Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
1997's Balanced Budget Act and Medicare Prospective Payment System
This 45 page paper explores the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the prospective payment system instituted, and the effect on Medicare beneficiaries. Specifically, the writer offers a proposal for a study focusing on the increased costs for seniors as a result of the BBA and the PPS. An extensive literature review explains the changes in Medicare benefits as a result of the BBA, including the Medicare+Choice option now given to seniors. The PPS has had a dramatic impact on nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities. The caps placed on rehab services and the changes in federal Medicaid benefits have all combined to result in a greater proportion of out-of-pocket expenses for the Medicare beneficiary. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Health Insurance Coverage and Middle Class Americans
A 15 page paper discussing the social and economic factors contributing to the increasing number of middle-class Americans who have no health-insurance coverage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Impact of Vertical Integration on Health Care Systems
A 12 page proposal for a study on the impacts of vertical integration on administrations in health care systems. This proposal supports the thesis that effective administrative processes, including management philosophies and information systems are necessary for the cost effective use of vertical integration. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Social Welfare Program Process
Social problems and solutions are discussed in this 10 page paper. Problems such as crime, teen pregnancy and Aids are noted. The ongoing controversy surrounding implementation of social welfare programs is also included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Federal Supplemental Women, Infants, and Children Nutritional Program
This 10 page research paper examines the federally-established program known as WIC (Women, Infants and Children). Specifically discussed is the agency's history, current available information on program eligibility and benefits, its goal and program objectives, standards and criteria, services, and some suggestions on how the WIC program could be more effective. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
1990s and the Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Food Program
A 6 page paper discussing the Women's, Infants, and Children's supplemental food program. Beginning with its history, it describes how the program works, who is eligible, and discusses the various problems the government has had paying for it. Bibliography lists seven sources.
Changing Perspectives on Welfare and the US Federal Government
3 pages in length. A brief look at how views on welfare have changed during the late twentieth century. The writer focuses on recent Presidential administrations and is particularly concerned with the revolutionary value of Bill Clinton's views on welfare. Important legislation such as the Family Support Act of 1988 and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1994 is included in the discussion. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
US Society and the Welfare System
This 7 page paper discusses the significance & purpose of welfare in society. Specific issues concerning such relevant items as The Family Support Act are brought up to illustrate points argued about the possible costs of welfare reform. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Mock Case Study on Welfare to Work Programs
This 8 page paper examines welfare to work programs inclusive of a mock case study. The feasibility of implementing such a program based upon a cost benefit analysis is the primary focus of the paper. Paper looks at tangible benefits over a five year period of time. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mothers on Welfare and Economic Issues
Economic issues involving welfare mothers are discussed in this 9 page paper. Myths of welfare mothers are exposed but arguments on both sides of this controversial issue are explored. Conclusions show that allowing parents to raise their own children is most practical; this view is supported by Economist John Galbraith as well as the author of The Decent Society, Avishai Margalit. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
US' Under Class
This 8 page paper explores the underclass, particularly in American society. The term is defined and concepts pertinent to capitalism are explored. John Kenneth Galbraith's The Culture of Contentment is a basis for much of the discussion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Single Mothers and the Benefits of Welfare
5 pages in length. A thorough analysis of benefits provided to single mothers on welfare and the controversy surrounding relevant issues. The writer is particularly concerned with whether or not research suggests that welfare mothers are "lazy" and do not try hard enough to find work. It is argued that welfare is indeed a necessary economic evil for this class of citizen and specific theories and presented to support this point. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Poverty, Work, and Single Mothers
5 page review of an article from the American Journal of Sociology examining the relationship between work and welfare in poor, female-headed families, tracing the process single mothers follow to get off of welfare. Various social and economic issues are explored and it is ultimately concluded that background characteristics actually have very little direct influence in determining the route of exit from welfare. Full citation for the article is provided.
Social Workers, Single Mothers, and Welfare
In this 14 page research paper, the writer addresses the failure of social workers to resolve the problem of single mothers on welfare. The paper defines exactly who the individual so-called welfare mother is, what are her singular and particularly unique issues, and how the welfare mother attitudinally perceives `work' and what kinds of skills, background, education and other familial concerns the mother has that can either preclude going into mainstream society as a `worker' of not. Report contains an extensive review of the literature, original methodology, study, tables, charts, etc. Bibliography lists 10+ sources
Linda Gordon's Single Mothers and the History of Welfare - Pitied But Not Entitled
A 15 page review of Linda Gordon's book in which the writer analyzes how reformers view poor single mothers and welfare. Three of its chapters are about the views of the white women's social welfare network, the black women's social welfare network (excluded from the white women's groups mostly by raw segregation), and the white male social insurance reformer network. Gordon argues that contemporary welfare programs for single mothers were shaped by the ideas and the decisions that went into state aid programs created between 1910 and 1920, programs that were variously called mothers' pensions, widows' pensions and mothers' aid. Various sociopolitical points and arguments presented by Gordon are analytically presented. No other sources cited.
Linda Gordon's Single Mothers and the History of Welfare - Pitied But Not Entitled
A 15 page review of Linda Gordon's book in which the writer analyzes how reformers view poor single mothers and welfare. Three of its chapters are about the views of the white women's social welfare network, the black women's social welfare network (excluded from the white women's groups mostly by raw segregation), and the white male social insurance reformer network. Gordon argues that contemporary welfare programs for single mothers were shaped by the ideas and the decisions that went into state aid programs created between 1910 and 1920, programs that were variously called mothers' pensions, widows' pensions and mothers' aid. Various sociopolitical points and arguments presented by Gordon are analytically presented. No other sources cited.
Making Ends Meet How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low Wage Work by Edin and Lein
An 8 page paper based on Edin and Lein's Making Ends Meet: How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low Wage Work, discussing some of the survival strategies of single mothers unable to support themselves and their children fully through either welfare programs or low-wage work. Full time low-wage employment appears to yield higher income than full dependence on welfare, but the net result of employment for single mothers is that after daycare expenses and the added expenses of working, the family's net income often is less than if the mother relied only on welfare to support herself and her children. Welfare recipients themselves often are forced to seek other, unreported, income in order to support their families. Bibliography lists 1 source.
AFDC and Welfare Reform Issues
A 5 page paper that studies the impact of welfare reform on single mother's collecting Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). This paper focuses on the inherent problems within the AFDC system that related directly to women's un-wed status, along with current misconceptions regarding participant status, education and ability to transition from the program into work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Controversy Over US Social Security
A 6 page paper discussing the U.S. Social Security administration and presented as a 'policy report' being presented for use by a 'congressional policy maker.' Background, political ideology, developments and challenges, as well as recommendations for the future of Social Security are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
US Political Party Weaknesses
An 8 page paper in which the writer considers factors that have weakened American political parties over the course of the last two decades. Ultimately, these factors have contributed to a determined decline in the American political party system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
US Legislature and Transforming a Bill into Law
This 10 page paper discusses the legislature in depth and concentrates on how a bill becomes a law. A brief history on how the branch of government was designed is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Political Parties and Interest Groups
A 9 page research paper arguing that the role of interest groups is essentially to complement that of political parties and not to compete with them. The writer includes a number of good analytical points and examines the varying capacities in which interest & pressure groups can become involved in the Democratic election process. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Burglary, Common Law and Criminal Statute
In 8 pages, the author discusses Virginia's common law of burglary and Tennessee's common law of burglary, and whether the outcome of common law has been as effective as the outcome of a criminal statute. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Frank Bryan and John McClaughry's The Vermont Papers
A 5 page analysis of the book by Frank Bryan and John McClaughry which proposes to radically change governance in the state of Vermont. The authors would change the fundamental unit of state government to 'shires,' that is, small geographical regions with about 10,000 citizens each. The writer shows how this concept could have radical implications not only for Vermont, but for the country, and postulates that Bryan and McClaughry have pointed the way towards the correct path for government in the 21st century. No additional sources cited.
Overview of TVA
A 6 page paper on the TVA that explores the political forces behind its establishment, its mission statement, and how the TVA cultivates customers through community involvement. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Texas Citizens and the Services Provided by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison's Office
This 15 page report review the function of a U.S. Senator's office, its purpose, function, and structure. In specific, the report looks at Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and her role in service to both the people of Texas and the rest of the citizens of the U.S.A. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Analysis of a Town Meeting
In this 6 page essay, the writer re-caps events and issues covered at a local town meeting they attended. Issues in public administration, roles of municipal executives, and various procedural functions are all included in the discussion. Town budget information, tax issues, and more are covered. No bibliography.
Community Issues of a Municipal Town Meeting
6 pages in length. This report covers the topics of a municipal township meeting and some of the key issues raised concerning youths and the community, police work, and budgeting concerns. The writer points out how especially concerned members present were about tax-related issues. No bibliography.
Privatization and the Logistics Management of the United States Military
A 10 page paper that provides an overview of logistics management and considers the application for the management and outsourcing of military construction, maintenance and equipment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Privatization and the Logistics Management of the United States Military
A 10 page paper that provides an overview of logistics management and considers the application for the management and outsourcing of military construction, maintenance and equipment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
A 5 page paper on the internal workings of the mail system in the U.S. Included is a brief overview and history of the Postal Service along with economic and financial data. Bibliography included.
WHO and its Efficacy
A 20 page research paper that examines several problematic issues that have interfered with the World Health Organization's (WHO) stated mandate to bring the highest possible level of heath to all the people of the world. The issues include the sale and quality control of pharmaceuticals on the international market, the advertising and sale of infant formula in developing countries and the effectiveness of the Global Program on AIDS. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Kindleberger on the World Economy
A 5 page research paper which looks at the theories of renowned economist Charles P. Kindleberger in his book World Economic Primacy: 1500 to 1990. Kindleberger postulates that nations go through life cycles that are roughly similar to those of a single individual. First there is youth, then maturity, and then eventually there is aging; however, the life cycle of a nation ends in quiescence rather then death. As evidence of this, the writer examines world health as an economic indicator and concludes that this does tend to verify Kindleberger's hypothesis that the U.S. is in decline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
U.S. Concept of Nationalism
This 5 page paper supports the concept of nationalism, particularly as it relates to the United States. Several examples are provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Treaties and the Difficulty in Enforcing Them
This 5 page paper argues that treaties are generally worthless because they are too difficult to enforce. The SALT agreements are discussed. Iraq is used as a contemporary example. Bibliography lists 10 sources. Treaties. wps
The Ugly American by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick
In 5 pages, the writer discusses "The Ugly American" by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick. The paper is essentially a critical analysis examining the authors' main points and significance. The book itself focuses upon a personal relationship between two men that mirrors the relationship between their countries : the United States and Sarkhan, an emerging Southeast Asian state. No additional sources cited.
Importance of Political Study
A 4 page paper that determines the significance of studying politics, while also looking at the impact of the two predominant political parties and democracy as a whole. Bibliography lists several sources.
Dictatorship and Democracy
This 5 page report discusses the differences in the development, attitudes, and realities of democracy compared with dictatorship. As the 20th century closes, more people live under democratic rule than under dictatorship at the end of the 20th century. However, the fact remains that in many circumstances, democracy was won only after the excesses of dictatorship were fully realized. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Planned Socialism v. Capitalism
A 5 page investigation of the similarities and differences between capitalism and planned socialism. Examples are given of both. The writer posits that true capitalism does not exist anywhere in the world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Satirical Elements in Walden by Henry David Thoreau
In 5 pages, the writer discusses the way in which Thoreau used satire in his work. Henry David Thoreau's 'Walden' is a satire on the way humans live when they could choose to live differently. Although his work fits the definition of classic, in many senses of the term, it is filled with numerous examples of satire. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Materialism and Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Themes of Henry David Thoreau's Walden are explored in this 5 page paper. The analysis delves into the notion that materialism obscures man's essential nature which the writer has found in the woods. Contemporary society is compared with the writer's era, showing that he was certainly a man ahead of his time. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
A 5 page analysis of the first chapter of Adam Smith's book The Wealth of Nations. The writer summarizes the chapter and then offers an analysis that argues that although Smith was correct in his argument that techniques of mass production great increase the productivity and efficiency of manufacture, he was wrong as to the human motivation in regards to repetitive work. No additional sources cited.
Analysis of Modernity
This 4 page research paper examines whether modernity was merely a philosophical movement or a response to European economic and social changes, taking the latter position. Specifically discussed is the concept of modernity as it correlated with the emergence of capitalism and the birth of the state. Bibliography lists1 source.
Sexual Exploitation and the Trafficking of Women
A 48 page paper presenting a comprehensive overview of human trafficking, particularly of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The introduction provides a general overview and insight into the extent of this crime. Human trafficking is reported to be the third most profitable illegal business in the world. The second section of the paper offers a feminist perspective on trafficking of women and girls into prostitution. Data include numbers from many different regions in the world. Estimates run as high as 2 million women and girls trafficked every year. Data support the premise that human trafficking is a gendered business, a backlash against feminism, according to one well-known author. The impact of globalization on sex trafficking is then explored. Countries are categorized as origin points, transition points or destination points. The classifications of numerous countries are reported, some of which fit into all three categories. International and national laws and agreements regarding human trafficking and particularly sex trafficking are reported in the next section. Two case studies are then reported: Ukraine and the Philippines. A summary and conclusions end the essay. Bibliography lists 50 sources.
