Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Medieval Law and Literature in ‘Beowulf’
In ten pages this paper examines how Medieval law manifests itself in the anonymously written epic ‘Beowulf’ with the focuses being the patriarchy, legal and moral duty established through patrilineal custom, the complex matter of inheritance, and the transition from Germanic customs and community obligation to Anglo law and order. One source is cited in the bibliography.
2 Poems By Emily Dickinson
A 5 page essay that analyzes two poems by Emily Dickinson -- "I felt a Funeral in my Brain" and "Because I could not stop for Death," which the writer argues are exemplary of this category of Dickinson's poetry. These are not uplifting poems that offer a reassurance of life after death. Rather Dickinson presents disturbing images of being aware, conscious, but nevertheless in the grave. However, from her poetry, one gains new insight into the processes of death, and the customs that surround it. No additional sources cited.
Female Sexuality in House of Bernarda Alba
A 3 page essay on Federico Garcia Lorca’s play “The House of Bernarda Alba,” which is part of a trilogy in which each play expresses the way that women were “crushed by Spanish customs and social life” during the early twentieth century (Jones and Jones 13). In Bernarda Alba, the cast is virtually all women, as there is only one brief appearance by a male. In this play, Garcia Lorca uses the theme of suppressed sexuality to underscore the corrosive nature of Spanish cultural expectations towards women. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Black American Perspectives on Death and Dying from a Religious View
This 10 page paper discusses religious beliefs and cultural customs regarding death and dying among the African American population. First, it would be wrong to lump all African Americans together and assume they all share the same religious and cultural beliefs and use the same procedures when it comes to death and dying. That would be a gross stereotypical conclusion. There are a multitude of variables that influence any family's beliefs and customs. This essay reports the comments and discussions of a number of persons who belong to this racial community and/or who have studied the topics. There are some core beliefs that may be practiced by many of the black population, such as spirituality, the circle of life and the collective decision making process. These are explained and discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema by Horace Miner
3 pages in length. The beauty of individuality is the ability to choose -- the option to be different from the rest. Thus is the fascination held by anthropologists whose interests reside in the myriad customs that separate any given culture. Horace Miner's article entitled "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" speaks directly to the multitude of cultural customs practiced throughout the world, offering up a sense of understanding coupled with the obligatory curiosity that typically accompanies the unusual. What do these customs mean to the Nacirema -- and to the rest of the world, in fact? Indeed, The writer discusses Miner's article as it relates to the Nacirema cultural behavior. No additional sources cited.
Importance of the Windows Registry
5 pages in length. For the most part, the general public is familiar with the manner in which to operate a computer; however, when it comes to understanding the inner workings of the system, a large percentage have absolutely no idea what takes place behind the panel. Such is the case with the Windows registry, an integral component of the Windows application in that it stores virtually all of the system's custom data. The writer discusses the importance of the Windows Registry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
America and Spanish Immigrants
8 pages in length. The writer discusses several pertinent points in relation to Spanish immigration to American: point of origin, immigration, present population concentration, physical characteristics, psychological characteristics, natural skills and abilities, subsequent job recruitment, role and status definition in the family, socialization of young, how original language relates to present speech patterns, aesthetics, religion, traditions and customs, economics, political participation, nativism, level of assimilation and current trend of prejudice/discrimination. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of Portuguese Americans
5 pages in length. The writer discusses history, customs, beliefs and cultural assimilation as they relate to Portuguese-Americans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Minnesota/Immigrant Cuisine & Customs
A 10 page research paper that examine the ethnic heritage afforded by Minnesota by its various waves of immigrants. The writer looks specifically at Germans, Norwegians, and Swedes, discussing their holidays and customs and focusing on their individual cuisine. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Terrorism and the Laundering of Money
A 6 page paper critically assessing the statement, "Lack of controls on money laundering is one of the most important contributory factors behind the growth of 21st century terrorism." After reviewing the needs of business; increase in international capital movement over the past decade; and the example of Paraguay's customs function, the paper concludes that there is no conclusion possible but to agree with the original statement under consideration. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Trinidad and Tobago and Chutney Music
This 5 page paper examines the Chutney music that is popular in Trinidad and Tobago. Local customs in respect to this music are noted. The popularity of the genre is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Learning Theory Applied to a Government Department
This 11 page paper considers the concept of organizational learning and applies it to the UK's Inland Revenue service, now part of HM Revenue and Customs department. The paper started introduction, undertakes a literature review looking at the concept of organizational learning and then applies these ideas to the strategy undertaken by the Inland Revenue. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Ambiguity And Humor
5 pages in length. Humor is as much an interpretive device as cultural customs or personal experiences. To bypass the ambiguity inherently associated with humor is to realize the vast implications of syntax, language barriers and cultural "insider" aspects of content. The extent to which ambiguity simultaneously adds to and confounds the presence of humor is both grand and far-reaching; that this multiple meaning sometimes leads to confusion, misinterpretation or even misplaced irritation speaks to the fundamental relationship between humor and ambiguity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 7 page paper look at injection technique from an evidence based medicine perspective. The prevalence of custom and practice and lack of research is discussed, potential issues associated with injections and poor technique are assessed barrier to good technique are discussed. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
American Perspectives on Christmas
This 7 page paper discusses Christmas and its uniquely American customs, traditions, and trivia. This paper reveals that many of the things associated with Christmas have American origins. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Mr. Strehlow's Films' Analyzed
A 5 page paper which examines the series of documentary films that captured the life, customs and rituals of the Australian aborigines. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Cuba
10 pages. This paper introduces Cuba from the eyes of someone who has traveled there for the first time. Some of the Cuban customs, the food, geography, houses and economics are the interesting things a first time traveler to the country would pick up on. Explains what a special place Cuba actually is and how it would make a good travel destination. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Overview of Egypt
This 5 page paper gives a detailed overview of Egypt in regard to its culture, geography, social environment, daily customs, economic and political envioronment, and import/export. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Overview of Portuguese Americans
5 pages in length. The writer discusses history, customs, beliefs and cultural assimilation as they relate to Portuguese-Americans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Yousry Nasrallah's Film On Boys, Girls and the Veil
A 6 page film review that explores the topics covered in the film from an anthropological viewpoint. Egyptian director Yousry Nasrallah's 1995 documentary On Boys, Girls and the Veil is a fascinating and intriguing film that will challenge Western viewers preconceptions of Islamic custom, particularly in regards to that most controversial of subjects--the veil. This examination of the film examines how the veil is portrayed in this documentary, relating this to other anthropological investigations of how the veil works in Middle Eastern gender relations and in the lives of Middle Eastern women. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Computer System and Development Government Agency Fiasco
This 3-page paper describes a case study involving a government agency that spent $1 million on a systems development project that never ended up being used. The paper discusses how the agency and contractor could have handled things differently, and whether, based on the case, government agencies shouldn't have custom software written for them. Bibliography list 1 source.
