Research Papers on Communication, Media and Theory

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Research Papers on Communication, Media and Theory

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Distance, Intimacy, and Communication Theory Research

    :A 5 page research paper that explores distance and intimacy as an aspect of communication theory research. This literature review explores the manner in which researchers are currently exploring this area of communication theory. A survey of recent literature shows that investigation into intimacy and distance shows this are of communication theory to be diverse, but with many questions yet to be answered. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Multimedia and Communications' History

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of the history of communications leading up to and including multimedia. Various aspects are discussed inclusive of the history of video and audio communications and the way in which computer technology has affected the lives of ordinary individuals. The transitions over time are explored and a historical perspective is provided. Finally, the paper takes a look at how the media as a form of communications has affected the world. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Communication in the Retail Environment; The Case of Primark

    This 50 page paper looks at the role and importance fo communication in Primark. The paper is based on work supplied by the student, which has been edited by the writer with further pages added. The paper looks at different communication within then workplace, communications theories with the theory applied to Primark. The bibliography cites 21 sources.

  • Stereotypes and the Media

    A 5 page essay that looks at the current state of media and its obsession with stereotypical images. The paper reviews social theory relating to image, racial portrayals in the media, and the portrayal of women in the media—and posits that in the United States, legitimate media is currently underground. Bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Communication and the Construction Industry in Saudi Arabia; Literature Review

    This 47 page paper is an in-depth look at you if you designed to help with a research project for sending communication in the construction industry in Saudi Arabia. The literature review is in two parts. The first, and shortages, part of the paper looks at the nature of the construction industry in Saudi Arabia, and the role of communication within that industry. The remaining part of the paper is an in-depth analysis of communication theory, models and application. This includes the examination of communication models including Shannon (1948) model, Feldberg's (1975) model is also discussed as a further development of communication theory. The process of communication, the components, and levels of communication are all examined. The bibliography cites 36 sources.

  • Communication and Disputes in Cyberspace

    This 10 page paper considers how disputes and misunderstandings can occur in cyberspace as a result of the style of the communication medium and the way the communication is interpreted. The paper also looks at how and where he disputes may be resolved and where the distance and detachment of cyberspace is an advantage or a disadvantage. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Mass Media, Communication Messages, and Public Perception

    This 5 page report discusses a variety of communication, marketing, and economic issues associated with Japanese tourism in Hawaii. Specialized channels of communication, as well as mainstream media in Japan, have created an image of the Hawaiian Islands that has little to do with unique cultural aspects or even the natural beauty of Hawaii and much more to do with shopping and the opportunity for the party of a lifetime. The message has had to be radically altered to address value and cost benefits of vacation in Hawaii. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Scandal, the Media, and Public Opinion

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the impact of media coverage on such political scandals as the Lewinsky/Clinton debacle by applying the theory of agenda setting, yellow journalism and briefly touching upon the Lawrence/Bennett article entitled "Rethinking Media Politics and Public Opinion: Public Reactions to the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal." Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Representation Of National Identities In Media - A Case Study, News Coverage Of Turkey On The Doorstep Of European Union (EU).

    This 50 page paper looks at the way in which national identities are created and represented in the mass media and applies this to the study of the Turkish national identity in the Turkish and the European media specifically looking at the Turkish goal of joining the European Union (EU). The paper outlines the goals and objectives and then considers the approaches to mass media that can be applied that concern the way it is created and the way it is consumed. Models used include science and the media, industry and the media, corporations and the media, globalisation, technology and the media and political economics. Consumption is considered with reference to reception theories. The paper then looks at the way Turkey is represented in the media internally and in the west, followed by primary research that uses content analysis to look at media articles. The bibliography cites 40 sources.

  • Communication - A Review of the Literature

    This 5 page paper presents a literature review which may be used in a project examining communication in the workplace, with specific attention on poor communication. Theories on the way communication takes place along with consideration of the trends in communication research are all discussed. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Theory and Application Regarding Satellite Communications

    This 11 page report discusses the gaps between the theories related to satellite communications and their applications as compared with the actual practice being utilized or expanded upon. An ever-increasing number of applications of international communications satellite technology have developed in the past forty years but many of those applications are still variations on the communications theme. This paper both discusses satellites and their capabilities but also examines the number of potential satellite applications that have received little attention or development. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Observing Communications Theory in the Real World

    This 7 page paper is a reflective learning document, considering the way theory supports observations terms of communications practices. The paper is written from the perspective of an Arab student in the United States, observing culture and perception in the context of communication, the practice of changing names, nonverbal communication the presence of perception tendencies. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The Influence and Impact of Mass Media

    A 10 page paper that begins with data regarding the ownership of different media and how that results in homogenization of mass media. Other topics include: the purpose and goals of media; the power and influence of the media by exploiting some stories and suppressing others; censorship of the media; how the media impacts American thinking and opinions; external control of the media; and a brief discussion focusing on whether or not certain media should be censored. Examples included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nonprofit Organizations and Communication

    A 4 page paper discussing characteristics distinguishing nonprofit organizations from for-profit enterprises, followed by a discussion of communication theory. The purpose is to identify differences that need to be addressed in internal communications, including continual reference to the organization's stated vision and mission. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Film and Communication Theory

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of film and communication theory. Examples of the communication process inherent in film is explored through an examination of four films: Burton's "Big Fish", Haggis' "Crash", McCarthy's "The Visitor", and Glenn's "The Lazarus Project". Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • TV's History, Development, and Cultural Contributions

    This 5 page report discusses television and its impact on American life. From its invention in 1922 to its debut at the New York World’s Fair of 1939 and on to the Ed Sullivan Show, Star Trek, and American Idol, it has evolved as the most powerful communications medium in existence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Market Proposal - Launching a Triad Hallmark Store

    A 10 page paper that outlines a marketing proposal for the business planning and commercial launching of a corporate Hallmark Crown Store affiliate. Explained and discussed are proposal structure, situation analysis, SWOT analysis, campaign & communication strategy, media plan, appropriation & budget, and keys to ongoing success. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Proposal to Market to McBride Financial Services

    This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. McBride Financial Services wants to market its mortgage services to four states in the US. The writer considers the potential target market and mediums of communication, using these considerations to present a potential marketing plan. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Communnication, Technology, and Social Changes

    This 4 page paper discusses three issues: how mass communication media is used for social change, how technology is used for social change, and a reflection on this course. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Case of Larson

    This 3 page paper looks at a case study of a firm operating in Germany and the US to assess potential future approaches to business in difficult economic climates and assesses production and pricing decision ands considers entering new markets. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Negotiations - Juwan Howard

    This 6 page paper is based in a case study supplied by the student looking at the negotiations surrounding the NBA player Juwan Howard in 1996. The paper starts by summarizing the entire negotiation process. The paper then presents the situation from the perspective of Howard ands both teams involved. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Cyber Cafe Setup Business Plan

    This 9 page paper is a plan to convert a café into a cyber café. The paper lays out the background ands the plans to carry out the conversion including a Gantt chart and a capital costing budget. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Computer Industry and the Importance of Channel and Distribution Management

    This 10 page paper looks at why the distribution channels ands systems are so important in this industry and outlines how they have been used to create competitive advantages. Companies such as Dell, Compaq and Hewlett Packard are considered, with a brief look at Microsoft. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Education and the Use of Cinema

    5 pages. Paulo Freire has several interesting theories concerning the types of education, teaching methods, and which work best in the classroom or other venues. This paper will focus on teaching methods and the use of film as a viable media for Freire's Problem Posing Education theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Organizational Communication Theory and Downward Communications

    This 5-page paper covers downward communciation, a theory of organizational communication. The essay examines the concept, discusses its use and then weighs the pros and cons of such a theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Information Age Communication Variants

    9 pages in length. The writer discusses communication in the Information Age; the communication process; nonverbal communication; verbal communication; why the communication process is studied; and the role of vocabulary in communications. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Developing a Communication Plan for Jack B Nimble

    This 14 page paper provides a communication plan for a case study supplied by the student. Jack B Nimble is a fictitious company that has a number of communication issues, where communication has broken down between the company and different stakeholders, including suppliers, business partners and expatriate employees. The communication plan outlines the communication requirements, proposes a communication strategy and examines the way in which implementation may take place utilizing an Internet and intranet infrastructure. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Health Care Communication

    This 6 page paper provides a general overview of the importance of effective communication within the health care system. The discussions include: health care provider and patient; the need for communication skills to be learned, the need to recognize cultural and national communication differences, communication between professionals, and an example of how one organization set up its internal communication network. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Culture and Media

    11 pages in length. To possess the power of information is to maintain complete control over society. As supposed watchdogs of democracy, the media have power like no other entity due to their individual and collective strength as bearers of communication. Words carry with them a great deal of power; they are capable of destroying nations and rebuilding faith. They are eloquent and strong, intimidating and potent. Indeed, language serves many purposes but of its many overwhelming influences, none are as significant as its ability to impart information. That much of contemporary society takes its cues from modern media, it is no surprise to find just how detrimental such omnipotent power can be upon the cultural formation of today's youth. No bibliography.


    This 6-page paper examines business-to-business communication in light of communication models. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Communication Case at Office Supply Store

    A 7 page paper based on a case study from Harvard Business School. This essay focuses on communication issues as described in the case study. The writer comments on communication barriers, communication channels, an effective communication strategy for Lewis, organizational culture and other issues in the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Communication and Management

    A 9 page paper. Experts consistently argue that communication in organizations is not effective. Patterns of communication can be found in every organization and managers typically follow along with the established patterns. The general topic of communication in organizations is discussed. The writer also discusses the types of communication approaches a manager might use in specific situations, such as delegation, coaching, consulting, briefing, criticizing, giving feedback and praising. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Issue of Poor Communication in the Workplace

    This 9 page paper is written as a literature review, examining being the problems associated with poor workplace communication. The range of problems associated with poor communication, definition of poor communication and approaches that may improve communication all examined. The paper ends by identifying potential gaps with in the existing literature. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Business Communication—A Technology Based Approach by William P. Galle Jr. and Beverly H. Nelson

    This series of 5 three-page reports (15 pages total) discusses 1996 McGraw-Hill textbook entitled “Business Communication: A Technology-Based Approach.” Various aspects of business communication are discussed such as the audiences involved in business communication, the most appropriate and most effective approaches in both positive and negative communication, presenting a research or program proposal, writing an appropriate report, and making an effective oral presentation are also discussed. No secondary sources.

  • Communication and Leadership

    This 16 page paper (including PowerPoint Presentation) examines the role of communication in leadership. The paper starts by looking at the topic of communication, how it takes place and potential problems. The paper then discusses leadership characteristics and styles and the way that style can impact on communication. The paper ends by considering the benefits of role play for leaders in developing leadership and communication skills. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Importance of Health Care Communication

    A 5 page paper that discusses a very complex topic in an emerging field. The paper provides a definition and goal of this type of communication. The writer discusses reports research that correlates effective communication with better health outcomes and the reverse with poor communication. Therapeutic communication is defined and discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Process and Barriers in Communication

    This 10 page paper looks at the concept of communication, considers the way in which it takes place looking at a number of communication models and identifies the way in which communication breakdown. The way in which the Internet has impacted on communication is discussed, as well as the potential problems of communicating in a foreign language. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Traditional Media and the Effects of New Media

    4 pages in length. Why purchase a print copy or an entire CD when the very same thing can be found on the Internet? The prevalence of online reading and music material has literally skyrocketed to the point where people are no longer finding a need to subscribe to print publications or visit mall music stores. Daily newspapers are available at the crack of dawn; monthly magazines are accessible earlier than those sent out buy postal mail; and entire CDs are being uploaded to the Internet for one's listening enjoyment. The writer discusses the impact Internet media is having upon traditional media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Mass Media and Target Specific Marketing

    5 pages in length. Targeting specific markets is a critical component to establishing a secure consumer base; however, it is becoming more and more difficult to define the ever-blurring line of clear-cut barriers within the mass media. Gender, race, income, age, lifestyle and usage are no longer presented in rigid, easily defined components, but rather, these demographic elements are in a constant state of change. Because of this perpetual fluctuation, mass media focus must remain ever pliable. The writer discusses that such is the case with two mainstream lifestyle magazine publications: Ebony and Cosmopolitan. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Thomas Malthus and His Theories on Population

    This 7 page paper looks at the theories of Thomas Malthus on population growth and control. His controversial views were not universally accepted as they appeared to condone the abandonment of welfare provisions due to the relationship between food production and population growth. Alternative views have been put forward in the years since Malthus first published his theories, as such the theories of Esther Boserup which can be seen as a strong contrast to Malthus are also considered. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Philip Zimbardo's Peer Pressure Theories

    One of Philip Zimbardo's theories is discussed in this 5 page paper that focuses on peer pressure. The theory that social situations make a difference and can powerfully influence human behavior is examined in the context of everyday life. One example focuses on peer pressure as it influences adolescents to use drugs and alcohol. Personality features are examined along with this theory in social psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Progression from Classical to Quantum Mechanics

    A 6 page paper that provides an overview of the progression from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics. This paper begins with the developments of Max Planck and considers a number of major theories, including Einstein's theory of relativity, and their application for quantum theory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Leadership Theories

    This 12 page paper examines different concepts of leadership and management, tracing the development of different ideas and theories from personality and trait theories to the modern concepts of contingency theory and the work of theorists such as Goleman, considering the ways in which they may be used to explain the practice of leadership. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • HR Planning Practices and Theories

    This 6 page shows how reality always lags behind the development of theory and then the rhetoric when looking at HR planning. The paper looks at the way different theories on planning in HR have emerged, including those of job design and scheduling and the impact of human needs on those plans. The paper examines the theories and the way they may or may not be seen in practice and illustrates points raised with real company examples including UK companies. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Theories on Leadership

    This 8 page paper discusses different leadership theories and how these theories are evidenced in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Specific theories addressed include situational, contingency, path-goal, leader-member exchange, transformational, and charismatic. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Collective Unconscious and Family Constellations

    This 8-page paper is a summary on Love's Hidden Symmetry by Bert Hellinger. The essay discusses Hellinger's theories, than compares those theories with the collective unconscious theory, as introduced by Carl Jung. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Advanced Practice Nursing, the Self Care Deficit Model of Dorothea Orem, and Urinary Incontinence

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of an article by Francie Bernier called “Relationship of a pelvic floor rehabilitation program for urinary incontinence to Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing: Part 1” which considers the impact of the problem of urinary incontinence and the application of nursing theory in defining protocols for care. This paper relates the findings to Dorothea Orem's Self-Care theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Explaining and Comparing Three Approaches to Leadership

    Theory This 22 page paper examines three forms of leadership theory, transformational leadership, team leadership and leader member exchange theory (LMX). Each of the models is examined with all three models compared and contrasted in terms of their characteristics way that they emerge in the real world. The bibliography cites 26 sources.

  • Should Pay Packages Be Uniform or Personalized?

    This 3 page paper considers the concept of a uniform remuneration package, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing uniform pay strategies as well as individualized pay strategies in the context of various theories, such as expectancy theory and equity theory. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • White Collar Crime and the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

    This 8 page research paper first offers the background and effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, describes white-collar crime, then explores theories of white-collar crime. Exxon's behaviors during and since the spill are related to the different theories. In every case, the writer finds that Exxon's actions cannot be considered anything but fitting into the descriptions inherent in the different theories. Bibliography included.

  • White Supremacy Theories

    An 8 page research paper that examines the two theories that have been proposed by white supremacist that rationalize a basis for belief in the superiority of the white race. The writer argues that these theories present a scenario for white populations that reassures them by proposing a version of reality that presents an all-white power structure for society as being what is best for society. The rebuttals for these theories are then presented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Virtues of Mind by Linda Zagzebski

    A 6 page paper on Linda Zagzebski's 'Virtues of the Mind: An Inquiry into the Nature of Virtue and the Ethical Foundations of Knowledge,' which argues that Zagzebski's theory is valid and based on an inclusive study of why people act on knowledge, and where knowledge is based. The paper posulates that her intent is to not seek to rewrite the current theories, but to combine them. Theories used for the basis of her thesis include: epistemology (virtue), and philosophical and psychological bases of knowledge. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Philip Zimbardo's Peer Pressure Theories

    One of Philip Zimbardo's theories is discussed in this 5 page paper that focuses on peer pressure. The theory that social situations make a difference and can powerfully influence human behavior is examined in the context of everyday life. One example focuses on peer pressure as it influences adolescents to use drugs and alcohol. Personality features are examined along with this theory in social psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Motivation In Three Companies

    A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to motivation theories, identifying the two major categories of theories. The essay reports some of the activities in three companies and correlates those to Maslow's and Skinner's theories of motivation. The companies are: HSBC, Tesco Plc, and Google. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Importance of Care In Nursing

    This 7 page paper begins by relating a nursing situation story. The writer goes on to discuss the importance of caring in nursing, what caring is and how some scholars and researchers have defined and described caring. Theories commented on include Swanson's, Watson's, Mayeroff's and Roach's. The assumptions on which the Nursing as Caring general theory are based are outlined. Throughout the paper, the writer returns to the original situation to demonstrate the integration of theory and practice. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Business Psychology; Team Work For Effective Organizations

    This 5 page paper looks at theories concerning the way that individuals will interact and develop into teams, including the influences on their behavior and perceptions with a team environment. The paper looks at theories including those of Jung, Belbin, Le Bon and systems theory. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Fundamental Theories/Nursing Faculty Shortage

    A 15 page research paper that looks at the nursing faculty shortage and relates this to a literature review which examines scholarly sources that pertain to fundamental theories that affect nursing leadership. While responsible leadership is necessary to the success of any industry, Spinelli stipulates that "Leadership in the healthcare environment today is essential and mandated if our healthcare system is to survive" (Spinelli, 2006, p. 11). The writer examines macroeconomic theory (supply and demand), transformational leadership, servant leadership, situational leadership and role theory. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Derived Theory of Smoking Relapse Analyzed

    This 7 page paper evaluates the derived theory of smoking relapse in respect to nursing. A model found in Chinn & Kramer's Theory of Nursing is utilized for analysis. Various elements of the theory are discussed inclusive of its importance and accessibility. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Formulating Nursing Theory

    A 7 page research paper that first of all, focuses on the importance of nursing theory to the practice and professionalism of nursing. It then looks at the Novice to Expert theory of Patricia Benner can both substantiate and inform the Self-Care theory of Dorothy Orem. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Advanced Practice Nursing, the Self Care Deficit Model of Dorothea Orem, and Urinary Incontinence

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of an article by Francie Bernier called “Relationship of a pelvic floor rehabilitation program for urinary incontinence to Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing: Part 1” which considers the impact of the problem of urinary incontinence and the application of nursing theory in defining protocols for care. This paper relates the findings to Dorothea Orem's Self-Care theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Merie Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Theory

    An 8 page overview of Merle Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness midrange nursing theory. Midrange nursing theories are defined and Mishel's theory is thoroughly examined and evaluated. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Value of the Family

    A 4 page research paper in which the writer uses tutorial language to aid a student in writing a paper on the value of family based on the student’s nursing practice. The writer discusses family nurses, indicating 2 theories that may be used with this context, Bowen Family System theory and Orem’s Self-Care theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Dorothea Orem and Florence Nightingale on Nursing Theories, Beliefs, and Values

    A 4 page paper that compares and contrasts the theories of Florence Nightingale and Dorothea Orem’s theory of self-care, and summarizes how nursing beliefs and theory assist a nurse in planning patient care. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Development of Nursing Theory

    A 5 page research paper that discusses nursing theory development. The writer discusses the various types of theories and what differentiates them, as well as the purposes and functions of nursing theory within the profession. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Three Nursing Theories

    A 15 page paper presenting a patient case followed by application of three nursing theories to that single case. The nursing theories examined are Roy’s Adaptation Model, Neuman’s System Model and Orem’s Theory of Self-Care. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Katie Eriksson's Nursing Theory

    A 5 page paper discussing the nursing theory of Katie Eriksson, which focuses on caring in the Christian tradition. Some practicing nurses have objected to theory-based care, at least initially, on the grounds that it is not caring at all but rather reduces the patient to a process component that needs medical attention. Katie Eriksson dispenses with the qualifiers shrouding that mission of caring, however, formulating her own theory of caring-based nursing, one that she places in the context of Christian commitment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Contemporary Applications of the Deliberative Nursing Theory of Jean Orlando

    A 5 page overview of the theory of deliberative nursing, a theory first formulated in the late 1950s but with applications into present day nursing. This paper discusses the applicability of Orlando’s theory to modern nursing using the example of medical intervention in cases of domestic violence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing and the Structural Functionalist Sociological Model

    This 7 page paper evaluates how this sociological model can help nurses perform better. It looks at the theory based upon a model found in Chinn & Kramer's Theory of Nursing. Various elements of the theory are discussed inclusive of its importance and applicability to nursing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Article Critique/Nursing Older People

    A 3 page article critique drawn from Nursing Older People is a British-based nursing journal that specializes in providing informative, empirically-researched nursing articles that focus on the tasks involved in nursing the elderly. Smith (2006) conducted a research study that explored the informal practice theories that nurses employ when working with older patients, the sources of these theories and then compared them with related literature. This is a significant article because it moves beyond the scope of theory to show how nursing ideas are put into practice within a specific patient context. No additional sources cited.

  • Theory of Human Caring/Jean Watson

    A 9 page research paper that offers an overview of Watson's nursing theory. The topics covered include the basic concepts and assumptions that define this highly utilized nursing theory, as well as a specific example that demonstrates how Watson's theory can be applied to context of a caring moment within the context of a therapeutic nurse/ patient relationship. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Sports Origin and Theories

    This 5 page paper provides an analysis of theories in respect to the history of sports. Class based theories are compared with theories which focus on practical issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 2 Perspectives on Nursing Theory

    A 4 page research paper that addresses 2 issues pertaining to nursing theory. The first half of the paper examines the relationship between nursing theory and research and practice and the second half of the paper looks at how non-nursing theories can play a role in advanced nursing practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sport and Leadership

    This 9 page paper investigates leadership and begins with a definition of leadership. The writer then reports and explains the three broad categories into which most leadership styles fall, trait theories, environmental theories and behavior theories. Transactional and transformational leadership is then described and explained. How charisma fits into the styles is discussed. The paper then turns to sport literature and describes cohesion and the need for role differentiation and interdependence. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Cognitive Cinema Theory and Narration

    This 35 page paper explores both cognitive film theory and the theory of film narration separately as concepts and then together as applied to film. Several films are looked at as examples such as Citizen Kane, A Christmas Story, Clockwatchers, Requiem for a Dream and American Psycho. Genre, particularly postmodernism, is discussed in the context of cognitive film theory. Emotion is also explored in depth. Strengths and weaknesses of the narrative are also discussed. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Motivational Theories

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of a powerpoint presentation on motivational theories, including the hierarchy of needs and self-determination theories. This paper considers Maslow and McClelland's views, as well as self-determination theories by Ryan and Deci and Jean Watson. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning Styles And Reaching Full Potential

    3 pages in length. Based upon the student's learning assessments outcome, she – like many other people -- incorporates tenets of both Gardner's multiple intelligence theory and Kolb's experiential learning theory. The ability to draw something from each of these theories illustrates the manner by which to ensure learners reach their full potential and are not pigeon-holed into methods that do not address their personal learning style. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Infections of the Urinary Tract

    10 pages. This is a research proposal that addresses the issue of urinary tract infection that is related to the foley catheter used in longterm care. Quantitative methodology will be used in answering several questions concerning the use of the catheter in the elderly. There is discussion on whether the theory used is the Orem Theory or the Rogers Theory. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Bibb Latane's Social Impact Theory

    A 5 page paper assessing Bibb Latane's 1981 social impact theory and what became of it. There are many theories from the past that resurface from time to time dressed in other terms and other names, and updated to meet current needs. This appears to be the case with social impact theory. Though it is not often discussed in current literature by the name that Latané gave it a quarter century ago, it nonetheless is still with us, particularly in business literature. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Christian Theology and Evolution

    A 7 page research paper that examines whether or not Christian theology can accommodate scientific theories about the evolution. The writer, citing the emerging science of chaos and complexity theory, argues that science and theology can be reconciled. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Process of Learning

    A 6 page research paper which examines some of the current theories on how knowledge is acquired. The writer looks specifically at two different theories regarding 'learning styles' and provides analysis. The writer's own personal analysis of how the learning process takes place is also presented. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Connectionism Versus Motor Theory: Language Processing

    10 pages in length. Virtually no element of understanding human function goes without challenge; language processing is no exception. Pitted against each other for the struggle to attain superiority, connectionism and motor theory have come to represent the two primary aspects associated with speech perception. Simply defined as learning by doing (connectivism) and learning by being (classical or motor theory), history is filled with intellectuals who eagerly posited the values of both sides, many who provided their own labels to the same concepts. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Los Angeles Air Pollution and Healthy People 2010

    A 6 page paper integrating Healthy People 2010 Objective 8-1 (Reduce the proportion of persons exposed to air that does not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health-based standards for harmful air pollutants) and Watson's Theory of Human Caring to address the effects of air pollution in Los Angeles. Nurses operating within Watson's theory and addressing air quality can seek to educate the elderly and parents of young children about the dangers of high-pollution days and how they can mitigate their health risks as others continue to work to improve local air quality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Psychology as a Science?

    This is a 6 page paper that evaluates the claim that psychology is not a science. It examines the 'duality theory' and the 'machine' theory in respect to their impact on this argument. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Jean Watson's Human Caring Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of Watson's nursing prespectives. Nursing theorist Jean Watson developed her Theory of Human Caring in the late 1970s, as a result of Watson’s efforts to bring greater meaning to the health care process. This paper outlines this theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Balance of Philosophy and Nursing Values

    A 6 page paper discussing the juncture of values, philosophy, theory and legality in providing direct patient care. The paper discusses some of the reasons that individuals choose nursing, and provides an overview of each of the four broad areas reviewed in the paper. The paper includes brief discussions of the theories of Orem and Roy, as well as the primary ethical values of nursing: autonomy, beneficence, non-malficence, fairness and fidelity. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nursing Theory Research and Practice

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of the current status of nursing theory and the impacts. This paper relates some of the central theorists and theories impacting nursing practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Albert Bandura's Theories and Nursing

    Bandura's concepts are compared with other theorists' such as Lawler and Piaget in this 11 page analysis. Bandura's premise that self-efficacy expectations are the most important influences on motivation is highlighted. All theories are discussed as related to the nursing profession and the key elements of individualism, environment, society and health are discussed in relationship to nursing and Bandura's theories. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nursing Vocabulary

    A 4 page research paper that answers specific questions about nursing terminology. The writer discusses phenomenon and concept; conceptual framework and theory and how the metaparadigms of nursing are applied to theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Orem, Mid-range & Grand Theories

    A 3 page research paper that offers an examination of Orem’s theoretical perspective as it differentiates between the grand and mid-range versions of Orem’s model of nursing and then goes on to discuss the substance of her mid-range theory, that is, her Self-Care Deficit theory of nursing and its application. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • African American Teenagers and Incidence of HIV

    A 12 page research paper that focuses on HIV infection among African American adolescents as a public health threat. In exploring the ramifications of this public health issue, this examination explores HIV transmission using the epidemiologic triad model. This information is then viewed from the standpoint of nursing theory, specifically Parse's theory of human becoming, which was chosen because it has been applied frequently within a public health/community nursing perspective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Self-Care Deficit Theory, Dorothea Orem

    This 10 page research paper offers a comprehensive overview of Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, which discusses its key components, establishes ties between theory, research and practice and describes relevance to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Orem, Watson/Caring in their Theories

    A 5 page research paper that compares the nursing theories of Jean Watson and Dorothea Orem and their use of caring as the central principle in contemporary nursing. The latter half of the paper concentrates on describing Orem's theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Six Questions on Nursing Theory Models

    A 7 page paper answering six questions centered on the value of the study of nursing theory models, how they can be useful in varying health care settings and how they can inform both personal and professional relationships. Nursing theories discussed in the paper are those of Orem, Roy, Neuman, King, Rogers and Johnson. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing, Cultural Understanding, and the Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory of Madeleine Leininger

    An 8 page paper assessing the need for and value of diversity in healthcare, specifically in the hospital setting among nurses using Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory as a guide. Leininger's theory should be useful in efforts to increase diversity within the nursing staff as well enhancing nurses' and patients' understanding of each other. Bibliography lists 7 sources. Includes an outline.

  • Psychiatric Nursing and Nursing Theory

    A 5 page paper accompanied by a 19-slide PowerPoint presentation, discussing theory in psychiatric nursing. Theorists include Peplau, Roy, Orem, Neuman, Rogers and Watson. Peplau is considered to be the founder of theory in psychiatric nursing, and it is still her model that is most directly applicable to psychiatric nursing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Nursing and the Use of Family Theories

    This 4 page paper looks at the value of family theories in nursing with particular attention to nurses caring for patients in their own homes. The concept of family theories is considered in general and then some of the most use are discussed looking at how they may provide practical support for the nurses practice. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Professional Nursing and Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the current status of nursing theory, related to the contextual view of the history of nursing theory. This paper relates the fact that in the the curative model, nurses provide assessments, act as integral members of healthcare teams, provide direct and indirect patient care, and address central issues for patients, including patient advocacy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing Theory and Its Sub Specialties

    A 3 page research paper that explores the relationship between theory and nursing practice in regards to how nursing theories are demonstrated in nursing sub-specialty choices. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Practice and the Basis of Nursing Theory

    A 4 page research paper that explores how nursing theory provides a theoretical basis for nursing practice. The writer examines what nursing theory is, how it influences practice, and how it has evolved. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Paradigm Concepts and Leininger's Theory

    A 10 page paper discussing the concepts of person, nursing, environment and health of the nursing paradigm, from the perspectives of personal conviction and Leininger’s theory. Certainly intercultural nursing can be accomplished using other theories, but Leininger’s is the most complete culturally. Cultural awareness can be expected only to gain in importance in coming years, in all areas of the country. Nurses who are more culturally aware will be those who are able to have the greatest degree of influence with culturally diverse patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurture and Nature Psychological Intelligence Debates

    A 9 page discussion of the question of just what it is that determined our intelligence. The author compares the various theories which have been purported over time, noting the controversy associated with the theory that genetics play a role in our intelligence. The conclusion is presented that it is likely that both genetics and environment which shape this critical aspect of our being. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Questions and Answers in Developmental Psychology

    This 5 page paper explores theories of Freud, Erikson, Piaget and Kohlberg. Stages of these theories are included in answers to three questions submitted by a student. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • College Classroom Management

    A 5 page paper that focuses on classroom management in college classrooms. Contrary to what many college instructors, especially new instructors, believe, a classroom discipline or management plan must be developed. This essay offers ideas and suggestions for developing such a plan. Glasser's work is cited in terms of choice theory, drive theory and classroom meetings. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Richard Daft's Management Concepts and the Life Cycle Theory

    This 7-page paper discusses product lifecycles in connection with Ford's Mustang car. Also presented are Richard Daft's management theories, and how they tie into lifecycle theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • McClelland Motivation Theory

    A 3 page paper that explains McClelland’s achievement motivation theory. The theory is then applied to an unhappy nurse. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Surgical ICU Clinical Practice and Theoretical Nursing Models

    A 5 page research paper that discusses applying nurse models to ICU clinical practice. Applying nursing theory, that is, theoretical frameworks proposed by nursing theorists such as Neuman, Orem and Roy, to clinical practice has been a longstanding focus of attention within nursing scholarship (Smith 16). The following examination of three nursing theories, specifically the models developed by Neuman, Orem and Roy, addresses how these approaches can guide nursing practice in regards to surgical ICU practice and its patient concerns. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Metaparadigm of Nursing, Parse's Totality and Simultaneity, and Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity

    A 12 page paper discussing culturally sensitive nursing. As the composition of populations shifts in many developed nations, it becomes increasingly necessary for nurses to relate to patients in terms that patients can understand. Madeleine Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory focuses on spanning the cultural divide that can exist between the nurse and her patient. The purpose here is to assess the concepts of nursing, environment, person and health in terms of Leininger’s theory and Parse’s totality and simultaneity perspectives. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Parenting and Psychology

    This 3 page paper examines the psychological theories of Binet, Piaget and Vygotsky. Various issues are discussed inclusive of the use of intelligence testing. The practical application of theory by parents is included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Adaptation Nursing Model of Callista Roy

    A 9 page research paper that examines Callista Roy's Adaptation Model of nursing. As the nursing profession has developed, nursing theorists have developed numerous frameworks for guiding nursing practice in a manner that stresses its scientific nature, while also adhering to its humanistic roots. One of these theories is the Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing. This examination gives a thorough overview of this theory before offering evaluation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • A Utilitarian Approach to Sports

    This 4 page paper is an essay about the application of the ethical theory of Utilitarianism and the Deterrence theory as applied by a student determined to win a place on the team and a basketball scholarship. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Synthesis of Psychological and Economic Behavior Models

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of economic and psychological models of behavior. Theories which unify psychological motivators with expected utility theory are examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Chief Executive Officer's Organizational Management Tools

    This 7-page paper examines the organizational tools available to today's CEO. "Tools" described include use of contigency approach, Maslow's theory, participative management, team-building and concept of content and process theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management Theories of Revolution, Change, and Turbulence

    This 6 page paper discusses several of the prevailing management theories as well as what failed aspects gave rise to the theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • HRM's Emergence

    This well written 14 page paper traces the development of human resource management. The paper begins with the work of Frederick Winslow Taylor and his development of scientific management based on the idea of economic man, and then looks to the emergence of the theory of social man with the studies of Mayo and Hertzberg. The paper then considers the way that the theories have been used, such as the development of TQM and other examples that support ideas of both economic and social man. The bibliographic cites 15 sources.

  • Contemporary British Sports and Feminist Theory

    An 8 page paper which relates feminist theory to sports, and how this reflects contemporary British society. Specifically considered is feminism in relation to sports, how leisure theory developed from a male perspective, and inequalities in terms of participation (between gender), income and employment, power, positions of management and administration. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Practical Application of Management Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of management theories and how they can be applied in practice. The paper deals with how managers confront real life situations and how theory applies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Security Management and Social Theory

    An 18 page paper that explores the ramifications of social crime prevention through the application of social theories in the work of security managers. Paper deals with such issues as anomie, deviance, etc. and discusses these issues through the viewpoint of current research and application of the theories. Bibliography lists more than 15 sources.

  • How Teachers Should Manage Classroom Behavior

    This 6 page paper looks at various theories concerning behavior management in education. Several contemporary books are reviewed along with the theories of progressivism and reconstructionism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Theorists and Course Setting Management

    An 8 page paper presenting brief descriptions of the theories of Chester Barnard, Robert Blake, Peter Drucker, Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follett, Henry Gantt ,Fredrick Herzberg, Elton Mayo and Victor Vroom. The paper ends with a short argument in favor of the statement, "Knowledge of basic management theory is essential to the study of management." Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History and Testing Measures of Intelligence Theory

    This 5 page paper outlines major points in the history of intelligence theory and testing. These types of theories began with Pythagoras and have a long history that includes Plato, Aristotle, Philo, Galton, Binet, Terman, Weschler, Gardner and others. What each contributed is discussed. The measures of intelligence began with Galton but it is the Stanford-Binet and the Weschler scales that are most well-known. The essay briefly explains what the Mental Status exam measures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A History of Temperament Theories

    This 10 page paper provides a historical report of theories about temperament. The history begins about 2,500 years ago when the four humors were proposed, a theory that was continued to be popular in the Middle Ages and even later. Philosophies and scientific advancements changed the theme somewhat but there continued to be four dimensions of temperament. Even Keirsey proposed four dimensions of temperament. It was in 1990 when five dimensions of temperament were proposed by McCrae and Costa, Jr. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History and the Philosophies of Karl Marx

    Karl Marx's theories are discussed. Attention is paid to the labor theory of value and economic determinism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Environmental Protection Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing the political and management climate at the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is a government agency that has overreaching authority over business operation and frequently has the final word on whether processes will be allowed. It is a political entity, however. Though it can and should use modern management techniques, its nature as a government agency keeps it grounded in classical theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Supply Management, Purchasing, and JIT

    This 3 paper focuses on the JIT theory of quality and supply management. The paper defines JIT and determines its usefulness in terms of purchasing and the supply chain. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pain Management and Long Term Care Residents' Rights

    An 11 page paper discussing traditional and newer approaches to pain management among the elderly, specifically those confined to nursing homes. The paper includes discussion of Neuman’s, Orem’s and King’s theories of nursing practice as they relate to the issue of pain management among nursing home residents. The use of pain-killing drugs is frowned on even when use of them is necessary. More highly favored is patient education and personal responsibility in exercising pain management techniques. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Different Approaches to Human Resource Management and Business Strategy

    This 5 page paper considers the different approach to strategy and how they reflect on human resource issues. From the classical schools of Taylorism and the ideas of Sloan, through to the evolutionally, or emergent strategy of Michael Porter, and the emergence of the Japanese styles, including Kaizen. The writer discusses the attributes and theories and argues they may not be as far apart as they appear. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Issues Regarding Public HRM

    A 9 page paper. Specific issues within public human resource management are investigated, including: issues facing public human resource managers, job analyses - why and how, and performance based compensation plans, including their relationship to expectancy and equity theories. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Study Questions on Management Theory

    A 5 page paper answering 4 discussion questions addressing topics of (1) the importance of an air of confidence; (2) approaches to reducing employee absenteeism; (3) qualities of effective discipline; and (4) expectancy theory and how expectancy, instrumentality and valence contribute to enhancing employee motivation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sociological, Physiological, and Psychological Issues Associated with the Management of Stress

    This 8 page report discusses numerous aspects of stress and stress management. Psychological and sociological factors have become the contemporary versions of the saber tooth tiger of prehistoric humans’ stress stimulators. Theories about the causes of stress ranging from the anthropological aspects to the physiological have been propagated for, at least, the past three decades. Such studies have shown that there are physiological, psychological and social components to stress and successful stress management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Literature Review on Christian and Psychological Theories of Personality

    An 8 page research paper that offers a literature review and analysis, which looks at psychological theories of personality development, their efficacy and application, but also at new Christian perspectives that are evolving in the field of psychology. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Article on Socialization and Clothing

    This 8 page paper discusses an article about the subject of socialization as revealed in clothing, and then goes on to do a brief literature review about clothing as a means of self-identity and socialization; it also discusses sociological theories of the mechanisms of socialization and how we, as members of society, can help in those cases where socialization via clothing is harmful. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Conflict & Resolution in Nursing

    An 8 page research paper that examines conflict and conflict resolution within a nursing context. This literature review looks at some of the sources of conflict between nurses from the perspective offered by Thomas conflict theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A Research Proposal to Determine How Employers May Decrease Employee Absences

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal outlining research to assess how employers may reduce the level of unnecessary absences by their employees. The paper identities the research questions, the key areas of relevant theory and proposes a methodology to undertake the research. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Improving the Interaction Between Marketing and Sales and the Application in the Case of Fair Trade Chocolate; A Research Proposal

    This 16 page paper is a proposal for a project to examine the interaction between marketing and sales and determine ways of using marketing to increase sales. The proposal focuses on a product that is under performing, but meets customer needs and has potential sources of competitive advantage; fair trade chocolate, to use as a research subject for the practical application of theory and research. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Personal Ethics and Cultural Values Research Study Proposal

    This 6 page paper examines personal ethics and cultural values in the context of a case provided by a student. A research proposal is included. Several theories are discussed including bureaucracy. Ethics are examined in a general sense and African American culture is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Educational Psychology - Case Study

    This 4 page paper presents the case study of a six-year-old boy who was observed by the student. The essay discusses the boy's behaviors, learning theories (Piaget, Vygotsky and Erikson) and how the teacher could have helped the boy in the classroom. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rightsizing Charlotte (Case Study Analysis)

    This 9 page paper uses a case study analysis to discusses theories and concepts related to the organization. Rightsizing is defined and compared to downsizing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Pragmatics Case Study Analysis

    This 7 page paper makes use of a hypothetical case study. In this case, the office staff of a floral shop is having a difficult time communicating. Grice's theories are used to resolve the situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Art Therapy And ADHD - Research Proposal

    This 15 page paper has several sections or chapters: introduction, research questions, description of three theories (Piaget, Erikson, and Rogers), ADHD, art therapy, using art therapy with ADHD children, methodology, application of method, results, discussion and conclusions. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Action Plan for Research Design and Method

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of a research design and method. Grounded theory is supported as a method for analyzing sustainability in community colleges. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Research Proposal on CPI and the Five Factor Personality Model

    This 16 page paper is an example of a research proposal. In this case the research proposal concerns the testing of the Five Factor Model of personality testing against the 'California Psychological Inventory (CPI). The paper looks at the construct and theory behind the model and then goes on to a brief literary review before proposing a research study. The final part of the paper looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Cooperative /Collaborative Language Learning; PowerPoint Presentation

    This 10 page paper is a presentation concerning the use of a collaborative/co-operative approach to language teaching. The presentation looks at the background to collaborative learning including the theory and principle and then considers teaching approaches applied to language lessons. A PowerPoint file is included with the paper. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • A PowerPoint Presentation on Functionism and Associationism

    This 7 page paper includes speaker notes and a PowerPoint presentation on the major functionalist and associationist theories and their implications. Bibliography lists five sources. Includes a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Learning Theory: Impacts on Curriculum Development

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of the 25 slides in an inlcuded powerpoint presentation on learning theories and their application for curriculum development. Bibliography lists 10 sources. Please contact the office and request MHedtheoryenvppt.PPT to be sent in addition to this paper.

  • Research Proposal on Inner City School Youth Subculture Development and Transference

    This 9 page paper is research proposal and literature review looking at the development and transference of anti-school youth sub-culture in an inner-city school and the implications this has for policy and practice. The literature review includes the theories of Bourdieu, Piaget and Sherif. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Heath Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract

    A 5 page research proposal for nursing research into the effectiveness of aged garlic extract (AGE) on cholesterol levels among study subjects with confirmed heart disease. The proposal includes reference to disseminating results within the Neuman systems theory of nursing for a “systems” view of the use of garlic in conjunction with statin drugs and other traditional treatments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 15-page paper is a formal research proposal concerning patient safety, medical errors and uses of health care management theories to solve these issues. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • The Benefit of Falling Trade Barriers for Developing Economies

    This 14 page paper looks at the potential value of global trade talks and a reduction of trade barriers for developing economies. The potential benefits are assessed and the underlying economic theory is discussed and applied. The paper is written as a proposal with an extensive literature review and brief methodology. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • SPEs Altering Interpretation

    A 6 page paper discussing changes proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in interpreting the Accounting Research Bulletin (ARB) No. 51 that defines the special purpose entity (SPE) and provides guidelines on when an SPE’s results must be consolidated into the balance sheet of the company that owns it. This paper summarizes the changes proposed by FASB as well as the reasons underlying the proposed change. FASB pursues alteration for reasons serving accounting theory as well as in response to specific recent abuses. Includes executive summary. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Distance Education Research

    A 6 page paper discussing two distance education research efforts and assessing their value for contributing to the advancement of online education. One author decries the lack of quantitative methods used in education research, another focuses on the lack of framework-defining theory in much of today’s current research into distance education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Research Issues

    A 3 page research paper that describes 2 research studies; discusses the difference between qualitative and quantitative research; and describes grounded theory in qualitative research. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Practice and Theory of Leadership and Management

    A 7 page paper assessing a small private company according to the management theories of Herzberg; Hersey and Blanchard (situational leadership); and Fiedler’s Contingency model. Bibliography lists 5 sources. A 17-slide PowerPoint presentation is also available.

  • Research Proposal; Success Factors in Rehabilitation in Ugandan Prisons

    This 9 page paper is a research proposal to examine offender rehabilitation in Ugandan prisons. The paper is made up of a literature review, looking at prison issues and rehabilitation in Uganda along with relevant theories which may be used to assess their efficacy, the proposed hypotheses and a methodology. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • The Problem of Poverty: A Look at Santa Rosa, Florida

    This 6 page paper includes a 9 PowerPoint slide presentation and extensive notes. Statistics are included. Poverty is discussed in general. Theories are relayed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Leadership Problems at S&F

    This 9 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, it looks at the leadership problems that are found in the fictitious organization, considers how those problems arose and make suggestions for the way in which leadership could be better in the future. The paper focuses on the application of theory to the case study. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Wonderbra - Developing an Integrated Marketing Strategy

    This is an 11 page paper that provides an overview of integrated marketing strategy. Wonderbra is used as a case study for the development of a theory-based integrated marketing campaign, with specific ideas for advertisements. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Work and Attachment Theory

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of attachment theory in social work. A hypothetical case study is used to propose an evidence-based intervention strategy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Child with E/BD

    A 10 page research paper that reports on a hypothetical case study of a 9-year-old boy with emotional/behavioral disorder. The writer uses refers to the principles Bowen Family Systems theory as the theoretical foundation for the case study and describes suggested interventions in this context. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Diversity Management - Theory and Practice

    This 10 page paper looks at the concept and practice of diversity management from a HR perspective. The paper first examines the underlying theory and approaches that may be utilized in diversity management and then looks at a case study of a company implementing active diversity management. The case study is the Bank of America. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Case of 'On the Go'; HRM in a Fast Food Restaurant

    This 14 page paper looks at the case of a fast food company that is having human resource problems following the departure of a long term manager and new people taking over. The paper identifies the issues and then discusses a number of theories that may be used to help assess the causes of the problems and identify potential solutions. The paper is based on a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Product Safety Management and the Infamous Ford Pinto Case

    This is a 10 page analysis of the entitled Harvard case study. The Pinto debacle happened in the 1970s. This essay identifies the facts of the case, provides a legal analysis and an ethical analysis. Rawls' theories of due care, responsible person and moral justice are included in the discussion. The writer provides concluding remarks. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • AT&T Dallas Works Case

    This 8 page paper examines the case study provided by the student. The right identifies problems exist with the case which include resistance to change, a poor employment relationship, low levels of motivation and potentially presents a survivor's guilt. The relevant theories are discussed and the implementation of potential solutions is outlined. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Flame Electrical; Inventory Management Case Study

    This 10 page paper is based on case studies applied by the student. The right answers questions regarding Flame Electrical; the company that wholesales lamps to retailers across 14 countries. The first issue discussed concerns the potential performance objectives of the company in terms of quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. The way in which the company determined the amounts to be ordered is examined and the way this differs from economic quantity order theory is outlined. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Empowerment Case Study

    A 9 page paper. The writer presents a scenario of a CEO who decides to embed empowerment in the company culture. The scenario points out things the CEO did that were wrong and focuses on three theories, change, empowerment and corporate culture to demonstrate how the CEO failed. The ideas from Bolman and Deal's Leading With Soul are also incorporated into the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • How Does ADHD Affect Learning

    A 10 page paper that begins by describing what Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is and its incidence among children and adults. The paper then discusses ADHD and the brain, reporting results of studies that identify the parts of the brain that do not function correctly. In the last part of the paper, the writer discusses learning and cognitive theories with comments regarding the challenges the ADHD student faces. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Art Therapy And ADHD - Research Proposal

    This 15 page paper has several sections or chapters: introduction, research questions, description of three theories (Piaget, Erikson, and Rogers), ADHD, art therapy, using art therapy with ADHD children, methodology, application of method, results, discussion and conclusions. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Nike Strategic Planning Theory Application

    A 14 page paper that begins with an introduction to the Design School Theory for strategic planning. The SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is then explained and discussed. The next part of the paper is a SWOT analysis of Nike Corporation. The paper concludes with comments and other ideas regarding the analysis phase of strategic planning. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • WalMart Market Planning and Internationalization Theory

    This 16 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers different aspects of internationalisation theory, how and why international trade occurs and the way it may be managed. The second part considers ho Wal-Mart may assess a market ready for the entrance of its core product; Wal-Mart supermarket chain. China is chosen as the destination country and the analysis looks at who well Wal-Mart will fit into China. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Cooperative /Collaborative Language Learning; PowerPoint Presentation

    This 10 page paper is a presentation concerning the use of a collaborative/co-operative approach to language teaching. The presentation looks at the background to collaborative learning including the theory and principle and then considers teaching approaches applied to language lessons. A PowerPoint file is included with the paper. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Homeless Shelter Oral Hygiene Teaching and Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory

    A 5 page discussion of the motivational theory behind dental hygiene. The author stresses that dental hygiene is a necessary component of good health. The observation is made, however, that in the homeless environment dental hygiene often falls by the wayside. A necessary focus of the homeless shelter, therefore, should be to reinstill the importance of good dental hygiene. A variety of motivational philosophies are reviewed with an emphasis on those by Albert Bandura. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Classrooms and Developmental Psychology Applications

    This 4 page paper touches on the idea of how psychology may be applied in education. Much of the paper outlines theories from Erickson, Piaget, Freud and others. Developmental staging is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Developmental Psychology: Theories

    8 pages in length. Theories and concepts in developmental psychology assist in understanding the challenges individuals face at different stages of their life. The contributions of such prominent theorists as Bandura, Watson, Skinner, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Fowler and Piaget have served to assemble a collection of developmental philosophies that provide a significantly better understanding of why people develop the way they do. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Listening to Color

    In six pages this paper examines how color theory influences interior design in an overview that consider the psychological effects of color on the home environment, how people choose colors on the basis of perceptions and what that says about them, why people are afraid of certain colors, and how an interior designer can help such individuals can steer them the right direction. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Stress Theory And Coping With Stress

    A 10 page paper that reports and describes Hans Selye's, the father or modern stress theory, ideas and explanations of stress, including physical and psychological responses to stressors. The writer includes the evolution of PTSD from its origins in the Civil War as Soldier's Heart and traumatic neurosis. Physiological and psychological responses to stress are discussed. The paper also offers suggestions for preventing stress and coping with stress. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Collaborative Communities by Twombly and Shuman

    This 6-page paper is based on the book "Collaborative Communities," and discusses examples of companies/choreographers that have created such communities, and why they are, in theory, win-win situations for customers, suppliers and companies.

  • Marketing and Brand Management at JetBlue

    This 10 page paper examines the brand management of JetBlue. The paper starts by looking at the company background and then considers the way that the branding has been used, assessing the performance in the context of branding and marketing theory and the way results may be seen in the financial performance. The paper ends by identifying areas where there may be weaknesses and room for improvement. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Can and Do Global Brands Exist?

    Many companies seek to compete with the development of global brands. This 9 page paper considers what can be defined as a global brand, looking at the spread of the brand and the way the branding messages are communicated. The paper considers the theory and uses examples to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Global Warming And Methane Hydrate

    A 4 page paper. The writer suggests that the exact location and time when global warming began cannot be determined but it does appear to have begun millennia ago, even prior to the industrial revolution. Recent research from drillings in Greenland suggest a new theory for past ice ages and warming trends. Data are reported when available. Both carbon dioxide and methane hydrate cause this greenhouse effect; this is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Is Psychology a Science

    A 14 page paper that begins with a definition of science, then discusses whether or not psychology is a science. Other topics that are discussed are: how theories improve understanding of psychology, the APA standards for psychological research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the rules for publishing research in psychology, current trends in the field, personal vision of psychology and how integration would strengthen the field. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Education and Constructivism

    This 5 page paper describes constructivism, beginning with a definition and description, including the commonalties among the divergent perspectives in the field and the beliefs upon which constructivism is based. A discussion of Vygotsky's social learning theories and how they acted as a building block for constructivism is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • International Relations and Constructivism

    This 3 page paper examines several theories of international relations, including constructivism and neorealism, and how they relate to one another. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Economic Bubbles

    Economic or speculative bubbles have been seen over many centuries where investors seek to make a profit and assets become over valued. This 16 page paper looks at some of the bubbles that have impacted on the United States of America, starting wit the Mississippi Bubble looking at a range of bubbles through to the dot com bubble which collapsed in 2000 the paper discuses different types of bubbles and the boom and bust cycle many have created and considers the underlying economic theories that explain the occurrence and patterns associated with bubbles. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Learning Theories Integrated Into The Online Instructional Approach

    5 pages in length. An online education has become both a viable and legitimate alternative to brick-and-mortar learning; initially questioned for its ability to teach students with the standard learning theories, online schools have proven their credibility by integrating such methods as active, behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism and exploratory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Northwest United Kingdom's Economic Development

    This 5 page paper considers the development of the economy in the North West of England. The paper considers the growth and trends in the area by way of regional economic theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Potential Conflict Between Permanent and Casual Employees

    This 8 page paper considers the way that tension or conflict in a workplace may emerge when an employer is using both casual and permanent staff at the same time and how the problem may be managed. The paper starts by looking at the reasons tension may arise using a range of different theories before putting forward a potential solution based on the theoretical approaches used to explain the problem. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Business Ethics and Policy

    A 10 page research paper that pretends to be a report from an ethics committee to an unspecified 'Board of Directors' relative to their intention to create a company-wide ethics code and policy. The writer covers theories in regards to business ethics, current research, and how this information can be utilized in formulating company policy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Intelligence Tests and the Subjectivity of Results

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of intelligence tests. Different theories of intelligence are cited to show the limitations of tests. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost

    This 3 page paper looks at the concepts of absolute advantage in comparative advantage comparing and contrasting the two. The paper then defines and discusses opportunity cost and considers the way in which this is seen with in international trade theory. The bibliography cites for sources.

  • Lazard and the Investment Banking Industry

    This 42 page paper is written in two parts. The first and largest part is an examination of the investment banking industry using a range of models, including a PEST analysis, Porters Five Forces Model, strategic group mapping, price and quantity dynamics, game theory, Yip's global drivers, Porters Diamond, Barlett and Goshal's model and the Uppsala Model. The second part of the paper examines Lazard using the tools of Mckinsey's 7 S's Model, Ansoff's Matrix, Porters generic strategies, BCG Matrix and the blue ocean strategy. The bibliography cites 38 sources.

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    A 6 page paper plus 1 page outline providing a general overview of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. At least 5% of children ages 5 - 11 are diagnosed as ADD/ADHD. Essay includes a general introduction, symptoms, etiology and treatment. Information regarding most recent theories on neurobiological and genetic influences are also discussed. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Caesar Germanicus

    A 7 page paper discussing Lord Acton's famous quote, "Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely," in relation to Caius Julius Caesar Germanicus. The writer analyzes his reign and puts forth the theory that he exemplified Acton's quote, as well as Rome's failure to prevent this. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Justin Ellsworth Case (Analysis)

    This 3 page paper evaluates this case that concerns the release of email to a decedent's family. Philosophical theory is used. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Carl Jung's Possible Influence on Grimm's Fairy Tales

    An 8 page paper that considers the popular Grimms' fairy tale using Swiss psychologist Carl Jung's theories the collective unconscious. Includes discussion of the composition of the psyche and various archetypes such as the self, the shadow, and the God-image. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mary Tyler Moore Show & Feminist Theory

    A 6 page research paper/essay that analyzes the Mary Tyler Moore Show, which premiered in 1970, and was one of the "most literate, realistic, and enduring situation comedies" of that decade (Fuller). The leading character on the series, Mary Richards (Mary Tyler Moore), was an idealized single career woman. The writer discusses and analyzes this show in relation to feminist critical theory and concludes that this show's protagonist was, indeed, very feminist and offers still a positive portrayal of professional women. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Brain's Recognition of Objects

    This 5 page paper considers the complex subject of how objects are recognised by the human brain. The paper starts with the concept of structural decomposition and recognition by components and then moves onto the ideas of Humphrey and multiple view theories. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Biology from Philosophical Perspectives

    This 8 page paper relates the concept of the developmental challenge relative the philosophical perspectives on biology. In particular, this paper considers whether genic selectionists are guilty of ignoring the developmental process, and as a result, this paper outlines the developmental systems theory as a part of this argument. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Global Trade and the Effects of Outsourcing

    This 17 page paper examines the potential and real impact of outsourcing on international trade. The paper looks at a range of theories that indicate why outsourcing might change international trade patterns, increasing direct trade and supporting unrelated trade, increasing demand and developing or enhancing trading partner relationships. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • The Central Elements of Chaos Theory

    This 8 page report discusses the fact that, at its core, chaos theory and its direct relationship to physics, since it is the science of physics which determined that all movement can be defined as being determined, random, or chaotic. The concepts as well as the history of how those concepts were reached are presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Development and Value of Alternate Education

    This 118 page paper is a comprehensive literature review looking at the development and value of alternative education, with an emphasis on the US. The paper looks at a range of theories regarding the way education is delivered, including teaching styles, curriculum design and learning styles. The development of different educational institutions and the provision of learning for different students is also discussed, along with the results and benefits that have been realized. The bibliography cites 187 sources.