The Terrorism Act of 2001/Its Effects, A Research Proposal
This 3 page paper examines this bill that was passed into law in 2001. How this bill that had bipartisan support affected party lines. Did it serve to divide parties? Did it bring the Republicans and Democrats together? This is a research proposal divided into three portions. The first provides a general introduction to the topic and the second section explains sources to be used within the paper. The final section is an outline of the proposed paper.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Global Economy, Trade, and Caribbean Nations That Speak English
A 12 page overview of the problems English speaking Caribbean nations encounter in regard to functioning in the world economy. The author asserts that the WTO has had little positive effect on these countries. CARICOM, in contrast, offers these countries hope. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
US Foreign Policy and Bangladesh
A 5 page paper discussing US interest in Bangladesh and describing present foreign policy to that country. Bangladesh is a developing nation less open to US interests than many other secular nations, but still “negatively neutral.” Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Globalization and International Institutions
This 7 page paper examines the following question: Are international institutions able to operate within the competing demands of the forces of globalization? Globalization is discussed along with the prospects for organizations like NGOs, the WTO and the UN. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Overview of Trade Unions and Their Functions
A 5 page overview of the function of trade unions. Utilizing the history of the European Trade Union as an example, the contention is presented that trade union purpose, policies, and government is intimately tied to the occupations represented.
Affordability of Health Insurance Letter to U.S. Senator Bill Frist
A 4 page letter to Senator Bill Frist, M.D., describing a citizen’s view of his inability to purchase health care insurance. A large and growing percentage of the American people are unable to afford any health care insurance of any kind, yet do not qualify for social assistance programs. While those who can afford insurance can buy it and those who live in poverty have full access to public health care programs, many of those of us who cannot afford either health care or health care insurance earn just enough that we also do not qualify for public assistance of any kind. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Oregon's Death with Dignity Act and the American Government
4 pages in length. The writer discusses the Oregon Death With Dignity Act as it relates to 1997 Supreme Court allowing each state to decide for itself. Statistical data also provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Successes and Failures in the Management of Diplomacy
A 7 page paper discussing reasons for diplomatic success and failure in today’s world, including the role of theory and systems thinking. Economic interconnectedness cannot be overlooked as one reason for diplomatic success in this era of crisis diplomacy. Rather than being a matter of greed or of “selling out” cultural or political ideological positions, one of the leading factors contributing to diplomatic success in today’s environment is the ability for all involved to take on a systems thinking approach to the problems at hand. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Late Twentieth Century History and Politics of Chile
A 20 page overview of Chilean politics, and the role of the U.S. in those politics, in the years spanning the election of Allende and the end of the Pinochet regime. The author contends that the U.S. exerted considerable manipulation in Chile and the result was the overthrow of Allende and the rise of Pinochet to the Chilean presidency. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
'Defenders of the Faith' and McCarthyism
4 pages in length. Looking back at the social and political debacle of McCarthyism makes one consider just how far the "defenders of the faith" should be allowed to go to protect America's system of government? When one examines what, if any, limits should be placed upon the methods and actions taken against those who are perceived not to "believe as we do," it is important to consider the current state of foreign affairs and the extent to which America has been force to defend its very existence. McCarthyism represented a perceived threat to what it means to be an American; the devastating impact of recent terrorist activities against this country illustrates, by comparison, a decidedly more tangible threat that calls for drastic measures of protection. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
President Kennedy's Assassination According to Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone's 1991 Film JFK
This 25 page paper examines the assassination of Kennedy based upon the writings of Jim Garrison and the Oliver Stone film, "JFK". This paper delves into the myriad of theories and investigations that have taken place on the subject, as well as investigating much of the information that has been released since the "JFK" film. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Policy of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and Gays in the Military
A 14 page examination of a very complex
issue. The author asserts the military's approach is short-sited. The military must open its eyes and look to other professional arenas where the
issue of homosexuality has taken a more visible stance. Despite the continued protest from those that oppose allowing alternate sexual orientation
to surface in the military, the military is a place of employment and the same concerns which arise in regard to homosexual right emerge there just
as they do among civilians. One's sexual orientation does not impact one's ability to do a job. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
History of WMDs in Iraq
This 6 page paper examines the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq possessed prior to the U.S. invasion of that country. Furthermore, this paper provides analysis as to the reasons for the U.S. invasion as well as the history of prior wars between the U.S. and Iraq. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
United States' Defense Industry and Knowledge Management
This 4 page paper examines the topic of knowledge management and how it is embraced by the U.S. defense industry. Problems inherent in terms of clandestine data are addressed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis of US Antiwar Organizations and American Peace Movements from September 11 2001 until March 20, 2003
An 18 page paper which examines how traditional American pacifist groups and new U.S. pacifist coalitions have responded to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and President George W. Bush’s war against Iraq, comparing their components, statements of conscience, and methods of protests. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
The History of States vs. Federal Rights.
This 4 page paper provides an overview of the tug of war between states rights and the rights of the federal government. The Federalist Papers are used in the analysis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Characteristics of New Public Management
This 7 page paper examines the criticisms that were made of the traditional approach to public administration looking at the inherent weaknesses in the older systems. The paper then discusses the key characteristics of the term New Public Management (NPM). The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Video Games, Sex and Violence
A 3 page paper which argues that the government should regulate violence and sex in video games. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Class Struggles, and the Value Labor Theory of Karl Marx
This 4-page paper discusses Marx's labor theory of values and compares it to the paper on "The Other Civil War."
Cell Phone Industry and Government Regulations
A 5 page discussion of the difficulties
the government has experienced in various industries in trying to regulate technology that is in high demand by the public. Using numerous examples other industries the author contends that governmental attempts at regulating the cell phone industry will be difficult even if definitive and
quantitative risks regarding cancer are identified. Without clear substantiated risks the task will be near impossible. Bibliography lists 2
Social Security and Policy Making Models Reviewed
This 4-page paper attempts to align Social Security and its payment with certain policy making models.
European Union, Economic and Cultural Development
This 5 page paper considers the question: What does European federalism indicate about the relationship between culture, political development, and economic development? The question is based on the fact that culture plays a key role in political and economic development. The writer first addresses the issue of whether or not the EU can be considered a federation and then discusses the inclusion of culture in EU documents since the beginning but these statements suggest a shared culture unique to Europe. Turkey's push to join the EU is used as an example of how a vastly different culture could upset the EU. The writer also discusses the topic of culture and economic development, in general, concluding there is no distinct answer to the original question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
U.S. Voting Behavior
A 5 page paper which examines the voting behavior of United States citizens from the 1950s till present day. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Public Values and How They Are Influenced by Special Interest Groups Regarding Video Game Violence
A 5 page overview of the varying viewpoints surrounding violence in video games. There are groups that oppose this violence and those that support the right of video producers and those that play these games to free expression. What results is special interest groups, each of which clamors for the attention of our lawmakers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Contemporary Manifestations of Terrorism
This 10 page paper is really three essays combined into one paper. Three sections address different subjects related to terrorism. Sections are as follows: I. Major trends in terrorism in recent years; II. The most important emerging trends in terrorism; III. Major organizational patterns of current terrorist groups and how they may or may not change in the future. Many issues are addressed including biological warfare, suicide bombing and Internet terrorism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Conflicts and Causes in Cote D'Ivoire and Sudan's Darfur Region
An 8 page overview of the underlying causes of these two conflicts. Speculations are presented as to why U.S. students could be largely unaware of these conflicts even in the presence of significant media coverage and observations made as to the long term implications of the conflicts.
History and Immigration of Blacks to the Pacific Northwest
An 11 page discussion of the problems black immigrants to the Pacific Northwest have faced. The author asserts that the deep societal prejudice and the discrimination that resulted has had long term impacts for black immigrants and their descendants. A complimentary annotated bibliography is included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Boston Massacre and the Massacre at Kent State University
This 7 page paper evaluates an article that compares Kent State with the Boston Massacre. Most of the paper examines the relevance of Kent State and its legacy. The events of May 4, 1970 are included in detail. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Military and Technology Uses
This 10 page paper examines current and future trends. Various types of technology from stealth to computer to wireless are discussed. The future body suit with potentially life saving qualities are also included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Farewell Address of George Washington
A 3 page overview of the concerns George Washington had for the ongoing welfare of the U.S., concerns
detailed in his 1796 "Farewell Address". The threats of the political party and European allegiances were a particular worry for Washington. No additional sources are listed.
Pan Islamic Terrorism and Conflict Between Palestine and Israel
A 4 page discussion of the association that exists between Israeli-Palestinian conflict
and Pan-Islamic terrorism in the Middle East and beyond. The author reviews the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and notes the role of
Western foreign policy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Who's Running America? The Bush Restoration by Thomas R. Dye
A 6 page paper which examines Dye’s assertion that power is concentrated among the few and not the many by concentrating on three central themes – that there is a power elite comprised of a select number of corporations and private foundations, that campaign finance reform has done little to open up the power structure to ‘the people,’ and how this intricate network controls government policy by influencing the media and school institutions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Missile Defense System of President George W. Bush
This 5 page paper begins with comments related to the need for an anti-ballistic missile program. The essay then outlines President George W. Bush's anti-ballistic missile defense program, including future capacities and technology. The writer also comments on the difference between the current program, President Reagan's SDI and President Bush's global protection program. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Politics and Bananas
This 6-page paper attempts to tie the banana trade wars together with political maneuvering, even to the point where it has helped elect presidents of the U.S. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Arizona's Transportation Projects and Public Funding
This 8 page paper discusses the process by which the State of Arizona gets funding for its infrastructure projects. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
An Argument Against Reforming Social Security at the Present Time
A 5 page paper arguing that Social Security does not need dramatic reform, though it does need to be strengthened for the future. The paper recommends that younger workers, particularly those employed by businesses not offering 401(k) plans, be given incentives to save for retirement in addition to the money paid into Social Security. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Terrorism Preparedness, Travis County, Texas
This 25 page paper examines the ways in which Travis County, Texas (Austin, the capital of the state, lies in this county) is handling the threat of terrorism. It includes an overview of the county (to determine if there was a particular reason it might make a tempting target), the suggestions of the Texas Homeland Security department with regard to preparedness, the work of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) in protecting the state's natural resources as well as the role of the Austin/Travis County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) in handling disasters.
Biliography lists 8 sources.
Lobbyists and Their Role in Presidential Elections
6 pages in length. Being that "most of the interest groups on aging came into being or became politically involved after most of the major aging-related programs were already in place" (Hudson, 1999, p. 155), it can by hypothesized that had it not been for the efforts of AARP, a multitude of new policy and legislation aimed at benefiting senior citizens would have never been passed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Racial Segregation and Housing
A 4 page discussion of the historical development of the suburb and the racial segregation that it perpetuated. This paper argues that our governments itself played an incriminating role in this development. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Culture of Complaint by Robert Hughes
A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the major points in Hughes' book Culture Of Complaint and considers their implications. Hughes argues that we have developed into a culture of individuals arguing for their victim status, and that as the growing groups of victims and the consistency of the search for resolution takes shape within our national identity, the very core of all that is valued and strong falls to the wayside. No additional sources cited.
Ways of Seeing by John Berger
A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the essential elements of Berger's book Ways of Seeing. No additional sources cited.
The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion by Zaller
An 8 page analysis of Zaller's book. The writer demonstrates that Zaller offers an extended argument on exactly how people form their political preferences as he seeks to show how news and political arguments 'diffuse through large populations' as well as 'how individuals evaluate this information in light of their political values and other predispositions.' No additional sources cited.
Highway Privatization
Both sides of the controversy are explored in this 10 page paper. Personal and social needs are highlighted as well as economic issues. Things such as road rage, stressful commutation and accidents are portrayed as lowering the quality of life which may be alleviated by allowing the private sector to manage America's roadways. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Two Party Political System in the United States
A 5 page review of the stability and instability of the United States’ two-party political system. Offers three factors as an explanations for the continuity of this system over time. these factors are economic, societal and issue-related. Draws heavily on the authors James L. Sundquist and Thomas Ferguson to explain these factors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Germany's Right Wing Extremism and Xenophobia
This 8 page report discusses the rise in popularity of both xenophobia and right-wing extremism in Germany, especially
what was once East Germany. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Overview of the Process of the US Federal Budget
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the process that takes place in the United States. Pertinent legal requirements are examined. Historical and contemporary information includes several examples. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
U.S. Social Security System Improvements
3 pages in length. There is no guarantee that American retirees will enter their twilight years with much financial support from the United States Social Security system. Indeed, the failing program has been stricken with a number of blows to its assets that have made it a significant concern for all citizens, no matter if retirement is around the corner or still several decades away. The writer discusses the inherent problems that plague the United States Social Security system, as well as addresses various ways to improve it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Garlic Ballads by Mo Yan
A 10 page research paper that analyzes the novel The Garlic Ballads by Chinese author Mo Yan. Written in the mid-1980s, the writer argues that the political themes within this realistic and gritty look at Chinese life are an accurate reflection of the widespread corruption that is characteristic of the Chinese government. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
National Voter Registration Act or 'Motor Voter'
This 5 page report discusses the National Voter Registration Act, most commonly known as the “Motor Voter” and was designed to encourage voter registration and remove a number of discriminatory and unfair obstacles to voter registration. Signed into law in 1993, the Act was put into effect on January 1, 1995. Several states fought implementation of the law calling it an “un-funded mandate” that led to a greater potential for election fraud. Since the law’s implementation, significant successful results have been proven. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Legal System of Great Britain
A 6 page research paper that examines the workings of the British legal system, which has some distinctive features. The writer outlines the English system and discusses areas where change is occurring or is indicated for the future. For example, the incorporation of the European convention on human rights into British law will have repercussions. The functioning of the Law Lords, Britain's highest court, is also examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of the League of Nations
A 10 page paper in which the writer discusses what led to the development of the League of Nations, as spearheaded by
Woodrow Wilson. Why the United States refused to join the League will be reviewed, as will what influence this 25 year old organization had on the current United Nations, and
how the League of Nations may still influence United States politics. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Social Security Program Understanding
8 pages in length. Explains the Social Security program, why it is likened to a pyramid scheme and the future of Social Security. A person who retired in 1940 earned a return on his contributions of approximately one hundred thirty five percent. Those type rates did not last too long, but the returns were still very good. The rate of return was twenty-four percent for those who retired in 1950, fifteen percent in 1960, and ten percent in 1970. This paper also tells 'the rest of the story'. Includes 2 charts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Essay on the Pros and Cons of Gun Control
5 pages in length. This is an argumentative essay on the gun control controversy. Both the pros and cons are considered. It is true that gun control in and of itself will not curb the violent streak that lives within an individual, nor will it lessen the number of violent acts committed on a daily basis. It will, however, serve to deter the level of fatalities as a result of gunshot wounds. On the other hand, gun owners are appalled by the idea that the government is trying to come between them and their Second Amendment rights. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Social Work and Human Relations
From the systems viewpoint,
human relations is best approached in a manner that considers all
aspects of the presenting problem. One would need to look at the
different systems involved, how they interact and what forms the shared
meaning base. This 5 page paper argues that there is an obvious and
overwhelming need to utilize the knowledge and skills of an
interdisciplinary approach in this matter. Bibliography lists 7
Relations Between the U.S. and India
This 5 page paper looks at two points of view on this subject, first delving into American sentiment and then looking at how India sees the relationship between the two nations. Some historical information is provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Flat Tax's Positive and Negative Aspects
6 pages in length. The flat income tax system proposes to assign a uniform percentage tax from ten to twenty percent for all Americans and remove the current system involving complex deductions, credits and exemptions. Such a system would be expected to boost economic development and encourage savings since the double income taxation system against savings and investment is eliminated. This paper considers both sides of the flat tax issue and whether the flat tax will really be implemented. Interesting arguments on both sides. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Concept of Capitalism
This 5 page paper provides a discussion on the concept of capitalism, its origins and how it exists today. Examples used focus on the United States. Communism is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nations and Nationalism by Ernest Gellner
A 7 page analysis. In his book Nations and Nationalism, author Ernest Gellner addresses the topic of how the political forms that are so intrinsic to the modern world came into being—how did the concept of a 'nation' develop? What caused certain people to define themselves in this manner? How does this concept influence the present and the future? These and more questions are addressed by this slim volume. No additional sources cited.