Review of Homer's 'The Iliad'
A 6 page book review that summarizes and analyzes aspects of this classic epic poem. The Iliad, by the ancient Greek poet Homer, is one of the greatest poetic epics in history. This poem has held readers in thrall for millennia as there is it is a grand tale of heroic adventure. As time has past, its allure has increased due to the fact that Homer's storytelling prowess opens a window for the modern reader that reveals another time, an ancient era, with its mores, customs, traditions, beliefs and lifestyle illustrated in the lives of the Greek and Trojan heroes. In accomplishing this, the Iliad reveals a pagan world whose orientation is quite different from the Western world known to the reader. Thematic content is also discussed. No additional sources cited.
U.S. Muslim Families
4 pages in length. Muslim families began arriving in earnest in the mid 1960s with the intent to seek refuge from such atrocities as ethnic and religious persecution, Islamism, Anti-Islamism, civil and international wars and lack of education. Men and women alike hold jobs as doctors, lawyers and bankers, as well as local grocery store clerks and librarians. Indeed, the vast array of employment opportunities has not escaped Muslims in America. Attire of Muslim women is one of the most prominent of all customs, inasmuch as one is easily identified by the headscarf and fully covered body in flowing fabrics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Social History and Sexuality
A 6 page paper discussing the use of the study of sex and scandal in defining a society or culture of the past. The study of attitudes toward sex and scandal in any society can help inform social definition, but it also needs to be undertaken with some caveats. Using the study of sex and scandal to help further define any society of the past is a valid pursuit. However, those choosing that route must make allowances for the social and linguistic customs and patterns in which events not only occurred, but also in which they were recorded. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Michael K. Honey's Southern Labor and Black Civil Rights Organizing Memphis Workers
A 6 page review of the book by Author Michael K. Honey. Honey outlines the societal conditions which were at play in 1930s Memphis Tennessee in comparison to the various laws which were on the books to protect black rights. The contention is made that custom can, and does, sometimes outweigh law. This was the case in Memphis but the arrival of the Civil Rights movement and such efforts as the labor movement was soon to turn the tides more in favor of the severely disadvantaged classes in this southern community. The societal move towards unionization of the workplace was particularly advantageous. No additional sources are listed.
American Colonies' Divergence from England
An 8 page research paper that examines the similarities and differences between England and her American colonies in 1750. The writer argues that by 1750, the English speaking colonies of North America, instigated and maintained under the auspices of the British crown, had diverged from many of the English norms of that era. Naturally, the numerous ties to England and English custom, such as the grounding of American jurisprudence in English Common Law, continued to exist and exists to this day. However, there were also distinct differences between the norms of the Old World and the New. Bibliography lists 11 sources (some citations are incomplete).
Social History and Sexuality
A 6 page paper discussing the use of the study of sex and scandal in defining a society or culture of the past. The study of attitudes toward sex and scandal in any society can help inform social definition, but it also needs to be undertaken with some caveats. Using the study of sex and scandal to help further define any society of the past is a valid pursuit. However, those choosing that route must make allowances for the social and linguistic customs and patterns in which events not only occurred, but also in which they were recorded. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Human Behavior Experimental Analysis and Applied Behavioral Analytical Techniques
5 pages in length. When the student examines whether or not techniques in applied behavior analysis should be influenced by findings of experimental analysis of human behavior, s/he will want to keep in mind the ever-changing scope of psychology and how its perpetual modification helps to employ better assessment and treatment practices. At first, it was not a popularly acceptable custom of infiltrating one approach with what appeared to be the quite divergent direction of another; however, ongoing psychological application has found that over time, some heretofore unrivaled methods have given way to the combination of two or more approaches as a means by which to gain a significantly better outcome to the situation at hand. One of the areas where techniques in applied behavior analysis should be influenced by finding of experimental analysis of human behavior is that of Attention Deficit Disorder and the aspect of academic tutorial assistance. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Wilkerson, Inc. Operations Management
A 15 page paper discussing production problems at Wilkerson, Inc., a small manufacturer of custom-sized, high-quality windows for sale to residential builders in the local (Tennessee) area. The sales department has been gaining increasing influence in manufacturing, to the point that production schedules are virtually meaningless as Sales continually brings “rush” orders to the production manager and is able to insist that the production department provide the product right away. Sales dictates all aspects of operation, including pricing that does not take into account all of the costs of production. The paper makes recommendations that can serve Wilkerson well, beginning with taking the sales force off the production floor. Includes 1 chart. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Notebooks of Melanin Sun
A 3 page essay that consists of 2 short essays on this novel. The first essay (roughly 1 page) discusses a scene from Jacqueline Woodson's novel Melanin Sun and its meaning in terms of the novel's themes. The second essay (2 pages) discusses the writer's reflections on the book and the writer's personal opinion on LGBTQ sexuality, which argues for tolerance for difference. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Crane/Maggie: A Girl of the Streets & Naturalism
An 11 page research paper/essay on Stephen Crane’s late nineteenth century novel Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. This paper consists of an 8 page essay, plus a 3 page annotated bibliography and 1 page proposal on the topic that the essay addresses. The writer argues that Crane is a naturalist writer and that Maggie is intentionally crafted to avoid the problems associated with realism and to express a naturalistic point of view. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Views on Abortion
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares 2 essays on abortion, Don Marquis's "Why Abortion Is Immoral" and Mary Anne Warren's "The Moral Significance of Birth." The writer outlines the parameters and main points of both essays and concludes that Warren offers the most realistic real-world view. No additional sources cited.
Images of Nursing
A 6 page paper that contains 2 essays on different images of nursing. The first essay concerns how a poem on nursing captures the essence of the contemporary art of nursing, while the second addresses what a picture ways about today's nursing profession. Each essay is 3 pages long. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Novel Essays by George Lukacs and Virginia Woolf
A 5 page essay that contrasts essays by Virginia Woolf ("Modern Fiction") and George Lukacs ("The Ideology of Modernism") and how these essays pertain to the statement that "works of literature are windows in the unconscious lives of authors and readers alike." The writer argues that this statement is particularly appropriate to the modern literature discussed by Woolf and Lukacs. No additional sources cited.
Reading as a Form of Resistance
A 5 page essay that references James Scott's essay "Behind the Official Story" and Azar Nafisi's "Selections from Reading Lolita in Tehran." The writer uses the Scott text to explain how Nafisi creates a hidden transcript for her students through literature, which helps keep her female students preserve their sense of self identity in the face of patriarchal religious oppression. No additional source cited. The bibliographical references for the two essays is incomplete.
