Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Mission Work/Kenya's Digo Tribe
A 15 page research paper/mission proposal that outlines the parameters for a suggested mission to the Digo Tribe of Kenya. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Research Study Proposal on Christian Parenting
A 10 page research paper (including an annotated bibliography) that proposes the framework for a hypothetical research study on the nature role of the family in the spiritual development of children. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Black Church's Musical Dynamics
A 10 page paper which offers a research proposal for studying the dynamics of music in the Black church. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Mosaic Tradition and Divine Command and the Mosaic Tradition: Maimonides, Al-Ghazali and Augustine
This 3 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal on the divine commands and the Mosaic tradition. Specifically, this proposal views the authorship of Maimonides, Al-Ghazali and Augustine in regards to the writings in the Torah, Qur'an and Bible. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Children's Ministry
This 5 page research paper is the beginning of a proposal to create a children's ministry. It begins by outlining the problems, challenges and issues confronting children and adolescents, and then proposes a mission statement for a children's ministry that would address these issues. A literature review is then offered that supports these points. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Religions of the World
This 200 page paper is a dissertation on the world religions, and promotes a comparative view on the major religions. Bibliography lists 100 sources.
Case Study Questions/Cognitive Development, Young Adults
A 3 page paper that responds to questions on a case scenario involving a young college student whose religious preconceptions are challenged by her roommate. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Pastoral Ministry - Case Study
A 3 page paper. The first page reports an interaction between a pastor and an office worker that focuses on how God can save any child molester who suddenly says he repents while not saving a good person who is an atheist. The writer comments on the interaction and responds to specific questions such as why the interaction had an impact on the writer and what theological issues were included in the interaction. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Sexual Culture of the West and Christianity's Impact
This 15 page paper provides an overview of the topic and relates it to the findings in the current literature. The role of women, the understanding of marital relationships and even the value placed on men and women have been based on Christian belief systems and the integration of religious values into the dominant culture. The sexual identities and sexual beliefs, then, in the modern era can be traced to historical elements influenced by Christianity. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
'The Odyssey' of Homer and the Hebrew Bible Compared
A 5 page comparison of the first chapter of the Hebrew Bible and Homer's epic poem, 'The Odyssey.' Throughout history, from the time of the earliest civilizations, there have been literary compositions that attempted to explain life and the consequences of human action as it might relate to divine will. Each culture has addressed the relationship to the divine its own fashion. Homer expressed this for the ancient Greeks and unknown Hebrew scholars recorded the oral traditions of the Jewish tribes. No additional sources cited.
Roman Catholic Teachings and Suicide
A 9 page paper. The Roman Catholic Church considers any type of deliberate suicide, any act that is not meant to preserve life, including assisted suicide a grave sin. This essay looks at suicide in terms of both Christian teaching and Catholic teaching. The writer discusses the formation of conscience, conscience, natural moral law, and the Church authority. Comments are cited from the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Scripture along with comments from Biblical scholars in the discussion of suicide. The clear acts of suicide that are found in Scripture are reported and discussed. The writer also discusses whether or not Samson's death was a suicide. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Teen Suicide
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers a student doing a Bible Discernment exercise on suicide advice on how to address the various sections of this Christian analysis/response to the problem of teen suicide. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
John Ford's Films and Christian Allegory
This 5 page paper looks for Christian allegory in four of John Ford's films (Grapes of Wrath, Stagecoach, The Sun Shines Bright and The Fugitive). Various themes are explored. No sources.
Overview of Mosaic Dietary Laws
This 18 page paper provides an overview of the Mosaic dietary laws, the laws set forth through the directives of Moses in the Old Testament. The Mosaic dietary laws, the laws imposed by the directives of Moses on the Israelites, extended from earlier restrictions that had been placed on the eating habits of the human race. The Old Testament is full of directives regarding food consumption and God’s law, and even Genesis addresses limitations imposed on certain types of food consumption. Bibliography lists 16 sources
Dakota A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris
This is a 5 page analysis of Kathleen Norris’ “Dakota: A Spiritual Geography”. Tutorial language appears throughout the text in square brackets as an aid for writers in their analysis. Kathleen Norris’ 1993 book “Dakota: A Spiritual Geography” relates the spiritual journey and shift Norris and her husband have experienced since moving to South Dakota twenty years ago to tend the family farm. Although a Protestant, she has become an oblate to the local Benedictine monastery and has come to appreciate their isolated and peaceful existence. Norris and the monks’ spirituality are heavily connected to the landscape which is beautifully described by Norris’ poetic and artistic hand but it is a landscape and an existence which must be chosen by an individual in order to be appreciated according to Norris. In a time when materialism and wealth seem to have become prevalent motivators in the world, Norris reveals to readers how spiritually satisfying her life has become as she has been able to center herself in relation to her landscape and the community she has adopted.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Native Americans as Perceived by English Colonists
A 7 page overview of early colonial interactions with Native Americans. The manner in which European colonists viewed the Native Americans whose lands they invaded varied both according to geography and according to time. The Puritans as a whole would proclaim their belief that all people were equal before God. Puritan proclamation and act, however, were two different things. In practice, race, class, and literacy were salient issues.
The Central Section Of The Gospel Of Luke
An 8 page paper. The central section of Luke is comprised of Chapters 9:51-19:44. Biblical scholars have been trying to understand why Luke wrote these chapters as he did, mentioning towns but never saying the group had arrived. The vagueness of the geography has led scholars to offer different names for this section, like the Travel Narrative. This essay discusses this issue, including comments on why Jesus may have taken a roundabout route from Galilee to Jerusalem. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Religious Attitudes Represented in Hollywood Films
19 pages in length. The coming of age in the motion picture industry would have its inventors turning in their graves; their wildest dreams could never conjure up what has come to reflect reality in today's religiously-saturated medium of entertainment. Indeed, times have changed since what began back in the late eighteen hundreds as a basis for documentaries; even – and sometimes in spite of – criticism to the contrary, Hollywood movies have been extremely successful in incorporating the concept of religion on both a conscious and subliminal level as a means by which to generate and maintain attitudes toward religion with far-reaching effects on American social and political life. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Dogma, Reflection on a Film
A 4 page film review and reflection paper that discusses the way in which the 1999 film “Dogma” by writer/director Kevin Smith portrays religion. The writer briefly alludes to the plot of the film, but principally discusses the theological implications of the film and the factors that it satirizes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ
A 7 page research paper that describes and analyzes the influences in Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ. The writer discusses how the film differs from gospel and historical accounts and then focuses on where Gibson obtained information on scenes that differ from the gospel stories of the Christ’s betrayal, arrest and crucifixion. The writer also points out aspects of Hollywood conventions that are in the film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Conventional Theology and The Passion of the Christ Film by Mel Gibson
A 7 page research paper that discusses the controversy surround the film The Passion of the Christ, produced and directed by Mel Gibson. This movie presents the last twelve hours of Jesus' life, that is, his suffering and crucifixion in a manner that demonizes Jewish authorities of the time. Particularly since all dialogue in the movie is spoken in either Latin or Aramaic (with English subtitles), the film has the "feel" of a documentary and it is likely that many viewers will regard it as an accurate dramatization of the gospel story of Christ's death. This paper compares Gibson's film to accounts of the crucifixion recorded in the Gospels. This comparison shows that Gibson added a great deal more violence than is actually portrayed in the Bible. The theological and racial implications of Gibson's film are then discussed in light of his personal history and background. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Passion of the Christ v. The Bible
A 4 page research paper/essay that analyzes Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ” has an air of authenticity that is designed to enhance the illusion that the audience is watching a highly accurate dramatization of biblical accounts of Christ’s Passion. The writer argues that a close examination of the film reveals that there are numerous deviations from the gospel accounts. These deviations, while still in keeping, overall, with the biblical text, tend to promote a theological perspective on the Bible that is in keeping with traditional Catholicism. Collectively speaking, the differences between gospel accounts and Gibson’s film offer an interpretation to the Passion of Christ that is substantially altered, which means that film’s air of authenticity is inaccurate. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
US Lutheran Church and its History
A 6 page paper that explores the changes that the Lutheran Church has undergone since its introduction to America beginning in the 1600s. Discussed are the divisions and reunification that the Lutheran Church in America has experienced during the twentieth century and the differences that still remain between the traditional Lutheran Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Holy Qur'an History
5 pages in length. A deeply religious man who loathed his society's decadence, Muhammad found that meditation was successful at easing his distress. From the time when he saw the vision in the Cave of Mt. Hira, the prophet continued his duty as God's messenger for another twenty-three years; all his prolific teachings are found in the Qur'an. The writer discusses the historical impact of the Qur'an. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Historical Connections Between Puritanism and Calvinism
An 8 page discussion of the history of the Puritans. The author contends that this history is considerably more extensive than that that unfolded in the “New World”. Indeed, the Puritans are integrally connected to Scotland and a man known as John Calvin. Puritans were followers of Calvin’s radical new approach to religion. The reverberations of that approach would reach far beyond Scotland and into the Americas as well as the rest of the world. Not only would it shape the actions of the Puritans themselves, it would determine the way they would interact with others throughout history. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Paul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green, and Marianne Meye Thompson's Introducing the New Testament Its Literature and Theology
A 5 page paper which discusses the book “Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and Theology” by Paul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green and Marianne Meye Thompson. No additional sources cited.
History Of Religious Orders and Monasticism
A 7 page paper that begins by explaining the origin or the word monasticism and the types of lifestyles that may be adopted as a monk. The connection between monasticism and asceticism is explained. The writer then traces the history of the practice of monasticism before and after Christ and identifies the first Christian monastic orders that were founded. The differences between Eastern monastics and Western monastics are described. It was in the 6th century that the monastic way of life grew so much with the founding of the Franciscans and the Dominicans. The founding of more religious orders, including the Jesuits, was re-emphasized during the Reformation. The challenges to monasticism are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A History Of Holy Communion
A 20 page paper that begins with a quotation from Justin Martyr. Worship in the early church illustrates how it was decided to administer the Eucharist on 'Sunday.' The history of the Eucharist from the 1st century. The writer comments on the theology of transubstantiation, a controversial topic and includes Scripture used by the Catholic Church as support for this belief. Different documents from the Holy See are reported illustrating the changes in the beliefs and practice of administering the Eucharist. Another issue discussed is the practice of the early church including infants and children in the Lord's Supper. Finally, the writer discusses Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
A Concise History of the Catholic Church by Thomas Bokenkotter
An 11 page research paper that offers a comprehensive book review of Thomas Bokenkotter's A Concise History of the Catholic Church. Examination of this text shows it to be theologically insightful while maintaining historical objectivity. The writer gives an overview of each of its five sections, particularly focusing on the new chapter in the 2004 edition. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Western History and the Divine Nature of God
A 5 page research paper that examines the history of philosophy concerning the nature of God. Throughout the course of Western history, philosophers and theologians have sought to answer questions pertaining to the nature and existence of God. "What is the nature of God and how is he related to the universe? Is God a person, like man, but more ideal? …Can the human mind know God," these and other questions have plagued humanity from earliest history (Frost 100). This examination surveys concepts of God from Plato to Aquinas, showing how the conceptualization of the divine progressed during the millennia.
A History of The Council of Florence
A 10 page paper which discusses the history of the Council of Florence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A History of the Tabernacle and Catholic Pulpit
A 22 page research paper that consists of 18 full pages of text and 4 pages of annotated bibliography. The writer offers an overview of the history of Catholic architecture, focusing on the evolution of church construction, but also touching on the history of the pulpit. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
History and Introduction of the Early Catholic Church
A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of early Catholic Church history. Topics covered include the New Testament, Apostolic Fathers, growth and expansion of the Christianity, heresies, and others. All topics are examined briefly. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
An Overview of Apocalyptic Literature
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the theories that predict the end times, focusing on how religion uses it to control its people. How the elite used the theories to control the social order during the high middle ages is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Antigone and the Old Testament
(5pp). The literature of the Hebrew Bible (the
Old Testament), is the scripture that Jews and
Christians share. This literature can be examined
both in the historical context in which it was
written and in some of the contexts in which it
has been read (such as its religious, literary,
psychological overtones). These biblical ideas that
have had a profound impact on Western culture:
creation, covenant, commandment, monotheism,
idolatry, chosenness, history, kingship, sin,
prophecy, wisdom. Ancient Greek literature such
as Sophocles' Antigone also addresses some of these
same ideas, morality and justice being two of the
most important. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?' and The Book of Job
(5 pp) There are some that think the Book of Job
is one of the scariest stories in the Bible, there
comment is that just when things start "goin'
right," something bad happens. Jill Knuth, a
Lutheran Lay Minister suggests, " The Book of Job
is a fine example of wisdom literature. Wisdom
literature discusses the meaning of life, not
from a philosophical viewpoint, but based on the
experiences of everyday life. The central question
in the Book of Job is, "Why do bad things happen
to good people?" Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A look at C.K. Barrett's The New Testament Background
A 5 page book review of C.K. Barrett's The New Testament Background: Selected Documents (1956). For the theology student, the study of New Testament scriptures also involves consideration of the wealth of collected wisdom and experience that is recorded in ancient literature, as these works describe the "history and thought of the world in which the Church was born" (Barrett xvii). Theology students hear constant references to this compendium of knowledge from their professors without usually encountering these works first hand, as most students never read these works themselves. Considering these facts, C.K. Barrett concluded that theology students need a guide to ancient world literature that aids them in regards to New Testament studies. Consequently, Barrett compiled such a text, which cites a variety of ancient documents that--collectively--offer a comprehensive picture for the modern student of the ancient world. No additional sources cited.
