Research Papers on Human Resource Issues

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Discrimination Presentation

    This 4 page paper looks at a case provided by the student and considers a case where there is a claim of racial and gender discrimination. The paper, which is made up of four PowerPoint slides and speaker notes looks at the concept of gender and racial discrimination why it is outlawed and at a potential solution. The paper is written with reference to US law. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • How Can We Stop Harassment?

    This 13 page paper is made up of a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by speaker notes, on the subject of preventing harassment within the workplace. The presentation defines what harassment is, how it takes place and the problems it can cause, and then provides a practical approach to reducing the potential of harassment occurring in the workplace, as well as giving guidance on the way in harassment incidences should be handled. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Improving Performance in a Call Center

    This 19 page paper is a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes looking at how to improve a call center which is not meeting any of its key performance indicators. The strategy includes training the staff and introduction of motivation strategies. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • HR, Quantitative and Qualitative Research

    This 7 page report discusses the use and interpretation of qualitative versus quantitative research in a human resources application. Strategic human resource management is about imparting culture, recruiting and developing the skills needed by the organization. That requires the HR professional to also understand the information they receive regarding employees, the workplace, a specific industry, and other factors. Qualitative and quantitative information provide the numerical or categorical results (quantitative)of something while explaining the reasons and motivations(qualitative) that have caused the events to occur in the first place. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Learning Teams

    This 6 page paper about teams is written in three parts. The first part of the paper looks at the strengths and weaknesses associated with learning teams, the second part of the paper discusses the way conflict within a learning team can be dealt with and resolved and the last part of the paper examines some effective group decision-making skills and problem-solving techniques used by the team. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Implementing Performance Management within an Organization

    This 13 page paper examines the concept of performance management, looks at the benefits of its implementation and considers how it may be implemented within an organization with the use of employee performance appraisals. The paper is made up of a 9 page written paper 7 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Job Redesign Presentation

    This 8 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation with notes to justify the redesign if a job to increase motivation and performance. The slides define the job; a logistics manager, look at the areas which could be improved and then suggests and justifies improvements. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Employee Retention Through Leadership

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of employee empowerment and retention. Speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation address how employee morale is tied to leadership. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Two Management Models - Quantitative and Human Relations Models

    This 3 page paper looks at two approaches to human resource management; the quantitative approach and the human relations school of thought. The paper outlines each of these approaches, looking at the characteristics of the HRM models and assessing what they have added to the understanding of management. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Problems Faced when Implementing Change

    This 5 page paper is a three slide PowerPoint presentation along with speaker notes examining the different types of barriers that may be faced when trying to introduce change into a firm. The way barriers and resistance emerge and both organizational and personal barriers are examined. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Speaker Notes on Talent Loss

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of talent retention. It takes the form of Power Point speaker notes on strategies to retain talent. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Paradigms

    7 pages in length. Quantitative research should begin with an idea that is usually articulated as a hypothesis by the researcher which then, through measurement, generates data and then by deduction allows a conclusion to be drawn. In contrast to this method, qualitative research begins with intent to review a certain area. The researcher then collects data through observations and interviews and generates his or her ideas and hypotheses from these data. These inferences are largely made through what is known as inductive reasoning. The strength of the quantitative approach is in its reliability or the repeatability of the pattern. The same measurements should yield the same results every time. The strength of qualitative research lies in its validity or closeness to the truth; as such, good qualitative research – by using a diverse number of data collection methods – should actually touch the core of what is going on rather than just skimming the surface of the facts, which is why it makes for a better approach for human relations research than its quantitative counterpart. The validity of qualitative methods is greatly improved upon by using a combination of research methods, a process known as triangulation used by independent analysis of the data by more than one researcher. The writer discusses these two research paradigms with regard to human relations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Employee Relationship and Employee Motivation; A Research Proposal

    This 8 page paper is a proposal for a research project to identify the different models that describe the way the employment relationship emerges and how it can be managed by the employer and proposes research to assess which are correlated with the highest levels of employee motivation. The paper includes an introduction, literature review, and methodology for primary research. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Study Proposal on Work Days Off and How Second Hand Smoke Affects the Lung Function of Employees

    A 9 page proposal for an experimental design to test the impacts of secondary smoke in the workplace utilizing a sample base of male non-smokers who do not live with a smoker. Relies on the utilization of salivary testing for cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, to quantify the degree of smoking which an individual is exposed to in the workplace. Notes that much of what we know of the impacts of secondary smoke relates to specific pulmonary function but little has been done in regard to correlating this knowledge with employee absenteeism. Because of the susceptibility of employees to this environmental contaminant, and its suspected impact of necessitating time off work due to related illnesses, it is imperative that these risk be quantified. This quantification could prove particularly useful in deciding workplace smoking policy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Bank Teller and Employment Longevity

    A 20 page paper research proposal seeking to discover ways to increase job longevity among bank tellers. The teller line employees are the first employees customers meet and also interact with during their banking relationship, qualifying tellers as the “front line” employees about whom so much has been written. Front line employees are those with whom customers have the greatest degree of direct contact and in many respects, they define the organization for the customer. Continuity and longevity in that position provide a pleasant experience for customers and retention of the customer base. The problem is that employees see that position as a stepping stone, a temporary stop on individuals’ career paths. This study will examine the reasons why employees view the teller positions as stepping stones and will investigate what would provide the incentive for employees to look at tellering as a long term career. This study will address financial institutions with $50M or less in assets or fewer than 25 employees. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • HRM and Performance Management; The Value of Performance Appraisal

    This 4 page is a research proposal to assess the value of different types of performance assessment and appraisal in increases productivity and aiding with motivation in a commercial environment. The paper presents an introduction, brief literature review and the outline of a methodology. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Are Learning Organizations Ready For Change - Summary of Research

    This 7 page paper is a set of 5 slides and accompanying speaker notes presenting aspects of a research project to assess the alignment between learning organization characteristics and readiness for change. The slides look at the problem statement, the research objectives, conclusion, recommendations and consideration of the limitations of the research as well as the way future research may take place.

  • Small Business Rewards and Compensation Program Proposal

    This 11 page paper focuses on a hypothetical firm with about 40 employees. The firm is described and after a review of literature, a precise schedule of compensation and rewards is devised. The proposal includes specific grade levels and job titles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Domestic and Global Security Management

    A 15 page paper that presents a study proposal. The paper includes: a statement of the problem, the significance of the problem, purpose of the study, literature review, research questions and methodology. The problem is that security classes are not included in all organizational leadership programs and this kind of class should be included because managers at all levels are being asked to be responsible for security. The literature review presented provides the justification for including such a course. September 11, 2001, combined with hundreds of terrorist attacks across the world have taught us that certain fanatics will stop at nothing to kill and destroy. Companies and organizations face threats today that are new and more complex. Examples of how some companies responded in terms of security upgrades are included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Training Program Proposal

    This 7 page paper provides a proposal for a three day training program. The program is designed for cashiers and addresses customer service issues as well as providing hands on training. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Why Do Employees from the Employer?

    This 22 page paper is a research proposal for a full-length dissertation in the causes of employee theft. The problem is considered from the context of security risk management, looking at a number of different theoretical approaches to causes of crime, with an in-depth literature review, and a proposal for a suitable research methodology utilizing quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Shift Work and Human Research Management: A Research Proposal

    This 22 page paper provides an overview of the use of shiftwork and the problems related to it. This is a proposed study of an industrial population. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Juice Red Tomato Company Human Resources Investing Research Proposal

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal for investing in HR change at a company called Juicy Red Tomato (JRT). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Employee Motivation and Commitment and the Impact of Management Style Research Proposal

    A 4 page research proposal describing a qualitative study into employee attitudes and preferences in manager characteristics and style. The researchers expect that results will indicate that more participatory and democratic forms of management style will be far more beneficial than any autocratic approach we may find. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Designing for Diversity

    A 6 page paper consisting of slide contents and speaker notes for a 6-slide PowerPoint® presentation encouraging a young, growing company to establish and adopt commitment to diversity at the top management levels. Using Nestlé as an example – the Swiss company has only one Swiss board member – the presentation highlights the benefits of a more diverse workforce and management team, increasingly important in America now that we have surpassed population of 300 million. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • BPOs and India/A Research Proposal

    This 12-page paper examines the BPO industry in India, presenting the information in a proposal format, with a literature reivew. The main thrust of the paper involves how well employees are treated at BPOs, and whether an HRM program would be helpful. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Proposal for Program in CPR Training

    (5 pp) In reviewing the statistical data from 1998, according to the United States Department of Labor, 5.9 million employee injuries and illnesses were reported-which translates to 6.7 incidents for every 100 full-time employees. And although work injury deaths declined in 1999, that still averages about seventeen fatal injuries a day. This proposal will help you and your employees be more than statistical numbers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Health Care Insurance And The Unemployed

    A 9 page paper that is written as a proposal. The paper discusses the issue of continuing health care insurance after losing one's job. Statistical data are included regarding the unemployed and the uninsured. The writer points out the greater difficulties single individual unemployed persons have obtaining health care coverage. Annotated bibliography included in the page count. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Impact of Audits on Accident Rates in Hong Kong/A Research Proposal

    This 15 page paper gives an in-depth research proposal to examine the hypothesis that accident rates will drop in the Hong Kong construction industry is health and safety audits are made compulsory. The paper looks at the background and shows why this research is important in terms of human and economic cost. The paper then considers methodology and gives an example questionnaire, discussing how it can be analyzed to assess the hypothesis. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • A Suitable Research Design for Human Resource Management Studies

    This 9 page paper presents a suitable methodological structure and framework to be utilized for primary research to assess the impact of workplace motivation on the performance of the employees. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Increasing Retention of Employees Management Style Research

    A 4 page preliminary research proposal describing a qualitative study into employee attitudes and preferences in manager characteristics and style. The researchers expect to find the employees identify several different management styles within the organization being studied. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Safety and Health

    This 15 page paper proposes a health and safety research project to look at the tools of assessment and how suitable they are to measure unseen risk, such as air quality. The paper gives a justification of the study, the aims and methods, a time table and a literature review examines models that may be used and the risks of poor air quality. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Employee Favouritism

    This 11 page paper is a research proposal to study the impact of employee favouritism on the workplace environment. The paper gives an introduction with the research questions to be answered. The paper then presents a literature review and a methodology to be used for primary research. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Forging a Committed and Motivated Workforce- An In-Depth Case Study

    This 31 page paper first provides a 3 page research proposal for the study and then a 28 page paper that presents a case study of motivation in a travel agency. The paper begins with a Table of Contents and an Executive Summary. The Introduction provides background information on the company being studied and includes the company's goals: decrease turnover, increase employee motivation and increase revenues. The literature review proceeds a comprehensive explanation and discussion of theories of motivation. These include expectancy theory, needs hierarchy, reinforcement, goal theory and others. The next section explains the methodology for the case study – observation and employee surveys, which is followed by the results of the surveys. The writer then discuses the results and makes several recommendations based on the survey responses and the literature review. 4 Appendices are included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Understanding the Psychological Contract

    This 100 page paper examines the role of the psychological contract on the employment relationship in an international context. The paper is written as a dissertation, with a full introduction, literature review methodology and then research using a case study approach. The paper defines what is meant by a psychological contract and then considers the influences on the expectations of the employees and employers that are inherent in the psychological contract. Two cases studies are created and then analysed using international examples the employment relationship in France and Japan, these are examined to assess the theories, and assess the impact of the psychological contract on the employment relationship and how it is influenced by different cultures. The bibliography cites 89 sources.

  • PowerPoint Presentation of Aims and Methods of Training

    This 18 page paper is a PowerPoint presenting made up of 10 slides along with speaker notes. The presentation looks at training and development, looking at what it is, why it is good and the different approaches that may be adopted, such as team and group training and individual development. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Is Employee Development Worthwhile

    An 11 page paper that presents a proposal for a study. Sections include introduction, literature review of the topic, research objectives and questions, research methodology and limitations. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Gender Roles and Bureaucracies

    This 14 page paper examines the role of gender in an organisation. The paper explains how traditional workplace strategies have involved seeing employees as asexual, interpreting sexuality as an irrational interference which creates inefficiencies and may leave a compnay open to sexual harassment claims. The paper argues that sexuality and gender differentiation are not left behind when employee enter the workplace, but are inherent in the employment relationship. Looking at different theorists, ideas of patriarchy, male domination, sexual harassment, sex and power and gender defined jobs are all included. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Contractual Information and Harassment

    A 5 page paper in two parts, the first of which is one page addressing the speed with which managers need to address complaints of sexual harassment. The second part is a letter to corporate legal counsel, providing information for the attorney to use in drafting a contract for a single supplier that will be involved in the development phase of a new chip. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Workplace Effects of Title VII

    This 4 page paper looks at sexual harassment, age discrimination and the other elements covered under Title VII. How this law changed workplace policy and the atmosphere in the workplace is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Joseph Badaracco Jr.'s Leading Quietly

    This 6 page paper discusses the book, Leading Quietly, by Joseph Badaracco, Jr. Emphasis is on the Olsen sexual harassment case and its resoltuion. A philosophical discussion includes several alternative solutions and a debate on the one chosen by Olsen. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Human Resources Issues

    A 5 page paper. Human resource personnel face a myriad of issues daily, such as sexual harassment, employee-employer, fairness to all employees, and violence in the workplace. What is it that causes an employee or former employee to commit violence, to kill coworkers? Why are so many workers having emotional outbursts? These are questions that are discussed. Strategies for preventing violence are also reported. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Today's Human Resources Management

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of trends in human resources management. Many issues are addressed including discrimination, proper benefits distribution, and sexual harassment. Legal aspects are highlighted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Workplace Discrimination Problems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the problem of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Suggestions are made as to how business owners can avoid related lawsuits. Drawbacks of recommendations are also considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Ethics and Organizational Psychology

    This 6 page paper provides an example of an ethical dilemma an organizational psychologist might face. Within the context of the problem, sexual harassment is discussed. APA guidelines concerning ethics, particularly in respect to confidentiality, are used in finding a solution to the problem. Issues concerning downsizing are also broached. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Contemporary Society, the Workplace, and Sexism

    An 8 page paper on the problems with sexism in today's society. It gives a definition of different types of sexism, talks about different gender roles in sexism, the law and sexism and sexual harassment, and gives some ideas on what can be done to change the way people look at and deal with this problem.

  • Forbidding Romance In The Workplace

    3 pages in length. The desire to curb romances with a 'no dating' policy has increased exponentially with the growing awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace. However, there are both legal and ethical considerations to make before drafting and implementing such a policy that depends mostly upon individual state laws. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • American and Japanese Women at Work

    A 5 page paper. American women make up more than half the workforce yet they continue to face salary gaps. This paper discusses issues concerning women in the workplace in the United States and in Japan, comparing and contrasting the issues. Data are provided when available. The writer discusses sexual harassment in both countries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Ford Motor Company and Incidences of Harassment and Discrimination

    A 12 page paper. This essay discusses the issues of discrimination and harassment at Ford Motor Company. The company has had charges brought against it numerous times in the last several years that include racial, gender and age discrimination, racial and sexual harassment, and reverse discrimination. This essay discusses these cases and their outcomes. The writer comments on Ford's lack of improvement despite huge settlements awarded to employees. The writer also offers recommendations for the company to change the apparent discrimination in the work environment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • How Can We Stop Harassment?

    This 13 page paper is made up of a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by speaker notes, on the subject of preventing harassment within the workplace. The presentation defines what harassment is, how it takes place and the problems it can cause, and then provides a practical approach to reducing the potential of harassment occurring in the workplace, as well as giving guidance on the way in harassment incidences should be handled. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Harassment in the Workplace and Legal Issues

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the legal issues of harassment within the work environment. Despite the well established legislative acts which exist in the United States and other countries which prohibit harassment within the work place, there are still many instances which still exist. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits harassment based on age and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits harassment based on a disability. In addition to the enforcement of these regulations in the work place, the EEOC also provides guidelines to employers as how to prevent and correct harassment by establishing written procedures, educating their managers and employees as to the policies and reporting procedures and immediate attention to any complaints registered among other measures. Despite these regulations and guidelines, corporations are still charged with many cases of harassment each year resulting in great monetary and reputation losses. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Overview of Ford Motor Company

    An 8 page paper. The first part of this paper offers a general overview of Ford Motor Company, including its global position and revenues, profits and number of vehicles sold in 2000. The rest of the paper focuses on employee issues and most specifically, on the sexual harassment and discrimination cases brought against the company. The settlement with EEOC is described as is subsequent charges against managers and the company. Recommendations are made regarding these issues. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Workplace and Humor

    A 9 page paper. The premise that humor and fun make a more productive workplace and a more motivated workforce seems logical. Many agree with the premise and the few studies that have been conducted support this premise. But, for as much as is written about humor and work, little empirical evidence exists. This paper discusses the benefits of humor, the use of humor as a management tool and the problems managers need to be aware of, such as sexual harassment. The writer also reports how male and female managers are perceived by subordinates in terms of the use of positive and negative humor. The writer also comments on the possible underlying hostility expressed in humor. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • American Hotel Industry Changes

    A 21 page research paper that is divided into two distinct parts: Part 1 discusses a history of American Labor Law and Part 2 discusses the Changes in the Labor Market. An overview of the major labor laws that would be applicable to the hotel and hospitality industry is provided beginning with the Fair Labor Standards Act and going through the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The most often filed complaints in the hotel industry are those related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment. There have also been legal problems with the child labor laws. The second part includes, among other topics, the median ages in specific job categories, current employment and expected changes by 2008, changing labor market, and how to hire and retain good employees in the hotel industry. Significant amount of data included. 4 tables included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Harassment in the Workplace

    8 pages in length. Internal issues have made it consistently more difficult for women to work their way up the company ladder and escape the lingering element of workplace harassment. Because corporate America is essentially a white man's world, it has been extremely difficult for women to break the mold and be accepted for their talents, while at the same time fend off unsolicited – and gratuitous – harassment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Diversity Issue/Harassment

    A 4 page essay that, first of all, summarizes a news article that addresses the diversity issue of racial workplace harassment. Then, the writer discusses this information in regards to its implications for workplace management. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Organizational Health

    This 20 page paper looks at four different aspects of the employment environment that concerns the ‘wellness’ of an organization. The issues discussed include bullying and harassment as elements of toxicity in a company, individual employee health, work family initiatives and the importance of the work life balance and employee assistance programs. Each influence is discussed individually. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Ford Motor Company's Management Issues

    A 5 page paper that discusses management issues at Ford Motor Company. This corporation has had a number of harassment and discrimination charges brought against it and in most cases, the plaintiffs won. This would suggest that human resource management is not very effective. The issues are discussed in terms of lost productivity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Settlement, Secrecy, and Smith Barney

    This 5 page paper examines why many plaintiffs, including Pamela K. Martens have not settled in the Smith Barney sexual discrimination case. The paper then outlines why such settlements should not be shrouded in secrecy and how this leaves a bias towards the employer. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Unfairness of Telecommunications to Women

    This 6 page paper describes the phenomenon of tele or 'cyber - commuting' and its popularity in modern society. It is argued that tele-commuting has actually intensified the consequences of a male-dominated workplace and that women are afforded the same lesser economic status and lower positions in the corporation they have always had as a result of the advent of computer technology in terms of telecommuting. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Women and Telecommunications II

    In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • National Laws and Global Staffing

    A 5 page paper using Singapore and Japan, both cultural and geographical neighbors, to illustrate the complexities that multinational firms face in organizing international staffing efforts. Of course organizations need to operate as efficiently as possible, and adopting a global perspective on staffing ostensibly could work to achieve that greater efficiency. National laws and cultural perspectives can vary widely even within a single geographical region, however. Depending on the company and where its sites are located, more efficient international HRM may take the form of coordinating the efforts of nation-specific offices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Workers' Compensation and America's Federal Law

    An 8 page discussion of various federal laws which impact working compensation. Included in the discussion is a brief overview of the Coal Miners Compensation Laws (Black Lung Benefits Act), the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act, and the Disabilities Act of 1990. The primary emphasis of this paper, however, is on the Worker’s Compensation Act. The author emphasizes that while some of these laws receive a considerable degree of criticism, they are a necessary and appreciated part of the American work place. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Importance of Instilling a Familiarity With Employment Law for Employment Agency Employees

    This 14 page paper is written in two parts, The first considers the role of a trainer, why understanding the learning process is important and how it may be used to enhance training skills. The second part of the paper looks at the legal position of an employment agency when one of the workers it places suffers from racial discrimination and also when they pay women lower pay rate than their male counterparts. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Collective Bargaining and Labor Laws

    A 12 page paper that begins with a comprehensive explanation of the labor laws that govern employer-employee relationships, i.e., the National Labor Relations Act and the Taft-Hartley Act. This is followed by an examination of collective bargaining and current thoughts about this process, how the power has shifted in management-labor relations and the shifts during recent years. The writer then outlines what employers cannot do and what union/employees cannot do pursuant to the laws. Under the heading of what employers can do to resist attempts to form a union, the writer provides an example of one company where unionization attempts have consistently failed and lastly, under the heading of working with the union, the writer discusses another company that changed the relations between labor and management to make the process less conflictive. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Small Law Firm Management Improvements

    A 4 page paper that begins with a brief description of the scenario. A strategic planning approach will be used to change the management of this firm. Strategic planning is discussed, including comments on how law firms have used this approach in the past. The writer suggests that this company adopt the learning organizational design as their design. The issues of employee morale and motivation are discussed, using Maslow's hierarchy as the basis for improving these factors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature Review on US History and Unionism

    This paper examines the literature available about unionism and the United States. In addition, the paper offers brief topics about unions including history of American unions, trends that unions face today, and how management and unions are trying to get along. Bibliography lists 20+ sources.

  • Early Labor History in Three Strikes by Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, and Robin Kelley

    A 5 page analysis of the circumstances and meanings presented in the book by Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, and Robin Kelley. Broken into three major sections, each authored by either Zinn, Frank, or Kelley, this book details the bloody Colorado Coal Strike of 1913-1914, the Detroit Woolworth's Strike of 1937, and the New York Musicians Strike of 1936-1937. Although only the Detroit Woolworth Strike was won, these labor strikes will forever memorialize internal labor movement relations of the early half of the twentieth century. The author of this paper contends that the progress made in these strikes are directly applicable to the contemporary working environment as well. No additional sources are listed.

  • 4 Articles on Employment Security Reviewed

    10 pages in length. The writer discusses four articles pertaining to job security. No additional sources cited.

  • Human Resource Management Aspects

    A 5 page paper that answer's specific questions. Issues include: definition of HRM and strategic HRM, advantages/disadvantages of strategic HRM, functions, internal and external forces, and a decision making process. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and Total Quality Management

    A 31 page paper. What is the relationship between total quality management (TQM) and human resource management (HRM)? That is the question this research paper addresses. First, a brief history of each TQM and HRM is presented. The writer then describes, outlines and discusses: the integration of TQM and HRM; implementing TQM in HR departments; why TQM fails; more tips of do's and don'ts when trying to implement TQM; conclusions. The paper includes discussion of a vast array of issues related to the main topic. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • HRM's 2 Major Challenges

    10 pages. There are many challenges in managing human resources, and while all might be important, there are two attributes that seem to be especially challenging to implement and yet they are also very basic and fundamental to becoming the best that one can be in human resource management. These two aspects are the art of getting employees to think creatively and the ability to change. These are actually related to each other and both of these abilities together can bring out the very best in your human resource team. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature Review of Tuition Reimbursement Articles

    This 10 page paper reports on 10 journal articles emphasizing tuition reimbursement programs. Statistics are included regarding the percentage of companies providing this benefit and the dollar amount some companies provide. This benefit has been found to multiple benefits for the employer as well as the employee. No additional sources cited.


    This 5-page paper focuses on career and performance management for employees at InterClean. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Development of Career Models based on Existing Theory

    This 4 page paper looks at different career models including the Protean Career model and Boundryless Career model and then looks at the ENFP personality type under the Myers-Briggs test, looking at their characteristics and considering what type of job the would be good at. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • An Article on Diversity Management Critiqued

    5 pages in length. Discussing research in the field of business, the authors' article works toward identifying the sometimes subtle but extremely important elements of diversity management that can be overlooked, not only rendering the entire approach worthless of its intent but also causing more problems than before it was implemented. No bibliography.

