of clinical environments, overworked and harried registered nurses (RNs) will frequently fail to take full advantage of the capabilities of UAPs by not delegating tasks. Buerhaus, et al (2002) point out that nursing education should include instruction in delegation as part of clinical management precisely so that nurses will become more comfortable with this skill. The ability to delegate effectively is needed in order to oversee the non-RN nursing workforce that will inevitably be required in order to maintain sufficient level so patient care (Buerhaus, et al, 2002). Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Paranoid Schizophrenia

    A 9 page research paper that discusses this topic. Nursing care management of patients with paranoid schizophrenia entails numerous challenges. The following overview of the nursing parameters for addressing the challenges involves in formulating care for schizophrenic patients, first of all, discuss the nursing process and then focuses on the importance of communication to establishing a therapeutic nurse-client relationship. The next section describes client behavior in relation to schizophrenia, i.e., its signs and symptoms, before concluding with a brief discussion of the roles of the nurse in regards to patients with schizophrenia in terms of the nurse as the provider of care, manager of care and as a member of the profession of nursing. This paper also includes a restatement of this abstract. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Spinal Tuberculosis Management and Prevention Literature Review

    This 15 page paper delves into the history of the disease, its manifestation and treatment options. Attention is paid to infection control throughout as information about the disease and quality patient care is relayed. The paper concludes that successful treatment is usually in the form of chemotherapy or surgery or a combination of both. Infection control is highlighted and noted as a priority for schools, prisons and hospitals. How infection control efforts, along with treatment options, impacts the patient psychologically is also addressed. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Wildlife and the Impact of Urbanization

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the history, context, management and philosophies behind the problem of urbanization and its impact on wildlife. Urbanization has resulted in a large negative impact on wildlife in addition in regards to the flora and fauna communities. Within the last 300 years in the U.S., deforestation for urban or agricultural use has fragmented wildlife populations through urban sprawl, linear land use (such as roads and power lands) small and large agricultural land plots in addition to the introduction of exotic plants and animals which have an impact on native plants and animals. Agricultural use and urbanization in addition to being the demise of some species also causes the shift in native plants and animals in certain areas; shifts which tend to allow for the proliferation of some species often at the expense of others. Preservation and conservation efforts within the U.S. are primarily the result of the ethics and philosophies as promoted by Aldo Leopold who called for ecological considerations in regards to any urban planning. Preservation methods today focus mainly on restraining urban sprawl through the promotion of inner city renewal, the purchase of undeveloped land for preservation, promotion of mass transit through railways and fewer roads, and set growth boundaries around urban areas. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Customer Needs and Total Quality Management

    This 5 page report discusses the many components of TQM that are essential to assuring that a customer’s needs are full met in ways that serve both that customer and the organization. In virtually every context of the business mindset of the 21st century, value, benefits and long-term outcomes drive the larger considerations associated with the operations most often associated with customer satisfaction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Case Management In Crisis Counseling

    9 pages in length. Simon was not at all intending to seek crisis counseling when his doctor suggested he do so, since he considered it just another example of his failure being thrown in his face. But after a brief initial session, he realizes why he needed to take that first difficult step to healing and understands why sometimes all it takes when everything is so upside down and out of control is someone's input from the sidelines - where all the trouble and confusion is not happening - to get a clearer picture of the true and workable options. The case manager's role in Simon's progress is a critical component to whether he succeeds or fails in reaching his treatment's objective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Global HRM

    A 11 page paper looking at the implications of managing international human resources. Looks at issues such as cultural differences, wages and compensation, strains on expatriated managers, and legal requirements. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature Useful in a Review Assessing Influences on Change during a Recession

    This 8 page paper looks at some of the trends that are found in literature which may be useful when studying the way change is managed during a recession. Areas discussed include the unpredictable nature of change in a recession, change in a crisis, employee reactions and sense making. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Information on Managing a Portfolio

    6 pages. Any investor’s aim is to outdo the approximate 10.5 percent annual growth that the Standard & Poor’s 500 has composed over the last sixty or so years. The goal of every institution or investor, it seems, is to beat the S&P 500. However, not many are successful in this endeavor. This paper gives some information regarding managing a portfolio. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


    This 10-page paper investigates research and studies concerning leadership styles and their impact on motivation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Case Study of Processes at Mario’s

    This 5 page paper is based on a fictitious case study supplied by the student. The pizza restaurant is not operating at maximum efficiency, using an online simulation the best way to arrange the operations, looking at issues such the table arrangement, ordering system and ovens that are used.

  • Police Administration and Organizational Management IV

    A 4 page paper answering two discussion questions in police administration. The first discusses legal prohibitions against sexual harassment; the second discusses hiring decisions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Communication Management Between Doctors & Nurses

    A 5 page research paper, which includes a one-half page abstract, that pertains to doctor-nurse and nurse-to-nurse communication. The writer begins by recording the observations of the student researching this topic during a week-long rotation at a Pennsylvania hospital. The writer then relates these observations to literature and offers recommendations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management Accounting ; Restaurant Case Study

    This 8 page paper looks at a case supplied by the student and shows how to work out the break even point and the sales required to gain the profit objective using the figures given. The impact of increasing costs, decreasing customers and the cost of a renovation are considered in terms of the impact it will have on the number of sales needed. All calculations are shown.


    This 4-page paper takes the case study "Conflict in Close Quarters" about an incident on the replica space station Mir, and discusses organizational conflict. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review on Intellectual Assets Management

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the topic by reviewing relevant literature on the subject. A company profile provided by a student is used as a case study for purposes of review. A description of a sample study is provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Flame Electrical; Inventory Management Case Study

    This 10 page paper is based on case studies applied by the student. The right answers questions regarding Flame Electrical; the company that wholesales lamps to retailers across 14 countries. The first issue discussed concerns the potential performance objectives of the company in terms of quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. The way in which the company determined the amounts to be ordered is examined and the way this differs from economic quantity order theory is outlined. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Human Resources Development and Change Management; Managing Change in a Downsizing Situation - A Research Proposal

    This 4 page paper is a research proposal for a project to identify the most effect way of managing change in an organization undergoing downsizing. The proposal gives an introduction, justifies the purpose of the study presents a short literature review and outlines a methodology. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Four Blocks Literacy Framework Adoption and Change Management

    This 70 page is a dissertation case study up to the collection and analysis of actual data. The study involves an elementary school where the Four-Blocks Literacy Framework is being adopted but many teachers are resisting the change. The sections of this comprehensive paper include: Introduction, including background about the school, changing demographics, test scores, the Four-Blocks approach and change implementation. The Literature Review includes a comprehensive explanation of the Four-Blocks Framework with research studies reported; an example of a comprehensive literacy-based lesson plan; an extensive discussion of change management, including types and causes of resistance and strategies to deal with it. The purposes of the study are then outlined, followed by a methodology section that includes participants, an explanation of qualitative research and case studies, and the procedures for the study. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model is outlined because one component of the model is to be used. A draft survey for teachers is included. The paper ends with a description of how the data will be presented, a restatement of the purpose of the study and conclusions. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 52 sources.

  • Are Project Management Skills Universal or Specific To Different Industries?

    This 4 page paper presents an introduction and research aims and objectives for a paper to assess whether or not the skills needed by project managers are universal or specific to certain industries.

  • Banking Industry and Information Systems

    This 5 page paper is a dissertation proposal with the aim of undertaking a study to develop an evaluation system to predict the value that CRM may add to a banking organisation when looking at any specific organisation and the specific CRM system. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • 3 Aspects of Project Management

    This 11 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first looks at what is necessary for a project to be successful. The second part gives definitions to the terms request for proposal (RFP); statement of work (SOW), statement of objectives (SOO) and Performance Work Statement (PWS). The last part of the paper outlines the role and responsibilities of different members of an integrated project team and considers how procurements may be made. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Dreachslin's Diversity Management and Cultural Competence (Notes and PPT Slides)

    This 15 slide synopsis of the article by Dreachslin is provided along with slide notes. No additional sources cited.

  • Management Information Systems and the Internal Revenue Service

    This 10 page paper examines the IRS and makes an IT proposal based on possible changes. A PowerPoint slide presentation is included. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • HRM and Performance Management; The Value of Performance Appraisal

    This 4 page is a research proposal to assess the value of different types of performance assessment and appraisal in increases productivity and aiding with motivation in a commercial environment. The paper presents an introduction, brief literature review and the outline of a methodology. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Domestic and Global Security Management

    A 15 page paper that presents a study proposal. The paper includes: a statement of the problem, the significance of the problem, purpose of the study, literature review, research questions and methodology. The problem is that security classes are not included in all organizational leadership programs and this kind of class should be included because managers at all levels are being asked to be responsible for security. The literature review presented provides the justification for including such a course. September 11, 2001, combined with hundreds of terrorist attacks across the world have taught us that certain fanatics will stop at nothing to kill and destroy. Companies and organizations face threats today that are new and more complex. Examples of how some companies responded in terms of security upgrades are included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Classroom Management in a Junior High School Setting

    A 9 page paper in the format of a proposal for an action research project. The problem is that some students disrupt their classrooms, which results in decreasing learning opportunities for all students. The sections of this essay include: Problem Statement, which includes a planning matrix for the study and a questionnaire to be used to gather needed information to validate the problem; purpose of the study, description of the community, including the school district; description of the work setting; the writer's role in the school; and a summary. No Bibliography.

  • Shift Work and Human Research Management: A Research Proposal

    This 22 page paper provides an overview of the use of shiftwork and the problems related to it. This is a proposed study of an industrial population. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Cheshire Football Club and Management of a Soccer Team

    A 9 page paper consisting of speaker notes and text contents of an accompanying PowerPoint® presentation of a research proposal. The paper proposes investigating why attendance has declined at local matches of the Cheshire Football Club and includes a sample questionnaire as an appendix. Slide presentation available. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Proposal for Research to Assess the Value of Reverse Logistics

    A Research Proposal This 9 page paper is a proposal to assess the importance of reverse logistics as a part of the supply chain. The proposal looks at the background to the subject and why the study is important, presents a brief literature review and a proposal for a mixed methodology that may be used to complete the primary research. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Gretchen Fox And Fox Relocation Management Corp

    A 5 page paper that presents a profile of the company and of its founder. The essay discusses the company's growth and success and its strengths, which include a collaborative culture. The writer comments that weaknesses, if any, are not apparent and ends with comments about the company's future. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • IAS 39 Problems

    This 3 page paper looks at the potential impact of IAS 39 on European companies with reference to the use of hedging as a tool to limit risk. The paper argues this could cause many of the problems that FAS 133 created in the US. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • BayesiaLabs Data Mining System

    A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Relationship of Ethics and Management Functions

    A 3 page paper that begins with a report that ethical companies are more profitable than unethical companies. The writer discusses how ethics is involved with the four functions. Enron provides the example for what went wrong ethically and what should have happened. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Responsibilities of the Security Manager with Regard to Understanding Financial Management and Accounting

    This 3 page paper discusses why it’s important to have a Security Manager who understands something about finance and accounting, and what they might mean to internal and external threats to the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Setting and Strategic Brand Management

    This 16 page paper considers the way in which a brand may be strategically managed in order to maximize value and return. The writer considers issues such as the decision to standardize or customize brand the brand image in different geographical areas, the importance of positioning and brand extensions. Many examples are cited in the paper to illustrate the points raised, including companies such as Nike, Reebok, Proctor and Gamble and Gillett. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Operations Management; Recruitment Process

    This 7 page paper considers the recruitment process. The paper starts with some background on a company, McDonalds, is chosen as an example, then looks at an idea recruitment processes that can be used as a benchmark, produces a flow chart for the observed process and then suggests ways it may be monitored and improved. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • California Police Officers: Certain Physique And Weight Management

    6 pages in length. The last one hundred years have served to transition the overall duties of police officers from highly physically demanding to duties shared between physicality and technology. Typically, big, strong men were representational of the early 1900s police force when walking was the only way in which to patrol the city. The ability to dart and dash after offenders was the primary means by which police officers could ever hope to apprehend, inasmuch as that era had little more than body-to-body contact for bringing down the perpetrator. Today, the advent of technology gives police officers a tremendous advantage over their historical counterparts with devices to stop and capture the offender, but that does not preclude the need for law enforcement officers to be in peak condition. Police work may not be as physical in nature as it was back at the turn of the century, however, it still entails a significant amount of maneuvering that requires officers be as physically fit as possible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Memory Management and Functionality of Windows XP

    This paper explores the basic functionality of Windows XP and its method of memory management -- virtual memory. 5 References. jvWinXP.rtf

  • Management Aspects

    This 5 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper defines and describes four functions of management; planning, organization, leadership and control. The second part of the paper discusses which of these will be most important and how e-commerce has impacted on these aspects. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Characteristics of New Public Management

    This 7 page paper examines the criticisms that were made of the traditional approach to public administration looking at the inherent weaknesses in the older systems. The paper then discusses the key characteristics of the term New Public Management (NPM). The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Hospital Utilization Management

    A 11 page research paper that discusses the topic of hospital utilization management (UM) in regards to specific questions. Topics covered include the relevance of UM to hospital financial stability and its effect on nursing staff. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • General Overview of Knowledge Management

    This 15 page paper examines the rise of knowledge management; KM. Written in 5 parts the first part considers why this rise has taken place, the paper then considers the potential problems encountered in implementing an intranet into an organization, the existent to which social capital facilitate the creation of knowledge in organizations, Nonaka and Takeuchi’s four means of Knowledge creation and the defining characteristics of knowledge workers. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • New Hospital Case Management System Project Management Case Study

    A 5 page paper. A hospital is installing a new case management system. This essay presents a budget, a detailed time-phased budget, an explanation of costs, including the calculation of indirect costs. 2 Illustrations included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 'Uniforms in the Closet' by Jennifer Egan

    A paper which considers the importance of informal groups in policy development and service delivery in public management, with specific reference to Jennifer Egan's study of gays in the military. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Classroom Management and Cognitive Strategies

    This 7 page paper discusses certain strategies for classroom management that are more of a cognitive nature, such as developing an appropriate mental set. Other strategies discussed include withitness, reaction, mindfulness, learning to forecast problems, developing student personal efficacy. Research data are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Performance Appraisals and Management

    A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A TQM Overview

    This 4 page paper defines and examines TQM. TQM is compared with the traditional management model. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and Risk Assessment

    A paper which looks in detail at the Risk assessment and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, with particular reference to the concepts of "sufficient" and "suitable" as used in the Regulations, and the way that these have been interpreted in recent case law. Bibliography lists 25 sources

  • United States' Defense Industry and Knowledge Management

    This 4 page paper examines the topic of knowledge management and how it is embraced by the U.S. defense industry. Problems inherent in terms of clandestine data are addressed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Chapter 2 Problem Study Regarding Classroom Management in a Junior High School Setting

    This 5 page paper provides an outline of a the second chapter of a study on classroom management and disruptive behaviors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Effective Security Management Through Financial Management and Accounting Understanding

    This 10 page paper considers how, by understanding accounting systems and management accounting practices, security can be improved. The paper defines security and then looks at the potential areas of weakness that require understanding, including internal and external security threats. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Overview of Landfill Management

    This 3-page paper describes some elements of landfill management including following of governmental regulations, types of trash storage and the need for public acceptance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Strategic Management of Harley Davidson

    This 4-page paper focuses on Harley-Davidson, its employees, its management and how it managed to turn itself around during the early 1980s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Project Management Programs Advantages and Disadvantages

    The use of project management software programmes, such as MS Project, is increasing in popularity. This 11 page paper loos at why this may be occurring by examined both the advantages and benefits of using this type of software as well as the potential disadvantages or weaknesses. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Similarities and Differences Between Private and Public Management

    This 4-page paper is a sample essay, discussing if the educational training for a public administration manager can be handled through an MBA program. The paper contends that no, MBAs and MPAs teach two different aspects of management, and if an MPA were abolished, students would have no idea how to work in public sector agencies.

  • Planning and Organizational Management

    A 9 page paper answering 12 questions about organizational structure and management. Questions address topics including planning; corporate social responsibility; team-based, network-based, and boundaryless structures; future workforce trends; control systems; leadership theory; and how leaders affect organizational culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Supplier Relationship Management Enhancement

    A 4 page memo arguing in favor of enhancing supplier relationships in a formal supplier relationship management (SRM) strategy. The paper proposes that the company begin assessing our current suppliers (i.e., known entities) in terms of their ability and willingness to reliably serve as sole suppliers in the future, followed by working toward developing closer relationships with those that appear to be most capable of becoming sole suppliers for the goods and services purchased from them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Humanistic Leadership & Nursing Unions

    A 20 page research paper that in which the writer assumes the persona of a nursing leader working in a hospital where the nurses are unionized. The writer establishes a background for this investigation by examining what is meant by the terms "humanistic" and "leadership," which includes a discussion of various leadership models and theories. Then, this investigation looks at nursing literature pertaining to nurses' unions and the processes of unionization and how this supports the importance of establishing a working partnership between union leaders and nursing management. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Purposes and Applications of Management Support Systems

    Management information systems cover a wide range of applications and serves a range of purposes. This 4 page paper consider the different types of system that are available and at what level they are used.

  • News Article on Management Issues

    This 4 page paper looks at an article supplied by the student regarding whistleblowers and their fears tat a court system was not secure. The paper identifies the different management issues indicated by the article. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Tool of Earned Value Management

    This 17 page paper examines the tool of Earned Value Management (EVM). The paper considers what it is, how it works, the data requirements, how the systems are created, the way earned value is generated and presented, how the data can be used and where and when EVM should be used. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Nursing and Mandatory Overtime

    A 3 page paper discussing resolution of the conflict between nurses and nurse management arising from mandatory overtime. The nursing shortage has been operational for a generation now; it is unlikely to end soon. In the meantime, both nurses and their employers need to work together to identify alternative processes rather than striving to maintain the status quo of duties when everything else about health care has changed in recent years. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Levels of Management and its Challenges

    This 6-page paper discusses the challenges and issues faced by manageres on the front-line, middle and upper levels in this day and age, due to the changing corporate structures. Also included is a discussion of non-traditional management pressures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Project Management Leadership

    This 6 page paper considers the following statement "Project managers are expected to be leaders,[but] the truth is that everyone on a project team can and should demonstrate leadership skills as appropriate to the project’s needs. As project professionals, we must continually enhance our people skills and leadership ability. The paper discusses this relating to technical and strategic requirements in project management. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • A Forecast of Project Management Trends

    This 3 page paper examines three trends in project management that might expand in the next decade. The trends discussed are project audis, ad hoc project teams and also that notion that organizational culture will support organizational learning. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Supply Chain Management at Carrefour

    A 6 page paper discussing supply chain management at Carrefour, a large retailer that maintains “hypercenters” in much of the world. Carrefour maintains regional service centers with which stores place orders. The company combines those orders, divides them and distributes product to stores in 24 hours or less. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Richard Daft's Management Concepts and the Life Cycle Theory

    This 7-page paper discusses product lifecycles in connection with Ford's Mustang car. Also presented are Richard Daft's management theories, and how they tie into lifecycle theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • CompUSA Inventory Management

    This 5 page paper considers the importance of inventory management and looks at what is meant by 'Just In Time'(JIT) stock control. The paper then examines the stock system used by CompUSA and considers if this is a true JIT system. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Organizations, HRM, and the Impact of Trends in the Labor Market

    This 14 page paper consider how the way that human resource management takes place and is delivered within an organisation is adapting due to changes in the labour market. There are many changes, for example an aging workforce. The paper considers how HRM is seen in the real world and uses examples to show how the changes are manifesting. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Banking and MIS' Role

    This 5 page paper examines the role that management information systems (MIS) have in banking. The paper starts by defining an MIS and then looks at how they may be used within the bank and finance industry. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Overview of Performance Management

    This 5 page paper begins with an explanation that the term performance management refers to everything from the performance of the entire company to employee performance to the performance of a department. Since it is more often used in terms of employee performance, the essay addresses this area. Specifically, three theories of motivation are briefly described and three approaches to employee appraisal are discussed. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • The Anheuser Busch Brewery Company

    This 6 page report discusses the brewing company, Anheuser-Busch and its traditional management structure and controls. The St. Louis, Missouri, brewery leads the industry in the United States with a market share of approximately 45 per cent. Very few beer companies, domestic or foreign, have been doing as well. Anheuser-Busch is also involved in agriculture, entertainment (amusement parks and professional sports), creative services, packaging, and recycling. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Managing Finances and Ethics

    This 7 page paper examines ethics when it comes to financial management. This is discussed on both a personal and corporate level. Examples are given from different industries such as sports, medicine and the public sector. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Diabetic Education for Continuing Education for Nurses

    This 11 page paper provides an overview of lesson plans for diabetes management, as well as a rationale for the development of nursing education programming. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing Relevance of Jean Watson's Theory of Caring

    In ten pages, this paper discusses theorist Jean Watson and her caring theory within the context of its continuing relevance to nurse practitioners, particularly within a pain management setting. Twelve sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Performance Management through Clinical Supervision of Nurses in the NHS; Professional, Legal and Ethical Perspectives

    This 11 page paper looks at the increasing importance of clinical supervision as a tool of performance management for nurses in the UK's National Health Service. The approach is one which can be seen as having the potential to improve quality of care and enhance skills. The issue is considered from the professional perspective, the legal perspective and the ethical perspective. The bibliography cites 21 sources.

  • Sports Negotiating Effectiveness

    This 5 page report discusses effective negotiations in professional sports. The relationship between management and worker, especially in professional sports, is often ambiguous, full of tension and fraught with blame and finger pointing. As a result, the ability to negotiate successfully is of the utmost importance.Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Sports Management Curriculum, Virtual Reality, and Traditional Simulation

    In three pages this paper examines the difference between traditional simulation and virtual reality and how each could be applied to a sport management curriculum. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Change Considerations at Good Sport

    A 21 page paper discussing Good Sport's culture and structure; power structures and politics; managing resistance to change; and leadership style and conflict management. The conclusion provides recommendation for managing change and conflict at Good Sport. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Analysis of Opening an NYC Sports Bar

    This 10-page paper discusses factors to consider when opening a sports bar in New York City. Topics include marketing, competition, facilities and inventory management, customer service and exit strategies.

  • Jigsaw Classroom

    A 3 page paper that reviews an article on the Jigsaw technique and discusses how it relates to conflict management. Another article about reducing violence through cooperative learning is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • ITC eChopaul Case Study

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student where ICT Ltd introduce a system called ‘eChopaul’ in order to create value in the supply chain for for soybeans in India. The writer answers four questions. The questions look at the objectives of the eChopaul system, the principles if supply chain management are seen, how it adds value and whether or not all parties to the transaction under the older system can still be ‘winners’ with the new system. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • John and Mary Farmer Case Study

    This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Answering three questions the first part of the paper looks at whether or not activity based accounting methods would be suitable for agricultural businesses such as farms, the second part of the paper discusses potentially bad decisions that may be made where activity based accounting is not used and the last part of the paper reviews an article that supports the use of activity based accounting of fixed/variable cost accounting. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • BabyCare Ltd Case Study

    This 4 page paper looks a the case of BabyCare Ltd. The paper answers three questions, first there is an assessment regarding the attractiveness of the firm as an investment, the second part of the paper assesses the business model in terms of its use in an emerging market. The last part of the paper looks at the financing options that are presented to the firm.

  • Case Study: Askinosie Chocolate

    4 pages in length. The ethical/policy principles that seem important to Shawn Askinosie are those that improve the alliance between business and social foundations, which are reflected in Askinosie chocolate by virtue of his strict mission policies. Askinosie has set his sights upon making a premium quality dark chocolate in association with his quest to sidestep the traditional format of inequitable practices that took a majority of profits from the hands of those who actually grow the beans; with brokers and other middlemen entities, farmers retain meager financial support from selling their crop. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Introduction To IT Questions

    This 14 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first part of the paper defines a number of terms associated with the internet, word processing, spreadsheets and databases. The second part of the paper identifies a number of books, CD's and DVD's that would be useful to a business studies student and calculates costs for bulk purchase. The third part of the paper presents PowerPoint slides outlines the background and use of the internet. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Quest Diagnostics

    A 3 page paper containing slide contents and one page of speaker notes focusing on the business and industry of the country's largest contract laboratory diagnostics company. An 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation is available. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Increased Corporate Governance Effects Assessment

    A 15 page proposal for studying this topic. Nations and organizations throughout the world are more aware of the need for greater corporate governance, and many have taken or are considering alterations to standards that could increase corporate responsibility and compliance in financial reporting. What remains unclear is how some of the proposed and realized changes may affect business operation. The study proposed here seeks to determine how accounting and auditing standards may be affected by these changes. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Business Financing Alternatives

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of business financing. Pros and cons of various alternatives are weighed. PowerPoint speaker notes are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • ZIP Code 60614 and Demographic Characteristics

    A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes and Excel® charts used in an available PowerPoint® presentation. The presentation examines the demographics of Chicago's 60614 zip code, where 78% of the population has at least a 4-year college degree and median family income is nearly $132,000. The presentation and paper identify an MBA degree as being the most readily accepted within this zip code, and identifies five types of businesses that could be expected to do well in a strip mall within the zip code. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Business Plan for Wal-Mart

    This 27 page paper presents a business plan for Wal-Mart with the aim of helping Wal-Mart become a learning organisation. The paper starts with some background to the organisation; an examination of the organisational issues and problems and the potential solutions. The paper then presents a plan to implement the change looking at how and why the solution of becoming a learning organization will benefit the company and how the change may be introduced and managed. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • It's Popcorn Time Marketing Plan and Recommendations

    A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available PowerPoint® presentation of a marketing plan for a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn produced according to a newly-patented process. The marketing plan recommends instituting online sales and entering agreement with a third party gift business, as well as hiring a knowledgeable, no-spam Internet marketer to assist the company in promoting itself online. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce

    This 4 page paper is an outline research proposal for a project to examine e-commerce. The project is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce for an existing business and how these may be used to determine the best possible strategy for entrance and continuation of trade on the internet. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Business Plans and Research Proposals Compared

    This 5 page paper examines the preparation and contexts of formal research proposal and business plans in order to identify the commonalities and the differences in the two document types. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Are Western Strategies Suitable for Use in Businesses in China?

    This 8 page paper is a research proposal to assess the extent to which traditional western business strategies may be applied in China. The paper presents a research question and justification, background, literature review and a methodology. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Funding Requests

    A 3 page paper comparing the competitive grant, action research proposal and business plan. Each asks an individual or organization for financial underwriting, but each has different goals and points of focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Increasing the Potential Value of Customer Relationship Management by Integrating it with Customer Centric Business Models

    This 63 page paper looks at a problem; the large number of firms that are unable to gain value from CRM implementations and, supported by an in-depth literature review and simulated primary research (provided by the student) explores the potential for increased potential value to be created by integration CRM with customer centric business models. The bibliography cites 81 sources.

  • Business Intelligence Acquisition Approaches

    A 12 page paper discussing approaches to acquiring business intelligence tools such as hardware and software, and then presenting proposed methods and anticipated results of a study seeking to determine whether organizations seek "best of breed" solutions or those that provide a "best fit" with existing infrastructure. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Human Resources: Hospital Case Study

    A 20 page paper that presents a case study of a hospital's human resource activities. The essay begins with an executive summary. The sections included are: a description of the organization, a description of human resources, its role, and strategies, an analysis of HRM and recommendations. The essay addresses how HR will develop strategies to be in line with the organization's business strategies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Harvard Business School Case Study Analysis: Questions and Answers

    This 3 page paper examines a Harvard Business school case study entitled SG Cowen: New Recruits. Question and answer format is used. No additional sources cited.

  • GM Powertrain Harvard Case Study

    A 5 page paper. This case study is set in 1997 when a new plant manager is faced with numerous issues. The subtitles include: brief history of company, competitive and business environments, problems in the case, options and recommendation. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • PEFA.COM Case Study

    This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Pan European Fish Auctions is the idea for a new auction site to sell fish and overcome the mismatches in the market. The paper looks at the advantages and disadvantages of the plan for both sellers and buyers, the way this could change the supply chain, the key business function and the way that the firm may be able to maximize the benefit of first mover advantage.

  • The Shakedown (Case Study Analysis)

    This 5 page paper evaluates a Harvard Business Review case study. The case involves ethics and government corruption in Ukraine. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • NetFlix Case Study

    This 11 page paper looks at the case of NetFlix the online DVD rental company, considers the current strategy and sources of competitive advantage, examines the reasons behind the company’s success and considers the way it may need to change and adapt in the future with new technology such as video on demand impacting on its’ business model. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Market Proposal - Launching a Triad Hallmark Store

    A 10 page paper that outlines a marketing proposal for the business planning and commercial launching of a corporate Hallmark Crown Store affiliate. Explained and discussed are proposal structure, situation analysis, SWOT analysis, campaign & communication strategy, media plan, appropriation & budget, and keys to ongoing success. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Research Proposal for the DOA In Regard to Granting More Government Contracts to Small Businesses

    This 5 page paper is a research proposal. A government department wants to award more contracts to small businesses, but does not known how to go about this. The research proposal identified the aims and objectives and then gives a research methodology and identifies the way suitable samples for the primary research will be identified. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Action Accessories Case Study

    This 19 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student and answers 9 questions cornering the business plans they have to launch a new type of affordable designer sunglasses. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Importance of Mathematics and Statistics in Business

    This 5-page paper offers an explanation of the importance of business math and statistics. Other issues covered include calculation of insurance premiums and property taxes, as well as depreciation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Production of Sportswear Manufacturing

    A 3 page paper assessing the production process at a sportswear manufacturer for the purpose of doubling output in the most efficient manner possible. The individual examining the production process also is considering buying the business. The paper concludes that production can be doubled with the addition of 3 employees and 4 machines. Includes diagrams of current and proposed process flow. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Business Consideration of the Fictional Artemis Sportswear Company

    An 8 page paper. Artemis is a fictional company. This essay briefly reports actions taken by five real companies to reduce operational expenses in one area of the business, then discussed how Artemis might use these same tactics to reduce their operational costs and do so without having a negative impact on employees. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Casuistry Ethics and Nursing

    A 5 page paper that discusses different issues. The first topic is the Casuistry ethics approach, which is explained and discussed. Other topics focus on setting up a family nurse practitioner clinic in Louisiana, including the laws governing such enterprises. Components of the business plan are identified and the write comments on the characteristics the nurse practitioner needs to have to succeed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Why Teams Win: 9 Keys to Success in Business, Sport, and Beyond by Saul Miller

    A 5 page book report on Why Teams Win: 9 Keys to Success in Business, Sport, and Beyond by Dr. Saul Miller. No additional sources cited.

  • Managerial Economics Questions

    This 4 page paper answers 4 questions concerning economics used by managers in business. These look at how to price tickets for sporting events to maximize revenue or maximize attendance, book pricing to maximize royalty revenues, how to consider reducing a potential liability and the use of different types of auction to sell goods.

  • American Youth Soccer Association's Financial Position

    An 8 page paper assessing the funding and overall financial position of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO). It is the organization that operates outside of and independently from public school systems throughout the country, and is the organization through which community soccer leagues are formed and operate. The paper assesses AYSO’s financial accountability at all levels, concluding that it could benefit from greater transparency in its overall business results. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Correlation Between Transportation Industry and Management

    This 3-page paper covers the launch of FastShip, a global supply chain/cargo forwarding agency, and the international business relationships the company must consider and develop to remain successful. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Conflict Management and Teams

    This 3 page paper looks at teams in business. Team building and conflict resolution are discussed. Creativity is also discussed as a goal in team creation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Greatest Efficiency Management Model Selection

    This 3 page paper examines MBO, TQM and Covey's Seven Habits and chooses amongst them to resolve a problem in the business world. Production is the problem that needs to be solved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • E-commerce Service Options

    A 5 page paper discussing external customer service and payment options available to online merchants. The variety of services available translates to a wide range of choices being available to online merchants, allowing them to operate their businesses exactly as they choose. The cost of these services generally will be far less than any in-house effort to provide the same, bringing cost benefits for both merchants and their customers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • U.S., Mexico, and Cultural Perspectives on Management

    A 3 page paper discussing the differences in expectations of managerial behavior. There are decided differences in cross-cultural expectations of business structure relative to the US and Mexico. A manager coming into either country experienced with his own culture will find conditions quite different, though worker motivations may be highly similar. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Price Discrimination Strategies

    This 5 page paper looks at price discrimination as a business strategy. The paper outlines what is meant by price discrimination and considers the motivation behind the adoption of price discrimination and then discusses the different ways that price discrimination may be implemented as a strategy. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Friedman and Corporate Social Responsibility

    Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman commented that "There is one and only one social responsibility of business to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say engages in free and open competition, without deception or fraud." This 3 page paper considers this view and discusses it in terms of corporate social responsibility and a firm's strategy. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • The Exploitation of Child Labor

    This 11 page report discusses the exploitation of children around the world, especially in Third World nations, as a source of cheap and compliant labor. Governments, businesses, and individual consumers have an obligation to do what they can to bring a halt to the exploitation of children throughout the world. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Diamond Industry and De Beers

    This is a 20 page paper that provides an overview of De Beers and the diamond industry. Forces are analyzed and a new business model is proposed. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Technology at Shell

    This 5 page paper examines the use of different types of technology and information systems art Shell, the paper starts by looking at the technology in developing creative thinking at managerial level, the paper then moves on to look at information systems and technology used in the oil drilling aspects of the business. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • A Differentiated Hotel

    This 4 page paper looks at a review of The Good Hotel in San Francisco, summarizing the review. After this the writer considers the position of the hotel from a business perspective looking at how the firm competes in the broader industry. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Business Ethics: Coca-Cola India

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of business ethics. The case of Coca-Cola India and the revamp of their image through ethical practice is examined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Human Resource Problems at One Company

    In this 5 page paper, the writer identifies human resource issues and problems at this company. The key problems are related to how executives view the problem. The writer also discusses a new human resource business system for the company and how it will improve HR. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Printing Company's Complex Financial Decisions

    This 10 page paper shows the student how a complex business decision can be made. A printing company have to choose whether to publish a new magazine, and if they go ahead with different types of promotions which have different probabilities of sales levels. The paper shows how the results can be calculated by looking at different pricing options and different promotion options, using the level of contribution to assess the break even point and the potential profit. The best option for promotion and pricing plan are then used to assess if the project should go ahead. This information is then used to assess an offer to purchase the firm made by a rival compnay. All calculations are shown and a decision tree is shown.

  • Printing Industry and Its Technology's Economic Impact

    This is a 10 page paper which discusses the value of print and the impact of technology on the economy of the printing business. The bibliography has 5 sources.

  • Individual Rights Usurped by the U.S. Supreme Court

    A 5 page paper that argues the following: over the years, individual rights have been denied by the Supreme Court. In the criminal justice system, this has lead to the relaxing of laws to the extent that our Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights have been seriously infringed upon. All rights to personal freedoms in the workplace have been taken away by the Supreme Court, and women's rights to abortion have been substantially reduced. The remaining issue for many of us is the Supreme Court's decision on First Amendment rights in regards to imposed decency on the Internet. This decision is expected within the next month. We can only hope it is not their desire to usurp further rights from United States citizenry. The affect on global Internet business is inestimable. Bibliography lists 4 sources. Copies of sources included.

  • Stating a Business Case for the Linux Operating System

    A 10 page paper providing rationale for choosing Linux operating system over various Windows® systems. Unix – and its Linux variation – remains the most versatile operating system in terms of hardware requirements. Windows is more hardware-specific with each generation, and less open to alteration than either Linux or UnixWare. The paper discussing points of cost, security (system, file, workgroup, Internet), performance and includes a list of some of the companies currently using Linux systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Oral Business Communication Research Study Proposal

    A 13 page communication research proposal. The problem is that what constitutes effective oral communication is not always well defined, at least in practice. This provides the foundation for the significance of the study and for the objectives of determining what types of approaches are most effective. The research question is that of determining what types of communications tools that effective managers use to inform and persuade, regardless of audience type. Though styles may change according to the needs of the group of focus at the moment, effective oral communication should contain the same message when delivered for diverse audiences. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • The Baseball 'Business' from a Sociological Perspective

    This 6 page paper looks at the economics of baseball and how high salaries play into the overall concept of capitalism. Theories of Marx, Durkheim and Weber are used in the analysis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nokia Corporation Analysis

    A 16 page paper. The writer begins with a very brief introduction to Nokia Corporation. The first section of the paper reports and discusses the historical growth of the company and relates the stages of growth to two specific sets of years – 1992 to 1997 and 1998 to 2001. There were significant changes in Nokia's performance between 1997 and 1998. The second section discusses the challenges Nokia has and is facing and how they have responded to those challenges. The last section discusses the business strategies of each Motorola and Nokia over the last several years. Market share data are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Strategic Challenges to the Music Industry

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The music industry faced challenges and threats in 1999 wit the launch of Napster. The paper gives the answers to three questions. The situation is defined by looking at the three main drivers of new business; the information revolution, technology and globalization. The reactions are the industry is discussed. Finally, the case is considered from the I/O, RBV and guerilla perspectives. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Adidas—Will Restructuring Its Business Line-up Allow It to Catch Nike?

    This 18 page paper examined Adidas after it has made the acquisition of Reebok and considers whether or not the company will be able to compete efficiently with Nike. The paper looks at the company background, and its current strategy as well as performing a SWOT analysis and looking at the company using Porters Five Forces model. The value chain is also considered and the results are used to determine whether or not Adidas will be able to compete with Nike for the market leader position. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Brackett Sheet Metal and Long Range Strategy

    A 15 page paper discussing long-range strategy at a small company. It is not only multinational enterprises that have felt the pressures of increased competition in all areas of business. Competition is healthy within the active construction market, and further complicated by a crushing lack of available and qualified workers. Brackett Sheet Metal has devised a strategic plan by which it believes it will be able to increase its market share to 50 percent in five years, increasing revenues by the same margin. There are several avenues identified, including grooming entry workers from high school and community college vocational courses and then using them as interns/apprentice in the busy summer months. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Money Laundering on a Global Scale

    This 10 page report discusses the issues surrounding international money laundering and the responses of governments and regulatory agencies. Money laundering continues to be big business worldwide. Most of the estimated $500 billion in money generated illegally is laundered. Money laundering techniques have become so sophisticated that the trail of money can no longer be effectively traced and have begun to show a significant impact on international as well as national economies. The practice, which involves the transfer of illegally obtained money through third parties to conceal its source, can distort economic data and complicate governments' efforts to manage economic policy. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • White Collar Crime and Business

    A 9 page paper answering 10 discussion questions about corporate responsibility and conviction for white collar crime, as well as technocrime and which type is worse for the community. Other questions address law enforcement agencies and four crime theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • It's Popcorn Time Marketing Mix

    A 4 page memo to the owner and financial advisor of a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn addressing promotion, pricing and distribution issues associated with plans to implement online sales and perhaps entering into a contractual agreement with a national gift service company. IPT appears to be well positioned to expand to the degree that implementation of online sales and association with the gift service company will require. What remains at present is to ensure that current suppliers will be able to meet anticipated volume increases, and to design the new business goals in such a manner that they do not adversely affect existing customers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Business Probability and Statistics

    A 4 page paper using a survey of 288 employees as the data used in statistical analysis of that data. Questions answered through calculation of probability include "What is the gender distribution?" and "What is the probability this person will be an hourly employee whose intrinsic satisfaction is 6 or more?" Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Portable Printer Marketing and Business Plan

    A 5 page paper providing a mission statement, SWOT analysis, business and marketing plan for the PalmPrint, a truly portable printer designed for use with handheld computers. The PalmPrint represents the next generation of miniaturization of computer peripherals. It will appeal to the “gadget conscious” for early sales; it will appeal to serious users for sustainable growth and development because of the value it offers the user. The new generation of handheld computers elevates the class from PDA to true computer when adding a folding keyboard; addition of the PalmPrint completes the set. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Employment Situations in California and in America as a Whole

    A 5 page paper discussing movement in unemployment rates and the economic health of the California economy during the summer of 2002. The fallout of the technology sector, particularly in high-tech, Internet-related companies, set investors on their collective ear. Few expected such a correction in market value of these companies, and the losses incurred in returns has been more than only disheartening for organizations and investors alike. The stock market continues its slide, reducing businesses' market capitalization and therefore the amount of capital available to them. Many have laid off workers; many more have placed freezes on hiring. The economic outlook for California as for the rest of the country remains mixed and depressed, yet optimistic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Consumer Behavior and the Luxury Fashion Industry

    A 50 page paper that provides a comprehensive report of the luxury fashion industry. There are several headings: Introduction, which offers comments about the luxury fashion industry in today's environment; the High/Luxury Fashion Industry, which discusses the competitive nature of the industry, the effects of 9/11 on companies, which house owns which other houses, the elements used in competition, changes in the operations, the impact of the consolidations on other aspects in the industry with examples; Self-concept and Ego Needs, which addresses the relationships between these characteristics and the purchase of luxury fashion products; Motivation as Related to Purchasing High Fashion products, which includes Maslow's hierarchy with examples of the types of businesses an individual would patronize at each level of need and also includes discussions of other motivations to purchase high fashion; Branding, Fashion Companies and Consumers; and Marketing & Media Impact on Fashion Industry and Consumers, a comprehensive discussion of the interrelationship between marketing communications. A focus is naturally on European designers but others are also mentioned in the text. Numerous specific examples are included. Far too many subtopics to mention in this abstract. 1 Graphic illustration is included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Japan and India as Potential Business Markets

    This 14 page paper looks at two potential new markets for a high-tech company wanting to expand. Two countries; Japan and India are assessed, looking at the conditions that indicate there is a good potential market for the company as well as the issues which may exert a negative impact. In addition to looking at the markets there is also a discussion to assess the most appropriate method of entry. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • The History and Significance of Communication Skills

    10 pages in length. The historic relationship between supervisor and subordinate has often been described as tenacious at best and downright offensive at worst. That bosses too readily don an attitude of inaccessibility by way of poor communication and listening skills speaks to the prevalence of unsatisfactory interaction where working relationships are concerned. Whetten et al (2005) duly point out how possessing exceptional listening skills "is neither easy nor automatic" (p. 228) but instead requires one to develop "the ability to hear and understand the message sent by another person, while at the same time helping to strengthen the relationship between the interacting parties" (p. 228). As such, the only way in which businesses can thrive from an internal perspective is by cultivating a strong – and sincere – approach toward communication and listening skills that are adopted by every level of the corporate ladder. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Daycare Facilities and the Workplace

    A 6 page paper evaluating the legal, ethical and social implications of the workplace daycare facility. The workplace daycare facility carries no apparent negatives and thus quantifies as a strong positive. A possible negative could be increased cost for the business, but that increased cost likely will be offset by increased worker productivity (less worry about children); fewer days absent (children come to work when schools are closed); and reduced employee turnover. All three of these likely will save the organization far more than the daycare will cost, so the net effect of the possible negative becomes a strong positive for the organization as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Economic Infrastructure of Brazil

    A 5 page paper discussing the ability of banking, transportation systems, telecommunications and electrical power to support further economic activity and growth in Brazil. Businesses contemplating entering any international market for the purposes of both producing and selling specific products within that market must first conditions as they exist in that country. The purpose here is to assess the strength of the economic infrastructure of Brazil and its ability to allow Tyco International Electronics to profitably operate within the country. The paper concludes that Tyco should have little or no difficulty if Brazil continues enhancing its existing economic infrastructure. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Use of the Balanced Scorecard

    This 6 page paper answers questions regarding the use of the balanced scorecard. The first part of the paper considers the problems of assessing performance of a business using only financial measures. The second part of the paper outlines the basic principles of the balanced scorecard. The third part of the paper considers the ways in which it is better than the use of financial measures only. The forth part of the paper discusses the shortfalls and problems that remain with balanced scorecards. The last part of the paper reviews an article on Balanced Scorecards. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Discount Competition and Why KMart was Defeated by WalMart

    3 pages in length. It is not difficult to ascertain the reasons why Wal-Mart has overtaken K-Mart in the discount chain rivalry: inflexibility and lack of open-mindedness, as well as a decidedly lazy approach to customer service are the primary causes. In an industry that is fueled upon the slightest discrepancy, it is quite obvious that K-Mart's chairman, president and chief executive Mr. Antonini does not have a clue as to the most effective way to run his business. Mr. Glass, however, who is Mr. Walton's successor, understands perfectly the necessary elements that have catapulted Wal-Mart to the incredible heights it has achieved. The writer discusses the various reasons why Wal-Mart outdid K-Mart. No sources cited.

  • Trade Relations Between India and the US

    This 10 page paper discusses trade between the United States and India. The essay begins with some background comments about India's place in world trade and when the country increased trade efforts. The writer reports different efforts made by officials of the two countries to increase trade by reducing certain barriers. In fact, trade has increased over the last few years. The essay reports the most common exports and imports between India and the United States and comments on business service outsourcing, e.g., tech support for products. 2 Tables are included. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Business Plan for the Speak Up! Program

    A 12 page paper providing rationale and plans for a public speaking training program to be offered to middle school students ages 12-15. Based on the successful approach of Toastmasters International, this program will focus on developing public speaking, persuasion and listening abilities. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Positive and Negative Aspects of Computers

    5 pages in length. Computers have become a significant part of life. There is no denying that their very presence has drastically altered humanity's existence since the mid to late 1940s. Through a number of developments, computers have not only become integral components of virtually every aspect of a person's life, but they have also been successfully assimilated into homes all across America for personal and business use. There is practically nothing that computers do not influence in one manner or another, which has caused society to render itself dependent upon its constant application. The writer discusses negative and positive impact regarding computers since 1945. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Vietnam Economic Development Questions

    This 3 page paper is written in three parts. The first part looks at the way that FDI and MNC’s, as well as local entrepreneurs can help with the economic development of Vietnam. The second part of the paper considers which stage of Dunnings’ IDP framework Vietnam has reached. The last part of the paper discusses the potential lessons that Vietnam can learn from the development of other Asian nations including China.

  • Global Outsourcing

    5 pages of the text content of a 13-slide PowerPoint® presentation (available) on outsourcing. There are four slides each on Global outsourcing, alternatives to outsourcing and outsourcing to insourcing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Review of "Making Horses Drink: How to Lead and Succeed in Business"

    A 3 page book report listing all of the chapters of the book. Author Alex Hiam refers in the title of his book Making Horses Drink: How to Lead and Succeed in Business to the old adage, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." The author maintains that astute managers not only can "make horses drink" – it's their job - but must do so if their companies are to be successful over time. In the end, "making horses drink" is a function of being honest with employees; communicating with them fully and frequently; and treating them as valuable assets rather than necessary evils. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Review of "Making Horses Drink: How to Lead and Succeed in Business"

    A 3 page book review. Author Alex Hiam refers in the title of his book Making Horses Drink: How to Lead and Succeed in Business to the old adage, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." The author maintains that astute managers not only can "make horses drink" – it's their job - but must do so if their companies are to be successful over time. In the end, "making horses drink" is a function of being honest with employees; communicating with them fully and frequently; and treating them as valuable assets rather than necessary evils. The author and the paper uses Southwest Airlines as a primary example. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Real Estate and IRS Customer Quality Control Survey

    A 6 page paper comparing quality control in the public and private sector. Quality control takes various forms depending on the industry, the organization’s business, market or other factors affecting the organization. It involves the same processes, however. The purpose here is to identify a quality control process common to two very different industries – the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the real estate industry – and to compare how the process is used in each. The process selected is that of surveying customers to gauge customer satisfaction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Avian Flu and its Effects on Business

    A 3 page overview of the varied impacts to business that an Avian Flu epidemic would result in both domestically and for the world as a whole. The author emphasizes both the direct and indirect impacts of such an epidemic. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Are Physicians' Professionalism Sacrificing Humanity?

    6 pages in length. One would automatically surmise that those who enter into the medical field as a doctor would understand the inherent connection between mind and body health. Patch Adams did, yet his approach to the practice of medicine was anything but conventional. Adams refused to sacrifice his humanity for the profession he had come to respect and enjoy, partly because he believed he had a great deal of healing to offer, as well as the fact that he saw a significant amount of non-medicinal oversight within the business of mental and physical restoration. Why was Adams’ desire to inspire happiness and frivolity looked upon so disdainfully by his medical associates? Because the unique individual who was Patch Adams was insightful enough to look well beyond the finite concept of traditional medicine as a means by which to treat illness; rather, his wholehearted contention was that people can help themselves become well if their mental outlook was more favorable. The writer discusses how it became Adams’ mission as a doctor to touch each patient at a personal level in order to stimulate healing from within, effectively restoring humanity to the medical profession. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Stories by Adam Haslett

    A 6 page paper which examines and analyzes “Notes to my Biographer,” “The Good Doctor,” and “My Father’s Business” by Adam Haslett. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Legal Process of England ish Legal Process: Entertainers, Drugs And Insurance

    6 pages in length. Venus, a famous pop star, applied for 10 million pounds of life insurance to MegaLife, an insurance company; as expected, the insurance company was anxious to know whether Venus was on drugs. Slick, an employee of MegaLife, telephoned Orbit's contracted Dr. Irvine Kiljoy, whose job it is to keep an eye on the health of such pop stars as Venus who are signed up with the Orbit label. Slick deceitfully told Dr. Kiljoy that Venus had consented to his supplying MegLife with information about herself, which Dr. Kiljoy believed because Venus had that very morning left the following message on his answer phone: "Kiljoy, I want you to write a report for me; it is not about my health, it is a personal business matter." Unknown to Kiljoy was the fact that this was a reference to litigation Venus was planning against a restaurant where she had been served salmonella laced soup whilst on tour promoting her latest hit single "Heavenly Body." Based upon this misunderstanding, Dr. Kiljoy told Slick all about Venus' long-standing battle with cocaine addiction; on the basis of this information, MegaLife refused Venus life insurance. When Venus learned why her life insurance application failed, she instigates tort proceedings against the doctor for breach of statutory duty. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Are Physicians' Professionalism Sacrificing Humanity?

    6 pages in length. One would automatically surmise that those who enter into the medical field as a doctor would understand the inherent connection between mind and body health. Patch Adams did, yet his approach to the practice of medicine was anything but conventional. Adams refused to sacrifice his humanity for the profession he had come to respect and enjoy, partly because he believed he had a great deal of healing to offer, as well as the fact that he saw a significant amount of non-medicinal oversight within the business of mental and physical restoration. Why was Adams’ desire to inspire happiness and frivolity looked upon so disdainfully by his medical associates? Because the unique individual who was Patch Adams was insightful enough to look well beyond the finite concept of traditional medicine as a means by which to treat illness; rather, his wholehearted contention was that people can help themselves become well if their mental outlook was more favorable. The writer discusses how it became Adams’ mission as a doctor to touch each patient at a personal level in order to stimulate healing from within, effectively restoring humanity to the medical profession. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Skype EBay Merger

    This 14 page paper examines Skype and EBay as separate entities as well as a merged firm. Skype and Verizon are compared and contrasted. Recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Women with a Victimization History and Drug Abuse Treatment Management

    4 pages in length. The writer discusses potential research strategies, impact of victimization and the 20 most important points to the treatment process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Different Stakeholders, Single Set of Accounts, and Management Accounting

    This 16 page paper answers two questions. The first part considers the implementation and operation of systems of budgeting and budgetary and how they are very time consuming and discussing the extent to which this time is well spent. The second part of the paper discusses the view that it is impossible to satisfy the needs of different users with a single set of published accounts. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior

    This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior as an important component of business administration, which combines psychology, sociology, and management and attempts to explain behavior within organizational settings. As a manager, it is fundamental to understand how individual personality attributes, group dynamics, and organizational structure interface to create corporate cultures and affect behavior. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior

    This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior as an important component of business administration, which combines psychology, sociology, and management and attempts to explain behavior within organizational settings. As a manager, it is fundamental to understand how individual personality attributes, group dynamics, and organizational structure interface to create corporate cultures and affect behavior. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • German Elections of 1932 and 1933

    This is a 9 page paper discussing the campaigns of Hitler and the Nazi party in regards to the party holding the majority in the 1932 and 1933 elections. Were the Germans aware of his eventual intentions? Adolph Hitler (1889-1945) was the Nazi party leader in Germany from 1919-1945, eventually becoming Chancellor from 1933-1945. The history of the events which happened under the Hitler regime before and during World War II in regards to his occupation and declaration of war on the countries in Europe and his mass murder of the Jews among others have become well known and have horrified many around the globe. One of the most common questions in regards to Hitler’s rise to fame is “how did free and fair democratic elections lead to the extraordinarily anti-democratic Nazi Party winning control of the Weimar Republic” and did the Germans voting for Hitler realize his future plans for war and mass murder during the time of the elections? (King, Rosen, Tanner & Wagner, 2002). In retrospect it seems unbelievable that the Nazi Party could have gained power in a democratic regime, however based on the momentum of the popularity of the Nazi Party from 1919 to 1930, and the dire economic conditions of Germany at the time, it is quite possible that the Germans who voted for Hitler and the Nazi Party were doing so more for the future of the economy and strength of Germany without realizing the extent to which Hitler would push the limits of his own power and that of the Nazi Party. While some may argue that his intentions were well documented in his book “Mein Kampf” published in 1925, the book was not popular nor well read until after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and Hitler’s final push in the 1932 and 1933 elections centered on unity, economic stability, employment, business opportunities, expansion of the military in addition to the promotion of nationalism; factors more so prominent in the minds of the Germans during the Depression. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Business Motivations for Outsourcing

    (9 pp)Through outsourcing clients reduce costs, eliminate backlogs, significantly improve data input quality, production and document availability. This allows the enterprise to focus on its core business and grow exponentially without hiring additional personnel, leasing additional office space and confront the rapid obsolescence of costly hardware and software. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • HR, Quantitative and Qualitative Research

    This 7 page report discusses the use and interpretation of qualitative versus quantitative research in a human resources application. Strategic human resource management is about imparting culture, recruiting and developing the skills needed by the organization. That requires the HR professional to also understand the information they receive regarding employees, the workplace, a specific industry, and other factors. Qualitative and quantitative information provide the numerical or categorical results (quantitative)of something while explaining the reasons and motivations(qualitative) that have caused the events to occur in the first place. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Cattle Industry of Argentina

    A 5 page paper discussing current conditions in Argentina's traditional focus of national pride, its cattle industry. The traditional method of raising cattle is open-range, but Argentine beef can weigh as little as half of that raised in the feel-lot system. The Argentines prefer the traditional method, which results in beef of higher quality and lower cholesterol. The paper suggest possible contributions of industry and technology in improving herd management in Argentina through adopting the feed-lot system for most animals while retaining the open-range approach for others, followed by astute marketing of the benefits of range-grown beef. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Max De Pree's Leadership Jazz

    (5 pp). According to business leadership author, De Pree " way to think about leadership is to consider a jazz band. Jazz-band leaders must choose the music, find the right musicians, and perform-in public. But the effect of the performance depends on so many things- the environment, the volunteers in the band, the need for everybody to perform as individuals, and as a group, the absolute dependence of the leader on the members of the band, the need of the leader for \the followers to play well."

  • Phoenix and Mass Transit

    (5pp) The City of Phoenix, and the surrounding valley, is one of the most sought after residential and business region in the country. Consequently traffic congestion and its accompanying concerns, such as air pollution, noise control, convenience, and overall quality of life, are vital issues if the city is to continue to be forceful entity in commerce and private living. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • 'Obscene' Salaries of Professional Sports' Celebrities

    This 6 page report discusses the outrageous amounts of money paid to sports stars. In the ongoing stories of athletes who are multi-millionaires, it is difficvulrt for the “average Joe’ to understand or have much sympathy for somebody who is paid millions of dollars every year to play a game. Of course, the game of professional sports is one of big business and the players serve as a truly unique product in a market with great demand for that product. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Air Transportation Maintenance and Inspection Regulations

    A 9 page paper discussing the maintenance and inspection portion of the problems of modern air transportation. Close inspection of FAR 91 (particularly sections 405, 407 and 409) reveals that there is indeed an area in which government involvement in the conduct of business is a positive factor. Required maintenance and inspection of aircraft substantially increases operating costs for both airlines and for private pilot-owners, but the payback is a nation in which air travelers can be assured that the aircraft in which they place themselves has been well-maintained, inspected at every turn and then inspected again before every flight. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Yahoo! and the Internet Resume of Co Founder Jimmy X. Yang

    (7 pp) On the bottom of his internet resume Jimmy X. Yang, co-founder of Yahoo! lists, 'Personality: Hard working and highly motivated.' Receiving a PHd from the University of Minnesota in mathematics in January 2000, might give us that idea as well. The curiosity of course, is what motivates Yang's success; those personal and business elements are examined in this paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Progress as Defined by American History from 1867 until 1909

    (5 pp) In the last portion of the nineteenth century Americans progressed at an uneven gait. In the West, men took giant steps across the country as they explored and claimed land; often walking over others such as the Native Peoples in the process. These same men "brought their" women with them through incredible difficulties, but then saw no reason to give them any political allowances. Children were "owned" as much as women were. Racial differences, although somewhat equal on paper made little progress. In the East labor and management systems, political patronage, and social reform began to demand attention, and progressive attention.

  • Nurse Educator's Involvement in International Normalized Ratio Stability

    This 5 page report discusses the international normalized ratio or INR and how a nurse educator’s efforts can assure that INR stability is maintained on a more consistent basis. There are a number of indications for oral anticoagulation therapy, most having to do with the use of mechanical devices to maintain a patient’s cardiac functioning. Therefore, it is essential that it be maintained on a consistent basis and without wide variances in overall INR. Because the INR concept is one that is directly related to how caregivers make determinations of the next option in a patient’s care, the efficacy of management by a nurse educator cannot truly be questioned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing Homes and the Financial Crisis Confronting Them

    This 20 page report discusses the state of the nursing home industry in the United States and the many problems and challenges it has face and continues to face. Even though Congress restored nearly $3 billion to skilled nursing facilities in 1999, it still wasn’t enough to keep many of the facilities operating. In general, the government’s payment system and the ever-increasing costs of doing business and providing services has resulted in financial disasters throughout the nursing home industry, especially for the most financially leveraged nursing home chains. Issues associated with nursing homes’ financial, regulatory, and administrative problems are discussed. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Definitions Regarding Financial and Management Accounting

    This 3-page paper discusses the difference between management accounting (also known as cost accounting) and financial accounting. Also included is how management accounting reports can keep track of business operations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Survey on Retaining Employees and Management Styles Research

    A 5 page paper providing survey questions for an investigation into a business research problem. A continuation of KSbusResMgmtStyPl.rtf, the questions here are intended to elicit accurate information about the management style most common within the organization without “leading” respondents or inadvertently coaching them to provide any answer besides that which truly reflects their attitudes, beliefs and perceptions. They also should be sufficient for use among production workers as well as middle management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Diverse Workforce Management

    A 3 page paper discussing management of the diverse workforce. Businesses of all sizes have more diverse workforces now than at any other time, and the level of that diversity is only expected to increase. Cultural and demographic differences can provide a wellspring of fresh ideas, but the benefits likely will not appear on their own. Gaining the benefits that diversity promises requires astute management of the richness that diversity offers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Financial Risk Management

    This 10 page paper considers why companies should manage financial risk. The paper considers this in terms of firm survival and also the way in which responsibilities exist to shareholders and other stakeholders. The paper considers how lack of financial risk management may create a scenario for failure, even where business is good. The paper also considers the role of opportunity risks and how this reflects in financial risk management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Handy's Age of Paradox

    A 10 page research paper that analyzes Handy's book, The Age of Paradox. Handy's predictions on trends in business and management have been unfailingly accurate and, consequently, the corporate world is beginning to pay attention to what Handy has to say about such trends and how they apply to economies and business. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Value-Based Management in the Financial Services Industry

    A 10 page paper discussing the interest that a financial institution is likely to have in value-based management and value chain assessment for decision-making purposes. Value-based management rests on the concept of the value chain, consisting of the inbound logistics; operations; outbound logistics; marketing and sales; and service (The Value Chain, 2005) activities of the organization. Financial services organizations must address all of these issues as well as the financial aspects of operations of businesses they are assessing for investment or financing services, or even for acquisition. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Productivity : Measuring And Improving

    A 14 page paper with headings and subheadings. The Introduction discusses productivity management, including Keane's six principles; Measuring productivity discusses five factors and includes comments on Business Process Reengineering; explanation of the Functions of management; the Benefits of productivity on five different levels; and suggestions for improving productivity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Quality Costs

    8 pages in length. In todays international business community, the pursuit of and quest for quality is essential; managers and employess must be focused and determined to work together as a team. As such, organzations must make a financial commitment to implementing and improving Total Quality Management (TQM) techniques. Utilizing Feigenbaum's cost of quality techniques, Demings' approach to Total Quality Management and Six Sigma, it becomes clear the extent to which organizations must invest in both the monetary and lastingness aspects of improving their employee base. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Culinary Arts and Customer Service

    This 7 page paper looks at the topic by reviewing literature and then analyzing the issue. Many suggestions are made for improving customer service in businesses related to culinary arts. Attention is paid to restaurant management. Total Quality Management is briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Management Function as it Respects Behavior

    A 5 page paper discussing management’s role in effecting employee behavioral change. Business has changed dramatically over the past several years, but the four functions of management - planning, leading, controlling and organizing – have retained their applicability to today’s organizations. Changes in plans that the organization makes for itself can create the need for altering the behavior of employees. It is behavior intervention that is discussed here. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Outpatient Clinic for Pain Management Establishment

    A 15 page paper discussing the establishment of a freestanding pain management clinic attached to a nursing home but also available for adult day care. The paper discusses pain management philosophies; alternative methods of managing pain; past problems of abuse of pain-killing drugs in the elderly; and the business issues of establishing and maintaining the clinic. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Urban Baseball Stadium, Sporting Events, and Risk Management

    This 5 page report discusses various issues of risk management associated with using a municipal baseball stadium for sporting events by groups other than the teams directly associated with the stadium. The important elements of any risk management program include quality control, standards development, personal safety/injury, and information security. Those elements are equally important in the business of sporting events. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Marks and Spencer and Customer Value Management

    This 15 page paper investigates customer value management and customer value analysis and applies the concepts to the practices Marks and Spencer seem to implement and/or advocate. Examples of other businesses are also be offered for the purpose of demonstrating some of the concepts discussed. The essay concludes with recommendations for Marks and Spencer to further their competitive advantage through specific customer value management action steps. One graphic illustration is provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Leadership and Law Enforcement

    5 pages in length. In the changing face of law enforcement, officers are more dependent than ever on the cooperation of the public for which they work. No longer able to be "all business," they, too, must employ the principles of good management and good public relations in order to foster partnership relations with the public. The management personnel charged with leading those with the most direct public contact are required to exhibit at least the same level of skill in dealing with those for whom they are responsible. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Strategies for the Pharmaceutical Industry Dealing with Buyers and Suppliers

    This 10 page paper is written in two parts. The first 7 pages consider the way that strategic supply chain management may help pharmaceutical companies manage their business and add value. The paper considers the upstream and downstream firms looking at strategies such as creating long term relationships, the value chain and virtual value chain and the use of customer relationship management. The last 3 pages are made up of slides for a PowerPoint presentation of the papers contents. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • ITM Application of Company Manufacturers

    5 pages. Information Technology Management (ITM) in manufacturing addresses technology aspects such as client/server distributed architecture and object oriented programming. Bandwidth ITM solutions address broad areas within any business; things such as manufacturing, distribution, finance and project management, as well as service and maintenance, transportation etc. A seamless integration is essential to provide visibility and consistency across the manufacturing aspect as well. This proposal will give a clear cut explanation of the usefulness of ITM in manufacturing companies, with special attention to the needs of the less developed countries. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • US Business and Work Groups

    An 8 page research paper which examines how this management technique is changing the way the U.S. does business. This concept blurs the lines between management and employees, empowers employees, and involves them in the success and productivity of the company. Many U.S. companies regard it as their best means for keeping a competitive edge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Marks and Spencer and Customer Value Management

    This 15 page paper investigates customer value management and customer value analysis and applies the concepts to the practices Marks and Spencer seem to implement and/or advocate. Examples of other businesses are also be offered for the purpose of demonstrating some of the concepts discussed. The essay concludes with recommendations for Marks and Spencer to further their competitive advantage through specific customer value management action steps. One graphic illustration is provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Leadership and Law Enforcement

    5 pages in length. In the changing face of law enforcement, officers are more dependent than ever on the cooperation of the public for which they work. No longer able to be "all business," they, too, must employ the principles of good management and good public relations in order to foster partnership relations with the public. The management personnel charged with leading those with the most direct public contact are required to exhibit at least the same level of skill in dealing with those for whom they are responsible. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management Concepts

    This 9 page paper looks at four components used in business; customer care, kaizen, just in time inventory management and total quality management. Each of the concepts is explained and the interaction outlined. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Jon L. Pierce and John W. Newstrom's The Manager's Bookshelf

    A 5 page analysis of the book The Manager's Bookshelf: A Mosaic of Contemporary Views, edited by Jon L. Pierce and John W. Newstrom. In this book, the editors introduce the serious business student to roughly forty of the most recently published management books via essays summarizing the main points of the books. The result is a rich collage of multiple perspectives that cuts through the hype to give a concise understanding of the current thinking on management practices. No additional sources cited.