Hebrew History and Yahweh
Yahweh : A 5 page paper. The name Yahweh is not used in all Christian Bibles, nonetheless, the term has a history that dates back to the Old Testament. This paper discuses the use of the term in one Christian Bible and the need for the term Yahweh in Hebrew history. The writer also discusses the use of the terms 'jealous God' and 'angry God.' Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Holy Spirit, Church, and Faith
This 7 page paper addresses different issues and concepts, including: the necessity of faith in God and in Jesus Christ; evidence that the Holy Bible was divinely inspired; the meaning of "church," cardinal principles that form the foundation of the church; the Sacraments; and the Holy Spirit (Who is the Holy Spirit?). Citations from the Bible included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Book of Esther
An 8 page research paper that examines the Book of Esther. At first glance, the story of Esther appears to be an incongruous addition to the Bible as the name of God is not mentioned once in the text. However, careful examination of this book identifies the ways in which it fits into the overall structure of the Bible and the themes of the Old Testament. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Biblical Scripture's Doctrine of Inerrancy
This 7 page paper discusses the inerrancy of the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Doctrine of Inerrancy means that Scripture is without error. This essay offers validation for this doctrine through Scriptural passages as well as through the opinions of Biblical scholars, such as Henry Thiessen, who said that the writers were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. The writer also comments on whether or not the prophets and the Apostles knew what they were writing would be considered as the Word of God in the future. The greatest proof of the inerrancy of the Bible is found in the contents of the Bible itself. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Hebrews 11, Chapters 1 through 6 on Faith
A 15 page paper. This essay begins with general comments about faith in the Bible and then provides examples of what faith is not, for instance, it is not a hunch or magical powers and Biblical faith is not without doubt and confusion. The essay then begins a comprehensive explanation and discussion of the first six verses of Hebrews, Chapter 11. This is the book that is referred to as the 'great faith book' in the Bible. Numerous scholars and ministers are cited with their thoughts on each of the verses. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Attitudes and Free Will in the Book of Genesis and Paradise Lost by John Milton
5 pages in length. The extent to which Milton's Paradise Lost gives Man independent thoughts and the ability to learn as opposed to Adam and Eve's dependent portrayal in the Book of Genesis is clearly illustrated by comparing various passages as they relate to determinism and free will. When the student examines how Milton changes the Bible in Books X through XII in Paradise Lost in order to portrays Man as more independent from God than Man in Genesis, it will become apparent that Milton's blatant objective was to challenge the Bible's word and reinvent Man as an individually thinking, acting being whose connection to God is nothing short of superficial. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Changes In The Catholic Church
This 14 page paper discusses how and why the Roman Catholic Church makes changes in doctrine and in practices. The introduction discusses the confusion Catholics have felt as these changes have been made. The next section describes the differences between dogma, doctrine and discipline. The writer then provides examples of just a few of the changes, focusing on the most recent issue related to the salvation of infants who are not baptized, explaining Limbo and the new thinking of the Church. The entire issue is explained by whom the Church considers to be the final authority on issues and includes an allegation that the Church views four sources as being equally important, one of which is the Bible. Using Scripture, the writer illustrates the conflict with the Bible. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Old Testament's Historical Canon Development
A 6 page paper that discusses the development of the Old Testament canon in three major religious sects: Judaism, Christianity, and Roman Catholics. The writer begins by explaining the meanings of the words Bible and canon and then discusses the development of the Jewish Bible, including the role of Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai and the Council at Jamnia in 90 A.D. How the books were selected for the Protestant and Roman Catholic translations is discussed next, with an explanation of protocanonical and deuterocanonical books and a list of the Old Testament books in the Apocrypha. Finally, the writer establishes the validity of the canon of the Old Testament. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Parable Of The Mustard Seed
This 5 page paper compares the text of Matthew 13:31-32 according to three versions of the Bible: New King James, King James, and the New Living Testament. The essay also comments on the text of this parable in Mark 4:30. Three parallels in the Hebrew Bible are usually mentioned for this parable, which are also reported: Psalm 104.12; Ezekiel 17:23 and Daniel 4:12. The writer discusses how these relate to each other and analyzes the meaning of them with an emphasis on Matthew's text. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
3 Reviews on Religious Books
An 18 page paper that consists of three separate 6 page book reviews. The first review refers to L. Russ Bush's The Advancement, which offers a Christian apologetic that defends the biblical account of creation against the position of Darwinian naturalism. The second book review addresses Norman Geisler and Ron Brooks' text When Skeptics Ask, which offers an apologetic that is useful to all Christians in defending their faith, as the objections that unbelievers raise regarding Christian dogma are frequently quite perceptive and cut to the heart of Christianity's basic principles. The final book review examines L. Russ Bush and Tom J. Nettles' Baptists and the Bible, which offers a comprehensive history of the Baptist church and its attitudes toward the doctrine of inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible. In each case, the writer summarizes every chapter in each book. No additional sources cited.
Thematic Analysis of Old and New Testament Scripture
A 4 page analysis of multiple Bible verses that traces certain themes in both Old and New Testament scripture. The writer argues that biblical scripture is quite consistent in the picture it offers regarding the basic requirements of the human body and soul and how these needs fit within the framework of societal response. Social themes can be traced from their earliest inception in the Old Testament through their development to their culmination in the New Testament. Examination of several of these social themes demonstrates the cohesiveness of scriptural teachings, as the basic perspective remains the same throughout the Bible. No additional sources cited.
Biblical Fasting
This 6 page paper looks at the subject of fasting from the perceptive of the scriptures, specifically the New King James Bible. The concept, context, methods and purposes are all discussed with relevant verses used to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
A 10 page paper on the death and resurrection of Jesus. The paper examines the Bible and also other sources which focus on one belief or another regarding the death and resurrection of Jesus. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Pentateuch from 2 Perspectives
A 6 page review of two books, Paula Gooder's The Pentateuch, A Story of Beginnings and Joseph Blenkinsopp's The Pentateuch, An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible. The writer argues that while these books both provide introduction texts to the first five book of the Old Testament, they do so in very different manner, each with its on strengths. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Old Testament Book of Samuel Questions
This 6-page paper covers answers on leadership and God as they pertain to I Samuel and II Samuel in the Old Testament of the Bible.
The Letters of Paul: Philippians and 2 Timothy
A 3 page paper which examines the letters of Paul. The letters, in the Bible, are Philippians and 2 Timothy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Darwin's Theory and Genesis
A 4 page paper which examines the theme of harmony in Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species: Chapter IV Natural Selection” and Chapter 1 of Genesis in the Bible. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Sufficiency Of Scripture And Biblical Counseling
This 16 page paper has two parts. The first section explains what sola scriptura, Sufficiency of Scripture means and offers information on the Reformers and their purpose in adopting the doctrine of Sufficiency of Scripture. The second part discusses Sufficiency of Scripture in terms of Biblical Counseling. An outline of guidelines for using the Bible in counseling is also included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Key Women Studied in a Character Biblical Presentation
A 4 page overview of several key female figures in the Bible. The author investigates the manner in which these characters are presented and comments on their believability and predictability. Bibliography lists
5 sources.
Jeremiah 29-33
A 5 page essay that consider this passage. This examination of Jeremiah, first considers the issue of redaction in understanding this scripture and then turns to the topic of personal interpretation. Bibliography lists 2 sources, one of which is the Holy Bible.
Concept of Deities in the Book of Job and Epic of Gilgamesh
This 4 page paper contrasts and compares the concept of deity in the characters of Job of the Bible and Gilgamesh. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Old and New Testaments and the Theme of Salvation
This 7 page paper examines the theme of salvation as it is presented in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. This paper highlights the many similarities and differences that occur in the way salvation is explained by these different sections of the Bible. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Early Persecution Of Christians
A 4 page paper. The persecution of early Christians is evidenced in the deaths of the Apostles, all but two were martyred as well as other disciples, such as Paul and Stephen. The paper discusses the persecution of these early Christians as reported in the Bible as well as secular historians. The writer also comments on the veracity of these reports. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Christianity and War
A 6 page paper on the connection between Christianity and war — the proclivity to bring religious elements into the war game by such deadly leaders as Hitler, Stalin, etc. The writer posits that most of this can be blamed on misinterpretation of The Bible to meet the leaders' political desires, but that 'the masses' are those who are actually capable of peace. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cultural Context And Interpretation Of Scripture
An 8 page paper that discusses how cultural context influences our interpretation of Scripture. The writer provides some examples of how people in different regions might interpret the same Biblical verse differently. The essay also comments on the importance of cultural context in understanding the Bible and what that phrase means. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Christ's Teachings and the support of Gregory of Nyssa
This 3 page paper draws on several points made by Gregory to demonstrate that Christ's teachings are valid. Various ideas are discussed inclusive of the concept of the soul and not taking the bible literally. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Concept of Evil
A 6 page examination of evil as it relates to an all-powerful God. This paper explains evil using Richard Swineburg’s writings and extensively references the Bible itself. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Book Review of a Classic
A 9 page paper. This is a book review with comments of an old but valuable book in the study of the Bible. The writer reports the sections of the book, reporting some of the comments the author makes about the events and people. The writer also comments about the value and benefit of this text for students as well as Biblical scholars. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Samuel and Moses Bible Stories
This 5 page paper provides an account of the two bible stories. Moses and Samuel as individuals are compared and contrasted.
Bibliography lists 1 source.
Prophets in the Old Testament
A 3 page paper. The word prophet is defined and its etiology is explained. The paper identifies the classifications of the prophets in the Hebrew Bible and identifies the prophets in those categories. How the prophets received their call from God to prophecy is discussed with examples. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Covenant Theme in the Old Testament
A 6 page research paper that examines how the theme of covenant relates to the three principal section of the Hebrew Bible by demonstrating how this theme is expressed in representative books from each section, namely, Exodus, Joshua and Daniel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Behemoth and the Leviathan
A 3 page paper that discusses the beasts in this chapter. There are many beasts described in the Bible. Typically, there is little agreement about what the beast really is. This essay discusses what these creatures might be and whether they are real or just myths. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Angels as God's Messengers in The Bible
This 6 page essay investigates the concept of angels throughout the Bible. Specific verses are cited to illustrate the various roles of angels, including but not limited to: protectors, warriors, chastisers, encouragers, predictors of the future and instructors, always fulfilling the word of God. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Evolutionary and Creation Scientific Theories
A five page paper which looks at the creation scientists’ theories of the origins of the universe and life on earth, as delineated in the Christian Bible, and the way in which these relate to other theories such as the Big Bang, Darwin’s explanation of natural selection, and the evidence of fossil records.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Book Review, Birch and Rasmussen
A 5 page book review of Bible Ethics in the Christian Life by Bruce Birch and Larry Rasmussen. The writer offers an overview of the text, describing its principal themes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Judas's Gospel
A 3 page discussion of this recently discovered document. The author emphasizes that the "Gospel of Judas" is intriguing but too many possibilities for deceit exist to allow Christians to embrace it just yet as one of the so-called lost chapters of the Bible. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Comparative Analysis of the Book of Esther and the Book of Ruth
An 8 page paper which compares the books of Ruth
and Esther from the Bible. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
Good Life Defined by Religion and Philosophy
This 5 page paper examines the good life through secular and religious teachings. Various texts are used including Gilgamesh, the Holy Bible, the Koran, Martin Luther's Concerning Christian Liberty and St. Augustine's confession. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Oedipus Rex, the Book of Genesis, and Destiny
A 4 page paper which discusses how destiny plays a part in the Book of Genesis in the Bible and in the classic Oedipus Rex. No additional sources cited.