  • Managing Diversity

    A 5 page paper discussing 4 points of diversity management: changing definition of diversity; changing US population; bringing groups together; and recommendations for diversity management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Aspects of Managing Diversity in the Workplace

    This 7 page paper looks at a range of issues concerning the use of diversity management in a workplace environment, including aspects of equality, positive discrimination, impact on culture and general benefits. The paper then considers how diversity management may be observed in a German transportation company. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Adversity Management and the Case of John Hancock

    This 9 page paper, based work provided by the student, examines diversity at John Hancock Financial Services. The paper starts by considering it is meant by the adversity and how it may be applied, and then considers the diversity based on an interview with an employee, using results to identify potential areas of improvement. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Irish Labour Court and Labour Relations Commission (LRC)

    This 18 page paper examines the role and function in of the Labor Relations Commission and the Labour Court in Ireland. Both institutions are examined separately, with an explanation of their mission, duties and responsibilities and an explanation of the way they work. The paper ends with two cases that illustrate the functioning of the Labour Court. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Changing Labour Relations in Germany

    The German model of labour relations has for some time been said to be under threat as a result of the process of globalisation and the activities of MNCs. This 12 page paper looks at the model of labour relations in Germany and considers how it is changing. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Best Companies According to Fortune Magazine's '100 Best Companies to Work For'

    A 12 page paper discussing characteristics of those organizations making Fortune’s 100 Best highly desirable as employers, and assessing whether a small human resources firm could benefit from alliances with those companies focusing primarily on young adults. Includes 3 tables, an executive summary and a letter of transmissal.. Bibliography lists 5 sources. KShr100BestFor.rtf


    This 10-page paper examines a case study about the fictitious Evergreen Investments and what can go wrong when it comes to customer relationship management implementation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Getting Real with Diversity and Leadership

    A 4 page paper assessing the role of leadership in promoting cultural diversity. The position of this paper is that many of today's organizations pursue greater cultural diversity but often do so mechanically from duty and matters of law rather than from an awareness of the improvement that cultural diversity can bring to the organization and that true benefits are realized only in an atmosphere of clear and dedicated leadership. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Value of Diversity

    This 4 page paper looks at cultural diversity in the work place and considers if and how embracing cultural diversity can ad value to a firm. The paper looks at the cists and benefits and examines examples of value added by diversity management. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Corporate America Communications and Cultural Diversity

    This 10 page paper looks at cultural diversity and how it has impacted communications in the United States. Affirmative action is looked at as well. The paper argues that cultural diversity programs have failed and explores why this is the case. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hotel Industry and the Value of Efficient Customer Service

    This 5 page paper considers potential problems with customer service in a hotel. The first part of the paper gives 7 examples of bad service, the second part of the paper then considers how the a hotel that has many complaints may improve customer services. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Workplace and Dress Codes

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses how the issue of the workplace dress code has evolved into more than just an ensemble people wear to cover their naked bodies; rather, employers view attire as a way for employees to appropriately represent the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Cost of Discrimination of Women in International Business

    This 5 page paper looks at the issue of gender discrimination in senior management of international companies. After assessing the extent of the issue and establishing that this type of discrimination exists the writer goes on to look at the potential business consequences and the evidence indicates business are loosing out as a result. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Industrial Organizational Psychology

    A 5 page paper that defines and discuses industrial organizational psychology and also discuses the evolution of the field. The writer briefly discusses personality psychology and developmental psychology to illustrate the interrelationship of the different fields. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • UK Gender Discrimination

    A 12 page paper. The gender pay gap in the UK is the widest of any country in the European Union. About 30 percent of managers and administrators in the country are women but they are concentrated at the lowest levels of management. Further, they are paid 24 percent less than male counterparts. This essay explores the issue of gender discrimination in the workplace and the very real glass ceiling that exists. The writer provides the core elements of the law and reports the lack of significant changes in more than three decades. The essay also provides suggestions for eliminating gender discrimination. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Glass Ceiling

    A 3 page paper which discusses a case study of a woman’s experience with the glass ceiling. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Economic Prosperity and Countries of the World

    A 3 page research paper that examines why some countries remain poor while other prosper. The writer argues that the answer lies in economic policy and cites as examples the recent growth of India and China. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Corporate Entrepreneurship

    An 8 page paper that begins with an explanation of what corporate entrepreneurship is. The major part of the paper reports examples of corporate entrepreneurship in four companies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Entrepreneurship And Human Capital

    A 5 page paper that provides an overview explanation of Schultz's Human-Capital Approach to Entrepreneurship. The writer reports a research study that focused on the importance of entrepreneurship in certain cultures, the one reported is Brazilian. The writer concludes with comments about entrepreneurs being developed at established firms. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Dilemma of Ethics in the Workplace

    An 8 page discussion of the types of ethical dilemmas that confront employees in the workplace. Ethical discretions, such as the issue of e-mail privacy, have the potential to be tremendously deleterious to employee and workplace. This paper provides an example of a fictional systems administrator and corporation whose high ethics serve to protect e-mail privacy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Kudler Performance Appraisal

    A 4 page paper devising a performance appraisal system for Kudler. The system provides weighting for various positions within the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses CanGo's performance appraisal system and economic concepts the company must deal with Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Performance Assessments

    This 17 page paper looks at the subject of performance appraisals, examining what they are, why they take place, how they can support an organizational vision and/or mission and the achievement of organizational goals, as well as the types of performance appraisal that can take place, the way that they may be used and the influence of motivation theory, and then gives an example of the way performance appraisal and assessment can be used as part of an integrated HR approach. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Performance Management

    A 5 page paper that discusses the importance of appraisals, what performance management is and its components, the goal of performance management, and two examples of performance appraisal models. The writer also comments on behaviors supervisors need to exhibit during the appraisal process. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Discrimination In Job Advertisements

    A 12 page paper. There are many ways a job advertisement can covertly convey a preference for a certain type of applicant. This essay provides a brief overview of the laws concerning discrimination and discusses the types of discrimination that may be found in job advertisements. The writer provides a few examples of this type of EEOC complaint. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • A Lack of Communication Resulting in a Rain of Fish

    This 3-page paper focuses on a workplace situation, in which poor communications led to a cargo-full of fish flying out on an airplane -- but the fish shouldn't have been there. Topics under discussion include chain of command and methods of communication.

  • The Benefits of Flexible Working Arrangements

    This 7 page paper looks at the concept of flexible working practices, the benefits that they can bring to employers and outlines examples of flexible working practices, including job share and flexi-time. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • A Friend's Letter of Referral

    A 3 page paper. This is a personal letter of reference for a friend who is in the same profession but who do not work together. The letter describes how they met and the personality characteristic and professional characteristics the writer has observed. No Bibliography.

  • Are Learning Organizations Ready For Change - Summary of Research

    This 7 page paper is a set of 5 slides and accompanying speaker notes presenting aspects of a research project to assess the alignment between learning organization characteristics and readiness for change. The slides look at the problem statement, the research objectives, conclusion, recommendations and consideration of the limitations of the research as well as the way future research may take place.

  • Alcoholism in the Workplace

    A 4 page overview of the impacts of alcoholism in the workplace. This paper focuses on the Canadian workplace and emphasizes the value of treatment programs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Diversity Audit; The Bank of America

    This 12 page paper looks at the Bank of America and conducts a brief diversity audit on the human resource practices. The paper starts with some background regarding the bank and then considers the most appropriate approach the research. The audit is conducted using data already in the public domain and the paper ends with a recommendation. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Two Approaches to Workplace Communication

    4 pages in length. Communication is vital to the lifeblood of any organizational setting, however, the manner by which communication techniques are approached can mean the difference between a favorable, productive work environment and one struggling to function. No bibliography.

  • Business Communication Skills Development

    This 6-page paper discusses the importance of communication in a business setting (between supervisors and the workforce). Topics discussed include different types of communication (written and oral) and provides recommendations on how such communication can be effective. Bibliiography lists 4 sources.

  • The Importance of Effective Selection and Recruitment

    This 8 page paper looks at the importance of effective selection and recruitment strategies. The paper outlines benefits and costs associated recruitment and considers the way in which recruitment should fit in with the overall strategy of the company. Effective recruitment is examined in the context of different organisational approaches the paper goes on to look at the different talks which may be used to help create an effective selection and recruitment strategy. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Performance Appraisals

    This 3 page paper is a broad outline on the use of performance reviews. Written in three parts the paper outlines how frequency of performance reviews should be determined, the benefits of performance reviews for employers and employees and the process of a performance review. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Challenges and Practices for Ethical Recruitment

    This 16 page paper examines ethical considerations within the recruitment process. The paper outlines different areas where ethics may be an issue and looks at the way in which organizations can ensure that their recruitment processes are fair and ethical. Issues discussed include issues such as advertising positions, interviews, the testing of candidates and potential approaches to remuneration packages. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • A Selection and Recruitment Guide

    This 10 page paper gives a simple guide to a step by step process that can be used for efficient recruitment and selection. The guide then explains why this process was selected and justifies the use of the model considering all the factors involved. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Operations Management; Recruitment Process

    This 7 page paper considers the recruitment process. The paper starts with some background on a company, McDonalds, is chosen as an example, then looks at an idea recruitment processes that can be used as a benchmark, produces a flow chart for the observed process and then suggests ways it may be monitored and improved. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Training Program For McDonald's Franchisees

    This 7 page paper is an analysis of a group project provided by the student. This essay discuses the organization, purpose of training and participants; the effectiveness of the training program; challenges the team faced during the project; interpersonal relationships of the team members; the effectiveness of the project as a learning experience and what could be done differently. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Organizational Conduct and ELearning Effects

    A 12 page paper. -learning is the fastest growing segment in education in education history and it continues to grow. Adopting E-learning/training methods and decreasing or eliminating traditional classroom training models represents a significant change for any organization. Since the research continues to support the effectiveness of E-training, more companies are changing to this technology. This report provides examples of companies and their successes, including ROI, data regarding the growth of E-training, and a general overview of E-learning in the corporate world. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health and Safety and the Workers Compensation Scheme in New Zealand

    This 10 page paper examines the legislation and regulation of health and safety in the workplace in New Zealand. The workers compensation system administered by the ACC, put in place under health and safety legislation, with the aim of reducing risk in the work place as well as compensating sufferers of occupational injury or disease is discussed and the basis of the system, which has its' basis in the Woodhouse Report, is discussed with the principles used compared to the Meredith Principles. The bibliography cites 5 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses various reinforcement strategies used by management, and the effectiveness of each. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Enhancing the Quality of Recruitment and Selection - Does it Enhance the Performance of the Company? A Research Proposal

    This 9 page paper is a proposal for a research project to assess if improving recruitment processes will result in improvement in company outputs. The proposal presents an introduction, research questions, justification, literature review and methodology. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Managing Conflict in Brazil

    A 4 page paper that discusses a proposal to offer training in conflict management in organizations in Brazil. A recent global study regarding the costs and frequency of conflict is reported. The writer explains why the proposal is good and why it would work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Assessing Employee Motivation; Research Proposal

    This 18 page paper is a proposal to assess the level of employee motivations with a company or organization. The paper sets out the purpose of the research and the research question along with justification. This is followed by an in-depth literature review and the proposal of a research design and methodology. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • A Research Proposal to Determine How Employers May Decrease Employee Absences

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal outlining research to assess how employers may reduce the level of unnecessary absences by their employees. The paper identities the research questions, the key areas of relevant theory and proposes a methodology to undertake the research. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Human Resources Development and Change Management; Managing Change in a Downsizing Situation - A Research Proposal

    This 4 page paper is a research proposal for a project to identify the most effect way of managing change in an organization undergoing downsizing. The proposal gives an introduction, justifies the purpose of the study presents a short literature review and outlines a methodology. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Downsizing - Hypothetical Case Study

    A 10 page paper. Following an introduction related to downsizing, gender diversity and motivation, the essay provides a brief synopsis of the Drug, Inc. scenario. The next section synopses three articles about these issues. The case study analysis discusses the three issues in more depth and their effects on performance. The last section offers alternative solutions and the recommended solution. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dubai Safety Belts Case Study

    This 6 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and answers three questions. The first answer explains the different between personnel management and human resource management. The second answer explain why the economic approach to employees is unlikely to be successful in the long run, the last answers demonstrates ho and why adopting the human relations approach to employee management will be productive. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Intersect Investment Case Study

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Intersect Investment needs to change, they have lost market position, customer satisfaction is down and the churn rate is high. The paper identifies the problems, looks at the current situation, where the company wants to be, identifies the gaps and then discusses the way the gaps can be reduced. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Intaldata Case Study

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study presented by the student and puts together some questions and answers that would be suitable to use as a revision aid for human resource management and issues concerning change, culture structure and leadership in a firm. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • MGI Case Study

    This 9 page paper is written in two parts. The first part examines a case supplied by the student, where a team is failing to progress. A potential leadership apprach and style is suggested that will help overcome the problems. The second part of the paper is a memo from the leader telling the team members what will occur. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Conflict At Work - Case Study

    A 4 page paper that describes a hypothetical conflict in the workplace and discusses the conflict management approaches each party used. Recommendations are given. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Arbitration Dispute Resolution - Case Study

    A 3 page paper based on a scenario provided by the student. The employee in this case was fired based on a binding arbitration clause in the employee handbook. The essay points out the discrepancies between the handbook and the document the employee signed. This employee is also covered under the ADA. Court cases are used as examples in the writer's analysis of this case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Recruitment Problems Case Study

    This 4 page paper considers a case presented by the student. The company is due to start 15 new recruits, but is facing problems. With less than two weeks before the new employees are due to start it is noticed that some applications are not complete, that transcripts are missing, that none of the candidates have been sent for mandatory drug screening, as well as a company having a shortage of training manuals and the training room been double booked. The paper discusses the way this may be dealt with and the way protocol may be introduced to prevent the same situation reoccurring. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • CrysTel; A Case Study in Organizational Change

    This 16 page paper looks at the way in which change may be introduced into an organization. Using a case study supplied by the student and the writer discusses suitable models of change which may be used to create a culture that will accept ongoing changes, the problems which may be faced when implementing change, the way in which resistance could be overcome, suitable leadership styles and ends by considering challenges the organization may have to deal with in the future. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Case Study: Bob Marsh and Cooper Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    This 3 page paper summarizes Bob Marsh’s case, states what might have been done and why, and answers the question, how could this happen to someone like Marsh in a company like CPI? Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Nike; Computerized Interviewing Process Case Study

    This 4 page paper looks at a computerized interview system used by Nike and answers four questions assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the system, whether or not there are any potential equal employment opportunity issues, looking at the way the system was perceived as public relations as well as recruitment, and finally considering the way that the system may be improved. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • A-B-Zee HRM Recruitment Case Study

    This 10 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student concerning a company recruiting staff. A-B-Zee, is recruiting for two new stores it is opening. One area has a surplus of labour, the other has a labour shortage. The paper answers specific questions regarding the way in which the recruitment process relates to the company strategy, ways of improving recruitment in a market where there is a shortage of labour, the balance of power between applicants and the employer in an area where there is a shortage of labour, strategies to help retain employees, approaches which will reduce costs of application processing and the benefit of using a telephone hotline as part of the recruitment process. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Riordan Manufacturing Case Study

    This 7 page paper performs a gap analysis on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan Manufacturing, a fictitious company, is suffering from declining sales, volatile profits and a low level of employee motivation. The paper assesses the current problems, looks at the position the company wishes to retain and assesses the shortfall. With an assessment of the gap some potential solutions suggested. The paper is written from a human resource management perspective. The bibliography cites six sources.

  • Organisational Culture; A Case Study

    This 5 page paper looks at culture within an organisation. The paper starts by looking at relevant theories concerning culture creation, maintenance and manifestation. After looking at the theory the writer applies the frameworks to a case study of an organisation caring for clients with learning disabilities. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Human Resources: Hospital Case Study

    A 20 page paper that presents a case study of a hospital's human resource activities. The essay begins with an executive summary. The sections included are: a description of the organization, a description of human resources, its role, and strategies, an analysis of HRM and recommendations. The essay addresses how HR will develop strategies to be in line with the organization's business strategies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Harvard Business School Case Study Analysis: Questions and Answers

    This 3 page paper examines a Harvard Business school case study entitled SG Cowen: New Recruits. Question and answer format is used. No additional sources cited.

  • Job Evaluation Case Study

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. The first past the paper shows how for different job descriptions can be used to ascertain points is for a job evaluation. The second part of the paper considers how the points awaited. The third part of the paper looks at which, if any, of the jobs would be suitable for a person-based approach to job evaluation. The last part of the paper considers the stages the organization would have to undertake to adopt a competency-based approach. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Intersect Investment Case Study

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Intersect investment needs to change that there is disagreement within management regarding the way the changes take place. The CEO wants to adopt a customer intimacy model but there is resistance. The paper conducts a gap analysis looking at the issues and opportunities within the case, considering the stakeholder and ethical perspectives, determining the end state vision and then looking at the way the company can bridge the gap from its current position in order to achieve this desired position. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Global Communication Case Study

    This 20 page paper looks at a case study; Global Communications are going to be outsourcing call centre functions in order to make significant cost savings. There is resistance from the union and the company wants to be able to retain some of key the staff. The paper looks at the strategies the company could adopt in order to retain core staff, to prevent falling levels of motivation and protect the culture. The strategies are examined and recommendations are made. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Ethics in Negotiation (Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper involves a case study submitted by a student. Union involvement is a significant aspect of this paper. Bibliography lists 5 soruces.

  • Empowerment Case Study

    A 9 page paper. The writer presents a scenario of a CEO who decides to embed empowerment in the company culture. The scenario points out things the CEO did that were wrong and focuses on three theories, change, empowerment and corporate culture to demonstrate how the CEO failed. The ideas from Bolman and Deal's Leading With Soul are also incorporated into the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Continental Case Study Analysis

    A 5 page paper that discusses a Harvard Business case study entitled: "Right Away and all at once. How we saved Continental." The essay discusses some of the actions taken and comments on the plan. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Motivation Case Study

    A 6 page paper. Each of four persons is motivated by different things to gain a promotion. Three broad categories of theories are discussed: biological, psychosocial, and interactionist. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


    This 5-page paper examines accounting and financial aspects a potential job applicant needs to examine before accepting a job. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Job Analysis (Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper evaluates a case where a job analysis is indicated. Methods of job analysis are explored and recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Juicy Red Tomato Company Case Study

    This 8 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The problems faced by the company are considered and an appropriate literature review looking at issues of motivation, loyalty, commitment and performance is undertaken in order to identify potential areas of study. After the literature review the case is discussed and an hypothesis is formed which could be used for further research and testing. The bibliography cites 5 sources.


    This 12-page paper addresses various personnel issues, such as employee induction, the need for training and control systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


    This 4-page paper presents a case study about conflict management between a project leader and one of her team members. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 9-page paper focuses on a case study, detailing how a human resources director can turn around a poor-performing staff of a cruise. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 12-page paper focuses on how to develop and write a case study with personnel issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Organizational Development Case Study

    A 14 page paper that uses a student-supplied case study of EKEM, a fictitious furniture company in Australia. The writer spends approximately half the paper analyzing the company's operations and management as they exist, extremely low morale, slowed growth, and poor management styles. The next section includes different alternative strategies for the company to improve. Motivation is briefly explained along with examples as well as a more effective management style. The recommendation is to adopt TQM to save the company. Deming's 14 points are briefly outlined with comments and discussions about how this company will need to change. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Writing a HRM Case Study

    This 11 page paper looks at what should be included in a case study written for students to analyze. The paper starts by looking at what should be included and the general approach to be taken. The paper then presents a sample case study for a fictitious case study which demonstrates problem in a firm due to the failure of a manger to follow the HRM polices. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Conflict Management - Hypothetical Case Study

    A 7 page paper that begins with a scenario of a conflict in a hypothetical work team. This is a situation where there are negative behaviors and underlying tension and conflict rather than a two-sided or other type of conflict. The paper draws on the ideas of Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith's book, Resolving Conflicts at Work. The writer also comments on different approaches to conflict management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Case Study on Mary Kay

    This 6 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student; Mary Kay Cosmetics. The remuneration of the agents is considered, looking at the main components and motivators, the profile of the agents and the way that the package may be changed to provide ongoing motivation while cutting the costs of the current program that provides cars for the top achievers. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Arctic Mining Consultants - Case Study

    A 4 page paper that responds to certain questions and issues in this case. The paper provides a summary of the case, symptoms of the problem, the leadership style used, the motivation of the individuals, team dynamics, what should have been done and recommendations for future strategies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 4-page paper covers the socioethical remedies necessary for promotiong lean manufacturing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Otis Elevator 360 Degree Performance Assessment Case Study

    This 4 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student; Otis Elevator is introducing a new 360 degree assessment scheme for their managers. The paper looks at the potential advantages of the scheme, potential problem that may be encountered when implementing the scheme and other consideration that will need to be considered. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Organizational Communication - Case Study

    This 4 page paper applies the communication process to a hypothetical organization. The essay includes: the communication climate in the organization, strengths and weaknesses, management's approach and an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Mintzberg's CEO Roles - Case Study

    A 3 page paper that begins with a discussion of CEO and managerial roles as identified by Mintzberg. The daily activities of a hypothetical police chief are then ascribed to the three major roles as identified by Mintzberg. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nordstrom And Anita's Apparel - Case Study

    A 3 page paper that is based on the case study in Anthony and Govindarajan's book, Management Control Systems, 10th ed. The paper explains Nordstrom's compensation program, customer satisfaction and employee empowerment. The second part discusses what Anita's Apparel stores could do in terms of compensation and other factors to improve their sales. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Workplace and Transsexual Issues

    A 10 page overview of transsexuality and the issues which often arise in terms of societal perceptions. Includes an emphasis on the employer's obligation to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable working environment for both the transsexual and the non-transsexual. Gives an overview of the legalities concerning the societal rights of transsexuals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Max De Pree's Leadership Jazz

    (5 pp). According to business leadership author, De Pree " way to think about leadership is to consider a jazz band. Jazz-band leaders must choose the music, find the right musicians, and perform-in public. But the effect of the performance depends on so many things- the environment, the volunteers in the band, the need for everybody to perform as individuals, and as a group, the absolute dependence of the leader on the members of the band, the need of the leader for \the followers to play well."

  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadeship

    A 6 page paper that responds to specific questions: Servant leadership is associated with the Bible, is it compatible with other religions? The characteristics of servant leadership with one example. What is the importance of emotional intelligence and self-awareness to servant leadership. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Corporate Environments and Action Learning

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of action learning. Secondary material is referenced to show how action learning can provide new perspective and highlight inequalities. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • HRM Reflective Learning Exercise

    This 6 page paper looks at a scenario provided the student. Caroline has employees that are unhappy with their workload. She takes the complaints to Bruce, her line manager, who does not want to deal with the problem and accuses Caroline as being over emotional. The paper presents a reflection on the way the problem was assessed and presented in order to determine if there are improvements that could be applied to improve the outcome. he bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • e-Learning Personnel Development

    A 7 page paper. Among the first technologies used were slides. The overhead projector provided a significant advance in training large groups. As computers became more common and the Internet became popular, they became predominant in training programs. This essay tracks the history of old and new technology used for employee training and includes possibilities for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • E-Learning In Employee Training

    This 3 page paper presents examples of two companies that have been using E-learning in their employee training programs. The companies, Circuit City and Wal-Mart, while both retailers, are vastly different organizations. The writer describes the programs put in place by each company, the goals of the programs and the outcomes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Training and Change

    This 8 page paper looks at a number of issues concerning training and HRM. The first part of the paper discusses the different ways people learn and the type of learning opportunities there may be in the work place. The second part of the paper considers how a training program may be developed for an employee. The third part of the paper looks at a case study supplied by the student (GFS) and discusses the organizational issues, the last part of the paper looks at the role managers can play in HRM teams during a period of organizational change. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Change and the Learning Organization

    This 6-page paper discusses several questions pertaining to the learning organization including how to help employees adjust and what style of leadership needs to be adapted to this organization. Bibliography lists one source.

  • The Fifth Discipline and the Learning Organization

    This is a 10 page paper which examines the concepts set forth in the book "The Fifth Discipline" and also discussed the nature of a learning organization. The bibliography has 4 sources.

  • Does An Effective Learning And Development Strategy Enables Organizations To Compete More Effectively?

    This 10 page paper looks at whiter learning within an organization is able to help it compete. The paper considers how learning may help with the development and maintenance of competitive advantage, the concept and application of knowledge management, the way it needs to be applied as well as created, the concept of the learning organizations and the role of mentors in creating and supporting commercial goals through a learning strategy. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Evolution Of Groups; The Developmental And Systems Psychodynamic Consideration

    This 16 page paper looks at group development from the perspective of developmental and systems psychodynamic theoretical perspectives by comparing a large learning group and a peer learning group in an educational setting to identify and examine the processes and evolution that can be observed. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • On The Job Training

    This 4 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the advantages and disadvantages or costs of on the job training (OJT). The second part of the paper describes the learning cycle and considers how a company is a case study supplied by the student is complying with the learning cycle and how training may be improved. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • When To Test Employees for Drugs

    A 2.5 page paper which examines two specific conditions in which a company should be allowed to test its employees for drugs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Potential ADR Clause for Inclusion in a Learning Team Charter

    This 3 page paper looks at the use of alternative dispute resolution in a teamwork environment, and presents a potential cross which may be utilized in a charter, facilitating the use of alternative dispute resolution. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Learning Theory Applied to a Government Department

    This 11 page paper considers the concept of organizational learning and applies it to the UK's Inland Revenue service, now part of HM Revenue and Customs department. The paper started introduction, undertakes a literature review looking at the concept of organizational learning and then applies these ideas to the strategy undertaken by the Inland Revenue. The bibliography cites 16 sources.