  • Portfolio Balance Model

    This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper looks at purchase power parity theory and portfolio balance model, explaining what they are and the way they may help to explain exchange-rate movements. The second part of the paper looks at portfolio balance model in more detail considering the relevance of portfolio balance model for foreign exchange dealers. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Evidence for Evolution

    A 3 page overview of the theory of evolution. This paper outlines the usefulness of the fossil record, biogeography, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, and molecular biology as evidence that evolution is a valid concept. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Evolution of Organizations

    This 9 page paper looks at the way organizations evolve and develop over time. Looking at Griener’s article “Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow” the paper consider the new influences ion the organization and the way that this is likely to evolve, arguing that the next stage is likely to be a team based, fragmented structure, using theories such as those put forward by Zuboff and Handy The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Cai Lan Oils and Fats Industries and Organizational Change

    This 10 page paper looks at this company and how it can meet future challenges. The firm is discussed and theory on organizational management is included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • 2009; The UK Economy and Scottish Commercial Real Estate

    This 12 page paper looks at the economy of the UK between 2004 and 2009 and compares Scotland to the UK as a whole. The real estate market for commercial property in Scotland is then considered, looking at industry in Aberdeen, Offices in Edinburgh and offices and retail space in Glasgow. Predictions are then made regarding the potential movement of real estate prices and the economies as a whole, with reference existing patterns and economic theory. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • A Case Study That Examines Amelia's Choices

    Focusing on a case study of a soon-to-be high school graduate, this paper discusses decision-making capabilities of adolescents (focusing mainly on theories by Jean Piaget) and provides a "plan" to help this particular young woman out of her dilemma. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Amelia Case Study on Career Decision Making

    This 3 page paper discusses the case of a bright, 17-year-old girl who is confused about what college to attend an what career path to pursue. The conflict is driven by perceived family responsibilities. The writer cites Mitchell and Krumboltz theory of career decision making. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Graffiti's Development History

    This 5 page report discusses the existence of graffiti and the fact that graffiti is an expression of art, whether political, social, or aesthetic, it expresses something that its creator wants to express through the medium of paint and a bare surface that will be viewed by others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Consumer Culture and British Fashion Magazine Influence

    This is a 27 page paper discussing the influence of British fashion magazines on the British consumer society and their influences throughout history up and including the 1990s. The history of the fashion industry in relation to cultural influences, consumerism and the projected images of women and men in today’s society has led to a great deal of research in the fields of sociology, psychology and economics. While fashion magazines have changed their format a great deal in the past century as today their pages contain over one third in advertisements, their content has also changed a great deal. While researching the development of British fashion magazines within the last century, magazines such as Vogue, Elle and InStyle, initially showed that the focus of fashion magazines was women’s clothing and the models were portrayed as older elite women who replaced the dolls previously used. The influence of the fashion magazine on the female consumer at the beginning of the 20th century reflected the expectations of society in regards to conservative or opulent looks depending on the decade. Today, British fashion magazines tend to reflect the standards, or lack of standards, as now seen in the music and media industries. A recent study of focus groups’ opinions of images found in Vogue magazine found that most women and men feel that they can discern from the images presented in fashion magazines those images which are more “realistic” than others. In addition, it appears that in regards to consumer choice, fashion magazines are considered one of the less reliable sources available to consumers who prefer peer, family and local store recommendations over that of fashion magazines which appear as unreliable and unrealistic in regards to most situations and events. Nevertheless, the continued popularity of fashion magazines and their continued focus on the Western and/or American entertainment industries as a source for fashion is considered as a reflection of societal cues and consumer behavior. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and Lessons Learned From Them

    This 5 page report discusses experiences of and the lessons learned in the United States' military operations known as "Desert Shield" and "Desert Storm" and how the ways in which warfare were changed forever by the implementation of advanced technology, weaponry, and communication. However, certain events and situations proved their greatest value in terms of mistakes made and the ultimate lessons learned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Microsoft and Applicability of Antitrust Laws

    A 9 page paper discussing the theory and history of antitrust laws and monopoly designation, and the reasons that theory and reality rarely meet on common ground. The Justice Department has found Microsoft to practice predatory pricing based on the fact that it gives away its products for free; Microsoft's competitors want the government to force Microsoft to compete on price, as they do. The paper looks at Standard Oil, Ford Motor Company in the 1920s and RCA. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cinematic Structure and Coding of the Film Gone with the Wind

    This is an 11 page paper discussing the use of structure and code in film. Structuralism and semiotics and their use of codes and cues to define the underlying structures in society were first theories applied to the social sciences and then to the world of narrative literature. Marx and Freud further used semiotics to demonstrate how codes can be used effectively to psychologically affect those within society. Using this premise, during the early days of feature films semiotics were used to analyze the underlying structures of films. A good example of cinematic coding is used in the classic film “Gone with the Wind” made in 1939. The film uses coding on two different levels to define the structures within society. Firstly, the film uses references and themes relevant to the era of the Civil War depicted in the film. Secondly, and probably more importantly, the film uses coding to define the structure of society during the 1930s when the film was made. Specific contrasts of bad and good, black and white, pure and scandalous, affluence and poverty are portrayed using visual, narrative and auditory codes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Plato's The Laws Summarized and Analyzed

    This is a 10 page paper summarizing and analyzing Plato’s “The Laws” on a chapter by chapter basis. Philosopher and educator Plato (427-347 B.C.E.) wrote extensively in general philosophy which he believed was the basis for the theory of education and political thought. Plato was greatly influenced by the philosophies of Socrates and in addition was critical about Athenian public life “which he presented as dominated by the rhetorical and poetical uses of language in the formation of policies and attitudes”. “The Laws” (360 B.C.E.) was Plato’s last and most extensive work and it reaffirms many of his arguments from previous works in regards to the practical politics of running a Republic. The central speaker is an “Athenian stranger” who gives “advice on the constitution of a proposed new city”. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • In Praise of Wolves by R.D. Lawrence Reviewed

    This is a 3 page review of R.D. Lawrence’s “In Praise of Wolves”. Spanish born R.D. Lawrence lives on a 100-acre wilderness farm in Haliburton Highlands, 170 km north of Toronto, Ontario and has written over 29 books on nature and wildlife. In the spring of 1983, Lawrence and his wife traveled to Ishpeming in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan to study an untamed but captive pack of wild wolves and compared their behavior to those he had previously studied in the wild and with the two wolf cubs which he himself had raised. During the study and his use of other studies he has conducted on packs in the wild, Lawrence often contradicts other scientific theories in that he proposes that in many ways, wolves in the wild provide a much closer study and comparison to human behavior than do many studies on primates, considered humans’ closest natural relatives. In addition, Lawrence through the use of biological, sociological and psychological comparisons is not afraid to apply human terms to wolves in the text. Instead, Lawrence has found that in many ways, humans could learn from wolf behavior in terms of their handling of aggression (as opposed to the human emotion of anger) and stress in the wild. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Society According to Emile Durkheim

    A 5 page paper which discusses the theories of Emile Durkheim as they involve society. The paper also addresses Durkheim's beliefs concerning the transition of society from traditional to modern, emphasizing issues such as society, suicide, crime, and deviance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Analyzing Suicide A Study in Sociology by Emile Durkheim

    This is a 10 page paper discussing Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology”. Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology” (1897) was considered one of the first studies in the social sciences which used a purely scientific and methodological approach to study a social phenomenon. Suicide, for the large part, previously was considered an individual act focused upon mainly by psychologists. Durkheim however related the individual act of suicide to the cohesiveness or imbalance within society. According to Durkheim, during the age of industrialization throughout the 1800s, the incidence of suicides increased as a result of the demise of the traditional social institutions such as the church and social guilds which could not be replaced by the goals of wealth and the division of labor. Suicides were the result of an imbalance of two major social forces: social integration and moral regulation. Durkheim’s focus on the influence of social forces on the individual was highly controversial during his time as it undermined the concepts of “free will and individual moral agency”. Nevertheless, Durkheim managed to establish sociology and the social sciences as one of the major areas of study within France and his theories and methods are still considered significant in contemporary sociology, more than a century later. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Scientific Management Theories, Motivation, and Theories

    This is a 5 page paper discussing various aspects of management including scientific management theories, the Hawthorne Experiments and other areas including an example of a social structure found within a work setting. Over the course of history, work, mainly manufactured work, has been studied in terms of the various elements required needed for the production of an item and the time it would take workers to complete this task. In addition, with the introduction of certain industrial technologies over time, manufacturing and the management of manufacturing systems and teams have been altered to accommodate new trends and technologies. Management, within an historical perspective, had little to do direct contact within the employees which was generally left to the foremen. However, Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 19th century began to think in terms of “scientific management” in which production management became important to improving the overall production of any manufacturing area. While scientific management looked mainly to efficiency in production, the Hawthorne experiments in the 1920s found that work places are very much social systems and workers reacted accordingly. Lastly, employee motivation need to be established by owners and managers in order to initiate recruitment for firms and retain employees once recruited. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History, Human Nature, and Psychology

    This is a 5 page paper discussing psychology and human nature over history. The development of psychology and the study of human nature evolved over two thousand years of philosophical theory. During the period of enlightenment scientific thought was beginning to be examined toward the field of the human mind in what was later termed the field of psychology. David Hume in the 1700s and his studies into human nature as a combination of sentimentalism and intellectualism were later revisited and refined by James and Wendt in the 1800s and discussed in relation to human will and conscious thought over actions by Dewey in the 1900s. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton's Living History

    A 12 page paper which examines Hillary Rodham Clinton’s book “Living History” and then discusses it in relationship to leadership theories and practices. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.

  • Life's Big Questions

    An 8 page paper which examines different literature, theories, dramas, and perspectives concerning the nature of life itself in many different ways. The works of Shakespeare and Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” are among the literature discussed. No bibliography provided.

  • Child Development and the Theories of Jean Piaget and Sigmund Freud

    This 6 page report discusses the theories of Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget in terms of their beliefs about children and child development and psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing History and Theorists

    8 pages in length. One's view of nursing as a discipline and approach to nursing practice is influenced by a particular theoretical/conceptual model. While all nursing models have elements in common, each model proposes a slightly different manner by which to view the essential nursing concepts and various approaches to nursing. Understanding the evolution of a model and how the essential concepts of the model were developed is prerequisite to identifying the inherent differences between models. Ultimately, one chooses a nursing model based upon and compatible with one's own beliefs, values and nursing practice. The writer discusses the theories of Virginia Henderson, Hildgard Peplau, Dorothea Orem, Sr. Callister Roy, Martha E. Rogers and Jean Watson. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Sane Positivist A Biography of Edward L. Thorndike by Geraldine Joncich

    8 pages in length. Edward Lee Thorndike applied his vast knowledge to several areas of psychology, including learning theory, applied psychology and mental measurement. His primary influence was William James; in turn, his lifetime achievements proved to influence the likes of B.F. Skinner and John B. Watson. Thorndike's accomplishments, which were fundamentally based in animal psychology, are readily chronicled in Geraldine Joncich's "The Sane Positivist: A Biography Of Edward L. Thorndike." Joncich covers every aspect of Thorndike's life and career as it relates to the field of psychology, effectively supplying the reader with the opportunity to gain a much more comprehensive perspective of this scientifically influential man. No additional sources cited.

  • Economic Behavior, Social Class Income, and Consumer Behavior

    This is an 8 page paper discussing income social class on economic and consumer behavior. In many of the theories of consumer behavior the level of income and social class seem to play a part in economic behavior and spending. Many theorists have historically believed that economic behavior was largely based on individual tastes which were unaffected by social interactions or economic class. Recently however, researchers have found that while some trends are consistent throughout classes regarding economic behavior such as over-spending and under saving in an attempt to gain status materials similar to that of the higher class, other spending behaviors differ depending on economic class, such as food consumption behavior and percentage of dispensable income spent on leisure activities. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Mortimer J. Adler's 10 Philosophical Mistakes

    A 5 page paper which analyzes the work of Mortimer J. Adler, “Ten Philosophical Mistakes.” Adler presents a great deal of information that is less restrictive than many previously implemented theories regarding philosophy. No additional sources cited.

  • Economy and Inflation

    This 5 page paper considers the definition of inflation its causes and consequences, this includes the examination of its influence on unemployment, imports and exports and government policies. The theories of Philips and Friedman are considered. The paper includes 1 graph. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Chapter Two of From the Presocratics to the Present A Personal Odyssey by Daniel Kolak

    7 pages in length. Daniel Kolak’s “From The Presocratics To The Present” offers a comprehensive overview of the many philosophers whose thoughts and theories have helped to shape the world today. Throughout the book, Kolak focuses upon each individual philosopher by delving into that person’s primary insights, origination, works and most popular arguments. The author then discusses how these ideas have made their way through the centuries into to contemporary society, noting both the similarities and disparities of each one. The writer discusses the analysis and development of Chapter Two. No additional sources cited.

  • Advertising to the Global Community

    An 11 page paper discussing the cultural differences that must be considered when attempting to design an international advertising campaign, ranging from the obvious such as language to more subtle attitudes toward characteristics of specific colors or overt materialism. The media used for the message is important as well. An example used in the paper is the reduced effectiveness of newspaper advertising in a developing nation where extremely low per-capita incomes and literacy rates combine to make a newspaper a luxury item useful only to relatively few citizens. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Contemporary Racism in Germany

    (10 pp) Although the upsurge of violence in Germany has been well publicized in international media and condemned by the German government, it continues to grow. Violent crimes are far above pre- nification levels. Meanwhile, non-violent crimes such as criminal harassment and intimidation have also significantly increased in the last two years. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Art of Nursing

    In 1986 Jean Watson was Dean of the School of Nursing in Denver and Director of the Center for Human Caring. The two job titles provide a significant insight into how she views nursing. This 6 page paper examines the theory of nursing as an art within the context of the bio-pscho-social model and presents a scenario for an interview. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Global Politics and Realism's Strengths and Weaknesses

    8 pages in length. As the world embarks upon the new millennium, questions abound with regard to events that occurred during the twentieth century. With particular emphasis upon those that took place just in the past several years, one can surmise that many of these incidents can be attributed to idealism, a philosophy that employs the conscious desire to change the world, as opposed to efforts based in realism. Issues such as national security, arms control, global economy, foreign policy, peace efforts have, indeed, not been grounded in a realistic composure. When one assesses the main strengths and weaknesses of realism in describing world politics, the primary contention that exists is its constant battle against the notion of idealism. The writer discusses how this theory is quite relevant for addressing global contingencies in the 21st century, inasmuch as it is a chronic lack of realism, combined with cynical politics that continues to threaten world issues. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • TV Sportscasting

    (12 pp) This discussion exams the role of television broadcasting in sports, through the personality of the sportscaster and through the game itself. The sports of figure skating, golf, and basketball are examined for their impacts in this media. The possibility of a new network entering the picture in these sports areas is also reviewed, as are recommendations for such a possibility. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Issue of Poor Communication in the Workplace

    This 9 page paper is written as a literature review, examining being the problems associated with poor workplace communication. The range of problems associated with poor communication, definition of poor communication and approaches that may improve communication all examined. The paper ends by identifying potential gaps with in the existing literature. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Communication and Resolution in Interpersonal Conflicts

    In 6 pages, the author discusses interpersonal conflict resolution and communication. Whether it is between husband and wife, co-workers, or even criminals and their victims, interpersonal conflict resolution is vital for effective communication, and effective communication is vital for interpersonal conflict resolution. The two are juxtaposed. Without effective communication, interpersonal conflict resolution cannot occur. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Women and the Impact of the Media

    This 8 page thesis paper looks at various forms of media including print advertising, commercials, television programming, films, music videos and more to discuss how media's images affect women's self-esteem. While part of the effects of media are blatant in terms of images presented, others are less obvious such as the subservient or otherwise stereotypical roles women play. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Media and Race in Canada

    7 pages in length. Canada's multiracial community, which includes Black, Hispanic, Asian and Aborigines populations, is subject to a significant amount of stereotypical abuse at the hands of contemporary media. Clearly, the racial bias that exists within the media – particular in television but also clearly apparent in music, advertisements and all other entities – is not necessarily created by the media as a negative influence but is actually perpetuated from a basis of social reality. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cyber Cafe Life and Media Imperialism

    This 6 page report discusses the concept of media imperialism is the idea that Western media exerts considerable influence over the cultures of countless nations around the world and how the “imperialism” of the media is reminiscent of the behavior of the European colonizers. The report then moves on to discuss the ways in which online life has become a common reality for millions of Americans. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Electronic Media and Direct Marketing

    This 13 page considers the following quote “…the power of the web…is as a direct marketing medium par excellence…the web or…email marketing…are simply new media offering new scope for the exercise of direct marketing skills”. The paper looks at the role of direct marketing and how it is undertaken through electronic mediums such as the internet and how it has adapted and changed marketing. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Mass Media and Its Influence

    A 5 page paper that examines the tremendous influence of the mass media as presented in The Interplay of Influence: News, Advertising, Politics, and the Mass Media by authors Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Karlyn Kohrs Campbell. Discussed are the three sections in which the book is divided, sections that detail the influence and role of the mass media in news presentation, advertising, and political campaigns respectively. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Patterns in Media Ownership

    This 8 page paper looks at the patterns of ownership in media companies and considers how they are changing and developing. The paper looks at five media companies; Rupert Murdoch’s News International, Daily Mail and General Trust PLC (DMGT), Trinity Mirror, United Business Media and Pearson and their holdings. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Women and the Impact of the Media

    This 8 page thesis paper looks at various forms of media including print advertising, commercials, television programming, films, music videos and more to discuss how media's images affect women's self-esteem. While part of the effects of media are blatant in terms of images presented, others are less obvious such as the subservient or otherwise stereotypical roles women play. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Media Bias: Impact

    4 pages in length. The long-reaching fingers of media bias have left no entity untouched and no industry unscathed; broad and powerful in their scope, these media tentacles have the capacity to influence with a combination of subliminal and outright blatant persuasion. From political campaigns to marketing campaigns, mass media have the ability to make or break elected officials and manufactured products alike based solely upon the particular bias such coverage warrants. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Media Bias Conundrum

    This 5 page paper looks at media bias. On one side are the conservatives, the Fox viewers who watch loops of news updates all day, and complain that media is leftist, and on the other, are those who believe that media is actually conservative, at least underneath it all. This paper looks at both sides of the issue, but argues that in the end, it really does not matter. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Media Depiction of Law Enforcement Brutality

    In 5 pages, the author argues that people generally form their opinions from the media about police brutality. The well-known example of the Rodney King incident is used to show that the media is biased in their portrayal of the police. The media left out footage of the tape that was both important and necessary in showing what King did before the police beat him. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Six Annotated Bibliographies: Eating Disorders and the Media

    This 54 page paper comprises 6 annotated bibliographies about eating disorders and the media.

  • Issues in Communications and Differences in Marital Relationships and Gender

    A 10 page research example on gender differences in communication in martial relationships. The writer develops a thesis based on dual-gender differences, demand-withdrawal, and the differences in these theories between normal and abusive relationships, and presents in study method form. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Effective Public Speaking Traits

    A 10 page research paper that gives an overview of what constitutes good public speaking. The writer covers such areas as content, delivery, enthusiasm, and also how the management of eye contact with the audience can subliminally convey impressions about the speaker according to communication theory. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Workplace Violence

    A 10 page research paper on work-related violence and some of its possible causes. The writer discusses the prevalence of this problem, how conflicts arise, and what can be done to lessen the impact of tensions created by poor communication, lack of empathy in the workplace, etc.; Social, psychological, and stress-related theories are applied to the discussion. Bibliography lists approximately 20 sources.

  • An Intervention Using Appreciative Inquiry Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the use of appreciative inquiry theory to address an intervention. This study relates the problem of communication in a church setting, where 200 members have a difficult time focusing on the expansion of the organization. Further, this study provides a qualitative approach for assessing the views and the application of AI in this specific “case study” setting. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Business Psychology

    This 6 page paper responds to certain questions and issues related to opening a new business. The paper discusses the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, what effective communication and three leadership theories, transactional, transformational and situational. The paper also comments on keeping balance in one's life as an entrepreneur. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nursing and Communication Theory

    A paper which looks at the way in which communication theory is relevant to modern nursing practice, in terms of the relationship between nurse and client and the changing professional structure of the health care system as a whole. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Nursing Questions

    This 23 page paper answers a set of 25 questions regarding communication and nursing across cultural differences, defining and giving examples of effective communication, where. How and why communication should take place, the impact of patient/nurse language and cultural differences and the potential outcomes of conflict. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Literature Review on Nonverbal Communication

    A 5 page discussion of non-verbal communication and its various forms. Notes the importance of non-verbal forms of communication ranging from clothing to artifactual, emphasizing the importance of facial communication. Written to assist the student in the research techniques which can be used to narrow down such a broad field for the purposes of completing a detailed yet concise overview of the subject. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Operating Room Communication Between Physician and Nurse

    A 3 page paper reviewing the state of communication between doctor and nurse in the OR and assessing changes that continue to occur. The relationship is stereotyped as being adversarial, but recent research indicates that the trend toward alliance of healthcare professionals is finding its way to the OR now as well. The state of nurse-doctor communications in the OR appears to fall on a continuum between negative and positive, and appears to be moving toward the more positive end as the issue of communication continues to gain increasing attention. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Global Corporation and Communications

    A 5 page paper discussing the performance and communications skills of Doug Lee, a procurement manager who has been promoted to fill the new position of vice president of procurement. Global has ten plants scattered throughout the world, each lacking any cohesive sense of membership with the others. Lee's first act in his new position was to commit a communications faux pas demonstrating his lack of leadership ability. The paper discusses communications alternatives available to him that he chose to ignore. No sources.

  • Explanations of Communication in Organizations

    A 10 page paper. This essay discusses these communication concepts: formal and informal communication, change management, conflict management, virtual office vs. conventional office, and internal communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Business Communication Skills Development

    This 6-page paper discusses the importance of communication in a business setting (between supervisors and the workforce). Topics discussed include different types of communication (written and oral) and provides recommendations on how such communication can be effective. Bibliiography lists 4 sources.

  • The Nature of Communication Skills

    A 3 page paper answering 3 questions about communication: the importance of listening; the nature of communication; and the importance of study of intercultural communication. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Marketing Communication; Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Sainsbury Own Brand

    For a brand to be successful the way marketing communication takes place is very important. This 12 page paper looks at three brands; Coca-cola, Pepsi and Sainsbury’s own brand to assess the way that they are marketing assessing the way that communications are used and their effectiveness in reaching their target market. The paper focuses on the marketing communication in the UK. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Communication Models; Information Transfer, Transactional Process, Strategic Control, and As a Balance of Creativity and Constraint

    This 7 paper looks at 4 models of communication and considers the major insights provided by the four primary organizational communication models; communication as information transfer; transactional process; strategic control and balance of creativity and constraint. The 4 models are considered individually, looking acts characteristics and the way which they may be utilized. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Developing a Communications Strategy for the American Red Cross

    This 20 page paper looks at the way in which an organizational communication strategy can be developed. Using the American Red Cross as an example potential communication goals identified, in the context of the current issues of faced by the organization. Following the establishment of the goals, the identity and profile the target markets is determined, the message developed, the communication channels selected and a plan for implementation is presented. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Nursing Theory Selection and Implementation

    A 14 page paper evaluating whether Leininger's or Roy's nursing theory is best suited to the endoscopy and day surgery clinical setting. This is not an area in which nurses have opportunity to develop long-term relationships with patients, which is the focus of both these theories. In that context, communication is seen as the most critical point of either theory in the specific clinical setting. In those areas in which cultural sensitivity can be attained with the knowledge and language of only one or two other cultures, the hospital seeking to implement Leininger's model should undertake to fully operate within the contexts of those cultures. In those areas of far greater diversity (i.e., urban areas), a better choice would be for the hospital to provide interpreters for those patients from a culture of which the nurse has little knowledge. "Interpreting" refers primarily to language, but also addresses cultural mores and attitudes. The point is to meet the patient where s/he lives. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Sports Coverage and the Media II

    In this well-reasoned 6 page essay, the writer discusses what the media's ethical responsibilities should be in covering sports-related issues & events and how these measure up with reality. It is argued that the media spends too much time influencing the opinions of fans while it should really be providing objective news. Ultimately, the media's poor coverage of sports helps ruin the private lives of athletes, creates dishonesty among players & coaches, and in the specific case of college sports,-- helps draw the spotlight away from education itself. Recommended ideas about what the media should be doing are presented. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Does the Media Manipulate Presidential Politics?

    In 3 pages, the author discusses the role of the media in presidential politics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Media Violence Influences Teen Violence

    A 5 page essay/research paper that presents the argument that media violence is a direct cause of teen violence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Media Ethics Case Study Analysis

    This 5 page paper evaluates a case study on media ethics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Media and Body Image

    A 7 page paper which examines how media influences body image in the United States. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Advertising and Consumerism

    A 3 page paper which examines the impact of print media advertising on consumerism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Copyright and Music Streams

    This 3 page paper examines this new controversy in media law. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Eating Disorders, Body Dissatisfaction and the Media

    This 6 page paper discusses the impact media images have on self-perception, body-satisfaction and eating disorders. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Media Ethics Case Study Analysis

    This 5 page paper evaluates a case study on media ethics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • United Kingdom and Developments in its Mass Media History

    A 5 page paper which examines the history of significant developments in mass media within the UK. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review to Identify Gap in Research of E-Learning Will Use in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

    There is a great potential for benefits from e-learning for training and development in small to medium-sized enterprises. This 10 page paper considers the barriers that may be in place for effective use of e-learning by small to medium-size enterprises. The paper conducts a literature review concerning use of e-learning in order to identify potential gap in the research and then considers a viable research question it may be utilized to help SMEs overcome the barriers which exist. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Critique of "Computers in Clinical Assessment: Historical Developments, Present Status, and Future Challenges"

    A 3 page paper critique of a paper appearing in the Journal of Clinical Psychology discussing various types of assessment that have used the Internet as the medium. The authors suggest that the single most inhibiting factor preventing more widespread use of Internet-based testing is that of copyright and other intellectual property restrictions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Effects of Violence in the Media

    Violence as portrayed by the television, film, and music industries is discussed in this 25 page paper. Actual cases of copycat crimes are noted in addition to a section devoted to the effects of music videos. A discussion on video games is also included. Solutions to the problem are provided, including a discussion on the new V-chip technology and the new television rating system. The paper is replete with references to the latest studies on media violence. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Today's Youth and Counterculture Force Feeding

    Counterculture Force Fed to Today’s Youth?: This 8-page essay examines how today’s dark counterculture is marketed to modern day youth, what at stake, and how music (and other media) contributes to its ribald success. Only by committing oneself to an ongoing program of talking to, listening to and systematically monitoring this demographic group can one hope to profit from this burgeoning market. Bibliography lists 6 sources. SNCountr.doc

  • This 3-page paper discusses the debate regarding digital rights management and whether people should have access to online media such as music, movies and video games. It also discusses watermarking techniques. There are 2 sources cited.

  • A Four Cities' Analysis

    This 9 page paper is a totally fictitious analysis of different demographic aspects of four areas, showing how to analysis different factors such as income, ethnicity, music preference, number o f children and use of the media. The paper shows how to use cross tabulation in essay format. The statistics used are fabricated. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • The Dissemination and Marketing of Music from Tin Pan Alley to the Modern Day

    This 8 page paper looks at the way music has been distributed and marketed from the latter part of the nineteenth century and the role of Tin Pan Alley up until the model day of the internet and the iPod. Included in the paper is consideration of the impact of technology including records, cassette tapes, CD's and MP3 files as well as the role of the media. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Origins of Blues Music

    A 10 page research paper which examines the origins of the blues and how this musical medium grew out of African-American culture as an expression of protest against the society which suppressed them. The writer covers such topics as the history of the blues, as well as spotlighting African-American artists whose works were instrumental in forming the blues as we know it today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Music as a Character in Meet Me in St. Louis and 42nd Street

    This 5 page report discusses the “role” of music “Meet Me in St. Louis” and “Forty Second Street” and the ways in which the movie directors integrate the music into the overall theme and action of the story. The movie musical is an example of how media shaped culture. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Early Cognitive Theorists

    A 3 page paper that briefly describes the theories of these three cognitive psychology theorists. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Leisure Theory and the Absence of Jungian Psychology

    This 12 page paper provides an overview of views on the reason why Jungian psychology is absent from leisure theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Child Development and Sigmund Freud

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of Freud's maternal attachment theory and underscores its importance for understanding child psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of 3 Psychological Theories

    This 4 page paper compares contrasts three psychological theories: behaviorism, cultural psychology and cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Piaget and Vygotsky/Theories of Child Development

    A 3 page research paper that describes the child development theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura

    A 7 page paper that discusses Albert Bandura's social learning theory and comments on its impact on curriculum design. Bandura believed that learning occurs by observing others. His theory became the bridge between behaviorism and cognitivism. The four components or steps in the theory are explained. Bandura's thoughts on self-regulation are also discussed. The writer also discusses the relationship between social learning theory and lifelong learning goals and reports a program that uses the concepts to reduce physical aggression in children. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Psychological Theory and Wundt's Role

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the role of Wundt in the creation of psychological theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Major Pedagogical and Educational Psychology Theories

    This 4 page paper discusses some of the teaching and educational psychological theories in the U.S., U.K. and elsewhere. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Virginia Henderson's Nursing Theory of Independence

    A 2 page paper which examines the nursing theory of independence, developed by renowned nursing scholar Virginia Henderson. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Virginia Henderson/Neonatal Application

    A 5 page essay that, first of all, addresses the parameters of the theoretical perspective on nursing that was developed by Virginia Henderson. The basic assumptions and major points of Henderson's theory are summarized, which includes briefly addressing how she perceives the four meta-paradigms of nursing (i.e., person, environment health and nursing). Then, a clinical application of this nursing theory is discussed. Specifically, the research conducted by Ahmed (2008), which describes a successful educational intervention that was undertaken with the mothers of pre-term infants in regards to breastfeeding, is described and then discussed in terms of Henderson's theory. This discussion demonstrates the utility and versatility of Henderson's theoretical perspective and why this theory is highly applicable to neonatal nursing. This paper also includes an abstract which is 117 words in length and included as part of the page count. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sports Training and Expectancy Theory

    A 3 page paper discussing the three components of expectancy theory and relating the concept to sports training. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Attention Control Theory

    This 3 page paper examines attention control theory. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Literature Review on Uninhibited Internet Effects and Safeguards

    This 5 page paper explores several topics related to internet censorship and social theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    This 7-page paper focuses on Plas Tech Ltd., and answers questions about management theory and styles.

  • Ethical Theories and Norma Rae

    A paper which looks at the film Norma Rae from the perspective of various ethical theories, including utilitarianism, consequentialism and Kant's deontology.

  • Class Struggles, and the Value Labor Theory of Karl Marx

    This 4-page paper discusses Marx's labor theory of values and compares it to the paper on "The Other Civil War."

  • Samuel Walker, the Wedding Cake, and Criminal Justice

    A 4 page paper which examines and discusses Samuel Walker’s theory of criminal justice as it involves the wedding cake. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Howard Gardner and Multiple Intelligences

    This 8 page paper discusses the life and contributions of psychologist Howard Gardner, who devised the theory of multiple intelligences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Perception of the Self - Explanations from Baumeister and Cooley

    This 7 page paper discusses Cooley’s and Baumeister’s theories with regard to how we form our opinion of ourselves. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Methodologies of Sociological Research

    A paper which looks at sociological research methodologies, with particular reference to the conflict and rational-utilitarian perspectives of sociological theory.


    This 12-page paper discusses balanced scorecard theory and how it might fit into Apple Inc.'s culture. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Reinforcement with High School Students

    A 3 page research paper that discusses Skinner's theory of reinforcement and its application in high school classrooms. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Data Compression

    This 8 page paper discusses aspects of data compression including its theory and how it works. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Activity Cycles

    A five page paper which looks at the Montessori theory of child development and education with particular reference to cycles of activity.

  • Literature Review on Uninhibited Internet Effects and Safeguards

    This 5 page paper explores several topics related to internet censorship and social theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    This 7-page paper explains the basis of the Modern Portfolio Theory, and its weaknesses.Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Analysis of "I Have a Dream" Speech by Martin Luther King

    An 8 pages analysis of Dr. King's famous speech, drawing on Kenneth Burke's Theory of Dramatism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Conditioning and Theory

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of three specific questions on classical conditioning and conditioning theories. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Jurors in the OJ Trial and Group Dynamics

    This 5 page report discusses theories of group dynamics as they apply to the jurors at the O.J. Simpson trial. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Modern Human Behavior and Theory of Classical Virtue

    A 5 page paper that considers whether the ethics of classical virtue theory can be applied to contemporary human behaviors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Philosophy, Ideology, Theory and the Teaching Profession

    This 3 page paper discusses the terms "philosophy," "ideology" and "theory" and how they relate to the teaching profession. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Trade Economic Theories

    This 3 page essay discusses economic theories of trade in terms of comparative advantages and other fundamental determinants of trade. Bibliography lists one source.

  • Operations and Uses of Cellular Phones

    This 15-page-paper considers cellular phones, their history and their operation, including digital CDMA. Additionally health aspects and security concerns are also discussed. As are their variety of uses and the suspected health hazards and the security issues surrounding this form of communication. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Causes and Suggestions in the Debate of Academic Underachievement vs. Academic Achievement

    A 5 page discussion of the factors which determine success or failure in the college environment. Identifies a student’s determination to succeed as being the primary factor in success. Emphasizes the importance of communication skills in the process. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Common Sense and Artificial Intelligence

    In 7 pages, the author discusses why common sense in among the greatest challenge faced by the artificial intelligence field and how the understanding of intelligence helps us with human communication. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • TV Commercials and Use of Ethnic Dialects

    This 5 page report discusses the use of ethnic dialects in common television advertising and what it says about advertisers’ attempts to sell a product through the communication of commonality (people just like those in the viewing audience buy a certain product) or certain ideals (the very “best” people prefer this brand over that brand). In addition, as cultural and racial diversity has become more acceptable in American society, it has also become more popular or “chic” to present a product as having the hallmarks of uniqueness or that diversity. No secondary sources.

  • William Ouchi, Walter Powell, 'Clans' and Organizational Networks

    This 5 page report discusses the ideas of Walter Powell regarding organizational networks and those of William Ouchi talking about “clans.” Powell is talking about the type of organization that is not hampered by artificial constraints that prohibit open and free-flowing communication and exchange. Ouchi presents the idea that individuals and organizations exist in what can best be defined as modern-day “clans.” No secondary sources.

  • Adaptable Intellegence User Interfaces and Human Computer Communications

    A 10 page paper that defines and examines adaptable intelligent user interfaces developed through computer technology and how these interfaces are used in human computer communications. The first generation of these interfaces and how they were implemented is discussed as well as future visions for the next generation of interfaces. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Equus by Peter Shaffer and its Themes

    This 5 page paper delves into themes present in Equus. Emphasis is on Alan's upbringing and themes include religion, communication and cultural relativity. No additional sources cited.

  • Skills Needed for the Public Relations Profession

    This 5 page paper examines the field of public relations and specifically looks at the skills a person needs to possess when embarking on such a career. Skills discussed include communication, research, negotiation, creativity, and problem solving. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Marriage Views of Henrik Ibsen

    This 5 page paper focuses on four themes of marriage that Ibsen exemplifies in his works Ghosts, A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler. The four characteristics of marriage that the author focuses on is the lack of independence for the female, a lack of communication between the couple, lust in the female heart and a lack of regard for commitment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Logistic Management at McDonalds

    This 13 page paper looks at four components of logistics management; transportation, unitisation and packaging, storage and communications. The fast food chain McDonalds is examined by looking at way each of these logistical functions are undertaken within the firm. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Evolution of the Wireless Communications Industry

    A 6 page paper that presents a basic overview of the wireless communications industry. The writer discusses the evolution of the industry, revenues and projected revenues, major players, driving forces, advances made, and the outlook for the future. 1 graph is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Critiquing the Vietnam War Through Film

    9 pages in length. Hollywood creates films for more than just the entertainment factor. Writers and directors team up as a means by which to offer personal insight to the given subject through a well-received and popular medium. Opinion of and criticism for the Vietnam War is one of the most widely held of all Hollywood foci when it comes to presenting critique of wartime activities, with such films as Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Oliver Stone's Born on the Fourth of July and Platoon, Michael Cimino's The Deer Hunter, Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket and John Wayne's The Green Berets reflecting but a handful of movies offering viewers critical comment from the production perspective. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Reception Theory and Films Star Wars and Star Trek

    A 6 page research paper that explores the topic of reception theory in regards to the Star Wars and Star Trek films. Henry Jenkins (2001) points out that film fans appropriate materials from film, television and other forms of popular culture as the basis for their won cultural production" (p. 175). Through the framework provided by reception theory, Jenkins goes on to explore how this fan appropriation of film content is directly connected to the manner in which individual viewers regard specific films (2001). This sort of film appropriation and personal interpretation is particularly evident in regards to the Star Wars and Star Trek films. In both cases, the fans of these films have interpreted them in light of their personal perspectives, incorporating their interpretations of the films into the fabric of their daily lives. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Women and Augustinian Laws

    8 pages in length. The philosophy in question is that of Augustinianism, the theory of Christian Idealism, which is based upon the theology of Augustine of Hippo (354-430) who is considered to be the greatest theologian of the early church. His theory is that of reality, absolute theism. Reality is God, who is Being. Being is good; non-Being is evil. He wrote that God has personality and gives reality to phenomena. As the Supreme Person, God exercises perfect will by which the world is created from nothing. The writer discusses how there were significant patriarchal underpinnings when it came to the treatment of women under Roman law, which effectively forced the female gender into a life of prostitution. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Medieval Drama and Its Messages

    A 14 page paper discussing the means that medieval guilds used to promote political and religious ideology using plays as the medium. There was only a single church, and it sought to provide plays to act out important events described in the Bible. Plays grew in scope and size and were obliged to move outdoors where laymen took over the production duties, those laymen generally were members of the various guilds operational in local areas. Guilds were dedicated to business among the merchants and high quality among the craftsmen, and their leaders came to be highly involved in local politics. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Scott Joplin & George Gershwin

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares composers Scott Joplin (1867-1917) and George Gershwin (1898-1937), who were born a generation apart, but their music is intimately connected, in that jazz arose out of the legacy of ragtime, which was highly influenced by Joplin and jazz was the natural medium for the music of Gershwin. The two composers also bear other similarities. Each man had ambitions of writing art music, that is, music that would be taken seriously by music critics. Both Joplin and Gershwin enjoyed fame within their lifetimes, and their music has proven to be highly influential on subsequent composers. However, both men had difficulty having their classical works receive the due notice that these works deserved because of their association with the realm of popular music. However, ironically, both men are remembered today for the ways in which they advanced the art of popular music, taking it into new realms. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sexuality and Gender Dichotomy Deconstruction

    This 5 page paper considers two separate issues, the deconstructing of the dichotomy of gender and sexuality and the issue of the portrayal of women in the mass media. This paper assesses the view of women, the subjugation of women based on sexuality, and the impacts for eating disorders. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Soap Operas And Language

    10 pages in length. Most people watch a television program without any knowledge of how their visual/auditory senses are being manipulated by myriad signs and symbols; in other words, viewers are led down a pathway that instructs how, when and to what extent they will react depending upon the stimulus. Soap operas present some of the most appropriate examples of this type of communicative process whereby language blends with other visual and auditory cues to create an interactive premise that establishes the extent of viewers' role and involvement. This inherent connection between semiotic language and social psychology in relation to media study helps to facilitate an understanding of corresponding developments that have come about over the past several decades in response to soap opera connotation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Group Work and Alderian Therapy

    A 6 page paper discussing Adler’s Individual Psychology, group counseling theory and cultural characteristics of Hispanic Americans. Adler’s motivational theory is directly applicable to Hispanic Americans. The group approach can be useful with Hispanic Americans because it is a natural, comfortable approach for them culturally. If the group counselor can successfully facilitate substitution of groups, then the group approach should be quite successful with Hispanic Americans. It allows individuals to enjoy a comfortable and known setting while navigating previously-uncharted territories, allowing them to place more direct attention on the issues at hand. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Learning How to Drive and the Lessons Learned Along the Way

    This 11 page paper considers the development personal practice and skills by looking at a learning experience; the way in which driving is learnt. The paper begins with a fictional account of the experience of learning to drive,. This is the examined with reference to learning theories, such as Lewin and Klob and motivation theory of Maslow. With this understanding the value of learning new skills can then be understood when it is a potential re-offender who is undertaking the learning. A lesson that has been enhanced by beginning the process from a personal rather than a theoretical perceptive. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Managerial Control, Organizational Learning, and Theory

    A 32 page paper discussing how these organizational characteristics can be matched with theory in devising a qualitative case study. Organizational culture, politics and power all combine to contribute to defining the organization. Each of these qualities is integral to every functioning organization, but extant literature indicates that they are only rarely considered as separate entities. Each can have direct effect on how well the organization is able to respond to changes in its markets, however. The paper discusses the characteristics and provides examples within the theories of Chris Argyris, Deming and others. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Deafness and Differing Perceptions

    This 3 page report discusses three different views of deafness: 1) a medical view which sees deafness as a medical problem to be cured; 2) a communicative view, which takes deafness to be an impediment to effective communication with others, and; 3) the cultural view, which focuses on the distinctive cultural heritage and patterns of the signing deaf community. Positive and negative aspects of each view are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Communication Barriers to Emergency Medical Services to Homeless, Transsexuals, and Prostitutes

    This is a 6 page paper with added tutorial language discussing the emergency medical services communication barriers which exist in the special populations of prostitutes, transsexuals and homeless populations. Although various emergency and health care services are offered in Toronto and the province of Ontario, the populations of homeless people, prostitutes and transsexuals are reluctant to use these services. All three of these populations have reported harassment, and “treat ‘em and street ‘em” minimal services from emergency health care services. This adds to the reluctance to contact these services in addition to the fear of contacting official agencies because of the legal implications. Incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and underage prostitution in addition to the high degree of violence associated with prostitution lead to an obvious initial degree of reluctance to contact authorities in regards to emergency assistance. Unfortunately, these populations have a higher need of emergency services than most due to the increase risk of substance abuse, exposure to disease and in the case of transsexuals, complications due to the administration of hormones. Despite the findings from most studies, initial examination of services offered in homeless shelters in the Toronto area show that these first contact agencies do not include access to emergency and health care services. In order to improve communication to these populations first contact should perhaps be instigated through these initial services. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Chameleon Street Film and Black Aesthetic Theory

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the discourse used in terms of black aesthetic theory in the film “Chameleon Street” directed by Wendell B. Harris Jr. Unlike the other films released during the early 1990s by other African-American directors who demonstrated the black urban “other” aspects of black critical theory, Harris’ portrayal of con man Douglas Street whose adaptable persona came to be recognized as the inner African-American psyche in today’s society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Effects of Media on Sexuality

    This 3 page paper examines media messages regarding sexuality and talks about whether they are positive or negative. Various examples are provided including images of girls kissing, escapades of Britney Spears and the Dove campaign to promote healthy body images. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Image Analysis Of Two Different Advertisements

    3 pages in length. The desire to enhance physical features with such tools as color and adhering objects to the body has held historical importance throughout the human time line. Whether for personal or cultural identity, adorning the body serves to distinguish social status and gender; some cultures engage in the practice of physical mutilation as an expression of beauty while others cover their flesh in permanent artwork. Contemporary society has not only continued the practice of personal adornment as a statement of identity but has done so to the point of tapping into the duality of vanity and insecurity, with women especially being targeted to always second guess their beauty by the barometer of media influence. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Will Margin Trading in Russia Increasing Volatility and Instability of the Russian Stock Markets?

    This 47 page paper assesses the potential impact of margin trading on the Russian stock markets. The paper gives an introduction with aims and objectives and the research methodology based on examining existing literature and models and applying them to modern Russia. An in-depth literature review examines the concept of margin trading and the different theories regarding its impact on the volatility of stock markets. The paper goes on to examine the development of the investment environment within Russia in order to determine the types of investors which at present within the market to facilitate the application of margin trading theories to this developing market. The paper finishes with a conclusion arguing that margin trading is likely to have a negative effect on the Russian stock markets due to the investment culture, stock market pressures and general trading patterns which are already present with in the stock market. The bibliography cites 34 sources.

  • Nursing and the Holism Concept

    A 5 page overview of the concept of holism as it applies to nursing. This paper contends that the concept of holism is integrally linked with the goals and objectives of nursing. Holism, after all, embodies the concept of healing. Holism embodies another concept as well, however, that is the concept of caring. It is a concept which is intimately entwined with energy flows, touch, and complimentary or alternative therapies but it is also a concept which can be compared with such prominent nursing theories as Hildegard Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing and the Interaction Between Theory, Research, and Practice

    An 11 page paper discussing the interaction of theory, practice and research in nursing. The practical aspect of nursing can be viewed as that point of overlap of three intersecting circles of a Venn diagram, with the circles of the diagram being theory, practice and research. Each of the entities exists separately and can be treated or regarded as a separate entity, but each also is affected by the other. Where they come within proximity of each other, they overlap to product a smaller area that contains all of them. This point is the ideal position of today's nurse. The paper briefly discusses Roy and Leininger and more completely discusses Orem. Application is to intensive care nursing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Leadership in Nursing

    An 8 page research paper that, first of all, examines the difference between leadership and management concepts while also providing a personal philosophy of leadership. From this orientation, suggestions are then offered that illustrate how team building concepts and organizational theory, including change theory, can be applied to nursing clinical practice. Contemporary nursing is a constantly advancing, changing field in which knowledge is advancing in all specialty fields at an accelerated rate. In order for nurses to continue to offer the optimum in evidence-based patient care, there must be a synthesis between leadership and management that encourages nurses to keep "at the top of their game" and thereby reach their full potential as healthcare professionals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • McCubbin and Patterson/Double ABCX Model of Family Stress

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the Double ABCX Model of Family Adjustment and Adaptation, developed by McCubbin and Patterson in 1983, which refers to family stress that accumulates and becomes problematic within a short period of time, that is, periods when there is “stressor pile-up” (Laszloffy 206). This discussion of this model, first of all, offers a brief overview of the theory’s components and its principal strengths and weaknesses. Then, a research study that uses the model is summarized, which demonstrates the model’s utility to nursing practice, before closing with remarks about ideas for future research that will continue the development of this theory for use in family nursing practice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Fictional Family Unit and Application of Family Theory

    A 26 page paper dissecting the family depicted in the movie “The Birdcage” for the purpose of assessing according to family and nursing theory. The paper briefly describes the film and applicability of nursing theory and intervention both to individual family members and to the family unit as a whole. The largest section of the paper evaluates the family in terms of Friedemann’s Family Assessment (long form). The paper concludes that even though the family depicted (a middle-aged gay couple and a grown heterosexual son) carries a nontraditional appearance, it is nonetheless highly traditional in terms of values and commitment to other family members. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Ida J. Orlando And Hildegard E. Peplau: Theoretical Application To Eating Disorders

    14 pages in length. Nursing's primary focus is to complement the patient by providing a combination of physical care and the psychological assurance so often needed in such vulnerable situations. Those suffering with eating disorders experience an inordinately level of emotional imbalance that can be attributed to myriad environmental factors, not the least of which includes the detrimental influence of popular culture. In order to reach these individuals where they will not only hear what they are being told but also adhere to it requires an intrinsic connection inherent to both Peplau and Orlando's theories, the fundamental basis of which is cultivating a relationship between nurse and patient to the point where it goes far beyond the conventional - and often perfunctory - pleasantries typically exchanged within the facility atmosphere. A deeper and more genuine interface with the patient will bring about positive results unlike many other theories. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Road to Malpsychia by Joyce Milton

    A 10 page book review of Joyce Milton's The Road to Malpsychia. In the parlance of author Joyce Milton, "malpsychia" means "bad psychology" and this is precisely what her analysis of 1960's humanistic psychology addresses. Specifically, Milton argues that prevalent psychological theories and related ideas culminated in the counter-culture of the 1960s. Milton focuses specifically on the theories of psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, but she also addresses the influence of LSD proponent Timothy Leary and his colleague Richard Alpert, as well as others. In short, this book offers a detailed and critical description of the evolution of humanistic psychology in the twentieth century, while also raising questions about the influence of psychology on societal mores and ideals. As this suggests, the author's purpose is to discredit the field of humanistic psychology--actually, psychology in general--where it serves to promote secular or humanistic interests. The writer disagrees with Milton's premise and argues against it. No additional sources cited.

  • Simultaneous Distribution in the Film Industry

    A 4 page paper discussing the relatively new approach of releasing new films to all media simultaneously. Steven Soderbergh's (Sex, Lies, and Videotape, Traffic, Ocean's Eleven) Bubble was released simultaneously to theatres, DVD and pay-per-view in January 2006; theatres refused to show the film in protest. Movie theatre operators would do well to choose to address this shift of power within the industry rather than resist it, because simultaneous distribution is likely to gain in popularity for low-budget films. Traditional studios will need to provide greater incentives to theatres before choosing to make all of their products available through simultaneous distribution. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Value of Mentoring in the Nursing Profession

    An 11 page paper discussing the value of mentoring in nursing. Mentoring is a nursing practice that is simultaneously informal and prescribed in the organization supporting it. In those organizations most devoted to improvement in all areas of operation, mentoring can be a valuable tool in improving patient outcome while enhancing efforts to recruit and retain high-quality nursing staff. The experienced nurse provides personal navigation for the new graduate who has studied theory and now is faced with putting it into practice. The mentor explains and demonstrates approaches and rationale, and gives practical meaning to all those theories the new graduate has studied but not yet put into practice. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Personal Nursing Model Using the Self Care Deficit Theory of Orem

    A 5 page research paper that uses Dorothy Orem's model of nursing as a guide to creating a personal model. Dorothy Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory is one of the most often used models employed in general nursing practice (Horan, Doran and Timmins, 2004). This is primarily due to the fact that Orem's view of nursing corresponds with one of the most foundational tenets in nursing, which is that nursing intervention should facilitate the re-establishment of the self-care capacity of the patient. The tenets of Orem's theory are explored from an overall perspective and this information is then utilized in designing a personal conceptual model for nursing practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ekman et al's Smiles When Lying

    This 5-page paper offers a literature review to support contentions made in the paper "Smiles when Lying," by Ekman et al. The paper discusses results of similar studies and theories. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Madness, Nature, and Cognitive Psychology

    This 12 page paper provides an overview of some of the basic elements of cognitive psychology, including Erikson's theories. This paper integrates a view of cognitive psychology that can be used in an understanding of nature and madness. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Beginnings of Behaviorism

    A 3 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of what the term zeitgeist means. The paper discusses how behaviorism became the zeitgeist of psychology in the early 1900s. Examples of behaviorists and their theories are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Psychology and Love

    A 12 page analysis of the concept of "love" from a socio-psychological perspective. The writer looks at the historical theories of Freud, Rogers, Roche & Ramsbey, and others. Behavior patterns during "intimate" love relationships are examined and a discussion is provided of several documented studies in the field. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Psychology Questions and Answers

    This 16 page paper is similar to the paper entitled Questions and Answers in Psychology and refers only to Gerrig & Zimbardo's text Psychology and Life. Topics for this paper include social psychology, personality theories, motivation, abnormal psychology and schizophrenia, and information about Maslow's hierarchy. Terms are defined and fully explained. The paper is written in a simple Q & A format. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Middle Range Nursing Theories, An Overview

    A 6 page research paper that examines several middle range nursing theories, offering discussion of their development, analyzing their content and utility. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Lazard and the Investment Banking Industry

    This 42 page paper is written in two parts. The first and largest part is an examination of the investment banking industry using a range of models, including a PEST analysis, Porters Five Forces Model, strategic group mapping, price and quantity dynamics, game theory, Yip's global drivers, Porters Diamond, Barlett and Goshal's model and the Uppsala Model. The second part of the paper examines Lazard using the tools of Mckinsey's 7 S's Model, Ansoff's Matrix, Porters generic strategies, BCG Matrix and the blue ocean strategy. The bibliography cites 38 sources.

  • Leininger's Culture Care Nursing Theory

    A 7 page research paper that investigates Leininger's Culture Care Nursing Theory and transcultural orientation in regards to implementation in a hospital setting. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Gestalt Psychology - A Confluence of Influence

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the influences in Gestalt psychology. Contributions from early thinkers are explored, as well as the role of Gestalt theory in the development of cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Jean Watson's Nursing Theory

    An 8 page research paper that discusses Watson's Theory of Caring, its major concepts and the way in which the four nursing meta-paradigms of person, health, nursing and environment can be applied to a hypothetical caring moment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Putting Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort in Practice

    A 7 page paper examining Kolcaba's theory of nursing and how to put it into practice. Many of the technological advances in medicine and nursing have focused far more on processes and outcome benefits than on the comfort of the patient. Kolcaba (2008) holds that greater comfort translates to greater attention to the health-seeking behaviors (HSBs) that can enhance long-term health and wellbeing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Studies: Identifying the Underlying Theoretical Frameworks

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of nursing theories. A nursing study is analyzed in terms of Watson's philosophy of care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Are All Nursing Degrees Created Equal?

    A 3 page paper weighing the differences between the associates degree and bachelors degree routes to achieving RN status. Both have solid clinical experience, as well as technical training. The BSN degree, with an additional two years, provides more time for study of nursing theory and application to the clinical setting, while the AND degree puts the nurse to work more quickly. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Neuman Systems Model

    A 12 page research paper that examines this model. Nursing theorist Betty Neuman’s Systems Model Theory is one of the most widely utilized model of nursing being used today. This critique of Neuman’s model draws on literature in order to offer an extensive overview of its theoretical structure and its subsequent utility in regards to nursing practice, education, research and administration. This evaluation will also consider pluralism, ethical considerations and gender bias, as well as strengths and weaknesses, when discussing Neuman’s model in regards to achieving nursing goals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing and the Theory of Interpersonal Relations by Hildegard Peplau

    A 12 page research paper that discusses, describes and evaluates Hildegard Peplau's Interpersonal Relations Theory of nursing. The writer discusses concepts, applications and utility to nursing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Personal Nursing Philosophy

    This 3 page research paper/essay offers suggestions to a nursing student on how to go about describing the student's personal nursing philosophy, which draws upon Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • BSN Advantages and the Selection of Nursing as a Career

    A 5 page research paper that explores, first of all, why individuals choose nursing as a career. The writer discusses this point from a stance that draws on nursing theory, and then discusses the benefits of a BSN. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Jean Watson, Nursing Theorist

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the career and philosophy of nursing theorist Jean Watson. The writer briefly discusses Dr. Watson's biography but then concentrates on discussing her Theory of Human Caring and its implications to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 4 Questions Pertaining to Nursing

    A 4 page research paper that provides brief answer to 4 nursing questions. These questions cover the topics of defining paradigm and model; differentiating between medical model and wellness model; defining theory and discussing its application in nursing; and the utility of psychoneuroimmunology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dealing with Change/Miami Valley Hospital

    A 3 page research paper that offers advice to a nursing student on how to address the change occurring within the student’s workplace, which is Miami Valley Hospital located in Dayton, Ohio. The writer summarizes literature on nurse/patient ratios and change theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theory and Nursing

    A 6 page research paper in which the writer explores this question. Basically, the writer argues that nursing does need theory, but the research also explores why some nurses differ from this view. Both sides of the debate are presented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Advanced Practice Nursing Care and Ida Jean Orlando's Theory

    This 12 page paper relates the basic components of Orlando's views. Ida Jean Orlando’s Deliberate Process of Nursing is what has been deemed one of the “interpersonal process theories” that focuses the relationship between the nurse and the patient. In the labor and delivery unit, advanced practice nurses often take an active role in the process of care, recognizing first that patients can participate in the process and work to meet their own needs. This paper also relates some other views, including those of Dorothea Orem. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Maslow And Nursing

    A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to Maslow's hierarchy and then briefly explains each of the levels in the hierarchy. The writer then discusses the implications of the theory to nursing, emphasizing the need for nurses to remember what level most of their patients are on. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Analysis on an Article About Caring and Science

    A 3 page article analysis that examines "Science, technology, caring and the professions: are they compatible?" by nurses Hawthorne and Yurkovich (1995). These authors express their concern that caring has declined as a value among various professions. The writer summarizes the article and then critiques it, comparing it to two nursing theories that emphasize caring. Bibliography lists 3 sources, but one reference is incomplete.