  • External Factors and Effects on Management Decisions

    This 5 page report discusses the ways in which external factors such as the economy, prices, socio-political atmosphere, competition, and much more, influence management decisions in business. Just as people do not operate independent of their peers, businesses and other organizations do not operate independently from the environment in which they exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • What Constitutes Workplace Sexual Harassment?

    A 5 page overview of what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace and steps organizations can take to eradicate it from their businesses. Never before has business been any more competitive than it is at the present time, and organizations across all industries and economic sectors have searched literally for years to find innovative, creative approaches to increasing operational efficiencies. It is not possible to achieve these goals in an environment that tolerates sexual harassment. The paper promotes training and clear management support as two effective steps for prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • eBusiness Strategy Establishment

    A 1 page overview of a 9-slide PowerPoint presentation, “Determining e-Business Strategic Goals.” The entire effort highlights the need for sound management and explicit identification of where the organization wants to lead its e-business unit. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • External Factors and Effects on Management Decisions

    This 5 page report discusses the ways in which external factors such as the economy, prices, socio-political atmosphere, competition, and much more, influence management decisions in business. Just as people do not operate independent of their peers, businesses and other organizations do not operate independently from the environment in which they exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Women, the Workplace, Management, and Glass Ceilings

    A 9 page essay on the struggles that women still endure in the professional, corporate world. It is argued that while women have indeed enjoyed some advancements in business, they still are barred from achieving top-level management positions. Thus, they are looking through a 'glass ceiling.' In answer to this, many women are forming their own businesses. The role of downsizing and other relevant minority issues are brought into the discussion as well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Risk Management and Construction Information Sharing on the Internet

    A 10 page paper discussing information sharing as a form of risk management. Whether a one-person business specializing in small home repair or a multinational construction firm that undertakes only multimillion-dollar government-funded projects, cost and budget control can be as important to the success of the construction business as is technical expertise. In today’s environment, it is critical that partners involved in construction projects share the information they have about their joint projects. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • The Cost of Discrimination of Women in International Business

    This 5 page paper looks at the issue of gender discrimination in senior management of international companies. After assessing the extent of the issue and establishing that this type of discrimination exists the writer goes on to look at the potential business consequences and the evidence indicates business are loosing out as a result. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The Philippines As a Potential Business Destination

    This 5 page paper examines the Philippines a potential business destination. The paper starts by examining the economy of the Philippines; its’ performance, its’ structure and its’ trade patterns, the nearby economies of Malaysia and China are also outlined. The paper then considers some of the potential issues management may face with setting up a business in the Philippines including the cultural differences. The bibliography cites eight sources.

  • Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Cultural Differences

    A 14 page paper. As businesses continue to expand globally, the ability to negotiate and resolve conflict in different cultures successfully becomes essential to success. This essay discusses how culture affects conflict management and business negotiations. The four approaches to researching this topic are outlined as are different ways of understanding culture and how those approaches can interfere with communication and conflict management. Specific examples of how company managers in other cultures approach conflict management are provided. For example, U.S. managers often approach conflict as competition while many Asian managers either try to avoid conflict or try to compromise. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Case Study on Business Process Management

    This 6-page paper focuses on process management and uses a business case study to describe what this concept is. Also under discussion are business scorecards, what they are, and what they do. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Educational Management Business Model

    A 7 page paper. This essay is based on one book: "The "Business" of Reforming American Schools" by Denise Gelburg. The writer addresses the issue of adopting private sector business and management models to public education. the writer comments the effect of this practice on social justice and equity and also on the profession of teaching. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Benefits of Diversity Management in the Workforce

    A 5 page paper discussing the benefits of effective diversity management. The days of the myth of the homogenous workforce are as far past as is that of Total Quality Management (TQM) applying only to manufacturing environments. Too many complain that in today's highly competitive business environment that there is no room for management approaches that are believed to be impossible to measure, but the business results of effectively managed and highly diverse organizations belie that objection. Diversity-conscious organizations are finding that diversity can be an asset rather than the drain that others insist it is. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Turnover of Employees and Contribution of Management

    A 3 page paper assessing which school of management – Classical or Behavioral – a specific article suggests is more effective in today’s business environment. The article does more than only suggest that the Behavioral School is superior to Classical thought in today’s working environment. Those organizations actively excising Classical thought managerial behavior are those that can focus less on employee turnover and more on the business at hand. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Database Management and Use

    A 3 page paper overview of database management and use as the database continues its metamorphosis from keeper of historic data only to the tool that identifies trends and opportunities found through examination of the information the database holds. Now and in the future, the database uses its historical data to identify trends and new business opportunities that lead the well-managed organization to greater competitive advantage, greater efficiency and more favorable overall business results. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Joint Ventures and the Management of Risk

    An 11 page paper discussing some of the conditions from which organizations involved in international joint ventures must protect themselves. Business has a more global focus now than at any time in the past. While that global presence contributes to the success of all segments of a specific organization, it also enhances the need for astute risk management. Aside from the normal fluctuations of the business cycle, international joint ventures also can be affected in their success through currency fluctuations, economic health of the host country and local political stability. Business entry into a new national market in the form of an international joint venture is in itself a measure of risk management, in that neither party bears the full weight of the risks associated with the new venture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Issues in Coastal Resource Management

    This 7-page paper examines issues pertaining to coastal resource management in the U.S. Topics include government and non-governmental efforts, as well as the management of land, agriculture, vegetation and water as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Total Health Plan Project Management Case Study

    A 12 page paper that describes project management for the development of a comprehensive health management program for a small company. Includes: work breakdown structure, task flow, project schedule and reporting, costs, and evaluation of project and performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Working Capital Management at Federal Express

    A 4 page paper discussing working capital management at Federal Express. Overall, it appears that FedEx deals with its working capital well, but it should not miss out on returns it could gain on the cash it holds. If FedEx truly has no short term investments, it should seek out some useful ones to use for better working capital management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Defense Transformation's Affect on Force Mgmt

    A 7 page paper that discusses the transformation that US military forces are currently undergoing. This paper focuses, specifically, on how the transformation process is affecting force management. Various aspects of force management are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sociological, Physiological, and Psychological Issues Associated with the Management of Stress

    This 8 page report discusses numerous aspects of stress and stress management. Psychological and sociological factors have become the contemporary versions of the saber tooth tiger of prehistoric humans’ stress stimulators. Theories about the causes of stress ranging from the anthropological aspects to the physiological have been propagated for, at least, the past three decades. Such studies have shown that there are physiological, psychological and social components to stress and successful stress management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Walt Disney's Strategic Management

    A 6 page paper discussing Disney strategy and management’s success in achieving its stated strategy. Disney is easy to disdain from the consumer’s view. It is nearly dictatorial in how it insists that customers react to its attractions policies, but consumers appear to neither notice nor object. It continues to grow and prosper, guided by a top management team committed to shareholder value and increasing attention to corporate governance. The paper includes a discussion of Porter’s five forces and Donaldson’s strategic audit. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Epidemiology & STDs

    An 8 page research paper that defines and discusses the impact and relationship of epidemiology to healthcare interventions and policies pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This overview of epidemiology looks specifically at the uses and applications of epidemiological analyses and data as it pertains to the management STDs. This information addresses how hospitals and community-based healthcare address the decision-making processes for allocation of limited healthcare resources and also the role and use of epidemiological data as this information relates to the evolution, definition and refinement of disease management programs that address STDs. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Software Quality and Configuration Management

    This 6 page paper discusses Configuration Management in the context of software quality. The paper includes aspects such as the configuration management of products, such as source code and production development and releases of applications. Software and hardware maintenance is also included. The bibliography cites 5 sources.


    This 7-page paper discusses the ethics of various social networking situations, as they pertain to businesses. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Theorists and Course Setting Management

    An 8 page paper presenting brief descriptions of the theories of Chester Barnard, Robert Blake, Peter Drucker, Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follett, Henry Gantt ,Fredrick Herzberg, Elton Mayo and Victor Vroom. The paper ends with a short argument in favor of the statement, "Knowledge of basic management theory is essential to the study of management." Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Organizational Productivity and Styles of Management

    This 7 page report discusses management style and its implications in terms of the overall productivity of an organization, as well as the institutional “climate” within the institution. The development of a specific management style entails far more than the application of a variety of textbook situations and solutions. To assume that employees will neatly fit into any particular sub-category almost certainly assures that they won’t! Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management and the Behavior School of Thought

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the Behavior School of Management Thought. The Behavior School of Management Thought reflects the ideas of a group of notable people including Mary Parker Follett, Chester Barnard, Hugo Munsterberg, Oliver Sheldon, Elton Mayo, F.J Roethlisberger, and W.J. Dickson. These theorists all had a common goal, which was to better the work place. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Planning to Manage Your Classroom

    8 pages. In classroom management the book Authentic Classroom Management by Barbara Larrivee can be invaluable. The book covers such necessary topics as rules, procedures and behavior; implementing change in the classroom; assessing the intervention plan and creating a need-satisfying classroom environment. All of these topics and more are discussed in this paper that will be of great use to those in the education field. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Operations Management Overview

    This 5 page paper defines the role of operations management and the operations manager, explaining the roles in strategy, production and how operations management may produce a competitive advantage for a company. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Ten Issues Relating to HRM

    This 14 page paper responds to 10 questions or issues: the diagnostic and strategic approaches to human resource management; Five greatest challenges for the human resource manager today; the roles and functions of the human resource manager; the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action & Managing Diversity; steps to selecting the right employee; performance management and evaluation; what questions should the human resource manager be ready to answer in a discrimination hearing; what is the relative importance of merit, ability and seniority when promoting an employee; and what is job analysis and what is its value. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Harvey Industries Inventory Management

    This 5-page paper, based on a case study of Harvey Industries, discusses how this manufacturer can better streamline its inventory management system. The paper lists recommendations, including assigning the duties of management to one person and better prediction of manufacturing cycles in order to better determine the inventory necessary during peak line times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Preoperative Fasting Management

    This 12 page paper examines the subject of pre operative fast management. The paper includes discussion on the need for management with the negative consequences of over excessive fasting and the risks associated with periods that are too long and too short, including increased incidence of post operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and the related risks. Research on the topic is included in order to define best practice and how improvements may be made in the future. A stakeholder approach is utilised within the analysis. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Pathology Management and the Impact of New Technology

    A five page paper which looks at the impact of new technology on pathology management, particularly with reference to the use of common platforms with multiple sites, and the impact which this has had on clinical and management resources.

  • HRM Changes

    7 pages. A thorough look at changes in human resource management in recent years in regards to the interaction with employees and the way employees are managed. One could say that human resource management today is just 'old wine in new bottles' because the basics don't change but the words and presentation do. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Implementation and Processes of Quality Management

    This 5-page paper examines the implementation of quality management processes in a shipping company including the use of gap analysis as a tool. The paper uses as an example how one professor implemented quality management in his bike commute to work and applies those principles to the shipping firm. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • HRM's Emergence

    This well written 14 page paper traces the development of human resource management. The paper begins with the work of Frederick Winslow Taylor and his development of scientific management based on the idea of economic man, and then looks to the emergence of the theory of social man with the studies of Mayo and Hertzberg. The paper then considers the way that the theories have been used, such as the development of TQM and other examples that support ideas of both economic and social man. The bibliographic cites 15 sources.

  • Walt Disney's Strategic Management

    A 6 page paper discussing Disney strategy and management’s success in achieving its stated strategy. Disney is easy to disdain from the consumer’s view. It is nearly dictatorial in how it insists that customers react to its attractions policies, but consumers appear to neither notice nor object. It continues to grow and prosper, guided by a top management team committed to shareholder value and increasing attention to corporate governance. The paper includes a discussion of Porter’s five forces and Donaldson’s strategic audit. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Science and Art of Management

    This 8 page paper explores management paradigms along with the debate of management being science or art. This paper concludes that it can and should be both. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Berth Allocation and Container Yard Management

    A 13 page paper discussing these two activities in light of the changes that are now underway. The process of shipping and transferring cargo is as old as the Phoenician civilization, but the advent of automation and container shipping has brought shipping and cargo management to the brink of change on the order that it has not seen for decades. Shippers can be certain that container yard management and berth allocation both will step up several notches in sophistication, gaining greater efficiencies for shipping lines, manufacturers and port authorities. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Budgeting and Credit Management in Contemporary Society

    8 pages. This paper is a literature review about the importance of credit management in society today. This topic includes different types of budgeting as well, especially as is evident in the corporate world of credit management and budgeting. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Competitive Advantage and Strategic HRM

    A 6 page paper. This essay begins with descriptions and definitions of human resource management and strategic human resource management. The writer then discuses why and how human resource departments can be a competitive advantage for their companies. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Organizations, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management

    9 pages. This paper explains both Total Quality Management and Six Sigma Quality Management in the organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Operations Management and the Saturn Corporation

    This 8 page paper begins by explaining and defining operations management. It then provides an introduction to Saturn Corporation, including the company's mission and value statement and the philosophy upon which the company was established. Next is a discussion of the operations management processes at Saturn Corp. Finally, the writer comments on what can be learned from how Saturn operates the plants. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of Human Capital Management

    This paper examines the concept of human capital management and its importance to a company's bottom line. Also under discussion are tips that a company can use to help initiate human capital management within its firm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Various Models of Management

    A 5 page paper. Management thought continually evolves as changes continue to occur at rapid rates. This paper discusses models within the scientific, behavioral and contemporary schools of thought. A comparison is then made between a behavioral model and a contemporary model of management. Bibliography lists 7 sources. PGmgt3md.rtf

  • Sports Facility Management

    A 14 page paper. This type of management is very diverse with numerous different types of activities and responsibilities. This paper discusses management theories, leadership theories and motivation theories. It also discusses the kinds of responsibilities the sports facility manager has. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Management and Sports Marketing

    A 9 page paper that responds to specific student-generated questions regarding sports marketing management. Those topics include: an explanation of what sport marketing is; identifying fans; brand equity and management and how to enhance brand equity; using customer databases; niche marketing; and what service quality means. Examples are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and Engineer Management

    A 5 page paper. This paper discusses management in the automotive industry and specifically managing engineers. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the changes in management strategies within the automotive industry. It then goes on to discuss the challenges associated with managing professional engineers. The writer ends by providing an outline of considerations when managing this group of professionals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Management and Strategic Supply Chains

    This 5 page paper considers what is meant by supply chain management and how value may be added or costs reduced as a result of the correct management of the supply chain. The concept of value chains is included in the paper. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Pain Management Barriers and Nursing's Role

    A 5 page paper which examines the problem of patient barriers to pain management, considers nurse’s role in identifying and guiding the patient to better pain management, such as when a patient is afraid of addiction, takes the medication only out of complacency, and therefore receives inadequate relief from pain. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Pursuing a Career in Management

    This 5 1/2 page paper gives a details overview of the management career opportunities in the United States. This overview includes salary potential, projected outlook for employment, as well as the common attributes of someone in the management field. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Pest Management Integration Benefits

    5 pages. The purpose of integrated pest management is to utilize the management of destruction by pests to crops and other agriculture with as little damage to the environment as possible. By using a system of integration we can cut down on the harmful chemicals and poisons that often harm the ecological balance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ecommerce and Logistics Management

    This paper examines how the Internet and other digital tools are providing an impact on supply chain management and logistics functions. The paper discusses both pros and cons of the electronic age on logistics management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management Theory According to Taylor and Fayol

    This 5 page paper looks at early management theorists Fayol and Taylor and compares and contrasts the two paradigms to emanate from their work. Taylor's scientific management is highlighted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Total Quality Management and Implementation Barriers

    This 7 page report discusses barriers that may exist in an organization that prevent the implementation of a total quality management (TQM) program. Barriers often develop in the implementation process that disassociates TQM from “real world” results and, potentially, from “real world” people. Profitability, organizational attitudes, management style, and more are all issues that can stall the TQM implementation process. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theorists and Course Setting Management

    An 8 page paper presenting brief descriptions of the theories of Chester Barnard, Robert Blake, Peter Drucker, Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follett, Henry Gantt ,Fredrick Herzberg, Elton Mayo and Victor Vroom. The paper ends with a short argument in favor of the statement, "Knowledge of basic management theory is essential to the study of management." Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Organizational Productivity and Styles of Management

    This 7 page report discusses management style and its implications in terms of the overall productivity of an organization, as well as the institutional “climate” within the institution. The development of a specific management style entails far more than the application of a variety of textbook situations and solutions. To assume that employees will neatly fit into any particular sub-category almost certainly assures that they won’t! Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Community Youth Services and Social Entrepreneurism

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of social entrepreneurism. The concept of social entrepreneurship is based on the belief that the ends of every business process does not have to be financial gain. In fact, social entrepreneurism is defined by the development of a social mission and the creation of business disciplines, innovation and entrepreneurial approaches designed to address the social mission (Dees, 2002). Though philanthropic organizations and activities have occurred for decades, the new focus on social entrepreneurship is directly related to the belief that adequate and well defined business principles can be applied to social services models and improve both the function of the model and the bottom line. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurse as an Agent of Change in Data Base Management

    A 3 page discussion of the evolving role nurses play in data base management. This paper contends that the nurse plays many roles in data base management. Not only does she or he collect data and input it into the data base, the nurse is often responsible for some components of the management of the data base. The nurse can, in fact, be a change agent in the QI process, an agent that makes recommendations that will result in improved data base management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Scientific and Classical Management

    8 pages in length. Classical management carries with it myriad definitions, in particular the need to maintain an atmosphere that is restrained and simple, conforming to established taste of critical standards or adhering to traditional forms. Scientific management, on the other hand, represents the coupling of science and engineering as they relate to work practices as a means by which to augment management control and productivity. Its emergence took place in the forty-year span between 1880 and 1920, where it was significantly dependent upon machinery in order for work to be appropriately subdivided into highly specialized, routine tasks. From a management point of view, the very foundation of the classical theory was to establish a universal method appropriate for all situations; indeed, it was a search for truth. It was as if the theorists were in search of an end all be all sort of application that would effectively address all questions as to how organizations worked and how managers should managed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management In The Fire Fighting Industry

    A 5 page paper which discusses some of the management issues concerning the fire industry. One of the examples provided illustrates how the management techniques used by the fire industry are used by the private business sector, clearly indicating that management in the fire industry is a very serious and thoroughly examined reality. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Management In The Fire Fighting Industry

    A 5 page paper which discusses some of the management issues concerning the fire industry. One of the examples provided illustrates how the management techniques used by the fire industry are used by the private business sector, clearly indicating that management in the fire industry is a very serious and thoroughly examined reality. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Facilities Management and Advanced Organizational Modeling

    This 12 page report discusses the application of organizational modeling in the improvement of facilities maintenance teams and departments. The realm of facilities management may include processing maintenance work orders; scheduling equipment maintenance; tracking and ordering parts; keeping up with warranties; and making sure that facilities and workers adhere to safety, environmental and other workplace regulations. In other circumstances it may be tracking and monitoring the qualifications of the workers to ensure that they are qualified to do their jobs. It still other situations, “facilities management” is likely to mean keeping the organization’s physical structures and their components. Regardless of how it is defined overall, the essential issue is that people work together to facilitate innovation and improvement on behalf of the entire organization. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • DuPont and the Formation of Teams

    A 13 page paper discussing employee empowerment and increased productivity at DuPont. In continuous operation since its founding in 1802, DuPont has a history of being able to adapt for the times. In recent years, DuPont's ability to implement work teams in accordance to the principles of Total Quality Management has been hampered by union resistance. Company management needs to keep DuPont as efficient as possible and employees see value in being able to take an active role in making their jobs both easier and more productive, but the union maintains that the company is seeking to gain additional work from employees with no increase in pay. The paper provides DuPont history and recommends involving union representatives in team discussions to alleviate union resistance. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Work Atmosphere and a Plan of Stress Management

    6 pages in length. There is certainly enough to deal with in the workplace to have the added pressure of stress. However, escaping environmental stress on the job is about as easy as not breathing: it just cannot be done. With that being the case, people must learn how to harness that negative stress and turn it into a more beneficial element or get rid of it altogether. Contemporary employers have come to realize the inherent hazards of work-related stress and how it directly affects job performance and the ultimate bottom line. It only stands to reason that if employees are pushed to the edge physically, emotionally or mentally, they will not be able to perform their duties with any reasonable proficiency. The writer discusses that because job stress -- and the management of it -- has become a focal point in the workforce, employers have found it necessary to implement stress management plans in order to once again harmonize the work environment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • College Athletic Director Responsibilities

    This 5 page report discusses the various aspects of the management responsibilities expected of an athletic director. His or her primary role is to provide leadership to the overall athletic program, as well as to manage the details necessary for successful day to day operation. The management role of the athletic director may truly be the most varied of all school administrators' roles. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Comparing Management at United, Delta, and American Airlines

    A 9 page paper discussing the management similarities of the three airlines. American, Delta and United Airlines are all commercial passenger air carriers. Beyond that, they have only a few similarities. All are old commercial carriers that were facing bankruptcy together until the US Postal Service approved air travel for the US Mail in 1925. There, they reached a point of divergence that continues today. It would seem that, because of the emphasis on employee ownership, United would be the 'best' to work for, at least as long as the pilots remain happy with their contract. The management style is appealing because it takes the employees into consideration perhaps more than the others do Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Facilities Management and Advanced Organizational Modeling

    This 12 page report discusses the application of organizational modeling in the improvement of facilities maintenance teams and departments. The realm of facilities management may include processing maintenance work orders; scheduling equipment maintenance; tracking and ordering parts; keeping up with warranties; and making sure that facilities and workers adhere to safety, environmental and other workplace regulations. In other circumstances it may be tracking and monitoring the qualifications of the workers to ensure that they are qualified to do their jobs. It still other situations, “facilities management” is likely to mean keeping the organization’s physical structures and their components. Regardless of how it is defined overall, the essential issue is that people work together to facilitate innovation and improvement on behalf of the entire organization. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Work Atmosphere and a Plan of Stress Management

    6 pages in length. There is certainly enough to deal with in the workplace to have the added pressure of stress. However, escaping environmental stress on the job is about as easy as not breathing: it just cannot be done. With that being the case, people must learn how to harness that negative stress and turn it into a more beneficial element or get rid of it altogether. Contemporary employers have come to realize the inherent hazards of work-related stress and how it directly affects job performance and the ultimate bottom line. It only stands to reason that if employees are pushed to the edge physically, emotionally or mentally, they will not be able to perform their duties with any reasonable proficiency. The writer discusses that because job stress -- and the management of it -- has become a focal point in the workforce, employers have found it necessary to implement stress management plans in order to once again harmonize the work environment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparing Management at United, Delta, and American Airlines

    A 9 page paper discussing the management similarities of the three airlines. American, Delta and United Airlines are all commercial passenger air carriers. Beyond that, they have only a few similarities. All are old commercial carriers that were facing bankruptcy together until the US Postal Service approved air travel for the US Mail in 1925. There, they reached a point of divergence that continues today. It would seem that, because of the emphasis on employee ownership, United would be the 'best' to work for, at least as long as the pilots remain happy with their contract. The management style is appealing because it takes the employees into consideration perhaps more than the others do Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Shipping Operations and Operations Management Objectives

    A 5 page paper. The goal of operations management is to increase customer satisfaction, productivity and efficiency. There are many approaches to accomplishing this goal and numerous tools the operations manager can use. This essay discusses what operations management is. It then discuses the major challenge for shipping companies and the effectiveness of automation. Finally, the writer uses FedEx as an example of how a shipping company can greatly improve operations using different techniques, including technology, teams and incentives. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Johnson and Kaplan's Relevance Lost The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting Reviewed

    This is a 10 page paper reviewing the book “Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting” by H. Thomas Johnson and Robert S. Kaplan first published in 1987 and has since been printed over nine times. The book is extremely relevant in its recognition of the importance of the development of the management accounting discipline over its course in history and the realization that the system must be drastically updated in order to be effective in today’s global competitive industries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Human Resources Management and Diversity Training

    Diversity Training in Human Resources Management: This 13-page essay examines the feasibility of diversity training relevant to corporations and their HR management staff. Diversity is about respecting differences, fostering understanding, value creation and overall market effectiveness inside and outside of one’s organization. But will there be a backlash? Bibliography lists 8 sources. SNDivhus.doc

  • Competition in the Greek Shipping Market

    A 40 page examination of the Greek shipping industry and competitive forces, followed by a proposal for merger of the management companies of all current Greek shippers. Increasing outside competition is normal for the Greek shipping industry, but increasing regulations and environmental protections have increased costs to the point that Greek shipping is not as competitive as it once was. The paper proposes that all companies merge management function into a holding company that can then offer shares for sale to investors. The proposed structure enables current owners to retain ownership while combining forces to enable all to be more efficient and effective in competing in the growing worldwide shipping industry. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The Six Sigma of Leadership and Motivation: A Case Study on the Management Approach of General Electric

    A 16 page constructed case study of GE during the Welch era. Sixteen individuals participated in a survey and interviews focusing on the Welch era and whether Welch-inspired principles still are operational at GE. Because Welch retired in 2001, the survey included only those who have been employed at GE since at least 1999. Recommendations for management include continuing six sigma programs while ensuring that GE focuses on customers. Another recommendation is that GE's senior management reassess the company's core competencies on a regular basis to retain the company's intentionality of action. Includes a 13-item questionnaire. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Star Technologies Drug Testing and Management

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the management issues at Star Technologies, including the problem of drug use and drug testing. This paper integrates an overview of the management systems in place for to address the problem of drug testing and drug use in the company. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Dynamic Content Management

    This 3 page paper analyzes a brief article on content management which suggests that the next thing in web site design is interactive content. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Collective Bargaining and Labor Laws

    A 12 page paper that begins with a comprehensive explanation of the labor laws that govern employer-employee relationships, i.e., the National Labor Relations Act and the Taft-Hartley Act. This is followed by an examination of collective bargaining and current thoughts about this process, how the power has shifted in management-labor relations and the shifts during recent years. The writer then outlines what employers cannot do and what union/employees cannot do pursuant to the laws. Under the heading of what employers can do to resist attempts to form a union, the writer provides an example of one company where unionization attempts have consistently failed and lastly, under the heading of working with the union, the writer discusses another company that changed the relations between labor and management to make the process less conflictive. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and Total Quality Management

    A 31 page paper. What is the relationship between total quality management (TQM) and human resource management (HRM)? That is the question this research paper addresses. First, a brief history of each TQM and HRM is presented. The writer then describes, outlines and discusses: the integration of TQM and HRM; implementing TQM in HR departments; why TQM fails; more tips of do's and don'ts when trying to implement TQM; conclusions. The paper includes discussion of a vast array of issues related to the main topic. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Nursing Management/Retention Issues

    A 6 page research paper in which the writer explores and summarizes various strategies hat can be employed by nursing management. The problems with turnover and nurse retention that have been have been typical of this nursing unit over the last several years are actually quite typical of the country as a whole, as nationally, the turnover rates for hospital nursing staff averages over 20 percent (Force, 2005). However, since this is a widespread problem, which has been acerbated by the nursing shortage, management strategies that promote nursing staff retention, as well as strategies that address the issues that research shows to be influential in creating nursing staff job satisfaction. Nursing managers are the link between hospital administration and nursing staff. Therefore, one of the crucial responsibilities of a nurse manager is to implement strategies and procedures that ensure nurse retention and job satisfaction (Anthony, 2005). Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Service Quality Management and Rosenbluth Travel

    A 5 page paper discussing Ivey Case 9A95D020. Rosenbluth Travel was a leading company in its industry in 1992. It had been focused on quality for some time, but had reached a point at which it did not know how best to proceed. The paper identifies several alternatives and concludes that the company should ask its customers and “front line” workers for their input. Management should become involved only after receiving input from these two critical sources, to ensure that management gives its support to activities and efforts that will increase Rosenbluth’s value in the perspective of both customers and current employees. Otherwise, it risks placing great effort in achieving ends totally irrelevant to its customers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Management in the Future

    A 4 page paper discussing the likely form of management in the future, including a discussion of the four functions of management. Success in the past has been attainable without the presence of true leadership, but achieving success without it in the future will continue to be less likely than in the past. Henry Ford’s century-old techniques are no longer viable. Today and in the future, Herb Kelleher and Jack Welch provide better models. Their companies have risen to leadership positions in their industries despite great opposition, and the rise was fueled by the superior leadership present in each. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Apple's Steve Jobs

    A 5 page paper that offers an overview of Steve Jobs. Apple Corp. was floundering until they brought Jobs back as interim-CEO. By all accounts, his style has not mellowed much in these last 20 years but he has brought Apple out of its troubles and put it on the way to growth again. This essay discusses some of the actions Jobs took to do so. The writer offers an overview of his management style. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Tutorial on Electronic Commerce Quality Management

    This is an 8 page tutorial paper that presents a discussion of quality management in electronic commerce businesses. The writer first presents a proposition that quality management is needed for success. The method of research is explained and the two companies to be considered ( and Dell Computer) which is followed by a literature review. The paper includes a brief explanation of total quality management and a discussion of why quality management is essential. Comments are offered regarding the quality of management at the two identified companies. Tutorial comments are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Tutorial on Electronic Commerce Quality Management

    This is an 8 page tutorial paper that presents a discussion of quality management in electronic commerce businesses. The writer first presents a proposition that quality management is needed for success. The method of research is explained and the two companies to be considered ( and Dell Computer) which is followed by a literature review. The paper includes a brief explanation of total quality management and a discussion of why quality management is essential. Comments are offered regarding the quality of management at the two identified companies. Tutorial comments are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Management Style of Bill Gates and Microsoft Corporation

    5 pages in length. Bill Gates does not like to lose, which is the primary motivation behind the type of management techniques he employs with his company, Microsoft. However, while the particular management style upon which Gates has relied has proved effective for the most part, it has also rendered the multi-billionaire untold headaches when it comes to addressing fair business tactics. The writer discusses how Gates' impenetrable business tactics have not only caused both his employees and the average consumer considerable grief, but how they have also created animosity between and among his competitors who cry foul to his allegedly underhanded strategy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management and Communication Applied to Mott, Inc.

    An 86 page paper providing a literature review and synthesis to apply to a small clothing retailer. Sound management and solid communication are touted as being highly beneficial for organizations competing in today's competitive business environment, but in spite of the proliferation of the topics in academic literature and the business press many organizations still are unsure of how to proceed to improve their companies. This paper reviews conditions at a three-location clothing retailer and suggests how improved communication and more astute management at the store level can benefit the company and its stakeholders. Includes an abstract and table of contents. Bibliography lists 48 sources.

  • L.L. Bean and Call Center Issues

    An 11 page paper discussing the advantages to information management of the computer-telephone integrated call center, including the implications brought by Internet protocol (IP) telephony. The customer-focused, automated call center provides a broad solution to many business dilemmas. It provides enhanced customer service that is automated and managed yet appears highly personal to the customer, and it can increase the company's competitive advantage with its customers. Information is tailored to the needs of the business, summarized for analysis and centralized for access. Per-seat call center costs have decreased so that its advantages are available to many more companies now than in the past. With L.L. Bean's commitment to superlative customer service and treating "customers like human beings," the call center provides solution for many of the issues facing L.L. Bean in the current climate of intense retail competition and the need for current and reliable information management. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Management Style of Bill Gates and Microsoft Corporation

    5 pages in length. Bill Gates does not like to lose, which is the primary motivation behind the type of management techniques he employs with his company, Microsoft. However, while the particular management style upon which Gates has relied has proved effective for the most part, it has also rendered the multi-billionaire untold headaches when it comes to addressing fair business tactics. The writer discusses how Gates' impenetrable business tactics have not only caused both his employees and the average consumer considerable grief, but how they have also created animosity between and among his competitors who cry foul to his allegedly underhanded strategy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Negative Recency and the Faulty Communications Perceptions Within the Work and Management Environments Study

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the perception of the recency effect within the work environment. Recency in which the most recent information received by an individual seems to be given the most weight in decision making has a great deal of importance in the field of management and the work environment. Managers within the business environment are used to dealing with recency plans within a business sense in that recency in business is a measurement of customers who have purchased merchandise “recently” or within an advertising perspective it is the psychological effect in which customers remember the “most recent” merchandizing when purchasing products. Despite management knowing about business recency, few if any are aware of the psychological recency effect within their own decision making process and the perceptual errors which can be made. In fact, the recency effect within the work environment can lead to poor judgment, poor or inconsistent management and poor communication skills throughout administration. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Hospitality Industry and HRM

    A 21 page paper that focuses primarily on the hotel business within the hospitality industry. This is a case study of one hotel chain and begins with background information about this small hotel chain. The writer describes and discusses four specific functions within human resource management: Staffing: selection and retention; Training and development; Performance management; and Compensation, including incentives for performance. Each function is discussed reporting some of the many effective processes within that area. The actual practices of each area are described. The essay ends with recommendations for improving the four human resource management functions at this firm. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Corporate and Performance Management Strategies

    5 pages in length. The corporate strategy in an organization is considered to be that of creating a strategic plan to meet planned goals and then being able to accurately guide the corporation toward the completion of those goals. In the case of many businesses, they are moving laterally and are not moving forward. The ability of a top manager or management team to get the entire corporate entity moving in a synchronized fashion is not an easy one. This paper examines performance management and corporate management and the aspect of using both in order to fine-tune a corporation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Hospitality Industry and HRM

    A 21 page paper that focuses primarily on the hotel business within the hospitality industry. This is a case study of one hotel chain and begins with background information about this small hotel chain. The writer describes and discusses four specific functions within human resource management: Staffing: selection and retention; Training and development; Performance management; and Compensation, including incentives for performance. Each function is discussed reporting some of the many effective processes within that area. The actual practices of each area are described. The essay ends with recommendations for improving the four human resource management functions at this firm. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Asher Edelman's Takeover of Ponderosa Steak House

    A 10 page paper discussing conditions in the late 1980s. The company had been through some trying times, but senior management appeared to finally have a hand on the business as the decade of the 1980s entered its latter years. Senior management had little opportunity to see their short-term plans and long-range visions come to fruition, however, as corporate raider Asher Edelman accomplished a hostile takeover in 1987, just as changes implemented under the leadership of Thomas J. Russo were building momentum. Edelman had no food service experience yet proceeded to fire a third of the corporate staff. Poor management and a changing market threatened the company's survival. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • The Nike Corporation in the 1990s- a Case Study

    A 7 page paper discussing information presented in Harvard Business School Case 9-595-102 (1995). CEO Phil Knight stated in 1990 that Nike's focus for the 1990s should be that of athletic shoes and clothing, later refining that focus to one of marketing, rather than production. By 1993, the company had opened tourist-attraction stores, founded a professional athlete career management business and entered into an alliance with a large Hollywood talent agency, all the while bemoaning that European managers could not comprehend the Nike "spirit and message." The company failed to understand that its arrogance toward consumers and focus on activities unrelated to marketing athletic shoes and clothing masked any "spirit and message" that may have existed. The paper recommends that Nike return to focusing on its core business. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Technology and Opening and Operating a Coffeehouse andDance Bar

    This 8 page report discusses opening and operating a coffeehouse/dance bar and the technology that can bring it all together in terms of entertainment, business functions, and management. Numerous challenges exist as part of the start-up process. However, owners of the club are profiled as determined to create a facility that is genuinely prepared to enter the future with every tool high technology can provide. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Downsizing

    An 8 page paper discussing the effective use of what has become a standard in business. Downsizing can be a useful and strategic tool, but it also can be poorly planned and administered so that it hurts, rather than helps, the organization. Its effectiveness can depend on the effectiveness of the management team designing it. Downsizing should select for skills and abilities that will be needed in the future, rather than simply eliminate some departments that will arise again, like the Phoenix, in only slightly altered form. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • An Overview Of the Company B.P. Oil

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses competitive environment, mission statement, organization chart, total quality management, business plan, government regulation, licensure, certification and accreditation as they relate to B.P. Oil. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Operating a Business in South Africa The Case of Agro Pharma, S.A. and their Subsidiary in South Africa

    This 5 page paper considers the issue of operating a business in South Africa, and considers the objectives and issues raised as complaints and protests were waged against the country because of their operations in that country. This paper considers the issues related to company management that extend from boycotts and assesses whether the company would benefit most from maintaining their operational focus and benefits derived from conducting operations in South Africa, or if they should pull out. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Leading Change by John P. Kotter

    A 5 page research paper that summarizes and evaluates John P. Kotter's book, 'Leading Change,' which pertains organizational change. The major premise of the author is that the magnitude of change in today's business world is increasing so rapidly that leadership, not just management, is required. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Business Operations and the Role of the Internet

    A 5 page glance at some of the applications of the Internet in conducting daily business. The most obvious applications of sales and marketing are mentioned, but the paper concentrates more on data management, communications and intranet applications. The growth of the Internet has made communication with remote locations—district offices, outside sales staff, favored vendors, etc.—more efficient than ever before. Use of the Internet in increasing productivity is not limited only to large businesses, either. One NY deli increased their lunch business by 30% when they began accepting take-out orders through their Web page. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management and Employee Goals in a Recession

    This 9 page paper looks at the argument that management and employee needs are more likely to be aligned during a global recession rather than at a time of growth. The reasons how and why this may occur are discussed, looking at the causes of the recession and how they may be associated with short term profit needs of business owners and the ways that the needs may change in a time of recession. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Retail and Supply Chain Management

    This 10 page paper examines the role of the supply chain in retailing business, especially in convenience G-stores. The paper looks at the objectives and the management of the performance of the supply chain and also the developed supply chain concepts concept such as ECR, VMI, CMI, cross-docking and the value chain. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Reasons for a Small Business's Failure

    This 4-page paper describes issues that cause a small business to fail. Topics discussed include lack of financing and poor management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Retail Department Store Chain Financial Director Responsibilities and Duties

    This 8 page report discusses the various aspects of work and management associated with the position of financial director of a large, multi-store, retail business. The finance director works to emphasize team building among her direct-report employees, as well as serving as the company's financial barometer regarding profit and loss and projected earnings for the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Athletic Shoes and the Factors of Concern in the Industry

    This 13 page report discusses issues of concern in the athletic footwear industry with a particular focus on the challenges and changing aspects of management that have made an impact on the industry. The past 20 to 30 years have seen numerous significant changes in the athletic footwear business. As lifestyles have become more informal and more active, athletic shoes have become far more acceptable in numerous social situations that, at one time, would have required far more 'proper' footwear. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Startup Plan for a Real Estate Business

    A 12 page business plan, the sections of which include: Executive Summary, company description, services plan, marketing plan, management plan and financial plan. Financials include breakeven analysis, 6-month cash flow and a balance sheet. The realty company has an arrangement with Bal Harbor complex to maintain offices on site, offer sales of Bal Harbor units and act as property manager for short-term vacation rentals. The company will be located on north Miami Beach Island within the Bal Harbor complex, a high-end condominium complex attractive to vacationing families of means, recent retirees and western European tourists (primarily from Germany).

  • Athletic Shoes and Issues in the Industry

    This 14 page report discusses issues of concern in the athletic footwear industry with a particular focus on the challenges and changing aspects of management that have made an impact on the industry. The past 20 to 30 years have seen numerous significant changes in the athletic footwear business. As lifestyles have become more informal and more active, athletic shoes have become far more acceptable in numerous social situations that, at one time, would have required far more 'proper' footwear. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Online Education

    A 10 page paper discussing the emergence of the learning management system (LMS) for online education. Initially within the domain of business training only, online schools have begun to use many of the techniques that the LMS promotes. The LMS has come into being concurrently with a return to proven approaches to education, bringing the best of all worlds to online learning. The focus of the paper is that of higher education, but the principles apply to training in the workplace as well. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Overview of Facilities Management

    An 8 page paper discussing the role of facilities management and the roles of those involved in it. All business is obliged to operate as efficiently as possible in today’s competitive environment, and most are looking for additional ways of decreasing internal costs. The paper discusses the role of the facilities manager and workers as well as considerations in establishing facilities goals and objectives. It proposes that an appropriate measure is that of decreasing time devoted to “trouble” calls parallel to increasing time spent in preventive maintenance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Business Impact of TQM

    This paper examines the concept of Total Quality Management, some of its history, and its impact on businesses. The paper examines two sides of TQM, the supporters and detractors. Bibligraphy lists 10 sources.

  • Pro Football and Risk Management

    A 12 page research paper evaluating two common, but fairly new, business risk factors as they relate to professional football: sustained slow economic growth and increased (intensive) competition. The paper points to the dangers and consequences of not performing risk management duties well enough to ensure continued profitability, and for not evaluating the impact of changing external factors on their supporting fans. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Technology and Opening and Operating a Coffeehouse andDance Bar

    This 8 page report discusses opening and operating a coffeehouse/dance bar and the technology that can bring it all together in terms of entertainment, business functions, and management. Numerous challenges exist as part of the start-up process. However, owners of the club are profiled as determined to create a facility that is genuinely prepared to enter the future with every tool high technology can provide. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History and Uses of TQM

    A 4 pageoverview of the evolution of this management style. The author notesthe key players in the development of TQM and emphasizes it has evolvedover time to emphasize the human element of the industrial elements ofour business world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sociological, Physiological, and Psychological Issues Associated with the Management of Stress

    This 8 page report discusses numerous aspects of stress and stress management. Psychological and sociological factors have become the contemporary versions of the saber tooth tiger of prehistoric humans’ stress stimulators. Theories about the causes of stress ranging from the anthropological aspects to the physiological have been propagated for, at least, the past three decades. Such studies have shown that there are physiological, psychological and social components to stress and successful stress management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Privatization and the Logistics Management of the United States Military

    A 10 page paper that provides an overview of logistics management and considers the application for the management and outsourcing of military construction, maintenance and equipment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • HRM Development

    5 pages. The success of Human Resource professionals lies in their relationship with line managers. The line managers are Human Resources’ primary customers. This paper fully explores the development of Human Resource Management as a model and the relationship of HR to line management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Policy and Management of Ecosystems

    This 10 page report discusses the ideas associated with ecosystem management and the public policy initiatives and ideas that have evolved as a result of ecosystem awareness. A truly sustainable society manages its economy and population size without exceeding all or part of the planet’s ability to absorb environmental deprivation, replenish resources, and sustain both human and other life. A focus on a strong commitment to ecosystem management can make that possible.Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Healthcare Industry Financial Management

    This 5 page essay discusses issues revolving around effective and meaningful financial management in the health care industry. The political system of the United States is fundamentally responsible for the development of policy and no area feels the politicized nature of policy-making more than health care. As a result, comprehensive and effective financial management is the key component of the modern health care delivery process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management and the Behavior School of Thought

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the Behavior School of Management Thought. The Behavior School of Management Thought reflects the ideas of a group of notable people including Mary Parker Follett, Chester Barnard, Hugo Munsterberg, Oliver Sheldon, Elton Mayo, F.J Roethlisberger, and W.J. Dickson. These theorists all had a common goal, which was to better the work place. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Classical Scientific Management Schools and Theorists

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the Scientific School of Management thought. The Scientific School of Management Thought reflects the ideas of a large group of notable people including Frederick Taylor, Henry Fayol, Henry Gantt, Henry Towne, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Elton Mayo, Harrington Emerson, Chester Barnard, Dickson, Roethsliberger, W. Edwards Deming, and Max Weber. These theorists all had a common goal, which was to better work the work place by making work more effective and efficient. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Hospital Emergency Department and Supply Chain Management

    An 11 page paper that presents a case study of a large hospital and clinic organization but that focuses on the emergency department. The writer describes the existing supply chain management issues for the emergency rooms, provides examples of supply chain management systems in other global industries as well as in the health care industry and then makes recommendations for the emergency rooms under study. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Nursing Ethics and Operations Management

    A 3 page research paper that discusses ethical decision making in operations management as it applies to nursing case management. A specific case study is presented and discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Silvio Napoli as Schindler India (HBS Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper summarizes and evaluates the Harvard Business School case study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Healthcare Case Study in Polarity Management

    This 4 page paper is written in three parts. Using the example of a healthcare center with conflicting needs of cost and quality the writer demonstrates the use of polarity management. The first part of the paper outlines the role and aim of polarity management, the second part of the paper presents a polarity map, and the third part considers how the map can be used to find a 'solution'. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Ford Motor Company's Management Issues

    A 5 page paper that discusses management issues at Ford Motor Company. This corporation has had a number of harassment and discrimination charges brought against it and in most cases, the plaintiffs won. This would suggest that human resource management is not very effective. The issues are discussed in terms of lost productivity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    This 7-page paper focuses on Oprah Winfrey and her business Harpo Inc. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


    This 8-page paper is an analysis of the Harvard Business School case study "SuperValu Inc: Professional Development Program." Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 5-page paper provides an analysis of the Harvard Business School case study "Recruitment of a Star."


    This 4-page paper provides an analysis of the case study "Urban Outfitters Continuing Case Study -- Marketing a Business."

  • Designing for Diversity

    A 6 page paper consisting of slide contents and speaker notes for a 6-slide PowerPoint® presentation encouraging a young, growing company to establish and adopt commitment to diversity at the top management levels. Using Nestlé as an example – the Swiss company has only one Swiss board member – the presentation highlights the benefits of a more diverse workforce and management team, increasingly important in America now that we have surpassed population of 300 million. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Which Represents the Best Research Methodology?

    A 4 page research paper on quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The writer examines the benefits and disadvantages of each method, as well as the rationales used for favoring one type over another. This examination also shows the advantages of combining these methods so as to approach a research topic, such as risk management, in a more comprehensive manner. This examination then switches focus to the topic of risk management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Two Management Models - Quantitative and Human Relations Models

    This 3 page paper looks at two approaches to human resource management; the quantitative approach and the human relations school of thought. The paper outlines each of these approaches, looking at the characteristics of the HRM models and assessing what they have added to the understanding of management. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Conflict Management Styles - Case Study

    This 5 page paper begins with a brief description of the five major conflict management styles. The rest of the paper analyzes a scenario provided by the student in which a teenager arrives home very late on a Saturday night and in which the mother and her fiancé disagree on how to discipline the boy. Conflict management styles used by each party are discussed and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Rock Of Ages Value Chain = Case Study

    A 3 page paper based on a student-supplied case study. The essay provides a summary of management issues facing this company and recommendations for management actions. In the case, the company's manufacturing division is not performing up to expectations. This is a granite company with quarries and manufacturing facilities; the company also sells its own products. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Komatsu Case Study

    A 4 page paper. Komatsu is Caterpillar's main competitor although Caterpillar's dominance in this market continues to be stable. This essay discusses this Harvard Case study and includes a brief background of the company, growth, management principles, management strategies, progress, competitive environment and recommendations for the company. This case study discusses event up to the mid-1980s. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Aquarius Marketing Case Study

    This 19 page paper is based on a study is supplied by the student. The first part of the paper assesses the requirements of Aquarius Marketing for a new information technology system. The second part of the paper utilises soft systems modelling (SSM) to determine what is needed and the way that the project should go ahead. Several issues concerning project management then discussed including the importance of scheduling and resource allocation, the importance of leadership to prevent problems in project management, the importance of communication and the value of mentoring. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Overview of Pain Management

    7 pages. An in-depth look at the study of pain management. Specifically addresses the implications that psychological models of pain have for pharmacological/medical approaches to pain management. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Organizational Types of Project Management

    A 6 page paper discussing one aspect of project management. Each type of organization has project management issues of its own, and projects within any type must be aligned in a manner most useful to the organization. The failure rate of projects may result at least in part from a failure to note these functional and structural differences in organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 5-page paper discusses cyberterrorism, what forms it takes, and how it can threaten businesses in the United States. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Personal Jurisdiction Issues and Internet Business Websites

    This 6 page paper discusses the personal jurisdiction problems involved with business on the internet. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Managing Stress in the Critical Incident

    7 pages. Critical incident stress management is very important to have for debriefing or diffusing purposes as a resource for first line responders to any disaster. Those firefighters, police officers and other disaster relief workers undergo untold amounts of stress and while they might not at first think so, the early intervention of stress related health problems could be averted with critical incident stress management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Literature and Pain Management

    A 7 page research paper that examines relevant nursing literature regarding the topic of pain relief/management. The hypothesis for this investigation posits that relevant nursing literature on pain relief/management offers viable options that can be investigated regarding alternatives to traditional analgesic pain remedies. A survey of studies published within the last five years in various nursing journals was conducted and this produced a literature review that verified this hypothesis. Implications for nursing practice and further research are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Alternative Style of Management Work Team Approach

    This 8 page paper considers the benefits that can be derived from implementing work team approaches as an alternative management style and relates this in a number of areas of development for Federal Express, a company that focuses on the team approach in their human resources management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Category Management

    A 20 page paper providing chapters 1 and 2 of an MBA thesis discussing category management from the retailer's perspective and hypothesizing that its use leads to greater customer satisfaction. Chapter 1 is the introduction and provides background on category management, its uses, history and development. Chapter 2 is the literature review for the project. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Year 2000 Crisis and How Y2K Can Be Successfully Managed

    A 10 page overview of the predicted computer/communications apocalypse and management techniques. The author concentrates on two areas of concern, date coding and the introduction of viruses based on the millenium and other biases. However, the larger view is taken of 'mainstream' date coding problems, and considers audit cases and costs. Mitigation focuses on internal and global management of the problem. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Total Health Plan Project Management Case Study

    A 12 page paper that describes project management for the development of a comprehensive health management program for a small company. Includes: work breakdown structure, task flow, project schedule and reporting, costs, and evaluation of project and performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social and Professional Success Through the Management of Time

    A 10 page research paper on time management and its importance to the individual in today's fast-paced, production-orientated society. Steps necessary in the effective management of one's time are discussed including : task prioritization, planning, setting of deadlines, etc; Problems and obstacles to accomplishing such goals are explained as are ways to overcome them. Decision-making is of primary importance to this discussion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Conflict Management

    This 4 page paper highlights the relevance of conflict management. What is conflict management and why is it important? Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Organizations and Conflict Management

    A 5 page paper that describes different types of conflict styles and reports a protocol for dealing with conflict. The writer comments on how to persuade management to adopt a conflict management approach. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Conflict Management Styles - Case Study

    This 5 page paper begins with a brief description of the five major conflict management styles. The rest of the paper analyzes a scenario provided by the student in which a teenager arrives home very late on a Saturday night and in which the mother and her fiancé disagree on how to discipline the boy. Conflict management styles used by each party are discussed and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Managing Employee Performance

    This 9 page paper looks at performance management, what it is and how it can take place, looking at the use of tools such as performance assessment and appraisal system as well as performance related to pay ass their use in performance management. The bibliography cites 8 sources.


    This 3-page paper presents a book review on Alexander Hill's Just Business Christian Ethics for the Marketplace.

  • Business Intelligence

    This 3 page paper examines and defines business intelligence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 3-page paper is an analysis of various business intelligence tools, offering the idea that the tools are good for numbers-crunching.

  • Business and Ethics

    A 4 page paper that considers the statement: "ethics has no place in business" and relates this statement to a discussion of companies and multinational operations.

  • Fast Food and E-Commerce

    This 10 page paper considers the impact that e-commerce has had on the fast food companies and their financial management. The paper looks at the potential ways e-commerce may be used, such as management of the supply chain, marketing and the use of the internet as a sales medium. The paper uses examples of real companies to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • The Importance of Communication Skills in Management

    A 6 page overview of the importance of communication in management. The manager depends on good communication skills to conduct all aspects of his or her job duties. Without such skills management would falter and company productivity and the accomplishment of organizational goals would suffer. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Information Management

    This 9 page paper is written in 4 parts. The first part looks at information management methods and system, including paper files, databases and management information systems. The second part of the paper considers storage issues, the third part looks at decision making and the last part of the paper outlines the stages to running a meeting. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Answering 4 Operations Management Questioins

    This 15 page paper responds to four questions that address how certain environmental events or conditions would affect operations management in corporations. The first question discuses the effects of an increase or decrease in tariffs. The beef industry and the higher tariff in Japan is used as an example. Second, what effect would more stringent air and water quality laws have on operations. The Kodak company's problems with the EPA are explained in this discussion. The next issue has to do with the expectation for greater employee empowerment in the workplace. FedEx is the example used in this discussion. Finally, what would be the effect on operations management if there was an outbreak of a serious disease. For this question, the essay first comments on the SARS epidemic and the effects on two companies in Asia. Ebola is used as an example, also. The anthrax attack and the change in operations with the U.S. postal service is also discussed. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Knowledge Management

    An 8 page paper. Despite the volumes that have been written about knowledge management, confusion and debate continue about exactly what that means. The writer comments on this fact and explains why this confusion may still exist. The discussion includes the identification of the three areas that need to work together for a firm to develop an effective knowledge management system. The characteristics of the industrial enterprise are compared to those of the knowledge enterprise. The writer then reports the type of leadership style, transactional or transformational, that would seem to be more effective for each of the three components, creating, sharing and exploiting knowledge. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Teen Pregnancy and Case Management Protocol

    According to the website for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, based on the 1996 U.S. Census, the vital statistic for teen pregnancy for the state of Oregon is a 90 in 1,000 chance that a girl between the age of 15 and 19 will become pregnant (Fact Sheet). The national average for this age group is 97 in 1,000. This is only one reason why this population was chosen for this study in case management. Note that focus is also placed on general concepts of case management. Bibliography lists 8 sources. jvCaseMg.rtf

  • Management Issues and Corporate Diversity

    An excellent, 9 page research paper on contemporary diversity issues in management. Included in the discussion are females in the workplace ("glass ceilings"), senior citizens in the workplace, the controversial role of Affirmative Action, and more. Important statistics and many examples are included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Discussion of Controversial Issues in Classroom Management

    This 12 page paper begins with a scenario that describes the context of the secondary school and the specific issue to be discussed. A teacher wants to incorporate issues-based discussions into the curriculum. The issue is: How to manage the discussions to meet the objective of students feeling safe enough to voice their opinions? and What model of classroom management can be used to establish this type of safe environment and that will also avoid having the discussions escalating into shouting matches and/or verbal abuse? The essay discusses the avoidance of issues-based curriculum in schools. The writer then describes what is thought to be the best classroom management model for this particular situation. The essay ends with an action plan. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Leadership in Nursing

    An 8 page research paper that, first of all, examines the difference between leadership and management concepts while also providing a personal philosophy of leadership. From this orientation, suggestions are then offered that illustrate how team building concepts and organizational theory, including change theory, can be applied to nursing clinical practice. Contemporary nursing is a constantly advancing, changing field in which knowledge is advancing in all specialty fields at an accelerated rate. In order for nurses to continue to offer the optimum in evidence-based patient care, there must be a synthesis between leadership and management that encourages nurses to keep "at the top of their game" and thereby reach their full potential as healthcare professionals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Star Technologies Drug Testing and Management

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the management issues at Star Technologies, including the problem of drug use and drug testing. This paper integrates an overview of the management systems in place for to address the problem of drug testing and drug use in the company. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 3-page paper focuses on the concept of working capital management, what it is, and what companies use it more effectively. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Warehouse Management; Frazelle’s 5 Dimensions

    This 4 page paper examines the concept and management of a potential warehouse using Frazelle’s 5 dimensions model where the five dimensions are profile, benchmarking, innovation, automation and humanize. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Nursing Management/Retention Issues

    A 6 page research paper in which the writer explores and summarizes various strategies hat can be employed by nursing management. The problems with turnover and nurse retention that have been have been typical of this nursing unit over the last several years are actually quite typical of the country as a whole, as nationally, the turnover rates for hospital nursing staff averages over 20 percent (Force, 2005). However, since this is a widespread problem, which has been acerbated by the nursing shortage, management strategies that promote nursing staff retention, as well as strategies that address the issues that research shows to be influential in creating nursing staff job satisfaction. Nursing managers are the link between hospital administration and nursing staff. Therefore, one of the crucial responsibilities of a nurse manager is to implement strategies and procedures that ensure nurse retention and job satisfaction (Anthony, 2005). Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Trouble Shooting in Services Industries

    Companies providing services to consumers, such as in the tourism industry, need to understand where there may be gaps in the services that are provided and the services expected. This 3 page paper discusses 4 potential gaps considering the causes and potential solutions. These four gaps are the gap between a customer expectation and the expectations perceived by management, the Gap between the management perceptions and consumer expectations and the way it is translated into service quality specifications, the gap between service quality specifications and the delivery of those specifications to the customer and the gap between the service delivered to customers and the external communication about the service. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Evaluation of Talent Management Strategies; A Case Study Of a University

    This 50 page paper looks at the issue of talent management. The paper starts with an introduction with background, aims and objectives limitations. This is followed by an in-depth literature review that looks at relevant topics including the definition of talent, how it may be identified and the use of training and development programs and the value of mentoring in developing skills and talent. A methodology is presented for use in gathering primary data with the use of questionnaires to assess the way talent management is taking place in an organization. Simulates results are presented and discussed and recommendations are made based on the research findings and the literature review. The bibliography cites 36 sources.

  • Business Intelligence Competitive Tool of Data Mining

    This is a 7 page paper discussing data mining. The increasingly competitive markets have resulted in the development of more sophisticated business intelligence tools which can be applied to data warehouses. Data mining tools have been developed to not only give businesses the advantage of analyzing past and present data within their organizations but also allow future trends and analysis of customer behavior among other significant factors which give businesses an increase in focus in customer relations and marketing in a more efficient and non-redundant manner. Included in the paper is a 1 page outline, description of the leading data mining tools and an example of a business (PNC Bank Corp.) who purchased a data mining tool (Unica’s Model 1) in order to give them a competitive advantage in regards to marketing and expanding their customer satisfaction base. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Data Mining and Business Intelligence

    This is a 7 page paper discussing data mining. The increasingly competitive markets have resulted in the development of more sophisticated business intelligence tools which can be applied to data warehouses. Data mining tools have been developed to not only give businesses the advantage of analyzing past and present data within their organizations but also allow future trends and analysis of customer behavior among other significant factors which give businesses an increase in focus in customer relations and marketing in a more efficient and non-redundant manner. Included in the paper is a 1 page outline, description of the leading data mining tools and an example of a business (PNC Bank Corp.) who purchased a data mining tool (Unica’s Model 1) in order to give them a competitive advantage in regards to marketing and expanding their customer satisfaction base. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Factors Influencing CRM Implementation in a Logistic Environment

    This 46 page paper is a proposal and literature review for research to identify the different influencing factors that are present when a firm wants to successfully introduce customer relationship management (CRM) system. The paper gives an introduction with aims and several hypotheses to be tested and then undertakes an input literature review, considering the different elements of CRM implementation that may be influential. Factors consider range from the functionality of the system, its ability to access and interpret data to the management of human factors and managing change. The paper then gives a methodology to be used for the primary research along with a short timetable and budget. The bibliography cites 41 sources.

  • GST of Canada

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST). Since its implementation in January 1991, the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been an excessive burden to the consumers, businesses, corporations, financial institutions and the federal government itself. The initial implementation costs because of manufacturer costs associated with new accounting systems alone for example reached an estimated $1 million per taxpayer. The continuing annual administration costs to comply are estimated at around $500,000 per taxpayer in addition to a total cost to small businesses of over $1.2 billion annually. The Tax Executives Institute was hired in 1994 to assess the system and while it admitted that the GST system was better for international business than the previous FST (the federal sales tax system it replaced but was invisible to the consumer), overall the administration of the system should be modified to have a higher threshold for registration (introduced and still at $30,000 for small businesses), a lower tax rate, but with fewer exemptions to decrease administrative costs among others. The government did not implement these recommendations so that in addition to the continued annual burden on tax payers in Canada, according to the budget released in February 2003 the government now has to reimburse several educational and municipal organizations for GST payments retroactive to the year the GST was introduced; an additional cost to the Canadian tax payer which has yet to be determined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Portfolio Management and Information Technology Investigation

    A 13 page paper discussing the communications aspects of IT project management and providing a study of IT portfolio management (ITPM) as a means of increasing transparency and protecting the schedules of projects already underway. The study concludes that the IT project manager should not reject suggested alterations out of hand, but that the organization should agree to begin alteration of the project upon completion if omissions are discovered after the project has begun. In the end, it is communication and respect for individuals that lead to project success. The project itself must be well-thought out and well planned. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Massage Therapy as Alternative Pain Management

    A 3 pages research paper on massage as a pain management strategy. Massage therapy is defined as "soft-tissue manipulation by trained therapists for therapeutic purposes" (Tan, et al, 2007, p. 195). Massage is offered in many styles and forms, such as "Swedish, reflexology, Shiatsu, Rolfing, and craniosacral" (Tan, et al, 2007, p. 195). Frequently, it is used as an adjunctive therapy that helps to prepared the patient for other interventions (Tan, et al, 2007). This discussion of massage therapy will examine its use as a strategy that can be used for pain management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Bolman and Deal's Theories as they relate to School Systems

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the primary management practices within the school system in the context of Bolman and Deal’s four organizational frames. Bolman and Deal’s text “Reframing Organizations” (2003) deals with the concepts of frames within the workplace which employs the “usable knowledge” available from a management perspective and also addresses the failures within organizations “due to lack of imagination”. Organizations are broken into the four conceptual “frames” of structural, human resources, political and symbolic which account for the various aspects of planning, staffing, organizing, directing and controlling within any organization. The management functions within school systems can also work within these frames as they include all of the same vital components which must be managed and maintained as within corporations. A study published by Souchet (2001) is used to show the management practices within the school system in regards to the role of a principal within a small urban setting in the Mid-Western United States. The school principal within the school setting is “also known as the middle manager and the site administrator” in organizational terms and is considered as the major managerial influence within the school as he or she must determine “whether the education is effective or ineffective, whether morale is high or low, whether the school climate is positive or negative; whether personnel are satisfied or dissatisfied; whether students achieve or don’t achieve; whether parents and the public are cooperative or uncooperative; and whether there is effective or ineffective management and leadership”. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Women and Telecommunications II

    In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • eCommerce History

    An 11 page paper tracing the history of ecommerce over the past century. After computers became necessary for business, it became desirable to use the electronic environment for more than only information storage. Data networking was the only missing link, and eventually telecommunications networks were sufficiently available to enable purchasing and payments in the electronic environment. Ecommerce was born, to be embraced by business and consumer segments at different rates. The purpose here is to trace the history of ecommerce and technology over the past century, and to make a conclusion as to whether the industrial age has ended. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Peter Doughnuts, Supplying Coffee and 'Brewing Up Sales'

    A 7 page business proposal from Lighthouse Roasters to Peter’s Doughnuts to provide the 76-location chain with gourmet dark-roast coffee as a sole-source provider. Peter’s business has suffered from competition with Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, and it seeks to add a gourmet coffee line in an effort to win back customers. Peter’s will sell its coffee at prices considerably lower than Dunkin’ Donuts, and far below Starbucks’ prices. The proposal suggests that Peter’s pays slightly more per pound than it had wanted to, while Lighthouse accept a price also slightly less than what it wanted, based on the belief that the increase in volume will translate to an increase in margin as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Kudler Fine Foods Case Study; Legal Issues

    This 8 page paper examines the case study supplied by the student. A business has to make some decisions with legal implications. The paper examines the business issues in terms of the legal environment. The first part of the paper considers the implications of making layoffs, the second part of the paper looks at whether it be wise to enter into written contracts and some suppliers, the third part of the paper discusses potential product-liability is in the sale of organic food and the last part of the paper outlines some legal considerations when hiring staff. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and Efforts to Create or Promote Positive Organizational Behavior

    A 10 page paper discussing the influence of these two factors in achieving success in international business. There is a lag time between establishing strategy for the future and arriving at that time that formerly was referred to as “the future.” During that lag time, HRM is obliged to have identified the organization’s workforce’s current position and future needs, and to train for those needs that will be needed in the future. The goal is to develop and maintain a workforce aligned in qualifications and expertise with the organization’s strategic goals. The larger organization needs to have defined precisely what the organization’s strategy will be both at the current time and in the future. HRM must have time to plan and have a direction that it needs to go. Astute organizational behavior combined with effective HRM should result in greater business effectiveness. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Toy Helicopters' Marketing

    A 5 page paper discussing the dilemma of Majestic City Helicopters. The company began retailing toy helicopters in 1994 after realizing that the core business of providing helicopter tours of London likely had little room for any further growth. Business was promising enough at the beginning, but since has declined each year. A marketing consultant has made suggestions; it is now left to the company to decide what it will implement and how it can best approach increasing sales of its toy helicopters. The paper suggests moving away from the mass market to upscale outlets and otherwise addressing its marketing mix. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • "Pretty Woman" - Social Psychology Principles

    7 pages in length. The film Pretty Woman utilizes a number of social psychological principles befitting the diverse nature of the two leading characters. Looking for a break from his otherwise structured and restricted life, the wealthy business man crosses social boundaries by spending time with a prostitute; inasmuch as he views the entire situation as wholly innocent, he acts out behaviors clearly based upon well worn stereotypes. However, the most pertinent scene where this bias gives way to an attitude change is when he meets her in the hotel lounge for their business dinner date. Failing to notice her as she sits at the bar in 'appropriate' attire, he does a double take when he finally realizes the streetwalker from earlier in the day had been transformed into a well-groomed, attractive woman. Their walk through the lobby draws many admiring glances from guests and staff alike, confirming how presentation of self is a powerful determiner of stereotypical treatment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Conflict At Work - Case Study

    A 4 page paper that describes a hypothetical conflict in the workplace and discusses the conflict management approaches each party used. Recommendations are given. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Canyon Ranch Case Study

    This 3 page paper looks at the case of Canyon Ranch. The issue of whether or not a CRM (customer relationship management) system should be adopted is discussed as well as how it may help, the potential strategy and infrastructure and the potential for CRM to be a sustainable strategic tool. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Riordan Manufacturing Case Study

    This 7 page paper performs a gap analysis on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan Manufacturing, a fictitious company, is suffering from declining sales, volatile profits and a low level of employee motivation. The paper assesses the current problems, looks at the position the company wishes to retain and assesses the shortfall. With an assessment of the gap some potential solutions suggested. The paper is written from a human resource management perspective. The bibliography cites six sources.