Voting Behavior and the Impacts of Class and Race
This 9 page paper reviews several studies and theories in respect to the topic and then proposes a new study, inclusive of an outline, methodology and what results might be obtained. This topic is fully explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
U.S. and Immigrants from Haiti
This 5 page report
discusses the experiences of Haitians that have immigrated to the
United States. The struggles faced by immigrants has always been
one requiring a great deal of personal determination in the midst
of hardship, whether it was the Irish and Italians at the start
of the 20th century or the Central Americans and Haitians in the
last decades of the century. However, Haitians have also had to
deal with more bigotry and racial discrimination than any of the
fair-skinned immigrants of Europe. In addition, they have had to
endure political controversy threatening their ability of
remaining in the U.S. In many ways, they have had to deal with
far greater problems than virtually any other immigrant
population. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Internet Sales Tax Proposal
10 pages. Presents an argument in favor of an Internet sales tax. Includes one graph. Discussion includes options on how to base the sales tax rate, who should collect it and what some repercussions might be. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Media and Terrorism
This 5 page paper looks at the relationship between the media and terrorism and how terrorists are affected by reporting. The way in which terrorists use media for their own advantage is discussed. Several well known events are highlighted, including Waco and the bombing in Oklahoma City. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Government Types Democracy and Totalitarian
This 14 page paper compares and contrasts the two types of governments. There is a slant towards the support of the totalitarian model, negating much of the rhetoric spouted concerning the virtues of democracy. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Primaries and the 2000 Election Campaign
This 15 page paper provides an overview of the presidential primaries which took place primarily in 1999. Candidates George W. Bush and John McCain are highlighted. The democratic campaign is also touched on and projections are made. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Analyzing the Turbo Capitalism of Luttwak
This 9 page paper examines the book in light of contemporary politics. Global issues are considered. No other sources cited.
1960s' Political Power
This 9 page paper looks at the shift in political power, between parties, since the 1960's. The 1960's era is explored. Democratic and Republican presidential leadership is looked at through the entire twentieth century and reasons for shifts in power are explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Latino Political Patterns
This 5.5 page paper examines patterns in Latino
politics, moving from civil rights based issues to
more broad-based national concerns of cultural,
political and economic natures. In California
alone, Latino/Hispanic voting quadruped in the
last presidential election.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
An Examination of American Liberalism
25 pages in length. The origins and basics of traditional American liberalism gave direct rise to the ideals and concepts of individual political freedom and its intimate connection with economic freedom. However, this rebirth also led to a suffocating individualism that ultimately overshadowed the very reason liberalism had been embraced in the first place. The spirit of liberalism holds at its heart the development of individual freedom. The writer discusses that as the concepts of freedom change throughout history, so too do the concepts of liberalism. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Marshall Berman's All That is Solid Melts Into Air and David Harvey's The Condition Of Postmodernity
5 pages in length. With tremendous literary eloquence and startling authenticity, David Harvey's "The Condition of Postmodernity" and Marshall Berman's "All That is Solid Melts Into Air" address the notion of modernity and all that it has produced. Both Harvey and Berman approach the topic in a somewhat variant manner than others who have attempted to tackle the same issues, in that they strive to achieve a more spiritual basis for what has transpired due to modernistic events with regard to culture, architecture, art and society. The common denominator of imagery utilized by the two authors enables the reader to gain a significantly better understanding of just how critical the periods of modernity and postmodernity have been to the overall existence of society. No additional sources cited.
The Federalist Papers as Supported by Alexander Hamilton
6 pages in length. Alexander Hamilton's argument in support of a unitary executive (the Federalist Papers) originated from his assertion that "energy" represents an essential element in the executive capacity, a component he clearly and staunchly contended was important to good government. To Hamilton, the term energy represented the most critical components of a strong and progressive government, one in which the inherent responsibilities are addressed in an impenetrable yet effective manner. Hamilton argued that decision, activity, secrecy and dispatch are fundamental components to a solid, energetic executive, indicative of what he viewed as the most important political characteristics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Eleven Government Questions Answered
An 11 page research paper that takes the form of 11 questions pertaining to governance and specifically the US government. Questions begin on a simple level—'What is human nature?'—and progress to more complex issues such as the function of the political party system. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
US Federalism and How It Has Evolved
This 5 page paper provides a description of federalism since the country's inception and then takes a look at the slight changes it has incurred over time. The thesis of this paper is that the changes to federalism have not only been necessary, but have helped to uphold its original purpose. The confederate flag issue is raised.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Tariffs and Trade in Ireland
5 pages in length. The writer discusses tariffs, non-tariff barriers, trade agreements, trade blocs and foreign exchange controls as they relate to Ireland. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Failure of the 1960s' SDS Movement
This 12 page paper provides background information on the SDS as well as other movements prevalent during the 1960's. The thesis of this paper is that the SDS did not succeed because the organization had a socialist bent, something that did not mesh with a rising conservative movement. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
U.S. Naval Operation Earnest Will and Hostile Intent
A 5-page paper that examines the 1987 U.S. naval military operation coded Operation Earnest Will, an operation designed to assist Kuwaiti oil tankers across the war-torn Persian Gulf under the protection of the American flag. Discussed are the United States' security interests in the Persian Gulf, the reasons it was felt these interests were put at risk by Kuwaiti difficulties in the area, and the accomplishments and shortcomings of Operation Earnest Will. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Development, Freedom, and Democracy
5 pages in length. The idea of democracy, as our forefathers originally intended it to represent, was that of the ultimate evolution of human life. The concept, which was just a seed when it was established in the United States over two hundred years ago, allowed for people to make their own destinies -- to follow whatever dreams they may have kept harbored deep inside for fear that they would never be able to make them a reality. Democracy unleashed a joining together of the people so that new economic and political ideas could be shared in a way they had not been before. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
US Presidency and How It Has Evolved
A 6 page research paper that examines the evolution of the US presidency to its present state of power. The writer argues that, despite this development, the checks and balances of the Constitution still work and the evolution of the presidency has been, for the most part, a positive adaptation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Five Articles on Realism and Idealism
8 pages in length. The writer discusses idealism and realism as they relate to five contemporary articles. No additional sources cited.
Thomas Hobbes and Aristotle on Human Nature
A 5 page paper that argues the fact that Aristotle's ancient view of the inherent state of human nature, a state which posits that man is born into a natural state of civilization that nurtures the cause of the common good, is a more fitting assumption of man's nature as it was intended than is the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, which posits that man is born an inherently selfish and warring creature. Discussed are reasons why Aristotle's philosophy should be viewed as a philosophy of hope for the twenty-first century while Hobbes' philosophy basically presents a philosophy of destruction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Technology and Intervention by Government
This 6 page paper explains the impact of the government on corporate business as regards technology. Has it helped or hindered business to get ahead by taking advantage of information technology? Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Death Row Inmates and Responsibility of Society
An 8 page paper that argues the thesis that society's taxpayers are obligated, both financially and morally, to support death row inmates as they await execution. Discussed are the main arguments that surround this issue and the views of both the proponents and the opposition are presented. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 5 page paper which discusses and analyzes Federalism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Brazilian Slavery: 1550 -1888
An 8 page review of the institution of Brazilian slavery and the factors that drove it. This paper examines the differentiation between slave industries and the factors that determined who was employed where. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Effect of Saddam Hussein's Execution
This 3 page paper looks at the fallout after the execution of Saddam Hussein at the very end of 2006. The effects of the execution on the future of Iraq is the focus of attention. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
International Relations and Constructivism
This 3 page paper examines several theories of international relations, including constructivism and neorealism, and how they relate to one another. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Future Trends in Employee Motivation and Compensation within the Military
A 6 page paper discussing compensation models, reward systems and planning for contingency needs in the military. There is no question that both the US and its military have entered a new era that no one wanted. As is the case in compensation and reward systems in the private sector, the military will need to assess the future long before it arrives, and plan for it well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Global Warming: Disproportionate Impact and Foreign Aid
A 3 page discussion of how to prepare developing countries to deal with the impacts of global warming. This paper contends that those most responsible for the pollution contributing to global warming provide aid to those countries in need. The point is made, however, that foreign aid is only one potential approach. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
American Public Policies
A review of several of the most troubling public policy arenas of the modern day. These include health, welfare, education, and energy. The paper outlines concerns in each and emphasizes the importance of public policy in addressing these concerns. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Unemployment in the US
This 8 page paper looks at the problem of unemployment in the United States. The paper first established the problem looking at the level of unemployment in general and specific terms and then considers the way that fiscal policies could be used to tackle the unemployment problems. The bibliography cites 6 sources. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
The Changing Face of Terrorism
A 6 page discussion of the changes that have occurred since 9-11 in the U.S. and Spain in regard to terrorism. The contention is presented that the most eminent threat of terrorism that we are facing in the U.S. results more from our own counterterrorism activities than it does from the terrorists themselves. In Spain, however, terrorism seems to have intensified in regard to the threat of both biological weapons and bombs and other more traditional weapons of destruction. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Some Legal Aspects of Hoover Dam
A 5 page paper discussing the federal government's efforts to reduce the sheep and goat herds of the Navajo Indians in the early 1930s in environmental concern about the contribution of silt to the reservoir that would be created by the Hoover Dam. Hoover Dam brought much improvement to life in the Southwest in terms of electrification, flood control, water availability and irrigation, but in many respects it did so at the expense of the Navajo people and the Navajo way of life, and largely with impunity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Realigning Aid to Ethiopia
A 4 page paper providing recommendation to the British government regarding additional financial aid to Ethiopia. The recommendation for the British government and for the governments of other Western "rich" countries giving aid to Ethiopia is to maintain historic levels of financial assistance, followed with increased financial assistance entrusted to NGOs to administer and use for the good of the Ethiopian people. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Darfur: An Analysis
A 10 page analysis of the historical, ethnic, and religious factors at play in the Darfur situation. This paper analyzes Darfur from the perspective that there have been many contributory circumstances and events that have led up to it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Energy Crisis
An 8 page paper. We have a serious energy crisis that few seem to be acknowledging. Leeb and Strathy, however, say we are on the edge of the most serious crisis ever. Beginning with the comments of these authors, this essay compares two economic energy policies, CARE from the 1970s and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 in term so which had greater impact. The essay then briefly describes some alternative energy approaches. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Michigan Civil Rights Initiative: Proposal 2
A 5 page paper which examines the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, known as Proposal 2, as it relates to African American males. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Hussein and Hitler
This 6 page paper compares Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler, and argues that while there are similarities, the comparison is not exact. Further, Hussein's deed, heinous as they were, can never compare to Hitler's, and equating the two men trivializes Hitler's monstrous acts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Relationship between Politics and Economics
This 6 page paper discusses the relationship between politics and economics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Literature Review: Human Smuggling
This 12 page paper is a literature review of 10 articles dealing with human smuggling and human trafficking. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Literature Review: Human Smuggling
This 12 page paper is a literature review of 10 articles dealing with human smuggling and human trafficking. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Nuclear Power: An Environmental Necessity
A 5 page assessment of nuclear power as a feasible environmental option. This paper argues for nuclear power and discounts the controversy over whether or not it contributes to greenhouse gases. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Inadequacies in U.S. Antiterrorism Provisions Prior to 9-11
A 4 page paper emphasizing that 9-11 was the result of inadequate antiterrorism provisions in the U.S. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Should The United States Become A Member Of The International Criminal Court?