The Book of Matthew, Chapter 5
An 8 page paper. The Sermon on the Mount, which includes the Eight Beatitudes, is one of the most-often cited sections in the Bible. This paper discusses Christian values that are incorporated into the Sermon in general and in each Beatitude. The writer comments on the practical application of these lessons in today’s world. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Analysis of Mark 4:35-40
A 4 page summation and analysis of this passage using Bible commentaries. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
God and Man Covenant Necessity
A 3 page paper that addresses this question: Was the Covenant between God and man a necessity? The writer identifies the types of covenants found in the Bible, e.g., with individuals, with a nation, with all mankind and begins the discussion by commenting the covenant is God's way of communicating with His people. Other reasons for covenants are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Modern Parable
A 4 page paper that offers a modern retelling of the parable of the prodigal son. The writer cites the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. No additional sources cited.
Pentateuch or the Torah and Moses
This 18 page paper covers the first five books of the Bible - called the Pentateuch or the Torah. This paper considers the role of Moses as historian, deliverer, mediator, leader and orator. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Bible Morality and Warfare
An 8 page paper that considers the topic of warfare as it relates to the morality of the Bible. This paper contends that there are different considerations presented in the Old and New Testament. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Achievement of Faith in Easing Conflict
Easing Conflict is Achieved Through Faith: This 12-page essay explores how we can find peace during times of conflict and personal struggle. Using the Holy Scriptures, many of God’s promises and teachings are quoted, then examined in-depth. According to the Bible the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, and He will always prove an avid listener if we simply just talk to Him. Bibliography lists 1 source. SNConfli.doc
Overview of the Book of Joshua
A 6 page summary of important parts of the Book of Joshua from the Bible. No additional sources cited.
Christology of Matthew Fox
A 30 page research paper that analyzes the theology and Christology of contemporary theologian Matthew Fox. While Fox's cosmology is embraced by many, it has also caused him to be at the center of tremendous controversy, as his ministry and writings strike many within the Catholic Church as against orthodoxy, if not completely heretical. This examination of Fox, his theology and the response to it attempts to examine literature, including Fox's own writings, in order to determine how best to judge the theological position of this popular contemporary theologian. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
The Bible, Koran, And Divine Comedy
A 5 page paper. Each work is discussed separately in terms of their contribution to modern society. The influence and impact of the Bible itself can be found across life from culture to law to literature and so on. The contribution of the Koran itself is more difficult to determine although many individual Muslims contributed significantly to areas like medicine, math and architecture. Dante's Divine Comedy greatly influenced several different areas of life. The writer comments on which book contributed the most and why. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Integrating Theology and Psychology
A 6 page paper that comments on the historical controversy of integrating these two disciplines. Models of integration are discussed. The foundational belief of integrators is reported. The paper argues that they can be integrated. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Religion and its Origins According to Various Theorists
This 8 page paper focuses on the book called Religion by James Thrower and looks at how religion came about, with the assumption that God does not exist. From this point of view, there are three areas of focus which are primitive belief systems, psychology and sociology. The theorists included with this paper are Malinowski, Jung and Marx. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Counseling According to Scripture
A 7 page paper. This essay uses Dr. Neil T. Anderson’s book, Discipleship Counseling as the source. The essay discusses some of the themes found in Anderson’s book. These include integration of psychology and theology; the definition of mental health; barriers to overcome before a person’s relationship with God can be restored; and the seven steps to freedom in Christ. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Religious Perspectives on Homosexuality
A 5 page discussion of the contemporary views of the Catholic and Jewish religions on the topic of homosexuality. The author notes that while the mainstream components of these religious institutions have matured to the point where they accept homosexuality as a natural condition, the predominant view is that homosexual acts are an abomination in the eyes of God. Some factions of both Catholicism and Judaism have taken a more flexible opinion, however, and the continuing pressure of the issues is sure to result in a continuing trend toward greater receptivity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Roman Catholic Church and Homosexuality
A 5 page acknowledgment that although homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time, the practice is viewed differently according to the societal context. While homosexuality is gradually becoming a more and more commonly accepted component of our society, the Catholic Church remains one of the staunchest opponents to homosexuality. Church doctrines are based upon Biblical scripture which condemns homosexuality. The homosexual, like the murderer or the adulterer, is accepted by the Church but the practice of homosexuality, which the Church views as not only aberrant but in direct conflict with Biblical directive, is banned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
God's Word and The Bible
A 14 page paper in which the writer examines -- from a philosophical perspective, how we can say on the basis of divine revelation that The Bible is the word of God? Rather than look at the complex angles of that interpretation, we can take a simpler route to the answer. Why do the interpretations of the fall differ? In fact, there is validity in all interpretations : This -- and other relevant issues such as the underlying message of St. John's writings that preparedness in faith and unconditional love of God shall result in salvation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Exegesis on Luke 1: 26-38
A 4 page paper that provides an exegetical overview Luke's narrative in verses 26-38. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Double Reference View of Genesis 6:3 V Matthew 24:37
A 2 page paper that discusses the validity of using the principle of double reference when interpreting these two Biblical passages. Examples and supporting evidence are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Commentary on Psalm 23
A 5 page research paper that summarizes what three Bible commentaries relate concerning the meaning of this Hebrew poetry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
God and Sin
A 3 page paper which examines the presentation of God and sin in the Bible. The books examined are Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, and Judges. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Bible Interpretation
A 5 page research paper that discusses the Bible, its origins and meaning. The writer particularly focuses on how the interpretation of the ordinary reader generally differs from that of biblical scholarship. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Judaism, Christianity, the Talmud, and The Bible
A 5 page paper which discusses
many different elements of the Bible and the Talmud. The paper also discusses the
definition of religion and then illustrates how it applies to Christianity and Judaism.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Creation, Man's Fall, and the Great Flood in Metamorphoses of Ovid and The Holy Bible
A 5 page paper that compares and contrasts the accounts of creation, the fall of man and the flood as told by the Bible and Ovid in Metamorphoses. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Who Wrote the Bible? by Friedman
This 5 page paper looks at this interesting book that evaluates and answers the question as indicated by the title. The controversy as to who authored the five books of Moses is examined. No additional sources cited.
Medieval Concepts of Love, Sex, Marriage, and The Bible
A paper which investigates the way in which the bible influenced concepts of love and sexuality in medieval times, and considers not only the specific rules and codes of social practice set out in the scriptures regarding sex and marriage, but also the way in which these affected the socio-economic structures of the time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Hebrew Bible by Jon Levenson
A 5 page book review that examines Jon Levenson's text The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament and Historical Criticism. This book features six of his previously published essays that collectively define his position "on the relationship between two modes of biblical study, the traditional and the historical-critical" (p. xiii). Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Bible and Bhagavad Gita Compared
A five page paper which looks at the similarities and differences between these two religious works, in terms of their structure and content, and considers which contains the more effective rules for living.
Biblical Viewpoints on Forgiveness
This 3 page paper discusses the question: Do we have to forgive others? Sometimes we think that we will never forgive someone for what they have said or done but that only results in more pain for ourselves. This essay discusses the issue and quotes Scripture to justify the responses. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Bible, Book of James, and Leadership
A 3 page paper which examines the character and leadership qualities in the book of James from the Bible. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Religious Sentiments in the Hebrew Bible's 'Psalm 104' and 'Hymn to the Sun' in Akhenaten Compared
This is a 4 page paper comparing the religious sentiments found in the “Hymn to the Sun” and “Psalm 104”. The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (c. 1370 BC) is believed to have greatly changed the religious worship of the Egyptians. In his hymn to the Sun god, “Hymn to the Sun” or “Hymn to Aten”, Akhenaten wrote of the worship of one God, not many, his creation of the universe, the world, darkness and light, the elements of nature and man’s place on earth. This hymn and its religious sentiment was said to have influenced the early Hebrew writings which can be seen in Psalm 104 in the Hebrew Bible. Moses, similar to Akhenaten, prohibited the worship of images by the Hebrews and instead concentrated on the praise of the one God, Yahweh. Psalm 104, using similar language and sentiment, also outlines the one God which created the universe, the world, darkness and light, all the natural elements and man’s place on earth.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Jesus in the Qua-ran and in the Bible
This 14 page paper highlights the similarities and differences between the depiction of Jesus in the Bible and in the Quran. This paper examines how the Quranic depiction of Jesus helps serve as a bridge to intepreting the Biblical Jesus. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Bible and Stories of Sibling Rivalry
This 6 page paper looks at the stories of sibling rivalry as they appear in the Bible. The stories of Rachel and Leah and Jacob and Esau are highlighted. The significance of sibling rivalry is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Bible and Mel Gibson's Film The Passion of the Christ
A 6 page paper which compares
and contrasts Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of Christ” with the Bible. Bibliography
lists 5 sources.
Readings of the Old Testament Books of Genesis, Samuel, Ruth, and Judges
A 3 page paper which compares the readings of Judges, Ruth, and Samuel with Genesis in the Bible. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.
The Bible And The Koran
A 15 page paper. Following an introduction that discusses the importance of sacred texts to religions, each of the named sacred texts are discussed. The origin, functions and uses of the Bible and the Koran are explained along with any evidence that validates or invalidates the reliability of the texts. The writer discusses the importance of prophecy in the Bible and the laws in each the Bible and the Koran. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
The Bible And The Koran - Christianity And Islam
A 15 page paper that begins by explaining what sacred texts are, what scripture is and the importance of these. The paper discusses the Bible and Christianity and the Koran and Islam, reporting the origins of the books, their function, their importance, with comments about translations and interpretations. The writer also explains the four approaches to the Bible that have occurred through history. The writer also comments on the controversies regarding the interpretation of the Koran. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Jesus And Moses In The Bible And The Koran
A 6 page paper that begins with some general differences between the Bible and the Koran. The Koran teaches that Jesus and Moses were prophets, like Mohammed and Jesus is not God. The writer discusses these precepts in more detail including verses from Scripture and from the Koran. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History
An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Use And Interpretation Of Bible In The Church
This 8 page paper discusses this essay provided by the student. The writer discusses how the Books of the Bible were selected, the Church's view that without the Church, there would be no Bible, and the interrelationship between the Bible and the Church. The second part of the paper discusses the historical-critical method for interpreting Scripture. No Bibliography.
Bible Word Study/Counseling
A 6 page research paper that offers a detailed word study on the words counsel, advice, help and wisdom. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
African History: The Bible and Africa
A 10 page paper which examines the history of Africa through the Bible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Teaching the Bible’s Stories to Young Children
A 10 page research paper that examines two aspects of Christian religious training. The first section of this reports examines literature on how young children in the current era perceive and understand the image of God in relation to Bible stories. Specifically this section examines how the image of God is perceived by the preschool child. The second section explores the application of principles discussed in the first section and this illustrates how consideration of age-appropriate material can greatly enhance the edification and develop of spirituality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Koran, Bible on Women
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares texts from the Koran and the Old Testament that pertain to women and society. No additional sources cited.
Mary in the Bible and the Qur’an
An 8 page paper which compares and contrasts the figure of Mary in the Bible and the Qur’an. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Judges in the Bible
A 4 page paper which examines the role of judges in Israel in the Bible. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Fifty-Two Doctrines Explained
A 9 page paper that reviews and discusses Major Bible Themes: 52 Vital Doctrines of the Scriptures Simplified and Explained, written by Chafey and significantly revised by Walvoord. This is a staple in seminary classes but it is a book anyone can read and understand. The reviewer selects certain topics to comment on. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Moses Wrote the Pentateuch or Did He?
This 4 page paper discusses the question of whether or not Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, and argues that while it’s not possible to answer the question definitively, it is unlikely that he is the sole author of these works. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Genesis 1-2:3 Compared to Genesis 2:4-25
A 6 page paper. The essay reports the author of Genesis and the general structure of the Book. The essay discusses the story of Creation in Genesis 1-2:3 and in Genesis 2:4-25. The writer points out the differences and possible reasons for those differences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Comparing the Story of Joseph/Bible, Qur'an
A 5 page essay that compares and contrasts the versions of Joseph's story that appear in the Bible and the Qur'an. No additional sources are cited.
The Life of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels
An 8 page paper that responds to specific questions beginning with the nature of the Bible, including what the synoptic gospels are. The essay mentions the Q Bible and how the Old Testament is brought into the New Testament. The essay comments on Christ's birth, miracles and resurrection, the kinds of things Jesus did and said and it reports why the Romans executed Christ. The New Jerusalem Bible is used. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Old Testament Canon Development
A 5 page paper that explains and discusses how the canon of the Old Testament came to be and why it is different for different religions. For instance, the Jewish Bible has 24 books, the Protestant Old Testament is comprised of 39 books, the Eastern Orthodox Bible, has forty-three books and the Roman Catholic Bible has forty-six books. The historical development of these versions of the Old Testament is presented. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Judas and Eve: Evil Deeds
A 3 page paper which examines who was the more religiously evil of the two, Judas Iscariot or Eve as it relates to the Bible. The paper utilizes the Bible, Dante’s Inferno and Milton’s Paradise Lost. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Literal Interpretation of the Old Testament
A 4 page research paper that presents some objections to the concept that the Bible is literally true, as dictated directly to the Hebrews by God. The writer argues that even a brief examination of the history of the Bible demonstrates the illogic of believing the Old Testament as literally true. Furthermore -- even if one believed that the original Hebrew scripture was divinely inspired -- this history also demonstrates the multiple translations that scripture has undergone. The implications are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
What They Don't Tell You by Brown
This 6 page paper provides a book report on this work that examines the bible. How academics explore the bible is a rather interesting topic. This author provides a great deal of information on what to expect when taking a college level course on the subject. Bibliography lists sources.