  • Nursing Models and Theories of Erickson and Orem

    This 8 page paper provides a comparative view of the nursing models outlined by Orem and Erickson. This paper integrates a comparative assessment of both of their theories and applies them to nursing care. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • Nursing Self Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem

    A 3 page research paper that outlines Orem's self-deficit theory of nursing and then discusses specific applications to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Counseling a Dysfunctional Family with Obesity

    This 4 page paper discusses the ways in which a community health nurse could use the "family as a client" approach, the structural-functional theory and evidence based nursing to counsel a dysfunctional family with obesity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer

    An 8 page paper that discusses the story of Dr. Farmer. The writer comments on his character and beliefs and reports some examples. The writer also comments on how this book can inspire nurses, which leads to a discussion of certain nursing theories. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Historical Development of Nursing Theory

    This 4 page paper presents a timeline of developments in nursing starting with Florence Nightingale, outlining the development in nursing theory to the modern times. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Importance of Nursing Theory

    A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses this topic. The writer first offers several definitions of nursing theory and then discusses its importance to nursing professionalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Developments In Forensic Nursing

    A 6 page paper defining forensic nursing, examining its origins and commenting on its likely future. Forensic nursing requires that nurses observe abnormalities and investigate their possible causes for the purpose of identifying either an abuse or an abuser. The paper mentions the theory of Nightingale and Betty Neuman in terms of comforting the patient while simultaneously viewing her as a part of a larger system. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Nursing Theory Practical Integration

    A 20 page paper discussing reflections of a nurse working in bone marrow transplant. The paper discusses the qualities that are unique to this department and to the patients within it, and relates several nursing theories to the area. Those of Neuman, King and Rogers are seen as being most applicable and useful here. The nurse as compassionate educator holds a position that can be a source of encouragement for these patients dealing with sudden, unexpected and unwanted surprises in their lives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nursing Philosophy and Parse's Theory of Human Becoming

    A 9 page research paper that delineates nursing philosophy, first of all, by epistemology, ontology and ethics, and then examines how personal nursing philosophy can be informed by Parse's Theory of Human Becoming. The final section of proposes a personal viewpoint toward the epistemology of nursing research. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theory-Driven Praxis—Personal Framework

    A 12 page research paper that offers guidelines to a student in regards to creating a personal theory-drive framework intended to guide the student's nursing practice. The meta-paradigms of nursing are defined, as well as the basic principles of nursing ethics, and related to the theoretical perspective of Newman and Reed. The student's focus of practice is pain management for the elderly and this is the focus of the paper. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 3 Nursing Theories as They Pertain to Geriatrics

    This 6 page research paper examines the nursing theories of Florence Nightingale, Dorothea Orem and Jean Watson in order to discuss how they are applicable to nursing within a nursing home environment. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Anxiety Concept Analysis

    This 15 page paper outlines a concept analysis of anxiety. This paper recognizes that concept analysis not only provides insight into the impacts of a certain concept on the development of nursing protocols, but also promotes understanding of the application of a concept in the development of both nursing theory and nursing practice. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Theoretical Perspectives on Nursing

    A 14 page research paper in which the writer aids a nursing student in reflecting on the four metaparadigms of nursing (person, environment, health and nursing) in relation to Mezirow's theory of transformative learning. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • 4 Traditional Metaparadigms in Nursing

    5 pages in length. The student discusses the four traditional nursing metaparadigms – nursing, environment, health and person – by offering various nursing theories as examples. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nurse Practitioners Article, a Critique

    A 4 page critique of a qualitative study using grounded theory as its theoretical framework. Martin and Hutchinson (1999) set out to identify social and operational problems faced by Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in their daily routines, focusing on negative aspects of the NP position. Though their motives are sound, the conclusions they reach as a result of their study likely should be viewed as a beginning point of investigation rather than as any sound conclusion regarding the state of NP practice. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Relationship Between Psychiatric Nurse and Patient

    A 9 page research paper that discusses the nurse-patient relationship, past and present. This examination of nursing literature presents an overview of the nurse-patient therapeutic relationship--its foundation in nursing theory; the factors that influence its success or failure, and, most importantly, the theoretical perspective that is being offered for the future of mental health nursing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing Relevance of Jean Watson's Theory of Caring

    In ten pages, this paper discusses theorist Jean Watson and her caring theory within the context of its continuing relevance to nurse practitioners, particularly within a pain management setting. Twelve sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Interview/Diabetic Nurse Educator

    A 4 page research paper that describes an interview conducted with an MSN-prepared nursing educator. The writer discusses this nurse educator's beliefs regarding how theory is used in her practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Theory and Nurse Leadership

    A 5 page paper discussing a nurse leader at Allenmore Hospital in Washington, D.C., describing the setting in which the nurse leader works and the manner by which she leads people reporting to her. The paper also includes discussion about contingency theory and situational leadership. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mamawawa, Sleep, Drug Addiction and Other Issues

    This 16 page paper includes several sections. Topic headings are: Weight loss program including discussion of set point; mamawawa premise; sleep; stages of sleep; health hazards of drug addiction; positive incentive theory of addiction and an outline for a research paper on autism. Each section includes its own bibliography. Total Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Topics in Social Psychology

    This 20 page paper discusses specific topics within Social Psychology: Events that influenced the field; Milgram study ethics; cognition errors; attribution theory; attitudes and public service announcements and changing attitudes. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Nursing and Employment Satisfaction

    An 8 page paper addressing the problem of stress and job satisfaction in the nursing profession. The paper includes a literature review and a proposed intervention that ultimately is taken over by the nurses themselves. A facilitator initiates the intervention and conducts a two-hour training overview, but then the nurses themselves meet later to discuss those issues important to them at the time. Underlying theory is that of the Neuman Systems Model, except in this case it is the nurse being focused on, rather than the patient. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Performance of Teams and Project Management

    A 9 page paper. Projects fail more often then they succeed, which is why it is so important for the project manager to know how to establish a team and how to influence their performance. Project managers face any number of challenges, such as the cross-functional matrix team and the geographically-dispersed team. This essay discusses what is needed for projects to succeed, the skills and knowledge the manager needs to have, the most effective techniques to overcome the 'authority gap' and the strongest influencers to motivate team members. The essay also comments on the group and team development process and on motivation theories. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Singapore Management Style

    A 15 page paper assessing Singapore’s readiness for participative management. This paper reviews views of business in terms of Asian culture and Singapore’s unique position to determine whether participative management is appropriate in Singapore. It concludes that not only is it appropriate, it also is very much in practice. The paper discusses management theory, management history, Singapore’s great progress over the past 40 years and gives examples of two leading Singapore companies already using business models most conducive to participatory management. One (SembCorp) has even adopted the philosophies of GE’s Jack Welch. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Personality Development/Albert Einstein

    A 5 page research paper that examines Einstein's life and genius. Albert Einstein is "the icon of scientific genius," one of the "most recognizable faces in the history of mankind," and certainly the most influential scientists of the twentieth century (Khoon, 2007, p. 9). This examination of Einstein's life discusses his biography in terms of developmental psychology and the possible influences that may have shaped his genius for math and creative insight. The two personality development theories utilized for this purpose are those of Erik Erikson and Karen Horney. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Theorists and Theories of Management

    A 10 page paper discussing the glaring lack of use of current management theory in a hotel and in a management conference being held at that hotel. The paper begins with a case study not included here but discussed at length. Examination of the facts of the case in conjunction with the views of management theorists of both the past and present indicates that management needs to be more directly involved with those front line employees that provide so much of the organization's character. Theorists included are Bernard, Drucker, Adam Smith, Taylor, Durkheim, Marx, Fayol, Follett and others. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Workplace Absenteeism Management

    This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Use and Theory of Strategic Supply Chain Management

    A 5 page paper which examines the use and theory of strategic supply chain management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Bottge's ' Reconceptualizing Mathematics Problem Solving For Low Achieving Students' - Summary

    3 pages in length. Learning theories are not merely a collection of arbitrary approaches for acquiring knowledge but rather are well-focused methods for reaching students. People cannot be lumped together as being a single entity when it comes to learning processes; borrowing from such renown scholars as Dewey, Wertheimer and Bruner, Bottge (2001) points out how 'the notion that problems must be engaging for students' (p. 102) is not a new concept. In order to penetrate the limitations inherent to low achieving students where mathematical comprehension is concerned, Bottge (2001) expounds upon the need to incorporate student autonomy and quality of life into the fundamental approach to learning. No additional sources cited.

  • Voltaire's Candide and Literature of the Enlightenment

    A 4 page essay that discusses how Voltaire's Candide exemplifies the Enlightenment. Burns (1969) asserts that Voltaire "epitomized the eighteenth century period known as the Enlightenment in a manner similar to the way that "Luther epitomized the Reformation or Leonardo da Vinci did the Italian Renaissance" (Burns, 1969, p. 571). It was Voltaire who popularized the scientific and political theories of John Locke and Isaac Newton, as he promoted the Enlightenment perspective that the natural world can be understood via the use of reason. Voltaire's Candide (1759) is representative of his Enlightenment philosophy and shows the extent to which this philosophy differed radically from what came before it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Wellness & Nutrition for Healthy Aging

    A 7 page research paper that contains a brief abstract and addresses the nutritional needs of the elderly. The writer examines literature pertaining to the crucial role that nutrition plays in regards to obtaining the goal of healthy aging in populations of older adults. Using a theoretical framework provide by the nursing theory of Joyce Fitzpatrick, this examination and synthesis of relevant literature specifically addresses how nutrition impacts wellness and the implications of this information relative to nursing practice. Sections of this paper are identical to khwelnut.rtf, but this paper focuses on the needs of older adults, while khwelnut.rtf addresses nutritional needs across in both older adults and children. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Stakeholders and School Leadership

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the topic of school leadership and what research tells stakeholders about this topic. Leadership research and literature pertaining to school environments shows that educational leadership is a factor that is significant to the role of all stakeholders, not simply that of formal administrators, such as principals (Wallin, 2003). Successful school leaders require a complex blend of "knowledge, skill, theory, disposition and values" in order to achieve and sustain students learning goals (Halverson, 2004, p. 90). Literature on this topic shows that administrators, teachers, parents and even students must all contribute to the leadership equation for a school to enjoy success (Wallin, 2003). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Color Photography History

    (9pp) Ever since the advent of the daguerreotype and the calotype in 1839, photographers began to search for a way to reproduce their subject matter in color. Indeed, color photographs became available practically as soon as photography itself. But these early attempts at color photography were nothing more than hand tinted black & white photographs of the area. Color theory was still relatively primitive at this time, and the photographic materials available were blind to almost half of the visible spectrum Almost a hundred years would pass, before the necessary film is available to the public. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Pythagorean Theorem and its History

    5 pages. An interesting research paper on the background of the Pythagorean Theorem that is used in algebra and geometry. Details the history of the theorem. This is actually a fascinating history and one that is not often discussed in the classroom. The Pythagorean Theorem was founded by a cult that actually worshipped numbers and felt that everything in the Universe was number-related. A very interesting history for a well-known math theory to say the least! Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Literature Review on Empowerment and Leadership

    21 pages in length. To define the concept of leadership is like trying to describe the myriad shades of white available in a painter's palette: There are so many similar yet unique components to this color that there can be no singular description. Instead, leadership is comprised of a vast and expansive cornucopia of adjectives and edicts and theories that serve to outline the way in which to be effective in a management position. While book knowledge is the foundation of most learning curves, application is something quite different, especially when it comes to possessing leadership qualities; providing a list of characteristics outlining an effective leader is one thing, however, to actually have someone successfully put them to use – as well as incorporate innate abilities to manage that often cannot be taught – is the true challenge. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Major Psychological Theories

    4 pages in length. The manner by which a human being's mind operates, why people behave in certain ways, how their thoughts and perceptions are generated, and what situations trigger changes in mental clarity or capacity is the core focus of psychology. The challenge of whether or not this branch of science is actually scientific at all has been a long-standing debate with those who contend there is too much interpretation applied for psychology to truly be considered empirical. However, some of the field's major theories have formed the foundation of man gaining a greater understanding of his mind, its power and vulnerabilities. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Organization and Individual Study Similarities

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of how organizations and individuals are studied. Studies and theories from psychology and sociology are discussed in light of business research. Similarities regarding individuals and organizations include goal oriented strategies and attention to the aging process. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Ego and Self Psychology

    This 9 page paper compares and contrasts two different psychological schools of thought: self psychology and ego psychology. This paper integrates the views of Freud, Kohut and Hartmann and relates their perspectives to psychopathology, specifically the issue of narcissism.

  • The Nature Of Visual Perception

    11 pages in length. People may have eyes with which to see, however, the manner by which they actually visualize is comprised of significantly more than merely gazing at an image. Human visual perception encompasses myriad components that, when working synergistically, create visual awareness. Some of these aspects are strictly physiological in composition (black/white, color, object/motion/depth/multimodal perception, achromatopsia, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, color blindness) while others are theoretical in nature (unconscious inference, Gestalt theory, ecological psychology), all of which allows man to visually perceive his world from a diverse perspective. The extent to which visual perception reflects even the most subtle nuances of many disciplines is both grand and far-reaching; that 'seeing' something equates with embracing its imagery through so many variations speaks to the greater complexities of visual perception than most people realize. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Cordery's "Another Case Of The Emperor's New Clothes"

    5 pages in length. Is organizational teamwork as beneficial to production and the overall bottom line as theorists declare them to be? John Cordery responds to this inquiry with a mixture of personal and realistic contention in his article entitled "Another Case of the Emperors New Clothes" published by a 2004 issue of the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. While the author does indeed hit upon a few issues that leave management theorists hard-pressed to support the holistic value of teamwork within the organizational venue, Cordery (2004) also offers up some interesting perspectives whereby readers ponder which, if any, past organizational theories have ever embraced the fundamental principles necessary for empowering and motivating workers to perform at their most efficient level. No additional sources cited.

  • Overview of the Theories of Austrian Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl

    A 5 page paper discussing the Austrian's view that involvement with others and work contribute to creating a meaning for life, without which individuals cannot live full lives or face problems that appear to be insurmountable. Frankl assigned love a primary role in supplying the meaning of life that is all-important for the outlook that individuals maintain. Six survivors of the Holocaust assessed Frankl's theories, and found that 'love was important but so were other factors' (p. 1075). Psychology routinely attempts to downplay the powerful effects of love, but Viktor Frankl took the opposing view. He was certain that we need it for our own well being. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Master of Liberal Arts' Program Letter of Educational Intent

    A 4 page letter of intent to be used for admission into a Master’s of Liberal Arts program. The student’s area of undergraduate study was economics; s/he now seeks to study Modern Political Theory; Issues in Contemporary Theology; Globalization and Identity; Americans and a Sense of Place; Religion in America; and The Catholic Vision within an economics context. Combining these areas of study on a foundation of economics has the power to provide valuable insight in this age of globalization. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are not new concepts, but they are only now receiving systematic, concerted attention. All of the topics included here have value in that area of study. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • 'Consumption Insurance An Evaluation of Risk Bearing Systems in Low Income Economies' Journal of Economic Perspectives' Article Reviewed

    A 16 page paper reviewing this article (Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1995) examining trends in consumption insurance in selected regions of India, Thailand and the Ivory Coast. The author maintains that the availability of better insurance can result in marked improvement in the condition of farmers in developing countries, and that improved financial systems can be beneficial to farmers in creating passive incomes as well as providing means of protecting the assets they have worked so hard to accumulate. The author’s results and conclusions appear to be valid to the degree that they can be explained in terms of his theory of full insurance, but his discovery of facts uncovered leads to opportunities for further research; inclusion of a qualitative component; and consideration of the situation in developed economies where insurance is becoming less accessible to increasing numbers of households. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Role of Credit Card in Creating Money and Raising Living Standards due to the Impact on National Economies

    This 34 page paper argues that credit cards in the mass market will have a positive benefit on that economy, playing an important role in terms of credit creation which will increase the living standards in the country, directly due to the multiplier effect of the credit creation leading to more money in an economy indirectly as a result of the spending increasing the aggregate demand in an economy. The paper looks at the way credit creation takes place, considers the underlying economic theory, the development and use of credit cards and then examines 2 major credit card companies; VISA and American Express and the regional retail sales value figures in order to assess the level of credit creation that may be taking place. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Social Effects of Hip Hop

    A 6 page paper discussing positive aspects of hip-hop’s influence on society. At present, at least the “clean” versions of much of today’s rap is beneficial to society in that it diminishes the effects of racial prejudice, as predicted by Lewin’s theory. It has the ability to overturn the typical power pattern common in the US in all other areas of life in that rappers overwhelmingly are African-American, being followed by legions of white teens. They are followed by black teens as well; the surprising factor is that millions of whites fall so easily into the step called by the music industry in general and hip-hop specifically. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Therapeutic Relationship Between Nurse and Client

    A 4 page research paper that investigates the nurse/client therapeutic relationship in mental health nursing with illustrations of Peplau's theory as dramatized in the film Good Will Hunting. The therapeutic nurse/client relationship stands at the core of mental health nursing. Through the establishment of this relationship, nurses are ideally suited as therapists to lead clients toward accomplishing mental health goals. Examination of the parameters of this relationship demonstrates how, ideally, it should be established following the parameters established by nursing theorist Hildegard Peplau and by psychologist Carl Rogers. The phases of the relationship, as outlined by Peplau, are dramatized in the film Good Will Hunting (1997) and examination of this film provides a venue for elaborating on nursing principles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning Disabled Students and Mathematics

    5 pages. This article critique provides a guide to use that will include several important points. One of these is that there is a clear specification of the problem under investigation as well as the background of the problem. The significance of the study is discussed as well as the potential contribution to educational theory. The research and practice that is necessary for this study and finally, the hypothesis and data collection procedures are critiqued. Major strengths and weaknesses of the research are also pointed out. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature and Evolution Theory

    A 5 page research paper that examines the wide-spread effects of Darwinism on all forms of writing discourse beginning in the nineteenth century. The writer argues that Darwinism affected all branches of writing, from essayists to novelists, with each work reflecting the personal orientation of a particular author, writer or social philosopher. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Change Theory and Shortages in Nursing

    A 10 page research paper that investigates the nursing shortage, with a particular focus on Canada. Influencing positive social change is one of the most problematic areas of public policy making. Currently, the healthcare systems of all the industrialized countries are facing the impact of a severe nursing shortage that is predicted by many experts to get worse over the coming decades. Policymakers and nursing leaders are struggling to change their systems and public perception of nursing in order to drawn new people to the profession, educate them, certify them and deploy them in sufficient numbers to meet the needs of aging populations. The question facing policymakers is how to negotiate the process of change in a manner that will best rectify the nursing shortage. This examination of literature examines how change theory can inform and direct the morass of issues to be considered in addressing this problem. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 3 Sociological Views on the Shortage of Nurses

    5 pages in length. The nursing industry of years gone by saw beyond society's brusque and compassionless approach to medicine by providing humanistic care beyond the traditional way. The lack of humanistic care made glaringly apparent by the medical community's unemotional arms-length attitude was precisely what nurses like Florence Nightingale sought to correct, believing that a world without the ability to touch – along with treating the disease – is not a world where actual healing occurs. Under her wing, Nightingale took care of the soldiers while at the same time training other women to "nurse" them back to health. Indeed, one can readily contend that her efforts as a means to humanize the medical industry have often struggled to continue in contemporary practice. Examining today's nursing shortage finds several sociological perspectives under consideration as they relate to Nightingale's original approach, with the tenets of conflict theory, functional analysis and symbolic interactionism employed as a means by which to seek out a more humane and holistic approach to medicine. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing Theory and Self Agency

    A 5 page research paper. One of the basic principles of nursing is that intervention should aid the client/patient in obtaining the goal of self-agency or self-care. Nurses, in other words, do not seek simply to aid patients during a period of illness or injury, but to help them in reestablishing their ability to care for themselves and thereby resume their normal lives. This examination of this patient concern looks at the goal of self-agency from the perspective offered by three different nursing theoretical models, that of Orem, King and Rogers. This discussion will illustrate some of the numerous benefits that can be gained from employing nursing theory (or models) in considering patient concerns. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Oral Business Communication Research Study Proposal

    A 13 page communication research proposal. The problem is that what constitutes effective oral communication is not always well defined, at least in practice. This provides the foundation for the significance of the study and for the objectives of determining what types of approaches are most effective. The research question is that of determining what types of communications tools that effective managers use to inform and persuade, regardless of audience type. Though styles may change according to the needs of the group of focus at the moment, effective oral communication should contain the same message when delivered for diverse audiences. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Parkinsons and the Media

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of the media's perspective on Parkinson's disease. Media sources are compared to scientific articles in the context of a Power Point presentation. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Law and Psychology

    This 8 page paper details the problems when the media run out of control and cause pre-trial damage to the defendant. The case of Sam Sheppard is profiled as well as several other lower profiled cases. Reasons for media bias are given. Conflict of First and Sixth amendments discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Global Communication and Marketing; Disney

    Disney is a global media company; this 10 page paper looks at the strategy of Disney Corp., focusing on media and marketing issues. The paper looks at how the company has communicated in the past, the current strategy, the impact of technology and the actions and reaction of competitors. The paper ends with some future marketing strategy recommendation. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Technology and Culture: The Electronic Media and Our Children

    A 5 page overview of how the electronic media impacts our children. This paper focuses on the relationship between violent media content and violent electronic games and our children’s propensity to be violent. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Literature Review to Identify Gap in Research of E-Learning Will Use in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

    There is a great potential for benefits from e-learning for training and development in small to medium-sized enterprises. This 10 page paper considers the barriers that may be in place for effective use of e-learning by small to medium-size enterprises. The paper conducts a literature review concerning use of e-learning in order to identify potential gap in the research and then considers a viable research question it may be utilized to help SMEs overcome the barriers which exist. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • The Internet as Distribution Medium for Music

    This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the supply and value chain comparing the internet and the bricks and mortar distribution medium. The second compares the costs associated with each medium. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Social Divisions Reflected and Reinforced by Representation of the Mass Media

    This 6 page paper argues that the media emphasises the division that already exist within society. The paper begins by considering how sport itself is a reflection and also a source of social division, not only in terms of class but also in terms of age, gender and physical ability. The paper then looks at how and why the media reports and reinforces these divisions. The bibliography cites 10 sources.


    This 7-page paper discusses communication skills and understanding required by the mental health nurse. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Fine Arts and the Impact of Interactive Media

    This paper explores the impact of today's technology and interactive media on the fine arts. Included in the discussion is a definition of interactive media, and ways in which the technology is being used by artists both in terms of career and development of art.

  • Advertising and the Internet

    An 8 page overview of the world transition toward Internet-based advertising. This paper emphasizes the low cost and tremendous effectiveness of the media in capitalizing on the public’s growing tendency to turn to the Internet to research their buying interests. The author emphasizes as well, however, that despite the technological distinction of the Internet, many of the same marketing ploys are necessitated in this new medium as were necessitated by more traditional advertising campaigns. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Gender, Identity and Communication

    This 5 page paper responds to a series of quotations about gender, social relationships, communication and identity. Bibliography lists 3 sources

  • Marketing Communications Planning Suggestions

    This 4-page paper focuses on the process necessary for putting together a proposal that outlines a communications plan or customer service plan.


    This 10-page paper examines media censorship in Myanmar. Topics include types of media censorship and how the Internet is starting to break through it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Media and Canadian Politics

    This 10 page paper examines the relationship between media and politics in Canada. Media bias is examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 20-page paper provides a detailed review and analysis of Igor E. Klyukanov's book, Principles of Intercultural Communication.

  • Communication and U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Mexico

    An 8 page overview of how poor intercultural communication during the Woodrow Wilson Presidency negatively shaped foreign policy towards Mexico. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Oral Business Communication Research Study Proposal

    A 13 page communication research proposal. The problem is that what constitutes effective oral communication is not always well defined, at least in practice. This provides the foundation for the significance of the study and for the objectives of determining what types of approaches are most effective. The research question is that of determining what types of communications tools that effective managers use to inform and persuade, regardless of audience type. Though styles may change according to the needs of the group of focus at the moment, effective oral communication should contain the same message when delivered for diverse audiences. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • An Analysis of Media Violence and its Impact on Children and Teens

    A 6 page discussion of the relationship that exists between increased media violence and child aggression. This paper approaches the problem from the analytical framework that media violence is directly related to child aggression. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • TV, New Media, and Audience Engagement

    6 pages in length. The extent to which audiences engage with television and/or new media is both grand and far-reaching; that the entire encounter is experienced from a wholly personal level speaks to the tremendous impact media in general - and television in particular - have upon the very foundation of human existence. One of the most blatant displays of this influence is found in advertisements, and one of the most successfully orchestrated campaigns that has tapped into the intimate recesses of consumers' psyche is Nike's 'Just Do It.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Communications Skills of Oprah Winfrey

    This 5-page paper discusses the communication styles and philosophies of talk show host Oprah Winfrey and how such styles and philosophies can be put to good use with an organization.

  • Global View Molded by the Media

    This 5 page paper argues that media is responsible for shaping the world. Many examples are provided in this persuasive essay that takes a strong position on the detrimental effects of media. The other side is discussed as well , and the paper concludes with possible solutions to the problem. Globalization is touched on in the discussion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Function of Printed Media

    This 5 page paper answers four questions asked by the student, including, what is meant by printed material being an “amplification and reinforcement” of existing messages, how printed media influenced the concept of knowledge ilm in the Muslim world, the influences and role of the overlaps between printed media and the historical and cultural significance of printed material. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Girls, Women, and the Impact of the Media

    This essay examines how the media (including television, film, print and commercials) impacts the self-image that women and girls have of themselves. Topics include studies that have been done to ascertain the media's impact on women's roles in society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Media's Gender Bias and the 'Smurfette Principle'

    Nearly three decades after the 'Feminist Movement' and the initiation of the Equal Rights Amendment, much of the entertainment media is still reflecting lower-level roles, even subordinate roles for women. This 4 page essay explores 'The Smurfette Principle' in terms of various preschool television shows. The similarity of today's storylines to those of 25 and more years ago is astounding. . . a rather incredible fact in light of the feminist movement. Gender bias is alive and well in entertainment media. No bibliography.

  • Non Verbal Communications Learned or In Born?

    An 8 page look at non-verbal communications (i.e., gestures, motions, batting eyelashes, etc;) and the importance of realizing that different groups of people may interpret them in different ways. The primary focus of this particular report, however, is to analyze the controversy over whether most non-verbal communication activities are in-born traits or learned activities. Various issues and studies are explored to help answer this very question and arguments seem to lean strongly in favor of the 'in-born side' for certain non-verbal communications while some lean strongly in favor of the 'learned' side for other examples of non-verbal communication. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Application Letter for an MS Degree in Technical Communication

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions letter for a person applying for a MS degree in technical communication.

  • Media Prophet and Renaissance Man Marshall McLuhan

    Marshall McLuhan – Renaissance Man?:This 7-page essay discusses this legendary Canadian dubbed “the Media Prophet.” In addition, his core ideologies relevant to various electronic media and his overall contributions are examined. Misunderstood and disliked in his own time, he now seems idolized for all the wrong reasons. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNMarshm.doc

  • Medium Sized Hospital Implementation of the Windows NT Server

    This 5 page report discusses the implementation of a Windows NT server in a medium-sized hospital. The implementation of a Windows NT network at the hospital will enable users to run cross-hospital and cross-service line analysis, while also being able to extract, transform and map data from multiple sites. The options available to a medium-sized hospital using such a system are far and beyond the hospital that relies upon the antiquated system of charts, notes, and suppositions on the part of the medical personnel. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Summary of Virtual Culture Identity and Communication in CyberSociety Edited by Steven G. Jones

    In 6 pages, the author summarizes "Virtual Culture : Identity and Communication in CyberSociety" by Steven G. Jones (Editor). No other sources are cited.

  • Media and Terrorism

    This 5 page paper looks at the relationship between the media and terrorism and how terrorists are affected by reporting. The way in which terrorists use media for their own advantage is discussed. Several well known events are highlighted, including Waco and the bombing in Oklahoma City. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mappings, Feminism and Cultural Geographies of Encounters by Susan S. Friedman

    An 8 page book review that examines Mappings, Feminism and Cultural Geographies of Encounters by Susan S. Friedman. The writer argues that this powerful text moves feminist theory away from paralyzing debates concerning perceived dichotomies of identity, them vs. us, white vs. other, etc. and towards a broader geopolitical, social landscape. The vision that Friedman offers of the future of feminist theory goes beyond identity politics, as she guides the reader toward greater understanding of how identities are both negotiated and transformed. Drawing from the gamut of popular culture, Friedman relates to books, movies, poetry and the mass media, as she address theoretical issues that are pivotal to post-modern feminism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Developments in Negotiation Theory

    This 26 paper looks at the development and scope of negotiation theory and its’ interdependence with conflict theory. The paper is written as a literature review and focuses research published in or after 2007. The different approaches to negotiations are outlined along with the potential for different factors impact on the way they take place and their outcomes. Influences such as emotions, stereotyping, social issues, the media and trade are all included in the review. A table at the end of the paper summarizes the research. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • War and Censorship of the Press

    7 pages in length. There were three primary concerns for instituting executive press censorship during Operation Desert Storm: the questionable tactics the media use to purportedly report the truth; the very real chance of classified information reaching enemy hands; and the ever present possibility of reporters getting harmed or even killed while covering the front lines. These issues are significant to the field of communications law, because they represent the sanctity of privacy that is so instrumental in the overall safety of wartime activities. The writer addresses these three issues as they pertain the censorship implementation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Mass Media and the African American CultureAfrican American Culture in the Media: Ebonics and Advertising

    A 4 page discussion of how African American culture is being reflected in the media. Television advertising is particularly interesting in this regard in that there is a greater and greater tendency to produce advertisements using ebonics, a form of communication developed by the African American community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Workplace and Intercultural Communications

    This 5 page essay presents a workplace intercultural communication conflict and discusses how to resolve it within the context of the knowledge dependency model and communicative convergence models of intercultural communications. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Consumer Behavior and the Luxury Fashion Industry

    A 50 page paper that provides a comprehensive report of the luxury fashion industry. There are several headings: Introduction, which offers comments about the luxury fashion industry in today's environment; the High/Luxury Fashion Industry, which discusses the competitive nature of the industry, the effects of 9/11 on companies, which house owns which other houses, the elements used in competition, changes in the operations, the impact of the consolidations on other aspects in the industry with examples; Self-concept and Ego Needs, which addresses the relationships between these characteristics and the purchase of luxury fashion products; Motivation as Related to Purchasing High Fashion products, which includes Maslow's hierarchy with examples of the types of businesses an individual would patronize at each level of need and also includes discussions of other motivations to purchase high fashion; Branding, Fashion Companies and Consumers; and Marketing & Media Impact on Fashion Industry and Consumers, a comprehensive discussion of the interrelationship between marketing communications. A focus is naturally on European designers but others are also mentioned in the text. Numerous specific examples are included. Far too many subtopics to mention in this abstract. 1 Graphic illustration is included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • A Lack of Communication Resulting in a Rain of Fish

    This 3-page paper focuses on a workplace situation, in which poor communications led to a cargo-full of fish flying out on an airplane -- but the fish shouldn't have been there. Topics under discussion include chain of command and methods of communication.

  • Two Approaches to Workplace Communication

    4 pages in length. Communication is vital to the lifeblood of any organizational setting, however, the manner by which communication techniques are approached can mean the difference between a favorable, productive work environment and one struggling to function. No bibliography.

  • Ethics and Communication

    This 13 page paper is based on questions from the book Business Communication by Mary Ellen Guffey. Then paper answers questions regarding the way non verbal communications may be improved, applied and the way ethical decision may be made, gender bias and if personal opinion can be out into an employee reference. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Teen Violence and the Media

    This 5 page paper looks at the subject of teen violence and its relationship with television. The focus of this communications paper is on the review of journals that provide information about the topic. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • AT&T and VoIP Technology; Strategic Issues

    This 9 page paper looks at the well known communications company AT&T and the way ion which VoIP will impact on it strategically. The paper gives a brief background to AT&T and then looks at the way voice over internet protocol (VoIP), has been adopted by the company and the way it may impact on the company along with the way the changes could be leveraged for its’ advantage. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Volleyball Officiating, Coaching, Nonverbal Communication and Nuances

    This 10 page report discusses the ways in which nonverbal communication serves as an essential aspect of both coaching and officiating the sport of volleyball. The most effective and “proper” techniques and responsibilities of a line judge for the fast-paced game of volleyball involve specific signals, movements, and cues that allow officials to understand what is happening at different areas of the court, whether or not their own line of sight is impaired. The same concept holds true for the coaches of competing teams. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership

    A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Failures of Intent and 1996's Telecom Act

    This 6 page paper outlines the law and explores legislation prompted by its existence. Failures of the act's intent are noted and the focus is on the major portion of the law which attempts to deregulate the industry and inspire competition and lower prices. Also included is a portion on the Communications Decency Act which is part of the 1996 legislation. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Philip Lieberman's Uniquely Human

    A 7 page book analysis of Philip Lieberman's "Uniquely Human" and a discussion of its literary reception. The text asserts among other things that human language evolved relatively recently, approximately within the last 100,000 years, and that in doing so it added speech and syntax to older communication systems. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • 'I Have a Dream' Speech Analyzed III

    A 9 page paper on King's 'I Have a Dream' speech in which the writer discusses the speaker, audience, time, setting, place, etc; From a communications perspective, this report is concerned with Martin Luther King's effectiveness in terms of ethos, stock issues, appeal to his audience's needs, and much more. Bibliography lists 3 sources. (one of them is a published version of the speech itself).

  • Gender Differences and Nonverbal Communication

    A 12 page paper that provides an overview of nonverbal communication and considers it in terms of the way both men and women encode and decode these messages. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Volunteer Organization and Group Dynamics

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses group dynamics in relation to formal and informal settings, addressing such issues as communication, stature and prestige. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business World, Computability, and Machine Languages

    This 14 page paper examines some of the key concepts of computers and their uses, machine languages, and applications for communication in the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Global Impact of Computers

    An 8 page paper examining the conditions today that involve the computer and the world. Many cultures around the world have been deeply effected by the technological growth that involves the computer. With the development of the today's computer and technology, the world, for the most part, is becoming such that it works faster and more efficient in relationship to communications and business. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Mother and Daughters' Conversation

    This 12 page report contains a transcript of a conversation that took place between two middle-aged women and their elderly mother at a restaurant. One of the most interesting aspects of “eavesdropping” on this conversation is the similarity the three have in their communication styles. There is tentativeness, then self-assertion on the part of each of the participants. However, there is also a tinge of animosity that occasionally presents itself. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Intercultural Communication Issues

    12 pages in length. The writer discusses the advantages of Internet chat programs such as ICQ as a means by which to bridge the gap of intercultural communication particular to Asian concerns, as well as addresses the social downfalls of too much time spent on the computer. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Review of the 3Com Corporation

    This 5 page report discusses 3Com corporation ('computer, communication, and compatibility') and its spin-off of the Palm Pilot Division, as well as its impending relationship with Microsoft. The 3Com Corporation was determined to establish itself as much more than the “Palm company.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Marketing Plan for ICM

    An 18 page paper that discusses the integrated communication marketing plan approach. Specifically, the essay is an ICM for a new hypothetical product, surge and data protectors for the PC. The writer offers information about the ICM approach, then discusses strategy, market analysis, target market, situational analysis, promotional campaign including advertising strategies and promotions and how performance will be evaluated. An advertising budget is also included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Motorola Financials

    This 5 page report discusses the American electronics/communications company Motorola, Inc. and presents a fundamental overview of its most recent financial information. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Seducing America How Television Charms the Modern Voter by Roderick P. Hart

    This 5 page report discusses the 1994 book “Seducing America: How television charms the modern voter” by University of Texas communications professor Roderick Hart. According to Hart, during the last 50 years, television has produced a complex array of emotions that lie deeper than individual attitudes and make the burdens of citizenship increasingly taxing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Intercultural Communications and Irish Americans

    This 8 page report discusses the issue of intercultural communication and its impact on how Irish Americans interact with one another and other Americans. The writer examines cultural differences, similarities, traditions, and other factors that have had an impact on the Irish experience in America and, of course, the American experience of the Irish. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Communication Lacking in the Fiction of Eudora Welty

    A 5 page paper showing how lack of interpersonal communication is a common theme in Welty's short stories. The paper particularly looks at the stories Death of a Traveling Salesman, A Worn Path, Why I Live at the P.O., and The Hitch-hikers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Language of Security

    This 12 page paper discusses the following statement “If the language of security is in conflict with that used in other areas of the organisation, the security message will never get through and the business will remain vulnerable” and considers how can security and risk managers use communication in order to promote and enhance the security function and its’ realisation. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Structural Inequality And Diversity

    This 25 page paper is comprised of two parts. The major portion discusses the history of structural inequality, how systems of oppression and inequality are created and perpetuated, the systemic nature of inequality, and the value of diversity. The second and shorter part of the paper discusses structural inequality and communication skills. In this section, the writer focuses on the education system. Numerous examples are provided throughout the paper as are statistical data when available. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Speech Analysis / King's 'I Have a Dream'

    4 pages in length. A detailed analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King's infamous 'I Have a Dream' speech -- written from a communications perspective. Among other things, the report looks at King's use of language, conviction, credibility, and semantics. Numerous examples (quotations) are used to demonstrate how King's got his message across effectively. No Bibliography.

  • Corporate America Communications and Cultural Diversity

    This 10 page paper looks at cultural diversity and how it has impacted communications in the United States. Affirmative action is looked at as well. The paper argues that cultural diversity programs have failed and explores why this is the case. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Impact of Communication, Transportation and the Benefit of Comparative Advantage in Driving Globalization

    This 4 page paper looks at the main drivers of globalization; economic drivers, communication and transportation, examining the ways in which they drive forward globalization individually and interdependently. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Promoting a Supermarket - the Design of an Integrated Marketing Communication Approach

    This 9 page paper looks at the way in which an integrated marketing communication campaign may be created for a local supermarket. The paper starts by examining the concept of integrated marketing; discussing how it is achieved and providing an example of an integrated marketing campaign and utilizes that information in order to provide a framework for a new campaign to support a local supermarket chain. The integrated marketing campaign utilizes local advertising, radio, an Internet website and a social networking site. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Interpersonal Communication Q and A

    This 7 page paper answers 13 questions posted by the student. Questions include those pertaining to communication and relationships. No bibliography.

  • Analysis of a John F. Kennedy Speech

    5 pages analyzing J.F.K.'s 'remarks on church and state'-- The writer examines from a communications perspective how Kennedy used persuasive techniques to make his words and presentation more effective. Sociocultural roles, empathy, and even Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are among the many keywords mentioned in the body of this well-written analysis. No Bibliography.

  • Statistical Analysis and Anova Use

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the statistical analysis using an anova. This paper integrates a view of assessments of nonverbal communication as a basis for the anova comparison. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Kolb and Managing Anger

    An 8 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of Kolb's experiential learning model. The writer then discusses anger, what causes anger, predisposition to anger, coping strategies and effective communication techniques. Throughout the discussion, the writer parenthetically indicates which of Kolb's four elements are addressed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Warfare Nanotechnology

    This 7 page paper looks at the science of nanotechnology that can create innovative and powerful tools for warfare. Its use in communications, maintenance and other factors are discussed. Potential positive and negative effects of this type of technology are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Wireless Communication's History

    This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Strategic Plan for Dell

    A 6 page paper providing two sections of a strategic plan – Plan Goals and Implementation and Financial Projections and Analysis – for a larger strategic plan for Dell. The plan calls for Dell to modify its Indian customer service call center to handle more customer requests in chat than by voice, preserving Dell's ability to realize cost savings by using an Indian call center while also providing superlative technical expertise without invoking communications barriers based on Indian accents. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • What is Bluetooth Technology

    This 2.5-paper focuses on Bluetooth technology, a radio frequency based communications standard and technology that is being hailed as a great cost saver (as it replace cable connection lines). The paper discusses the history of Bluetooth, as well as the interesting name. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Marketing Feasibility of Natural and Organic Food Products

    A 6 page paper discussing the launch of a new product line specializing in natural and organic origins. Del Monte Foods seeks to establish its Organ-A-Farms line of organic and natural food products packaged for and marketed to the mass market. The company can emphasize natural products and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as part of its public communications and relations messages. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Marketing Communications and the Selling of Financial Services

    Financial services products are an intangible good and may often be a grudge purchase making them harder to sell. This 5 page paper considers the role of communications in marketing financial services and looks at how a financial services company can gain a competitive advantage. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Corporate Governance at HSBC

    This 5 page paper looks at the way corporate governance is undertaken in the HSBC group, looking at the way communications take place with shareholders, internal controls and the use of committees. The paper then makes recommendations for the improvement of corporate governance at HSBC. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Communication and Body Language

    This 3-page paper discusses the use of body language when it comes to communication. Use of eyes, hands and the body itself are discussed in this paper.

  • Questions on Electrical Engineering

    A 3 page answer to 2 questions: (1) Indicate recent trends and future challenges of these fields: Novel RF Concepts; Ultra High Frequency Integrated Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems; and Fundamentals of Communication Circuits and Systems; and (2) Application of Meso-optics in Photonics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of an Online IPO

    Avaya is a large communications business which is considering an IPO. This 4 page paper looks at the potential for the organization to use an online IPO process rather than a traditional IPO process. The process itself is considered and the advantages and disadvantages associated with the process are discussed before determining if an online IPO is suitable for the company. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Conflict Resolution within Teams

    A 3 page paper discussing the need for and approaches to managing conflict within teams. Denial of the existence of or potential for conflict cannot serve the best interests of the firm or the individual team. Real communication and consensus decisions can avert team-destroying conflict. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Canadian Hospital Nursing Setting and Conflict Resolution

    14 pages in length. Managing conflict within the workplace environment of a Canadian hospital is a fundamental aspect of progressive management. The extent to which conflict exists between nurses and managers is grand and far-reaching; that resolution is often stymied or ignored entirely speaks to the need for greater flow of positive communication, the understanding and acceptance that conflict will always exist to some degree, that when handled appropriately it often leads to beneficial changes and the desire to lessen its frequency by anticipating conflict before it occurs. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Communication in Organizations

    A 4 page paper. The writer discuses the roles and importance of communication in business. Trends in these processes are then identified. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Expectations of a College Education

    A 3 page College Admissions Essay discussing what a student expects to receive from their college experience. Written from the perspective of one student, this paper outlines the major purposes of a college education. These purposes include the instillation of skills and knowledge, the transition from youth to adulthood, the enhancement of communication skills, and the provision of contacts that will be of value in the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Role of the Nurse Anesthetist

    A 15 page paper discussing systems theory, nursing system theory and the place where the CRNA fits into the US health care system. The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) fills a vital role in the larger health care system, one that will continue to increase in relevance as the first of the baby boomers now are entering retirement age. As is the case in any advanced-practice field of nursing, the issue of physician supervision continues to be a point of issue. It is less so for the CRNA, which most states allow to practice independently. The purpose here is to assess the role of the CRNA in the health care system of the United States. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Media Representation of Black Professional Athletes

    A 4 page paper which examines how black sports stars are presented in the media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Following Watson's Example/Personal Philosophy of Nursing

    A 10 page research paper/essay that offers a guide for contrasting and comparing a student nurse's personal nursing philosophy to that of nursing theorist Jean Watson. The writer argues that each individual nurse brings personal perception to the act of interpreting Watson's theory. This interpretation is necessarily influenced by that nurse's personal history, knowledge level, and understanding. The purpose of this discussion of Watson's theory is to compare and contrast it with the personal nursing philosophy of a particular nursing student. The paradigms of person, environment, health and nursing are addressed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Garrett and A Criminal-Addict's Story

    A 7 page analysis of the life story of a career criminal and heroin addict, Manual Torres. In and out of prison throughout his life, Torres finally turns his life around through a rehabilitation program in the California penal system that provided him with educational opportunities and encouragement. Co-authors Richard P. Rettig and Gerald R. Garrett, give an added dimension to Manny's life history by relating it to current thinking regarding theories on criminal behavior. Extensively researched, these chapters give perspective on Manny's story and place it within the wider framework of criminal justice theory. No additional sources cited.

  • Thailand, Prostitution, and Economics

    This 6 page report discusses the economic aspects of prostitution in Thailand and examines the significant impact it has had on the national economy. Internationally, Thailand has been commonly described as a nation in which commercial sex has been raised to the level of a national industry. As an important spur to its rapid economic growth in the 1980s, Thailand as a tourist destination was, in part, marketed to the foreign market via the explicit and implied suggestion of readily available cheap sex. The Thai government and media are attempting to refute that image but the fact remains that prostitution, in Thailand, is a significant economic unit of production. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Pros and Cons of Victims Name Releases During Rap Trials

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the pros and cons of releasing the names of the victims in rape trials. There are several pros and cons. One very good point is that the public has the right to know. That is why the media exists. For some, the names of rape victims are no different than the names of any one else that has been victimized. On the other hand, the very nature of the crime makes it one that should be treated differently than other crimes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Entertainment Task Force Industry and Violence in the Media

    This 11 page paper looks at Representative Mark Foley as head of the task force and their role in the quelling of violence in society. One case, used as an example, is the killing of a Florida teacher by a thirteen year old honor student. Violence and its relationship to media is examined in depth. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Turn of the Century Impacts of Yellow Journalism

    10 pages in length. Just prior to 1900, there was an explosion of such literary significance that it still taints news reporting over one hundred years later. Yellow journalism, the sensationalistic tactics that opened up an entirely new venue of newspaper reporting, utilized some of the most unscrupulous tactics in order to sell a story. The primary participants in this era of underhanded journalism were William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, both highly talented and shrewd publishers. The writer discusses the effects of yellow journalism at the turn of the century, as well as addresses its aftermath on contemporary media. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Attribution Theory, Leadership, and Organizational Behavior

    A 10 page paper discussing how attribution theory can be applied within the organization to enhance employees' performance and the organization's overall productivity as well as competitive advantage. The theory provides a means for both explaining and predicting individual behavior, and is based on the assumption that individuals will ascribe certain qualifications to either an employee's or a manager's behavior. The paper uses the negative management style of Peg Witte, CEO of Royal Oaks Mines as example throughout, and contrasts the resulting corporate culture with that of Merix Corporation under the leadership of Debi Coleman. The paper includes an illustrative chart. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Once We Were Warriors/Postcolonial Theory

    A 6 page research paper/essay that analyzes the 1994 film “Once Were Warriors” offers an international audience a representation of Maori ethnic identity. When viewed in the light of postcolonial theory, the question that such an investigation immediately raises is whether or not the film offers an accurate vision of urban Maori society or if this film is itself a product of a postcolonial mindset. While certainly the domestic difficulties encountered by the film’s protagonists mirror the social disorder that plagues the Maori minority population of New Zealand, an examination of literature indicates that this question is complex and that an ethnic people cannot and should not facilely characterized as fitting so neatly into European-influenced stereotypes. Particularly in regards to how the film pictures Maori men. In order to argue this point, it is necessary to first look at the content of the film, then the basic arguments of postcolonial theory Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Software Quality and Can It Be Measured?

    This 19 page paper considers is the quality of software can ever be measures. The paper starts by trying to define what is meant by quality and then looking at ways the needs that quality software will meet can be defined. The paper then looks at systems of developing software that can be used with the measurements that have made to assess if they can be used ion conjunction with each other. Theories included in the paper encompass soft systems modelling, hard systems modelling, actor network theory, requirements engineering and agile engineering. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Liberal Democracy of Japan

    8 pages in length. Determining whether or not Japan can be described as a liberal democracy requires the assessment of a number of areas in order to ascertain the extent to which this might be true. Indeed, Japan has come a long way toward the notion of liberal democracy; however, it can be argued that this progression has only succeeded in reaching halfway to the ultimate goal, with a considerable length still to go. Looking at various entities -- including political institutions and practices, participation of the public in the political system and protest movements, effects of the media, effects of the bureaucracy and local government, dominance of the Liberal Democratic Party, as well as the 1993 election results -- one is bound to gain a clearer perspective upon the issue of Japan's move toward liberal democracy. The writer discusses to what extent Japan can be considered a liberal democracy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Refugee Camps and the Application of Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory

    A 5 page paper discussing this theory in conjunction with conditions in modern refugee camps. Application of Nightingale's theory directly applies today to refugee camps around the world. As these camps exist in countries whose economies have been decimated by never-ending war, drought or cataclysmic natural disaster, it is common for them to lack the most basic of requirements for sustaining human life. We have known for a long time now that Nightingale was right, that healing and the avoidance of disease both are optimized in positive environments. Florence Nightingale came to the realization long before the rest of the medical profession. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • College Students and Spirituality

    This 17 page paper actually responds to the question: What are the outcomes when college students are able to fulfill their spiritual needs? The essay begins with an introduction to spiritual development in adults. One author believes spirituality is part of human nature. Studies have shown that despite the media reporting on binge drinking, a large proportion of our college students are very spiritual and they believe it is important to integrate spirituality and/or religion into their lives. Many are turning to the traditional morals and practices their parents avoided. A study from UCLA is discussed because it provides the most amount of data relative to spirituality on our college campuses. The differences between students who are highly spiritual and those who are not are discussed. Data are included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Who Would Have Wanted President John F. Kennedy to be Assassinated?

    10 pages in length. Attempting to determine just which group or individual wanted John F. Kennedy out of office has been one of the most compelling, yet ever-elusive, aspects of the president's assassination. A worthwhile topic for one's research paper, evaluating the various conspiracy theories will help to bring together all the massive speculation that has lived on throughout the years, sometimes with very little proof to substantiate the claims. Clearly, there was more at work with regard to JFK's assassination than that of a lone lunatic; as the student puts to use the various articles in this series, there will at once be a significant sense of understanding as to the diverse possibilities incorporated in the many conspiracy theories. This paper consists solely of an annotated bibliography of eight sources.

  • Issues and Challenges in the Carbon Offset Market

    This 11 page paper answers five questions about the carbon market. The first question considers whether or not the offsetting market will encourage sufficient measures to prevent the need for multilateral intervention. The second question considers how the Internet may help small to medium-size offset providers in developing countries. The third question discusses the potential impact on the jobs market of a growing carbon market. The fourth question considers what aspect would be important in the business plan for a supplier in a developing country. The last part of the paper considers potential of offsetting to become a moneymaking opportunity in the money markets. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Grandma's Life Lessons

    5 pages in length. Grandmother was a wise woman; she may not have had too luxurious a life, but she knew what it took to survive. One thing she taught me that helped determine my ultimate direction was the difference between education and experience. In her illustrious opinion – to me, at least – she did not believe that higher education -- the process of transforming raw information from various mediums into meaningful knowledge -- was always necessary in order to succeed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review on the Homelessness Problem

    10 pages. A 10 page research paper that gives an overall look at the homeless situation summarizing the current research, theories and knowledge regarding this social problem. The writer demonstrates that society is still not close to finding a solution to the problem of homelessness and that current welfare reform legislation will, in all likelihood, exacerbate this problem. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Print Media Impact of Current Technologies

    8 pages in length. Computers have become a significant part of life. There is no denying that their very presence has drastically altered humanity's existence since the mid to late 1940s. Through a number of developments, computers have not only become integral components of virtually every aspect of a person's life, but they have also been successfully assimilated into homes all across America for personal and business use. There is practically nothing that computers do not influence in one manner or another, which has caused society to render itself dependent upon its constant application. However, as with most other entities that offer such distinct advantages, they are typically balanced by at least some level of significant disadvantage; in this particular case, the detriment has been felt throughout the print media industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • American Dream Vacation in the Hawaiian Islands

    In 10 pages, the author discusses the island nation of Hawaii as an American scene. By describing Hawaii’s exotic landscape, which is unlike anything on the mainland, by pinpointing when Hawaii became framed as a hotspot for vacationers and thus an icon as America's exotic playground, by showing that the Pacific coastal culture is diffusing into mainstream America through media/fashion to bring a bit of Hawaii's Aloha spirit to everyone, by showing how the American Dream Vacation is packaged today, as well as by showing the pros and cons of the Hawaiian tourist industry on the land and people of an American Scene, the author proves that Hawaii is an American landscape that has been transformed over the years into an icon of America’s exotic playground and packaged as an American Dream Vacation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Johnson and Johnson, Levi Strauss, and Ben and Jerry's

    This 22 page paper is about social responsibility and how these three companies exemplify this. An introduction discusses social responsibility in general. Then, each of the three companies is explored in terms of their written statements and actions taken to fulfill the company's goals towards social responsibility. Each company also faced a specific crisis, at which time, they could live by their published principles or not. They each did. Johnson & Johnson faced the fact that their Tylenol containers had been tampered with resulting in the deaths of eight people. Levi Strauss learned through a media report that one of their contractors was violating human rights with employees. Ben & Jerry's faced an incident involving the rainforest. The writer describes what they did in each case and what the outcome was. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Methods of Management

    15 pages in length. As firms experience ever-increasing pressure to innovate and improve their work processes, many are responding by creating organizational structures that promote cross-functional and cross-boundary communication, coordination, and collaboration. Because most firms expect to use teams to support future procurement and sourcing decision-making, it is important to understand how to best manage the cross-functional sourcing team process. This paper closely examines the effects of changing managerial methods from the individual to team leadership style of managing. Also focuses on just-in-time inventories (JIT) as well. Includes charts and information as to managerial tactics and the methods best used in changing to a team leadership form of management. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The Internet, Security, and Financial Institutions

    A six page paper which considers some of the problems faced by financial institutions and large corporations in terms of the security issues surrounding Internet communication and transactions, and some of the ways in which these problems are currently being addressed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Trouble Shooting in Services Industries

    Companies providing services to consumers, such as in the tourism industry, need to understand where there may be gaps in the services that are provided and the services expected. This 3 page paper discusses 4 potential gaps considering the causes and potential solutions. These four gaps are the gap between a customer expectation and the expectations perceived by management, the Gap between the management perceptions and consumer expectations and the way it is translated into service quality specifications, the gap between service quality specifications and the delivery of those specifications to the customer and the gap between the service delivered to customers and the external communication about the service. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Information Systems Technology Projects Fail

    This 14 page research paper responds to two questions; What factors contribute to the failure of information technology systems projects? and How does leadership affect the success or failure of information technology projects? A literature review reports the excessive proportion of information technology projects that fail, the major reasons projects fail, the categories incorporated in a project and the phases in any project. The analysis section discusses the importance of communication and suggests and justifies the transformational leadership style as the most appropriate for project leadership in today's complex world. Statistical data are included. Examples are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Electrical Engineer's Duties

    8 pages in length. From the time of Benjamin Franklin, electricity has been a critical component to virtually every entity of human existence. From worldwide communications systems, space vehicles, computers, microwave ovens, washing and sewing machines, transportation vehicles, and manufacturing processes, Franklin's discovery established an entirely different world in which to live. Contemporary use of electricity has rendered the need for specialized training so that electrical engineers are capable of focusing their trade upon myriad fields that have developed throughout the twentieth century. Indeed, the common duties of modern-day electrical engineers are both vast and unlimited with regard to the way today's society utilizes electricity. The writer discusses the duties of an electrical engineer as they relate to military computer systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Elephants, Rhinos, Kobs, Leopards And Buffalo: Communication In African Culture

    5 pages in length. While not art in the conventional sense, ancient African artifacts depict the cultural progression of its people by virtue of animal-infused masks, figures, tribal dances and trinkets that symbolized what they wanted to convey. The extent to which the buffalo (bravery and strength), leopard (authority), elephant (power and kingship, wisdom and patience), kob (abundant wildlife) and rhinoceros (leadership) reflect the five animal figures used most predominantly throughout the vast array of African culture is both grand and far-reaching; that these symbolic images were instrumental in expressing both basic and complex forms of communication speaks to the critical importance these figurative portrayals had in aiding man's need to share information. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Major Title Company Marketing Plan

    10 pages in length. Entering the Las Vegas, Nevada title company market takes considerable business finesse and communication savvy, inasmuch as the "good old boy" barrier has significant experience thwarting those with lofty goals of developing new business with commercial realtors/developers by way of existing relationships. The Las Vegas market is unique in that its exponential growth over the last several years makes it a prime location for expanding the existing title company market; however, the prominent presence of the "good old boy" barrier makes it difficult to overcome the hurdles often constructed by such an established occupation. However, the ease with which this new title company will be able to coexist with commercial realtors/developers using established residential realtor/developer relationships is because of the need for a fresh approach to an industry that has long been governed by the "good old boy" network. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Energy Conservation and Nursing

    A 12 page research paper that addresses the concept of energy conservation as it applies to nursing practice. Energy has been a topic of research and concern in nursing practice for quite some time. This examination of the concept explores how energy has been addressed within the context of nursing theoretical frameworks, concentrating on the work of Myra Levine, but also addressing Rogers' theories and the implications of energy conservation as they apply toward fatigue. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Philosophy of Nursing

    A 7 page example essay that describes a personal philosophy of nursing. This perspective on nursing draws heavily on the career of Florence Nightingale and offers comparisons between this first modern nursing theory and the student's hypothetical personal position. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Palliative Care and the Theory of Dorothea Orem

    A 5 page research paper. In addressing nursing practice and the needs of patients, nurses often adopt a theoretical model that aids them in conceptualize and meeting those needs. The following examination looks at how Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory facilitates and informs palliative care for a patient with arm lymphedema. It will show how Orem's model of nursing care fits the needs of this patient and facilitates helping the patient to reach self-care deficit goals. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Elder Neglect in Nursing Homes

    A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of the topic of neglect and abuse of elderly patients in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, such as assisted living homes. This also includes issues relating to nursing care of the elderly, as influenced by the nursing theory of Dorothea Orem. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nursing Leadership Examined

    A 10 page paper that identifies an effective nurse leader; discusses several points of leadership theory as it applies to nursing; and ends with the writer comparing her own nursing leadership skills to those of the identified effective leader. The identified leader holds a vice president position and some differences can be attributed to the differences in administrative level, but “people” issues remain the same regardless of what level the leader occupies in the organization. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Nursing Theory

    A 3 page research paper that addresses the question of whether or not nursing has a theoretical basis. The writer outlines the parameters of the debate and then argues that nursing does have such a theoretical basis and that theory provides the foundation for the highest level of nursing practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theorist and Martha Rogers a Science of Unitary Human Beings Application

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of the perspectives of nursing theorist Martha Rogers, with an emphasis on Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings. This paper outlines the background of the theorist, the theory, and the application for nursing practices, especially in regards to the way in which Rogers has influenced the development of holistic nursing. Bibliography lists 10 source.

