Research Papers on More Ancient Beliefs

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  • Sexual Indulgence as Taught in the Satanic Bible

    This 4 page paper analyzes the contentions presented by Anton Szandor LaVey in the Satanic Bible. LaVey’s argument that people should use no restraint in their sexual activities is flawed from many perspectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Criteria of Genocide

    This 4 page paper considers the question of whether the purported mass suicide of the members of the Peoples Temple, followers of charismatic Jim Jones, was in actuality a CIA sponsored genocide. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Mosaic Dietary Laws

    This 18 page paper provides an overview of the Mosaic dietary laws, the laws set forth through the directives of Moses in the Old Testament. The Mosaic dietary laws, the laws imposed by the directives of Moses on the Israelites, extended from earlier restrictions that had been placed on the eating habits of the human race. The Old Testament is full of directives regarding food consumption and God’s law, and even Genesis addresses limitations imposed on certain types of food consumption. Bibliography lists 16 sources

  • Egypt's Early History from 3100 until 1200 B.C.

    (3 pp). Archaeological evidence suggests that, Egypt was inhabited by hunters over 250,000 years ago when the region was a green grassland. The Paleolithic period around 25,000BC brought climatic changes, which turned Egypt into a desert. Desertification of Egypt was halted by rains, which allowed communities of cultivators to settle in Middle Egypt and the Nile Delta. Throughout most of its pre-dynastic history Egypt encompassed a multiplicity of settlements, which gradually became small tribal kingdoms. These kingdoms evolved into two loosely confederated states: one encompassed the Nile valley up to the Delta (with the Naqada dominating) with Hierakonpolis as capital, represented by the deities Seth and White Crown; the other encompassed the Delta, with Buto as its capital and represented by the deities Horus and Red Crown. The two kingdoms vied for power over all the land of Egypt. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Understanding of Spirituality and Popoh Vuh the Bible

    This 5 page paper considers the way in which the stories of sacred texts may help individuals answer questions of spirituality and how there are parallels made between these two different texts. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Religious Sentiments in the Hebrew Bible's 'Psalm 104' and 'Hymn to the Sun' in Akhenaten Compared

    This is a 4 page paper comparing the religious sentiments found in the “Hymn to the Sun” and “Psalm 104”. The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (c. 1370 BC) is believed to have greatly changed the religious worship of the Egyptians. In his hymn to the Sun god, “Hymn to the Sun” or “Hymn to Aten”, Akhenaten wrote of the worship of one God, not many, his creation of the universe, the world, darkness and light, the elements of nature and man’s place on earth. This hymn and its religious sentiment was said to have influenced the early Hebrew writings which can be seen in Psalm 104 in the Hebrew Bible. Moses, similar to Akhenaten, prohibited the worship of images by the Hebrews and instead concentrated on the praise of the one God, Yahweh. Psalm 104, using similar language and sentiment, also outlines the one God which created the universe, the world, darkness and light, all the natural elements and man’s place on earth. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Concept of Deities in the Book of Job and Epic of Gilgamesh

    This 4 page paper contrasts and compares the concept of deity in the characters of Job of the Bible and Gilgamesh. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • An Analysis of Rosemary Ruether's Book, Gaia and God

    This 6 page paper discusses the book by Rosemary Ruether called Gaia and God. The first four chapters are discussed as well as the whole book critiqued. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Scientology and Its Impact on Actor Tom Cruise

    A 6 page discussion of the so-called religion Scientology and its effect on actor Tom Cruise. This paper contends that in reality Scientology is nothing more than a lucrative cult, the premises of which verge more on science fiction than theology. Although Cruise is blessed with good looks, money, and tremendous professional success, his personal life has fallen apart in more than one area over time and much of the turmoil surrounding his failures can be linked with Scientology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Is Scientology a Religion or a Cult?

    A 5 page denouncement of the so-called religion of Scientology. This paper exposes the basic premises of the cult as being based more on science-fiction than theology. Despite its high-profile membership which makes the sect appear glamorous and appealing a more objective investigation of its teachings reveal many discrepancies, shortcomings, and outright fallacies. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Antenna Levitation and Human Diamagnetism Gravity

    A 3 page investigation of the physics behind party levitation whcih is sometimes accomplished in the game “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board”. In this game a volunteer is lifted off the ground from either a prone position or while seated in a chair using just the fingers of four assistants. Diamagnetism is explained in this context. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • American Perspectives on Christmas

    This 7 page paper discusses Christmas and its uniquely American customs, traditions, and trivia. This paper reveals that many of the things associated with Christmas have American origins. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Judaism and Ancient Egyptian Religion

    This 3 page paper covers two subjects: the relationship between ancient Egyptian religion and the idea of death; and ancient Judaism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Three Differing Views of the Origin of Religion

    A paper which considers the views of Morgan, Tylor and Raglan regarding the origins and function of religion, particularly in primitive societies, and the ways in which religion is related to other aspects of cultural ideology.

  • Tribal Religions Worldview + Human Destiny

    This 4 page paper discusses tribal religions worldview by reporting on two tribal religions in India. The paper also discusses human destiny. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of Buddhism and Taoism

    This 5 page report discusses Taoism and its key principles, specifically stillness, yin/yang, and wu wei (will-lessness). It also compares Taoism thought regarding enlightenment with the Buddhist concept of Nirvana. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The System of Trokosi

    A 4 page research paper that describes the system of Trokosi that enslaves Ghana women to fetish priests. According to this belief, if a crime has been committed and a girl is not enslaved, then the gods will be unhappy and members of the family will die. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Societal Significance of the Mummies of Egypt

    A 3 page discussion of the importance of Egyptian mummies to Egyptian belief in an afterlife. Clarifies that originally only the pharaohs were mummified in recognition of the belief that they were living gods. Eventually,however, mummification became the desire of all ancient Egyptians and all those who could afford to do so pursued mummification as an insurance of their participation in an afterlife. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


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