    This 3-page paper explains methods of implementation for a training program in an organization that has experienced failure. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Self Learning and Organizational Learning

    This 14 page paper looks at how organisation learning can take place and argues that this is impossible unless there is self learning ant an individual level. The paper considers the concept of the learning organisation, as proposed by Senge, and how learning needs to take place. This is then applied to a real life seanrio where a company learns from its managers who also benefit for self learning. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Influence of Culture on Organizational Learning and Business Practice

    This 11 page paper looks at the concept of organizational learning that has been developed in then west and considers how a firm may use the ideas by need to adapt them when setting up in Saudi Arabia, looking at the way business practices may need to be adapted to meet local culture and the way that this will influence business in general as well as organizational learning. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Management, Employees, Creativity, and Opportunities for Learning

    This 14 page paper consider to what extent employers need to ensure there are learning opportunities for employees if they want a motivated, committed and creative workforce. The paper considers the role and importance of learning in an organizational setting with reference to theories such as McGregor and his Theory X and Theory Y, Alderfers ERG theory and the concept of the Learning Organization as advocated by Senge. The bibliography cites 19 sources.

  • Reflection on Leadership

    This 13 page paper is written as a reflective document, considering what has been learned about leadership and the way that a student may apply it to their own practice. A wide range of leadership through reasons discussed, focus in on style and the way that leadership strategies are formed, and applied to the students and leadership style. The bibliography cites 23 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses characteristics of IBM and explains why it can be considered a learning organization.

  • Learning, Reinforcement And Work Performance

    A 3 page paper that discusses a possible evaluation tool to determine the degree of learning and provides suggestions for reinforcing that learning. The writer comments briefly on the disciplines contributing to organizational behavior. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Employee Training and Organizational Learning Initiatives

    A 8 page proposal for an online, outsourced employee training program. Today’s budgetary constraints place new limits on activities and send planners in search of new areas in which to make cuts. Training becomes the target too often, and at a time in which it can be most beneficial to the organization. The purpose here is to propose a rationale and method of increasing training without increasing costs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • HRM Learning Log; Reward and Motivation

    This 11 page paper is written as three log entries. The first outlines why looking at motivations and rewards is interesting and the underlying theories that can be applied to the study. The second entry looks at the way this is seen in Starbucks, considering the different rewards that are offered and what they communicate to the employees. The last entry is a reflective entry, looking at the research and the theory and discussing general findings. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Efficacy of Learning Teams

    This 7-page paper discusses questions pertaining to learning teams, effectiveness, problem solving and conflict management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Learning and Growth Objectives

    This 3 page paper looks at the potential learning and growth objectives that could be used in the development of a balanced scorecard for a hospital. The paper presents to objectives and gives tangible ways of measuring them. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Empowerment and Delegation: Learned Business Skills

    This 8 page paper considers the difference between empowerment and delegation, and then discusses empowerment in detail, as well as some of the issues involved in building an effective team. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Issues of Employment Learning and Loyalty

    This 8 page paper examines the issues of loyalty and commitment to an employer and the ability for an organization to learn. The paper starts by looking at how an employer may deter or encourage loyalty by the way in which they perceive and treat their employees. The section draws on the work of theorists such as Taylor, Mayo and Maslow. The paper then considers how the organisations can be structured to become a learning organization. This part of the paper looks at a practical example of how this may be achieved. The paper is written with reference to the petroleum industry, but the ideas and arguments are applicable to all other industries. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Workplace and Transsexual Issues

    A 10 page overview of transsexuality and the issues which often arise in terms of societal perceptions. Includes an emphasis on the employer's obligation to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable working environment for both the transsexual and the non-transsexual. Gives an overview of the legalities concerning the societal rights of transsexuals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Settlement, Secrecy, and Smith Barney

    This 5 page paper examines why many plaintiffs, including Pamela K. Martens have not settled in the Smith Barney sexual discrimination case. The paper then outlines why such settlements should not be shrouded in secrecy and how this leaves a bias towards the employer. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Overview of Ford Motor Company

    An 8 page paper. The first part of this paper offers a general overview of Ford Motor Company, including its global position and revenues, profits and number of vehicles sold in 2000. The rest of the paper focuses on employee issues and most specifically, on the sexual harassment and discrimination cases brought against the company. The settlement with EEOC is described as is subsequent charges against managers and the company. Recommendations are made regarding these issues. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Workplace Discrimination Problems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the problem of discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Suggestions are made as to how business owners can avoid related lawsuits. Drawbacks of recommendations are also considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Employees and Electronic Monitoring

    A 3 page paper. The writer comments about the beginnings of electronic monitoring and how that translated the workplace. The writer then discusses the increase in the proportion of employers who electronically monitor their employees and some of the reasons they do so. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Health Care Insurance And The Unemployed

    A 9 page paper that is written as a proposal. The paper discusses the issue of continuing health care insurance after losing one's job. Statistical data are included regarding the unemployed and the uninsured. The writer points out the greater difficulties single individual unemployed persons have obtaining health care coverage. Annotated bibliography included in the page count. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses reasons for high employee turnover in the long-term care field and some solutions for counteracting the problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Performance Management and Incentive Plan Design

    This 10 page paper considers the development of a performance management and incentive plan for the field and corporate staff of a fictitious company. The plan has to balance team based and individual based rewards, to determine when there should be the use of cash and non cash incentives and show how this can be communicated and administered without adding to the overheads. The plan looks at a targeted profit share system as well team and individual assessment that are linked to wages or salary as well as non financial rewards such as recognition and attending events. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Guardian Higher Education Supplement Article on Academic Stresses and Challenges

    An article written in the style of the Guardian Higher Education Supplement, based on interviews with academics in a university Business Management Department, dealing with the kinds of stresses and pressures which academics have to deal with, and their coping strategies.

  • Managing Change; The Chemical Industry

    This 12 page paper is a report looking at change and the considerations that should be made when it is implemented. The first part of the paper looks at changes which have occurred in the chemical industry in the since the 1990's, then issues concerning the way change may be resisted and managed are discussed, including potential types of change, potential reactions and strategies to overcome the barriers to change. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Workplace Creativity

    This 4 page paper discusses the statement " modern organisational structures are just as limiting of creativity and discretion as bureaucracy ever was". The paper starts by looking at what a bureaucracy is, its features, strengths and main critiques and why bureaucracy still attractive to employees and managers. The paper then considers alterative structure how they may be more encouraging of creativity and the different barriers that are seen. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Current Issues in Sex Discrimination Law

    This 3 page paper looks at an English sex discrimination law issue. The paper, written as preparation for a presentation looks at what is meant by discrimination, how sex discrimination can take place, and the impact of the Gender Recognition Act 2004. The paper includes a poster designed to raise awareness of this new act. The Bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Airline Pilots and a Mandatory Retirement Age of Sixty

    This 17 page research paper examines the issue of mandatory retirement for all American airline pilots at age 60. The writer includes background information and a detailed statement of the problem.

  • Singer and Organizational Culture

    This 6 page research paper investigates organizational culture beginning with a statement from Singer that understanding human culture requires more than one kind of theoretical model. Organizational culture is defined and explained in terms of different theorists. How the culture addresses issues is also discussed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Contract Demands of UPS Pilots and View of Management

    A 6 page paper. The Independent Pilots Association (IPA) representing UPS' 2039 pilots allowed a by-mail survey of their members last August (1997) following the end of the Teamsters' strike against the company in the same month. Though UPS offered pay raises for their pilots of between 36 and 94%, the pilots nonetheless rejected UPS' contract proposal. The average pilot pay at UPS currently stands at $151,000. Pilots are restricted by law from working a full schedule—they are all essentially part-time employees, and their current hourly rate (without a contract renegotiation) stands at more than $200. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Necessity of Labor Unions Assessed

    A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the history of labor unions and then considers their roles in the current system. This writer demonstrates that they are no longer necessary constructs of business for a number of reasons. Bibliography included.

  • Union Advantages

    A 7 page paper that explores the increase in union membership in 1997 because of advantages (general and specific) provided by unions to its members. The needs of today's employees in a reorganizing and downsizing corporate environment are attributed to a new growth in union membership. For this reason, unions have realized a reverse of the decline in union membership experienced over the past 15 years. Today, unions are helping workers in industries as varied as aircraft workers to physicians. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Workplace and Gender Prejudice

    6 pages in length. Gender discrimination in the workplace is an industry ill that has run rampant over the past couple of decades. Only within this time frame has society come to realize that there is no place for gender prejudice when both men and women are working hard toward the same goals. In some cases, women have demonstrated considerable more dedication to the job than men, who are often categorized as being lazy and ineffective. Indeed, there is room for both genders within the workplace, but it is establishing an element of respect, as well as a recognition of duty, toward one another that will ultimately eliminate gender prejudice in the workplace. The writer discusses how experts are working hard to organize industrywide cooperation in fighting the undercurrent of workplace gender prejudice in the next two decades. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Outsourcing Decision Making

    5 pages. Analyzes the steps that need to be taken to determine whether outsourcing is the correct decision for a company. Outsourcing is the completing of projects out-of-house when it is feasible for a company to subcontract some projects. Some questions that need to be asked are whether or not it will be cost-effective for the company; will it be as efficient or time-saving to have this function outsourced; and will it be negative or positive in terms of morale or goodwill on all sides.

  • Organizational Training Plan Creation

    This 8 page paper considers an organisation with a training need. It examines the root cause of the problem and the way in which training may resolve the problem. The measures which will need to be instigated to ensure the training is effective and maintained and the manner in which they are implemented are also discussed. The example used is a call centre with excessive call lengths. The bibliography cite 5 sources.

  • Restaurant Industry and High Rate of Employee Turnover

    7 pages in length. In today's fast-paced society where people are constantly striving to improve their personal gain, jobs in the food service industry are considered to be nothing more than stepping stones. From busboy to manager, no position is safe from the ravages of high turnover, inasmuch as there is always a better offer waiting just around the corner. The writer discusses various reasons for the high employee turnover rate in the restaurant industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Twenty First Century High Tech Markets and Low Skills

    A 5 page paper that looks at America's current practice of importing high-tech workers from foreign countries and explores the reasons why this practice has become necessary if America is to stay competitive in the technological world of the 21st century. Discussed are the options that the HI-TECH Act of 2000 will make available on both a short term and a long term basis. Views held by the opposition are included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Workplace and Gender Stereotypes

    A 15 page paper that discusses gender stereotypes in the workplace and examines how these stereotypes affect female workers. Included is a brief summary of the history of females in the workplace as well as a short discussion on the origins of gender stereotypes. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Diablo Drilling Corporation and Proposal for Flexible Office Hours

    Flexible Office Hours Proposal - Diablo Drilling Corporation: A 10 page paper that presents a proposal suggesting the implementation of a flexible work schedule for the employees of the main business office of a small drilling contracting company. Also discussed are the various ways that this option could benefit both employer and employee. The purpose of the plan, which is to reduce the amount of productive work time lost by initiating the option of more flexible work hours, is thoroughly explained as it applies to a small office with a total of four participating employees. Also included are technical and management plans, organization qualifications, cost analysis and recommendations. Bibliography lists 5 sources. LCDiablo.doc

  • Canada's Hotel Business

    This 5 page paper focuses on employees in Canada's hotels. Union and non-union laborers are compared and issues such as wages , job security and scheduling are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. Immigrants and Employment

    This 8 page paper looks at the great divide in terms of employment for immigrants. While some immigrants, such as those from India and Pakistan are given preference, those from many other countries are treated poorly. The problem is evaluated. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. Immigration and the Green Card

    A 5 page paper that argues the fact that recent attempts by the U.S. government to stem the wave of illegal immigration have proved to be futile and that the time has come to take a different approach to this growing problem. This paper focuses on the fact that the American nation was built on the concept of immigration and stresses the fact that employers who import and exploit illegal workers should absorb the full impact of government measures taken to rectify this situation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Progress in Bolivia

    This 6 page paper tracks the progress of health, education, socio-economic and politic conditions between the census years of 1976 and 1994. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior

    This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior as an important component of business administration, which combines psychology, sociology, and management and attempts to explain behavior within organizational settings. As a manager, it is fundamental to understand how individual personality attributes, group dynamics, and organizational structure interface to create corporate cultures and affect behavior. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People

    A 5 page analysis of Dale Carnegie's classic text How to Win Friends and Influence People. Since 1936, this classic self-help book has offered solid, practical advice on leadership principles that are still applicable today because, while a lot has changed since 1936, human nature has not. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Leading Change by John P. Kotter

    A 5 page research paper that summarizes and evaluates John P. Kotter's book, 'Leading Change,' which pertains organizational change. The major premise of the author is that the magnitude of change in today's business world is increasing so rapidly that leadership, not just management, is required. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Product Placement and Job Design of McDonald's

    This 7 page paper is written in tow parts. The first part looks at the job design at McDonalds by applying Hackman and Oldham's five core job dimensions. The second part of the paper considers product placement, and as an example looks at the 4 P's (price, place, product and promotion)of McDonalds and more specifically one product, its children's happy meals. The paper includes one diagram and the bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • 1931's Davis Bacon Act

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this 1931 act pertinent to unionized workers. The possibility of repeal, and the movement to repeal the act in the 1970s, is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Workplace and the Practice of Ageism

    (5 pp) Action must be taken to correct the serious situation where a very significant percentage of people over 50 are economically inactive. There is no bar to their employment other than an attitude by many employers that they are too old! And as my Grandfather used to chuckle in German, 'We are too soon old, and too late smart.' The United States work force is starting an interesting period of time : four defined generations of workers are all competing for the same space. All four have qualities that employers are looking for, all four have liabilities which can be compensated by one or more of the other groups. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Contemporary Workplace and the Importance of Equity and Gender Issues

    7 pages in length. Because corporate America is essentially a man's world, it has been extremely difficult for women to break the mold and be accepted for their talents, while not being overlooked merely because of their gender. The writer discusses why gender and equity have become critical issues in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Leadership Interview Case Study

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of a leadership case study, that outlines the leadership perspectives based on a model of the five practices and ten commitments of leadership. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Ben & Jerry's Case Study

    A 4 page paper that reports and discuses a case study of this company. The problem has to do with the salary ration maximum established by the founders. According to some, the ratio is preventing the company from attracting really talented senior management officers. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • The Changing Organization (Case Study Analysis)

    This 10 page paper provides a case study analysis and goes on to address managerial issues related to human resources. Bibliography lists 1 source.


    This 4-page paper focuses on the importance of strategic management by examining a case study of the fictitious Copley Company. Biblliography lists 6 sources.


    This 3-page paper examines a case of negotiation and conflict management through the fictional town of Dismal City. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Three Person Motivation Case Study

    A 4 page paper that discusses three motivational theories: biological, psychosocial, and interactionist. The differences in the reasons each of three people are striving for a promotion are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Banco; A HRM Case Study

    This 18 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Banco has set up a call center and is facing problems, including a high turnover and absenteeism, lack of experience and difficulties in recruiting. The paper presents an assessment of the problems and then looks at HRM theory in order to identify potential strategies that may be adopted to rectify the problems. The bibliography cites 15 sources.


    This 4-page paper takes the case study "Conflict in Close Quarters" about an incident on the replica space station Mir, and discusses organizational conflict. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Strategic Human Resource Management at Standard Chartered Bank

    This 20 page case study is written in three sections. Using a case study supplied by the student the first part compares the human resource management approaches of the Standard Chartered Bank to determine is the company us using strategic human resource management (SHRM). In the second section arguments are supplied to support the ongoing use of talent management strategies in an environment where costs need to be cut. The finak section discusses the importance of measurement to assess the success, or failure, of strategic HRM and suggests some measures suitable for the case study.

  • Negotiation and the Wellington Institute of Technology

    This 6 page paper, written in 2 parts, looks at the case study provided by the student. The first part of the paper looks at the problem and identifies the goals and strategy of the proposed negotiation in the case study. The second part of the paper considers the way in which the negotiations took place, there is which was successful and the lessons learned from undertaking negotiations. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Portfolio Team Management

    A 5 page paper. Fletcher managers a major portfolio and has reached a point where he needs to hire specialized analysts to help. Based on the information in this case study, the paper discusses Fletcher's leadership style and why it is appropriate as well as Fletcher's major mistakes when hiring. The writer also discusses Fletcher's team management processes and make recommendations for improvement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Do Starbucks Gain Commitment from their Staff?

    This 22 page paper examines the concept of employee commitment, what it is and how it is achieved, and supplies the theoretical basis of the first page of the paper, which is an in-depth literature review, to a case study. The case study is Starbucks, with examination of the different types of rewards and motivation factors that are in place for the staff, and a consideration of the way in which these HRM strategies may result in committed employees. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Diversity Management - Theory and Practice

    This 10 page paper looks at the concept and practice of diversity management from a HR perspective. The paper first examines the underlying theory and approaches that may be utilized in diversity management and then looks at a case study of a company implementing active diversity management. The case study is the Bank of America. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Problem Solving and the Development of Teams

    This 5-page paper discusses the concept of teamwork and workplaces by using as an example a specific case study that demonstrates what happens when a team breaks down in communications. Also study and this case is the literature available on the topic, and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 5sources.

  • Case Study on Atchison Corporation

    This 7 page paper looks at the Harvard Business School case study of the Atchison Corporation. The case concerns a company where there has been increasing sales but decreasing profit following the appointment of a new CEO. The case outlines how the approach to the sales force needs to change to increase productivity by increasing motivation and valuing their contribution as well as supporting them with the marketing function. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Tardiness of Employees

    This 14 page paper examines employee lateness in the context of a fictitious case study. Literature on the subject is reviewed and applied to the case. The focus of the case is an insurance company where one employee is in danger of being fired for chronic lateness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Motivation Retention Hotel

    A 7 page paper that presents a case study of JC’s Casino. The casino has had some problems with dealers and housekeepers. Specifically, dealers are leaving even though they are paid more than competitors and there is increased absenteeism and turnover among housekeepers. This essay reports some facts about the case and responds to issues regarding motivation and job satisfaction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Case Study Ineffective Leadership

    A 7 page paper that presents a hypothetical case study of a chocolate manufacturer. The writer reports the background of the case and identifies what the new CEO did wrong. The paper offers recommendations for the new CEO to fix his mistakes and get the company back to where it was in terms of morale. Kotter's change management process is reported to identify mistakes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Analysis Of Change Process In A Hospital

    A 6 page paper that reviews a case study entitled Change Through Persuasion and responds to specific questions. The essay comments on the process according to Kotter's stages, discusses psychological contracts and the phases of change reaction. The writer provides an overall analysis of the change process used in the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Case of 'On the Go'; HRM in a Fast Food Restaurant

    This 14 page paper looks at the case of a fast food company that is having human resource problems following the departure of a long term manager and new people taking over. The paper identifies the issues and then discusses a number of theories that may be used to help assess the causes of the problems and identify potential solutions. The paper is based on a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Home Depot - Implementing Cultural Change in an Organization

    This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The case concerns the change of culture at Home Depot, looking at how the change took place in considering the culture change in the context of Schein’s cultural model. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Problems with Employees

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and considers why the company is having problems wit the employees including absenteeism and high turnover rates. The situation of the case includes an autocratic owner with no management training and the employees are refused a pay rise when the company is doing well. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Student Submitted Case Study on Personality Types and Team Assessment

    This 4 page paper uses a case study submitted by a student. The case involves four team members and their Jungian personality types. The team is evaluated and the roles of each of the members are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • British Airways and Organizational v. Self Interest

    This 15 page paper considers how poor organisational culture can lead to individual preferring to act in their own self interests and not that of their employer. This is illustrated with an in-depth case study. British Airways has a record of poor employee relations and a history of numbers industrial disputes. The case study shows how a low trust culture developed more then twenty year ago, and how subsequent changes have failed to redress this situation. The paper argues that this, when combined with increased emphasis on individualism, and the bias use of emotional labour where it is only the façade that matters, employees have become insular and the preference for self interest is the result of a culture with poor management, a low trust. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Four Frame Analysis of Bolman and Deal

    Case Study : A 15 page paper that begins with an introduction to the four frame model of organizations and leadership as proposed by Bolman and Deal and the justification for the model. Basically, the authors say that everyone sees the world and any situation through their own frame or perspective and it is important to recognize and understand other frames. The four frames found in organizations are comprehensively described and explained. The type of leader and leadership process that would be found under each frame is also explained and discussed. The second half of the paper is a case study: a scenario is provided and the situation is then analyzed according to each frame. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Office Supply Store Developing Teams

    A 6 page paper that focuses on teams and uses this case study for examples of effective and ineffective practices. The writer reports and explains the evolution of a team, i.e., its development through stages. Other topics include how to build trust, what makes teams fail, problems members might have and the type of team described in the scenario. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Leadership Problems at S&F

    This 9 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, it looks at the leadership problems that are found in the fictitious organization, considers how those problems arose and make suggestions for the way in which leadership could be better in the future. The paper focuses on the application of theory to the case study. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Rectifying a Poor Motivational Environment

    This 6 page paper considers a scenario where a call centre is losing staff as they are dissatisfied with pay levels and feel that the bonus scheme is implemented in an unfair manner. The paper analyses the problems and considers the way that the scheme and approach of the employers towards the employees may be changed to increase motivations and productivity. The paper looks at motivation theory, equity theory and employee engagement as part of this analysis. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Challenges of One Leader

    A 3 page paper that begins with a scenario where the manager is facing personnel challenges. The paper identifies the leadership styles the manager may be using and why they are good or not. The paper also explains the difference between leadership and management and between formal and informal leadership. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Communication Case Study

    This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, Blue Ridge are suffering as a result of weak communications, The paper looks at the problems and the pertinent facts and recommends a course of action. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • An Ethical Dilemma

    A 3 page paper based on a scenario from and organization development text. The writer discusses the key players and identifies the ethical dilemma and stressors as they apply to Valerie. The second part of the paper compares Valerie’s boss with authentic leadership. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Internal Analysis of Coloplast

    This 4 page paper is based on the case study of Coloplast, provided by the student. The paper examines the expansion into Hungary and assesses the internal aspects of the firm using Goffe and Jones cultural model. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Improving Human Resources in Health Care

    This 12 page paper presents a hypothetical case study of a hospital with a very high turnover of ICU registered nurses and an HR department that needs to be upgraded. The paper provides the background on the hospital, the organizational behavior problem, i.e., high turnover and old recruiting methods, the causes of the problems, possible solutions, recommendations with comments related to an action plan. The paper also includes an abstract. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Change at the Forestry Commission

    This 10 page paper answers a set of 10 questions in a case study supplied by the student concerning the UK Forestry commission and the changes that they have seen since the 1990’s, examining the drivers for change, company for change and the way that it took place, including the barriers. The bibliography cites 7 sources.


    This 5-page paper discusses concepts concerning formal and informal organizations and trends for the future. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Replacing a Team Member

    This 4 page paper begins with the background for the case study. It involves replacing a member of a team in a Chicago organization. The writer explains why she is making a specific decision, expected reactions from members of the teams, how the manager will deal with their resistance, and what is expected to happen. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Is It Ever Okay to Discriminate

    An 8 page paper. The case is presented in an article entitled “Best of Intentions.” The writer recommends a course of action for a manager who has been cautioned about hiring a well-qualified Black man because of the community. The writer discusses experts’ opinions and makes recommendations for the manager about what must be done to help this new employee succeed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 8-page paper is an analysis of the Harvard Business School case study "SuperValu Inc: Professional Development Program." Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Problems with a Duel Remuneration System in a Single Company

    This 20 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. A company in India, faced with increasing competition for employees, changed the pay structure for new contracts, without reconsidering the older contract. This has created a feeling of unfairness and resulted in reduced levels of productivity. The case study analyzes how and why these negative behavioral traits have emerged, with reference to motivation and equity theories, and then makes recommendations to resolve the situation. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • A Case Study of Work and Family Programs

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of work family programs. The example of NASA is used to examine how programs help employees maintain work-life balance. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Glass Ceiling

    A 3 page paper which discusses a case study of a woman’s experience with the glass ceiling. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 5-page paper provides an analysis of the Harvard Business School case study "Recruitment of a Star."


