Research Papers on All Communications, Media & Theory

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  • Compliment Responses of Native Turkish ELT Students and Non-Native Turkish ELT Students: A Research Proposal

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal regarding the use of compliment responses by ELT students. This paper also incorporates a view of pragmatic transfer. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sociolinguistic Transfer: A PowerPoint Presentation

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a powerpoint presentation and the actual powerpoint slides for a project on sociolinguistic transfer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pragmatics Case Study Analysis

    This 7 page paper makes use of a hypothetical case study. In this case, the office staff of a floral shop is having a difficult time communicating. Grice's theories are used to resolve the situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Linguistic Analysis of Thomas Hardy's Poem 'Darkling Thrush'

    A 10 page linguistically oriented analysis of Thomas Hardy's poem "The Darkling Thrush." The writer offers an examination of this poem that explores syntax, phonology, morphology, and lexicon/cohesion. Analysis addresses the poem line-by-line, sometimes word-by-word. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Linguistic Analysis of Thomas Hardy's Poem 'Darkling Thrush'

    A 10 page linguistically oriented analysis of Thomas Hardy's poem "The Darkling Thrush." The writer offers an examination of this poem that explores syntax, phonology, morphology, and lexicon/cohesion. Analysis addresses the poem line-by-line, sometimes word-by-word. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History and Linguistics of the Jamaican Creole Language

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the Jamaican Creole language. The Jamaican Creole language, also known as Western Caribbean English, has been a unique language since the beginning of the 19th century although is it still only officially linguistically classified along with Creole and Pidgin languages as “language isolate, unclassified” with the International Linguistics Center in Dallas, Texas. Because of its unique elements which differentiate it from Standard English in the areas of linguistic phonology, morphology, semantics and pragmatics, linguists believe that it should not be considered a “dialect” but should be reclassified as a “nation-language”. Not only spoken in Jamaica, Jamaican Creole is also spoken in Columbia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. Jamaican is also influencing cultures and societies around the globe as large communities of West Indians who reside in countries such as Canada and the United States not only bring their language to the culture but also elements of their music, mannerism and lifestyle which are being adopted by neighboring communities. The Jamaican language is considered an excellent example of the many languages which are participating in the “Latinization” of the English language and are important in the linguistic study of the evolution of language. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History or Etymology of Words Plus an Annotated Bibliography

    A 4 page paper which presents an annotated bibliography of 10 articles that deal with the etymological history of words. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A History of the Dictionary

    An 8 page research paper that offers a brief history of the dictionary. While the writer mentions early dictionary, the research concentrates on the compilation of the first English dictionaries, focusing specifically on the dictionaries written by Samuel Johnson and Noah Webster, which culminated in that magnificent Victorian project, the Oxford English Dictionary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Historical Development of the Irish Language

    This 11-page paper details the Irish language, focusing on its history and development from the Celt tongue. Also discussed in this paper are the use of Irish language as it pertains to education, poltics, religious teachings and so on. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature Review on Nonverbal Communication

    A 5 page discussion of non-verbal communication and its various forms. Notes the importance of non-verbal forms of communication ranging from clothing to artifactual, emphasizing the importance of facial communication. Written to assist the student in the research techniques which can be used to narrow down such a broad field for the purposes of completing a detailed yet concise overview of the subject. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Literature Review on Paralinguistic Features of English Language Skills

    This 4 page paper relates the fact that a number of different theories reflect upon the nature of paralinguistic features in the development of English language skills for foreign learners. Adams, Orton, Gassin and Pillar all consider the factors that influence assessments of English language development in foreign learners related to efforts at teaching second language speaking skills in the classroom setting.

  • Literature Review on Stuttering

    This 10 page paper provides a literature review on the topic of stuttering broken down into three sections regarding phonation, respiration and articulation. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Literature Review on Effective Presentation and Public Speaking

    This 3-page paper provides a literature/Web site review about public speaking and effective presentation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Compliment Responses of Native Turkish ELT Students and Non-Native Turkish ELT Students: A Review of Literature

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a review of liteature that includes information on compliment responses, sociolinguistics and pragmatic transfer. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Speech and Language: Working with At-Risk Patients

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the application of some aspects of social psychology regarding the specifics of speech and language development. Bibiography lists 5 sources.