Paul's Epistle to the Philippians
A 22 page paper that includes five sermons on different Scripture: Luke 19:11-27, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:3-4, Philippians 3:3-4, Philippians 4:13. The paper also provides a brief bible study on Philippians 4 and a brief exegetical review of Philippians. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Existence, Delusion, Doubt, and Destiny
An 8-page paper that explores man's obsession with his origin, the reason for his existence and his ultimate destiny following death. Included is a discussion of the philosophy of absolute doubt and absolute certainty as developed by Rene Descartes as well as a discussion of man's destiny as outlined in the Holy Bible. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Mystery of Melchizedek
A 4 page exploration of one of the more fascinating characters of the Bible. This paper traces what is known of Melchizedek through ancient writings and addresses the question of how he relates to the priestly role of Jesus. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Examining Religion
This 3 page paper answers many questions about religion, and in particular the Bible. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Gilgamesh and Job
A 3 page discussion of Gilgamesh, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, and Job, in the Book of Job from the Bible are heroic figures. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Chapter 15 of the Gospel of Mark and an Exegesis of Lines 33 through 39
A 12 page exegetical examination of this passage from the Mark's Gospel. This scriptural passage (Mark 15:33-39) is extremely dramatic as it conveys the events that make up the last moments before Christ's death. The following exegetical exploration of this passage, first of all, examines the passage verse-by-verse, using several versions of the Bible. Then, the origins of the Mark's Gospel are discussed. This examination of the passage under study discusses its authorship, its impetus from oral tradition and the period in which it was likely first put down on paper. Scholarly commentary on the meaning and significance of the passage is then discussed within the overall context of the Marcan gospel. This exegesis ends with reflection. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Origen/Early Christian Exegete
A 6 page essay that examines the writing of Origen, an early Christian scholar and theologian, who the writer argues is remarkably relevant to the way in which many modern Christians interpret the Bible. It is interesting that this second century exegete would undoubtedly take issue with fundamentalist Christians who insist that a literal interpretation of scripture is the only legitimate viewpoint. While certainly as a Church Father, Origen's theological positions are conservative in nature, his exegesis indicates Origen's objections to scriptural interpretation that focused on what he considered to be insignificant or trivial detail in favor of digging deeper and discerning the hidden spiritual truths scriptural writers were trying to convey. No bibliography is offered.
The End of the Earth
A 7 page paper. There is a great deal written about the world ending on December 21, 2012. The date is taken from the Mayan calendar which ends on that date. There has been a great deal written and broadcast about the End of Times, which is based on the Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible. Are the prophecies in Scripture accurate or not? That is the topic for this paper. The essay reports the predictions and discusses the arguments using information from scientists. The write ends with a suggestions that reflects a type of compromise between the opposing viewpoints. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Justice Concept
An 8 page paper. Defining justice is a difficult task, at best. It means different things based on one's perspective. It also means different things in different settings. The origin of the concept of justice is one of the topics in this paper and it is traced back to Cephalus. Ancient theories regarding justice through Plato are then discussed. The writer also discusses the concept of social justice as found in the Bible. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Myth, Fact, and Early Christianity
A 4 page research paper that which addresses traditional Christian dogma that asserts that the Bible is literally true and that the story of Jesus' life, death and resurrection are unique. However, examination of ancient myth and Jewish tradition shows that this is not the case. Early Christians not only drew heavily on Hebrew scripture in describing the life of Christ, they also borrowed heavily from the pagan religions that they presumed to abhor. It seems reasonable to presume that this practice gave the new religion a ring of authenticity with various populations as it was not very different from the religions that preceded it. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
John's Gospel
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines John's gospel, focusing primarily on the meaning of the seven signs of Jesus' ministry. The writer argues that this gospel is distinctly different from the three synoptic gospels that precede it in the Bible. It is both highly literary and symbolic and does not follow the same order in telling the stories of Jesus that one finds in the synoptic gospels; and, furthermore, it offers a developed theological reflection to a much greater degree than the earlier gospels, which indicates that it evolved from different circumstances and traditions than did the earlier gospels. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Mysterious Book of Judith
An 8 page paper. The Book of Judith presents the world with a fascinating and mysterious story. Here is a widow, a pious woman, who defies the standards of the day and defeats a great warrior to save her city. Considered more as folklore and written for the purpose of sending specific messages to the people in times of trouble, the Book of Judith is included only in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox versions of the Bible and as part of the Apocrypha in the King James version. This essay provides the highlights of the story of Judith and explains the many interpretations of the story, including some psychological insights and the feminist take on the story. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Apostle Paul's Letter to the Romans
A 6 page analysis of the epistle to the Romans contained within the Holy Bible. The writer argue that Paul presents a theological argument that concerns the nature of sin and how God's grace applies to all of humanity, and not just the Jewish people. It would appear that at this time there was still some controversy over whether or not the message of Jesus was meant exclusively for Jews, and whether or not, Gentiles had to convert to Judaism, i.e. be circumcised, in order to become Christian. Other points of the argument are covered as well. No additional sources cited.
Why Choose to be a Methodist?
A 16 page research paper that discusses why one should choose to be Methodist. The writer addresses this question in terms of use of the arts, liturgy and theology. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
John and Matthew's Theology
A 3 page research paper/essay that compares and contrasts the theology in the gospels of Matthew and John. The writer discusses differences, but argues that these differences are simply due to the authors focusing on different aspects of the life of Christ. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Comparative Feminist Theology Analysis
A 12 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares Lisa Isherwood and Dorothea McEwan's Introducing Feminist Theology (2001) and Mary Kassian's The Feminist Gospel (1992). The writer argues that these texts offer two very different views of feminist theology. Kassian refers to this difference in her introduction when she states that "Biblical feminist believe that the Bible is properly interpreted as supporting the central tenets of feminist philosophy" (1992, p. 7). However, unlike "liberal religious feminists," Kassian maintains that "Biblical feminists" reject any "radical revision of the Scripture and the alteration of core Christian doctrine such as salvation and redemption" (1992, p. 7). This, in a nutshell, sums up the major philosophical difference between these two texts. As Isherwood and McEwan are two of the "liberal" religious feminists that Kassian dismisses out of hand. Examination of these texts and authors shows that, while they are in agreement that women are equal with men in the sight of God, they disagree about practically everything else. No additional sources cited.
Ethics and the Old Testament
A 4 page paper discussing the Ten Commandments, Sabbath years, the year of Jubilee and the Proverbs 31 woman. The Bible is filled with lessons in how people ought to act. The Ten Commandments provides the framework; other text passages expand on and give examples of the basic tenets of the Ten Commandments. Taken together and in context, all of these passages contain lessons for life today, speaking to us in terms of how we conduct business. No sources listed.
Doctrine of the Reformed Church
A 10 page paper that discusses the Reformed Church, its doctrine and some of the differences between this church and others. Luther's goal in his protest was to bring the Bible to everyone in a language they could read. It is also noted that nearly as soon as the Reformed Church was established, it split into two churches, the Lutheran church and the Reformed Church, i.e., the Presbyterian Church. This essay discusses the five solas, including sola fide, on which the doctrine was based. The paper includes discussions on predestination as presented by Boettner, grace, justification, limited atonement, salvation. Berkhof's explanation of the differences between churches regarding certain issues is included. Scripture is cited to support the arguments of major authorities. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
C.S. Lewis and Catholic Morality Instruction
This 15 page paper begins with general comments about the state of morality among youth and in society using a citation from C.S. Lewis to illustrate the point. The scenario is then presented for the paper, including challenges of teaching morality to ages 11-16 in a Catholic school. The first major issue to be discussed is conscience, how is it described, what does it do, kinds of conscience, citing Biblical scholars, the Gaudium Et Spes, the magisterium and the Bible. What it means to live a moral life is then discussed. The next topic is marriage and chastity or abstinence brining into the discussion the Catechism, Sacraments and the Gaudium Et Spes and the Veritatis Splendor. What the church documents say about abortion is then discussed. The essay ends with a moral decision making process for students and an example of a lesson plan for making healthy decisions. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Drama and Religious Education
An 8 page research paper that examines religious education as taught through children writing and producing their own plays. Today, religious educators face a formidable task, as it is their goal to present the Bible and its stories in a way that is not only memorable to children, but also meaningful. This description relates a method for accomplishing this task that utilizes the dramatic arts. Specifically, children were instructed within the context of a religious education class on how to write, produce and star in their own play productions. Analysis of this method shows it to be effective and innovative in regards to teaching children biblical truths. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Faith-Based Counseling
7 pages in length. The role religion plays in counseling is a complementary one because of the intrinsic healing nature of faith. The extent to which spiritual health equates to mental health is both grand and far-reaching; that faith-based counseling utilizes familiar components of everyday life makes it a more accessible and comfortable experience when compared with the oftentimes esoteric nature of conventional therapies. While the common denominator among all therapeutic modalities is to bring a sense of balance to a patient's life when he or she is in the throes of psychological conflict, faith-based counseling does so in such a way that draws upon God's calming influence and the Bible's guiding Scripture, ultimately providing holistic structure to the counselor's intended objective. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam Sacred Texts
A 5 page contention that although texts which are considered sacred are found among the world’s more established religions, they are sometimes regarded differently according to the religion and the time period. For Christians, of course, the sacred text is the Holy Bible. For Islam, it is the Quran and for Hinduism it is the Bhagavad Gita. Each of these religious groups view these texts with great reverence but there is some variation in the way that they are regarded. This variation is a reflection of the differences in the religion’s ideology itself as well as the different evolutionary stages of each religion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Genesis/An Overview
A 3 page research paper/essay that offers a brief overview of the Book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah. This is an ancient document that relates a considerable amount of Jewish history. The writer argues that there are themes that bind it together. One of these themes is the entrance of evil into the world via the repercussions of human actions. However, countering evil is the possibility of redemption, as men such as Noah and Abraham each submit themselves to the will of God and thereby earn reward of God's favor. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Jesus' Betrayal by Judas
A 7 page paper that discusses the events surrounding Judas' betrayal of Jesus. Judas is one of the most talked about figures in the Bible and yet there are very few references to him. These are discussed. Also discussed is why Judas found it necessary to kiss Jesus in the Garden when by all accounts everyone knew who Jesus was. The disparity in the incident in the Garden is pointed out as is the disparity in Judas' final actions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Jesus and Christology
A 5 page research essay exploring contemporary study of Christology. The focus of Christology is somewhat different depending on which theologian one reads, however one definition that seems to be accepted is that Christology and bible studies are 'two aspects of a single inquiry into divine revelation.' It also focuses on the life of Jesus and once again asks the question, 'Who was He?' This writer contends that some things in life must be accepted on faith and 'who Jesus is' is one of those things. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Four Views On Hell
A 4 page book review on Four View on Hell, which offers an interesting, varied and nuanced discussion of how Christians should view the topic of Hell. Four respected evangelical theologians contributed to this text. Each one asserts that he regards Scripture as the final authority on what to believe concerning Hell, but each one also offers a different, contrasting view of the nature of Hell and what the Bible says about it. An insightful book, it offers reader cause to ponder what they really believe will happen in the hereafter. No additional sources cited.