    This 3-page paper is an analysis of the case study "Thanks for Nothing," which covers employee recognition. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses a case study concerning genetic testing in the workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Coaching Leaders - A Plan

    A 5 page paper. This essay responds to a case provided by the student of a leader who was authoritarian. The writer suggests a coaching process be used with the leader to help her become more effective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Organizational Innovation and Creativity Enhancement

    A 16 page paper that begins with an abstract. The introduction comments on the dearth of studies that offer empirical evidence of the effects of creativity in a company and also addresses the difficulties with the topic, including dualisms. The writer then explains and discusses the controversy regarding models of creativity and offers an introduction to two specific models designed to enhance creativity in the organization. Creative problem solving is discussed next, including techniques that have been found to be effective. The writer then turns to a case study of the business community Hong Kong, in general, and which models and techniques would likely help as they face new challenges in the market. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Synthesist, Analyst And Idealist Thinking Styles

    This 4 page paper looks at three different styles; the synthesist, the analyst and the idealist. The different styles are described and compared. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • UK, Work, and Disabilities

    This 21 page paper gives a good and comprehensive overview of employment and the disabled person in the UK, paying special attention to the males. The paper starts by looking at the statistics that show the differences in employment and unemployment rate between disabled and able bodied workers, then looks the way disability is viewed in the work context and how this has changed over time before looking at the current legal situation with reference to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The bibliography cites 23 sources.

  • Evaluating UK Fire and Rescue Service's Disability and Race Policy

    This 16 page paper considers the way in which the fire service in the UK can be seen in terms of fairness and equality. The paper looks the presence of ethnic minorities and also at the introduction of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 after a long period of exemption for the uniformed services. The way in which this is applied to the fire service and rescue service is examined and the interaction with other safety legislation is also considered. Special attention is paid to the inclusion of dyslexia as a disability. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Causes and Remedies of Discrimination in the Workplace

    This 11 page paper considers a scenario where a female employee is suffering discrimination from other employees as a result of her race, gender and age. The paper looks at the causes of discrimination and the actions or strategies that the employer may adopt to deal with the problem as well as reduce or eliminate their potential liability. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Overview of Diversity Management

    A 3 page paper that begins by defining diversity broadly and explaining what managing diversity means. Obstacles to managing diversity are discussed, such as some common stereotypes, and other factors that act as obstacles. The advantages of a diverse workforce and of effectively managing diversity are discussed.

  • Managing In An Inclusive Environment: Diversity

    This 3 page paper considers the issues of creating and managing an inclusive environment in the context of managing diversity. The paper considers what an organization that values diversity needs to consider and address in order to manage and balance issues related to facets of diversity. The paper looks at an example of good diversity management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Diversity at Cingular

    This 12 page paper looks at the diversity at Cingular. Carrying out a limited diversity audit the paper looks at the level of diversity and the underlying policies and strategies that have brought the company to this position. The paper goes on to assess how the already good position could be improved. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Improving Diversity Recruiting

    A 5 page paper proposal to assess a tool supply company for increased diversity in its recruiting. Project phases include assessing CEO commitment, human capital, corporate communications and supplier diversity separately, combining results to gain an overall view but keeping divisional results separate as well to facilitate closer examination. Human capital and supplier diversity will be more quantitative, but CEO commitment and corporate communications will need to be assessed using qualitative tools such as the case study. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Diversity Practices and Google

    This 5-page paper attempts to examine diversity practices at Google by examining this company's culture and studying Silicon Valley's attitudes toward diversity and inclusion programs in general. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Diversity in the Workplace

    This 5 page paper is written in two parts. The first part pf the paper considers the way in which diversity in the workforce was approached at SBC and Denny’s Restaurants. The second part f the paper considers whether or not Denny’s should have received an award for diversity as the strategies they used was forced upon them. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Diversity and HR Departments

    This 3 page paper examines diversity in the workforce and how this affects human resource departments. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Cingular Wireless and Diversity Audit

    An 8 page paper providing a diversity audit of Cingular Wireless. The company gained a "Baloney Alert" from DiversityInc Magazine in 2002 but has improved to the point of gaining 10th place on the magazine's Top 10 companies for diversity in 2006, and first place for Hispanics. It appears that Cingular Wireless is on the right path but has not reached any particular milestone in its quest for optimal diversity of its workforce. There are no specific, overt problems evident on a superficial level, but there may be deeper ones that the company will need to address soon. Certainly winning a space in DiversityInc's Top 10 will serve to ensure that diversity remains a point of focus. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Chage Management and Diversity

    This 13-page paper discusses diversity (particularly in the United Kingdom) and how to initiate diversity in the workforce. Topics under discussion include how to strategically implement diversity plans. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • A Plan For Diversity

    A 10 page paper. The shift in the country’s demographics has had a dramatic effect on organizations. If companies want to succeed in this century, they are will need to develop and implement a strong diversity strategic plan. Research consistently demonstrates that diverse organizations outperform other organizations. Diversity offers a strong competitive advantage to companies. This essay explores this premise and explains how to implement an effective diversity plan. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Motivation and Workforce Diversity Management

    9 pages in length. Managing workplace diversity and motivational approaches, such as gain sharing and executive information systems, in a contemporary organization does not require new-fangled ideas or unproven theories; to the contrary, tried and true techniques that allow for attainment of organization goals in an effective and efficient manner are accomplished through the basic standards of planning, organization, leading and control of organizational resources. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Compensation and Performance Evaluation at Arrow Electronics

    Performance Appraisal at Arrow Electronics: A 6 page paper discussing Harvard case 9-800-290: Arrow Electronics is traveling in the right direction, but the system it is trying to make fit its company likely never will unless it can be customized to suit the company's needs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Job Satisfaction of Supermarket Employees in Kuwait

    This 15 page paper examines the potential satisfaction levels of employees employed in Kuwait by the supermarkets. The paper starts by considering what is meant by job satisfaction and then considers different models that may be used to explain how employers may try to provide satisfaction. The models of economic man and social man are considered and then applied to the supermarket industry in Kuwait, using information regarding the levels of satisfaction and employment condition in Kuwait. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Job Satisfaction And Communication

    This 11 page paper is comprised of these sections: problem statement, definitions of communication, employee satisfaction and 360-degree feedback approach, job satisfaction trends. Discussions focus on employee satisfaction, management communication and the 360 feedback model. A generic satisfaction survey is included. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Studies of Employee Absenteeism

    This 5 page paper looks at several studies related to employee absenteeism. Psychological reasons are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Absentee Employee Reduction

    A 5 page paper that begins with statistical data related to the incidence and costs of employee absenteeism. The writer discusses some of the causes of absenteeism and offers a few ideas for reducing the rate. The first three pages are the report, the last page is a speech about the report. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Coca Cola and Employee Performance Management

    This 14 page paper evaluates the performance management systems of a well known company; Coca-Cola. The paper is written with reference to managing employee performance measurement in practice how it is performed and the way this practice relates to theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Benefits of Performance Appraisal, Diversity Management and Employee Participation in a Troubled Firm

    This 7 page paper looks at three issues concerned with human resource management; performance appraisals, diversity management and employee participation. Three issues are considered from the perspective of a company which is suffering from claims of discrimination based on its' existing predominantly white married male management structure. Each of the factors is discussed in the context of improving internal culture of the company and reducing the potential for discrimination as well is changing attitudes of management. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Appraisals of Work Performance and Employee Satisfaction

    A 6 page paper that discusses some of the reasons performance appraisal systems fail to do what they are supposed to do. Research identifying the factors related to the employee's level of satisfaction with the performance appraisal process are reported. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Causes of Employee Turnover and Solutions

    This 9-page paper studies the causes for employee turnover and provides some solutions to avoid this. Also under discussion are the importance of communication and employee respect. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nonprofit Organizations and High Turnover of Employees

    This 10 page paper discusses the high employee turnover in the nonprofit sector. The first section of the paper provides a basic introduction to nonprofit organizational structure and some of the challenges they face, including high turnover rates. The second section comments on the challenges and some reasons for high turnover, including a lack of long-term planning and a lack of effective human resource practices. The last section offers recommendations to reduce turnover. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Strategies to Retain Employees

    A 3 page paper that emphasizes the shortage of nurses and other health care professionals. The paper reviews an article about employee retention and comments on what needs to happen to reduce the turnover of nurses. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Case Study on Staff Turnover Reduction

    This 7 page paper considers a case supplied by the student where a large company is suffering from high levels of employee turnover. Based on theoretical models the writer shows why this turnover may be occurring, the types of people that may be staying, how they are feeling, and how management may change the situation to increase retention and motivation. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • HR Employee Benefits and the Impact of Rising Employer Costs

    The cost of employee benefits, such as payment for prescription drugs and healthcare is increasing. This 4 page paper looks at how companies are dealing with this, such as measures to limit cover, or degrease cover, increasing the level of the contribution from the employee, looking for other areas of cost cutting or ending the benefits altogether. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Why is Talent Management Increasing in Popularity?

    This 16 page paper looks at the rise in interest in talent management. After defining what is meant by talent management the reasons that explain this increase are examined along with the methods and approaches to talent management that can be adopted, including the recruitment and training approaches. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Evaluation of Talent Management Strategies; A Case Study Of a University

    This 50 page paper looks at the issue of talent management. The paper starts with an introduction with background, aims and objectives limitations. This is followed by an in-depth literature review that looks at relevant topics including the definition of talent, how it may be identified and the use of training and development programs and the value of mentoring in developing skills and talent. A methodology is presented for use in gathering primary data with the use of questionnaires to assess the way talent management is taking place in an organization. Simulates results are presented and discussed and recommendations are made based on the research findings and the literature review. The bibliography cites 36 sources.

  • Ethical Issues - Globalization - Cultural Diversity

    A 17 page paper. As might be anticipated, this paper discusses a myriad of issues and topics, beginning with a brief definition of culture and globalization. The writer discusses, in detail, globalization and cultural diversity, reporting and discussing arguments that promote the premise that globalization diminishes cultures and the primes that globalization may be an advantage. The next section discusses ethical issues inherent in globalization. These focus on a respect for cultural diversity. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • The Corporate Culture at Google

    This 4 page paper is a case study examining the culture and practices at Google, determining how or why they are positive and therefore not this makes the company an attractive and desirable company for student seeking employment. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Motivation In Three Companies

    A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to motivation theories, identifying the two major categories of theories. The essay reports some of the activities in three companies and correlates those to Maslow's and Skinner's theories of motivation. The companies are: HSBC, Tesco Plc, and Google. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 9-page paper focuses on a case study, detailing how a human resources director can turn around a poor-performing staff of a cruise. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hospitality Industry and HRM

    A 21 page paper that focuses primarily on the hotel business within the hospitality industry. This is a case study of one hotel chain and begins with background information about this small hotel chain. The writer describes and discusses four specific functions within human resource management: Staffing: selection and retention; Training and development; Performance management; and Compensation, including incentives for performance. Each function is discussed reporting some of the many effective processes within that area. The actual practices of each area are described. The essay ends with recommendations for improving the four human resource management functions at this firm. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Corporate Expansion from India to China

    An 18 page paper discussing options available to an Indian company seeking to enter China. Delhi Manufacturing is a small manufacturing company in India with no international operations, and is planning to enter China as part of its stated strategic plan. Outlined here are several alternatives available to the company in terms of entering China and becoming an employer of choice within the local culture. Included are examples of best practices of other companies that have gone before, as well as explanation of rationale underlying recommendations for how Delhi Manufacturing should proceed with entry into China. All recommendations are from the Human Resources (HR) perspective; and all are designed to increase the company’s standing in the local and regional community in which it operates. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • How to Increase the Emphasis on a Code of Ethics

    Where Codes of Ethics or Conduct Are Influential in Employee Behavior This 4 page paper considers the utilization of codes of ethics or conduct and looks at how and why employees may cases notice of these codes and considers the way in which tension to the codes may be increased. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Organizational Behavior And Teamwork

    This 14 page paper begins with a definition and an historical overview of the study of organizational behavior. The writer explains how organizations are defined and described and the many different aspects of organizational behavior and what affects organizational behavior. The writer then discusses teamwork and its relationship to organizational behavior, the obstacles to successful teamwork, the need to consider diversity and how this issue may be addressed, the group development process and the need for training. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • New HRM Strategy for CCDC

    This 13 page paper is a case study based on a scenario supplied by the student. CCDC is a construction firm in the Middle East, which is looking for ways of improving their HRM strategy. The report looks at the issues facing the firm and identifies suitable strategies including adopting a policy of creating employee engagement and increasing training and development. The report looks at how and why the strategies should be adopted supported by the underlying theory, and the ways in which they will compliment existing policies. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Job Reductions - A Review of Related Literature

    This 15 page paper looks at the issues which will need to be considered by a firm that is facing problems and needs to reduce jobs, including outsourcing and downsizing at the same time as increasing efficiency. The paper is a literature review on relevant areas, including dealing with downsizing, using flexible job practices and dealing with the unions. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Role Ambiguity Causes Problems for Company

    This 15 page paper begins with a brief scenario of the case. The paper analyzes the issues and identifies the problems. The paper explains the need for role clarification and communication and also discusses the need for effective communication. The writer provides specific recommendations for the company to improve performance. Bibliography lists 18 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses how the four functions of management can help save an ailing tax accounting firm. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Developing a Cost Effective HR Strategy for a Struggling Firm

    This 15 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. Macrae Bank (MB) is suffering as a result of increased competition. In order to survive in these two cuts the bill for employees remuneration packages by 5%. However, at the same time there is also a requirement to increase morale. The paper examines the situation, identifies problems and presents a number of solutions which may help to meet these dual requirements. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Penetration Pricing Example

    A 3 page paper that presents reports of two case studies. One is a remarkable example of employee empowerment and the other has to do with penetration pricing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Problem in the Sun Inc. Team

    11 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. A virtual team spread across different countries is facing problems, failing to perform. The paper is written from a international HR perspective, examining the problems and making recommendations on how the team may be united. The paper looks at issues such as cultural differences and aspects of motivation. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Microsoft Corporation and Organizational Behavior

    This 11-page paper is a sample of a case study dealing with organizational behavior and human resources at Microsoft Corp. The paper discusses how one might set up observational journal entries, a case study and questions for the case study. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 8-page paper analyzes the Smith & Falmouth case study, discussing the importance of leadership and change.

  • Communication Case at Office Supply Store

    A 7 page paper based on a case study from Harvard Business School. This essay focuses on communication issues as described in the case study. The writer comments on communication barriers, communication channels, an effective communication strategy for Lewis, organizational culture and other issues in the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Organizational Change and Leadership

    This 16 page paper provides a hypothetical case study for analysis. When a section head must fire one of six employees, she vies for a safe political option, but not one that helps the organization. The case study is presented and analyzed after a review of the literature on the subject of management, leadership and change in organizations is conducted. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • The Case of an Egocentric Trainer

    This 7 page paper looks at a fictitious case study were a firm is not gaining any tangible results from the training that is being provided. The paper examines the potential causes and influences of the problems and a potential solution. The bibliography cites 9 sources.


    This 5-page paper examines a case study of a conflict between Maori and Pakeha (New Zealand) as well as steps toward resolution. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Problem with British Airways

    This 15 page paper considers the subject of employee relations, defines the concept and then looks at the way in which British Airways, the UK national flag carrier, has suffered in the long term as a result of poor employee relations. BA is utilized as a case study to demonstrate the theory and practice of employee relations, demonstrating why the firm is have problems and considers how some the problems may be reduced. The bibliography cites 15 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses problems occurring from a project management perspective in the case study about Woody's. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Value of eHRM

    This 12 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, looking at the way hat eHRM was implemented and answering several questions. The paper starts by defining eHRM and differentiating it from HRIS, the advantages of eHRM, role of IT in managing people and the way IT may be used for e-development and e-assessment. The bibliography cites 6 sources.


    This 7-page paper provides an analysis of the University of Phoenix case study concerning Carl Robins, ABC Inc. and personnel issues. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • HRM at Riordan Hangzhou Plant

    This 9 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan Manufacturing has opened a new facility in Hangzhou, but due to local labor shortages they are bringing in workers from other areas. The paper looks at the issue of diversity management, looking at the situation, the perspectives of the stakeholders and alterative solutions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • HRM Gap Analysis for Riordan’s Hangzhou Facility

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Riordan have opened a new factory at Hangzhou in China, but due to local labor shortages there are workers employed form a number of different countries. There is recognition that there needs to be cross cultural management of the employees. This paper looks at the situation, the issues and opportunities as well as the end state vision in order to identify the gaps. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • The Corporate Culture at Google

    This 4 page paper is a case study examining the culture and practices at Google, determining how or why they are positive and therefore not this makes the company an attractive and desirable company for student seeking employment. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Recruitment Reorganization at the Australian Defense Force

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, concerning the way in which recruitment for the Australian Defense Force was changed. Specific questions that by the student answers, considering issues such as the environmental influences on the decision to change recruitment processes, the underlying theories which supported the process change and why the change appears to been so successful and the reasons why the human resource department was so important in implementing the change. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Proposed Compliance Plan for Riordan Manufacturing

    This 11 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, and presents a potential compliance plan which may be utilized by the fictitious company, with the aim of reducing potential liability of the company's officers, including issues such as product liability and risk mitigation. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Cross-Cultural Management Solution for Riordan Manufacturing

    The 16 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student; Riordan Manufacturing has opened a new facility in Hangzhou, which is employing a cross-cultural workforce. The paper presents a plan to provide a solution to implement cross-cultural management, looking at the option of diversity management and the quality management. The paper looks at the potential solutions and presents an implementation plan. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Interclean Training and Mentoring Program

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study where a firm need to implement a new training and mentoring program to develop team based customer centric selling practices. The paper cites 7 sources.

  • How to Prevent Workplace Sexual Harassment III

    An 8 page paper on sexual harassment in the workplace in which the writer explores its legal definition, actions that can be taken to prevent/stop it, etc.; Several companies with anti-harassment programs are presented. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Fictitious Case Study on Workplace Sexual Harassment

    This 6 page paper provides a fictitious case study, provided by a student, regarding a sexual harassment scenario where a female boss has created a hostile environment for one of her male employees. General information regarding harassment is provided, including the relevance of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Much of the paper comprises a memo written to the CEO concerning the matter. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sexual Harassment and Donna Johnson v. David Martino

    5 pages in length. The writer uses the logical approach to discuss how David Martino is not guilty of the sexual harassment charge against him. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Meritor Savings Bank, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Clain

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses a claim of sexual harassment and discrimination in relation to Meritor Savings Bank. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Workplace Sexual Harassment Survey

    This 6 page paper provides an example of how a fictitious company dealt with sexual harassment. Results of a survey are used in order to determine whether or not there exists a sexually charged atmosphere in this company. An appendix is included to show survey questions and compiled results. Statistics are used to provide evidence of a problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Hotel Industry and Issues of Sexual Harassment

    This is a 7 page paper discussing the sexual harassment issues in industries today. Current laws and history are introduced and specific examples of harassment and special issues relating to the hotel and restaurant hospitality industry are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History of U.S. Sexual Harassment Legislation

    This 8 page paper provides a comprehensive history and background of the sexual harassment laws in the United States. The essay begins by reporting how and when the term sexual harassment was coined and the fact that the issue is not a new one. At least one author has traced serious incidents of sexual harassment to the 1800s. A chronology of the most important acts and laws regarding sexual harassment is included, beginning with the 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that also created the EEOC. The legal definition of sexual harassment is included along with the evolution of the concept over the years. The two specific types of sexual harassment are explained. An overview of two specific cases, Ford Motor Company and Lutheran Medical Center in New York is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Workplace Policies on Sexual Harassment

    A 12 page paper which examines corporate sexual harassment court cases and considers workplace policy implications. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Misinterpretation of Sexual Harassment

    This 4 page paper defines and explores this subject that is often misinterpreted. Male sexual harassment s looked at as well. Occupational variations are addressed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Workplace and Sexual Harassment Prevention

    A 20 page paper discussing prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. The issue of sexual harassment is one that no organization can afford to dismiss in today’s business environment. Companies must ensure that they adequately protect themselves from legal action on the part of employees, but the matter extends well beyond that point. Business is more competitive than at any other time, and organizations of all sizes need to gain full benefit from all of their employees. They cannot achieve that end in an atmosphere in which a portion of the workforce is marginalized or forced to choose between working in a hostile environment or finding another job. Formal policy statements are necessary, as is regular, ongoing training. The most influential factor in preventing sexual harassment, however, is strong, clear management support. Businesses that set out to eradicate sexual harassment will find that their workers enjoy better morale and are more productive. Includes one chart and one table. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Case Studies on Sexual Harassment in the U.S. and France

    This 15 page paper discusses the issue of sexual harssment in the workplace, the laws, the litigation, study cases, examples, quotes, predictions, and a comparison of the United States laws to those in France. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Case Study on Sexual Harassment in an Agency

    This 8 page paper examines this issue by looking at a particular agency. The agency is used as a case study. However, the issue is explored in depth and a great deal of support is provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • What Constitutes Workplace Sexual Harassment?

    A 5 page overview of what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace and steps organizations can take to eradicate it from their businesses. Never before has business been any more competitive than it is at the present time, and organizations across all industries and economic sectors have searched literally for years to find innovative, creative approaches to increasing operational efficiencies. It is not possible to achieve these goals in an environment that tolerates sexual harassment. The paper promotes training and clear management support as two effective steps for prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Two Types of Sexual Harassment

    This 5 page paper provides definitions for the two types of sexual harassment. Legal definitions are discussed. Examples are included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 7-page paper covers a fictitious case of sexual harassment in the workplace, and how it is handled from the corporate, governmental and legal standpoint. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sexual Harassment Case - Co-Workers

    A 4 page paper. The scenario is that a male co-worker patted a woman's buttocks. The writer responds to specific issues: what is sexual harassment, what the writer would do if the women in the scenario, the organization's responsibility, and an outline of a sexual harassment workplace policy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 3-page paper proposes steps a person needs to take if she suspects sexual harassment on the job.

  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of sexual harassment policies in the workplace, and includes a plan to address disciplinary action to protect the employer. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Preventing Sexual Harassment in Tennessee

    A 4 page paper listing a state law, a federal law and a published court ruling on sexual harassment, then providing five initiatives for an organization to follow to prevent sexual harassment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Misuse of Sexual Harassment Law

    This 3 page paper argues that sometimes the law is misapplied and more attention should be paid to its frivolous use. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

    A 6 page paper that begins with the legal definition of sexual harassment and the two types defined by the U.S. Supreme Court. The paper discusses what conduct can be viewed as harassment, the impact of this conduct, and what the victim and employer should do. The writer provides comments directed at human resource managers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature Review on Sexual Harassment Policy

    This 3 page paper looks at sexual harassment policy and its effect. Three articles are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Employment Legal Issues

    A 7 page paper. The writer responds to three different scenarios. One focuses on an implied contract where the personnel manual states progressive discipline in an at-will work situation. The next focuses on both sexual harassment and sexual discrimination regarding supervisor and employee and the last one deals with OSHA safety standards and workers compensation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Human Resource Problems at One Company

    In this 5 page paper, the writer identifies human resource issues and problems at this company. The key problems are related to how executives view the problem. The writer also discusses a new human resource business system for the company and how it will improve HR. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Resources - Two Case Studies

    This 10 page paper outlines two different case studies in human resources. This paper considers the issues raised and possible solutions.

  • Human Resources Case Study

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of a case study of a problem in human resources. This paper looks at negotiation processes, including the use of arbitration.

  • The Applications and Benefits of Human Resource Development

    This 4 page paper looks at how Human Resource Development (HRD) contributes to an organisation’s workforce capacity through development, adding value to individuals and the organisation, discussing the importance of building a strategic approach to training and developing staff. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development

    12 pages in length. The extent to which human resource development is inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of competent management precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Human Resource Development

    A 5 page paper. Organizations spend billions of dollars each year on training and development programs yet most seem to be ineffective. This paper discusses ideas to improve the effectiveness of training. Statistics are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Human Needs, Human Resources, and Human Resource Management

    10 pages in length. The extent to which the combined efforts of human relations, human needs and human resources are inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of these three all-important aspects precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Human Resource Planning Process

    This 8 page paper Describe the process of HR Planning in organizations, looking at the purpose and stages which are inherent within human resource planning. The paper then goes on to consider some of the challenges we faced HR specialists in the future, with specific attention to the practices, challenges and issues relevant to human resource planning in Ireland. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Organizational Strategy Goal Achievement and the Value of HR Planning

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of some factors in human resource planning that can influence the ability of an organization to achieve its strategic objectives. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Environmental Changes and HR Planning

    A 5 page paper that discusses this statement: "The external environment changes so quickly that human resource planning is practically impossible." The writer asserts that it is even more important for human resource departments to engage in planning in rapidly changing environments. The importance of strategic planning is discussed and the tragedies of September 11 are used as examples to illustrate the critical need for different kinds of planning. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Case Study on HR Planning Issues

    This 6 page paper uses a case study as a springboard for discussion on HR planning. The design of a procedure manual, creation of a mission statement and corporate objectives are all included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Workplace and Human Resources Article Review That is One of Eight Total

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of an article review. There are 8 articles in this series and they relate to workplace issues and human resources.