  • Soap Operas And Language

    10 pages in length. Most people watch a television program without any knowledge of how their visual/auditory senses are being manipulated by myriad signs and symbols; in other words, viewers are led down a pathway that instructs how, when and to what extent they will react depending upon the stimulus. Soap operas present some of the most appropriate examples of this type of communicative process whereby language blends with other visual and auditory cues to create an interactive premise that establishes the extent of viewers' role and involvement. This inherent connection between semiotic language and social psychology in relation to media study helps to facilitate an understanding of corresponding developments that have come about over the past several decades in response to soap opera connotation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Language Acquisition and Children

    This is a 7 page paper discussing language acquisition in children. Research in developmental psychology and linguistics has shown that children, regardless of culture, acquire language in certain stages. The initial stage of babbling in the first year shows the infant physically testing his own speech sounds and shows early interaction with the world around him. Before the child reaches one year old and for about the next year, he begins to utter single words strings which describe aspects of his daily life. At eighteen months, children begin to form two word strings and accelerate their rate of language acquisition at an alarming rate. By the time the child reaches the age of 2 ½ to 3 years of age, the structure of his language has expanded to not only include 3 word strings but from 3 to 4 years old also includes complex and embedded strings. Interaction is a key element for the acquisition of language in children and adults are encouraged to interact with their children from the onset. Many adults use “motherese” when speaking with children and speak in a slower more precise manner in order to help the child learn. One of the most important learning processes for children is one-to-one reading with an adult preferably a parent or guardian. Children’s language acquisition increases dramatically when one-to-one interactive reading is a daily routine in normal children and those with language learning difficulties. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Evolution of Language

    This 7 page report discusses human biology and human language and the ways in which language has evolved in human beings and the biological foundations of such evolution. The argument being presented is that human language is unique in virtually all characteristics and must be seen as part of the advanced development of human cognition and the social nature of the species. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Theory of 'Indeterminancy of Translation' by Willard V. Quine

    This is a 15 page paper discussing Quine’s theory of indeterminacy of translation. Willard V. Quine was a mathematician and philosopher who lived from 1908-2000. During the last half of the 20th century, Quine developed several theories, one of which was the theory of indeterminacy of translation, which challenged some of the former assumptions used in the fields of psychology, linguists and anthropology. Quine asserted that accurate translations between languages could not be made for a number of reasons. Firstly, linguists could not get basic terms of references, or starting elements, because from a holistic perspective, sentences are the basic form of meaning and all sentences are semantically linked by the native speaker. Secondly, “meaning” could not be considered as an absolute element. In addition to some of these basic changes in the construct of translations, Quine also discussed the idea that not only were correct translations into English not possible but also two translation manuals given the same observational stimuli could also not be interchangeable because of the assumptions and the linguist’s imposition of his own beliefs and patterns onto the native language. Obviously, Quine’s theories were criticized as linguists made the case that several translations were considered successful because smooth negotiation and conversation could take place between native speakers and foreign speakers. However Quine’s dissection of the linguist’s process into one of a mathematical and scientific process is considered one of the most significant within the last fifty years in linguistic philosophy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Should Gays Be Allowed to Adopt?

    This 3 page paper explores both sides of the controversy surrounding gay adoption. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Learning A Second Language In Infancy And/Or Childhood: Benefits Or Costs For Language Development?

    5 pages in length. In today's globalized society, there is no social downside for children to acquire another language beyond their mother tongue; to have the ability to speak two languages in the world's multicultural environment serves as a solidifying component for raising a more worldly and accomplished child. From a linguistic standpoint, there are both strengths and weaknesses associated with young child simultaneously learning two languages which bring forth a collection of reasons why there are a combination of benefits as well as costs for the bilingual child; two of the greatest concerns of early bilingualism include code switching and how the process of language acquisition is challenged when more than one is learned at once. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Connectionism Versus Motor Theory: Language Processing

    10 pages in length. Virtually no element of understanding human function goes without challenge; language processing is no exception. Pitted against each other for the struggle to attain superiority, connectionism and motor theory have come to represent the two primary aspects associated with speech perception. Simply defined as learning by doing (connectivism) and learning by being (classical or motor theory), history is filled with intellectuals who eagerly posited the values of both sides, many who provided their own labels to the same concepts. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Bertrand Russell/On Denoting

    A 4 page research paper that discusses an aspect of Russell's career and philosophy. Between the publication of Principles of Mathematics in 1903 and his article "On Denoting" in 1905, the views of Bertrand Russell on the semantics of propositions in sentence that contain denoting phrases changed considerably. This examination of this factor in Russell's work looks at the impetus behind change and how the change expressed Russell's views on the relationship between the grammatical form of a denoting phrase and the logical form of the proposition that it expresses. In so doing, Russell logically connects the realms of logic in the study of mathematics and semantics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Interpersonal Communication/Listening Skills

    A 4 page research paper on listening skills. The writer focuses on listening styles, barriers to listening and strategies to make listening more efficient. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Three Perspectives on Problems with Teaching English

    A 9 page research paper that is made up of three short essays. The topic covered are a proposed workshop to deal with prejudice of teachers against students who speak a dialect of English rather than standard English; a discussion of how learning to speak relates to learning to read and write and how the native language knowledge that a child has can be utilized in learning English; and a discussion of animals learning sign language and its implications. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Persuasion: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    A 3 page paper which examines hos Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. employed methods of persuasion in his work. The work examined is “Letter From Birmingham Jail” and “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” No additional sources cited.