2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 Exegesis
This 10 page essay presents an exegesis of 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2, otherwise known as Paul's Ministry of Reconciliation. The essay provides a brief background of the conditions that acted as a catalyst for Paul's letter. Throughout the essay is woven Paul's theology and the foundations for his theology as well as his major themes in all his writing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Systematic Learning And Development
A 14 page paper. This essay reports the amount spent on personnel development in the UK and U.S. in 2008. The essay discusses employee training and development programs in general and the concerns that are voiced about them. The essay then explains and discusses the systematic learning and development approach to training programs, including the steps involved in planning this kind of program. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Labor History and Its Problems
A 3 page essay that, first of all, summarizes an essay by labor historian Elizabeth Faue, which criticizes the orientation of traditional labor historians. Then, the writer summarizes two additional essays that support Faue's contentions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Crane/Maggie: A Girl of the Streets & Naturalism
An 11 page research paper/essay on Stephen Crane’s late nineteenth century novel Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. This paper consists of an 8 page essay, plus a 3 page annotated bibliography and 1 page proposal on the topic that the essay addresses. The writer argues that Crane is a naturalist writer and that Maggie is intentionally crafted to avoid the problems associated with realism and to express a naturalistic point of view. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Cheating Is No Way to Learn
This 4 page paper is a classification essay on the consequences of a college student cheating.
Admissions Essay for Chiropractic School
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an application essay to chiropractic school.
This 3-page paper is an essay discussing the importance of conservation and curtailing wasteful behaviors.
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Entrance Essays and Paragraphs
This 4 page paper is an entrance essay for clinical psychology.
Moving to Rhode Island
This 3 page paper is a narrative essay about moving to Rhode Island.
Entrance Essay
This 3 page paper is a candidacy essay for entrance into UCLA.
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Entrance Essays and Paragraphs
This 4 page paper is an entrance essay for clinical psychology.
Goldman Sachs and the SEC Violation
This 3 page student essay offers the opinion that Goldman Sachs acted irresponsibly, but not illegally.
Tutorial on Motivation, Marketing, Decision Making, and Accountancy
This 62 page paper incorporates 5 essays addressing different topics within the general headings in the title. Essay #1 begins with a scenario and then discusses quantitative methods for forecasting, specifically explaining the time-series decomposition model. The essay does not include actual calculations but describes this model. Essay #2 focuses on strategic marketing management and includes discussions of developing brand loyalty and brand equity and marketing and advertising to gain market share. This essay also includes a discussion of the importance of global branding. Essay #3 is about managing people and organizations and includes discussions and explanations of several theories of motivation, including a discussion of theories of motivation for today's knowledge workers. Essay #4 discusses accountancy for managers and includes explanations of the absorption costing approach, marginal costing and activity based costing. The last essay is about strategic decision making and competitor analysis. It discusses economies of scale, economies of scope, marginal costing, price elasticity of demand. This final section also includes a comprehensive discussion of Porter's structure -> conduct -> performance paradigm and resource-based approaches to strategy. Numerous examples are incorporated in each section. 4 Illustrations are included. Tutorial comments are incorporated throughout the text. Bibliography lists 44 sources.
The Mongols And Ming China : Customs And History by Henry Serruys
7 pages in length. Henry Serruys' account of the Hung-Wu period (1386-1398) in "The Mongols and Ming China : Customs and History" draws upon the author's literary talents, as well as the sordid historical events that revolve around China's Mongols during this period. This detailed analysis
provides the reader with a scope of knowledge both vast and explicit, with the book's aim being that of a comprehensive critical overview of how China's Mongols managed to rule for the better part of a century. Indeed, the sources upon which Serruys draw are instrumental in his ability to portray this era as one of China's most powerful. Clearly,
the method by which the author assembles the work, as well as his complementary writing style, brings forth the underlying reasons that such a forceful period existed in China's past and what its people have learned from such events, which represent the book's larger issues. No additional sources cited.
Jane Tompkins' Indians Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History
This essay by Jane Tompkins is analyzed for thesis and the arguements that she utilizes in proving her main theme. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Literature and Essay Writing
A 3 page paper which argues that writing an essay is not very similar to writing a piece of literature. Bibliography provides student’s sources.
Japanese Literature: "Essays in Idleness" and "An Account of My Hut"
This 8 page paper compares two Japanese works of Medieval literature, "Essays in Idleness" and "An Account of My Hut." Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Village/Directed by M. Night Shymalan
A 3 page essay that reviews and discusses this 2004 film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Venezuela's Social Aspects
This essay discusses the social aspect of Venezuela including the population, geography, topography, social structures and other aspects. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Essays and Poems on Barbie
A 4 page paper which examines 5 different essays/poems on Barbie and argues agreement with one. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Analysis of When Death Comes by Mary Oliver
A 4 pages analytical essay that explicates the poem "When Death Comes" by Mary Oliver. No additional sources are cited.
Travelled,gladly beyond by e.e. cummings
This 4 page paper explicates the poem somewhere I have travelled,gladly beyond and offers a short essay about it. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Shakespeare/My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
A 4 page essay that explicates this poem by discussing Shakespeare's satirical take on Petrarchan conventions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
2 Poems by Roman Poet Catullus
A 4 page essay that describes Catullus and 2 of his love poems. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold
A 3 page essay that explicates the poem "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Analysis of the Poem 'Old Photograph of the Future' by Robert Penn Warren
A 5 page essay that discusses Warren's poem, "Old Photograph of the future." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Hero and Leander/Marlowe
A 4 page essay that discusses the homoerotic passages in Christopher Marlowe's sixteenth century poem Hero and Leander. No additional sources are cited.
Psychology Professionals and Ecological Awareness
A 4 page essay/research paper that addresses questions that illustrate the usefulness of psychology as an environmental science. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
A Psychology Doctorate Degree Admission Essay
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an admission essay for a doctorate degree in psychology. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Nurse/Patient Ratios/Not One Size Fits All
A 4 page essay/research paper that argues against mandatory, legislated nurse/patient ratios. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 12-page paper provides an essay about the band Radiohead and how the Internet has changed the recording industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
An Admission Essay to Graduate School
This 5 page paper provides an overview of an admission essay to graduate school for psychology. No sources cited.
The Traits Necessary for a Career in Hotel Management
In this 1 page essay, the writer describes the job and traits of a successful hotel manager and then presents reasons why (s)he believes that they will excel in this profession.
Writing and Its Importance to Management
This 3-page paper is an argumentative essay dealing with why writing is so important in a managerial role. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Clinical Psychology Paragraphs and Ph.D. Entrance Essays
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an entrance essay for a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology, with the addition of three paragraphs for different types of programs.
