Research Papers on Korea & Korean Issues

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  • Overview of South Korea

    This well written 20 page paper is a comprehensive look at South Korea. The writer examines the country in depth including its’ people, the economic environment, political system, capital markets as well as the geography, natural resources. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Cultural Comparison of Korea and the U.S.

    A 3 page paper which specifically compares and contrasts food, marriage, lifestyles, love of sports, and the approach to handshaking by these two very different cultures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Studying the Terroist Groups the Red Army Fraction/Baader Meinhof Group, the Dashmesh Regiment, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba, the North Korean Communist Group, and the Action Directe

    This is a 30 page paper studying five terrorist groups: their history, ideology, acts of terrorism and current status. The study of five terrorist groups, the Action Directe (AD), the North Korean Communist Group, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT), the Dashmesh Regiment, and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) shows the extent extremists will go to further their causes in both the domestic and international arena. The Action Directe (AD) in France and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) in Germany were mostly active in the 1970s and 1980s when many of their leading members were imprisoned. Although not directly linked with any recent terrorist actions, the members of the AD and RAF are still actively associated with radical or political groups today. The North Korean Communist Group is considered one of the most viable terrorist threats of today as they are large, well-funded, still torture political prisoners and are believed to still manufacture nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry contrary to international agreements. The Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT) as the student based affiliated of the political party Jamiat-i-Islami (JI) in Pakistan wish for the education of Islamic youth and for the formation of an Islamic state free of all Western deviant and capitalist influences and continue violent protests to promote this ideal. The recent war on terrorism against the Taliban in Afghanistan has led the IJT to believe that the increase in martyrs for their cause will only increase their recruitment for their group. Finally, the Dashmesh Regiment or 10th Regiment in Pakistan and India wish for a separate Sikh state called Khalistan which is currently on land in India. They have formed alliances with other national and international terrorist groups with the intent of getting their cause well known and have been responsible for several international acts of terrorism. Although their group was diminished when the Indian forces captured many of their leaders, international Sikh supported organizations have been formed in their place to continue their cause. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Postcolonialism In Korea, China And Japan

    A 14 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of colonialism and postcolonialism. The essay goes on to discuss Korea when annexed by Japan and the years following their liberation; the partial colonization of China by Japan and some of the major events following liberation. The essay also discusses Japan, which was never colonized but that experienced events that changed the country. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Asian Immigrants to the U.S. After World War II

    This 4 page paper discusses the influx of Asian immigrants to the United States after World War II and how it was common for Americans to lump them all together instead of identifying the many different nationalities that actually comprised this influx. Furthermore, this paper delves into the reasons for this misunderstanding of the diversity of Asian immigrants. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Professional Development and Understanding South Korea

    This 3 page paper emphasizes that instructors who have firsthand experience in South Korea can impart a greater understanding in their professional development classes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ahn Junghyo's White Badge: A Novel Of Korea

    A 5 page paper discussing 4 separate excerpts from the book 'White Badge: A Novel of Korea' by Ahn Junghyo. Each section details the realities involved in issues concerning war from the perspective of the men who fight and must somehow endure the hardships. From each segment the reader can easily see the truths of war and it matters not that the soldiers may be Korean, American, or Vietnamese, for they are portrayed as nothing more than human beings. No additional sources cited.


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