  • JKA Case Study

    This 8 page paper answers questions based on a case study provided by the student. JKA is a commercial programming consultancy firm that has expanded into other areas including dispute resolution. The case answers questions concerning the marketing of the company; how brandy should take place and the value of CRM, management of the company; the organisation and communication within the company, and accounting; the impact of opening an office in Dubai on the ratio analysis and cash-flow statements. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Postgirot Bank Case Study

    This 3 page paper gives an analysis of the way in which Postgirot Bank adopted a new information technology system involving interactive management. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 2 sources

  • Intaldata Case Study

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study presented by the student and puts together some questions and answers that would be suitable to use as a revision aid for human resource management and issues concerning change, culture structure and leadership in a firm. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Increasing Retention of Employees Management Style Research

    A 4 page preliminary research proposal describing a qualitative study into employee attitudes and preferences in manager characteristics and style. The researchers expect to find the employees identify several different management styles within the organization being studied. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Airline Industry - Profitability And Risk Management

    This 10 page paper is the beginning proposal for a research study that asks if there is a relationship between operational risk management and profitability in the airline industry. The paper presents the problem, the questions, an overview of the literature on the topics and the research design. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Is there Gender Bias in the Appointment of Senior Managers?

    This 4 page paper is a research proposal to assess to what extent the glass ceiling exists in order to prevent women gaining senior management positions, and how this may be overcome. The paper presents a methodology for the research as well as justification. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Rio Tinto

    This 11 page paper, made up of 9 pages of text and a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation looks at the performance of Rio Tinto. The first part of the paper looks at the strategic approach and the financial results between 2004 and 2008. The second part considered the important of treasury management and the last part discusses the importance of harmonization of international accounting standards. The PowerPoint presentation presents a SWOT analysis of the company and its performance. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Managing and Treating Sexual Offenders

    This 60 page paper is a dissertation study of the treatment and management of sexual offenders. This paper relates the existing studies on this subject and makes some distinct conclusions on beneficial approaches. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Weber and Taylor on Management Theory

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a POWERPOINT presentation on the concepts of Weber and Taylor and their views of management. This paper outlines the specific material for each slide and the notes that can be used to describe what is on the slides. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Chapters One through Three of Introduction, Study of the Problem and Outcomes and Evaluation Education Action Research Proposal

    A 15 page paper providing the Introduction, Study of the Problem and Outcomes and Evaluation chapters of a proposal for action research in a junior high school. The purpose of the research is to discover the state of classroom disruptions that teachers deal with and their responses to those disruptions, followed by implementation of a school-wide classroom management program designed to decrease students’ disruptive behavior. The goal of the action research is not only to improve the classroom environment, but also to reduce teachers’ stress; improve teachers’ effectiveness; improve student achievement; and improve student morale. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Assessing HRM Practices at British Gas; A Research Proposal

    This 13 page paper is a research proposal to investigate the human resource management practices at British Gas, identifying the HRM approach that is adopted and the way that the practices add or detract value from the firm and identify potential area of improvement. The paper gives the aims and methods, the research questions and the methodology. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Dissertation Proposal on the Commercial Value of IT

    This 6 page paper considers the value and impact of information technology investments and the implications of those investments for effective management of information system organization. The paper outlines a proposal to study the way that value can be added and to develop a model to help mangers who are looking at making IT investment decisions. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Proposal for Internet Expansion of Chiropractic Office

    A 15 page paper that presents a proposal directed to investors. In this proposal a group of chiropractors have decided to market their services Online by developing a Web site. The paper includes an executive summary; company overview; market comparison; marketing plan; management plan; data comparing average number of patients to the base for these chiropractors; costs for establishing and maintaining the Web site; obstacles and opportunities, including research; initial plan; action plan and offerings to the investor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Managing Conflict in Brazil

    A 4 page paper that discusses a proposal to offer training in conflict management in organizations in Brazil. A recent global study regarding the costs and frequency of conflict is reported. The writer explains why the proposal is good and why it would work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Securities Portfolios in Russian Banks/A Research Proposal

    This 5 page paper is a research outline for examining the risks in the formation and management of the securities portfolios of the commercial banks of Russia. The paper begins with considering of the available research methodologies and then designs a research proposal for the gathering and analysis of the required information. The bibliography cites 11 sources.


    This 15-page paper is a formal research proposal concerning patient safety, medical errors and uses of health care management theories to solve these issues. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Congestive Heart Failure, A Change Proposal for a PICU

    This 8 page document constitutes the attached notation that accompanies 13 slide power point presentation, which will be sent to the purchaser, with the attached notes that describe a protocol developed by Martinen and Freundl (2004), which provides a standardized management of congestive heart failure and thereby strengthens the continuum of care. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Exconom Expansion

    A 3 page consultant's proposal to research likely targets for expansion of Exconom, an excavating company in Singapore that uses tunnel-free technology for cabling and piping infrastructure needs. Exconom's management is hesitant to expand at all, so the consultant offers a proposal for supplying information on other ASEAN nations as well as China as likely targets for Exconom's expansion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Strategic Management and Trust Relationships

    This is a 24 page proposal for a research study. The paper includes: an introduction, purpose, theoretical base, methodology, questionnaires and conclusion. The essay discusses strategic management processes, including planning and implementation, and the role of trust or confidence in the organization. 3 Questionnaires are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • A Research Project To Determine The Best Way Of Increasing Customer Loyalty At Scandinavian Airways Systems (SAS)

    This 79 page paper is a dissertation style paper undertaking research to look at how the Scandinavian airline SAS can improve customer loyalty and the potential of using customer relationship management (CRM) to achieve increased loyalty. The paper looks at the development of the company, how they compete and the current loyalty system that is in place followed by an in-depth literature review concerning customer loyalty and CRM. A methodology is offered and simulated primary research results are presented before a conclusion is reached that recommends the adoption of a CRM system. The bibliography cites 54 sources.

  • Why Do Employees from the Employer?

    This 22 page paper is a research proposal for a full-length dissertation in the causes of employee theft. The problem is considered from the context of security risk management, looking at a number of different theoretical approaches to causes of crime, with an in-depth literature review, and a proposal for a suitable research methodology utilizing quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • The Role Of Database System In 5 Star Hotel In Kazakhstan; Research Proposal

    This 5 page paper looks at the way research could be undertaken to identify the type of database and database management system a five star hotel would need. The paper includes an introduction, objective, a brief literature review, justification, methodology and expected results. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Employee Motivation and Commitment and the Impact of Management Style Research Proposal

    A 4 page research proposal describing a qualitative study into employee attitudes and preferences in manager characteristics and style. The researchers expect that results will indicate that more participatory and democratic forms of management style will be far more beneficial than any autocratic approach we may find. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cellular Telephone Services and Optimal Pricing Plans

    A 12 page paper providing a proposal for research into customers’ perceptions of the value of their cellular telephone service. Competition is so very intense in the industry that the service provider able to operate at optimum pricing levels likely will gain competitive advantage over other competitors. As price pressures increase, profit margins will become even tighter than they are at present. It is in this range of operation that sound and astute management provides the greatest benefit, and where optimum pricing can provide competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Prudential Research Presentation

    This 10 page paper is made up of PowerPoint presentation slides and presentation notes presenting the results of research assessing management style of a company long with the recommendation for improvement. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • The Impact of Vertical Integration on Health Care Systems

    A 12 page proposal for a study on the impacts of vertical integration on administrations in health care systems. This proposal supports the thesis that effective administrative processes, including management philosophies and information systems are necessary for the cost effective use of vertical integration. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Managing a Global Brand

    When a company wants to sell brands in more than one country it has choices in the way it managements the brand, either with a stand approach or it may customize the marketing for each market. This 14 page paper is a research proposal with the objective to identify which of these approaches is the most effective marketing strategy and of there is no clear winner how a company should determine which strategy to use. The proposal gives a strong background to the question and presents a clear methodology for primary research. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Implementing Performance Management within an Organization

    This 13 page paper examines the concept of performance management, looks at the benefits of its implementation and considers how it may be implemented within an organization with the use of employee performance appraisals. The paper is made up of a 9 page written paper 7 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Exploring Learning Management Systems - Skillsoft

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of learning management systems. Skillsoft in particular is examined across many dimensions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Important Issues in Project Management

    This 14 page paper looks at the topic of project management and considers what types of subjects would need to be examined before producing a project plan. The paper takes the format of a research proposal complete with research questions literature review and Gantt chart for scheduling the writing of the project plan. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • HMO Effectiveness Speaker Notes

    A 5 page summary of a Power Point presentation and speaker notes assessing measurement of quality of care for Aetna U.S. Healthcare in 2002 plus a one-page handout summarizing the presentation. The presentation discusses member access to services and member satisfaction, and how management can increase the measures of each. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Practice and Theory of Leadership and Management

    A 7 page paper assessing a small private company according to the management theories of Herzberg; Hersey and Blanchard (situational leadership); and Fiedler’s Contingency model. Bibliography lists 5 sources. A 17-slide PowerPoint presentation is also available.

  • Strategies for Risk Management

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of legal risk management. Information is presented as Powerpoint speaker notes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management

    The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.

  • Nordstrom And Anita's Apparel - Case Study

    A 3 page paper that is based on the case study in Anthony and Govindarajan's book, Management Control Systems, 10th ed. The paper explains Nordstrom's compensation program, customer satisfaction and employee empowerment. The second part discusses what Anita's Apparel stores could do in terms of compensation and other factors to improve their sales. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ben & Jerry's Case Study

    A 4 page paper that reports and discuses a case study of this company. The problem has to do with the salary ration maximum established by the founders. According to some, the ratio is preventing the company from attracting really talented senior management officers. Bibliography lists 1 sources.


    This 4-page paper presents a case study about conflict management between a project leader and one of her team members. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 4-page paper focuses on the importance of strategic management by examining a case study of the fictitious Copley Company. Biblliography lists 6 sources.

  • Projections for 2010 at the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. The projected budget for 2010 calculated based on the figures provided in the case study, followed by an assessment of the budget looking at the potential underlying financial management issues and policies to assess strengths and weaknesses.

  • Are Payday Loans Legalized Loan-Sharking?

    A 3 page paper discussing the operation and ethics of payday loan companies. The need for the existence of payday loan companies is regrettable, but the business can be expected to grow as the economy continues to favor greater numbers of low-paying service jobs. They are not legal loan sharks, but their success certainly indicates a need for general financial education in public schools. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Google

    This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at Google’s eCommerce interests, considering the scope of the business and the core elements. The second section discusses the particular challenges that Google faces in marketing itself. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Sustainable Development; The Influence of the United Nations

    This 9 page paper looks at the contribution of the United Nations (UN) towards the development of the idea of ‘sustainable business practices’, evaluates the United Nations political influence and examines the different geographical and political agendas which have contributed towards the concept of sustainable development from this institution. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Leading Plastics Injection Molding Company

    A 4 page paper that discusses some of Riordan's operational business systems using documents written about this privately held company. The writer makes recommendations for improving some of those systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pension Business and Insurance Companies

    A 10 page paper that explains the types of pension/retirement programs offered by insurance companies, what they are, how they work, eligibility for them, and benefits distribution options. The writer also discusses what insurance companies need to do if they want to capture a greater proportion of the pension business industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Business Basics - Competitive Advantages and Challenges of International Trade

    This 9 page paper is written in two parts. The first part explains the concept of competitive advantage and looks at how a firm may decide what form of advantage to pursue. The second part of the paper discusses advantages and challenges and strategies that may be found in international business. The bibliography cites 8 sources.


    This 10-page paper discusses accounting issues that will be faced by an Australian firm wishing to enter India to do business. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Adding a Catering Business

    A 7 page paper providing preliminary investigation into whether Kudler Fine Foods should add a catering business. The paper discusses three articles addressing niche, technology and consumer taste. Kudler has been contemplating adding an organic department; the paper suggests creating a catering service that specializes in organic foods. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Employee Absenteeism Predictors

    4 pages in length. Absenteeism is manifestation of myriad circumstances within the work environment. From medical issues to job dissatisfaction and poor performance to a sense of appreciation, the extent to which people are absent from work is both grand and far-reaching. Concurrently, Human Resource has the potential for positively influencing the business when accurately able to predict excessive employee absenteeism by behaving proactively so as to alter the precursors of absenteeism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Plan for Exporting Beef from Australia to India

    This 5 page paper considers why exporting beef from Australia to India would be a good plan. The paper outlines the reason for beef being chosen as the export and then considers why beef is a good import for India and the basic underlying business issues that makes this an attractive proposition. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Dangers of Driving While Using Cell Phones

    3 pages in length. In this day and age of tremendous technological advancements, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished with a cell phone from the convenience of one's automobile, with drivers conducting business, making doctor's appointments, talking to friends, dialing in for radio station contests and everything else that can be done from a conventional landline telephone. At issue, however, is the one significant difference where cell phones are concerned: The inherent danger of driving and talking at the same time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Workplace Discrimination Problems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the problem of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Suggestions are made as to how business owners can avoid related lawsuits. Drawbacks of recommendations are also considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Downfall of Napster Inc.

    A 9 page paper examining the reasons that Napster was forced out of business while other download services still operate today. Shawn Fanning’s Napster music download site unleashed a flurry of legal action that eventually led to the company’s demise. The purpose here is to assess the case and look for lessons in it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Music Industry Survival and Development

    This 21 page paper provides an abstract, a table of contents and then a look at the history of the music industry and where it is headed. Sections include ideas about the specifics of the music business, inclusive of legal issues. Genres as well as the changes in popularity from decade to decade are issues discussed in this paper that also looks at the social problems caused by music. Violence, sex and other problematic aspects are part of the analysis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Singer and Songwriter Ani DiFranco

    A 7 page research paper that discusses the career and talent of singer/songwriter Ani DiFranco. The writer argues that Ani DiFranco is not quite like anyone else in the highly commercialized music business, as she is an artist of extraordinary talent who also produces her own music. This gives DiFranco a degree of freedom enjoyed by few artists and allows her to keep making the intimate connections with her fans that make her music so important to her young cohort. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Peter Senge's Five Disciplines

    Peter Senge has been one of the most influential business theorists over the last decade, in his book "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization", he puts forward the idea that there are five disciplines an organization must tackle if it is to be successful. This 8 page paper considers those discipline as a while and then individually. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Learning from Leapfrog

    This 4 page paper uses a case study to discuss the success of Leapfrog Enterprises. It discusses the No Child Left Behind Act, as well as Leapfrog’s business model. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Ethics and the Old Testament

    A 4 page paper discussing the Ten Commandments, Sabbath years, the year of Jubilee and the Proverbs 31 woman. The Bible is filled with lessons in how people ought to act. The Ten Commandments provides the framework; other text passages expand on and give examples of the basic tenets of the Ten Commandments. Taken together and in context, all of these passages contain lessons for life today, speaking to us in terms of how we conduct business. No sources listed.

  • The Ghost of Hamlet's Father

    This 3 page paper discusses Elizabethan theology and argues that the idea that Hamlet's father has unfinished business is the best explanation for the presence of the ghost in the play. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Organizational Learning and Business Performance

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of organizational learning. An argument is presented for the relationship between learning and business performance. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • United Kingdom and Eastern Europe Privatization

    This paper examines the concept of privatization in both the former communist block and Eastern Europe. Under discussion are programs necessary to assist in decentralization of state-owned businesses and assets, as well as a "status report" of privatization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Practice Scope and Nursing Professionalism

    : A 3 page research paper that includes a 1 page introductory business letter to the nursing program manager who requested the research. This report pertains the topic of nursing professionalism and how this is influenced by the scope of practice. The topics covered pertain to nursing professionalism, as evidenced in activity of nursing professional organizations, both in Canada and the US; the Health Professions Act; registration and licensing; and continuing competence through lifelong learning, as evidenced in baccalaureate degree entry-to-practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Business Psychology and its Meaning

    This 10 page papers examines what is meant by the term business psychology, which also includes industrial psychology, and how its practice may enhance organisational performance. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Business Psychology

    This 6 page paper responds to certain questions and issues related to opening a new business. The paper discusses the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, what effective communication and three leadership theories, transactional, transformational and situational. The paper also comments on keeping balance in one's life as an entrepreneur. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Misuse of Psychology

    This 9 page paper looks at the way in which psychology can be used and abused. The paper outlines the way psychology has developed and then looks at its’ use and misuse in business, law and advertising. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Sociology and Psychology Integration

    5 pages in length. The integration of psychology and sociology has been brewing for some time now; indeed, contemporary society can no longer ignore the inherent connection between the two disciplines. When applied to the business community, the cohesion of psychology and sociology represents an enlightened approach to the working environment that has long been lacking. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Printing Industry in Australia

    This 11 page paper looks at the printing industry in Australia within a context of starting a new printing firm. The industry, its performance and segment are discussed, a PEST analysis performed and key success factors are identified before a SWOT analysis is undertaken to assess the potential of a new businesses this industry. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Time Value of Money, Sources of Finance, Bonds and Share and Influences on Inventory

    This 4 page paper answers 4 questions, the first defines rime value of money, future value of money and present value of money. The second part considers long term sources of finance for corporation. The third part of the paper discusses the differences between bonds, common shares and preference shares and the last part of the paper looks at the influence o the economy, business expansion plans and investments on inventory levels. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Book Report: Finance

    A 7 page report on "Finance" by Groppelli and Nikbakht, a volume of the Barron's Business Review Series. The book focuses on the finance associated with investments and includes discussions of capital budgeting, risk, capital structure and other basic finance concepts. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Amazon's Frontiers

    A 7 page paper assessing some of the areas that traveled through before becoming profitable. Preceding Amazon's arrival at profitability was a metamorphosis almost as complete as that which takes the caterpillar to the form of butterfly. Along the way the company developed a business model that serves it and its customers well. Three of the areas that Amazon has had to navigate are those of technology, the "chasm" of customer acceptance and its own evolution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Profit and Nonprofit Organizational Performance

    This 3-page paper attemps to compare metrics used for non-profit and for profit business systems. Also discussed is the impact of change on an organization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Selling T-Shirts to China for the Beijing Olympics

    This 26 page presents a report to support the idea of selling T-shirts branded for the Beijing Olympics in China in the run up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The considers China as a destination for a business venture including aspects such as culture and commercial environment before considering how the product should be deigned and marketed. The last part of the paper assumes that the company is an international company and proposes a method of market entry. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Guayaki Sustainable Rainforest Products

    This 28 page paper examines the California company Guayaki Sustainable Rainforest Products, the major supplier of the beverage yerba mate in the US and Canada, a beverage that is able to compete with coffee and tea as well as energy drinks. The paper looks at the company background, history and business model, assesses current and future competitors, identifies potential future markets and then performs a SWOT analysis discussing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company faces. The paper entered a conclusion and considers the potential international job opportunities with the company. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Business under Islamic Law

    This 8 paper looks at the way Sharia law impacts on business. Written in three parts the first part looks at the general influences, the second part looks at how bonds, or sukuk, are issues and the last part at the way sukuk is perceived under Islamic law. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Niche Businesses and Effective Social Media Marketing

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the value of social media to inexpensive marketing. The use of an expertise-oriented blog and social network campaign to promote a hypothetical niche business is explored. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

  • Statistics in Business Decision

    This 4 page paper looks at the way uncertainty can be dealt with in business by using statistics and probability. The paper presents as example of a shop that needs to determine how much stock to purchase where there are different influences that can be measured with statistics and probability. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Nano Car and the Company's Financial Goals

    A 3 page paper. The Tata Group is the largest private-sector corporation in India, comprising 95 separate companies in several business sectors. This essay discusses the strategic and financial goals of the Group and of Tata Motor, which released the Nano car in 2009. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGttn3.rtf

  • Why Passwords and Good Information Security Technologies Are Compromised by Users

    In three pages this paper discussed why in a corporate an/or business environment passwords and decent information technologies that are in place are still compromised by the people who use them and also considers how information security can be improved. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce

    This 4 page paper is an outline research proposal for a project to examine e-commerce. The project is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce for an existing business and how these may be used to determine the best possible strategy for entrance and continuation of trade on the internet. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Example Entrance Essay

    This 4 page paper is an example of an entrance essay where a student has to tell a business school how their back ground might enhance and broaden their own learning and those of their your classmates. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Marketing a Hospital

    This 10 page paper considers the way that a hospital will develop a marketing strategy to market its services. The paper considers the way that marketing theory will be used to help identify and develop a plan, what marketing elements the plan should include and how the plan should be linked to the overall business plan. The paper looks at who the marketing plan will be developed it does not present a marketing plan. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of an Online IPO

    Avaya is a large communications business which is considering an IPO. This 4 page paper looks at the potential for the organization to use an online IPO process rather than a traditional IPO process. The process itself is considered and the advantages and disadvantages associated with the process are discussed before determining if an online IPO is suitable for the company. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Making A Business Case with the Support of Spreadsheet Data and Graphs

    This 7 page paper demonstrates the way that spreadsheets and graphs may be utilized effectively to make a business decision and support a case for investment. The way spreadsheets may be used to generate information and the benefit of showing this is graphs is demonstrated by using a fictitious example of a restaurant planning an extension. The use of profit forecasts, revenue use and break even points are all demonstrated. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Peer to Peer Network and Client Server Network Computing

    This easy to read 5 page paper considers the business benefits and challenges of computing networks in general and looks especially at client server networks and peer to peer networks. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Computer System Security Types

    This 4 page paper looks at Internet security for individuals and businesses alike. Linux, Windows and the Mac O/S are each discussed and specific software problems are noted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • United Kingdom's Franchise Industry

    This 36 page paper examines the franchise industry in the UK. The paper begins with some background and an industry analysis including statistics and trends for each of the major sectors. The paper then considers why franchises are so popular with franchisees and franchisors, looking at the workings of a franchise and how it compares to other business models such as licenses, exporting and joint ventures or the use of subsidiary companies. The paper ends by applying the different models and the statistics to five areas of franchises, manufacturing, finance, services, distribution and retail. The bibliography cites 23 sources.

  • GE in Top Ten of Fortune 500

    An 8 page paper discussing the only company appearing in the top 10 of the Fortune 500 that also is the most admired company in 2006, for the sixth time in a decade. It seems clear that leadership style is most responsible for the positive benefits and results that GE gains each year. It is open but demanding, exacting but forgiving. It prefers failure over inaction. It focuses on bottom-line results but places people at a higher level of value than any other aspect of the business, relying on its people to carry the company through change after change. PowerPoint presentation available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Globalizing Businesses and Market Entry Strategies

    A 10 page paper discussing five of the several ways that organizations can become international enterprises: export, startup, acquisition, joint ventures and franchising, and briefly examines the choice of approach made by Nortel when it expanded into the US from Canada two decades ago. The route chosen by Nortel was that of startup, but there were fewer choices workable then. There is no question that businesses today have far greater choices in how they will enter new international markets. Direct startup is viable only for the largest of companies now, but joint venturing has been used successfully by organizations of all sizes. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis

    A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Organized Crime Syndicates and Commercial Burglaries

    In this 15 page paper, the question of what is meant by 'organized crime' is explored with particular reference to commercial burglaries and robberies. Several different types of criminal organization are discussed, from the organized efforts of individual criminals and affiliated acquaintances ('teams' or 'partners in crime') to more professionally organized 'gangs,' 'rings,' and finally to international sydicated crime with contracted criminals who conduct robberies and burglaries. It is argued that a new approach is needed to this significant risk to businesses from burglaries and robberies of all these types. This would, like new approaches to physical health, include attention to the causes as well as the symptoms of the worldwide crime disease, and to the general health of society as a preventative measure. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • The Big Dig in Boston

    A 5 page paper discussing the big-business logistics of the largest public works project ever. Boston's Central Artery, the elevated six-lane highway that runs through town, opened in 1959 and was a marvel that had been planned for growth. Designed to carry 75,000 vehicles daily, it is now one of the most congested highways in the nation carrying 190,000 vehicles each day. The budget for its replacement is $10.8 billion and is scheduled for completion in 2004. Though construction began in 1991, there was no overseeing IT plan implemented until 1996. The project has run more smoothly with the IT system in place, and political posturings connected with the project have largely ended. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nicholson File Company and Cooper Industries

    A 10 page case study examining the conditions and events that led to the end of the Nicholson File Company as a business entity all to its own. In 1972, there were at least three companies interested in acquiring Nicholson, two of which were what is now the CooperTools division of Cooper Industries and the H.K. Porter Company. Founded in 1919, Cooper was the youngster of the three and now owns both of the others. This paper addresses Cooper's astuteness in pursuing Nicholson, how much Cooper could afford to pay per share and the concerns of the then-existing Nicholson stockholders. No Bibliography.

  • Business Case Study of Odor Eater Socks

    A 6 page paper dealing with the markets acceptability of odor eater sock products. A background of Chipman-Union is given along with an overview of their examination of the markets susceptibility to the marketing of Odor Eater socks. Includes conclusions regarding the proposed marketing of this product and a graph showing the publics receptiveness to buying Odor Eater products as compared to regular products. No Bibliography.

  • Buckler Nonalcoholic Beer by Heineken

    A 10 page paper discussing marketing possibilities faced by Heineken in aiding the success of their nonalcoholic beer, Buckler. Heineken's overall goal is to be a European company headquartered in Amsterdam, rather than being a Dutch company that does business in Europe. Buckler has been available in France and Spain as well as the Netherlands since its launch, but Heineken has failed either to take advantage of the much larger markets of Germany and Great Britain, and also has failed to identify Buckler with Heineken. The company is well-respected, and it has taken the stance of throwing out Buckler as a stand-alone brand without benefit of identification with Heineken. The paper recommends that Heineken expand Buckler into Europe's two largest markets and give greater promotional freedom to the operating companies that produce and distribute the formulation. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Lotus Development Corp. and its Growth

    5 pages in length. Of the early days of Lotus Development Corporation, Janet Axelrod says that she and Mitchell Kapor, Lotus' founder, had come to an understanding early on: Kapor would deal with the business end of things; Axelrod would ensure that Lotus employees enjoyed some of the most liberal benefits in the industry and that Lotus would be recognized as a leading innovator in corporate responsibility. That agreement was struck in 1981, and it still holds today. Though IBM broke its own precedence and acquired Lotus by means of a hostile takeover in 1995, Lotus remains a leader in its field and is increasingly global in its focus. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Business Information Systems and Emerging Trends

    This 5 page report discusses the emerging trends being seen as 1998 winds to a close. Four high profile and cutting edge topics are briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Multinational Marketing and Cost Effectiveness

    A 7 page paper. With increasing numbers of companies taking on a more international focus, many businesses are attempting to streamline their marketing activities in order to be able to take advantage of the cost savings potential of designing only one major marketing approach for the purpose of serving in several national markets. With the differences between cultures of the countries, though, it is possible (and easy) to offend the people of one while being successful with the people of another using the same basic marketing scheme. The paper suggests analyzing the character traits and culture of each country's people, then building a marketing approach based on those traits that are common to all, such as expected levels of formality. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • International Business and the Importance of Training and Development

    An 8 page paper discussing training options and problems in several countries, and some of the considerations that need to be made in assessing that training. It should be judged in a value-based system that takes into account cultural differences. Not to say that there ever should be different levels of performance accepted because of cultural differences, but assessment needs to allow for differing cultural views—Southeast Asian countries may think us strange yet understand what we see as standard practice on the basis of long-standing relationships, while the countries of the emerging market of Africa simply see us as strange. Goals will necessarily require more time in those areas as both sides reach understanding about the basic beliefs and assumptions of the other. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Business World, Computability, and Machine Languages

    This 14 page paper examines some of the key concepts of computers and their uses, machine languages, and applications for communication in the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet Usage by Two Companies - Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct

    A 5 page paper discussing two companies that heavily participate in Internet commerce, Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct. Overall, the promise of great success through Internet marketing has not been realized in most areas of sales, but personal computer sales and online brokerage services have been exceptions. Both are wonderfully suited to Internet commerce: Gateway's customers obviously are computer literate; DLJ Direct's customers have come to rely on the ease and rapidity of stock trading using an Internet service. Though the Internet has not reached its full potential as a sales tool, it is heading resolutely in that direction, and to the point that those companies not offering extensive online options to their existing customers may lose those customers to businesses that do. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Motivational Theory Application

    An 11 page paper discussing the theory behind motivating employees. Following a decade of downsizing, cost cutting and merging, more and more businesses look for ways to give their employees what they want. Too many companies believe that employee motivation rests in monetary rewards, without either realizing or acknowledging individuals' needs for recognition. Formal studies and informal surveys alike reveal that while managers often will list money as the top factor in motivating employees, the employees themselves are much more likely to list first their desire for recognition, for someone to let them know they truly have done a good job, a fact well known by some of the country's most successful companies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Business Applicability and Common Morality

    6 pages in length. The concepts of right and wrong seem so simple on the surface. Webster's defines morality as adherence to a standard of "right human conduct." Superficially, that definition would be easy for the "simple" to understand. When the focus is narrowed, however, it seems that the concept of morality grays in its boundaries. Morality is not only the black and white that the "simple" so seemingly effortlessly can see, with that clear line of demarcation between it and immorality. Focus is increasingly narrowed in our harried lives of today, but all of us are charged with keeping vigilance on the level of standard we will tolerate. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Networking/Associated Problems

    This 5 page research paper examines the problem of declining productivity due to employees using social networking sites, such as Facebook, during working hours. Other associated problems are also examined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • America Combating Terrorism

    A 7 page discussion of the role the U.S. plays in combating terrorism on a global scale. Notes the atrocities of the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the simultaneous plane attack on the Pentagon itself and contends that acts of terrorism, whether they occur within the U.S. or outside, must be addressed not only through maintaining our integrity through military means, but also through a thorough understanding of the factors which lead to terrorism and a consequent redress in the manner in which the U.S. conducts its business and political affairs and relates to other political and ideological factions of the world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business Tax Planning

    A 4 page paper that begins with brief comments on the purpose of tax planning. The essay describes the four maxims of tax planning, reports tips for reducing taxes and comments on the value of the sources used. The writer comments briefly on the importance of ethics when tax planning. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Business Forecasting

    This 4 page paper discusses the importance of forecasting and the difficulty of forecasting in an unstable economy. The writer comments on two forecasting methods. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Managing For Results Economic Tasks and Risk Taking Decisions by Peter F. Drucker

    5 pages in length. Conquering the business world by remaining a strong contender even throughout the most difficult of times is what separates those who succeed from those who do not. In order to reach such a level of achievement, however, one first must possess the ability to manage -- not only subordinates but also oneself. In “Managing For Results: Economic Tasks and Risk-Taking Decisions,” Peter F. Drucker speaks volumes about the underlying aspects of effective managing, stressing a number of pertinent points that are often overlooked in today’s intellectually arrogant society. The writer discusses that by means of asserting his multi-faceted interpretation of successful managing, Drucker addresses what he contends to be the bottom line applications for attaining desired economic results. No additional sources cited.

  • Management of Corporate Culture

    12 pages in length. The existence of organizational culture within a company’s framework can be likened to the essential elements provided a flower by the life-giving sun: without the protective and stimulating direction provided by the sun’s gentle power, the flower would cease to exist. Indeed, the same can be said about the fundamental basis of an organization’s cultural presence, given the fact that if such an important concept is not effectively managed and maintained, the company will find itself without the necessary core of organizational structure. The writer discusses organizational culture and the manner in which it is managed in the business world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Dealing with Corruption, Theory and Strategy

    A 16 page paper discussing methods to establish an international regime. Transparency International, the OECD, former socialist governments intent on privatization and all multinational enterprises refusing to participate fight corruption today. Continued economic reform promises to feed further reforms, fueled by the realization on the part of many governments that they cannot be all things to all people. Many governments (i.e., China, Malaysia and others) appear to prefer to remain apart from the emerging global economy but are cognizant of the fact that the only "developed" nations of the world that are truly prosperous are those supporting market-driven economies. Further growth in that direction will increase the difficulty of keeping blatant corruption a viable practice. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Overview of the Funeral Industry

    7 pages in length. The funeral industry is unique in its existence: it is one of the very few that maintains a strong sense of security since death is an inevitability. Inasmuch as this is a fact of life for each and every living being, the market is well represented by huge corporate conglomerates which are rapidly taking over the smaller, more personalized and more fairly priced appeal of individual mortuaries. The writer weighs the differences between corporate and individual funeral homes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sears, Roebuck and Company Today

    A 12 page paper discussing the strategies at the nation's number two retailer that truly can be labeled as being "exciting." The logo is about all that visually has not changed about Sears in the past decade. In attributes, only quality of merchandise and purchased service remains. All other areas of business have undergone dramatic transformation that promises to change Sears for the better both in the near- and long-term. The company still has respect for tradition, but it has found new respect for the customer and its own employees. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Compaq vs. Dell

    A 6 page paper discussing the difficulties at Compaq that has allowed Dell to threaten to depose the world's largest producer of PCs. Compaq is without clear direction since the removal of CEO Eckhard Pfeiffer in 1999. Compaq's best course of action now is to win back the customers and resellers on which their entire PC business depends while making the best of what Pfeiffer left in his wake. For now, the company needs to work toward maintaining current profitability and setting its own course rather than reacting to Dell or any other competitor. Later, Compaq will be able to act from strength rather than from weakness. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Global Business and Religion

    An 8 page paper discussing some of the stereotypes associated with the world’s most influential religions, and the dangers of relying on stereotype to predict national culture based on religion. Those cultural issues originating in religion certainly need to be addressed, but for many, simply acknowledging and accepting that religious differences exist is enough. The paper focuses on Islam because it is so useful in pointing out the dangers of stereotyping an entire nation based only on the name of the religion predominant among them. There are few differences between Islam in Saudi Arabia and Islam in Jordan, but there is a world of difference between other cultural factors that are said to be religious in nature. Frequently, those cultural factors in reality have little bearing on religion; it is important to know the differences between religious culture and social culture. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • 2010 European Union

    This 6 page report discusses the European Union and its possible future. There are, of course, numerous critics around the world who are convinced that the entire process has only one logical outcome – disaster. Initially, both corporate and political leaders feared the creation of a “fortress” Europe. However, many are now convinced that the move toward regional integration will reduce the costs and risks of doing business, as well as furthering positive social policies. What the EU will look like in the next decade is debatable. However, this report highlights the many potentially positive outcomes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Businesses That Are Family Friendly

    A 6 page paper discussing the characteristics of some of the "100 best places to work" identified by Working Mother and Fortune. Organizations have always known that treating employees well is morally right, but too many have seen employee programs as too costly for them to supply. Studies such as the several conducted by Chubb Group yield empirical evidence that corporate performance improves when they provide employees with environments conducive to the ability to give their full attention to the job. Families carry the cost of some of these organizations' programs; other companies assume full costs with the view that program costs are less than the consequences of not having family-friendly programs in place. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • N2K and CDNow Merger

    A 7 page research paper that provides a business analysis of the recent merger between CDNow and N2K. CDNow and N2K had many problems in common. Both companies had expanded revenue and losses for the fourth quarter and all of 1998. Both companies were facing stiff competition form They both had to devise methods and advertising to get their names as well-known to the CD-buying public as They both needed to satisfy their investors while remaining competitive in the online marketplace. With so many problems in common, it made sense that CDNow and N2K decided to merge and combine forces in trying to combat the behemoth Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dell Computer's Corporate History

    5 pages in length. The year 1984 marked the beginning for the country's largest direct seller of personal computers. Michael Dell first began constructing his company from his dorm room at the University of Texas-Austin, often taking drastic measures -- such as hiding his computers in the bathtub -- to make sure that no one suspected his sideline. The business that emanated from this dorm room eventually became known as Dell Computer Corporation in May of 1984. The writer chronicles the growth and development of Dell Computer Corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Historical and Economic Effects of Lean Manufacturing

    A 5 page paper discussing lean manufacturing. “Lean manufacturing” is the current incarnation of the concept of Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing, an outgrowth of and partner to Total Quality Management (TQM). The evolution of the two concepts within the current business environment has led to the new terminology, and the concept of lean manufacturing reflects the changes. The purpose here is to review lean manufacturing’s history and to assess how it affects the US economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Physician's office and the Deming System of Profound Knowledge

    5 pages in length. The very root of effective management is the lost art of communication, which is why the Deming System of Profound Knowledge focuses so greatly upon its resurgence into contemporary society. Whether a small family business of fifteen people or a conglomerate with tens of thousands, Deming illustrates how the fundamental basis of communication is not only the byproduct of profound knowledge but is also the one, single-most effective tool one can develop, particularly within the environment of a doctor's office. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 4-page paper examines the need for management change at Caterpillar Corp. The paper takes the bones of a Harvard Business School case study, and makes recommendations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • EMS and Sustainability

    This 10 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation which aims to show the way that the principals sustainability under pin environmental management systems (EMS's). The paper defines sustainability looks at different EMS's and considers the way in which they reflect the principles of sustainability as well as good business practice.

  • Implementation of CRM at Verizon

    This 10 page paper discusses the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) at Verizon. The paper looks at how and why the project was initiated, how it was planned, the identification of business needs, the design of the system and the result of the CRM implementation. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Workplace and Sexual Harassment Prevention

    A 20 page paper discussing prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. The issue of sexual harassment is one that no organization can afford to dismiss in today’s business environment. Companies must ensure that they adequately protect themselves from legal action on the part of employees, but the matter extends well beyond that point. Business is more competitive than at any other time, and organizations of all sizes need to gain full benefit from all of their employees. They cannot achieve that end in an atmosphere in which a portion of the workforce is marginalized or forced to choose between working in a hostile environment or finding another job. Formal policy statements are necessary, as is regular, ongoing training. The most influential factor in preventing sexual harassment, however, is strong, clear management support. Businesses that set out to eradicate sexual harassment will find that their workers enjoy better morale and are more productive. Includes one chart and one table. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Analysis of Major Credit Card Company

    A 5 page paper that is based on a Harvard Business School case study. The writer discusses the principles of brand and product management, how marketing analytics has given the company a sustainable competitive advantage and what risks face the company with recommendations. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Hospital Information Systems and Inventory Process

    A 4 page review of an article published in the December 2003 edition of “Hospital Materials Management” concerning an automated inventory system. This paper recounts the benefits of such systems and notes their growing acceptance through many business arenas. No additional sources listed.

  • Bank Problems in the Credit Crunch; Poor Performing Loans

    In 2009 the banks are suffering as a result of the credit crunch. The cause is not only the result of events within the house market; there are also defaults on small businesses and personal loans. This 6 page paper considers how and why the banks are now suffering these defaults, looking at issues such as the way bank became less risk adverse, the management of risk assessment, asymmetrical information and the role of governments and central banks. The paper focuses ion the US and the UK. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • The ITC eChoupal Initiative

    This 17 page paper is based on a Harvard Business School case study provided by the student. ITC have developed the eChoupal initiative, a system aimed at improving efficiency and value within the supply chain in a rural area of India. The paper looks at four issues; we objectives behind the initiative and the problems which were faced, the principles of supply chain management which present in the initiative, the ways in which value is created and whether or not the model of the eChoupal is transferable. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Definition and Discussion of Executive Coaching

    A 15 page paper defining executive coaching and discussing its immense rise in popularity over the past decade. Executive coaching is expanding rapidly, continuing to find greater numbers of areas in which it can be useful. As much as business has changed over the past several years, the executive coach can be a valuable asset to the executive hoping to advance or retain a current position, and taking part in leading his company to greater profitability. A blend of management and psychology, executive coaching is growing at a rate of 40 percent annually. The globalization of business is a fact of life that will not change, and the face of US business may be in the process of reinventing itself again. Not only is executive coaching growing rapidly in the present, it is likely to continue to do so for years to come. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Business Issues in the Music Industry

    A 3 page paper identifying four business issues confronting the music industry, choosing one and then discussing how to research that issue. The chosen issue is digital rights management; the beginning point for research is the 2003 Supreme Court decision in Eldred v. Ashcroft in which it upheld copyright extensions under the Sonny Bono act. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Financial and Managerial Accounting

    This 5 page paper discusses the difference between financial and managerial accounting and the types of reports prepared by financial and managerial accountants; the types of business decisions that might be made using the two types of accounting; and it outlines the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) ethical standards and describes what sort of actions might constitute violations of these standards in the healthcare setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Twenty First Century Directions for Human Resources Management

    A 3 page paper discussing some of the trends of today that promise to become commonplace in the future. HR of the future likely can be expected to look much like that of today, for the issues discussed here – diversity, participatory management, flexibility, recruiting and others – are likely to persist for some time. The ultimate goal will be to build a high-performance workforce that can change along with the needs of the business. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Article on Diversity Management Critiqued

    5 pages in length. Discussing research in the field of business, the authors' article works toward identifying the sometimes subtle but extremely important elements of diversity management that can be overlooked, not only rendering the entire approach worthless of its intent but also causing more problems than before it was implemented. No bibliography.

  • ISO 9000 and TQM

    This 14 page paper looks at the concepts and original ideas behind Total Quality Management, TQM, as it originated in the 1950's and then looks at the ISO 9000 framework, the motivation for using it and the impact it has on a business. The paper argues that they are similar tools which have similar results. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • BPR, and TQM in Information Systems

    A 19 page paper, expanding on the 16-page version of the same name. This version adds an outline and an expanded conclusion, and updates the bibliography to current APA 5th edition. Otherwise, the paper remains focused on TQM and BPR initiatives as they apply to IS. In business and in reality, the bottom line is nearly all-important in the business environment of today that is approaching a hyper-competitive state. The lessons from TQM and BPR that apply to IS are that IS must be an asset in contributing to the organization's efforts to enhance and then maintain its competitive advantage, and that there are varied organizational, management and technological factors associated the IS as an agent of business strategy that cannot be ignored. Change is integral to both TQM and BPR, and change is one of the most difficult accommodations that IS can make for the organization. Nonetheless, meaningful and useful change must be managed and allowed to occur. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Best Practices in Risk Management and eBusiness Law

    A 3 page paper discussing legal and risk management issues. In many respects, best practices collectively are a reflection of common sense. In today’s electronic environment, there should be more effort placed in staying ahead of those who exercise fraud as their livelihood. Virtually everyone writing on the topic today predicts that the problem will get worse before it improves, and the small business, at least, must guard well against the losses it could incur. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Process Reengineering and Operations Management

    Camper Manufacturing: A 5 page paper recommending business process reengineering of processes at a manufacturing facility, one that currently has no controls in place. The paper discusses the Deming cycle, Just-in-time manufacturing and the changes in management that will need to occur when adopting a quality stance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Oprah Winfrey's Management Style

    This 8-page paper focuses on management style portrayed by Oprah Winfrey in her business; as well as the positives and negatives of her style. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 4 Management Principles

    This 4-page paper focuses on management and its four principles of leadership, planning, organization and control of organization for successful business planning. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Comparison of Ghana and UK Credit Management

    This 19 page paper is a comprehensive look at credit management in the UK and Ghana. The paper looks at how and why credit is so important to businesses, especially small retailers, with sections on managing debtors, credit control, credit worthiness and access to credit records, cash discounts, debt collection, remedies for bad debt and the role of governments. The paper focuses on comparison. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • A Business Mathematical Principles' Analysis

    This 10-page paper focuses on various business mathematical principles including linear programming, network flow models, queuing analysis, simulation and inventory management. The paper also provides examples of how companies have used these tools to better manage inventory and predict customer demand. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ford and Coca Cola Presence In Mexico

    A 15 page paper discussing the two multinational companies' success in Mexico and further south. Both Ford Motor Company and Coca-Cola have strong and growing presence all over the world. Their presence in Mexico, however, has produced business results that both manufacturers could wish to duplicate in every market in which they operate. Ford has performed so well in the Mexican market that the senior management responsible for much of the growth and success has been moved to Ford's European headquarters for the purpose of reproducing the Mexican experience in Europe Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Managing Business Ethics: Tools and Techniques of Business Ethics Management

    This 10 page paper examines ethics in the business environment and how they may be determined and managed as well as the use of codes of ethics as specific tools t0 help with management and ethical guidance for companies and individuals. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • An Article on Diversity Management Critiqued

    5 pages in length. Discussing research in the field of business, the authors' article works toward identifying the sometimes subtle but extremely important elements of diversity management that can be overlooked, not only rendering the entire approach worthless of its intent but also causing more problems than before it was implemented. No bibliography.

  • Contemporary Corporate Sector and Social Responsibility

    The way in which businesses undertake their operations in terms of moral or ethical behaviour will vary according the underlying values of management. This 8 page paper considers the different approaches and if the corporation should be seen as an agent of society. The different schools of thought are examined before the best approach is decided upon. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • EMS and Sustainability

    This 10 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation which aims to show the way that the principals sustainability under pin environmental management systems (EMS's). The paper defines sustainability looks at different EMS's and considers the way in which they reflect the principles of sustainability as well as good business practice.

  • Process Reengineering and Operations Management

    Camper Manufacturing: A 5 page paper recommending business process reengineering of processes at a manufacturing facility, one that currently has no controls in place. The paper discusses the Deming cycle, Just-in-time manufacturing and the changes in management that will need to occur when adopting a quality stance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Questions About Project Management Articles

    This 12 page paper answers a set of questions looking at why small business may not make full use of project management tools, difficulties in the defining of independencies of project tasks, the important of cost estimation and the link between TQM and project quality. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • TQM and Continuous Improvement

    A 5 page paper discussing continuous improvement as the most essential ingredient of Total Quality Management (TQM). The organization has the ability and the means to greatly improve processes and customer satisfaction by providing superlative customer service and asking the customer how the business could be improved. Customers' needs continually change; dedication to meeting those needs requires that those supplying customers change as well. This atmosphere creates an environment in which continuous improvement is indeed the single essential ingredient of TQM. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • New Durable Medical Equipment Company in Maryland and Business Form

    A 4 page paper choosing a business form (LLC) for a new company and assessing the liability positions of senior managers at HealthSouth and RiteAid, two businesses operating a corporate form that could not protect senior management from charges of various types of fraud. HealthSouth's Richard Scrushy was the first to be tried under Sarbanes-Oxley; the RiteAid case began several years before the law went into effect. The point is that even though the corporate form of business ostensibly offers greater liability protection, it does not insulate corporate officers from being forced to assume liability for their actions. The LLC structure will be sufficient for protecting the owners from frivolous lawsuits, and they have no need to fear legitimate ones. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Managing Risk

    This 9 page paper is written in three parts. The first part of the paper defines what is meant by risk in the business environment, how it can emerge and then looks at different types of risk. The second part of the paper considers risk management in the private sector considering how investments are assessed and risk managed. The last part of the paper looks at risks in the public sector, considering different types of risk and strategies used to manage them. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Business Process Re-engineering - Implementing a New ICT System

    This 14 page paper looks at the way business process re-engineering can take place in a firm. Using a fictitious example of a firm which wants to change the way it manages the goods inwards and outwards as part of the value chain by introducing a new ICT sysytem. The paper outlines the problems and looks at what is needed and then consider the way that the change may be facilitated, using the tools of requirements engineering and change management in order to achieve the end goals. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Historical and Economic Effects of Lean Manufacturing

    A 5 page paper discussing lean manufacturing. “Lean manufacturing” is the current incarnation of the concept of Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing, an outgrowth of and partner to Total Quality Management (TQM). The evolution of the two concepts within the current business environment has led to the new terminology, and the concept of lean manufacturing reflects the changes. The purpose here is to review lean manufacturing’s history and to assess how it affects the US economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Various methods of pain management

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of the barriers that hinder effective pain management from a nursing perspective. In hospital setting, the role that nurses play in creating effective plans for pain management is substantial. A variety of different methods for pain management have been recognized, including the use of pharmacological elements, the use of alternative pain management techniques, and the use of a team approach for care. Leadership, management and the perspectives of others can all impact pain management systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Object Oriented Database Systems (OODB)

    A 5 page paper discussing attributes and benefits of object-oriented (OO) database management systems. As organizations’ data needs become more complex, the need for OO databases will grow as well. Though more complex and more difficult to manage, the OO database management system enables more efficient use of data. Includes a SWOT analysis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Managing Risk with the ATOM Process

    This 15 page paper is an outline risk management document for the launch of a new product; a device that will allow card payments to be taken connecting to mobile devices such as a smartphone of laptop. The company, product and outline plan are assessed and the risk management requirements are discussed with reference to the ATOM process. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Policy and Management of Ecosystems

    This 10 page report discusses the ideas associated with ecosystem management and the public policy initiatives and ideas that have evolved as a result of ecosystem awareness. A truly sustainable society manages its economy and population size without exceeding all or part of the planet’s ability to absorb environmental deprivation, replenish resources, and sustain both human and other life. A focus on a strong commitment to ecosystem management can make that possible.Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Plan for Managing the Classroom

    A 6 page research paper that covers several topics. First of all, the writer offers a philosophy of classroom management in bulleted format. Then, there is a sample letter to be sent home to parents describing this philosophy and listing class rules. Then, there is a task analysis (homework) and a plan for the implementation of the management plan. The paper concludes with a brief description of what should be included in a substitute teacher plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Classroom Management

    A 3 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of classroom management. The essay discusses general techniques for effective classroom management and briefly explains choice theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Event Management;' The Live Aid Concert

    This 15 page paper looks at event management. The management of the original Live Aid concert is examined using Shone and Parry (2004) event planning model, the event is then considered using a SWOT analysis examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as a PEST analysis which looks at the external influences, including political, economic, social and technological influences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Nursing, Diabetes, and 3 Research Articles

    A 5 page research paper that summarizes three research studies pertaining to diabetes mellitus that were conducted by nurse researchers. Nursing interventions have been shown to be a critical factor in promoting such diabetic self-management. These synopses demonstrate how nursing research is consistently exploring ways to improve intervention and make self-management of diabetes more effective. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Concept and Tools of Corporate Finance

    This 3 page paper looks at the objectives of corporate finance management and how its management can help to increase shareholder wealth. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Managing Stress in the Critical Incident

    7 pages. Critical incident stress management is very important to have for debriefing or diffusing purposes as a resource for first line responders to any disaster. Those firefighters, police officers and other disaster relief workers undergo untold amounts of stress and while they might not at first think so, the early intervention of stress related health problems could be averted with critical incident stress management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Review of "Delivering the Goods - The Art of Managing Your Supply Chain" by Damon Schechter and Gordon Sander

    This 6 page paper gives an overview of Damon Schechter and Gordon Sander's book "Delivering the Goods - The Art of Managing Your Supply Chain". This book, which is heavily based on military logistics presents a range of lessons which can be learned from the history of supply chain management and the useful tri-level view for the analysis of logistics and supply chain management. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Supply Chain Management at Carrefour

    A 12 page paper examining the supply chain of the world's second-largest retailer and the largest retailer in Europe. The paper discusses the company's history; its Aldata supply chain management software; JIT; Carrefour's shared service centers; global supply chain management; RFID; and Future Supply Chain 2016. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Healthcare And Strategic Management

    A 4 page paper that responds to specific issues. The first is why healthcare organizations need to adopt strategic planning processes. The paper provides an overview of the evolution of strategic management and defines the terms, strategic thinking, strategic momentum, strategic planning and strategic management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Case Mgmt./Asthma

    A 5 page research paper that discusses nursing case management in regards to asthma patients, with particular focus on schools and pediatric case management of asthma. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Performance Management

    A 5 page paper that discusses the importance of appraisals, what performance management is and its components, the goal of performance management, and two examples of performance appraisal models. The writer also comments on behaviors supervisors need to exhibit during the appraisal process. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Pursuing a Career in Management

    This 5 1/2 page paper gives a details overview of the management career opportunities in the United States. This overview includes salary potential, projected outlook for employment, as well as the common attributes of someone in the management field. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Managing Diversity

    A 5 page paper discussing 4 points of diversity management: changing definition of diversity; changing US population; bringing groups together; and recommendations for diversity management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Aspects of Managing Diversity in the Workplace

    This 7 page paper looks at a range of issues concerning the use of diversity management in a workplace environment, including aspects of equality, positive discrimination, impact on culture and general benefits. The paper then considers how diversity management may be observed in a German transportation company. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Guest Service Management and Customer Satisfaction

    This 3 page paper looks at how or why go services management is important in attaining customer satisfaction. The paper starts by discussing what is meant by Guest service management, looks at why it is important and compares customer satisfaction with intangible and tangible goods. The paper then considers the way in which satisfaction can be measured. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Risk in Project Management

    This 4 page paper looks at risk in the context of project management, discussing what is meant by risk, how firms may identify it, who is responsible for its' management and the costs, the negative impact of risk assessment and the final part of the paper considered whether risk can ever be assessed unemotionally. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Leadership at Gene One

    A 5 page paper providing a leadership concepts worksheet and discussion of corporate culture. Gene One's senior management has decided to pursue a strategy that will result in the company's IPO within three years. Not all of its management personnel are in agreement, and the CEO has had to insist that everyone work in the same direction, and work as a team. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Leadership v. Management

    A 5 page research paper that explores two major questions pertaining to leadership and management. The first questions is “What are the differences between leadership and management?” The second is “What are indicators (and measures) of leadership effectiveness?” Both questions are explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Differences Between Leadership and Management

    An 8 page paper that discusses the differences between management and leadership. This is a topic that has been discussed at length in the literature. The paper also discusses leadership and management at Bank of America. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Questions on Inventory and Supply Chain Management

    A 6 page paper answering 3 questions about supply chain management: what it is, why it is important, how it differs from logistics management. One of the questions addresses probability of no stockout (PNS) and fill rate. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Knowledge Management Implementation; Two Cases

    This 7 page paper looks at the way knowledge management is implemented in different organization, uses two case studies; one where the implementation was successful and one where it has not yet succeeded; the e-government system implemented at Chaoyang District in China and the Shanghai company GEM services implementation of ERP. The implementation of knowledge management at both of these organizations is examined and compared. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and Management Theory's Evolution

    This 10 page paper examines the development of management theory using the automotive industry to illustrate how the changes have emerged and impacted on the commercial environment. The paper starts with the development of scientific management and its application at Ford, the influence of Alfred Sloan at General Motors and the changes seen as a result of the entrance of the Japanese car manufacturers into the automotive industry. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Financial Management of Domestic and Multinational Business

    This 8 page paper looks at three different issues concerning financial management. The first part of the paper considers the similarities in financial accounting between domestic and multinational companies. The second part of the paper considers the differences in financial management between these two company types and the last part of the part examined the methods that may be used to deal with the difficulties faced by international companies when undertaking capital budgeting exercises. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Human Resource Management: A Comparison Between Civilian and Military Management

    This 11 page paper examines Human Resource Management. The paper compares and contrasts human resource management in the military and in the civilian world. While some similarities are noted, it is concluded that that things are remarkably different between the two. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Financial Management of Domestic and Multinational Business

    This 8 page paper looks at 3 different aspects of financial management; the similarities in financial accounting between domestic and multinational companies; the differences in financial management between these two company types and the last part of the part examined the methods that may be used to deal with the difficulties faced by international companies when undertaking capital budgeting exercises. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Ethics, Corporate Governance and Financial Management

    This 13 page paper, including a 1 page executive summary, looks at the way in which ethics will impact on corporate governance and financial management. The paper shows how the different ethical approaches will influence the financial management decision making process and reflect in the results companies report. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Lung Cancer in Men and Pain Management Through Narcotics

    A 12 page research paper that proposes a hypothetical research study that would investigate the perceptions of male lung cancer patients regarding the efficacy of narcotic pain management. A literature review discusses the need for effective pain management with cancer patients, as well as the administration of opioid medications for pain. Bibliography lists 12 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses change management in the ophthalmic industry. Included is an overview of the industry in general, as well as the concept of corporate genetic code and its impact on change and the 10 principles of effective change management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 3-page paper focuses on some aspects of change management, as presented through a fictitious company called Global Tech. The paper delves into certain aspects of change management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses various models of change management, and what might be missing from them. Also includes a "student" change management model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Inventory Control at Toyota

    Toyota is credited with developing the just-in-time inventory management this 5 page paper examines the inventory management systems used at Toyota, the way they are implemented along with the advantages and disadvantages associated with the systems that they use. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Operations Management and the Fast Food Industry

    This 7 page paper looks at operations management and considers operational difficulties faced by the fast food industry and looks at the way operations management may be used to help resolve some of these difficulties. The potential benefits, as well as limitations, are discussed by considering the way in which the industry embodies many characteristics of a service industry. The bibliography cites resources.

  • What Is Strategic Human Resource Management?

    This 10 page paper considers what is meant by the term strategic human resource management (HRM). The paper discusses the importance of HRM, considers the different approaches to HRM and the way they may be used, the benefits of the different approaches and the ways in which they can be strategically applied. The discussion includes subjects such as Taylor and scientific management, the human relations school, motivation theory, the matching model and the resource-based view. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Activity Based Accounting and its Uses

    This 4 page paper looks at how a furniture shop ay use activity based costing to calculate costs and determines the most profitable areas of its' business.

  • Proposal for Payroll Database Management

    This 5-page paper covers an example of a proposal to upper management about the necessity of a payroll database management system to manage checks and employees. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Points on Reward and Performance Measurement

    This 3 page paper looks at three aspects of performance and reward management. The first question identifies two purposes of reward in performance management. The second question discusses three components which may be present in a total rewards package. The last question identifies two sources of data for performance appraisal. The bibliography cites 3 sources.


    This 7-page paper focuses on Oprah Winfrey and her business Harpo Inc. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Relationship between Management and Organisational Behaviour

    This 4 page paper looks at the relationship between management and organisational behaviour, considering how and why this link exists looking at theorists such as Taylor, Mayo and Senge as well as different styles of management. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Contemporary Management Style; Annotated Bibliography

    This 9 page paper is an annotated bibliography looking at contemporary management styles. 10 sources are outlines, including peer reviewed journal articles, web sites and newspaper articles which discuss different management styles. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Management Styles of Workers of Differing Ages

    This 10 page paper explores the management style of both boomers and Gen Xers and what needs to change in order to incorporate this rising generation into corporate America. Definitions of the generations are included. The focus of this paper is on management but touches on other pertinent areas as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Company Mission and Strategy Management

    This 12 page paper discusses the idea that mission may not necessarily be the first step in the strategic management process. To consider this the paper explains the role played by mission in the strategy management process and uses a number of relevant concepts and looks at tools commonly used in the strategy process to assess the importance of mission as the first stage. A number of examples are used to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • WorldCom, Enron, and the Application of Business Failure Prediction Models

    This 27 page paper considers the way in which models of business failure may be applied to real life examples of failed companies that applied for Chapter Eleven Bankruptcy. The paper starts with the consideration of two companies; Enron and WorldCom, outlining the reasons and circumstances surrounding their failure. The writer then considers several models that can be used to predict business failure. These include Altman's Z-Score Model, Argenti’s Failure Model and others. These are then applied to the cases of Enron and WorldCom in order to ascertain if they would have been able to predict these bankruptcies in advance. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Major Title Company Marketing Plan

    10 pages in length. Entering the Las Vegas, Nevada title company market takes considerable business finesse and communication savvy, inasmuch as the "good old boy" barrier has significant experience thwarting those with lofty goals of developing new business with commercial realtors/developers by way of existing relationships. The Las Vegas market is unique in that its exponential growth over the last several years makes it a prime location for expanding the existing title company market; however, the prominent presence of the "good old boy" barrier makes it difficult to overcome the hurdles often constructed by such an established occupation. However, the ease with which this new title company will be able to coexist with commercial realtors/developers using established residential realtor/developer relationships is because of the need for a fresh approach to an industry that has long been governed by the "good old boy" network. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Grandma Tracy's Popcorn and Marketing

    A 22 page paper combining a business plan for a startup business with a marketing plan for the first several months of operation. Grandma Tracy’s Popcorn is a startup company that initially will sell popcorn balls made from a "secret recipe" which will become part of the marketing information given to consumers. The "secret" is a family recipe containing no preservatives of any kind. All the ingredients are those that can be found in any well-stocked kitchen, a fact that the company will stress in its marketing message. The paper includes discussion of the 4 Ps of marketing (product, price, place and promotion), as well as projected financials for the first six months of operation (balance sheet, breakeven analysis and cash flow analysis). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Business Franchise Selection

    A 9 page paper assessing the value of franchising as an approach to business ownership and operation. There were problems with many franchises in the past, and even McDonald's relatively recently relented to consumer pressure (in the form of falling sales) to alter its menu to reflect consumer – rather than McDonald's – preferences. Organizations such as the International Franchise Association and can offer guidance on trends and attractive franchising arrangements. Given sufficient research and honest assessment of external conditions and individual preferences, the franchise can be a highly workable approach to business ownership and operation. Includes a Table of Contents, List of Figures and an outline. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Chile and Dispute Resolution

    This 6 page paper examines Chile as a country in which one might want to do business. The business climate is explored in relation to potential disputes. Dispute resolution is discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • German Retail Industry Case and General Application of Business Ethics

    This 16 page paper is written in three parts. The first part of the paper asks what the term business ethics means and explores this with a definition and a philosophical approach to ethics in business. The second part of the paper considers how ethics can be seen in the German Retail industry, using examples to support points raised. The last part of the paper considers whether or not the German government should intervene to enforce ethics in the German market. This section includes the comparison of the German market with two models of corporate governance. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Successful Examples of a Democratic Workplace

    A 16 page research paper examining the qualities of three of the 'best' places to work: Measurement, Inc., Federal Express and GM's Saturn division. Each of the three demands the best of their employees; each has some of the most loyal employees in their respective industries. The common bottom line among the three is that they view their employees as thinking, feeling individuals with needs and aspirations of their own, and each recognizes that happy, fulfilled employees equals happy, satisfied customers. In keeping with Theodore Levitt's admonition that the sole purpose of any business is to create and then keep a customer, each of these companies recognizes that any business achieves that goal only through their employees. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Women and Telecommunications II

    In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  •'s Promising Outlook

    A 5 page paper discussing the situation faced by the Internet's newest e-commerce darling. is growing in value to both buyers and sellers, and certainly to investors - its IPO price of $16 increased to $130 in two months of trading. Its early success with airline tickets indicates that founder Jay Walker's patented business process is a workable one, will lead to profits and is sustainable over time. Analysts believe that the addition of other product and service category will solidify the company as an ongoing and long-lasting business. Bibliography lists 8 sources. KSp-line.doc

  • Fewer and Fewer HVAC Companies

    A 20 page paper discussing reasons for so much consolidation occurring now, its benefits and consequences. One of the hallmarks of the "new" economy is that intense consolidation is taking place in most industries. Fragmentation results from myriad companies working in the same industry developing their own forms of operation and approach to their businesses. When those companies come to believe it advisable that they combine forces, the melding of their respective corporate cultures is an aspect of their merger that must be met with as much analysis and consideration as that given to financial reports and current business results. This is true in any industry, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Publishing Corporate Literature In House

    A 5 page business proposal in favor of bringing control for newsletter, annual report and promotional literature production back in-house. In this day when seemingly all business services can be and often are outsourced, it can seem incongruent to suggest that outsourcing of some functions could in fact be counterproductive to the company's long-term goals. There is no question that the outsourcing of specific functions is beneficial to the company, but the areas in which it is beneficial generally are those where there are very specific duties and expectations. Measurable qualities (i.e., cost) give only minor advantage to in-house production, but other considerations provide other, non-monetary advantages. No sources listed.