19 pages in length. America's involvement in the International Criminal Court - while helping to facilitate a broader spectrum of accountability across the globe where the International Court of Justice leaves off - creates a vacuum of vulnerability too evident to ignore. From checks and balances to due process to the exclusion of certain offenses that most definitely belong but are somehow protected, these troublesome inconsistencies provide the United States with a solid foundation upon which to stand apart from the Court involvement. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Deleterious Effects of Computer Gambling
This 5 page paper addresses this compelling issue. Gambling addiction is only one reason considered to support a thesis opposing Internet gaming. The paper concludes that Internet gambling sets people up to lose money and should be illegal in all states. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Considering Welfare Reform
This 4 page paper discusses some of the issues surrounding welfare and welfare reform. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Electoral College
This 5 page paper reports the history of the Electoral College, when it was established, why, its purpose, legal foundations for it, how it works, how Electors are selected, number of Electors, election quirks with the Electoral College, how Electors vote, elections deferred to Congress, who administers the Elector College and how it has evolved. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
California's Emergency Response Plan
This 4 page paper looks at California's emergency response plan. While California is subject to earthquakes and that is well known, it deals with landslides, flooding and man-made problems such as oil spills or terrorist threats. How California's system is set up is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Communication and U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Mexico
An 8 page overview of how poor intercultural communication during the Woodrow Wilson Presidency negatively shaped foreign policy towards Mexico. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Transnational Effects of Terrorism
A 6 page research paper that discusses the fact that terrorism has had multiple effects on international relations. It has brought nations together to form international cooperation strategies, but this issue has also caused the United States to rationalize actions that have served to alienate much of the world. This examination of international relations as they relate to terrorism explores this situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Civil Rights Act of 1991
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964, in order to provide damages in regards to employment discrimination cases and to make it clear how provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act pertain to “’disparate impact’ actions. The writer discusses how its provisions affect the workplace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Public Health Aspects of Food Safety
This 8 page paper discusses the issue of food safety from a public health perspective; it focuses mostly on a literature review. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Should Anabolic Steroids Be Used in the Military?
While this 14 page paper concludes that steroids should not be used, a history of use of steroids in the military is explored along with a look at its usage in society in general. The detrimental effects of anabolic steroids are relayed. This paper includes an Annotated Bibliography with 10 sources.
Democracy in India
This 7 page paper examines India's Constitution and electoral process. The problems with democracy in India are highlighted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Relations between the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Iran
This 8 page paper describes the history of U.S.-Iran international relations and why Iran has come to distrust the United States. It considers the 1953 U.S. backed coup that overthrew the legally elected Mossadegh government; the Islamic Revolution; and the U.S. backing of Saddam Hussein. It also considers reasons why Iran is developing nuclear power. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons In Developing Countries Is A Reality
10 pages in length. The United States, in fear of losing its imperial status so well documented throughout the twentieth century, is being forced to address the proliferation of nuclear weapons by those in the global community whose reputations are less than trustworthy; for these powerful arms to be in control of such hotheads as Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia and China all trying to possess the manipulative influence inherent to having nuclear weapons, America is rightly concerned over loss of national security. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Argument: Illegal Immigration Has a Negative Effect on the U.S. Economy
This 8 page paper examines the proposition that illegal immigration has a negative effect on the U.S. economy. It argues that while this population segment has a negative effect in some areas, particularly California, overall the illegal immigrant population has a small positive effect on the economy as a whole. The idea was to argue that illegal immigration’s effect is negative but the evidence does not support that conclusion. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Military Orders and the Necessity for Obeying Them
This 5 page paper discusses military orders, how they instill discipline, and the necessity for obeying them. It also considers what a military member should do when he or she receives an illegal order. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
“Chimpanzee Politics”
An 8 page overview of the many similarities that exist between humans and chimps when it comes to group dynamics. Using the book by Frans De Waal as a reference, this paper highlights how chimp group dynamics share more similarities than they do differences with politics in American government. No additional sources are listed.
In Defense of Governor Spitzer’s Plan
This 13 page paper discusses NY Governor Eliot Spitzer’s plan to make it possible for illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses, and argues that the plan makes solid sense. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Cold War as Compared with the Conflict in Iran
This 6 page paper compares and contrasts the Cold War and the current nuclear threat of Iran. The war on terror is discussed.
Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Christian View on Immigration
A 10 page research paper/essay that examines the questions of how Christians should view immigration issues. This examination of immigration issues, with a particular focus on the United States and illegal immigration, seeks to establish a consensus of how scholars feel Christians should regard immigrants and immigration policy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
This 12 page paper discusses the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the recent battle over extending its provisions. The extension was signed into law in August, 2007, with its controversial provisions intact. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Foreign Policy Articles
A 7 page research paper that offers an analysis of literature, which addresses the nature of foreign policy formulation. First of all, it examines the work of Jean A. Garrison, whose conceptualization of the policymaking process provides a cohesive, insightful framework for understanding the decision-making process within the context of group dynamics. The utility of this framework is then discussed in reference to various case scenarios drawn from history and discussed in scholarly literature. Collectively, this indicates how scholarship facilitates understanding the origins and complexities of the governmental policies that serve to shape the contemporary world and its history. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Case Study: Telephone Privacy and the War on Terror
This 5 page paper analyzes a client-supplied case study about the phone companies that turned the records of millions of subscribers over to the government. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
3 Views on Psychology of Foreign Policy
A 6 page research paper/essay that summarizes, analyzes and contrasts three essays by experts in the field of foreign policy decision making. Ole R. Holsti, Jerel A. Rosati and Jack L. Snyder, in their writing, are in consensus that the realist approach leaves out certain cognitive factors that can play a pivotal, often crucial, role in crisis decision-making. No additional sources cited.
The U.S. Invasion of Iraq is Justified by the U.N. Security Council Resolutions 660, 678 and 1441
This 10 page paper argues that the U.S. invasion of Iraq can be justified by interpreting Security Council Resolutions 660, 678 and 1441 in light of the Vienna Convention, which sees them as treaties. Once Iraq was in non-compliance with the resolution it had breached a “treaty,” enabling the U.S. to suspend that treaty and take military action. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
FEMA’s Response to Hurricane Katrina
A 6 page research paper that evaluates FEMA’s response to Hurricane Katrina from a PR standpoint. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Assessing the Budget of the City of Orlando
A 10 page paper assessing the 2007/2008 budget for the City of Orlando, Florida. The paper looks at the budget itself, as well as NACSLB Best Practices; GASB34 and Orlando's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). It appears that the awards that the City of Orlando has received for its budget processes and presentation are well earned. There are some changes that the City could make, but overall the budget document is one that meets the needs of the City and its citizens. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Huntington, Clash of Civilizations
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the thesis proposed in the 1993 article “The Clash of Civilizations?” (which was later expanded into a book) by Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington, he which he proposes that the central source of global conflict will not be “primarily ideological or primarily economic,” but will be between cultural perspectives (Huntington, 1993, p. 22). This examination of Huntington’s thesis, first of all, looks at his position in more detail, and then examines the implications of Huntington’s position and the storm of controversy that it has generated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Voting Democracies in Europe and the US
6 pages in length. The idea of democracy, as America's forefathers originally intended it to represent, was that of the ultimate evolution of human life. The concept, which was just a seed when it was established in the United States over two hundred years ago, allowed for people to make their own destinies -- to follow whatever dreams they harbored deep inside. Democracy unleashed a joining together of the people so that new economic and political ideas could be shared in a way they had not been before. Democracy truly has the ability to empower both the people and the
government, allowing people to no longer felt suppressed and unimportant in matters that affect their very lives. However, that is not the case in Europe where rumblings of a painful past are beginning to influence the present. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
1999 Mayor's Race in Philadelphia
An 8 page research paper that examines the 99 Philadelphia mayor campaign between John Street and Sam Katz. The writer analyzes the differing images that these candidates presented of the city. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Centralization, Decentralization, and Theories of Public Administration
This 9 page paper describes the centralization and decentralization issues within public administration; includes a treatise on the history, the benefits, and management trends. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
World Politics and Theory
5 pages in length. The writer discusses two topics: Liberal internationalism as it relates to world conception; and feminism as it relates to world politics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Australia and Compulsory Voting
This 6 page paper provides an overview of compulsory voting in Australia, inclusive of statistics and comparisons with other nations. The subject of compulsory voting is discussed. A thesis is presented along with a research proposal.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
1931's Davis Bacon Act
This 5 page paper provides an overview of this 1931 act pertinent to unionized workers. The possibility of repeal, and the movement to repeal the act in the 1970s, is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
California's Evolution
This 10 page paper provides insights into changes that occurred in California since the middle of the nineteenth century. Cultural, political and economic variables are discussed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
ANA as a Political Action Committee
This 5 page paper focuses in on the political action committee (PAC) affiliated of the ANA. The ANA's support of health care for the elderly is at the crux of this paper as well as the history of such issues affecting the aging population. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Arguing in Favor of Lifting the Cuba Embargo
This 30 page thesis paper provides an overview of the problem related to the U.S. embargo against Cuba. Historic information is provided along with the political background that surrounds this issue. Both sides of the issue are confronted but the paper supports lifting the ban due to philosophical reasons. Other reasons are explored, including the fact that the Cuban people have had to do without adequate food and medical supplies as a result. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Global Politics and Realism's Strengths and Weaknesses
8 pages in length. As the world embarks upon the new millennium, questions abound with regard to events that occurred during the twentieth century. With particular emphasis upon those that took place just in the past several years, one can surmise that many of these incidents can be attributed to idealism, a philosophy that employs the conscious desire to change the world, as opposed to efforts
based in realism. Issues such as national security, arms control, global economy, foreign policy, peace efforts have, indeed, not been grounded in a realistic composure. When one
assesses the main strengths and weaknesses of realism in describing world politics, the primary contention that exists is its constant battle against the notion of idealism. The writer discusses how this theory is quite relevant for addressing global contingencies in the 21st
century, inasmuch as it is a chronic lack of realism, combined with cynical politics that continues to threaten world issues. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Benjamin and William Franklin by Skemp
This 3 page paper reviews Skemp's work and provides some information on the illusive William Franklin. The father and son relationship is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Film Noir and McCarthyism
This 5 page report discusses the idea
that it would be useful to take the idea that film noir evolved
in the midst of McCarthyism one more metaphorical level and
consider the ways in which McCarthyism actually was the
embodiment of film noir. Creativity was questioned in the service
of pointless but generally hysterical politics. Interestingly,
the dark and brooding tone of film noir echoes the dark,
brooding, and accusatory climate that was the norm in Hollywood
during the government’s hunt for communist witches and potential
informers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Examination of Cybervoting
5 pages in length. The technological revolution has brought about myriad social changes, not the least of which includes the concept of cybervoting. In its purest form, this alternative to physical ballot voting stands to revolutionize the entire democratic process; according to proponents, cybervoting will give back to the people what has long been gone from the political process. Additionally, the implementation of cybervoting will benefit individuals who might not otherwise make the effort to vote, inevitably increasing the ultimate turnout. That cybervoting stands to get more people involved with the
political process is reason enough to support its
acceptance; however, there are even more fundamental reasons why cybervoting is an idea whose time has arrived. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Microsoft and Applicability of Antitrust Laws
A 9 page paper discussing the
theory and history of antitrust laws and monopoly designation, and the reasons that theory and
reality rarely meet on common ground. The Justice Department has found Microsoft to practice
predatory pricing based on the fact that it gives away its products for free; Microsoft's
competitors want the government to force Microsoft to compete on price, as they do. The paper
looks at Standard Oil, Ford Motor Company in the 1920s and RCA. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
International Law and Biological Warfare
A 17 page paper discussing the legal and environmental aspects of biological warfare. As our scientific knowledge increased, so did the threat of biological warfare. The use of biological weapons seems to be less of a threat now, for our scientific knowledge has continued to increase to lead us to a place that we can glimpse into areas we can recognize as unknown. A specific and binding UN treaty exists to which 144 nations have signed and agreed, but there remains no legal enforceability. The 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention remains under continual review. Bibliography lists 20 sources in 28 footnotes (in Bluebook [legal] style).
Basic Human Right of Health Care
A 5 page paper arguing that access to health care is a right,
rather than a privilege. There are those who maintain that health care is no more a right than is
the "right" to drive fast cars; far more subscribe to the view that access to health care is a basic
right of all people. This paper echoes that position. The paper suggests that neither employers
nor the government needs to be central in the debate over health care reform, but that individuals
need to be given control through the use of medical savings accounts and vouchers for the poor.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Iris M. Young's Justice and the Politics of Difference and Susan M. Okin's Justice, Gender and the Family
(7 pp) This discussion addresses the nature of
social politics and diversity through the work of
two feminist scholars: Susan Muller Okin:
Justice Gender and the Family (1989), and Iris
Marion Young: Justice and the Politics of
Difference (1990).
Taxpayers and the Unnecessary Burden of a Professional Sports Stadium
A 10 page contention that only a selective proportion of the American public is interested in or profits either economically or recreationally from sports stadiums. Presents various statistics and economic and philosophic arguments demonstrating the unfairness which is inherent in requiring the taxpayer to foot the bill for the construction of these stadiums. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Historical Role of Syria
(5 pp) The modern state of Syria was not
established until 1946, after the Second World War,
but it is a land that has been inhabited since
ancient times. Archaeologists have unearthed
evidence of habitation dating back to about 5000B.C.
. Damascus is probably the world's oldest
continuously inhabited city. In 1800B.C. the
Assyrian King, Shamshi-Adad I established his
capital at Shubat Enlil, known today as Tell Leilan,
in northeast Syria. Consequently, because of its
ancient role in the Arab world, Syria maintains a
definite power, within the region, which appears
more than its geographic size would indicate.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Considering the Week in the Life of an American President
This 5 page paper provides an overview of what a typical week in the life of a U.S. President is like. Some of President Bush's activities in 2001 are discussed. Several other contemporary presidents are referenced inclusive of Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Free Trade
5 pages in length. In theory, economists believe that free trade represents beneficial outcome when approached in a balanced capacity. With that in mind, it is important for the student to examine the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in order to determine whether or not this particular arrangement has truly reflected the fundamental basis of free trade. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Elite Theory and Understanding Public Policy by Thomas Dye
Who holds the power of decision when a patient decides it is time to die? According to the elite theory, as described by Thomas Dye in Understanding Public Policy, it is the medical and law professions. This 5 page paper explores the issue of patient's rights from the perspective of the elite model. No additional sources are listed.