  • Human Resources Management and Boeing

    This 6-page paper covers discussions about human resources management programs, specifically at Boeing. Discussions include literature pertaining to Boeing HR (including safety factors and knowledge management), as well as other issues to consider in developing a strong HR program. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses the concepts of labor relations management and human resources management, pointing out similarities and differences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Malaysia Human Resource Analysis

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the country, including population, literacy rate, GDP, type of government, types of industries and general economic facts. The writer also discusses the issue of foreign workers, illegal immigration, wages, poverty factors, who may and may not participate in a trade union and other aspects of work in Malaysia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Human Resource Managements and Its Functions

    The definition of management is the attainment of organization goals in an affective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources. In 8 pages this paper assumes that you are a Human Resource Manager and considers how you would use this definition to explain a workplace should be managed and the need for more information flow in order to reach the organisational goals. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Organizational Behavior and PepsiCo

    A 12 page research paper that offers an overview of organizational behavior. First of all, it offers an overview of the some topics encompassed by this field, and then it discusses organizational behavior further by offering a comprehensive company profile and investigating what literature concerning this company, i.e., PepsiCo, reveals about its corporate culture and typical organizational behavior. The emphasis in the paper is on diversity. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Importance and Influence of Group Performance on Organizational Behavior

    This 5 page paper examines the impact of groups and teams within an organization and the advantages and effectiveness of group and team performance in the management of organisational behaviour. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Why is Transformational Change Less Attractive than Incremental Change?

    This 9 page paper looks at two types of change; revolutionary change which is also known as transformational and discontinuous change and incremental. The two types of change are defined and then the reason why employers and employees may prefer incremental change is considered by looking at factors influencing change and the use of models to manage change. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Organizations and Incremental and Transformational Change

    This 5 page paper discusses the idea that there are really two main types of organisation change, incremental and transformational. The writer includes considers different models of organizational change including those of Lewin, Senge and many others. The bibliography cite 13 sources.

  • Industrial Relations and HRM

    This 14 page paper discusses human resource management, industrial relations and labor unions and begins with an introductory historical background of each and the impact of globalization. The relationship of human resource management and industrial relations is the next section, which begins with data about declining union membership and the possible reasons for this situation. Changes in the relationship between human resource management and industrial relations are explained and discussed. The shifting paradigms in each are also explained. The next section discusses the scientific management model, its use postwar and the incompatibility of this model with today's goals in industrial relations and human resource management. Saturn Corporation is used to exemplify a unique and successful partnership between management and labor where union members are an integral component in the management of the company. Finally, the writer discusses possible trends in both HRM and industrial relations and also comments on the need for balance. Bibliography lists 15 sources.


    This 5-page paper cover the steps of hiring, training and developing an insurance agent that can help a company improve its bottom line. Bibliopraphy lists 5 sources.

  • Quality Initiatives of Rosenbluth Travel Agency

    This 3-page paper is an overview of quality initiatives for Rosenbluth, a travel agency based in the United States. The paper discusses how the company can continue its quality service initiatives.

  • Issues Pertaining to Interpersonal Relationships

    This 5-page paper examines some scenarios in which sociological/human resource issues takes charge, and asks for answers to each issue. The issues include a man with two jobs and his inability to spend time with his family; a worker who is hostile in a workshop; someone who doesn't believe he is recognized for his work and an at-home businessman who doesn't have enough time for his family. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Seeking a Job in Investment Banking

    This paper focuses on a career in investment banking and touches on issues such as job duties, education and job skills required, salary expectations and career trends. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • PowerPoint Presentation of Aims and Methods of Training

    This 18 page paper is a PowerPoint presenting made up of 10 slides along with speaker notes. The presentation looks at training and development, looking at what it is, why it is good and the different approaches that may be adopted, such as team and group training and individual development. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Will Customer Service Improve with Employee Training?

    This 20 page paper is a proposal for research to assess the direct impact of training and development on the way that service is delivered by employees in a firm. The paper presents an introduction, with the aims and objectives as well a literature review and a full methodology. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Systematic Learning And Development

    A 14 page paper. This essay reports the amount spent on personnel development in the UK and U.S. in 2008. The essay discusses employee training and development programs in general and the concerns that are voiced about them. The essay then explains and discusses the systematic learning and development approach to training programs, including the steps involved in planning this kind of program. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Employee Development in the U.S. Army

    A 7 page paper discussing salient points regarding employee development and retention using training as a tool. The paper discusses the reasons for pursuing employee development and retention and offers a training plan using an approach similar to that already in use by the 84th U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Training Command, and it shadows the approach of both online and on-ground universities, as well as corporate training programs. LMS-centered applications are well developed and lend themselves well to employee development training within the U.S. Army. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Work Life Balance Strategies and the Impact on Women Employees

    This 4 page paper looks at the issue of work life balance and how and why a lack of work life balance strategies in the work place are likely to have a greater negative impact on omen compared to men. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Issues in HRM - The Work Life Balance and Issues of Fairness

    This 8 page paper looks at the concept of the work life balance and the way legislation may support it, looking at legislation in the UK, the benefits that may be reliaed fore the employer, the concept of fair pay, the psychological contract and the main aims of discrimination legislation. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Work-Life Balance and its Effect on Ethical Decision Making

    A 28 page paper discussing how "workaholism" may affect individuals' ethical decision-making abilities. The paper includes a review of literature in work-life balance; a discussion of the philosophical base of ethical decision-making; and a review of how "labor saving" devices at home and work during the last half of the 20th century have resulted in less leisure time rather than more. When those individuals with poor work-life balance – whether by their own doing or through requirements of the employer – "live" the job, then they have little time to think before acting and merely react. The annotated bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Nonmonetary Recognition Rewards Programs

    This 4-page paper offers some suggestions as to what types of non-monetary recognition rewards programs can be initiated in the workplace, and factors needing to be considered for initiation. Also discussed briefly are team recognition program. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 3-page paper focuses on Wal-Mart's organizational design. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Absenteeism, Tardiness and Dismissal

    This 3 page paper examines these concepts as it relates to the managerial function. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Employee Absenteeism as a Form of Negative Behavior

    This 10 page paper looks at one type of negative behavior pattern in the workplace; absenteeism and looks at how and why it occurs arguing that where absenteeism occurs in an underhanded manner it is the result of a feeling of inequity on the part of the employee, feeling that they are entitles to take the time off. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Workplace Absenteeism

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. This paper considers specific methods for reducing absenteeism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Workplace Absenteeism Management

    This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Employee Absenteeism Predictors

    4 pages in length. Absenteeism is manifestation of myriad circumstances within the work environment. From medical issues to job dissatisfaction and poor performance to a sense of appreciation, the extent to which people are absent from work is both grand and far-reaching. Concurrently, Human Resource has the potential for positively influencing the business when accurately able to predict excessive employee absenteeism by behaving proactively so as to alter the precursors of absenteeism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Problems with Employees

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student and considers why the company is having problems wit the employees including absenteeism and high turnover rates. The situation of the case includes an autocratic owner with no management training and the employees are refused a pay rise when the company is doing well. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • The Principle Agent Relationship between Management and Employees

    This 8 page paper examines the principle-agent relationship that takes place between the management and staff of a company. The paper explains what the relationship is and how it manifests, looks at what is meant by agency costs and considers how elements such as moral hazard, adverse selection, asymmetry of information and signalling are seen I the way the relationship ship is run. The paper ends by considering how the employer should management the relationship.

  • Career Opportunities in Accounting and Auditing

    This 5 paper focuses on accounting as a career, focusing on what it is, trends and salaries, and comparison of the profession in New York and Los Angeles. Bibliography has 7 sources.

  • The Performance Of HR Activities By Line Managers

    Front line managers are taking on increasing levels of activities that for once performed by the human resource departments of companies. This 16 page paper looks at what type of activities nine managers are taking on, why there is a shift of HR activities to nine managers, and how companies can be sure that the line managers a suitably qualified to undertake these tasks. The paper reference to specific companies to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Apple U Phoenix U Texas Health

    A 3 page paper that begins with a one-page sentence outline. The paper then discusses two training programs at Apple Company, training programs at UT Health Systems at Harris County Psychiatric Center, and training at the University of Phoenix. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 3-page paper provides an overview of how a career management plan for employees might appear. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Organizational Teamwork

    5 pages. There is a distinct correlation between effective work groups and increased bottom line performance. Through the literature review in this paper that effectiveness will be shown as to how it works and why. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Leadership Study Literature Review

    A 20 page literature review that is designed to be used with a study on leadership that employs the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), developed by Kouzes and Posner in the late 1980s. While this review of pertinent literature does not solely address studies that have employed the LPI, this point is occasionally stressed, as this is the study instrument to be employed by the student researching this topic. In the following literature review, research studies are examined in which leadership was addressed in reference to gender, age, ethnicity and education. Bibliography lists 32 sources.

  • Intelligences and Intelligence

    Charles Spearman (1904) defined and developed a unilinear testing approach to general intelligence (g), which is based on a positive correlation among varying subjects like math, earth sciences and vocabulary. Gardner (1983) proposed there were multiple intelligences (MI), or seven areas of intelligence.... These are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvIQmster.rtf


    This 3-page paper provides a brief overview about organizational structures, while examining literature written about this topic. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Skills Tests and Licensing for Employment: A Review of Literature

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of licensing and examinations for a variety of professions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

    This 32 page paper is an in-depth literature review looking at different aspects of leadership and how they may be applied in the commercial environment. The paper starts by defining leadership and then looking at the importance of leadership, looks at the way culture may impact on the way leadership emerges or used practiced as well as leadership theories including great man theory, trait theory, behavioral theories and contingency theories. The bibliography cites 40 sources.


    This 17-page paper is a literature review about the importance of training and change management. Bibliography lists 12 sources.


    This 5-page paper provides a literature review about recruiting, interviewing and hiring in an organization. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Measurement and Assessment of Employee Performance

    This 10 page paper is a literature review looking at the way in which employees’ performance may be managed with the use of performance management. The paper focuses on performance measurements and performance appraisal. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • The Issue of Poor Communication in the Workplace

    This 9 page paper is written as a literature review, examining being the problems associated with poor workplace communication. The range of problems associated with poor communication, definition of poor communication and approaches that may improve communication all examined. The paper ends by identifying potential gaps with in the existing literature. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Organizational Training Literature Review

    This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of organizational training. A review of literature looks at the many different approaches available. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Teamwork, Stress and Organizational Behavior

    A 9 page research paper that discuss teamwork and stress within the workplace. This examination of literature investigates the nature of stress, that is, how it is defined; and then looks at the relationship between stress and teamwork, drawing on literature that indicates the aspects of teamwork that can increase and decrease the levels of stress in work environments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Models of Leadership

    This 19 page paper looks at the concept of leadership, examining why the study is important and then undertaking a literature review. The literature review starts by looking at the ideas of Goleman and then considers other approaches and theories of leadership. The paper then presents a new model that can be used to assess leadership styles and contexts. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Pay Disparity and Gender in both Private and Public Sector Jobs

    This 29 page paper investigates gender pay disparity in both the private and public sectors. Sections include: Introduction, Definitions, Literature Review, and Conclusions. The introduction offers a general overview of the topic and the implications of gender pay gaps. The literature review cites numerous studies on this topic and reports figures that demonstrate a gender pay gap. The writer reports how much of the gap is attributable to characteristics of men and women, such as men working longer hours, family and child rearing, education and experience. The writer points to the glass ceiling and the glass wall that prohibit women from achieving higher level positions and that discourage women from entering certain occupations and careers. The writer also comments on where the pay gap is most severe – in the public or private sector. A recommendation is made in the conclusion for changing this situation. 4 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Emotional Intelligence in the High Technology Workplace

    A 12 page overview of the concept of emotional intelligence. The author traces the concept through the literature asserting that, while the term has been only recently coined, the importance of interpersonal relations in business success has been recognized practically since the beginning of business. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Martha Stewart's Styles of Leadership

    This 16 page paper is an extension of PGmxwld.rtf. In this paper, Martha Stewart's leadership style is correlated with Maxwell's 21 Laws of Leadership. Examples are provided when they were available in the literature. This paper begins by outlining Maxwell's "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership' with a brief definition of each. The writer then describes several styles of leadership including: autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, situational, transactional and transformational. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Disaster Relief and the United Nation's Style of Leadership

    A 9 page research paper that examines the leadership style of the United Nations in dealing with disaster and humanitarian relief efforts. The writer offers a literature review, as well as a discussion of problems, causes and solutions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • HRM and Training at Mobil

    This 11 page paper looks at the way the Exxon Mobil, and the former Mobil company approach HRM with the use of the human relations school. The paper provides a literature review based on the theoretical approach and gives a brief outline for primary research. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Changes and HRM

    A 5 page paper discussing whether HR is really changing or only appears to be. Not too many years ago, Human Resources (HR) was the poor relation of the corporate world—it was believed that the existence of individual HR departments was necessary, if only for the record keeping function they performed. As business is increasingly competitive, however, HR is taking on a much more active role in the organization's strategy planning, often while outsourcing much of the administrative work for which they previously were responsible. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Global HRM

    A 11 page paper looking at the implications of managing international human resources. Looks at issues such as cultural differences, wages and compensation, strains on expatriated managers, and legal requirements. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • HRM Development

    5 pages. The success of Human Resource professionals lies in their relationship with line managers. The line managers are Human Resources’ primary customers. This paper fully explores the development of Human Resource Management as a model and the relationship of HR to line management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior

    This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior as an important component of business administration, which combines psychology, sociology, and management and attempts to explain behavior within organizational settings. As a manager, it is fundamental to understand how individual personality attributes, group dynamics, and organizational structure interface to create corporate cultures and affect behavior. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Definitions of Human Resources and Management

    This 10 page paper focuses on a definition of management and demonstrates how, using that definition, a manager in the field of human resources can effectively control workplace diversity in addition to other functions. Various concepts are explored such as leadership, planning and organization, and the creation of incentive programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management Tools for Success for Management: Mentoring, Empowerment, and Conflict Resolution

    (6 pp) Today, managers are honing their "people" skills, and through their actions, they are developing a more productive and a more satisfied workforce. This discussion will look at three of those managerial "people" skills: mentoring, empowerment, and conflict resolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • HRM and the Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act

    The ADA’s Impact on Human Resources Management: This 5-page essay examines the relationship between the American with Disabilities Act and human resources management. Implementation of the ADA programs for any organization will take time, effort and additional financial resources. However, taking the time up front end to outline an organizational plan is one of the best first option choices that management can make. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SNAdahum.doc

  • Human Resources Management and Diversity Training

    Diversity Training in Human Resources Management: This 13-page essay examines the feasibility of diversity training relevant to corporations and their HR management staff. Diversity is about respecting differences, fostering understanding, value creation and overall market effectiveness inside and outside of one’s organization. But will there be a backlash? Bibliography lists 8 sources. SNDivhus.doc

  • Issues Regarding Public HRM

    A 9 page paper. Specific issues within public human resource management are investigated, including: issues facing public human resource managers, job analyses - why and how, and performance based compensation plans, including their relationship to expectancy and equity theories. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • TQM and Improvement

    A 6 page paper. Total Quality Management (TQM) has become controversial due to companies saying it really did not result in great improvement. Researchers have found that these companies are doing more talking than acting when it comes to implementing the processes of TQM. This paper discusses the reasons for failure and how the process has been shown to be successful in numerous ways. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • U.S. and Japan HRM

    A 20 page paper. Human resource management has evolved over the last fifty or more years in the United States to become an integral and essential part of the American corporation. The same is not true in Japan. In fact, until the last decade, human resource management was given little attention in Japan. This paper provides an introduction to the topic, an overview of human resource management in the United States, an overview of HRM in Japan, a comparison of HR in the two nations and concluding remarks. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • UK Issues Regarding Human Resource Management

    6 pages in length. Myriad human resource management issues grace various forms of the British media, providing the populace with ample opportunity to gain a more significant understanding of the challenges and struggles typically inherent to the aspect of commerce. From these many topics, the student may decide to choose such issues as effective leadership and minimum wage concerns as they relate to Britain's quest to better its workforce. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Behavior Management and Ethics

    5 pages. Controlling another's behavior through behavior management will naturally bring up some ethical issues as to when such management is appropriate and in what settings. Managing the behavior of others requires moral and ethical skills as well as management skills. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Different Approaches to Human Resource Management and Business Strategy

    This 5 page paper considers the different approach to strategy and how they reflect on human resource issues. From the classical schools of Taylorism and the ideas of Sloan, through to the evolutionally, or emergent strategy of Michael Porter, and the emergence of the Japanese styles, including Kaizen. The writer discusses the attributes and theories and argues they may not be as far apart as they appear. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and Engineer Management

    A 5 page paper. This paper discusses management in the automotive industry and specifically managing engineers. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the changes in management strategies within the automotive industry. It then goes on to discuss the challenges associated with managing professional engineers. The writer ends by providing an outline of considerations when managing this group of professionals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management of Compensation Situation

    This 8 page paper consider the current situation of compensation management and how this is changing. The writer consider the way in which employees are compensated, the different influences such as company culture, job status and the competitive environment, and then considers how this impacts on the total remuneration or compensation package. The bibliography cotes 5 sources.

  • United Kingdom and Management's Increasing Unitary Approach to Employment Relations

    This 6 page paper considers the way in which the employment relationship has been changing since the 1970's with a rise in a unitary approach form employers matching the fall of power from the unions. The writer includes management attitudes, government attitudes, trade union and public opinion. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Organizational Management and In Search of Excellence by Peters and Waterman

    10 pages in length. The writer compares the approach of Peters and Waterman as it relates to organizational management in the health care industry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Competitive Advantage and Strategic HRM

    A 6 page paper. This essay begins with descriptions and definitions of human resource management and strategic human resource management. The writer then discuses why and how human resource departments can be a competitive advantage for their companies. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Manufacturing and Management

    A 5 page paper. The writer responds to a student-supplied statement regarding management by defining and describing management, the primary functions of management, a brief overview of management philosophies, and a discussion of motivation with concluding comments. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Human Resources Management - The Trade Offs

    This 15 page paper considers the way that many trade-offs are necessary in human resource management departments. The writer considers this in the facilitating of competitiveness, training and development, motivation and the legal necessaries. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Communication and Management

    A 9 page paper. Experts consistently argue that communication in organizations is not effective. Patterns of communication can be found in every organization and managers typically follow along with the established patterns. The general topic of communication in organizations is discussed. The writer also discusses the types of communication approaches a manager might use in specific situations, such as delegation, coaching, consulting, briefing, criticizing, giving feedback and praising. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Organizational Communications and Conflict Management

    This tutorial paper covers the idea of conflict management within organizations; and how communications fits in. Also discussed is resolution, prevention and negotiation. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 3 Issues in HRM

    A 6 page paper that discusses three specific issues related to human resource management: the functions of HRM, the importance of the department, and the fact that people are the company's most important asset; the concept underlying getting paid work, which includes a short discussion on why there is a different wage/salary for different jobs; and labor law, including the laws that fall under the EEO. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Issues Pertaining to Strategic HRM

    This 20 page paper discusses a number of issues related to strategic HR management. Following a general introduction that discusses how strategic HR management is defined in the literature, the writer addresses three issues: how strategic approaches can be used with a sample of HR management functions; an analysis of the factors related to effective HR management; and the most recent perspectives regarding HRM and future trends of human resource management. 1 table included that compares the effectiveness of several functions in HR departments that are business partners of the firm with those that are not partners. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Issue of Poor Communication in the Workplace

    This 9 page paper is written as a literature review, examining being the problems associated with poor workplace communication. The range of problems associated with poor communication, definition of poor communication and approaches that may improve communication all examined. The paper ends by identifying potential gaps with in the existing literature. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Fact and Fallacy Regarding Body Language

    An 8 page discussion of the effectiveness of body language interpretation in the business environment. Body language, at best, is a very fluid aspect of individual behavior. While an observation of body language might be useful in some instances in determining individual intent, body language is entirely too variable a behavior on which to base important business decisions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Limiting Liability in Effective Employee Handbooks

    A 6 page paper discussing the role that employee handbooks play in limiting employees' and former employees' ability to bring suit against the employer. The paper cautions against using software-generated or pre-written handbooks without carefully considering all scenarios raised within the text. The paper uses decisions of the Supreme Courts of California, New York and South Carolina based on existing employee handbooks to illustrate how these publications can be used both to limit liability and to increase it when employers have not taken sufficient care in putting policy on paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury - Job Coaching

    A 7 page paper that discusses the challenges persons with traumatic brain injury face in returning to the society in general but to the work environment, in particular. The paper discuses why a job coach may be essential in this process. A case study is reported. The writer also discusses the importance of self-efficacy and comments on positive psychology and brain injury. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • TQI and Its Implementation at Coca Cola

    This 5-page paper, by using various examples from the Coca-Cola company, attempts to address the execution phase for Total Quality Implementation including management support, customer satisfaction and employee feedback. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature Review of Tuition Reimbursement Articles

    This 10 page paper reports on 10 journal articles emphasizing tuition reimbursement programs. Statistics are included regarding the percentage of companies providing this benefit and the dollar amount some companies provide. This benefit has been found to multiple benefits for the employer as well as the employee. No additional sources cited.

  • Intercultural Communication In The Workplace

    4 pages in length. Faarooq, a third generation Muslim whose family has worked at ABC Merchandising, Inc. for the past twenty years, experienced unexpected culture shock when the company was sold and the CEO - a person with whom Faarooq and his family had become friends over the years - was ousted from his position. It was obvious the tremendous changes this new company head had intended to pursue, but one in particular left Faarooq and his family personally impacted due to its intercultural insensitivity. The Muslim religious holiday of Ramadan was in two weeks and as in every other year previous, Faarooq, his brother, sister, cousin and father submitted for the time off for observance. Within thirty minutes, each submission was declined without explanation; when Faarooq inquired directly with the new boss, he was told that only American holidays are recognized within an American company. Faarooq and his family immediately contacted HR to file a cultural discrimination action. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Communication and Leadership

    This 16 page paper (including PowerPoint Presentation) examines the role of communication in leadership. The paper starts by looking at the topic of communication, how it takes place and potential problems. The paper then discusses leadership characteristics and styles and the way that style can impact on communication. The paper ends by considering the benefits of role play for leaders in developing leadership and communication skills. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Importance of Communication Skills in Management

    A 6 page overview of the importance of communication in management. The manager depends on good communication skills to conduct all aspects of his or her job duties. Without such skills management would falter and company productivity and the accomplishment of organizational goals would suffer. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Ways to Improve Communication Between a New York City Daycare and the Department of Daycare

    A 14 page contention that maintaining effective communication between New York City daycare establishments and the New York Department of Daycare is imperative to meeting the common goal of optimizing child welfare. The author emphasizes the proper approach to making communication more effective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Impact of Workplace Design on Productivity and Efficiency

    This 8 page paper considers how workplace design can impact on efficiency and productivity. The paper begins by looking at how the design of the workplace has changed over time, with the aim of bettering the former levels of efficiency and productivity and why it is the psychological impact of the design that is important to any realised improvements. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Bullying in the Workplace

    This 10 page paper examines workplace bullying behaviors. Suggestions are made. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Managing Employee Performance

    This 9 page paper looks at performance management, what it is and how it can take place, looking at the use of tools such as performance assessment and appraisal system as well as performance related to pay ass their use in performance management. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Implementing Performance Management within an Organization

    This 13 page paper examines the concept of performance management, looks at the benefits of its implementation and considers how it may be implemented within an organization with the use of employee performance appraisals. The paper is made up of a 9 page written paper 7 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Implementing Performance Management

    This 9 page paper presents an outline for a manual designed to support the implementation of performance management; presenting the way in which the performance management would take place, including planning, personal development and review stages as well as the support provided by the HR department. The second part of the paper discusses the way in which performance management may be evaluated. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Importance of Literacy in the Workplace

    An 8 page research paper on the importance of workplace literacy. Skills for success include writing, speaking, listening, interpersonal, cross-cultural, basic computer, and organizational. The writer examines the extent of workplace illiteracy and employer training programs designed to resolve this problem. A number of relevant studies are discussed and appropriate conclusions are made. Bibliography lists approximately 15 sources.