Citizenship and Sports Participation
A 3 page essay that discusses the ways in which adolescents benefit from participation in sports. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Political Activism and Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the importance of political activism as facilitated by professional nursing organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Pet Peeve: Drivers on Cell Phones
A 4 page argumentative essay that indicates the dangers of driving while on a cell phone. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
James Cone/Black Theology
A 9 page research paper/essay that summarizes and reacts to James Cone's text A Black Theology of Liberation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Moral Theology/Remarriage After Divorce
A 3 page essay/research paper that discusses scriptural guidance on this issue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Why the U.S. Invasion of Iraq is Wrong
This 3 page paper is an argumentative essay that says the U.S. invasion of Iraq is illegal and immoral. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Updated Student Manifesto
A 3 page essay in which the writer/tutor offers suggestions for writing a political manifesto for the current generation. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Philosophy of Healthcare Management
A 3 page essay that discusses the writer’s personal philosophy regarding healthcare management. No bibliography is offered.
Second Movement of Beethoven's Fourth Piano Concerto
An 8 page essay that compares and contrasts two essays that evaluate the second movement from Beethoven's Fourth Piano Concerto. Owen Jander, in his essay, "Beethoven's 'Orpheus in Hades': The Andante con moto of the Fourth Piano Concerto," poses some premises that suggest interesting questions for musical interpretation. Specifically, Jander's observations cause the reader to ponder the significance of the composer's intentions to listener appreciation. Theorist Edward Cone challenges Jander's interpretation. The following examination of Jander's essay looks at both arguments and also offers personal assessment of this form of interpretation. No additional sources cited.
The Elementary School Classroom
This 4 page paper is an essay about an incident in an elementary school classroom, and the lessons learned from it.
Media Violence Influences Teen Violence
A 5 page essay/research paper that presents the argument that media violence is a direct cause of teen violence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Student Appeal of the Harvard School of Medicine
This 4 page paper considers why a student would have an interest in Harvard School of Medicine. This is an admission essay.
Observation: A Pineapple
This 3 page paper is an essay describing a pineapple. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Japanese Literature: "Essays in Idleness" and "An Account of My Hut"
This 8 page paper compares two Japanese works of Medieval literature, "Essays in Idleness" and "An Account of My Hut." Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Modenr Day Segregation in Education
This 5 page essay examines the problems associated with separating students into academic 'tracks.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Mind/Consciousness/Body Duality
A 3 page essay that briefly discusses the mind/body duality question, defining mind and consciousness. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Trade Economic Theories
This 3 page essay discusses economic theories of trade in terms of comparative advantages and other fundamental determinants of trade. Bibliography lists one source.
Essay Questions on Voice Over Internet Protocol Answered
This 4-page paper offers answers to essay questions in areas of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
Clinical Psychology Paragraphs and Ph.D. Entrance Essays
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an entrance essay for a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology, with the addition of three paragraphs for different types of programs.
Forensic Science Admissions Essay Sample
This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for a forensic science degree program.
Essays and Poems on Barbie
A 4 page paper which examines 5 different essays/poems on Barbie and argues agreement with one. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cause and Effect Essay on College Attendance
This 3-page paper is a cause-and-effect essay, explaining why a particular student is attending college.
Japanese Schools, Violence, and Bullying
A 5 page argumentative essay that contends school bullying will continue to be a major problem facing Japanese society. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 3-page paper is an essay discussing whether education of unprotected sex in the school is enough for teenagers.
Role of Candy in Mice and Men
A 3 pages essay that discusses the role of Candy in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. No additional sources cited.
Internet Technology and Society
This 8-page paper focuses on a pro/con essay as to whether Internet technology is more beneficial or dangerous to society.
Roman Society and Culture in The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius
A 5 page essay that looks at what can be learned about Roman culture from this ancient document.
Christianity and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
A 3 page essay discussing the resurrection of Christ according to the gospel and how it affects Christian life today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Example Entrance Essay
This 4 page paper is an example of an entrance essay where a student has to tell a business school how their back ground might enhance and broaden their own learning and those of their your classmates. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Agricultural Subsidies and Economic Factors
This 5-page paper examines the economic theory of supply and demand, and focuses on how this theory has been re-vamped because of agricultural price supports from the U.S. government. The essay also touches on the impact of such price supports on consumers, as well as the impact of the FAIR act (passed in 1996) on produce and farmers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nano Car and the Company's Financial Goals
A 3 page paper. The Tata Group is the largest private-sector corporation in India, comprising 95 separate companies in several business sectors. This essay discusses the strategic and financial goals of the Group and of Tata Motor, which released the Nano car in 2009. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGttn3.rtf
Cesar Chavez and Bella Abzug
This essay examines speeches by Bella Abzug, prominent feminist and one of the first women elected to the U.S. Congress, and Cesar Chavez, who championed the rights of immigrant migrants and Hispanics throughout the United States. The paper compares the two speeches, while providing background on both the creation of the United Farm Workers of America and the feminism movement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Marketing Plans and the Incorporation of eMarketing
An 8 page paper. E-commerce continues to grow at exponential rates. In today's marketplace it is essential for companies to incorporate e-marketing in their overall marketing plan. This essay explains that e-marketing still requires the company to consider segmentation and positioning. The differences are also discussed. Three types of Web positioning are explained. Characteristics of Web shoppers are reported. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Showalter, Culture and Literature
A 3 page essay that analyzes Elaine Showalter's A Literature of Their Own, which offers a challenge to the narrowness of the traditional canon of what is considered to be valuable contributions by women to English literature. In so doing she directly addresses the way in which culture has had an influence on women's literature. Showalter's theoretical perspective presents women's writing in terms of being a subculture, which evolved in direct reaction to the elements in mainstream patriarchal culture that tended to trivialize women's experience and role in society. No additional sources cited.
English Lit Questions in 9 short papers
A 26 page paper that offers a hodgepodge of short essays on Eng. Lit. questions that cover the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as well as creative writing exercises that deal with this period. Writers covered include Yeats, Owen, Conrad, Dickens, Eliot and more. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Greek Mythology and Literature and the Gods' Incestuous Relationships
A 7 page essay on the incestuous relationships reported in Greek mythology and Greek plays. The writer lists a number of incestuous relationships between Zeus, his brothers and sisters and progeny, and also gives examples from and commentary on plays such as Oedipus Rex, Medea and Agamemnon in support of the thesis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Lesson Plan on Bats
A 5 page research paper that, first of all, describes a lesson plan for an elementary classroom that focuses on bats. Then the writer presents 6 objective questions and 2 essay questions that address this material and discuss how these answers should be evaluated. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Teaching Elementary Science/Epistemological Framework
A 5 page research paper/essay that summarizes and analyzes a basic science textbook for the elementary grades, Earth Science Made Simple, A clear introduction to the science of our planet by E.F. Albin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Four Health Insurance Issues
A 5 page paper This essay discusses four issues regarding health care: proposed solutions for the uninsured to obtain insurance; is it easier to obtain insurance today; should we limit or cap benefits for the elderly; what legislation has passed that addresses this issue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Minimum Wage vs. Living Wage
A 3 page argumentative essay that argues that raising the minimum wage is good but not good enough, as the working poor need a living wage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Need for Mandatory Sex Ed
A 3 page essay that argues that the State of Massachusetts should mandate comprehensive sex education in junior high, beginning at age 12. No bibliography is offered.