Nursing Homes and the Financial Crisis Confronting Them
This 20 page
report discusses the state of the nursing home industry in the
United States and the many problems and challenges it has face
and continues to face. Even though Congress restored nearly $3
billion to skilled nursing facilities in 1999, it still wasn’t
enough to keep many of the facilities operating. In general, the
government’s payment system and the ever-increasing costs of
doing business and providing services has resulted in financial
disasters throughout the nursing home industry, especially for
the most financially leveraged nursing home chains. Issues
associated with nursing homes’ financial, regulatory, and
administrative problems are discussed. Bibliography lists 20
Policing and the Budget and Financial Impacts of Terrorism
This 20 page paper looks at the horrific events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath as it concerns financial topics. The primary focus is on budgeting, particularly as it concerns law enforcement in New York City. Newly developed task forces and monetary implications are also considered. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
America Combating Terrorism
A 7 page discussion of the role the U.S. plays in combating terrorism on a global scale. Notes the atrocities of the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the simultaneous plane attack on the Pentagon itself and contends that acts of terrorism, whether they occur within the U.S. or outside, must be addressed not only through maintaining our integrity through military means, but also through a thorough understanding of the factors which lead to terrorism and a consequent redress in the manner in which the U.S. conducts its business and political affairs and relates to other political and ideological factions of the world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
International Law and the Use of Nuclear Weapons
An eight page paper which looks at the law relating to the use of nuclear weapons, the 1996 judgment of the International Court on the issue, the relevance of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the ambiguities surrounding the current situation regarding international law and nuclear armaments.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Aftermath of the Cold War
A 5 page discussion of the primary ideologies which were at play during the Cold War years and how the aftermath of those years have shaped our current world environment. Uses the events which have unfolded in Afghanistan, and the current U.S. military action in Afghanistan, to underscore the contention that the Cold War was ineffective in ensuring long term peace. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Post 9 11 and Civil Rights
This 5 page paper compares civil rights after September 11th with rights that were allowed during WWII. Present day treatment of Middle Easterners and Muslims in America is compared with how Japanese were treated during the 1940s. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
U.S. Military Steps Against Iraq
5 pages. This paper will be written from the point of view of a major advisor to President George W. Bush. The subject is on the military advice that should be given to him concerning the military steps necessary to be taken against Iraq. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
UK and the Crisis Between Pakistan and India
An 8 page paper that responds to the question: What does Britain stand to gain from the India/Pakistan crisis? The essay begins with the historical background of the current "crisis" between India and Pakistan which dates back to 1947. The specific question is addressed in the last part of the paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Global History and the Significance of Political Ideology
This 5 page paper looks at social change, economics, ideology and environment and concludes that political ideology has had the most significant impact on world history. Each subject is discussed and examples are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
U.S. Citizenship Obligations
This paper examines citizenship as it pertains to legal residents and aliens. The paper defines citizenship, discusses the requirements of becoming a U.S. citizen, and discusses some of the challenges that interfere with being an active citizen. Also under discussion is the impact that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States has had on citizen participation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the city's DOT. The responsibilities of the department are discussed as are the roles of the officials in the administration. The department is used as an example for someone studying city government organizations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Forms of Athenian Government
A 5 page paper which examines the four forms of Athenian
government (monarchy, aristocracy, democracy and oligarchy) and then compares
Athenian democracy with American democracy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Overview of the 1980s' Iran Contra Affair
This 11 page paper gives detailed summary of the Iran Contra Affair in the 1990's. A key list of players involved as well as the known intentions of those who were involved in the subsequent coverup. Quotes from Woodward, Walsh, and Cannon included. Ramifications of these deals with Iran outlined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Fourth Amendment and Its Meaning in America Today
A 5 page paper which examines the right that prohibits illegal search and seizure, and considers how and why it is failing in today’s society, particularly in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Municipal Public Administration
6 pages. This essay relates to municipal administration as based on articles in scholarly journals. This critical analysis of administrative tactics and policies as based on the articles will help the student to assess the necessary requirements for successful public administration techniques in such things as urban management and public policy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Should Power in a Democracy Be Diffused or Concentrated?
This 8 page paper considers what we mean by modern democracy and if it is best enacted by a diffusion or delegation of power, or by direct and centralised authorities. Real life examples are used to illustrate the points made. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Failure of Afghanistan's Humanitarian Aid
A 10 page overview of the history of humanitarian aid in Afghanistan. This paper contends that while there are indeed people living in sub-human conditions and even starving to death in some instances, very little of our aid gets through to the needy and what does is often received with suspicion and hatred. The reasons for our failure can be attributed to the history of the interworkings between this country and the countries which are trying to assist it. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
U.S. Federalism and the Rights of States
A 7 page discussion of the history of federalism in the United States. The author emphasizes the role state rights have played in this country since its inception. This role characterizes the difference in the concept of dual federalism verses cooperative federalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Factors Leading to the Boston Tea Party
This 13 page paper discusses the Boston Tea Party and the factors leading up to it. This paper examines why this happened and what happened afterwards as a result. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
German Philosophy: Family, Society and Government
This 24 page bundle includes a 20 page paper, 12 Powerpoint slides and complimentary slide notes. The content focuses on of Marx, Nietzsche, Hegel, Kant and Habermas. How each theorist contemplated family, society and government in the context of German political ideology is considered. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
The Fair Tax
A 3 page consideration of the proposal to eliminate federal income tax and to replace it instead with a national sales tax. This paper contends that the fair tax is In reality the fair tax would not put the tax burden on lower and middle class Americans but rather would shift it to the wealthy where many feel that that burden rightfully belongs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Addressing the Nursing Shortage
An 8 page discussion of the many problems inherent in the current nursing shortage. The author evaluates various legislative suggestions to alleviate that shortage. House Resolution 5924, a bill calling for increased caps for Visas for foreign nurses, is dismissed as a less than workable possibility. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The War in Iraq
A 6 page paper which argues against the war in Iraq. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Homeland Security: Adequate Facility Security?
8 pages in length. The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Agriculture have worked in tandem to uphold the stringent policies put forth so the United States food supply remains out of the reach of terrorist activity. While critics argue that years after the Homeland Security Act was implemented that grave vulnerabilities still remain to the nation's food source, a number of different strategies help to keep the original objective right on track. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Department Of Homeland Security And Intelligence
A 2 page paper that discusses what 'intelligence' is and the purpose of the intelligence community and the purpose of the Dept. of Homeland Security. The writer comments on the relationship between intelligence and homeland security. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Same-Sex Marriage
A 6 page research paper that discusses public policy on same-sex marriage, which is a divisive public policy issue that continues to divide the nation, as there is no clear consensus on what either federal or state public policy on this issue should be. The following discussion of same-sex marriage draws on current sources in order to ascertain what the state of current public policy on gay and lesbian marriage in regards to courses of action, identification of the major actors and how this relates to "winners" and "losers." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Bias, Harassment and Racism within Government Agencies
This 5 page paper discusses bias, racism and harassment within government agencies and the effect it has on the minorities employed there, as well as the agencies’ operations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Influence Peddling: The K Street Project
This 4 page paper describes the K Street project, a Republican lobbying effort in Washington, D.C. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Importance of 9-11
A 6 page contention that 9-11 should be considered the most important event of the last century. This contention is justified on the basis of the societal changes that have occurred since the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction of the New York World Trade Center and the subsequent attack on the U.S. Pentagon itself. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Failure of Communism
This 3 page paper compares and contrasts communism and capitalism. The reasons for the collapse of communist countries are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
What Herodotus' The Histories Teaches Us About Government
This 5 page paper examines The Histories. Monarchy, oligarchy and democracy are discussed. No additional sources cited.
Arguing about the Minimum Wage
This 4 page paper discusses three issues with regard to the Minimum Wage: probable consequences of raising it; the differential aspects of the Minimum Wage and whether or not it’s effective in fighting poverty. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Who Should Pay For The Infrastructure
A 5 page paper. The question is whether or not the government should pay for the infrastructure. The paper reports the condition of the infrastructure in the U.S. and how much it would cost to bring it up to standards. The writer reports and comments on the debate of who should pay for improvements as the population grows and also reports what some states have done to address the problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965
A 3 page paper which examines and analyzes the need for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. bibliography lists 2 sources.
McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Action During the 1950s
This 4 page paper examines the era through original newspaper sources. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Comparative Analysis of the Economic and Business Plans of Barack Obama and John McCain
In nine pages this paper examines the similarities and differences in the economic and business plans of 2008 presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain, and also considers how the economy would be affected overall by the implementation of each candidate’s plans. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
Torture in Bush’s America
This 6 page paper argues that torture is permissible only in extremely narrowly-defined circumstances, not as a routine method of dealing with prisoners. It argues further that the Bush administration has in fact made the definition far too broad, and embraced torture; this is not surprising for an administration that is secretive, corrupt and power-mad. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Effects of Illegal Immigration on the United States
In seven pages this expository essay examines the impact of illegal immigration on America, pointing out that despite its obvious drawbacks, there are also important benefits to consider regarding this issue as well. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.
Human Trafficking in Sierra Leone
This 7 page paper discusses the problem of human trafficking in the African country of Sierra Leone. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
About Voter Fraud
This 3 page paper discusses several aspects of voter fraud. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cause and Aftermath of September 11, 2001
This 15 page paper takes the form of a speech to discuss the causes of the attack on September 11, and the U.S. actions in its wake. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Containment in US History
A 5 page paper which examines the US foreign policy of containment from the late 1940s onward. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Impacts of Globalization: China, India, and South Korea
An 8 page contention that not only has globalization had serious detrimental impacts in many third world regions. Indeed, only the higher skilled individuals in these countries are making any notable improvements in their standard of living. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Sexual Harassment in the Army
This 6 page paper discusses several scenarios that can arise in the military regarding sexual harassment, deliberate withholding of training and deliberate withholding of information, and what a subordinate can do to report these problems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Department Of Homeland Security
An 8 page paper. This paper provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The paper discusses the purpose of the Department, its goals and its budget. The paper also comments on fiscal regionalism, globalization, cutback and surplus management, foreign trade zones and funding to other governments, such as state governments. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Military Supply Chain Management
A 4 page paper discussing general supply chain needs for the U.S. Army. Though the principles of supply chain management are the same for both corporate and military models, there are significant differences that directly affect supply chain management. Military supply chain management requires the addition of these other needs and influencers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Population Density/California
A 4 page research paper that a particular demographic aspect of California—population density—and how this factor affects land use and the future of California agriculture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 9-page paper discusses the political landscape in Greece during the 2000 and 2004 general elections. Bibliography lists 9 sources
The Necessity for and Effectiveness of Affirmative Action
This 10 page paper takes as a given that affirmative action is a solid program that should be reinstated; the argument it pursues is how best to defend the support of affirmative action programs. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Democracy in Europe
A 9 page paper discussing points and implications of Larry Siedentop's "Democracy in Europe," which calls for and encourages the development of a constitutional republic of Western European nations. A separate PowerPoint® presentation also is available. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The U.S. Army Transportation System
This 4 page paper discusses transportation in the Army’s supply chain; how it’s used and how it can be improved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Immigration, Pros and Cons
An 8 page research paper that discusses the pro and cons of the immigration debate, offering an overview of immigration policy that considers history, as well as the present. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Dr. Seuss Goes to War
A 4 page discussion of the political satire of Theodore Geisel, the cartoonist that would ultimately become better known as Dr. Seuss. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Cyber Intrusions and the US Military
A 4 page consideration of the threat cyber intrusions pose to the US military. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Updated Student Manifesto
A 3 page essay in which the writer/tutor offers suggestions for writing a political manifesto for the current generation. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Torture is Wrong Under Any and All Circumstances
This 4 page paper argues against torture under any conditions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Terrorism and Social Networking
This 7 page paper examines social networking sites and discusses government's role in stopping terrorism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Intelligence Gathering by U.S. Agencies during World War II and Beyond
This 10 page paper examines the evolution of U.S. intelligence gather operations during and after World War II. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Terrorists and Their Methods of Torture
This 8 page paper discusses the types of torture methods terrorists are likely to use on their hostages, and the reasons for such torture. It also discusses torture in general and so-called “torture lite.” Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Palka, Galgano, and Corson's Operation Iraqi Freedom
This 4 page paper provides an article review and reaction. The topic involves the War in Iraq and how culture and geography play an important role. No additional sources cited.
Obama's Speech to Schoolchildren
A 4 page paper discussing the furor surrounding Obama's planned back-to-school speech to all public school children. The right had fears of indoctrination; the left were pleased to see their leader encouraging children. In the end the speech was rather unremarkable, as was the case in 1991 when the Democrats felt led to launch a congressional investigation after President Bush did the same thing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Minimum Wage vs. Living Wage
A 3 page argumentative essay that argues that raising the minimum wage is good but not good enough, as the working poor need a living wage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Foreign Policy and Iran
A 5 page research paper that discusses the background and the issues pertaining to Iran pursuing a nuclear program. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Johan Galtung’s Peaceful Approach to Peace
This 8 page paper discusses the concept of conflict resolution form the aspect of the peace research approach developed by Johan Galtung and discusses the statement that “International conflicts should be handled in a co-operative spirit by all countries, big, small, on an equal basis”. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Gramsci, Levi-Strauss and Machiavelli
This 6 page paper responds to readings of material by Claude Levi-Strauss, Machiavelli and Antonio Gramsci. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Political Matters Literature Review
This 10 page paper is a literature review covering the meaning of public trust, political reputation and campaign promises, and the Republican victories in 1994. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Navy Personnel and Military Bearing
Critical Thinking: Why Military is Important for Navy Personnel
This 3 page paper discusses reasons why military bearing is important for Navy personnel.
Illegal Immigration as Seen Through the Eyes of Ted Author Conover
A review of the book by author Ted Conover, this 3 page paper provides a different look at the problem of illegal immigration. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Leveling the Playing Field with Affirmative Action
This 4 page paper discusses the pros and cons of affirmative action. While we must guard against reverse discrimination, affirmative action is still very much needed in our modern world. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The 1st and 2nd Gulf War - Have the Allies Committed Genocide?