  • Social Responsibility in the Corporate Sector

    5 pages in length. Because society is fundamentally based upon performance and profit, it is not unusual to find that it is necessary to impart a sense of corporate social responsibility with regard to contemporary commerce. The ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concepts that are often absent from a managerial standpoint. The writer discusses corporate social responsibility with regard to chapters two and three of Beauchamp and Bowie's "Ethical Theory And Business." Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dell Computer Inc. and Strategic Choice

    A 15 page paper discussing some of the choices and opportunities open to Dell Computer. The world's second-largest manufacturer of PCs, the company builds each to order and keeps no finished inventory in stock. Internet sales account for $14 million daily, nearly all of which is business-to-business. Dell is now set to pursue the home PC market; the paper discusses strategies that could best achieve success. Now shipping PCs with Windows as well as Linux operating systems, Dell has the ability to be useful to all levels of users. Includes an organizational chart. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Saudi Arabia and the Exportation of Computers

    A 13 page business plan discussing a rather cautious method of exporting computers to the Gulf region. Acme Computer realizes that projections for the domestic PC market are dour well into the next century, but that foreign markets offer the promise of growth unlikely while operating solely in domestic markets. Saudi Arabia technically is classified as a developing nation but is technology- and trade-friendly. Acme seeks to form an alliance with an established small business in Saudi Arabia in order to avoid any cultural faux pas and to learn the nuances of the culture before attempting to gain great returns. The company plans greater marketing efforts after gaining more experience with the culture, but cautiously is relying on its Saudi partner to educate Acme marketers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Overview of the Grizzly Bear

    10 pages in length. The writer discusses distribution, habitat, feeding habits, seasonal activities, reproduction, reasons for decline and conservation/management aspects as they relate to the grizzly bear. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Extraordinary Angels Company Business Plan

    A 12 page paper presenting a business plan for establishing an adult residential facility for developmentally disabled individuals. Extraordinary Angels aspires to provide service in a manner rooted in realism yet colored with highly positive idealism, with an attitude not of what these individuals cannot do, but rather what they can do, and the value they can contribute to their own community. The need, long-term nature of solution and Extraordinary Angels' legal structure ensures that support from the public sector will be available within public budget constraints. However, Extraordinary Angels also seeks ultimately to be self-supporting through the efforts of residents, counselors and administrators. The plan concludes with business case points intended to demonstrate to private-sector corporate investors the possibilities for profitability. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Merger of CIT and Newcourt Credit and Subsequent Management

    A 3 page paper discussing CIT’s acquisition of Newcourt Credit, emphasizing the current management styles at both organizations. CIT is more reserved and methodical in its operations, while Newcourt has a history of seeking innovation in finance. The company acts as the financing arm of Dell Computer and Yamaha Motors, but in a way that the customer never sees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Effective Public Speaking Traits

    A 10 page research paper that gives an overview of what constitutes good public speaking. The writer covers such areas as content, delivery, enthusiasm, and also how the management of eye contact with the audience can subliminally convey impressions about the speaker according to communication theory. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Anheuser Busch Brewery Company

    This 6 page report discusses the brewing company, Anheuser-Busch and its traditional management structure and controls. The St. Louis, Missouri, brewery leads the industry in the United States with a market share of approximately 45 per cent. Very few beer companies, domestic or foreign, have been doing as well. Anheuser-Busch is also involved in agriculture, entertainment (amusement parks and professional sports), creative services, packaging, and recycling. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Centralization, Decentralization, and Theories of Public Administration

    This 9 page paper describes the centralization and decentralization issues within public administration; includes a treatise on the history, the benefits, and management trends. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Mass Customization Market Strategies

    A 5 page paper that defines the concept of mass customization and outlines the benefits that can be gained through the utilization of this innovative marketing strategy as well as the framework that guides its design, development, and implementation. Also included is a discussion that focuses on the advantages as well as the disadvantages of "lean production", the managerial process that has also come to be known as "stress management". Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Interaction and Impression Management

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses impression management as it relates to human interaction. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Case Study Analysis of ValuJet Airlines

    This 8 page paper examines the history, market niche, and organizational structure of ValuJet Airlines-- a company best known for its low cost airfare and frequent problems / crashes ! Issues concerning service, management style, and fiscal outlook are analyzed to provide an in-depth overview of the company's strengths and weaknesses. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Merchandising Flaws, Time Management Tips for 7-11

    A 7 page paper with a background on Southland Corporation, and a 'local' 7-11 store and its merchandising functions. The paper proposes time management solutions to its apparent merchandising flaws. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Marketing Case Study of Yahoo!

    A 7 page paper that outlines the development and marketing strategies of Yahoo! Inc., the company developed around the Internet search engine. Though this company is only 2 years old, the projections that can be determined by current figures demonstrate the wise management and development practices of the company and the complexity of new products currently being marketed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Case Study of Viacom and Its Media Industry Challenges

    A 6 page paper discussing information from a 1996 case study of Viacom. Viacom has become one of the country's largest provider of electronic entertainment since its creation in the mid-1980s in response to government anti-trust and deregulation pressures. Though by no means larger than most of its competitors, Viacom's solid base in all aspects of the entertainment industry ensures that it, or at least peices of it, will be able to sustain its formidable reputation as a market-share theif as the company gives each aspect the full attention of senior management. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Toyota's Problems and Solutions II

    In this 11 page case study, several key problems facing Toyota are presented, described, and analyzed to find possible solutions. Macro and microeconomic issues are explored and the writer offers ideas relevant to contemporary management theory including the possibility of Toyota switching to a J.I.T. inventory system, becoming proactive in their leadership style-- and solving problems before they happen. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Studying International Management

    This 12 page paper answers the question of why one should study international management. Within that context a variety of factors are observed as they pertain to culture, religion and the law. Product applicability and marketing considerations are also reviewed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Overview of Windows 95 by Microsoft

    A 7 page paper on Windows 95, its prolonged release, and the pros and cons of its use in comparison to previous versions. The writer describes news of 'bugs' in Windows 95 and some of the problems encountered by users. On the lighter side, technical aspects of the 32-bit operating system are also discussed as they relate to enhanced productivity and information management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • WordPerfect vs. MS Word

    This 4 page paper discusses the comparable features of Corel WordPerfect 7 and Microsoft Word 7.0, provides a list of features and minimum specifications for operation and reviews lauding MS-Word because of the additional management suites. This still leaves the choice up to the user. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 1990s' Labor Unions

    A 6 page research paper looking at some of the changes in and political activities of the labor movement. Included is the AFL-CIO's aggressive recruiting of new members, downsizing in their own management ranks and a move to an informality of organization historically unknown in labor unions. Unions are experiencing election victories of more than 70% when paid organizers are not used, compared to a win rate of less than 30% when they are. Another boost to the unions is the increasing numbers of members from white-collar professions.

  • Logistic Management at McDonalds

    This 13 page paper looks at four components of logistics management; transportation, unitisation and packaging, storage and communications. The fast food chain McDonalds is examined by looking at way each of these logistical functions are undertaken within the firm. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Sports Management Curriculum, Virtual Reality, and Traditional Simulation

    In three pages this paper examines the difference between traditional simulation and virtual reality and how each could be applied to a sport management curriculum. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Tourism Service Questions

    This 10 page paper answers a series of questions set by the student concerning tourism and hotel management. The paper includes consideration of why service is so important in the tourism, the two dimensions of service, why food and drink sales are so important in hotel and tourism, the circumstances that crated hotel chains such as Hilton, the role of the general manager, the accommodations manager and the sales team and the importance of truthfulness in marketing. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Transformational Leadership/Nurse Retention

    A 15 page research paper that offers a literature review that focuses on defining the concept of transformational leadership and, in so doing, also focuses on discerning what empirical studies reveal about hospital management's effectiveness at educating staff on the benefits of the transformational leadership paradigm. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Conflict Management - Hypothetical Case Study

    A 7 page paper that begins with a scenario of a conflict in a hypothetical work team. This is a situation where there are negative behaviors and underlying tension and conflict rather than a two-sided or other type of conflict. The paper draws on the ideas of Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith's book, Resolving Conflicts at Work. The writer also comments on different approaches to conflict management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Lend Lease Case Study; Improving Organization

    This 10 page report style paper examines a case study supplied by the student concerning the Australian real estate company Lend Lease, in order to propose a way that the firm could improve their internal organization. The improvement suggested is the move to a team based, or lattice framework structure to improve the management of the projects. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Organizational Communication - Case Study

    This 4 page paper applies the communication process to a hypothetical organization. The essay includes: the communication climate in the organization, strengths and weaknesses, management's approach and an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Aimes Electrical and Supply Case Study

    This 11 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. A firm is successful, but many of the systems are out of date, which is resulting in high levels of stock tying up capital, poor purchase procedures and a lack of general knowledge management within the firm due to an old ERP system that is not understood. The paper looks at the problems and considers some potential solution, including the implementation of a new comprehensive ERP system. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Organizational Behavior - Case Study

    A 7 page paper. The first half of the paper provides a synopsis of the scenario sent by the student. It is the case of Dick Spencer, an American manager of a Canadian plant. The second half analyzes the management behaviors of Spencer and the corporate culture of the plant and gives recommendations for the plant manager. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Magic Pulse Limited and Kitomba

    This 11 page paper looks at the New Zealand company Magic Pulse Limited and Kitomba software that has been design as an appointment management system. The paper examines the position of the firm and the strategic choices the firm has for growth, assessing different markets and different entry methods. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Operating Problems That Impressive Burger

    This 20 page paper looks at the case of Impressive Burger, a case supplied by the student. The company has been successful, but since extending the menu the company has been facing some difficulties. There has been increased demand as the menu has proved popular, but the level of profitability has fallen and the time taken to serve customers has increased significantly. The paper examines some of the potential problems and presents some solutions. Areas examined include increasing capacity and better inventory management. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Challenges of One Leader

    A 3 page paper that begins with a scenario where the manager is facing personnel challenges. The paper identifies the leadership styles the manager may be using and why they are good or not. The paper also explains the difference between leadership and management and between formal and informal leadership. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Case Study Ineffective Leadership

    A 7 page paper that presents a hypothetical case study of a chocolate manufacturer. The writer reports the background of the case and identifies what the new CEO did wrong. The paper offers recommendations for the new CEO to fix his mistakes and get the company back to where it was in terms of morale. Kotter's change management process is reported to identify mistakes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Problems with Employees

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and considers why the company is having problems wit the employees including absenteeism and high turnover rates. The situation of the case includes an autocratic owner with no management training and the employees are refused a pay rise when the company is doing well. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Lawrence Sports Inc.; Executive Summary

    This 3 page paper is an executive summary for a case study supplied by the student. The case concerned a Lawrence Sports Inc., a company facing a cash flow problem due to the lack of working capital management. The bibliography cites two sources.

  • Building Project Value Management

    This 10 page paper (including on page diagram) looks at how value may be added in a case study provided by the student. The study concerns the building of a learning centre for a university. The process of project development, priorities and using weighted values as well as the SMART tool for value management are all used. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Portfolio Team Management

    A 5 page paper. Fletcher managers a major portfolio and has reached a point where he needs to hire specialized analysts to help. Based on the information in this case study, the paper discusses Fletcher's leadership style and why it is appropriate as well as Fletcher's major mistakes when hiring. The writer also discusses Fletcher's team management processes and make recommendations for improvement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Case Studies In Technology and Management

    This 5 page paper reviews 5 case studies from the book Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation and considers what the student may learn from each case study. The cases include SMaL Camera Technologies, Intel, Hewlett Packard Kitty Hawk, Microsoft and Patterns of Industrial Innovation. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Project Management and the Value of Communication

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of communication in project management. A hypothetical case study is used to highlight the theme. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Budget Variance

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Several areas of expenditure identified within management accounts, with the actual spending compared the budget spending, presented some speculation regarding possible reasons for the variance. The second part of the paper considers potential benchmarks which may be utilized in order to increase the accuracy of future forecasting. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • A Case Study of the Acme and Omega Electronics Firms

    This 3 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student, Acme and Omega were once part of the same firm, but following divestment have adopted different management practices. The paper identifies the problems each firm has faced, the moist important problems and then suggests a solution suitable for both firms. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Strategic Planning at CC Industries

    This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student and undertakes a strategic process plan part of a project for the introduction of a payroll service by a financial management firm. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • HRM at Riordan Hangzhou Plant

    This 9 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan Manufacturing has opened a new facility in Hangzhou, but due to local labor shortages they are bringing in workers from other areas. The paper looks at the issue of diversity management, looking at the situation, the perspectives of the stakeholders and alterative solutions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • HRM Gap Analysis for Riordan’s Hangzhou Facility

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan have opened a new factory at Hangzhou in China, but due to local labor shortages there are workers employed form a number of different countries. There is recognition that there needs to be cross cultural management of the employees. This paper looks at the situation, the issues and opportunities as well as the end state vision in order to identify the gaps. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Issues in Addiction and Maladaptive Behavior

    A 3 page research paper that addresses moderation management in regards to alcohol consumption; definitions of use, abuse and dependence; societal promotion of maladaptive behavior; and sexual dysfunction. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Diversity Issue/Harassment

    A 4 page essay that, first of all, summarizes a news article that addresses the diversity issue of racial workplace harassment. Then, the writer discusses this information in regards to its implications for workplace management. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Questions in Health Care Management

    This 6 page paper addresses a number of issues in health care management such as managed care, sexual harassment and the idea of professionalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Organizational Change and Leadership

    This 16 page paper provides a hypothetical case study for analysis. When a section head must fire one of six employees, she vies for a safe political option, but not one that helps the organization. The case study is presented and analyzed after a review of the literature on the subject of management, leadership and change in organizations is conducted. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Political Ideology and Management Style

    This 10 page paper evaluates a case study of a hotel and how it is managed. Various subjects such as equality, scientific management and capitalism are discussed in the context of the analysis. The case study exemplifies a tightly managed situation where there is a division by race, gender and so forth. Further, workers subsists on tips and live under tight control. Many theorists are noted inclusive of Marx, Durkheim and Weber. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Kaizen Style of Management

    This 5 page paper looks at the Japanese management style of kaizen, with a focus on a case study to emanate from the United States. The company Critikon is used as the case study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Strategies for Capay Valley Grown and Capay Valley Naturals

    This 9 page paper looks at the Capay Valley Grown case provided and considers the measures that the management may have taken to rectify problems and then identifies weaknesses in order to assess why and how these are present and how the ongoing issues may be resolved. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Change at Cosby Manufacturing

    This 8 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, looking at the potential mistakes made in changing the manufacturing firm to a matrix structure and issues which may arise associated with a new project for the implementation of a new management cost control system. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Case Study: Flexsin, a Study in Outsourcing

    This 4 page case study looks at the globalization of Flexsin. It first explores the company dynamic and change to outsourcing many of its professional resources and responsibilties. Next explored are risks associated with outsourcing, both inhouse (management) and global requirements. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing

    A 4 page paper that reviews and discusses on article about nursing management. In this article, the authors discuss ethical dilemmas, a decision-making model and they provide a case study as an example. The writer responds to a variety of questions, such as why the article was selected and its relevance. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Benefits of Adopting a Management Information System

    This 4 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student to assess the way a management information system (MIS). Javabooks is a book store and cafe, where all process, from ordering to sales, are undertaken manually. The paper start by looking at the benefits and then considers the way other firms are gaining cost savings using MIS. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Practices for Budget Management and Monitoring

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of budget management practices. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is used as a case study. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • EDI and Barcode Recommendations for Socksessful Socks

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student in order to identify the issues faced by the firm and suggest solutions. The firm has long lead times and problems with general inventory management. After examining the issues recommendations including the use of barcodes and an EDI system are proposed. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Security Risk Management for IT Systems

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of risk management for IT systems. A hypothetical case study is derived from Huffman Trucking. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Privacy Concerns and Identity Management

    This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of identity management and privacy concerns. The case study of Jacket-X Corporation is used. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Passenger Aviation

    This 5 page considers the development of passenger aiplanes from the beginning of the twentieth century until today. The writer looks are aircraft such as the Boeing 247, the Boeing 307 Stratoliner, DC-3, DC-6 and DC-6 as well as the Dash 80 and Concorde. Consideration is also given to the on board flight management system. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Literature Review on US History and Unionism

    This paper examines the literature available about unionism and the United States. In addition, the paper offers brief topics about unions including history of American unions, trends that unions face today, and how management and unions are trying to get along. Bibliography lists 20+ sources.

  • Early Childhood Education Professionals and an Administrative Training Literature Review

    This 9 page report discusses the literature related to research that has been conducted regarding management and administration and its place in running a successful child care center. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • General Management Function and Organizational Integration

    A 5 Page Paper That Discusses The Functions Of The General Manager And How Organizations Are Attempting To Integrate Their Different Functional Areas. An Outline Of General Management Functions Is Provided Along With A Discussion Of The How Companies Are Integrating Their Different Areas Of Operations. Bibliography Lists 5 Sources.

  • Network Management Tools' Test Results

    An 11 page paper discussing the results of a test of six network management tools for large networks. Of the six products, the Peregrine InfraTools Network Discovery was rated the best overall in both function and price. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Math Lessons and Classroom Management Plan for 3rd Grade Inclusion

    A 9 page paper that presents a classroom management plan, including rules and policies and how they will be established, reinforcement and contracts, routines. The paper then provides two math lessons and finally discusses the inner discipline philosophy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • HRM's 2 Major Challenges

    10 pages. There are many challenges in managing human resources, and while all might be important, there are two attributes that seem to be especially challenging to implement and yet they are also very basic and fundamental to becoming the best that one can be in human resource management. These two aspects are the art of getting employees to think creatively and the ability to change. These are actually related to each other and both of these abilities together can bring out the very best in your human resource team. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature Review on AT&T's Management

    This 24-page paper examines the literature discussing AT&T Corp. and its management; from its beginnings, through divestiture, into the 1990s and beyond. Topics discussed include the role of human resources, Michael Armstrong and how AT&T has been evolving since the 1980s. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Literature Review on Student Athletes, Stressors, Benefits, and Time Management

    This 32-page paper offers a literature review of the concept of time management among student athletes (or lack thereof). Discussions also include the development of sports programs, and increased stress on today's student on many grade levels. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • New Systems Development and a Literature Review of Operations Management

    This 4 page paper looks at the literature concerning the way in which a collage enrolment system should be designed. The paper draws from different areas of operations management to indicate the way that this should take place. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Literature Review of Emergency Preparedness in Puerto Rico

    This 15-page paper outlines a review of literature in support of an approach for emergency preparedness of Puerto Rico when it comes to natural disasters. The paper also includes natural disaster that occur in Puerto Rico, as well as some recommendations to help spur an emergency management program. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Business in a Niche Market - The Competitive Advantages

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of niche markets. Urban Outfitters is used as a case study to highlight the competitive advantages inherent in niche businesses. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Global Business of Nokia

    5 pages. Nokia, headquartered in Finland, is an excellent example of a multi-national company that has been able to successfully adapt its business to other countries and among international competitors. This paper describes how this giant in the telecommunications industry manages to face challenges in both the host and parent countries. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Wireless Networks for a Small Business; Governance and Security

    This 10 page paper looks at the issues a small business may need to consider when implementing a wireless network. The 802.11 family is examined and the governance and security issues are discussed with reference to ISO 17799. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • LAN Computer Network Construction

    An advanced-level 9 page research paper on techniques, procedures, and standards for the successful establishment of a Layered Approach Network (L.A.N.) in business settings. The ISO's definition of seven layers of network structure are explained as are recommended tools, cable, and so on. Issues concerning the construction of the LAN are then described layer by layer. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Patterns in Media Ownership

    This 8 page paper looks at the patterns of ownership in media companies and considers how they are changing and developing. The paper looks at five media companies; Rupert Murdoch’s News International, Daily Mail and General Trust PLC (DMGT), Trinity Mirror, United Business Media and Pearson and their holdings. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • A Case Study of Profitable Business Strategies

    5 pages in length. This is an excellent example paper that can be applied to any business. Analyzes the strategy to improve the profitability of the Coral Divers Resort. Executive summary makes recommendation based on an industry wide study. The paper explains how by enhancing assets that are already in place and doing an efficient and well thought out advertising campaign, Coral Divers Resort can increase profits dramatically within a relatively short timeframe. This comprehensive paper includes graphs for financial analysis.

  • Terrorism and the Laundering of Money

    A 6 page paper critically assessing the statement, "Lack of controls on money laundering is one of the most important contributory factors behind the growth of 21st century terrorism." After reviewing the needs of business; increase in international capital movement over the past decade; and the example of Paraguay's customs function, the paper concludes that there is no conclusion possible but to agree with the original statement under consideration. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Marketing Plan for a New Remote Control

    This 12 page paper is a marketing plan for a new type of remote control; a remote-controlled that be used for all types of products including audiovisual, kitchen equipment and even cars. The paper presents a brief description of the company, business mission, a situation analysis which looks at the industry and performs a SWOT analysis of the proposed new product and then identifies the target market and presents a marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Research Proposal for the DOA In Regard to Granting More Government Contracts to Small Businesses

    This 5 page paper is a research proposal. A government department wants to award more contracts to small businesses, but does not known how to go about this. The research proposal identified the aims and objectives and then gives a research methodology and identifies the way suitable samples for the primary research will be identified. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Slide Show Video Script

    Sold as 5 pages. This document contains a standard video script for a business presentation / slide show -- advertising a fictitious car with a special V-14 engine. Graphics, sound effects, etc.-- are all taken into account and written into the script.

  • Justification for Research Examining Potential Strategies for Firms Facing a Recession

    This 6 page paper presents a problemitization of recession and the way in which it creates a crisis the business. The problems associated with recession and difficulties in terms of decision making are discussed followed by an argument justifying the need for research to examine the ways in which firms may deal with recessions in order to survive. The paper ends by discussing why this research would be useful for an individual seeking a career in leadership. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Explaining the Recession of 2001

    This 11 page paper looks at various theories for the recession. There is some focus on consumer confidence and the fact that businesses have been spending less. Global factors are examined as well. Information from the 1990s on is discussed in an effort to determine causation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Portugal, the United States, and Business Law

    This 8 page paper considers the way in which business law in both of these countries is similar and also how it differs, including the cultural influences. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • It's Popcorn Time Marketing Plan and Recommendations

    A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available PowerPoint® presentation of a marketing plan for a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn produced according to a newly-patented process. The marketing plan recommends instituting online sales and entering agreement with a third party gift business, as well as hiring a knowledgeable, no-spam Internet marketer to assist the company in promoting itself online. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Offshoring In India and Cap Gemini Sogeti

    This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by a student. Cap Gemini are supplying outsourcing serves, the paper presents an assessment of the situation, looking at the position of India as an outsourcing destination to determine if this destination is likely to remain the domain location for the firm, looking at other areas such as Eastern Europe. The paper then considers business models that may be used in the future development of offshoring service provision. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • The Don Café; A Business Plan

    This 10 page paper is a business plan to open a movie themes café and shop in the English town of Canterbury. The plan puts forward the concept, identifies the critical success factors, looks at the potential target markets and the competition and then proposes a marketing plan. The paper ends with a budget and financial forecast for the first year. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Market Segmentation's Influence

    An 8 page paper assessing the statement, “market segmentation and positioning are the keys to building a strategy for corporate growth.” The paper discusses segmentation and the marketing mix, using Nike as the primary example of the influence of market segmentation on business results. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Selection and Use Secondary and Gathering of Primary Data - A Practical Demonstration

    This 7 page paper looks at the way a business decision may be aided with the gathering and use of primary and secondary data. The use of a fictitious decision regarding the opening of a restaurant is used to demonstrate the way in which data may be gained and used. This includes the way primary data may be gathered through the use of questionnaires. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Gates and Jobs and Hewlett and Packard

    This 5 page creative writing example is one of historic fiction. It is presumed that Bill Gates was born much earlier in the century and had a failed business during the Great Depression. Bill combines his talents with Steve Jobs's and together they try and fail to surpass Bill Hewlett and David Packard's company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Language of Security

    This 12 page paper discusses the following statement “If the language of security is in conflict with that used in other areas of the organisation, the security message will never get through and the business will remain vulnerable” and considers how can security and risk managers use communication in order to promote and enhance the security function and its’ realisation. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Responses of the International Community to Climate Change Issues

    This 8 page paper looks at some of the international responses to the threat of global warming and climate change. The responses include the use of legislation and voluntary agreements at international, national and local levels as well as the responses of businesses, including large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • EasyJet and Implementation of CRM Program

    This 10 page paper gives an in-depth evaluation and analysis of easyJet's rise to greatness among the leading low budget aircarriers. Business practices are outlined as well as the implementation of technology and customer service programs. Charts, annual reports, quotes from leading corporate executives, and analysis from Forbes Magazine, Airline Financial News among others. This paper details why easyJet and its owner Stelios have succeeded where others have failed in the airline industry. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • How To Successfully Franchise in East Asia

    This 20 page paper prepares 4 case studies that can be used to assess critical success factors for franchises. The paper uses Starbuck, McDonalds, UPS and Marriott Hotels as examples of international businesses used to identify these factors with specific attention for the East Asia region. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Challenges of the Retail Market in Chile

    This 8 page paper looks at an issue concerned with doing business in Chile. Most goods will be sold through retail outlets, or resellers, however the retail industry and structure in Chile is different from the retail markets seen in many other countries. The paper looks at the structure and patterns seen in the retail industry in Chile with a focus in the grocery and department store segments. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Economic Outlook of Chile

    A 5 page paper discussing Chile's economy and outlook for the future. As has been the case in so much of South America, Chile's economy has been uncertain for decades. Less certain at some times than at others, the country has made a consistent and concerted effort to build a sustainable export-driven economy since the first days of NAFTA and continues to pursue ascension to it. Unemployment remains high and the entire region is having difficulty, but Chile is attuned to the needs of business and actively courts it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Case Study: Askinosie Chocolate

    4 pages in length. The ethical/policy principles that seem important to Shawn Askinosie are those that improve the alliance between business and social foundations, which are reflected in Askinosie chocolate by virtue of his strict mission policies. Askinosie has set his sights upon making a premium quality dark chocolate in association with his quest to sidestep the traditional format of inequitable practices that took a majority of profits from the hands of those who actually grow the beans; with brokers and other middlemen entities, farmers retain meager financial support from selling their crop. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Plan for a New Restaurant

    This 19 page paper is a plan assessing the potential to open a Peruvian themed restaurant in San Rafael. The paper examines the marketplace for the restaurant industry in the US in 2011, as well as the specific conditions in California. The general trends in the market, including consumer tastes, and the competitive environment is assessed. The paper then gives a general overview of the proposed business; including the way that it will deliver an authentic Peruvian style dining experience. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Beyond Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty by Keke Bhote

    A 10 page analysis of Bhote's new theories on how American business can achieve long lasting success. Bhote's book argues against the popular notion that if a company adheres to high quality standards, sales will take care of themselves and says that this contains an inherent fallacy-- namely, that customer satisfaction is not the same thing as customer loyalty. No additional sources cited.

  • Case Study of Domino's Pizza

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses business ethics as it relates to Domino's delivery service problem and Satellite Telecommunications. No bibliography.

  • Smyth Printing and Ecommerce

    A 6 page paper discussing the planning process that Smyth Printing should undertake in preparation for designing and implementing an e-commerce addition to the business. The paper discusses system (whether manual or automated) analysis; identifying all that the company would want from an e-commerce application; and the most cost effective way of going about achieving its goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Electronic Payment And Security Subsystems in E-Commerce

    15 pages in length. To stand by and allow the competition to overtake one's target market via the Internet is to ignore one of the most impacting components of today's technological revolution. Indeed, the extent to which e-business has influenced the way contemporary commerce reaches an ever-expanding market is both grand and far-reaching. However, there are myriad considerations to make when organizing an online presence to insure the site's integrity and user-friendliness, with issues of security and payment subsystems two of the most important. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Women and Workplace Discrimination

    This 8 page paper embraces the thesis that discrimination still exists in the workplace. Gender inequality in the business world is explored in depth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of the Economic and Business Plans of Barack Obama and John McCain

    In nine pages this paper examines the similarities and differences in the economic and business plans of 2008 presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain, and also considers how the economy would be affected overall by the implementation of each candidate’s plans. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Business Ethics and Policy

    A 10 page research paper that pretends to be a report from an ethics committee to an unspecified 'Board of Directors' relative to their intention to create a company-wide ethics code and policy. The writer covers theories in regards to business ethics, current research, and how this information can be utilized in formulating company policy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Business Ethics: An Overview

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of business ethics. Arguments for the justification of ethical practices are given. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Comparison of Internet and Traditional Shopping

    This 9 page paper looks at the way in which the shopping environment has changed and considers the differences between the online shopping environment and the traditional bricks and mortar shopping experience. The two concepts are considered in the context of a business seeking to increase sales to assess the potential of internet to increase sales. The paper is written with specific reference to Turkey. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Business Education Lessons

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of the six facets of understanding and lists the basic elements that might be included in a lesson plan in relation to these facets. This paper also includes two complete business education lesson plans and the assessment tools to be utilized with those lessons. There are four sources cited.

  • Buying a Car, Transmittal Letters, and Business Writing

    This 16 page report discusses two key areas – buying a new car and explaining how to buy a new car through a persuasive and well-reasoned example of business writing. In order to provide the typical consumer with the information he or she needs to get the best deal possible on a new car allows the writer to organize and present the information in a format that is both factual and easily understandable for a person who is entering the dog-eat-dog world of car purchases. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Ethics and Communication

    This 13 page paper is based on questions from the book Business Communication by Mary Ellen Guffey. Then paper answers questions regarding the way non verbal communications may be improved, applied and the way ethical decision may be made, gender bias and if personal opinion can be out into an employee reference. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Communication in Organizations

    A 4 page paper. The writer discuses the roles and importance of communication in business. Trends in these processes are then identified. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Imports, Exports and Environmental Policies

    This 5 page paper is written in two parts. The first part defines imports and exports, what they are and the advantages and disadvantages associated with the practices and the way exports of domestically produced goods maybe favored by a retail business. The second part of the paper examines the way policies may be implemented to encourage green practices by the power generation industry. This includes an assessment of likely costs and outcomes of different policy types. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Forecasting

    This 24 page paper looks at the importance of forecasting in a business environment and looks at a ranger of forecasting methods, explaining how they can be used. The paper starts with basic supply and demand forecasting and moves onto statistical and trend forecasting, simulation and marketing models used to make forecasts. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Gap Inc, Nordstrom Inc and E-Commerce Operations

    This 17 page paper compares the way in which Gap Inc. and Nordstrom Inc. compete for business on the internet. Then paper includes consideration of what is meant by e-commerce, background to both the companies as well as an examination of the companies’ strategies and the way these are reflected in their web sites. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • South Africa as a Location for the Construction of a Computer Manufacturer

    This 5 page report discusses why a computer manufacturing facility would do well in South Africa, the best location in the country for the facility, potential problems as well as opportunities. A combination of American business style in areas of great interest and concern for the development of South Africa is likely to be a success in terms of popular support in any South African city. Also, despite its relatively small population, it is the 20th largest consumer of information technology in the world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • GE's Growing Global Presence and How It Evolved

    A 10 page paper discussing the world's most admired company (Fortune, 1998 and 1999), where it came from and how it has attained its position in the world. As did much of American manufacturing in the 1970s and 1980s, GE had its share of difficulties. It was accused of being a behemoth beyond its reason to exist, uncaring and unresponsive to customer needs. GE traversed the waters of downsizing as did all other large US businesses, but rather than focus on the negative aspects, it chose to plan for the future and seek out new directions. The ultimate key to GE's success in the international market is that it is never complacent about its many innovations. It does not allow itself to believe it has "arrived," but rather continually seeks new opportunities for continued growth while continuing its tradition of social responsibility and aim of contributing to the good of mankind, as well as to that of the bottom line. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Individual Savings Accounts in the U.S. Economy

    This 5 page report discusses the savings habits of Americans. The national saving rate is the sum of public saving by governments and private saving by individuals and businesses. The savings rate has plummeted in recent years from an average of 7-8 percent of GDP in the 1960s and 1970s, to under 4 percent in the 1980s, and to just 0.6 percent last year in the early 1990s. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Business Strategy of America Online

    A 5-page paper that analyzes the corporate structure and strategy of America Online, the world’s largest and most successful Internet service provider. Included is a brief history of the company’s origins, along with the ideals envisioned for the company by Steve Case, founder and CEO. Examined are the marketing strategies and corporate restructures America Online has initiated throughout the 1990s in order to keep up with a rapidly expanding and fiercely competitive market. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • eBay's Future Growth and Strategy

    An 8 page paper discussing growth and future strategy for the Internet’s leading online auction house. Founded in 1995, eBay went public in September 1998. As one of the few e-commerce businesses available already showing profits as a private company, investors have driven the value of the company’s stock artificially high. There is intense competition arising in the market eBay created, but eBay’s website averages just under one million unique (rather than repeat) visitors each day, far beyond the 100,000 visits to the nearest competition. eBay is entering into strategic alliances with several companies and acquiring others that can aid its growth and competitive advantage. Stock prices should fall, as should growth in earnings. If forecasts hold, eBay’s growth should be a more sustainable 97.6 percent through the year 2000. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • International Business Issues and Contracts in the Marketplace

    A 19 page paper discussing cultural, political, ethical and currency issues in international business. Economic forecasters only altered their estimates of the growth of the US economy after it refused to expand at the expected annual rate of between two and three percent in the mid-1990s. Overall growth has been much greater than that, but expansion of the domestic market for manufactured goods is much lower than the overall rate of growth. It still is the world's emerging markets that offer the greatest hope for the mid-range future. Those emerging markets offer so much promise that it is worthwhile for US multinationals to overcome cultural, linguistic and political differences while managing for currency risks, but it is still imperative to set contracts with those factors in mind. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Competition Between UPS, FedEx, and USPS

    An 11 page paper discussing whether competition from private-sector delivery services such as Federal Express and UPS adversely affects the ability of the US Postal Service to maximize profits. Priority Mail and Express Mail are add-on services of the USPS, but the primary business of private-sector delivery services such as Federal Express and UPS. Certainly the USPS would carry much greater volumes of pieces applicable to the category if private-sector services did not exist, but it is doubtful that competition in the category has been highly significant in preventing the USPS from maximizing profit. Prohibited by law from carrying any profit at all, the USPS perhaps could reduce rates for other services or at least hold them steady without its private-sector competition, but it still would not be allowed to post any significant and ongoing profits from operations. The paper includes one chart and one table. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Trends in Internet Protocol Addresses

    An 8 page paper discussing Internet address structure and the changes that will be necessary so that continued growth can occur. By the mid-1990s, the Internet had become the world's largest public data network and was providing organizations with increasingly convenient methods of conducting their business. It currently is expanding at the rate of doubling every nine months; the number of personal computers in America connected to it is approaching 50 percent. Whatever the ultimate growth path of the Internet takes, it is likely that any new direction will be in concert with the old, as evidenced by the intent for IPv6 to both shadow and augment IPv4 so that a gradual conversion can be accomplished. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Analysis of Leadership Articles Featured in the Harvard Business Review

    A 5 page analysis of five articles included in this fascinating and informative text on leadership. The writer argues that articles reveal some of the ways in which these authors are challenging many of the traditional paradigms regarding the topic of leadership and how leadership provides a crucial factor towards success in today's marketplace. No other sources cited.

  • Consumer Confidence and the Business Cycle

    A 3 page paper discussing the macroeconomic concepts of economic expansion and the role of consumer confidence. The national economy is continuing to register unexpected growth, despite several years of predictions that it must slow sometime. Federal Reserve Board Chairman reports that although the economy is 'sparkling,' there still are some ominous events unfolding. It will be continued consumer confidence that prevents recession despite the effects of the Asian currency crisis and faltering emerging markets abroad. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 20th Century Impact of Commercial Aviation on the Tourism Industry

    6 page in length. The advancement of tourism from the vast increase of commercial aviation in the twentieth century has taken the industry by storm. Indeed, the fact that people are more readily able to travel into otherwise limited or inaccessible places has re-established tourism as a strong and steady market. With the advent of commercial aviation, the aspect of travel was immediately expanded like no one had seen before; however, as the aviation trade continued to make its commodity more and more attractive to the general public, tourism also continued growing. The writer discusses the fact that commercial aviation and tourism have become lifetime business partners. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Canada's Hotel Business

    This 5 page paper focuses on employees in Canada's hotels. Union and non-union laborers are compared and issues such as wages , job security and scheduling are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Using Technology in Business

    This 8 page paper is broken down into different sections to highlight questions submitted by a student regarding the use of technology by The General Electric and 3M Companies. Several concepts are discussed including TPN and EDI. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Print Media Impact of Current Technologies

    8 pages in length. Computers have become a significant part of life. There is no denying that their very presence has drastically altered humanity's existence since the mid to late 1940s. Through a number of developments, computers have not only become integral components of virtually every aspect of a person's life, but they have also been successfully assimilated into homes all across America for personal and business use. There is practically nothing that computers do not influence in one manner or another, which has caused society to render itself dependent upon its constant application. However, as with most other entities that offer such distinct advantages, they are typically balanced by at least some level of significant disadvantage; in this particular case, the detriment has been felt throughout the print media industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Evolution of TQM

    A 4 page paper outlining the basic precepts of TQM and then reviewing three articles discussing TQM. TQM is now 50 years old, but it has never been more relevant than it is in today's business environment. Increasing competition has forced organizations to treat employees as assets, which is more conducive to the participatory management and information sharing critical in the full implementation of TQM. These articles demonstrate that TQM is not only a management philosophy, it primarily is a common-sense application that offers real solutions to many of the complexities of business. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Leadership vs. Management

    An 8 page paper. What are the differences between a manager and a leader? Are there distinct functions for each, distinct characteristics and attributes? This essay discusses these questions and provides answers. The writer also discusses those attributes that are common to both. 1 table included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Gateway Inc. and the Application of Sales Management Principles

    An 11 page paper. This essay presents a sales plan for Gateway, Inc., which is the #2 direct marketer of personal computers. Topics include: description of Gateway, Inc, including their vision and philosophy; selected fiscal data; marketing mix (4Cs); competition; fiscal comparison with primary competitor; competitive environment; goals; marketing strategies; sales plan monitoring and controlling; summary and conclusions. 2 tables are included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Oil Industry and Intellectual Property Management

    This 3 page paper takes a look at the importance of intellectual property in the oil industry. Information about a research lab, associated with an oil company, as provided by a student, is used as an example. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • TQM and Unions

    This 5 page paper explores the relationship between unions, the labor movement, and the implementation of TQM. An actual case describing the implementation of TQM in a unionized environment is provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Conflict Management and Organizational Communication

    A 7 page paper that examines the need for good communication in resolving conflict. A reoccurring problem in organizational communication‹whether it deals with governments, corporations, or dealings among the tenants in an apartment building‹is when those involved misunderstand each other. This can result in emotions that only serve to escalate the conflict as the people involved then react to circumstances on a personal level. The negotiating strategies outlined by Fisher, et al, (1991) in the book Getting to Yes are specifically highlighted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Advertising and Marketing in Health Care

    An 18 page paper discussing the growing acceptance of marketing and advertising within the health care industry. There are three ways that health systems can build their bottom lines. One is by raising rates, which has been resisted and condemned by nearly every aspect of health care. Another is to cut costs. Cost-cutting efforts have been in place for years, to the extent that employee morale has been decimated in many organizations and patient care has been known to suffer. The final method of increasing the bottom line is to build volume, which health care systems are actively embracing as average marketing expenditures have risen by nearly $500,000 annually in a single decade. The paper discusses current marketing issues, marketing communications and advertising, decision-making techniques and considerations in developing marketing plans. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • New Millennium and Nonprofit Human Resource Influential Forces

    12 pages in length. The writer discusses that myriad concerns are at the forefront of non profit organizations as the new millennium approaches, not the least of which is that of issues revolving around Human Resources. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Traits Necessary for a Career in Hotel Management

    In this 1 page essay, the writer describes the job and traits of a successful hotel manager and then presents reasons why (s)he believes that they will excel in this profession.

  • Northeast U.S. and the Problem of Solid Waste Management

    This 11 page paper looks at the use of landfills as a major problem in the Northeast. Recycling is discussed in detail as an effective method to handle solid waste. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Security Management and Social Theory

    An 18 page paper that explores the ramifications of social crime prevention through the application of social theories in the work of security managers. Paper deals with such issues as anomie, deviance, etc. and discusses these issues through the viewpoint of current research and application of the theories. Bibliography lists more than 15 sources.

  • Stress Management Options and the Hypothalmic Pituitary Adrenal Axis

    A 12 page paper discussing physical reactions to stress and alternative therapies available to decrease the physical disorders it causes. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Management of a Convenience Store

    This 10 page paper investigates a specific gasoline convenience store and identifies changes it can and should make to enhance both customer and employee loyalty. Changes include developing a marketing plan and changing the way in which employees are scheduled for work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 'Churn and Burn' Avoidance and Sales Personnel Retention

    This 20 page report discusses the importance of retaining qualified and effective salespeople, as well as managing their performance and keeping them motivated, enthusiastic and part of the sales team. It is quite possible that the world of sales encompasses more issues relating to employee satisfaction and reward than any other professional endeavor. Because sales people have truly unique characteristics relating to their success, the issue of keeping them happy and motivated, as well as keeping them working at a particular company, must be an issue of the utmost importance for any organization dependent on maintaining a sales staff. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Modifying Intact of Nutrition and Self Management

    This 8 page report discusses a hypothetical situation in which a person needs to modify her nutritional intake, decrease fat intake in her diet and the results gained following the program established for her. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Pete Rose Gambling Case and Sports Management

    This 5 page report discusses gambling in professional sports and by the athletes themselves. What are the legal implications, as well as the impact on the sport itself. The circumstances and findings of the Pete Rose case are discussed as well as Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Acme Widgets and Information Technology Management

    A 9 page paper discussing the dilemma in which the founder of Acme Widgets now finds himself. He has resisted the advance of IT for years, but he has a data processing manager who remains current with the IT industry and has pulled him and his company, over his objections but with his permission, into the information age. Approaching retirement age, the founder understands that he must plan for the future of his company not only with his presence, but without it, as well. He determines to create the position of CIO, fill it with his current data processing manager, and allow her to plot an IT course for the future that will best serve the company and its clients. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Study Questions on Management Theory

    A 5 page paper answering 4 discussion questions addressing topics of (1) the importance of an air of confidence; (2) approaches to reducing employee absenteeism; (3) qualities of effective discipline; and (4) expectancy theory and how expectancy, instrumentality and valence contribute to enhancing employee motivation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Communication Structure and Global Management

    5 pages. This paper is being prepared in order to help structure the communication needed with international clients. Visiting with clients from Bonn, Milan, and Instanbul means there will be cultural complications in some ways due to the fact that there is no translator that will be accompanying those on the trip. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Hewlett Packard and Cost Management

    This 10 page paper considers the potential value that is perceived to occur when activity based costing (ABC), is implemented in an organisation. Discussing what is meant by activity based costing and the advantages and disadvantages the paper goes on to look at the implementation at Hewlett Packard at both the Boise Surface Mount Centre in Idaho and the Colorado Springs Division, one of which was successful, and one of which failed. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Improving TQM Through QFD

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of TQM and includes a look at the three matrix QFD model. TQM is looked at favorably. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Organizational Structures and Health Care Management

    A 6 page paper identifying the structural differences between community hospitals, major teaching hospitals and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). All are primary players in the overall health care industry, but each maintains a different focus in the industry. The purpose here is to identify the goals and performance measures of each type of health care organization. Each of these health care organizations ultimately exist to enable health care delivery, but each maintains a distinct position in the health care industry. Teaching hospitals promote a blend of standard practice and changing technique; community hospitals strive to stay attuned to the needs of the local area. HMOs seek to require both to be fiscally responsible in their treatment of individual patients. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • HRM and Policy Development

    This 7 page paper addresses several specific issues related to HRM. These include: why are line managers becoming more involved in HR policy development and implementation; implications of an aging workforce, a diverse workforce and skill deficiencies in the work force; how labor shortage is affecting HRM; internal versus external recruiting; example of HR practice that supported organization strategies and that were not consistent with organization strategies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Task Management and Quality

    This 8 page paper considers how and why quality task management is important, The paper begins with a definition of quality and of task management and gives examples of the costs which may be associated with poor task management, as seen with Perrier. The way in which task management is seen as important in the commercial in demonstrated with reference to tools such as ISO 9000 and the paper also looks at how the companies with good task management may be seen as more successful in meeting their goals. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Managing Change

    This 6 page paper considers whether or not change management should still be considered as a separate subject. Modern management methods incorporate many approaches that support human relations management ideas, communicating with employees and taking social needs into account. The paper assesses the way that change management techniques are present in everyday management processes. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Bureaucracy and IT Project Management

    This 11 page paper looks at the conflict between the need for control and flexibility within project management and the problems and benefits of bureaucracy in project management. Focusing on IT project management the role and perception of bureaucracy is discussed along with alternative management approaches. The models of bureaucracy and flexible team based structures are applied to the project management environment in order to assess their suitability. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Project Risk Management

    This 24 page paper looks at different aspects of risk management within project management. The first three questions consider the way that risks may be identified and assessed when looking at large project and how or why project management processes may fail to identify and quantify accurately all risks that are present. The paper then compares the PMBOK and Chapman and Wards SHAMPU approach to project risk management. The last section the paper uses risk management to identify risks with a given case study. The bibliography cites three sources.

  • Sports Management and Leadership Styles

    An 8 page paper that provides an overview of basic management styles and considers their application for sports management. Bibliography lists 20 sources.


    This 3-page paper compares and contrasts traditional human resources management (THRM) with strategic human resources management (SHRM). Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses the concepts of labor relations management and human resources management, pointing out similarities and differences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Global Business and the Influence of Mergers

    A 5 page paper discussing how the trends of merger and globalization are likely to affect international business in the future. Today's business world is one in which mergers in finance and business are commonplace, and there is no indication that the trend is slowing. Of course these mergers affect business at the local and regional level, but the trend toward consolidation is one that is likely to influence international business in lasting ways including marketing as well as governmental and international regulation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Managing Employee Welfare

    This 14 page paper looks at the way management may use the management function of planning, leading, organizing and controlling to increase the wellbeing of employees. Approaches considering diversity management and reducing stress are discussed in terms of management provisions. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Industrial Relations and HRM

    This 14 page paper discusses human resource management, industrial relations and labor unions and begins with an introductory historical background of each and the impact of globalization. The relationship of human resource management and industrial relations is the next section, which begins with data about declining union membership and the possible reasons for this situation. Changes in the relationship between human resource management and industrial relations are explained and discussed. The shifting paradigms in each are also explained. The next section discusses the scientific management model, its use postwar and the incompatibility of this model with today's goals in industrial relations and human resource management. Saturn Corporation is used to exemplify a unique and successful partnership between management and labor where union members are an integral component in the management of the company. Finally, the writer discusses possible trends in both HRM and industrial relations and also comments on the need for balance. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Benefits of Performance Appraisal, Diversity Management and Employee Participation in a Troubled Firm

    This 7 page paper looks at three issues concerned with human resource management; performance appraisals, diversity management and employee participation. Three issues are considered from the perspective of a company which is suffering from claims of discrimination based on its' existing predominantly white married male management structure. Each of the factors is discussed in the context of improving internal culture of the company and reducing the potential for discrimination as well is changing attitudes of management. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Risk Management Questions

    This 16 page paper answers a set of questions set by the student concerning risk management. Issues discussed include the types of data that may be recorded by an airline for risk management purposes, the risk management cycle, why risk management is important, the direct and indirect impact on profitability and the types of probability measures that are useful. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Types of Management Projects

    A 7 page paper that discusses some of the many ways in which different industries use project management techniques. The essay begins with some data about how the field of project management has grown over the decades and the need for project management in today's marketplace. The essay then goes on to report how project management strategies are being used in four different industries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Use of PM Tools to Improve Project Management

    This 9 page paper considers a situation where a student has already managed a small project; a charity run, and considers the way in which project management may improving the future. The previous project is used as a basis for looking forward. The way projects may be improved in the future is considered in the context of different project management tools, such as work breakdown schedule, Gantt and PERT charts, as well as the human aspects of project management including management of teams. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • To What Extent Can Decisions About Operations Really Be Strategic From The Firm's Point Of View?

    This 3 page paper considers to what extent operations management, and decisions regarding operations management may be strategic. Examples of strategic operations management are considered along with the constraints that may be present, in order to determine the extent to which there is the potential for strategy in operations management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Knowledge Management

    This 11 page paper looks at knowledge management and the ways in which a firm can gain value from a knowledge management strategy or system. The paper defines what it is meant by knowledge management, looks at the different types of knowledge management that can take place and the barriers to successful implementation and what approaches should be taken in terms of knowledge creation and leveraging knowledge to overcome potential barriers. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Knowledge Management at Molnlycke Health Care

    This 19 page paper is a proposal to develop knowledge management at a medical equipment company, including a sample cover letter. The paper examines the concept of knowledge management looking at what it is and how it can add value, and then examines the company, what it does and the way it competes and along with the existing level of knowledge management. Based on these two sections a strategy to increase the use of knowledge management is proposed. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Project Managers

    A 15 page paper answering 10 questions about project management. All questions directly relate to the final chapters of Project Management: The Managerial Process by Gray and Larson (2003) addressing the traits of effective project managers; conflict management; culture shock; organizational partnerships; and portfolio management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Relationship Between Risk Management And Project Management

    This 3 page paper explains and explores the link between risk management and project management, arguing that risk assessment ad management is an essential part of any project management. The paper uses the example of Robert Mondavi Winery to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Motorola and Quality Management

    This 18 page paper looks at the way that quality management takes place at Motorola. The paper starts by considering the systems which are utilized by Motorola, including 6 Sigma, then looks at the way that quality management is implemented including objective setting, the benefits of implementing quality management and the differences between theory and practice, and then discusses a number of relevant concepts, including Juran’s trilogy, quality tools which are utilized by Motorola and then looks at the way that barriers may have been present and overcome when introducing, and maintaining quality management initiatives. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Future Trends in Management

    A 5 page paper discussing the likely face of management in the future, particularly as it applies to the four primary functions of management: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. Today’s most successful organizations already have demonstrated the benefits of including creativity in each, and the trend likely will only continue. Management of the future has an appearance that looks far more like people working together for a common set of goals. Leadership was not always a requirement of management in the past, but it gains increasing importance with each passing year. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • TQM Implementation

    This 10 page paper explores the relationship and importance of human resource management, operations management and corporate culture when implementing total quality management. The writer begins by discussing the need for total commitment to the principles of TQM. The writer then discusses the need for the appropriate culture and climate and the essential role of human resource management for successful implementation of TQM. The essay includes a case study example, using FedEx and the operational changes this company made to implement the TQM principles. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Strategic HRM and TQM

    An 8 page paper. The writer has selected two articles that act as the basis for this essay about human resource management: one focuses on the theoretical foundations for strategic human resource management, the other focuses on the relationship between total quality management and human resource management. The essay provides a brief overview of what each article reports and supports the conclusions with other literature. The writer than discusses the value of each approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management Effectiveness and Gender Influence

    This 14 page paper considers the impact of gender on effective management. The writer looks at both masculine and feminine styles along with the development of management styles, starting with scientific management up to more recent models from the humanist school and seeks to discover any relationship between gender influences in the development of the different management styles.The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Industrial Relations and HRM

    This 14 page paper discusses human resource management, industrial relations and labor unions and begins with an introductory historical background of each and the impact of globalization. The relationship of human resource management and industrial relations is the next section, which begins with data about declining union membership and the possible reasons for this situation. Changes in the relationship between human resource management and industrial relations are explained and discussed. The shifting paradigms in each are also explained. The next section discusses the scientific management model, its use postwar and the incompatibility of this model with today's goals in industrial relations and human resource management. Saturn Corporation is used to exemplify a unique and successful partnership between management and labor where union members are an integral component in the management of the company. Finally, the writer discusses possible trends in both HRM and industrial relations and also comments on the need for balance. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Manufacturing and Management

    A 5 page paper. The writer responds to a student-supplied statement regarding management by defining and describing management, the primary functions of management, a brief overview of management philosophies, and a discussion of motivation with concluding comments. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Knowledge Management at Molnlycke Health Care

    This 19 page paper is a proposal to develop knowledge management at a medical equipment company, including a sample cover letter. The paper examines the concept of knowledge management looking at what it is and how it can add value, and then examines the company, what it does and the way it competes and along with the existing level of knowledge management. Based on these two sections a strategy to increase the use of knowledge management is proposed. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Pain Management for the Elderly

    A 10 page research paper that examines the topic of pain management with elderly patients. While there is general consensus that pain management in elderly populations is being under-treated, the literature on this subject is less clear as to whether the best environment for elderly pain management is provided by home environments or institutional settings, such as nursing homes and hospitals. Examination of the literature on elderly pain management reveals that each environment has its own particular set of problems, which must be overcome in order to solve the problem chronic under-treatment of pain in elderly patients. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A Case Study of Hewlett Packard's European DeskJet Supply Chain

    This 6 page case study is based on a case study included in Operations Management for Competitive Advantage by Chase, Jacobs and Aquilano. The essay describes the situation and the challenges and issues HP needed to address regarding the distribution of DeskJet printer models in Europe. The issue was to develop an inventory management model for this segment of HP's business. The model included the use of generic printer models with customization and localization performed at distribution centers in Europe. The essay then comments on the inventory control model of the student's place of employment, a restaurant. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Proctor and Gamble Communication and Management Issues

    A 12 page paper examining the paradox presented by management structure at Proctor & Gamble. Proctor & Gamble's 'paint by number' approach to organizational decision making appears to be inhibiting with the effect of stifling the same creativity that senior management claims the company seeks at all levels, but Proctor & Gamble has reached a level of standardization in their decision process that would be unworkable in many other organizations. Other businesses with Proctor & Gamble's rigid hierarchy would only be immobilized, but this company is able to use its strict procedures to channel the creative energies of its managers into a single common direction. That focus enables managers of all departments to be better able to meet their objectives, which presently lie in making Proctor & Gamble a global company with local focus. Bibliography lists 14 sources. P&G.wps


    This 6-page paper examines business-to-business communication in light of communication models. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • International Business and the Implications of Religion and Ethics

    This 3-page paper discusses ethical and religious climates in other countries, and how multinational businesses need to regard these factors when it comes to doing business in such countries.

  • Research on Nursing Leadership

    A 6 page paper reviewing five reports of research conducted focusing on nurse managers and the problems they face in achieving what they need to do. A primary goal of the nurse manager in today’s rapidly-changing health care environment is that of improving patient outcome as well as staff retention. Health care continues to evolve into a form immensely different than that in which it existed for decades. As it becomes more “business-like” in its management, it also is more likely to achieve those goals that can improve staff retention as well as patient outcome. These studies point to promise for achieving management structures that can benefit all involved, including staff and patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Unique Restaurant Opening Business Plan

    This 21 page paper begins with an executive summary. The paper then launches into a business plan for a restaurant that caters to consumers on different diet programs. Additionally, this restaurant will feature one ethnic meal each day. Sections include: business description, industry analysis with data, market analysis with data, marketing plan, management, operating employees, salaries, benefits and training, start-up costs, income and cash flow statements for three years, and balance sheet for three years along with a break-even analysis for year one, capital required to open. 3 Financial Tables included. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • TQM Principles

    This 17 page paper discusses Total Quality Management (TQM) and emphasizes the fact that this is not a quick-fix but a continuous long-term process towards improving the quality of product and production. Following a definition and brief explanation of Total Quality Management, the principles of this approach are outlined. This includes the 14 principles as proposed by Deming. The reasons Total Quality Management efforts often fail are discussed and Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases are outlined.. This is followed by an actual example from a researcher. Other measures of quality can be used in conjunction with Total Quality Management. The writer discusses how the ISO 9000 series certification is related to implementing Total Quality Management. The final part of the paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of small companies in comparison to large companies attempting to implement Total Quality Management. Includes 1 page Table of Contents and Abstract. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Project Management and the Subject of Risk

    This 3 page paper considers the subject of project risk management, looking at what it is and what is important, and justifying the need for a larger paper on the subject of project risk management. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Knowledge and Success Factors in Project Management

    This 3 page paper looks at to papers on project management. The first questions looks at two areas of knowledge that are important in project management. The second part of the paper looks at the implementation of ERP at Pharma Inc., in Ireland and assess why and how it was a success. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Lutheran Refugee Services

    An 18 page paper. Lutheran Refugee Service is part of the Lutheran Family Service organization. This essay provides a brief historical overview, mission, vision and value statements, comments about human resource management, and a SWOT analysis of Lutheran Refugee Service with an emphasis on services in Nebraska. The paper also comments on leadership, fiscal management and responsibility, marketing, the impact of government and ethical and legal issues. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Software Quality and Configuration Management

    This 6 page paper discusses Configuration Management in the context of software quality. The paper includes aspects such as the configuration management of products, such as source code and production development and releases of applications. Software and hardware maintenance is also included. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • IT and KM

    This 4-page paper reviews the concept of knowledge management (KM) and discusses information technology systems and software that support this management initiative. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Functions of Upper Management

    This 13 page paper considers the role of top management. The paper discusses the statement that “the key function of top management is to establish a strategic vision, mobilise support, generate enthusiasm for change, organise resources and channel effort and energies towards agreed objectives”. The paper discusses this statement with regard to the British National Health Service (NHS), a public body. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Human Needs, Human Resources, and Human Resource Management

    10 pages in length. The extent to which the combined efforts of human relations, human needs and human resources are inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of these three all-important aspects precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Convenience Store Management Accounting

    A 4 page paper answering 5 questions of how a management accounting software package can assist convenience store owners to achieve greater profitability and operating efficiency by identifying those products that are most profitable. Every square inch of a convenience store is valuable to its management, and changes in the industry dictate that these stores operate with maximum efficiency. Store owners are learning that the highest profit margin items are not necessarily the most profitable ones to carry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Evolution of Management from the 1950s through the 1990s

    This 10 page paper looks at management theory one decade at a time from the 1950s through the 1990s. Projections concerning the future of management are made. Theories include TQM and systems theory as well as a variety of trends that have come about through the ages. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Logistics Project Management and Solving Problems

    This 5 page paper uses a case study that evaluates a dilemma in the management hierarchy. The problem is something that can actually occur in any field, but it is assumed that this dilemma occurs in project management in an IT environment. The problem is analyzed and solutions are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Reviewing an Article on Managing Across Cultures

    This 5 page paper reviews an article by the title Cross Cultural Management authored by S.C. Peppas. Positive and negative aspects are noted. The article concerns a study on cultural variations in management practice. No additional sources cited.

  • Peter Drucker's Management by Objectives

    A 3 page paper that responds to this thesis: The Management by Objectives leadership style developed by Peter Drucker results in improved performance only among subordinates who are committed to goals. The writer reports that MBO is the most misunderstood and misapplied concept in management and comments on how MBO is meant to be used. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 3 Terms of Project Management

    A 4 page paper that defines and discusses three specific terms associated with project management: control points, earned value analysis and risk management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Companies and Their Styles of Management

    A 4 page paper discussing management changes and philosophy of DaimlerChrysler; Sunbeam under “Chainsaw Al” Dunlap; and Harley-Davidson under Rich Teerlink. The ultimate point seen is that more people-oriented management is the better choice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Questions on Inventory and Supply Chain Management

    A 6 page paper answering 3 questions about supply chain management: what it is, why it is important, how it differs from logistics management. One of the questions addresses probability of no stockout (PNS) and fill rate. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Article Reviews on Early Childhood Education Behavior Management

    A 4 page paper. Two articles that discuss behavior management in the early childhood education classroom are summarized. The writer then provides ides on how these strategies could be incorporated into a behavior management plan. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Introduction to Operations Management Approaches

    This 2.5 page paper provides a basic introduction to operations management. The essay explains what it is and reports three approaches that increase the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the operations management department. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Total Quality Management and the Effects of Human Resources Management

    This 8-page paper discusses the concepts of Total Quality Management and Human Resources Management, and how the two philosophies co-exist to help a company reach and maintain competitive advantage. The paper discusses definitions of the two concepts, then links the two. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Abraham Maslow, the Hawthorne Studies, and Management's Human Relations School

    This 10 page paper is a critical look at the Human Relations School of Management, Te paper outlines the developments of the school and considers the strengths and weaknesses in the approaches that look at man as either economic or social. The paper includes criticism of the Hawthorne Studies and the work of Maslow as well as evidence to support the continue of scientific management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Making Management Decisions and IS Technology

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of the issue of the use of technology, with the case example of it's use for a PATH clinic that provides holistic services. For many organizations, the use of information systems technology in management decision-making is limited by the applicability for company operations. Management teams can only utilize information systems technology that corresponds with existing operational pieces, and decision-making is often limited by the software and hardware systems that are currently in use. This paper relates these to the specific case example. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • TQM and HRM

    This 3-page paper attempts to answer why human resource management would be of interest to a company wishing to implement total quality management. The paper discusses both concepts, then compares them to one another. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Enron's Conflict Management

    A 5 page paper discussing Enron’s approach to conflict management during its collapse fiasco. Regardless of what is found later to be at the root of all the problems that the company faces now, even the most superficial glance at the company illustrates that it does not operate under effective principles of conflict management. At the very time that the company most needs to operate as a cohesive unit, individuals at all levels are pointing fingers in all sorts of directions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • TQM, Quality Management, and Performance Measurement

    This 4 page paper looks at the concepts of performance measurement and quality management, defining and explaining them before looking at how these come together with Total Quality Management. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Relationship Between Quality Management, Total Quality Management, and Measuring Performance

    This 3 page paper looks at the links between performance measurement and quality management how they are interdependent and essential when implementing Total Quality Management. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Long Term Prospects for Customer Relationship Management

    This 14 page paper examines customer relationship management and critically analyse how the marketer can prevent the demise of customer relationship management in the future. Evaluating this with examples how to sustain the credibility of relationship marketing for the customer. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • College Classroom Management

    A 5 page paper that focuses on classroom management in college classrooms. Contrary to what many college instructors, especially new instructors, believe, a classroom discipline or management plan must be developed. This essay offers ideas and suggestions for developing such a plan. Glasser's work is cited in terms of choice theory, drive theory and classroom meetings. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Business Law Questions

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of three business law questions, one about the types of negotiations, one about a sports case, and another about manufacturer warrantees.


    This 18-page paper is a model of a business plan for a sporting goods store. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • HRM and its Role in Corporate Strategy

    This 12-page paper discusses the role of human resources management in a company's strategy. Topics discussed include interviewing and testing, employee management and financial incentives. Bibliiography lists 1 source.

  • Issues in Coastal Resource Management

    This 7-page paper examines issues pertaining to coastal resource management in the U.S. Topics include government and non-governmental efforts, as well as the management of land, agriculture, vegetation and water as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Asthma Management and Drug Therapies

    A paper which looks at the management of asthma using drug therapies, specifically corticosteroids and b2-agonists, and comments on the increasing interest in making use of environmental management and complementary medicine in the treatment of the condition. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Working Capital Management at Federal Express

    A 4 page paper discussing working capital management at Federal Express. Overall, it appears that FedEx deals with its working capital well, but it should not miss out on returns it could gain on the cash it holds. If FedEx truly has no short term investments, it should seek out some useful ones to use for better working capital management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Resources Management and Boeing

    This 6-page paper covers discussions about human resources management programs, specifically at Boeing. Discussions include literature pertaining to Boeing HR (including safety factors and knowledge management), as well as other issues to consider in developing a strong HR program. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Interprofessional Approach to Nursing

    A 5 page paper describing and analyzing a clinical situation in which nurses, a physical therapist and a prosthesis specialist collaborated in the care of an amputee. The shared governance structure within units ensures that direct-care staff nurses have a voice with senior management and addresses risk management and quality indicators, while maintaining an environment that encourages continual improvement. The interprofessional approach both relies and enhances nursing as a profession. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Time Management and Critical Care Nursing

    A 3 page research paper that explores the parameters involved in time management from a critical care nursing perspective. The writer argues that time management is a finely balanced equation for critical care nursing. It involves being organized, efficient and fast-enough to cover all assigned tasks, but also it involves not moving so fast or so efficiently that time is not taken to note crucial details that can mean the difference between positive and negative outcomes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Studies in Nursing Leadership

    A 4 page paper reviewing two studies focusing on management style in nursing. Autocracy has no place among nurses at any level, particularly in levels of senior management. As the entire health care industry continues to grow and evolve, appropriate leadership style is critical to the overall success of departments and organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Coping with Being Understaffed

    A 5 page research paper that first presents a nursing management scenario that hinges on a rural hospital being understaffed. This examination of literature utilizes the Six Sigma approach to problem solving in order to provide an answer to this nursing management scenario. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Personal Development Plan

    This 10 page paper is a personal development plan based on information supplied by the student. The paper proposes a career goal for someone in junior management to reach middle management and run a department within years, current skills are identified a needed skills are identified. A plan to obtain them is then presented. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Specific Issues Related to Cash Flow at a Small Company

    A 3 page paper assessing the cash position of an outsourcing firm, Perform, Inc. Perform has grown at impressive rates in the past several years, but its free-spending ways and poor debt management have reduced its profit margin from 15 to 1 percent. The paper concludes that Perform does have a cash flow problem, but that sound management and attention to costs can positively affect its cash position. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Disney Corp.; Current Assets And Liabilities And Cash Management

    This 7 page paper looks at the Disney Corporation between the years 2005 and 2007. The changes in the levels of the current assets and current liabilities are considered in terms of cash management and a projection is made regarding impacts that a 20% increase in revenue will have on the cash management. The bibliography cites 3 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses business models used by The Doors and the Dave Matthews Band, music distribution and building an iconic band.