The Emergence of Feminist Theology
A 5 page paper. More than 30 years ago, a feminist interpretation of theology was argued by early writers such as Mary Daly. Since then, there have been numerous writers addressing this topic. This essay defines feminist theology and discusses the basis for feminist theology's emergence. How some of the writers have approached the topic is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Latin America's Liberation Theology
A 15 page research paper that describes the history and development of Latin American liberation theology. Liberation theology is a term that was coined in 1973 by Gustavo Gutierrez, a Peruvian Roman Catholic priest (Berrman, 1987). This branch of theological thought refers to Latin American Catholics who subscribe to the idea that Christianity should be primarily concerned with focusing on liberating people from oppression and poverty. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Theology of Missions
A 6 page research paper that offers a broad overview on this subject. The theology of missions is a broad subject that encompasses numerous formal church activities, as well as the informal expressions of faith expressed by parishioners. This examination of mission theology offers a broad overview that describes this field of theology's basic parameters. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Theology of Sacraments
A 7 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of what sacramental theology is. The essay reports and discusses sacramental theology of Holy Communion as it pertains to Methodists, Catholics, Anglicans, and the United Reformed church. The essay ends with comments about lay people serving Holy Communion. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Importance of Theology
This 5 page paper begins with a discussion of the theology of prayer. The writer comments on why we need to pray when God already knows everything. The writer offers a reflection of what was learned in a theology class. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Christian Theology and Evolution
A 7 page research paper that examines whether or not Christian theology can accommodate scientific theories about the evolution. The writer, citing the emerging science of chaos and complexity theory, argues that science and theology can be reconciled. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
US Protestant Church Theology
A 5 page research paper that examines the nature, ministry, ordinances, origin and organization of the Protestant church in the US. This overview also speculates on the future of the church and the coming final days. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Christian Theology, Family, and Marriage
A 6 page paper that discusses the crisis in marriages and families today and the evolution of the theology of marriage and family. Prior to the 1930s, the official position of the Catholic Church was that the purpose of marriage was procreation. That doctrine and theology have changed dramatically over the years and especially since the Second Vatican. Citing authors such as Lawler and Cahill, this essay discusses the evolution of marriage from an institution to a union. The essay also comments on the fact that marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic Church. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Hermeneutics, Theology, and David Tracy
This is a 12 page paper discussing David Tracy’s understanding of hermeneutics and its application to theology. As a representative of the Chicago School of theology, David Tracy along with his colleagues has challenged the traditional approach to theology with one which is considered more “correlational”. In other words, the Scriptures along with all classic texts cannot be interpreted without taking into account their contextual influences. Correlational theology studies not only the classical theological interpretation of religious texts but also depends a great deal upon the cooperation between “other interpreters of the human condition” including anthropologists, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and literary scholars among many others (Jeanrond, 1998). This approach also reflects some of the basic concepts of nonfoundationalism as proposed by Thiel (1994) which has fundamental problems with the traditional Christian assumptions which are readily accepted in the interpretation of the Scriptures and also advocates the inclusion of contextual influences on theological study.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Liberation Theology
A 5 page paper that provides an overview of liberation theology, or at least, the major highlights of Gutierrez, McGovern and Chopp. The methods used by each theologian are compared as are their major points. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
James H. Cone's Teachings in A Black Theology of Liberation
A 3 page discussion of the teachings of James H. Cone. Cone presents a unique perspective of black theology, a perspective which is intended to overcome racism and to bond blacks together not only so they can reap the eventual reward of heaven but also so that they can enjoy an immediate improved status in their everyday lives. No additional sources are listed.
From every People and Nation, A biblical theology of race/J. Daniel Hays
A 7 pages book review that offers a comprehensive summary and analysis of this insightful text, which offers a scholarly and exegetically sound analysis of racial issues in scripture. No additional sources cited.
Development of Theology of Christology
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses the formulation of modern Christological thought. The entire ministry and Christ's crucifixion, burial and resurrection were completed within a span of just three years, according to the Gospels. However, it took centuries for Christian theologians to sort through the meaning of these events and how believers should conceptualize the mystery and majesty of the historical person who became known as Jesus Christ. The development of modern Christology, which is a term used to refer to scholarly inquiry and reflection that addresses the person of Jesus, his messianic mission and nature, occurred over the course of the first few centuries of the Christian era and was formalized through the auspices of Catholic Church councils. A brief overview of these councils demonstrates how Christology evolved. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
John F. Haught's 'A Theology of Evolution'
5 pages. This essay is an analysis of the book God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution by John F. Haught. Haught proposes some very interesting thoughts within these pages and there are questions brought up herein that would be fascinating to bring up with the author himself. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Moltmann's Theology Of The Cross And Trinity
A 9 page paper that discusses some of Moltmann's theologies regarding the Trinity and the significance of the Cross in the Trinity. The essay presents other theologians who agree in some part and disagree in other parts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
2 Theology Types
A 5 page research paper that investigates how two theologies, psychological and feminist, represent two definitions of theology, which are that theology is "faith seeking understanding" and that "theology mediates between a cultural matrix and the significance and role of religion in that matrix." The writer discusses how psychological and feminist theologies fit these definitions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hope in Despair
A 9 page paper. Five models of contextual theology are explained. The focus of the paper is hope and despair. Several theologians area discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Theological Foundations Pastoral Care
A 20 page paper that includes several sections. It begins with an introduction to the topics. Other sections are: pastoral practice and pastoral theology; History of pastoral care; History of pastoral theology; why pastoral theology is important; and personal reflections. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Christian Mediation and Theology
(10 pp). The process of mediation in any arena is
a difficult one - the proverbial balancing on a
rope over a fast flowing stream. The Christian
mediator believes that God provides the safety net
for those types of experiences. We will look at
scripture and the process of mediation, and the use
of both, throughout this discussion, to demonstrate
how the two complement each other.
A Theology Book For Everyone
A 9 page paper. Ryrie provides an easy-to-read volume on theology covering nearly 100 topics and concepts. The author encourages every Christian to become a theologian but to be careful of sloppy theology. Ryrie offers citations, most Scripture, to justify his comments and opinions and he presents views that are different than his own. The writer provides a review of the book itself and cites specific discussions in the book. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Catholic Meal Service
This 5 page paper discusses the Catholic Meal service. Specifically, this paper outlines the importance and significance of the three major parts of the meal service which are the Offertory, the eucharist prayer and the communion rite and many notable Catholic scholars are referred to throughout. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Theology and Gospel Preaching in the African American Church
A 14 page paper which examines the definitions of theology and preaching the gospel from an African-American perspective, considering among other issues the impact of the church, how belief in God and Jesus Christ relate to socio-cultural conditions such as racism, crime, injustice, what it means to preach the gospel, and speculates as to whether or not this approach to the gospel is going to last. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Writings of 5 Founding Fathers of Early Christian Theology
A 7 page essay that addresses the writing of five of the founding fathers of the early Christian faith. The documents addressed are The Didache, Justin's First Apology, and Irenaeus' Against Heresy, as well as some of the writing of Tertullian and Cyprian. No additional souses cited.
Introduction to Christian Theology/Gonzalez and Perez
A 4 page book review that offers a summary, critique and the writer/tutor's personal interaction with the text. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Reformation And Eucharistic Theology
A 15 page paper. There were three major Protestant Reformers: Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. This essay reports and discusses the doctrine and theology of the Church at the time and the beliefs of each of these reformers in terms of the Lord's Supper/the Eucharist. The writer discuses the controversy and conflict between and among them. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Saint Thomas Aquinas' Theology
A 3 page essay that discusses Aquinas' proofs of the existence of God, as outlined in his Summa theologica, and then discusses briefly Aquinas' conception of the nature of God. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
An Analysis of Rosemary Ruether's Book, Gaia and God
This 6 page paper discusses the book by Rosemary Ruether called Gaia and God. The first four chapters are discussed as well as the whole book critiqued. Bibliography lists 1 source.
A Historical and Theological View of Urban Renewal in Lupton's "Renewing the City"
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of Lupton's "Renewing the City." The correlations between the biblical book of Nehemiah and contemporary urban planning methods is explored. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Hierarchical Church And Liberation Theology
A 9 page paper. The writer begins with comments about the necessity for a hierarchy in a large international institution and moves from that discussion to one on the liberation theology movement that began in Latin America. The rest of the paper discusses this theology, the impact of Freire on the movement and discusses the basic tenets of liberation theologians with an emphasis on Gutierrez. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Moral Theology/Remarriage After Divorce
A 3 page essay/research paper that discusses scriptural guidance on this issue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Theology And Canon Law
A 6 page paper that summarizes and comments on an article entitled: "Theology and Canon Law: An Inquiry into Their Relationship" by Orsy. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Theology of C.S. Lewis
A 5 page research paper/essay that explores the theology and writing of C.S. Lewis, who is considered to be "one of the most important writer in English in the first half of the twentieth century" (Bell, 2005, p. 12). Famous for his books on theology and this other proselytizing writings, Lewis is best-known by the general public as the author of a famous series children's books, the Chronicles of Narnia, as the first two books in this series have recently been adapted in major motion pictures. This series, as is true of much of Lewis's writing, can be regarded in terms of evangelism, as Lewis used the written word to spread his ideas concerning theology and the importance of Christian belief. This discussion of Lewis's theology looks specifically at the Narnia books and how this series reflects his overall theological perspective as a Christian allegory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Religious Pluralism and Christian Theology
A 4 pages research paper/essay that defines and describes pluralism and then addresses the struggle of Christian theologians to relate to global religious pluralism in order to find a balance between toleration for pluralism and the idea that the Holy Spirit is active and present in other religious traditions and the Christian understanding that the role of Jesus Christ is unique and universal. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Mission Theology
A 7 page research paper that discusses some of the basic factors defining mission theology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Theology and the Impact of the Enlightenment
A 10 page paper discussing the role of the Enlightenment and the philosophy of Immanuel Kant in the shaping of modern theology. Kant observed, "If we are asked, 'Do we now live in an enlightened age?' the answer is, 'No, but we do live in an age of enlightenment.'" Kant provided a framework within which individuals are able to hold to faith in God and grow in autonomy and personal responsibility while yet relying on God to direct their lives. Pre-Enlightenment theology kept the individual from the throne in the same way that the curtain separated individuals from the Most Holy Place of the tabernacle. The Enlightenment – aided by Kant's philosophy – tore away the curtain that men had replaced long after Jesus' death. Modern theology can make the way clear, but it is still left to individuals to choose to travel the path. Bibliography lists 15 sources in 25 footnotes.
Theology of Biblical Leadership
A 4 page research paper/essay that draws on literature in order to discuss what constitutes a theology of biblical leadership. This examination of what scripture indicates pertaining to the theology of biblical leadership shows that this leadership model is similar to, but also distinctly different from secular models. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
C.S. Lewis/Theology and Evangelism
An 8 page essay that discusses 2 books by C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity and The Four Loves. The writer focuses on describing Lewis's thoughts on Christianity and then relates this discussion to what this relates about Lewis's theology, that is, the vision that is presented in Lewis's masterfully written texts. No additional sources cited.
Holy Trinity and Systematic Theology
A 22 page paper that explores the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Systematic theology is an approach that studies all the facts about a specific topic. The Theological Method is one where three questions are kept in mind during the investigation and study. This exploration of the Trinity follows the precepts of systematic theology and the theological method. The essay firs explains systematic theology and cites the three questions in the theological method. It then begins tracing the historical foundations for the doctrine of the Trinity citing numerous sources, including the both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The thesis is that although a doctrine may not be found explicitly in Scripture, it may still be a Biblical doctrine. This is shown throughout the evidence presented in this essay. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Missions, Theology, Praxis
This 3 page paper begins with comments about the beginning of missions in the First Century. The paper discusses theology and praxis in terms of missions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Theology and Philosophy in the Church
A 9 page paper that demonstrates how the Church integrates philosophy and theology. One of the major sources for the paper is Pope John II Encyclical on faith and reason. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
God of the Oppressed by James H. Cone
A 5 page book review that examines Cone's theological stance in his text God of the Oppressed. In this volume, Cone argues that there are fundamental differences between black Christian theology and white theology. Cone presents a well-structured and articulate theological perspective that demonstrates how African Americans perceive scripture and the basic precepts of Christian dogma. In so doing, he makes an excellent case for the argument that black theology is fundamentally different from the perspective advocated by is white counterparts. No other sources cited.
Hans Urs von Balthasar and Bernard Lonergan on Liberation and Transcendental Theologies
This is a 5 page paper discussing transcendental and liberation theologies in relation to Bernard Lonergan and Hans Urs von Balthasar. Transcendental and liberation theologies have recently been developed within the paradigms of the Catholic Church and both can be seen to be culturally and historically based. Traditional teachings in the Catholic Church tended to have “onesidedness” in which man was “allowed” to partake of God’s glory and God’s truth and goodness were seen as the purpose for following Him. In light of recent historical and cultural events, this onesidedness was becoming more and more difficult to understand because of the horrific treatment of individuals. Liberation theology was developed in Latin America and the ideas of sin and grace were understood more on a social level where God did not place individual sins and grace on those less fortunate but instead provided empathy. Transcendental theology was developed more as a study not on God’s effect on man but more so based on man’s development of religion working on an understanding of “man towards God” and not on the traditional “God towards man”.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Temptations in C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters
A 5 page outline of the basic theme of this book on Christian theology and the way that many try to undermine that theology through a refocusing of one’s attentions away from their religious commitmants and responsibilities and toward the more sensual things in life. Notes that they only way to overcome such temptation is to carefully maintain your focus on the Christian precept of hope and to recognize that all one needs to do to be ensured their place in the afterlife is to ask for salvation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Reflections on Helmut Thielicke's A Little Exercise for Young Theologians
A 5 page discussion of one of the most basic threats to religious faith, the need to continually understand more and to view oneself as somehow superior to others when knowledge is obtained. The author of this paper contends that pastors of both large and small congregations, theology professors, and theology students alike have the potential to gain tremendous insight from Thielicke’s guidance in how to balance the simple premises of pure faith with the many challenges of technical theological inquiry. No additional sources are listed.