This 15 page paper is a project to assess whether or not genocide was committed in the first and the second Gulf wars. The paper starts with an introduction, including aims and methods and then presents a literature review which considers the way it may be determined whether or not genocide occurred. A section using primary research is then presented considering simulated research to determine whether the general public believes genocide has occurred. The paper ends with a conclusion. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Tanks but No Tanks
This 3 page paper argues that Secretary of Defense Gates was correct to cancel the vehicle portion of the future combat system program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
David Cole’s Case Against the Torture Lawyers
This 3 page paper analyzes an article by David Cole, in which he argues that the lawyers who twisted the law to approve torture must also stand trial, along with those who did the actual torturing. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Vision, Mission and Values of the U.S. Army Transportation Corps
This 4 page paper discusses the U.S. Transportation Corps, its mission, vision and values. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action
This 3 page paper considers both sides of affirmative action but argues that affirmative action policies should be continued. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Arabs, Israelis, And Kissinger A Secret History Of American Diplomacy In The Middle East by Edward R.F. Sheehan
5 pages in length. Henry Kissinger once said that to implement an effective foreign policy, it must be drafted through calculations of power and the national interest. Examining Edward R. F. Sheehan's "The Arabs, Israelis, And Kissinger : A Secret History of American Diplomacy in the Middle East," one can readily surmise that while Kissinger may have lived up to his own political doctrine, the manner by which it was manifested included the elements of secrecy and deal making unbeknownst to the American people until agreements were well underway. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Politics and Nurses
This 5 page paper discusses the importance of nurses getting involved in the political process and discusses the reasons why this is important. Furthermore this paper offers many specific examples of ways in which nurses can involve themselves. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
20th Century U.S. Welfare Capitalism and Personnel Management
This 14 page paper looks at the history of personnel management as it evolved between 1900 and 1940. Welfare capitalism during that time period is also discussed and concepts are interrelated. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Improving Human Rights and International Efforts
7 pages. There are many watchdog groups throughout the world that have been organized to protect and improve human rights. Have these been effective? This paper addresses that question and discusses such things as Amnesty International, the African Charter, the Human Rights Committee, The UN Commission on Human Rights and others. Their roles and whether they are effective are considered and analyzed. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Prospect of Global Democracy
7 pages in length. The writer discusses how nationalism and ethnic cleansing continue to thwart the prospect of global democracy, citing Huntington’s "The Clash of Civilization," Dahl’s "On Democracy" and Snyder’s "From Voting To Violence". Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Free Trade and Taxation
This 5 page paper looks at the repeal of the British Corn Laws and the passage of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. Various ideologies are discussed: Liberal IR theory, Realism and Marxism. Taxation is evaluated in respect to the economy and free trade. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Political Role of American Mass Media
A 6 page assertion that
the media has had, and currently has, a tremendous impact on political
function in America. This paper contends that technololgy itself can be
identified as the root cause of media irresponsibility. While we tend
to view the impact of the media as having occurred only in contemporary
times, however, in reality it was at play in our earlier history as
well. The author outlines the media role in newsmaking, interpretation,
socialization, persuasion, agenda setting, and framing as to how they
impact political function. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
History and Implications of Medicare's Managed Care
A 5 page paper discussing the history of Medicare managed care, economic implications and outlook for the future. The paper focuses on the history of the Medicare managed care, which saw its greatest growth throughout the decade of the 1990s. Medicare managed care has as much difficulty as other types of HMOs, however, and many are ceasing operations. This leaves seniors in a pool of uncertainty as increasing numbers of physicians turn away Medicare patients. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The US and a Multi Party System
5 pages. This paper answers the question 'under what conditions might a multi-party system develop in the United States'. This question has many answers, and one focus is on that of American exceptionalism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
2 Contemporary Issues Confronting Our Country
5 pages. There are two main issues plaguing our country today and those are the use of illicit drugs and the less than adequate education received by the general population. The government has failed to solve both problems in the past and it can be assumed it will be making no headway in the future in solving either problem. This paper discusses the main limitations the government has in solving either of these problems.
War and Propaganda
This 6 page paper discusses the idea of political propaganda by leaders of countries. Two leaders, Henry V, as depicted in Shakespeare's play, and the administration of George W. Bush are exampled. In particular, the possibiliby of war with Iraq and the ramifications of the propaganda being used. This is compared to the way in which Henry used propaganda in his bid for the French throne. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
911 from Democratic and Communist Ideological Perspectives
This 5 page paper compares and contrasts the communist ideology with the democratic ideal. How people who support each ideology would view the September 11th attacks is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analyzing Domestic and International Terrorism from a U.S. Perspective
This 8 page paper analyzes both domestic and international terrorism and the United State's philosophy, goals, operations, and effectiveness in combating terrorism. Also examined are the origins of terrorism and the psychology behind its use. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Free Market, Private Property, and Freedom of the Press
A 9 page examination of the liberal concept of freedom of the press. The contention that liberals consider private property and free markets to be a precondition for freedom of the press is examined in relation to the philosophy of John Locke and the political concept of capitalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Models of Liberal Democracy and Interpretations
This 5 page paper discusses the four models of democratic governance: protective, people's, developmental and classical. The argument is made which supports the protective model of democracy as being the superior choice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Florida's Election Primary of 2002
A 6 page discussion of the multitude of problems which repeated themselves once again in the September 2002 primary elections in South Florida. This paper outlines those problems and suggests that the solution lies in better communication within the extremely diverse community and better state oversight of the election process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
San Antonio< Texas
7 pages. Of all the cities in Texas, one of the most interesting and fun to visit is that of San Antonio. This paper explains about some of the main reasons why San Antonio would also be one of the best cities to choose if one were moving to Texas. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Singapore History since WWII
This 5 page paper evaluates the political history of Singapore. Many facts are included. Freedom of expression is discussed as a problem in this lucrative nation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Lessons Learned Post Desert Storm
5 pages in length. The extent to which current-day political situations hearken back to the memory of Desert Storm is both grand and far-reaching; to ignore the myriad lessons learned for enforced disarmament from the post-Desert Storm experience in Iraq is to be led blindly yet once again into a fatal web with a fearless, inhumane entity whose only objective is annihilation. The most important of many lessons to be learned for enforced disarmament from the post-Desert Storm experience in Iraq is that words are cheap. Stipulations of a peace agreement as a direct result of Desert Storm mandated Iraq to comply with specific requirements; when this did not happen as anticipated, it set a precedence with the manner by which Iraq has continued to dodge disarmament compliance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
American Foreign Policy and International Law
A 5 page paper assessing the question, “should the US place more or less faith in international law?” The paper concludes that the US needs to acknowledge, support and work for greater influence of international law, yet retain the ability and willingness to work outside of it if conditions warrant. Terrorists, religious fundamentalists and nuclear bomb-waving groups give no credence to international law or anything else that holds no direct value for furthering narrow ideologies. The US needs to develop international leadership influence and place less faith in international law. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Student Question on a Person's Obligation to Obey Community Law
This 3 page paper answers a question posed by a student by looking at Aristotle and Socrates' reasoning. The question answered is "Does being born, staying, and living in a community give a person an absolute obligation to obey the laws of that community?" Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Representatives Argenziano, Kilmer, and Lawton of North Florida
A 4 page exploration of three key North Florida Representatives. The author undertakes the task of unearthing these representatives’ stances on Family Services, Welfare Reform and Elder Issues only to discover that there is some difficulty associated with finding a succinct summary of individual voting records and activity. Even e-mail queries to the respective representatives yielded little relevant information. Bibliography lists 1 source.
GST of Canada
This is an 8 page paper discussing the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST). Since its implementation in January 1991, the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been an excessive burden to the consumers, businesses, corporations, financial institutions and the federal government itself. The initial implementation costs because of manufacturer costs associated with new accounting systems alone for example reached an estimated $1 million per taxpayer. The continuing annual administration costs to comply are estimated at around $500,000 per taxpayer in addition to a total cost to small businesses of over $1.2 billion annually. The Tax Executives Institute was hired in 1994 to assess the system and while it admitted that the GST system was better for international business than the previous FST (the federal sales tax system it replaced but was invisible to the consumer), overall the administration of the system should be modified to have a higher threshold for registration (introduced and still at $30,000 for small businesses), a lower tax rate, but with fewer exemptions to decrease administrative costs among others. The government did not implement these recommendations so that in addition to the continued annual burden on tax payers in Canada, according to the budget released in February 2003 the government now has to reimburse several educational and municipal organizations for GST payments retroactive to the year the GST was introduced; an additional cost to the Canadian tax payer which has yet to be determined.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Manager's Toolbox Website and Peru's 3rd Sector
This 6 page paper discusses the Third Sector, i.e., private, nonprofit organizations and also comments on the Manager's Toolbox, a Web site for the nonprofit manager. The emphasis is on Peru. The essay first identifies the type of theoretical approach and type of development regime for nonprofits as they exist in Peru. It then reports some useful data found at the Manager's Toolbox site. The writer then goes on to further discuss how the nonprofit sector operates in Peru and concludes with comments to the effect that the Manager's Toolbox is very helpful for American nonprofit managers but not for one investigating Peru. Bibliography lists 3 sites.
E-Voting and a Compromised Democracy
This 4 page paper takes a look at the democratic process and how e-voting will compromise the process. Other aspects, such as safety, is discussed. This is essentially a research proposal with a thesis and suggestion for further study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Past and Present War Propaganda and the Media
This 17 page paper discusses war propaganda by the media, and compares and contrasts the coverage of Iraq with World War II, Vietnam, North Korea, and others. This paper examines why propaganda is used, issues of trust, and how to evaluate what is really happening. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Failure of the American Intelligence Community Exposed by the September 11 Attacks
This 5 page paper discusses the failure of the American Intelligence community to warn its citizens against the attacks of 9/11/01, as well as foresee the event and take precautions against it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Childcare and Immigrants
This 5 page paper argues for childcare for children of immigrants. Figures and facts included in the proposal.Bibliography lists 3 sources.
American's Government Distrust and the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
A 5 page paper. Was there a specific point in time when Americans began distrusting the government? According to many, that time was the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent Warren Commission's report. Prior to that event, 75 percent of Americans believed the government did what was right and since then, as many as 75 percent do not trust the government. This essay investigates this premise using support from numerous authors. There have been other events, incidents and reasons for the increasing lack of trust, some of which are explained here. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Design for Politicians' Website
This 4 page paper uses a case study submitted by a student as a springboard for discussion. Web site design is discussed and recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Political Participation and the Internet
This 4 page paper provides information on this subject in addition to a proposal for further research. The topic is discussed and results reveal that the Internet does increases political participation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
International Law and Nuclear Weapons
This 36-page paper covers the issue of nuclear weapons and whether they ae prohibited by international law. The paper discusses the history of nuclear weapons, the use of treaties in terms of legal control and the 1996 ruling of the IJC World Court on the legality of nuclear weapons. Bibliography lists 36 sources.
Politics of the Banana Trade War
This 14 page paper looks at the politics of the banana trade war with particular attention on the Caribbean and how it has been affected by this phenomenon. The role of the WTO is discussed. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Orwell and Nieman and Their Views of Big Government
A 10 page paper which examines
George Orwell’s “1984” and Max Nieman’s “Defending Government: Why Big
Government Works” as they relate to warnings and positive conditions concerning a
controlling, or big, government. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
Water Demand and Purchase in California
This 3-page paper examines the concept of economic supply and demand as it pertains to legislative issues, particularly the 1991 California Water Bank created by the government in response to the severe drought of the late 1980s. The paper discusses how the bank worked to allocate the resources in an attempt to reduce demand. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Ghana and Public Management Diversity
A 3 page paper discussing increasing gender diversity in Ghana’s public administration. The problem to be addressed here is that of promoting gender diversity in public administration in Ghana. The primary focus is to determine how the government of Ghana can encourage women to strive to reach government’s highest levels. Toward this end, the paper includes a nine-item questionnaire intended to be presented to those already active in the upper levels of Ghana’s public management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
New Zealand and Australia's Indigenous Peoples and Political Rights
A 5 page overview of the history and current state of affairs for these two regions. The contention is presented that neither in the democratic model of Australia or in the “New Right” New Zealand is the political power of the indigenous peoples anywhere near being an equivalent to that enjoyed by the dominant culture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Aborigines of Australia and Social Darwinism
A 5 page contention that racism has been one of the primary shapers of contemporary Australian society. In the nineteenth century in particular the concept of racial inferiority was purported by a number of disciplines. Anthropology, medicine, psychology, and sociology all became vehicles of racism as they proposed and supported theories which perpetuated disenfranchisement and segregation of the aborigines from mainstream Australian society. The premises of social Darwinism held that the fittest would survive while the weaker and inferior aborigines would perish. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Reforming Campaign Finance
An 8 page paper. Campaign financing has been debated for more than a century. It is a highly controversial issue with strong advocates on each side of the argument. The writer reports some of the early laws regarding campaign financing. Hard and soft money are explained. The amounts raised by both national political parties in just one year are reported. Limits are then proposed and explained for campaign financing reform. Supporting information from the literature are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Hillary Rodham Clinton's Living History
A 12 page paper which examines
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s book “Living History” and then discusses it in relationship to
leadership theories and practices. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.