  • The Mathematical Contributions of Albert Einstein

    A 5 page paper that reports Einstein's first three papers that led to a new perception of the universe, from evidence for the existence of molecules and atoms to his general theory of relativity that led to a new understanding of the universe, including space, time, motion and gravity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Mathematics and Creative Classroom Approaches

    A 12 page overview of the various factors which impact learning. The author reviews numerous theories and instructional styles to conclude that the teacher who most effectively assesses a child’s interests and designs their educational approach around those interests will be the most effective in instilling a sound mathematical knowledge. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Reviewing 2 Mathematics Textbooks

    This 4-page paper provides a review of two mathematics text books: Basic Concepts of Mathematics" by Zakon and "Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra" by Shoup. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Social Psychology Issues

    This 5 page paper answers three questions in social psychology which include an examination of the concepts of bystander intervention, bullying and social learning theory. Each of these concepts are fully explained . Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Classrooms and Developmental Psychology Applications

    This 4 page paper touches on the idea of how psychology may be applied in education. Much of the paper outlines theories from Erickson, Piaget, Freud and others. Developmental staging is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Lifespan Developmental Psychology; The Case of an Elderly Bereaved Patient

    This 4 page paper looks at the case of an elderly patient who has suffered the loss of his wife and does not approve or feel that they fit in with modern society. The issues the patient faces and ways of helping him are identified using the lifespan developmental model of Erickson and Ainsworth's theory of attachment. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Developmental Psychology: Theories

    8 pages in length. Theories and concepts in developmental psychology assist in understanding the challenges individuals face at different stages of their life. The contributions of such prominent theorists as Bandura, Watson, Skinner, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Fowler and Piaget have served to assemble a collection of developmental philosophies that provide a significantly better understanding of why people develop the way they do. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Organizational Change in St. Vincent's ICU

    A 20 page paper assessing change in a large hospital to allow it to achieve and maintain a one-to-one nurse-patient ratio in its ICU at all times. Kurt Lewin's change theory was used as a framework, and the hospital added three agency nurses to work in more general-care areas of the hospital to free additional hospital-employed nurses for permanent assignment only to the ICU. Assessment includes attention to costs, patient outcome and nurses' morale. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Caring in Nursing Theory

    A 3 page research paper that discusses Dorothea Orem and Jean Watson, who are two nursing theorists who have both had a tremendous impact on contemporary nursing via their incorporation of the nursing core concept of caring within the framework of their nursing models of practice. This examination of these theories briefly summaries and analyzes each framework. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Knowledge: Development And Utilization

    12 pages in length. The philosophy of nursing is something much grander and more complex than most people realize; not only does it incorporate views, metaparadigm, paradigms and theories, but it also includes the consideration of nursing as a discipline and profession as well as an art and science. Indeed, the basis of nursing knowledge is founded within the synthesis of all these elements which - when taken as a unit instead of individually - serves to synergistically encapsulate the very nature of nursing philosophy. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Reduction of ICU's Nursing Ratio and Change Management

    A 10 page paper discussing restructuring the ICU to gain one-on-one nursing using Lewin’s change theory. The ongoing nursing shortage has meant for ICUs that they may have fewer RNs available to them and that recruiting and retention has become more costly over the past several years. The paper recommends that the hospital use agency nurses where possible, either in the ICU or in other areas "donating" nurses to ICU. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Humanistic Leadership & Nursing Unions

    A 20 page research paper that in which the writer assumes the persona of a nursing leader working in a hospital where the nurses are unionized. The writer establishes a background for this investigation by examining what is meant by the terms "humanistic" and "leadership," which includes a discussion of various leadership models and theories. Then, this investigation looks at nursing literature pertaining to nurses' unions and the processes of unionization and how this supports the importance of establishing a working partnership between union leaders and nursing management. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Philosophy of Nursing and Values

    A 5 page paper discussing the values and philosophy of nursing, as well as nursing as a profession. Much of the focus of development of nursing over the past century has been on professionalism that has been based on theory and practice, while education, licensing and standards of care have addressed technical expertise requirements. Though true for any profession, that of nursing is not for everyone. Nursing requires a particular type of commitment and level of caring. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Personality Theories in Humanistic and Existential Psychology

    This is a 3 page paper that explores personality theory. The views of Maslow, Rogers, and May are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Psychological Indeterminism and Determinism

    6 pages in length. Is one's life and liberty truly determined or is it primarily the result of mankind’s free will? The writer discusses this issue by addressing humanistic and cognitive theories, as well as Roger Wolcott Sperry, Thomas More's "Utopia," Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange" and B.F. Skinner's "Walden 2." Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Racial Factors Within the Context of Sports

    This 10 page paper looks at race as a social construction but explores theories that suggest biological aspects play a part in sports. Both sides of the controversy are discussed. Various explanations are offered, inclusive of stereotyping. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sport and Roles in Management Practice

    This 13 page paper examines roles in sport management such as coaching and upper levels as well. The subject is discussed in general but specific examples are provided. The focus is on management and includes management theory. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Singapore Marketing of the UK Football Club Manchester United

    This 35 page paper examines the United Kingdom football club Manchester United and how it is marketed in Singapore. The club has successfully made the transition from sports club to commercial entertainment whilst retaining credibility and increasing profit. The key to this success has been strategic marketing and differentiation and the use of alliances and sponsorship as well as brand extensions. This paper considers how this has been achieved and examined the underlying theory of marketing in this type of environment. The bibliography cites 26 sources.

  • Soccer and Economics

    This 8-page paper uses economic demand theory to explain marketing and other procedures for promoting a soccer team to fans. Also touched on is the economics of sports in general. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Heroism and Sports

    10 pages in length. In the first half of the paper, the writer discusses the concept of sports heroes as it relates to symbolic interactionism, conflict theory and functionalism. The second half addresses the concerns of the sports hero image being a reflection of society. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Distribution and Value Economic Theories

    A 9 page research paper on the influence of Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo, Karl Marx and Alfred Marshall on labor value and distribution of income. The writer discusses Marshall's synthesis of earlier theories and ethical points, and closes with a modern 'ideal society' scenario based on his synthesis, which foreshadows a perfect global economy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Personality's Spiritual and Metaphysical Components

    A 5 page paper that provides a concise overview of the metaphysical and spiritual components of personality and then considers their implications in terms of psychological theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Conflict Perspective and Affirmative Action

    The problem is discussed from a conflict perspective in this 10 page paper. Several sections look at the problem, analyze data and apply theoretical principals to relevant studies. Solutions to the dilemma of affirmative action are discussed in light of polling data as well as sociological theory. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Theory and International Relations

    This 7 page research paper discusses international relations as it endeavors to identify current problems, dangers an sources of tension. Specifically discussed are the three prevailing theories of gender, dependency and realism to determine which one most effectively addresses the problems of international relations today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Book Review of 'Adolf Hitler, aA Study In Tyranny' by Allan Bullock

    A 5 page discussion and review of Allan Bullock's biography of the person who would come to be known as the 20th century's most evil individual. The book examines Hitler's reign in terms of political theory and ideology -- outlining how he represented a definitive example genuine tyranny. No Bibliography or additional sources used.

  • 3 Theories on the Dissolution of Yugoslavia

    A 10 page research paper with an overview of three theories regarding dissolution of the Yugoslav Republic. The three areas explored include the U.N. offer of recognition, economic factors, and ongoing animosity of between the various ethnic nations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • US Constitution and its Origins

    This 15 page overview explores the origins of the Constitution. Included are references to John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu who supported the theory of civic humanism. Also discussed is the applicability of earlier documents such as the Magna Carter and the Mayflower Compact. A discussion of constitutional amendments and how concepts have changed over time is also included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Life and Works of Composer Nicola Vincentino

    A 10 page research paper on the life and work of the 16th century composer. The writer details the context of his life and work in regard to the music of the time, his harmonic theories, and his published works. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Theories of Evolution and Creation

    A 9 page outline of the theories of creationism and evolution. Outlines the strengths and weaknesses of each and concludes that neither is inherently superior to the other. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Single Mothers and the Benefits of Welfare

    5 pages in length. A thorough analysis of benefits provided to single mothers on welfare and the controversy surrounding relevant issues. The writer is particularly concerned with whether or not research suggests that welfare mothers are "lazy" and do not try hard enough to find work. It is argued that welfare is indeed a necessary economic evil for this class of citizen and specific theories and presented to support this point. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Universe Origins and the Theories of Michio Kaku

    This 5 page paper looks at Michio Kaku's theories on the origin of the universe and why they are so important.The subject is discussed philosophically in terms of why man needs to know how the universe began. Hawking is quoted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Summaries of Articles by Rawls, Mills, and Dworkin

    5 pages in length. The writer summarizes three articles: Ronald Dworkin's 'Is affirmative action doomed?,' Mills' 'Of the limits to the authority of society over the individual,' and John Rawls' 'A theory of justice.' No additional sources cited.

  • Design and Classical Organization

    This 5 page report discusses the fact that classical organization theory would suggest that there is “one right way” to structure an organization. However, many successful groups adopt widely different forms and styles of organization. That fact gives rise to the question of whether or not organizational design has any real significance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 2 Professorial Views on Women and the Issue of Rape

    This 5 page report discusses the issue of rape in modern society from the perspective of two writers, both women and both university professors. Helene Shugart asserts that asserts that that patriarchy is the theory and rape is the practice. Renee Heberle questions whether there is a fundamental fragileness in male dominance that has been obscured by the construction of a political strategy designed to call attention to women’s suffering and therefore, further reinforces the attitudes of masculine-based domination. Both opinions are disturbing and thought provoking. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Psychosocial Aspects of Self Fulfilling Prophecy

    This 6 page report discusses the socio-psychological premises behind the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy. Fundamentally, self-fulfilling prophecy is the theory or the idea that believing something, based on the information, generally gathered from others’ opinions or attitudes, becomes reality whether or not there is a concrete reason for such a thing to come true. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Dr. William Glasser's Reality Therapy Theory

    A 7 page research paper that examines the theories of Dr. William Glasser, specifically focusing on Reality Therapy and how this can be applied to education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Economic Practices, Theories, and Inflationary Tendencies

    This 7 page report discusses fundamental inflationary tendencies that influence virtually all aspects of economic theory and practice. Although economic forecasts have proved less that totally reliable throughout the past decade and have even been blamed for currency crises around the world, in terms of inflationary predictions and trend watching, they are usually relatively accurate since inflationary tendencies typically carry a number of key characteristics that assist in both predicting then defining levels of inflation in the overall economy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Values and Professionalism in Nursing

    A 5 page paper discussing development, preservation and advancement of nursing as a profession. Much of the focus of development of nursing over the past century has been on professionalism that has been based on theory and practice, while education, licensing and standards of care have addressed technical expertise requirements. Though true for any profession, that of nursing is not for everyone. Nursing requires a particular type of commitment and level of caring, which the paper discusses. JCAHO is seen as contributing to the overall trend. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Nurse Mentors

    A 7 page paper discussing how mentoring and networking can enable nurses to achieve desired career paths. Mentoring and networking are two important aspects of nursing in today’s healthcare environment. Older nurses have opportunity to share practical knowledge with new nurses; new ones can pass on the concepts of theory-based nursing they have just been studying. Nursing has been able to reduce the need to focus on technical ability in its selection processes, allowing it to focus more on personality and “team spirit.” Mentoring and networking develops points of verification of the nurse’s possession of those qualities, thereby enhancing individuals’ abilities to achieve the career paths they desire. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Improving Pediatric Care in the ED

    A 3 page research paper that discusses using Patricia Benner's novice to expert nursing theory within the context of a hospital Emergency Department (ED), which is one of the most stressful nursing environments and one that is particularly traumatic for children needing emergency care. In response to the need to recruit and retain ED nurses, while providing a high level of nursing care, the ED clinical educator at Poudre Valley Hospital located in Fort Collins, Colorado, devised a six-month orientation program that uses Benner's model as its theoretical framework in order to aid "new graduate nurses" and "promote clinical competency in emergency nursing," while enhancing professional socialization (Truman, 2004, p. 45). The writer discusses this program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Depth Psychology/Early Childhood Educational Setting

    A 6 page research paper that discusses this topic. The term "depth psychology" is rather like an umbrella term that encompasses psychological perspectives that "concern themselves with the unconscious" (Reynolds and Piirto, 2005, p. 164). The purpose of this examination of depth psychology is to discuss how a depth psychology, in this case the psychological theory of Carl Jung, can be integrated into the context of working with young children within a school setting. However, before this topic can be approached directly, it is first necessary discuss the parameters of depth psychology and the concepts that it encompasses. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Imogene King: Theory Of Goal Attainment

    6 pages in length. An individual's physical and/or emotional recovery is not left to happenstance or the sole responsibility of nurse practitioners; rather, convalescence comes from the proactive efforts of both patient and caregiver, a synergistic interchange that thrives because of equal output. Imogene King fully appreciated the value of patient involvement with regard to healing process and shared this vision through her theory of goal attainment. The extent to which personal goal setting empowers the patient to reach individual milestones of progress is both grand and far-reaching; to remove or withhold this internal power because of political or economic issues only serves to delay the healing process when the patient loses the ability to proactively target specific recovery goals. The impact such a concept as King's has made upon the nursing profession illustrates how the industry as a whole believes patients oftentimes have a greater influence over their journey back to health than anyone else does; additionally, King's perspective was instrumental in facilitating theoretical approaches overall. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Kingdom of Jordan, Growth, and Developmental Dynamics

    This 10 page report discusses a number of factors associated with the changing demographics of the nation of Jordan and their impact on development issues. Jordan is a small country that has had to creatively make the most of its limited resources and markets. Most international economic analysts believe Jordan’s economy may be, in the most significant of arenas, experiencing a recession. Nonetheless, the potential remains for a true fiscal renaissance for Jordan and its people. The theory of “demographic transition” serves as a baseline for greater understanding of the economic phenomenon being faced by Jordan. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Roaring 2000s by Harry S. Dent Jr.

    This 11 page report discusses “The Roaring 2000s: Building the Wealth and Lifestyle You Deserve in the greatest Boom in History.” Author Harry S. Dent, Jr., has been called “America’s favorite optimist.” Dent presents in extremely broad strokes how readers can capitalize on the boom times ahead. In the introduction of the book, Dent explains the purpose of his latest work being: "To help you understand the fundamental trends that can be reliably projected into the future to allow you to build the wealth and lifestyle you desire in the greatest boom in history." This report examines a number of his ideas and predictions and looks at them in terms of economic analysis and theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Trio of Marketing Journals Evaluated

    A 6 page paper discussing the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Marketing Research. All of these journals maintain sound approaches and integrity in valid research principles and methods. They also present valid conclusions based on the findings of that research. Interestingly, none of them appear to chase after only current thinking to the exclusion of knowledge gained in the past on which “current thinking” is built. They each occupy a specific point on a continuum running between pure theory and pure practice, however, and those who would use the knowledge contained within them need to understand their differences. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 2 Theories on the Family

    This 8 page paper explores sociological concepts as it pertains to the family. Families of the nineties are compared to earlier family structures. Definitions are explored. All discussion involves both systems theory and the symbolic interactionist approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Feminist Criticism and Literature

    6 pages in length. To say that women have had to fight for their existence within the literary world would be a gross understatement. Indeed, the road to self-expression through the written word has been paved with patriarchal intolerance and characteristic skepticism. That women have been forced to prove their worthiness within the stringent boundaries of a male-dominated existence speaks volumes about the inherent fortitude that comprises the female spirit. The writer discusses feminist critical theory as it relates to women writers, focusing upon a story by Doris Lessing. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Kindleberger on the World Economy

    A 5 page research paper which looks at the theories of renowned economist Charles P. Kindleberger in his book World Economic Primacy: 1500 to 1990. Kindleberger postulates that nations go through life cycles that are roughly similar to those of a single individual. First there is youth, then maturity, and then eventually there is aging; however, the life cycle of a nation ends in quiescence rather then death. As evidence of this, the writer examines world health as an economic indicator and concludes that this does tend to verify Kindleberger's hypothesis that the U.S. is in decline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Survival of Bureaucracy

    A 5 page paper discussing the likelihood of the survival of bureaucracy through the millennium. Warren Bennis predicted in Changing Organizations that the bureaucratic organizations as we have known them would disappear by the end of this century. Though Bennis' timing appears to be incorrect, his theory gains more credibility with each passing day. Without question, bureaucracy will last at least until the millennium, and even well into it. Before another though? It is much more likely that Bennis' prediction will be seen, even by this generation, to come to bear. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Motivational Theory Application

    An 11 page paper discussing the theory behind motivating employees. Following a decade of downsizing, cost cutting and merging, more and more businesses look for ways to give their employees what they want. Too many companies believe that employee motivation rests in monetary rewards, without either realizing or acknowledging individuals' needs for recognition. Formal studies and informal surveys alike reveal that while managers often will list money as the top factor in motivating employees, the employees themselves are much more likely to list first their desire for recognition, for someone to let them know they truly have done a good job, a fact well known by some of the country's most successful companies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Teen Alcohol Abuse Socioeconomic Policy Control and Proposition

    It has been shown that economic factors can have a decisive effect on the ability to purchase a product. The product under consideration is alcohol and its availability to adolescents. Although preventative programmes are in place, statistics indicate that success of deterrent programmes is questionable when used in isolation. Therefore, if a government regulatory agency were to make a decision about substantially curtailing the use of alcohol by adolescents to alleviate its long term effects, the agency could learn from economics theories surrounding supply and demand, particularly in relationship to binding price floors. But this would not work in isolation because of market factors. Therefore, the ultimate policy would incorporate educational methods as well. 5 works sited. jvAlcPrc.rtf

  • Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management

    The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.

  • The Conflict Theory of Karl Marx and Views of Terrorism

    A 22 page paper that begins with a brief history of the evolution of terrorism, including the typologies of terrorism. Factors that have been linked to terrorism, such as poverty and lack of education are discussed. These two suggested causes, however, cannot be supported in more recent terrorist acts. Other causes cited in the literature are reported and discussed. The myths of terrorism, according to at least one author are reported. Marx's conflict theory is then explained and discussed as it might apply to terrorist acts in the past and in the present. The last section offers additional thoughts and a conclusion on the causes of terrorism. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Women and TV News Broadcasts

    5 pages in length. Viewer perception is not a finite entity; in fact, it can be readily argued that television news audiences are some of the most difficult to persuade. However, there exists somewhat of a disparity between genders with regard to the factor of trust, being that female respondents have demonstrated a more trusting approach than their male counterparts. Such an assertion can be based upon a number of theories why women might be more trusting of television news than men, with one of the most logical being that women are inherently more accepting of what is presented to them without feeling the need to question. Additionally, empathy plays an integral role in relation to the difference between male and female respondent confidence. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Public Interest and Lawyers

    This 28 page paper sets out to consider the proposition that lawyer operate in the public interest. The paper starts this by defining the role of the lawyer, which includes the UK definitions of both barristers and solicitors. Following this the meaning of public interest is discussed with reference to different perspectives, and the manifestation of the way law seeks to serve the public interest is examined, with the theories of Devlin and Hart. The final part of the paper then considers how public interest is served with the examination of a well known case where public interests were of paramount importance; the extradition proceeding of General Pinochet, a case where it is often assumed that public interests were not served. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Louis Pasteur and 'The Germs Of Dissent and The Origins Of Life'

    5 pages in length. There exist myriad theories with regard to the origin of life. Inasmuch as there are no definitive answers to the question of how life began, various experts have taken the opportunity to apply their own speculation. Louis Pasteur was instrumental within the scientific community and because of his intimate relationship with research, he established his own interpretation of the origin of life. It is without any reservation that Pasteur defiantly argued the point that life did not begin as a result of spontaneous generation, but rather as a movement from one life form to another. The writer discusses pertinent points of the article. No additional sources cited.

  • The Marketing of Neptune's Gold Seafood

    This 11 page paper is a marketing case study based in a case supplied by the student. Neptune Gourmet Seafood is a premium brand is seafood, selling at a good premium on the market. The company have invested and have increased supply beyond their premium market demand. The suggestion has been to start a lower priced mass market product but concerns exist for the impact this could have on the company’s existing brand and how it may devalue it directly or indirectly. The paper looks at the theory and the practice to consider how Neptune should respond and suggests a marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Philosophical Analysis of Nestle's Infant Formula Marketing

    This 6 page paper examines a case study submitted by a student regarding the Nestle Company and its marketing of infant formula. The controversy contained in the case is examined under both types of utilitarian theory in addition to other philosophic views. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Eysenck And Bandura: Comparison Of Personality Theories

    9 pages in length. The battle between biological versus environmental and nature versus nurture have sparked myriad theories that strive to one-up each other with the best concept of what influences personality development. The very notion of human personality is what distinguishes one from another, a foundation upon which the quest for individuality is a primary focal point (Brody, 1988). The extent to which two schools of thought revolve around the either/or principles of genetic or situational influences is both grand and far-reaching; to single out one as holding more power over personality development than - and even to the exclusion of - the other is to inaccurately surmise how the myriad traits that characterize human personality are rigid and finite. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Gases and Physics Laws

    An 8 page paper discussing some of the laws of physics that apply specifically to gases. One of the three states of matter, gases share many similarities with liquids in that they are free-flowing and can be compressed. However, gases have much lower density and so are subject to laws not applicable to liquids. The paper discusses contributors to the ideal gas law and the kinetic theory of gases. There are many other contributors to today’s existing laws of physics as they apply to gases, including Bernoulli, John Dalton, Michael Farady and Thomas Graham, to name only a few. Today’s laws truly have evolved over the course of centuries, rather than decades. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Student Case Study on the Flying Pizza Restaurant Chain

    This 20 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. Flying Pizza are a chain of upmarket pizza restaurants. One branch is under performing, has a terrible culture with low motivation and no training. The paper starts by looking at how change can be introduced and a training programme developed. The way in which learning styles will impact on training methods is considered in the second part of the paper, and the use of motivation theory and empowerment is looked at in the third part of the paper. Issues such as the development of an appraisal system and disciplinary and grievance procedures are also considered. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Early Europe, Scientific Theory Development, and Counterfactual History

    An 11 page exploration of the way society repressed scientific fact in Europe, between 1000 A.D and 1800 A.D. The toll this repression took was a delay in the development of muchmore advanced knowledge. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Bottge's ' Reconceptualizing Mathematics Problem Solving For Low Achieving Students' - Summary

    3 pages in length. Learning theories are not merely a collection of arbitrary approaches for acquiring knowledge but rather are well-focused methods for reaching students. People cannot be lumped together as being a single entity when it comes to learning processes; borrowing from such renown scholars as Dewey, Wertheimer and Bruner, Bottge (2001) points out how 'the notion that problems must be engaging for students' (p. 102) is not a new concept. In order to penetrate the limitations inherent to low achieving students where mathematical comprehension is concerned, Bottge (2001) expounds upon the need to incorporate student autonomy and quality of life into the fundamental approach to learning. No additional sources cited.

  • Theory and a Solar Energy Overview

    This 10 page paper offers an overview of solar energy beginning with the theory underlying solar power and the two major types of solar energy. The technology of solar power cells is explained, beginning with the two major categories of solar energy. The most common materials and elements used to produce photovoltaic cells, how these cells work and their output are then reported. Four of the most common types of collectors are explained. Innovations in the production of solar cells are reported. Comments are made regarding the costs and the savings gained from using solar power. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Heath Care and Nursing's Pender Promotion Model

    An 8 page paper discussing this model of nursing and model of health care, particularly as it relates to education. The Pender model holds that people are willing and able to take the steps necessary to improve their health standing, to seek increasing levels of wellness rather than only existing without the presence of illness. Delivering health-enhancing information within the confines of the Pender model as well as deference to learning theory can be of tremendous benefit to individuals. It is reasonable to assume that greater progress in a shorter period of time provides additional incentive to retain new behaviors and to continue practicing them until they become ingrained. Achieving healthier behaviors over the long term is the goal of those in health promotion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Perceptions and Product Marketing

    This 10 page paper looks at how marketing sells perspectives rather than products and the role that integrated marketing communication plays in the creation of the consumer perspective. The paper looks at the role of integrated marketing communication and demonstrated how it takes place to create the desire impression and associations with a brand. The paper illustrates all points with examples to demonstrate their real life application. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Human Implications of Dolphin Communication

    This 12 page paper provides an overview of dolphin communication. How it affects humanity, and its potential to do so, is the focus of the paper. Research on dolphin communication is included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Importance of Communication Skills in Management

    A 6 page overview of the importance of communication in management. The manager depends on good communication skills to conduct all aspects of his or her job duties. Without such skills management would falter and company productivity and the accomplishment of organizational goals would suffer. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Effective Communication Between the Sexes and the Cultures

    This 6 page paper details the impacts gender and culture can have on effective communication. Workplace communication can be affected by each. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Ways to Improve Communication Between a New York City Daycare and the Department of Daycare

    A 14 page contention that maintaining effective communication between New York City daycare establishments and the New York Department of Daycare is imperative to meeting the common goal of optimizing child welfare. The author emphasizes the proper approach to making communication more effective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Public Communication Issues

    THis 4-page paper focuses on certain issues in public communication including communication apprehension (both normal and high); techniques a presenter can do to lower fear of public speaking and what source credibility its. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Evolution of Technology and Communication

    A 7 page paper that begins with a reminder that the telephone, radio and television changed communication dramatically when they were invented. The writer discusses today’s technology and how they have change our communication. The discussion includes comments about social Web sites. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Studying Interpersonal Communications

    This 5-page paper is a study of interpersonal communications, and strengths and weaknesses some people might exhibit in this field. The paper discusses various steps to solid interpersonal communication as well. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Knorr Packet Soup in Ireland

    This 18 page paper examines the Knorr packet soups operation in Ireland in order to develop a new marketing communication strategy. The paper starts by examining the soup industry in Ireland and then looking more carefully at Knorr and the way that they compete. The target market is also considered. All of the information is used to suggest a marketing strategy which is based on an integrated marketing communication strategy. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • The Viability of a New Type of Smartphone

    This 8 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Immo are a company specializing in security, surveillance and communication equipment. They have developed a new type of smartphone which combines communication technology with personal protection. The paper considers whether or not the product to be launched, looking at the potential target market or markets, the characteristics of those markets, whether or not the product should be standardized or differentiated in the way in which marketing may take place. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • The Value of Effective Organizational Communication: A Technological Overview

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of organizational communication. Strategies for effective implementation of information technologies to enhance communication are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Integrated Communication Strategies and Dog Food Marketing

    Strategy This 10 page paper considers how to build an integrated communication strategy for a brand. The writer does this by looking at Pedigree’s Cesar brand of dog food in conjunction with the five communication effects and the 4 P’s. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • How Can the Persuasiveness of Marketing Communication Be Optimised?

    This 9 page paper considers the practices persuasive communication in marketing from a social psychology perspective. The paper examines the way in which marketers may seek to use communication to persuade consumers to purchase the goods. Different tactics, best practice and theoretical approaches which contribute to the idea of persuasive communicational discussed, including the use of examples to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Marketing Communication Plan for Launching a Hair Gel

    This 16 page paper presents a marketing communication plan for a new type of hair gel. However, the process could be equally applied to any new product. Starting with the marketing communication objective the process, the strategies and tactics for delivering the message including the use of television, magazine and in store promotions. Te paper then considers budgeting and methods of evaluating the marketing. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Wireless Communications and Satellites

    A 10 page research paper discussing the increasing use of satellite technology in the wireless communication industry. This paper discusses a description of the subject matter, the current state of technology in this field, and then presents the advantages, disadvantages and present and future trends in the use of satellites in wireless communications systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Perception and Communication

    A 9 page contention that our perception can have a tremendous influence on our ability to communicate with others. This paper points out that our perception is important not just in verbal communication but also nonverbal communication. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Tropical Forests and Wildlife Vocal Communication

    This 4 page paper examines vocal communication in tropical forests. This theme is illustrated through the discussion of vocal communication for monkeys, birds, and other wildlife. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • ICU Patients and Communication

    A 10 page research paper that examines the literature on communicating with critical ill patients. This literature demonstrates that communication with the critically ill is a complex area. Some of the literature pertains to the issues surrounding difficult end-of-life decisions while other studies address the problems of dealing with the families of children in ICU and the importance of communicating with unconscious or sedated patients. The common factor in all of the research, however, is that the importance of communication is emphasized. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Bend It Like Beckham and Intercultural Communications

    This 5 page paper examines the presence of cross cultural communication in the film Bend it like Beckham. The communication is shown and examined in terms of issues such as gender, sexuality, cultural identity as well as football in a film where an Asian Sikh girl wants to be a footballer against the wishes of her family. Concepts such as stereotypes, ethnicity, prejudice and diffusion are all considered. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Conflict Management and Organizational Communication

    A 7 page paper that examines the need for good communication in resolving conflict. A reoccurring problem in organizational communication‹whether it deals with governments, corporations, or dealings among the tenants in an apartment building‹is when those involved misunderstand each other. This can result in emotions that only serve to escalate the conflict as the people involved then react to circumstances on a personal level. The negotiating strategies outlined by Fisher, et al, (1991) in the book Getting to Yes are specifically highlighted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Contemporary Management and Communication's Role

    This 9-page paper focuses on the role that good communications plays among the modern managers of today. The paper touches on why managers must be also good communicators and also suggests ways to build a good communications plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Risk Management, Security, and Communication

    A paper which looks at the role of communication in security and risk management, with reference to corporate organisations and societal institutions such as the health service, and considers the impact of IT and global communication on these issues.

  • Law Enforcement and Communication

    This 10 page paper provides information on selected chapters (3 through 7) for the book "Connecting: A Culture-Sensitive Approach to Interpersonal Communication Competency" by Berko, Rosenfeld and Samovar, and relates the information to law enforcement. Various forms of communication are discussed. No additional sources cited.

  • English Law Regarding Contract Law

    This 4 page paper looks at a case supplied by the student where there is an advertisement placed in a newspaper, which is followed by communications and an acceptance. The paper considers which are offers, which are counter offers, and communications, if any, is a valid acceptance. The paper is written with reference to English law and cites relevant cases. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Communication in Film Dead Poets Society

    A 3 page research paper that explores communication in this film. The writer argues that the heart of the film is the tension created by contrasting the manner in which a talented teacher, John Keating (Robin Williams) communicates with his students and the communication style employed by authoritarian school officials and the parents of the boys. Examination of this film and its message illustrates many of the points discussed in the research literature on this topic. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Physician's office and the Deming System of Profound Knowledge

    5 pages in length. The very root of effective management is the lost art of communication, which is why the Deming System of Profound Knowledge focuses so greatly upon its resurgence into contemporary society. Whether a small family business of fifteen people or a conglomerate with tens of thousands, Deming illustrates how the fundamental basis of communication is not only the byproduct of profound knowledge but is also the one, single-most effective tool one can develop, particularly within the environment of a doctor's office. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Organizational Communication - Case Study

    This 4 page paper applies the communication process to a hypothetical organization. The essay includes: the communication climate in the organization, strengths and weaknesses, management's approach and an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Role Ambiguity Causes Problems for Company

    This 15 page paper begins with a brief scenario of the case. The paper analyzes the issues and identifies the problems. The paper explains the need for role clarification and communication and also discusses the need for effective communication. The writer provides specific recommendations for the company to improve performance. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Society, Communication, and Music

    An 18 page research paper that argues that studying music provides a great deal of information not only about how human beings communicate, but also how musical communication works within the context of societal frameworks. The writer examines research on musical cognition, such as the Mozart Effect, how music is used to enhance communication with autistic children, and in regards to ethnomusicology. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • How Can the Persuasiveness of Marketing Communication Be Optimised?

    This 9 page paper considers the practices persuasive communication in marketing from a social psychology perspective. The paper examines the way in which marketers may seek to use communication to persuade consumers to purchase the goods. Different tactics, best practice and theoretical approaches which contribute to the idea of persuasive communicational discussed, including the use of examples to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Assessing Distance Learning Online Class Groups

    This 5 page paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of online class groups. Issues discussed include barriers to communication, the absence on non verbal communication, team dynamics and development social loafing, cultural diversity and many other factors that may be present in this environment.

  • Improving Diversity Recruiting

    A 5 page paper proposal to assess a tool supply company for increased diversity in its recruiting. Project phases include assessing CEO commitment, human capital, corporate communications and supplier diversity separately, combining results to gain an overall view but keeping divisional results separate as well to facilitate closer examination. Human capital and supplier diversity will be more quantitative, but CEO commitment and corporate communications will need to be assessed using qualitative tools such as the case study. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Job Satisfaction And Communication

    This 11 page paper is comprised of these sections: problem statement, definitions of communication, employee satisfaction and 360-degree feedback approach, job satisfaction trends. Discussions focus on employee satisfaction, management communication and the 360 feedback model. A generic satisfaction survey is included. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton

    An 8 page research paper that, first of all, presents an outline of the major events in Thomas Merton's autobiography 'Seven Storey Mountain.' Then, the writer lists ten concepts from the field of communication ethics and presents a brief outline of the 5 page research paper that then follows, in which the writer discusses the major concepts presented by Merton in his book, touching on how they reflex communication ethics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Conflict Management and Organizational Communication

    A 7 page paper that examines the need for good communication in resolving conflict. A reoccurring problem in organizational communication‹whether it deals with governments, corporations, or dealings among the tenants in an apartment building‹is when those involved misunderstand each other. This can result in emotions that only serve to escalate the conflict as the people involved then react to circumstances on a personal level. The negotiating strategies outlined by Fisher, et al, (1991) in the book Getting to Yes are specifically highlighted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Modern Society and the Influence of the Media

    15 pages in length. Media influence has become a social mainstay in contemporary society. Not only do newspapers, radio, television and magazines strive to inform and entertain, but they also hold a significant power over what people believe. Since its inception, the standard of media presence was long a tool of integrity and fairness. Newspersons and entertainers may have embellished here and there in order to put more flavor into a certain piece or program, but for the most part, there was a distinct significance to an inherently honesty portrayal. Truth was a respected commodity in reporting of days gone by. The writer discusses how these days, the media have lost sight of what is important, whether that is with current events or prime time programming, often choosing to compromise social integrity. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Media Access: National Security Versus Public Access To Government Function

    10 pages in length. National security is maintained at myriad different levels and under countless different provisions so as to weigh the intrinsic risk associated with each individual perceived threat. When it comes to military tribunals and media access, a strong undercurrent of First Amendment rights versus the threat to national security fuels an ongoing legal debate between the press and federal judges (Anonymous, 2001). The extent to which these secret courts serve to protect against highly sensitive information leaking out through media sources is both grand and far-reaching; that certain cases have reached beyond the concern for protecting national security and granted media access in these hearings speaks to the failing efforts to balance interests of national security with public access. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Mass Media, Ethics, and Current Codes

    This is a 5 page paper discussing a specific mass media incident that posed an ethical dilemma and some examples of codes of ethics within media. Editors and executive officers in charge of mass media operations have formatted over 33 known codes of ethics and values in the media. Many of the codes of ethics deal with public relations and moral dilemmas, conflict of interest issues, timeless values, new technology, sources and reporters, editorial independence and diversity issues among other areas of concern. Nevertheless, cases which test the codes of media ethics continue to be an issue in the public and journalist world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Former Soviet Union and Communications

    This 15 page report discusses the economic, social and political factors that have caused the former members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to have fallen so far behind in their own adaptation to the Information Age. Prior to the dissolution of the USSR, electronic communication, other than fragmented telephone service and state television, was virtually nonexistent. Economics and technology stood in the way, every bit as much as the political aspect of access to information. Although communications are improving in the former Soviet Union, it still is antiquated in comparison to most Western opinions and standards. However, as with most radical social changes, the change in communications must be viewed in the context of what has gone before. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Integrated Marketing Communication and Creating Brand Awareness

    This 4 page paper is written in two parts, the first part looks at what advertising and promotion is so importance in an integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategy. The second part of the paper considers the way that brand issues and desired image need to be considered before formulating a brand strategy. Both sections are illustrated with examples from the marketing of Calvin Klein. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Assessing Five Coffee House Websites

    This 3 page paper compares and contrasts five websites for coffee houses, assessing the main purpose of the websites, how they communicate and if they facilitate bilateral communication. The chains looked at are Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, Stumptown Coffee And Intelligentsia Coffee.

  • Communication in the Workplace

    This 3 page paper explores communication practice in the workplace. Several examples are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Issues of the Composite Talks between India and Pakistan

    This 16 page paper examines the international negotiation problems associated with the ‘composite dialogue’ between India and Pakistan regarding Kashmir. The paper starts by identifying issues, the significant parties and then looks at the perspectives of the parties involved. The best alternative to a negotiated agreement is considered, and issues including communication building criteria of legitimacy are also discussed. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Considerations for a Scholar Practitioner Undertaking Research on Communication

    This 5 page paper answers questions set by the student looking at issues associated with action research. The questions look at the issues of bias and subjectivity when studying the problem of poor communication. The importance of the issue, context of the study and consequences of doing nothing about the problem are all discussed. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Organizational Communication and Personal Power

    This 12 page paper considers aspects of power, including power in organizations; the relationship of power to ideology and culture, symbolism and truth; the location of formal authority within a communication network; and what individual attributes can be considered sources of power. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Stadium Security and Honeywell

    A 3 page paper discussing the need for increased stadium security and the capabilities of the Honeywell Stadium Security System. The system includes provision for fire detection, security and close-circuit television, as well as for public address voice alarm and a system for the hearing impaired. It also provides communications capabilities. Expensive at $3.9 million, it may be able to save the stadium through reduced personnel need, tighter security and lower insurance premiums. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Toshiba Tablet PC

    A 3 page executive summary for a larger marketing review of the Toshiba Tablet PC family of products. The summary addresses the product, target market, marketing strategy, the competition, distribution channels and communication tools being used with customers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Impact on Society, Innovation in Communications Technology, Impact on Society

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the change that has come about due to innovations in information and communications technology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Marketing Analysis of a Science Communication Journal

    A 12 page paper that presents a marketing analysis for a journal within the science communication field. This journal is unique because it has a number of target audiences, because it is a scholarly e-journal, and because it presents information regarding real world environmentalism, a relatively new field and one that is becoming increasingly more popular. The marketing analysis includes several subtopics that include but are not limited to: targeting positioning; customer satisfaction; competition analysis; customers and the 4Ps. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hansa Pilsner Case Study; Marketing Questions

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student on the South African SAB beer; Hansa Pilsner. The paper answers questions concerning marketing, looking at why it failed in the early years, the research that could have been undertaken before launching a new beer, the ways the market could have been segmented, how the communication eventually succeeded and whether the brand should move to a mass market strategy from its' niche market. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Integrated Communications Marketing Plan for Ecotourism

    This 9 page paper presents an integrated communications marketing plan for an ecotourism product. The paper reviews the market, the product, marketing objectives, then identify the target market for designing a marketing campaign. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Overview of Mobile Commerce

    This 6 page paper focuses on m-commerce and other related topics such as t-commerce, v-commerce and p-commerce. WAP (wireless application protocol) and wireless communications are also discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Progress in a Degree Course and Plans for Future Career Progress

    This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part is a reflective learning document considering learning that has taken place so far on a BA Security and Risk Course focusing in the gaining of analytical skills and improved communication skills. The second part of the paper looks at a long term career goal for gaining a senior management position and provides a plan, with justifications for the actions, in order to achieve that goal. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Intercultural Communication

    This 9 page paper examines the way that mistakes or misunderstanding may occur in intercultural communication. Using the example of a business meeting between western and Vietnamese business people the paper looks at examples of cultural differences, looking at the cultural barriers that exist and how they may be overcome. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Overview of Intercultural Communications

    This 3 page paper discusses intercultural communication: what it is, what problems it entails, and how these issues can be resolved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Intercultural Communication In Organizations

    A 10 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of these interactions. The writer reports and describes Hofstede's dimensions that describe a culture with examples. The essay also reports the six barriers to intercultural communication as presented by Jandt. The writer discusses and comments on cross-border mergers and joint ventures reporting a couple of the problems with the Daimler-Chrysler merger. Examples of marketing miscommunications are provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Communication and Listening Skills in Social Work

    A paper which looks at the nature of listening skills in social work, in relation to the social worker's interaction with the client and also in terms of interdisciplinary communications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Marketing of Gordon's Gin

    This 11 page paper examines the Gordon's Gin brand, based on a case study provided by the student. The paper looks at the aspects if international marketing that the company needs to consider, such as the role of international marketing, a SWOT analysis, segmentation, target markets, positioning, market selection and strategy, competitive advantage, marketing communication and distribution issues. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Language Barriers to Students from Indonesia, Japan, China, Croatia and Turkey Entering the United States

    5 pages in length. International students entering the USA from Turkey, Croatia, China, Japan and Indonesia are bound to encounter communication errors and barriers that address the significant cultural differences these students may face when relocating to an entirely different country. With English being one of the most difficult languages to learn because of its syntax, phonology and morphology, it is easy to see why students from these countries might have a troublesome time integrating both culturally and linguistically. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Target Market and Integrated Marketing Strategy for a New Archery Company

    This 8 page paper looks at a new archery company. The paper is written in two parts, the first part defines the primary and secondary target market. The second part of the paper develops a marketing strategy based on integrated marketing communication within the constraints of a very limited budget. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Information Needs Of Doctors And Nurses

    A 3 page paper that identifies the information needs of doctors and nurses at a specific hospital. The source article is entitled: Perceived Information Needs and Communication Difficulties of Inpatient Physicians and Nurses. The writer then discusses the problems and offers suggestions for solving those problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Communication Management Between Doctors & Nurses

    A 5 page research paper, which includes a one-half page abstract, that pertains to doctor-nurse and nurse-to-nurse communication. The writer begins by recording the observations of the student researching this topic during a week-long rotation at a Pennsylvania hospital. The writer then relates these observations to literature and offers recommendations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Florida's Election Primary of 2002

    A 6 page discussion of the multitude of problems which repeated themselves once again in the September 2002 primary elections in South Florida. This paper outlines those problems and suggests that the solution lies in better communication within the extremely diverse community and better state oversight of the election process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Companies and Class Action Lawsuits

    10 pages in length. The writer discusses class action lawsuits as they relate to AOL, CMGI, InfoSpace, ARIBA, Exodus Communications, WorldCom, Oracle, Cisco Systems, Qualcomm, United States Interactive, NY Railroad, Puma Technologies, Infoseek, Amazon, Advanced Viral Research, Celera Genomics, Genome Therapeutics and JDS Uniphase. No bibliography.

  • Communication Case Study

    This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, Blue Ridge are suffering as a result of weak communications, The paper looks at the problems and the pertinent facts and recommends a course of action. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Project Management and the Value of Communication

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of communication in project management. A hypothetical case study is used to highlight the theme. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Beijing Jeep Case Study

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study of Beijing Jeep. The paper is divided into four sections, the first section considers whether Beijing Jeep was following a standardized all customized product strategy. The second part of the paper discusses the branding and positioning of the company in China. The third part of the paper suggests three communications strategies that could be used for marketing the company. The last part of the paper identifies some of the company's competitive advantages. The bibliography cites four sources.

  • JKA Case Study

    This 8 page paper answers questions based on a case study provided by the student. JKA is a commercial programming consultancy firm that has expanded into other areas including dispute resolution. The case answers questions concerning the marketing of the company; how brandy should take place and the value of CRM, management of the company; the organisation and communication within the company, and accounting; the impact of opening an office in Dubai on the ratio analysis and cash-flow statements. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Communications in Health Care (Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper provides a case study and analysis. Communication is discussed in the health care setting. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Hansa Pilsner Case Study; Marketing Questions

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student on the South African SAB beer; Hansa Pilsner. The paper answers questions concerning marketing, looking at why it failed in the early years, the research that could have been undertaken before launching a new beer, the ways the market could have been segmented, how the communication eventually succeeded and whether the brand should move to a mass market strategy from its' niche market. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Contract Case Study; Creating New Clauses

    This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. There have been difficulties in a contract and the terms are being renegotiated. The paper suggests new clauses concerning the communication and reporting and the structure of the project. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Aquarius Marketing Case Study

    This 19 page paper is based on a study is supplied by the student. The first part of the paper assesses the requirements of Aquarius Marketing for a new information technology system. The second part of the paper utilises soft systems modelling (SSM) to determine what is needed and the way that the project should go ahead. Several issues concerning project management then discussed including the importance of scheduling and resource allocation, the importance of leadership to prevent problems in project management, the importance of communication and the value of mentoring. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Global Communication Case Study

    This 20 page paper looks at a case study; Global Communications are going to be outsourcing call centre functions in order to make significant cost savings. There is resistance from the union and the company wants to be able to retain some of key the staff. The paper looks at the strategies the company could adopt in order to retain core staff, to prevent falling levels of motivation and protect the culture. The strategies are examined and recommendations are made. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Mantero Case Study; Branding

    This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Mantero is an Italian silk company who are seeing sales fall. The writer assesses the strength of the existing brand and considers the current potential communication could be utilized to enhance the brand. The bibliography cites resources.

  • Crisis Communication in the Workplace

    10 pages. This paper identifies issues related to crisis communication in the workplace. The case study is focused on a soft drink manufacturer that found several cases of tampering with its product. How the company handled this emergency and what actions were taken and not taken show us a lot about whether a company cares more about the customer or their own bottom line. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Problem Solving and the Development of Teams

    This 5-page paper discusses the concept of teamwork and workplaces by using as an example a specific case study that demonstrates what happens when a team breaks down in communications. Also study and this case is the literature available on the topic, and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 5sources.

  • Adolescents, Socialization And The Internet: Research Proposal

    7 pages in length. The writer offers a proposal to research the impact of Internet communication on real-life socialization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hair Gallery International's Public Relations Enhancement

    A 10 page paper describing a proposed public relations effort. Hair Gallery International is a successful salon near Irvine, California that seeks to become a greater part of the community and to solidify its relationships with current customers while also developing new ones. The framework in which this public relations effort will be undertaken is characterized by the RACE acronym: research, action/planning, communication and evaluation. The paper addresses each component specifically and includes a customer survey questionnaire. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Delegation Example in a Health Care Setting

    This 6 page paper includes 12 Powerpoint slides and two pages of notes. A case study is presented regarding a nurse and a CNA and how communication difficulties may arise. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Parenting and the Effects of Substance Abuse

    This 18 page paper is a proposal, literature review and methodology with a pilot study for a dissertation looking at the impact of substance abuse, such as drug addiction or alcohol abuse, on parenting, specifically the way in which substance abuse can impair parent - child communications directly and indirectly. The paper considers prenatal substance abuse and the way it may impact a child’s development and communisations abilities, then the abuse of substances after birth and the direct interference it may cause. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Employee Behavior and the Effects of Management Accounting

    5 pages in length. The fast and frequent changes that continue to occur throughout the workplace has caused some positions to be eliminated while others assume even more responsibility. In the case of management accounting and how it impacts employee behavior, the student will want to discuss this ever-changing environment as it relates to improving company productivity and efficiency, the need for effective leadership during such changes, as well as address the critical importance of managerial communication within the organization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Paranoid Schizophrenia

    A 9 page research paper that discusses this topic. Nursing care management of patients with paranoid schizophrenia entails numerous challenges. The following overview of the nursing parameters for addressing the challenges involves in formulating care for schizophrenic patients, first of all, discuss the nursing process and then focuses on the importance of communication to establishing a therapeutic nurse-client relationship. The next section describes client behavior in relation to schizophrenia, i.e., its signs and symptoms, before concluding with a brief discussion of the roles of the nurse in regards to patients with schizophrenia in terms of the nurse as the provider of care, manager of care and as a member of the profession of nursing. This paper also includes a restatement of this abstract. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sibling Rivalry Literature Review

    This is a 7 page review of the literature on the issue of sibling rivalry which has uncovered several trends and several areas which obviously need more study. Several disciplines research sibling rivalry most especially psychology, sociology, communications and pediatrics. While some studies indicate that the older brother/younger sister remains the most negative of the dyads, other researchers believe that it is the closeness of age and gender which results in children trying to differentiate themselves from one another. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Discussion of Data Warehousing

    A 5 page research paper that focuses on Data Warehousing. It begins with an introduction and brief history of communications/technology then defines the current usage of data warehousing. In lists 3 factors that can be used to evaluate a warehousing system and gives areas of focus for utilization of the system. Nine benefits of data warehousing are delineated and followed by a brief look at the advantages over current systems. The paper ends by looking to the future and the possibility of a Virtual Warehouse System. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Psychology and its Historical Evolution

    This 7 page paper begins with brief comments about psychology in ancient times and events prior to 1800. The major discussion is on events since the 19th century. This essay is very much like a timeline in narrative form. The writer provides dates and persons who introduced different ideas and theories. Most of the major contributors to the field of psychology are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Uses of TCP/IP Protocol Today

    A 5 page paper discussing Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), an 'old' technology that is finding new life. There are great hopes for the public Internet in terms of attainment of low-latency delivery and minimal packet drop, but achieving those likely also will end favorable views of any hybrid network between TCP/IP and ATM, or even the old SNA configurations that are dated but still operational. Greater availability of ISDN is another factor that will work against such a hybrid and more toward IP. Regardless of personal bias, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ksTCP-IP.rtf

  • Male Mice Singing to Female Mice as Ultrasonic Music to Their Ears

    5 pages in length. In Ultrasonic Songs of Male Mice, Timothy E. Holy and Zhongsheng Guo seek to determine the extent to which male mice emit ultrasonic songs when in the vicinity of female mice. They discover, through scientific methodology, the conditions upon which this occurs, the varied nature of syllables used and the vastly superior scale upon which these songs are delivered. The hypothesis, therefore, seeks to determine the equivalency to what equates to song, as well as the level of diversity with regard to the individual male mouse, which results indicate a "small but significant difference in syllable usage and the temporal structure of their songs" (Holy et al, 2005, p. 386), suggesting how mice communication may hold myriad more complexity than has been understood. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Industry Implications of the Merger Between Sprint and MCI WorldCom

    A 10 page paper discussing implications of the merger for both the national and international telecommunications industry. Announced October 5, 1999, the combination of MCI WorldCom’s global presence and Sprint’s strength in wireless technology promises enhanced growth for both sides, particularly in wireless communication and Internet access, which is expected to provide the greatest growth in telecommunications well into the next century. Both companies will need to provide sound evidence to the FCC in order to gain approval, for the merger of the two companies reduces the number of large long distance carriers in the US from three to only two. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Satanism Rumors and a Proctor and Gamble Trademark Study

    A 6 page paper. In the early 1980s, rumor began floating that Proctor & Gamble's Trademark represents the devil and Satanism. The Trademark was designed in the mid-1800s; it includes 13 stars and a bearded man-in-the-moon. The writer explains what the Trademark really represents and relates the company tried to modify the depiction in the early days only to have drastic results. The paper also discusses the revival of these absurd rumors in the mid-1990s and what the company did. The paper then goes on to discuss integrated marketing communication approaches and how P&G could use these tools to mitigate the negative impact each time these rumors surface. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Contemporary Technology and Its Influence

    10 pages in length. New technology has taught society to appreciate and rethink old skills, technologies and values. The ways in which this observation is true can fill volumes; however, one only needs to be familiar with but a few examples in order to understand the role technology has played in recent history. Inasmuch as technological diversification has allowed humanity to pursue goals and dreams once thought to be an impossibility, there seem to be fewer and fewer limits placed upon what mankind can ultimately accomplish. This may have its obvious advantageous aspects, yet there also exists a paradox of modern communication, in that society is becoming more isolated as it becomes more technologically advanced. The writer discusses the influence of modern technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Online Communications and Social Impact

    5 pages in length. In this day and age of tremendous technological advancements, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished from the comfort of one's home: grocery shopping, purchasing merchandise, paying bills and even striking up sight-unseen relationships with people halfway across the world. Communication, which once consisted of putting pen to paper, has now been reduced to a few key strokes and the click of a mouse; indeed, people are able to correspond via electronic mail faster and easier than traditional mail services could ever hope to offer. Personal web sites are availing the public with bits and pieces of people's lives to which they would not otherwise be privy. The writer discusses how such technological advancement has not always meant a rosy outcome in relation to social impact. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. Foreign Educated Nurse Licensing

    This 23 page paper discusses the licensing process for foreign-educated nurses in America. The essay begins with an introduction that reports the nursing shortage, the practice of importing foreign-trained nurses in developed countries and the ratio of nurses to population in several countries. The next section reports the licensing process for nurses who are trained in the U.S., which is followed by the process for licensing foreign-trained nurses, including the CGFNS program and the NCLEX examination. The contents and process of the exams are discussed. The author then discusses other challenges for the foreign-educated nurse, such as the sometimes vastly different communication process. The last section is recommendations to help foreign-educated nurses become more successful. The writer also discusses negative impact importing nurses has on global health and the need to resolve the real problem. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Paranoid Schizophrenia

    A 9 page research paper that discusses this topic. Nursing care management of patients with paranoid schizophrenia entails numerous challenges. The following overview of the nursing parameters for addressing the challenges involves in formulating care for schizophrenic patients, first of all, discuss the nursing process and then focuses on the importance of communication to establishing a therapeutic nurse-client relationship. The next section describes client behavior in relation to schizophrenia, i.e., its signs and symptoms, before concluding with a brief discussion of the roles of the nurse in regards to patients with schizophrenia in terms of the nurse as the provider of care, manager of care and as a member of the profession of nursing. This paper also includes a restatement of this abstract. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • What Caused the January 2000 Crash of Alaska Airlines' Flight 261?

    An 11 page overview of the circumstances leading up to the January 2000 crash of this McDonnell Douglas MD-83 aircraft into the Pacific Ocean approximately eleven miles offshore of Port Hueneme. The author of this paper raises a number of questions such as how faulty manufacturing processes may have been at play as well as how inferior were Alaska Air’s maintenance procedures. One question of particular interest is why ground maintenance personnel were troubleshooting the aircraft in flight with passengers on board. The conclusion is reached that the causes of this crash were multifaceted and included not only inferior parts but also inferior maintenance practices and questionable decisions attributable in part to communications with ground crews. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Motivations Behind the Banning of Books

    An 8 page paper reviewing three types of motivations for banning books. It appears that books are banned in the 20th century according to one of three categories of reasons: social, political and sexual. Banned books discussed here to address each classification are Mark Twain’s "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," John Steinbeck’s "Grapes of Wrath" and Judy Blume’s "Then again Maybe I Won’t." The reasons given for the banning of any specific book are never good enough. Two of the purposes of books are to instruct and to promote communication between individuals. Each of the books discussed here is well able to serve those purposes, but in many cases have been prevented from serving in such a way. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • ICT School Strategies Development

    This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.

  • Early Language Development In Children With Down Syndrome

    45 pages in length. Language acquisition is a challenging feat for any child; the pathway to verbal communication is both frustrating and rewarding at the same time. When a learning disability is thrown into the mix, that challenge presents a greater test of methodologies and trends whereby the child is able to become skilled at what regular learners achieve. As such, contemporary schooling has been adapted to more readily teach language acquisition to the Down Syndrome child with programs that accelerate development and provide early intervention. In short, the objective is to afford slower learners the opportunity to attain maximum potential at an appropriate pace that does not drive them beyond their capabilities. Bibliography lists 47 sources.

  • Post 911 Laws

    A 10 page paper. Americans have enjoyed a degree of freedom few, if any, other countries enjoy. Yet, it was that freedom that was at least partially responsible for the horrific events of September 11, 2001. In wake of the Attack on America, new laws have been passed that give far more freedom to different government agencies to monitor communications. The new laws cover the Internet, as well as all other telecommunication technology. This paper discusses these new laws and the need for them. It also discusses the need to balance national security with individual privacy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • American Hotel Industry Changes

    A 21 page research paper that is divided into two distinct parts: Part 1 discusses a history of American Labor Law and Part 2 discusses the Changes in the Labor Market. An overview of the major labor laws that would be applicable to the hotel and hospitality industry is provided beginning with the Fair Labor Standards Act and going through the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The most often filed complaints in the hotel industry are those related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment. There have also been legal problems with the child labor laws. The second part includes, among other topics, the median ages in specific job categories, current employment and expected changes by 2008, changing labor market, and how to hire and retain good employees in the hotel industry. Significant amount of data included. 4 tables included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Implementing an eBusiness Solution

    This 22 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Xtra is a fictitious firm selling Hollywood memorabilia which needs to introduce a new e-business system. The paper is divided into 5 sections looking at different elements of the implementation. The first section considers the requirements and constraints for the system; the second section looks at issues concerning implementation, including resources and timing of the implementation. The third section looks at how leadership should be undertaken. The forth section discusses the way the change should be managed by looking at potential barriers and the use of communication. The last section looks at the value and potential use of mentoring and coaching for the implementation. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Crime and Substance Abuse

    A 4 page discussion of the root causes of substance abuse and the unfortunate correlation of crime. The author discusses major theories from the literature. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Assessing School Web Sites; A Reseach Proposal

    Schools are now using the internet and web pages, not only as a learning tool or teaching aid, but to communicate with stakeholders such as parents. This 18 page paper is a reseach proposal to look at how schools are using their web pages so communicate in terms of marketing communication and communicating with stakeholders. The paper presents an introduction along with aims and objectives, the limitations and the justification of the study. A literature review and a methodological approach is also presented. The proposal is based on researching secondary schools in the UK. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Creative Management Styles and Research

    A 60 page research-oriented paper discussing creative management styles. There are organizations that have not been able to make the transition from the traditional autocratic or authoritarian (rather than the authoritative) style of management. Today, creative management styles come in a variety of names: situational contingency management, the transformational approach, the cultural contingency approach, and value-based leadership. All, however, have their roots in TQM. Organizations that could not be successful in implementing TQM generally are not successful in implementing any of these, either, because all, including TQM, require a corporate culture that supports creativity and a commitment to change, and values open communication between workers and departments to the point that they will defend it if necessary. This paper examines the underlying problems preventing the formation and nurturing of that corporate culture so necessary for sustaining any creative management style. Bibliography lists more than 50 sources. M-Creatv.doc

  • Advertising and Marketing in Health Care

    An 18 page paper discussing the growing acceptance of marketing and advertising within the health care industry. There are three ways that health systems can build their bottom lines. One is by raising rates, which has been resisted and condemned by nearly every aspect of health care. Another is to cut costs. Cost-cutting efforts have been in place for years, to the extent that employee morale has been decimated in many organizations and patient care has been known to suffer. The final method of increasing the bottom line is to build volume, which health care systems are actively embracing as average marketing expenditures have risen by nearly $500,000 annually in a single decade. The paper discusses current marketing issues, marketing communications and advertising, decision-making techniques and considerations in developing marketing plans. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Cultural Differences

    A 14 page paper. As businesses continue to expand globally, the ability to negotiate and resolve conflict in different cultures successfully becomes essential to success. This essay discusses how culture affects conflict management and business negotiations. The four approaches to researching this topic are outlined as are different ways of understanding culture and how those approaches can interfere with communication and conflict management. Specific examples of how company managers in other cultures approach conflict management are provided. For example, U.S. managers often approach conflict as competition while many Asian managers either try to avoid conflict or try to compromise. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • HRM and Staffing

    11 pages in length. Staffing a company with competent, thorough and self-motivating people is a constant struggle for contemporary Human Resources departments; finding qualified employees who are not only knowledgeable but also personable and of the teamwork mindset is almost as difficult as finding that proverbial needle in a haystack. Today's work ethic is severely compromised compared with fifty years ago when doing a good job was as much of a satisfaction as earning a week's pay. People actually took pride in their work and would not consider giving less than one hundred percent effort. The contemporary workforce, however, is filled with self-absorbed individuals who approach a job with the attitude of "What's in it for me?," leaving HR departments frustrated with the lack of fortitude in today's workforce. However, there are ways to address a situation where perhaps the most perfect candidate has not filled the position, enabling HR managers to mold and guide their staff with communication, solid leadership and an interactive environment to the point where a cohesive alliance is developed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Southern Literature and Communication

    7 pages in length. There have been a number of influences that have shaped southern literature. From the time that Western Europeans founded the country to the inclusion of southern lore to the contributions of such literary giants as Eudora Welty and William Faulkner, the composition of southern literature has been both constant and ever changing. Indeed, as much as America, itself, is a melting pot of diversity within a cultural concern, so too has this considerable diversity represented a significant aspect of its stronghold in the literary world. However, the writer discusses how there is also a certain difficulty with southern literature, in that the communication factor is sometimes imperceptible and often troublesome to comprehend. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Study Questions on Management Theory

    A 5 page paper answering 4 discussion questions addressing topics of (1) the importance of an air of confidence; (2) approaches to reducing employee absenteeism; (3) qualities of effective discipline; and (4) expectancy theory and how expectancy, instrumentality and valence contribute to enhancing employee motivation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Global Economy and Comparative Advantage's Relevance

    An 8 page paper discussing how, as the global economy continues to emerge, comparative advantage theory slips further into the recesses of history and further away from any applicability in the global market. One reality of today's business climate is that competition is seen only as increasing. Being centered in geographic locations offering supporting infrastructure for specific industries aids organizations in more effectively competing within their industries, but it reduces the relevancy of the concept of comparative advantage as it has existed in the past. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nature of the Soul and the Theories in Phaedo by Plato

    An in-depth, 9 page examination of Plato's 'Phaedo' and the immortality of the soul. The writer goes into great philosophical detail-- analyzing Plato's recounting of Socrates' theories on life, death, and the nature of the soul itself. Inquiries are made into whether the soul is in touch with eternal reality.. Whether it can have ultimate knowledge, etc;. Specific quotes from Phaedo are cited throughout the essay.