The United Church Of Canada
A 4 page paper that provides a brief history of how this church came into being as well as their liberal theology. The writer reports comments about worship services in relation to a more liberal theology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 Exegesis
This 10 page essay presents an exegesis of 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2, otherwise known as Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation. The essay provides a brief background of the conditions that acted as a catalyst for Paul's letter. Throughout the essay is woven Paul's theology and the foundations for his theology as well as his major themes in all his writing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Contextual Theology
A 4 page paper that begins with a report on contextual theology and the six models Bevans identified. The writer discusses the Faithful Cities report and demonstrates how translation contextual theology was incorporated into the work and the report. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Pluralism Problem and Joseph Ratzinger's The Nature and Mission of Theology
A 5 page essay that examines the arguments made by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in his book The Nature and Mission of Theology. Specifically, the writer examines Ratzinger's theology and perspective on pluralism. No bibliography is offered.
Early Christian Theology and Jesus
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses the changing images of Jesus in early Christian theology. In the millennia since he walked on earth, the image of Jesus has undergone various paradigm shifts that primarily reflect the theology of a particular era. In other words, the manner in which the image of Christ has been perceived has been both seriously influenced by and, in turn, influenced the ways in which humanity perceives God. The writer discusses the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity, the Council of Nicea, Arian heresy and the theology of Augustine. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Fides et Ratio - Philosophy
A 10 page paper that begins with some of the many statements made in this Encyclical about philosophy. The focus of this essay is on the relationship between philosophy and the Church. Numerous examples are included from the text to illustrate how the Pope related the importance of the interrelationship of philosophy to theology to doctrine. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Second Edition of God and Reason An Invitation to Philosophical Theology by Ed L. Miller's Chapter Six 'Religious Experience' Summarized
A 4 page summary of Chapter 6 of Ed. L. Miller’s “God and Reason: An invitation to Philosophical Theology,” 2nd edition. The chapter discusses and defines religious experience, relating it to all of the world’s leading religions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Women and the Problems of Their Religious Ordination
A 12 page paper which first discusses the problem with accepting the ordination of women (particularly within the Roman Catholic Church), then examines the roles tradition and theology play in how this issue is perceived, then concludes with offering some solutions to the problem. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
God's Doctrine as Interpreted by Gordon Kaufman, Pamela Young, and Sallie McFague
This 12 page paper discusses the shift in paradigms facing Christianity in the next century. Based on the works of Sallie McFague, Pamela Young and Gordon Kaufman, theologies are discussed, examples given, quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Shadow of the Galilean by Gerd Theissen
A 5 page research paper that offers a review of Gerd Theissen's novel The Shadow of the Galilean. Through this fictional narrative, the writer argues that Theissen offers the reader a theoretical construct of the life of Jesus and his era that is consistent with modern biblical criticism and Christian theology as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Elizabeth A. Johnson's Women, Earth and Creator Spirit and a Response
A 10 page research paper that examines the book Women, Earth and Creator Spirit by Elizabeth A. Johnson. In this book, Johnson offers an analysis of traditional Christian theology that is both perceptive and thought provoking. It causes the reader to examine societal preconceptions and the worldviews that have been perpetuated by Christianity throughout the millennia. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
God & The Existence of Evil
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines the problem of evil and why it exists in the creation of an all-powerful, all-good God. The writer draws on the theology of Augustine and Aquinas addressing this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Triune God of Christian Faith by Mary Ann Fatula
A 5 page book review of Mary Ann Fatula's The Triune God of Christian Faith (1990). The writer argues that Fatula, in this text, offers a comprehensive, concise introduction to Trinitarian theology that can be easily comprehended by the average reader. Furthermore, Fatula pacts a great deal of information into this text and, in so doing, provides a service for all Christians who wish to understand the foundations of their faith in greater detail. No additional sources cited.
Hans Kung's Women in Christianity
A 6 page overview of the manner in which we have historically viewed the role of women in Christianity. Kung targets theologians and the general readership alike in his discourse on the manner in which Christian women have been treated by their fellow Christians, and the social setting which inspired that treatment. Kung’s intent is to analyze the past injustices and to chart the way for a new theology of women in the Christian religion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
John Donne and God
A 4 page research paper/essay that looks at the religious poetry of John Donne, specifically Holy Sonnets 14 and 18. The writer argues that Donne's religious poetry expresses his confusion, sometimes anger, over the doubts engendered by Reformation theology. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Theological Issues
A 24 pages research paper that explores various theological questions. The writer relies primarily on the text Christian Theology by Millard J. Erickson. Topics include God's attributes, the meaning of the title "Son of God" and the problem of evil, among many other issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Soteriology of St. Thomas Aquinas
A 5 page research paper that examines the stance of St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica toward the topic of salvation, which is referred to in theology as "soteriology." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Study of Anabaptist Reform
A 12 page research paper that offers an examination of both primary and secondary sources offers an overview of Anabaptism, its background and history and then its theology. Through this discussion of sources, the focus will be on Anabaptist beliefs and why these beliefs resulted in brutal persecution of followers by both Protestant and Catholic authorities. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Christ A Crisis in the Life of God by Jack Miles
A 5 page research paper that examines the main thesis and structure of Jack Miles' Christ: A Crisis in the Life of God. The writer explains how Miles looks on the New Testament as a literary book with Jesus as the protagonist, in a manner similar to the way that he did in his Pulitzer Prize winning book, God: the Biography. However, the writer asserts that while this approach is interesting, it is not theology and should be labeled as fiction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of the Catholic Church
This 6 page paper addresses three specific topics: Since the term 'Catholic' means universal and since there are so many different religions, how can the Catholic Church continue to claim it is universal?; Within Catholic theology, what does Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition mean and how do they relate to each other? How can Christ be both human and God, as defined by the Council of Chalcedon? Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Aquinas by F.C. Copleston
A 3 page essay that analyzes F.C. Copleston's Aquinas, An Introduction to the life and work of the Great Medieval Thinker (1955). The writer argues that Copleston offers a balanced and well-written account of Aquinas' life and his contributions to theology and philosophy. This examination of Copleston's text shows that his interpretation of Aquinas' work is enlightening and insightful, particularly in regards to Aquinas' cosmological argument on the existence of God. No additional sources cited.
Soteriology - Doctrine of Salvation
An 8 page paper. This is a very difficult mystery to understand and to explain, which should not be surprising since it is an all-encompassing doctrine. In theology, the term refers to spiritual eternal life. The writer discuses what it means and ideas on how humans achieve salvation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Evil and God
A 5 page research paper/essay that explores the topic of theodicy, which is the branch of theology that focuses on the question of how the concept of a good or benevolent God can be reconciled to the existence of evil (Theodicy). There are numerous ways in which the dichotomy of evil in the face of belief in an all-good, benevolent Deity has been approached in a variety of ways. This examination of a few of positions discusses the presumptions that stand behind these positions, and then offers personal observations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Life and Works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A 12 page paper which examines the life and works, or influence, of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as it involves the subject of human rights and theology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Exegetical Examination of Acts 2:42-47
A 10 page research paper that offers an exegetical analysis of Acts 2:42-47. The writer examines the passage verse by verse, offers a Greek word analysis, discuses theology and historical interpretation and offers suggests for contemporary application. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Karl Barth's Thoughts About The Holy Spirit
A 5 page paper that reports and explains some of Barth's theology about the Holy Spirit, for instance, it is only through the Holy Spirit that we can understand the Word. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
An Examination of Arianism Theology
This 5 page paper highlights the theology of Arianism, which is the ancient belief that Jesus was divine but not God. This paper considers Arianism in relation to Christianity, touching on the Council of Nicaea which eradicated this belief. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Concept of Spirituality
A 20 page research paper that investigates the topic of spirituality. The philosophical perspective of postmodernism has left people feeling adrift and rudderless in a world that has no meaning or purpose. In answer to this situation, many people, including scholars, have turned to the topic of spirituality and religion as a means for charting a new and purposeful course into the future. Examining this sociological trend reveals that it has evolved organically out of Western culture's history and also relates to specific features that are characteristic of human religious expression as a whole, that is, encompassing Eastern religious orientations. This examination attempts to find common threads between the thrust of Western spirituality, which is primarily Christian spirituality, and how this aspect of religiosity relates to theology, mysticism and fits within the legacy of postmodernism. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Discussion of Christology
A 4 page research paper that discusses Christology, which is defined in the Catholic Encyclopedia as "that part of theology which deals with Our Lord Jesus Christ" and is comprised of those doctrines that concern both the person of Christ and His works (Maas, 2004). Christological discussions explore what it means, or is implied by, Jesus being the "Son of God." This topic not only encompasses Jesus' relationship to God, but also Jesus' character as a human being. The Christological perspectives in the New Testament are briefly explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Preparation for Baptism and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church
A 16 page paper that begins by discussing sacramental theology with an emphasis on the Sacraments of Initiation. The Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation are explained separately, including origin, brief history, purpose, benefits, need, matter and form. The writer then turns to a discussion about why these Sacraments are beginnings and not ends in themselves. The last section offers an outlined list of topics to be discussed for two audiences - parents who are having their infants baptized and adults who are preparing for confirmation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Sick and Dying Catholic Ministering
A 24 page paper that discussed Catholic theology and pastoral care of the sick and dying. The writer describes and actual case of a family that spent six days in the hospital with the father finally succumbing to death. The writer describes the family and the events. The writer then reports doctrine, the Catechism and Scriptural passages that support and justify the family rejecting extraordinary interventions to keep the father alive for only a few more days. The writer then reflects on the experience. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Christ and the Theology of Karl Barth
A 7 page paper discussing the theology of Karl Barth, particularly his difficulty with God's requirement that humans accept the salvation offered through Jesus. Barth worked tirelessly in demonstrating that God was not to be made in humans' image. He stumbled, however, in insisting that salvation is by grace alone AND that we need to do nothing to receive it. Certainly Barth's primary premise is correct. It is a fact of such magnitude that we are told repeatedly throughout the New Testament that salvation is through grace alone, but Jesus consistently required action of those professing belief. Barth unfortunately had unnecessary difficulty with this point. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A Discussion of Caretakers of Our Common House by Carol Lakey Hess
This is a 6 page paper discussing Hess’ “Caretakers of Our Common House”. Carol Lakey Hess’ “Caretakers of Our Common House: Women’s Development in Communities of Faith” studies not only areas connected with faith, theology and women’s experience but also the various aspects in the difference of female socialization in regards to “caring and connection” and how this relates to theological interpretation. The idea of the practice of faith within communities relates to Hess’ argument that separation and connection is obtained through “hard dialogues and deep connections” in which girls and women care be nurtured to be caretakers of their “own house” (self) as well as the “common house” (the community of faith). Women, through conversational education and strong leadership in the religious community can overcome the generations of gender socialization which have largely led to men as powerful and women as servile, caring, and supportive which has resulted in women “losing themselves” to societal roles.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analysis of the Fifth Psalm
A 8 page paper. The essay begins with a general introduction to the Book of Psalms, commenting on the literary style and literary features, such as parallel lines, contrasts and repetitions with examples from Psalm 5. The writer explains one way in which the Book of Psalms has been divided and categorized. Since Psalm 5 is an individual prayer, the writer explains the common phrases usually found in individual prayers. The writer also comments on the theology that may be found in Psalms. The discussion specifically related to Psalm 5 includes examples of similarities and differences between and among five translations; the switch from an individual prayer to a community prayer; and the purposes of the different sections within Psalm 5. Finally, the writer comments on the applicability of this psalm in today's life. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Chapter 13 of Exodus and an Exegesis of Lines 1 through 22
A 12 page research paper that offers an exegetical examination of Exodus 13:1-22. These verses concern how God led the Jewish slaves out of Egypt and across the wilderness. This exegetical examination of these verses, first of all, looks at meaning of each verse and how it fits into the Christian theology of today. Then, other exegetical topics are explored, such as theories as to the possible authorship of these verses, as well as how these verses relate to modern day Christian life. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Luke and Human Suffering
A 7 page paper which examines how the teachings of Luke, in relationship to suffering, can prove relevant to people in crisis today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Holy Qur'an History
5 pages in length. A deeply religious man who loathed his society's decadence, Muhammad found that meditation was successful at easing his distress. From the time when he saw the vision in the Cave of Mt. Hira, the prophet continued his duty as God's messenger for another twenty-three years; all his prolific teachings are found in the Qur'an. The writer discusses the historical impact of the Qur'an. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Overview of the World's Major Religions
A 5 page paper. There are more than 4,000 different faith groups in the world, 20 of which are typically identified as 'the major world religions.' This paper discusses the largest five plus Judaism. The names and purposes of the primary religious texts for each religion is identified. The literary techniques for teaching lessons are also identified. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Options for Christian Education
A 7 page paper. Challenges include having a comprehensive curriculum for all ages, eliminating the distractions, enticing people to attend Christian education classes at church, and changing lifestyles to follow Scripture. Each challenge provides an opportunity and these are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Knowledge of God
An 11 page research paper that addresses various topics pertaining to the nature of God. Topics addressed include propositional and relational knowledge of God; how we come to "know" God; the names of God; the relationship between God in the Old and New Testaments. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Christianity, Social Tolerance & Homosexuality
A 3 page report on John Boswell’s work Christianity, Social Tolerance & Homosexuality. No additional sources cited.