Impracticality of Direct Democracy
This 3 page paper argues that direct democracy is impractical and looks at the concept historically. Ancient history is disused as well as how classic authors viewed the concept. Athenian democracy is compared to the representative democracy that exists today.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
German Elections of 1932 and 1933
This is a 9 page paper discussing the campaigns of Hitler and the Nazi party in regards to the party holding the majority in the 1932 and 1933 elections. Were the Germans aware of his eventual intentions? Adolph Hitler (1889-1945) was the Nazi party leader in Germany from 1919-1945, eventually becoming Chancellor from 1933-1945. The history of the events which happened under the Hitler regime before and during World War II in regards to his occupation and declaration of war on the countries in Europe and his mass murder of the Jews among others have become well known and have horrified many around the globe. One of the most common questions in regards to Hitler’s rise to fame is “how did free and fair democratic elections lead to the extraordinarily anti-democratic Nazi Party winning control of the Weimar Republic” and did the Germans voting for Hitler realize his future plans for war and mass murder during the time of the elections? (King, Rosen, Tanner & Wagner, 2002). In retrospect it seems unbelievable that the Nazi Party could have gained power in a democratic regime, however based on the momentum of the popularity of the Nazi Party from 1919 to 1930, and the dire economic conditions of Germany at the time, it is quite possible that the Germans who voted for Hitler and the Nazi Party were doing so more for the future of the economy and strength of Germany without realizing the extent to which Hitler would push the limits of his own power and that of the Nazi Party. While some may argue that his intentions were well documented in his book “Mein Kampf” published in 1925, the book was not popular nor well read until after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and Hitler’s final push in the 1932 and 1933 elections centered on unity, economic stability, employment, business opportunities, expansion of the military in addition to the promotion of nationalism; factors more so prominent in the minds of the Germans during the Depression.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Wealth and its History
This 7 page paper examines the history of wealth, from capitalism to the Industrial Revolution to Adam Smith and more. This paper provides many examples of how wealth was originally created, and the circumstances which allowed for this opportunity. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Environmental Protection Agency and Management Theory
An 8 page paper discussing the political and management climate at the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is a government agency that has overreaching authority over business operation and frequently has the final word on whether processes will be allowed. It is a political entity, however. Though it can and should use modern management techniques, its nature as a government agency keeps it grounded in classical theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory
An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory
An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Funding Delays for First Responders on 9-11
This 8-page paper attempts to determine why first responders have not seen much of the billions of dollars in federal funds promised to them since the 9-11 terrorism attacks. The paper addresses the political nature of distribution of such funds, and how the lack of funds has provided a dire impact on city, county and state governments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
1995 Ruby Ridge Incident and How it Could Have Been Prevented
A 6 page paper which
examines the events at Ruby Ridge in 1995 and then examines what could have been
done to prevent to incident, or at least reduced the loss of life and property. Bibliography
lists 4 sources.
Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and Lessons Learned From Them
This 5 page report discusses
experiences of and the lessons learned in the United States' military operations known as
"Desert Shield" and "Desert Storm" and how the ways in which warfare were changed
forever by the implementation of advanced technology, weaponry, and communication.
However, certain events and situations proved their greatest value in terms of mistakes
made and the ultimate lessons learned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Discrimination Law Interpretation and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
A 4 page research paper on the policymaking of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that oversees compliance with federal laws that guard against discrimination in employment practices. The writer examines loopholes in EEOC policy, specifically look at the manner in which academicians evaluate the EEOC. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Proposed Research Study for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Methodology
A 3 page research paper that offers an outline for the methodology section of a proposed research study. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency charged with overseeing whether or not both the private and public sectors of the economy use non-discriminatory hiring practices. The proposed research study suggests a methodology that examines the past and present of the EEOC by examining the content of news articles on the EEOC that have been published in the popular press, that is, non-academic sources. Please note that this paper does not contain references to these news articles, but simply outlines procedure for a proposed study. The hypothesis for this study would be that such an examination would point toward whether or not the EEOC was fulfilling its mandate. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Study of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
A 3 page research paper that in which the writer explains that another paper (kheeoc3.rtf) offers a suggested methodology for a proposed research study, which hypothesizes that an examination of news articles on the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) published in the popular press, that is, non-academic sources, would suggest whether or not the EEOC was fulfilling its mandate to oversee fair and just employment practices. The following examination of literature provides an example of how such a study might be accomplished. The writer summarizes news articles on the EEOC. The evaluation phase of this proposed study is offered in kheeoc5.rtf. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Business and the Effects of Environmental Regulation
This is a 9 page paper discussing the impact environmental legislation has had on business and the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation. Within the last two decades, the environmental impact of business and industry has led to necessary legislation in global resource management. In many instances, businesses have had to change their design, processing and testing practices in order to comply with legislation which cost many industries a great deal of money. On the other hand, there has also been a great deal of waste in the business and industry sectors which has had an extreme environmental impact globally. Because of this, the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation has increased significantly. Many businesses have taken a pro-active stance and initiated environmentally-friendly practices which not only decrease their own costs, especially in the area of energy consumption, but have also provided the businesses with a positive public image and can help in the marketing of their products. Because the world’s population and need is seen as increasing while the natural resources around the world are seen as decreasing, it is the expected role of business to not only comply with environmental legislation which will decrease the environmental impact of industry but businesses must also become proactive in the areas of conservation and global resource management.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Hawaii Natives, Loss of Identity and Politicsi
This 7 page paper looks at economic problems and cultural issues in Hawaii. Much history is relayed in this paper that discusses the political problems in the state. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Foreign Financial Aid and the United States
This 5 page paper examines how the U.S. is affected by funding the Israelis against what the U.S. calls terrorism. Current legislation is discussed in relation to this issue as is interest groups, bureaucratic agencies, etc. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'The End of History?' by Francis Fukuyama
A 17 page paper that presents an outline and explanation of Fukuyama's thesis about the end of history and the last man. The essay "The End of History?" published in 1989 and the book, The End of History and the Last Man, published in 1992 are still being discussed and analyzed in today's literature. Fukuyama's works created a great deal of furor and criticism in some circles and were applauded in other circles. This paper reports the interpretations of these two works by numerous scholars and also presents the criticisms levied against the thesis by other scholars. The thesis is that liberal democracy has won as the preferred system; this was evidenced by the end of the Cold War and this constitutes the end of history. One question asked by a number of authors is whether Fukuyama means this is the end of history or the end of historical thinking? The thesis is much more complex than this statement would imply and the complexities are discussed and reflected upon. The writer includes their own reflections. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
'The End of History?' by Francis Fukuyama
A 17 page paper that presents an outline and explanation of Fukuyama's thesis about the end of history and the last man. The essay "The End of History?" published in 1989 and the book, The End of History and the Last Man, published in 1992 are still being discussed and analyzed in today's literature. Fukuyama's works created a great deal of furor and criticism in some circles and were applauded in other circles. This paper reports the interpretations of these two works by numerous scholars and also presents the criticisms levied against the thesis by other scholars. The thesis is that liberal democracy has won as the preferred system; this was evidenced by the end of the Cold War and this constitutes the end of history. One question asked by a number of authors is whether Fukuyama means this is the end of history or the end of historical thinking? The thesis is much more complex than this statement would imply and the complexities are discussed and reflected upon. The writer includes their own reflections. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Poverty and Globalization
An 8 page paper. Does globalization reduce poverty? That is the major question addressed. The writer explains the difference between supranational and subnational and how these governing schemas are changing. The paper cites authors who assert that the actual poverty rates cannot be determined because of differences in definitions and in calculations. The writer also comments on the differences between regions in a nation using India and China as examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
New Fast Track System of the FDA
This 2 page paper evaluates the role of the FDA and its new fast track system. The paper supports the role of the FDA in general. Bibliography lists 1 source.
2012 Olympics' Proposal Evaluation
This 6 page paper evaluates a case study in which Robert Moses is given the opportunity to oversee the building implicated for the 2012 Olympics if it were to come to New York City. Many facts from 1950s New York and twenty-first century New York are relayed. The two eras are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Security Concerns of Central and South American Airline Employees
This 5 page paper illustrates and examples the dangers that flight crew and cabin crew face when arriving at and departing from ports in Central and South America. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
West and Whether or Not Iran Poses a Legitimate Threat
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the question of whether Iran poses a threat to the West. In particular, this paper relates the question that has been raised recently, especially in light of the continued spread of Islamic fundamentalism, whether countries like Iran pose an active threat to the countries of the Western world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
National Missile Defense Laser Options
This 12 page paper explores a variety of types of laser weapons. The Space-based Laser, the Space-based Laser with Relay Mirrors, Ground-based Laser (with Relay Mirrors) and the Airborne Laser (with Relay Mirrors) are each discussed. Practical and political ramifications are assessed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Issues of Emergency Response Disaster Management
A 20 page paper discussing issues surrounding emergency response as it relates to disaster management. The paper discusses emergency response resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but it also discusses events such as Hurricane Fran in 1996, centering on the coast of North Carolina where the category 3 storm made landfall. The key to effective emergency response - excluding the training that can be seen as being a constant value – lies in the quality of communication between diverse teams and agencies responding to the event that has generated a crisis. The purpose here is to address two primary questions: “Are emergency responders equipped to communicate with others outside of their departments in time of crisis? [and] What are strategies to improve communications?” The paper concludes that emergency response in urban areas is highly effective, but that the same efforts in rural areas can be hindered by communication deficiencies. Bibliography lists 11 sources. A companion 16-slide Power Point presentation is available.
Issues of Emergency Response Disaster Management
A 20 page paper discussing issues surrounding emergency response as it relates to disaster management. The paper discusses emergency response resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but it also discusses events such as Hurricane Fran in 1996, centering on the coast of North Carolina where the category 3 storm made landfall. The key to effective emergency response - excluding the training that can be seen as being a constant value – lies in the quality of communication between diverse teams and agencies responding to the event that has generated a crisis. The purpose here is to address two primary questions: “Are emergency responders equipped to communicate with others outside of their departments in time of crisis? [and] What are strategies to improve communications?” The paper concludes that emergency response in urban areas is highly effective, but that the same efforts in rural areas can be hindered by communication deficiencies. Bibliography lists 11 sources. A companion 16-slide Power Point presentation is available.
The Contribution to American History and Jewish American History by Henry Kissinger
A 5
page paper which examines the life and contributions of Henry Kissinger to Jewish
American history and American history in general. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Trademark Abuse and Economic Competition in Europe
This 25 page paper outlines the competition that has resulted from the creation of the European Union and the monetary union under the Euro. This paper considers the issue of trademark abuse as it influences the competition of the EU. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
History of the 'Dragon Lady' U2 Military Aircraft
A 5 page discussion of the U-2 aircraft. The author details the aircraft’s history, specifications (including dimensions and weight), and details of its reconnaissance abilities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Democracy Models
A 6 page paper assessing the statement that the United States does not fit either the Participatory, the Liberal-Representative or the Pluralist models of democracy. The paper discusses each to conclude that America’s democracy is closest to the pluralist model, in which there are more than one or two types of ultimate reality. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Politics Use of Health Care Research Proposal
This 4 page paper provides a proposal, inclusive of an outline, to do a project related to health care and how it is used as a political football. Source recommendations are included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Scandal, the Media, and Public Opinion
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the impact of media coverage on such political scandals as the Lewinsky/Clinton debacle by applying the theory of agenda setting, yellow journalism and briefly touching upon the Lawrence/Bennett article entitled "Rethinking Media Politics and Public Opinion: Public Reactions to the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal." Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Proposals on Health Care Reform
A 5 page research paper that examines the health care crisis in the US by looking at current proposals for health care reform that have been made by the Democratic candidates for the presidency, President Bush, and others. The writer then examines briefly why health care reform efforts are difficult to legislate. Annotated bibliography lists 4 sources and also includes a brief outline for a longer paper on this topic.
United Kingdom and United States Government Processes
A 10 page paper, including tutorial comments, that compares and contrasts the U.K. governmental process with the U.S. governmental process. The focus is on policymaking and includes comments on the citizens of both countries becoming disillusions with their governmental process. Influences on the political process for both countries are discussed. The essay ends with comments about which country's system would result in better policymaking. Material used for the essay was provided by the student. No bibliography.
PTSD and its Effects Upon Soldiers' Lives
In six pages this paper considers PSTD’s impact upon soldiers with families, relationships, memories, and society among the topics discussed. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
Amendment to the Constitution to Ban Tobacco
A 3 page research paper that outlines the process for amending the Constitution in reference to a proposal to ban tobacco constitutionally. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Amendment to the Constitution to Ban Tobacco
A 3 page research paper that outlines the process for amending the Constitution in reference to a proposal to ban tobacco constitutionally. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Obama v. HItler, a Comparison
This 3 page essay explores leadership styles, and makes a judgment on these two leaders in terms of effectiveness, integrity, and other leadership traits, with references to two of their speeches. References list 3 sources.
Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management
The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.
Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management
The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.
Charlie Wilson and the Parable of Unintended Consequences
This 3 page paper discusses the fable at the end of the film “Charlie Wilson’s War,” and what it means in the context of the film and with regard to the U.S. in the 21st century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Military, Respect and Discipline
This 3 page paper discusses the need for respect and discipline in the armed forces. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Security and Risk Management
This 5 page paper explores this question in regard to both man-made and natural disasters. The author contends that while not all disasters can be prevented, effective security and risk policies focus not just on prevention but also on the minimization of the impacts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The First Amendment is the Most Important
A 4 pages essay that argues that the First Amendment is the most significant to the American way of life in the Bill of Rights. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Stifling Talk Radio/First Amendment Issues
A 5 pages research paper/essay that, first of all, discusses the importance of the First Amendment, and then relates the history of the Fairness Doctrine, relating this to an Amendment proposed by Sen. Dick Durbin that was designed to stifle conservative talk radio. The writer argues against this. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Addressing the Problems of Illegal Immigration
This 5 page paper proposes that amnesty would be of benefit not just to illegal immigrants but to our country as a whole. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
September 11 2001 An Annotated Bibliography of Conspiracy Theories
This 4 page paper consists of an annotated bibliography of ten sources that explore conspiracy theories surrounding this fateful day in history. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Proper Weapon Clearing and Respect for Firearms
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of proper weapon clearing procedures. The prevention of negligent discharges through adherence to standard in the Armed Forces is emphasized. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Washington DC and the 2015 World's Fair
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of the 2015 World's Fair. Washington DC is promoted as the ideal location for the event. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Respect and the Military
A 3 page paper which examines and discusses why it is important to respect a superior officer in the military. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Hitler and Power
This 6 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first part looks at Hitler’s view of women and women’s rights under the Nazi’s. The second part discusses the reasons for forming the Hitler Youth. The last and longest part discusses the way in which Hitler gained and consolidated power to turn Germany into a dictatorship between 1933 and 1934. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
A Wall is Not the Answer to Illegal Immigration
A 6 page research paper/essay that argues that building a wall across the border between US and Mexico is an ineffective solution to illegal immigration. The writer provides arguments to support this position and discusses the reasons substantiating this stance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Social Security Reform: Costs and Benefits
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of social security reform. Costs and benefits are explored in speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 10-page paper discusses racism in the White House throughout the history of the Presidency. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 4-page paper compares treatment of poor people in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and in the Japanese novel The Factory Ship.