  • The Potential Conflict Between Permanent and Casual Employees

    This 8 page paper considers the way that tension or conflict in a workplace may emerge when an employer is using both casual and permanent staff at the same time and how the problem may be managed. The paper starts by looking at the reasons tension may arise using a range of different theories before putting forward a potential solution based on the theoretical approaches used to explain the problem. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Conflict Management - Hypothetical Case Study

    A 7 page paper that begins with a scenario of a conflict in a hypothetical work team. This is a situation where there are negative behaviors and underlying tension and conflict rather than a two-sided or other type of conflict. The paper draws on the ideas of Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith's book, Resolving Conflicts at Work. The writer also comments on different approaches to conflict management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Work Teams and Conflict Resolution

    A 5 page overview of conflict in the work environment. Defines conflict and analyzes its elements. Suggests that the team approach minimizes the potential for conflict and more easily resolves it when it does result. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Conflict Styles At Workplace

    A 3 page paper that discusses conflict management styles, which styles exist in the writer's workplace and which style the writer prefers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Organizations and Conflict Management

    A 5 page paper that describes different types of conflict styles and reports a protocol for dealing with conflict. The writer comments on how to persuade management to adopt a conflict management approach. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Approaches to Conflict Management

    3 pages in length. Based upon the student's collaborative or problem solving approach to conflict management, which supports a win-win outcome, this is somewhat contradictory to her employer's approach of direct conflict management, which reflects either a win-lose or lose-lose perspective. The student, whose assessment illustrates high ratings for collaborating (12) and very low for avoiding (4), clearly advocates a much more equitable method of conflict management where a resolution is sought by way of cooperativeness and high assertiveness. By contrast, her employer seeks to rectify conflict in a less interactive fashion by force and domination. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • SWOT Analysis of a Construction Site's Hazardous Working Conditions

    This 4-page paper provides a SWOT analysis of hazardous working conditions on a construction site. The analysis goes into what a specific construction company's problems are when its workers violate various OSHA standards.

  • A New Coca Cola Plan

    This 14 page paper examines the Coca Cola company looking at the background of the company and its market alignment. The paper then advocates a change in the employee culture and how employees are valued, to increase productivity, to lower costs and increase the positive level of perception in the eyes of the consumer. The paper outlines the analysis and then plans this change. The bibliography cites 16 sources.


    This 8-page paper discusses change management in the ophthalmic industry. Included is an overview of the industry in general, as well as the concept of corporate genetic code and its impact on change and the 10 principles of effective change management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Managing Change

    This 6 page paper considers whether or not change management should still be considered as a separate subject. Modern management methods incorporate many approaches that support human relations management ideas, communicating with employees and taking social needs into account. The paper assesses the way that change management techniques are present in everyday management processes. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Employee Retention Through Leadership

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of employee empowerment and retention. Speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation address how employee morale is tied to leadership. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Compensation and Employees of the El Dorado Company

    This 3-page paper is a case study explaining compensation and employee retension for El Dorado, a company that manufactures canoes. Topics discussed include non-financial compensation, data collection and rewards for management and salaried employees.

  • Increasing Retention of Employees Management Style Research

    A 4 page preliminary research proposal describing a qualitative study into employee attitudes and preferences in manager characteristics and style. The researchers expect to find the employees identify several different management styles within the organization being studied. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Retaining Employees

    This 4 page paper answers four questions asked by the student. The paper starts by looking at the way good and poor economic performance can impact on retention, the negative impacts of good and poor retention, the main causes or employee turnover and finally compares the internal and external drivers for turnover and retention. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Human Resource Management: A Comparison Between Civilian and Military Management

    This 11 page paper examines Human Resource Management. The paper compares and contrasts human resource management in the military and in the civilian world. While some similarities are noted, it is concluded that that things are remarkably different between the two. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Human Resource Management at a Telecommunications Company

    This 11 page paper looks at the approach and practices of human resource management at the UK telecommunications company British Telecom (BT), considering the way in which recruitment takes place, as well as looking at issues such as performance assessment and training development. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • The Strategic Use of Human Resources

    This 14 page paper examines the implications for a human resource department of adopting a strategic management approach to human resource management; this is undertaken by looking at what is meant by strategic human resource management and considering the way it may be undertaken, including workforce planning and employee development. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Transient - and Disappearing - Benefits

    A 5 page paper assessing a newspaper article and its implications. The USA Today article appearing in late 2003 reviews the decline of several family-friendly benefits programs offered by large employers. The purpose of the discussion is to answer several questions about the benefits class and organizations' decisions to withdraw them. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • HR Planning Practices and Theories

    This 6 page shows how reality always lags behind the development of theory and then the rhetoric when looking at HR planning. The paper looks at the way different theories on planning in HR have emerged, including those of job design and scheduling and the impact of human needs on those plans. The paper examines the theories and the way they may or may not be seen in practice and illustrates points raised with real company examples including UK companies. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Functions of Companies' Human Resource (HR) Departments

    This 5 page paper begins with a comment on the outsourcing trend in human resource management. It then describes six of the many functions of human resource departments and comments on how they are linked to achieving organizational goals and adding value. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • An HR's Decision to Insource or Outsource at An Auto Dealership

    A 6 page paper weighing the question of whether a 70-employee auto dealership should institute an in-house HR department. The paper assesses available options and the shift of HR focus over the years to conclude that yes, the company should implement a new strategic HR function in-house rather than outsourcing mere recordkeeping outside company. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • HRM Practices in Europe and Asia: the Case of The UK and Japan

    This 16 page paper looks at two different HR systems, those seen in the UK and Japan, comparing and contrasting their similarities and differences. The paper considers how these two countries HR systems and their development reflect national cultural differences, discusses some of the functional differences and considers the way that they are changing with increasing levels of convergence. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Intercultural Communication

    This 9 page paper examines the way that mistakes or misunderstanding may occur in intercultural communication. Using the example of a business meeting between western and Vietnamese business people the paper looks at examples of cultural differences, looking at the cultural barriers that exist and how they may be overcome. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Intercultural Communication In Organizations

    A 10 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of these interactions. The writer reports and describes Hofstede's dimensions that describe a culture with examples. The essay also reports the six barriers to intercultural communication as presented by Jandt. The writer discusses and comments on cross-border mergers and joint ventures reporting a couple of the problems with the Daimler-Chrysler merger. Examples of marketing miscommunications are provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


    This 3-page paper compares and contrasts traditional human resources management (THRM) with strategic human resources management (SHRM). Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Differences Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management

    This 28 page paper looks at the differences between HRM and personnel management. The writer looks to the evolution of the two disciplines, their similarities and differences, and how they may be confused. The second part of the paper then considers the different personal requirements of an individual in order to be successful international personnel manager. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Overview of Human Capital Management

    This paper examines the concept of human capital management and its importance to a company's bottom line. Also under discussion are tips that a company can use to help initiate human capital management within its firm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Team Approach Organizational Change and the Management of Conflict

    5 pages. When an organization implements change of any type there is bound to be conflict. This is especially true when changing from individual-based work to the team approach to management. This paper points out the possible conflicts that arise when implementing teams and how to circumvent those problems before they get out of hand. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Positive Customer Outcomes and HRM

    This 10 page paper examines the concept that the customer is king, and Bon's observation that if this is so, the second most important person is the one who has direct contact with him. Thus, how companies treat their employees is important in respect to customer service. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Operations Management and the Saturn Corporation

    This 8 page paper begins by explaining and defining operations management. It then provides an introduction to Saturn Corporation, including the company's mission and value statement and the philosophy upon which the company was established. Next is a discussion of the operations management processes at Saturn Corp. Finally, the writer comments on what can be learned from how Saturn operates the plants. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Workplace Absenteeism Management

    This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and Affirmative Action

    This 5 page paper begins with an introduction and definition of affirmative action. Research has shown that a companies with a diverse workforce tend to be more successful if the diversity is managed well. The writer discusses two approaches to managing diversity and ends the essay with comments regarding how HR managers can protect the company. bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Dental Practice Quality Management

    This 5-page paper focuses on total quality management in context of a dental practice. Issues covered include employee empowerment; customer satisfaction and the need for measuring quality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management Effectiveness and Gender Influence

    This 14 page paper considers the impact of gender on effective management. The writer looks at both masculine and feminine styles along with the development of management styles, starting with scientific management up to more recent models from the humanist school and seeks to discover any relationship between gender influences in the development of the different management styles.The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Comparison of Management Practices and Employment Culture Between Germany and the United States

    This 3 page paper examines the differences between management practices, corporate culture and the employment relationship in Germany and the US. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Ten Issues Relating to HRM

    This 14 page paper responds to 10 questions or issues: the diagnostic and strategic approaches to human resource management; Five greatest challenges for the human resource manager today; the roles and functions of the human resource manager; the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action & Managing Diversity; steps to selecting the right employee; performance management and evaluation; what questions should the human resource manager be ready to answer in a discrimination hearing; what is the relative importance of merit, ability and seniority when promoting an employee; and what is job analysis and what is its value. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Future Trends In Management

    A 5 page paper. Numerous factors have and will continue to change the practice of management. Advancing technology, changing demographics including an aging workforce and vast diversity in the workforce, and globalization are just a few of the challenges facing managers today. These factors will continue to change the way in which managers manage. This paper discusses some of the forecasts for how management will change in the future, including a different perspective on the four major functions of management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development

    12 pages in length. The extent to which human resource development is inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of competent management precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • HRM and Policy Development

    This 7 page paper addresses several specific issues related to HRM. These include: why are line managers becoming more involved in HR policy development and implementation; implications of an aging workforce, a diverse workforce and skill deficiencies in the work force; how labor shortage is affecting HRM; internal versus external recruiting; example of HR practice that supported organization strategies and that were not consistent with organization strategies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Strategic HRM and TQM

    An 8 page paper. The writer has selected two articles that act as the basis for this essay about human resource management: one focuses on the theoretical foundations for strategic human resource management, the other focuses on the relationship between total quality management and human resource management. The essay provides a brief overview of what each article reports and supports the conclusions with other literature. The writer than discusses the value of each approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Scientific Management and Taylor's Theories

    This 9 page paper examines the theories of Taylor and his development of Scientific management in order to access the relevance of these ideas today in a contemporary work environment. The paper agues that the model is still very relevant due to the way socially and the employment relationship has evolved. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Successful Management and the Value of Perspective

    This 5 page paper looks at how an understanding of perception can help make better Managers. The paper includes what is meant by perception, the importance of comprehension and how it can effect the management of equal opportunities. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • TQM Implementation

    This 10 page paper explores the relationship and importance of human resource management, operations management and corporate culture when implementing total quality management. The writer begins by discussing the need for total commitment to the principles of TQM. The writer then discusses the need for the appropriate culture and climate and the essential role of human resource management for successful implementation of TQM. The essay includes a case study example, using FedEx and the operational changes this company made to implement the TQM principles. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Contemporary Management and Communication's Role

    This 9-page paper focuses on the role that good communications plays among the modern managers of today. The paper touches on why managers must be also good communicators and also suggests ways to build a good communications plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hospitality Industry and HRM

    A 21 page paper that focuses primarily on the hotel business within the hospitality industry. This is a case study of one hotel chain and begins with background information about this small hotel chain. The writer describes and discusses four specific functions within human resource management: Staffing: selection and retention; Training and development; Performance management; and Compensation, including incentives for performance. Each function is discussed reporting some of the many effective processes within that area. The actual practices of each area are described. The essay ends with recommendations for improving the four human resource management functions at this firm. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Industrial Relations and HRM

    This 14 page paper discusses human resource management, industrial relations and labor unions and begins with an introductory historical background of each and the impact of globalization. The relationship of human resource management and industrial relations is the next section, which begins with data about declining union membership and the possible reasons for this situation. Changes in the relationship between human resource management and industrial relations are explained and discussed. The shifting paradigms in each are also explained. The next section discusses the scientific management model, its use postwar and the incompatibility of this model with today's goals in industrial relations and human resource management. Saturn Corporation is used to exemplify a unique and successful partnership between management and labor where union members are an integral component in the management of the company. Finally, the writer discusses possible trends in both HRM and industrial relations and also comments on the need for balance. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Human Resources Management and the Impact of ADA

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on HR departments. Hiring and firing practices, as well as record keeping procedures are discussed. How to avoid a lawsuit due to ADA is also an underlying theme of the paper. Some examples are provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Online Education

    A 10 page paper discussing the emergence of the learning management system (LMS) for online education. Initially within the domain of business training only, online schools have begun to use many of the techniques that the LMS promotes. The LMS has come into being concurrently with a return to proven approaches to education, bringing the best of all worlds to online learning. The focus of the paper is that of higher education, but the principles apply to training in the workplace as well. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • HRM's Emergence

    This well written 14 page paper traces the development of human resource management. The paper begins with the work of Frederick Winslow Taylor and his development of scientific management based on the idea of economic man, and then looks to the emergence of the theory of social man with the studies of Mayo and Hertzberg. The paper then considers the way that the theories have been used, such as the development of TQM and other examples that support ideas of both economic and social man. The bibliographic cites 15 sources.

  • HRM and Staffing

    11 pages in length. Staffing a company with competent, thorough and self-motivating people is a constant struggle for contemporary Human Resources departments; finding qualified employees who are not only knowledgeable but also personable and of the teamwork mindset is almost as difficult as finding that proverbial needle in a haystack. Today's work ethic is severely compromised compared with fifty years ago when doing a good job was as much of a satisfaction as earning a week's pay. People actually took pride in their work and would not consider giving less than one hundred percent effort. The contemporary workforce, however, is filled with self-absorbed individuals who approach a job with the attitude of "What's in it for me?," leaving HR departments frustrated with the lack of fortitude in today's workforce. However, there are ways to address a situation where perhaps the most perfect candidate has not filled the position, enabling HR managers to mold and guide their staff with communication, solid leadership and an interactive environment to the point where a cohesive alliance is developed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Effective Management of a Luxury Hotel

    An 8 page paper that discusses a number of issues related to effectively managing a hotel. The writer reports research that described the best-managed hotels in the industry, including some of the practices that make them so successful. Research about the discrepancy between employees' perception of the effectiveness of their manager and the manager's perception. The practices of one upscale hotel are described. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • HRM and Shortage of Labor

    A 6 page paper that considers the labor shortage that many corporations now face. This paper addresses the automotive industry, in general, and General Motors specifically. Survey data indicating the types of job functions where labor is scarcest are provided. The writer comments on GM's vertical integration in an age when this model is no longer efficient. Lastly, the writer offers suggestions for General Motors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Needs, Human Resources, and Human Resource Management

    10 pages in length. The extent to which the combined efforts of human relations, human needs and human resources are inextricably related to human resource management is a critical component of contemporary commerce that far too many companies do not realize. A stellar human resource development program without the benefit of these three all-important aspects precludes any improvement; by the same token, capable human resource management without the guiding force of a strong development program has nothing upon which to build positive growth. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Scientific Management Theories, Motivation, and Theories

    This is a 5 page paper discussing various aspects of management including scientific management theories, the Hawthorne Experiments and other areas including an example of a social structure found within a work setting. Over the course of history, work, mainly manufactured work, has been studied in terms of the various elements required needed for the production of an item and the time it would take workers to complete this task. In addition, with the introduction of certain industrial technologies over time, manufacturing and the management of manufacturing systems and teams have been altered to accommodate new trends and technologies. Management, within an historical perspective, had little to do direct contact within the employees which was generally left to the foremen. However, Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 19th century began to think in terms of “scientific management” in which production management became important to improving the overall production of any manufacturing area. While scientific management looked mainly to efficiency in production, the Hawthorne experiments in the 1920s found that work places are very much social systems and workers reacted accordingly. Lastly, employee motivation need to be established by owners and managers in order to initiate recruitment for firms and retain employees once recruited. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Sound Management Strategy of SWA

    This 10-page paper focuses on Southwest Airlines, a company that has been quite stable during the recent period of mergers and acquisitions. The paper traces Southwest's strong performance to its management style. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Early Management Theoretical Pioneers

    A 15 page paper comprised of two major topics: management theory and ethical corporate culture. The longer section explains and discusses the contributions of five specific early management theorists: Robert Owen who worked to reform factories and schooling in the early 1800s based on treating the employee fairly; Henry R. Towne, who is recently being given credit to his contributions to scientific management theory prior to Taylor's work and who established the first professional organization for engineers; Sun Tzu whose principles outlined in The Art of War have been correlated with management and organizational theory; Henry L. Gantt who made four major contributions including the Gantt Chart; and Hugo Munsterberg, who is called the father of industrial psychology. The second section discusses the importance of developing an ethical corporate culture. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Cultural Understanding and Security Management

    This 10 page paper discusses the quote “A security manager can only be effective if he or she thoroughly understands the workplace culture within his or her organisation”. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Employee Handbook Creation and Project Management

    A 6 page paper. In this scenario, a consultant has been hired as project manager to prepare a manual for new personnel. The essay discusses assumptions made, then, lists content of the manual. Two other staff members are also assigned to the team, one who is responsible for gathering the needed documents and one who will design the layout for the manual. The writer identifies the critical path tasks and includes a Gantt chart. The writer then discusses contingencies and trade-offs. 1 Graphic illustration included. Tutorial notes included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • What Is Strategic Human Resource Management?

    This 10 page paper considers what is meant by the term strategic human resource management (HRM). The paper discusses the importance of HRM, considers the different approaches to HRM and the way they may be used, the benefits of the different approaches and the ways in which they can be strategically applied. The discussion includes subjects such as Taylor and scientific management, the human relations school, motivation theory, the matching model and the resource-based view. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • A Research Proposal to Determine How Employers May Decrease Employee Absences

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal outlining research to assess how employers may reduce the level of unnecessary absences by their employees. The paper identities the research questions, the key areas of relevant theory and proposes a methodology to undertake the research. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • United Parcel Service Strike of 1997

    This 10 page paper discusses the UPS strike in August 1997. The writer discusses the issues, the strategy used by the union, the outcome, the lessons gained from this strike and why the American public supported this strike. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • 1997's UPS Strike

    A 5 page paper discussing the UPS strike. The writer examines the goals and of both the company management and the union and whether or not they were reached and how. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 1997 to 2004 Pueblo, Colorado Steel Workers Strike and Settlement

    This 4 page paper examines the strike that began in 1997 and the final resolution that occurred in 2004. Details are provided. The issue of forced overtime looms large. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Induction Pack for Trainees

    This 6 page paper considers what should be in a supervisors pack when planning an induction for trainees including a schedule for the first day and the supplementary items that will be used during the induction period including the reflective diary and supervisor sheets. The bibliography cites 10 sources.


    This 3-page paper focuses on problems inherent in the 360-degree performance appraisal process. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Appraisal of Team Performance

    A 3 page paper discussing approaches to appraising the performance of teams, particularly those in health care settings. One nurse rejects the 360-degree approach because of conditions under which many nurses work. The team score approach may be better in health care settings. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Types of Performance Assessments

    A 16 page paper that discusses different aspects of performance evaluation. Subtopics include: Appraisal used in the TQM framework; the purposes and uses of the appraisal, including administrative, development and documentation; Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales, MBO, and 360 degree appraisal models; negative impacts of employee evaluation; psychological effects; costs; validity, reliability, bias; and common errors, such as halo and central tendency errors. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Performance Appraisals and Management

    A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Purpose of Performance Appraisals

    A 7 page paper. The writer begins with the ultimate purpose of performance appraisals and then discusses the value of the 360-degree feedback approach. The process, advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The writer comments on the appropriateness of this particular approach as a means for employees to evaluate the performance of their managers. The writer also discuses the conditions under which customers should evaluate employees and managers. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


    This 6-page paper proposes an outline discussing job analysis and its importance to HRM. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Taco Bell's LMS

    This 4-page paper is an analysis of a study performed on Taco Bell's Labor-Management System (LMS) and its effectiveness on labor distribution and customer service.

  • Nonprofit Organizational Motivation

    This 10 page paper considers why and how motivation occurs in employers or workers for non profit making organisations such as NGO's and charities. The paper looks at theories such as Maslow and Hertzberg can be applied in finding motivation to work and how the human relations school of thought can be applied. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Technology and Privacy Rights

    A 6 page contention that individual expectations of privacy are decreasing radically with advancements in modern technology. In spite of recent legislation recognizing the importance of privacy, for example the Human Rights Act of 1998, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, and the Information Protection Act of 1998; our privacy is being intruded upon in both our personal and professional lives. Indeed, personal surveillance is becoming more widespread, more continuous, more intense, and more secretive than it has been at any other point in our past. This occurs both through the use of high tech equipment like cameras and computerized monitoring programs but also through the interception of personal computerized data. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Resource Management, High Road, and Low Road

    This 3 page paper answers 3 questions set by the student, first defining what is mean by the high road and the low road in HRM, then looking at how it can apply to the UAE and finally applying it to a government department in the UAE. The bibliography cites 3 sources

  • Problem in the Sun Inc. Team

    11 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. A virtual team spread across different countries is facing problems, failing to perform. The paper is written from a international HR perspective, examining the problems and making recommendations on how the team may be united. The paper looks at issues such as cultural differences and aspects of motivation. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Case Study of Johnson and Johnson's Critikon Subsidiary and Kaizen's Successful Implementation

    This 6 page paper considers the way in which implementation of kaizen may bring about successful change. The writer examines this by looking at Critikon, a subsidiary company of the Johnson & Johnson group that showed a high level of improvement following its’ implementation. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • 2 African American Poets/Cullen & Hughes

    A 3 page essay/research paper that discusses and analyzes 2 Harlem Renaissance poets, Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen. The writer briefly discusses the historical context and background of each poet and analyzes Hughes' "Mother to Son" and Cullen's "Saturday's Child." Bibliography lists 3 sources that were drawn from the Norton Anthology of African American Literature.

  • Issues Concerning Leadership

    In this 5 page paper, the author discusses and comments on: transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, management versus leadership, servant leadership, formal and informal authority, ethical decision making and a personal theory of leadership. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Leadership - Goleman as the Basis of New Model

    This 17 page paper looks at different leadership theories, with a focus on the ideas of Goleman in order to assess the commonalities and the way a new model of leadership may be created. The paper includes an introduction, problem statement, literature review and presentation of a new management model. The bibliography cites 16 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses the roles of leadership and management when it comes to strategic change.

  • Leadership v. Management

    A 5 page research paper that explores two major questions pertaining to leadership and management. The first questions is “What are the differences between leadership and management?” The second is “What are indicators (and measures) of leadership effectiveness?” Both questions are explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Leadership Theories

    This 12 page paper examines different concepts of leadership and management, tracing the development of different ideas and theories from personality and trait theories to the modern concepts of contingency theory and the work of theorists such as Goleman, considering the ways in which they may be used to explain the practice of leadership. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Contemporary Organizational Leadership

    This 7 page paper defines what is meant by leadership and what is meant by management and then compares them. The paper then considers the characteristics of leaders, how leaders may be developed ready to cope with today’s changing environment, and employee perception of good leaders. The paper ends with a brief summary for three articles on leadership skills. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Styles of Leadership and Southwest Airlines

    This 8-page paper discusses leadership and the culture of Southwest Airlines, why it has been so successful and the challenges the company currently faces. Also discussed are leadership styles evidenced by SWA's leader Herb Kelleher.

  • Leadership Models

    This 17 page paper looks at leadership theories with a focus on those by Goleman to look at the ideas of the way leadership ma be described and assess the positive leadership characteristics or styles that may benefit a leader or organization. The review of these theories is then used to develop a new leadership model. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Leadership in the East and the West

    The tremendous economic growth of China, India and the Southeast Asia region has fostered much interest in leadership styles that are uniquely different in many ways from American leadership styles. This 4 page paper looks at the different styles comparing them and identifying strengths and weaknesses. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Leadership and the Creation or Maintenance of Positive Cultures

    This 6 page paper looks at the way in which leaders and leadership styles can create support and maintain positive corporate cultures. The paper looks at leadership styles and characteristics and the way they may impact positively or negativity on culture. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Professional Context of Lifelong Learning

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the nature of lifelong learning. In considering the value of lifelong learning in a professional context, it is necessary to relate the process of lifelong learning to views of critical thinking and educational design. Further, understanding examples of personal growth and development that extend from learning processes is valuable to the creation of models based in lifelong learning scenarios. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ethics Code, Progressive Discipline, and Conduct Code

    This 4 page paper responds to five questions: Can a code of conduct be an ethics code if it only restates legal requirements? Provide an example of an ethics code that goes beyond the law. What are some of the best practices for promoting an ethics code? Identify five employee behaviors that are less justifiable grounds for termination. Provide an example of a progressive discipline process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Study Proposal on Work Days Off and How Second Hand Smoke Affects the Lung Function of Employees

    A 9 page proposal for an experimental design to test the impacts of secondary smoke in the workplace utilizing a sample base of male non-smokers who do not live with a smoker. Relies on the utilization of salivary testing for cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, to quantify the degree of smoking which an individual is exposed to in the workplace. Notes that much of what we know of the impacts of secondary smoke relates to specific pulmonary function but little has been done in regard to correlating this knowledge with employee absenteeism. Because of the susceptibility of employees to this environmental contaminant, and its suspected impact of necessitating time off work due to related illnesses, it is imperative that these risk be quantified. This quantification could prove particularly useful in deciding workplace smoking policy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Management Styles of Workers of Differing Ages

    This 10 page paper explores the management style of both boomers and Gen Xers and what needs to change in order to incorporate this rising generation into corporate America. Definitions of the generations are included. The focus of this paper is on management but touches on other pertinent areas as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Tutorial on Motivation, Marketing, Decision Making, and Accountancy

    This 62 page paper incorporates 5 essays addressing different topics within the general headings in the title. Essay #1 begins with a scenario and then discusses quantitative methods for forecasting, specifically explaining the time-series decomposition model. The essay does not include actual calculations but describes this model. Essay #2 focuses on strategic marketing management and includes discussions of developing brand loyalty and brand equity and marketing and advertising to gain market share. This essay also includes a discussion of the importance of global branding. Essay #3 is about managing people and organizations and includes discussions and explanations of several theories of motivation, including a discussion of theories of motivation for today's knowledge workers. Essay #4 discusses accountancy for managers and includes explanations of the absorption costing approach, marginal costing and activity based costing. The last essay is about strategic decision making and competitor analysis. It discusses economies of scale, economies of scope, marginal costing, price elasticity of demand. This final section also includes a comprehensive discussion of Porter's structure -> conduct -> performance paradigm and resource-based approaches to strategy. Numerous examples are incorporated in each section. 4 Illustrations are included. Tutorial comments are incorporated throughout the text. Bibliography lists 44 sources.