Workplace and Intercultural Communications
This 5 page essay presents a workplace intercultural communication conflict and discusses how to resolve it within the context of the knowledge dependency model and communicative convergence models of intercultural communications. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Collective Unconscious and Family Constellations
This 8-page paper is a summary on Love's Hidden Symmetry by Bert Hellinger. The essay discusses Hellinger's theories, than compares those theories with the collective unconscious theory, as introduced by Carl Jung. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Brazilian Samba Music
A 3 page essay on Brazilian Samba. The writer describes the music, concentrating on its evolution and history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Economy and the Real Estate Bubble
A 7 page paper. Is there a real estate bubble or not? If there is a bubble, will it burst? This essay suggests what is happening is more aptly called the cycles of real estate. These two questions are discussed. The writer also discusses the effect of today's real estate market on the economy in the short-term and the long-term and the economic principles that apply to this market. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Democracy and Public Administration
This 4-page paper is a sample essay discussing whether an administrative state would be a threat to democracy. The paper contends that no, both can work together, because there is no such thing as a pure democracy.
Male Historians and the Challenges of Women's History
This 4 page paper considers the issue of a feminist approach to history. Joan Kelly-Gadol's essay Did Women Have a Renaissance, published in Becoming Visible: Women in European History, directly relates to the question of the emerging approach of female historians. Female historians, after reflecting on the traditional narratives of male dominated societies, have recognized that women essentially had no voice in the past. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Travel and Tourism Industry A Focus on Career Development
This 3 page paper offers an introduction to this industry identifying some of the many jobs that may be available and the average salary. The essay also discusses the steps to managing one's career within the industry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Research Studies on Inclusion
A 12 page research paper/essay that consists of 2 distinct parts. The first 6 pages offer a summaries of 10 research studies that pertain to inclusion classrooms. Then, a 6 page research paper is offered that discusses more studies, which analyzes the research in relation to inclusion. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Stem Cell Research/Not an Ethical Issue
A 6 page research paper/essay that argues that embryonic stem cells research is ethical. The writer bases this argument on the facts of reproduction and also presents the supposition that the real issue here is not stem cell research, per se, but the movement against abortion. The details of stem cell research are presented, along with relevant arguments supporting it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Obama v. HItler, a Comparison
This 3 page essay explores leadership styles, and makes a judgment on these two leaders in terms of effectiveness, integrity, and other leadership traits, with references to two of their speeches. References list 3 sources.
Higher Education in California
A 5 page paper. The California Master Plan for Higher Education, passed in 1960, outlined the population pool for each higher education system in California, the University of California, the California State University and the Community College system. The Cal Grant program was also put into place to help low-income students pay for their education. This essay explains the criteria for admission, discusses the effects of Proposition 209 and increasing tuition fees. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Freiberg and Albert on Cooperative Discipline
An 8 page paper. The two most common approaches to cooperative discipline are from Albert and Freiberg. The writer discusses each, including the basic principles, components and goals of each. Freiberg's model is called Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline. As is shown in the essay the two approaches as far as cooperative discipline is concerned have a number of similarities. Research supporting Freiberg's model is also included. bibliography lists 6 sources.
Juliet's Images in Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
A 5 page essay that examines how two films, Zeffirelli (1968) and Luhrmann (1996), present Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, concentrating on the characterization of Juliet in the balcony scene. The writer argues that this characterization reflects on the status of women in society in general as a "temptress" of masculinity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Wordsworth & Hardy/Perspectives on Nature
A 3 page essay that observes that both William Wordsworth, in 1838, and Thomas Hardy, in 1900, wrote poems that were inspired by the beautiful song of the thrush. But while these two poems share a common topic, the Romantic approach and exuberant optimism of Wordsworth is quite different from the dark skepticism that characterized the Victorian worldview exemplified by Hardy. Nevertheless, examination of the two poems shows that each poet took inspiration and encouragement from the thrush, each in his own way. No additional sources cited.
Wireless Technology In The Classroom
A 4 page paper. The writer reports three specific cases where teachers are using wireless technology in their classrooms. In one school, students are using it for a multitude of things and in the other two schools, wireless is used in algebra classes. The essay reports the outcomes related to the use of this technology and comments on some of the purposes of it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Complex Problems Solved Through Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
A 12-page essay that presents a general overview of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the protocol suite that revolutionized computer networking and made high volume traffic between different operating platforms a possibility and a reality. Included is a brief history of the birth of the Internet and the conditions and events that led to the development of the standardized TCP/IP protocol set. Also included is an in-depth discussion of the various tasks performed both at the TCP layer and at the IP layer. Bibliography lists 14 sources. LCTCP-IP.doc
Volunteer Program Success and Staffing
This 4 page paper begins by discussing Staffing the Volunteer Program Success by Susan J. Ellis, who emphasizes the importance of hiring a person to manage and supervise the volunteer program. The essay then brings in other authors who have written on the same topic. Statistical data regarding the number of volunteers and their worth in America are included. A six-step process for managing the program is outlined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Writer's Impressions of War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
A 25 page essay that records the writer's impressions as this epic novel is read for the first time. The writer while giving a synopsis of the action discusses how the characters and plot are developed by Tolstoy as the novel progresses. No additional sources cited.
No Social Perfection in Utopia by Sir Thomas More
A 3 page essay criticizing More's Utopia in an historical context. The writer feels that a 'perfect' society is not possible when it has war, prisoners or war, and slavery. Examples from other Utopian ideologies are presented to illustrate points made. No other sources cited.
Knowing in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
A 2 page essay of the classic short story, The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant on how Loisel comes to know many things in the process of losing a friend's necklace and paying for it. No additional sources cited.
Salary, Economics, and Professors at the University of California
A 5 page essay that looks at the effect the salary structure of the University of California has on professors. The process of securing a positon is difficult, at best, and nearly impossible for some discipline Ph.D.s, then the process for promotion and salary increases is rigorous. Compounding these facts is the salary cap with limits a professor's economic status.
Lack of Global Community Moral Involvement in Rwanda
A 5 page essay in which the writer explores the reasons for the international community's lack of moral backbone during the Rwandan massacres in 1994. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Argument Against the Aesthetic Use of Animal Fur
A 2 page essay arguing against the fur trade and the human use of furs for aesthetic purposes. Author sees moral reasons for cessation as outweighing any economic ones for continuance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Economist Thomas Robert Malthus
A 7 page paper on the eighteenth-century British economist. Following an argument over what he felt to be the unrealistically rosy progressivism of Godwin and Condorcet, Malthus wrote an essay on the Principle of Population which essentially founded the study of demographics and has continued to exert influence down to the present day. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Myths and Society
A 7 page, argumentative essay in which the writer attempts to prove that myths have no worthwhile value in contemporary society. It is asserted that myths are so factually incorrect that they serve only to distort history and to confuse contemporary readers. Using examples from various cultures and periods, emphasis is placed upon the fact that myths are greatly-exaggerated and can ever be taken at face value. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Frank Ford, Experimental Typographer
A 5 page essay that explores the historical background and artistic content of three of Ford's typographical fonts. Bibliography lists 4 sources, including Ford's personal description of this art.