Opposing the Justification of Torture
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the debate on torture. Arguments against torture are presented. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
What Can History Teach Us About Terrorism?
This 7 page paper looks to history for understanding of terrorism as it exists in today’s world. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Human Affairs and Geography - Exploring the Relationship
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of geographical features in China and the impact they have upon human affairs. Issues such as resource access and proximity to markets is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
History of Minimum Wage, Supreme Court to Rule on ACA
A 3 page research paper that covers two topics. The first half of the paper presents the history of the federally mandated minimum wage, and the second half discusses the Supreme Court's announcement that it will rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act's required mandate for all Americans to purchase health insurance. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Military Risk Management
A 9 page paper that includes parts of a research project. The abstract, introduction, table of contents and references are included. The topic is U.S. Marine Corps Safety. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Ideas From Two Books on Terrorism
A 3 page paper that reports some of the ideas from two books: The Psychology of Terrorism and Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Assessment of a Brigade
This 3 page essay is based on a comprehensive case study that details the problems facing the new commander of brigade that has recently returned from Afghanistan. Assessment, corrective actions taken and expected outcomes are described. No bibliography is offered.
This 4-page paper describes the Truman Doctrine, its advantages and disadvantages, and whether it was successful. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
State Sponsored Terrorism in the 21st Century
This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of extremism and terrorism. The use of terrorist tactics by states is emphasized. Bibliography list 4 sources.
Political and Legal Process for a Case Example of Tagg
This 10 page paper provides an overview of three theories that can be applied to the creation of a legal system for the island nation of Tagg. This paper reflects the importance of these theories in considering the best legal process for the country. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A Field Manual Delineating the Needs Presented by Counterinsurgency
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the most important lessons offered in this important publication. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Gun Control Proposals
This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of common proposals for gun control in the United States. Trade regulation and licensure are highlighted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Proposal of a Flat Tax
A 7 page paper discussing the flat tax proposal for replacing the current tax code. Former congressman Dick Armey (R-Texas) was and likely remains the leading proponent of abandoning the current tax system in favor of a flat tax on income. Armey's tax return would require the use of a 10-line postcard only; everyone would pay a flat tax rate of 17 percent, and a family of four with a $36,000 income would pay nothing at all. This is a scenario far removed from the current system, of course. Those who can least afford to pay taxes manage to pay a greater proportional share after those with greater means take advantage of the deductions and exclusions not available to lower-income groups. The purpose here is to investigate the flat tax. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Functions of Human Resources Management
This 3 page paper lists six functions of a Human Relations department in the order they should be implemented to assure the agency will run effectively.
Private Team Sports Facilities and City Financing
A 3 page consideration of the arguments regarding the appropriateness of using taxpayer money for the construction of facilities for private teams. The author argues that condemn this practice should consider both the direct and indirect benefits of sports to a city. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Veterans Affairs Benefits Proposal Paper
6 pages in length. The main thing on the minds of every soldier coming home from military conflict is to realign themselves with the lives they left behind. Work, friends, home life, familial relationships – all of these and more require a great measure of readjustment for veterans whose entire existence has centered upon war. Even those without any battle-related encumbrances - such as mental, physical or emotional injuries – still need help assimilating back into the society they left behind in order to protect. Veterans Affairs (VA) has been an instrumental force in providing much-needed education, home loans, pensions, medical care, life insurance and vocational rehabilitation for both the veteran and his/her family, however, as beneficial as VA has been in helping veterans piece their collective lives back together with such assistance, the system has become so overloaded that more and more veterans are going without benefits they are qualified to receive. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
US Democracy and its Legitimacy
The common view of democracy in the United States is based on existing and accessible views of the democratic process and the assertion of the rights of the individual. This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
U.S. Democracy and Worldviews
Since the start of the most recent Gulf War, the countries of the world have placed the United States under close scrutiny. Once self-proclaimed as one of the foremost democratic countries of the world, recent events in political history have led some to believe that the American democratic process no longer represents the kind of legitimate democracy that American defends in their war against those opposed to democratic principles. This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Democratic Historian Alexis de Tocqueville
Perhaps one of the best approaches to addressing the concept of democracy, though, came not from an American theorist, but from the writings of Alexis de Tocqueville, in his work Democracy in America, and his belief in the value of a historical context for democracy. This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd and the Power Concept
A 5 page paper which examines the nature of power, considers the power structures that exist within the novel, how power is exercised, and how power can be abused, exploited, or corrupted, and the impact this has upon individuals and society. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
National Border Control
A 5 page paper which examines whether or not states should institute stricter controls on immigration than what is provided by the federal government. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Spy Satellites and Their History
A 7 page informational overview which examines when and why they were created, what they looked at, how they were launched, orbit life expectancy from the beginning until the present. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Disaster Relief and the United Nation's Style of Leadership
A 9 page research paper that examines the leadership style of the United Nations in dealing with disaster and humanitarian relief efforts. The writer offers a literature review, as well as a discussion of problems, causes and solutions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Global Population Analysis
A 6 page paper. This essay looks at five countries: Rwanda, Costa Rica, Iraq, the United Kingdom and Australia. The writer reports demographic data for each country, points out the significant differences between countries, such as life expectancy and mortality rate, and discusses specific issues, such as the impact of population growth. 2 Tables included. A great deal of statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
U.S. Voting Rights
This is a 5 page paper that discusses the history of voting rights in the United States with particular focus on the progress of civil rights and voting rights during the 1960s.
The bibliography has 6 sources.
Logical Vietnam Argument Perspectives
4 pages in length. Opinions about why Vietnam occurred are as vast and varied as the number of soldiers killed in combat; that some are decidedly more apropos to the real reasons behind the war speak to the way in which certain accounts try to hide the truth behind a façade of political responsibility.
Three examples of different Vietnam perspectives include Patrick J. Hearden's book entitled The Tragedy of Vietnam, Larry L. King's article "Machismo In the White House" and "Why Are We in Vietnam" by Lyndon Johnson illustrate these diversities in such a way to make one think at least one of them is talking about a different war entirely. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
America's Two Ocean Navy
A 6 page paper on Congressman Carl Vinson who was responsible for forming the two ocean navy in the United States. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
'Atoms for Peace' Speech Analysis
This 5 page paper uses Neo-Aristotelian methods to critique a speech by President Dwight Eisenhower about the dangers of nuclear weapons. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Social Security System and Its Impacts
A 3 page review of the history of the Social Security System. The author emphasizes that while the system has proven invaluable to some of the less fortunate of our society, it has proven to be a chain and ball for those that continue to struggle to make the ends meet.
Sexual Identity Politics
A 3 page paper which discusses how different groups and individuals have involved political claims in relationship to their sexual identity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Illegal Immigration in the U.S.
An 8 page paper. There are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. There are also 3 bills pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee plus the House Bill that was passed in December. This essay reports the comments of two journalists and adds comments by the writer. Problems and concerns regarding illegal immigrants are discussed. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Illegal Immigration and the Cuban Issue
A 30 page overview of the inherent flaws in Cuban immigration policy. The author compares Cuban immigration to immigration as a whole and specifically to the problems of Haitian immigration. The controversy surrounding the issues is assessed from a historic, economic, and social perspective and a "best alternative" is presented. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Military Operations and IT
A 12 page paper. Information technology systems have not only changed the corporate world, they have changed the defense and military worlds. This paper is a literature review of articles addressing the issue of information warfare, changing military operations, the need for information by military commanders, the risk and vulnerability of information systems. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Money Laundering Detection Through Information Technology
This 13 page paper discusses aspects of money laundering, and the feasibility and methodology of a research project based on trying to discover the best IT techniques for detecting money laundering; it includes a literature review. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Money Laundering Detection Through Information Technology
This 13 page paper discusses aspects of money laundering, and the feasibility and methodology of a research project based on trying to discover the best IT techniques for detecting money laundering; it includes a literature review. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Overview of Illegal Aliens
A 5 page paper on illegal aliens. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Protection of American Jobs from Illegal Aliens
This 5 page paper argues that American jobs deserve to be protected. NAFTA is discussed along with the problem of illegal aliens. Various industries are discussed but the steel industry is highlighted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
No Child Left Behind - Illinois
This 3 page paper examines the No Child Left Behind Act, and argues that it will ultimately fail. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Private Investment in Rural America
A 3 page exploration of the factors that typically discourage private investment in rural areas. With very few exceptions, monies are invested with the express purpose of returning a profit. In comparison with rural areas, metropolitan areas have more of the people and the infrastructure that is needed to accomplish that purpose. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Reducing Dependence on Foreign Oil in the Transportation Industry
This 5 page paper discusses why it's vital that America reduce its dependence on foreign oil, and ways in which the transportation industry can reduce that dependence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
U.S. Political Parties: History and Roles
A 12 page overview of the political party as it exists, and has existed in the U.S. The author emphasizes the change that has occurred over our history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Conflict Resolution & Iran
A 10 page research paper that argues that there are alternatives to military intervention in regards to US policy towards Iran. The Bush administration has been very vocal in recent months about the dangers involved with Iran--one of the countries named by President Bush as being part of an "axis of evil--developing nuclear weapons. Iran asserts dogmatically that its uranium enrichment program is purely for peacetime use and is needed for the country's proposed power plants. Is the US headed toward an other military conflict, or can this situation be handled through diplomatic means, specifically through implementation of conflict resolution principles? This examination of this issue argues that conflict resolution offers a viable alternative to military intervention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Defense Transformation's Affect on Force Mgmt
A 7 page paper that discusses the transformation that US military forces are currently undergoing. This paper focuses, specifically, on how the transformation process is affecting force management. Various aspects of force management are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Varying Views on the Impact of Globalization
A 7 page discussion of the impact of globalization on developing countries. The author explores both the positive views of globalization and the negative views. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Army Battle Dress Uniform
A 5 page research paper that discusses the importance of Army regulations that govern the dress codes and personal appearance. The writer focuses on the regulation governing the wearing of mustaches and also on the regulations governing battle dress uniforms. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Racial Profiling and Racial Discrimination
This 8 page paper discusses the practice of racial profiling as it relates to minorities, and concludes that racial profiling is actually a form of racial discrimination. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Texas Railroad Commission
A 5 page overview of the Texas Railroad Commission. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Understanding Terrorism Based Upon The Terrorist Act of 9/11
20 pages in length. The reality of suicide attack - and indeed terrorism itself - is not even a remotely new concept within the timeline of man's existence; in fact, the extent to which social, political, economic and religious discord has precipitated at least some sort of violence and/or intimidation throughout history speaks to the notion that humanity is both unsettled in mind and unevolved in spirit when it comes to the failed objective to coexist even now in the twenty-first century. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Outline for "History of the Prospective Payment System"
A 1 page outline of a separate PowerPoint® presentation providing the history of the prospective payment system. Created by legislation in 1983, the PPS has been characterized as being "revolutionary" and serving to dramatically reduce the rate of increase in health care costs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Local Smoking Ban: Controversy Verses Reason
A 5 page perspective on a local smoking ban. Written from the perspective of a non-smoker, this paper presents the evidence that makes it clear that the ban is in the best interest of both non-smokers and smokers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Employee Development in the U.S. Army
A 7 page paper discussing salient points regarding employee development and retention using training as a tool. The paper discusses the reasons for pursuing employee development and retention and offers a training plan using an approach similar to that already in use by the 84th U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Training Command, and it shadows the approach of both online and on-ground universities, as well as corporate training programs. LMS-centered applications are well developed and lend themselves well to employee development training within the U.S. Army. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
The Civil Rights Act of 1991
A 3 page summary of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Patriot Act
A 10 page research paper that examines The Patriot Act. On March 9, 2006, the Patriot Act was renewed after a year of proposals, counterproposals, two extensions and extensive negotiations (Pike 1). Despite numerous compromises and revisions that are intended to safeguard the civil liberties of American citizens, the Patriot Act and its implementation continue to be a source of hot debate and contention. This raises numerous questions about the Patriot Act. Is it effective in regards to issues national security? Does it unnecessarily violate citizens' civil liberties? Is it being used as a convenient ruse that allows the federal government to suppress its political opponents? Or is the Act being used within an ethical, focused manner that targets only national security threats? This examination of literature on the Patriot Act attempts to answer these questions and present the facts pertaining to this controversial legislation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations
An 11 page analysis of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.
Fallout of Terrorism and Arson, 2001 and 1933
A 10 page paper reviewing the burning of the Reichstag building in 1933 and the events of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 for the purpose of looking for parallels between them. There are some coincidental similarities between the burning of the Reichstag building in 1933 and the September 11 terrorist attacks, but only highly superficial ones such as they both involved government action and they both resulted in the loss of personal freedoms that had existed before. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Globalization - Overview
A 10 page paper that begins with a definition of globalization, which is followed by a history of globalization. The writer illustrates globalization as international trade has been practiced since at least a few centuries B.C. The rise in globalization in the last forty years is discussed as are the arguments for and against it. The writer reports the rise in FDI and the identifies the countries most globalized. The writer comments on how culture evolves with or without economic globalization. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Impact of Illegal Immigration on the U.S. Economy
This 6 page paper discusses the impact illegal immigration has had on the U.S. economy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.