  • A Career Path as a Marketing Manager

    This 14 page paper looks at the career of a marketing manager. The paper is written in three parts. The first part looks at the role, qualifications and skills needed as well as general background information. The second part considers the labour market conditions for the chosen career and the third part of the paper uses a SWOT analysis to consider the students plan to pursue a career in marketing management. The paper is written with specific reference to the UK, but most aspects are valid internationally. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • The Emergence of the Matrix Organization

    This 4 page paper examines the concept and emergence of the matrix organizational structure, looking at what it is, and considers the strengths and weaknesses of the structure. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Conflict Mediation In Health Care

    A 3 page paper that begins with comments about some of the causes of conflict and the types of conflict that erupt. The process of mediation is explained, including the mediator's role and how it works. Two different examples of conflicts that were resolved through mediation are reported. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • California's Migrant Mexican Farm Workers

    This 4 page paper examines Migrant Mexican Farm Workers in California and takes a look at how they live. The topic is looked at in historical perspective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Future Trends in Employee Motivation and Compensation within the Military

    A 6 page paper discussing compensation models, reward systems and planning for contingency needs in the military. There is no question that both the US and its military have entered a new era that no one wanted. As is the case in compensation and reward systems in the private sector, the military will need to assess the future long before it arrives, and plan for it well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Southwest Airlines Culture and Structure

    This 7 page paper looks at the organizational design of the low cost carrier Southwest Airlines, looking at the way the design supports its' operations. The structure and culture of the firm, including the input of the people are all examined. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The Development of an Organizational Structure

    This 14 page paper looks at the structure of an organization, describing the hierarchy and the way power is used. Theories of organization structure are considered and applied to the company in order to determine who and why the current structure developed. The company used is a generic (fictitious) accountancy firm to illustrate a potential structure of a professional firm. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Motivational Needs of Employee during Times of Organizational Change

    This 10 page paper looks at the motivation needs of employees at times of change. Change can result in a number of different actions and reactions, which require different considerations compared to the motivation of employees in ongoing operations. The positive and negative issues are considered along with the ability of line managers to deal with these issues. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Management Defined

    A 16 page paper. Definitions of management are offered and contemporary models of management are explained. This is followed by a discussion of the four categories of management functions and the skills needed for effective management practices. Organization design is explained in terms of the mechanistic and organic perspectives, which are also compared in terms of the characteristics of each and the management style that is more often practiced in each type of organizational design. The impact of information technology is explained and discussed as are the major categories of employee motivation strategies. The paper ends with a discussion of the content. While most of the content is applicable to management in general, specific data and discussions focus on business practices in New Zealand, for example, statistical data on the proportion of firms using information technology. Data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 28 sources.

  • Management, Organizational Structure, and National Culture

    A 14 page paper. The essay begins by defining national culture and corporate culture and how national culture influences business culture. The writer then explains the different factors that influence the national culture, such as language, class stratification, emphasis on group or individual. Hofstede's four dimensions of culture are described and used as the benchmark for determining the national culture in the U.K. and the U.S. The writer uses two companies to illustrate the relationships between and among national culture, organizational culture and management styles. The companies used are Dyson Appliance from the UK and Apple Computer from the US. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Twenty First Century Directions for Human Resources Management

    A 3 page paper discussing some of the trends of today that promise to become commonplace in the future. HR of the future likely can be expected to look much like that of today, for the issues discussed here – diversity, participatory management, flexibility, recruiting and others – are likely to persist for some time. The ultimate goal will be to build a high-performance workforce that can change along with the needs of the business. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Human Resource Management Changes and the Reinvention of General Motors

    A 4 page paper discussing how General Motors might set about reinventing itself through its Human Resource function. The paper uses GM’s Saturn division as an example of what GM could expect to accomplish. Today it has a similar opportunity to reinvent itself, using the same concepts it experimented with in its creation of its Saturn division. Greater worker autonomy, greater transparency on the part of GM’s management and cooperation from GM’s unions all can combine to create an effective and dynamic environment in which employees are encouraged to be full contributors to and partners in the company’s purposes. GM already has accomplished this once, and recently. If it would, it could apply the lessons learned through Saturn to the whole of the GM organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Corporate Models and Management Training

    This 16 page paper looks at the way in which corporate training models may be formulated. The paper considers different, relevant models, of individual and group learning to gain an insight to the way in which corporate management training models may be used. Theorists quoted include Corey, Williams and Dunn, Klob, Lewin and Senge. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Operations Management and IT, TQM, and JIT Effects

    A 9 page paper that begins with a brief introduction to operations management and gaining a competitive advantage. This introduction is followed by an explanation of each: just-in-time (JIT); total quality management (TQM); and information technology (IT). The writer discusses how each of these has changed and improved operations management. For example, JIT and TQM place a greater emphasis on customer satisfaction an on using teams. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Peter Drucker's Management by Objectives

    A 3 page paper that responds to this thesis: The Management by Objectives leadership style developed by Peter Drucker results in improved performance only among subordinates who are committed to goals. The writer reports that MBO is the most misunderstood and misapplied concept in management and comments on how MBO is meant to be used. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sales Budget Forecasting

    This 3-page paper discusses two types of sales budget forecasting: bottom up vs. top down, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Approaches to Conflict Management

    3 pages in length. Based upon the student's collaborative or problem solving approach to conflict management, which supports a win-win outcome, this is somewhat contradictory to her employer's approach of direct conflict management, which reflects either a win-lose or lose-lose perspective. The student, whose assessment illustrates high ratings for collaborating (12) and very low for avoiding (4), clearly advocates a much more equitable method of conflict management where a resolution is sought by way of cooperativeness and high assertiveness. By contrast, her employer seeks to rectify conflict in a less interactive fashion by force and domination. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and Efforts to Create or Promote Positive Organizational Behavior

    A 10 page paper discussing the influence of these two factors in achieving success in international business. There is a lag time between establishing strategy for the future and arriving at that time that formerly was referred to as “the future.” During that lag time, HRM is obliged to have identified the organization’s workforce’s current position and future needs, and to train for those needs that will be needed in the future. The goal is to develop and maintain a workforce aligned in qualifications and expertise with the organization’s strategic goals. The larger organization needs to have defined precisely what the organization’s strategy will be both at the current time and in the future. HRM must have time to plan and have a direction that it needs to go. Astute organizational behavior combined with effective HRM should result in greater business effectiveness. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Assessment of Armstrong's Quote 'Human Resource Management Nothing More Than Old Wine in New Bottles'

    This 9 page paper looks at the quote by Armstrong which states “Human Resource Management is nothing more than old wine in new bottles” and supports this by looking at the different forms of HRM and personal management and how these compare with older ideas. Includes are the ideas of scientific management and motivation using the idea of economic man as well as the ideas of social man and the studies of Mayo and Maslow. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • An Article on Diversity Management Critiqued

    5 pages in length. Discussing research in the field of business, the authors' article works toward identifying the sometimes subtle but extremely important elements of diversity management that can be overlooked, not only rendering the entire approach worthless of its intent but also causing more problems than before it was implemented. No bibliography.

  • Management and the Human Relations Approach

    This 5 page paper is a critical assessment of human relations school approach to management. The paper outlines the school of thought, looks at the strengths and then considers the shortfalls. The paper includes consideration of work from theorists such as Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor and Goldthorpe. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Total Quality Management and the Effects of Human Resources Management

    This 8-page paper discusses the concepts of Total Quality Management and Human Resources Management, and how the two philosophies co-exist to help a company reach and maintain competitive advantage. The paper discusses definitions of the two concepts, then links the two. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • U.S. Army's Automated Recruiting System

    A 7 page paper discussing how the US Army’s automated recruiting system will look when fully implemented prior to 2006. The paper discusses hardware, software and implications for the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Abraham Maslow, the Hawthorne Studies, and Management's Human Relations School

    This 10 page paper is a critical look at the Human Relations School of Management, Te paper outlines the developments of the school and considers the strengths and weaknesses in the approaches that look at man as either economic or social. The paper includes criticism of the Hawthorne Studies and the work of Maslow as well as evidence to support the continue of scientific management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Taco Bell's LMS

    This 4-page paper is an analysis of a study performed on Taco Bell's Labor-Management System (LMS) and its effectiveness on labor distribution and customer service.

  • Essay on Management Skills and Philosophies

    A 28 page paper. This essay first reviews some of the many schools or philosophies of management, such as the behavior school, the transformation school, total quality management. The next section discusses the many functions and roles of the manager. The four basic functions most often cited are explained. Mintzberg's 10 Management Roles are also reviewed. One study that looked at the effect of national context in terms of developing personnel is reviewed. A comprehensive discussion of the skills needed for effective management is then provided. Besides discussing the skills as cited in the literature, the writer provides a correlation between the functions of management and the skills needed for each function. The essay concludes with a summary and conclusions. Bibliography lists 28 sources.

  • Overview of Management

    A 38 page paper. What is management? What are the functions of management? What are the skills needed to be an effective manager? These are the questions answered in this comprehensive essay. The essay begins with an introductory overview. The next section explains and discuses a number of the schools of management/philosophies of management, including TQM, systems, behavioral approach, transformational, strategic and others naming many of the internationally known experts. A discussion of management functions and roles is next in the essay. The four major functions of management are discussed as are the levels of management. The ten roles of management according to Mintzberg are identified and discussed. The skills needed for effective management as presented by a number of scholars and practitioners are discussed in the next section. Skills are also correlated with the functions of management. The essay ends with a summary and conclusion. The essay includes some specific discussions related to the United Kingdom. 2 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 48 sources.

  • Answering 4 Operations Management Questioins

    This 15 page paper responds to four questions that address how certain environmental events or conditions would affect operations management in corporations. The first question discuses the effects of an increase or decrease in tariffs. The beef industry and the higher tariff in Japan is used as an example. Second, what effect would more stringent air and water quality laws have on operations. The Kodak company's problems with the EPA are explained in this discussion. The next issue has to do with the expectation for greater employee empowerment in the workplace. FedEx is the example used in this discussion. Finally, what would be the effect on operations management if there was an outbreak of a serious disease. For this question, the essay first comments on the SARS epidemic and the effects on two companies in Asia. Ebola is used as an example, also. The anthrax attack and the change in operations with the U.S. postal service is also discussed. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Organization Success and Efficient Management's Important Role

    This 5 page paper argues that efficient management is essential for any company to be successful. The paper looks at the ways that management can influence the work place, such as though the management of employees and how this can add value to the processes. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • 3 Aspects of HRM

    A 15 page paper that explores three broad aspects of human resource management The first is the evolution of personnel administration to human resource management and the reported differences between the two. The second investigates the roles and functions of human resource management and discusses staffing, performance appraisal, administration, i.e. record-keeping, and change management. The writer comments on the external and internal environments. The last section discuses the link between human resource management and business objectives. Strategic human resource management is described. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • TQM and HRM

    This 3-page paper attempts to answer why human resource management would be of interest to a company wishing to implement total quality management. The paper discusses both concepts, then compares them to one another. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Effective Management and Barriers

    This 4-page paper discusses questions about working groups and teamwork. Topics discussed include how two diverse teams can work together and the benefits of working groups for the company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Four Systems of Management by Rensis Likert

    Rensis Likert described four systems of management; exploitative-authoritative, benevolent- authoritative, consultative and participative-group. This 5 page paper defines the different models, outlines the characteristics of each model and how they work in practice as well as the validity of each model. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Human Resource Management Changes

    A 29 page paper that responds to the question of whether or not human resource management has changed over the years or does it just appear to have changed? To respond to the question, this essay provides a historical overview of the evolution of personnel administration in the 1920s to strategic human resource management today. Strategic human resource management is then described and explained. The essay then addresses human resource development and the complexity of HRM. Employee motivation is discussed, including theories of equity, expectation and justice. The writer also comments on incentives and rewards as motivational processes. The writer reports the need for a human resource measurement framework and the activities that need to be measured. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Contemporary Organization and Human Resource Management

    This 4-page paper examines human resource management in the modern organization of today. Topics discussed include recruitment, training, performance evaluation, compensation, benefits and services and employee dismissal.

  • HRM and South Africa's Model Construction

    This 12 page paper considers how HRM practices are developing in South Africa. The paper argues that due to the different social conditions and cultural background the model which is emerging is unique, there are commonalities with HRM seen in other countries, the model relies on motivational theory and the human relations school of thought, but also encompasses a greater degree of co-operative collectivism. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Business Process Management's HRM Tool

    A 14 page paper discussing HR’s role in directing or supporting business process management. The HR function may be the most dramatically changed of all organizational departments over the past decade. It has moved from a persistent drain on the bottom line to an effective player in achieving corporate strategy. In so doing, it has become a highly useful tool of business process management. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Communication Breakdown

    This 9-page paper focuses on what can happen when a workforce is not communicated with in terms of an ERP implementation. The paper goes on to analyse the problem and provide solutions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Public Sector and Human Resource Management Issues

    This 3-page paper analyses two statements about public sector human resources. First, that the values and philosophies of HRM are suitable for integration into the public sector, and second, that the public sector has witnessed radical changes in human resource management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Chage Management and Diversity

    This 13-page paper discusses diversity (particularly in the United Kingdom) and how to initiate diversity in the workforce. Topics under discussion include how to strategically implement diversity plans. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Comparative Strategic HR Management Between Southwest and Ansett Airlines

    11 pages in length. According to Mathis and Jackson (2000), the challenges of HRM are both vast and ongoing; the environment HR management must face on a daily basis is such "because changes are occurring rapidly across a wide range of issues" (p. 1). Examining two prominent airline companies and the manner by which they have addressed their respective HR challenges provides the student with grounds for comparison between two very different success outcomes in the same industry. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Performance of Teams and Project Management

    A 9 page paper. Projects fail more often then they succeed, which is why it is so important for the project manager to know how to establish a team and how to influence their performance. Project managers face any number of challenges, such as the cross-functional matrix team and the geographically-dispersed team. This essay discusses what is needed for projects to succeed, the skills and knowledge the manager needs to have, the most effective techniques to overcome the 'authority gap' and the strongest influencers to motivate team members. The essay also comments on the group and team development process and on motivation theories. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Human Resoiurce Management in Public Organizations

    This 8 page paper considers how HRM manifests in public bodies. The similarities and differences with commercial entities are considered and then theories of public HRM are discussed, looking at issues such as traditional and out of fashion ideas of the need for stability and the support given to this from modern studies as well as the desire for innovation and change within this sector. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Overview of Target Corporation Employee Programs

    This 5-page paper is an example of a job analysis and redesign for an employee at Target Corp. Topics discussed include rewards and motivations used by the company, the job itself, and potential ways to boost motivation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Workplace and the Roles of Employment Satisfaction and Motivation

    This 15 page paper discusses the correlation between employee morale, motivation on a company's performance and success. Case studies utilized, scholarly journals. Quotes Cited from Text. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Investigation to Assess the Impact of Downsizing on Employee Motivation

    This 28 page is written in the style of a dissertation. The paper investigates the way in which downsizing will impact on employees that survive in order to assess strategies which may be used to maintain or increase employee motivation levels. The paper presents an introduction, justification for the study, methodology, literature review and simulated primary research results. The primary research in the paper focuses on downsizing in the UK. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Employee Motivation and Budgetary Controls

    This 10 page paper considers the statement that benefits of budgetary control are outweighed by the de-motivating effects of the budget on the staff of the organization. The paper considers the role and manifestation of budgetary controls and how they interact with motivation theory. The paper utilizes the models of economic man and social man. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Intelligences and Intelligence

    Charles Spearman (1904) defined and developed a unilinear testing approach to general intelligence (g), which is based on a positive correlation among varying subjects like math, earth sciences and vocabulary. Gardner (1983) proposed there were multiple intelligences (MI), or seven areas of intelligence.... These are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvIQmster.rtf

  • Defining and Managing Diversity in the Workplace

    A 12 page paper. Today's workforce is diverse. That is a fact. The definition of diversity is broad and includes: age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, knowledge, experience, background, sexual orientation, culture, and whatever other factors affect how a person works and how a group works together. This essay begins by defining diversity. A discussion of the benefits of a diverse workforce is next, followed by a lengthy discussion on managing a diverse workforce. Examples of how some companies have successfully managed a diverse workforce and the benefits of their efforts, such as increased profits. Principles of managing a diverse workforce are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Communications Skills of Oprah Winfrey

    This 5-page paper discusses the communication styles and philosophies of talk show host Oprah Winfrey and how such styles and philosophies can be put to good use with an organization.

  • The Relationship between Management and Organisational Behaviour

    This 4 page paper looks at the relationship between management and organisational behaviour, considering how and why this link exists looking at theorists such as Taylor, Mayo and Senge as well as different styles of management. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Organisational Behaviour

    The Influence of Attitudes, Values, Ethics, Personalities and Cultural Differences on This 6 page paper looks at the way in which factors such as attitudes values and ethics personalities and culture can influence organisational behaviour. The discussion includes theories from Schein and Hofstede. The bibliography cites eight sources.

  • How Does Organisational Culture Affect A Managers Ability To Motivate Staff Through Non-Financial Rewards And Incentives?

    This 47 page paper looks at how organisational culture can impact on the way staff are motivated though non financial rewards and incentives. The paper presents an introduction, literature review and methodology along with simulated primary research looking at how culture impacts on what types of rewards and incentives are offered, how they are perceived by the employees. The research includes observational research and the use of a survey. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Organizational Performance As a Reflection of Organizational Commitment

    This 9 page paper considers the concept of organizational commitment, which is a subset of employee commitment, defines what it is and how it is achieved and then considers the way in which it could impact on organizational performance in both positive and negative manners, including a quantification of the potential impact. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Do Starbucks Gain Commitment from their Staff?

    This 22 page paper examines the concept of employee commitment, what it is and how it is achieved, and supplies the theoretical basis of the first page of the paper, which is an in-depth literature review, to a case study. The case study is Starbucks, with examination of the different types of rewards and motivation factors that are in place for the staff, and a consideration of the way in which these HRM strategies may result in committed employees. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Collectivism and Commitment; Implications for Cross Cultural Management

    This 18 page paper considers the following quote and assesses this in the context of lessons for cross culture managers; "As expected, results indicate that collectivism as a cultural value orientation is related to commitment, and exerts a stronger influence on commitment in collectivistic countries. Moreover, the relationships between commitment and outcomes are stronger in a collectivistic context" (Jörg Felfe, Wenhua Yan, Bernd Six, August, 2008). The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • HR and Commitment to Employees

    A 5 page paper. Should HR professionals focus on programs that will generate employee commitment? This is the question this paper addresses. The writer reports research that illustrates the benefits of employee commitment and offers some of the steps identified that lead to gaining loyalty and commitment from employees. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • How to Encourage Organizational Citizenship Behavior

    This 5 page paper explores this concept. Examples from different industries are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Communication Models; Information Transfer, Transactional Process, Strategic Control, and As a Balance of Creativity and Constraint

    This 7 paper looks at 4 models of communication and considers the major insights provided by the four primary organizational communication models; communication as information transfer; transactional process; strategic control and balance of creativity and constraint. The 4 models are considered individually, looking acts characteristics and the way which they may be utilized. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Organizational Communication Theory and Downward Communications

    This 5-page paper covers downward communciation, a theory of organizational communication. The essay examines the concept, discusses its use and then weighs the pros and cons of such a theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Organizational Culture

    A 5 page paper that responds to several questions. What is organizational culture? How the culture affects employees and managers? Ways organizational cultures can change and why? How can organizational culture be deliberately changed? And comments about the organization as a culture. Examples are included.

  • Organizational Change

    This 16 page paper looks at the number issues to do with organizational change. The paper stops by defining what is meant by organizational change, looks at the reasons why organizational change may fail, then looks at different types of organizational change which may occur and patterns of those change, including downsizing, restructuring and culture change. The paper ends by looking at specific motivational needs of employees during the pew to change. The bibliography cites 46 sources.

  • Change and Its Effects on Corporate Culture

    A 10 page paper that begins by explaining what organization culture is, how it is defined and described. Handy and Harrison's typology of corporate culture is outlined and explained. How the organizational culture effects the change process is discussed. Finally, implications for leaders are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Changing the Culture of a Department

    A 7 page paper that is based on a student-supplied scenario of a dysfunctional unit with a new COO. The writer reports the type of culture that exists and the four general types of organizational culture. The paper discusses what the COO needs to do, which is to be more authoritarian at the beginning. Other actions are recommended and both situational and transformational leadership styles are explained. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Aspects of Outsourcing

    This 3 page paper discusses some of the factors involved in outsourcing jobs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Globalization : Outsourcing And Jobs

    A 4 page paper that demonstrates offshore outsourcing is bad for America. The writer reports data regarding jobs lost and jobs being lost, even among white-collar workers. The writer explains the meaning of outsourcing and offshoring. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses various aspects of outsourcing, including what types of jobs are good for outsourcing and what shouldn't be outsourced. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Employee Benefits Package Sample

    This 8 page paper offers a sample benefits package for management and non-management employees. The writer also comments on the reasons for providing the benefit and why there is a difference in certain benefits between management/executive and non-management employees. Benefits included are health, dental, vision, paid days off, including maternity leave, family leave, new father leave, holidays, sick days, vacation days, child care, and different retirement benefits, including profit sharing and stock options. Research has shown that having a generous employee benefits package attracts talented people to work for the company and keeps them once hired. For instance, studies have shown companies can save as much or more than $75,000 per year when child care assistance is offered. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Design and Justification of a Wage Package

    This 3 page paper looks at a scenario provided by the student and the way that a compensation package may be designed to attract and keep a production manager. The paper looks at the considerations that need to be included in the design process and hoe employees may perceive the payment package. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Proposal for Payroll Database Management

    This 5-page paper covers an example of a proposal to upper management about the necessity of a payroll database management system to manage checks and employees. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Points on Reward and Performance Measurement

    This 3 page paper looks at three aspects of performance and reward management. The first question identifies two purposes of reward in performance management. The second question discusses three components which may be present in a total rewards package. The last question identifies two sources of data for performance appraisal. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • The Relationship between Motivation and Rewards

    This 20 page paper looks at the relationship between rewards and motivation in the work place. The paper looks at the way rewards may impact on motivation, including consideration of the concepts of 'economic man' and 'social man' and the way rewards may be used to motivate them. The way that rewards are used to motivate in the real world is then considered, using a number of examples to illustrate point raised, and the advantages and disadvantages of tools such as performance related pay are discussed. The bibliography cites 13 sources.