Early Christianity
A 3 page paper which examines the first section of Justo Gonzales’ work The Story of Christianity as it relates to the preparation for Christianity in the world. No additional sources cited.
Social Attitudes and the 'Mirror' of Religion
A 5 page contention that religion does not act only to change and challenge prevalent social beliefs and behaviors but, because it is an evolutionary phenomena, it also acts to mirror and support those attitudes. The author of this paper utilizes the current evolving religious attitude regarding homosexuality as a support for this contention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Religious Perspectives on Homosexuality
A 5 page discussion of the contemporary views of the Catholic and Jewish religions on the topic of homosexuality. The author notes that while the mainstream components of these religious institutions have matured to the point where they accept homosexuality as a natural condition, the predominant view is that homosexual acts are an abomination in the eyes of God. Some factions of both Catholicism and Judaism have taken a more flexible opinion, however, and the continuing pressure of the issues is sure to result in a continuing trend toward greater receptivity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Christianity Versus Islam : Prayer And Study
A 5 page paper that discusses prayer in Christianity and prayer in Islam. The paper explains the five prayer timings in Islam and how members of each religion practice prayer. The paper also discusses study in each religion. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Islam vs. Christianity, a Comparison
A 5 page research paper that compares and contrasts Christianity and Islam. The writer discusses the history of both faiths, finding numerous similarities and then discusses differences in outlook, focusing on the different interpretations that each faith give the Genesis story. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Historical Jesus in 3 Views
An 8 page research paper that offers summations and discussion of 3 books. E.P. Sanders in The Historical Figure of Jesus (1993); John D. Crossan in The Historical Jesus; The Life of a Mediterranean Peasant (1991); and Gerd Theissen and Annette Merz in The Historical Jesus (1996) present scholarly, well-researched accounts of what is known historically of the life of Jesus of Nazareth. This examination of these books, first of all, look briefly at each volume and then offers discussion. No additional sources cited.
How Jesus Is Described In The Gospel Of Matthew
A 7 page paper that identifies some of the many titles ascribed to Jesus by Matthew and Jesus' major functions Jesus fulfills. The writer chooses the one believed to be the most encompassing or important: Jesus is the Messiah promised in Scripture. This is demonstrated through discussion as well as by citing Old Testament Verses that justify this conclusion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Jesus As Messiah, Prophet And Son Of Man
This 5 page paper responds to four specific questions: How is Jesus a prophet, the Messiah and the Son of Man, what do those titles mean? How did Jesus perceive His role ?What did the Messiah mean to Jews and How did Jesus fulfill these roles? Why did Jesus take a different path than that expected by the Jews for their Messiah? Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Jesus Of History, Jesus Of Faith
A 4 page paper. The stimuli for this paper are statements made by John Meier who said, among other things, that the real Jesus was "unknown and unknowable." The writer discusses the difficulties with defining the historical Jesus and comments on whether or not the epistemic gap between the Jesus of History and the Jesus of Faith can ever be bridged. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Matthew on Jesus
An 8 page research paper that discusses the most significant description of Jesus in the Book of Matthew. The most significant way in which the Matthew's Gospel describes Jesus is when he is referred as the "Christ" or the "Messiah," as this substantiates this gospel's most pervasive theme, which is Jesus as King. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Three films about Jesus
An 8 page research/discussion paper that describes 3 films: The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1964; Jesus Christ Superstar, direct by Norman Jewison, Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson in 1973; and The Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson in 2004. These movies are compared and contrasted according to their presentation of traditional Christian dogma. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Jesus & Worship, Romans 12, Etc.
A 6 page research paper that compares Old and New Testament teachings on the topic of praise and worship, it is clear that there was a definitive change in context that can be traced theologically to the tremendous effect caused by the earthly manifestation of God personified in Jesus Christ. The writer discusses the Greek and Hebrew meanings of "praise" and "worship," the way in which Christ's ministry affected worship and the paper also includes a brief exegesis of Romans 12:1-2. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Catholic Social Teaching
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses “Catholic social teaching,” which is a term that refers to a specific “body of social principles and moral teaching” that is addressed in documents issued by the Church (Major Documents). This body of literature includes not only papal encyclicals, but also “key teaching documents issued by national bishops conferences and Vatican congregations” (Major Documents). The writer discusses key tenets of this part of Catholic faith. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Demons and Angels
A 7 page paper that discusses angels, demons and scripture. Angels and demons abound in popular culture. Each Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life plays on television, virtually non-stop, and pictures the once-mortal Clarence getting his "wings" by helping Jimmy Stewart's character to appreciate his life. Likewise, demons continue to abound in every sort of horror movie. The question arises as to how accurate these representations are and how much of these presentations are actually based on scripture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Scripture and Tradition in Roman Catholic Teaching
A 6 page paper discussing the authority and usefulness of Catholic Tradition in expanding and expounding on the information contained in Scripture. Complaints about reliance on the Tradition appear to arise from giving the Tradition greater weight than Scripture receives. This is not the intent of the Magisterium, as stated in the catechism. Read together, the Tradition illuminates Scripture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Christology of Matthew Fox
A 30 page research paper that analyzes the theology and Christology of contemporary theologian Matthew Fox. While Fox's cosmology is embraced by many, it has also caused him to be at the center of tremendous controversy, as his ministry and writings strike many within the Catholic Church as against orthodoxy, if not completely heretical. This examination of Fox, his theology and the response to it attempts to examine literature, including Fox's own writings, in order to determine how best to judge the theological position of this popular contemporary theologian. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Reflection on Matthew 18:3-5
This 6 page research paper discusses the meaning, significance and modern day applications and implications of Matthew 18:3-5. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Moral Theology/Remarriage After Divorce
A 3 page essay/research paper that discusses scriptural guidance on this issue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Euthanasia and the Christian Perspective
An 8 page paper which examines the Christian view of euthanasia. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Who Is The Intelligent Designer
A 3 page paper that supports the proposal that the intelligent designer is God. The writer reports the problems with the intelligent designer theory that looks for a different designer and uses Aquinas' Five Ways to know the existence of God as support. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Basic Tenants of Christianity and Islam
This 3 page paper compares and contrasts these basic tenants. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Peter Kreeft/Fundamentals of Faith
A 5 page research paper that addresses specific topics that are drawn from Peter Kreeft's Fundamentals of Faith. An apologist for the Catholic Faith, Kreeft addresses arguments for the existence of God , the relationship between faith and truth and the new paganism. Bibliography cites 7 essays drawn from this one source.
Metaphysical Spiritual Healing
A 48 page exploration in the entitled field of healing beginning with an introduction and background of metaphysical spiritual healing and an historical background. The essay's subheadings are: metaphysical healing, metaphysical healing and tools and approaches, including Reiki, magnet and crystal therapies and how they are used, spiritual healing, metaphysical spiritual healers and approaches, including faith healing and reports of some of the most successful healers, Jesus Christ and His followers, the faith of metaphysicians and the faith and Divine powers of Christ, concluding comments. Numerous examples are provided throughout the paper along with comprehensive discussions in each section. Discussion and questions of Christ's healing and raising people from the dead are explored. Bibliography lists 34 sources.
Healing With Prayer
This 16 page paper begins with an introduction and definitions of key words. The paper discusses the long tradition of healing in Christianity beginning with Christ and His Apostles. The writer comments on faith healers, including Mary Baker Eddy and the potential dangers of relying only on prayer. The paper then discusses the charismatic Christian Healing renewal movement. A critique on the validity of charismatics being Christian is included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Covenants and the Book of Ruth
A 5 page paper which examines the Book of Ruth
and discusses how the covenants involve Ruth's inclusion, as well as Ezra and Nehemiah's
attention to exclusion. No additional sources cited.
The Biblical Ruth
A 7 page paper. This essay offers a summary of the Book of Ruth, discussing major events and the character of Ruth. The writer comments on Ruth's relationship with God as is suggested by the text. The paper also discusses the events in the Book that reveals the culture. Lastly, the writer discusses the lessons we learn from Ruth. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Holy Spirit Baptism
A 5 page essay/research paper that discusses the meaning of baptism of the Holy Spirit in contemporary Christianity. Many Christians today promote the concept that "speaking in tongues" is proof-positive of "baptism of the Holy Spirit" (Williams 84). This brings up the questions as to whether or not those who have not spoken in tongues are without the Holy Spirit (Williams 84). There are dedicated Christians on both side of this debate. Basically, opinion on this issue falls into two camps. The Pentecostals or charismatic movement maintains that gifts of the Holy Spirit that the apostles experienced at Pentecost are still being experienced by Christians today. The opposite camp believes that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ended in the first century of Christian history. Both positions are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Karl Barth's Thoughts About The Holy Spirit
A 5 page paper that reports and explains some of Barth's theology about the Holy Spirit, for instance, it is only through the Holy Spirit that we can understand the Word. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Baptism And Ablution
A 3 page paper that begins with the definitions for 'baptism' and 'ablution' according to Judaism. The writer then discusses the purpose of baptism and ablution and points to references that illustrate baptism in terms of meaning in the Old Testament. The differences with John's baptism rite in the New Testament are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ephesians 5:18-21 And The Holy Spirit
A 3 page paper that responds to this question: "Why only believers who are under the control of the Holy Spirit can evidence the joy, thanksgiving and submission presented in this passage?" The writer cites other Scripture to demonstrate the need for total submission to the Spirit and emphasizes the joy the believer feels when following the commands in this passage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
World Religions : Buddhism
This 11 page paper presents an introduction and overview of Buddhism, including basic beliefs and the types of Buddhism along with the names of their Scripture. The second part of the paper reports a summary of an interview with a practicing Buddhist and includes an example of some of the holidays they celebrate and challenges in practicing. The next section compares Buddhism to the Baptist religion and includes the basic beliefs of this religion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
A Comparison of Five Religions
A 7 page paper that responds to several questions: What is religion; how religion shapes identity; the influence of religion on culture; and a brief comparison of the first four religions with the Baptist religion. Incorporated into the paper is the definition of religion, some of the basic beliefs of each religion and if each is a religion according to the definition. Some of the symbols of each are reported. the writer also discusses how religion shapes identity. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
This 3-page paper presents a book review on Alexander Hill's Just Business Christian Ethics for the Marketplace.
United Church Of Canada And Christology
A 15 page paper that begins with a history of the United Church of Canada, how and when it came to be formed. A brief history of the Anglican Church of Canada is also provided. The paper discusses the beliefs of these two churches with an emphasis on the United Church of Canada. The writer briefly explains what Christology is and the United Church of Canada's demonstration of Christology. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Roman Catholic Church and Homosexuality
A 5 page acknowledgment that although homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time, the practice is viewed differently according to the societal context. While homosexuality is gradually becoming a more and more commonly accepted component of our society, the Catholic Church remains one of the staunchest opponents to homosexuality. Church doctrines are based upon Biblical scripture which condemns homosexuality. The homosexual, like the murderer or the adulterer, is accepted by the Church but the practice of homosexuality, which the Church views as not only aberrant but in direct conflict with Biblical directive, is banned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Free Will and Saint Augustine
This 5 page paper presents a discussion of Augustine's thoughts about free will. The paper discusses this specific premise: "The creature who sins with free will is more excellent than the creature who does not sin because he has no free will." The writer then incorporates these questions in the discussion: Why does Augustine make this kind of statement? What are his underlying assumptions? Are the assumptions always true? What problems emanate from assumptions and how would Augustine respond to the problems? Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Bible and Bhagavad Gita Compared
A five page paper which looks at the similarities and differences between these two religious works, in terms of their structure and content, and considers which contains the more effective rules for living.
