Research Papers on French Literature

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  • Concepts in Short Stories

    This 3 page paper discusses Kafka's short story "In a Penal Colony" and whether or not it represents procedural justice and argues that it does not. Then it discusses Willa Cather's work "Paul's Case," "The Country Doctor" by Balzac and "The Swimmer" by Cheever, and argues that only Neddy in the swimmer would be considered to have a life that Sisyphus would applaud. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • European Difficulties to Transform from Pagan to Christian in the Poems "Song of Roland" and "Beowulf"

    In four pages this paper examines these anonymously written German and French poems to analyze the struggles Europe underwent to transform itself from a pagan to a Christian culture during the Middle Ages. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke

    (5 pp) Author Rainer Maria Rile claims that the "degeneration of things leads to the martyrdom of the individual." This statement will be examined, in the context of his prose worth The Notebooks of Malte Laaruids Brigge (1910), and the poem Grodek by Georg Trakl.

  • The Lais by Marie de France

    An 8 page research paper that examines the work of Marie de France (circa 1155-1170), a French poet, whose work offers a fascinating view into what life was like for the medieval French noblewoman. Her surviving works are a collection of 'Lais,' which are short stories in verse form that usually dealt with romantic themes. The writer relates the literary elements of her poetry and its significance to what the poems tell the modern reader about medieval life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Flaubert/Emma Bovary

    A 4 page essay that discusses the causes for Emma Bovary’s unhappy life and eventually suicide. These causes include Emma’s convent education and her passion for Romance novels, which is a habit she continued into adulthood. Also in childhood, the death of her mother and the occupation of her father influenced her environment, as did the double standards of the nineteenth century in regards to the social opportunities and expectations of women and men. No additional sources cited.

  • National Geography Standards and Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days

    This is an 11 page paper discussing “Around the World in Eighty Days” in regards to the National Geography Standards. When Jules Verne wrote “Around the World in Eighty Days” (1873), the world seemed a much larger place and was just beginning to become more easily circumnavigated in a relatively short time because of the technological advances. Using the National Geography Standards comprised of six essential elements which make up the eighteen standards, it is useful to note that the elements can be identified within Verne’s work. Verne wrote an adventure fantasy story well over a century ago but was able to convey many of the essential elements used in the geographical standards and descriptions still used today. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Moral Attributes and History of Balzac's Colonel Chabert

    This 3-page paper discusses Balzac's Colonel Chabert, notes the story based on its times (post-Napoleonic France) and discusses whether virtue or evil survived the day. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • French Literature and Nationalism

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts two works in respect to its embrace of nationalism. Nationalism is defined. The thesis of this paper, provided by a student, is that nationalism is overtly expressed throughout both Baron de Marbot and The Storm of Steel through graphic bloody warfare and deep emotional despair. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • French Romantic Literary Works and Their Similarities

    A 5 page paper which discusses the similarities in the novels “Madame Bovary,” “Pere Goriot,” and “Cheri” as the literature of the French Romanticism period. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.

  • Self Discovery and French Literature's Evolution

    This 7 page paper discusses the common theme of the search for self in throughout the history of French Literature. Examples given. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • French Literary Relationships Between Males and Females

    This 7 page paper looks at the novel The Invisible Man at the Window, and other French literature to see how men and women are portrayed. Gender issues are discussed in addition to the love relationships that exist between them. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Themes in French Literary Classics

    A 10 page paper which examines themes within French literature. The works discussed are Balzac's “Le Pere Goriot,” Flaubert's “Madame Bovary,” Proust's “Du Cote de Chez Swann,” Gide's “L'Immoralist,” and Camus’ “L'Etranger.” No additional sources cited.

  • Voltaire's Candide and Literature of the Enlightenment

    A 4 page essay that discusses how Voltaire's Candide exemplifies the Enlightenment. Burns (1969) asserts that Voltaire "epitomized the eighteenth century period known as the Enlightenment in a manner similar to the way that "Luther epitomized the Reformation or Leonardo da Vinci did the Italian Renaissance" (Burns, 1969, p. 571). It was Voltaire who popularized the scientific and political theories of John Locke and Isaac Newton, as he promoted the Enlightenment perspective that the natural world can be understood via the use of reason. Voltaire's Candide (1759) is representative of his Enlightenment philosophy and shows the extent to which this philosophy differed radically from what came before it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Red and the Black by Stendhal and the Characters Mathilde and Julien

    A five page paper which looks at the relationship between Julien and Mathilde in Stendhal's novel, particularly with regard to the concepts of honesty and hypocrisy as evinced by both their association and the author's portrayal of French society as a whole. Bibliography lists 1 source

  • Literature Sampler

    This 10 page paper discusses four different fictional works, including two plays, Macbeth and The Hairy Ape, and two short stories, The Necklace and The Cabuliwallah. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • American Contributions of Edgar Allan Poe

    Edgar Allen Poe made contributions to America that went far beyond the contribution of his literature contributions. He supported both literature and art, and educating American minds. In doing so, he helped establish a number of magazines and newspapers as well as the American literary and art scene. These contributions greatly assisted the American public and establish American art and literature, as well as assisting Poe hone his own art. 5 works cited. jvPoepro.rtf