  • Scholastic Achievement, Limited TV Viewing, and Structure

    This 3 page paper argues that too much television, and not enough structure, can lead to academic failure. Theories and studies are discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Society and Tattooing and Body Piercing

    This 5 page paper looks at the trends through several sociological perspectives including the functionalist school, the conflict perspective and the theory of symbolic interactionism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A Strategic Management Overview

    This 55-page paper provides an overview and background of strategic management. Topics discussed are the various approaches to and theories for strategic management, as well as case studies documenting actual strategic management processes. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Sociological, Physiological, and Psychological Issues Associated with the Management of Stress

    This 8 page report discusses numerous aspects of stress and stress management. Psychological and sociological factors have become the contemporary versions of the saber tooth tiger of prehistoric humans’ stress stimulators. Theories about the causes of stress ranging from the anthropological aspects to the physiological have been propagated for, at least, the past three decades. Such studies have shown that there are physiological, psychological and social components to stress and successful stress management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Study Plan Development

    This 12 page paper is the development of a guidance plan for study skills to help students aged between 14 – 16 years who are to sit a state exam covering a range of issues. The paper considers how the lessons should be planned and developed, the methodology and delivery and final assessment with the plans backed up by educational theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Editing and Narrative

    This 3 page paper looks at two key concepts in film making; editing and narrative and considers the way in which practice and theory compare especially in the low cost or home video making arena. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Empirical and Rational Philosophies in Candide by Voltaire

    This 7 page research paper explores the representation of rationalist and empirical philosophy in Voltaire's 1759 novel, Candide. Specifically, these philosophical theories are examined as depicted in the text and in the protagonists Dr. Pangloss and Martin, as well as evidence of Voltaire's personal preference. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Magic and Why People Believe

    A 10 page research paper which examines magical belief systems from an anthropological standpoint. The writer discusses the prevailing theories in this regard and demonstrates how magical beliefs perform certain concrete functions within the societies where this is prevalent. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Graphic Design and Color

    A 4 page report that discusses the interrelationship of color theory and graphic design from a psychological impact perspective. A brief overview of the role of the computer in the delivery of graphic designs is also covered. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Organizational Development and Psychologist Kurt Lewin

    An 8 page research paper on the life and subsequent work of German-American psychologist Kurt Lewin. It describes some of Lewin's theories, and discusses about how they relate in society today. Lewin is most commonly regarded as one of the founders of the Organizational Development (OD) movement He described organizations as existing in a state of "quasi stationary equilibrium", or rather he thought that they tended to be static and resist change. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • How to Community Drug Abuse Before It Starts

    A 15 page presentation & proposal designed to fulfill an unmet need in an inner-city community. The writer discusses how a social services center can be used to gather support from parents & teachers in proactively taking kids off the streets and helping them to avoid drug use before ever starting. Relevant social theories, constituents involved, and a plan for presenting the idea to the local government are presented. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Crime and Economics

    This 6 page paper provides a discussion on the economic problems of crime. General crime theory and solutions are also provided. Statistics concerning prisons in the UK is also included along with 2 pie charts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Radical Conflict Perspective Analysis of Rape

    5 pages in length. Applying this well-documented crime theory, the writer attempts to analyze rape as a crime whose actors can be motivated by such things as an egocentric need for self-fulfillment and a lack of concern or respect for others. Various sides of the issue are discussed from a theoretical perspective and a number of insightful examples are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Crime Causation

    In 8 pages , the author discusses many of the theories for the causation of crime, such as social learning, social strain, and disintegration of family. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of the Labeling Theory

    In 5 pages the author discusses labeling theory. A definition is given, major theorists are listed, and some examples in research are provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Toyota's Problems and Solutions II

    In this 11 page case study, several key problems facing Toyota are presented, described, and analyzed to find possible solutions. Macro and microeconomic issues are explored and the writer offers ideas relevant to contemporary management theory including the possibility of Toyota switching to a J.I.T. inventory system, becoming proactive in their leadership style-- and solving problems before they happen. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • How To Improve Patient Satisfaction Article Review

    A 5 page paper that discuses an article entitled: "How to Improve Patient Satisfaction When Patients Are Already Satisfied: A Continuous Process- Improvement Approach." The essay includes a brief summary of the article, discusses key learning pints, provides an analysis of the article and the method it proposes, and explains how this method can bridge the gap between theory and conceptual work. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Free Trade and Taxation

    This 5 page paper looks at the repeal of the British Corn Laws and the passage of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. Various ideologies are discussed: Liberal IR theory, Realism and Marxism. Taxation is evaluated in respect to the economy and free trade. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Wal-Mart Company Culture

    An 11 page paper that begins with a brief introduction to the paper and to Wal-Mart. Different theories about company culture are reported and discussed. Theorists include Schein, Hofstede, and Drennan. Comments about Wal-Mart's culture are integrated into the discussions. The relationship between the company's goals and culture is explored. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Outsourcing by American Firms; A Literature Review on the Political and Economic Issues

    This 6 page paper is a literature review looking at the political and economic issues that arise where outsourcing takes place within the United States. The impact on companies and their employees as well as the theory of comparative advantage discussed. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Palliative Care and the Theory of Dorothea Orem

    A 5 page research paper. In addressing nursing practice and the needs of patients, nurses often adopt a theoretical model that aids them in conceptualize and meeting those needs. The following examination looks at how Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory facilitates and informs palliative care for a patient with arm lymphedema. It will show how Orem's model of nursing care fits the needs of this patient and facilitates helping the patient to reach self-care deficit goals. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Organisational Behaviour

    The Influence of Attitudes, Values, Ethics, Personalities and Cultural Differences on This 6 page paper looks at the way in which factors such as attitudes values and ethics personalities and culture can influence organisational behaviour. The discussion includes theories from Schein and Hofstede. The bibliography cites eight sources.

  • Asset Allocation and Stochastic Optimization

    This 36 page paper considers the use of stochastic modelling in the determination of asset allocation. The paper considers multi-stage stochastic programming and stochastic dynamic programming by comparing this to other models that may be used in assessing the contents of investment portfolios. Other models considered include models with their origins in mean variance theory leading to CAPM, efficient market hypothesis and the Warren Buffet method. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Migraine Triggers and the Scientific Method

    A 4 page description of a student's use of deduction and induction to figure out what triggers migraine attacks for one of their friends. The author distinguishes between a hypothesis and a theory. No sources are listed.

  • UK Migrant Workers and Culture

    This 5 page paper examines the culture of migrant workers entering the UK. The paper looks at the research and theories concerning the way that integration or assumption may occur. The paper also looks at and the evidence of acceptance or rejection of the host nations culture and the way in which a hybrid culture may develop. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Changing the Structure of Wimpey

    This 16 page paper looks at the construction company Wimpey arguing that is has a functional bureaucratic structure that is evolving towards a divisional structure, but that it would benefit from developing a matrix structure. The paper demonstrates this by looking at the company and the current practices that indicate structure and looking at the theory and practice of matrix or network based structures before arguing why and how this could benefit Wimpey. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • The Development of an Organizational Structure

    This 14 page paper looks at the structure of an organization, describing the hierarchy and the way power is used. Theories of organization structure are considered and applied to the company in order to determine who and why the current structure developed. The company used is a generic (fictitious) accountancy firm to illustrate a potential structure of a professional firm. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Multiple Intelligences & Gifted Students

    A 9 page research paper that examines literature, which focuses on the theory of multiple intelligences and gifted students in order to ascertain the issues associated with the need to identify giftedness via a broader template than the one offered by traditional testing, such as the paradigm offered in the concept of multiple intelligences. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Employee Motivation and Budgetary Controls

    This 10 page paper considers the statement that benefits of budgetary control are outweighed by the de-motivating effects of the budget on the staff of the organization. The paper considers the role and manifestation of budgetary controls and how they interact with motivation theory. The paper utilizes the models of economic man and social man. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Motorola and Quality Management

    This 18 page paper looks at the way that quality management takes place at Motorola. The paper starts by considering the systems which are utilized by Motorola, including 6 Sigma, then looks at the way that quality management is implemented including objective setting, the benefits of implementing quality management and the differences between theory and practice, and then discusses a number of relevant concepts, including Juran’s trilogy, quality tools which are utilized by Motorola and then looks at the way that barriers may have been present and overcome when introducing, and maintaining quality management initiatives. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Pressure Ulcers/Changing Care

    A 3 page research paper that discusses a proposed change in the nursing process of care pertaining to preventing pressure ulcers. The writer discusses change theory, pressure ulcer prevention and how a beneficial change in care might be implemented. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Politeness Theory and Pragmatics

    This 14 page paper discusses what is meant by pragmatics ad how it can be used in the study of language. The paper then loos at one aspect of pragmatics; Politeness Theory, also referred to as the politeness principle, and considers how this has helped our understanding of how it is we can be confident our meaning is interpreted as intended and that we are understanding others as intended. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Poverty : Causes And Effects

    This 12 page paper begins with the data regarding poverty, including rates, regions, minority factors. The paper discusses theories on the causes of poverty and the outcomes and consequences of poverty, including poorer health and less education. The long-term consequences are also discussed. The writer comments about poverty and the schools and the implications for educators. Statistical data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Wall Street Theories Considered in A Random Walk by Burton Malkiel

    This 8-page paper is a review of Burton Malkiel's book "A Random Walk down Wall Street." The book discusses a variety of investment theories (supporting that of Modern Portfolio Management) and includes a summary of each of the four parts.

  • Explaining the Recession of 2001

    This 11 page paper looks at various theories for the recession. There is some focus on consumer confidence and the fact that businesses have been spending less. Global factors are examined as well. Information from the 1990s on is discussed in an effort to determine causation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nonprofit Organizational Motivation

    This 10 page paper considers why and how motivation occurs in employers or workers for non profit making organisations such as NGO's and charities. The paper looks at theories such as Maslow and Hertzberg can be applied in finding motivation to work and how the human relations school of thought can be applied. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The Theory and This of Recruitment and Selection- A Learning Log

    This 11 page paper is written in the style of a learning log with 3 entries. The first entry considers the subject to be studied; equipment and selection, and identifies a suitable organization to be studied. The second entry considers the different theories and concepts which have been learned, the way that they have been studied and how they may be applied to the organization it is being studied. The last entry reflects on what has been learned and how it may be applied. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Classical/Choice Theory and the Death Penalty

    In seven pages this paper presents the pros and cons of the death penalty issue and then presents an argument based upon classical/choice theory that considers committing crimes to be an act of free will and that punishment should serve as a crime deterrence. Two sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • The Significance of Early Language Development

    This 16 page paper provides an overview of the process of language development in children. This paper applies existing cognitive theories to the process of language development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Racism in Othello

    A 10 page research paper/essay that explores how racism is an overt factor in Shakespeare's Othello. The writer argues that the Elizabethan cultural background necessarily informs and shapes the meaning of the play because Shakespeare would naturally have written within his own cultural framework. This examination of Othello explores this thesis and, in so doing, it takes a post-colonial approach to criticism as this literary theory encompasses how "knowledge of subordinate people is produced and used" (Post-colonialism). Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A Community Health Issue in Kentucky/Smoking Cessation

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the problem of smoking cessation with a community health perspective based on Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory. According to 2003 statistics, Kentucky ranks as having the highest percentage of smokers in its population so this is a particularly crucial public health issue in this state. Principles of smoking cessation intervention are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Religion, Illusion, and the Theories of Sigmund Freud

    A 5 page overview of Freudian theory. The first half of this paper is devoted to clarifying the interaction between the id, the ego, and the superego. The author provides a definition of each of these Freudian terms and details the interaction which occurs between each. In the second half of the paper Freud’s views on religion are discussed. The author denounces, however, Freud’s views of religion as an illusion and urges that religion is more a necessity in our modern world than it has ever been in the past. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Workplace Absenteeism Management

    This 38 page paper considers the problem of absenteeism in the workplace. The writer considers the problems both theoretically with references to motivational theory such as Taylor and scientific management, and the humanist school of thought including Mayo and the Hawthorne studies, Ruskin and Maslow. The paper focuses on the UK and begins by considering if there really is a problem, using statistics to analyse the extent of cost and inconvenience absenteeism costs. The paper then examines why this may occur, how it can be controlled and cost minimised along some practical solutions, including real life examples, of how the problem of absenteeism has been successfully tackled. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • Aspects Of Spanking Children

    8 pages in length. Hardly was there a time before society became so politically correct and oversensitive to the aspect of discipline that children were routinely swatted for misbehaving. Whether done with a belt, spatula or by hand, a child who defied established boundaries or spoke out of turn would learn a quick and painful lesson that - in theory - would deter the same misconduct from occurring again. Indeed, some children were either too stubborn or careless and earned subsequent spankings for treading on thin behavioral ice, however, this form of punishment was practically universal in its ability to teach children about wrong and right. Today, however, spanking is listed as corporal punishment and can send a parent or caregiver to jail. The climate of child discipline has become so hot that there is no middle ground where advocates and critics reside; you are either a heathen for laying a hand on your child or you are a spineless parent for failing to control inappropriate behavior. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Toddler Development

    A 14 page research paper that explores the toddler years in early childhood development. The toddler years, roughly from 18 months to 3-year-olds, constitute a period of rapid social, emotional and cognitive growth in the life of a child. This discussion of childhood development during the toddler years focuses on how various models of personality development offer insight into childhood behavior during this period. Then, this information is applied to observations of specific toddlers, and this is followed by a discussion of implications of psychological theories of development, in regards to toddlers, from a Montessori perspective. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Ehreirch/Serving in Florida

    A 3 page overview of an essay on what it is like to hold down a low-wage job. In her essay "Serving in Florida," Barbara Ehreirch describes what it is like to be on the low end of the socioeconomic ladder, surviving on wages and tips, which collectively equal the minimum wage, while working as a waitress in Florida's food service industry. Ehreirch's experience demonstrates that while management theories and practices regarding white-collar workers may have changed in recent years--becoming more progressive--these humanistic reforms have failed to filter down to pink-collar work, as Ehreirch and her co-workers are treated more like indentured servants or automatons than human beings. No bibliography is provided.

  • Differential Association Theory and Serial Killer Ted Bundy

    5 pages in length. Ted Bundy may truly have been the slickest of all killers. He taught FBI officials more about the inner workings of a serial killer than any other of his kind; Bundy would regularly counsel agents on the correct places to look for other murderers who followed his method of operation. Time and time again, he correctly predicted where the killers would resurface, which most often was one of the original crime scenes to relive the experience and look for token souvenirs. When the student examines the sociological aspects of Bundy's persona, it is with relative ease that his deviant behavior can be applied to the theory of differential association based upon Stephen G. Michaud's account in The Only Living Witness : The True Story of Serial Sex Killer Ted Bundy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Aging and Mitochondria

    This 14 page paper discusses the aging of America. Today, more than 6,000 people turn 65 every day, that number will jump to 10,000 by 2011. This essay provides information on aging trends and the effect on the health care system. The writer also comments on the mitochondrial damage theory of aging and reports two dietary supplements that have been shown to be effective in preventing and even reversing certain age-related symptoms. 1 Graph included, Statistical data included. Statistical data reported. 1 Graph included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Constructing Knowledge and Feminist Theory

    8 pages in length. Lorraine Code's 'What Can She Know?' is a celebration of gender, with particular emphasis upon issues of feminism and patriarchal control. Indeed, Code portrays the perpetuation of feminism; not only are her writings a solid reflection of her sentiments of a lacking Anglo-American epistemology but so is the manner in which she reflects the female reawakening. Code displays her craft well and does not hesitate to apply her talent as more of a social statement than one of mere entertainment. Thus is the case with her ongoing assertion that there was truly no separation of the sexes in reality, short of the obvious physical differences; rather, her perpetual argument clearly makes the point that the female gender -- no matter how seemingly fragile and delicate -- is indeed just as much an emotionally strong and self-reliant individual as her socially-accepted male counterpart. The writer discusses Code's book as it relates to feminism and patriarchy. No additional sources cited.

  • Anti Semitism and Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt

    This 3-page paper discusses the main argument put forth in Hannah Arendt's book Origins of Totalitarianism, tying antisemitism along with it.

  • Investment Concepts, Tools and Theories

    This 36 page paper examines a number of issues that are important to investors and portfolio management. Te paper looks at asset allocation, the section of investment with tools such as capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and efficient market hypothesis (EMH), multifactor models of risk and return, including Fama and French’s Three Factor mode, bonds and bond management, derivative analysis and the different types of swap contracts. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Freudian Theory and The Scold's Bridle by Minette Walters

    This 5 page report discusses British novelist Minette Walters' 1994 book, The Scold's Bridle, and whether it provides a useful example of the theories of Sigmund Freud. The report suggests that Freud's theories are particularly applicable in Walters' story. Bibliography lists only the primary source.

  • Leadership Theories And Personality Traits Of Effective Leaders

    A 20 page paper. The first part of this essay discusses some of the major leadership theorists and their ideas, including Drucker, Mintzberg and Goleman. The second part discusses the personality traits that have been associated with highly successful managers and leaders. The paper ends by presenting Collins' Level 5 as the quintessential leader and incorporates ideas presented earlier in the paper. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner and Education

    A 6 page paper which examines the value and effects of incorporating Gardner’s multiple intelligences into the classroom. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Gram Positive Bacteria and Microbiology: Gram-Positive Bacteria Cells

    This is a 3 page paper discussing Gram-positive bacteria. In the study of microbiology, common Gram-positive bacteria cells are Straphlyococcus aureus or Streptococcus cremoris often used in dairy production. Gram-positive bacteria are considered distinct in their multiple layered cell walls almost made up entirely of peptidoglycan. Gram-positive bacteria have four associated families which include Bacillaceae, Micrococcaceae, Mycobacteriaceae, and Peptococcaceae all of which vary in their growth rates, motility, and the media on which they grow. In addition, some Gram-positive bacteria have the ability to produce specific biochemical activities and/or specific toxins. Because of this, Gram-positive bacteria are sometimes used for fermentation, the reduction of nitrate or the production of coagulase or catalase among other uses. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Organizations and Theories of Classical and Neo Classical

    This 3-page paper examines the definitions and differences between neo-classical and classical organizations, and briefly discusses the culture of each. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Death, Attachment and Development Theories

    An 8 page paper which examines the impact on death, especially sudden death) on human development, and also explores the subject from a cross-cultural perspective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Theories and Concepts of Employee Motivation

    30 pages in length. Too many companies believe that employee motivation rests in monetary rewards, without either realizing or acknowledging individuals' needs for recognition. Formal studies and informal surveys alike reveal that while managers often will list money as the top factor in motivating employees, the employees themselves are much more likely to list first their desire for recognition, for someone to let them know they truly have done a good job. Today's most successful companies are ones in which employees have no question of the regard in which the company's leadership holds them. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • A Discussion of Applied Conflict Theory

    A 5 page paper discussing minimizing the potential destructiveness of conflict through awareness of conflict styles as delineated in Hall's Conflict Management Survey. Conflict truly can be found in any situation involving more than one person and one set of ideas. An awareness of Hall's conflict styles can aid in resolving that conflict more quickly, whether it be in a manner of compromise or competition and whether it be in the board room or in the back yard, allowing the participants to return more quickly to the issues at hand. There are strengths in each style of conflict advantageous to each setting, and it is up to those involved to make honest assessment of which style would best suit their purposes and the current issues before them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Bureaucracy Theories of Max Weber

    This 6 page paper looks at German social scientist Max Weber's definitions, characteristics, and value of bureaucracy. It also reviews his opinion that bureaucracies serve a social good and have a significant role in human development. Bibliography lists five sources.

  • Theories of Social Class and Social Stratification

    This 5 page report discusses the development and attributes of social stratification and social classes. Humans most often choose to establish social class based on a matter of rising from a large base of homogeneity to a pinnacle of the elite or the unique. Ultimately, the stratification of social class (and power) results in an unequal distribution of political and economic power. Most “objective” of delineations are those based on income, occupation, and education. No secondary sources.

  • Dealing with Corruption, Theory and Strategy

    A 16 page paper discussing methods to establish an international regime. Transparency International, the OECD, former socialist governments intent on privatization and all multinational enterprises refusing to participate fight corruption today. Continued economic reform promises to feed further reforms, fueled by the realization on the part of many governments that they cannot be all things to all people. Many governments (i.e., China, Malaysia and others) appear to prefer to remain apart from the emerging global economy but are cognizant of the fact that the only "developed" nations of the world that are truly prosperous are those supporting market-driven economies. Further growth in that direction will increase the difficulty of keeping blatant corruption a viable practice. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Comfort Theory and Kolcaba

    For centuries, the depiction of a nurse in art is one of a person professionally dressed, but offering something of herself. That nurse is offering comfort, something decidedly outside of medical patient care, something beyond the auspices of physician and related solely to the nurse professional. “Comfort” is the idealized vision each person holds within himself when thinking of a nurse, whether it is reality. This personalized concept comes from a patient who is his most vulnerable when sick and in a hospital bed. 19 references. jvKolcab.rtf

  • Jean Watson's Theory Of Human Caring & Personal Reflection

    A 14 page paper. This essay is an expansion of PGwtsnr.RTF. The last pages of this essay reports a case study, demonstrating which of Watson's clinical caritas processes are applied during the interaction between nurse and patient. It also includes the writer's reflection on the processes and what the nurse must do to continue to follow Watson's model. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nursing Theory and the Importance of Domestic Violence Screening and Intervention

    A 7 page discussion of the issues presented by domestic violence. The author contends that increased screening for domestic and partner violence is imperative if this problem is to be effectively addressed. Consequently, there is a need for increasing nurses' awareness of the problem. The problem that must be overcome, however, is the medical profession's tendency to not look beyond the obvious, a potentially fatal flaw when it comes to domestic violence. This flaw can be overcome, however, through a reemphasis of the on the deliberative process. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Analysis of Sr. Callister Roy's Adaptation Model Theory

    9 pages in length. Understanding the evolution of Sr. Callister Roy's adaptation model and how the essential concepts of the model were developed is prerequisite to identifying the inherent differences that exist between and among all other models. Roy's model, defined as "the process and outcome whereby the thinking and feeling person uses conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration" (Carey, 2003), reflects the relationship that exists between environmental integration and nursing care, which has much to do with the manner by which the nurse holds accountability for the patient's health over and above any accepted standards. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Comparing Psychological Theories of Gestalt and Adler

    This 10 page paper discusses, compares and contrasts the Adlerian psychology to Gestalt psychology and the therapies which grew out of these philosophies. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Case Management: A Power Point

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a powerpoint presentation on a nursing case management article on diabetes control. This paper outlines the PPT presentation and a correspoinding presentation is provided with speaker notes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Examination of the Developmental Psychology of Piaget

    This 7 page paper focuses on Piaget but also looks at other schools of thought in psychology. The stages provided by this well known theorist are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Psychology and Application of Aggression Theories

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of the issue of aggression in youth populations and the psychological and social indicators. In school-aged populations, the issue of aggression and the presence of behavior disorders presents considerable problems for educators and parents, who struggle with the displays of physical aggression and the behavioral developments that extend from manifestations of aggression. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Graphic Design, Typography, and the Impact of CAD Design

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the evolution of typography and graphic design from a historical perspective and the recent advent of computer-aided design. Typography and graphic design have gone through a great deal of evolution since the introduction of the first printing press in the 15th century. Since that time, typography has been impacted greatly by the industrial revolution, the introduction of photocomposition and most recently, computer technology. In each revolutionary step, designers have maintained certain styles and formats while at the same time developed new and exciting aspects of the trade. The recent computer-aided design (CAD) applications which have been introduced have allowed graphic designers to not only develop new types of fonts, styles and logos at their desktop but have also expanded their responsibilities to include not only traditional design but the responsibilities previously of the typesetters themselves in addition to being the main designers for the market involving printed materials and graphics used in advertising, inter-active media and web design. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory

    A 6 page paper. The writer identifies the two experiential learning orientations/perspectives, then, outlines, reports and discusses the four stages in Kolb's model, which have also been referred to as the Learning Cycle along with other titles. The four learning styles based on the Learning Cycle are discussed. The essay then comments on the relationship of Kolb's model to the adult student's specific situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Curriculum Design and the Impacts of Experiential Learning Theory

    8 pages in length. The Kolb Model of experiential learning clearly demonstrates how there is no comparison to seeing something in a book and experiencing it in real life. Students, like sponges, soak up knowledge when placed in the right setting. Clearly, incorporating all the senses is an educational philosophy every teacher should adopt into his or her curriculum, yet not all instructors are experienced enough themselves to be able to lead their students through such an intense journey as the Kolb Model offers. Tangible learning is just that - a journey - because it incorporates so many facets of a person and requires the student to participate fully and completely in such environments as physical education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Bandura's "Social Learning Theory" - Analysis

    3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief analysis of content and writing style. No additional sources cited.

  • Interpersonal Negotiation Variables and Pawn Shops

    6 pages in length. Verbal interpersonal communication in a pawn shop setting is unique from most other environments, inasmuch as the merchant maintains the upper hand throughout the entire transaction. The fact that people appeal to him out of desperation is the primary variable with regard to verbal interpersonal communication, allowing for the scales of justice to tip quite heavily in his direction and permitting him to often utilize an unpleasant, unsympathetic, almost caustic attitude with troubled patrons. The writer discusses the variables that affect verbal interpersonal communication in a pawn shop setting. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Workplace Motivational Theories

    This 7 page paper explains a number of theories that account for an employee's motivation to get along with others and to demonstrate high performance. Those discussed include expectation theory, motive and need theory, goal theory, group theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs and others. The write explains how Maslow's theory is especially relevant when considering workers interacting with others. One graphic illustration is provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mass Media and Entertainment

    This is a 5 page paper discussing mass media for pleasure and entertainment with examples from British history. Mass media in relation to today’s society has a great many formats in which to give the public information, promotion of new merchandise, news, entertainment and various forms of pleasure in the world of television, journalism, films, computer games and the internet to name a few. Traditionally, media was thought to be a source of viable information to the masses yet history shows that media was also used as much for the pleasure and entertainment of the masses as it was to provide information about current, world or political events. In today’s newspapers, although seemingly filled with violent news, they are also filled with “feel good” stories, entertainment sections, film and literary reviews as well as the classic comic, jumble and crossword features. In the Victorian era, the mass media were the providers of scandals and serial novels highly popular in that time. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Issues of Emergency Response Disaster Management

    A 20 page paper discussing issues surrounding emergency response as it relates to disaster management. The paper discusses emergency response resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but it also discusses events such as Hurricane Fran in 1996, centering on the coast of North Carolina where the category 3 storm made landfall. The key to effective emergency response - excluding the training that can be seen as being a constant value – lies in the quality of communication between diverse teams and agencies responding to the event that has generated a crisis. The purpose here is to address two primary questions: “Are emergency responders equipped to communicate with others outside of their departments in time of crisis? [and] What are strategies to improve communications?” The paper concludes that emergency response in urban areas is highly effective, but that the same efforts in rural areas can be hindered by communication deficiencies. Bibliography lists 11 sources. A companion 16-slide Power Point presentation is available.

  • Issues of Emergency Response Disaster Management

    A 20 page paper discussing issues surrounding emergency response as it relates to disaster management. The paper discusses emergency response resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but it also discusses events such as Hurricane Fran in 1996, centering on the coast of North Carolina where the category 3 storm made landfall. The key to effective emergency response - excluding the training that can be seen as being a constant value – lies in the quality of communication between diverse teams and agencies responding to the event that has generated a crisis. The purpose here is to address two primary questions: “Are emergency responders equipped to communicate with others outside of their departments in time of crisis? [and] What are strategies to improve communications?” The paper concludes that emergency response in urban areas is highly effective, but that the same efforts in rural areas can be hindered by communication deficiencies. Bibliography lists 11 sources. A companion 16-slide Power Point presentation is available.

  • Reflection Process Recording

    3 pages in length. Much of life's attempts at communication is fraught with misunderstanding or misconstrue. In the field of nursing, this reality can be deadly. One of the many ways to uphold a working system of checks and balances is through the practice called process recording. Nursing - more than virtually all other profession - relies upon the mastery of the health caregiver to maintain open communication with the patient; as such, it is a daunting task to verify each and every process without the help of creating a record of interaction. Behind the overall concept of process recording is to provide an opportunity for self-reflection in relation to the way in which interpersonal communication is approached. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Analyzing Universality and the Cultural Care Diversity Theories of Madeleine Leininger

    A 4 page paper discussing Leininger’s theory within Fawcett’s framework for theory analysis. The theory based nursing actions are compatible with the expectations of nursing practice. Indeed, Leininger’s theory both provides that benefit and enhances outcomes in those cases where Leininger’s theory has been instrumental in a patient’s care plan. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 7 Nursing Theory Issues

    28 pages in length. The writer discusses seven separate issues: Nursing's Ways of Knowing; Nursing's Body of Knowledge; What is Nursing Theory?; Analysis and Critique of Nursing Theory; Analysis and Critique of Family Nursing Theory; Nursing Theory and Research; and Nursing Theory and Practice. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

    This 32 page paper is an in-depth literature review looking at different aspects of leadership and how they may be applied in the commercial environment. The paper starts by defining leadership and then looking at the importance of leadership, looks at the way culture may impact on the way leadership emerges or used practiced as well as leadership theories including great man theory, trait theory, behavioral theories and contingency theories. The bibliography cites 40 sources.

  • Do Management Theories Develop As Management Problems Arise?

    This 6 page paper considers the way that management theories have evolved over time and considers why and how they develop, looking at the influence of the environment and the commercial context as well as the basis on former research. The paper looks at management theories including scientific management, motivation theories, competitive strategy theories and change theories. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Principles of McGregor's Theory X And Theory Y

    A 5 page paper that discusses McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. Principles of each theory are discussed as well as extensions by other theorists. The relationship between McGregor's theories and Maslow's theory of needs pertaining to motivation are explored. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • 7 Nursing Theory Issues

    28 pages in length. The writer discusses seven separate issues: Nursing's Ways of Knowing; Nursing's Body of Knowledge; What is Nursing Theory?; Analysis and Critique of Nursing Theory; Analysis and Critique of Family Nursing Theory; Nursing Theory and Research; and Nursing Theory and Practice. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • History Of Leadership Theories

    A 10 page paper. The first part of the paper discusses the Great Man theory, trait theories, role theory, managerial grid, Lewin and Likert. The second part of the paper explains situational leadership theory, transformational leadership and leader-member exchange theory. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Criminology Theories, Mafioso

    This 3 page research paper relates Alberto Lattuada's 1962 film Mafioso to ethnic succession theory and alien conspiracy theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • John Gottman's Successful Marriage Components and Marital Failure or Success

    This is a 10 page paper discussing theories involved for successful marriage. John Gottman, a professor of psychology and director of the Gottman Institute is one of the more popular researchers on success in marriages today. Gottman and his colleagues address situations which are prevalent in today’s couples such as lack of time for one another and defensive and critical strategies during communication. While Gottman realizes that different components of communication such as effective listening, listening non-defensively and editing while speaking are important, other more ‘emotionally intelligent’ components are also important such as respect, admiration, influence, acceptance, and accepting and coping with conflict are equally important. Theories of marital therapy include many of Gottman’s components while at the same time, some researchers have added other useful strategies such as exploring new interests together and maintaining a sense of humor and realistic scope among others. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Measures to Reduce the Risk of Terrorism in the Finance and Accounting Sector

    This 15 page paper looks at the risks and reactions to terrorism within the accounting and finance industry. The paper starts by considering the way crime theory may be used to assess risks of terrorism, looking at concepts such as opportunity theory, rational choice theory and routine actions theory and then assesses the measures that have been out into place within the industry. The paper compares the UK with Saudi Arabia to assess effectiveness of measures in different countries. The bibliography cites 23 sources

  • Klein, Adler, Jung

    This 10 page paper explains and discusses several neo-analysis theories and responds to questions about them. The EP neo-analytic theory of child development from birth to age 2; how Melanie Klein’s theory differed; self-psychology; Jungian typologies and writer’s type; preferred theory (Jung) and why; what ‘acting as if’ is; why Adlerians use early recollections; social interest according to Adler; Adler’s birth order; Individual psychology and diversity. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Crime, Criminology Theory, and Delinquency

    In six pages this paper discusses crime in an assessment of social disorganization and three latent trait criminology theories (general theory of crime, differential coercion theory, and control balance theory) in a discussion of how they explain the occurrences of crime and delinquency. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Management, Employees, Creativity, and Opportunities for Learning

    This 14 page paper consider to what extent employers need to ensure there are learning opportunities for employees if they want a motivated, committed and creative workforce. The paper considers the role and importance of learning in an organizational setting with reference to theories such as McGregor and his Theory X and Theory Y, Alderfers ERG theory and the concept of the Learning Organization as advocated by Senge. The bibliography cites 19 sources.

  • Peplau and Orem/Core Concepts

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the theories of Hildegard Peplau and Dorothea Orem, who are two of the nursing profession’s most influential theorists. Peplau’s Interpersonal Nursing Theory and Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory have for decades provided nurses with a foundational understanding of nursing that has facilitated both everyday nursing care and nursing research. This examination of these two theories contrasts and compares the core concepts of their theoretical perspectives, demonstrating their commonalities. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Charing and the Theory of Watson

    A 5 page paper discussing Watson’s theory of human caring. This nursing theory verbalizes some of those highest ideals of the ways that human beings should treat each other. It assumes technical strength on the part of the nurse, and a true desire to serve others. In the process, the theory also provides benefit to those nurses practicing it. The purpose here is to apply Watson’s theory to a clinical setting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Application of Leadership Theory II

    A 6 page paper discussing two verbal exchanges between a staff nurse and the director of nursing and fitting them to management theory. There are several leadership theories, most of which are most applicable to differing environments and situations. The purpose here is to examine two verbal exchanges with a nurse manager and assess it in terms of one theory of leadership. The two theories used are Situational Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange . Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Historical Theories of Auguste Comte and Karl Marx

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares the theories that Marx and Comte developed regarding history. The writer argues that these theories were radically different because each looked at a different aspect of human development across history. Marx's theories concerning history dealt with the economic connection between society and the means of production. Comte's theories, on the other hand, dealt more with the way in which a society perceives reality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Medical Doctors and Nurse Practitioners Conflict Management

    A 10 page paper using the Kolb model to examine conflict assessment and management. As health care changes and patients increasingly take active roles in their own health care, they care less about hierarchy than they do results and practical application rather than medical theory. Though the struggle is between nurse practitioners and physicians, it is the patient ultimately most affected. In today’s health care system as it currently exists, nurses not only have “more time” for direct patient interaction than do MDs, they also generally have greater motivation. The model presented here stresses communication and experimentation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • New Nursing Theory Formulation

    A 10 page paper constructing a new nursing theory. “Theory” is not merely some nebulous entity arising from ruminations far removed from nursing practice and patient outcome. Rather, it can be a tool for devising the optimal treatment plan for patients in a variety of areas. The one focused on here is the struggle against alcoholism. The patient used as example in this paper, Mr. Walker, is a 42-year-old man with a history of noncompliance recovering from alcohol hepatitis with jaundice. The relational statement providing a foundation for a new theory is that the greater number of variables contained in a system, the greater the chances that a patient can negotiate through them and maintain higher numbers of subsystems in equilibrium. Included in the discussion are the topics of the nature of theory; the central propositional statement and underlying assumptions; concepts on which to build the theory; and translating the new theory into practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Management Change Theory

    A 6 page paper discussing implementing changes that can assist in integrating theory into practice. Theory-based nursing practice is the focus of much current nursing research and practice, but established, experienced nurses may be less familiar with theory than are new graduates. It is common practice for older nurses to mentor newer ones; new graduates fresh from study of theory also have the opportunity to teach as well. Lewin’s change theory maintains that change is incremental and proceeds stepwise. The organization can assist this progression by hiring new graduates with solid knowledge of theory, which they can pass on to those more experienced in practice. Includes abstract. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Elementary School and Family Life Education

    A 3 page position paper that defends the role of family life education at the elementary school level, arguing that open and honest answers to all student questions concerning sexual matters serve to protect children from peer and media sexual pressure. While parents would like to protect their children from sexual messages until a later age, the truth is that children are bombarded with sexual images from television, billboards, movies and other media. Research shows that between sixth grade and junior high school, students' intentions to become sexually active increase (Price, et al, 2003). Therefore, the upper elementary grades provide an ideal time to provide a positive influence on sexual behavior by providing honest answers to sexual issues. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Silent v. Sound/Art in Film

    A 4 page research paper that discusses silent and sound film as distinct art forms. In the public mindset, silent films are typically perceived as being less accomplished, less an art form, than the sound accompanied films that replaced this art medium. What few people realize, outside of film buss, scholars and historians, is that silent film was a fully developed art form in full maturity prior to the advent of cinematic sound and the aesthetic quality of cinema decreased after the inception of sound while artists and technicians adjusted to the requirements of what was, in many ways, a new medium. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Traditional Media and the Effects of New Media

    4 pages in length. Why purchase a print copy or an entire CD when the very same thing can be found on the Internet? The prevalence of online reading and music material has literally skyrocketed to the point where people are no longer finding a need to subscribe to print publications or visit mall music stores. Daily newspapers are available at the crack of dawn; monthly magazines are accessible earlier than those sent out buy postal mail; and entire CDs are being uploaded to the Internet for one's listening enjoyment. The writer discusses the impact Internet media is having upon traditional media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Media and Religion

    A 5 page research essay that explores the relationship between the many forms of the media and religion. How do journalists report about religious events or do they? Are journalists knowledgeable about religion? Where does the public gain its opinions about religion, faith and spirituality? These are the questions explored in this essay. The historical mistrust between religious leaders and the press is based on a number of issues which were revealed in a 1993 study. This writer argues that the media do, in fact, influence what people believe. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Wireless Communication's History

    This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Dictionary History

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the "invention" of dictionaries, their evolution over time, and their role in the development of human communication. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • History and Future of TCP/IP

    A 3 page paper tracing TCP/IP’s origins and assessing its likely future. Other technologies such as Ethernet and ATM have too many technical barriers that TCP/IP does not. In determining TCP/IP’s future, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Year 2000 Crisis and How Y2K Can Be Successfully Managed

    A 10 page overview of the predicted computer/communications apocalypse and management techniques. The author concentrates on two areas of concern, date coding and the introduction of viruses based on the millenium and other biases. However, the larger view is taken of 'mainstream' date coding problems, and considers audit cases and costs. Mitigation focuses on internal and global management of the problem. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Overview of Hotel Facilities Management

    A 5 page paper that reports an observation of an independent hotel. Specific headings include: The type of guests this hotel caters to; the kinds of accommodations and amenities offered and improvements that could be made; an organizational chart of the services; and the type of communication system the hotel has installed. Bibliography lists 7 sources. 1 graph.

  • Organizational Communications and Conflict Management

    This tutorial paper covers the idea of conflict management within organizations; and how communications fits in. Also discussed is resolution, prevention and negotiation. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Volunteer Environment, Teams, Conflict Management, and Leadership

    A 6 page discussion of the importance of teams and leadership in resolving conflict in the volunteer environment. Using the example of a halfway house, the author delineates the steps which must be taken to insure that the primary group goals are met. These steps include the establishment of a strong leader and close attention to intragroup communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Project Management and Aspects of Behavior

    A 4 page paper discussing a situation in which the project manager has abandoned the project, which is behind schedule and over budget. Several key team members have quit, and those who remain are focusing on whether they will have to fill in for the departed ones, rather than focusing on completing the task at hand. The paper answers several questions, all of which address the matter of communication and cooperation in some manner. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Skills and Functions of Management

    This 5 page paper identifies and discusses the four functions of management and the skills needed to perform those functions. The functions are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Each is explained. The writer then comments on the skills needed to perform each and all of these functions, such as communication and delegation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Communication Structure and Global Management

    5 pages. This paper is being prepared in order to help structure the communication needed with international clients. Visiting with clients from Bonn, Milan, and Instanbul means there will be cultural complications in some ways due to the fact that there is no translator that will be accompanying those on the trip. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Various Topics Pertaining to Teaneck, NJ

    This 4 page research paper reports on public transportation and communication as well as parks and recreation and religion and how they pertain to Teaneck, New Jersey. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Volleyball Officiating, Coaching, Nonverbal Communication and Nuances

    This 10 page report discusses the ways in which nonverbal communication serves as an essential aspect of both coaching and officiating the sport of volleyball. The most effective and “proper” techniques and responsibilities of a line judge for the fast-paced game of volleyball involve specific signals, movements, and cues that allow officials to understand what is happening at different areas of the court, whether or not their own line of sight is impaired. The same concept holds true for the coaches of competing teams. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Project Management and New Technologies

    Wireless communication makes instant education resources a phone call or finger touch away. This advancement ties in nicely with other advancements in technology, which according to Primavera (2004), includes advances in the defense and space travel industries and the automotive and transport industries. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvPMtech.rtf

  • Nurse Mentoring Issues

    This 10 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers how mentors can understand and communicate more efficiently with the charges by understanding their level of development and the type of communication they need. The second part of the paper examines the way learning can be facilitated by looking at different learning styles and how the learning process may be managed to ensure all learners benefit. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • The Impact of the Kentucky Trilogy and Generational Cohorts on Nursing

    This 7 page paper looks at two issues which impact on nursing. The first part of paper considers the impact of the legal impact of the Kentucky Trilogy and the status of nurses as supervisors, considering the cases themselves, and the impact nursing as well as by the decisions may have taken place. The second section of the paper considers the different generational cohorts that are present within nursing and how they may impact on practices and communication. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Advanced Practice Nurse And Informatics

    A 7 page paper that first reports the setting-an individual has applied for an APN position in the described physician's office. The first section describes the writer's vision of the most effective use of communication and information technologies in this office. The vision includes scanning all documents into a patient's file, networking all PCs and many other things. The next section recommends the kinds of programs to consider ending with the benefits of using these kinds of systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Staff Retention Tool of Nursing Leadership

    This 100 page dissertation relates the issue of nursing leadership, including leadership qualifications, training and communication, as the basis for retaining staffing in the nursing profession. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Geriatric Mentally Ill Patients and Nursing

    This 6 page paper considers an experience and training nurse may have undergone when working on a mixed geriatric ward with patients that speak different languages who are suffering from a range of mental illness. The paper focuses on two patients suffering from dementia, the way they are treated and the barriers to communication and treatment. The paper describes the situation and the patients, what was observed considers the feeling with an evaluation and analysis and then looks at how the nurse may do things differently next time. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Communication and Psychology

    This 8 page paper considers the argument that there is too little emphasis on communication in the study of psychology. Looking at this from different aspects the paper argues for and against this statement suing a range of evidence from different studies before reaching a conclusion.

  • APA Ethics Code

    A 9 page paper. The sections in this paper include: discussion of confidentiality, privileged communication and privacy with the exceptions identified for the state of Hawaii; informed consent; dual relationships; personnel testing; and how rules regarding test data reporting have changed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Communication and Palliative Care

    7 pages in length. The nurse's role in palliative/end of life care is very important in the treatment of a dying patient and his/her family. One of the most important subjects pertaining to this care is the extent to which communication skills help to assist the patient through the dying process. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Communication and Rogerian Counseling

    5 pages in length. Discord among human beings is a normal, daily event at all stages of life; however, it is the manner in which such antagonism is addressed that determines how effective the outcome will ultimately be. The writer discusses that while the medical community utilizes a number of psychological techniques as a means by which to address discord between and among people, some theorists contend that the Rogerian counseling format is not only less likely to cause the client harm, but it also teaches those in turmoil a very basic method of communication. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Causes of Employee Turnover and Solutions

    This 9-page paper studies the causes for employee turnover and provides some solutions to avoid this. Also under discussion are the importance of communication and employee respect. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nonverbal Communication and Emotional Intelligence

    A 5 page paper that provides an evaluative overview of the elements of emotional intelligence and their correlates to nonverbal communication. This paper argues the elements of Dan Goleman's premises on emotional intelligence and their developmental impact and considers the nature of emotional expression as it impacts nonverbal actions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Poor Communication and Negative Reciprocity in Domestic Violence Situations

    This 3 page paper critically analyzes a peer reviewed psychology article on the correlation between poor communication skills and domestic violence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Advertising and Its Relation to Psychology, Sociology, and Mass Communications

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of academic disciplines related to advertising. Psychology, sociology, and mass communication are explored in this context. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Holistic Dynamic Personality Theory of Abraham Maslow

    This is a 9 page paper including abstract that discusses Maslow’s holistic-dynamic theory of personality. Personality has been studied in regards to various psychological approaches including psychoanalytical theories, learning theories, dispositional theories and humanistic psychology theories among others. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) developed theories of personality from a humanistic psychological standpoint. His holistic-dynamic theory of personality advocates that individuals require the fulfillment of certain fundamental needs in order to develop their personality and use their intelligence efficiently, acquire higher functioning and problem solving proficiently. Basic needs consisted of safety, love and respect. A more complex hierarchy of needs addressed the more comprehensive concepts of belongingness, esteem, self-esteem and self-actualization among others. Without the gratification of having these fundamental needs met, individuals will suffer frustration and eventually psychological “sickness”. Within the work environment, individuals experience boredom, lack of energy, low self-esteem and personal and professional problems seems insurmountable. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • The Case of Rap Music and Adorno's Mass Culture Theories

    This 5 page paper examines Adorno's theory of mass culture, with concepts such as the culture industry, standardization, pseudo individualization and the pacification of the masses with the creation of false needs leading to political apathy. This concept is applied to the development and presence of Rap music in modern society and argues that the theory is still valid, even where the music form is seen as differentiated. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Argument by David M. Halperin 'There Has Only Been 100 Years of Homosexuality' Assessed

    A 10 page paper which critically assesses David M. Halperin’s argument, “There has only been 100 years of homosexuality” by discussing the theory and history of sexuality which informs Halperin’s theory, and drawing appropriate conclusions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Microsoft Word and Gestalt Perception

    5 pages in length. Gestalt theory, which was introduced by German psychologists Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Köhler and Max Wertheimer, is a faction of psychology that contends human thought and behavior should be studied as a whole, as opposed to breaking it into isolated segments of stimulus and response. The manner by which the theory of perception applies to a word-processing package such as Microsoft Word resides in how the operator psychologically perceives the program. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Approaches to Psychology

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses Gesell's Maturational Theory, Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory and Erikson's Eight Stages of Life as they relate to behavioral, cognitive and social approaches to psychology. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Sociology Q and A

    This 5 page paper answers three questions posed by a student. Topics covered include the application of Freudian psychology to social science, functionalism, conflict theory and interactionism and the application of feminism to social theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Adolescent Counseling and William Glasser's Theories

    A paper which consider how the theories of William Glasser are used in counseling adolescents, how these theories were developed, and the various influences both inside and outside psychology which impacted on Glasser’s work. A brief overview of the history of the relevant psychoanalytical models is included, in order to provide a background to Glasser’s own model. Bibliography lists 17 sources

  • Criminality Theoretical Development

    6 pages in length. Understanding the fundamental reasons behind criminal behavior is based upon more than just a single theory; rather, criminal psychology recognizes myriad theories that help to define the various elements inherent to why certain people commit crimes while others do not. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sigmund Freud v. Erik Erikson

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares the theories of personality development formulated by Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson, pioneers in psychology. The writer summarizes their theories and then focuses on how each man regarded the nature versus nurture debate and moral development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Homosexuality and How It Evolved

    This 17 page paper argues against evolutionary psychology, citing a theory by Stephen Jay Gould. Gould's ideas are discussed, as are the precepts of evolutionary psychology. Homosexuality is discussed in the context of the theories provided. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Psychology and Personality Theory

    6 pages in length. Establishing a personality theory that challenges those already in existence by such famous industry names as Freud, Ellis, Beck and Rodgers must incorporate a significant understanding of just how the field of psychology effectively encourages more than merely one approach. The practice of psychology, which stems from a portion of philosophy that addresses the issue of behaviorism, evolved into a significant discipline of its own. The writer discusses that through experiential introspection, psychology eventually came to represent the very essence of mental performance and, therefore, personality theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Criminology Theories, Biosocial and Classical

    A 4 page research paper that discusses Classical criminology theory and contrasts this with theory that takes a biosocial/biological approach. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • HRM Learning Log; Reward and Motivation

    This 11 page paper is written as three log entries. The first outlines why looking at motivations and rewards is interesting and the underlying theories that can be applied to the study. The second entry looks at the way this is seen in Starbucks, considering the different rewards that are offered and what they communicate to the employees. The last entry is a reflective entry, looking at the research and the theory and discussing general findings. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Learning Theories And Technology

    A 4 page paper that is a 5-column Table. The columns are: learning theory, contributors, dates, strengths and weaknesses and complementary technology. Four learning theories are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Delinquency Topics

    This 4 page research paper addresses 4 topics pertaining to criminal behavior and theory, beginning with the neutralization theory of Matza and his associate Gresham Sykes, which describes how juveniles "drift" into delinquent behavior. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sibling Rivalry Literature Review

    This is a 7 page review of the literature on the issue of sibling rivalry which has uncovered several trends and several areas which obviously need more study. Several disciplines research sibling rivalry most especially psychology, sociology, communications and pediatrics. While some studies indicate that the older brother/younger sister remains the most negative of the dyads, other researchers believe that it is the closeness of age and gender which results in children trying to differentiate themselves from one another. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • ICT School Strategies Development

    This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.

  • Mixed Method Study and Juvenile Crime Intervention Strategies

    A 4 page overview of the elements that must be present in mixed method research. The author presents a key resource from the literature that can be used to frame such studies, identifies three critical theories in juvenile crime, emphasizes the importance of balancing qualitative study with quantitative results, and notes the importance of ethics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Nursing Issue of Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Nurses

    A 6 page paper discussing the issue of chemical dependency among nurses and how other nurses and nurse managers should respond. The paper provides a literature review of sources after 2002; a discussion of management theory; and practical advice for how coworkers and nurse managers should proceed when they suspect chemical dependency. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nursing Management Issue/Medication Error

    An 11 page research paper that addressing this issue. This examination of the problem of medication errors focuses on the context of mental health nursing within the United Kingdom (UK); however, this is a problem that is systemic to all modern healthcare systems; therefore, informative sources outside the UK will also be consulted. After examining and discussing the literature, the writer considers the literature from the perspective of risk management theory. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Models of Leadership

    This 19 page paper looks at the concept of leadership, examining why the study is important and then undertaking a literature review. The literature review starts by looking at the ideas of Goleman and then considers other approaches and theories of leadership. The paper then presents a new model that can be used to assess leadership styles and contexts. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Preparation for a Study on the Important of Marketing and the Marketing Mix Elements

    This 8 page paper is the start of a lager project to investigate the importance of the marketing mix for Southwest Airlines. The paper starts with an introduction to the study background and area, identifies research objectives and specifics some research questions. The paper then undertakes a literature review looking at relevant theories. The paper is preparation for the study only and does not present the analysis of Southwest. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • The Development and Value of Alternate Education

    This 118 page paper is a comprehensive literature review looking at the development and value of alternative education, with an emphasis on the US. The paper looks at a range of theories regarding the way education is delivered, including teaching styles, curriculum design and learning styles. The development of different educational institutions and the provision of learning for different students is also discussed, along with the results and benefits that have been realized. The bibliography cites 187 sources.

  • Classroom Significance of Children's Literature

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of the basic theories behind the use of children's literature in the classroom setting. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Principles of Management

    A 14 page paper that discusses the changes in management principles over the decades. The writer offers a very brief description of just a few of the older management theories and then provides a more comprehensive description of the most recent principles of management. Sharing knowledge and information is emphasized. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Logico-Mathematical Knowledge, Montessori, Piaget

    A 5 page paper that discusses Montessori's and Piaget's general theories on learning and explains Piaget's concept of logico-mathematical knowledge and how Montessori's model is related to that type of knowledge. The essay also explains Piaget's thoughts about adaptation, absorption and organization. Montessori and Piaget are compared throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Competency Based Education Literature Review

    This 8 page paper reviews key theories, concepts and research as it applies to competency based education. This paper examines both the pros and cons of the subject as well as providing a comprehensive analysis of the topic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature Review on Paralinguistic Features of English Language Skills

    This 4 page paper relates the fact that a number of different theories reflect upon the nature of paralinguistic features in the development of English language skills for foreign learners. Adams, Orton, Gassin and Pillar all consider the factors that influence assessments of English language development in foreign learners related to efforts at teaching second language speaking skills in the classroom setting.

  • Mathematical Contributions of Albert Einstein

    In 5 pages the author discusses Albert Einstein's contributions to the field of science and mathematics while explaining such theories as E=mc2. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Stuik’s “A Concise History of Mathematics”

    This 4 page paper is a review of the book ‘A Concise History of Mathematics’ by Dirk J. Struik. The paper reviews the content and the style of the book which was first published in 1948 and traced the development of mathematical theory form prehistory to the first half of the twentieth century. The bibliography cites 2 source.

  • Math Lesson Design

    This 9 page paper looks at how a maths lesson may be designed to tech children how to divide a rectangle. The paper uses curriculum design theories and applies them the lesson design. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Outsourcing by American Firms; A Literature Review on the Political and Economic Issues

    This 6 page paper is a literature review looking at the political and economic issues that arise where outsourcing takes place within the United States. The impact on companies and their employees as well as the theory of comparative advantage discussed. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Differential Association Theory and Drug Use: A Literature Review

    This 12 page paper focuses on the college student but explores more generally the theory of differential association and drug use. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Derrida, Literature and “Midsummer Night’s Dream”

    This 10 page paper examines Derrida’s theory of literature and whether or not it is useful in teaching the subject; it also touches on how it might be applied to Shakespeare’s wonderful comedy, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of Europe

    A 9 page paper which addresses there specific topics in European history. The paper examines why Britain's attempts to colonize America were unsuccessful, John Locke contribute to the development of a progressive theory of history, and the similarities and differences between British and French colonization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy History

    This 6 page paper examines this umbrella of cognitive theories. Various ideas from Beck, Ellis and others are duly noted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Behaviorism

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of behaviorism, which is one of two primary schools of psychological theory that were defined by long-standing philosophical premises but fine-tuned in the 20th century in reaction to the Freudian constructs that had shaped much of the psychological research after the turn of the century. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Literature Review on Coping with Social Prejudice

    This 5 page paper is a literature that considers relevant literature in how racism forms in society and how it may be reduced. Included are ideas such as cultural identity, Sherif's Robbers Cave study, social contact theory and many others. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • A History and Sociological Overview of Prostitution

    A 7 page research paper that offers a brief history of prostitution, which is analyzed according to several sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Judith Walkowitz's City of Dreadful Delight and Gender History

    Gender History in Walkowitz’s “City of Dreadful Delight”: This 9-page essay examines Judith Walkowitz’s theories relevant to gender issues and female sexuality in the Victorian Era. Her treatise on the fluctuations pertaining to class and gender in late 1800’s London both informs about the past while still reverberating/ reflecting modernity. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNGenhis.doc

  • Aspects of Formalism in the Film, The Graduate

    A 3 page essay that discusses The Graduate from a standpoint of formalism in classic film theory. The writer begins by defining realism and formalism and then discusses formalist aspects of this 1967 film by Mike Nichols. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Social Process Theory and the Film American History X

    A 6 page research paper that combines a film review of American History X (1998) with an analysis of the film in terms of social process theory as an explanation of juvenile delinquency. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • President Kennedy's Assassination According to Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone's 1991 Film JFK

    This 25 page paper examines the assassination of Kennedy based upon the writings of Jim Garrison and the Oliver Stone film, "JFK". This paper delves into the myriad of theories and investigations that have taken place on the subject, as well as investigating much of the information that has been released since the "JFK" film. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Cinema and Time's Role

    This 6 page paper discusses the critical role that time places in the making of a feature film. The movie The Dark Side of the Heart is exampled, cited, as well as theory from David Bordwell's book: Narration in Fiction Films. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Strategic Management Overview

    This 55-page paper provides an overview and background of strategic management. Topics discussed are the various approaches to and theories for strategic management, as well as case studies documenting actual strategic management processes. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Theories on Motivation and Management

    A 4 page paper noting that management of engineers is nearly as notorious as management of programmers. Both are technically sound and know where it is that their efforts need to take them, but may have a lack of business or management knowledge that can allow them either to be managed effectively or to manage others effectively. The paper discusses the theories of Blanchard, Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor, as well as the origin of the “Hawthorne effect.” Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Planning and Organizational Management

    A 9 page paper answering 12 questions about organizational structure and management. Questions address topics including planning; corporate social responsibility; team-based, network-based, and boundaryless structures; future workforce trends; control systems; leadership theory; and how leaders affect organizational culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • ICU Nursing Ratio Restructuring and Change Management

    A 4 page paper evaluating the possibility of restructuring the ICU to gain one-on-one nursing, using Lewin’s change theory. All health care costs continue to increase despite managed care, regulatory insurer and individual efforts to halt the spiral. The ongoing nursing shortage has meant for ICUs that they may have fewer RNs available to them and that recruiting and retention has become more costly over the past several years. Though costs are of significant importance to ICUs, quality of care remains of central focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn and Diversity Management

    This 6 page paper looks at Robert E. Quinn's book called Deep Change and applies it to the concept of diversity management. Practical applications of Quinn's theories is the focus of this paper. No additional sources cited.