  • The Use of Technology at Tesco

    This 6 page paper looks at the way that the UK supermarket chain Tesco uses technology and manages information and the way it has helped the company gain and retain its' dominant position. The paper considers the history of technology and information management within the firm and discusses the current use of the loyalty card as well as technology in inventory management including EDI and RFID. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Human Resources Management and Boeing

    This 6-page paper covers discussions about human resources management programs, specifically at Boeing. Discussions include literature pertaining to Boeing HR (including safety factors and knowledge management), as well as other issues to consider in developing a strong HR program. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Needs, Human Resources, and Human Resource Management

    10 pages in length. The extent to which the combined efforts of human relations, human needs and human resources are inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of these three all-important aspects precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Management and the Australian Company Macmillan Distribution Services

    This 9 page paper examines the role and importance of warehousing and inventory control and management and the transportations and distribution arrangements for the Australian company Macmillan Distribution services. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Strategy for Emirates Airline

    A 25 page paper discussing Emirates Airline growth and strategy for the future. In 2004, Emirates Air's CEO Maurice Flanagan stated that the airline's order for 90 new, luxury aircraft to be delivered over a period of time extending to 2012 likely would not be sufficient for the airline to meet the demand that its management intended to create by that time. The astounding statement proved to be prophetic. The paper discusses internal and external environments and makes recommendations for the future. Bibliography lists 35 sources.

  • Richard Daft's Management Concepts and the Life Cycle Theory

    This 7-page paper discusses product lifecycles in connection with Ford's Mustang car. Also presented are Richard Daft's management theories, and how they tie into lifecycle theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Supply Chain Risk Management via Intelligent Agents

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of intelligent agents. The capacity of intelligent agents to conduct risk management in supply chains is emphasized. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Systematic Approach To Managing OHS - BSBOHS401B

    This 3 page paper looks at what is meant by a systematic approach to occupational health and safety and how it may be supported through planning and management systems and approaches. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Department Of Homeland Security

    An 8 page paper. This paper provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The paper discusses the purpose of the Department, its goals and its budget. The paper also comments on fiscal regionalism, globalization, cutback and surplus management, foreign trade zones and funding to other governments, such as state governments. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Language and Teaching

    A 5 page research paper draws on education literature in order to discuss teaching and learning within the framework of the typical tasks in a teacher's workday, i.e., lesson planning, preparing materials of instruction, classroom management, discipline, and lesson delivery, with a particular emphasis on the difficulties inherent in ESL instruction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Software Quality and Systems Development

    This 7 page paper looks at the issue of software quality in the context of systems development. Tools are discussed as well. Management models such as TQM are seen as valuable in the development of systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Efficiency Wages

    This 4 page paper looks at the economic concept of efficiency wages, and explains what they are and then considers the advantages and disadvantages for a firm that uses efficiency wages as part of its human resource management strategy. The bibliography cites 3 sources

  • Jobs and Stress

    This 14 page paper considers the way in which stress has become a focal point in the workplace and how employers are dealing with the apparent increases in stress levels. The paper looks at how developments have taken place and the role of counselling as a central tool in the systems that have been put in place to develop stress management. Examples are given to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Comparing Special Education Teachers with Teachers in a Regular Classroom

    This 6 page paper compares and contrasts the special educator with the regular classroom educator in the areas of classroom management, subjects taught, class size, and teaching methods. Quotes and examples given to support the thesis. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Analysis of 360 Degree Mangement Feedback Management Method

    A 5 page paper that analyzes the benefits and problems of using the 360-degree feedback management method. The writer supports the process as an important tool in improving worker moral and organizational effectiveness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Information Technology Security, Web Services and Database Management Systems

    This 14 page paper is written in three parts. Each part of the paper looks at a different type of technology, outlining the purpose and the motivation for it's' existence, how it functions, how it is used by organizations, the market and the way it may evolve in the future. The technologies discussed include information technology security, focusing on cryptography, web services and database management systems. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Securities Portfolios in Russian Banks/A Research Proposal

    This 5 page paper is a research outline for examining the risks in the formation and management of the securities portfolios of the commercial banks of Russia. The paper begins with considering of the available research methodologies and then designs a research proposal for the gathering and analysis of the required information. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • RFID, Forecasting, Collaborative Planning, and Factory Gate Prices

    This 7 page paper looks at factory gate prices, collaborative planning, forecasting replenishment and RFID and how they relate to marketing, supply chain management and the environment. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Supply Chain Management and RFID Chips

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of the use of RFID chips in shipping and tracking. The benefits to supply chain management are emphasized. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Corporate Compliance and Minimizing Waste

    This 20 page paper asserts that waste minimization is the most effective form of compliance for any corporation. The necessity for compliance, based on public health and environmental reasons, are explored. Also included is the history of industrial practices and the environmental movement as well as an explanation of how waste lowers the quality of life. Detailed methods of effecting minimization, along with easy to understand examples and the inclusion of the 'waste management hierarchy', is a focal point of the paper. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Nonprofit Organization Management

    An 8 page paper on the importance of studying nonprofit management today. The writer posits that non-profit organizations require many of the same administrative skills that their profitable counterparts do and stresses the influence of funding, financial analysis, computer knowledge, evaluation, etc; Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Strategic Commitment and Corporate Competitive Advantage

    This 3 page essay discusses the ides of strategic commitment in a company and the ways in which it adds to a larger corporate advantage. Strategic commitment is a separate and unique field of endeavor that is marked by the inclusion of ethics and the moral responsibilities of management as a part of a much larger strategic planning process. Follow-through on such a commitment is what allows any firm to enjoy a unique competitive advantage based on the relationship that it has established with its constituency. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and Changes in Management

    This 8 page paper considers how the automotive has changed and how management within the automotive industry has had to adapt to these changes. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • The Use of Customer Relationship Management in High End Fashion

    This 14 page paper looks at the way that customer relationship management takes place in the high end, or luxury fashion market in Europe, considering the way both personal and technologic development are impacting on customer relationships. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management

    The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.

  • Programs of Managing Stress

    This 5 page paper looks at models of stress management with particular focus on Broffenbrenner's ecological paradigm. The importance of stress relief in society is explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Three Dimensional Television - Bringing the Technology to Market

    This 5 page paper considers some of the difficulties faced by management in trying to bring 3D TV to the market and the way that the challenges were overcome, including the need for changes in consumer attitudes and choices in technology. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Import Export Zeigler Coal Holding Company

    A 7 page paper discussing a large import/export company using Zeigler Coal Holding as the point of discussion. The writer examines the company's performance over the past several years, the state of the coal industry and the company's overall corporate climate regarding management style, commitment to their employees and how they might be able to improve their performance. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • TQI and Its Implementation at Coca Cola

    This 5-page paper, by using various examples from the Coca-Cola company, attempts to address the execution phase for Total Quality Implementation including management support, customer satisfaction and employee feedback. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Marketing and Brand Management at JetBlue

    This 10 page paper examines the brand management of JetBlue. The paper starts by looking at the company background and then considers the way that the branding has been used, assessing the performance in the context of branding and marketing theory and the way results may be seen in the financial performance. The paper ends by identifying areas where there may be weaknesses and room for improvement. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • A Comparative Analysis Of Saudi Arabia And US Banks Before And After The 2008 Crisis

    This 22 page paper looks at the banks and banking system of the US and Saudi Arabia, to examine the similarities and the differences. The paper starts by looking at the banking environment inn general including issues such as bank management, supervision, and social and economic condition. The paper then goes on to assess the assets and liabilities in the banking sector before and after June 2008, looking at the similarities and differences. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Currency Risk Management at McDonald's

    A 5 page paper discussing McDonald's approach to currency risk management for its international operations. McDonald's finances in local currencies, hedges some cash flows and purchases supplies in local currency. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Kentucky Fried Chicken and Quality Management

    This 5-page paper examines KFC's attempts to meet quality at its Drive-Through Window (DTW). The questions in the paper are based on a case, Quality Management at Kentucky Fried Chicken,” which was prepared by Uday M. Apte and Charles C. Reynolds in 1995 by the Institute for Operations Research.

  • Conflict Styles At Workplace

    A 3 page paper that discusses conflict management styles, which styles exist in the writer's workplace and which style the writer prefers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Implementing Performance Management within an Organization

    This 13 page paper examines the concept of performance management, looks at the benefits of its implementation and considers how it may be implemented within an organization with the use of employee performance appraisals. The paper is made up of a 9 page written paper 7 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Canadian Hospital Nursing Setting and Conflict Resolution

    14 pages in length. Managing conflict within the workplace environment of a Canadian hospital is a fundamental aspect of progressive management. The extent to which conflict exists between nurses and managers is grand and far-reaching; that resolution is often stymied or ignored entirely speaks to the need for greater flow of positive communication, the understanding and acceptance that conflict will always exist to some degree, that when handled appropriately it often leads to beneficial changes and the desire to lessen its frequency by anticipating conflict before it occurs. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Conflict Management - Hypothetical Case Study

    A 7 page paper that begins with a scenario of a conflict in a hypothetical work team. This is a situation where there are negative behaviors and underlying tension and conflict rather than a two-sided or other type of conflict. The paper draws on the ideas of Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith's book, Resolving Conflicts at Work. The writer also comments on different approaches to conflict management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Successful Project Teams

    This 3 page paper looks at what is meant by a successful project team, the benefits and costs associated with successful project teams and what it takes for the team to be successful, including the support from management and the balancing of conflicting pressures by the team leader.

  • Freiberg and Albert on Cooperative Discipline

    An 8 page paper. The two most common approaches to cooperative discipline are from Albert and Freiberg. The writer discusses each, including the basic principles, components and goals of each. Freiberg's model is called Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline. As is shown in the essay the two approaches as far as cooperative discipline is concerned have a number of similarities. Research supporting Freiberg's model is also included. bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Consumer Credit

    This 15 page report discusses consumer credit -- its use, its availability, its purpose and function. Establishing a credit record is a simple enough process and is a fundamental aspect of most Americans’ lives but understanding the process of how credit actually works is far more complicated than opening a checking or savings account. This report address issues relating to personal credit such as credit card issuance and terms, consumer debt, and personal money management. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Capital Budgeting at Entergry Corp

    This 4 page paper examines capital budgeting at Entergry Corp., looking at general capital budgeting issues including risk management, capital requirements, valuation of innovatory and presents a sample NPV calculation. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Financial Issues; Market Efficiency, Sources of Capital and Dividend

    This 12 page paper looks at three different financial issues that are important for management to understand. The first issue is the assessment and concept of efficiency in capital market, looking at Efficient Market Hypothesis. The second issue considers potential sources of capital and the advantages and the disadvantages associated with each source. The last section considers the role and importance of dividends. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Important Issues in Project Management

    This 14 page paper looks at the topic of project management and considers what types of subjects would need to be examined before producing a project plan. The paper takes the format of a research proposal complete with research questions literature review and Gantt chart for scheduling the writing of the project plan. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Urban Solid Waste in the Year 2050

    A 6 page paper set in 2050, discussing the strides that have been made in the past 48 years. Certainly the population is higher and the city contains greater land area through annexation of outlying areas throughout the ensuing five decades. The fact that there is little change in the volume of urban solid waste over the 50 year period translates to immense progress in the management of that waste. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ritz Carlton Hotels and Customer Service

    A 5 page paper discussing some of the techniques that this Baldrige award winner uses to ensure relevant and ongoing superlative customer service. The key is that management remains dedicated to the TQM principle of continuous improvement, refusing to become complacent with the improvements already made. It uses customer requests to make meaningful changes, and then repeats the process with every customer. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Value of Diversity

    This 4 page paper looks at cultural diversity in the work place and considers if and how embracing cultural diversity can ad value to a firm. The paper looks at the cists and benefits and examines examples of value added by diversity management. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Overview of Manufacturing and Management

    An 8 page paper that begins with a very brief definition of the manufacturing industry. The paper then goes on to discuss a number of aspects of management in the manufacturing environment, including decision making, the effects of using teams, motivation, and performance appraisal. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Employee Behavior and the Effects of Management Accounting

    5 pages in length. The fast and frequent changes that continue to occur throughout the workplace has caused some positions to be eliminated while others assume even more responsibility. In the case of management accounting and how it impacts employee behavior, the student will want to discuss this ever-changing environment as it relates to improving company productivity and efficiency, the need for effective leadership during such changes, as well as address the critical importance of managerial communication within the organization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Construction Industry and ISO 9000 Use

    5 pages. The purpose of this paper is to show the success and/or failure of the use of the ISO 9000 quality management technique in the construction industry. The description of as well as implementation of ISO 9000 is discussed and any benefits or difficulties that might be associated with this method are covered as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cyber Setting Leadership and Decision Making

    This 4 page paper looks at cyber management and focuses on elements of decision making and leadership. Leadership is defined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ernesto Che Guevara's Leadership Characteristics

    A 10 page paper discussing the management style and motivations of the medical doctor that was so important in the development and continuation of Marxist influences in Latin America. A committed opponent of capitalism and the US, Guevara exhibited many of the same characteristics that can be found in the leadership of Southwest Airline’s Herb Kelleher, another charismatic leader. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Small Law Firm Management Improvements

    A 4 page paper that begins with a brief description of the scenario. A strategic planning approach will be used to change the management of this firm. Strategic planning is discussed, including comments on how law firms have used this approach in the past. The writer suggests that this company adopt the learning organizational design as their design. The issues of employee morale and motivation are discussed, using Maslow's hierarchy as the basis for improving these factors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sexual Discrimination, European Union and English Laws

    This 14 page paper considers the development of sex discrimination legislation in England, how it has developed, the way it impacts on employers, employees, management and unions and its’ limitations. Numerous cases are cites to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses how quality management and quality assurance can be used for an independent filmmaker interested in shooting a film. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Risk Management Issues in E-Law

    4 pages answering 4 questions about Internet law and risk management, particularly in matters of privacy and use of information gathered from site visitors. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Analysis of 360 Degree Mangement Feedback Management Method

    A 5 page paper that analyzes the benefits and problems of using the 360-degree feedback management method. The writer supports the process as an important tool in improving worker moral and organizational effectiveness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Major Airlines and Management

    A 9 page paper discussing the similarities and the management philosophies of American, United and Delta. All old, established companies, they are the three leaders of the US airline industry in terms of total revenues. Neither was profitable until the federal government authorized air mail by private carrier in 1925, and all three operate with only an uneasy peace with their pilots. The paper asks whether any of the three practices TQM, and concludes, based on the company-as-hostage stance of the pilots, that they do not. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Studying International Management

    This 12 page paper answers the question of why one should study international management. Within that context a variety of factors are observed as they pertain to culture, religion and the law. Product applicability and marketing considerations are also reviewed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Nonprofit Organization Management

    An 8 page paper on the importance of studying nonprofit management today. The writer posits that non-profit organizations require many of the same administrative skills that their profitable counterparts do and stresses the influence of funding, financial analysis, computer knowledge, evaluation, etc; Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing Management Issue/Medication Error

    An 11 page research paper that addressing this issue. This examination of the problem of medication errors focuses on the context of mental health nursing within the United Kingdom (UK); however, this is a problem that is systemic to all modern healthcare systems; therefore, informative sources outside the UK will also be consulted. After examining and discussing the literature, the writer considers the literature from the perspective of risk management theory. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Pain Management and Music Therapy

    A 6 page research paper that examines literature pertaining music therapy as a method for pain management. The writer reviews the literature and offers suggestions for implementation of music therapy into clinical nursing practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Obeserving and Managing the Classroom

    A 5 page research paper that offers an account of a hypothetical observational experience. While actually conducting a classroom observation is, of course, beyond the scope of this example term paper writing service, a great deal can be discerned from classroom management literature that indicates how such a classroom observation might be described. This paper indicates, hypothetically, how an observational experience might be described and also suggests an activity that the student may conduct with a class. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Stroke Victims and Their Rights

    A 10 page research paper that addresses case management issues regarding stroke victims. The writer examines the scope of this problem (from a US perspective), offers a literature review, and discusses relevant ethical, social and economical considerations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Nursing Issue of Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Nurses

    A 6 page paper discussing the issue of chemical dependency among nurses and how other nurses and nurse managers should respond. The paper provides a literature review of sources after 2002; a discussion of management theory; and practical advice for how coworkers and nurse managers should proceed when they suspect chemical dependency. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Diabetes Control: A Review of Literature

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of 8 articles that represent current research in the area of diabetes management and diabetes education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Diabetic Education for Continuing Education for Nurses Exploring Perceptions of Health Care Management Compared to Published Standards of Care Among a Rural Population Experiencing Diabetes: A Review of Literature

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of elements of a review of literature on the subject of diabetes education and adherence to health care management principles and standards of care. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • Measurement and Assessment of Employee Performance

    This 10 page paper is a literature review looking at the way in which employees’ performance may be managed with the use of performance management. The paper focuses on performance measurements and performance appraisal. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Classroom Management and Behavioral Conditioning

    10 pages in length. Just as people learn lessons pertaining to history or math, they also learn how to behave based upon the manner by which they are trained. Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner introduced the world to an approach to conditioning behavior response without the need for negative reinforcement; rather, the application of positive reception proved a much more viable approach toward getting the wanted behavior. As such, employing the concept within the classroom provides for a much more effective management outcome. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Contemporary British Sports and Feminist Theory

    An 8 page paper which relates feminist theory to sports, and how this reflects contemporary British society. Specifically considered is feminism in relation to sports, how leisure theory developed from a male perspective, and inequalities in terms of participation (between gender), income and employment, power, positions of management and administration. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Skills for Effective Management

    A 5 page paper that discusses what skills the manager needs to be effective. The writer discusses the five functions of management and other skills needed. The ability to think critically, for example, is one of the most essential skills. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nursing, Management, and Stress

    This 8 page paper delves into stress in respect to nursing and nurse management. Stress is discussed in general as well as how it factors into the managerial role. Stress in the nursing profession is also discussed at length. Solutions are suggested. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • TQM and Improvement

    A 6 page paper. Total Quality Management (TQM) has become controversial due to companies saying it really did not result in great improvement. Researchers have found that these companies are doing more talking than acting when it comes to implementing the processes of TQM. This paper discusses the reasons for failure and how the process has been shown to be successful in numerous ways. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Issues Regarding Public HRM

    A 9 page paper. Specific issues within public human resource management are investigated, including: issues facing public human resource managers, job analyses - why and how, and performance based compensation plans, including their relationship to expectancy and equity theories. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Special Education Classroom and Behavioral Management

    This 5 page paper gives two Journal abstracts concerning the topic of behavioral self management in the disabled student in the classroom. Single subject designs used. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Management of Compensation Situation

    This 8 page paper consider the current situation of compensation management and how this is changing. The writer consider the way in which employees are compensated, the different influences such as company culture, job status and the competitive environment, and then considers how this impacts on the total remuneration or compensation package. The bibliography cotes 5 sources.

  • Text Summary of Carr and Snyder's The Management of Telecommunications

    This 19 page paper provides a summary, with some observations, of the book entitled The Management of Telecommunications by Carr & Snyder. The book looks at historical facts of telecommunications, but also provides precise technical information about technology utilized in telecommunications. No additional sources cited.

  • Organizational Management and In Search of Excellence by Peters and Waterman

    10 pages in length. The writer compares the approach of Peters and Waterman as it relates to organizational management in the health care industry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Strategic Management Within Harley-Davidson

    7 pages. This paper describes the management strategy of the Harley-Davidson Company including the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. The company objectives and strategies and an evaluation of them are also discussed. Looks at long-term objectives and demographics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Technology and Its Impact Upon Management and Production Operations

    10 pages. New technology has a great impact on production operations and management. The focus of this paper is on the Ford Motor Company and the impact of robotic technology. Topics include the difference in cost of human vs. robotic labor as well as how and why Ford was interested in this technology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Issues in Project Management

    A 5 page paper that addresses specific issues related to project management. Topics addressed include: planning, needs assessments, managing the project for success and managing risks. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • UK Issues Regarding Human Resource Management

    6 pages in length. Myriad human resource management issues grace various forms of the British media, providing the populace with ample opportunity to gain a more significant understanding of the challenges and struggles typically inherent to the aspect of commerce. From these many topics, the student may decide to choose such issues as effective leadership and minimum wage concerns as they relate to Britain's quest to better its workforce. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Management Support System Success

    12 pages. This paper gives an excellent example of a Management Support System used in the banking industry. Designed as a case study, it looks at the current application and future potential of MSS within the industry. Describes the system currently in use within the company and the characteristics as regards the MSS as well as an overall assessment of the position within the organization with respect to MSS. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Management Challenges of Coca Cola

    A 6 page paper that discusses some of the many challenges this corporation has faced in the last several years. Revenues have declined steadily while more resources have been poured into markets, sometimes declining markets. Decisions have been made that were strategically unsound and that reflected poor asset management and allocation. These are some of the issues discussed in this essay. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Health Care Organizations and TQM

    17 pages. This paper addresses the use of Total Quality Management Programs in Healthcare Organizations. These especially apply to those programs in Saudi Arabia. The focus will be on the eight TQM criteria. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Human Resources Management - The Trade Offs

    This 15 page paper considers the way that many trade-offs are necessary in human resource management departments. The writer considers this in the facilitating of competitiveness, training and development, motivation and the legal necessaries. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Leadership and Project Management

    A 5 page paper. The overwhelming majority of projects fail for one reason or another. They don't have to fail, however. This paper discusses the management and leadership qualities that re needed to bring projects to a successful completion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management Style and Microsoft Corporation

    This paper examines the management style of Microsoft, Inc., and determines how that style has led to the company's success. Under discussion are topics including employee recruitment and maintenance and missions and goals. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Practical Application of Management Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of management theories and how they can be applied in practice. The paper deals with how managers confront real life situations and how theory applies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 20th Century U.S. Welfare Capitalism and Personnel Management

    This 14 page paper looks at the history of personnel management as it evolved between 1900 and 1940. Welfare capitalism during that time period is also discussed and concepts are interrelated. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and Changes in Management

    This 8 page paper considers how the automotive has changed and how management within the automotive industry has had to adapt to these changes. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Globalization and Supply Chain Management in the Automotive Industry

    This 8 page paper discusses the effect of globalization on supply chain management in the automotive industry. Globalization has had a significant impact on supply chains leading to mergers, alliances and other forms of cooperative efforts. This essay discusses some of the many changes that have taken place. 4 illustrations included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • E-commerce Service Options

    A 5 page paper discussing external customer service and payment options available to online merchants. The variety of services available translates to a wide range of choices being available to online merchants, allowing them to operate their businesses exactly as they choose. The cost of these services generally will be far less than any in-house effort to provide the same, bringing cost benefits for both merchants and their customers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Airline Industry After Terrorist Attacks of 2001

    This 5 page paper deals with the fate of the airline industry in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Analysis of stockholders, industry and overall health of the airline businesses. Examples, charts, statistics included. Quotes from CEO of American Airlines. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Airline Industry Trends

    A 6 page paper discussing trends in the global airline industry. Several airlines have made changes specifically targeting the business traveler, but many of the world's leading airlines face survival issues. All airlines are required to address financial, security and customer issues. Bibliography lists 11 sources.


    This 3-page paper explains how a master's degree in geographic engineering systems might impact an employee working in business development for a major automobile chain. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Business Communication Skills Development

    This 6-page paper discusses the importance of communication in a business setting (between supervisors and the workforce). Topics discussed include different types of communication (written and oral) and provides recommendations on how such communication can be effective. Bibliiography lists 4 sources.

  • Business, Social and Ethical Responsibility

    This 7 page paper considers the role of social responsibility in the commercial environment. The question of what social responsibility is tackled along with the arguments for and against it. The theories of Milton Friedman and his views on the singular responsibility of profit maximisation discussed and his reasoning is found to erroneous in some assumptions. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • CSR and PR Public Relations: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    This is an 8 page paper discussing corporate social responsibility in public relations. Within the corporate sector, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become one of the major principles promoted within recent years in the business plan to achieve business success. Terry Slavin in his article “Canny companies come clean” reported that corporate reporting has entered into a “new generation” where “companies solicit the opinions of friends and foes – employees, suppliers, the communities in which they operate – to gain a warts-and-all picture of how they do business”. Today, it is estimated that the majority of companies now report on social and community issues and there are a growing number that also have dedicated social reports. References to CPR in companies such as Shell, The Body Shop, The Co-Operative Bank, Starbucks and Oxfam are used. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Sexuality as Depicted in Muriel Spark's The Driver's Seat and The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

    This is a 4 page paper discussing the portrayal of sexuality in Spark’s two works “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” (1961) and “The Driver’s Seat” (1970). Muriel Spark presents different portrayals of women and sexuality within two of her works, “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” and “The Driver’s Seat”. In “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” Spark uses strategies to allow the reader to become aware of her constant comparison of Brodie’s life with that of a man’s. As Brodie becomes more in control during the “prime” of her life, her character is physically and mentally compared with that of strong historical figures. In addition, Spark shows Brodie as a representative of the growing feminism throughout the 1930s in which women began to travel more on their own and live their lives outside of the religious confines of the past. The central character, Lise, in “The Driver’s Seat” however, portrays an embittered and business-like modern women. Spark uses business imagery to describe Lise and how women in the 1960s modern business world have become ordinary, tight-lipped and are judged on how many personnel are “above them” or “below them”. In addition, Lise tries to search for a man who has a “lack of absence” which indicates that men as well as women are affected by the impersonalized nature of the modern world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Tyson Foods Case Study

    8 pages in length. The moral dilemma in this particular text addresses the issue of business ethics and integrity. Is it wrong to receive special treatment when it is nothing more veiled bribery? From an outsider's point of view, Tyson Foods was attempting to cover up issues the company did not want brought into the public eye, and Espy was more than willing to accommodate their compromised position. Determining what constitutes values is the fundamental purpose of corporate social responsibility. Given the fact that all of humanity must coexist on the same planet, there has to be a modicum of consideration with regard to business values. If not, then there would be no sense of tolerance or respect for individual life. People have to abide by an ethical code as a means by which to ensure proper behavior among the world’s population. According to Tyson and Espy's behavior, however, one must question who is to determine just what this corporate ethical code will represent, and who is to say that all commerce must follow it? The writer discusses that defining ethics is to define man’s proper values and interests, a concept that must exist within the framework of all business infrastructures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Employees Resisting Change and Management

    This 5 page report discusses the management challenge and frustration of dealing with employees who resist change. Most managers, regardless of their level in the organizational structure are likely to report that one of the most frustrating aspects of their role is managing employees who are adamantly opposed to change. This paper looks at some of the literature on the topic and Makes suggestions as to processes that may be utilized in any circumstance for a positive management of change. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Conservation v. Preservation in Ecosystem Maintenance

    A 5 page discussion of the many complex consideration which go into environmental management. The environmental management approaches of preservation and conservation are defined and contrasted. The author contends that rather than get caught up in the semantics of the preservation verses conservation argument, however, we must selectively employ each of these approaches if we are to find the most workable solution to insure the future of our world's natural resources as a whole.

  • 'Bug Shop' Market Research

    A 5 page paper discussing Paul’s idea of converting his hobby of Volkswagen Beetle repair into a full time business. He visited a dealership for information on the car that has been out of production for nearly 20 years and was surprised that he received no information. The paper lists Paul’s options in conducting market research to determine the existence of a market for his proposed business without the need of using a market research firm. Listed avenues are classic and collector car websites on the Internet, collectors’ publications and contact with clubs dedicated to the Beetle and the VW Bus. The paper also stresses taking a national focus of a restorer of Beetles and Buses rather than one of being a local repair shop for old cars. No additional sources cited.

  • Self Regulation in Advertising

    8 pages in length. Advertising self-regulation is a critical component of corporate social responsibility. Such efforts much exist inasmuch as the ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concepts that are often absent from a business standpoint. The writer discusses how the basic motives behind this concept stem from the desire to not only advertise a particular product but to also do so in a responsible manner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sexual Exploitation and the Trafficking of Women

    A 48 page paper presenting a comprehensive overview of human trafficking, particularly of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The introduction provides a general overview and insight into the extent of this crime. Human trafficking is reported to be the third most profitable illegal business in the world. The second section of the paper offers a feminist perspective on trafficking of women and girls into prostitution. Data include numbers from many different regions in the world. Estimates run as high as 2 million women and girls trafficked every year. Data support the premise that human trafficking is a gendered business, a backlash against feminism, according to one well-known author. The impact of globalization on sex trafficking is then explored. Countries are categorized as origin points, transition points or destination points. The classifications of numerous countries are reported, some of which fit into all three categories. International and national laws and agreements regarding human trafficking and particularly sex trafficking are reported in the next section. Two case studies are then reported: Ukraine and the Philippines. A summary and conclusions end the essay. Bibliography lists 50 sources.

  • Human Resources Management Information Systems

    A 13 page paper discussing the growing importance of human resources information systems (HRIS). Management of human resources has expanded far beyond the old recordkeeping responsibilities. While that is still a critical portion of HRM, HR has been charged with contributing to the organization's competitive advantage by planning for future personnel needs and then training existing workers to fill future roles. Information systems has contributed to that evolution of HRM. Information systems enhance the ability of smaller companies to offer the same HR services and provide employees with the same level of service expected in large organizations, while simultaneously positively contributing to the organization's competitive advantage as it depends on the organization's workforce. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Ritz Carlton Hotels and TQM

    An 11 page paper discussing the second service organization, and the first hotel chain, to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. Experts in TQM previously would have believed that a hotel chain would not have been able to achieve an atmosphere of total quality and continuous improvement, but Ritz-Carlton has demonstrated that such an achievement is indeed possible. TQM obviously has been achievable at Ritz-Carlton, and in meaningful and lasting ways - employee turnover has dropped to less than 30 percent in an industry where 'normal' is 100 percent, and customer satisfaction perennially remains at 97 percent. In order to continue the trend, however, Ritz-Carlton will need to take extra precaution in ensuring that it does not become complacent with its commitment to quality. Continuous improvement will be the key, a factor apparently recognized already by Ritz-Carlton management and employees alike. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Army Personnel Management Policy Differences Between Civilian and Active Members

    A 10 page paper discussing how contractual members of the armed forces are managed differently than are civilian personnel. From most outward appearances, civilian personnel management bears very little difference from that of any other large US employer; contractual members of the armed forces are managed in very different ways, but for very good reasons. It is discipline and respect that comprise the two prime characteristics of daily military operation, but they also are primary in times of crisis. Contractual members of the armed forces may look with either envy or disdain at the “nicer” treatment civilian personnel receive, but as General Colin Powell illustrates, their commanding officers are charged with teaching them there is a reason for everything that happens. They could be in combat; the civilians never will be. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Management Concepts in 'Wall Street' and 'Twelve Angry Men'

    5 pages in length. According to industry analysts, there has never been – nor will there ever be – a single, most effective manner by which to manage. Indeed, the vast number of components that comprise the overall aspect of leadership precludes there being an exclusive method for optimal management strategies. The reason for this stems from the fact that companies must be looked upon as individual nations that require specific direction based upon diverse variables. When assessing this notion as it relates to the films "Twelve Angry Men" and "Wall Street," the writer discusses different approaches each movie utilizes to gain much the same outcome. No bibliography.

  • Case Study on the Value of Materials Management

    This 5 page paper explores a case study submitted by a student. The concept of materials management is explored in depth. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Property Management and Database Design

    A 31 page paper discussing criteria for and design of a distributed database for a small real estate management company. The company sells properties and manages others, and needs a database useful to both employees and tenants. The paper recommends that the company use an SQL-based distributed database. The designer’s primary focus, after determining all the needs of the company, should be that of producing a design that will be useful several years into the future. Its cost should be recovered at least in part through its usefulness as a sales tool, rather than only a method of reporting historical results, those things that already have occurred. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Use and Theory of Strategic Supply Chain Management

    A 5 page paper which examines the use and theory of strategic supply chain management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • United Kingdom and Management's Increasing Unitary Approach to Employment Relations

    This 6 page paper considers the way in which the employment relationship has been changing since the 1970's with a rise in a unitary approach form employers matching the fall of power from the unions. The writer includes management attitudes, government attitudes, trade union and public opinion. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Development of Digital Rights Management

    A 12 page paper discussing the present state of development of this technology. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a proactive approach to protecting intellectual property that exists in digital – i.e., downloadable – form. National and international copyright protection has been found not to be enough to protect the rights of those owning rights to intellectual property. The entertainment and software industries particularly have been adversely affected by individuals’ abilities to appropriate content for their own use (or worse, for sale to others) without paying developers or providers for the benefit they receive from the products. DRM is an emerging technology that seeks to rectify that situation, at least in part. The paper discusses Intuit’s use of DRM protection in TurboTax® and Microsoft’s proposed Palladium product. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Workplace Absenteeism Management

    This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Nursing Practice and Pain Management Research

    A 10 page paper discussing putting research into nursing practice. There is much research done in the name of furthering practice technique and nursing values. Not all research is of the quality it should be, but even that which is still is difficult to incorporate into practice in many instances. Increasing projects in nursing research are using a qualitative approach, one that typically has been looked askance on by the medical community as not being "real" science because it relies on opinions and attitudes of research subjects rather than on physically measurable (i.e., quantitative) quantities and structures. This paper reviews a well done qualitative work, then applies its findings to pain management in nursing practice. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Cyber Cafe Setup Business Plan

    This 9 page paper is a plan to convert a café into a cyber café. The paper lays out the background ands the plans to carry out the conversion including a Gantt chart and a capital costing budget. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Literature Review on Empowerment and Leadership

    21 pages in length. To define the concept of leadership is like trying to describe the myriad shades of white available in a painter's palette: There are so many similar yet unique components to this color that there can be no singular description. Instead, leadership is comprised of a vast and expansive cornucopia of adjectives and edicts and theories that serve to outline the way in which to be effective in a management position. While book knowledge is the foundation of most learning curves, application is something quite different, especially when it comes to possessing leadership qualities; providing a list of characteristics outlining an effective leader is one thing, however, to actually have someone successfully put them to use – as well as incorporate innate abilities to manage that often cannot be taught – is the true challenge. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Ford Motor Company CEO Alex Trotman and His Management Skills

    A 5 page paper evaluating the leadership and management abilities of Ford Motor Company's CEO. Ford has always been a solid performer but never spectacular until Trotman's programs took firm hold. The 1997 profits of $6.9 billion not only is the highest in Ford's history, it also is the highest of any automaker ever. Trotman absolutely is proactive, as evidenced by the bold steps he has led Ford in making in his time there. Of course, Ford was successful before Trotman assumed his role of CEO, but much of the spectacular performance of recent times can be attributed directly to his leadership and his efficient and systematic direction of Ford's current direction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • American Airline Industry Fortunes and Yield Management Impact

    A 9 page paper on the positive financial effects that yield management pricing has had on the major airlines of the U.S., exhibited by a $2.5 billion industry-wide profit after posting losses of over $13 billion over the previous four years combined. With the major airlines' increased financial health, they are better able to compete not only with each other, but against the newer, smaller airlines that would like to create a secondary market in areas not well-served by the major carriers. The major airlines, however, are using all their new-found financial might to drive the smaller ones out of their markets and then follow with increased fares when the threat of competition is gone. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Today's Human Resources Management

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of trends in human resources management. Many issues are addressed including discrimination, proper benefits distribution, and sexual harassment. Legal aspects are highlighted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Effective Management of a Luxury Hotel

    An 8 page paper that discusses a number of issues related to effectively managing a hotel. The writer reports research that described the best-managed hotels in the industry, including some of the practices that make them so successful. Research about the discrepancy between employees' perception of the effectiveness of their manager and the manager's perception. The practices of one upscale hotel are described. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Theoretical Nursing Perspectives on Pain Management

    A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of pain from a theoretical nursing standpoint. The writer first defines pain according to nursing standards and then offers empirical referents, as well as other topics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • HRM and Staffing

    11 pages in length. Staffing a company with competent, thorough and self-motivating people is a constant struggle for contemporary Human Resources departments; finding qualified employees who are not only knowledgeable but also personable and of the teamwork mindset is almost as difficult as finding that proverbial needle in a haystack. Today's work ethic is severely compromised compared with fifty years ago when doing a good job was as much of a satisfaction as earning a week's pay. People actually took pride in their work and would not consider giving less than one hundred percent effort. The contemporary workforce, however, is filled with self-absorbed individuals who approach a job with the attitude of "What's in it for me?," leaving HR departments frustrated with the lack of fortitude in today's workforce. However, there are ways to address a situation where perhaps the most perfect candidate has not filled the position, enabling HR managers to mold and guide their staff with communication, solid leadership and an interactive environment to the point where a cohesive alliance is developed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Knowledge Management (KM) Processes

    This 5 page report discusses the fact that virtually every organization in the modern world has somehow been transformed by the availability and ongoing development of information technology. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is used as an example of that fact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Human Resources Management and the Impact of ADA

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on HR departments. Hiring and firing practices, as well as record keeping procedures are discussed. How to avoid a lawsuit due to ADA is also an underlying theme of the paper. Some examples are provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Contemporary Management and Communication's Role

    This 9-page paper focuses on the role that good communications plays among the modern managers of today. The paper touches on why managers must be also good communicators and also suggests ways to build a good communications plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Research on Ethics and Management

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, summarizes the lessons to be learned from a research study conducted by Dane K. Peterson (2002). This paper also relates the information from Peterson's study to theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and Product Change Management

    This 10 page paper looks at the way a product may be changed, from concept or request through to final delivery. The writer looks at the different typos of change, how they may originate, the way in which they are realised and the considerations that will take place as a part of the process. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Reasons for TQM's Success

    This 40 page paper is a comprehensive examination of TQM and why it is so successful. The writer’s hypothesis states that TQM is so successful because it manages to balance people, including employees and customers, with processes with even the process embodying motivation theory the empowerment of employees. The paper starts with the theory by looking at what is meant by TQM and its origins and then considers how it motivates employees, how it considers customers and process. The writer then looks at examples of its use, including Six Sigma, (a TQM tool) and SERVQUAL. Numerous companies are cited throughout the paper to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Marketing and Management Across Cultures

    An 8 page paper evaluating a statement that all attempts to explain other cultures still are made in terms of one that is not of that culture. In so doing, the very effort to explain the culture can be in error. It is necessary to know the differences in these populations for advertising purposes for advertising to be truly effective. Other aspects of marketing involve the need for still greater awareness of cultural differences of perception and reception of marketing messages. The inability of departing from the evaluation statement supports it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • UPS' 1997 Labor Strike and Management Lessons Learned

    An 8 page discussion of the management considerations which were inherent in the 1997 Teamsters labor strike against one of the US’s most successful and recognizable corporations. This paper outlines the situation leading up to the strike and breaks this situation down into appropriate management considerations. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PPupsLb.rtf

  • Human Resource Management and Affirmative Action

    This 5 page paper begins with an introduction and definition of affirmative action. Research has shown that a companies with a diverse workforce tend to be more successful if the diversity is managed well. The writer discusses two approaches to managing diversity and ends the essay with comments regarding how HR managers can protect the company. bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Positive Customer Outcomes and HRM

    This 10 page paper examines the concept that the customer is king, and Bon's observation that if this is so, the second most important person is the one who has direct contact with him. Thus, how companies treat their employees is important in respect to customer service. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Impact of Airport Security Measures on Management Operations

    7 pages in length. The extent to which the airport industry environment is different now than prior to September 11, 2001 illustrates the significant lengths to which the nation's security system has been augmented. This vast development in the wake of America's worst terrorist attack in history is, however, said to be just as inefficient and incapable of averting another 911 episode as what existed before the fateful day; that the airport industry has strategically bolstered itself has made all personnel more keenly aware of the potential for a repeat performance, yet the ultimate performance of these presidential instituted mandates and the Transportation Security Administration role continues to leave gapping holes in the overall objective toward national protection. On a smaller scale, however, advancement is being made in certain areas where tremendous sweeps are not expected to occur – such as onboard – where a smaller cluster of people is able to make a bigger, more immediately visible and overall impact. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Computer Industry and the Importance of Channel and Distribution Management

    This 10 page paper looks at why the distribution channels ands systems are so important in this industry and outlines how they have been used to create competitive advantages. Companies such as Dell, Compaq and Hewlett Packard are considered, with a brief look at Microsoft. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management

    A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Communication and Management

    A 9 page paper. Experts consistently argue that communication in organizations is not effective. Patterns of communication can be found in every organization and managers typically follow along with the established patterns. The general topic of communication in organizations is discussed. The writer also discusses the types of communication approaches a manager might use in specific situations, such as delegation, coaching, consulting, briefing, criticizing, giving feedback and praising. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Global Setting and Strategic Brand Management

    This 16 page paper considers the way in which a brand may be strategically managed in order to maximize value and return. The writer considers issues such as the decision to standardize or customize brand the brand image in different geographical areas, the importance of positioning and brand extensions. Many examples are cited in the paper to illustrate the points raised, including companies such as Nike, Reebok, Proctor and Gamble and Gillett. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Social Workers Leadership and Management

    A 5 page paper discussing differences in management considerations of professionals as opposed to hourly service workers, such as the employees of a fast food restaurant. The view of the employee as someone who needs to be watched constantly is an outdated one that precludes the need for leadership. This is particularly untrue for professionals involved in social work. There are issues of governance that must be addressed and rganizations need to have specific procedures in place of course. They also need to have the means to ensure accountability. Most social workers are committed to their jobs in terms of ideology and personal conviction, however. They are unlikely to require much if any supervision for the purposes of ensuring productivity. Adherence to procedure and creative solutions to administrative problems are of greater issue for social worker supervisors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Aviation Industry's Air and Noise Pollution Management

    This paper examines the pollution issue that is plaguing the aviation industry -- both in terms of noise and air pollution -- and tries to describe what steps some independent operators are taking to curb the problem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Factors for a Successful MSS

    This 8 page paper considers what it is that makes a successful MSS. The writer argues that the key is matching the right system with the scenario in which it will be used. The writer considers different systems and different usages. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Management in the Classroom

    5 pages. This paper describes how teachers can use various ways to keep their student's attention and keep the classroom under control. Several methods are discussed such as eye contact, facial expressions, and a myriad of unique ways to interest students. While some teachers must endure behavior problems among their students there are ways to counteract this problem that will enable teachers to have more control in the classroom. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Managing Credit from the Perspective of a Creditor

    A 7 page paper discussing the perplexing possibilities of the origins and disposition of high consumer debt since the turn of the century. The landscape that currently exists is one not easily managed or navigated by credit managers. The much-touted recession now is being said to have been a phantom of everyone's imagination. Though other leading indicators have improved, layoffs continue to increase. In conditions such as these, the function of the credit manager can be seen as being socially significant. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Hotel Facilities Management

    A 5 page paper that reports an observation of an independent hotel. Specific headings include: The type of guests this hotel caters to; the kinds of accommodations and amenities offered and improvements that could be made; an organizational chart of the services; and the type of communication system the hotel has installed. Bibliography lists 7 sources. 1 graph.

  • Software Project Management Issues

    A 5 page paper discussing social considerations and qualities of project team members in planning and implementing a software project. The paper uses Wal-Mart as its example, in the data it collects on what items are in single shopping carts. Competitors collect customers' credit card information without gaining any real knowledge about what specific products they are buying. Team members should be able to communicate with managers and users with equal ease. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Corporate Management Sector and Women

    6 pages in length. A lot has changed in the last one hundred years in relation to women's roles in the workplace. To be sure, one would never find a female CEO at the turn of the century, nor would one be accustomed to seeing women in many executive positions at all. However, contemporary times have illustrated how women have been successful in their attempts to break through the barriers of a patriarchal work society and effectively plant themselves in the midst of prosperity. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management of Criminal Justice

    This 5 page paper deals with the managment of the criminal justice operation and the human resources departments in them. Views from leading experts such as Stojkovic and Fisher/Sirianni. Quotes and examples given. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • United Kingdom's Ethnic Minorities and Management

    A 14 page paper which examines management in the workplace in the UK as it relates to ethnic minorities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Financial Management and Profitability

    A 5 page paper discussing the financial results of three fictional companies in the retail food industry for the purpose of assessing their attractiveness to investors. The adage, “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure” unfortunately has found new life with the scandal currently unfolding around Enron. Companies strive to post the highest profit margins possible and so be as attractive to investors as possible, but astute investors need to consider other points revealed by reliable and accurate balance sheets. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Adult Educators and Managing Stress

    A 5 page paper which examines various perspectives concerning stress management and job burn-out among adult educators. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Management Change Theory

    A 6 page paper discussing implementing changes that can assist in integrating theory into practice. Theory-based nursing practice is the focus of much current nursing research and practice, but established, experienced nurses may be less familiar with theory than are new graduates. It is common practice for older nurses to mentor newer ones; new graduates fresh from study of theory also have the opportunity to teach as well. Lewin’s change theory maintains that change is incremental and proceeds stepwise. The organization can assist this progression by hiring new graduates with solid knowledge of theory, which they can pass on to those more experienced in practice. Includes abstract. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Patient Care and Individual Differences

    A 6 page review of two nursing articles dealing with patient care. The author of this paper provides an overview of each article, its presentation style, and findings, and identifies similarities in the message being conveyed by both articles. In addition to the direct impacts to health, illness and injury can result in a number of complex problems. The literature is replete with examples of treatment regimes and recovery expectations but always at mind must be individual variation in both physiology, emotion, and manner of dealing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Theory and Nursing Management

    A 4 page paper discussing longevity of systems dependent on information processing. The statement of debate is that the more energy devoted to information processing within a system, the more likely it is that the system will survive. The paper agrees with the statement, but cautions against allowing the law of diminishing returns from becoming applicable. Additional information processing is valuable only to a point, after which the system can be seen as existing to be served rather than as being a tool in patient care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Risks, Structure, and Security Management

    (8 pp) The complexities of modern society have combined to generate a variety of threats to business organizations, information networks, military installations, government operations, and individuals. For information technology, information is the core of its existence. Anything that threatens information or the processing of the information will directly endanger the performance of the organization. Whether it concerns the confidentiality, accuracy, or timeliness of the information, the availability of processing functions or confidentiality, threats that form risks have to be countered by security. That means there are structural risks. Structural risks require structural security. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management Accounting and Technology

    A 6 page paper examining some of the ways that technology has influenced management accounting. Examples are from the manufacturing perspective, particularly as it applies to a Just-In-Time (JIT) system. Some authors believe that increased technology also increases risk, but the general attitude is that as technology continues to evolve, so will the capabilities of management accounting. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Organization and Change Management

    9 pages in length. discusses change in the organization and techniques and methods used to manage planned change. Leadership skills as regards to change are emphasized. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Human Resource Management Aspects

    A 5 page paper that answer's specific questions. Issues include: definition of HRM and strategic HRM, advantages/disadvantages of strategic HRM, functions, internal and external forces, and a decision making process. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Managing Operations

    This 7 page paper looks at the role of operations management and the transformation process. The paper starts with an overview of the operations management based on readings provided by the student. The paper then looks at a company that is having problem on their payroll due to departments filling and sending in forms late. Using operations management ideas the paper looks at the current system, the key success factors for an improved system and then suggests changes that could be made to improve the process used. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • The Strategic Use of Human Resources

    This 14 page paper examines the implications for a human resource department of adopting a strategic management approach to human resource management; this is undertaken by looking at what is meant by strategic human resource management and considering the way it may be undertaken, including workforce planning and employee development. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Operations Management; Principle Healthcare Case Study

    This 16 page paper looks at a company (Principle Healthcare) and considers different aspects of operations management. The first questions deals with the way the operational strategy goals and the strategy realized may have some gaps. The second part of the paper considers forecasting and the firm's web site, the third questions considers supply chain management and the last questions looks at theories that may help with improvements in the firm, the theory of constraints and pull systems on inventory management are discussed. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Strategic Human Resource Management at Standard Chartered Bank

    This 20 page case study is written in three sections. Using a case study supplied by the student the first part compares the human resource management approaches of the Standard Chartered Bank to determine is the company us using strategic human resource management (SHRM). In the second section arguments are supplied to support the ongoing use of talent management strategies in an environment where costs need to be cut. The finak section discusses the importance of measurement to assess the success, or failure, of strategic HRM and suggests some measures suitable for the case study.

  • Changing Operations - A Case Study

    This 16 page paper is based on a fictitious case study provided by the student. A company needs to go from selling a standardized product to selling customized solutions. The paper considers different aspects related to that change, including the need for a new organizational structure, planning include a Gantt chart for the project, activities management, quality management, health and safety management and the way measure may be taken to use for future improvements. The bibliography cites 12 purchases.

  • Diversity Management - Theory and Practice

    This 10 page paper looks at the concept and practice of diversity management from a HR perspective. The paper first examines the underlying theory and approaches that may be utilized in diversity management and then looks at a case study of a company implementing active diversity management. The case study is the Bank of America. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Project Management Problems; A Case Study

    This 14 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. The CAA do not have a history of successful project management. In a case supplied by the student and external companies brought in and a range of issues arise when they seek to implement a project. This paper looks at the problems which arise, and considers them from a project management perspective, including areas which may have been lacking including definitions and documentation and the holistic approach to project management by the organization. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Cross-Cultural Management Solution for Riordan Manufacturing

    The 16 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student; Riordan Manufacturing has opened a new facility in Hangzhou, which is employing a cross-cultural workforce. The paper presents a plan to provide a solution to implement cross-cultural management, looking at the option of diversity management and the quality management. The paper looks at the potential solutions and presents an implementation plan. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Dubai Safety Belts Case Study

    This 6 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and answers three questions. The first answer explains the different between personnel management and human resource management. The second answer explain why the economic approach to employees is unlikely to be successful in the long run, the last answers demonstrates ho and why adopting the human relations approach to employee management will be productive. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • 2 Trade Textbooks on Investment and Mathematics Reviewed

    A 3 page overview of Nicholas Dunbar's "Inventing Money: The Story of Long-Term Capital Management and the Legends Behind It" and Roger Lowenstein's "When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management". Each of these books detail specific mathematical applications in the finance trade. The author of this paper explores their coverage of the Black-Scholes Formula and its role in the collapse of the massive hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pain Management Literature Review

    An 8 page literature review of self-management and therapeutic touch approaches to the management of chronic pain. The purpose of the paper is to provide a literature review; theoretical framework (Neuman Systems Model); problem statement; and research question. The question is, "Is TT an effective drug-free approach to the management of chronic pain in elderly nursing home residents?" Bibliography lists 11 sources, most from 2007 and 2008.

  • Principles of Management

    A 14 page paper that discusses the changes in management principles over the decades. The writer offers a very brief description of just a few of the older management theories and then provides a more comprehensive description of the most recent principles of management. Sharing knowledge and information is emphasized. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • HRM and the Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act

    The ADA’s Impact on Human Resources Management: This 5-page essay examines the relationship between the American with Disabilities Act and human resources management. Implementation of the ADA programs for any organization will take time, effort and additional financial resources. However, taking the time up front end to outline an organizational plan is one of the best first option choices that management can make. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SNAdahum.doc

  • Pain Management and Long Term Care Residents' Rights

    An 11 page paper discussing traditional and newer approaches to pain management among the elderly, specifically those confined to nursing homes. The paper includes discussion of Neuman’s, Orem’s and King’s theories of nursing practice as they relate to the issue of pain management among nursing home residents. The use of pain-killing drugs is frowned on even when use of them is necessary. More highly favored is patient education and personal responsibility in exercising pain management techniques. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Behavior Management and Ethics

    5 pages. Controlling another's behavior through behavior management will naturally bring up some ethical issues as to when such management is appropriate and in what settings. Managing the behavior of others requires moral and ethical skills as well as management skills. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Large and Small Companies and Management Functions

    A 5 page paper. beginning with a definition of management, the writer then discusses the levels of management traditionally found in large organizations. The five management functions are then identified and discussed along with comments about how these functions differ between large and small organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Empowerment and Case Management in Nursing

    This 5 page paper discusses the concept of empowerment in nursing and describes and explains the practice of case management and how the two are linked. While there are a number of different case management models, they all have specific elements in common. Case management falls under the general umbrella of patient-focused care and has been shown to be effective in providing greater quality of care. To work, however, nurses need to be empowered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Future Role of Management Consulting in the UK

    A 5 page paper discussing the likely future role of the management consultant, particularly in the UK. The role of the management consultant appears to be an ongoing one, and one that organizations will not alter in the future. The one change that can be expected is that organizations will be likely to use outside consultants more in the future, rather than less. Management consulting can assist in introducing new perspectives in matters such as efficient operation, the "triple bottom line" and efficient use of human capital. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management, Women, and 'the Glass Ceiling'

    5 pages. There is a well-known phrase called the glass ceiling which means that women are normally only promoted to a certain height up the corporate ladder. While there may be some women higher up in management sometimes these are just 'token' positions so that corporate management cannot be accused of discrimination. This paper will discuss the difficulties women have in getting the top management jobs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Management Theory and Microsoft, Inc.

    A 15 page paper providing an overview of Microsoft's evolution over the years, applying management theories such as those of contingency, leader member exchange, path-goal and other current theories. The success of Microsoft has not lay with its products so much as it has with its management and dogged determination not to quit. Microsoft products may have made us all groan over the past generation, but the company stands as the example of management theory put into astute practice. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Overview of Knowledge Management

    This 20 page paper provides a comprehensive overview of knowledge management. The concept is defined and a number of sub-topics such as digital assets management, handling of human resources and organizational management in general are discussed. Protection of digital assets with the use of firewalls and other tools is also discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Operations Management and Technology's Impact

    This 10 page paper addresses the questions: What impact has technology had on operations management? What is the significance of technology to operations managers? The writer begins with a brief overview of operations management, outlining the many diverse areas in which the operations manager is involved. The essay then goes on to discuss how technology impacts operations by using the example of supply chain management. Bibliography lists 8 sources. f

  • 4 Areas of Operations Management

    This 5 page paper gives an overview of four areas of operations management; the way a location is chosen, what Total Quality Management (TQM) is and how it works, product and process layout, and the role of technology in operations management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • 7 Risk Management Questions

    Seven risk management questions answered in 7 pages. Questions include defining risk; how risk differs for organizations and for individuals; comparison of qualitative and quantitative analysis and the worth of each; using multiple criteria in decision making; and the possibility of identifying all possible sources of risk. Other questions address the value of exercising risk management procedures on the risk management process and evaluation of the idea that if all sources of risk could be identified, then no risk exists. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Future Trends In Management

    A 5 page paper. Numerous factors have and will continue to change the practice of management. Advancing technology, changing demographics including an aging workforce and vast diversity in the workforce, and globalization are just a few of the challenges facing managers today. These factors will continue to change the way in which managers manage. This paper discusses some of the forecasts for how management will change in the future, including a different perspective on the four major functions of management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development

    12 pages in length. The extent to which human resource development is inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of competent management precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Company Conflict Management

    5 pages. Conflict management styles differ from company to company. This paper discusses the conflict management styles engaged at Ernst and Young, and compares it to one's own personal preference for conflict management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Becoming a Fortunate 500 Organization by Kenneth Blanchard and Michael O'Connor

    Becoming a Fortunate 500 Organization, Blanchard, O'Connor and other contributors promote the idea that management holds the key to corporate success, not through implementing top-down management strategies that focus on leadership style, productivity goals, and other effective means of operational support. This 6 page paper reflects the central perspectives presented in the work and underscores the link between management process and corporate outcomes. No additional sources cited.

  • A Strategic Management Overview

    This 55-page paper provides an overview and background of strategic management. Topics discussed are the various approaches to and theories for strategic management, as well as case studies documenting actual strategic management processes. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Strategic Human Resource Management at Standard Chartered Bank

    This 20 page case study is written in three sections. Using a case study supplied by the student the first part compares the human resource management approaches of the Standard Chartered Bank to determine is the company us using strategic human resource management (SHRM). In the second section arguments are supplied to support the ongoing use of talent management strategies in an environment where costs need to be cut. The finak section discusses the importance of measurement to assess the success, or failure, of strategic HRM and suggests some measures suitable for the case study.

  • Managing the Supply Chain in the Retail Grocery sector

    A 22 page paper. This essay discusses supply chain management perspectives, activities and components in supply chains. It also discusses supply chain management in the retail grocery industry and the factors that affect management of retail grocery supply chains. Examples of major grocery chains in the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe are provided and discussed. The essay also comments on the difficulties of measuring the performance of supply chains. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Operations Management Questions

    This 6 page paper answers 5 questions posed by the student. The first looks at what is meant by total design and the process of design. The second defines Total Quality Management (TQM), the third identifies and describes 4 TQM tools, the fourth looks at what is meant by operations management and the last part of the paper defines just in time management and the advantages it can create. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Do Management Theories Develop As Management Problems Arise?

    This 6 page paper considers the way that management theories have evolved over time and considers why and how they develop, looking at the influence of the environment and the commercial context as well as the basis on former research. The paper looks at management theories including scientific management, motivation theories, competitive strategy theories and change theories. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Operations Management; Principle Healthcare Case Study

    This 16 page paper looks at a company (Principle Healthcare) and considers different aspects of operations management. The first questions deals with the way the operational strategy goals and the strategy realized may have some gaps. The second part of the paper considers forecasting and the firm's web site, the third questions considers supply chain management and the last questions looks at theories that may help with improvements in the firm, the theory of constraints and pull systems on inventory management are discussed. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Can Depersonalized Bullying in the Workplace be Explained by Critical Management Theory?

    This 11 page paper looks at the concept and applications of critical management studies. The paper looks first the development and general approaches of critical management studies (CMS) and critical management theory (CMT). The main body of the paper examines the way these theories may be used to examine the problem of bullying in Indian call centers. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Task Management Monitoring and Standards

    This 12 page paper considers the importance of standard setting and performance monitoring on task management and the success of a company. The first part of the paper examines the use of standards and how these are important with introducing any task management system, a example is used to demonstrate how lack of standard setting increases the chances of failure. The second part of the paper then considers tools that may be used to monitor task management, the example used is that of the balanced scorecard. The bibliography sites 11 sources. 12

  • Reasons for Small Business Failure

    An 18 page paper discussing reasons that otherwise sound small businesses do not succeed. There is disagreement over what percentages of new businesses fail in the first five years-estimates range between 40 and 80 percent. Even at the low range, the failure rate is high, and evaluation of failures shows common traits that have led to those failures. Failure has far less to do with market conditions or the capabilities of the entrepreneur than it does with inadequate planning and forecasting. Small business 'experts' as well as the SBA stress that planning and forecasting should be done before the doors open for the first day of business so that the entrepreneur knows what to expect and when to expect it, as well as plan for its arrival. Adequate planning cannot prevent business failure, but it certainly can prevent the failure of businesses that otherwise deserve to succeed. Bibliography lists 11ources.

  • Web Developer Career Path

    A 5 page paper discussing qualities of a success web developer. The new web developer leaves school with a solid foundation of technical knowledge ready to use. S/he also leaves school with the greatest learning in the future rather than in the past. The path of a successful career as a web developer includes learning about business processes, business needs, customer concerns and similar matters. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Business Tax Planning

    Despite new tax regulations expected in 2005 and new tax regulations implemented in the past few years to protect against tax avoidance and tax evasion, tax planning for business still involves looking at where the tax dollars can be pared. Tax planning for businesses today involves good tax planning to take advantage of the remaining legal tax deferment methods and taking advantage of the tax laws where possible. 5 References. jvTaxPln.rtf

  • Travel Agency Marketing

    This 7 page paper looks at a business where sales are dropping and consider why, and how, they should carry out market research to identify who their customers are, what opportunities exist and how to use them to increase business. The paper then outlines marketing strategies that use this information.

  • Travel Agency Business Plan Start Up

    This 11 page paper sets out a business plan for setting up a new travel agency business in the UK. The plan includes company name and mission statement, strategy, considerations of the current competitive environments, including market trends and current major competitors. The paper then gives projection including a three-year cash flow statement and three year balance sheet statement. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Modern Business and Corporate Culture

    This 12 page paper looks at the relevance of corporate culture in the modern business world. The paper discusses the idea and interpretation of corporate culture, its' formation, development and the requirement of some organisations to change it. The paper then goes on to examine the way in which culture can be used to benefit both the organisation and the wider business environment. Throughout the paper examples of actual companies are cited to enhance understanding. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Economic Growth and Sustainable Business Strategy

    This 4 page paper looks at how economic growth can promote sustainable strategies in business. A number of scenarios and case studies are given in this concisely written paper to aid the student in the understanding of how green issues and business can be seen as coexisting with both sustainability and profitability achieved. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Business and Change

    A 12 page paper. Change is the only constant in business as well as in life. Nothing stays the same. Social, technological, political and economic forces demand organizations to change or go out of business. One of the most difficult challenges facing any company is how to overcome the natural resistance of employees when changes are made. This essay discusses change theory, including the reasons for resistance and techniques for overcoming resistance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • An E-Commerce Marketing Plan

    A 10 page paper. No one can doubt that e-commerce is here to stay; it grows exponentially each year. Companies, whether product or service, that do not have an Internet presence will lose business to those companies that do have an Internet presence. This paper presents a marketing plan for a chiropractic consortium. Topics include: description of the business; competition; e-commerce; designing a web page; and salesmanship on the web. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Companies That Are Reactive and Proactive

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts proactive and reactive firms. Such approaches in respect to environment is demonstrated. A real life firm that changed tacts is explored. There is an emphasis on international business and how proactive and reactive approaches are integrated into the export business. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Technology and Intervention by Government

    This 6 page paper explains the impact of the government on corporate business as regards technology. Has it helped or hindered business to get ahead by taking advantage of information technology? Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Business Cycle and Inflation

    2 pages in length. Inflation and the business cycle are two economic entities that are forever intertwined. The writer discusses that the manner in which one cannot exist without the other's influence is particularly pertinent when assessing how government attempts to minimize inflation along with the size of variations that exist in the business cycle. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business Behavior and Religious Values

    7 pages in length. The relationship between religious values and their inherent association with business dealings has warranted great interest and considerable depth in examination. The writer also discusses metaphysics and theocentric values as they relate to African-American business. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Essays on Computer Management

    This 5-page paper provides a series of questions to be answered dealing with technology and computers. Questions include ethics over selling names to other businesses, competitive advantage and technology, how to configure a system for a small business and advice to an employee who is looking for a promotion

  • Strategic Management and Value Chain Analysis

    A 4 page paper discussing the increased interest in value chain analysis for internal organizational assessment. Value chain analysis can identify opportunities available to the organization that otherwise could have remained obscure, and it can provide insight into the creation of new approaches to the same business. It is also better suited to assessing the relevance of projects undertaken in collaboration with other businesses. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Distribution Management of Gino in China

    A 4 page paper discussing an Ivey case on Gino in China. Gino is a provider of residential, commercial and industrialized burners. It has used three distributors to develop its business in China, but now is faced with growing its business beyond that which distributors can manage. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Influence of Culture on Organizational Learning and Business Practice

    This 11 page paper looks at the concept of organizational learning that has been developed in then west and considers how a firm may use the ideas by need to adapt them when setting up in Saudi Arabia, looking at the way business practices may need to be adapted to meet local culture and the way that this will influence business in general as well as organizational learning. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Operating a Small Business While Learning

    This 10 page paper considers how the owner or manager of a small business will learn at the sake time as running their business. The paper examines this making use of Kolb’s experiential learning cycle showing how the learning take place with a range of examples that can be applied to the commercial world. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Is Corporate Social Responsibility in the Interests of Business and Society?

    This 10 page paper looks at the use of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and considers whether they are always in the interests of business and society. Different approaches to corporate social responsibility are discussed from the perspective of businesses and from the perspective of society as a whole in order to assess if, when and how CSR can be beneficial. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Ending Access to Tobacco for Children in California

    This 9 page report discusses California’s legislative bill AB437 introduced this year and written to enforce the prohibition against tobacco sales to minors. The bill proposes a change to California’s Business and Professions state code in order to impose more serious penalties against businesses that sell tobacco products to minors. The goal of the legislation is to reduce children and teens easy access to tobacco. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Subjects

    This 12 page paper looks five different corporate social responsibility issues that face businesses today; climate change, sustainability, child labour, fair trade and environmental accounting. Each is discussed to look at how the issue can be defined and how it may impact in businesses. The bibliography cites 24 sources.