  • On Speaking Well by Peggy Noonan

    This 5 page report discusses Wall Street Journal columnist and one of Ronald Reagan’s speechwriter’s book about presenting a speech well and conquering the fear of public speaking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Communication and Body Language

    This 3-page paper discusses the use of body language when it comes to communication. Use of eyes, hands and the body itself are discussed in this paper.

  • Bilingualism Linguistics Project

    5 pages. In this sample linguistic project the focus is on bi-lingualism. Those individuals who speak two languages and comfortably use both languages intermittently sometimes find themselves switching from one language to another so quickly that it is almost as though a third language has been created. This project describes the means of data collection, the analysis of that data and the interpretation of the results. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • ASL and Deafness

    An 8 page paper which examines ASL and various aspects of Deafness. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Speech by Chavez

    A 4 page paper which examines and analyzes a speech from Cesar Chavez titled “The Mexican-American and the Church.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr.

    A 7 page paper which analyzes the types of arguments used by Martin Luther King Jr. in his Letter from Birmingham Jail. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Language Acquisition, Early Childhood & SLI

    An 8 page research paper that discusses language acquisition and specific language impairment, focusing specifically on children having difficulty with “wh-questions,” that is, using and understanding “what, when, where, why,” etc. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • American Slang, Changes in Language and Changes in Attitudes

    This 3 page paper explores the way language evolves and changes in the U.S. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sweeeeet! How Language and Culture Intermix

    This 3 page paper discusses the inseparability of language and culture, concentrating on American slang. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Language that is Gender Biased

    6 pages in length. This paper reviews three articles on the title subject and analyzes each article. There are people who use language that would be considered biased in use. The question that is raised is this: Is the language a cause of the bias or is the bias a cause of the language used? Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Language Barriers to Students from Indonesia, Japan, China, Croatia and Turkey Entering the United States

    5 pages in length. International students entering the USA from Turkey, Croatia, China, Japan and Indonesia are bound to encounter communication errors and barriers that address the significant cultural differences these students may face when relocating to an entirely different country. With English being one of the most difficult languages to learn because of its syntax, phonology and morphology, it is easy to see why students from these countries might have a troublesome time integrating both culturally and linguistically. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Specific Language Impairment Article Review

    This 6 page paper considers and responds to a research article by Benasich and Tallal (2002) examining the link between specific language impairment in infants and later language development problems. The contents of the article are discussed, including its strengths and weaknesses. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Review of "African American Mothers' Views of Their Infants' Language Development and Language-Learning Environment"

    A 3 page review of a study of mother-child interactions among African American families in a large Southern city. There are several critical differences in the ways that mothers of varied cultures interact with their children. The study was small and cannot be generalized to a larger population, but it appears to be quite valid for Southern urban settings. The study probably is not a statistically valid one, but the authors approached data collection in a thoughtful and reasonable manner to identify the three broad themes they found. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Language History Study

    A 4 page paper contemplating two questions: (1) the limited value of studying written evidence for language change and (2) the concept of language family and the methods of establishing language ancestry. The paper uses Aitchison’s “Language Change : Progress or Decay?” and McWhorter’s “The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language” as its base. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Contemporary Variations in the English Language

    A 6 page paper examining definitions of standard and non-standard English. Ebonics is discussed. Personal examples and opinions of the author are used. References lists 3 sources.

  • Matrix Language Frame and Code Switching

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of the use of code-switching data, and determines the extent that grammatical constraints proposed by Poplack and others work. This paper considers whether it is possible to identify trigger words and how code-switching fits into Carol Myers-Scotton's Matrix Language Frame (MLF) model. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Application of 'AutoSlog' Natural Language Processing

    A 10 page research paper that discusses in detail a natural language processing application, a program called "AutoSlog," which automatically creates dictionaries once constructed manually, with a high degree of accuracy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Phonological Awareness and Reading: The Process of Language Acquisition

    This 8 page research study relates the findings of a number of studies regarding the use and utility of phonological awareness and correlated phonemic awareness as they can be related to both language acquisition and reading processes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Politeness Theory and Pragmatics

    This 14 page paper discusses what is meant by pragmatics ad how it can be used in the study of language. The paper then loos at one aspect of pragmatics; Politeness Theory, also referred to as the politeness principle, and considers how this has helped our understanding of how it is we can be confident our meaning is interpreted as intended and that we are understanding others as intended. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Fourth Grade Students' Reading Comprehension Skills Improvement

    A 15 page research study paper that provides an overview of the current literature regarding reading comprehension, teaching techniques and outcomes, and proposes a study of 4th grade students to support the findings. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Learning and Utilizing Language

    A 3 page reaction paper to “Language and Education,” which appears in Life-Span, Human Development by Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider. This is a fascinating chapter in that it addresses the development of what is arguably the defining characteristic of what it means to be “human,” which is the ability to use language. This point is illustrated through the authors’ opening paragraph, which refers to Helen Keller, who was both deaf and blind from infancy, and how the ability to communicate through sign language connected her connected her to her family and society. The chapter then describes in detail how young children acquire language. No additional sources cited and the bibliography is incomplete.