U.S. Grand Strategy Models
A 6 page paper. Two models for the grand strategy are explained: selective engagement and primacy. The essay includes comments in terms of how these strategies meet the criteria for a grand strategy as issued by the U.S. Army College. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Gatsby & the American Dream
A 3 page essay that discusses F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, which can be viewed as an exploration of the psychological ramifications of the American Dream. Examination of Fitzgerald’s masterpiece indicates the reasons for the enduring relevance of this book as it accurately and insightfully portrays the contradictions that characterize the American Dream and how this can influence individual lives. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Use And Interpretation Of Bible In The Church
This 8 page paper discusses this essay provided by the student. The writer discusses how the Books of the Bible were selected, the Church's view that without the Church, there would be no Bible, and the interrelationship between the Bible and the Church. The second part of the paper discusses the historical-critical method for interpreting Scripture. No Bibliography.
Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History
An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Impact of the Black Plague on Chivalry, Feudalism
A 6 page research paper/essay that examines the context of the Black Plague and the tremendous impact that it had on feudal society. The writer also includes brief mention of a film, A Knight's Tale. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Analysis of Excerpt from Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye
This 6 page essay analyzes and discusses an excerpt from Toni Morrison's novel The Bluest Eye. The writer argues that this excerpt concisely sums up the novel's main thematic context. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Reaction Paper on a Case Study
A 3 page reaction paper to an essay by Dorothy C. Buck, entitled “Raoul,” which recounts the experience of this mother in raising a son with cerebral palsy. The writer discusses the implications of this article in regards to medical practice as it was in the 1960s contrasted with the holistic nursing practice of today. No bibliography is provided.
Yangpin's Noodle a Case Study
A 4 page paper. This case study is about a Chinese person who wants to open an American-Chinese restaurant in China. The essay discusses the individual's ideas and reasoning, identifies the key issues, provides alternatives and analyses of alternatives and makes recommendations. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Continental Case Study Analysis
A 5 page paper that discusses a Harvard Business case study entitled: "Right Away and all at once. How we saved Continental." The essay discusses some of the actions taken and comments on the plan. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Pricing Parking - Case Study
A 4 page paper based on a student-provided case study at Georgia Tech. The essay investigates the problem with data, provides alternatives and makes recommendations that will benefit the college. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Organizational Communication - Case Study
This 4 page paper applies the communication process to a hypothetical organization. The essay includes: the communication climate in the organization, strengths and weaknesses, management's approach and an example. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Developmental Supervision Case Studies
A 6 page research paper/essay that summarizes and analyzes three case studies that deal with examples of supervisory style in education. Each case study discusses how a supervisor handled the problems of a particular teacher. Supervisory styles examined include collaborative, directive informational, an directive control. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Communication Case at Office Supply Store
A 7 page paper based on a case study from Harvard Business School. This essay focuses on communication issues as described in the case study. The writer comments on communication barriers, communication channels, an effective communication strategy for Lewis, organizational culture and other issues in the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Death in 2 Poems by Seamus Heaney
A 6 page essay that compares two poems by Seamus Heaney, "Mid-term Break" and "Punishment." The writer argues that although these poems are different in context, both poems feature a narrative voice that is detached and distant from the tragic death that each poem relates. By taking this detached perspective, the poet allows the details of the scene to speak for themselves, and this tactic conveys abject horror much better than if the poet related more overtly what he was feeling in each instance. No additional sources cited.
Retelling Beowulf in 13th Warrior
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares the Old English epic poem Beowulf to the film The 13th Warrior. The writer discusses similarities and differences and argues that the film and the epic poem share a similar perspective on the code of honor that make up the warrior's creed, that is, the film--like the epic poem--supports an ethos that values bravery, courage, devotion to duty and self-sacrifice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Four Poems on Grief
This 8 page essay explicates 4 poems that deal with grief. These poems are: "Stairway to Heaven" by Joaquin G. Rubio; "Don't Forget About Me!" by Jenny Gordon; "My Mother Just Died" by Attila Jozsef; and "A Picture of You" by Deborah Robinson. Bibliographical information is incomplete and only the poems are cited.
God in a Technical Age, Arnold and Hopkins
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach" and Gerard Manley Hopkins' "God's Grandeur." The writer argues that both poems address the concerns of the Victorian era over a lack of societal religious faith, but that Arnold's poem is the most pessimistic. Only the poems are cited.
'Because I could not stop for Death' by Emily Dickinson
A 3 page essay that analyzes Emily Dickinson's poem. The writer argues that in this poem, Dickinson presents a rather cordial view of death, which she personifies as a courtly gentleman. Her verse proposes that death entails an adjustment in perspective from the human state of awareness toward one that is universal. In other words, the poem describes a period of adjustment in which the speaker adjusts to a new state of awareness and being. No additional sources cited.
'Over There, World War II,' and 'I Sing, Too, America' by Langston Hughes
An 8 page research paper/essay that analyzes two of Hughes poems, "I, too, Sing America" and "Over there, World War II." First, the writer gives a brief biography of the poet, then discusses critical opinion of his work, and then, critically analyzes these two poems. The writer demonstrates how the political content of these poems was aimed at both a black and white audience. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Gwen Harwood and her Poetry
A 5 page essay on change that focuses on the poem "Suburban Sonnet" by Gwen Harwood. Using this poem, the writer discusses how motherhood involves change for the protagonist of the poem and to women in general. The positives and negatives of motherhood are discussed, with the conclusion that motherhood can be process that facilitates the growth of self. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Assessment of a Brigade
This 3 page essay is based on a comprehensive case study that details the problems facing the new commander of brigade that has recently returned from Afghanistan. Assessment, corrective actions taken and expected outcomes are described. No bibliography is offered.
A Case Study: The Restorative Justice Process
This 3 page essay focuses on a case study published by Prison Fellowship International, which offers insight into the benefits for all involved parties that can be derived from the restorative justice process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Romantic Era Poetry and the Conflict of Man versus Nature
An insightful, 6 page essay on how the poems of Blake, Wordsworth & Keats represented a renewed hope for civilization. The writer argues that each of these poets spoke of how the world could be cured of its problems if man would only work in harmony with nature. Wordsworth's 'The World is Too Much With Us' and Blake's 'London' are among the poems used in this analysis. No Bibliography.