    This 5-page paper examines the link between performance appraisals and performance management, while giving steps toward improvement in a corporate setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 10-page paper defines an effective performance management system, how it operates, and how it helps an organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Things to Consider if Implementing Performance Management

    This 4 page paper is written in 4 parts, the first part looks at the link between performance management and business objectives. The second part discusses three parts of a performance management program. The third part looks at the link between motivation and performance management. The last section identifies some considerations when considering implementing performance management. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Leadership Theories And Personality Traits Of Effective Leaders

    A 20 page paper. The first part of this essay discusses some of the major leadership theorists and their ideas, including Drucker, Mintzberg and Goleman. The second part discusses the personality traits that have been associated with highly successful managers and leaders. The paper ends by presenting Collins' Level 5 as the quintessential leader and incorporates ideas presented earlier in the paper. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Politics in Organizations

    A 4 page paper. The catalyst for this paper is a 1998 article entitled "The new rules of leadership and organizational politics - In the Trenches." The writer discusses the content in relationship to today's workplace. The writer comments on power in social relationships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Student Case Study on the Flying Pizza Restaurant Chain

    This 20 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. Flying Pizza are a chain of upmarket pizza restaurants. One branch is under performing, has a terrible culture with low motivation and no training. The paper starts by looking at how change can be introduced and a training programme developed. The way in which learning styles will impact on training methods is considered in the second part of the paper, and the use of motivation theory and empowerment is looked at in the third part of the paper. Issues such as the development of an appraisal system and disciplinary and grievance procedures are also considered. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Quality Costs

    8 pages in length. In todays international business community, the pursuit of and quest for quality is essential; managers and employess must be focused and determined to work together as a team. As such, organzations must make a financial commitment to implementing and improving Total Quality Management (TQM) techniques. Utilizing Feigenbaum's cost of quality techniques, Demings' approach to Total Quality Management and Six Sigma, it becomes clear the extent to which organizations must invest in both the monetary and lastingness aspects of improving their employee base. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Workplace Random Drug Testing

    This 5 page paper looks at a hypothetical case study submitted by a student. The scenario is based on NBC's E.R. television program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Theory and This of Recruitment and Selection- A Learning Log

    This 11 page paper is written in the style of a learning log with 3 entries. The first entry considers the subject to be studied; equipment and selection, and identifies a suitable organization to be studied. The second entry considers the different theories and concepts which have been learned, the way that they have been studied and how they may be applied to the organization it is being studied. The last entry reflects on what has been learned and how it may be applied. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Employee Recruitment and Selection Processes

    A 10 page paper focusing on HR’s recruiting and selection processes. One of the greatest challenges to organizations today is to ensure that the “right” people are placed in positions right for them, where they can be most effective and provide the greatest value for the organization. The challenge to human resources professionals is to attract the greatest number of qualified candidates and then to make proper selection from that attracted pool of candidates. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Cerner Corporation - Training Analysis

    A 9 page paper. The essay includes a Table of Contents and Executive Summary. The main paper is divided into six sections that provide a background of the company and its mission, sales, employees, discussion of current employees, existing training and career development programs, the company's ranking in turnover and training, training interventions recommended, the cost of training and how it will be evaluated. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Role Segregation

    A 5 page paper that discusses what role segregation is, the need for separating roles, why it is important in organizations, how it might not be helpful, and benefits of role segregation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Manager Motivation, Goal and Expectancy Theories

    This 6-page paper discusses the goal-setting and expectancy theories of motivation and how they differ and are simliar with one another. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Contemporary Society, the Workplace, and Sexism

    An 8 page paper on the problems with sexism in today's society. It gives a definition of different types of sexism, talks about different gender roles in sexism, the law and sexism and sexual harassment, and gives some ideas on what can be done to change the way people look at and deal with this problem.

  • Performance Appraisals and Management

    A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Loblaw's Human Resources Management

    A 6 page paper outlining the recruitment and selection process for a Human Resources Manager at Canada’s largest food distributor. The paper reviews the entire process of recruiting and hiring an HR manager, beginning with writing the job description to taking the selected candidate into the organization and through orientation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership

    A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health Risks and Managing Crises

    This 13 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. The first part the paper uses figures supplied to investigate the causes of illness in a workforce following a works barbeque. A link between illness and age is considered using a chi squared test. Then the different foods are examined to identify the source of the problem, demonstrating how correlation may not indicate causation. The second part of the paper looks at an ongoing situation where it appears there is a serious health risk to employees causing heart attacks. The paper outlines the steps that should be taken to investigate this risk and protect the employees.

  • Human Resources and Employee Career Development

    A 3 page paper that discusses the role of human resources in employee career planning. The value of career development and planning for both employee and employer is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Cultural Differences

    A 14 page paper. As businesses continue to expand globally, the ability to negotiate and resolve conflict in different cultures successfully becomes essential to success. This essay discusses how culture affects conflict management and business negotiations. The four approaches to researching this topic are outlined as are different ways of understanding culture and how those approaches can interfere with communication and conflict management. Specific examples of how company managers in other cultures approach conflict management are provided. For example, U.S. managers often approach conflict as competition while many Asian managers either try to avoid conflict or try to compromise. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Strategic Management of Harley Davidson

    This 4-page paper focuses on Harley-Davidson, its employees, its management and how it managed to turn itself around during the early 1980s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Conflict Management and Teams

    This 3 page paper looks at teams in business. Team building and conflict resolution are discussed. Creativity is also discussed as a goal in team creation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Employers' Tool for Healthcare Outcomes Management

    An 11 page paper discussing the increasing rates of obesity in the US – indeed in all developed nations – and the health problems that are expected to increase as a result. Diabetes already is epidemic in the US, and obesity contributes to several of the leading causes of disease and death in the country. Lean organizations need to gain full contribution from every employee, an accomplishment not possible when employees are ill but present, or even absent from work. Solutions such as those presented in the paper can make life-changing differences for those individuals who choose to exercise them. A real-world workplace promotion can provide immense benefit for employees as well as for the organization, and involving employees early in the planning process ensures that the resulting program is relevant to employees, their lives and families. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Survey on Retaining Employees and Management Styles Research

    A 5 page paper providing survey questions for an investigation into a business research problem. A continuation of KSbusResMgmtStyPl.rtf, the questions here are intended to elicit accurate information about the management style most common within the organization without “leading” respondents or inadvertently coaching them to provide any answer besides that which truly reflects their attitudes, beliefs and perceptions. They also should be sufficient for use among production workers as well as middle management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Data Review of Employee Retention and Management Style Research

    A 4 page paper reviewing three research efforts based on employee surveys, each at a different company: Chubb Group, Ritz-Carlton and Ernst and Young. All of these companies used qualitative surveys in the form of self-completed questionnaires to discover the information they needed in making management decisions regarding employee retention. In the present study, it is likely that the company’s effort alone will be valuable. When that effort is followed by real change and lasting benefit, then a byproduct of the effort involved in such research is more positive morale. This is an anticipated benefit of the present study. The paper is a continuation of KSbusResMgmtStyPl.rtf and KSbusResMgStySurv.rtf. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Multinational Corporation Management

    A 14 page paper. Transnational is having difficulties managing a multicultural workforce. The purpose of the paper is to discover and describe cultural differences in terms of the work environment in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and the United States. The greatest focus is placed in the first three regions. The writer comments on the differences between countries in some regions. Basic cultural norms are discussed that will affect management-labor relations. The writer reminds the reader these differences will affect the company's strategic planning as well has human resource practices. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Human Resources Management Issues at Wal-Mart

    This 11-page paper tackles human resource issues plaguing giant retailer Wal-Mart. Topics include issues of gender equality and illegal immigration. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Evolution of Human Resource Management

    A 3 page paper. The writer comments on the evaluation of human resource management over the last century, explaining and demonstrating traditional human resource management. The writer then defines and explains strategic human resource management, including some of the models being identified as strategic and the trends towards these models. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Performance Management

    This 5 page paper begins with an explanation that the term performance management refers to everything from the performance of the entire company to employee performance to the performance of a department. Since it is more often used in terms of employee performance, the essay addresses this area. Specifically, three theories of motivation are briefly described and three approaches to employee appraisal are discussed. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Organizations, HRM, and the Impact of Trends in the Labor Market

    This 14 page paper consider how the way that human resource management takes place and is delivered within an organisation is adapting due to changes in the labour market. There are many changes, for example an aging workforce. The paper considers how HRM is seen in the real world and uses examples to show how the changes are manifesting. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Human Resources Management and Boeing

    This 6-page paper covers discussions about human resources management programs, specifically at Boeing. Discussions include literature pertaining to Boeing HR (including safety factors and knowledge management), as well as other issues to consider in developing a strong HR program. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Levels of Management and its Challenges

    This 6-page paper discusses the challenges and issues faced by manageres on the front-line, middle and upper levels in this day and age, due to the changing corporate structures. Also included is a discussion of non-traditional management pressures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • HRM and its Role in Corporate Strategy

    This 12-page paper discusses the role of human resources management in a company's strategy. Topics discussed include interviewing and testing, employee management and financial incentives. Bibliiography lists 1 source.

  • Diverse Workforce Management

    A 3 page paper discussing management of the diverse workforce. Businesses of all sizes have more diverse workforces now than at any other time, and the level of that diversity is only expected to increase. Cultural and demographic differences can provide a wellspring of fresh ideas, but the benefits likely will not appear on their own. Gaining the benefits that diversity promises requires astute management of the richness that diversity offers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • McClelland Motivation Theory

    A 3 page paper that explains McClelland’s achievement motivation theory. The theory is then applied to an unhappy nurse. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 5-page paper discusses the use of industrial organizational psychology (occupational psychology) in the process of employee selection and training. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Evolution of I/0

    Although industrial/organizational psychology is a relatively recent branch of psychology, it has its foundations in studies conducted in the late 1800s. This essay reports the evolution of the field in psychology. It also explains why research and statistics are important in I/O. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Industrial Organizational Psychology

    A 5 page paper that defines and discuses industrial organizational psychology and also discuses the evolution of the field. The writer briefly discusses personality psychology and developmental psychology to illustrate the interrelationship of the different fields. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Contingency Leadership Model of Fred Fiedler

    A 7 page discussion of Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership, a model which postulates that leadership effectiveness is based on “situational contingency”, i.e. that in order to be most effective the situation had to be favorable to the leadership style being utilized. The author contests some writers’ interpretation that Fiedler is contending that the leader himself cannot change. This criticism is unjust in may respects. Fiedler’s model recognizes, of course, that not all situations will be favorable and either the situation or the leadership style must be changed in order to correspond with one another. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Operational Changes within a Logistics Company

    This 19 page paper looks at the Bahrain-based company THT and to changes which may take place aligned to their current strategy; the introduction of RFID tags and increasing level of customer service by supporting the employment relationship. The potential changes are examined, the internal and external environments are analyzed and the changes assessed in the context of the environment assessment and then a potential process of change is proposed. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Wage Disputes, Collective Bargaining and the 1994 MLB Strike

    This 4 page report discusses the strike that took place in Major League Baseball in the 1994-95 season. Collective bargaining in professional sports is a relatively new concept. It has only been a factor in professional team sports for approximately the last thirty years. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Power of Incentives

    This 4 page paper examines three different incentive plans that an HR department might want to create. Various incentives such as contests, company sports, raises and promotions are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Strategic Thinking Examples

    This 5 page paper discusses different issues with examples from real companies. The first deals with different organizational structures and the types that Dell uses. The second issue combines short-term and long-term goals and again uses Dell as an example. The writer discusses empowerment of employees using a sports gear company. the last issue is executive bonus compensation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nursing Personnel Performance Appraisals

    A 12 page paper discussing enhancing objectivity in performance appraisals of nurses. The performance review process is recognized to be necessary, but it seems that relatively few individuals or organizations are satisfied that employee appraisal is complete, objective, ethical and positively contributes to better financial management within the organization. Many organizations continually seek to improve the process by which they evaluate their employees’ performance. Particularly in nursing where ongoing shortage of nurses continues, healthcare organizations want to ensure that their nurses view their current positions as beneficial to both the nurse and the organization. Greater objectivity and definite career development goals can assist nurses and their employers in achieving this goal. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Hierarchical Structure Interrelationships as They Relate to Nursing Accountability

    A 4 page discussion of accountability in nursing. Contends that accountability is an integral component of all aspects of nursing. The nurse is, of course, above all accountable for the well-being of his or her patient but, with recent pressure from state legislators and higher education coordinating agencies, accountability is becoming a greater and greater emphasis of all aspects of nursing. In the case of student nurses, and indeed all levels of nurses, this accountability is channeled through a chain of command, a chain of accountability which can extend both upwards (through the institutional hierarchy), downwards (to the patient) and even sideways (to colleagues and other professionals) dependent on the organizational structure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Difficult Problem of the Nursing Shortage

    A 6 page paper offering a letter of petition for publication, abstract and a short journal article discussing current efforts and future predictions of increase in the current nursing shortage. The current nursing shortage is expected only to intensify over the next generation. Though there are 126,000 hospital vacancies for RNs in late 2002, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects that number to rise to more than one million in less than 20 years. The American Nurses Association and recently entered into a strategic alliance designed to assist both employers and nurses in finding the matches most meaningful for them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Strategies to Retain Employees

    A 3 page paper that emphasizes the shortage of nurses and other health care professionals. The paper reviews an article about employee retention and comments on what needs to happen to reduce the turnover of nurses. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Appraisal of Team Performance

    A 3 page paper discussing approaches to appraising the performance of teams, particularly those in health care settings. One nurse rejects the 360-degree approach because of conditions under which many nurses work. The team score approach may be better in health care settings. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business Psychology; Team Work For Effective Organizations

    This 5 page paper looks at theories concerning the way that individuals will interact and develop into teams, including the influences on their behavior and perceptions with a team environment. The paper looks at theories including those of Jung, Belbin, Le Bon and systems theory. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Business Psychology and its Meaning

    This 10 page papers examines what is meant by the term business psychology, which also includes industrial psychology, and how its practice may enhance organisational performance. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Concept of Human Relations

    8 pages in length. Human Relations practice is based upon an eclectic mixture of theories from different academic disciplines such as psychology, sociology and political science; while each discipline indicates divergent methods to the overall approach of human relations, they all share a common denominator of empowerment and reassurance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury - Job Coaching

    A 7 page paper that discusses the challenges persons with traumatic brain injury face in returning to the society in general but to the work environment, in particular. The paper discuses why a job coach may be essential in this process. A case study is reported. The writer also discusses the importance of self-efficacy and comments on positive psychology and brain injury. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Personality Profiling Codes of John L. Holland

    A five page paper which considers the application of John L Holland's personality profiling codes to career development and various aspects of social psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • How Can We Stop Harassment?

    This 13 page paper is made up of a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by speaker notes, on the subject of preventing harassment within the workplace. The presentation defines what harassment is, how it takes place and the problems it can cause, and then provides a practical approach to reducing the potential of harassment occurring in the workplace, as well as giving guidance on the way in harassment incidences should be handled. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Sexual Harassment Case - Co-Workers

    A 4 page paper. The scenario is that a male co-worker patted a woman's buttocks. The writer responds to specific issues: what is sexual harassment, what the writer would do if the women in the scenario, the organization's responsibility, and an outline of a sexual harassment workplace policy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 3-page paper proposes steps a person needs to take if she suspects sexual harassment on the job.

  • Re-Entry Shock

    A 3 page paper that discusses reverse culture shock, which can happen when a person who has worked overseas may feel when they return home. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Social Networking/Associated Problems

    This 5 page research paper examines the problem of declining productivity due to employees using social networking sites, such as Facebook, during working hours. Other associated problems are also examined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Stress And Change At Work

    A 4 page paper that beings with general comments about change and stress in the workplace. The essay explains some of Selye's thoughts about stress and then discusses what stress is in the workplace and how people can deal with and manage stress. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Teamwork, Stress and Organizational Behavior

    A 9 page research paper that discuss teamwork and stress within the workplace. This examination of literature investigates the nature of stress, that is, how it is defined; and then looks at the relationship between stress and teamwork, drawing on literature that indicates the aspects of teamwork that can increase and decrease the levels of stress in work environments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Health and the Effects of Stress

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses the negative health impacts inherent to stress, with particular emphasis upon the workplace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Jobs and Stress

    This 14 page paper considers the way in which stress has become a focal point in the workplace and how employers are dealing with the apparent increases in stress levels. The paper looks at how developments have taken place and the role of counselling as a central tool in the systems that have been put in place to develop stress management. Examples are given to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Stress of the Workplace and the Impact of Technology

    4 pages in length. Technological advancement -- as beneficial as it is to myriad aspects of contemporary society -- can be a detriment in the workplace by virtue of the capacity for increased productivity. Email, the Internet and computers in general have all been cited as having at least some negative impact upon workplace stress, a situation with which employers are working hard to address. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Productivity and Stress in the Workplace

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of stress, eustress and how it all affects the organization. Burnout is discussed as well. How stress affects productivity is the focus of this paper that provide remedies. Firms using meditation and other things are highlighted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Managing Employee Welfare

    This 14 page paper looks at the way management may use the management function of planning, leading, organizing and controlling to increase the wellbeing of employees. Approaches considering diversity management and reducing stress are discussed in terms of management provisions. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Speaker Notes on Talent Loss

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of talent retention. It takes the form of Power Point speaker notes on strategies to retain talent. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Strategic Human Resource Management at Standard Chartered Bank

    This 20 page case study is written in three sections. Using a case study supplied by the student the first part compares the human resource management approaches of the Standard Chartered Bank to determine is the company us using strategic human resource management (SHRM). In the second section arguments are supplied to support the ongoing use of talent management strategies in an environment where costs need to be cut. The finak section discusses the importance of measurement to assess the success, or failure, of strategic HRM and suggests some measures suitable for the case study.

  • Management and Employee Goals in a Recession

    This 9 page paper looks at the argument that management and employee needs are more likely to be aligned during a global recession rather than at a time of growth. The reasons how and why this may occur are discussed, looking at the causes of the recession and how they may be associated with short term profit needs of business owners and the ways that the needs may change in a time of recession. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Organizational Training Literature Review

    This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of organizational training. A review of literature looks at the many different approaches available. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Explaining and Comparing Three Approaches to Leadership

    Theory This 22 page paper examines three forms of leadership theory, transformational leadership, team leadership and leader member exchange theory (LMX). Each of the models is examined with all three models compared and contrasted in terms of their characteristics way that they emerge in the real world. The bibliography cites 26 sources.

  • Dual Career Employees Case Study and Human Resources

    This is a 6 page paper which examines the personnel policy changes which have been influenced by the number of dual-career couples in the workforce. The bibliography has 3 sources.

  • Policy of a Couple That Has Two Careers

    A 3 page paper. Using some of the student-supplied data plus other sources, this paper begins with a sample policy for dual career partners and an explanation of the policy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Will a Union Presence and Collective Bargaining result in Increase Wages Bills

    This 18 page paper looks at an issue pertinent in the UK. There is little doubt that over the last few decades the power and influence of the unions in the UK has declined. The paper considers the impact that unions have had on business and considers if despite the lower level of power recognizing a union in the work place and adopting collective bargaining will result in a higher wages bill for the employer. The bibliography cites 26 sources.

  • Job Candidates' Assessment

    This 4 page paper uses a case study provided by the student to construct and use a matrix to assess three candidates for a job. The way the categories and weighting are chosen his shown and the matrix is included. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Volunteer Fire Department Volunteer Retention

    10 pages in length. Maintaining retention of volunteers in a volunteer fire department is a challenging objective, especially when it comes to keeping up morale, working with each individual's schedule and making it worth the volunteers' time and effort. The best methods of keeping volunteers interested and active are those that instill a sense of excitement, learning and overall intrigue by keeping the volunteers well-trained through local and remote training sessions, as well as providing enough of a challenge so that the work is neither overwhelming nor uninteresting. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership

    A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Can Depersonalized Bullying in the Workplace be Explained by Critical Management Theory?

    This 11 page paper looks at the concept and applications of critical management studies. The paper looks first the development and general approaches of critical management studies (CMS) and critical management theory (CMT). The main body of the paper examines the way these theories may be used to examine the problem of bullying in Indian call centers. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Equal Pay

    This 8 page paper looks at issues concerning equal pay under English law. The paper considers the case of a woman who is paid less than several men performing the same or similar tasks, including her predecessor, someone working in a different location, someone in the same location but a different office and a former manager who has a salary that is ‘red circled’. The paper demonstrates the application of equal pay legislation and case law and applies it to the case provided by the student. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Pay Equity

    This 7 page paper looks at why and how pay equity and equality in total remuneration is protected in the United States, considering the federal laws, such as the the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and equal opportunities, including the Equal Pay Act. The paper considers how this impacts on businesses and the systems that are or should be used to ensure equity is in place. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Should Pay Packages Be Uniform or Personalized?

    This 3 page paper considers the concept of a uniform remuneration package, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing uniform pay strategies as well as individualized pay strategies in the context of various theories, such as expectancy theory and equity theory. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • United Kingdom Workforce Diversity Management

    A 12 page paper. Diversity is a fact of life in today's world. This essay provides data regarding ethnic minorities in the UK and discusses the drivers for workplace diversity, such as legal and social. The Race Relations Act 1976, amended in 2000 and again in 2003 is discusses as is the European Union Race Directive of 2000. The benefits of a diverse workforce are discussed with examples. Two specific companies and their strategies for managing diversity are reported. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • An Overview of the Advantages and Disadvantages of 401 K Plans

    A 5 page essay discussing the pros and cons of 401k plans. Bibliography lists approximately 6 sources.

  • Retirement Planning and the 401K

    A 10 page discussion of 401K plans and their importance in retirement planning. Identifies financial goals such as growth of principal, the reduction of tax liability, and the importance of protecting the principal investment and discusses a strategy for achieving these goals through the utilization of 401 Ks. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • An Examination of the Americans With Disabilities Act

    This 6 page paper explores the Americans With Disabilities Act and provides an overview of pros and cons. The paper concludes that legislation is needed, and even more must to be done due to rampant discrimination against people with disabilities. Free 1 page outline included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Injustice and Immorality of Downsizing

    A 5 page paper analyzing the contemporary trend of corporate downsizing from the point of view of the downsized employees. Issues discussed are loss of income, shattered self-esteem, the difficulty of finding comparable work at a comparable salary, and the problems with "contract" employment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Proactivity and Workplace Resistance

    A 30 page paper that provides an in-depth analysis of workplace resistance and the importance of a proactive approach. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Job Performance and the Impact of Training

    An 8 page jumping-off place for a study on the effects of training related to job performance, based on interviews with five managers and ten employees each from two companies, both electronically-focused: one designs and produces ambulances and mobile MRI units; the other produces printed circuit boards for a variety of applications. This compilation consists of introduction, methods and discussion sections, and includes an appendix listing nine questions that comprise the survey of the two companies' employees. Bibliography lists nine references.

  • Successful Examples of a Democratic Workplace

    A 16 page research paper examining the qualities of three of the 'best' places to work: Measurement, Inc., Federal Express and GM's Saturn division. Each of the three demands the best of their employees; each has some of the most loyal employees in their respective industries. The common bottom line among the three is that they view their employees as thinking, feeling individuals with needs and aspirations of their own, and each recognizes that happy, fulfilled employees equals happy, satisfied customers. In keeping with Theodore Levitt's admonition that the sole purpose of any business is to create and then keep a customer, each of these companies recognizes that any business achieves that goal only through their employees. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Corporate IS Outsourcing

    This 5 page paper takes the concept of outsourcing information systems and analyzes a variety of factors in a simplified fashion. Pros and cons of the practice are noted. Several large firms which take advantage of the practice are named. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Overview of Offshore Outsourcing

    This 14 page paper discusses various aspects of offshore outsourcing including the issues it raises, problems, benefits and risks. Offshore outsourcing has been used by companies in different industries since the 1980s but the practice has increased significantly in recent years. The employees that has been hurt the most by this practice in recent years are software programmers. A number of issues surrounding outsourcing are discussed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Worker Literacy Enhancement

    A 16 page paper discussing research-based investigation of various methods in use to determine which might be considered best for training the production worker in basic skills and the benefits to the organization of such training. The hypothesis that formal training should be as dissimilar as possible to the school setting in which none of these workers have been successful in order to provide the most value to both the workers and the organization providing the training. The literature review, method and discussion points to the conclusion that the hypothesis is supported best when adult methods are used and reinforced with on-the-job training. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • California and At Will Employment

    A 14 page essay on the legal doctrine which states that employers can dismiss employees for any reason at any time, and, conversely, that employees can quit for any reason and at any time. This paper examines exceptions which have been made and at the current rash of ‘‘wrongful discharge'' lawsuits which are slowly changing this doctrine as it applies in the U.S. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Workplace Violence

    A 10 page research paper on work-related violence and some of its possible causes. The writer discusses the prevalence of this problem, how conflicts arise, and what can be done to lessen the impact of tensions created by poor communication, lack of empathy in the workplace, etc.; Social, psychological, and stress-related theories are applied to the discussion. Bibliography lists approximately 20 sources.

  • Women and Telecommunications II

    In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • TLR Inc. and the Pros and Cons of Virtual Teams

    A 5 page study of virtual teams discussing the advantages and disadvantages. Highlights TLR, Inc., a software manual company that makes extensive use of virtual and gives my opinion of their effectiveness. Also gives my suggestions for ensuring the success of a company's virtual team(s). Bibliography lists 3 sources.


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