  • Overview of Databases

    This 3 page paper explains what a data base is and how it is used. The paper includes two examples of a database used in a business scenario, the example of a website using a database, the applications of databases and how the information may be used in a business report. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Design Company in Ireland

    This 6 page paper looks at a design company in Ireland and considers the different aspects of business in Ireland. Included is a discussion on forming businesses in Ireland, taxation, legal issues such as patents and trademarks, as well as looking at how the company competes. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Encouraging the Development of the Internet in Developing Nations

    A 16 page paper arguing that developing nations should encourage the development of the Internet and the necessary infrastructure within their borders. Whether the government should be directly involved is arguable, but the fact that the economy needs the benefits of the Internet is not. The Internet has become nearly as crucial for business operation as has the telephone, and other nations such as Singapore demonstrate that it is business activity and the resulting economic growth that lifts developing nations' peoples out of abject poverty. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Fact and Fallacy Regarding Body Language

    An 8 page discussion of the effectiveness of body language interpretation in the business environment. Body language, at best, is a very fluid aspect of individual behavior. While an observation of body language might be useful in some instances in determining individual intent, body language is entirely too variable a behavior on which to base important business decisions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Balanced Scorecard; The IT Balanced Scorecard As An Extension of the Business Balanced Scorecard

    This 9 page paper looks at the concept and the use of balanced scorecards in business, considering their general use and potential benefits as well as costs and comparing the IT balanced scorecard proposed by Van Grembergen with the business balanced scorecard of Kaplan and Norton. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Industrial Districts, Industrial Clusters, and Influences

    This 5 page paper answers five different questions regarding business, these are what economic and institutional factors determine the emergence of industrial clusters, what economic and institutional factors determine the emergence of industrial districts, what economic and institutional factors determine the character and the role of business networks, how agglomeration economies influence the behaviour of firms, and the importance of the economic milieu for the behaviour of firms. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Automobile Manufacturer's eBusiness System Enhancement

    A 7 page paper that presents the initial steps for a project. Headings include a description of the project, project statement, mission justification, project scope, information gathering techniques, a list of business requirements for the project and an evaluation of the initial plan. The project involves enhancing an existing E-business system by adding more functions and components. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Integrated Technology and Smart Business

    This 4 page paper looks a concept of a ‘Smart Business’ and integrated technology answering three questions set by the student. The first question discusses the way in which information technology may be perceived in an objective manner, the second question considers the influence of politics and power on the way IT is implemented and the last price concept of smart business to a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Economic Forces and the Fast Food Industry

    This 6 page paper responds to the question: "How do economic forces impact a business?" The writer uses a fictitious fast food restaurant, Steakburger, as an example. A brief background about Steakburger is offered and the competitive nature of the fast food business is discussed. Real data regarding the growth of the fast food industry are included. The writer explains that the owners want to expand and explains how certain economic forces are delaying that goal. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Business Sole Proprietorship

    A 5 page paper discussing the burgeoning trend toward one-person businesses in the US. The trend began in earnest when highly-paid middle managers found themselves unemployed during the height of downsizing, and has continued throughout the 1990s. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship structure for tax purposes; the freedom and restrictions that the structure gives the entrepreneur; SBA's opinion of what constitutes sufficient capitalization; and the importance of having a written business plan, even if the entrepreneur has no plan of seeking outside funding. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 10-page paper describes various requirements for launching a business in Ontario, Canada. Topics under discussion include employee regulations, business entity types and various laws. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Marketing Information System

    A 6 page paper discussing the use of marketing information. The marketing information system is comprised of internal data, marketing intelligence and marketing research. Each form of information has its place in consumer and business behavioral models; the purpose here is to assess those facts for both consumer and business buying behavior models. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Two Articles Compared Regarding Business Ethics

    This 7-page paper compares two articles on the subject of business ethics: "Entering the Third Age of Ethics by Rushworth Kidder and Curtis Verschoor and "Christian Character: A Different Approach to Business Ethics" by Sondra Wheeler. The paper notes that each of the papers has a different view on ethics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Business Plan to Open a Chain of Fruit Juice Cafes

    This 14 page paper presents a business plan for the start-up of a new (fictitious) business selling fruit juices, fruit juice cocktails and smoothies. The plan proposes the opening of a chain of outlets with expansion using a franchise model from year three onwards. The plan includes information under growth and financial objectives, legal structure and ownership, finance, organisational structure, stockholders, marketing plan including customer and competitor analysis. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Building Green

    A 4 page paper discussing 3 "green," LEED-certified buildings and proposing research into the practicalities of building green. Businesses are pressured on all sides to operate more efficiently, and research that illuminates the true costs and cost savings of "green" buildings can be valuable to all businesses. In this vein the proposed research will focus on (1) actual costs of either new construction or retrofitting of existing buildings; (2) changes in operational costs resulting from the green focus; and (3) the potential value that organizations can find in social responsibility as a result of their efforts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • United Kingdom Business and Environmental Issues

    This 19 page paper looks at different aspects of environmental controls and environment law and the impact they have on business. The paper has five sections; Planning decisions, environmental statute law, environmental audits, the UK Environmental Protect Act 1990 and the use of HAZOP. Each section outlines the issues and discusses the implications on business. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Business and Ethical Practices

    A 5 page paper answering 3 questions. The first discusses how an individual applies ethical principles to business practice; the second discusses ethical possible ethical practices at a community college in Georgia. The last asks whether "business ethics" is an oxymoron; the answer is a decided no. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Texas Instruments Business Code Of Conduct

    A 4 page paper that reports and discusses this company's ethics code, business code of conduct and compliance. The writer reports the three questions to determine if a decision is ethical from the Institute of Business Ethics and compares them to TI's simple test. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Article Analysis and Practical Applications of Ethics

    This 3 page paper examines an article on ethics in accountancy. The mortgage business is the focus of this paper that provides a general discussion on business ethics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Increasing Retention of Employees Management Style Research

    A 4 page preliminary research proposal describing a qualitative study into employee attitudes and preferences in manager characteristics and style. The researchers expect to find the employees identify several different management styles within the organization being studied. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Progress in a Degree Course and Plans for Future Career Progress

    This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part is a reflective learning document considering learning that has taken place so far on a BA Security and Risk Course focusing in the gaining of analytical skills and improved communication skills. The second part of the paper looks at a long term career goal for gaining a senior management position and provides a plan, with justifications for the actions, in order to achieve that goal. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • IBM Systems and Technology Marketing

    This 8 page paper examines the marketing approach of IBM Systems and Technology, part of IBM, in order to determine whiter or not they are a marketing orientated firm. The paper includes a discussion on the propose of marketing in a modern organization, a SWOT analysis of the marketing, consideration of the B2B model and the use of customer relationship management, the marketing mix and the general marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • The Functions of Companies' Human Resource (HR) Departments

    This 5 page paper begins with a comment on the outsourcing trend in human resource management. It then describes six of the many functions of human resource departments and comments on how they are linked to achieving organizational goals and adding value. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ideal Inventory Control for a Manufacturing Business; Economic Order Quantity

    This 20 page paper is an examination of the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) system of inventory control. This system seeks to optimize the use of resources by deterring the most appropriate levels of stock ordering to minimise holding and order costs. The paper considers why this is a good system of stock control, how it works, whether it works with or contradicts just in time (JIT) inventory management and gives an example of its use. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Human Resource Management at a Telecommunications Company

    This 11 page paper looks at the approach and practices of human resource management at the UK telecommunications company British Telecom (BT), considering the way in which recruitment takes place, as well as looking at issues such as performance assessment and training development. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • 1997's UPS Strike

    A 5 page paper discussing the UPS strike. The writer examines the goals and of both the company management and the union and whether or not they were reached and how. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Operations Management: The International Issues

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of operations management. International issues changing the face of OM are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Product Operations Management and Services Operations Management

    This 7 page paper considers the differences in management of a company selling products and companies providing services from the perspective of an operations manager. The paper looks at the similarities in the way customer satisfaction needs t be created and discusses the tools that could be utilized to ensure that the services are meeting the market needs. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • IBM Proposal for a Knowledge Management Program

    This 44 page paper examines IBM. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the company, its history and operations in order to identify potential areas of improvement within the knowledge management of the firm. The paper starts with a proposal for the study and then undertakes the study which puts forward the idea of a knowledge database to be used by the after sales engineers. A work breakdown and schedule is also provided. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Overview of Landfill Management

    This 3-page paper describes some elements of landfill management including following of governmental regulations, types of trash storage and the need for public acceptance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Kaizen Style of Management

    This 5 page paper looks at the Japanese management style of kaizen, with a focus on a case study to emanate from the United States. The company Critikon is used as the case study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Leadership Theories

    This 12 page paper examines different concepts of leadership and management, tracing the development of different ideas and theories from personality and trait theories to the modern concepts of contingency theory and the work of theorists such as Goleman, considering the ways in which they may be used to explain the practice of leadership. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Project Management Leadership

    This 6 page paper considers the following statement "Project managers are expected to be leaders,[but] the truth is that everyone on a project team can and should demonstrate leadership skills as appropriate to the project’s needs. As project professionals, we must continually enhance our people skills and leadership ability. The paper discusses this relating to technical and strategic requirements in project management. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Contemporary Organizational Leadership

    This 7 page paper defines what is meant by leadership and what is meant by management and then compares them. The paper then considers the characteristics of leaders, how leaders may be developed ready to cope with today’s changing environment, and employee perception of good leaders. The paper ends with a brief summary for three articles on leadership skills. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Issues Concerning Leadership

    In this 5 page paper, the author discusses and comments on: transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, management versus leadership, servant leadership, formal and informal authority, ethical decision making and a personal theory of leadership. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Final - Organizational Leadership

    An 8 page paper that responds to three issues about leadership. The paper discusses the importance of leadership in change management and includes comments about resistance; the centrality of ethics in leadership reminding the reader of the consequences of unethical behaviors and discusses resistance; and the writer's leadership philosophy, which is meant to demonstrate the application of a personal leadership perspective. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Leadership - Goleman as the Basis of New Model

    This 17 page paper looks at different leadership theories, with a focus on the ideas of Goleman in order to assess the commonalities and the way a new model of leadership may be created. The paper includes an introduction, problem statement, literature review and presentation of a new management model. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • A Comparison of JIT and Lean Manufacturing

    This 3 page paper examines Just in Time management techniques. JIT is potentially cost effective but it does have problems. These are highlighted and JIT is compared with lean manufacturing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Health and Nutrition Education Plan

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a family health plan for a fictitious family, which includes both nutrition and exercise plans. This paper relates the family's need, including need for the management of Type 2 diabetes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Risk Management Plan

    This 3-page paper is an example of a risk management plan and includes deciding on and prioritizing risk, determining what resources should be placed toward risk and the importance of reviewing the plan.

  • Banks, Risk Measurement and Risk Management

    This 22 page paper looks at different aspects of risk measurement and management by banks. The paper starts by looking at the duration model, the gap or re-pricing model and the maturity model. The second part of the paper considers how and why liquidity is so important for banks. The last part of the paper considers the case of Barings Bank in the context of the previously discussed risks and looks at the way changes in the Basel Accord II approaches operational risk. The bibliography cites 23 sources.

  • Costs and Risks in Project Management

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of project management costs and risk analysis. A continuation of a previously presented hypothetical situation is used to demonstrate techniques. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Performance Appraisals and Management

    A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Disposable Hospital Glove Stocking

    A 3 page paper discussing considerations a 600-bed hospital must make in determining the optimum order for surgical and exam latex gloves from an operations management perspective. No sources listed.

  • Pain Management and Nursing

    4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses pain and nursing practice, nurses and pain assessment, intervening to promote optimal pain relief and developmental issues and pain management. No bibliography.

  • Overview of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

    A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. The paper defines the disorder; describes its history and incidence statistics; research; implications/impacts on health; psychological and social implications; treatment; and the role of nurses and nurse practitioners in management, concluding with a section that addresses the feeling of the NP on the topic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Continuation of 'Historical Development of Shannondale Nursing Home'

    A 5 page continuation of “Historical Development of Shannondale Nursing Home” (KShlthDevShan.rtf) that explores how changes in the local area and in the overall health care industry are certain to affect Shannondale’s future. The purpose here is to address anticipated changes in items such as professional staffing, human resource management, financial solvency, technological changes and other related issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Pediatric Asthma Case Management

    A 6 page research paper that discusses a case scenario involving a pediatric patient and then relates this to information on asthma case management conducted by a nurse practitioner. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Case Management/Autism

    A 3 page research paper that discusses nursing case management of pediatric autism. The writer addresses how principal concerns of intervention and how the nurse coordinates these concerns within the context of a multidisciplinary team. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Psychology As A Career

    A 7 page paper that begins with information from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook about psychologists, positions and education needed with the writer selecting one field to pursue. The next section discusses the adult learner. Using self-assessments provided by the student, the paper reports results from the Multiple Pathways to Learning and the Personality Spectrum as related to the writer's scores with explanations about how this information can help the student. The writer also comments on time and stress management for the adult learner.

  • Shared Governance and Collective Bargaining Issues in Nursing

    3 pages in length. The fundamental reason for incorporating collective bargaining and shared governance within the nursing environment is so decision making becomes a more mutual outcome where nurses have greater contribution toward daily undertakings and management readily facilitates this input. Examining the political, legal, ethical and social issues of this relatively new concept exemplifies how a feasible, much-needed model of cooperation might still be fraught with difficulties when implemented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sunnyside Manor Nursing Home Changes

    8 pages. After careful evaluation of the present nursing home facility and patients it has been noted that it would be to the advantage of executive management of the organization to add on to the present facility an assisted living area in which healthy senior citizens could live in safety and yet with the added security of having nursing care and licensed caregivers onsite. Includes an executive summary, barriers to change and how to overcome those barriers. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Discharge Instructions, Heart Patients

    A 7 page research paper that discusses a nursing management scenario presents the following problem, which is that a patient who had suffered a myocardial infarction (heart attack) is being discharged without receiving discharge instruction, which is considered to be patient neglect. This discussion examines the various aspects of this problem before proposing how a nursing manager using the transformational leadership model might address this problem.

  • Shared Governance v. Collective Bargaining in Nursing Labor Relations

    A 3 page paper comparing the benefits of collective bargaining and the shared governance approach as they apply to nursing. Labor unions superficially appear to be attractive, but their relationship with management almost always is adversarial. Partnership and greater patient focus are expected within the shared governance model, however, which also is more consistent with the core values of nursing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Twelve Hour Work Shifts and Nursing

    A 14 page research paper that examines the topic of 12-hour nursing shifts. This report focuses on how this change to shift scheduling can be accomplished. Specifically, the writer looks at how nursing management and leadership strategy that can best implement such a change with student nurses in their practice placement area, utilizing Lewin's normative/educative model of change. The writer also considers how such a change impacts the educational and development progress of these students. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Clinical Supervision of Nurses in the NHS; Professional, Legal and Ethical Perspectives

    This 8 page paper looks at the increasing importance of clinical supervision for nurses in the UK's National Health Service. The approach is being adopted with the aim of performance management and quality improvement. The use of supervision is considers from a professional perspective, the legal perspective and the ethical perspective. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • CC vs. Med-Surg Units/Job Satisfaction

    A 6 page research paper that investigates the differences in nursing job satisfaction between critical and med-surg units. Within the framework of a research project, the writer hypothesizes that as there are different working conditions in these units, such as patient-to-nurse ratios and management styles, there are also differences in nursing job satisfaction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Transformational Leadership/Nurse Retention

    A 15 page research paper that offers a literature review that focuses on defining the concept of transformational leadership and, in so doing, also focuses on discerning what empirical studies reveal about hospital management's effectiveness at educating staff on the benefits of the transformational leadership paradigm. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Nursing Case Management: A Power Point

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a powerpoint presentation on a nursing case management article on diabetes control. This paper outlines the PPT presentation and a correspoinding presentation is provided with speaker notes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Role of Public Health Nurse/Diabetes Care

    A 5 page research paper that addresses the role of public health nursing in regards to elderly population with diabetes. The writer stresses the importance of self-management and educational intervention. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Theory-Driven Praxis—Personal Framework

    A 12 page research paper that offers guidelines to a student in regards to creating a personal theory-drive framework intended to guide the student's nursing practice. The meta-paradigms of nursing are defined, as well as the basic principles of nursing ethics, and related to the theoretical perspective of Newman and Reed. The student's focus of practice is pain management for the elderly and this is the focus of the paper. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Management Practices of the Ford Corporation

    This 11 page paper is truly postfordist in its concentration. While some older management practices of Ford in the early years are noted, the focus is on the present and future of the Ford Corporation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Programs of Managing Stress

    This 5 page paper looks at models of stress management with particular focus on Broffenbrenner's ecological paradigm. The importance of stress relief in society is explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management Accounting Analysis of the Master Budget

    A 25-page paper that presents an overview of the master budget along with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages involved in its use. Also included is a discussion of the changing world of management accounting and the direction it is predicted to take over the next few years. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • How Teachers Should Manage Classroom Behavior

    This 6 page paper looks at various theories concerning behavior management in education. Several contemporary books are reviewed along with the theories of progressivism and reconstructionism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Managing the Classroom Through Observation

    A 4 page essay describing an observation of a high school literature classroom with particular emphasis on classroom management techniques used by the teacher. Research in this area suggests there are numerous things a teacher can do to prevent major behavior problems from occurring, such as enforcing the rules. This teacher demonstrated knowledge and skills in averting potential problems. The writer describes what the teacher did in her classroom in terms of prevention and correction. No bibliography.

  • Merchandising Flaws, Time Management Tips for 7-11

    A 7 page paper with a background on Southland Corporation, and a 'local' 7-11 store and its merchandising functions. The paper proposes time management solutions to its apparent merchandising flaws. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • HRM, Flexibility and Fitness Strategies

    This 35 page report discusses the human resource management strategies that lead to improved organization effectiveness and productivity. The report focuses on the importance of any organization following a strategic model that depends on fit and flexibility with employees, in the marketplace, and in terms of innovation. Rather than viewing employees and employee development as a resource fundamentally similar to any other unit of production in the workplace, the organization must be able to fully utilize the unique and individual characteristics and strengths that individual workers offer. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Business and Corporate Strategies of The Body Shop International

    This 5 page report discusses the separate corporate and business level strategies of this popular and trend-setting cosmetics and toiletries company. Once one of the most avant-garde in “politically correct” employment and marketing strategies, the company has had to struggle with a number of strategic issues as it determines its response to the marketplace of the new millennium. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Wall Street Journal Article on the Tobacco Settlement

    This 5 page paper provides an executive summary of a Wall Street Journal article reporting on a tobacco settlement. The summary relates the facts to other situations in business. No additional sources cited.

  • Entering the Field of Banking

    This 8 page report discusses a number of the factors associated with a college graduate entering the field of banking. Whether a student has graduated with a degree in marketing or finance, economics or business, all of the factors in the comprehensively labeled profession of 'banking' require an understanding of the scope and importance of the modern financial world in the daily lives of virtually all Americans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Shipping by Truck

    A 6 page paper describing shipping a truckload of goods from the production plant to the customer. The company calling for shipping is the manufacturer of digital telephone switches; its carrier is a national carrier that leases trucks for specific uses, leases fleets, and provides drivers on contract basis to businesses with continuing need for shipping. The first part of the paper describes the process; the last is a description of a trip from North Carolina to San Francisco in mid-winter. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Government Price Controls and Their Impact Upon the Pharmaceutical Industry

    5 pages in length. Marketing will become one of the primary focal points as a means by which the pharmaceutical industry can effectively overcome the barriers of government-imposed price controls. Business and marketing strategies for the pharmaceutical industry in general will reflect a need for simplicity and sensibility in order to effectively address major needs. The writer discusses the potential impact of government-imposed price controls upon the pharmaceutical industry. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Workplace Substance Abuse

    A 6 page research paper that examines the problem of substance abuse in the workplace and the cost that this entails in terms of reduced productivity and other costs to business and industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Impact of Computers

    An 8 page paper examining the conditions today that involve the computer and the world. Many cultures around the world have been deeply effected by the technological growth that involves the computer. With the development of the today's computer and technology, the world, for the most part, is becoming such that it works faster and more efficient in relationship to communications and business. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Necessity of Labor Unions Assessed

    A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the history of labor unions and then considers their roles in the current system. This writer demonstrates that they are no longer necessary constructs of business for a number of reasons. Bibliography included.

  • Small Business Startup

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of what is entailed when beginning a new, small enterprise. There is a focus on financial considerations and creating a business plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SA

  • Small Business Impact of the Family and Medical Leave Act

    8 pages in length. The writer discusses how small businesses have been impacted by the Family Medical Leave Act. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Brazil and Toys 'R' Us

    16 page presentation on how to open up Toys 'R' Us in Brazil. Great for those studying international business related topics & issues. Lengthy appendices and comprehensive bibliography listed 9 sources.

  • Global Marketing and Warfare Effects on Trading

    A 10 page research paper that explores the effects of warfare on trading between and among countries, both those actively involved in the war and those who do business with one or more of the countries at war. Specific examples are given. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Global Internet Business Opportunities and Challenges

    A 5 page essay discussing the challenges and opportunities that await a business when it decides to go global on the Internet. Bibliography lists six sources.

  • South Africa and Doing Business

    3 pages of research discussing obstacles faced by foreign (U.S.) businesses wishing to operate in South Africa since apartheid. Focus is on Goodyear. 1 source listed in bibliography.

  • Evolution of Work Groups

    A 12 page research paper which examines how work groups are changing the way that American business is conducted. This concept has been accepted as the U.S. industry's best hope for keeping a competitive edge in today's marketplace. The writer examines how this concept is being implemented by some U.S. companies and how current research points the ways in which the concept continues to evolve. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Manufacturing Types

    This 5 page report discusses the basic types of manufacturing in the industrial environment. Most analysts will agree that there are certain primary types of production systems and a business that already has an established between manufacturing strategies and production systems are generally likely to perform better than their competitors who operate without such a fit. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Corporate Vision and Apple Computers

    A 3 page paper describing the need for a company to state a vision. The writer profiles Apple Computer, Inc. and details how that company uses this successful business concept. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Internet Marketing Options for a New SME

    This 3 page paper considers potential marketing options for a new medium sized e-business. Choices such as search engines, banner advertisements and viral marketing are discussed along with a potential way of monitoring the sales that the different marketing sources create. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • An Argument Against Reforming Social Security at the Present Time

    A 5 page paper arguing that Social Security does not need dramatic reform, though it does need to be strengthened for the future. The paper recommends that younger workers, particularly those employed by businesses not offering 401(k) plans, be given incentives to save for retirement in addition to the money paid into Social Security. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Self-Regulation Outside Psychology

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of self-regulation. The role of self-regulation in learning, addiction, and business is examined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Smoking Cigarettes

    A ten page paper which looks at some of the issues surrounding cigarette smoking, such as the addictive nature of smoking, the health risks, and the involvement of governments and corporate businesses in the smoking phenomenon. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Case of the Solar Trash Compactor

    This 7 page paper looks at the case of an entrepreneur who has developed a solar powered trash compactor. The paper starts by assessing the idea using the characteristics of attractiveness, durability and timeliness. The paper then assesses the business plan and the projects in a case study, looking at the weaknesses and the strengths.

  • Starting a Small Business

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of what is entailed when beginning a new, small enterprise. There is a focus on financial considerations and creating a business plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Does Leadership Impact on the Performance of an Organization?

    This 10 page paper considers the extent to which a leader influences the performance of a business. The concept of leadership is discussed and the ways that influences may be exerted are discussed, including the impact on the employees and strategies. Examples of leadership are also discussed, including Konosuke Matsushita and Steve Jobs. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Questions on Investment Values and Assessment

    This 4 page paper answers 3 questions set by the student. The first 2 questions concern the calculation present values for potential investments, over periods of 1, 2 and 3 years. The last question looks at three potential business plans and discusses which were may be most attractive for individual investor.

  • The Value of Social Networking Tools in a Teaching Environment with Specific Consideration of Business Students

    The use of internet and interactive tools has increased over the last decade. This 7 page paper looks at the way that social networking tools, such as wiki and blogs may be of benefit to business student, aiding learning in an academic environment. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Capital Raising in an Entrepreneurial Business

    This 11 page paper is a 9 slide PowerPoint presentation looking at the way in which an entrepreneur may raise finance. Financing through angels, venture capital, debt and equity are all discussed, looking at the advantages and disadvantages and stages of the business where each option may be appropriate. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Fitness Center IT System Design

    This 14 page paper considers the desire of a fitness centre to design a computer system, to keep track of the different events and matches and to provide members with access to a program that can help them keep track of their progress. The paper defines the system and system needs from a business perspective and consider how this may be the source of a competitive advantage. The paper then looks at the way the planning of design and the designing stages can be planed and managed with the use of different approaches. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Transportation Stimulus

    Stimulus Plan And Motor Carriers : A 5 page paper that introduces the intentions of the transportation stimulus plan and what, if any, progress has been made in the motor carrier business. The paper also discusses intermodal transportation policies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Will a Union Presence and Collective Bargaining result in Increase Wages Bills

    This 18 page paper looks at an issue pertinent in the UK. There is little doubt that over the last few decades the power and influence of the unions in the UK has declined. The paper considers the impact that unions have had on business and considers if despite the lower level of power recognizing a union in the work place and adopting collective bargaining will result in a higher wages bill for the employer. The bibliography cites 26 sources.

  • Web Services Technologies

    This 10 page paper looks at web services technology and considers different aspects. The first part looks at Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile, what it is and its components and then considers how it may compete or compliment EDI. The second part of the paper looks at RCP v Document usage for messages and other technologies useful for business. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Website Questions

    An 11 page paper in two parts. Part 1 assesses the websites of EasyJet, British Airways and Malaysia Airlines. Part II is a discussion of considerations for Kohinoor Ltd's website design. Included in the discussion are the topics of strategy, business model, objectives and Google Analytics. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Dell Computer's Capital Sources

    A 3 page paper identifying Dell’s sources of capital and estimating its Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). Sources are investors’ capital, revenues from business operations and debt financing. Based on Dell’s 2003 Annual Report. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pay Equity

    This 7 page paper looks at why and how pay equity and equality in total remuneration is protected in the United States, considering the federal laws, such as the the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and equal opportunities, including the Equal Pay Act. The paper considers how this impacts on businesses and the systems that are or should be used to ensure equity is in place. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Madcap CraftBrew and Bottleworks: Zebra Beer Continued

    A 4 page paper recommending that a microbrewery that wants to grow form an alliance with a mail-order beer club in an effort to place its product with a greater number of people as well as increase sales and repeat business. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Reintroducing Pepsi to Germany

    A 5 page paper that outlines a business plan explaining the reasons PepsiCo, Inc. would target the international market in Germany, traditionally an area dominated by Coca-Cola. Included are projected risks involved in this venture, as well as a synopsis of the marketing strategy that would provide the best results in this market and reflect the image that Pepsi wishes to present. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Analyses of Operations Management and Finance

    This 6 page paper includes several hypothetical and actual situations, as presented or requested by a student, in order to explore several topics pertinent to business administration. Included is an analysis of Intel, inclusive of a liquidity ratio calculation and cash flow analysis. Information on financing debt is explored in a fictitious letter and a case study involving the expansion of a hotel is provided. Finally, a service delivery model is presented and assessed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Drug Trafficking and the Impact of the United States

    This 10 page paper examines the facts brought to light during the past several decades of US impact on drug trafficking in Mexico. The government of the United Criminal organizations of all kinds increasingly layer illegal profits through investments in legitimate businesses. Unilateral, bilateral and multilateral forms of pressure, intervention and collaboration are proliferating between states in the name of suffocating the ever swelling drug economy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Workplace Loyalty

    This 5 page paper uses a thesis provided by a student which says that demonstrated loyalty is necessary in order to gain the trust of both superiors and subordinates. Loyalty in today's changing business world is also a part of the discussion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Personnel Performance Appraisals

    A 12 page paper discussing enhancing objectivity in performance appraisals of nurses. The performance review process is recognized to be necessary, but it seems that relatively few individuals or organizations are satisfied that employee appraisal is complete, objective, ethical and positively contributes to better financial management within the organization. Many organizations continually seek to improve the process by which they evaluate their employees’ performance. Particularly in nursing where ongoing shortage of nurses continues, healthcare organizations want to ensure that their nurses view their current positions as beneficial to both the nurse and the organization. Greater objectivity and definite career development goals can assist nurses and their employers in achieving this goal. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • HIV Positive Nurses Should Still Be Allowed to Work

    4 pages in length. Key to the "prevention and management of HIV transmission in healthcare settings" (Campbell, 2004, p. 33) is clear and factual understanding of how the disease is passed and to conquer unfounded, erroneous beliefs that fuel the fear of HIV-positive nurses being a threat to patients and other health care workers. Research clearly supports the reality of the situation: While the risk of transmitting HIV depends upon "health personnel practices, the prevalence of the illness, and the frequency of exposure" (Campbell, 2004, p. 33), the fact remains it is too low a risk to disallow HIV-positive nurses to continue working. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Medical Doctors and Nurse Practitioners Conflict Management

    A 10 page paper using the Kolb model to examine conflict assessment and management. As health care changes and patients increasingly take active roles in their own health care, they care less about hierarchy than they do results and practical application rather than medical theory. Though the struggle is between nurse practitioners and physicians, it is the patient ultimately most affected. In today’s health care system as it currently exists, nurses not only have “more time” for direct patient interaction than do MDs, they also generally have greater motivation. The model presented here stresses communication and experimentation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Managing Weight and the Influences of Environmental, Psychological, and Physiological Factors

    11 pages in length. With two-thirds of the American adult population overweight and just over thirty percent of them considered obese, there is no question as to the critical nature of weight management in the United States today. The influencing factors - which are mildly persuasive for some and wholly overwhelming for others – run the gamut from a thin-crazed culture to nutritionally-void fast food to an altogether uneducated society when it comes to eating a healthy diet. People have reached the point of being utterly confused and frustrated when it comes to making informed nutritional decisions, given the fact that they have been spoon-fed conflicting – albeit well-meaning – advice from myriad sources that keeps them in a perpetual state of obesity. Far too many people never gain the upper hand on their weight problem, with about 300,000 ultimately succumbing to the fatal aspects of unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity inherent to obesity. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Overview of Financial Management

    This 36 page paper considers different aspects of financial management. The paper is written in six parts which show hw to conduct a ratio analysis of some financial accounts, the example in the paper uses Hanson PLC, the value of life cycles costing as a way of controlling expenditure, overhead costing with examples of how overheads may be distributed, contribution per unit and the way that break even points, how to use general information to draw up a profit and loss account and a balance sheet, including discussion on what can and cannot be included. The paper then considers the proposed changes with FRED 22 which it the revision of FRS 3 and the different tools that can be used for investment assessment, including but not limited to NPV and IRR. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Human Resource Management Changes and the Reinvention of General Motors

    A 4 page paper discussing how General Motors might set about reinventing itself through its Human Resource function. The paper uses GM’s Saturn division as an example of what GM could expect to accomplish. Today it has a similar opportunity to reinvent itself, using the same concepts it experimented with in its creation of its Saturn division. Greater worker autonomy, greater transparency on the part of GM’s management and cooperation from GM’s unions all can combine to create an effective and dynamic environment in which employees are encouraged to be full contributors to and partners in the company’s purposes. GM already has accomplished this once, and recently. If it would, it could apply the lessons learned through Saturn to the whole of the GM organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Data Review of Employee Retention and Management Style Research

    A 4 page paper reviewing three research efforts based on employee surveys, each at a different company: Chubb Group, Ritz-Carlton and Ernst and Young. All of these companies used qualitative surveys in the form of self-completed questionnaires to discover the information they needed in making management decisions regarding employee retention. In the present study, it is likely that the company’s effort alone will be valuable. When that effort is followed by real change and lasting benefit, then a byproduct of the effort involved in such research is more positive morale. This is an anticipated benefit of the present study. The paper is a continuation of KSbusResMgmtStyPl.rtf and KSbusResMgStySurv.rtf. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Accountability, Profitability, and Management Position Merging

    This is a time when being lean means strength and being fat means weakness. Companies, and countries, all over the world are reengineering themselves to reduce employment and reduce duplication of effort to save costs. One of the most economic methods of achieving such stellar objectives is to merge management and worker positions, and one of the best combinations is the merging of the Quality Assurance Manager role with that of the Health & Safety Manager. By combining these roles, the company succeeds at not only reducing costs, but also combining two positions that rely on the same aspects of control – strict adherence to standardization and compliance. 6 references. jvQAHnSm.rtf

  • Multinational Corporation Management

    A 14 page paper. Transnational is having difficulties managing a multicultural workforce. The purpose of the paper is to discover and describe cultural differences in terms of the work environment in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and the United States. The greatest focus is placed in the first three regions. The writer comments on the differences between countries in some regions. Basic cultural norms are discussed that will affect management-labor relations. The writer reminds the reader these differences will affect the company's strategic planning as well has human resource practices. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Marketing Cape Town to the Commercial Envitonment

    This 10 page paper is a marketing plan to attract more commercial visitors to Cape Town for conferences, exhibition and promotional activities. The plan looks at the location, the target market and suggests a suitable strategic approach. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Mobile Printer Product Management Plan

    An 18 page paper providing a product management plan for a versatile printer to be used with handheld and laptop computers. There is need for printers that are light enough to be truly portable and durable enough that they can withstand the shocks they may receive in being moved regularly. The company has developed such a printer, one that fills the gap left by similar products that already exist. The paper describes opportunity identification and selection; concept generation; concept/project evaluation; development; and launch. It includes a project plan for the test marketing phase and a capital budget analysis for the first three years of operation. The project is a modest one, in part because of the limited penetration of handheld computers to date. The advantage to the company in pursuing this project now is that it fills a specific need and has the ability to gain first-mover advantage in the industry. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Baseball Players, Training Programs, and Balance of Energy Systems

    An eight page paper which looks at the specific requirements of baseball with regard to the training and fitness programmes undergone by athletes and the way in which the management and balance of energy systems for baseball players is different from that of athletes who participate in other sports. Bibliography lists 6 sources

  • Nurse Educator Shortages and Alternatives

    An 11 page paper discussing the shortage of nurse educators and offering alternatives for alleviating this shortage that exacerbates the larger nursing shortage. In a self-perpetuating cycle, the nursing shortage now has begun promoting itself by means of a shortage of nursing educators. Nearly 33,000 qualified applicants were turned away from four-year and graduate programs in 2004 because of the shortage of educators, almost 4,000 of those were applying to graduate school and could have become educators themselves. The paper suggests opening additional graduate school spaces; develop creative means of recruiting graduate students; improving the image of nursing and its working conditions; recruiting non-nurses to teach courses such as process flow and management; and enlisting the aid of private insurers that recognize the financial benefits of greater numbers of nurses. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Teenage Gambling on College Sports

    A five page paper which looks at the widespread social problem of teenage gambling, particularly in relation to college sports, and considers the various ways the problem could be addressed in terms of public attitudes to gambling, legislation and the role of the NCAA in its management of young athletes’ interests. Bibliography lists 4 sources

  • 4 Issues Involving Health Information Management

    This 8 page paper discusses four issues related to health information management. The first discusses emphasizes the changing roles and responsibilities of the HIM, including the transition from paper patent records to electronic ones. The second section presents a discussion of the skills, knowledge and competencies today's health information manager must have, including examples from some job descriptions. The third section deals with the ways in which the HIM is unique and different from other information managers. The last section discusses the challenges for health information managers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Issues Related to Management of Ecosystems

    A 15 page paper that reports, explains and/or discusses five issues based on specific readings. The first section explores the concept that indigenous peoples have a natural harmonious relationship with the environment. Events with the Cree, the Yuracare and other Indian groups are used as examples. The second topic has to do with ecosystem management. The third section compares the positions of Pinchot and Muir and suggests what each would think about the spotted owl issue. Next is a report of the history of community forestry in the U.S. Finally, the writer discusses Chase's opinion about humans playing God, using the Yellowstone National Park as the example. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Regina Vacuums and Quality Issues

    A 5 page paper examining the results of allowing poor quality to bankrupt what formerly had been the fourth-largest North American producer of vacuum cleaners. The paper concludes that it likely will be in Philips’ best interests to undertake a marketing campaign acknowledging former problems and proclaiming new ownership of Regina. Philips needs to inform consumers that none of the old management remains in place and that Regina vacuums now are produced in a modern factory with “built in” safeguards against poor quality. Finally, it needs to “put its money where its mouth is,” and offer a highly attractive guarantee of the product. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • UK Gender Discrimination

    A 12 page paper. The gender pay gap in the UK is the widest of any country in the European Union. About 30 percent of managers and administrators in the country are women but they are concentrated at the lowest levels of management. Further, they are paid 24 percent less than male counterparts. This essay explores the issue of gender discrimination in the workplace and the very real glass ceiling that exists. The writer provides the core elements of the law and reports the lack of significant changes in more than three decades. The essay also provides suggestions for eliminating gender discrimination. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Friendly Cards Finance

    A 4 page paper discussing Harvard Case 9-293-135: Friendly Cards, Inc. Friendly Cards has been on a buying spree for several years in an apparent attempt to bypass at least some of the effort of organic growth on the basis of a sound product and solid management. Ms. Beaumont has no data on the company's true market but directs the company on the basis of what she feels about its customers. There are several choices in the path of Friendly Cards; the paper recommends that the company does not acquire another company but that it does take advantage of the other opportunities before it. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Ehreirch/Serving in Florida

    A 3 page overview of an essay on what it is like to hold down a low-wage job. In her essay "Serving in Florida," Barbara Ehreirch describes what it is like to be on the low end of the socioeconomic ladder, surviving on wages and tips, which collectively equal the minimum wage, while working as a waitress in Florida's food service industry. Ehreirch's experience demonstrates that while management theories and practices regarding white-collar workers may have changed in recent years--becoming more progressive--these humanistic reforms have failed to filter down to pink-collar work, as Ehreirch and her co-workers are treated more like indentured servants or automatons than human beings. No bibliography is provided.

  • Power and Wireless Senor Networks

    This 13 page paper examines the role of wireless senor networks and looks at how they are powered and considers the way they may be developed in the future. The paper starts by looking at the range of commercial military and other uses that sensor networks can are used for. The paper then discusses the way they are powered, including the use of batteries and power harvesting from heat and wind and the management of that power. The paper finished by considering the way the powering of wireless sensors may develop in the future. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • SWOT Analysis of GE's Management Control System

    This is a 7 page paper which is a SWOT analysis of the Management Control Sytem at General Electric. The bibliography has 1 source.

  • Mobile Printer Product Management Plan

    An 18 page paper providing a product management plan for a versatile printer to be used with handheld and laptop computers. There is need for printers that are light enough to be truly portable and durable enough that they can withstand the shocks they may receive in being moved regularly. The company has developed such a printer, one that fills the gap left by similar products that already exist. The paper describes opportunity identification and selection; concept generation; concept/project evaluation; development; and launch. It includes a project plan for the test marketing phase and a capital budget analysis for the first three years of operation. The project is a modest one, in part because of the limited penetration of handheld computers to date. The advantage to the company in pursuing this project now is that it fills a specific need and has the ability to gain first-mover advantage in the industry. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Enron and Ethics of the Media

    7 pages in length. The Enron debacle clearly illustrates how establishing and maintaining corporate ethics is the cornerstone to continued success, both on a personal and professional level. Constant nurturing of moral judgment and a specific code of ethics are necessary in order to perpetuate the positive image required to uphold such policy. The five primary elements of such nurturing include having a clear and concise forthrightness, which is substantiated by culture; appropriate and applicable conformity with regard to difficult situations; managerial involvement and awareness on ethics issues; a nurturing program that is wholeheartedly supported by top management; and staff involvement. These concepts, which are both interrelated and individual at the same time, represent a complete quest toward ethical decision-making. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Career Path as a Marketing Manager

    This 14 page paper looks at the career of a marketing manager. The paper is written in three parts. The first part looks at the role, qualifications and skills needed as well as general background information. The second part considers the labour market conditions for the chosen career and the third part of the paper uses a SWOT analysis to consider the students plan to pursue a career in marketing management. The paper is written with specific reference to the UK, but most aspects are valid internationally. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Questions on Business Economics and Finance

    This 10 page paper answers questions set by the student. The first part of the paper identifies an industry where there is almost perfect competition and discusses how and why it may be classified in this manner. The different forms of competition are then discussed along wit the way that they are regulated. The next part of the paper calculates average variable and total costs and discusses influences on prices and decisions to continue trading or to withdraw from a market. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Southwest Airlines Report Analysis of Investment, Valuation, and Capital Structure

    A 9 page paper discussing Southwest’s history, corporate culture, capital structure, management and financial results for the purpose of performing investment analysis. Still boasting that it has had 54 consecutive profitable quarters, Southwest would have lost money in 1Q2003 and 1Q2004 without its successful fuel-hedging activities. It still clings to the never-a-losing-quarter mantra, and it leads its industry in market capitalization. Southwest is among the most fiscally conservative of all the commercial passenger airlines, despite its active fuel-hedging activities. Hedging generally is not looked on as a conservative measure, but compared to the wild swings and increases in fuel costs, hedging is more conservative in today’s climate than is not hedging. The investor determined to own a transportation stock - and specifically an aviation stock – absolutely should consider Southwest Airlines. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • International Business and Bank Selection

    A 5 page paper weighing the benefits of Citigroup and Bank of America as the choice for a company planning international expansion in upcoming months. There are other banks that could serve the company's needs, but Citigroup is the recommended choice. Operating in over 100 countries, it likely already operates in any country that Acme would choose and will be able to provide benefits beyond only banking. Citigroup will be able to provide centralized cash management, competent foreign exchange service and will be able to provide short-term investment service for excess cash balances. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Software Engineering and TQM

    A 12 page paper discussing software engineering in terms of Total Quality Management (TQM). The paper includes a brief history of TQM as well as discussion of the Deming, Juran and Crosby models, and then places software engineering within that framework. A primary feature of software engineering quality, then, is the service of assisting customers to identify all aspects of their requirements for any new product, particularly in those areas that they have not considered because they are not technically proficient in designing and producing new systems. Quality results from meeting customer expectations, which may be difficult to identify. Appropriate antidotes can be found in the Deming model of quality. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Information on Managing a Portfolio

    6 pages. Any investor’s aim is to outdo the approximate 10.5 percent annual growth that the Standard & Poor’s 500 has composed over the last sixty or so years. The goal of every institution or investor, it seems, is to beat the S&P 500. However, not many are successful in this endeavor. This paper gives some information regarding managing a portfolio. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Microfinance Funds and the Mitigation of Exchange Rate Risk

    This 23 page paper looks at the way heading may be used as a viable took to reduce the impact of exchange rate risks on microfinance funds. The paper looks at the concept of microfinance, how and why exchange rate risks exist and the way hedging may be used to reduce these risks in both a theoretical and practical manner. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Aviation Industry's Air and Noise Pollution Management

    This paper examines the pollution issue that is plaguing the aviation industry -- both in terms of noise and air pollution -- and tries to describe what steps some independent operators are taking to curb the problem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Collectivism and Commitment; Implications for Cross Cultural Management

    This 18 page paper considers the following quote and assesses this in the context of lessons for cross culture managers; "As expected, results indicate that collectivism as a cultural value orientation is related to commitment, and exerts a stronger influence on commitment in collectivistic countries. Moreover, the relationships between commitment and outcomes are stronger in a collectivistic context" (Jörg Felfe, Wenhua Yan, Bernd Six, August, 2008). The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Some Barriers to Effective Implementation of a Safety Management System within an Airline Environment

    There are many pressures for constant change and implementation of new safety procedures in the airline industry. This 8 page paper looks at some of the barriers, including barriers at national level and the ICAO and the internal organizational barriers to change. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Overview of Information Security Management

    A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • UPS' 1997 Labor Strike and Management Lessons Learned

    An 8 page discussion of the management considerations which were inherent in the 1997 Teamsters labor strike against one of the US’s most successful and recognizable corporations. This paper outlines the situation leading up to the strike and breaks this situation down into appropriate management considerations. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PPupsLb.rtf

  • Green Supply Chain Management

    This 16 page paper examines the concept of the green supply chain; managing the supply chain in a sustainable or environmentally friendly manner. The paper starts by examining what a green supply chain is and how it may be defined and put into practice and the considers additional issues such as the potential benefits, costs, the key factors for implementation and then considers examples of firms that hover elements of a green supply chain in the UAE. The bibliography cites 18 sources.


    This 6-page paper proposes an outline discussing job analysis and its importance to HRM. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Why Should the Fund Management Industry Welcome the Use of Hedge Funds?

    This 9 page paper looks at the way in which fund managers might welcome the use of hedge funds. The paper defines hedge funds and discusses the potential benefits for both fund managers and investors that may result from the correct use of his investment vehicle. Included in the paper is a discussion of the ways that hedge funds differ from any other investment type and how this may be utilised. The bibliography cites 5 sources.


    This 5-page paper provides an overview of DHL, the shipping company, and an overview of techology in logistics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Organizational Knowledge and Knowledge Management

    An 8 page paper that begins by describing organizational knowledge and the primary modes to create knowledge. The writer discusses the importance of managing knowledge and the estimated amount lost by corporations because they do not share knowledge. The essay then focuses on communities of practice as a useful model for sharing knowledge and even for generating new knowledge. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Supply Chain Management of Nike

    A 6 page paper discussing the case of Nike’s early-century missteps, particularly that which involved upsetting its own supply chain. Nike does not have the luxury of becoming arrogant on the scale that IBM did in the early 1990s. IBM found it was not indispensable to its customers as it had believed; evidence from Nike’s constant struggle with those that overtake the leading position in the industry (i.e., New Balance and Adidas) indicates that Nike should already be painfully aware of that fact. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Writing and Its Importance to Management

    This 3-page paper is an argumentative essay dealing with why writing is so important in a managerial role. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Operations Management, Budget, and Budget Process

    This 10 page paper examines what it meant by the terms budget, and budget process and how these tasks fit in with an operations manager and the operations level of an organisations. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Wilkerson, Inc. Operations Management

    A 15 page paper discussing production problems at Wilkerson, Inc., a small manufacturer of custom-sized, high-quality windows for sale to residential builders in the local (Tennessee) area. The sales department has been gaining increasing influence in manufacturing, to the point that production schedules are virtually meaningless as Sales continually brings “rush” orders to the production manager and is able to insist that the production department provide the product right away. Sales dictates all aspects of operation, including pricing that does not take into account all of the costs of production. The paper makes recommendations that can serve Wilkerson well, beginning with taking the sales force off the production floor. Includes 1 chart. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Dynamo's Supply Chain Management

    An 8 page paper describing supply practice at Dynamo, comparing that to other practices and recommending a change for Dynamo. Currently Dynamo seeks always to secure the best price for its inventory; the paper recommends that Dynamo implement a JIT approach to inventory and focus more on optimal inventory levels rather than only on price. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Gendered Workplace and Women in Management Positions

    6 pages in length. Nothing is quite as infuriating in today's gender-conscious society than knowing a woman was denied promotion or employment because she was not a man. Indeed, this type of blatant gender discrimination is not as obvious in the contemporary workplace as it has historically been, however, it still exists to such a degree that women – fully qualified and eager to move forward in their careers - continue to pursue higher positions with mixed results. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Customer Relationship Management and its Relation to E-Commerce

    is seen by many as having a great deal of potential to add to the value chain, creating better information and enhancing the relationship between the supplier and the buyer. This 20 page paper considers applications of CRM to e-commerce. There is a great deal of potential synergy in this market, but there are also problems. The paper considers these problems and presents some guidelines by which CRM and E-commerce should be integrated. The bibliography cites 23 sources.

  • Reduction of ICU's Nursing Ratio and Change Management

    A 10 page paper discussing restructuring the ICU to gain one-on-one nursing using Lewin’s change theory. The ongoing nursing shortage has meant for ICUs that they may have fewer RNs available to them and that recruiting and retention has become more costly over the past several years. The paper recommends that the hospital use agency nurses where possible, either in the ICU or in other areas "donating" nurses to ICU. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Four Questions Pertaining to Management of the Airline Industry

    A 5 page paper answering 4 questions about the airline industry. Questions address codesharing at American Airlines and China Eastern Air; what makes Herb Kelleher worthy of admiration; suggestions for marketing for the future; and recommendations for allocating $5 billion for fleet replacement over 4 years. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Evaluating Models of Project Management

    This 12 page paper examines various models inclusive of but not limited to SSADM. Other models such as TQM are examined. The use of the conventional approach is discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Outline of Management Values

    A 4 page outline identifying themes of three scenarios of prison operation and staffing and arranging those themes into sections of values, ethics, shared vision and effectiveness. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Resources Management Issues at Wal-Mart

    This 11-page paper tackles human resource issues plaguing giant retailer Wal-Mart. Topics include issues of gender equality and illegal immigration. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • eBay Analysts versus Management

    A 4 page paper discussing alternatives open to eBay in determining its acquisition strategy. After increasing profit 44 percent in 2004, eBay nonetheless missed analysts’ estimates by a penny in January 2005, to send the price of eBay’s stock down more than 20 percent in a single day. The paper urges eBay to follow its stated strategy of pursuing organic growth following a wave of acquisition activity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Human Resources and Employee Career Development

    A 3 page paper that discusses the role of human resources in employee career planning. The value of career development and planning for both employee and employer is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Management and Leadership Differences

    This 6 page paper takes a look at both concepts. These similar concepts are compared and contrasted. Each concept is fully defined and explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Hospitals and TQM

    A 7 page paper discussing quality indicators and measures currently in place at the hospital in which the student works. Structure in the form of a quality director in the upper levels of the organization and attention to quality exist, but as is the case at so many other hospitals, the issue at the organization still has not achieved absolute clarity. The paper discusses the Deming cycle (PDCA), TQM theory and rating hospitals on customer satisfaction measures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Employers' Tool for Healthcare Outcomes Management

    An 11 page paper discussing the increasing rates of obesity in the US – indeed in all developed nations – and the health problems that are expected to increase as a result. Diabetes already is epidemic in the US, and obesity contributes to several of the leading causes of disease and death in the country. Lean organizations need to gain full contribution from every employee, an accomplishment not possible when employees are ill but present, or even absent from work. Solutions such as those presented in the paper can make life-changing differences for those individuals who choose to exercise them. A real-world workplace promotion can provide immense benefit for employees as well as for the organization, and involving employees early in the planning process ensures that the resulting program is relevant to employees, their lives and families. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Loblaw's Human Resources Management

    A 6 page paper outlining the recruitment and selection process for a Human Resources Manager at Canada’s largest food distributor. The paper reviews the entire process of recruiting and hiring an HR manager, beginning with writing the job description to taking the selected candidate into the organization and through orientation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management and Change According to Henry Mintzberg

    : A 3 page research paper that examines the what Mintzberg meant in his 1973 study that characterized managerial work by brevity, fragmentation and variety and also whether or not this observation holds true for today. The writer argues that it does. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Human Resoiurce Management in Public Organizations

    This 8 page paper considers how HRM manifests in public bodies. The similarities and differences with commercial entities are considered and then theories of public HRM are discussed, looking at issues such as traditional and out of fashion ideas of the need for stability and the support given to this from modern studies as well as the desire for innovation and change within this sector. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Project Management and New Technologies

    Wireless communication makes instant education resources a phone call or finger touch away. This advancement ties in nicely with other advancements in technology, which according to Primavera (2004), includes advances in the defense and space travel industries and the automotive and transport industries. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvPMtech.rtf

  • Supply Chain Management and Warehousing

    There have been impressive changes in the role of warehouses in the supply chain in recent years. They’ve become distribution centres, customer service centres, and e-fulfillment centres. They incorporate and rely on lean manufacturing, a concept introduced by Henry Ford in the early 20th Century, except that warehousing has been at the root of maturing the lean concept with the continuous reintroduction of new warehouse design, equipment, operating methods, and integrating technologies. Bibliography cites 6 sources. jvWareho.rtf

  • IAS 39 Problems

    This 3 page paper looks at the potential impact of IAS 39 on European companies with reference to the use of hedging as a tool to limit risk. The paper argues this could cause many of the problems that FAS 133 created in the US. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Conservation v. Preservation in Management of the Environment

    A 5 page discussion of preservation verses conservation. The author uses examples from fallow agricultural areas and fire dependent systems such as prairie grasslands and forests. While preservationists emphasize the preservation of an entire ecosystem, conservationists emphasize the preservation of one or more parts of an ecosystem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Performance of Teams and Project Management

    A 9 page paper. Projects fail more often then they succeed, which is why it is so important for the project manager to know how to establish a team and how to influence their performance. Project managers face any number of challenges, such as the cross-functional matrix team and the geographically-dispersed team. This essay discusses what is needed for projects to succeed, the skills and knowledge the manager needs to have, the most effective techniques to overcome the 'authority gap' and the strongest influencers to motivate team members. The essay also comments on the group and team development process and on motivation theories. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Google's Management and Leadership

    This 10 page paper looks at this relatively new company, its founders and the leadership found within the walls of this unique corporation. The corporate culture is discussed along with the leadership of Page and Brin and the CEO they hired. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership

    A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Project Management and Aspects of Behavior

    A 4 page paper discussing a situation in which the project manager has abandoned the project, which is behind schedule and over budget. Several key team members have quit, and those who remain are focusing on whether they will have to fill in for the departed ones, rather than focusing on completing the task at hand. The paper answers several questions, all of which address the matter of communication and cooperation in some manner. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Health Risks and Managing Crises

    This 13 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. The first part the paper uses figures supplied to investigate the causes of illness in a workforce following a works barbeque. A link between illness and age is considered using a chi squared test. Then the different foods are examined to identify the source of the problem, demonstrating how correlation may not indicate causation. The second part of the paper looks at an ongoing situation where it appears there is a serious health risk to employees causing heart attacks. The paper outlines the steps that should be taken to investigate this risk and protect the employees.

  • Managing Classroom Disruptions

    A 3 page paper offering suggested solutions for implementing a school-wide plan targeting increasing classroom disruptions. In ninth grade, the establishment of contracts and agreements can be associated with academic lessons in the contractual agreements that students may have to face outside of school. Each of these suggested approaches has value in teaching students the realities of life away from school, while simultaneously improving behavior in positive ways; reducing some students’ anxieties; and increasing the self-esteem factor for all involved. No sources listed.

  • Starting a Small Business and What Should Be Considered

    A 10 page paper discussing points to consider before starting a business. There are far more considerations to starting a business than simply giving into the desire to "be your own boss." Rarely does an entrepreneur have no accountability to another person or business entity. The overriding considerations should be that the entrepreneur have the physical and technical ability to conduct his business and the characteristics that will allow him to persevere in building the business. In addition to essential character traits, the paper discusses how to identify opportunities and minimize risk, as well as implications of several methods of funding the business. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Creative Management Styles and Research

    A 60 page research-oriented paper discussing creative management styles. There are organizations that have not been able to make the transition from the traditional autocratic or authoritarian (rather than the authoritative) style of management. Today, creative management styles come in a variety of names: situational contingency management, the transformational approach, the cultural contingency approach, and value-based leadership. All, however, have their roots in TQM. Organizations that could not be successful in implementing TQM generally are not successful in implementing any of these, either, because all, including TQM, require a corporate culture that supports creativity and a commitment to change, and values open communication between workers and departments to the point that they will defend it if necessary. This paper examines the underlying problems preventing the formation and nurturing of that corporate culture so necessary for sustaining any creative management style. Bibliography lists more than 50 sources. M-Creatv.doc

  • Supply Chain Management Performance Measurement

    A 22 page paper that presents a literature review of supply chain management and supply chain management performance measures. The writer discusses the major components in SCM and the advantages of effective supply chain management. The writer discusses e-supply chain management. Examples are embedded in the text. The dearth of information regarding supply chain management performance measures is discussed and the writer provides examples of some approaches being used, such as SCOR and the Balanced Scorecard and demonstrating how the components of SCM fit into the Scorecard framework. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Information Management

    The 16 page paper is written in five sections and looks at the subject of information management. The first section considers the way in which the management of information has changed in recent years and the way it has developed into knowledge management. The second section discusses the way that information flows through a company and the way that it is managed to create useful knowledge. The third section discusses the practical management of information including its collection and storage and what can go wrong with the process. Before section discusses the way that information systems can help companies effectively meet strategic and operational objectives. The last section discusses some of the potential challenges that information management will face in the future. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Learning Organizations' Functions of Management

    A 6 page paper discussing the four primary functions of management – Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling – in both their historic meanings and as they are applied to the learning organization. Management of the future has an appearance that looks far more like people working together for a common set of goals. Leadership was not always a requirement of management in the past, but it gains increasing importance with each passing year as poor substitutes increasing are found to be inadequate. It is in this vein that at least one of the labels of the four functions of management, controlling, carries a negative connotation. This is not the controlling that Henry Ford practiced, but rather is sound management of the organization in which people are free to be creative and innovative. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Learning Organizations' Functions of Management

    A 6 page paper discussing the four primary functions of management – Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling – in both their historic meanings and as they are applied to the learning organization. Management of the future has an appearance that looks far more like people working together for a common set of goals. Leadership was not always a requirement of management in the past, but it gains increasing importance with each passing year as poor substitutes increasing are found to be inadequate. It is in this vein that at least one of the labels of the four functions of management, controlling, carries a negative connotation. This is not the controlling that Henry Ford practiced, but rather is sound management of the organization in which people are free to be creative and innovative. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Essay on Management Skills and Philosophies

    A 28 page paper. This essay first reviews some of the many schools or philosophies of management, such as the behavior school, the transformation school, total quality management. The next section discusses the many functions and roles of the manager. The four basic functions most often cited are explained. Mintzberg's 10 Management Roles are also reviewed. One study that looked at the effect of national context in terms of developing personnel is reviewed. A comprehensive discussion of the skills needed for effective management is then provided. Besides discussing the skills as cited in the literature, the writer provides a correlation between the functions of management and the skills needed for each function. The essay concludes with a summary and conclusions. Bibliography lists 28 sources.

  • Business Communication—A Technology Based Approach by William P. Galle Jr. and Beverly H. Nelson

    This series of 5 three-page reports (15 pages total) discusses 1996 McGraw-Hill textbook entitled “Business Communication: A Technology-Based Approach.” Various aspects of business communication are discussed such as the audiences involved in business communication, the most appropriate and most effective approaches in both positive and negative communication, presenting a research or program proposal, writing an appropriate report, and making an effective oral presentation are also discussed. No secondary sources.

  • Conducting Business Overseas

    This 5 page business analysis provides an overview of the political and business climate in The Philippines as well as Indonesia. The countries are compared in terms of favorability for doing business. The unrest in Indonesia is explained. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Acquisition of ISO is a Smart Global Market Strategy

    A 15 page paper that argues that the most effective sales strategy that a small business can adopt in the new globalized market is conformity to the standards set by the International Organization for Standardization and the acquisition of ISO registration. Discussed are the changes that have occurred in the worldwide market over the past decade, the new opportunity these changes present to small business owners, and the benefits ISO registration offers small businesses in this new market. Bibliography lists 10 sources. LCISOAcq.doc

  • Student Case Study on Business and Personal Risks

    This 3 page paper considers a case provided by the student. A business entrepreneur has an opportunity to expand the business, taking it in a new direction. The paper assesses the different business and personal risk he may face if he undertakes this action.

  • Swimming Pool Business Results Enhancement

    A 5 page paper assessing several points of economic consideration regarding the operation and potential expansion of a small, one-location swimming pool service and supply business. Questions address topics including elasticity of demand; law of diminishing return; economies of scale; potential price strategies; and business expansion possibilities. EPS is in an ideal position to enhance its business results without the need for a great amount of additional effort or cost. The paper recommends it increase its number of commercial accounts and increase retail sales. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Singer and Business Mogul Madonna

    This 19 page paper consider the case of the well-known singer Madonna and looks at how business sense has allowed a singer develop a multimillion dollar international business organisation. The paper looks at the development of the businesses within the music industry environment considering the use of strategy, differentiation and product lifecycle influences. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Sustainability Strategy at Wal-Mart

    This 5 page paper looks at the sustainability strategy at Wal-Mart considering it from a business perspective. The paper argues that in the past sustainability strategy has been half-hearted and that a new approach which demonstrates the way that environmental and business goals can be aligned is essential if the company wants to succeed in influencing its' suppliers and creating business opportunities in the long term. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • An Original UK Business Startup Plan

    This 9 page paper is an original business plan for starting up a business, looking at company mission, strategy, planning including financial planning, required resources and key issues. The business chosen is that of an independent financial adviser company. The paper includes an examination of the past present and future market for this sector in the UK. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Business Proposal for Mobile Oil Change, LLC

    A 9 page business proposal for a mobile oil change service in Denver, Colorado. The paper provides business description, competitive analysis and marketing concept. Mobile Oil Change provides a necessary service at competitive prices and at times and places convenient for customers. All companies owning any size fleet of vehicles needs the service, and every business needs the increased efficiency that Mobile Oil Change service can provide. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Doing Business in Russia

    An 8 page paper discussing the business climate and culture in Russia. The bottom line as it exists today is that Russia still is full of promise as in the past, and positive changes are occurring. Business people from other cultures – particularly the US – should be cognizant and respectful of Russia's love for formality and tradition, but they also should be aware that both the Russian people and government also seek positive change in business and opportunity while retaining Russia's unique culture. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Italian Economic Conditions

    A 9 page paper discussing economic conditions and the business environment in Italy, the world’s sixth largest economy. Conventional wisdom holds that countries that would be attractive to business must have favorable tax structures and decreasing levels of regulation. Italy provides counterpoint to that argument. One of the world’s leading bureaucracies, Italy is prospering despite suffering the effects of “revolving door” government and business-oppressive social policies. Bibliography lists 6 sources. Power Point presentation available.

  • Business Proposal for Mobile Oil Change, LLC

    A 9 page business proposal for a mobile oil change service in Denver, Colorado. The paper provides business description, competitive analysis and marketing concept. Mobile Oil Change provides a necessary service at competitive prices and at times and places convenient for customers. All companies owning any size fleet of vehicles needs the service, and every business needs the increased efficiency that Mobile Oil Change service can provide. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Short Term Change Management and Boeing's 7E7 Dreamliner

    This 6-page paper discusses short-term change management in conjunction with the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Management and Business Practices and the Influence of Chilean Culture

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the influence of Chile’s culture on business and management practices. Chilean management structures and practices are influenced by a diverse number of factors from Chilean culture. The strong military presence and influence of the Church resulted in management procedures which are strict, conservative and respectful in nature. Strong social class hierarchies in Chilean society has resulted in highly hierarchical structures in management where the higher end executives are responsible for the decision making processes and are well rewarded because of this. Finally, women’s roles in Chilean culture are quite prominent and this is also reflected in the Chilean work place as women have equal representation in the social classes as well as professional positions and politics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Internal Accountants and Small Business

    A 12 page literature review examining the value of accountants to the small business. The literature review is for use in a study of small businesses in which they will be surveyed regarding the sources of the accounting expertise they use, for the purpose of relating accounting presence and business failure. The original purpose of this literature review was to locate and discuss articles focusing on small businesses’ use and employment of accounting personnel in support of an upcoming study of that relationship and its effect on the course of development of the small enterprise. No such specific information appears to be available, however, a surprising discovery in light of the critical nature of efficient and optimal operation of business of any size. Despite the dearth of information directly related to the proposed hypotheses for the study, the information that does exist points to the need for the proposed study. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Direct Email Internet Marketing

    A 21 page paper discussing the problems and opportunities of direct email marketing. As direct email marketing to consumers still tries to find itself, business-to-business direct Internet marketing is expected to surpass $1 trillion by 2004. Businesses have not had reason to distrust online marketers as individuals have, and the business-to-business component has grown much more rapidly. There is little reason to believe that direct email marketing to consumers could not be just as effective, but the state in which it exists today indicates that the irresponsibility of spammers has created damage from which it will take time to recover. However, responsible direct email can be effective and welcome. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Basics of Strategic Market Management

    This 14 page report discusses the basics of strategic market management. In terms of the larger strategies involved in market management, strategy and specific management objectives must be truly responsive to both consumer needs and desires. These are very much the attitudes necessary for success in strategic market management as the world moves into the 21st century. The key to success in the face of global competition is to find the specific and unique niches that are not being served as well as they could be and then either exert or develop an organization’s strength and expertise. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Theorists and Theories of Management

    A 10 page paper discussing the glaring lack of use of current management theory in a hotel and in a management conference being held at that hotel. The paper begins with a case study not included here but discussed at length. Examination of the facts of the case in conjunction with the views of management theorists of both the past and present indicates that management needs to be more directly involved with those front line employees that provide so much of the organization's character. Theorists included are Bernard, Drucker, Adam Smith, Taylor, Durkheim, Marx, Fayol, Follett and others. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • CPM and PERT Management Tools of Project Planning

    A 21 page paper. The introduction to this essay briefly discusses the importance of planning and provides data regarding the proportion of projects that fail and why. The writer then explains the difference between project planning and project management and discusses the importance of managing the project. Work Breakdown Structures and their importance as the one of the first steps in project planning are discussed. A brief historical overview of Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Management (CPM) is offered with a comprehensive discussion of each of these project planning tools. Using PERT and CPM are discussed with examples from two actual projects and the results of those projects. The writer ends the paper with a discussion of the importance of risk management within project planning and project management and steps for managing risk and uncertainty. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Basics of Strategic Market Management

    This 14 page report discusses the basics of strategic market management. In terms of the larger strategies involved in market management, strategy and specific management objectives must be truly responsive to both consumer needs and desires. These are very much the attitudes necessary for success in strategic market management as the world moves into the 21st century. The key to success in the face of global competition is to find the specific and unique niches that are not being served as well as they could be and then either exert or develop an organization’s strength and expertise. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Equitable Management of People in HRM

    This 6 page report discusses human resource management in terms of its role in the management of people and its obligations to assure equity throughout an organization. When human resource management is describes as a “systematic approach to managing people,” it must be kept in mind that “systematic” should serve as a synonym for “consistent” and “equitable.” Those two factors are essential to the success of any human resource management effort. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Employee Benefits Package Sample

    This 8 page paper offers a sample benefits package for management and non-management employees. The writer also comments on the reasons for providing the benefit and why there is a difference in certain benefits between management/executive and non-management employees. Benefits included are health, dental, vision, paid days off, including maternity leave, family leave, new father leave, holidays, sick days, vacation days, child care, and different retirement benefits, including profit sharing and stock options. Research has shown that having a generous employee benefits package attracts talented people to work for the company and keeps them once hired. For instance, studies have shown companies can save as much or more than $75,000 per year when child care assistance is offered. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of the Canis Lupus Species

    A 6 page overview of the behavior, ecology, and management concerns which exist for this fascinating carnivore. The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is not only one of the most impressive of the large North American mammals it is also one of the most misunderstood. Recent conservation efforts have been successful in reviving an almost extinct population but this success has not been without its problems. As wolf populations expand their threat to man, whether perceived or real, grows. This paper emphasizes that proper management of the gray wolf involves not just species specific management but ecosystem management as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nurse Staffing Issues

    A 5 page research paper that examines a variety of issues that relate to human resource management and nurse staffing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Book Review of Management Accounting

    This 20-page paper is a book review on the textbook Management Accounting (Fourth Edition) by Anthony Atkinson, Robert Kaplan and S. Mark Young.