Rainbow Importance in the Native American Poem 'The Vision'
A 1 page expletive essay on the poem The Vision. The author writes about their feelings of what the poem means and is trying to explain.
'Alysoun' Medieval Poem Explication
A 4 page essay/research paper that offers an explication of "Alysoun," a medieval lyric poem. The writer argues that an examination of this poem illustrates the medieval perspective on life, as well as the people's love of life and its pleasures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Ovid's Banquet of Sence' by George Chapman
A 3 page essay that examines Chapman's sixteenth century poem "Ovid's Banquet of Sence." The writer discusses how Chapman assumed that his readers would be cognizant of numerous literary references and focuses on how Chapman's poem reflects Platonic ideals expressed by Diotima in Plato's Symposium. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
History and 'The Iliad' by Homer
A 7 page analytical essay that examines Homer's Iliad in terms of how the details of the poem reflect the culture and beliefs of Homer's era. The writer argues that the works of Homer, regardless of whether or not Homer actually existed or if his account of the Trojan War is historical accurate, definitely reflect the cultural concepts, beliefs, and worldview of the time in which these epic poems were composed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'Michael Robartes and the Dancer' by Irish Poet William Butler Yeats
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers explication of Yeats' poem "Michael Robartes and the Dancer." The writer argues that in this poem Yeats voices his nineteenth century rationalization against women having a wider role in public life, even going so far to oppose women in higher education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Beauty and Friendship in 3 of Sappho's Poems
A 5 page research paper/essay that offer analysis of three of Sappho's poems. The writer argues that while her verse is notorious for its connection with Lesbianism, there is much more to Sappho's poetry than mere eroticism. An examination of her poems reveals a deep and passionate connection with nature and appreciation for beauty, which are sentiments that reach across time and space and speak to the modern reader, establishing a feeling of connection and friendship. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Death in 2 Poems by Seamus Heaney
A 6 page essay that compares two poems by Seamus Heaney, "Mid-term Break" and "Punishment." The writer argues that although these poems are different in context, both poems feature a narrative voice that is detached and distant from the tragic death that each poem relates. By taking this detached perspective, the poet allows the details of the scene to speak for themselves, and this tactic conveys abject horror much better than if the poet related more overtly what he was feeling in each instance. No additional sources cited.
Retelling Beowulf in 13th Warrior
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares the Old English epic poem Beowulf to the film The 13th Warrior. The writer discusses similarities and differences and argues that the film and the epic poem share a similar perspective on the code of honor that make up the warrior's creed, that is, the film--like the epic poem--supports an ethos that values bravery, courage, devotion to duty and self-sacrifice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Four Poems on Grief
This 8 page essay explicates 4 poems that deal with grief. These poems are: "Stairway to Heaven" by Joaquin G. Rubio; "Don't Forget About Me!" by Jenny Gordon; "My Mother Just Died" by Attila Jozsef; and "A Picture of You" by Deborah Robinson. Bibliographical information is incomplete and only the poems are cited.
God in a Technical Age, Arnold and Hopkins
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach" and Gerard Manley Hopkins' "God's Grandeur." The writer argues that both poems address the concerns of the Victorian era over a lack of societal religious faith, but that Arnold's poem is the most pessimistic. Only the poems are cited.
'Because I could not stop for Death' by Emily Dickinson
A 3 page essay that analyzes Emily Dickinson's poem. The writer argues that in this poem, Dickinson presents a rather cordial view of death, which she personifies as a courtly gentleman. Her verse proposes that death entails an adjustment in perspective from the human state of awareness toward one that is universal. In other words, the poem describes a period of adjustment in which the speaker adjusts to a new state of awareness and being. No additional sources cited.
'Over There, World War II,' and 'I Sing, Too, America' by Langston Hughes
An 8 page research paper/essay that analyzes two of Hughes poems, "I, too, Sing America" and "Over there, World War II." First, the writer gives a brief biography of the poet, then discusses critical opinion of his work, and then, critically analyzes these two poems. The writer demonstrates how the political content of these poems was aimed at both a black and white audience. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Gwen Harwood and her Poetry
A 5 page essay on change that focuses on the poem "Suburban Sonnet" by Gwen Harwood. Using this poem, the writer discusses how motherhood involves change for the protagonist of the poem and to women in general. The positives and negatives of motherhood are discussed, with the conclusion that motherhood can be process that facilitates the growth of self. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
'The Holdfast' Poem by George Herbert
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines and analyzes "The Holdfast," a religious poem by seventeenth century poet George Herbert. The writer offers a line by line "translation" of the poem into Modern English, as well as offering a discussion as to the meaning of the poem. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Human Condition as Described by Andrew Marvell and William Blake
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares two poems, Marvell's To his Coy Mistress and Blake's The Sick Rose. In both poems, the decay of death is contrasted against the beauty and vibrancy of life. Therefore, both poems can be seen has having a similar carpe diem orientation toward the human condition. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Three Poems by Philip Arthur Larkin
A 5 page essay that examines three poems by British poet Philip Larkin. These poems are "The Whitsun Weddings" (from the collection that bares that name), "Ambulances," and "MCMXIV." The writer also relies heavily on the criticism of Michael O'Neill and argues that these poems prove O'Neill's assertions pertaining to Larkin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analysis of Both Versions of 'The Chimney Sweeper' in William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
A 6 page essay that analyzes Blake's poems "The Chimney Sweep" (both versions) in his Songs of Innocence and Experience. The writer argues that the ultimate meaning of the poems derives from a synthesis of the two "contraries" considered together. Blake's intent with these poems is always to alter the consciousness of the reader, to open a new vista, a new perspective, to force the reader to reconsider the paradigms of the era. No additional sources cited.
Mixture of Christianity and Paganism in 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'
A 3 page essay that analyzes the medieval poem "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (circa 1375-1400). The writer argues that this poem is an amalgamation of Christian and pagan elements, which are discussed and substantiated with quotes from the poem. No additional sources cited.
Meaning of 'Daddy' by Sylvia Plath
A 3 page essay that analyzes the meaning behind Sylvia Plath's poem "Daddy." The writer points out that throughout the poem, images of men jumble together, some of her father, some of her ex-husband, some that present attempts by Plath to understand her father through his Germanic background. Collectively, along with the intentionally schoolgirl-like rhymes, the poem conveys the black desperation of a lost little girl, which definitely was Plath's psychic state at that time. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis of 'The Tyger' by William Blake
A 5 page essay that analyzes Blake poem "The Tyger." The writer explains the nature of Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience and relates this poem to its counterpart, "The Lamb." The writer also argues that this poem's principal concern is the nature of God. No additional sources cited.