Christ's and God's Images
A 5 page research paper that discusses what it means to Christians to compare the Old Testament doctrine of being made in the "image of God" to the New Testament doctrine that enjoins Christians to conform to the "image of Christ." Drawing on scripture, the writer argues that these two positions are not contradictory, but rather that one fulfills the other. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Works of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Augustine, and Saint Paul
A 3 page paper which examines the works of St. Paul, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas as it involves love and sex. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Saint Christopher and Saint Peter Canonizing Justification
This 5 page paper evaluates criteria for sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church. Peter and Christopher's roles are discussed to see if they were correctly dubbed saints according to the criteria. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Prophets in the Old Testament
A 3 page paper. The word prophet is defined and its etiology is explained. The paper identifies the classifications of the prophets in the Hebrew Bible and identifies the prophets in those categories. How the prophets received their call from God to prophecy is discussed with examples. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
A 10 page paper on the death and resurrection of Jesus. The paper examines the Bible and also other sources which focus on one belief or another regarding the death and resurrection of Jesus. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Christianity and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
A 3 page essay discussing the resurrection of Christ according to the gospel and how it affects Christian life today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Synoptic Gospel Problem
A 16 page paper that begins by discussing what the Synoptic Problem is. The writer then reports and discusses the various solutions to the have been suggested over the years. Examples include the Augustinian solution, the Markan solution, the three-book solution and others. The writer then summarizes the solutions and selects three as the most plausible and justifies the conclusion. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Synoptic Gospels and Saint Paul's Christology
This 3 page paper discusses Pauline Christology and the Christology found in the Synoptic Gospels as evidenced in Scripture. The writer comments on the similarities and differences. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Synoptic Gospels and Jesus's Baptism Exegetical Analysis
A 15 page research paper that examines the story of Jesus' baptism as it is told in the Synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Comparing Synoptic Gospels with Plato's The Republic A COMPARISON OF: THE REPUBLIC OF PLATO AND THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS
This 8 page paper compares the Synoptic Gospels and their messages to the philosophies of Plato in The Republic. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Lion of Judah and Christianity
A 3 page paper which examines the role and development of the symbol of the Lion of Judah in Christianity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Christian Theology, Family, and Marriage
A 6 page paper that discusses the crisis in marriages and families today and the evolution of the theology of marriage and family. Prior to the 1930s, the official position of the Catholic Church was that the purpose of marriage was procreation. That doctrine and theology have changed dramatically over the years and especially since the Second Vatican. Citing authors such as Lawler and Cahill, this essay discusses the evolution of marriage from an institution to a union. The essay also comments on the fact that marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic Church. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Reformation, Martin Luther Writings, and the Impact of the Printing Press
This 6 page paper discusses the effect of the printing press on the spread of the Reformation movement and Martin Luther's writings. Evidence given from various resources. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Christian Mediation and Theology
(10 pp). The process of mediation in any arena is
a difficult one - the proverbial balancing on a
rope over a fast flowing stream. The Christian
mediator believes that God provides the safety net
for those types of experiences. We will look at
scripture and the process of mediation, and the use
of both, throughout this discussion, to demonstrate
how the two complement each other.
Missions, Theology, Praxis
This 3 page paper begins with comments about the beginning of missions in the First Century. The paper discusses theology and praxis in terms of missions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Mission Work/Kenya's Digo Tribe
A 15 page research paper/mission proposal that outlines the parameters for a suggested mission to the Digo Tribe of Kenya. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Servant Leadership
A 4 page paper that discusses servant leadership, its Biblical origins and its success in some companies. The characteristics of the servant leader are identified. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
1 Peter
A 3 page paper that discusses the First Epistle of Peter. This essay discusses the authorship of the letter and proof that it was written by the Apostle Peter, a short background of Peter, the similarities between what Peter says in this letter and his speeches as recorded in other Books, Peter as one of three in the inner circle, how Jesus entrusted Peter with His Church, the characteristics/themes of the letter and the audience. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Fides et Ratio - Philosophy
A 10 page paper that begins with some of the many statements made in this Encyclical about philosophy. The focus of this essay is on the relationship between philosophy and the Church. Numerous examples are included from the text to illustrate how the Pope related the importance of the interrelationship of philosophy to theology to doctrine. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Cultural Diversity/Religion in South Africa
A 4 page research paper/essay that is formatted to be delivered as a speech to a Methodist youth convention in South Africa. The topic is accommodating cultural diversity using the philosophy of ubuntu in South Africa. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
St. Francis of Assisi
A 4 page research paper that offers a brief biography and analysis of the life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181?-1226). St. Francis founded the Franciscan order. His miracles and major life events are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Christian Views on the Islamic Prophet Muhammad
A 6 page discussion of the growing world pressure for Christians to acknowledge and even to accept the Prophet Muhammad and Islam. This paper notes the misperceptions and ignorance surround Islam which characterizes Christian understanding of the religion and to clarify those misunderstandings. At the same time, however, the author stands firm in the argument that Christians simply cannot accept Islam for to do so would be to renounce Christianity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Bible and Stories of Sibling Rivalry
This 6 page paper looks at the stories of sibling rivalry as they appear in the Bible. The stories of Rachel and Leah and Jacob and Esau are highlighted. The significance of sibling rivalry is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Jesus and Socrates
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares two articles that compares Jesus and Socrates. “Jesus and Socrates,” written by Bostick (1916), and “A Comparison of the Portrait of Jesus in the Gospels with the Portrait of Socrates in the Writing of Plato and Xenophon,” written by Bostick (1935), address the same topic and make similar assumptions about that topic. Each of these authors offers a comparison between Jesus and Socrates that serves to underscore the parallels in the lives of two men who changed the course of history with their philosophy and teachings. Nevertheless, while the points made in both of these articles are every similar, these articles are also quite different. This is primarily because of their level of scholarship and the individual writing style of each author. Based on these t two factors, another difference is that one can logically assume that each article was written with a different reading audience in mind. No additional sources cited.
Christian Conversion and the Commentary of Saint Paul
This 5 page paper discusses conversions to Christianity and St. Paul's comments on such conversions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Holy Spirit According to Thomas R. Edgar and Jack Deere
A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares 2 texts. Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deere (1993) describes Dr. Deere's conversion to the charismatic perspective on the Holy Spirit and his support for miracles of the Holy Spirit existing in the present era. Thomas R. Edgar takes the opposite stance in his text Satisfied with the Promise of the Spirit (1996), as he argues against the charismatic viewpoint and in favor of the traditional cessationist position, which asserts that Pentecostalism was limited to the first century of Christian history. Both texts are examined before relating this issue's practical application to current ministry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Concept of Spirituality
A 20 page research paper that investigates the topic of spirituality. The philosophical perspective of postmodernism has left people feeling adrift and rudderless in a world that has no meaning or purpose. In answer to this situation, many people, including scholars, have turned to the topic of spirituality and religion as a means for charting a new and purposeful course into the future. Examining this sociological trend reveals that it has evolved organically out of Western culture's history and also relates to specific features that are characteristic of human religious expression as a whole, that is, encompassing Eastern religious orientations. This examination attempts to find common threads between the thrust of Western spirituality, which is primarily Christian spirituality, and how this aspect of religiosity relates to theology, mysticism and fits within the legacy of postmodernism. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Seminarians and Spirituality
A 3 page paper that comments on how seminary education helps form one's spirituality and how it prepares students to fulfill their calling. Comments are general rather than specific and examples are included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Bible And The Koran
A 15 page paper. Following an introduction that discusses the importance of sacred texts to religions, each of the named sacred texts are discussed. The origin, functions and uses of the Bible and the Koran are explained along with any evidence that validates or invalidates the reliability of the texts. The writer discusses the importance of prophecy in the Bible and the laws in each the Bible and the Koran. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
The Use And Interpretation Of Bible In The Church
This 8 page paper discusses this essay provided by the student. The writer discusses how the Books of the Bible were selected, the Church's view that without the Church, there would be no Bible, and the interrelationship between the Bible and the Church. The second part of the paper discusses the historical-critical method for interpreting Scripture. No Bibliography.
The Bible And The Koran - Christianity And Islam
A 15 page paper that begins by explaining what sacred texts are, what scripture is and the importance of these. The paper discusses the Bible and Christianity and the Koran and Islam, reporting the origins of the books, their function, their importance, with comments about translations and interpretations. The writer also explains the four approaches to the Bible that have occurred through history. The writer also comments on the controversies regarding the interpretation of the Koran. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History
An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Ecclesiology/Reformation & Great Awakening
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines the ecclesiology of the Reformation and the Great Awakening. The advent of the Reformation radically changed the ecclesiastical orientation of much of the population of Europe, as Protestants left the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church due to their new vision of what the church should be and how it should function. The history of the Christian faith shows an evolution of thought pertaining to ecclesiology, and this is particularly evident during two historical periods, the Reformation and the Great Awakening. This examination of predominant thinking on this subject looks at the variant views of the church during each period and how these views pertained to perspective on pastoral care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Four Views On Hell
A 4 page book review on Four View on Hell, which offers an interesting, varied and nuanced discussion of how Christians should view the topic of Hell. Four respected evangelical theologians contributed to this text. Each one asserts that he regards Scripture as the final authority on what to believe concerning Hell, but each one also offers a different, contrasting view of the nature of Hell and what the Bible says about it. An insightful book, it offers reader cause to ponder what they really believe will happen in the hereafter. No additional sources cited.
Tribal Religions Worldview + Human Destiny
This 4 page paper discusses tribal religions worldview by reporting on two tribal religions in India. The paper also discusses human destiny. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Biblical Study on Israel's Creation
A 6 page essay on the establishment of Israel. The writer states that the will of the nomadic Israelites was to settle in a rich valley and establish a settlement, and shows how the political cannot be separated from the religious in the story of Israelite settlement. To keep up their vision, they relied on prophets to guide them, but in the end, King David, a warrior, saw to the actualization of their dream, although they attribute his presence to the will of God. Biblical passages studied include passages from Samuel I and II. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Prophecies in The Book of Revelation
This 7 page essay investigates the claims that the prophecies found in the Book of Revelation are coming true in today's world. Writers point to specific events in the world and link these to specific verses in Revelation. Critics say that this type of activity has been going on for 2,000 years and that the interpretations are changed to fit the events of the day. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Theories of Evolution and Creation
A 9 page outline of the theories of creationism and evolution. Outlines the strengths and weaknesses of each and concludes that neither is inherently superior to the other. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Seven Feasts of the Lord Discussed
3 pages in length. The book of Leviticus sets forth that there are Seven Feasts of the Lord, which are also referred to as Festivals, that are instrumental in celebrating religious events. These Feasts and Festivals are remembrances in reflection of God's considerable acts of salvation He performed for His people. Hence the name, it is not unusual to find that a good number of these celebrations were cycled in a series of seven, which follow such a process as to climax on the seventh day. The writer discusses the significance of the cycle of seven, as well as the various feasts. Bibliography lists 1 source.
A World View and Personal Faith
A 10 page essay in which the writer expresses personal views relative to religious faith. Citing numerous references from scripture, the writer offers a personal interpretation and then relates this to a wider theological context. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
'The Temple' Poem by George Herbert
A 2 page analysis of the significance of the title 'The Temple,' which Herbert used for his collection of ecclesiastical poetry. The writer argues that Herbert constructs his 'temple,' not with mortar and stone, but with words‹metaphor, simile and rhyme. Yet, his construction is just as concrete as any that has survived the centuries‹as well as being very revealing, as it shows the reader the core of seventeenth-century Christian belief. No additional sources cited.
Chapter Eight of the Book of Daniel in Terms of Imagery and Apocalyptic Visions
A 16 page research paper that examines in detail the eighth chapter of the Book of Daniel as a piece of Jewish apocalyptic literature. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
An Overview of Apocalyptic Literature
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the theories that predict the end times, focusing on how religion uses it to control its people. How the elite used the theories to control the social order during the high middle ages is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Romans Chapters IX through XI and the Concept of Predestination
A 15 page research paper that examines Romans, chapters 9 through 11. The writer addresses the question of whether or not the concepts of predestination and election prohibit free choice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Ephesians and the Gentiles' Adoption
A 15 page research paper that examines Ephesians 1:4 and Ephesians 2:11-18. In these verses, Paul addressed the topic of the adoption of the Gentiles as children of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Characteristics of a True Apostle in Second Corinthians, Chapter 11 and 12
A 15 page research paper that examines Second Corinthians, chapters 11 and 12 in reference to the question of what constitutes the characteristics of a 'true apostle'—in other words, what would a resume for an apostle be like? The writer asserts that the answer to this question can be found in Second Corinthians. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.