  • Suitable Models of Strategic Management

    The seven-page paper analyzes the assertion that strategic management theories/models tend to be relevant only two firms that are over certain size or in certain industries. The topic outlines one or two of such models, and presents a case study supporting the assertion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Leadership and Nurse Management

    This 4 page paper looks at a case study in nursing to evaluate methods of nurse management. Leadership theory is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Scientific Management and Taylor's Theories

    This 9 page paper examines the theories of Taylor and his development of Scientific management in order to access the relevance of these ideas today in a contemporary work environment. The paper agues that the model is still very relevant due to the way socially and the employment relationship has evolved. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Research on Ethics and Management

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, summarizes the lessons to be learned from a research study conducted by Dane K. Peterson (2002). This paper also relates the information from Peterson's study to theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Hospitals and TQM

    A 7 page paper discussing quality indicators and measures currently in place at the hospital in which the student works. Structure in the form of a quality director in the upper levels of the organization and attention to quality exist, but as is the case at so many other hospitals, the issue at the organization still has not achieved absolute clarity. The paper discusses the Deming cycle (PDCA), TQM theory and rating hospitals on customer satisfaction measures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Overview of Performance Management

    This 5 page paper begins with an explanation that the term performance management refers to everything from the performance of the entire company to employee performance to the performance of a department. Since it is more often used in terms of employee performance, the essay addresses this area. Specifically, three theories of motivation are briefly described and three approaches to employee appraisal are discussed. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Successes and Failures in the Management of Diplomacy

    A 7 page paper discussing reasons for diplomatic success and failure in today’s world, including the role of theory and systems thinking. Economic interconnectedness cannot be overlooked as one reason for diplomatic success in this era of crisis diplomacy. Rather than being a matter of greed or of “selling out” cultural or political ideological positions, one of the leading factors contributing to diplomatic success in today’s environment is the ability for all involved to take on a systems thinking approach to the problems at hand. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • HRM and South Africa's Model Construction

    This 12 page paper considers how HRM practices are developing in South Africa. The paper argues that due to the different social conditions and cultural background the model which is emerging is unique, there are commonalities with HRM seen in other countries, the model relies on motivational theory and the human relations school of thought, but also encompasses a greater degree of co-operative collectivism. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Human Resoiurce Management in Public Organizations

    This 8 page paper considers how HRM manifests in public bodies. The similarities and differences with commercial entities are considered and then theories of public HRM are discussed, looking at issues such as traditional and out of fashion ideas of the need for stability and the support given to this from modern studies as well as the desire for innovation and change within this sector. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • The Self-Awareness Trap

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of self-awareness theory and considers why self-awareness does not necessarily correspond with self-esteem. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • North and South America Differences and Their Reasons

    This 3 page paper takes an economic look at these two continents. The theories of Stanley Engerman and Ken Sokoloff are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Psychoanalysis Theories of Sigmund Freud

    8 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses main principles of many of Freud's theories. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Websites on Nursing Theorists Margaret A. Newman, Betty Neuman, and Virginia Henderson

    In three pages this paper examines three websites in terms of research availability and publications, theoretical applicability, and theory attractiveness to the writer. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Are All Nursing Degrees Created Equal?

    A 3 page paper weighing the differences between the associates degree and bachelors degree routes to achieving RN status. Both have solid clinical experience, as well as technical training. The BSN degree, with an additional two years, provides more time for study of nursing theory and application to the clinical setting, while the AND degree puts the nurse to work more quickly. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Economy of the Cayman Islands

    Set in the Caribbean the Cayman Islands are the most economically successful of the Caribbean Islands, known as a tax haven and home to many corporate bodies this is only a part of the Cayman Islands economic development. This 20 page paper examines the development of the Cayman economy and the role of tourism as well as financial services and then applies economic theories to explain the development and interaction of the various policies that have resulted in such strong growth for the area. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Psychosocial Behavioral Theory of Erik Erikson Applied to Rosa Parks

    7 pages in length. Rosa Parks is both an ordinary and extraordinary individual whose seemingly insignificant decision to remain seated on a public bus December 1, 1955 set the stage for what many claim to be the beginning of the civil rights movement. Applying Erikson's theory of psychosocial development to her life's progress illustrates just how critical certain stages are to an individual's mental, emotional and social structure. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Marketing Campaign Case Study Development

    This 10 page paper designs a marketing campaign for a student health clinic that is to be held once a week in a rural school. The paper considers the service and the target market as well as the budget, then using marketing theory and the way it has been applied by commercial companies to a similar target to develop a hard hitting and effective campaign. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • 9/11 Attacks Were No Conspiracy

    In six pages this persuasive essay argues that the 9/11 attacks were not a conspiracy, but also considers the existing evidence that supports a conspiracy theory conclusion. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • September 11 2001 An Annotated Bibliography of Conspiracy Theories

    This 4 page paper consists of an annotated bibliography of ten sources that explore conspiracy theories surrounding this fateful day in history. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The Manchurian Candidate Conspiracy

    This paper explores Richard Condon's book and Frankenheimer's movie 'The Manchurian Candidate' in terms of conspiracy theory and McCarthyism of the era (1959-1960). There is a brief comparison of the two and a short biography of Condon. The book focuses on the psychological and political aspects of the story. Bibliography lists 4 sources. JVcondon.rtf

  • Dr. James Gordon's Manifesto for a New Medicine

    This 5 page paper offers specific and in-depth analysis of Dr. James Gordon's book, Manifesto for a New Medicine. Detailing and giving evidence which supports his theories, Dr. Gordon explains why alternative medicine is the direction that medicine should be headed. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • What Is Strategic Human Resource Management?

    This 10 page paper considers what is meant by the term strategic human resource management (HRM). The paper discusses the importance of HRM, considers the different approaches to HRM and the way they may be used, the benefits of the different approaches and the ways in which they can be strategically applied. The discussion includes subjects such as Taylor and scientific management, the human relations school, motivation theory, the matching model and the resource-based view. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • A Research Proposal to Determine How Employers May Decrease Employee Absences

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal outlining research to assess how employers may reduce the level of unnecessary absences by their employees. The paper identities the research questions, the key areas of relevant theory and proposes a methodology to undertake the research. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • An Overview of Cloud Computing

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of cloud computing. Structure and theory are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cognitive Development: Bygotski vs. Piaget

    A 5 page overview of the theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotski. This paper explores the role of adults in a child’s cognitive development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Importance of Direct Learning in the Childhood Development Theories of Jean Piaget

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of the childhood development theories of Jean Piaget. It broadly examines the social, cognitive, and emotional/moral dimensions of human development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Child Development and the Theories of Jean Piaget

    A 5 page research paper that examines the childhood cognitive development theory of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget showed conclusively what parents have always known, which is that children do not think in the same manner as adults. His studies on the origin and nature of childhood cognitive development profoundly impacted both childcare and educational practice. This examination of recent literature on Piaget's theoretical perspective demonstrates that his work is still greatly influencing thought on childhood development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Global Perspective on Environmental Problems

    This 5 page paper looks at the most significant environmental issues facing the world in the 21st century, and assesses whether they have the potential to destabilize the international environment or increase unity by stimulating cooperation. The paper is written with reference to international relations theory. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • The Baseball 'Business' from a Sociological Perspective

    This 6 page paper looks at the economics of baseball and how high salaries play into the overall concept of capitalism. Theories of Marx, Durkheim and Weber are used in the analysis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Marketing a Hospital

    This 10 page paper considers the way that a hospital will develop a marketing strategy to market its services. The paper considers the way that marketing theory will be used to help identify and develop a plan, what marketing elements the plan should include and how the plan should be linked to the overall business plan. The paper looks at who the marketing plan will be developed it does not present a marketing plan. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Economic Equity and Efficiency of Treatment as They Relate to Acid Rain

    This 10-page paper discusses the acid rain problem in Canada, and attempts to apply economic theories of equity and efficiency to the problem. Also analyzed are Canadian policies, history of acid rain, and suggested improvements to current policy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • International Marketing

    This 12 page paper discusses why companies engage in international marketing rather than a series of national marketing strategies. The paper starts by looking at models and theories that explain how and why companies internationalize and then looks at the way this reflects on marketing strategy choices. The paper argues as the companies get larger there is a natural progression to increased use of standardized international marketing. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Automotive Industry and Management Theory's Evolution

    This 10 page paper examines the development of management theory using the automotive industry to illustrate how the changes have emerged and impacted on the commercial environment. The paper starts with the development of scientific management and its application at Ford, the influence of Alfred Sloan at General Motors and the changes seen as a result of the entrance of the Japanese car manufacturers into the automotive industry. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • The Role Of The First Language In The Acquisition Of A Second Language

    This 16 page paper looks at the way a second language is learned and the influence of the first or native language. The paper discusses second language acquisition theories and considers their appropriateness and accuracy in the way second languages (L2) are learned. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Issues Concerning Leadership

    In this 5 page paper, the author discusses and comments on: transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, management versus leadership, servant leadership, formal and informal authority, ethical decision making and a personal theory of leadership. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Leadership - Goleman as the Basis of New Model

    This 17 page paper looks at different leadership theories, with a focus on the ideas of Goleman in order to assess the commonalities and the way a new model of leadership may be created. The paper includes an introduction, problem statement, literature review and presentation of a new management model. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • The Phenomenon Known as Ageing

    An overview of the phenomenon of ageing from a biochemical perspective, looking at the programmed and random damage theories and the ways in which these might be approached in order to take into account both genetic and stochastic causes of ageing. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • Alcoholism, A Family Disease

    This 18 page paper examines alcoholism as a disease and the many ways it affects family life. How it affects children and spouses are highlighted. Different theories are explored along with different methods of treatment. Controversies are noted. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • An Artificial Intelligence Overview

    This 10 page paper looks at theories as well as what scientists are doing in respect to AI. Science fiction is looked at as well, but the paper focuses on practical applications and future implications of artificial Intelligence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social Systems Theory and Foster Care

    This 13 page paper discusses social systems theory in general and foster care specifically and in detail; and touches on reasons why foster care children do poorly in school. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Classroom Management

    A 3 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of classroom management. The essay discusses general techniques for effective classroom management and briefly explains choice theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Erikson as Applied to Poe

    A 6 page paper. The writer uses some of the little of what is known about Poe's behaviors and events in his early life to discuss his personality development according to Erikson's theory. The Black Cat is the story used for examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Education and Leadership

    This 5 page paper discusses leadership in education. The research focusing on educational leadership is plentiful, yet, despite the volumes, leadership remains an elusive concept. This essay reviews some of the literature and what is said about the characteristics and theories of leadership in educational settings. Sizer's essential schools concept is mentioned as is stewardship leadership. A list of commonalities among leaders is provided as are other comments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • How the Aviation System is Put Together

    This 3 page paper uses systems theory in order to provide a description of elements of aviation and how they are interrelated. Tangible and intangible items are described. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Building Egyptian Pyramids

    An eight page paper which looks at methods of investigating the validity of primitive construction and building methods, with particular reference to the Egyptian Pyramids and several current theories as to how they might have been built. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Elder Neglect in Nursing Homes

    A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of the topic of neglect and abuse of elderly patients in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, such as assisted living homes. This also includes issues relating to nursing care of the elderly, as influenced by the nursing theory of Dorothea Orem. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Structured Family Theory of Minuchin and Family Dysfunction

    A 6 page overview of a family as an interrelated series of components. Presenting a fictional case study, this paper provides a genogram of the major relationships and an analysis of the family unit under Minuchin’s theory of the structured family. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • Who Is The Intelligent Designer

    A 3 page paper that supports the proposal that the intelligent designer is God. The writer reports the problems with the intelligent designer theory that looks for a different designer and uses Aquinas' Five Ways to know the existence of God as support. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Performance Assessments

    This 17 page paper looks at the subject of performance appraisals, examining what they are, why they take place, how they can support an organizational vision and/or mission and the achievement of organizational goals, as well as the types of performance appraisal that can take place, the way that they may be used and the influence of motivation theory, and then gives an example of the way performance appraisal and assessment can be used as part of an integrated HR approach. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • White Collar Crime and Business

    A 9 page paper answering 10 discussion questions about corporate responsibility and conviction for white collar crime, as well as technocrime and which type is worse for the community. Other questions address law enforcement agencies and four crime theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Erik Erikson: Biography and Theory

    20 pages in length. Erik Homberger Erikson, born near Frankfort, Germany in 1902, was the son of Danish parents whose collective aspirations amounted to a tremendous impact upon better understanding human behavior. The foundation of Erikson's prolific influence upon mankind's developmental activities began in an unconventional manner by virtue of art and language courses when one might readily expect him to be immersed within the bounty of science studies more indicative of his ultimate contributions. His distaste for conventional education compelled him to glean a more worldly instruction as only life experiences can provide; as such, he eschewed formal schooling and went to Europe. Erikson's intersection with psychology arrived when he began as an art instructor for American children whose parents traveled to obtain Freud's enlightenment in Vienna. From there he attended the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute, which led the way for his entrance into America and ultimate status as the first child analyst of Boston; a position at Harvard Medical School soon followed with others at Berkeley, Yale and the Menninger Foundation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Adolescents and Cognitive Behavior Theory

    20 pages in length. Psychology as a discipline has come to be an essential element in the overall aspect of human life. Without its influential element, myriad individuals would not be able to properly function within their world. The practice of psychology has proven to be more than merely a treatment for the affluent or the crazy; rather, it has been embraced by mainstream society as a means by which people are able to work out various psychological situations. No longer is such treatment considered taboo in a world where mental imbalance is quite prevalent. An example of such mainstream approaches is that of cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents, illustrating how powerful one's thought process truly is with regard to one's overall mental and physical health. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Criminal Theory and Crime's Psychological Correlates

    A 4 page overview of the contemporary views on criminal psychology. This paper distinguishes between psychology which is used in the therapeutic treatment of criminals and that used to demonstrate guilt or innocence in a court of law. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Parent and Child According to the Attachment Theory

    Attachment theory, although relatively new within the field of psychology, has become the basis for understanding the relationship between an infant and those around him or her, especially in terms of the primary caregiver, generally considered to be the mother. This 5 page paper explores the parent, child attachment according to attachment theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History, Revolution, and Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto

    This 5 page report discusses The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Karl Marx’s declaration, in the most simplistic terms, was that all events are determined by economic forces. The Manifesto was much more than a “literary and philosophical work,” -- it was also a revolutionary document, a plan to battle and a call to arms, and a reflection of the history of humanity in the Western world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management Theory According to Taylor and Fayol

    This 5 page paper looks at early management theorists Fayol and Taylor and compares and contrasts the two paradigms to emanate from their work. Taylor's scientific management is highlighted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparing and Applying Theories of Criminology

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theory and Nursing Management

    A 4 page paper discussing longevity of systems dependent on information processing. The statement of debate is that the more energy devoted to information processing within a system, the more likely it is that the system will survive. The paper agrees with the statement, but cautions against allowing the law of diminishing returns from becoming applicable. Additional information processing is valuable only to a point, after which the system can be seen as existing to be served rather than as being a tool in patient care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Weber and Taylor on Management Theory

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a POWERPOINT presentation on the concepts of Weber and Taylor and their views of management. This paper outlines the specific material for each slide and the notes that can be used to describe what is on the slides. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management

    The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.

  • The Origins of Criminal Behavior in Psychodynamic Theory

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of the psychodynamic origins of antisocial behavior. A case study is looked at to demonstrate how interpsychic conflicts can manifest behaviorally. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health Care Change Theories

    Case Study Tutorial : A 10 page paper. This paper presents a case study taken from the literature that involves the problem of missing medical charts at a health clinic. The paper provides the background for the case and the change strategies used to analyze the problem and implement a change. Lewin's force-field analysis and Rogers' diffusion of innovations models are discussed. How the change was implemented is explained. Tutorial comments are included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Grounded Theory Applied to Sexual Abuse

    In their article, Constructions of survival and coping by women who have survived childhood sexual abuse, Susan L. Morrow and Mary Lee Smith utilized grounded theory in providing qualitative research. This 5 page paper explores and analyses the methods and results of their study in terms of grounded theory principles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Dr. Sandra M. Finch's Dental Practice and Customers Role, Satisfaction, and Retention

    This is a 5 page paper discussing various suggestions and opportunities for customer satisfaction and retention in a dental practice. Assessment of the information available on the web site of Dr. Sandra Finch, D.M.D (, provides the reader with a good outline of the services available in her dental practice in White Rock, British Columbia. The web page gives background, education and training information about Dr. Finch herself under “Meet the Doctor” as well as other customer services areas such as “About the Practice”, “New Patient Information”, “Cosmetic Dentistry”, “Testimonials” and an email contact address under “Contact Us”. The importance of the customer/patient is emphasized throughout the web site and the invitation is also extended to welcome new patients. However, in order to retain her current patients and attract new patients, various customer relations procedures could be introduced which would provide a unique edge over the competition. These practices could include increased advertising through other areas of the media, public speeches to local social groups, customer satisfaction surveys, setting up a referral network, larger access through the web page, guaranteed appointment times and extended hours among other suggestions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Concepts and Theories of Geography

    9 pages in length. Understanding the spatial components of planet Earth encompasses myriad fields of knowledge; centuries' worth of study has provided the twenty-first century scientific community with the extensive scope it possesses. One of the most important fields from which this knowledge was gleaned is that of geography, a particular science that addresses everything associated with the earth's surface. Working upon the fundamental basis developed by researchers hundreds of years ago, contemporary geographical analysts have the benefits of knowing the planet's how's and why's as it relates to the developed world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Eastwood's "Invictus" - Theories of Motivation

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of the film, "Invictus". Emphasis is placed upon motivational strategies employed by Mandela in the film. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Simone de Beauvoir's Feminist Philosophy and Theories

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this feminist philosopher's work and ideas. There is an attention to ethics and morality and how it is important in daily life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Family Structure Theories and Clyde Edgerton's Raney

    This 5 page paper discussed Clyde Edgerton's successful novel Raney, as related to the family structure theories of Minuchin, Bowen and Satir. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • World Politics and Theory

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses two topics: Liberal internationalism as it relates to world conception; and feminism as it relates to world politics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • An Examination of The Theory of the Leisure Class

    A 4 page paper which discusses the reality of the leisure class as it is presented by Veblen and argues that the leisure class still exists today. No additional sources cited.

  • Centralization, Decentralization, and Theories of Public Administration

    This 9 page paper describes the centralization and decentralization issues within public administration; includes a treatise on the history, the benefits, and management trends. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Islam and Interfaith Marriage

    This is a 5 page paper discussing interfaith marriage in the Islamic religion. Interfaith marriage is not recommended in Muslims as Muslims are encouraged to find spouses with a similar religious outlook for the sake of future compatibility and for the raising of children. However the guidelines for marriage in the Qur’an do allow for some instances of intermarriage between Muslim men and non-Muslim women but not between Muslim women and non-Muslim men. For those couples who have interfaith marriages in the Islamic religion, mostly in the Western countries where there are fewer Islamic communities, they have reported success only when they allow themselves equal respect for each other’s religion, educate themselves about the practices of each other’s religion, maintain open communication regarding the practicing of religion, the raising of children and the recognition of holidays. Despite the liberal views of many interfaith couples, difficulties still arise in the raising and faith of the children. Muslim men who have children who have not be raised Muslim may have difficulty bringing them into Islamic states and retaining custody after a divorce. In the world today however and despite the strict guidelines of the Qur’an, interfaith marriages are occurring with the couples themselves largely deciding how to handle their choices for success in their marriage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Negative Recency and the Faulty Communications Perceptions Within the Work and Management Environments Study

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the perception of the recency effect within the work environment. Recency in which the most recent information received by an individual seems to be given the most weight in decision making has a great deal of importance in the field of management and the work environment. Managers within the business environment are used to dealing with recency plans within a business sense in that recency in business is a measurement of customers who have purchased merchandise “recently” or within an advertising perspective it is the psychological effect in which customers remember the “most recent” merchandizing when purchasing products. Despite management knowing about business recency, few if any are aware of the psychological recency effect within their own decision making process and the perceptual errors which can be made. In fact, the recency effect within the work environment can lead to poor judgment, poor or inconsistent management and poor communication skills throughout administration. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA): its history and application in a health care setting. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was first introduced in 1987 as a national award for quality in manufacturing in the United States. In 1998, the award was extended to include the health care and education industries. The award is not only meant to award industries for their current quality but to also provide support and guidance for future quality. Regardless of discipline, the award includes certain categories which must be met in regards to establishing and maintaining industry quality which include leadership, strategic planning, human resource development, information analysis, process quality, operational results and customer satisfaction. In physician offices as part of the health care system, a patient-centered focus also creates more of a concentration on patient satisfaction, staff education, and innovation in regards to constant communication with the rest of the health care community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing Profession and Teamwork

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the change in teamwork in the nursing profession. Teamwork within the nursing profession has changed a great deal within the last fifty years. Team nursing was a common structure in patient health care but took many of the registered nurses (RNs) away from patient care and into administrative work leading to job dissatisfaction in nurses and leaving lesser skilled workers such as licenced practical nurses (LPNs) and aides with patient care. When primary care nursing was introduced, RNs were once again in charge of patient care but were left with little administrative representation until the introduction of nursing executives which allowed for nurses to become active members on the administrative teams. Today, patient-focused health care requires multidisciplinary teams which include not only physicians, nurses and aides but also physical therapists, occupational therapists and the patient in regards to decision making about patient care. The nurse has become a vital member of the patient-focused team because the nurse becomes the team leader and liaison between the patient and the rest of the team based on the nurse’ high level of contact with the patient. This allows the nurse to not only utilize health care skills learned through his or her education but also increases the area of responsibility to include important aspects of communication necessary in a successful team environment. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of Sociolinguistics

    15 pages in length. The concept of interactional sociolinguistics extends far beyond the superficial aspects of communication. Indeed, one only needs to observe any number of various groups to effectively realize that interaction between and among people harbors significant relevance to all seemingly unrelated elements of life. A prime example of just how critical the effects of interactional sociolinguistics truly are is found in Deborah Schiffrin’s book entitled “Approaches To Discourse,” with particular emphasis upon the chapter called Interactional Sociolinguistics. The findings revealed by the author’s work clearly demonstrates the manner in which people tend to communicate within different cultures. The writer discusses interactional sociolinguistics as it relates to Gumperz and Chinua Achebe’s “No Longer At Ease.” Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Montessori and Vygotsky: current applications.

    A 10 page paper discussing educational theory from the early days of the 20th century and its applicability for today. The parallels in the views of Vygotsky and Montessori appear to be those of researchers who have collaborated in developing a theory. So much of the constructivist theory appears to be superficial and poorly thought out, but the Montessori method has put many of Vygotsky’s theories in action, and children who have had a Montessori preschool experience are able to retain the young child’s love of learning far longer than many others. Even mainstream public schools are beginning to mix grades and ages within classrooms in order to take advantage of Vygotsky’s and Montessori’s proven benefits of joint peer discovery. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • All About Eve and the Introduction by Marilyn Monroe.

    (6 pp.)It has been suggested that the 1950 movie "All About Eve," should be reclaimed and included in the history of feminist film theory. The writer will discuss that and the "talking" i ntroduction of Marilyn Monroe in this film, and her own applicability within feminist theory discussions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • All About Eve and the Introduction by Marilyn Monroe.

    (6 pp.)It has been suggested that the 1950 movie "All About Eve," should be reclaimed and included in the history of feminist film theory. The writer will discuss that and the "talking" i ntroduction of Marilyn Monroe in this film, and her own applicability within feminist theory discussions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Technology and Learning Systems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a review of literature on learning systems, motivation and adult learning, including a section on the use of technology, for informing instructional strategies for library specialists. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Global Communication's Developmental History

    (5 pp) The history of international communication is as varied as the development of the nations themselves. The speed of development of all communications is linked to the economic progress of that nation. Where once the stories or the information seemed related to the community, then the state, and the nation, now, that same information can be transmitted with electronic speed to almost any where in the world. Yet are we all getting the same news? This discussion will examine the possibility and subsequent history that will put a different slant on the "spin" of international communications. Bibliography lists 3 sources)

  • Technology and Learning Systems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a review of literature on learning systems, motivation and adult learning, including a section on the use of technology, for informing instructional strategies for library specialists. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • John Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationship

    (5 pp) This discussion examines John Gray's 1992 best seller, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships. In light of the new century the book, has not aged well. Although it may have broken much ground in advancing the need to discuss differences in gender communications, the reduction of communication skills to simplistic solutions, which often seem prone to the author's perceptions of how it 'should' be, no longer have the power that kept the book on the New York Times bestseller list for 92 weeks. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Management Theory and Microsoft, Inc.

    A 15 page paper providing an overview of Microsoft's evolution over the years, applying management theories such as those of contingency, leader member exchange, path-goal and other current theories. The success of Microsoft has not lay with its products so much as it has with its management and dogged determination not to quit. Microsoft products may have made us all groan over the past generation, but the company stands as the example of management theory put into astute practice. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Sports Facility Management

    A 14 page paper. This type of management is very diverse with numerous different types of activities and responsibilities. This paper discusses management theories, leadership theories and motivation theories. It also discusses the kinds of responsibilities the sports facility manager has. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Evolution of Management from the 1950s through the 1990s

    This 10 page paper looks at management theory one decade at a time from the 1950s through the 1990s. Projections concerning the future of management are made. Theories include TQM and systems theory as well as a variety of trends that have come about through the ages. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Levine's Conservation Theory of Nursing

    A 5 page research paper that investigates Levine's nursing theory. Nursing theory provides a cognitive framework that nurses can utilize in devising interventions that are comprehensive and oriented toward specific therapeutic goals. One such theory is the Conservation Theory formulated by Myra E. Levine in the late 1960s/early 70s. This theory conceptualizes human beings as being adaptive and in constant interaction with his or her environment (Martsolf and Mickley, 1998). This overview of Levine's theoretical perspective demonstrates the utility of this model to contemporary nursing practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing Theory, a Comparison

    A 5 page paper discussing two nursing theories, one of which is broad, the other mid-range. Most models of nursing theory are careful to take into account the fact that the patient is more than only a body in dysfunction. These theories have originated with at least one individual’s background in patient care in conjunction with the theorist’s higher awareness of the interaction of many factors in realizing physical goals. The purpose here is to compare a broad nursing theory with a mid-range one. The work of J. Travelbee represents the broad nursing theory. That of K.M. Swanson addresses mid-range issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning Theories - Emphasis On Adult Learning Theories

    A 30 page paper. Part 1 of the paper discusses the learning/development theories of Thorndike Bandura, Rogers, Maslow and Kohlberg. The major points of each theory are presented and discussed, including the contribution of that theory to the field of education. The five theories are also compared and contrasted. The second part of the paper discusses adult learning, specifically, again, relating comments to the five theorists identified. 1 Table is included that shows the differences in focus of each theory. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Special Education Views and Theories

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of some thoughts/theories on special education.

  • Category Formation, Causal Theories, and Cognitive Psychology

    This is an 8 page paper comparing and contrasting the prototype and causal-based theories of category formation. In cognitive psychology, category formation is considered one of the most fundamental aspects of understanding mental representation. Within the area of category formation however, there are several theories which appear to conflict in some aspects. Two of these theories are the prototype theory of category formation and the causal theory of category formation. In the most basic sense, the prototype theory argues that individuals categorize items based on the typicality level of the objects in comparison with the “prototype” concept or image that an individual has. When new objects are encountered by an individual, a comparison of features based on prototypes takes place until that object is categorized. From a causal model theory perspective however, the categorization process also takes into account prior knowledge and theories of how the world works in addition to the causal relationships between features. Causal theorists find that the prototype theories base categorization from an independent and “probabilistic” viewpoint whereas individuals in fact use their causal knowledge in order to categorize and build relationships conceptually. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • International Media Tool of Radio

    This 9 page paper provides a look at global media and whether it is truly diverse in nature or American flavored. Radio is the focus of this paper that highlights the value of audio talk shows. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Management and Communication Applied to Mott, Inc.

    An 86 page paper providing a literature review and synthesis to apply to a small clothing retailer. Sound management and solid communication are touted as being highly beneficial for organizations competing in today's competitive business environment, but in spite of the proliferation of the topics in academic literature and the business press many organizations still are unsure of how to proceed to improve their companies. This paper reviews conditions at a three-location clothing retailer and suggests how improved communication and more astute management at the store level can benefit the company and its stakeholders. Includes an abstract and table of contents. Bibliography lists 48 sources.

  • Patient Outcomes and the Collaboration Between Physicians and Nurses

    A 5 page research paper that explores the crucial nature of nurse/doctor collaboration in patient outcomes. In 1967, Leonard I. Stein, MD, described the pattern of basic communication between a physician and an attending nurse as the "Doctor-Nurse Game." The expectation in this communication "game" was that a nurse, usually a woman, would make suggestions for patient care, but would do so in a manner that would make it seem as if the idea came from the physician (Haddad, 2003). A major rule of the "game" was that open disagreement or overt challenges to the physician's authority and judgement were to be avoided at all costs (Haddad, 2003). This paradigm is not only outdated, but also incredibly inefficient and disrespectful to all parties involved. However, some doctors insist on playing it, to the detriment of patient care. Research indicates that facilitating the highest standard of patient care requires effective nurse/doctor collaboration. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Portfolio Management and Information Technology Investigation

    A 13 page paper discussing the communications aspects of IT project management and providing a study of IT portfolio management (ITPM) as a means of increasing transparency and protecting the schedules of projects already underway. The study concludes that the IT project manager should not reject suggested alterations out of hand, but that the organization should agree to begin alteration of the project upon completion if omissions are discovered after the project has begun. In the end, it is communication and respect for individuals that lead to project success. The project itself must be well-thought out and well planned. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The History and Significance of Communication Skills

    10 pages in length. The historic relationship between supervisor and subordinate has often been described as tenacious at best and downright offensive at worst. That bosses too readily don an attitude of inaccessibility by way of poor communication and listening skills speaks to the prevalence of unsatisfactory interaction where working relationships are concerned. Whetten et al (2005) duly point out how possessing exceptional listening skills "is neither easy nor automatic" (p. 228) but instead requires one to develop "the ability to hear and understand the message sent by another person, while at the same time helping to strengthen the relationship between the interacting parties" (p. 228). As such, the only way in which businesses can thrive from an internal perspective is by cultivating a strong – and sincere – approach toward communication and listening skills that are adopted by every level of the corporate ladder. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mobile Phone Technologies and UMTS and GSM Comparison

    10 pages in length. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Universal Mobile Telephone Service (UMTS) represent the future in mobile phone technology. The extent to which each entity has enhanced the entire wireless communication industry has been so significant that upgrades are already in the works to improve upon them even more. By April of 2001, five hundred million people around the world were GSM users; its counterpart, UMTS, boasts a third-generation (3G) mobile system in development within the ITU's IMT-2000 framework, which will ultimately enable the reality of portable videophones via its 2 Mbps data speeds. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Genders, Cultures, and Communication

    11 pages in length. Within the fundamental framework of civilization reside a number of issues that serve to impede intercultural and gender communication. Considering the multitude of cultural variance that exists throughout the world, it is quite easy to understand the inherent difficulties when one society attempts to communicate with another when there is only a minimum of comprehension of the other's language. The same holds true for gender differences when it comes to communication, inasmuch as men and women are taught distinctive and sometimes opposing interaction techniques as early as childhood. The writer discusses the difficulties and alternatives in relation to cultural and gender differences. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Trade Association Leadership Change Implementation

    This 6 page report discusses a change in leadership at a financial institutions’ trade association. Research efforts found that dues-paying, member institutions maintained their affiliation with the association almost totally because of its representation in the legislative arena. As a result, the association leaders chose to expand that sector of the organization and promote it as a communication and operation tool that would better serve its members. The result was a unique combination of communication, marketing, regulatory, and political specialists. It was essential that the other employees in the organization, the members of the new department, as well as the association’s members fully understand the intent and capabilities of the new organizational structure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Business Operations and the Role of the Internet

    A 5 page glance at some of the applications of the Internet in conducting daily business. The most obvious applications of sales and marketing are mentioned, but the paper concentrates more on data management, communications and intranet applications. The growth of the Internet has made communication with remote locations—district offices, outside sales staff, favored vendors, etc.—more efficient than ever before. Use of the Internet in increasing productivity is not limited only to large businesses, either. One NY deli increased their lunch business by 30% when they began accepting take-out orders through their Web page. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Perceptual Losses Between the Page and Big Screen

    An 8 page paper that argues the point that the historical written word loses much of the personal perception it evokes in individual readers when it is converted to the film medium due to the influence of the personal perception of the cinematographer. The history and evolution of historical cinematography from the earliest days of the film industry to present are discussed, including a brief description of the progressive documentary format that emerged in the 1990s. Bibliography lists 6 sources. LCFilm.doc

  • Male Culture and Gender Prejudice

    A 6 page paper that discusses gender bias against women in a male-dominated culture. Stereotypical behaviors are learned early in life and are perpetuated throughout life in media depictions of women. The comments of three feminist authors are integrated: Sandra Lee Bartky, Sandra Lipsitz Bem, and Catharine A. MacKinnon. The writer also addresses the need for women to take responsibility to change their own environment. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • An Analysis of Racial Strife and Homelessness as Portrayed by the Print and News Media

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses how the issues of homelessness and racial strife have been portrayed in both print and broadcast news, analyzing whether the media have provided fair and impartial coverage or if the focus has been upon sensationalism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Being There by Jerzy Kosinski and Media's Social Role

    A 7 page research paper and analysis that examines the 1970 novel by Jerzy Kosinski, Being There, and relates it to a sociological examination of the role of the media in American life. Bibliography lists 3 sources. s

  • Increase or Decrease in Racial Discrimination Over the Last 25 Years?

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses whether or not racial discrimination has decreased or increased over the past twenty-five years, addressing the particular influence of media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Media Promoting Serial Murder Through Its Serial Murder Portrayal

    In 4 pages, the author discusses how the media promotes serial murder by making serial murder appear sexy to individuals that are mentally imbalanced. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Media Role, Urbanization, and Community

    A paper which looks at the concept of community in view of the changing perceptions of the city, the impact of urbanisation and the growth of the suburbs, and the role which the media might play in re-establishing the traditional idea of the community. Bibliography lists 3 sources

  • Causes and Effects of Violence in Schools

    A 4 page discussion of the increase in school violence. The author presents the case that an increased violent content in the media, in television in particular, can be held responsible. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Spirituality as a Concept in Black American Literature

    This 5 page paper discusses the issue of African American Literature and the evidence of spirituality in that medium. Furthermore, this paper cites many African-American writers and their works as examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sports and Steroids

    A 5 page paper which examines the way the media portrays athletes and policies of steroid abusers in professional sports, providing specific examples of athletes (Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, and Rafael Palmeiro) and the policies of the NFL, MLB, NBA, and the NHL. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Violence in Society is Not the Fault of the Media

    A 9 page paper on how the roots of violence are not from the media but hit very close to home: within the group dynamic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of Digital Video Cameras

    This 10 page report discusses digital video (DV) cameras and the many applications they offer in terms of creativity, web site design, multi-media production, and more. Digital video cameras specifically target the desktop computer user and offer superior digital storage formats and higher-quality optics. A new generation of affordable digital video cameras, along with the standard DV format, is bringing quality video editing to the desktop. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Adobe's Photoshop Software

    This 8 page report discusses Adobe’s graphics program “Photoshop” is a tool that, once mastered, desktop publishers will find themselves wondering how they ever used to get along without it. Photoshop has long served as the standard for producing digital images in the widest variety of media and formats. It provides everything necessary to create high-quality images not only for use in print and multimedia projects, but also for distribution on the World Wide Web. This report examines some of its features and discusses the ways it can enhance any publication.Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Charles S. Peirce's Philosophical Perspective

    A 7 page research paper that examines four essays by Charles S. Peirce is regarded as one of America¹s greatest philosophers and perhaps the nation¹s greatest semiotician. The writer demonstrates through the medium of the four essays that Peirce's views on cognition and intuition stayed consistent throughout his career. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Terrorism and the Media

    A 12 page research paper that explores how terrorists are successful at exploiting the link between the news media, public opinion, and presidential decision making. The writer discusses the sociological and political dimensions of reported violence in hostage, terrorist attacks, and bombings situations. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Broadcasting Forms Prior to 1940 Contrasted

    This 11 page report discusses the emergence of contrasting forms of broadcasting in the United States and Europe prior to 1940. The emergence of broadcasting as a force to be reckoned with had an undeniably broad impact throughout the world. Especially in the pre-World War II United States and Great Britain, the foundations were being laid of what have long since become broadcasting media “empires.” Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Internet Marketing Success

    This 10 page report discusses successful marketing on the world wide web. In 1998, the Internet was the venue for an estimated $1.7 billion in sales with users reporting being comfortable spending an average of $295 per purchase. Key strategies for successful Internet marketing differ from the strategies typically employed for an “offline” marketing campaign. The unique marketing medium that is the Internet must be looked at and utilized in equally unique ways. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Baroque Concerto Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi

    Antonio Vivaldi wrote his baroque concerto 'Four Seasons' in the 18th century, during a period of extended musical expressionism in Venice and throughout Italy. This 2.5 page paper provides a concise overview of Four Seasons and considers key elements such as composition, dynamics, medium, form and overall impression. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 1998 Gongressional and Gubernatorial Campaigns

    A 5 page paper evaluating areas of nationwide Congressional and gubernatorial races in terms of debates, polls and the final results including the resulting state of balance of power in both the House and Senate. Elections held in years when there is no presidential election as well typically generate only mild interest on the part of the voters, and the elections of 1998 provided no surprises in that realm. One of the most heavily contested gubernatorial races was that of California, where not even the media was interested enough to broadcast all of the debates between candidates. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Erikson and Vygotsky Theories on Life History

    8 pages in length. Understanding the developmental path each individual takes throughout life requires the realization of how so many elements play an integral role in this overall growth. The extent to which developmental theories help to put this into perspective is both grand and far-reaching; that Erikson and Vygotsky represent two of the most well received of all theories speaks to the manner by which the following life history incorporates the tenets of social cognition and specific stages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review on Pregnant Teens, Counseling Theories, and Treatment Approaches

    An 8 page paper which first presents a brief literature review discussing teen pregnancy and what professionals have found to be pertinent counseling issues, then a brief literature review that discusses the effectiveness of the person-centered theory and cognitive-behavioral interventions, then concludes by developing a theory-based treatment that best addresses the issues and effective interventions, and includes treatment goals, the role of the counselor, along with techniques and strategies that must be used to achieve treatment goals. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Leadership and the American Express Company

    A 4 page research paper that discusses leadership at American Express in terms of leadership theory drawn from the latest literature. The writer argues that American Express International is a company that is following the new paradigm toward leadership, as this company's practice draws on the latest ideas in leadership theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Community Health and the Nursing Care Theory of Jean Watson

    An 8 page research paper that examines the caring nursing theory of Jean Watson. The theory is first discussed and then the writer offers a literature review that shows how it is applicable to community health nursing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Roy’s Adaptation Model: A Case Study

    A 7 page overview of a Celeste Roy’s nursing theory in regard to patient adaptation. This paper applies that theory to a specific case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sociopolitical Classes of Plato and Their Parallels

    A 15 page research paper that examines Plato's sociopolitical classes as outlined in the Republic and also his Theory of the Soul. This literature review, first of all, discuss Plato's theory of the soul and show how he extrapolates on this idea in the Republic to describe his conception of an ideal state. Then, a separate literature review examines the topic of social class within American society to determine if there are parallels between Plato's conceptualization of social class and current day American reality. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • An Overview of Apocalyptic Literature

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the theories that predict the end times, focusing on how religion uses it to control its people. How the elite used the theories to control the social order during the high middle ages is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Research Proposal on the Connection Between Reducing Crime and Private Security

    This 16 page paper outlines how research may be conducted to ascertain the relationship between the use of private security firms and reductions in crime rates. The paper looks at the theoretical framework, including ideas such as rational choice theory and routine activities theory. The paper then indicates how primary research may be undertaken. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Marketplace Changes and Organizational Behavior

    This 6 page paper discusses the changing marketplace and the need for organizational change. The writer mentions theories that apply, such as chaos and complexity theories. The paper is a proposal for a longer paper. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Operations Management; Principle Healthcare Case Study

    This 16 page paper looks at a company (Principle Healthcare) and considers different aspects of operations management. The first questions deals with the way the operational strategy goals and the strategy realized may have some gaps. The second part of the paper considers forecasting and the firm's web site, the third questions considers supply chain management and the last questions looks at theories that may help with improvements in the firm, the theory of constraints and pull systems on inventory management are discussed. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Organisational Culture; A Case Study

    This 5 page paper looks at culture within an organisation. The paper starts by looking at relevant theories concerning culture creation, maintenance and manifestation. After looking at the theory the writer applies the frameworks to a case study of an organisation caring for clients with learning disabilities. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Scenario with Cogntive Theory

    A 6 page paper that begins with a scenario of an unmarried couple with children. The essay explains sociocultural theory and cognitive theory and applies them to the scenario. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rectifying a Poor Motivational Environment

    This 6 page paper considers a scenario where a call centre is losing staff as they are dissatisfied with pay levels and feel that the bonus scheme is implemented in an unfair manner. The paper analyses the problems and considers the way that the scheme and approach of the employers towards the employees may be changed to increase motivations and productivity. The paper looks at motivation theory, equity theory and employee engagement as part of this analysis. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Stakeholder Consideration in the Case of Longhurst Pulp and Paper Mill Case

    This 12 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student to assess a change needed in terms of environmental compliance and examine this from a stakeholder perspective. The paper presents a brief literature review on stakeholder theory and then applies theory to the case. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • English Law and Theory of Team Production

    This 14 page paper examines to what extent Team Production Theory can be seen to offer an accurate account of English company law. Comparison is made with US law where this model has been developed and seen as applicable in the ongoing development of corporate governance. The paper explains what is meant by Team Production Theory and then applies this model to English law. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Application and Analysis of Film Theories of Signification, Representation, and Perception

    An 18 page paper which examines these theories, as described in J. Dudley Andrew’s text, “Concepts in Film Theory,” applies them to such Asian films as “Visitor Q,” “Dead or Alive,” “Old Boy,” “Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance,” “Happy Together,” Take Care of My Cat,” and “Crazed Fruit,” and also provides a detailed consideration of Korean director Park Chan-wook and his films. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy and the Film Radio

    A 5 page research paper that examines the film Radio in psychological terms, drawing on the theory of human behavior developed by Abraham Maslow. The writer argues that this film exhibits several psychological principles, which illustrate human nature at its most basic level and at its highest. The spectrum of human behavior in the film, however, can be understood via the prism provided by psychologist Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Blood In, Blood Out

    This 3 page paper considers the characters in the film “Blood In, Blood Out” and argues that Merton’s theory of the “American dream” and Shaw and MacKay’s theory of “zones of transition” are the best tools to use to describe their lives as shown in the film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Social Work and Nursing Similarities

    A 4 page contention that there are many similarities between these two disciplines. Borrowing from the social work theory that life plays out as though on a stage, the author concludes that all that has to be changed to allow nursing to fit into this theory is to costume the actors in nursing uniforms, disguise them as doctors, and put a few in bed gowns. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Family Nursing - Teen Suicide

    This 4 page paper begins with the effects of the suicide of a teenager and statistical data regarding its incidence. Three of the objectives in Health People 2010 that relate to this issue are reported. Both Freire's learning theory and Mezirow's transformative learning theory are explained as possible approaches for the family nurse to use at this time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Kant v. Aristotle on Ethical Issues Involving Performing Surgery That is Unnecessary to Return an Unfit Soldier to Combat

    This 5 page report discusses the hypothetical situation put forth in a episode of the television show M*A*S*H. One of the doctors decides to perform an unnecessary surgery on a battle officer whose record carried an unreasonably high number of casualties. The logic was the longer he was kept out of command on the battlefield, the fewer soldiers under his command would die. This report makes the argument that the ethical theory of Aristotle would have supported him in that decision while the ethical theory of Kant would have denounced the doctor’s logic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Leadership Models

    This 17 page paper looks at leadership theories with a focus on those by Goleman to look at the ideas of the way leadership ma be described and assess the positive leadership characteristics or styles that may benefit a leader or organization. The review of these theories is then used to develop a new leadership model. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Human Brain Development

    This 7 page paper looks at some of the theories that try to explain who and why the human brain has developed into the current large and complex organ seen today. The paper loos at the arguments of bipedalism, the use of tools and development of language and the radiator theory. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory and Teaching LD Students

    This 10 page report discusses Howard Gardner’s theories of multiple intelligences and how they apply in teaching disabled students. Gardner, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, asserts that in order for students to utilize their MI, students need to have various tasks where they can employ their underdeveloped intelligences. The theory also suggests that thematic teaching enhances multiple intelligences and allows students to use and strengthen various types of intelligence and skills. All of the aspects of multiple intelligences also apply in teaching disabled students. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Classrooms and the Multiple Intelligences Model of John Gardner

    This 10 page paper provides practical applications for Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory. In addition to application recommendations, the paper provides an in-depth overview of Gardner's theory including a description of all seven types of intelligences. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Public Policy and Marketing Ethics

    This 10-page paper discusses marketing ethics and marketing theories, particularly the contingency theory, which helps marketers analyze the complex and ever-changing conditions of the marketplace. It also defines needs and wants, and briefly discusses public policy in regard to consumerism. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Piaget/Elementary & Middle-School

    A 3 page research paper that discusses and summarizes the cognitive learning theory of Jean Piaget and how this has impacted elementary education. The writer argues that, based on his research, Piaget concluded that a teacher should be more of a facilitator in the education process, than a leader, and that teachers should take their lead from the child. In other words, Piaget was one of the first psychologists to formulate a theory of knowledge as constructed by the learner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Sexuality Theories

    A 3 page paper which examines the evolutionary, psychological, and sociological theories regarding human sexuality. The paper argues that the sociological theory is the best suited for defining human sexuality. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Political and Legal Process for a Case Example of Tagg

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of three theories that can be applied to the creation of a legal system for the island nation of Tagg. This paper reflects the importance of these theories in considering the best legal process for the country. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Candy Store Problem Management

    A 3 page paper discussing how a candy store manager might deal with three very different employees and the leadership theory that best fits the situation with each individual. The paper includes discussion of situational leadership, contingency theory and leader-member exchange. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Argument by David M. Halperin 'There Has Only Been 100 Years of Homosexuality' Assessed

    A 10 page paper which critically assesses David M. Halperin’s argument, “There has only been 100 years of homosexuality” by discussing the theory and history of sexuality which informs Halperin’s theory, and drawing appropriate conclusions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Personality Theories

    This 8 page report discusses one person and looks at her personality under the ideas presented by three separate personality theories -- Erik Erikson’s stage of development, Car Rogers’ theories of actualization, and the Five Factor Model of personality. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Delinquency and Labeling Theory

    This 3 page paper begins by explaining labeling theory, including criticism of the theory. The essay provides examples of prevention programs that would support this perspective. The writer also comments on parenting styles found most effective for preventing delinquency. The essay concludes with comments related to treatment of status offenders. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Development of Problem Solving Skills

    Piaget thought that problem solving abilities develop in late childhood. This 7 page paper considers this idea and compares the Piaget’s theory of cognitive development leading to problem solving with the work and theories of Erickson. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • How Children Develop a Sense of Morality

    A 6 page essay/research paper that discusses how children develop a sense of morality. For the most part, literature on the development of a moral sense in childhood and adolescence has bee dominated by the cognitive-developmental perspective espoused by Piaget's theory of moral judgment and Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development (Singer, 1999). The following discussion of how children develop a moral sense, first look specifically at these two theoretical models and then briefly describes the model formulated by James Rest. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Tutorial on Senior Citizens and Poverty

    An 18 page paper. The writer first provides a tutorial on how to find sources when for an assignment. In this case, the assignment was to summarize and analyze six articles addressing poverty among the elderly. Sources and dates were restricted. The writer then presents a brief summary of each article and analyzes it in terms of economic theory, identifying which theory the article would seem to fit. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Theoretical Overview of the Solar System

    An 8 page overview of our Solar System. The author reviews the theories relating to its origin and distinguishes between its major components, A distinction between planets, asteroids, and comets is provided and the theories regarding Pluto’s status as a terrestrial verses a Jovian planet discussed. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Agricultural Subsidies and Economic Factors

    This 5-page paper examines the economic theory of supply and demand, and focuses on how this theory has been re-vamped because of agricultural price supports from the U.S. government. The essay also touches on the impact of such price supports on consumers, as well as the impact of the FAIR act (passed in 1996) on produce and farmers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Application of Game Theory

    This 8 page paper is an explanation and an application of game theory, including a consideration of the normal form and the extended form with the use of a game tree, the Nash equilibrium, sub game perfect and the application of game theory in an extended game. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Los Angeles Air Pollution and Healthy People 2010

    A 6 page paper integrating Healthy People 2010 Objective 8-1 (Reduce the proportion of persons exposed to air that does not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health-based standards for harmful air pollutants) and Watson's Theory of Human Caring to address the effects of air pollution in Los Angeles. Nurses operating within Watson's theory and addressing air quality can seek to educate the elderly and parents of young children about the dangers of high-pollution days and how they can mitigate their health risks as others continue to work to improve local air quality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Motivation Case Study

    A 6 page paper. Each of four persons is motivated by different things to gain a promotion. Three broad categories of theories are discussed: biological, psychosocial, and interactionist. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Marketing Case Study; Beauty Products (Singapore) Ltd and the S&S Skincare Range

    This 20 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Using marketing and related theories the writer examines the position and source of the difficulties of S&S skincare products and critiques the existing marketing approach. Issues discussed include the segmentation of the market, identification of the target, positioning, influencing the purchase process as well as differentiation and branding. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • EMI Case Study

    This 14 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student concerning change and the need for further change at EMI. The paper examines the different issues involved in change and looks at the applications of theories to the issues of change faced by the company. The paper is written to help a student prepare for an exam where unknown questions will be asked about change in the cases study. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Medical Ethics (Case Study Analysis)

    This 5 page paper revolves around a case study where an injured baby is brought to the emergency room with two broken femurs. The physician does not see any reason to pursue the matter even though the mother has no explanation for the injuries. Ethical theories are applied. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ethical Case Study; Is It Ethical for an Employee to Use Work Time for a Personal Projects?

    This 9 page paper discusses the ethics concerning an IT professional who has used the slack time at work to write a program for personal use. The program is to identify undervalued stocks on the stock market so that the employee can purchase them. The employee has made personal gains. The paper looks at the situation from a range of ethical perspectives including consequentialism, deontological theories and principilism to determine whether the employee has acted ethically or unethically. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Three Person Motivation Case Study

    A 4 page paper that discusses three motivational theories: biological, psychosocial, and interactionist. The differences in the reasons each of three people are striving for a promotion are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Banco; A HRM Case Study

    This 18 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Banco has set up a call center and is facing problems, including a high turnover and absenteeism, lack of experience and difficulties in recruiting. The paper presents an assessment of the problems and then looks at HRM theory in order to identify potential strategies that may be adopted to rectify the problems. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Recruitment Reorganization at the Australian Defense Force

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student, concerning the way in which recruitment for the Australian Defense Force was changed. Specific questions that by the student answers, considering issues such as the environmental influences on the decision to change recruitment processes, the underlying theories which supported the process change and why the change appears to been so successful and the reasons why the human resource department was so important in implementing the change. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Problem with British Airways

    This 15 page paper considers the subject of employee relations, defines the concept and then looks at the way in which British Airways, the UK national flag carrier, has suffered in the long term as a result of poor employee relations. BA is utilized as a case study to demonstrate the theory and practice of employee relations, demonstrating why the firm is have problems and considers how some the problems may be reduced. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Caring Nursing Theory of Jean Watson

    This 10 page paper uses only primary sources to explore the author's views on caring and how it is important to the nursing profession. The concepts as relayed by Watson are applied to a case study provided by a student. The case study is thoroughly evaluated but there is much attention paid to the intricacies of the author's theories. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Organizational Transition Analysis

    This 10 page paper relies on a case study of an organization submitted by a student. In the analysis, systems theory is used. Corporate culture is discussed as well. The change involved in the case study is related to the integration of systems. How it may be accomplished, what obstacles are expected and cost factors are all discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Evaluating Work Teams

    This 7 page paper uses a case study as a springboard for discussion. The case study is evaluated in respect to the use of work teams. Literature is used to relay theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Leadership

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a leadership case study and reflects upon the leadership styles of one person. This paper uses leadership theory to integrate a view of the leadership process. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Economic Planning for Larson

    This 4 page paper looks at how a firm may consider future plans in terms of prices and managing the markets with reference to economic data. The case is provided by the student is a firm that manufactures and sell batteries in the US and Germany with advise given on pricing, promotion and markets based on economic data and theory. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Leadership Skills and Open Communication at Mattel

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of organizational problems at Mattel. Recommendations for improved leadership are given, in the context of leadership theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Problems with a Duel Remuneration System in a Single Company

    This 20 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. A company in India, faced with increasing competition for employees, changed the pay structure for new contracts, without reconsidering the older contract. This has created a feeling of unfairness and resulted in reduced levels of productivity. The case study analyzes how and why these negative behavioral traits have emerged, with reference to motivation and equity theories, and then makes recommendations to resolve the situation. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

    This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • New HRM Strategy for CCDC

    This 13 page paper is a case study based on a scenario supplied by the student. CCDC is a construction firm in the Middle East, which is looking for ways of improving their HRM strategy. The report looks at the issues facing the firm and identifies suitable strategies including adopting a policy of creating employee engagement and increasing training and development. The report looks at how and why the strategies should be adopted supported by the underlying theory, and the ways in which they will compliment existing policies. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling: Case Study Analysis

    This 10 page paper evaluates the case of a blind man who is looking for a job. Several theories are discussed. Recent research into the job market for those with disabilities is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nightingale's Theory, Case Study of Elderly Woman

    A 5 page research paper that uses the focus provided by the nursing theory of Florence Nightingale to discuss a case study of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's who demonstrates the symptoms of geriatric failure to thrive. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Suicide And Sociological Theories

    3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses suicide in relation to functionalist, control, feminist, symbolic interactionist and postmodern theories. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Social Theory and Suicide Bombers

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of social theory as it can be applied to an understanding of suicide bombers. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Altruistic Suicide

    This 3 page paper examines the concept of altruistic suicide. The focus of the paper is on an article submitted by a student concerning the suicide of a 13 year old boy. The situation is evaluated in light of Durkheim's theories. No bibliography.