  • Pizza Restaurant Weaknesses Case Study

    This 4 page paper considers a case where are weaknesses in a pizza restaurant. These weaknesses are employee attendance, performance, and culture along with operating in a competitive influence with a large number of competing and substitute products/businesses. The paper uses several marketing models to look at the way the company may deal wit the weaknesses and gain more business. The models used are competitive advantage and differentiation, positioning and the 4 P’s. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Business Cannot Ignore Pollution: It is a Matter of Life, Death, and Ethics

    In thirteen pages this paper examines the issue of industrial pollution and presents evidence to support the contention that the international business community cannot ignore the effects of pollution and considers environmental and health impacts, philosophical and Christian ethics, and what the government’s role should be in ensuring that business is held accountable for the damage inflicted by the pollution it generates. Nine sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Ethics for Business Research

    This 8 page considers the issues of ethics when undertaking business research with the use of quantitative research using questionnaires and qualitative reseach using a commercial case study. The paper discusses the areas of ethics that should be considered when designing business research, in this case a case study for strategy development of a low cost airline. The paper considers how ethical considerations may change the plan of research that involves a corporate case study and quantitative research using questionnaires. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Ethics for Business Research

    This 5 page paper looks at the issues of ethics in business research and discusses what areas of ethics need to be considered when designing business research, in this case a case study for strategy development of a low cost airline. The paper considers how ethical considerations may change the plan of research that involves a corporate case study and quantitative research using questionnaires. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Intercultural Communication

    This 9 page paper examines the way that mistakes or misunderstanding may occur in intercultural communication. Using the example of a business meeting between western and Vietnamese business people the paper looks at examples of cultural differences, looking at the cultural barriers that exist and how they may be overcome. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • The Economy of Bangladesh

    This 8 page paper examines the economy of Bangladesh. The paper is written n 2 parts. The first, and largest part of the paper part looks at the overall economic performance and international trade patterns for Bangladesh. The second part of the paper the paper presents information on the business environment from the prospective of a business person in the country. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Accounting; Definition, Impacts on Business and Its Ability to Help Businesses Improve Results

    This 13 page paper is written in three parts. The first part looks at what is meant by accounting discussing different types of accounting and why is undertaken. The second part of the paper looks at the way accounting is able to impact on a business. The last part of the paper examines the way that accounting may be used by business in order to produce positive results, such as increasing office. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) and their Role in International Business

    This 6 page paper looks at some of the issues and problems associated with international business when it is undertaken by state owned enterprises. The paper looks at how and why problem may arise and how assessments in the international business arena should be changed to facilitate inclusion of the government or state influence which may be present. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Kalinsky, Better Served by Good Leadership and Principled Communication

    This 4 page business case explores Kalinsky and how he could have changed business policies to keep Kenworthy. It posits the conflict resolution style used by Kalinsky was ineffective as was his rational leadership style. He could have used a transformational leadership style and principled negotiation stategy to resolve the conflict. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Marketing AOB

    This 19 page paper examines an Australian business; Australian Online Bookshop, in order to determine a suitable marketing strategy. The firm is examined in the context of its business environment, looking at the using a PEST analysis and looking at the firms’ competition. Following the examination a marketing strategy is recommended. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Process of 'Big Bet' Business Risks

    This 3-page paper focuses on the process of making "big bets" in business, and whether it's wise to do so. Also discussed are what constitutes big bets in business and whether big bets are rational or non-rational forms of thought

  • Customer Service Representative Second Language Programming Research Proposal

    This 10 page paper considers the issue of ESL learning the business environment. The modern business environment has been plagued by a number of distinct challenges that have resulted from globalization and increasingly diverse consumer populations. The value of bilingual or multilingual customer service representatives has increased as a result of this diversity and corporations across the globe have recognized the value of language learning and training models for customer service representatives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Purpose Of Business Research And Research Proposal

    This 8 page paper has two discrete sections. The first section discuses the purpose of business research and includes comments on type of research. The second section is a business research proposal that includes Title, background, research objectives, methods, and literature review. The case has to do with introducing a product to the consumer market. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Doctor of Business Administration Research Proposal Outline

    A 3 page outline of a research proposal for a DBA (doctor of business administration) program. The outline provides a full introduction and outline headings addressing financial constraints, building the business case and proposed research questions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Ethics for Business Research

    This 8 page considers the issues of ethics when undertaking business research with the use of quantitative research using questionnaires and qualitative reseach using a commercial case study. The paper discusses the areas of ethics that should be considered when designing business research, in this case a case study for strategy development of a low cost airline. The paper considers how ethical considerations may change the plan of research that involves a corporate case study and quantitative research using questionnaires. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Taiwan, Business Culture, and Business Etiquette

    A 4 page paper discussing points of business etiquette in Taiwan. Learning a few words of Chinese can be beneficial in building relationships, but the Taiwanese expect foreigners to be "foreign." The paper discusses conduct, gift-giving, gender issues, perspective of time, proper use of business cards and other topics. Common sense and a basic knowledge of the culture are invaluable. PowerPoint presentation also available. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • How Companies Should Compete to Maximize Internet Returns A Proposed Dissertation

    E-commerce is an important element of many businesses. This 7 page paper is a proposal for the development of an e-commerce model that can set out the requirments for a business to be successful in e-commerce. A literature review is undertaken and then a methodology is outlined which includes primary and secondary research. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Impact of eCommerce on B2B Supply Chain Study Proposal

    This 8 page paper outlines a proposal to identify the way in which to the logistics of business to business e-commerce can be managed to gain the most efficient form of supply chain. The proposal looks at the problem, the questions to be answered, gives a brief literature review and specifies a methodology include time scale. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Ethics for Business Research

    This 8 page considers the issues of ethics when undertaking business research with the use of quantitative research using questionnaires and qualitative reseach using a commercial case study. The paper discusses the areas of ethics that should be considered when designing business research, in this case a case study for strategy development of a low cost airline. The paper considers how ethical considerations may change the plan of research that involves a corporate case study and quantitative research using questionnaires. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Ethics for Business Research

    This 5 page paper looks at the issues of ethics in business research and discusses what areas of ethics need to be considered when designing business research, in this case a case study for strategy development of a low cost airline. The paper considers how ethical considerations may change the plan of research that involves a corporate case study and quantitative research using questionnaires. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Ruth Owades Case Study

    This 3 page paper looks at the position of a business woman who has a good idea to start a new business as well as the backing and discusses whether or not she should go ahead with the plan. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Business Case Study of Gourmet on the Go

    This 6 page paper considers a case study supplied by the student. The case concerns the plan for a new business with the paper answering questions regarding the good and bad points seen in the way the business plan has been developed. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Assessment of Singapore and Mexico for Business Expansion

    A 9 page paper assessing the political, social and legal systems of Singapore and Mexico. The two countries are as far apart in social and legal aspects as they are in geography. Both are business-friendly and welcome foreign business, but from different perspectives. Of the two, Singapore is much more selective. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet Business Marketing

    This 5 page paper focuses on as an example of an e-business and looks at a variety of marketing schemes. ACNielsen, SRI and Cyber Dialogue are noted as companies that help businesses gain access to marketing information and techniques. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Emotional Intelligence in the High Technology Workplace

    A 12 page overview of the concept of emotional intelligence. The author traces the concept through the literature asserting that, while the term has been only recently coined, the importance of interpersonal relations in business success has been recognized practically since the beginning of business. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Business and Professional Athletes

    Pro Athletes’ Impact on Today’s Business World: This 9-page essay discusses professional NBA, NFL and MLB athletes and their impact on productivity and cost in today’s business world. In addition, elements relevant to data collection, cost variance, effective measures, and misplaced blame are examined. Where might the blame lie and can we reasonably expect a return to the exemplary attitudes of America’s sports figure/ role models of yesteryear? Bibliography lists 7 sources. SNAthlet.doc

  • U.S. and Japan HRM

    A 20 page paper. Human resource management has evolved over the last fifty or more years in the United States to become an integral and essential part of the American corporation. The same is not true in Japan. In fact, until the last decade, human resource management was given little attention in Japan. This paper provides an introduction to the topic, an overview of human resource management in the United States, an overview of HRM in Japan, a comparison of HR in the two nations and concluding remarks. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Nursing Theory and Pain Management

    A 5 page paper constructing a new theory of nursing as it relates to postoperative pain management following hip replacement surgery. The new nursing theory constructed here is that a better approach to postoperative pain management associated with hip replacement surgery is to avoid as much immediate pain sensation as possible. This restricts use of the drugs most open to abuse to use only during the first 24 hours following surgery, and it further restricts the use of that class of drugs to the hospital setting where there often is greater accountability. Further, it disallows interference of the first subsystem of pain management with the second, and can serve to result in more favorable patient outcomes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management versus Leadership

    This 15 page paper investigates the differences between leadership and management and between leaders and managers. Although volumes have been written about leadership, no agreement has been reached for a definition of the term. This paper discusses the definitions of leadership that have been put forth and the attributes and characteristics of leaders that have been identified. There are clear definitions of management and a vast number of lists of characteristics, skills and attributes of a manager. These have been provided in this paper. The differences between leadership and management and the differences between leaders and managers are presented. 1 comparison table is included. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Formation of Security Management Policy and Risk Management Effects

    An 18 page paper discussing issues that need to be addressed when forming security risk management policy. The very essence of developing an effective security policy is dependent in great extent to the level of risk that exists. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that network and computer administrators face the threat of security breach each day. Building security is less predictable, particularly as groups of fanaticals place their energies into dreaming up increasingly grand plans for murdering innocents by the thousands. Those responsible for forming and implementing security management policy must be aware of the types of risk faced by the organization and then control for contributing factors. The paper discusses management of risks that are both physical and informational. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Chronic Pain Management and Nursing Philosophy

    A 5 page paper considering management of chronic pain within the framework of basic nursing values. Management of chronic pain can be as frustrating for the nurse as it is for the patient. Though the patient suffers the pain, the nurse’s aim is to help him cope with it. There are growing numbers of alternatives available, most of which work only with a few specific individuals. Calling on nursing philosophy within the framework of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and fidelity can inform decisions surrounding pain management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Major Shifts in Practices in Management Accounting

    A 10 page paper discussing changes in the profession arising from changes in technology, globalization and competitive strategies. Integrated management accounting systems, such as those arising from activity-based costing and management (ABC/ABM) systems with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can be appealing for their instant accessibility to information in real-time, but they also can detract from sound decision making based on trends more easily discernible from the more standard monthly and annual reports of traditional management accounting systems. There can be a place for both, but their uses need to be as clearly defined as the qualities they are measuring. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Middle Managers and TQM Implementation Implications

    A 65 page paper discussing reasons for failure of TQM implementation, particularly as it applies to middle managers. The paper gives an overview of the approaches to TQM of Deming, Juran and Crosby, and focuses on Deming's 14 Points as the basis for properly-applied TQM practice. Deming's philosophy of management within the framework of TQM leaves no room for authoritarianism or autocracy; participative management is required if TQM implementation is to be successful in any firm of any size. The paper includes discussion of a mail survey identifying three middle-management attitudes toward TQM's potential effects on their jobs, including detailed descriptions of both observed and potential limitations of the study. It concludes that middle managers have legitimate fears that can be overcome with Deming's admonishment to invest in training and education of all employees, including the middle managers of which Deming himself made no mention. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Hotel Revenue Management Systems Twenty Five Article Literature Review

    This is an 8 page literature review on hotel revenue management systems. A literature review on hotel revenue management systems covers not only the recently developed technological systems which handle different revenue management concerns such as forecasting, demand, competition and hospitality networks but also covers many traditional avenues used to increase revenue such as customer satisfaction, environmentally efficient programs, introduction of innovative and unique facilities and catering to specific target groups among other factors. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Organizational Development Case Study

    A 14 page paper that uses a student-supplied case study of EKEM, a fictitious furniture company in Australia. The writer spends approximately half the paper analyzing the company's operations and management as they exist, extremely low morale, slowed growth, and poor management styles. The next section includes different alternative strategies for the company to improve. Motivation is briefly explained along with examples as well as a more effective management style. The recommendation is to adopt TQM to save the company. Deming's 14 points are briefly outlined with comments and discussions about how this company will need to change. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Leadership, Management Experience in 2 Nursing Environments

    A 4 page paper in which the writer offers tutorial advice and specific examples drawn from nursing literature in order to help a student discuss leadership/management in terms of being a charge nurse on a psychiatric unit and as an independent dialysis nurse. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Application of Leadership Theory II

    A 6 page paper discussing two verbal exchanges between a staff nurse and the director of nursing and fitting them to management theory. There are several leadership theories, most of which are most applicable to differing environments and situations. The purpose here is to examine two verbal exchanges with a nurse manager and assess it in terms of one theory of leadership. The two theories used are Situational Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange . Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Does An Effective Learning And Development Strategy Enables Organizations To Compete More Effectively?

    This 10 page paper looks at whiter learning within an organization is able to help it compete. The paper considers how learning may help with the development and maintenance of competitive advantage, the concept and application of knowledge management, the way it needs to be applied as well as created, the concept of the learning organizations and the role of mentors in creating and supporting commercial goals through a learning strategy. The bibliography cites 11 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses the learning organization and appropriate approach to management, trust and pay in General Electric's Asia-Pacific region. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • This 3-page paper discusses the debate regarding digital rights management and whether people should have access to online media such as music, movies and video games. It also discusses watermarking techniques. There are 2 sources cited.

  • Knowledge Management and Learning in Low Cost Airlines

    This 3 page paper looks at two low cost airlines; RyanAir and EasyJet and assesses the way that they already use knowledge management and concepts from the learning school in order to compete and assesses how this could be improved. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Corporations and Learning Organizations

    This 16 page paper considers the statement that "the learning organization is the loch ness monster of modern management much discussed and sought after but very rarely seen”. This paper considers what a company has to do to be classified as a learning organization and why this is so difficult to achieve. The paper then looks at different companies that may be seen as moving in that direction to assess if the status of learning organization has, or can ever be claimed. Companies considered are VISA, Boeing and Shell. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Learning Organizations and The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge

    A 9 page research paper that analyzes Peter Senge's 1990 book The Fifth Discipline, which is a text concerned with the theme of continuous improvement through continuous learning. To this end, Senge emphasizes the significance of "systems" thinking, which he sees as crucial for enforcing a corporate culture of continuous improvement in order to institute long-term institutional change. The writer outlines the principal points of this management model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Performance Management and Incentive Plan Design

    This 10 page paper considers the development of a performance management and incentive plan for the field and corporate staff of a fictitious company. The plan has to balance team based and individual based rewards, to determine when there should be the use of cash and non cash incentives and show how this can be communicated and administered without adding to the overheads. The plan looks at a targeted profit share system as well team and individual assessment that are linked to wages or salary as well as non financial rewards such as recognition and attending events. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Emory Healthcare - Fellowship Application

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of applying for a fellowship in healthcare management. It provides responses to typical application questions. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

  • Book Review; the Fundamentals of Production Planning and Control by Stephen Chapman

    This 6 page paper is a book review on Stephen Chapman's book "The Fundamentals of Production Planning and Control", looking at the approach and contents of the book summarizing the main contents of the book and assessing his usefulness to operations management managers and students. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • High School Incorporation of Programs on Anger Management

    This 5 page paper is an example for a proposal to implement an anger management program into the highschool of a culturally diverse community, utilizing the nursing staff. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Coca-Cola Production Costs

    A 4 page paper answering several production costs questions and using Coca-Cola as the reference company. Questions address production costs; supply chain management; and the production possibility frontier. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Problems with Employees

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and considers why the company is having problems wit the employees including absenteeism and high turnover rates. The situation of the case includes an autocratic owner with no management training and the employees are refused a pay rise when the company is doing well. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Literature Review on AT&T's Management

    This 24-page paper examines the literature discussing AT&T Corp. and its management; from its beginnings, through divestiture, into the 1990s and beyond. Topics discussed include the role of human resources, Michael Armstrong and how AT&T has been evolving since the 1980s. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Case Study of AT&T's Staffing, Training, and How to Achieve HRM Effectiveness

    This 5 page report discusses issues relating to staffing, training, and management of the human factors of a large organization, especially during the process of major change. AT&T and its breakup into the Regional Bell Operating Companies in the early 1980s demonstrates the sort of processes HR must initiate and facilitate to assure that the organization’s employees remain focused and an active (and loyal) part of the organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Use of Databases in a Typical Organization

    This 5 page paper starts by defining what is meant by a database and a database management system. The paper then looks at how a database is used in a typical organization; the example discussed has an Oracle database system. The way it is used and managed is outlined. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Factors One Should Consider When Establishing A Useful Management Accounting Information System

    This 5 page paper considers what factors need to be looked at before a company decides upon, and implements a new management accounting information system. Factors discussed include functionality, current and future information needs, the decision whether to buy or lease and influence and impact on employees. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Should A Company Undertake Loss Management If They Have Insurance?

    This 14 page paper discusses the statement "As an organisation we pay a lot of money on insurance. There is therefore no need for us to invest time and resources in other methods of loss management." The paper discusses this looking at what losses insurance can cover, alternatives to insurance, the need for a cost benefit analysis, responsibility and the influence of asymmetrical information and moral hazard. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Internal Auditing and Use of Technology

    A 7 page paper discussing several ways that technology has enhanced auditing’s ability to provide greater value to the organization. CAATTs greatly increase the auditing product’s usefulness and reliability, for many can identify and highlight trends far more quickly than can people. Continuous monitoring of the data included in the audit process allows for nearly real-time audit reports and can detect detrimental trends far earlier, giving management more time to deal with whatever is creating the trend, and before the trend can become an insurmountable problem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Lowell System

    A 5 page research paper that reports on the Lowell System and its significance to early industrialization in the US. The Lowell System refers to a “method of factory management” that developed in regards to the operation of the United States’ first textile mills, which were built in Waltham and Lowell, Massachusetts in the early part of the nineteenth century (Foner and Garraty, 1991). Specifically, the Lowell System refers to the practice of recruiting and employing young women from local farms as the mill’s employees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Architecture of Information Systems

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of information systems architecture. Fundamental principles of sound system design and management are examined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • CC vs. Med-Surg Units/Job Satisfaction

    A 6 page research paper that investigates the differences in nursing job satisfaction between critical and med-surg units. Within the framework of a research project, the writer hypothesizes that as there are different working conditions in these units, such as patient-to-nurse ratios and management styles, there are also differences in nursing job satisfaction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cost Distribution and Production Costs

    This 5 page paper assess the importance of the production-cost relationship in a firm and demonstrates how the relationship directly affects the distribution of costs within a firm. This is undertaken by looking at different forms of management accounting; overhead or absorption costing, marginal or variable costing, standard costing and activity based costing (ABC). The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • ITC eChopaul Case Study

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student where ICT Ltd introduce a system called ‘eChopaul’ in order to create value in the supply chain for for soybeans in India. The writer answers four questions. The questions look at the objectives of the eChopaul system, the principles if supply chain management are seen, how it adds value and whether or not all parties to the transaction under the older system can still be ‘winners’ with the new system. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and JIT Inventory Management

    5 pages. When one auto manufacturer had a problem with a huge backlog and no inventory with which to finish it, they went to the parent company in Japan to see how to address the situation. Looking at several different options, it was decided that Just in Time management was the answer to the problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Investment Banking and VAR

    This 5 page paper examines the use of value at risk as a assessment and management tool by investment banks. The paper beings by explaining what VAR is and then looks at the different ways it may be used and the different models that can be chosen. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Case Study on Staff Turnover Reduction

    This 7 page paper considers a case supplied by the student where a large company is suffering from high levels of employee turnover. Based on theoretical models the writer shows why this turnover may be occurring, the types of people that may be staying, how they are feeling, and how management may change the situation to increase retention and motivation. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Information Management and Hotels

    This 10 page report discusses information management as applied to the hotel industry and discusses one particular (fictional) hotel and its strategies. As with every other industry, the hotel industry has been radically changed by information technology and its application in terms of guest services ranging from making reservations to ordering room service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Resource Managements and Its Functions

    The definition of management is the attainment of organization goals in an affective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources. In 8 pages this paper assumes that you are a Human Resource Manager and considers how you would use this definition to explain a workplace should be managed and the need for more information flow in order to reach the organisational goals. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Importance and Influence of Group Performance on Organizational Behavior

    This 5 page paper examines the impact of groups and teams within an organization and the advantages and effectiveness of group and team performance in the management of organisational behaviour. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Leveraging Resources; The Retail Environment

    This 3 page paper looks at management issues concerning the use of resources by a retail firm. The paper answers 4 questions, considering whether retail firms have access to, or can obtain the resources it needs to be successful, the importance of clear directions and incentives, the importance of the supporting structure and whether the creativity of the employees is fully leveraged. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Patients and Diabetes

    This 12 page paper explains type 1 and type 2 diabetes; looking at the causes, the symptoms, the management and treatment. The paper applies this to a patient where there are additional complication, including diabetic retinopathy. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Management/Labor Conflict in "The Grapes of Wrath"

    This 3 page paper argues that Steinbeck's purpose in writing "The Grapes of Wrath" was to illustrate the way in which management exploits labor, and he did it by creating a protagonist (Tom Joad) who changed from a disinterested person to a man committed to organizing labor. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Medical Coding

    This 5 page paper responds to different questions, most of which involve medical coding beginning with the constructs that affect medical coding. Other topics include cost shifting, time studies, case mix management, implementing electronic medical records and ethical lapses of two physicians discussing a patient while riding in an elevator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Job Satisfaction And Communication

    This 11 page paper is comprised of these sections: problem statement, definitions of communication, employee satisfaction and 360-degree feedback approach, job satisfaction trends. Discussions focus on employee satisfaction, management communication and the 360 feedback model. A generic satisfaction survey is included. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Coca Cola and Employee Performance Management

    This 14 page paper evaluates the performance management systems of a well known company; Coca-Cola. The paper is written with reference to managing employee performance measurement in practice how it is performed and the way this practice relates to theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Emergency Management

    This 5 page report discusses emergency management and disaster planning. Hazard analysis and vulnerability, risk assessment, and organizational capabilities are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Managing In An Inclusive Environment: Diversity

    This 3 page paper considers the issues of creating and managing an inclusive environment in the context of managing diversity. The paper considers what an organization that values diversity needs to consider and address in order to manage and balance issues related to facets of diversity. The paper looks at an example of good diversity management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • The Value of Customer Relationship Management for Web Based Retail Operations

    This 16 page paper considers the potential value implementing customer relationship management software to support increasing sales for an online retail company. The paper gives a brief a general overview of an online retail organization, and then presents an overview of the technology. The application of CRM is considered in terms of the benefits, how it fits in with the value chain, potential risks as well as enabling technology, potential approaches to implementation and associated costs. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Supply Management, Purchasing, and JIT

    This 3 paper focuses on the JIT theory of quality and supply management. The paper defines JIT and determines its usefulness in terms of purchasing and the supply chain. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Management and the Human Relations Approach

    This 5 page paper is a critical assessment of human relations school approach to management. The paper outlines the school of thought, looks at the strengths and then considers the shortfalls. The paper includes consideration of work from theorists such as Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor and Goldthorpe. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Thailand's Tourism and the Impact of AIDS

    This 15 page paper looks at the sex industry in Thailand as well as the Thai economy. Tourism, as an important business sector, is discussed in light of the spread of AIDS. Does the fact that AIDS is rampant in this country affect the sex industry which in turn hurts tourism? That question is answered and future implications are noted. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Workplace and Impact of Smoking

    A 5-page paper that examines the affects of smoking in the workplace on both business and nonsmoking coworkers. Discussed is the Environmental Protection Agency's 1992 report concerning the dangers of 'secondhand smoke' and the trend toward smoke-free working environments that this report instigated as well as both employer and employee concerns regarding nonsmoking policies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of the Construction Industry

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the industry and addresses subjects such as population, technology and trade union influence. The modern construction business is the focus of this paper that also touches on the industry's roots as well as changes it has endured throughout the years. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 1930s' U.S. Transformation

    This 5 page paper considers the views of the United States between 1929 and 1939 and the transformation of significant economic and social issues during this era. In particular, this paper outlines the views presented in Frederick Allen's book Since Yesterday, and assesses the implications for understanding the overall impact of the business creed during this era. No additional sources cited.

  • US Companies and the Effects of NAFTA

    This 5 page paper takes a look at NAFTA and its impact on U.S. firms. The future ramifications of the treaty on businesses is noted as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Corruption of Business Through the Computer Security Endangerment of Internet Hacking

    6 pages in length. With the advent of Internet technology came the challenge to hack into sensitive personal and business information; as the Internet has advanced in sophistication, so have the hackers' ability to do even more damage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Taiwan and United States' Corporate Law

    This 6 page paper compares and contrasts corporate law in each nation. Both U.S. and Taiwanese business structures are outlined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Successful Restaurant Operations

    This 6 page report discusses the most important aspects of running a successful restaurant. The restaurant business climate today is in a constant state of flux. Problems are more unusual, arise more quickly and the answers are more elusive than ever. Aside from unique and demonstrable culinary skills, a restauranteur must also be a supply and demand expert, human resource manager, marketing specialist and master scheduler. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Financial Analysis of IBM

    An 11 page paper discussing IBM's business results and stock price performance in light of the company's continued and steady growth worldwide. Some investors have complained that IBM does not manage its stock to build shareholder equity, but the company consistently increases dividends for those investors who stay with the company long term. In addition, IBM has been systematically buying back its own stock, which is reason enough for it to not care to work solely to elevate its value. The paper contains one graph and five tables. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Country Analytical Framework Formulization

    A 3 page paper presenting a framework to be used in analyzing a country for its attractiveness for international expansion for business. The first consideration should be that of overall economic status of the nation and determination of the influence of economic conditions on the proposed operation. Following that, government regulations, market potential and analysis of existing competitors should be assessed to determine the nation's attractiveness for the organization's specific operation. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Business Interviewing

    A 5 page paper discussing interviewing as an action. Always important to the organization, interviewing potential employees has only in recent years been given credit for its part in shaping the character of the organization. Businesses have a smaller pool of qualified candidates from which to select in today’s job market, and interviewers are charged with making the best recommendations possible. Interviewing has been growing more process-oriented, but there are aspects of the art that cannot fit neatly on a checklist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Positive and Negative Aspects of Pharmaceutical Industry Acquisitions and Mergers

    A 6 page paper discussing several aspects of merger and their effects on the organizations involved. Merger is the route of the 1990s in achieving optimal business performance, but it comes with a price that some are unwilling to pay. Emotional issues such as the loss of autonomy are difficult to weigh against the bottom-line benefits of merging with either similar companies or those active in related yet different industry segments, but it often proves to be the factor that provides the most hope for attaining or preserving competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of GTE

    This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Competition of Borders Bookstores and Barnes and Noble

    A 20 page paper comparing two of America's largest retailers of books. Barnes & Noble and Borders have appeared to be similar for much of the life of Borders; Barnes & Noble was founded in the previous century and is much older. Neither appears to be giving enough attention to the issues of the late 1990s that are so critical to success. Specifically, each is deficient in its Internet presence though for different reasons, and each could make improvements in business practice that seems to target small booksellers rather than the companies' own customers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Financial Diversification and PepsiCo

    4 pages in length. This paper explains the aspects of financial diversification. Numerous studies have been conducted which point to the conclusion that financial diversification is not a cure-all for the disease known as business risk. While the focus of the paper is on PepsiCo this information can be applied to any company. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Global Economy and Comparative Advantage's Relevance

    An 8 page paper discussing how, as the global economy continues to emerge, comparative advantage theory slips further into the recesses of history and further away from any applicability in the global market. One reality of today's business climate is that competition is seen only as increasing. Being centered in geographic locations offering supporting infrastructure for specific industries aids organizations in more effectively competing within their industries, but it reduces the relevancy of the concept of comparative advantage as it has existed in the past. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Economic Issues and Public Interest

    This 5 page report discusses various business economic issues ranging from regulatory constraint and its effect on corporate action regarding public interest to static and dynamic supply conditions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Future Planning and Organizational Design Research

    This 5 page report discusses numerous aspects of the concept and research addressing organizational change issues and planning for the future as the world moves into the 21st century. Change, just by virtue of being change, cannot be considered as an innovative approach to organizational design or planning for the future. In fact, true innovation and planning for the future requires the most fundamental concepts of business process to first undergo a critical re-evaluation before actual changes are implemented. Annotated bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Montague Corporation Business Analysis

    This 5 page tutorial provides an analysis of a business case study, inclusive of an executive summary, highlights of key decisions made, an analysis, a presentation of alternatives and conclusive recommendations. This sample analysis uses information provided by a student. No bibliography.

  • Mansell Ltd. and Supplier Reduction

    A 5 page paper presenting a consultant's recommendation that Mansell Ltd greatly reduce its list of approved suppliers, followed by a plan for reducing the current number of suppliers. Written from the perspective of purchasing and its role in corporate strategy, the paper lists product availability and reliability as possibly being of greater importance than cost alone. In dealing with many fewer suppliers, the company's business represents a greater percentage of remaining suppliers' revenues, which puts Mansell in a more favorable position for negotiation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Italy and Nescafé

    A 10 page marketing paper discussing the company's current position, the state of the coffee market in Italy and options open to Nescafé. Nescafé seems to have spent far too much attention on competitors without expending the same energy on the desires of consumers and how the company could alter its practices to meet changing customer needs. The need for increasing quality is a given in today's business environment, and adding packaging alternatives could open new market segments. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Comparison Between Private and Public Administration

    In 6 pages, the author compares public administration and private (business) administration. Public administration and private administration share many similarities as well as differences. When one thinks of public administration, the government comes to mind, because it is the largest public administration. When one thinks of private administration, one thinks of a church or some other kind of private organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mark Garrison and Margaret Anne Bly's Human Relations Productive Approaches for the Workplace

    A 7 page analysis of Human Relations: Productive Approaches for the Workplace by Mark Garrison and Margaret Anne Bly. This is an instructive book that combines solid empirical research, supportive study aids, and numerous case studies to provide a practical, and applicable, guide to positive human relations in the business environment. Using examples that are draw from over 90 small and large companies, the authors provide a balanced thematic approach that encompasses both organizational issues and problems that pertain to personal adjustment in the workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 3 Important Events, Idealism, and Realism

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses three major events of the past five years -- environmental degradation, Internet business and Y2K -- in relation to idealism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Importance of Database Security

    This 6 page report discusses the many issues surrounding the importance of database security. Business and individuals need to be aware that their precious informational databases, unless adequately protected, could be accessed and manipulated for purposes far different than what they were created. The most critical resource in today’s enterprises is information, whether they are industrial, commercial, educational, or civic. As such, they require careful and comprehensive protection. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Late 20th Century Corporate Leadership

    This concise 5 page paper considers the modern leadership styles adopted by businesses today. The theories of such people as Charles Handy and Peter Drucker are considered amongst others. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Jeremy Bentham's 'Panopticon,' Michel Foucault, and Power

    A 9 page research paper that examines Bentham's conception of the Panopticon and Foucault's views on its detrimental effects. The writer argues that modern society should be wary of the panoptical surveillance that is available with current technology—no matter what rationalizations are offered by business and corporate interests. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Globalization and Its Economic Impact on 1990s Latin America

    This 5 page report discusses the process and economic impact of globalization in Latin America in the past ten years. As elsewhere in the world, the workers, business owners, and elected officials of Latin America have experienced massive changes. Economic globalization and the rise of information technologies are reconfiguring the fundamental organization of the economies of a number of the nations that are “south of the border.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. and Sweden Cultural Differences

    This 7 page paper looks at the United States and Sweden and the cultural differences both in business and in society. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Critique of a Journal Article on Management

    This 5 page paper critiques a journal article on a topic related to a business course as put forth by a student. The article utilized is written by Robert Heller and is entitled 'The Evergreen Route to Growth.' TQM is discussed. Annotated bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Analyses of Operations Management and Finance

    This 6 page paper includes several hypothetical and actual situations, as presented or requested by a student, in order to explore several topics pertinent to business administration. Included is an analysis of Intel, inclusive of a liquidity ratio calculation and cash flow analysis. Information on financing debt is explored in a fictitious letter and a case study involving the expansion of a hotel is provided. Finally, a service delivery model is presented and assessed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Importance of Management and Leadership in Contemporary Business

    A 5 page paper discussing the growing importance of true leadership in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Autocracy had a place in the past; Henry Ford was the master. Today and in the future, Herb Kelleher and Jack Welch provide better models. Their companies, Southwest Airlines and GE, have risen to leadership positions in their industries despite great opposition, and the rise was fueled by the superior leadership present in each. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Supply Chain Components' Examination

    This 10 page paper examines the purchasing or procurement, departing stock, improvements, transportation and vendor held stock issues in terms of the supply chain and shown they can and may be managed looking at a range of issues in business literature. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Narcissistic Persona and Body Aesthetics

    This 25 page paper provides an overview of the current literature in regards to the nature of customer service and the changes in customer service in recent years. This paper integrates a view of customer service in retail, call centers, and in e-commerce, and the reasons and causes of poor service. Further, this paper also considers why it is so important for business to turn this trend around and suggests some ways that employers can refocus on customer service, including a view of quality principles (TQM). Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Bibb Latane's Social Impact Theory

    A 5 page paper assessing Bibb Latane's 1981 social impact theory and what became of it. There are many theories from the past that resurface from time to time dressed in other terms and other names, and updated to meet current needs. This appears to be the case with social impact theory. Though it is not often discussed in current literature by the name that Latané gave it a quarter century ago, it nonetheless is still with us, particularly in business literature. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Changes and HRM

    A 5 page paper discussing whether HR is really changing or only appears to be. Not too many years ago, Human Resources (HR) was the poor relation of the corporate world—it was believed that the existence of individual HR departments was necessary, if only for the record keeping function they performed. As business is increasingly competitive, however, HR is taking on a much more active role in the organization's strategy planning, often while outsourcing much of the administrative work for which they previously were responsible. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • WWW History

    This paper provides an overview of the development of the internet and the world wide web, providing a great deal of technical information in 9 pages. In addition to the evolution of this widely used phenomenon, current application in terms of business, entertainment and education are noted as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of GTE

    This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature of Canada and Authors Atwood, O'Hagan, and Davies

    A 6 page essay that briefly summarizes three Canadian novels -- Tay John by Howard O'Hagan, fifth Business by Robertson Davies, and Surfacing by Margaret Atwood. The writer offers a brief plot synopsis and analysis of each novel. No additional sources cited.

  • Paranoid Schizophrenia

    A 9 page research paper that discusses this topic. Nursing care management of patients with paranoid schizophrenia entails numerous challenges. The following overview of the nursing parameters for addressing the challenges involves in formulating care for schizophrenic patients, first of all, discuss the nursing process and then focuses on the importance of communication to establishing a therapeutic nurse-client relationship. The next section describes client behavior in relation to schizophrenia, i.e., its signs and symptoms, before concluding with a brief discussion of the roles of the nurse in regards to patients with schizophrenia in terms of the nurse as the provider of care, manager of care and as a member of the profession of nursing. This paper also includes a restatement of this abstract. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Competitive Advantage and Value Creation

    This 14 page paper begins with a general introduction that discusses the importance of value creation in sustaining competitive advantage. The writer then defines value and explains how the definition of value has changed over the last several years. The value formula is presented and the components in value are outlined. The next section explains and discusses value creation and the components in value creation. Value migration is defined and explained. Examples of companies who did not anticipate value migration are included. Lastly, the process of Customer Value Management is explained. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • and the Kindle Fire

    This 15 page paper looks at the way in which the online retailer Amazon undertook the project to develop and launch the Kindle Fire; their first tablet PC. The paper is written in three parts. The first part looks at the firm and the product that was developed, including the hardware, software and associated services as well as the underlying motivation for its development. The second section considers the project looking at the project section, definition, management structure, planning, control and slowdown. The last part assesses the lessons which may be learned from the project to improve the future projects. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Organizational Conflict Management

    A 5 page paper discussing the manager's role in conflict issues. There is increasing empirical evidence of the benefits of effective conflict management, and every active manager knows the difficulties involved in dealing with individuals and choosing the line that simultaneously represents the best interests of the organization and its members. Everyone has a need to feel important to the organization to which he belongs; each needs to believe that his views are taken seriously in conflict issues. Ultimately, it is the manager of responsibility that is charged with maintaining an atmosphere in which conflict openly can be examined and then resolved. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Design of Chairs and Ergonomics

    9 pages in length. Because people are not able to avoid work-related stress, they have to learn to address and manage it. It can be argued that stress management plans -- such as implementing ergonomic workstations -- must take top priority if an organization is going to run smoothly and have the least amount of frenzied workers. The initial step in implementing such a program enlists the expertise of company representatives that manufacture ergonomic furniture, paying particularly close attention to chair design. The writer discusses various aspects of ergonomic chairs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Major Issues in Societal 'Telematics'

    A 21 page paper discussing changes in firm structure, management responsibilities, types of workers and even society that have stemmed from advances in information technology. Peter Drucker asserts that the changes brought about in modern society carries direct correlation to the introduction of printing in terms of its effects on society. Evidence indicates that Mr. Drucker is not losing touch as he ages, but rather is accurate in his assessments of the evolution of IT. It changed jobs in developed countries long ago; its next logical step is to effect many of those same changes in society itself. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Methods of Management

    15 pages in length. As firms experience ever-increasing pressure to innovate and improve their work processes, many are responding by creating organizational structures that promote cross-functional and cross-boundary communication, coordination, and collaboration. Because most firms expect to use teams to support future procurement and sourcing decision-making, it is important to understand how to best manage the cross-functional sourcing team process. This paper closely examines the effects of changing managerial methods from the individual to team leadership style of managing. Also focuses on just-in-time inventories (JIT) as well. Includes charts and information as to managerial tactics and the methods best used in changing to a team leadership form of management. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Tools to aid with Quality Implementations in a Home Care Agency to Help Reduce Fall Incident Rates

    This 10 page paper looks at tools which may be used to help reduce falls in patients of a homecare agency. The paper starts by looking at the tools that may be used in a partial manner to assess the risk to aid with interventions. The tools considered include the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model, the Downtown Fall Risk Tool and a CDC backed environmental assessment. The use of IT support is then considered, including the use of a balanced scorecard, management information systems and specialised applications. The paper then looks at the reasons for the use of benchmarking and milestones and considers how the plan fits in with the organizations mission and vision. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Ford Motor Company CEO Alex Trotman and His Management Skills

    A 5 page paper evaluating the leadership and management abilities of Ford Motor Company's CEO. Ford has always been a solid performer but never spectacular until Trotman's programs took firm hold. The 1997 profits of $6.9 billion not only is the highest in Ford's history, it also is the highest of any automaker ever. Trotman absolutely is proactive, as evidenced by the bold steps he has led Ford in making in his time there. Of course, Ford was successful before Trotman assumed his role of CEO, but much of the spectacular performance of recent times can be attributed directly to his leadership and his efficient and systematic direction of Ford's current direction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Attribution Theory, Leadership, and Organizational Behavior

    A 10 page paper discussing how attribution theory can be applied within the organization to enhance employees' performance and the organization's overall productivity as well as competitive advantage. The theory provides a means for both explaining and predicting individual behavior, and is based on the assumption that individuals will ascribe certain qualifications to either an employee's or a manager's behavior. The paper uses the negative management style of Peg Witte, CEO of Royal Oaks Mines as example throughout, and contrasts the resulting corporate culture with that of Merix Corporation under the leadership of Debi Coleman. The paper includes an illustrative chart. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A Discussion of Applied Conflict Theory

    A 5 page paper discussing minimizing the potential destructiveness of conflict through awareness of conflict styles as delineated in Hall's Conflict Management Survey. Conflict truly can be found in any situation involving more than one person and one set of ideas. An awareness of Hall's conflict styles can aid in resolving that conflict more quickly, whether it be in a manner of compromise or competition and whether it be in the board room or in the back yard, allowing the participants to return more quickly to the issues at hand. There are strengths in each style of conflict advantageous to each setting, and it is up to those involved to make honest assessment of which style would best suit their purposes and the current issues before them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Health Club Management

    A 15 page paper discussing management of the new-generation health club. As the baby boomers enter new phases of their lives, things change in all sorts of industries. The health club and day spa industry has been growing steadily since 1995, the year that the first of the baby boomers began to turn 50. The paper addresses varied management issues, including expanding revenues without expanding facilities by providing outsourcing services for those local businesses with health club facilities on site. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Organizations and Currency Risk Management

    A 10 page paper discussing the external and internal need for managing the currency risk that organizations increasingly deal with as globalization continues to increase. The trend brings with it the need to equalize business results based on widely varying changes in world currencies. In recent years, the dollar has been strong relative to other major currencies of the world, and while good for the US economy, a dollar greatly stronger than other major world currencies creates a bevy of problems for multinational organizations. Because currency values are never static but can be depended on to regularly change in exchange value, organizations must devise measures that minimize the effects of that currency exchange rate movement. The paper provides several corporate examples, including Caterpillar, Merck, Honeywell and Dow Chemical. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management of Corporate Culture

    12 pages in length. The existence of organizational culture within a company’s framework can be likened to the essential elements provided a flower by the life-giving sun: without the protective and stimulating direction provided by the sun’s gentle power, the flower would cease to exist. Indeed, the same can be said about the fundamental basis of an organization’s cultural presence, given the fact that if such an important concept is not effectively managed and maintained, the company will find itself without the necessary core of organizational structure. The writer discusses organizational culture and the manner in which it is managed in the business world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Consumer Protection and Business Law

    A 5 page research paper that reports on consumer protection law, citing some case law examples, and specifically looking at FDA regulations marketing electrical muscle stimulator devices and the sale of a product called AB Energizer. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • An Overview of the History and Future Trends of Advertising

    A 48 page overview of advertising. Merchants and manufacturers have been advertising their products and services literally for hundreds of years. Though advertising never has been as intense as it is in today’s hypercompetitive environment, it nonetheless has been instrumental in the success (and failure) of many, many businesses over the years. The purpose here is to review advertising’s history and how it has changed over the years, and to glimpse into the future for what forms it likely will take in coming years. The paper discusses advertising’s history; the 4 Ps; semiotics; the fallout of Calvin Klein’s 1995 campaign; international advertising; and advertising as art. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • eCommerce Management Challenges

    This 5 page report discusses the management of electronic commerce or “e-commerce” and how it continues to revolutionize the way the modern world is doing business. The most successful businesses involved in e-commerce are able to provide dynamic connections to customer data bases using numerous interconnected routers for corporate clients, as well as Internet access for mainstream consumers. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Email Laws and Relevant Literature

    4 pages in length. The tremendous impact computers have had upon today's global community represents the staggering progress contemporary society is experiencing. That business is conducted from opposite ends of the planet, people forge lifelong relationships without ever having met and employees work from the comfort and convenience of home via telecommuting speaks to the reality of what was once only far off aspirations. Indeed, the benefit of computers far outweighs the inherent drawbacks, however, those negative aspects are not so insignificant that they can be ignored; rather, the extent to which such concerns as email laws are necessary to address issues pertaining to personal privacy, unsolicited correspondence/advertisements and hacking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Legal Role of an Agent in Professional Sports

    This 10 page report discusses the legal role of the professional athlete’s agent and the evolution of sports agency. Negotiation, in any form, is primarily the art of getting another person or organization with an opposing opinion or interest to agree to a new set of criteria or demands. Such is certainly the case in professional athletes’ negotiation with team owners, potential sponsors, or any other entity determined to take advantage of an individual athlete’s skill and/or popularity. As a result, a great deal of legal controversy regarding the role of the agent, appropriate behavior, and legality have all come into the business of professional sports. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Dell Computer's Corporate History

    5 pages in length. The year 1984 marked the beginning for the country's largest direct seller of personal computers. Michael Dell first began constructing his company from his dorm room at the University of Texas-Austin, often taking drastic measures -- such as hiding his computers in the bathtub -- to make sure that no one suspected his sideline. The business that emanated from this dorm room eventually became known as Dell Computer Corporation in May of 1984. The writer chronicles the growth and development of Dell Computer Corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Data Security

    A 12 page paper that begins with a report of electronic security breaches, followed by a discussion of the global security market and trends within that market. The essay then introduces a global security company and outlines a business unit structure and a geography matrix map, which is limited, and discusses how the company can gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Using health/medical data and information, the writer discusses concerns in the global security industry with comments about the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The writer then makes a recommendation for the global security company in terms of greater global expansion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Business Law, Acquisitions, and Mergers

    This 8 page report discusses various factors associated with the legal processes of corporate mergers and/or acquisitions. Legal issues surrounding mergers and acquisitions generally require a comprehensive understanding of corporate, tax, liability and anti-trust law. Whether or not a particular merger is sanctioned by the government is dependent on the terms and manner in which the merger/acquisition plan is designed, packaged, and scheduled for implementation, as well as the final entity that the merger creates. Bibliography lists 6 sources. BWm&a.rtf

  • Outpatient Surgery and Risk

    A 5 page paper identifying and discussing a point of risk at outpatient surgery centers. Hospitals have long offered day surgery at the hospital, but these outpatient surgery centers are businesses totally separate from hospitals and even from doctors' offices. They can be found even in strip malls and can offer a wide range of surgical services. Recent studies indicate that these centers have the highest safety ratings of all possible sites where surgery is performed. Despite their high levels of safety, there still are risks that the centers need to address. One examined here is the availability of emergency care should complications develop during surgery. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • China and Environmental Sustainability

    A 10 page paper discussing two environmental problems in China (the Three Gorges Dam and air pollution) and measures that the government has or may take to mitigate the environmental effects. In contrast is the experience of Singapore, which adopted stringent environmental regulations when its economic growth led to environmental degradation. Though geographical constraint is not an issue in China overall, the citizenry could be taught to view their immediate surroundings as the only "environment" that counts as the government imposes stricter, more encompassing regulation on environmental effect of business. This is not likely to occur on an official level any time soon; it is more likely that China, as the U.S. before it, will incur grave environmental costs before moving to effectively abating the environmental effect of its economic activity. Accompanying PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Global Outsourcing

    5 pages of the text content of a 13-slide PowerPoint® presentation (available) on outsourcing. There are four slides each on Global outsourcing, alternatives to outsourcing and outsourcing to insourcing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mixed Method And Quantitative Research

    10 pages in length. Research is the lifeblood of any industry; to have the capacity to evaluate a certain aspect of a given sector in order to better approach business is paramount to standing toe-to-toe with one's competitors. In order to glean the most effective data pertaining to one's objective, however, it is critical to choose the most appropriate methodology. Ever since the concept of scientific research has existed, there has been a clear understanding that one - and only one - type of method was used for any given study; to veer off this convention track and incorporate more than one approach was to cast a shadow of doubt upon the ultimate findings and brand the researcher unfit to uphold the title. Times have changed to such an extent in the twenty-first century that not only is a mixed method approach acceptable over and above the singular use of a quantitative application, but it is fast becoming the methodology of choice by any researcher worth his or her reputation. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Carstab Chemical Manufacturer's Quantitative Approaches

    A 7 page paper discussing how the use of statistics and probability can be applied in making business decisions that affect the bottom line. The example used is a chemical manufacturer (Carstab) that produces a product needed by many customers but needed by one in higher grade. Most of the lots of product that Carstab makes is acceptable to this single customer, but nearly half are not. Carstab develops a pretest resulting in indicating that 90% of what the company sends the customer will be acceptable. The paper discusses this scenario, along with a "what if" discussion of a different set of probability values. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Physical Evidence and Marketing Services

    For a business to succeed marketing is very important For services marketing is harder as the intangible nature of the output means there is not a physical product to sell. The 10 paper is a proposal for research to assess how important it is for marketers to provide ‘physical evidence’ for the claims they make about services. Many theorists have argued that the need for evidence is very important and looking at service companies such as Singapore Airlines it is perceptions rather than proven quality such as ISO marks that is important when gaining customers. The paper suggests primary research that could be undertaken to assess how important different types of evidence influence the purchase decision and gives a timetable for the research over 13 weeks. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Eliminating Inspection of Garage Doors by Acme Doors

    A 10 page paper presenting a business statistics exercise. Acme Doors manufactures garage doors that have been found to vary widely in final weight in the plant, a matter that can affect long-term performance and customers’ views of the level of quality of the product. A tenet of TQM is that quality increases as manufacturing efforts are increasingly brought within statistical control. A study sampling final product indicates that Acme’s manufacturing process will need to be refined before it eliminates product inspection in trying to implement TQM in its production activities. Includes 2 tables and 4 charts; PowerPoint presentation available. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • GE in Top Ten of Fortune 500

    An 8 page paper discussing the only company appearing in the top 10 of the Fortune 500 that also is the most admired company in 2006, for the sixth time in a decade. It seems clear that leadership style is most responsible for the positive benefits and results that GE gains each year. It is open but demanding, exacting but forgiving. It prefers failure over inaction. It focuses on bottom-line results but places people at a higher level of value than any other aspect of the business, relying on its people to carry the company through change after change. PowerPoint presentation available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Strategic Challenges to the Music Industry

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The music industry faced challenges and threats in 1999 wit the launch of Napster. The paper gives the answers to three questions. The situation is defined by looking at the three main drivers of new business; the information revolution, technology and globalization. The reactions are the industry is discussed. Finally, the case is considered from the I/O, RBV and guerilla perspectives. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Project Standardization Viability

    Product standardization has a double edge. On the one hand, standardization provides protection to consumers and allows products to be built and configured very quickly. This puts a company’s products on the market within months rather than years, offering a return on investment (ROI) within an extremely short time frame between conceptualization to sales. Any quick ROI today can indicate a successful, viable company because the world is the marketplace, not just a city, town or country, as in the past. On the dark side, standardization promotes a world of copycat industries rather than innovation. That means that what worked thirty years ago has to continue to work now and ten years from now.... 15 References. jvPMBok.rtf

  • Job Tasks in Accounting and Financial Management

    This 15-page paper focuses on tasks and job descriptions of financial managers and accountants, for purposes of putting together a potential "job" that such a person might have in a computer services company. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Information Security Management

    A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Jonathan Ellis and Rene Tissen's The Seven Deadly Sins of Management

    A 3 page paper which examines and critiques “The Seven Deadly Sins of Management” by Jonathan Ellis and Rene Tissen. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.

  • Change Management and the Fictitious Ryanair Corporation

    This 15-page paper focuses on the CEO of Ryanair (a fictitious corporation) and how this organziation can and should manage change implementation.

  • Nurse Leadership, Clinical Pathways, Discharge Planning, and Quality Management

    A 12 page discussion of these nursing concepts as revealed in several key articles from the literature. The author of this paper provides a brief synopsis of three articles and one article has been selected for a more detailed discussion of how its findings pertain to preparation for practice as an RN and what new information and insights can be gained from the article. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Not for Profit and Public Sector Management

    This 5 page report discusses how managers carry out their responsibilities in public and not for profit organizations and what unique considerations must be made regarding the implementing processes in a political environment. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Software for Health Information Management

    A 3 page paper discussing 3M Company’s Clinical Workstation Application component of its 3M™ Care Innovation Expert Applications system for automating patient records. The software is useful in putting all available patient information into the same location and maintaining it in a format that is highly useful for enhancing patient care quality and increasing the organization’s operational efficiency. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Article Review on the Trends in Sales Management

    A 3 page paper that provides a synopsis of an article entitled "Watch this channel" by Erika Rasmusson. This article focuses on information technology and the evolution of Online Marketplaces as a new distribution channel. Vertical and horizontal marketplaces are explained with examples. Certain opinions in this article are supported in articles by other authors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 21st Century Database Management

    This 4 page paper looks at how the role of the DBA has changed over time. Issues of security are addressed and changes in technology are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management and Airport Security

    A 16 page paper. Airport security has changed in the United States and other countries since the September 11 attacks. Had certain technology, like face recognition, been installed, at least two of the hijacker may never have boarded the plane. Many different systems have been proposed and some have been initiated. For example, the airport in Amsterdam installed iris scanning technology for passengers who fly a great deal. A similar pilot program was installed in one terminal at JFK is using iris scanning for employees. This paper discusses the types of biometric devices that are being considered and/or that have been installed and where they are being used to improve airport security. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. Army's Automated Recruiting System

    A 7 page paper discussing how the US Army’s automated recruiting system will look when fully implemented prior to 2006. The paper discusses hardware, software and implications for the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Project Management and Teams

    This 4-page paper discusses the impacts of groups/teams on the role of the project manager. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • International Operations and TQM

    This 6-page paper discusses the concept of TQM and how it fits with global operations. Issues discussed include understanding of worldwide customer service and re-thinking what, exactly, quality is. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Strategy and Change Management

    This 8-page paper discusses the process of change strategy and what corporations can expect when implementing it. Also discussed is the classic approach to developing and implementing a strategic plan. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • HRM and Shortage of Labor

    A 6 page paper that considers the labor shortage that many corporations now face. This paper addresses the automotive industry, in general, and General Motors specifically. Survey data indicating the types of job functions where labor is scarcest are provided. The writer comments on GM's vertical integration in an age when this model is no longer efficient. Lastly, the writer offers suggestions for General Motors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Manufacturing and TQM

    This 7-page paper discusses TQM in the context of a plan for a fictitious manufacturing company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • BayesiaLabs Data Mining System

    A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cultural Understanding and Security Management

    This 10 page paper discusses the quote “A security manager can only be effective if he or she thoroughly understands the workplace culture within his or her organisation”. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • ICU Nursing Ratio Restructuring and Change Management

    A 4 page paper evaluating the possibility of restructuring the ICU to gain one-on-one nursing, using Lewin’s change theory. All health care costs continue to increase despite managed care, regulatory insurer and individual efforts to halt the spiral. The ongoing nursing shortage has meant for ICUs that they may have fewer RNs available to them and that recruiting and retention has become more costly over the past several years. Though costs are of significant importance to ICUs, quality of care remains of central focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Employee Handbook Creation and Project Management

    A 6 page paper. In this scenario, a consultant has been hired as project manager to prepare a manual for new personnel. The essay discusses assumptions made, then, lists content of the manual. Two other staff members are also assigned to the team, one who is responsible for gathering the needed documents and one who will design the layout for the manual. The writer identifies the critical path tasks and includes a Gantt chart. The writer then discusses contingencies and trade-offs. 1 Graphic illustration included. Tutorial notes included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Effective Management and Barriers

    This 4-page paper discusses questions about working groups and teamwork. Topics discussed include how two diverse teams can work together and the benefits of working groups for the company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Critical Incident Analysis in Nurse Management

    A 6 page incident report addressing failure of nursing staff to attend to a patient their care for five hours. The paper reviews individual and organizational responsibility, particularly in terms of nursing’s core values. The organization needs to assess its patient care delivery model to ensure that no patient goes for extended periods without having some staff member check on their status several times during a single shift. Quality of care is an issue that gains great attention in today’s health care environment, and leaving any patient unattended for five hours does not even approach the point of providing quality care. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Nonprofit Hospital's Strategic Management Plan

    This 5-page paper focuses on the case of a hypothetical non-profit hospital, and the need for a solid strategic plan to handle issues such as spiraling health care costs, resentful patients and unmotivated staff. To explain how the hospital would handle these situations, the paper discusses two similar "real life" scenarios and how they can be applied to the subject of the paper. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Global Environment Management

    This 8-page paper discusses handling of the global environment and includes discussions about how local companies suddenly find themselves in a global market (how they got there, and how they work within the market). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management and Ethics

    A 6 page paper discussing the ethics involved in the Ford-Firestone tire fiasco. The Ford – Firestone fiasco began in earnest during the summer of 2000, the point at which neither company could continue to ignore the mounting problems with the combination of the Ford Explorer and Firestone tires. Neither company gave inordinate attention to the problems until forced to by consumer pressure aided by one particular lawsuit. The purpose here is to examine the ethical issues involved, particularly as they apply to Firestone. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sales Management and Sales

    A 7 page paper assessing several points in sales. Sales trainer Thom Hopkins has said that sales is the easiest low-paying job or the hardest high-paying one anyone could ever have. The purpose here is to assess how the sales manager, sales psychology and formal sales training can positively affect outcomes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Wace Burgess Operations Management

    This 19-page paper covers a case study of printer Wace Burgess and its intent to accept a new client, Marks & Spencer. Using literature based on design of operations systems, the paper answers four questions about the feasibility of Wace Burgess' taking on this client. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • HRM and South Africa's Model Construction

    This 12 page paper considers how HRM practices are developing in South Africa. The paper argues that due to the different social conditions and cultural background the model which is emerging is unique, there are commonalities with HRM seen in other countries, the model relies on motivational theory and the human relations school of thought, but also encompasses a greater degree of co-operative collectivism. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Successes and Failures in the Management of Diplomacy

    A 7 page paper discussing reasons for diplomatic success and failure in today’s world, including the role of theory and systems thinking. Economic interconnectedness cannot be overlooked as one reason for diplomatic success in this era of crisis diplomacy. Rather than being a matter of greed or of “selling out” cultural or political ideological positions, one of the leading factors contributing to diplomatic success in today’s environment is the ability for all involved to take on a systems thinking approach to the problems at hand. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Operations Management and Production of Japan

    3 pages in length. Japan has long held the coveted title of foremost producer within the consumer electronics industry, a reputation that has allowed its manufacturers to maintain the primary position of production and profit margins in comparison to other countries. Today, however, there is a growing trend of product imitation throughout the world that is empowering these other countries - particularly the United States – with the means by which to overtake Japan's once-untouchable status, causing Japanese companies to re-evaluate the best way to regain this lost advantage. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Management Information Systems and the Credit Card Industry

    This 8-page paper examines how MIS and technology is helping credit card companies better manage relationship marketing and customer acquisition and retention. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Communication Breakdown

    This 9-page paper focuses on what can happen when a workforce is not communicated with in terms of an ERP implementation. The paper goes on to analyse the problem and provide solutions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Chage Management and Diversity

    This 13-page paper discusses diversity (particularly in the United Kingdom) and how to initiate diversity in the workforce. Topics under discussion include how to strategically implement diversity plans. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Functions of Human Resources Management

    This 3 page paper lists six functions of a Human Relations department in the order they should be implemented to assure the agency will run effectively.

  • Chage Management and Diversity

    This 13-page paper discusses diversity (particularly in the United Kingdom) and how to initiate diversity in the workforce. Topics under discussion include how to strategically implement diversity plans. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management

    A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Kolb and Managing Anger

    An 8 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of Kolb's experiential learning model. The writer then discusses anger, what causes anger, predisposition to anger, coping strategies and effective communication techniques. Throughout the discussion, the writer parenthetically indicates which of Kolb's four elements are addressed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    This 7-page paper compares object oriented database systems, relation oriented database systems and object-relation database systems, and determines security and other features of each. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Toxic Waste in America

    A 4 page paper. The issue of e-waste is becoming more and more difficult as new electronics are developed and sold and old ones are put in storage or just disposed of in a landfill. This essay reports statistical data for e-waste in the U.S., including recycling rates. It discusses e-waste in Asia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Managing Quality in a Logistics Firm

    This 14 page paper looks at the importance of quality and how it may be measured in a service organization using the example of a logistics firm offering heavy equipment moving services. The concept of quality and how it may be applied, identification of a model to measure services and potential method for improving services are all presented. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Medication Administration, Risk Management, and Nursing Responsibilities

    3 pages in length. The years of experience behind a seasoned nurse does not preclude him or her from making grave medication errors, an occurrence considered "one of the most common causes of unintentional harm in Australia" (Bronger, 2003). Anyone at any time who has the responsibility to administer medication can make a mistake that may be negligible or may cost a patient's life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • CPM and PERT Management Tools of Project Planning

    A 21 page paper. The introduction to this essay briefly discusses the importance of planning and provides data regarding the proportion of projects that fail and why. The writer then explains the difference between project planning and project management and discusses the importance of managing the project. Work Breakdown Structures and their importance as the one of the first steps in project planning are discussed. A brief historical overview of Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Management (CPM) is offered with a comprehensive discussion of each of these project planning tools. Using PERT and CPM are discussed with examples from two actual projects and the results of those projects. The writer ends the paper with a discussion of the importance of risk management within project planning and project management and steps for managing risk and uncertainty. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Environmental Risk Management In the Construction Industry and the Role of the Project Manager

    This 82 page paper examines the role of the project managers with reference to environmental risk management, in the construction industry in the UK. The paper starts with an introduction including some background, aims and objectives, justification and limitations. Methodology for secondary and primary research is presented. The literature review looks at the tasks of the project manager, project lifecycles and risk management as well as environmental aspects of project management in construction including legislation and tools that can be used. The simulated primary research assesses the tasks that construction project managers in the UK perform, the results of the research are then used to make recommendation for improving environmental risk management in the UK construction industry. The bibliography cites 62 sources.

  • Management Challenges

    A 3 page paper outlining the organization’s primary tasks and defining the challenges that each presents to management. Management’s primary goal is to maximize shareholder value. This is the goal of the corporation, and all other activities ultimately contribute to achieving and maintaining this goal. In the process, management needs to attend to issues of financial success, marketing, building and maintaining and stable workforce and positively contributing to the communities in which it operates. Operating under the premises of the triple bottom line can assist management in meeting these challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Early Management Theoretical Pioneers

    A 15 page paper comprised of two major topics: management theory and ethical corporate culture. The longer section explains and discusses the contributions of five specific early management theorists: Robert Owen who worked to reform factories and schooling in the early 1800s based on treating the employee fairly; Henry R. Towne, who is recently being given credit to his contributions to scientific management theory prior to Taylor's work and who established the first professional organization for engineers; Sun Tzu whose principles outlined in The Art of War have been correlated with management and organizational theory; Henry L. Gantt who made four major contributions including the Gantt Chart; and Hugo Munsterberg, who is called the father of industrial psychology. The second section discusses the importance of developing an ethical corporate culture. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • E-Systems and the Addition of a KMS or Knowledge Management System

    A 13 page paper discussing the addition of a knowledge management system to an existing e-system, in this case drug retailer Rite Aid’s e-commerce efforts. As specific systems, they have existed only for a relatively short time. As for feasibility, many organizations have enough trouble defining what they would want from a knowledge management system to make any such addition impractical. One of the hallmarks of successful IT project management and completion is that there are highly specific and narrowly-defined end goals quite clear at the beginning. The purpose here is to follow a knowledge management upgrade through the process of being added to an existing electronic system. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Security Management and Proactivity

    This 4 page paper discusses the various ways that Security management personnel can become proactive in the field. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Examination of Earned Value Management System

    This 10-page paper offers a discussion about the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) and its effectiveness for project managers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Taco Bell's LMS

    This 4-page paper is an analysis of a study performed on Taco Bell's Labor-Management System (LMS) and its effectiveness on labor distribution and customer service.

  • Efficacy of Learning Teams

    This 7-page paper discusses questions pertaining to learning teams, effectiveness, problem solving and conflict management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 3-page paper examines the concept of management accounting and explains its role in organizations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Philosophy of Healthcare Management

    A 3 page essay that discusses the writer’s personal philosophy regarding healthcare management. No bibliography is offered.

  • Psychology's Role in Managing Overall Health

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the role of psychology in diagnosis and disease management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses various reinforcement strategies used by management, and the effectiveness of each. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 3-page paper provides an overview of how a career management plan for employees might appear. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 5-page paper focuses on career and performance management for employees at InterClean. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 10-page paper defines an effective performance management system, how it operates, and how it helps an organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


    This 7-page paper discusses supply chain management and planning, using Motorola Inc.'s CGIS division as an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses and outlines knowledge management challenges faced by Frito-Lay and Roads & Traffic Authority. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses the roles of leadership and management when it comes to strategic change.


    This 4-page paper answers questions concerning change management as they pertain to a case about Ajax Minerals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Taco Bell's LMS

    This 4-page paper is an analysis of a study performed on Taco Bell's Labor-Management System (LMS) and its effectiveness on labor distribution and customer service.

  • Power, Knowledge, and Management

    A paper which considers the relationship between knowledge and power in corporate organisations, with particular reference to management issues. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


    This 12-page paper provides a literature review about strategic management and its meanings. Bibliography lists 25 sources.


    This 17-page paper is a literature review about the importance of training and change management. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Project Management and Team Effects

    This 4-page paper examines how project management is impacting by teams, and implications for project managers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses problems occurring from a project management perspective in the case study about Woody's. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses how the four functions of management can help save an ailing tax accounting firm. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 3-page paper examines a case of negotiation and conflict management through the fictional town of Dismal City. Bibliography lists 1 source.