  • The Gods Will Have Blood by Anatole France

    5 pages in length. Evariste Gamelin, Parisian painter and student of Jacques Louis David, leads readers on a climb up the social ladder that begins with good intentions yet ends with overwhelming oppression and death. Gamelin's myopic idealism serves to crush the very purpose for which he lived his life prior to the Revolution; as soon as he realized the imminence of war, he was first to display his loyalty to the cause – no matter if that cause would ultimately cost thousands of innocent lives. Before becoming the monstrous magistrate of the Revolutionary Tribunal, Gamelin sports a decidedly more humane and compassionate persona, even to such an extent of providing a hungry mother and child with a pittance of bread. Once swept up on the frenzy of battle, however, he completely loses touch with his previous self and metamorphoses into an outright killer who has no regard for human life. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Sexuality and Language in Candide by Voltaire

    This 5 page essay report discusses the relationship between language and sexuality in Candide, as well as pointing out how those elements led to the comic aspects of Voltaire’s story. The connection between language and sexuality in Candide is similar to that of the relationship between Candide and the many characters he encounters throughout his adventures. His gentle and “candid” spirit regularly is brought up short in comparison to the far more worldly people he meets. No bibliography.

  • Alfred de Musset's Confession d'Enfant du Siecle and A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

    An 11 page paper which compares the autobiographical elements of these novels represented by the protagonists and considers how society’s ills contributed to a youthful loss of innocence in nineteenth-century French and Russian societies. No additional sources are used.

  • Sexuality and Language in Candide by Voltaire

    This 5 page essay report discusses the relationship between language and sexuality in Candide, as well as pointing out how those elements led to the comic aspects of Voltaire’s story. The connection between language and sexuality in Candide is similar to that of the relationship between Candide and the many characters he encounters throughout his adventures. His gentle and “candid” spirit regularly is brought up short in comparison to the far more worldly people he meets. No bibliography.

  • Anatole France: “The Gods Will Have Blood”

    This 3 page paper discusses the novel “The Gods Will Have Blood” by Anatole France and argues that while France found the Revolution to be necessary, its corrupting influence on those who participated in it is evil. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Literary Comparison of Wallace McRae's 'Reincarnation,' Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, and Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

    A 5 page paper which analyzes how point-of-view shapes the exposition, prose, style, tone, plot, theme, and character of these works. No additional sources are used.

  • The Guest 3 by Albert Camus

    A 6 page paper on the short story by Albert Camus. The paper examines the story's plot, point of view, theme, protagonist, irony, and major symbols, as well as the influence of existentialism in this work. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Existentialism and 'The Stranger' by Albert Camus

    An 8 page research paper on Albert Camus's novel The Stranger. The writer details the existential themes of the novel, and relates them to the story and the text. The primary source is cited.

  • Knowing in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

    A 2 page essay of the classic short story, The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant on how Loisel comes to know many things in the process of losing a friend's necklace and paying for it. No additional sources cited.

  • Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

    A 9 page paper on Tocqueville's conclusions as written in Democracy in America. The writer examines Tocqueville's views and analyzes the relevance of his observations in modern America. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Empirical and Rational Philosophies in Candide by Voltaire

    This 7 page research paper explores the representation of rationalist and empirical philosophy in Voltaire's 1759 novel, Candide. Specifically, these philosophical theories are examined as depicted in the text and in the protagonists Dr. Pangloss and Martin, as well as evidence of Voltaire's personal preference. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Evil in Candide by Voltaire

    This 5 page paper examines the struggles of Candide, which cause him to change from good to evil. Specifically discussed is how the violence which surrounds Candide impacts his behavior, and how rationalizes his actions in the name of survival. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Lautreamont, Apollinaire and Black Humor

    A 18 page paper discussing these two pre-Surrealist writers' use of black humor as an anti-war technique. The paper focuses on two of their works, Apollinaire's Le Poete Assassine and Lautreamont's Les Chants de Maldoror. It also features an extended analysis on the changing conception of the function and techniques of comedy through the ages. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Utopia and Hell Visions in the Works of More, Voltaire, and Sartre

    A 5 page paper discussing whether the three condemned characters of Sartre's play would have had a more productive life in More's 'Utopia' or Voltaire's 'Eldorado' (from 'Candide'). The paper concludes that despite the fact that the most famous line from 'No Exit' is Garcin's exclamation that 'Hell is other people,' Hell is really in yourself, and no physical Utopian surroundings can transform it into heaven. No additional sources listed.

  • Reaction to Germinal by Emile Zola

    A 3 page essay on the Emile Zola novel 'Germinal.' The writer details the main characters and the ideologies they represent, as well as some of the key incidents in the book. No bibliography.

  • Mining Women of 19th Century France and Germinal by Emile Zola

    A 6 page paper looking at some of the underlying social causes for the miners' strike described in Emile Zola's book. The paper, which takes the form of the report of a contemporary observer, concludes that change will have to be imposed on the system from without, as it is unlikely to come from within. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Pessimism and Optimism in Candide by Voltaire

    5 pages in length. Voltaire's 'Candide' helps one to make a solid distinction between the concepts of rosy optimism and gloomy pessimism. By doing so, this particular literary masterpiece provides insight as to what constitute the notion of happiness and the existence of despair. The writer discusses how Voltaire effectively demonstrates these points by way of Pangloss and Martin, each of whom represent the opposite ends of the spectrum. No additional sources cited.

  • Night Flight by Antoine de Saint Exupery and Leadership

    A 5 page analysis of the theme of leadership in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's novel 'Night Flight.' The writer argues that the two protagonists represent the way that brave individuals have always challenged the unknown, and, in so doing, have advanced the race as a whole. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


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