  • Euthanasia or PAS

    This 5 page paper deals with the issue of euthanasia, or physician assisted suicide from the standpoint of the philosopher John Stuart Mill. Given Mill's standing on individual liberties, the humanity inherent in physican assisted suicide is supported by cited examples from Mill's work, On Liberty, and his Utilitarianism theories. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Applying Virginia Henderson's Nursing Theory

    3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses Henderson's theory as it is applied to an attempted suicide patient. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Society, the Individual, and Sociology

    This 9 page paper explores the subject of individuality through works by sociologists such as Marx, Durkheim and Weber. Several theories are discussed inclusive of alienation and anomie. Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf is cited as an example of fiction that fits into this discussion. Suicide, as a ramification of anomie, is also included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ethical Theories and Dr. Death

    This 4 page paper argues that the ethical theory of altruism is the best way to explain the suicides presided over by Dr. Kevorkian. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Disturbed's "Inside the Fire" and Ownership by the Devil in a Social Interaction Theory Context

    This 4 page argumenatative paper posits that the lyrics in "Inside the Fire" encourage fraternization with the devil and suicide as a subset of the rock music genre. The argument is framed within social interaction theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cyberspace Business Startup

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of how to begin a business inclusive of financial considerations. The business plan is explained and the paper goes on to address issues of management and marketing. Applicable theories are provided. A sample business related to information technology is used. Because the case study is an Internet based business, much of the literature and analyses are pertinent to e-businesses. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Durkheim's Theory of Suicide

    A 3 page paper. It is extremely difficult to find accurate figures on suicide in this country. Those data that were available are reported. One thing is certain, the incidence of suicide is increasing in Saudi. The paper discusses this issue and presents and discusses Durkheim’s theory of suicide, including description so the types of suicide he identified. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Apple and Their Ethical Position

    This 8 page paper looks at Apple to assess whether or not the firm may be seen as ethical when considered in the context of the suicides at the supplier firm Foxconn. The issues are outlined and then the way the events and firms response is considered in the context of business ethics and ethical theory. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • High Carbohydrate and High Protein Diets Compared

    This 10 page paper looks at these two very different diet types and notes the battles between the diet doctor gurus. Their theories are assessed and compared. The paper focuses on Dr. Atkins's New Diet Revolution and Dr. Ornish's Eat More, Weigh Less. Other diets are mentioned. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Marijuana Legalization Argument and Criticism

    This 6 page report presents an essay that supports the legalization of marijuana in the United States. It then offers a critical analysis of that argument based on the rules and constraints of critical thinking and logic. Problems based on faulty reasoning and the presentation of theory as fact are discussed. The third part of the paper then presents a rewrite of the original essay. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Explaining the Increase in Marijuana Use

    This 3 page paper focuses on the rise in teen abuse but also considers medical usage. Several theories are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Humanism Themes in Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by William Blake

    This 25 page paper gives an in-depth detailed analysis of William Blake's humanist views as exampled by his poems in both Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Specific, cited, quoted, examples are given which indicate Blake's humanism. Reasons for his philosophy are also explored as well as leading theories from scholarly journals and experts on Blake literature. Loads of quotes. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Rich, Freire and Education

    This 3 page paper discusses the essay and poems of Adrienne Rich and the banking theory of education put forth by Paolo Freire, and how they can be related to education. Bibliography lists 2 sources

  • "Wickedness" and Liberation in Cisneros

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of Cisneros' "His Story". The poem is analyzed in the context of feminist theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Psychological Theory and 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings' by Maya Angelou

    3 pages in length. Cultivating such intestinal fortitude after growing up surrounded by fear, self-loathing, sexual abuse and a sense of abandonment, Maya Angelou proved how one can rally back amidst what may otherwise be a lost and troublesome existence. Examining her remarkable path from an awkward and insecure childhood to a poised and self-assured adulthood, one may well attribute much of this progression to John Dewey's Progressivism Theory. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Public Administration

    An 8 page research paper on the changes in public administration theory and its application to law enforcement. Particular attention is paid to the ideal and effectiveness of community policing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Physician Reported Syphilis and Ethics

    5 pages in length. The moral obligation Jeff's doctor is compelled to uphold falls under support of deontological ethics, a theory that espouses one's moral duty in any given situation. As a physician, he is torn between his purported duty to warn and the obligation to protect doctor/patient confidentiality; however, the moment Jeff's actions caused other people to become unwitting victims of his indiscretion, the deontological obligation overruled any professional accountability the doctor may have had. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Police Officers and Stress

    8 pages. Law enforcement has been repeatedly shown to be one of the highest rated jobs in terms of stress-related illnesses. This paper will analyze why this is, discuss critical theories concerning stress in law enforcement and come to an integrative conclusion regarding this topic. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Law, Austin, and Hart

    This paper compares the command of law, as proposed by Austin and the rule, or idea of law, as suggested by Hart. The paper offers examples of how both theories would work. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Law of Prgnanz and Productive Thinking of Max Wertheimer

    7 pages in length. Human perception is based upon much more than merely the obvious; rather, what one perceives is often rooted in what one's mind expects to perceive of that particular entity. Gestalt theory helps provide answers as to the reasons why human beings perceive of things far beyond their physical limitations. The law of pragnanz addresses this extenuating perception by employing several other laws to complete its interpretation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cinema and Sexuality

    A 6 page research paper that analyzes the film 'American Beauty' and what it says about the way that American culture perceives sex and gender. The writer also applies sociological theories on gender to messages that the film conveys concerning sexual behavior. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Legal Interpretation

    This 6 page paper explores several theories of law and concludes that originalism is the only valid way to interpret law in the United States. The 1931 McBoyle v. United States is used to begin the discussion. Scalia's opinions are duly noted. Textualism is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Computer Science and Graph Theory's Future

    This 3 page paper defines and explores graph theory in mathematics. How it applies to computer science, and where it can take it in the future, is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Beyond Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty by Keke Bhote

    A 10 page analysis of Bhote's new theories on how American business can achieve long lasting success. Bhote's book argues against the popular notion that if a company adheres to high quality standards, sales will take care of themselves and says that this contains an inherent fallacy-- namely, that customer satisfaction is not the same thing as customer loyalty. No additional sources cited.

  • Social Bond Theory Cybercrimes

    A 5 page paper that has two parts. The first part explains and discusses Hirschi’s social bond theory of criminality. The second part is a public service announcement focusing on digital crime and terrorism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Albert Einstein's Theories of Relativity and Their Legacy

    This paper examines, in tutorial form, the life of physicist and mathemetician Albert Einstein, and how his findings and theories impacted the scientific community. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Gender Identity Patient Disorder Diagnosis, Treatment, and the Film Boys Don’t Cry

    In eight pages this paper addresses a particular psychiatric patient presenting the problem of gender identity disorder similar to the character of Brandon Teena in the 1999 film Boys Don’t Cry within the context of historical, diagnostic, prognostic, and treatment issues as well as developmental theories with a brief literature review also included. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • The Flight of Apollo 13. The Psychological Impacts of the Events on Members of the Flight and Ground Crews.

    This 7 page paper evaluates the scenario from the point of view of Ron Howard. The Apollo 13 film is used in order to look at the leadership ability of the most significant positions as well as the stress that the crew had to endure. Leadership and group theories are utilized in the analysis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Elite Theory and Understanding Public Policy by Thomas Dye

    Who holds the power of decision when a patient decides it is time to die? According to the elite theory, as described by Thomas Dye in Understanding Public Policy, it is the medical and law professions. This 5 page paper explores the issue of patient's rights from the perspective of the elite model. No additional sources are listed.

  • Using Gestalt Theory with Families

    An 8 page paper. The basic premises of Gestalt theory as developed by Perls and Perls are identified and discussed, including the type of therapy it is. The phenomenological and existential qualities are briefly explained, including the different forms of dialogic interaction between therapist and client. The writer discuses how Gestalt is used in family therapy and how it is used with substance addicts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Developing Countries and Foreign Direct Investment

    This 11 page paper looks at the impact of foreign direct investment on developing countries. The paper starts by looking at the theory, why developing countries may want to attract FDI and what they may gain from it. The paper then looks at two countries; India and French Guiana to asses FDI in the real world. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • So How "Evil" is Fox News?

    A 4 page paper discussing McPhail's theory and examining the supposed "political agenda" of Fox News, even as MSNBC host Chris Matthews expounded on his leg thrills at candidate Obama and claimed it was his job to get Obama elected. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Using Christoffe’s Framework Prevent Asthma

    A 5 page paper that uses Christoffe’s conceptual framework and identifies elements related to childhood asthma for each of the three steps. Bandura’s social cognitive theory is mentioned in terms of changing adult behaviors that might reduce the incidence of childhood asthma. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Traditional Chinese Medicine Consideation

    An Overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine: This 11-page essay gives a comprehensive overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Its origin, common practices, success rate, treatment modalities, etc. are examined, along with a comparison of theories relevant to Western Medicine. Bibliography lists 6 sources. SNMedcin.doc

  • The Concept of Conditioning

    This 5 page paper considers the issue of operant conditioning and the views offered by B.F. Skinner. This paper reflects the theory behind this concept. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Graphic Design and Feng Shui

    18 pages in length. Advertising is the lifeblood of any company; without it, there is little other way to reach one's target consumer. Indeed, there exist myriad methods and theories that lay claim to appealing to the most number of potential clients; however, there is yet another new and innovative way of approaching the complex and often confusing industry of advertising. The writer discusses how feng shui, a Chinese application that literally means "wind and water," represents an up and coming form of advertising in the graphic design industry. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Probability of UFOs

    A 9 page paper that argues that life on other planets, and therefore the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, is not only possible but also probable. Discussed are the 1947 events surrounding what has become known as the Roswell Incident and the private sector interest and investigation into the existence of UFOs that stemmed from this incident. Included are the arguments of those who believe that the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life is a probability as well as the arguments of those who dispute this theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Voting Behavior and the Impacts of Class and Race

    This 9 page paper reviews several studies and theories in respect to the topic and then proposes a new study, inclusive of an outline, methodology and what results might be obtained. This topic is fully explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • All About AIDS

    This 14 page paper provides information about this dreaded syndrome, inclusive of future outlook. Various theories concerning the origin of this disease is explored. Information on the development of an AIDS vaccine is included. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Business and Change

    A 12 page paper. Change is the only constant in business as well as in life. Nothing stays the same. Social, technological, political and economic forces demand organizations to change or go out of business. One of the most difficult challenges facing any company is how to overcome the natural resistance of employees when changes are made. This essay discusses change theory, including the reasons for resistance and techniques for overcoming resistance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Evolution and Creationism

    This 8 page paper answers four distinct questions posed by a student related to evolution and creationism. Many subjects are addressed. Concepts included are logical positivism, Darwinian evolution, intentional design theory, the fossil argument and more. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Religion and World Construction by Peter L. Berger

    A 5 page analysis of the first chapter of Peter L. Berger's book, 'Sacred Canopy: Elements of a sociological theory of religion.' The first chapter of this work, 'Religion and World Construction,' demonstrates for the sociology student where religion fits into an overall model of how human society originated. No additional sources cited.

  • Rate of Recidivism and Drug Use

    This 15 page paper provides support for the thesis that the rate of recidivism among juveniles who had committed crimes while on mind-altering drugs is higher than the rate for juveniles who committed crimes where mind altering drugs played no part. Statistics about crime, recidivism and drug use among juveniles are cited. Criminological theory is discussed in depth. The paper concludes with a synopsis and recommendations. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Real World and Adam Smith's Economic Philosophy

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of Smith’s theories as it concerns the free market economy. The United States is the focus of this paper that looks at the actual economy and the changes it has been through. The U.S. economy is discussed in terms of how well it has conformed to Adam Smith’s ideology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • England's 1999 Rise in Interest Rates

    This 7 page paper presents a critical analysis of the rise in interest rates brought on by the Bank of England. An overall macroeconomic analysis is provided along with explanations of monetarism versus Keynesian economic theory. Projections for the future health of the English economy are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • IT and Organizational Structure

    This 6 page paper looks at examples of companies, as well as theories, to discuss the relationship between how organizations are structured in respect to their use of technology. Organizations named include IBM and Motorola. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Legal Interpretation

    This 6 page paper explores several theories of law and concludes that originalism is the only valid way to interpret law in the United States. The 1931 McBoyle v. United States is used to begin the discussion. Scalia's opinions are duly noted. Textualism is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cooperative Learning Concept and its Pros and Cons

    This 12-page-paper presents a detailed overview of the concept of cooperative learning. It opens with a concise definition of what cooperative learning is all about and moves into the various theories about its use and effectiveness. Research studies are discussed as well as some of the negative things that can occur. Suggestions on how to make a cooperative learning situation successful are also included. Bibliography lists seven sources.

  • Business, Social and Ethical Responsibility

    This 7 page paper considers the role of social responsibility in the commercial environment. The question of what social responsibility is tackled along with the arguments for and against it. The theories of Milton Friedman and his views on the singular responsibility of profit maximisation discussed and his reasoning is found to erroneous in some assumptions. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Learning Theories of Burrhus Frederic Skinner

    5 pages in length. When one hears the phrase "operant conditioning," the first name that typically comes to mind is Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Considered one of the ten leading educators in American history, B.F. Skinner set a significant precedence with regard to human behavior and the learning process. The writer discusses various components of Skinner's learning theories. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Religion, Society, and Emile Durkheim

    8 pages in length. The writer discusses three articles that address Durkheim’s theories of rites and rituals as they relate to religion and society. No additional sources cited.

  • Late 20th Century Corporate Leadership

    This concise 5 page paper considers the modern leadership styles adopted by businesses today. The theories of such people as Charles Handy and Peter Drucker are considered amongst others. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Women's Studies and 'In Defence of Elitism' by William A. Henry

    5 pages in length. The writer provides an argument for the following quote from William A. Henry's "In Defence Of Elitism": "Women's studies do not constitute an area of sufficient scholarly apparatus to be pursued on their own; they are tribal rather than integrationist and reject the melting-pot theory on which the rise of postwar American culture political, and economic power was based." No additional sources cited.

  • Theories of Max Weber

    This 6 page paper takes a look at Max Weber’s theories including the spirit of capitalism, bureaucracy and ideas about charismatic leadership. Some of Weber’s primary works are discussed. Contemporary examples are used to explain his ideology. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • How Mass Media Can Impact Teenage Girls.

    (7 pp) Almost all of us are affected by mass media in one form or other: films, television, radio, music and music videos, magazines and other print media, and now, the internet. We delude our selves, when we say that, we are not influenced by media: it comes in with the oxygen and leaves with the Co2. Yet of all those under the "spell" of the media, it appears that adolescent girls are the most vulnerable. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Media Law and People v. Larry Flynt Film

    (5 pp) "If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, then it will protect all of you. Because I'm the worst." Shocking? Perverted? Or - just the every day words of porno king and owner, of Hustler Magazine, Larry Flynt? Are we to believe that the "worst" has brought new meaning to the "First?" Bibliography lists two sources.

  • Integral Psychology by Ken Wilber

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the major concepts in Ken Wilber’s Integral Psychology. Ken Wilber’s “Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy” (2000) includes a combination of various developmental psychological theories, -- “West and East, ancient and modern” to try and understand the “full spectrum” of the range of human consciousness. Through inclusion or integration of the various theories, Wilber develops a “brain-mind” theory that “does justice to both sides of the equation – the brain and the mind – because what follows can reasonably be expected to cover much of the ‘mind’ aspects that should be included, along with the ‘brain’ aspects derived from neuroscience, in order to arrive at any sort of sturdy and comprehensive model of consciousness”. Wilber’s work involves the discussion of holons, or hierarchical levels, or waves, which progress through three realms (prepersonal, personal and transpersonal) of development. The holons build on and yet are an interactive part of the other levels in development as well as including an integral relationship within the four-quadrant model representing phenomenon as relationships between the intentional, behavioral, cultural and social perspectives. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 'Born to be Good?' by Celia Kitzinger Summarized and Discussed

    This is a 4 page paper discussing Celia Kitzinger’s article “Born to be Good?”. British psychologist Celia Kitzinger discusses human motivation in relation to the psychology of morality of the “good, bad or indifferent” treatment of others in her essay “Born to be Good?” (1997). Kitzinger’s article tells readers some of the more popular social, biological and psychological theories in regards to moral development and some of the controversies with these theories. In addition to theories of moral development and beliefs, perhaps more importantly Kitzinger tackles the differences which exist between moral beliefs and action. In many situations people who may have high moral beliefs act in horrible ways because of social pressures. Overall, the essay presents a well informed look at moral beliefs, motivation and actions and opens the discussion for future discussions on what can be done to overcome social pressures which cause people to act counter to their moral beliefs and upbringing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Political Role of American Mass Media

    A 6 page assertion that the media has had, and currently has, a tremendous impact on political function in America. This paper contends that technololgy itself can be identified as the root cause of media irresponsibility. While we tend to view the impact of the media as having occurred only in contemporary times, however, in reality it was at play in our earlier history as well. The author outlines the media role in newsmaking, interpretation, socialization, persuasion, agenda setting, and framing as to how they impact political function. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PPmdiaP3.rtf

  • 1990s' Consumer Influence of Fashion Magazines

    This is a 27 page paper discussing the influence of fashion magazines throughout history on consumer society, culture and their status in the 1990s. The history of the fashion industry in relation to cultural influences, consumerism and the projected images of women and men in today’s society has led to a great deal of research in the fields of sociology, psychology and economics. While fashion magazines have changed their format a great deal in the past century as today their pages contain over one third in advertisements, their content has also changed a great deal. Initially the focus of fashion magazines was women’s clothing and the models were portrayed as older elite women who replaced the dolls previously used. Although women models replaced the dolls, there was no emphasis on the body of the woman. Men did not appear in advertisements and no close-ups were taken of the models. The influence of the fashion magazine on the female consumer at the beginning of the 20th century reflected the expectations of society in regards to conservative or opulent looks depending on the decade. Today, fashion magazines tend to reflect the standards, or lack of standards, as now seen in the music and media industries. Models within fashions magazines, both men and women, are seen as the disturbingly images that continuously reflect not necessarily the expectations of society but the unreal and artificial world of the media. Studies in focus groups have found that most women and men feel that they can discern from the images presented in fashion magazines those images which are more “realistic” than others. In addition, it appears that in regards to consumer choice, fashion magazines are considered one of the less reliable sources available to consumers who prefer peer, family and local store recommendations over that of fashion magazines which appear as unreliable and unrealistic in regards to most situations and events. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Media's Role in Teenage Girls with Eating Disorders

    This 5 page report discusses eating disorders and the role played by the media in their development. Some of the modern world’s most pervasive images are those of what it means to be beautiful. Television, print media, movies, in fact, anything to do with modern popular culture shows that beauty equates with thinness -- primarily for women. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Media Law and People v. Larry Flynt Film

    (5 pp) "If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, then it will protect all of you. Because I'm the worst." Shocking? Perverted? Or - just the every day words of porno king and owner, of Hustler Magazine, Larry Flynt? Are we to believe that the "worst" has brought new meaning to the "First?" Bibliography lists two sources.

  • Criminal Trial of O.J. Simpson and its Legacy

    A well-argued 5 page look at how the O.J. Simpson criminal trial may have had harmful implications for the American legal system. The writer feels that this historic case was decided more on emotion than on fact.. that is was adversely affected by the media.. and that it will likely have a lasting impact on our criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Interpreting Fairy Tale Illustration: Cinderella

    3 pages in length. Elenore Abbott's illustration of "Cinderella" in the 1920 printing of Grimm's Fairy Tales brings about an entirely different perspective than to which contemporary society has become accustomed. The most immediate sense one has about Abbott's interpretation is its ethereal countenance and the utter serenity with which the artist captures Cinderella's innocence. Her chosen medium of watercolor serves to enhance this otherworldly tone of the illustration, and the muted hues combine to bring about a calming, gentle feeling. No bibliography.

  • Media and Crime

    This 5 page paper contends that crime reporting by media is a good thing, even though it creates some negative results. Several topics are discussed including the mean world syndrome, copycat crime and the effects of the Amber Alert and parental pleas in kidnapping cases. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Who's Running America? The Bush Restoration by Thomas R. Dye

    A 6 page paper which examines Dye’s assertion that power is concentrated among the few and not the many by concentrating on three central themes – that there is a power elite comprised of a select number of corporations and private foundations, that campaign finance reform has done little to open up the power structure to ‘the people,’ and how this intricate network controls government policy by influencing the media and school institutions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Press Freedom and Libel

    This 10 page paper considers the statement “The English Law of libel and defamation represents an unwarranted restriction on the freedom of the press and the broadcast media”. The paper looks at both sides of the argument and uses numerous cases to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Conflicts and Causes in Cote D'Ivoire and Sudan's Darfur Region

    An 8 page overview of the underlying causes of these two conflicts. Speculations are presented as to why U.S. students could be largely unaware of these conflicts even in the presence of significant media coverage and observations made as to the long term implications of the conflicts.

  • Pros and Cons of E-Commerce for SME's

    This 4 Page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages that are presented with the advent of the internet and e-commerce specifically for the small and medium sized enterprise (SME). The paper outlines both the advantages and disadvantages and considers viable solutions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Racial Issues in Sport

    This 5 page paper looks at a range of racial issues in sport. This includes discrimination against racial minorities through wages and positions played, the disparity of white ownership of sports teams, the movement towards increased equality, the present of racism in the media and the perceptions of the fans and the sport people. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Media and Body Image

    A 5 page paper which considers the importance that media images of body shape have on the way that individuals, especially teenage girls, perceive themselves and whether this may be related to the recent increase in the incidence of eating disorders amongst this group. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Technological Evolution of Computers

    A 10 page outline of the changes which have overtaken the computer industry since the invention of the first analog computer. This paper concentrates on changes in storage mediums such as tape drives, floppy disks, and CDs as well as changes in CPU technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Past and Present War Propaganda and the Media

    This 17 page paper discusses war propaganda by the media, and compares and contrasts the coverage of Iraq with World War II, Vietnam, North Korea, and others. This paper examines why propaganda is used, issues of trust, and how to evaluate what is really happening. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Analysis of the Internet's Past, Present, and Future

    This 21-page paper is a thorough analysis of teh Internet, exploring the medium from its early days to the present, and even venturing some opinions about the future of the Internet. Topics under discussion include security issues, advertising and sales, privacy and technology. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Gross and Fink/Telecommunications

    A 12 page research paper that offers a comprehensive summation of a text by Lynne S. Gross and Edward Fink, Telecommunications: An Introduction to Electronic Media, which is a text that offers readers insight into the history of each major subcategory of telecommunications and thereby contributes greatly to the task of enlightening understanding about how the field is developing and where future trends may lead. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Computer Graphics Applied to Photography

    A 3 page overview of the advances computer graphics are making into the modern world of photography. Digital art is many times more powerful than any combination of previously existing medias such as television, radio, video, film, text and images. With electronic art the graphic design artist can produce a virtual world, images can be transmitted around the world in milliseconds and changes can be incorporated in almost as little time in sizing, composition, layering, blending and other artistic considerations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Canadian Dental Hygiene, Aging, and the Media

    A 9 page paper which examines the elderly and dental hygiene, and the media and the elderly as it relates to Canada. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Fast Food and E-Commerce

    This 10 page paper considers the impact that e-commerce has had on the fast food companies and their financial management. The paper looks at the potential ways e-commerce may be used, such as management of the supply chain, marketing and the use of the internet as a sales medium. The paper uses examples of real companies to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Arguing Against Breast Augmentation

    A 5 page contention that breast implants are simply not worth the risks. The author asserts that our drive to perfect our bodies is created by an overzealous media and should be overcome. The risks far outweigh the benefits. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Tourism and the Internet

    This 16 page paper looks at the development of the internet as a distribution medium for travel services, concerning how and why this has occurred, identifying relevant factors and looking at how firms such as Expedia and Orbitz are able to satisfy customers’ needs in an effective manner. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Bullying and How to Address It

    An 8 page paper assesses the probable causes of bullying. The author presents a research proposal to quantify the relationship between bullying, violent media content, and shyness. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Weight Loss And Fad Diets

    10 pages in length. No matter what time of day or night, what type of media or how many grocery store shelves, consumers are constantly barraged with weight loss products, programs, ideas and promises. The extent to which America has a tremendous weight problem is both grand and far-reaching; that the diet industry serves as more of a hindrance to realizing ultimate weight loss goals than a positive motivator speaks to the significant influence fad diets have upon those who are desperate to lose pounds. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • SMEs and Banking in Saudi Arabia

    This 5 page paper is an outline proposal for a study on the way the banking sector serves the small and medium sized enterprise (SME) sector in Saudi Arabia. The paper provides an introduction, aims ad objectives section, a literature review and a methodology. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The 1988 Movie 'Zan Boko'

    This 3 page report discusses the 1988 movie Zan Boko. Director and writer Gaston Kaboré explores the impact of modern society on the lives and development of a traditional African people and their lifestyle. He also considers the ways in which an agrarian, subsistence society is forced into becoming an industrialized, commodity economy and an oral culture into a mass media culture. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Mock Results of Report on Capital Risk Assessment

    This 5 page paper considers how a report may be out together research the link between the use of risk assessment tools and the returns on assets and equity in medium sized companies. The paper presents some mock results to demonstrate their presentation. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Research Recommendations for Portugal's Small to Medium Sized Businesses

    This 4 page paper looks at how a project or dissertation on small to medium sized enterprises in Portugal may be approached. The paper outlines the background research, modes that may be used, how primary research may be undertaken and the different ways that this broad subject may be refined. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Advertising, Art, and Print Media

    This 4 page paper takes a look at art and advertising with attention to print media. Four questions are answered in respect to past, current and future trends. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Media and the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson

    In twenty two pages this paper considers the U.S. media’s attitudes about President Lyndon B. Johnson and his administration amidst LBJ’s claim that he was treated unfairly with the effects of the Vietnam War, most notably the Tet Offensive, and the Pueblo situation along with the President’s extreme sensitivity regarding coverage of the war are the primary focus. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • Social Media Marketing: A Research Proposal

    This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of researching social media marketing. A research proposal is gradually developed through three stages. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Media Misrepresentation of Disaster: The Titanic

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of how the media handled the sinking of the Titanic. The facts of the case are judged against sensational initial reports. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Internet Marketing Options for a New SME

    This 3 page paper considers potential marketing options for a new medium sized e-business. Choices such as search engines, banner advertisements and viral marketing are discussed along with a potential way of monitoring the sales that the different marketing sources create. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Personality Change Concept and Personality Theories

    This is a 4 page paper discussing different personality theories in regards to personality change. Personality theories range in their discussions regarding nature (psychobiological and trait theories by Eysenck, Allport and Cattell) and nurture (social and psychodynamic theories by Skinner, Bandura and Freud) to those which are based on simple concepts of human existence and responsibility (humanistic theories by Maslow and Rogers). Other than the biologically-based theories however, there seems to be some concepts which allow for personality change in either terms of continued knowledge and development or a change in reinforcement and stimuli within the environment. Adult personalities in many of the theories are formed during childhood development but can undergo change in certain environments later in life. Even the trait theory which does not allow for a great deal of change does allow for some change in secondary traits such as preference and attitude. Tutorial language is used throughout for writing direction. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cultural Understanding and the Reflections of Photography

    An 8 page discussion of the value of still photography and film in cultural research. The author contends that cultural history, a subcategory of both anthropology and history, is indeed replete with examples of the value of these mediums in preserving culture in a visual format. It is emphasized that this value is not exclusive to the use of photography as a documentary tool by the researcher but that instead it encapsulates the use of film produced by the culture itself. Asserts that both documentary and fictional film can be of tremendous research value.

  • Media Violence and Behaviour

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the effects on behavior generated by exposure to violence in the media, with a particular emphasis on the negative effects of video games. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Market Plan for Kent's Organic Food

    This 10 page paper is written as a report for a consortium of organic farmers in Kent who have a limited budget but want to market their brand of organic foods nationally. The paper outlines an approach and then considers the target market and the media that should be utilised to meet the goals and stay within the budget. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • China, Singapore, and New Media and Internet Technology Uses

    This 12 page paper evaluates new media and the use of the Internet in both China and Singapore. Does the government use the Internet for control or do the people use the Internet to try to avert government control? Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Implementing New Technology; A Consideration Of Virtual Private Networks

    This 6 page paper considers the case of a medium-sized company which is considering implementing new technology. With offices in different parts the country the company is considering installing a virtual private network. The paper looks at the potential of the virtual private network, including its' background, the technology and the advantages and disadvantages of the technology. The bibliography cites eight sources. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Popular Culture, Cinematic Violence, and Media Literacy

    In five pages this paper examines the impact of violence in the cinematic medium while considering the relationship between medial literacy and the responsible consumption of popular culture. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Oppenheim's Media Violence and Television

    A paper which looks critically at Oppenheim's study of media violence, and considers whether the hypothesis which he puts forward is valid in the light of other, more recent research into the impact of TV violence on the public in general, and young people in particular. Annotated bibliography with 5 sources.

  • The Social Issue of Desensitization to Violence as a Result of Media Exposure

    This 12 page paper provides an overview of existing research on the issue of the desensitization to violence that has resulted from media violence. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Children and the Effects of Media Violence

    This 7 page paper examines screen violence through several studies. The paper concludes that while violence to emanate from media is detrimental, there are ways to mitigate the outcome. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Niche Businesses and Effective Social Media Marketing

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the value of social media to inexpensive marketing. The use of an expertise-oriented blog and social network campaign to promote a hypothetical niche business is explored. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

  • Medical Treatment, Complimentary Alternative Medicine

    This 4 page paper examines CAM and looks at reasons for its promotion as well as reasons for criticisms against it. Several things are discussed including the influence of the media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Promotional Analysis of Harry Potter Books and Films

    A 4-page Promotional Price analysis on Harry Potter books and movies. The author addresses how this book is being promoted in the television, print, internet/point-of-sale media. Bibliography lists 5 sources. JVpotret.rtf

  • Media Ethics' Decline and Postmodernity

    A 3 page discussion of the manner in which media ethics have declined and even become obsolete in the contemporary world. The author defines postmodernity and the factors which have contributed to this decline in ethics. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The American Press and Its Bias Against Arabs

    This 11 page paper evaluates media bias in the American press concerning how it covers terrorism. September 11th is the springboard for this discussion that, for the most part, comes from a British point of view. The British press is looked at in comparison. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Journalistic Bias, Disasters, Relief and the Media

    A 5 page discussion of media bias as it relates to the relationship which exists between journalists and relief agencies. These agencies not only act in the relief effort itself, they also provide considerable assistance to reporters. At the same time they are financially dependent on reporters calling attention to their plight. The implications of this relationship are that good reporting of the actual facts of relief efforts is potentially subject to a conflict of interest.

  • Simon Baron Cohen's Autism Theories

    This 9-page paper deals with Simon Baron-Cohen's theories of autism and "male-wired brain." The paper discusses the theories, defines autism and then points out what the critics are saying. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Supermassive Black Holes

    This 6 page paper explores two theories that explain how supermassive black holes are formed. The black hole is defined and explored. Theories about the creation of the universe, and when black holes originated are a part of the discussion. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Relevant Theories to Support International Expansion

    This 9 page paper looks at a New Zealand cattle farmer and considers the issues that may need to be considered before international trade is considered. The paper looks at relevant theories, including an explanation of intentional trade theory, the potential cultural barriers to trade and the approach that may be adopted to enter new markets under the Uppsala model. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Putting Company Brands on the Internet

    This 7 page paper discusses the following quote "A brand is a brand regardless of its environment. Therefore, there is no need for a new theory of branding for the online environment, but merely a different approach to executing the brand’s essence". The paper assesses this statement with reference to marketing theory and practice arguing that the traditional approach may have the required knowledge but that a different approach needs to be adopted, especially for international brands. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Early Childhood Development, Ages 2-5

    This 6 page paper discusses the topic using three primary stage theorists, Freud, Erikson and Piaget but reporting only the stages that incorporate these ages. The writer also discusses attachment theory. Throughout the essay, the write comments on the importance of human services professionals knowing these theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Positive Accounting Theory and Environmental Accounting

    This 5 page paper discusses the statement that positive accounting theory can explain the greening of financial accounting disclosure but that it cannot provide a framework for improving it. The paper considers the link between positive accounting theory (PAT) and how it does or does not explain the increasing disclosure of environmental reporting and whether it provides a framework for such disclosure. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Critique of Familie Theories

    3 pages in length. The theory of structural functionalism serves as a basis upon which the nuclear family operates, whereby the man/husband is provider and the woman/wife nurtures him and the children. This traditional perspective also incorporates family values that adhere to conventionality and temperance, a duality that is constantly being challenged by the contemporary shift in core family values other theories demonstrate, not the least of which includes conflict, feminist and LBGT. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton Evaluated Scientifically

    A 10 page study that looks at the efficacy of Crichton's use of science. It is argued that, generally, his scientific principles are accurate, and delineates between those that are applicable and those that are not. The paper provides a report on the current discussion on cloning, DNA and Chaos Theory from both a scientific viewpoint and from the viewpoints represented by Henry Wu (corporate), Ian Malcolm (chaos theory), and Alan Grant (embodiment of social protector). Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Illuminating Social Life Edited by Peter Kivisto

    A 15 page analysis of the book Illuminating Social Life edited by Peter Kivisto. In assembling this brilliant collection of essays, the intent of Peter Kivisto is to demonstrate the practical application of social theories to understanding societal structures and situations. Ten chapters highlight ten sociological theories and are briefly discussed. No additional sources cited.

  • Movement, Evolution, and Functional Integration

    A 5 page paper discussing the theories of Moshe Feldenkrais' Functional Integration in terms of Darwinian theory of evolutionary change. Such change cannot always seen to be improvement in the species in which it occurs, and there is a relationship between physical and mental well being that even Darwin recognized. Feldenkrais took that relation to build a method of enhancing organic learning, through which physical and mental aspects of an individual's condition can be enhanced. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Theorists and Course Setting Management

    An 8 page paper presenting brief descriptions of the theories of Chester Barnard, Robert Blake, Peter Drucker, Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follett, Henry Gantt ,Fredrick Herzberg, Elton Mayo and Victor Vroom. The paper ends with a short argument in favor of the statement, "Knowledge of basic management theory is essential to the study of management." Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Counseling and an Eclectic Approach

    An 11 page research paper that argues that the therapist who has an eclectic knowledge of psychoanalytical theory can offer therapy intervention that is adapted to the specific needs of the client. In support of this idea, the paper offers a brief survey of a wide variety of psychotherapeutic theories. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Security Management and Social Theory

    An 18 page paper that explores the ramifications of social crime prevention through the application of social theories in the work of security managers. Paper deals with such issues as anomie, deviance, etc. and discusses these issues through the viewpoint of current research and application of the theories. Bibliography lists more than 15 sources.

  • Flight 800 TWA Crash Analyzed

    This 10 page paper delves into the 1996 TWA Flight 800 crash with a focus on technical aspects. A variety of theories are explored including the official explanation as being mechanical failure to more extraordinary suppositions such as those that involve missiles or bombs. The physical evidence is examined through the eyes of retired military personnel and newsman Pierre Salinger. The paper concludes that the bomb theory is most plausible. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Can Depersonalized Bullying in the Workplace be Explained by Critical Management Theory?

    This 11 page paper looks at the concept and applications of critical management studies. The paper looks first the development and general approaches of critical management studies (CMS) and critical management theory (CMT). The main body of the paper examines the way these theories may be used to examine the problem of bullying in Indian call centers. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Richard Daft's Management Concepts and the Life Cycle Theory

    This 7-page paper discusses product lifecycles in connection with Ford's Mustang car. Also presented are Richard Daft's management theories, and how they tie into lifecycle theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Operations Management; Principle Healthcare Case Study

    This 16 page paper looks at a company (Principle Healthcare) and considers different aspects of operations management. The first questions deals with the way the operational strategy goals and the strategy realized may have some gaps. The second part of the paper considers forecasting and the firm's web site, the third questions considers supply chain management and the last questions looks at theories that may help with improvements in the firm, the theory of constraints and pull systems on inventory management are discussed. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Theory of Human Capital and Student Loans

    This 5 page paper considers how the introduction of student loans scheme foe university students fits in with human capital theory. The writer considers the value of education as an investment to both the country and the individual. New Zealand is used as an example, but the theories are equally valid for other countries or areas. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • An Overview of Apocalyptic Literature

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the theories that predict the end times, focusing on how religion uses it to control its people. How the elite used the theories to control the social order during the high middle ages is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Blaming Mothers in Society and 'Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Less Than Perfect'

    An 8-page paper that examines the conventional tendency of society to blame mothers for the dysfunction of their children and of society itself. Discussed is the development of this theory in the 1950s, its progress throughout the latter half of the twentieth century, and the overall change in attitude and views toward this theory that is currently occurring in modern society. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Comparison of Equity and Expectancy Theories

    A Comparative Report: This 5 page report compares the comparative report between Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory and J. Stacy Adams' Equity Theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theories of Talcott Parsons

    This 5 page paper focuses on the theories of this famous sociologist. Systems theory is fully examined and the subsystems of adaption, goal attainment, integration and pattern maintenance are each detailed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nassau William Senior's Political Economic Theories

    This 12 page paper considers the theories of Nassau William Senior. His background is considered and his theories are put into the context of his contemporaries, and comparisons are drawn with the classical school. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

    A 10 page analysis of biologists Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene in which Dawkins proposes a theory of natural selection that encompasses all human behavior. This theory maintains that the process of natural selection actually works at the level of the gene. Dawkins is, above all else, a Darwinist and the basis for his theory is really quite elegant in its simplicity. Life's complex evolutionary path can be accounted for, according to Dawkins, by simply examining the ways in which genes preserve their own existence by promoting behaviors and characteristics that increase their chances of survival into the next generation. No additional sources cited.

  • Memory's Precategorical and Categorical Distinctions

    Many theories have been proposed to explain the cognitive development of the human mind and the distinctions between the stages of development as well as the types of processing and modes of perception. In recent years, a number of researchers have considered the distinction memory as a component of cognition, and have made distinct delineations between iconic and echoic (or auditory sensory) store and their relationship to precategorical and categorical stages in development. This 5 page paper supports the contention that auditory sensory store (echoic) is precategorical and considers the implication of this theory. In addition, the researcher also provides an overview of studies that could be conducted to evaluate this theory and to assist in clarifying this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Forging a Committed and Motivated Workforce- An In-Depth Case Study

    This 31 page paper first provides a 3 page research proposal for the study and then a 28 page paper that presents a case study of motivation in a travel agency. The paper begins with a Table of Contents and an Executive Summary. The Introduction provides background information on the company being studied and includes the company's goals: decrease turnover, increase employee motivation and increase revenues. The literature review proceeds a comprehensive explanation and discussion of theories of motivation. These include expectancy theory, needs hierarchy, reinforcement, goal theory and others. The next section explains the methodology for the case study – observation and employee surveys, which is followed by the results of the surveys. The writer then discuses the results and makes several recommendations based on the survey responses and the literature review. 4 Appendices are included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • High School Science Teaching

    A 7 page paper that represents a college student's ability to blend theory with practice. This essay begins by identifying two themes that emerged from both the literature and coursework - students have different learning styles and science curriculum and methods of teaching need to change. The essay discusses why science education needs to change with an emphasis on secondary schools. The paper identifies the courses the student enjoyed the most and relates that to the literature on the need for the active engagement of students with the curriculum and materials. Gardner's multiple intelligences theory is outlined with an example of a science teacher who used this framework. This is also related to theory and practice in teaching science. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Business Management and the Chaos Theory

    5 pages. Chaos theory holds that the seemingly disorderly pattern of chaos actually creates order in the theory of the universe. One of the most popular examples of chaos theory is that if a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world it can create effects that cause reactions on the other side of the world. In other words, out of chaos comes order. This philosophical argument can also hold true in business and is being embraced more and more in the business world. Managers believe that a seemingly insignificant event in the business world can have an effect that grows to cause results in what many feel are unrelated causes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Early Management Theoretical Pioneers

    A 15 page paper comprised of two major topics: management theory and ethical corporate culture. The longer section explains and discusses the contributions of five specific early management theorists: Robert Owen who worked to reform factories and schooling in the early 1800s based on treating the employee fairly; Henry R. Towne, who is recently being given credit to his contributions to scientific management theory prior to Taylor's work and who established the first professional organization for engineers; Sun Tzu whose principles outlined in The Art of War have been correlated with management and organizational theory; Henry L. Gantt who made four major contributions including the Gantt Chart; and Hugo Munsterberg, who is called the father of industrial psychology. The second section discusses the importance of developing an ethical corporate culture. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Practice, Knowledge, and Nursing Theory's Role

    An 11 page research paper that examines the relationship between theory, knowledge and practice. Florence Nightingale asserted that there is no differentiation between "men of thought" and "men of action" and that an "ideal" or philosophy should not be considered as isolated, but rather incorporated into everyday routines (Jacobs, 2001). In other words, Nightingale felt that there should be no artificial barriers between philosophy or theory and the utilization of nursing knowledge and practice. Nightingale obviously regarded herself as a woman of action, "dealing with daily activities of nursing," yet nursing scholars frequently portray her as more of a theorist and philosopher (Jacobs, 2001, p. 17). It was Nightingale's position that theory should lead the development of knowledge and practice and this is the orientation reflected in the vast majority of nursing literature, as this review illustrates. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Long Term Nurse's Reflections and the Formulation of a New Nursing Theory

    A 20 page paper formulating a new nursing theory based on the reflections of a long-term nurse. The paper contains 4 appendices in 12 pages presenting cases and analyzing them, and evaluating other nursing theories for influence. The theory arrived at is that the nurse needs to address physical issues first, but to hold a view that emotional, environmental and psychological factors also may need to be addressed and that s/he may be required to educate the patient in their influence. Basing practice on this theoretical foundation can avoid instances of "treating symptoms" when causes or contributors to causes may lie elsewhere. It can provide a richness that all too often is lacking in observed results. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Jean Watson's and Joyce Travelbee's Nursing Theories

    A 10 page overview of the nursing theories of Joyce Travelbee and Jean Watson. This paper emphasizes the holistic approach of both of these theories, comparing them to other nursing theories and, noting the importance of spiritual, culture, and psychosocial impacts on health. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Theories of Leadership and Nursing

    A 7 page research paper that discusses leadership theories. Healthcare today faces numerous and complicated challenges that must be overcome in order to maintain the viability of healthcare organizations. To meet and overcome these difficulties, effective leadership in the contemporary healthcare system is essential. Therefore, examination of leadership theories and models in order to determine their effectiveness is highly salient to meeting the needs of nursing both now and in the immediate future. This examination will specifically examine three leadership theories, transformational, transactional and participative, before discussing the contribution of such theoretical models to nursing and drawing relevant conclusions and showing that nursing leadership should be a combination of all three approaches, with an emphasis on the participative leadership model. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Neuman and Rogers Systems Model Application

    A 6 page paper discussing the Neuman and Rogers systems models of nursing, evaluating each and determining which would be most appropriate for a specific case. Many of today’s commonly-used theories are quite similar in their form, differing in only a few distinct points. This is the case with the theories of Neuman and Rogers. Both are systems theories, but take different approaches in applying the systems concept. The purpose here is to apply the Neuman’s System Model to the case presented. Psychiatric nursing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History of Turkey and Kuwait's Rates of Exchange

    This 10 page paper discusses the exchange rate history of Turkey and Kuwait and compares/contrasts them. Suggestions and theories are proposed based on the available data to account for the disparity between them. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Modern Hollywood Cinema, Class and Gender Politics

    This 15 page paper looks the role of gender and class in contemporary Hollywood films. The paper looks at two modern films; The Matrix of 1999 and Underworld in 2003. The paper looks at the representations of class and gender and applies modern theory to these films to demonstrate the way that dominate stereotypes are retained even where films appear to react against social constraints. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Feminist Cinema and Psychology

    This 30 page paper begins by looking at film and its effects on society. It then delves into feminist film theory and mentions a variety of theorists as well as popular movies and artistic film. Some analysts is provided for the examples noted. Psychology, and particularly Freudian psychology, is addressed and then the paper goes on to discuss how psychology is utilized by feminist film theorists. Addressed are conflicts due to the patriarchal nature of Freudian psychology and the precepts of feminism. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Horror Genre and Death Line by Gary Sherman, The Wicker Man by Robin Hardy, and The Innocents by Jack Clayton

    This 19 page paper explores the way in which Jack Claytons The Innocents (1961), Robin Hardy’s The Wicker man (1973) and Gary Sherman’s Death Line (1972)have stretched and developed the British horror genre. The paper starts by looking at what is meant by genre and genre theory and defined the horror as a genre. A brief history of British horror films is then given before the content and context of the three films is discussed to assess the way they challenged and changed the way horror films were made. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • The Learning Theories of AIU Online

    3 pages in length. AIU Online provides a comprehensive approach to learning that one might readily argue does not exist in some conventional institutions. The extent to which AIU Online strives to incorporate holistic learning theories is both grand and far-reaching; that Singularity™ Learning, Fourth Dimension Learning™ and CommonGround™ techniques are commonly applied in this virtual environment illustrates the lengths to which AIU Online goes to provide well-rounded instruction to its students. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Learning Organization

    This 9 page paper looks at the definition and characteristics which are associated with the concept of the learning organization, looking at the ideas of different theorists, including Peter change, and considering the way in which they may manifest in commercial organizations, contrasting the reality with the theory. The bibliography cites 21 sources.

  • Theories of the Egyptian Pyramids

    This 9 page paper outlines how the Egyptian pyramids were built by credible sources and explores nonconventional theories as well. Information about mathematics used by the Egyptians is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • "Children Placed At Risk For Learning And Behavioral Difficulties" - Brief Analysis

    4 pages in length. The authors present a number of viable methods for implementing a school-wide system of early identification and intervention, not the least of which includes evaluating existing theory, knowledge and practice; providing ongoing professional development; screening young children in a proactive manner if they are at risk for learning problems as well as behavioral or emotional issues. No bibliography.

  • Behavioral And Social Learning Approaches Personality Assessment

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses the defining factors of each personality theory and creates a brief method of operant conditioning for smoking cessation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Social Learning Theory in '8 Ball Chicks'

    A 5 page paper that looks at the social learning theories applied to the gang life presented in Sikes' non-fiction year-long research of girl gangs. The paper discusses reinforcement, secondary reinforcement, imitation and, self-fulfillment in regards to the information presented. The paper agrees with Sikes' statement that the resolution to the problem does not come from parents/generations of gang members, but must come through societal intervention. No solutions are provided by Sikes. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • 'Supporting and Facilitating Self-Directed Learning' Critiqued

    A 1 page paper discussing the value of an article from the ERIC database. The paper goes into as much detail as possible within the 250-word limit, and finds that the article is sound in its theory and practice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Constructing Sexuality/The Problem with Duality

    An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses how sexuality is understood in society. The writer focuses on developmental systems theory as explained by Fausto-Sterling, and also explains essentialism and constructivism in this context. This discussion illustrates the practicality and logic of this conceptualization of sexuality, and how it holds the promise of releasing sexuality from the restrictions inherent in dualism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Feasibility of Sign Language Learning by Gorillas

    A 7 page paper on the possibility that gorillas can learn sign language for communicating. Koko the gorilla is the main subject behind the theory that gorillas can learn to sign. While other primates have been studied the main subject of concern is the gorilla. It is maintained that gorillas do learn and comprehend sign language. A bibliography including 10 references follows.

  • Theories of Memory and Learning

    This 4 page paper discusses the various theories assocated with learning and memory. A reaction paper, this paper examples one's applications of Pavlovian principles, adaptive behaviors, shaping, and characteristics of good trainers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Chapter 13 of Exodus and an Exegesis of Lines 1 through 22

    A 12 page research paper that offers an exegetical examination of Exodus 13:1-22. These verses concern how God led the Jewish slaves out of Egypt and across the wilderness. This exegetical examination of these verses, first of all, looks at meaning of each verse and how it fits into the Christian theology of today. Then, other exegetical topics are explored, such as theories as to the possible authorship of these verses, as well as how these verses relate to modern day Christian life. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Learning Theory in 'Stand & Deliver'

    4 pages in length. Unmotivated, rebellious and without any understanding of how education represents their only way out of existing social and economic circumstances, the students of Stand & Deliver experience a metamorphosis unlike any before them: Through the unyielding dedication of a teacher who knows there is more to these teenagers than contempt and failure, they achieve academic success supported by nothing more than the steadfast faith a single man has in their ability to do so. This ability to influence the students is based upon the observational learning theory of Albert Bandura. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Capitalist Model and Union Prosperity

    This 8 page paper explores various theories as they respect unions. Capitalism and communism are discussed. The paper supports both unionism and capitalism and makes recommendations as to how unions can flourish under the capitalist paradigm. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Influential Factors in Early Childhood Learning

    A 7 page review of the factors influencing early childhood learning. The author reviews numerous theories on the importance of environment, parental interaction, and culturally sensitive materials. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Learning Theories

    Social, Constructivist, Behaviorist : A 4 page paper that explains and discusses each of these learning theories, including their major principles and theorists. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Theory Explaining Illicit Drug Use

    A 4 page proposal of a theory to explain why some individuals use illicit drugs. This paper suggests the multifactor disease model of illicit drug use. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Unauthorized Migration to America

    A 10 page paper that discusses the causes and consequences of illegal immigration in the United States. Causes or reasons are supported by theory and statistical data regarding the billions of dollars illegal aliens cost this country are reported. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Learning and the Significance of Prior Experiences and Knowledge

    A 4 page paper that discusses a number of factors involved in learning. The writer comments on brain-based learning, meaningful learning, schema theory, relevance, neural connections, prior knowledge, levels of processing and activating prior knowledge. The paper ends with a short example of brain-based learning. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Is Knowledge True, or False, or Does It Reside Somewhere in the Middle?

    A 6 page paper which examines the theory of knowledge and the true and false concepts which appear to be simple and concise opposites, mutually-exclusive, but in reality, much of what passes for knowledge is a ‘gray’ area which lies in-between. Specifically discussed are the difficulties of the attempts to draw a clear line between what is true and false in the fields of science, mathematics, economics and the arts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Motivation and Workforce Diversity Management

    9 pages in length. Managing workplace diversity and motivational approaches, such as gain sharing and executive information systems, in a contemporary organization does not require new-fangled ideas or unproven theories; to the contrary, tried and true techniques that allow for attainment of organization goals in an effective and efficient manner are accomplished through the basic standards of planning, organization, leading and control of organizational resources. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • 4 Theories of Criminology

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses biological determinism, labeling, rational choice and operant conditioning as they relate to criminal theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel

    This 3 page paper discusses the theories of Jared Diamond in his Pulitzer Prize winning book: Guns, Germs and Steel. Examples offered. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • High Carbohydrate and High Protein Diets Compared

    This 10 page paper looks at these two very different diet types and notes the battles between the diet doctor gurus. Their theories are assessed and compared. The paper focuses on Dr. Atkins's New Diet Revolution and Dr. Ornish's Eat More, Weigh Less. Other diets are mentioned. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Leadership in Healthcare

    A 4 page paper discussing effective leadership in healthcare. The paper discusses leader-member exchange as an appropriate leadership theory for healthcare, as well as the use of power in leadership. The paper identifies informal, positive power as being most effective in professional healthcare settings. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Vicious Circle of Child Abuse, Juvenile Delinquency, and Future Abuse

    A 6 page discussion of the factors associated with child abuse, delinquency, and the likelihood that an abused child will ultimately become an abuser. The author weaves in the "broken window" theory of James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelly in the argument that we must address child abuse early on if future impacts are to be lessened. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Elizabeth Spelke and Jean Piaget's Child Development Theories

    A 5 page overview of the child development theories of Jean Piaget and Elizabeth Spelke. While Piaget recognized that the seemingly meaningless activities of play could have a tremendous impact on the development of the child, he failed to recognize the importance of innate knowledge in regard to the way things are expected to behave. Spelke, on the other hand, recognized that human cognition consists of many specialized abilities which depend on innately specified knowledge and predisposition. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Adult Abuse Survivors and Theory

    5 pages. This paper describes the theories behind treating adult survivors of psychological abuse or battering. Includes post-traumatic stress disorders and Walker's Model as well as Briere's Model. Current methods also include support groups, counseling in the shelter setting, crisis intervention, hypnosis, aromatherapy, eye movement desensitization, psychodrama and more. These therapies address such things as self-esteem and attitude as well as manipulation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Creativity and Innovation

    This 62 page paper is an examination of the way that creativity and innovation take place in the commercial environment with a special focus in information technology. The paper presents an introduction and an aims and objective section before defining what is meant by creativity and innovation and examining the way that it can and does take place constraints and influences and the way it is managed comparing theory to reality. A research methodology using two case studies is presented and a conclusion presented. The bibliography cites 46 sources.

  • The Concept of an Efficient Market

    This 14 page paper looks at the theories concerning the performance of behavior of the stock markets in order to determine whether or not the stock market could be deemed efficient. Fama’s efficient market hypothesis is explained and examined and alternative approaches which consider the market to have a degree of efficiency are considered, compared and assessed before a conclusion is reached. The bibliography cites 19 sources.

  • The Influence of Macro Economic on Stock Market Prices

    This 20 page paper looks at the potential impact of macro economic influences on equity prices, identifying relevant theories and assessing the way share prices are impacted by influences such as general economic growth, inflation and market structure, and then considers the way that these may be applied to the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Overview and Analysis of Spatial Ecology

    This 5 page paper gives an overview of spatial ecology and analysis. Problems with this type of research and theory are presented. Examples of studies done utilizing spacial patterning of biodiverse groups given. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Education's Inclusive Theory and Disabilities

    A 5 page discussion of the inclusive theory. The author suggests that while inclusion should always be the goal, approaching severe disabilities on a small group basis is often preferable for both the disabled and the non-disabled student. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Bank of England, Inflation, Unemployment, and the Rational Expectations Theory

    A paper which looks at the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation in the light of the rational expectations theory, with specific reference to the Bank of England's fiscal policies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • System Dynamics in Gilbert Grape

    A 4 page essay that analyzes the family of Gilbert Grape, as portrayed in the novel What's Eating Gilbert Grape by Peter Hedges, from a Living System Theory perspective. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Emotional Intelligence

    A 3 page paper. In the mid-1990s, Goleman argued that leaders must have high emotional intelligence to succeed. Research confirmed the importance of emotional intelligence. This paper explains Goleman’s theory, components in EQ, and why it is important. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Ethical Case Study; Is It Ethical for an Employee to Use Work Time for a Personal Projects?

    This 9 page paper discusses the ethics concerning an IT professional who has used the slack time at work to write a program for personal use. The program is to identify undervalued stocks on the stock market so that the employee can purchase them. The employee has made personal gains. The paper looks at the situation from a range of ethical perspectives including consequentialism, deontological theories and principilism to determine whether the employee has acted ethically or unethically. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Coca Cola and Employee Performance Management

    This 14 page paper evaluates the performance management systems of a well known company; Coca-Cola. The paper is written with reference to managing employee performance measurement in practice how it is performed and the way this practice relates to theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Mexican Broadcast Media

    (10pp) Tensions between civic-political and socioeconomic-interest-based organizing have created fertile terrain for state initiatives to keep challengers from civil society off balance, correspondingly this also puts a strain on media, and non-bias reporting. Historically as well as currently, the more sophisticated government response has been to offer incentives to movements to sacrifice their civic agendas in favor of their social agendas. At the same time, each radical reform movement was cut short by government official repression, which in turn explains the Costa Grande's parallel cycles of armed peasant resistance from the Partido de los Pobres in the 1960s to today's Ejercito Popular Revolucionario. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Children and Media Violence

    A 5 page paper which examines the influence violence has on children through television, movies, and video games. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Shifting Media Formats Comparing News on the Web by Comparing Five Web Sites

    A 6 page overview of web-based news services with specific comparison and contrast of five such services. Concludes that while the format of each, being limited by the confines of HTML, is similar editorial content can vary significantly. Bibliography lists two sources.

  • The Impact of Media Violence on Children

    A six page paper which looks at the way in which violence on television is thought to affect children, and the ways in which this issue can be dealt with by society as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • New Media Technologies and Their Cultural Implications

    A 10 page paper discussing producer control of individuals’ use of digital information; the “digital divide” in Internet access; and cultural implications of Internet content. There are cultural implications of access, of course, but there are additional considerations of the cultural differences in which content can be perceived. The bottom line is that the developer needs to be aware of these disparities in perceptions, and speak to all possible – or profitable – aspects. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Enron and Ethics of the Media

    7 pages in length. The Enron debacle clearly illustrates how establishing and maintaining corporate ethics is the cornerstone to continued success, both on a personal and professional level. Constant nurturing of moral judgment and a specific code of ethics are necessary in order to perpetuate the positive image required to uphold such policy. The five primary elements of such nurturing include having a clear and concise forthrightness, which is substantiated by culture; appropriate and applicable conformity with regard to difficult situations; managerial involvement and awareness on ethics issues; a nurturing program that is wholeheartedly supported by top management; and staff involvement. These concepts, which are both interrelated and individual at the same time, represent a complete quest toward ethical decision-making. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Use of Censorship in the Mass Media

    A 14 page paper which examines whether censorship of the media has been made weaker or stronger by diffusion since the 1980s. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Textbook Chapter and Media Article Compared

    A paper which compares an article from the Chicago Tribune on the medical use of marijuana with a textbook chapter on the physiology and neurology of the brain. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Analysis of 5 Major Issues Including Corporate Media Control, Religion, Sexual Violence, and Race

    This 10 page report discusses five separate issues : the social construction of race; sexual violence against women as well as the marginalization of those with “alternative” lifestyles; what religion is; the role of religion in the conflict between Tibet-China and Israel-Palestine; and, the corporate domination of the media. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Media Messages, Gender Stereotypes & Baby Mama

    A 3 page essay that analyzes a recent film, "Baby Mama," in terms of stereotypical portrays. In large part, comedies often rely on stereotypes, as these cultural concepts offer writers a handy shorthand in regards to characterization that the audience will readily understand. This film takes advantage of gender stereotypes to underscore its comedic effects. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Media Takes a Constructionist View When Reporting on Sexual Behavior

    This 7 page paper examines two articles that look at public sex scandals. The articles are reviewed from different perspectives. Different theoretical positions of looking at sex in society are examined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Richard E. Porter and Larry A. Samovar's 'Intercultural Communication'

    A 5 page book review on 'Intercultural Communication by Richard E. Porter, edited by Larry A. Samovar. No additional sources cited.

  • Team Improvement of Communication Skills

    A 6 page paper addressing the situation of deteriorating team functioning. The effectiveness of some of the organization's teams has been diminished by means of increasing occurrence of conflict, rumor and backbiting. The paper reviews the observations of several communications writers and consultants, and recommends exercises at the team level designed to improve communications and assist individuals in maintaining a perspective that focuses on the company, rather than on the individual. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Southern Literature and Themes of Communication Lacks and Self Absorption

    An eight page paper surveying seven works of fiction by six different authors. The paper argues that because Southern heritage is so concerned with maintaining traditions and external forms of behavior (such as claustrophobic family ties), the Southern way of life invites its citizenry to live inauthentic lives. Specific authors and works discussed include William Faulkner's 'The Sound and the Fury,' Robert Penn Warren's 'All the King's Men,' Eudora Welty's 'The Wide Net' and 'Why I Live at the P.O.', Carson McCullers' 'Member of the Wedding,' Walker Percy's 'The Moviegoer,' and Flannery O'Connor's 'The River.' Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Interpersonal Communication/Listening Skills

    A 4 page research paper on listening skills. The writer focuses on listening styles, barriers to listening and strategies to make listening more efficient. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Scientific and Classical Management

    8 pages in length. Classical management carries with it myriad definitions, in particular the need to maintain an atmosphere that is restrained and simple, conforming to established taste of critical standards or adhering to traditional forms. Scientific management, on the other hand, represents the coupling of science and engineering as they relate to work practices as a means by which to augment management control and productivity. Its emergence took place in the forty-year span between 1880 and 1920, where it was significantly dependent upon machinery in order for work to be appropriately subdivided into highly specialized, routine tasks. From a management point of view, the very foundation of the classical theory was to establish a universal method appropriate for all situations; indeed, it was a search for truth. It was as if the theorists were in search of an end all be all sort of application that would effectively address all questions as to how organizations worked and how managers should managed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Proctor and Gamble Communication and Management Issues

    A 12 page paper examining the paradox presented by management structure at Proctor & Gamble. Proctor & Gamble's 'paint by number' approach to organizational decision making appears to be inhibiting with the effect of stifling the same creativity that senior management claims the company seeks at all levels, but Proctor & Gamble has reached a level of standardization in their decision process that would be unworkable in many other organizations. Other businesses with Proctor & Gamble's rigid hierarchy would only be immobilized, but this company is able to use its strict procedures to channel the creative energies of its managers into a single common direction. That focus enables managers of all departments to be better able to meet their objectives, which presently lie in making Proctor & Gamble a global company with local focus. Bibliography lists 14 sources. P&G.wps

  • Communication Breakdown

    This 9-page paper focuses on what can happen when a workforce is not communicated with in terms of an ERP implementation. The paper goes on to analyse the problem and provide solutions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Acaria Communications and the Potential Closing of a Call Centre

    This 10 page paper looks at a case supplied by student, concerning a firm looking at closing an office. The first part of the paper assesses the performance of a company using a ratio analysis. The questions also look t the way costs are allocated, the performance of the offices and figures that would be needed to assess the impact of a closure. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Kalinsky, Better Served by Good Leadership and Principled Communication

    This 4 page business case explores Kalinsky and how he could have changed business policies to keep Kenworthy. It posits the conflict resolution style used by Kalinsky was ineffective as was his rational leadership style. He could have used a transformational leadership style and principled negotiation stategy to resolve the conflict. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ubicom SX's Family of Controllers

    A 12 page paper discussing Ubicom's SX family of controllers, focusing on ports and bus interface. Memory chips have continued to evolve over the years since the earliest semiconductor. Increasingly, they are smaller in size but have consistently-increasing storage and retrieval capabilities. One type, the Ubicom SX series, is described here. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Wireless Communication

    This 4 page paper provides information on wireless technology. A history of the technology is provided in addtion to where it is going. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Wireless Technology of the Future

    This 6 page paper takes a look at the future of wireless technology. Several examples are provided. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Language and Communication Problems Associated with Learning Disabilities (ADD/ADHD) in the School Age Child

    A 5 page review of the impacts these conditions can have in the academic setting. This paper recommends data-based intervention. Bibliography lists 7 sources).