    This 7-page paper focuses on Plas Tech Ltd., and answers questions about management theory and styles.


    This 3-page paper focuses on change management and performance measurement in the fictitious Mid-States Bank. Bibliography lists 1 source.


    This 3-page paper focuses on Subaru of America's transportation management system and how it operates. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Scientific Management Theories, Motivation, and Theories

    This is a 5 page paper discussing various aspects of management including scientific management theories, the Hawthorne Experiments and other areas including an example of a social structure found within a work setting. Over the course of history, work, mainly manufactured work, has been studied in terms of the various elements required needed for the production of an item and the time it would take workers to complete this task. In addition, with the introduction of certain industrial technologies over time, manufacturing and the management of manufacturing systems and teams have been altered to accommodate new trends and technologies. Management, within an historical perspective, had little to do direct contact within the employees which was generally left to the foremen. However, Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 19th century began to think in terms of “scientific management” in which production management became important to improving the overall production of any manufacturing area. While scientific management looked mainly to efficiency in production, the Hawthorne experiments in the 1920s found that work places are very much social systems and workers reacted accordingly. Lastly, employee motivation need to be established by owners and managers in order to initiate recruitment for firms and retain employees once recruited. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Small Business And Entrepreneurship: Values, Ethics And Social Responsibility

    4 pages in length. To understand the broad scope of challenges that face small business owners is to realize the fundamental components associated with entrepreneurship. Indeed, the extent to which such industrialists must abide by certain standards of operation in order to be successful is both grand and far-reaching; that small business preparation and performance represent a mixture of concepts and real world issues speaks to the way in which owners incorporate various tenets that work best for their specific small businesses. However, there is one area Joyner (2002) discusses whereby all small business must comply if the owner expects it to thrive: values, ethics and social responsibility. No additional sources cited.

  • Thomas Cook, Shell, and eBay Business Analysis

    A 16 page paper comparing and contrasting the industries and types of businesses represented by Shell Oil and Thomas Cook (eBay is mentioned only in passing and is not part of the analysis). All businesses require accurate and useful information on which to base business decisions. The types of information they need will depend on the types of industries in which they operate, however. While most Thomas Cook customers could be expected to have no opinion as to the ethics of that company, many are vitally interested in the same measure regarding Shell. All businesses are obliged to take advantage of the information available to them as a means of increasing their competitive advantage within their industries and markets. The paper discusses environmental analysis, segmentation, positioning and research for both Shell and Thomas Cook. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management Perspectives of the United States,Japan, and Germany

    A 19 page paper evaluating the thought that US businesses make more business decisions based on short-term performance than do businesses in Germany or Japan. Companies in other parts of the world seem not to be quite so quick to act on the basis of short-term results, but rather to build for the long term. Germany’s BMW and Japan’s Mitsubishi provide distinct counterpoints to the system that has developed in the United States. There are indications, however, that such attention to longevity is changing in today’s business environment. The paper describes some of those changes and points to the influence of long-standing cultural traditions that continue to provide direction in both Germany and Japan. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Internet, Small Business, and Export Information

    A 5 page paper discussing some of the Internet-based services and information available to small business. Several years ago, there was great hope for the possibilities of direct Internet commerce, success in direct sales over the Internet has been elusive for most not involved with business-to-business transactions. Direct and international e-commerce is growing, and the Internet provides a wealth of information applicable to more standard methods of achieving 'international' status. It should be considered an integral part of establishing and maintaining relationships with foreign distributors and retailers. The paper discusses some of the specific sites offering export information to small business, such as that of Assist International. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Videoconferencing and Business

    A 9 page paper discussing the use of business applications of video-conferencing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Small Business and the WWW

    This 5 page report examines the opportunities available to small business through maintaining a website and marketing via the Internet. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Privatization and the Logistics Management of the United States Military

    A 10 page paper that provides an overview of logistics management and considers the application for the management and outsourcing of military construction, maintenance and equipment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Social and Professional Success Through the Management of Time

    A 10 page research paper on time management and its importance to the individual in today's fast-paced, production-orientated society. Steps necessary in the effective management of one's time are discussed including : task prioritization, planning, setting of deadlines, etc; Problems and obstacles to accomplishing such goals are explained as are ways to overcome them. Decision-making is of primary importance to this discussion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Background and Analysis of the UNIX OS

    This 10-page paper provides a background and analysis of the UNIX Computer Operating System. Topics discussed include the history of the system and its importance to computing today, as well as shells, kernels, the file system, process management, memory management and input/output functions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Relationship Between Quality Management, Total Quality Management, and Measuring Performance

    This 3 page paper looks at the links between performance measurement and quality management how they are interdependent and essential when implementing Total Quality Management. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Sustainable Golf Course Management

    A 10 page paper developing a sustainability plan for golf course management. There are several environmental problems that traditional golf course design and maintenance can cause. The paper addresses mowing equipment emissions, water management, fertilizers, pesticides, the use of native plants and guidance from Audubon International. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Leadership and Management in Nursing

    A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses leadership and management in nursing. The ongoing nursing shortage has generated numerous changes in the nursing manager role, as the exemplary functioning of nursing leadership has become increasing crucial to the priority of continuing to delivery quality patient care (Heller, et al, 2004). Consequently, there has been a huge interest in nursing research on the topic of leadership in recent years. However, Redfern points out that while nursing managers are required to be effective leaders, managerial skills are also important as "leadership without management is an abdication of responsibility that can lead to disaster" (Redfern, 2008, p. 10). As this statement emphasizes, both leadership and management are essential to achieving the goals of nursing and both factors must intertwine synergistically to achieve nursing goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Major Shifts in Practices in Management Accounting

    A 10 page paper discussing changes in the profession arising from changes in technology, globalization and competitive strategies. Integrated management accounting systems, such as those arising from activity-based costing and management (ABC/ABM) systems with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can be appealing for their instant accessibility to information in real-time, but they also can detract from sound decision making based on trends more easily discernible from the more standard monthly and annual reports of traditional management accounting systems. There can be a place for both, but their uses need to be as clearly defined as the qualities they are measuring. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Change at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria

    This 26 page paper considers the subject of change management and how it has been applied in the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission. The paper starts with an introduction, aims and methods and a justification for the research. This is followed by an in-depth literature review regarding change management, looking at a range of change models and approaches to managing change. After a brief consideration of the role and structure of the CAC the organisation is examined in terms of the way change has been undertaken with recommendation made for future change management. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Target, Sears, and Wal Mart Macroeconomic Forecasts

    A 4 page paper discussing forecasts for these companies 2004-2006 in terms of macroeconomic factors. Of course the macroeconomic environment plays a huge role in retailers’ success, but then so do those who establish and then implement policy and goals. Sears and Target are not entirely equal with Wal-Mart in terms of buying power, but they have the necessary management tools that could place them on more equal footing with the retail giant. What management does with the opportunities before it depends less on having ready cash than it does on practicing sound management. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Boeing 787 Project Supply Chain

    An 12 page paper. The first part of this paper is devoted to supply chain management, in general. The writer explains and discusses supply chains and supply chain management, including the JIT approach. Following the information and discussion on supply chain management, the essay continues to discuss this in terms of the aerospace industry, in general, and Boeing's 787 project, in particular. The writer makes recommendations for others who have large complex supply chains. The stimulus question is: whether or not Boeing's supply chain for the 787 project will become the normal way of establishing supply chains. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Wound Care/Wet-to-Dry v. Advanced Dressings

    A 6 page research paper that discusses wound care. Identifying what dressing is most appropriate in wound care is a difficult and challenging proposition as there are currently over a 1,000 wound care products and interventions, with more appearing every day (Callianno, 2003). However, there are specific guidelines for wound management for each type of wound (Watret and McFarland, 2004; Callianno, 2003. For example, management of burn wounds necessitates a special protocol as the burn patient is particularly susceptible to microbial infections (Parikh, et al, 2005). This examination of wound dressings options specifically focuses on the management of chronic wounds and whether the standard of protocol of wet-to-dry dressings constitute the best practice standard. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Approaches to Conflict Management

    3 pages in length. Based upon the student's collaborative or problem solving approach to conflict management, which supports a win-win outcome, this is somewhat contradictory to her employer's approach of direct conflict management, which reflects either a win-lose or lose-lose perspective. The student, whose assessment illustrates high ratings for collaborating (12) and very low for avoiding (4), clearly advocates a much more equitable method of conflict management where a resolution is sought by way of cooperativeness and high assertiveness. By contrast, her employer seeks to rectify conflict in a less interactive fashion by force and domination. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Aspects of International Financing

    A 15 page paper. This paper explains and discusses a number of aspects of international financing. The paper begins with an introduction to the topics discussed and an introduction to the Harley Davidson company. Topics discussed include the role of financial management in a multinational organization, the differences between domestic and international financial management, an explanation and example of a balance of payment table, interest parity and purchasing power parity, foreign exchange risk exposure and management of those risks, and an explanation of the international banking system. When possible, Harley Davidson is used as an example. 1 table is included. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Group Process/Nursing

    A 4 page research paper that discusses group psychology in relation to nursing management. The tasks and objectives associated with nursing and nursing management can be understood in terms of the broader context of group roles and group process as outlined by what is known concerning leadership and group psychology. When a task is delegated to a group and that group functions as a team, with each member responsible for a specific role, with each team member having the skills to execute that role, this strategy becomes "the manager's best bet, even though groups rarely function perfecting," to accomplishing specific tasks and goals (La Monica 23). As this suggests, group psychology plays an integral role in nursing management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • eCommerce Content Management

    33 pages in length. The ever-changing face of global e-commerce has called for greater efficiency when it comes to content management, a critical component of online retailers that helps maintain unstructured information found on any given Web site. This information exists in many digital forms, not the least of which include text documents, engineering drawings, XML, still images, audio/video files and many other types/formats. Modification is a primary consideration when addressing issues of content management, given the constant modification required for maintaining a current cyberlocation. This ability to constantly modify a Web site's content also carries with it a tremendous responsibility for doing so properly in relation to easy reorganization and updating. The reason why content management has become such a critical component to the success of e-commerce sites is, as Ko et al (2002) note, is because Internet/Web users are becoming more savvy with so many emerging resources. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Leadership and Management in Nursing

    A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses leadership and management in nursing. The ongoing nursing shortage has generated numerous changes in the nursing manager role, as the exemplary functioning of nursing leadership has become increasing crucial to the priority of continuing to delivery quality patient care (Heller, et al, 2004). Consequently, there has been a huge interest in nursing research on the topic of leadership in recent years. However, Redfern points out that while nursing managers are required to be effective leaders, managerial skills are also important as "leadership without management is an abdication of responsibility that can lead to disaster" (Redfern, 2008, p. 10). As this statement emphasizes, both leadership and management are essential to achieving the goals of nursing and both factors must intertwine synergistically to achieve nursing goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Resource Management Changes

    A 29 page paper that responds to the question of whether or not human resource management has changed over the years or does it just appear to have changed? To respond to the question, this essay provides a historical overview of the evolution of personnel administration in the 1920s to strategic human resource management today. Strategic human resource management is then described and explained. The essay then addresses human resource development and the complexity of HRM. Employee motivation is discussed, including theories of equity, expectation and justice. The writer also comments on incentives and rewards as motivational processes. The writer reports the need for a human resource measurement framework and the activities that need to be measured. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Supply Chain Management and Radio Frequency Identification Tags

    A 15 page paper. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are tiny, miniscule microchips that promise to reshape and revolutionize supply chain management. Since effective supply chain management means knowing where every item is located at any given time, RFID could just accomplish the goal. This essay provides background information on the person who initiated the idea for RFID tags. The technology of radio frequency identification is explained. The essay then comprehensively discusses what RFID can do and how it does it. RFID tags are briefly compared to bar codes. The advantages and benefits of the technology in terms of supply chain management are discussed. Companies that are already using RFID tags are identified and how they are using them. Bibliography lists 12 sources. PGrfid.rtf

  • Approaches to Conflict Management

    3 pages in length. Based upon the student's collaborative or problem solving approach to conflict management, which supports a win-win outcome, this is somewhat contradictory to her employer's approach of direct conflict management, which reflects either a win-lose or lose-lose perspective. The student, whose assessment illustrates high ratings for collaborating (12) and very low for avoiding (4), clearly advocates a much more equitable method of conflict management where a resolution is sought by way of cooperativeness and high assertiveness. By contrast, her employer seeks to rectify conflict in a less interactive fashion by force and domination. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Small Business Inventory Management Automation and Networking

    A 6 page paper discussing considerations for building a network and establishing a database-oriented inventory management system for a small firm with fewer than 100 employees.. The network designed for the firm should be a thin client, three-tier client/server system operating on Fast Ethernet. Small groups of users should be connected via token ring groups connected to a 100 mbps Fast Ethernet backbone network. Windows 2000 Server is the operating system; Microsoft Access is the database program that the firm will use. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Research Proposal on a Rental Equipment Business's Management Information Systems

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal for a project to study the use of information system in the rental trade. This is a proposal that outlines the questions, undertakes a brief literature reviews before outlining a methodology and a time plan to undertake the project. The bibliography cities 9 sources.

  • Research Proposal on a Rental Equipment Business's Management Information Systems

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal for a project to study the use of information system in the rental trade. This is a proposal that outlines the questions, undertakes a brief literature reviews before outlining a methodology and a time plan to undertake the project. The bibliography cities 9 sources.

  • Business History and Management

    A 4 page paper discussing this question: “Does the ‘managerial revolution’ in leading industrial nations explain their competitiveness and growth performance?” The structure and function of the integrated managerial enterprise is credited in the view of many with giving rise to large firms and enabling them to achieve success, but others claim that this explanation is not sufficient outside of the rapid growth of big business in the later years of the 20th century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Business Ethics and Corporate Management

    This 10 page report discusses the fact that the high incidence of corporate fraud and scandal in the United States is indicative that ethical behavior is simply not being promoted enough in corporate America. “Corporate ethics” has become a catch phrase with enormous political and emotional, even economic clout. Corporate and management ethics encompasses an ever-widening array of issues, a number of which are discussed in the paper. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Different Approaches to Human Resource Management and Business Strategy

    This 5 page paper considers the different approach to strategy and how they reflect on human resource issues. From the classical schools of Taylorism and the ideas of Sloan, through to the evolutionally, or emergent strategy of Michael Porter, and the emergence of the Japanese styles, including Kaizen. The writer discusses the attributes and theories and argues they may not be as far apart as they appear. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Approaches to Conflict Management

    This is a 5 page paper discussing conflict management in the RCMP. Conflict management techniques are considered a large and very important part of organizations today. Management has for decades struggled with conflict management using highly formalized methods in which the manager must instigate the process and employees must file official grievances; causing a negotiation process which could last from months to years to complete. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) however has recently adopted a simple yet effective conflict management program called “Alternative Dispute Resolution” or ADR which bases its premise on “fast, friendly, flexible and fair” resolutions instigated at the lowest possible levels and the process is undertaken immediately for quick resolution. Largely, the program is well supported throughout the organization and the process leaves employees feeling a great deal of satisfaction in the resolution of their conflicts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Eye on the Future Business People in Calgary and the Bow Valley, 1870-1900 by Henry C. Klassen

    A 6 page review of Eye on the Future: Business People in Calgary and the Bow Valley, 1870-1900 by Henry C. Klassen (University of Calgary Press, 2002). This text consists of a detailed, comprehensive and highly accurate account of the business history of the Alberta region of Canada, with particular emphasis on the development of the town of Calgary. Klassen's history covers the early stages of industrialization through the beginnings of consumerism from a business history perspective. The scholarship behind Klassen's book is so extensive that, as this examination demonstrates, it can be viewed as coming close to being an anthropological study of the varied factors that come together to create a city and shape the course of history for a region. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Roles of the Computer and E-Commerce in a Video Store

    This 23 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at why e-commerce and computerisation is becoming a necessity in business. The potential the internet provides and the disadvantages of not maintaining a presence on the web are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of computerisation are also discussed. These are applied to a video rental business. The second part of the paper considers which cataloguing systems would be best for a video rental store, either providing an online catalogue or only in store reference. This includes flat file and relational databases, looking at the operation and use these systems to determine the best approach for this business. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Approaches to Conflict Management

    This is a 5 page paper discussing conflict management in the RCMP. Conflict management techniques are considered a large and very important part of organizations today. Management has for decades struggled with conflict management using highly formalized methods in which the manager must instigate the process and employees must file official grievances; causing a negotiation process which could last from months to years to complete. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) however has recently adopted a simple yet effective conflict management program called “Alternative Dispute Resolution” or ADR which bases its premise on “fast, friendly, flexible and fair” resolutions instigated at the lowest possible levels and the process is undertaken immediately for quick resolution. Largely, the program is well supported throughout the organization and the process leaves employees feeling a great deal of satisfaction in the resolution of their conflicts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dubai and Astrology Promotion

    This 24 page paper focuses on whether or not astrology should be a part of doing business in Dubai. The paper argues that it should. Astrology is discussed in depth as well as the ways it can be applied to business. Doing business in Dubai is also a part of the discussion. Attention is paid to law in the United Arab Emirates and its importance. Also addressed are freedom issues. The paper concludes that astrology should be used primarily for entertainment purposes. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Business Computer System Design

    10 pages in length. In this day and age of technological advancement, companies can no longer rely upon the antiquated methods of conducting business. To be sure, the fast growth of computerization has proven significantly effective for business strategies that strive to meet the needs of the company's clientele. TLC Concepts, Inc. is one such company that has found great success in the marketing of a variety of products and ideas; however, the business lacks organization, costing more time and money than the company needs to be spending. The writer discusses how these wasted resources are eliminated by designing a new computer system to meet the demands of a steadily growing corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Kaplan and Norton's The Balanced Scorecard

    A 6 page paper discussing the concepts of Kaplan and Norton's 1996 book, The Balanced Scorecard : Translating Strategy into Action. As business grows increasingly competitive, it has become necessary for organizations to track ever so much more closely their financial performance, and gain the highest degree of benefit possible from the resources they have available to them. In its ultimate analysis, the balanced scorecard approach is only that of common sense. The worth or effectiveness of an organization cannot be judged by revenues or profits alone, but in addition to financial performance also must self-assess its business from the perspectives of customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Contemporary Entrepreneurship

    A 9 page research report on the state of entrepreneurism near the turn of the 21st century. Entrepreneurship is as active as it has ever been. Regardless of the industry or beginning size of the business, there is opportunity still in good ideas. As the giant corporations continue their downsizing processes, many of their "victims" are going into business for themselves. The old principles still hold today: the good idea that fills a niche, backed with good solid planning if not as much cash as everyone would like. Today's business climate is more competitive than ever, and is a factor today's entrepreneur has to closely consider as in no other period. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Risk Management, Security, and Communication

    A paper which looks at the role of communication in security and risk management, with reference to corporate organisations and societal institutions such as the health service, and considers the impact of IT and global communication on these issues.

  • 5 Questions on Sales Management

    This 3-page paper answers five questions pertaining to sale managers including the importance of sales to marketing management's success, how customer relationships can be built throughout the selling process, important issue involved in recruiting a diverse sales force, creating cost effective budgets and learning about standard sales practices of a country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Total Quality, Purchasing, and Supply Management

    This 3-page paper ties in total quality with purchasing and supply management. Also included are brief descriptions of Malcolm Baldrige and W. Deming, two men linked to the TQM process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Kentucky Fried Chicken and Quality Management

    This 5-page paper examines KFC's attempts to meet quality at its Drive-Through Window (DTW). The questions in the paper are based on a case, Quality Management at Kentucky Fried Chicken,” which was prepared by Uday M. Apte and Charles C. Reynolds in 1995 by the Institute for Operations Research.

  • Corporate Models and Management Training

    This 16 page paper looks at the way in which corporate training models may be formulated. The paper considers different, relevant models, of individual and group learning to gain an insight to the way in which corporate management training models may be used. Theorists quoted include Corey, Williams and Dunn, Klob, Lewin and Senge. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • TQM and the Value of Leadership

    This 9 page paper discusses the importance of good leadership in total quality management. Characteristics, examples given. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Database Management Systems for Health Care Call Center

    A 10 page paper discussing the potential value of implementing a call center at a company providing software for long term care facilities. The paper reviews the benefits of meeting customers’ needs for technical assistance and providing that assistance in a timely manner. It also discusses the types of database management systems available (Oracle 9, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server), recommending that the company choose either Oracle or SQL. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sound Management Strategy of SWA

    This 10-page paper focuses on Southwest Airlines, a company that has been quite stable during the recent period of mergers and acquisitions. The paper traces Southwest's strong performance to its management style. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn and Diversity Management

    This 6 page paper looks at Robert E. Quinn's book called Deep Change and applies it to the concept of diversity management. Practical applications of Quinn's theories is the focus of this paper. No additional sources cited.

  • Suitable Models of Strategic Management

    The seven-page paper analyzes the assertion that strategic management theories/models tend to be relevant only two firms that are over certain size or in certain industries. The topic outlines one or two of such models, and presents a case study supporting the assertion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Total Quality Management Overview

    An 8 page paper written as an internal report on TQM as a possible route for a company to take to increase quality while reducing costs. The paper provides an overview of TQM; its history and development; the Baldrige Award; and underlying management philosophy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Customer Management and the Fictional Sunshine DVD Rental Company

    This 4-page paper examines the fictional company SUN SHINE DVD Rental Store and the best computer-based system to help the store better manage customers and inventory. Under discussion are inventory management systems and CRM. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Energy Industry and Risk Management

    This 10-page paper focuses on risk management in the energy industry. Although a good deal of the focus is on commodity swaps, other forms are listed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ghana and Public Management Diversity

    A 3 page paper discussing increasing gender diversity in Ghana’s public administration. The problem to be addressed here is that of promoting gender diversity in public administration in Ghana. The primary focus is to determine how the government of Ghana can encourage women to strive to reach government’s highest levels. Toward this end, the paper includes a nine-item questionnaire intended to be presented to those already active in the upper levels of Ghana’s public management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Risk Management and Airline Security

    A 5 page paper discussing aviation’s efforts to manage the risk to flight safety that became glaringly apparent with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The paper discusses the need for security risk management, offers several alternatives and recommends an alternative currently scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2004, that of fingerprinting many foreign visitors arriving at American airports and seaports for the purposes of positive identification and comparing to terrorist watchlists. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Concessions and Sports Management

    This 14-page paper covers questions pertaining to food and drink management inside of a sports venue. Topics discussed include the customer, costs of owning and operating concession stands and how one actually gets in to sell the product. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Health Care Management, Hiring and Retention of Employees

    This paper looks at health care management hiring and employee retention practices addressed via job satisfaction issues based in content (external)and process (internal) modeling. Bibliography lists 6 sources. JVhcmot.rtf

  • Empowerment, Management, and Leadership

    A 5 page paper that begins with a discussion of the differences between leadership and management. This discussion includes a comparative list of some of the different actions characteristic of each. The paper then comments that a change of organizational culture to one of empowerment may be met with resistance, which, in turn, may be the result of fear and the three steps to take when dealing with this kind of resistance. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Comparative Strategic HR Management Between Southwest and Ansett Airlines

    11 pages in length. According to Mathis and Jackson (2000), the challenges of HRM are both vast and ongoing; the environment HR management must face on a daily basis is such "because changes are occurring rapidly across a wide range of issues" (p. 1). Examining two prominent airline companies and the manner by which they have addressed their respective HR challenges provides the student with grounds for comparison between two very different success outcomes in the same industry. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Overview of Database Management

    A 3 page overview of database management. The database administrator must be cognizant of security and control measures, as well as ensuring that the data contained within the database is accurate and reliable. This requires nearly constant scrutiny of database use and access to it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Crisis and Risk Management Nexus

    This 6 page report discusses the nexus or connection that exists between security and facility managers and why a post-incident investigation would learn more from a successfully managed crisis than from one which was poorly managed. The connection or the link, the nexus, between risk and crisis management is one that requires that managers understand just how bad a situation can be. The problem is that an emergency or crisis can be anything from an unexpected financial set-back, a natural disaster such as a flood or an earthquake, the malfeasance of a company employee. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Questions on Information Technology and Management Supply

    A 10 page paper answering 6 questions about supply chain management; JIT; ERP; EDI and accounting. The paper contains diagrams for the supply chain of two manufacturers and a university. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet Technology Project Management and 'Bricks and Mortar' Projects

    A 3 page paper discussing the similarities and differences of project management for physical (i.e., construction) and IT projects. Failing to identify all components of the project or results desired from it creates delays and budget overruns. This is a common problem with all types of problems, but particularly in IT. The purpose here is to compare the basics of “brick and mortar” projects and those centered in IT. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • China, Japan, and Europe Changes in Management

    A 6 page overview of the changes occurring in management in Europe, Japan and China since 1970. European leaders at the time no longer are; Japan has had to face economic realities of the market economy; and China seeks to preserve communist ideology while pursuing the economic rewards of capitalism. The one lesson common to workers and managers in all of these geographic regions is that change is inevitable. It seems that they know that the change that has already occurred only heralds the arrival of more in the future. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Management and Financial Accounting Differences

    This 5 page paper explains the differences between management accounting and financial accounting. Each type of accounting is considered in turn, considering who the users of the accounts are, how they want to use them, and how this is reflected in their preparation and presentation. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Overview of Customer Relationship Management

    This 7 page report discusses the what customer relationship management (CRM) is and reviews literature related to the topic. The value of CRM is discussed along with what major factors have to be present for CRM to meet its full potential. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Public Sector and Human Resource Management Issues

    This 3-page paper analyses two statements about public sector human resources. First, that the values and philosophies of HRM are suitable for integration into the public sector, and second, that the public sector has witnessed radical changes in human resource management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing and the Management of Time

    A 9 page paper. This essay first identifies some of the things that waste time, such as not planning and not organization. The next section in the essay comments on the shortage of nurses, which is followed by a discussion of the results of being overworked. The last section offers some time management strategies for nurses and nurse supervisors. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Management Accounting and Methods of Performance Assessment

    This 6-page paper focuses on various performance evaluations when it comes to management accouting systems. Systems discussed include cost accounting and activity based accounting. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Using MIS

    This 12 page paper looks at the use of Management Information Systems (MIS), what makes them successful and uses an example of an MIS to show how information is used and the value of the results. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Operations Management Concepts

    This 11 page paper considers different aspects of operations management, looking at the importance and value of competitive advantages though cost, quality and service, the importance of forecasting, strategic decision making, planning and monitoring. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Evaluation of a Nursing Management Plan for Women with HIV

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of a nursing management plan for women with HIV. This paper outlines the fact that the transmission of HIV to women is still a common problem, and that there is a need to address at-risk populations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Total Quality Management and Customer Service

    This 42-page paper discusses how the concept of customer service and satisfaction can be tied to the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM). The paper discusses the history and reasons for TQM, why it's so important to customer service and how these two match up. Also presented are case studies of how TQM has benefited customer satisfaction. Bibilography lists 15 sources.

  • Contemporary Organization and Human Resource Management

    This 4-page paper examines human resource management in the modern organization of today. Topics discussed include recruitment, training, performance evaluation, compensation, benefits and services and employee dismissal.

  • Overview of Post Operative Management of Care and Interventions

    A paper which looks at various aspects of post operative care, including the relative value of traditional observations and individualised care, and the need for effective pain management. Bibliography lists 10 sources

  • 4 Aspects of Project Management

    This 5 page paper considers 4 different aspects of project management. The need for rationalization and creativity to co-exist, how the different structure of a project team may be leveraged by a project manager, the value and development of culture in a project team and the role of the project manager in creating work-breakdown structures. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Four Systems of Management by Rensis Likert

    Rensis Likert described four systems of management; exploitative-authoritative, benevolent- authoritative, consultative and participative-group. This 5 page paper defines the different models, outlines the characteristics of each model and how they work in practice as well as the validity of each model. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • AIDS Adolescents and Nursing Management

    A 6 page overview of the various considerations which enter into managing adolescents with AIDS. An outline of the problem confronting adolescents and its causes as well as a detailed discussion of the physiological impacts of the disease and its chemotherapeutic management is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Emergency Management

    This 5 page report discusses emergency management and disaster planning. Hazard analysis and vulnerability, risk assessment, and organizational capabilities are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Assessment of HIV Prison Population Plan for Nursing Management

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a study of a prison population with HIV status. This paper defines a management plan for evaluating this population. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Managing and Treating Sexual Offenders

    This 60 page paper is a dissertation study of the treatment and management of sexual offenders. This paper relates the existing studies on this subject and makes some distinct conclusions on beneficial approaches. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Williams Syndrome in Children, Problematic Behavior, and Pain Management

    A review of an article which deals with the problem behaviours consequent on hyperacusis in a child with Williams Syndrome, and the ways in which pain management methods can be applied to allow the child to modify such behaviours in a mainstream classroom environment. Bibliography lists one source

  • Concepts of Emergency Management

    This 5-page paper discusses the concepts of emergency management; how risk is identified and how resources should be allocated to potential emergencies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Risk Management Plan

    This 3-page paper is an example of a risk management plan and includes deciding on and prioritizing risk, determining what resources should be placed toward risk and the importance of reviewing the plan.

  • Risk Management and Financial Services

    A 13 page consultant’s report. A large financial services organization has posted impressive returns in recent years and its traders are among the best in the industry. The company has a poor image with the customer, however, and the Chairman is concerned with the increasing levels of risk that traders undertake in order to continue gaining those impressive returns. The Chairman has retained a risk management consultant to assess the situation. The report ends with recommendations for the company. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Business and the Impacts of the SEC and Antitrust Laws

    A 10 page paper that provides an excellent overview of the antitrust laws in the United States, beginning with the Sherman Act of 1890 and going through the International Antitrust Enforcement Assistance Act of 1994. The Securities and Exchange Commission is then explained, beginning with the Securities Act of 1933 and including what the purpose of the SEC is and what they control. The impact of both antitrust laws and the SEC on businesses is then discussed, and includes two examples that involved Nike Corporation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Portugal, the United States, and Business Law

    This 8 page paper considers the way in which business law in both of these countries is similar and also how it differs, including the cultural influences. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Corporate Strategy and Company Law

    This 5 page paper considers how company law in the UK aid wit the formation of better business strategies. The paper focuses on the duties of a director and breach of care, and how this may be used with a resource based view of the company. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Taiwan and United States' Corporate Law

    This 6 page paper compares and contrasts corporate law in each nation. Both U.S. and Taiwanese business structures are outlined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Becoming A Veterinarian

    4 pages in length. Some people believe that being a veterinarian is more challenging than becoming a human doctor in light of the many different animal species diagnosed and treated by that single individual. Indeed, the extent to which becoming a veterinarian is both rigorous and rewarding underscores the basic motivation behind the desire to take this career path; that it requires the combined elements of unwavering commitment to animal welfare and sound business sense speaks to the unique duality of this profession. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Dangers of Driving While Using Cell Phones

    3 pages in length. In this day and age of tremendous technological advancements, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished with a cell phone from the convenience of one's automobile, with drivers conducting business, making doctor's appointments, talking to friends, dialing in for radio station contests and everything else that can be done from a conventional landline telephone. At issue, however, is the one significant difference where cell phones are concerned: The inherent danger of driving and talking at the same time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Poems Analyzed for Content and Language

    A 3 page paper discussing the relationship of language and content in three poems. Language provides the method by which the tools of poetry become operational. It can convey meaning without explicitly stating it, as John Dickson, Richard Cole and James A. Autry illustrate in three poems from the business world. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Tennessee Law and the Environmental Effects of Surface Sewage Runoff

    This 7 page report discusses the environmental impact of sewage runoff in a variety of landscapes. Over 5.3 million metric tons of sewage sludge are produced in the United States every year. The sewage treatment industry, like others in the waste business, has discovered, not surprisingly, that the cheapest means of disposing of this yearly mountain is to spread it over nearby fields. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Should a Nurse Assist in the Suicide of a Suffering Patient

    This 4 page paper looks at the issues of assisted suicide by a nurse in the US. Using the fictitious case of a terminal cancer sufferer the issues is discussed by looking at the relevance of the Patient Bill Of Rights, as well as ethical, legal and business perspectives. The paper ends by considering potential actions of a nurse’s manager if the nurse considered taking part in an assisted suicide. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Apple and Their Ethical Position

    This 8 page paper looks at Apple to assess whether or not the firm may be seen as ethical when considered in the context of the suicides at the supplier firm Foxconn. The issues are outlined and then the way the events and firms response is considered in the context of business ethics and ethical theory. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Literature Review and Contemporary Business Sales Strategies

    An eleven page literature review relating to sales and marketing strategies in the modern business environment, with particular reference to the impact of Internet and Web technology, and the changes in marketing which have been brought about by the development of e-commerce. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Developing a Communication Plan for Jack B Nimble

    This 14 page paper provides a communication plan for a case study supplied by the student. Jack B Nimble is a fictitious company that has a number of communication issues, where communication has broken down between the company and different stakeholders, including suppliers, business partners and expatriate employees. The communication plan outlines the communication requirements, proposes a communication strategy and examines the way in which implementation may take place utilizing an Internet and intranet infrastructure. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Offshoring In India and Cap Gemini Sogeti

    This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by a student. Cap Gemini are supplying outsourcing serves, the paper presents an assessment of the situation, looking at the position of India as an outsourcing destination to determine if this destination is likely to remain the domain location for the firm, looking at other areas such as Eastern Europe. The paper then considers business models that may be used in the future development of offshoring service provision. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Useful Financial Concepts for the Guillermo Furniture Store

    Guillermo Furniture Store and Use of Concepts of Competitive Economic Advantage, Value and Economic Efficiency and Observing This 3 page paper is written to complement a fictitious case study provided by the student. The concepts of competitive economic advantage, value and economic efficiency and observing financial transactions are discussed in the context of Guillermo Furniture Store, describing each of the concepts and looking at how they may be useful in business decision-making. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Communication Case at Office Supply Store

    A 7 page paper based on a case study from Harvard Business School. This essay focuses on communication issues as described in the case study. The writer comments on communication barriers, communication channels, an effective communication strategy for Lewis, organizational culture and other issues in the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Jamie Dimon Harvard Business Case

    A 4 page paper that discusses specific issues related to the Harvard Business Case of Jamie Dimon and Bank One. The paper ends with comments regarding entrepreneurial organizations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business Ethics: Tiffany and Co.

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of different approaches to business ethics. The example of Tiffany and Co. is invoked to show the ethical ambiguities inherent in real life situations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The CostCo Business Model and Performance

    This 6 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Four questions are answered looking at the business model utilized by Costco, the financial performance in 2008, the source of competitive advantage and generic strategy and recommendations for future strategy formulation. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Workplace Discrimination Problems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the problem of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Suggestions are made as to how business owners can avoid related lawsuits. Drawbacks of recommendations are also considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Business Decision Types

    5 pages. This paper addresses several different business discussions including sexual harassment, safety programs, bargaining units, and positive suspensions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Business Law Questions

    A 3 page paper answering three business law questions associated with scenarios involving Newcorp. Pat is being wrongfully terminated; Paula is the victim of sexual harassment exercised by Sam; Paul is being difficult and making groundless claims regarding disability and safety issues associated with working on a machine he does not like. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business in a Niche Market - The Competitive Advantages

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of niche markets. Urban Outfitters is used as a case study to highlight the competitive advantages inherent in niche businesses. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sexual Harassment - The Real Cost to Businesses

    This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of sexual harassment. Costs to business in the form of litigation and loss of reputation are explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Female Owned Native American Trucking Business

    This 4 page paper reviews the case study to identify the various qualities that made this Native American woman so successful as the owner of a trucking business. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • MIS at a Large Snack Company

    A 7 page paper that responds to specific questions about a case study. The writer discuses components of the company's IT plans, strategies to communicate the companies plans to executives and managers. A framework that will support IT and business strategies is included. Recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Importance of Strategic Business Planning: Air Jamaica and Caribbean Airlines

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of how business plans relate to corporate culture and long term goals. The case study of Caribbean Airlines and Air Jamaica is analyzed as an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Case of Larson

    This 3 page paper looks at a case study of a firm operating in Germany and the US to assess potential future approaches to business in difficult economic climates and assesses production and pricing decision ands considers entering new markets. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Gumdrop Northern: A Business Ethics Memorandum

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of business ethics. A hypothetical case study is used to analyze various breaches of ethics, both civil and criminal. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Decision Making and Accountability in Enterprise Application Integration

    This is an 11 page paper that provides an overview of enterprise application integration. In particular, a case study is used to assess whether the implementation of such integration is a business or technological decision. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sociological Views on Sexual Harassment

    This 5 page paper provides a definition of sexual harassment and looks at it from the points of view of different sociologists including Goffman, Mead and Weber. The concept is evaluated in terms of how it is used by business for its own purposes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business Decisions for Will Bury

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Will Bury has developed a new product, and needs to develop a business plan and look at his pricing strategy. The paper presents relevant concepts and applies the, to the case and presents recommendations. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Analysis of Chemicals Company

    A 5 page paper that is based on a case study of this company. The writer identifies the problems and solutions following the line-of-business strategic analysis model. Problems are identified at two levels. First, there is a huge problem with subsidiaries and this is the focus of the paper although the effects of the changes on end customers is mentions. The writer comments on the challenges of a matrix structure and provides recommendations for the new marketing manager. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ethnical Culture in an Organization

    This 8 page paper looks at the role and importance of ethics in business, considering what is meant by ethics and a culture of ethics and how it may apply to an accountancy firm. The case of Arthur Andersen’s performance in the Enron case is used as a case study to look at ethics in action. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Case Study on Atchison Corporation

    This 7 page paper looks at the Harvard Business School case study of the Atchison Corporation. The case concerns a company where there has been increasing sales but decreasing profit following the appointment of a new CEO. The case outlines how the approach to the sales force needs to change to increase productivity by increasing motivation and valuing their contribution as well as supporting them with the marketing function. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Seventh Generation Business Decisions

    This 7 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. The company Seventh Generation is examined, looking at how it competes, the way in which the leadership cultures of Newman and Hollender differs, why growth was so controversial and how the company was able t have a successful share offering despite making a loss. The last page of the paper then considers a business decision by a different company, looking at whether they should case one single large order. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • The Case of the Solar Trash Compactor

    This 7 page paper looks at the case of an entrepreneur who has developed a solar powered trash compactor. The paper starts by assessing the idea using the characteristics of attractiveness, durability and timeliness. The paper then assesses the business plan and the projects in a case study, looking at the weaknesses and the strengths.

  • Businesses Facing Challenges

    This 3 page paper outlines two businesses that have faced challenges similar to those faced by the fictitious case study of Lester Electronics. The first case is that of a Dutch Bank that faces two take over bids, the second is of an airline that is losing exclusivity over its services. The bibliography cites 1 sources.

  • Saatchi and Saatchi

    This 5 page paper looks at the case of Saatchi and Saatchi and the way the company was turned around in the 1990’s following a downturn in business and the departure of the Saatchi brothers. The company used a balanced scorecard approach underlying the approach were financial goals that needed a customer service strategy to be implemented. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • The Success of DoCoMo

    This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student; DoCoMo was the dominant supplier of mobile telephone services in Japan. The paper considers how they gained this passion and marketed to the young adult market as well as the business market. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Environmental Business for Virotech

    This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Virotech have developed a technology using waste from one industry to clean up waste from others. The paper presents answers to two questions, concerning the business model used and whether this clean up model is a suitable long term model and looking at how and why the local firm has become global. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Assessment of Costco

    This 11 page paper looks at the retail model of Costco, considering the way they compete, the strength of the leadership and whether the model is one that is optimal for the needs of the business. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Assessment of BabyCare

    This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student regarding investment into a new business in China selling baby goods. The paper answers three questions. To assess if the company is a good potential investment, to determine if the direct sales market suitable for emerging market and to evaluate the firms’ financing options. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • All the Wrong Moves (HBS Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper examines this Harvard Business School case study. Recommendations are made. Bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Intuit, Inc. (HBS Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper examines this Harvard Business School Case Study. An update in respect to Intuit is also provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Continental Case Study Analysis

    A 5 page paper that discusses a Harvard Business case study entitled: "Right Away and all at once. How we saved Continental." The essay discusses some of the actions taken and comments on the plan. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Research Proposal for Sri Lanka's Re Branding

    This 5 page paper is a research proposal to find out the most effective way of re-branding goods in Sri Lanka to both the consumer and business market. The paper is an introduction and proposes a clear and easy to follow methodology. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • A Proposal for a Child Care Center

    (7 pp) Although this is a fictitious childcare proposal, it is a given fact that the American family spends on an average, of about seven percent of its annual income on childcare. It is projected that "Childcare City" would be located in the Chicago area; yet it is also well known that as in most major cities in the United States, there is a relatively wide financial spread, therefore much of this organizational data has been gleaned from other parts of the country with the idea that an average will therefore be established. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Small Business Rewards and Compensation Program Proposal

    This 11 page paper focuses on a hypothetical firm with about 40 employees. The firm is described and after a review of literature, a precise schedule of compensation and rewards is devised. The proposal includes specific grade levels and job titles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Research Proposal for Small Business Diversity Planning

    This 30 page paper provides an overview of a proposal and the final research study on diversity planning. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Oral Business Communication Research Study Proposal

    A 13 page communication research proposal. The problem is that what constitutes effective oral communication is not always well defined, at least in practice. This provides the foundation for the significance of the study and for the objectives of determining what types of approaches are most effective. The research question is that of determining what types of communications tools that effective managers use to inform and persuade, regardless of audience type. Though styles may change according to the needs of the group of focus at the moment, effective oral communication should contain the same message when delivered for diverse audiences. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Considerations for Setting up a Distance Learning Internet Business

    This 17 page report style paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. DL Limited is planning on setting up a distance learning operation in conjunction with UK and Turkish universities. The report looks first at the way strategic decision making can take place. The report then looks at other potential markets, product development, required resources and the identification of issues which will need consideration. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Podiatry Patient Satisfaction Proposal

    An 18 page paper that presents a project proposal. A partnership has dissolved leaving the sole podiatrist in the position of having to rebuild the business. The sections of the paper include: the statement of the problem, the significance of the problem, the purpose of the project, literature review and methodology. This practice will begin with a patient satisfaction survey for the purpose of increasing patient satisfaction. The literature survey includes information on the parts of the foot, the stress feet experience every day, the wonder of the function of the foot and what makes the human foot different. The importance of healthy feet and the practice of podiatry and how people abuse and mistreat their feet are also discussed. The incidence of different types of foot health problems is included. The importance of patient satisfaction is explored. Other related data are included. One appendix included, which presents the patient satisfaction survey. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Business Contract Law - Case Study

    An 8 page paper based on a scenario provided by the student. The case involved thermostats. The company has exclusive distributor contracts in different countries for their Celsius thermostat with a faceplate instead of decals. A person representing himself as an exporter assures the thermostats will be going to the Middle East but they start showing up in the Netherlands undercutting that distributor. The essay discusses the elements of an enforceable contract, breach of contract, the facts of the case and how they relate to different legal issues, the value of oral agreements and more. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • JetBlue Case Study

    This 42 page paper examines the airline JetBlue in the context of the US airline industry. After an introduction the paper discusses the condition of the airline industry, the profitability of the industry and uses a pest analysis to examine the macro environment. The strategies of JetBlue are then examined at firm, business and operational levels and compared to strategies of competitors. With an understanding of the industry and the firm the writer goes on to suggest potential future strategies. Each of the suggested strategies is analysed and recommendations made for viable future strategies and how they may be implemented. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Empowerment and Delegation: Learned Business Skills

    This 8 page paper considers the difference between empowerment and delegation, and then discusses empowerment in detail, as well as some of the issues involved in building an effective team. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Implementing an eBusiness Solution

    This 22 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Xtra is a fictitious firm selling Hollywood memorabilia which needs to introduce a new e-business system. The paper is divided into 5 sections looking at different elements of the implementation. The first section considers the requirements and constraints for the system; the second section looks at issues concerning implementation, including resources and timing of the implementation. The third section looks at how leadership should be undertaken. The forth section discusses the way the change should be managed by looking at potential barriers and the use of communication. The last section looks at the value and potential use of mentoring and coaching for the implementation. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • New Balance Athletic Shoe (Harvard Business School Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper provides an analysis for this HBS case study. The analysis is done for HBS No. 9-606-094. No additional sources cited.

  • AtHoc: Dealing With Disruption: Harvard Business School Case Study (9-806-073) Analysis

    This 3 page paper provides a general analysis. No other sources are cited.

  • Business Case Study: Key Findings

    11 pages in length. Remaining within the higher end of industry competition is an ongoing challenge; maintaining a position of power and influence is only as secure the competition's next strategic move. Indeed, staying above board when it comes to a company's ranking is an ever-changing entity that flows with the ebb and tide of the given market; when profits begin to go south, operations must be analyzed so as to restructure and regain control. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Monster Networking Case Study

    A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Medieval Drama and Its Messages

    A 14 page paper discussing the means that medieval guilds used to promote political and religious ideology using plays as the medium. There was only a single church, and it sought to provide plays to act out important events described in the Bible. Plays grew in scope and size and were obliged to move outdoors where laymen took over the production duties, those laymen generally were members of the various guilds operational in local areas. Guilds were dedicated to business among the merchants and high quality among the craftsmen, and their leaders came to be highly involved in local politics. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Fictional CD Store Saving

    A 10 page paper describing changes in the recorded music industry and providing a business strategy for a fictional CD store for the next five years. Midland Music is a regional music retailer chain in the Southeast. It is left with six stores after closing two of its worst-performing local stores. The industry is in flux and promises that in five years' time it may bear little resemblance to the music industry of the past, particularly as iPods become more common and more customers opt for single-track downloads rather than purchasing CDs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Post Communist Bulgaria and German Business Relocation

    A 10 page overview of the many factors influencing the decision of German companies to relocate to Bulgaria. The thesis that German companies may avoid the disadvantages of Globalization by moving operations to Bulgaria is explored. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Wal-Mart's Illegal Immigrant Workers

    A 7 page paper discussing the ethical aspects of Wal-Mart's use of illegal immigrants. In 2003, federal agents arrested more than 300 illegal immigrant workers as they finished their shifts cleaning 60 Wal-Mart stores in 21 states. Wal-Mart avoided any problems of implementation by simply bringing all cleaning activities back in-house. It cannot hope to control the actions of other companies, but like its own customers, it can refuse to do business with them. Whatever savings the company gained from using contractors was more than offset by its single $11 million fine. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 2 First Person Sample Essays

    This 4 page paper contains two example first person essays. One essay examines the plight of a student who has to make a sound decision. The example used concerns an apartment rental. The second essay has two parts. The first involves a place of business where a decision is made based on erroneous assumptions. The second part involves black and white thinking. The issue chosen for the second part is abortion. No bibliography.

  • Costs of Skilled Nursing Facilities and the Impact of the Shortage of Registered Nurses

    A 5 page paper assessing the value of instituting a primary nursing arrangement at a nursing home skilled nursing facility (SNF) to reduce the influence of the nursing shortage while also gaining more timely MDS/PPS/ RUG III reporting and therefore Medicare payments to the SNF. Of course the purpose of any SNF is to provide the best patient care possible, and confirmation of the appropriateness and success of the program should include positive benefit to residents. Enhanced patient care and better business results do not need to be mutually exclusive, however. An efficient organizational structure should be able to provide both, while also alleviating some of the pressures of the nursing shortage as they apply to the SNF. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis

    A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Hamot Medical Center Organizational Analysis

    A 14 page paper assessing the success that this Erie, Pennsylvania hospital has had in striving for nursing excellence and making the best use of all resources available to it. In the manner in which the old business cycle underwent so many changes that today’s version needed the designation of the “new economy,” so does Hamot Medical Center discuss and pursue the “new nursing” that both builds and preserves the professionalism of nursing. The paper examines the hospital’s organizational structure, vision and mission, and assesses the organization’s success in pursuing and achieving its goals. The paper discusses the role of organizational structure in maintaining an atmosphere in which change is both possible and positive. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Business Psychology; Team Work For Effective Organizations

    This 5 page paper looks at theories concerning the way that individuals will interact and develop into teams, including the influences on their behavior and perceptions with a team environment. The paper looks at theories including those of Jung, Belbin, Le Bon and systems theory. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Tourism and Psychology

    A 6 page paper discussing using psychological knowledge in marketing and providing services. The tourism industry formerly was able to operate on the “if you build it, they will come” philosophy, but it no longer has that luxury. Tourism has been forced in recent years to join the ranks of all other types of businesses, particularly in actively marketing to the target group it most wants to attract. Assessing marketing and service needs from the perspective of personality and psychology can assist organizations within the travel industry in achieving and maintaining greater success. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Culture and Principles of Psychology

    An 11 page paper that begins by discussing the difficulties of defining the concept of culture. The writer then discusses cultural psychologists and some authors' opinion that the approach to studying culture is unsystematic. Two unsystematic approaches are explained and three typical orientations to studying culture in psychology are also explained. Three examples are provided to illustrate the need for cultural competence, two in business and one in education. The write concludes with further comments about cultural psychology and the need for more research before psychologists will know how psychological principles can be applied in different cultures. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Organization and Individual Study Similarities

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of how organizations and individuals are studied. Studies and theories from psychology and sociology are discussed in light of business research. Similarities regarding individuals and organizations include goal oriented strategies and attention to the aging process. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Pursuing a Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

    This 2 page paper provides an overview of the process of pursuing a MBA degree for a person in a psychology practice. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Business Plan for Cannondale Bicycle Company

    This 4 page paper develops a plan for Cannondale, the bicycle company to increase net profits using a market penetration strategy. The paper outlines the goals, strategy and marketing tactics. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs In Business

    A 5 page paper discussing application of Abraham Maslow's humanistic psychology to the needs of business. Maslow's theories may be overstated in the belief that people are intrinsically good and intrinsically motivated to improve themselves and their stations, but they have been found to be overwhelmingly useful in organizational management and employee motivation enhancement. Successful application in business depends on moving from one level to the next, however. As Maslow states, the qualities of any level cease to be motivational once the individual achieves and sustains that level. Includes one chart. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Current Market and Advertising on the Internet

    This 15 page report discusses the fact that the Internet and Internet advertising as changed modern marketing in a variety of ways. As a result, advertisers have an entirely new realm in which to operate and that can make significant changes in the way they do business. Numerous opinions are presented as are figures illustrating the enormous scope of the money involved in Internet advertising. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Issues and Challenges in the Carbon Offset Market

    This 11 page paper answers five questions about the carbon market. The first question considers whether or not the offsetting market will encourage sufficient measures to prevent the need for multilateral intervention. The second question considers how the Internet may help small to medium-size offset providers in developing countries. The third question discusses the potential impact on the jobs market of a growing carbon market. The fourth question considers what aspect would be important in the business plan for a supplier in a developing country. The last part of the paper considers potential of offsetting to become a moneymaking opportunity in the money markets. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Organizational Innovation and Creativity Enhancement

    A 16 page paper that begins with an abstract. The introduction comments on the dearth of studies that offer empirical evidence of the effects of creativity in a company and also addresses the difficulties with the topic, including dualisms. The writer then explains and discusses the controversy regarding models of creativity and offers an introduction to two specific models designed to enhance creativity in the organization. Creative problem solving is discussed next, including techniques that have been found to be effective. The writer then turns to a case study of the business community Hong Kong, in general, and which models and techniques would likely help as they face new challenges in the market. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Monster Networking Case Study

    A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • T. Rowe Price Associates and Emerging Investment Trends

    A 9 page paper discussing the investment adviser's ability to read the market, emerging trends and investor needs rather than reacting to changes it failed to identify in their formative stages. The 3rd largest direct marketer of mutual funds, T. Rowe Price is actively enhancing its institutional investment services. It would be as foolish to claim that T. Rowe Price will be unaffected by any change in the market in the future as it is to claim that the business cycle is dead. However, the company has proven itself to be well-managed and astute in its ability to read the market, emerging trends, and the needs of its investors. In the next year and in the next five years, the company should be expected to perform as well as it has in the past. 3 tables, 1 chart. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Post September 11th American Economy

    A 6 page overview of the contemporary state of the U.S. economy. Analyzes the effect of the destruction of the World Trade Center, the partial destruction of the Pentagon, and the consequent perception of a continued terrorism on the economy. Asserts that while the economy was at a low even before the attacks, it has suffered significantly as a direct result of those attacks. Includes data which backs up those assertions. Suggests that appropriate means are being taken to stabilize the economy and that the U.S. government, business, and individuals alike play an important role in that stabilization. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Supply and Demand Business Economics Illustration

    This 3 page paper uses the example of the sales patterns of sports utility vehicles (SUV’s), to illustrate the value of understanding macro factors on the supply and demand relationship. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Management of Hypertension Among African Americans

    An 8 page research paper that offers a discussion of literature, which addresses the persistent and severe problem of the high incidence of hypertension among African American populations. First of all the specific background facts of this evidence-based nursing education problem are examined and then the various aspects for a nursing educational intervention are outlined. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nursing Concerns at Large Hospital System

    The focus of this 6 page paper is a list of problems at Sutter Health in California. Nurses had identified patient safety issues that included high patient:nurse ratios. They finally went out on strike more than once. This essay identifies the problems and the steps taken and reports what three other hospitals did to resolve some of their problems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Diabetes Self-Management - Hispanic Patients

    A 9 page paper that discusses teaching transcultural care to nurses and issues relative to Hispanic patients learning to be more proactive in managing this disease. The paper discusses transcultural nursing per Leininger and others and reports appropriate statistical data. Mezirow's approach is the theoretical base discussed for adult learning and Leininger's framework is the foundation for teaching nurses and then, patients. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Literature Review on Intellectual Assets Management

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the topic by reviewing relevant literature on the subject. A company profile provided by a student is used as a case study for purposes of review. A description of a sample study is provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Oil Industry and Intellectual Property Management

    This 3 page paper takes a look at the importance of intellectual property in the oil industry. Information about a research lab, associated with an oil company, as provided by a student, is used as an example. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Management of a Convenience Store

    This 10 page paper investigates a specific gasoline convenience store and identifies changes it can and should make to enhance both customer and employee loyalty. Changes include developing a marketing plan and changing the way in which employees are scheduled for work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Modifying Intact of Nutrition and Self Management

    This 8 page report discusses a hypothetical situation in which a person needs to modify her nutritional intake, decrease fat intake in her diet and the results gained following the program established for her. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 'Churn and Burn' Avoidance and Sales Personnel Retention

    This 20 page report discusses the importance of retaining qualified and effective salespeople, as well as managing their performance and keeping them motivated, enthusiastic and part of the sales team. It is quite possible that the world of sales encompasses more issues relating to employee satisfaction and reward than any other professional endeavor. Because sales people have truly unique characteristics relating to their success, the issue of keeping them happy and motivated, as well as keeping them working at a particular company, must be an issue of the utmost importance for any organization dependent on maintaining a sales staff. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Study Questions on Management Theory

    A 5 page paper answering 4 discussion questions addressing topics of (1) the importance of an air of confidence; (2) approaches to reducing employee absenteeism; (3) qualities of effective discipline; and (4) expectancy theory and how expectancy, instrumentality and valence contribute to enhancing employee motivation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Acme Widgets and Information Technology Management

    A 9 page paper discussing the dilemma in which the founder of Acme Widgets now finds himself. He has resisted the advance of IT for years, but he has a data processing manager who remains current with the IT industry and has pulled him and his company, over his objections but with his permission, into the information age. Approaching retirement age, the founder understands that he must plan for the future of his company not only with his presence, but without it, as well. He determines to create the position of CIO, fill it with his current data processing manager, and allow her to plot an IT course for the future that will best serve the company and its clients. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Conflict Management and Organizational Communication

    A 7 page paper that examines the need for good communication in resolving conflict. A reoccurring problem in organizational communication‹whether it deals with governments, corporations, or dealings among the tenants in an apartment building‹is when those involved misunderstand each other. This can result in emotions that only serve to escalate the conflict as the people involved then react to circumstances on a personal level. The negotiating strategies outlined by Fisher, et al, (1991) in the book Getting to Yes are specifically highlighted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership

    A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Time Management: Scheduling Time

    This 3 page paper discusses ways to manage time, and gives suggestions for ways a busy student can handle all his tasks in the time he has. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Northeast U.S. and the Problem of Solid Waste Management

    This 11 page paper looks at the use of landfills as a major problem in the Northeast. Recycling is discussed in detail as an effective method to handle solid waste. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Military Surface Mail Processing: A Plan for Change

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of some of the changes that could be applied to improving the processing of military surface mail. This paper reflects the need for organizational and structural changes. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Software Project Management Issues

    A 5 page paper discussing social considerations and qualities of project team members in planning and implementing a software project. The paper uses Wal-Mart as its example, in the data it collects on what items are in single shopping carts. Competitors collect customers' credit card information without gaining any real knowledge about what specific products they are buying. Team members should be able to communicate with managers and users with equal ease. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Successful Project Management

    This 8 page paper looks at an example of a social and healthcare project in the UK and assesses the different elements and processes that are needed for the project to be successful. The discussion includes looking at stakeholders and setting targets, the use of the PRINCE2 framework and the CHAOS success factors. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Technology In The Management Of Distribution Companies

    Technology has revolutionized the way in which distribution companies are able to operate. This 4 page paper looks at the way in which some aspects of technology are currently impacting on the distribution and logistics industry, considering the benefits and difficulties of a present, and considers how they may develop in the future. The technology discussed includes logistics software, satellite navigation systems and radio frequency identification (RFID). The bibliography cites to sources.

  • Sales Management and Sales

    A 7 page paper assessing several points in sales. Sales trainer Thom Hopkins has said that sales is the easiest low-paying job or the hardest high-paying one anyone could ever have. The purpose here is to assess how the sales manager, sales psychology and formal sales training can positively affect outcomes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sales Budget Forecasting

    This 3-page paper discusses two types of sales budget forecasting: bottom up vs. top down, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Contract Demands of UPS Pilots and View of Management

    A 6 page paper. The Independent Pilots Association (IPA) representing UPS' 2039 pilots allowed a by-mail survey of their members last August (1997) following the end of the Teamsters' strike against the company in the same month. Though UPS offered pay raises for their pilots of between 36 and 94%, the pilots nonetheless rejected UPS' contract proposal. The average pilot pay at UPS currently stands at $151,000. Pilots are restricted by law from working a full schedule—they are all essentially part-time employees, and their current hourly rate (without a contract renegotiation) stands at more than $200. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Traits Necessary for a Career in Hotel Management

    In this 1 page essay, the writer describes the job and traits of a successful hotel manager and then presents reasons why (s)he believes that they will excel in this profession.

  • Stress Management Options and the Hypothalmic Pituitary Adrenal Axis

    A 12 page paper discussing physical reactions to stress and alternative therapies available to decrease the physical disorders it causes. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Security Management and Social Theory

    An 18 page paper that explores the ramifications of social crime prevention through the application of social theories in the work of security managers. Paper deals with such issues as anomie, deviance, etc. and discusses these issues through the viewpoint of current research and application of the theories. Bibliography lists more than 15 sources.

  • IS and Virtual Workteams

    A 10 page paper discussing principles of sound team formation and the growth of virtual teams. Global competition, the computer age and excessive travel expenses have combined to make the concept of “virtual teams” not only possible but more attractive than ever before, allowing people to work together in groups though they may not even reside in the same time zones. There have been myriad management fads and gimmicks come and go over the years, but the virtual team is unlikely to be relegated to that category. Particularly in IS, it is far too valuable a practice for organizations to be abandoning it. It appears to be a management tool that is here to stay; it is quickly becoming accepted standard rather than a corporate oddity. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Nursing Practice Improvement and Qualitative Research's Importance

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the concept that qualitative research is more valuable than quantitative research for improving nursing practice. Quantitative research involving large scale surveys and methods of accumulating cost and performance data in the annual process of health care management is traditionally the most widely used research method and provides for relatively large-scale low-cost studies. However, in today’s environment in which health care has become patient-centered and indicators in health care are based on quality assurance and quality improvement, qualitative research methods are now the preferred measure of effectiveness of health care, most notably in the area of nursing practice. Qualitative studies in nursing practice which involve subjective and interactive interviews and assessments include not only those involved with direct patient contact but patient perception as well. Patient satisfaction and perception has become essential to the determination of areas of concern in the health care system and allow for immediate action in improvement in nursing care. Qualitative research which also involves nursing input and interactive discussions also gives the nursing staff opportunity to comment on the impact of changes within the organization; an interaction which in itself has shown directly impacts and improves nursing practice. Despite the need for large-scale quantitative reporting, qualitative research methods are not only preferred in regards to quality improvement but also provide direct, subjective and immediate opportunities for improving nursing practice and patient care. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Quitting the Cigarette Habit and The Role of Health Psychologists

    This is a 5 page paper on the role of health psychologists in smoking cessation. The Website of the Health Psychology Associates ( addresses issues related to the research, treatments and role of health psychologists in the health care setting. One area of particular concern for health psychology is smoking. Essentially, health psychologists are concerned with the psychological and biomedical reasons for why people are addicted to smoking and have difficulty stopping and what treatment programs can be initiated to help people stop smoking. Research has found that people begin and continue smoking from a combination of social, psychological, and biological factors. In smoking cessation therapies health psychologists have found that a combination of psychological, social and biological factors are also the most effective in that patients are instructed on the use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in addition to the more important aspects of personal and social counseling, coping strategies, skill management and stress reduction throughout the stages of contemplation of smoking cessation through until well after action and maintenance of smoking cessation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Tutorial on Motivation, Marketing, Decision Making, and Accountancy

    This 62 page paper incorporates 5 essays addressing different topics within the general headings in the title. Essay #1 begins with a scenario and then discusses quantitative methods for forecasting, specifically explaining the time-series decomposition model. The essay does not include actual calculations but describes this model. Essay #2 focuses on strategic marketing management and includes discussions of developing brand loyalty and brand equity and marketing and advertising to gain market share. This essay also includes a discussion of the importance of global branding. Essay #3 is about managing people and organizations and includes discussions and explanations of several theories of motivation, including a discussion of theories of motivation for today's knowledge workers. Essay #4 discusses accountancy for managers and includes explanations of the absorption costing approach, marginal costing and activity based costing. The last essay is about strategic decision making and competitor analysis. It discusses economies of scale, economies of scope, marginal costing, price elasticity of demand. This final section also includes a comprehensive discussion of Porter's structure -> conduct -> performance paradigm and resource-based approaches to strategy. Numerous examples are incorporated in each section. 4 Illustrations are included. Tutorial comments are incorporated throughout the text. Bibliography lists 44 sources.

  • Burka and Yuen Procrastination

    This is a 6 page book review of Burka and Yuen’s 1983 text “Procrastination: Why you do it, What to do about it” which provides an excellent overall review and practical knowledge of the understanding of procrastination and what can be done to overcome it. Many aspects of procrastination are a result of self-esteem and fear of failure, success, separation and attachment among other elements. The authors outline each fear and provide adequate examples from real life and professions useful to the readers who may see themselves in similar situations. Finally, the authors provide some techniques on how to overcome the procrastination cycles which include taking an inventory of consequences, setting and achieving goals, time and organizational management and enlisting support. The text also provides useful schedules and additional resources. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Automobile Repair Racket Targeting of Women

    6 pages in length, this persuasive essay explores the reasons why women are cheated by fraudulent automobile repair practices. This paper argues the point that women should become better informed, more aggressive, and more assertive in the area of auto repair in order to protect themselves from unscrupulous business practices.

  • Drinking, Driving, Moral and Legal Obligations

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the moral and legal responsibility and the campaigns against drinking and driving. As drinking and driving continues to take many lives on an annual basis, two different formats are being used to control drinking and driving in Canada and the United States. From a legal perspective, stricter laws are being advocated to try and deter and punish people from drinking and driving. Perhaps more effective campaigns however, are those which have targeted the moral responsibility of drinking. Harm reduction programs, moderation management and public awareness are now becoming more prominent in regards to a person’s moral and social responsibility to use self-control and moderation when drinking in order for the protection of the individuals and others in society. Provincial alcohol boards and some alcohol distributors are now promoting the moral obligations and choices people must make when they drink. In addition, many believe that the laws reflect the moral and values of the population even though they may conflict with images of irresponsibility which are often promoted as well. In the case of hard core drinkers who seemed unaffected by moral responsibility campaigns, stricter laws are being suggested focusing on the hard core drinker. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Employees and Management in the Plays How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and Death of a Salesman

    A 6 page examination of management and employees in the play "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.

  • Signal Connectivity Through Multihop Circuits and USAT

    5 pages in length. The small earth stations that transport information back to recipients of direct-to-home access, as well as access to databases and management information systems, are known in the industry as Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT). Coming out of the technological urge for an even smaller application, engineers have developed USATs, which are Ultra Small Aperture Terminals. Their goal: to decrease the already miniaturized VSA version that varies from a one point two to two point four meter range to one that is even smaller and more effective. Typically, USATs are less than one meter in size, which establishes them as being significantly smaller than VSATs. The writer discusses whether or not USATs are able to use multi-hop circuits for signal connectivity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


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