  • The Significance of Early Language Development

    This 16 page paper provides an overview of the process of language development in children. This paper applies existing cognitive theories to the process of language development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Memory Retention Testing For Second Language Classes

    15 pages. Testing techniques in a second language course are numerous and there are mixed results depending upon the type of testing that is done. One test is called the cloze test, which is discussed in this paper. There are ways that linguistic instructors can adapt this particular test so that it can be more easily understood and modified to meet the needs of particular students. Also discussed are some of the difficulties encountered in language testing and requirements and how measurements can be determined to be accurate. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Code-Switching (Comparison of Two Articles)

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts two articles on code-switching. The articles are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Reading and Writing Fundamentals and the 'Hooked on Phonics' Program

    This 14 page report discusses the reading program “Hooked on Phonics” that is used to help children in learning to read and write. Proponents of the program believe that it is vitally important to understand that a great number of the children who appear to be unable to understand a concept or a set of directions are actually having problems recognizing actual words. As a result of having to direct their focus so carefully and devote so much attention to slowly and carefully figuring out the words, they focus less attention on what the text means. Children who recognize words more readily can focus more attention on meaning. That recognition can be enhanced through understanding the relationship that exists between sounds and letters in an alphabetic code. Phonics then establishes the basis for that process of decoding words. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Language and Understanding the World

    This 5 page paper considerers the development of language in the forms known today and if they have been advantageous in furthering the understanding of the world. This is considered by looking back to the development of language and the way it correlates with an increased understanding of the world to assess the link between language and world understanding. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Perception and Communication

    A 9 page contention that our perception can have a tremendous influence on our ability to communicate with others. This paper points out that our perception is important not just in verbal communication but also nonverbal communication. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Philip Lieberman's Uniquely Human

    A 7 page book analysis of Philip Lieberman's "Uniquely Human" and a discussion of its literary reception. The text asserts among other things that human language evolved relatively recently, approximately within the last 100,000 years, and that in doing so it added speech and syntax to older communication systems. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Gender and Variations of Language

    5 pages in length. Among the myriad differences between men and women is the manner in which they speak. The variations that exist within gender language are sometimes quite conspicuous, while at other times remain quite subtle; however, one thing is certain: the formation of these variations originates early in childhood, with parents the primary factor behind these learned contrarieties. Indeed, to listen to a group of women talk when compared to that of a group of men, there are obvious differences in the choice of words, the inflection and often the meaning. The writer discusses the variations of language in relation to gender. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Neil Postman's The Judgment of Thamus

    This is a 5 page paper that reviews the essay "Judgement of Thamus" by Neil Postman in terms of Postman's presentation on the concept of the role of technology in education and information dispersal. No additional sources cited.

  • Auditory and Visual Intelligence Development Evolution

    A 15 page research paper on language development in humans, auditory speech integration, visual audition, etc; A number of research studies and pertinent issues are analyzed in great detail. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.

  • A of Whole Language Curriculum Assessment

    A 5 page review of a 1996 study published in the Journal of Educational Research assessing the successes and failures of whole language programs in several targeted school districts. A critique of the study and its conclusion is provided. The published study is attached to the critique. No other sources are cited.

  • Effective Public Speaking Traits

    A 10 page research paper that gives an overview of what constitutes good public speaking. The writer covers such areas as content, delivery, enthusiasm, and also how the management of eye contact with the audience can subliminally convey impressions about the speaker according to communication theory. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of Semantic Networks

    This 12 page paper presents a detailed explanation of semantic networks; history, examples and uses are also included. Semantic networks are "brain- like." They allow new knowledge to be deduced. Their operative vocabulary includes the phrase node which equals the idea or concept being examined, and link which will be indicating the relationship of the concepts to each other. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • English Language Only and American Society?

    3 pages in length. The writer discusses why America should incorporate a better bilingual system into society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Public Speaking's 4 Principles

    A 10-page paper that examines the four simple and basic principles that form the framework of popular and effective public speech. Defined and discussed are audience analysis, preparation & organization, articulation, projection & animation, and evident experience presentation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Fundamental Grammar and Language Building Blocks Overview

    A 5 page paper that examines the primary function and usage of the fundamentals of basic grammar. Discussed are parts of speech, syntax, and phrases and clauses along with their basic function and structure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Speech Making Advice

    This 4 page paper gives advice for speech makers and analyzes the problem of speech anxiety. The subject of shyness versus normal jitters is addressed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


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