    This 3-page paper focuses on signs, symbols and eye contact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Use of Coaxial Cable in Communications

    This 6 page paper examines the use of this particualr kinds of cable. The telephone and cable industries are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Intercultural Communication In The Workplace

    4 pages in length. Faarooq, a third generation Muslim whose family has worked at ABC Merchandising, Inc. for the past twenty years, experienced unexpected culture shock when the company was sold and the CEO - a person with whom Faarooq and his family had become friends over the years - was ousted from his position. It was obvious the tremendous changes this new company head had intended to pursue, but one in particular left Faarooq and his family personally impacted due to its intercultural insensitivity. The Muslim religious holiday of Ramadan was in two weeks and as in every other year previous, Faarooq, his brother, sister, cousin and father submitted for the time off for observance. Within thirty minutes, each submission was declined without explanation; when Faarooq inquired directly with the new boss, he was told that only American holidays are recognized within an American company. Faarooq and his family immediately contacted HR to file a cultural discrimination action. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Nurses' Use of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

    A 3 page research paper that briefly discusses the significance of this subject. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Communication in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

    A 6 page research paper which examines how a failure to communicate impacts the characters in three of Williams' most famous plays, The Glass Menagerie , Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and A Streetcar named Desire. The writer demonstrates how Williams illustrates his view that an inability to communicate meaningfully with other human beings is one of the most tragic situations in modern life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Feminist Movement and Criminology

    This 10 page paper traces the impact the feminist movement has had on understanding why crimes are committed, who is the criminal, and who is the victim. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Systems Theory and Feminist Viewpoints in Therapy

    Feminist theory as it is applied to therapy shares with systems theory the belief that the therapist is an agent for social change through the process of exploring cultural processes and the ethical considerations that result. This 5 page paper provides a brief overview of the two in order to compare the perspectives toward therapy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Tutorial on Motivation, Marketing, Decision Making, and Accountancy

    This 62 page paper incorporates 5 essays addressing different topics within the general headings in the title. Essay #1 begins with a scenario and then discusses quantitative methods for forecasting, specifically explaining the time-series decomposition model. The essay does not include actual calculations but describes this model. Essay #2 focuses on strategic marketing management and includes discussions of developing brand loyalty and brand equity and marketing and advertising to gain market share. This essay also includes a discussion of the importance of global branding. Essay #3 is about managing people and organizations and includes discussions and explanations of several theories of motivation, including a discussion of theories of motivation for today's knowledge workers. Essay #4 discusses accountancy for managers and includes explanations of the absorption costing approach, marginal costing and activity based costing. The last essay is about strategic decision making and competitor analysis. It discusses economies of scale, economies of scope, marginal costing, price elasticity of demand. This final section also includes a comprehensive discussion of Porter's structure -> conduct -> performance paradigm and resource-based approaches to strategy. Numerous examples are incorporated in each section. 4 Illustrations are included. Tutorial comments are incorporated throughout the text. Bibliography lists 44 sources.

  • The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and Applicatioins of Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg's Theories

    This is a 7 page paper discussing Kohlberg and Erikson’s developmental stages as reflected in Rachel from “The Poisonwood Bible”. In Barbara Kingsolver’s 1999 novel “The Poisonwood Bible” the fifteen year old daughter, Rachel, reflects primarily Lawrence Kohlberg’s “conventional” level of moral reasoning and the progression from Erik Erikson’s “identity versus role confusion” (stage 5) to “intimacy versus isolation” (stage 6) levels of personality development. Rachel is considered the most self-absorbed of the characters within the novel and because of this her perspective remains primarily a selfish one and how her family’s environment and values impact her life and development. However, from Rachel, readers can also see a development in her awareness of her surroundings and although she remains still fairly self-absorbed she at least realizes how little impact her and her family and their Christian intentions have on the social and physical environment of the Congo showing a maturity of her moral and personal development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Review of Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory

    Martin Albrow, in his book Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory, argues that Max Weber provides a long-neglected foundation for sociology, and that the arguments of Weber can be utilized in understanding the sociological premises of a number of other theorists, including Kant and Nietzche. Further, Albrow relates the arguments of Weber to the assertion of the value of sociology as a science, and also defines the link between the premises of social theory and the development of social philosophy, social psychology and the logical correlation between the two. This 4 page paper reflects the essential arguments in Albrow’s work and considers the implications for evaluating sociological, philosophical and psychological underpinnings. No additional sources cited.

  • Friedrich Nietzsche and Nihilism

    This is an 11 page paper discussing Nietzsche and the concept of nihilism within his work. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is probably best known for his works on nihilism; the belief that all values, truths and morals which have been constructed by man are baseless including those within the Bible. Nietzsche did not originally begin his work in the area in nihilism but throughout his own study and questioning of the theories of truth found in theology, the classics and philosophy which had always been readily accepted for centuries, he concluded that the eventual course of man would be that of nihilism. As man demands more answers through the field of science, many of the traditional theories and religious beliefs will be stripped away. At the same time, humans will begin to realize that they cannot meet the ideals of the invented truth and will not be able to transcend into that “higher world”. Despair follows and man must return to nature and a time of humanity where the invented concepts of “good” versus “evil” are no longer relevant. Beliefs are then based on the singular concepts of each person living each day. However, these ideas are contrary to societal beliefs and the basic structure of society and therefore society as we know it will be destroyed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Developing Marketing for McBride

    This 4 page paper considers the way in which McBride Financial Services may undertake market research in order to develop a marketing strategy, and then discusses the strategy and potential marketing mediums that may be used by the company. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Advancing Age in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats

    A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes 3 poems by Yeats. In three of his best poems, William Butler Yeats addresses the age-old topic of mortality and the bitterness of advancing age. These poems are "Among School Children," "Sailing to Byzantium," and "Byzantium." These three poems thematically share and develop Yeats' thoughts relative to the loss of youth and the decline and decay of the human body contrasted against what is eternal in human experience, which is the medium of art and the striving of the soul toward perfection. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Advancing Age in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats

    A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes 3 poems by Yeats. In three of his best poems, William Butler Yeats addresses the age-old topic of mortality and the bitterness of advancing age. These poems are "Among School Children," "Sailing to Byzantium," and "Byzantium." These three poems thematically share and develop Yeats' thoughts relative to the loss of youth and the decline and decay of the human body contrasted against what is eternal in human experience, which is the medium of art and the striving of the soul toward perfection. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Palestinians as Victims of War in Paradise Now, Making Of, and Palestine

    In four pages this paper examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the perspective of the Palestinians, which is rarely glimpsed in the media. Specifically considered in a discussion of Hany Abu-Assad’s film Paradise Now, Nouri Bouzid’s film Making Of, and Joe Sacco’s documentary comic graphics text Palestine are the Palestinians’ continued victimization because of the Israeli occupation and the motivation for young men to become suicide bombers, with the quest for truth also considered. Four sources are listed in the bibliography. TGparmakpal.rtf

  • Definition of an American and Homelessness

    A 7 page paper which focuses on the homeless to define an American living in 2006, illustrating how the homeless portray American ideals, and considers the struggle to survive through contemporary articles and literary/artistic media (a speech, memoir of a homeless person, and two poems). Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Reality and Films

    This 7 page paper argues that the media reflects reality rather than making it. Using the James Bond films as an example, the way reality is reflected is discussed looking at the developments over time and the way in which women evolve. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Media and Law Enforcement

    A 14 page paper which examines how law enforcement is portrayed by the media, how it affects the public’s perception of police departments, how several famous cases have been covered and the significance of racial and sexual prejudice. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • A Legal Courtroom Visit

    A 5 page description of what the casual observer would encounter in a court of law. The author provides a general description of the courtroom and the various people who occupy it as well as the relative duties of these people. The popularized media version of the criminal justice system, versions reflected both in the fictional content of television and in the factual rendition of high-profile cases such as the O.J. Simpson case, is contrasted with the realities of the everyday local courtroom. No sources are listed.

  • Press Freedom and Libel

    This 10 page paper considers the statement “The English Law of libel and defamation represents an unwarranted restriction on the freedom of the press and the broadcast media”. The paper looks at both sides of the argument and uses numerous cases to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Cultural Understanding and the Reflections of Photography

    An 8 page discussion of the value of still photography and film in cultural research. The author contends that cultural history, a subcategory of both anthropology and history, is indeed replete with examples of the value of these mediums in preserving culture in a visual format. It is emphasized that this value is not exclusive to the use of photography as a documentary tool by the researcher but that instead it encapsulates the use of film produced by the culture itself. Asserts that both documentary and fictional film can be of tremendous research value.

  • Research Recommendations for Portugal's Small to Medium Sized Businesses

    This 4 page paper looks at how a project or dissertation on small to medium sized enterprises in Portugal may be approached. The paper outlines the background research, modes that may be used, how primary research may be undertaken and the different ways that this broad subject may be refined. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Masculinity, Ethnicity, and Race

    An 8 page research paper that offers an outline for a research proposal. The writer, first of all, introduces the topic of how conceptions of masculinity vary according to cultural background which includes race and ethnicity. The writer then proposes that a brief survey of popular media may prove to be enlightening as to how the topic of masculinity is perceived differently by White and Black men. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Media and Bullying

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of bullying in the media. It takes the form of detailed Power Point presentation notes. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Methods of Qualitative Research

    This 4 page paper outlines the use of qualitative research methods, including content analysis. Content analysis is one form of qualitative research that has been used in creating comparative views of different views presented in the current literature or in the mass media. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Education Research Proposals

    This 6 page paper is made up of 3 research proposals with a research outline and a brief methodology. The proposals are to look at rrepresentations of computer-based learning in popular media, to assess representations of schooling on school websites and to examine children's help seeking strategies in an online educational discussion forum. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Bullying and How to Address It

    An 8 page paper assesses the probable causes of bullying. The author presents a research proposal to quantify the relationship between bullying, violent media content, and shyness. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Social Media Marketing: A Research Proposal

    This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of researching social media marketing. A research proposal is gradually developed through three stages. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • International Influences for SME a Niche Market Businesses

    This 4 page a paper looks at the case study provided by the student concerning the aircraft industry in New Zealand. Two questions are answered; the first considers the potential benefits for a small to medium-size enterprise to utilize in export strategy. The second question considers the way in which a global approach strategy may aid with cost advantage or differentiation. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Developing Marketing for McBride

    This 4 page paper considers the way in which McBride Financial Services may undertake market research in order to develop a marketing strategy, and then discusses the strategy and potential marketing mediums that may be used by the company. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Marketing Decisions for the Italian Launch of Pringles

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Procter & Gamble are preparing to launch Pringles in Italy, a number of relevant issues concerning this decision are discussed, including the flavors it should be used, the marketing message, the distribution medium and a price. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Spirituality as a Concept in Black American Literature

    This 5 page paper discusses the issue of African American Literature and the evidence of spirituality in that medium. Furthermore, this paper cites many African-American writers and their works as examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Novel and Cinematic Comparisons of The Great Gatsby

    5 pages in length. When one compares the book version of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” to its movie counterpart, it is quite easy to point out the significant similarities, inasmuch as there was no way for the film director to stray too far from the author’s primary theme and still remain true to the story’s message; as such, the contrasts that one might experience between the two media forms appear to be nothing more than superficial differences that typically separate film from literature. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Perceptual Losses Between the Page and Big Screen

    An 8 page paper that argues the point that the historical written word loses much of the personal perception it evokes in individual readers when it is converted to the film medium due to the influence of the personal perception of the cinematographer. The history and evolution of historical cinematography from the earliest days of the film industry to present are discussed, including a brief description of the progressive documentary format that emerged in the 1990s. Bibliography lists 6 sources. LCFilm.doc

  • English Hooliganism and its History

    A 10 page paper which examines why hooliganism is regarded as distinctly English, considers the social landscape that produces and perpetuates it, and explores the role of the media in the development of its perception. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • UK Issues Regarding Human Resource Management

    6 pages in length. Myriad human resource management issues grace various forms of the British media, providing the populace with ample opportunity to gain a more significant understanding of the challenges and struggles typically inherent to the aspect of commerce. From these many topics, the student may decide to choose such issues as effective leadership and minimum wage concerns as they relate to Britain's quest to better its workforce. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Sports Public Relations Pros and Media Control

    This 9 page paper discusses how public relations people can control the media, particularly when the organization is facing a difficult problem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Female Participation in Basketball

    A 5 page overview of the importance of female participation in sports such as basketball and in the importance of this participation receiving an equal media coverage and emphasis as does male participation in sports. Correlates female participation in sports with lowered teen pregnancy, higher academic success, and less gang participation. Bibliography lists six sources.

  • Hurdles Faced by Female Athletes Over Forty

    6 pages in length. Directly correlated with the extent to which women over forty choose to participate in swimming is how active they were in this or other sports throughout their lives; one who has engaged in swimming or some other physical activity either consistently or in phases is much more likely to undertake swimming after forty than one who has had little experience with that or any other sport. The writer discusses other issues pertaining to female swimmers over 40 including gender limitations, discrimination and mass media agenda setting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Racial Issues in Sport

    This 5 page paper looks at a range of racial issues in sport. This includes discrimination against racial minorities through wages and positions played, the disparity of white ownership of sports teams, the movement towards increased equality, the present of racism in the media and the perceptions of the fans and the sport people. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Sports and Steroids

    A 5 page paper which examines the way the media portrays athletes and policies of steroid abusers in professional sports, providing specific examples of athletes (Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, and Rafael Palmeiro) and the policies of the NFL, MLB, NBA, and the NHL. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Skills Needed by a Forensic Nurse

    This 3 page paper considers what skills are needed by a forensic mental health nurse when looking after patients in a medium secure unit. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Issues in Social Psychology

    A 23 page paper that discusses specific issues in social psychology, including factors involved in attraction, consistency and inconsistency, examples of friendships, altruism and helping, modern prejudice and microaggressions, media and violence, bullying in schools and programs to reduce bullying. The paper also includes the Introduction section for a research paper on childhood obesity. Statistics are included. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Social Networking and Transformational Leadership in Learning Organizations

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of how social media enhances networking within organizations. Emphasis is placed on the development of "learning organizations" through the utility of transformational leadership. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Sexuality and Differing Gender Perceptions

    A 5 page contention that numerous assumptions are often in play when we consider the issues between male and female. Various groups, in fact, try to propagate their own beliefs in regard to the relationship between the sexes when, in reality, there is no one commonalty. This is particularly true in regard to opinions regarding the appropriateness of media depictions of various degrees of sexual intimacy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Likely Effects Of E-Commerce On The Future Of Book Publishing

    This 10 page paper looks at the way on which e-commerce and the electronic media is likely to change the way books are published and sold in the future, looking at companies such as Amazon, eBay and Abe Books. The paper looks at the importance of the printed word and how publishing has changed in response to technology in the past and looks forward to the potential changes that may occur, especially with the concepts of e-books sold on the internet. The bibliography cites 4 sources.


    This 6-page paper describes how social media networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn can be beneficial to a learning organization. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • TV and Substance Abuse

    This 3 page paper explores how cigarettes, alcohol and illegal drugs are displayed on television. Various aspects are discussed. The paper concludes that there should not be restrictions in media but both sides of the issue should responsibly be shown. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Drug Problems as a Social Construct

    This 4 page paper pays attention to the war on drugs and the way in which media portrays drug use and abuse. The idea that the phenomenon is a social construction is supported. Drug testing is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • American Society and Body Image

    This 3 page essay explores body image in American society and how it is important in respect to self-esteem. Several issues are broached, inclusive of how media views women. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy for Southern Comfort

    This 4 page paper considers the decision made by Southern Comfort to utilize their marketing budget purely in digital media. To support this move a marketing strategy, considering the 4 P’s is discussed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Tobacco Regulation

    This 5 page paper discusses tobacco regulation and its connection to tobacco addiction. It also considers the way in which the media influences the use of tobacco. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Criminal Justice I

    A 15 page paper in two parts. Part 1 discusses conflict vs consensus perspectives of the origin of criminal law and how the perspectives can affect social, legal and political policy. Part 2 lists 10 perceptions common in popular media (primarily television), followed by the reality of those impressions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Aftermath of September 11th in Respect to Hatred

    This 5 page paper looks at two articles--one from Psychology Today and one from Time--to explore hate both psychologically and from a media perspective. The hatred to emanate after September 11th is explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cross-Cultural Studies and the Influence of Media

    A 3 page research paper that has 2 parts. The first part concerns the influence of media on global society and cross-cultural studies. The second half of the paper concerns what the student has learned from participating in a class on Cross-Cultural Psychology and her plans for the future. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Behavioral and Psychoanalytical Theories of Sigmund Freud

    This is a 7 page paper discussing Freud’s psychoanalytical theories of human behavior in comparison with the behavioral theories. When Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) first developed his psychoanalytical theory as treatment for those people who had mental dysfunctions, he was one of the first analysts to attempt to tackle patients head on by developing a series of therapeutic sessions directly with the patients. These sessions were largely based on talking to patients and discovering their repressed feelings which he believed were the cause of the mental disorder. His theory was based largely on the fact that he believed human behavior was developed through a series of stages in childhood that largely relied upon the satisfaction of needs in the individual, mostly sexual. If the unconscious mind was unable to control the interpretation of the needs and how to understand them in relation to the real world then behavioral problems would arise. Once these problems were unearthed, then behavior would change. Behaviorists however did not agree with his methods. Behavior theorists are more concerned with what patients do and say and are not as concerned with the theoretical mental processes which are “behind” the behaviors. Instead, they believe that using conditioning, called behavior therapy, people’s destructive and dysfunctional behaviors can be altered for the better. Those who promote the behaviorist theory believe more that the stimulus and the behavior have a direct relation regardless of the mental process while psychoanalysts believe that there are mental processes and repressive tendencies which have to be resolved before any behavior can be changed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Manager Motivation, Goal and Expectancy Theories

    This 6-page paper discusses the goal-setting and expectancy theories of motivation and how they differ and are simliar with one another. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • US Sexuality and the Media

    A 5 page paper which examines how the media effects the sexuality of men and women. The paper discusses the case of Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas as well as the film “The Contender” in discussing how the media influences sexuality in America. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Literature Review on Peasantry

    This 20 page paper reviews literature on the subject of peasantry. Classical materials are presented and while classic authors and theories are discussed, postmodernism and feminism is also included. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Analogue to Digital Photography Shift and its Implications

    This is a 4 page paper on the implications of the shift from analogue to digital photography. With the recent shift of analogue to digital photography, critics cannot help but wonder what the implications of this change will be in regards to the ideals of originality, truth and authenticity of the work. From a traditional viewpoint, Benjamin and others argued that art loses its authenticity and originality once it is mass reproduced because art and photography have an intrinsic link with time and space which relates to these two aspects. In addition to the fact that digital photography can be mass reproduced in an exact manner, it also lends itself to being altered and manipulated quite easily. While this may imply that all original components of the piece are lost forever, some graphic designers have recently expanded this component to create a new field to allow for original technical work which is considered reflective of modern society. While Baudrillard stated that the media has turned modern society into one which is devoid of authentic experience, some critics allow that digital technology may actually provide a further medium to create authentic and dynamic experience. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rosemarie Parse's 'Human Becoming' Nursing Theory

    A 3 page research paper that examines the "human becoming" theoretical model for nursing developed by Rosemarie Parse. The writer examines this concept as part of the simultaneity paradigm of nursing practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Learned Helplessness and Interdependence Theories

    10 pages in length. The manner by which the theory of learned helplessness is intrinsically related to the interdependence theory – which states that close relationships are about behavioral choices that create rewarding and/or costly interactions – speaks to the vast differences between long-term (LT) and short-term (ST) relationships. Examining child abuse and domestic violence in this light provides a significant basis upon which the student can draw inferences as to how this occurs, inasmuch as both children and spouses are typically involved in long-term relationships with their abusers. The investment of emotions and the existence of family ties often precipitates the learned helplessness for the reason that the abused child or adult believes on the one hand that their daddy/husband did not mean to do it, while on the other thinks that nothing he or she does will make the situation any better. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Theory of 'Indeterminancy of Translation' by Willard V. Quine

    This is a 15 page paper discussing Quine’s theory of indeterminacy of translation. Willard V. Quine was a mathematician and philosopher who lived from 1908-2000. During the last half of the 20th century, Quine developed several theories, one of which was the theory of indeterminacy of translation, which challenged some of the former assumptions used in the fields of psychology, linguists and anthropology. Quine asserted that accurate translations between languages could not be made for a number of reasons. Firstly, linguists could not get basic terms of references, or starting elements, because from a holistic perspective, sentences are the basic form of meaning and all sentences are semantically linked by the native speaker. Secondly, “meaning” could not be considered as an absolute element. In addition to some of these basic changes in the construct of translations, Quine also discussed the idea that not only were correct translations into English not possible but also two translation manuals given the same observational stimuli could also not be interchangeable because of the assumptions and the linguist’s imposition of his own beliefs and patterns onto the native language. Obviously, Quine’s theories were criticized as linguists made the case that several translations were considered successful because smooth negotiation and conversation could take place between native speakers and foreign speakers. However Quine’s dissection of the linguist’s process into one of a mathematical and scientific process is considered one of the most significant within the last fifty years in linguistic philosophy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Term Structure and Vasicek's Theory

    This 14 page paper examines the theory put forward in Vasicek’s 1977 paper “An Equilibrium Characterization of the Term Structure” published in The Journal of Financial Economics. The paper then considers the way the model has been developed and influenced later models. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • An Analysis of the Films, The Sacrifice, Stalker, and Daughters of the Dust

    An 8 page essay that reviews and analyzes three movies - The Sacrifice(1988) and Stalker (1979) by Tarkovsky and Daughters of the Dust (1992) by Dash. The writer argues that, in previous eras, individuals with an artistic vision had two mediums in which to express themselves—art or literature. The twentieth century has witnessed the blossoming of a third choice—cinema. The writer maintains that there are numerous examples of twentieth century film makers who manipulate light, color, words and music in such a way as to create art that rivals the finest paintings and literature for the way that it can move the human soul. No sources cited.

  • Women in Sub Saharan Africa and High Rates of HIV and AIDS

    This 39 page literature review examines nine articles related to the spread of AIDs in Africa and pays particular attention to gender specific reach. At the same time, the literature is broad and also encompasses a wide array of material that examines things such as socioeconomic status and media campaigns against AIDS. The primary question explored by this literature review is: "Why is there a high incidence of HIV/AIDS among women in sub-Sahara Africa?" The literature does include a variety of articles that cover several topics. Concepts such as condom use, rape, polygamy, stigma and breast-feeding are included in the discussion. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Piaget/Preschoolers' Capacity for Reading and Math

    A 10 page research paper that includes a 136 word abstract that discusses Jean Piaget, the Swiss child psychologist, who is one of the most influential theorist of the twentieth century. This summary and investigation of his work, with a particular focus on his text, The Origins of Intelligence in Children, first of all, offers a broad overview of Piagetian theory and its constructive nature. This writer begins by considering the current trend to introduce academics, i.e., reading and math, to preschoolers and then sets this trend against the context of Piagetian theory in order to evaluate its efficacy. The conclusion that this leads to is that direct early academic instruction will not be successful and could very well be detrimental to the child. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Reasons for TQM's Success

    This 40 page paper is a comprehensive examination of TQM and why it is so successful. The writer’s hypothesis states that TQM is so successful because it manages to balance people, including employees and customers, with processes with even the process embodying motivation theory the empowerment of employees. The paper starts with the theory by looking at what is meant by TQM and its origins and then considers how it motivates employees, how it considers customers and process. The writer then looks at examples of its use, including Six Sigma, (a TQM tool) and SERVQUAL. Numerous companies are cited throughout the paper to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Nursing Theory and Pain Management

    A 5 page paper constructing a new theory of nursing as it relates to postoperative pain management following hip replacement surgery. The new nursing theory constructed here is that a better approach to postoperative pain management associated with hip replacement surgery is to avoid as much immediate pain sensation as possible. This restricts use of the drugs most open to abuse to use only during the first 24 hours following surgery, and it further restricts the use of that class of drugs to the hospital setting where there often is greater accountability. Further, it disallows interference of the first subsystem of pain management with the second, and can serve to result in more favorable patient outcomes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Six Stories and Lower and Upper Classes

    A 5 page essay that addresses six works by six authors: Orwell, Dostoevsky, Goldsmith, Goldstone, Huxley and Jackson. The writer argues that literature is, among other things, a reflection of an author's perception of society, its values and concepts of knowledge and truth. As this suggests, through the medium of literature, readers can gain insights about their society, and particularly its class structure, which they may not perceive in the course of their everyday lives. This examination of six works illustrates this principle, as each tale focuses on a different aspect of class structure, informing the reader, but, more importantly, causing the reader to reflect on the justice of taken for granted societal norms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Punk Music in the Buddha of Suburbia and Trainspotting

    This 5 page paper examines the importance of the use of music in different mediums. Punk music is highlighted. Music is discussed as being very important in life and in literature. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Do Airlines which Practice Hedging Have Higher Profit Level When Compared Non Hedging Firms

    This 95 page paper is the first part of a full length dissertation to assess whether or not there is a correlation between hedging for fuel and the profitability of airlines. The paper presents the first three chapters; the introduction, the comprehensive literature review and the methodology. The introduction outlines how and why this is important, looks at the nature of the research, presents two hypotheses and gives relevant definition. The literature review is the longest section and looks at existing theories and research that examines the impact of heading of a firm and the different influences looking at the general as well as the airline industry. The theory of constraints is also considered as a framework to be used for application to the research. The methodology presents an approach which can be used for gathering of both quantitative and qualitative data and explains the way in which the data will be analyzed. The bibliography cites 54 sources.

  • Proposal on Distance Learning and 'Desocialization'

    A 25 page research paper. While distance education itself is not new, Internet-based courses are a relatively new phenomenon. The question this proposal asks is: Is there a difference in student achievement between those taking Online courses and those attending the traditional classroom course? The paper is a research proposal that includes: a general introduction to the topic of distance education/learning and to Internet-based education, in particular. The purpose of the study, hypotheses and methodology are included. The literature review reports both anecdotal comments and results of previous research studies, both qualitative and quantitative. One concern with this medium has been students feeling isolated with a lack of socialization with other students. As the literature illustrates, there are many tools and strategies that can be used to minimize any negative effect of distance. Statistical data are reported. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Evolutionary and Creation Scientific Theories

    A five page paper which looks at the creation scientists’ theories of the origins of the universe and life on earth, as delineated in the Christian Bible, and the way in which these relate to other theories such as the Big Bang, Darwin’s explanation of natural selection, and the evidence of fossil records. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • How Should Tesco Develop their United Kingdom and United States Markets?

    This 98 page paper is a project to looks at the way in which Tesco, the successful UK supermarket, which has been struggling in the US, can develop an aligned strategy for both the UK and the US market. The paper provides an extensive literature review, looking at relevant theories which may be applied, including concepts of competitive advantage, the application of the marketing mix, theories of international marketing and issues concerning the creation and maintenance of loyalty. Following the outlining of a methodology advocating a case study approach and outlining the way primary research will take place the firm is then examined. The case study starts by looking at the way the company competes in the UK and then at the operations in the US where it trades under the name Fresh and Easy. With this background primary research is simulate to assess what customers in both countries want and need. The results are analyzed and used to design suitable strategies. The bibliography cites 72 sources.

  • Exploring Decision Support System Usage in ECommerce Research Proposal

    This 27 page paper is a research Proposal to Explore the Use of Decision Support System in E-Commerce and includes a literature review. The use of both E-commerce has increased tremendously over the last decade. E-commerce is usually seen as sales over the internet but actually incorporates any transactions over an electronic medium. This is usually seen as an advantage. This paper considers how the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) may help a business to enhance their e-commerce strategy and align strategies so that the efficiency is increased and results in a better profit. Many companies, such as Air Canada and FedEx already use DSS to great advantage increasing the efficiency through management of their resources. These are systems designed espially for those companies, but DSS are also available over the counter for smaller companies. The paper then shows how, with the use of a qualitative case study, following an extensive literature review the student can undertake primary research to identify the option model for the use of DSS is any given industry. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Myanmar and Function of SMEs

    An 8 page proposal for research into barriers that currently exist for economic development in Myanmar, specifically those affecting development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). One author has described conditions in Myanmar in 2005 as a "darker shade of bleak" as the military maintains tight control of the government and Myanmar's people. SME operation providing jobs could mark the beginning of economic changes similar to China's history with its capitalist experiment that proved to be so successful. The primary key appears to be general education and vocational training, however. Research into the barriers that currently exist for SMEs could lead to more definitive identification of needs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sense and Sensibility/Novel v. Film

    A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses the differences between these 2 mediums. Every few years seems to bring a new film adaptation of Jane Austen's classic early-nineteenth century novel Sense and Sensibility. Nevertheless, one of the finest of recent film adaptations of this novel is still director Ang Lee's 1995 production, which was produced by Mirage Films and released by Columbia Pictures. The script for this movie was written by Emma Thompson, who also stars in the role of Elinor Dashwood. This examination of the film will demonstrate that while Thompson makes some departures from Austen's novel, these differences are minor, as she remains true to the story and Austen's characterization. In fact, some of her changes tend to enhance, rather than detract, from the viewer's enjoyment of this narrative. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Once We Were Warriors/Postcolonial Theory

    A 6 page research paper/essay that analyzes the 1994 film “Once Were Warriors” offers an international audience a representation of Maori ethnic identity. When viewed in the light of postcolonial theory, the question that such an investigation immediately raises is whether or not the film offers an accurate vision of urban Maori society or if this film is itself a product of a postcolonial mindset. While certainly the domestic difficulties encountered by the film’s protagonists mirror the social disorder that plagues the Maori minority population of New Zealand, an examination of literature indicates that this question is complex and that an ethnic people cannot and should not facilely characterized as fitting so neatly into European-influenced stereotypes. Particularly in regards to how the film pictures Maori men. In order to argue this point, it is necessary to first look at the content of the film, then the basic arguments of postcolonial theory Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Religious Attitudes Represented in Hollywood Films

    19 pages in length. The coming of age in the motion picture industry would have its inventors turning in their graves; their wildest dreams could never conjure up what has come to reflect reality in today's religiously-saturated medium of entertainment. Indeed, times have changed since what began back in the late eighteen hundreds as a basis for documentaries; even – and sometimes in spite of – criticism to the contrary, Hollywood movies have been extremely successful in incorporating the concept of religion on both a conscious and subliminal level as a means by which to generate and maintain attitudes toward religion with far-reaching effects on American social and political life. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Energy Conservation and Nursing

    A 12 page research paper that addresses the concept of energy conservation as it applies to nursing practice. Energy has been a topic of research and concern in nursing practice for quite some time. This examination of the concept explores how energy has been addressed within the context of nursing theoretical frameworks, concentrating on the work of Myra Levine, but also addressing Rogers' theories and the implications of energy conservation as they apply toward fatigue. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Overview of Free Trade

    5 pages in length. In theory, economists believe that free trade represents beneficial outcome when approached in a balanced capacity. With that in mind, it is important for the student to examine the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in order to determine whether or not this particular arrangement has truly reflected the fundamental basis of free trade. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Aborigines of Australia and Social Darwinism

    A 5 page contention that racism has been one of the primary shapers of contemporary Australian society. In the nineteenth century in particular the concept of racial inferiority was purported by a number of disciplines. Anthropology, medicine, psychology, and sociology all became vehicles of racism as they proposed and supported theories which perpetuated disenfranchisement and segregation of the aborigines from mainstream Australian society. The premises of social Darwinism held that the fittest would survive while the weaker and inferior aborigines would perish. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dreaming and its Purpose

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of the psychology of dreaming inclusive of physiological explanations. REM sleep is discussed. Various theories inclusive of Freudian psychology is included in order to find out why humans dream, and what purpose it serves. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Biology and Culture

    This 14 page paper argues against evolutionary psychology, citing a theory by Stephen Jay Gould. Gould's ideas are discussed, as are the precepts of evolutionary psychology. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A Psychology Today Article Review

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of a Psychology Today Article entitled The Idea That Wouldn’t Die. This paper relates the importance of the article in relation to Psychodynamic Theory. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Three Theories of Human Psychology

    This 5 page report discusses three leading perspectives that have had a profound influence in the understanding of human psychology and the ways in which human beings struggle with their own consciousness, personal insight, and awarenesses. The theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, and Albert Ellis are briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Concept of Human Relations

    8 pages in length. Human Relations practice is based upon an eclectic mixture of theories from different academic disciplines such as psychology, sociology and political science; while each discipline indicates divergent methods to the overall approach of human relations, they all share a common denominator of empowerment and reassurance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • B.F. Skinner's Contributions

    A 6 page overview of the contributions of B.F. Skinner to the field of psychology. Emphasizes the importance of such theories as operant conditioning and naturalistic ethics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Personality Development - The Major Theories

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of developmental psychology. Theories are explored through a hypothetical case study and interview. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sensual Inquiry of Philosopher Rene Descartes

    This 5 page paper looks at this well known theorist's second meditation and how he views the senses. How this theory is applied to modern psychology is also noted. The time in which Descartes lived is discussed in terms of his contributions to society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • John B. Watson's Theory on Human Development

    A 4 page research paper that presents the environmentalist theory of John B. Watson, the creator of the behaviorist school of psychology. The writer outlines the nature vs. nurture debate concerning human development and then discussing the details of Watson's environmentalist (nurture) approach to human development. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Kurt Lewin: Understanding How To Lead Change

    9 pages in length. Heralded as having a "profound an impact on the theory and practice of social and organizational psychology" (Schein, 2006), Kurt Lewin instilled a fresh and effective perspective on organizational change that was long overdue. Schein's (2006) article provides a significantly better understanding of Lewin's (1999) contribution, how it was unprecedented for its time and why it still stands strong even now in the twenty-first century, especially with the way today's organizational presence is under a great deal of pressure to escape a shaky economy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Beauty, the Sublime, Immanuel Kant, and Edmund Burke

    This 14 page paper discusses the ideas of philosophers Edmund Burke and Immanuel Kant in relation to their ideas about the sublime and about beauty. Furthermore, this paper underlines how their theories on this subject influenced the fields of psychology and philosophy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sigmund Freud: The Originator of Psychoanalysis

    A 3 page overview of some of Freud’s most interesting theories on psychoanalysis. This paper points out that although we have progressed considerably in our understanding of human psychology, Freud is still remembered as the father of the psychoanalytical process. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Addiction and Kohlberg and Adler

    A 5 page paper that discusses the major concepts of Adler's Individual Psychology and what Adler attributes addiction to in terms of his theories. The paper also outlines Kohlberg's stages of moral development and discusses what Kohlberg would say about addiction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Development, Growth, and the Impact of Stress

    8 pages. Stress has been shown to have an impact on human growth and development. This paper considers stress in the different stages of life including childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Both positive and negative effects of stress are included as they pertain to developmental psychology research, theories and perspectives. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Connection Between Social Work and Sociology

    A 5 page paper. It could be said that social work is the practical application of sociological theories and perspectives but it is more than that. This essay first defines and explains what sociology is and what social work is. From there, the writer discusses the integration of other disciplines, such as psychology, in the practice of social work. Two examples are discussed – the research regarding alcoholics and the practice of collaboration in social work. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Racial Inferiority Concept

    A 5 page overview of racism as it has existed since the nineteenth century when anthropology, medicine, psychology, and sociology all became vehicles of racism as they proposed and supported theories which perpetuated disenfranchisement and segregation. Even the concept of evolution itself indirectly supported the predominant feeling that there was a hierarchical relationship between the races from the primitive to the advanced. The author of this paper presents the contention that our everyday classroom activities and even our standardized educational tests perpetuate the age-old institution of racism. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The 'Science' of Human Behavior According to B.F. Skinner

    A 5 page analysis of the principles of behavioral psychology as discussed by B.F. Skinner, a pioneer in this field. The writer gives a summation of Skinner's theories relative to the dynamics of operant conditioning and operant behavior. No additional sources cited.

  • Controversial Psychology Pioneer Sigmund Freud

    3 pages in length. Sigmund Freud was as controversial as he was precedence setting; not only were his theories criticized by skeptics, but he was all too often labeled a quack by his contemporaries for even proposing such concepts. However, in spite of his rather dubious reputation, there is no question how Freud helped pave the way for myriad principles and applications used in contemporary psychology. No bibliography.

  • Constructing Ego and Confidence in Children Who Are At Risk

    6 pages in length. Myriad theories and approaches are applied on a daily basis to encourage the development of ego and self-confidence in at-risk children, defined as those who suffer from deep-rooted emotional issues that typically stem from a poor upbringing. Medical technology notwithstanding, going back to the basics of psychology illustrates how sometimes the simplest of applications are the ones that work best, with particular emphasis upon the intrinsic value of exercise and animals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Learning Prejudice

    This 3 page paper discusses racial discrimination, argues that it is learned and explains how it is learned, and what theory of social psychology best accounts for it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Behaviorist Theory Contributions of B.F. Skinner

    3 pages in length. Myriad members of the psychology field have contributed to the greater understanding of human behavior through the behaviorist theory, however, none can take quite the same position as the man who brought together the concepts of learning and performance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Freudian Psychology in D.C. Thomas' The White Hotel and William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream

    An 8 page research paper that discusses the aspects of Freudian psychology in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream and D.C. Thomas' The White Hotel. The writer argues that Freud's theories play a major role in both works. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Criminal Behavior and Criminology Theory

    An 8 page overview of the relationship of environment, genetics, and psychology in predicting the propensity of criminal behavior. Some theories contend that it is an individual’s genetic makeup which translates into crime, others that it is the presence of a psychological illness. Researchers agree, however, that criminal behavior most often results from a conflict between societal and individual values. While some of the root causes of these conflicts are indeed genetic or psychological, others can be culturally based, some may differ even between families. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Homosexuality and Conflicting Views

    A 5 page paper which examines the controversial views regarding homosexuality as it involves the theory of sickness as opposed to biology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Bob Marley's Life, Music, and Contributions to Reggae

    This 5 page paper examines Bob Marley's life. Two of his songs are compared and contrasted. Information contained in this paper include facts about his life, information about reggae music, his religion, his political agenda and so forth. The conspiracy theory concerning the idea that he was given the cancer is relayed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Richard Wagner’s Theories of Music

    This 6 page paper discusses Wagner’s theories of music and why he had such an impact on music in general and opera in particular. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Identity Construct, Gender, and Sexuality

    An analysis of the concept of sexual identity within the context of socio-cultural ideologies, and the construction of identity. The writer looks at Foucault's perspective on identity, and at theories of masculinity and femininity in relation to postcolonialism. Bibliography lists 12 sources

  • Cultural Identity According to Margaret Mead

    This 5 page paper discusses the influence of Margaret Mead's theories on cultural identity. Factors such as art, religion, music and social structures are the key to understanding a culture's true identity and as such are analyzed using several world cultures as examples. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Origins of the Pentateuch or Torah

    A 5 page research paper that examines the origins of the Torah/Pentateuch and explores the leading theories as to authorship of this section of the Bible, which consists of the first five books. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Constructing Sexuality/The Problem with Duality

    An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses how sexuality is understood in society. The writer focuses on developmental systems theory as explained by Fausto-Sterling, and also explains essentialism and constructivism in this context. This discussion illustrates the practicality and logic of this conceptualization of sexuality, and how it holds the promise of releasing sexuality from the restrictions inherent in dualism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Biopsychology

    4 pages in length. Biopsychology - also known as physiological psychology, behavioral neuroscience and psychobiology - is a branch that studies the relationship between brain and behavior. Considered the union of conventional psychology and neuroscience (Garrett, 2009), biopsychology examines how and why behavioral patterns occur due to activity in the brain. A pioneer in field who brought to light the connection through his 1949 book The Organization of Behavior, Canadian psychologist Donald O. Hebb established the first comprehensive theory the brain's capacity for instigating various and complex psychological behavior. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Humor and Psychology

    An 8 page research paper that investigates the nature of humor and laughter. The writer looks at the sociological functions that humor performs in human society by reviewing the literature on this topic, looking at both past and present studies and theories regarding how humor is integrated into society at the family, work and social level. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • 'Hard Science' and Psychology

    A 3 page essay that examines the question "Is psychology a hard science?" The writer first defines "hard science" as a term that refers to sciences in which facts and theories can be quantified, that is, measured, tested and proven. Then, the writer argues that psychology has aspects of hard science, but that this term does not describe the field as a whole. No bibliography is provided.

  • Essays on Psychology

    22 pages. A series of essays on Darwin, behaviorism, psychoanalytic theory, cognitive psychology and biological behavior. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Behavioral and Cognitive Schools of Psychology

    A 9 page paper that explains and discusses the cognitive and behavioral schools of psychology. Major theorists from each perspective are identified. The writer discusses how these two perspectives are similar and how they differ. The writer explains tenets from each theory can be found in the other. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Factors Affecting Human Behavior

    A 7 page paper that responds to different issues in the field of psychology. Most of the paper discusses factors that influence human behavior, including biological, learned behavior, disorders, personality theories, motivation, memory, culture and sociological factors. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Theories in Psychology: Freud and Erikson

    A 4 page overview of the theories of these two influential psychologists. Personality development is highlighted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Is Psychology a Science

    A 14 page paper that begins with a definition of science, then discusses whether or not psychology is a science. Other topics that are discussed are: how theories improve understanding of psychology, the APA standards for psychological research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the rules for publishing research in psychology, current trends in the field, personal vision of psychology and how integration would strengthen the field. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Film What Dreams May Come and the Psychology of Sigmund Freud

    5 pages in length. A majority of the themes and issues found in contemporary psychology treatments have their fundamental basis in Sigmund Freud's discoveries. The writer discusses how Freud's theories apply to the movie What Dreams May Come. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Medical Model and Psychology

    This 3 page paper discusses different issues beginning with the influence of evolution theory on psychology. The other major issue is the relationship between the medical model and clinical applications in psychology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Application Degree Essay

    A 3 page nursing degree program essay. The essay stresses motivation and dedication as strengths, and lack of knowledge of nursing theory and the means of putting it into practice as weaknesses. The applicant states, “I seek to augment the knowledge and experience I already possess with learning on levels I have not visited before. Additional training and education can enable me to further contribute to the nursing profession and benefit patients, and I am eager for the opportunity to gain that knowledge and training.” Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Autism: How Developmental Psychology Can Inform Practice

    6 pages in length. Developmental psychology has long served to bridge the gap between knowledge and application when certain aspects of both are missing from a strictly medical perspective. Better understanding how to attain the right fit between autistic children and their individual abilities to learn, communicate and develop interpersonal skills has been magnified through such psychological concepts as theory of mind, executive dysfunction, central coherence and early transactions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Cognitive Stages of Jean Piaget and the Psychosexual Development Stages of Sigmund Freud

    This is a 7 page paper discussing Freud’s psychosexual stages of development as they correspond to Piaget’s cognitive stages. Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget were developmental psychologists both influenced by the evolutionary concepts introduced by Charles Darwin in that an individual’s psychological, intellectual and emotional development occurs in evolutionary stages from birth into adulthood. Concepts and conflicts experienced within a developmental stage may in fact deter the progression into a further stage resulting in cognitive or psychological difficulties. While Freud’s psychological development stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital) were based on the link between sexual and emotional development, Piaget’s cognitive stages (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete and formal operations) were based more so on an individual’s mental understanding and the relationships with his or her environment. While the two theories may not appear to be similar in their basic developmental processes, there are certain components which may reinforce or coexist in both theories. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Operant Conditioning, B.F. Skinner, and Criminal Behavior

    A 5 page review of Skinner's theories and their application to criminology. This work has applications in many arenas. These include such diverse facets of our lives as learning and distinguishing right from wrong. Although Skinner has had many critics over the years, much of this criticism revolved a misunderstanding of the man and his theories. His work is, in fact, supported by many that both preceded and followed him in history and has many applications in criminal psychology in particular. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Review of Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory

    Martin Albrow, in his book Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory, argues that Max Weber provides a long-neglected foundation for sociology, and that the arguments of Weber can be utilized in understanding the sociological premises of a number of other theorists, including Kant and Nietzche. Further, Albrow relates the arguments of Weber to the assertion of the value of sociology as a science, and also defines the link between the premises of social theory and the development of social philosophy, social psychology and the logical correlation between the two. This 4 page paper reflects the essential arguments in Albrow’s work and considers the implications for evaluating sociological, philosophical and psychological underpinnings. No additional sources cited.

  • Different Topics in Psychology

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of responses to a range of questions in the field of psychology. This paper is in two parts and answers the following:1. What are the advantages of classifying mental disorders into types and maintaining such taxonomy for clinical reference? Explain your answer. What are the disadvantages of classifying mental disorders into types and maintaining such taxonomy for clinical reference? Explain your answer. What is mesmerism and hypnosis? How would you evaluate mesmerism and hypnosis as techniques for use in treating mental disorders? Explain your answer. 2.What is evolution theory? How did the formulation of evolution theory impact the development of psychology as a formal discipline? What is the scientific method? How was the scientific method used in the early years of formal psychology? Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Theories, Policies, and Intervention Regarding Youth Suicide

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the theory, intervention and policies about youth suicide. Because of the increase in youth suicide in the United States in the last thirty years, researchers have provided cognitive theories in an attempt to describe the continuum which occurs in adolescents from negative emotions to depression to suicide ideation to eventually suicide. Once understood, parents, educators and counselling professionals try and implement intervention programs which are available to adolescents in school programs, outside counselling and hotlines to provide for all possible avenues of screening and intervention. Primary and secondary programs should be included in any policies implemented for the prevention of youth suicide starting with programming for youths at risk in the primary school level and continuing throughout the teen years allowing for proper education of counsellors and teachers in regards to the research available. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Justice Concept

    An 8 page paper. Defining justice is a difficult task, at best. It means different things based on one's perspective. It also means different things in different settings. The origin of the concept of justice is one of the topics in this paper and it is traced back to Cephalus. Ancient theories regarding justice through Plato are then discussed. The writer also discusses the concept of social justice as found in the Bible. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Emile Durkheim's Suicide and the Response of Anthony Giddens

    This is a 6 page paper discussing Giddens’ response to Durkheim’s suicide. Anthony Giddens is a modern day sociologist who has proposed a new theory of “structuration” which he considers as his “concern to develop an ontological framework for the study of human social activities”. In doing this, Giddens offers a more expansive and open method in the study of society and institutions in which he hopes will offer an alternative to many of the traditional sociological methods used. Emile Durkheim in his study on “Suicide” provided one of the first systematic presentations of suicide as a sociological phenomenon. Consistent with the functionalist theories however, Durkheim offered three definitions of suicide, egoistic, altruistic and anomic, which were all functional aspects of society. Giddens believed that the functionalist argument could not possibly account for the various factors influencing suicide and within his argument and general dismisses much of Durkheim’s definitions. He also presents other misunderstandings and controversies which surrounded Durkheim’s study on suicide which somewhat validate his claim that the functionalist perspective is not complete in its relation to the discussion of suicide. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and Applicatioins of Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg's Theories

    This is a 7 page paper discussing Kohlberg and Erikson’s developmental stages as reflected in Rachel from “The Poisonwood Bible”. In Barbara Kingsolver’s 1999 novel “The Poisonwood Bible” the fifteen year old daughter, Rachel, reflects primarily Lawrence Kohlberg’s “conventional” level of moral reasoning and the progression from Erik Erikson’s “identity versus role confusion” (stage 5) to “intimacy versus isolation” (stage 6) levels of personality development. Rachel is considered the most self-absorbed of the characters within the novel and because of this her perspective remains primarily a selfish one and how her family’s environment and values impact her life and development. However, from Rachel, readers can also see a development in her awareness of her surroundings and although she remains still fairly self-absorbed she at least realizes how little impact her and her family and their Christian intentions have on the social and physical environment of the Congo showing a maturity of her moral and personal development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Gender and Ethnic Prejudice in Graphic Design

    10 pages in length. Ethnic and gender discrimination is no stranger to the workplace. Inasmuch as graphic design is essentially a white man's world, it has been extremely difficult for ethnic women to break the mold and be represented for their talents, while not being overlooked merely because of their gender. To say that ethnic women have had to fight for their existence within the world of graphic design would be a gross understatement. Indeed, the road to self-expression through the artistic expression has been paved with patriarchal intolerance and characteristic skepticism. That women have been forced to prove their worthiness within the stringent boundaries of a male-dominated industry speaks volumes about the inherent fortitude that comprises the female spirit. The concept of feminism embodies a number of critical theories by which to better address the various perspectives of interdisciplinary connection. The writer discusses that a primary quest exists to assess the sometimes-strained yet always misunderstood relations between the genders within the graphic design industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Human Beings and Information Processing

    This 5 page report discusses Timothy Salthouse’s 1980 article in Arts Psychologist titled “Conversing Evidence for Information Processing Stages: A Comparative Influence Stage Analysis.” In it, the author examines the primary techniques used for analyzing cognitive processes and offers his own theories as to the means through which those techniques can be integrated. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.

  • Social Responsibility in the Corporate Sector

    5 pages in length. Because society is fundamentally based upon performance and profit, it is not unusual to find that it is necessary to impart a sense of corporate social responsibility with regard to contemporary commerce. The ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concepts that are often absent from a managerial standpoint. The writer discusses corporate social responsibility with regard to chapters two and three of Beauchamp and Bowie's "Ethical Theory And Business." Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History and the Philosophy of Karl Marx

    This 5 page paper provides a discussion on historical materialism. Marx's theory is relayed and evaluated in the context of the real world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Name Brand Products and Selling Drug Avoidance

    5 pages in length. In the ongoing war against drug use, both school and city administers are forever attempting to come up with new and better ways in which to impart the message of drug avoidance. If one were to determine the likelihood of selling the concept of drug avoidance over that of name brand commodities such as clothing, one could readily argue that even though the effort would be worthwhile, the ultimate outcome would be less than desirable. The notion of drug avoidance is one that must be significantly more attractive than the manner by which name brand items are marketed, which is a tall order for something as difficult to impart upon the public as drug avoidance. By addressing three separate marketing theories, the writer discusses how it will become clear why selling the message of drug avoidance would be infinitely difficult when compared with that of name brand commodities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Renaissance and Contemporary Women's Roles

    5 pages in length. Throughout the renaissance, patriarchy was responsible for designing women’s role in society; many of these devices used in earlier centuries were related to religion. Certain scripture regularly challenged women to disprove that they were inferior—to not agree was heresy. When religion did not work alone, scientific theory was included as a factor in the equation that supported the ideal that women are inferior. Based on a conviction of inferiority, male authorities were then able to design lifestyles for women, including approved activities, mannerism, education, sexuality and religious pursuits. Contemporary society, however, has witnessed a metamorphosis of gender oppression, clearly demonstrated through popular culture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Color Photography History

    (9pp) Ever since the advent of the daguerreotype and the calotype in 1839, photographers began to search for a way to reproduce their subject matter in color. Indeed, color photographs became available practically as soon as photography itself. But these early attempts at color photography were nothing more than hand tinted black & white photographs of the area. Color theory was still relatively primitive at this time, and the photographic materials available were blind to almost half of the visible spectrum Almost a hundred years would pass, before the necessary film is available to the public. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Gases and Physics Laws

    An 8 page paper discussing some of the laws of physics that apply specifically to gases. One of the three states of matter, gases share many similarities with liquids in that they are free-flowing and can be compressed. However, gases have much lower density and so are subject to laws not applicable to liquids. The paper discusses contributors to the ideal gas law and the kinetic theory of gases. There are many other contributors to today’s existing laws of physics as they apply to gases, including Bernoulli, John Dalton, Michael Farady and Thomas Graham, to name only a few. Today’s laws truly have evolved over the course of centuries, rather than decades. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Hitchcock/Psycho & Shadow of a Doubt

    An 11 page research paper/essay that discusses these two films. Director Alfred Hitchcock’s film “Psycho” (1960) is generally acknowledged to be a masterpiece of the cinematic art. Interestingly, however, Hitchcock frequently stated that his personal favorite among his many films was “Shadow of a Doubt” (1943), in which a “debonair murderer of widows,” played by Joseph Cotton, has formulated a complete nihilistic theory of existence prior to settling in the little town of Santa Rosa, California (Denby 26). This examination of these two films demonstrates how Hitchcock’s legendary skill at manipulating and misdirecting his audience can be seen in the earlier film, as well as how this factor has matured and grown in subtlety and nuance by the time that “Psycho” was produced. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • 1820s' Appalachia Laws

    9 pages in length. The presence of law intends to create a more civilized society, one in which citizens can expect social enlightenment to guide their every action. While this may represent the concept of law, it only does so in theory due to the extraordinarily interpretive nature of judicial procedure, a reality that evaporates any semblance of equity to the notion of law. Applying this sentiment to Appalachian laws at the turn of the nineteenth century finds the separation of social classes to be one of the most incriminating elements of fair proceedings; inasmuch as the Celts and the English stood at odds over myriad societal issues, one of the most apparent was that of applying the law in whatever form necessary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Suicide

    This is a 8 page paper which discusses that various theories, types, and rates of suicides found in the U.S. today. Introduced by Durkheim, researchers still use his types of suicide (altruistic, egoistic, and anomic) to try and explain suicide and sociological factors which occur. In addition, more recent factors such as race and alcohol abuse are discussed along with the recent introduction of a suicide prevention program by the U.S. government. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Feminism of the Sixties and Nursing

    A 5 page examination of the manner in which nursing changed at the impetus of the feminist movement of the 1960s. Previously relegated to primarily a subservient role in the health care environment and restricted solely to the hospital or doctor’s office, nurses took their lead from the feminist movement to remold their view of themselves as competent professionals. No longer simply puppets of those who had previously held the power and prestige in health care, nurses banded together to make a difference both in the political aspects of healthcare and in nursing theory. Consequently, this time in nursing history was one of the most productive in terms of the degree to which nurses would add to healthcare practice.

  • Human Mating and Theory of Sexual Selection

    A five page paper which consider the theory of sexual selection in relation to human mating behaviour. Bibliography lists 8 sources

  • Comparative Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

    This 18 page paper begins with a general introduction to qualitative and quantitative research designs, including a table that compares some of the major features of each. The writer then provides a comprehensive explanation of each approach. Different designs are also explained for each category of research, e.g., experimental, quasi-experimental, case study, phenomenographic research, exploratory method, historiographic research and grounded theory. Common terms in each approach are defined and the steps of each specific approach are reported. The writer comments on the strengths and weaknesses of both quantitative and qualitative research designs. The paper offers a comprehensive description and explanation of quantitative and qualitative research with examples in each category. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Understanding the Psychological Contract

    This 100 page paper examines the role of the psychological contract on the employment relationship in an international context. The paper is written as a dissertation, with a full introduction, literature review methodology and then research using a case study approach. The paper defines what is meant by a psychological contract and then considers the influences on the expectations of the employees and employers that are inherent in the psychological contract. Two cases studies are created and then analysed using international examples the employment relationship in France and Japan, these are examined to assess the theories, and assess the impact of the psychological contract on the employment relationship and how it is influenced by different cultures. The bibliography cites 89 sources.

  • Decision Making in Schools and Information Technology's Uses

    This 47 page paper is a full length dissertation examining the use of information technology and computer systems to help with decision making. The paper starts with an introduction, considering why this is an important issue and outlining the rest of the paper. The next section is a comprehensive literature review which looks at theories concerning decisions making, barriers to decision making and management systems designed to all technology to help with decision making. The paper then outlines the methodology for primary research using a case study school and presents some findings along with a discussion relating the findings to the literature review. The paper ends with some conclusions and recommendations. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Human Resource Management Changes

    A 29 page paper that responds to the question of whether or not human resource management has changed over the years or does it just appear to have changed? To respond to the question, this essay provides a historical overview of the evolution of personnel administration in the 1920s to strategic human resource management today. Strategic human resource management is then described and explained. The essay then addresses human resource development and the complexity of HRM. Employee motivation is discussed, including theories of equity, expectation and justice. The writer also comments on incentives and rewards as motivational processes. The writer reports the need for a human resource measurement framework and the activities that need to be measured. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


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