Nature Perspectives
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares Williams Carlos Williams' poem "Spring and All" with Elizabeth Bishop's poem "The Fish." The writer argues that while the poems are quite different in content, the styles of the two poets are similar in that both create vivid visual images that convey a particular view of nature, which shows how nature relates to a human perspective. No additional sources cited.
'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' by Langston Hughes
A 5 page essay that explicates the many layers of meaning in this poem by Hughes. The writer argues that this poem presents a vision of African American culture and life that was totally different from the one that existed at the time of the poem's publication (the 1920s). No additional sources cited.
Wordsworth & Hardy/Perspectives on Nature
A 3 page essay that observes that both William Wordsworth, in 1838, and Thomas Hardy, in 1900, wrote poems that were inspired by the beautiful song of the thrush. But while these two poems share a common topic, the Romantic approach and exuberant optimism of Wordsworth is quite different from the dark skepticism that characterized the Victorian worldview exemplified by Hardy. Nevertheless, examination of the two poems shows that each poet took inspiration and encouragement from the thrush, each in his own way. No additional sources cited.
Imagery in Ulysses by James Joyce
A 5 page essay on James Joyce's use of language and imagery in his novel Ulysses. This novel loosely (very loosely) follows the episodes created by Homer in his epic poem The Odyssey. The writer analyzes three chapters from Joyce's Ulysses and argues that, as far as language use is considered, it is similar to a prose poem. No additional sources cited.
Women and Love According to Kahlil Gibran
A 4 page essay that discusses and analyzes three poems by the famous Arab writer and poet. The poems addressed are "Marriage," "Love," and "Children." No additional source are cited.
Emily Dickinson's Views of Self and Society
A 5 page essay that examines three of Dickinson's poems that deal with the self, how Dickinson saw herself and her society, "I'm Nobody! Who are You?," "Much Madness is divinest Sense," "The Soul selects her own Society." The writer argues that these poems give the reader insight into the remarkable personality of this nineteenth century poet. No additional sources cited.
Horizontal Violence In Nursing: Critical Essay
8 pages in length. Choosing a career in nursing illustrates an individual's ability to deal with many difficult situations that most others cannot address when it comes to the health and welfare of their human counterparts. The extent to which nursing involves tremendous physical and psychological challenges where patient care is concerned is both grand and far-reaching; that some of these struggles derive directly from those in the industry who are supposed to bolster rather than demean one's confidence and increase one's unease speaks to the observable consequences of horizontal violence in nursing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Cogntiive Psychology
This 5 page paper provides short responses to six essays. The areas of discussion are cognitive psychology, social change and psychopharmacology. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Overview of Health Psychology
A 5 page paper. Health psychology is a vast field and is, in fact, the umbrella classification for all psychologists who work in the area of health. This essay addresses why this is an important field in today's world by discussing some of the knowledge and insight gained through research. The link between stress, individual behaviors and illness is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Theology and Psychology Integration
A 10 page research essay discussing the how and why psychology and theology, or religion, should be integrated. Beginning with some statements and citations about the integration of science and religion, or theology, and moving into specific examples of the integration of religion and psychology, the writer offers evidence from the literature to support the premise these two should be integrated. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Behavior and the Effects of Culture
This 8 page essay begins with some general comments about the difficulties associated with defining culture. Using a variety of sources, the writer does define culture, subculture and ethnic group and suggest by their very nature, all three influence an individual's behavior. This paper also focuses on cultural psychology, what it is, why it is important and how it relates to mainstream psychology. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Cognitive Psychology
A 5 page paper. That responds to short essays provided by the student. Subject areas include cognitive psychology, psychologists and social change and psychopharmacology. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Personality Characteristics
A 5 page essay that provides an example paper that is designed to aid a psychology student in this task by providing a guide that discusses the development of three of the student’s personality traits. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Issues in Psychology
A 6 page paper. The writer responds to different short essays written by other students. Major categories are cognitive psychology, social change, and psychopharmacology. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Ethics and Beliefs in Nursing
A 6 page research paper/essay that discusses nursing ethics, the factors that influence the development of personal and professional ethics and how they apply to clinical practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Evaluating 2 Nursing Web Sites on EBP
A 3 page research paper/essay that summarizes the resources available on 2 nursing websites: the Joanna Brigs Institute and the Sigma Theta Tau International. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Hard Science' and Psychology
A 3 page essay that examines the question "Is psychology a hard science?" The writer first defines "hard science" as a term that refers to sciences in which facts and theories can be quantified, that is, measured, tested and proven. Then, the writer argues that psychology has aspects of hard science, but that this term does not describe the field as a whole. No bibliography is provided.
Essays on Psychology
22 pages. A series of essays on Darwin, behaviorism, psychoanalytic theory, cognitive psychology and biological behavior. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Answers To Therapy Questions
This 5 page paper provides four essays on specific questions related to psychology. This paper relates answers to questions about various therapy and personality development approaches, as well as research on obedience. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A New Kind of Psychology
A 3 page paper that explains what positive psychology is, its major themes, and its underlying principles. The essay includes a research example where positive psychology was used with depressive patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGpospsyc.rtf
Aspects of Cognitive Psychology
A 5 page essay that presents an overview of various aspects of cognitive psychology. The overview includes a brief explanation of cognitive psychology and numerous studies investigating different aspects, such as memory and cognitive-behavior therapy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History
An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Use And Interpretation Of Bible In The Church
This 8 page paper discusses this essay provided by the student. The writer discusses how the Books of the Bible were selected, the Church's view that without the Church, there would be no Bible, and the interrelationship between the Bible and the Church. The second part of the paper discusses the historical-critical method for interpreting Scripture. No Bibliography.
4 Essays, Antigone, Bible Verses
A 5 page research paper that consists of 4 separate 1.25 pages papers. Two are on Bible verses, one on Sophocles’ Antigone and 1 on a poem by Sappho. Each paper lists 3 sources in the bibliography.
Koran, Bible on Women
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares texts from the Koran and the Old Testament that pertain to women and society. No additional sources cited.
The Hebrew Bible by Jon Levenson
A 5 page book review that examines Jon Levenson's text The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament and Historical Criticism. This book features six of his previously published essays that collectively define his position "on the relationship between two modes of biblical study, the traditional and the historical-critical" (p. xiii). Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'The Poisonwood Bible' by Barbara Kingsolver and a Responsibility Letter
A 6 page creative essay in letter form which examines what responsibility (if any) do individuals have to reach out to cultures and other individuals that are foreign to them and what responsibility does the United States and its citizens have to the world community, citing passages from “The Poisonwood Bible” to support the argued thesis. No additional sources are used.
Biblical Viewpoints on Forgiveness
This 3 page paper discusses the question: Do we have to forgive others? Sometimes we think that we will never forgive someone for what they have said or done but that only results in more pain for ourselves. This essay discusses the issue and quotes Scripture to justify the responses. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Essays on Gender and Sexuality
This 4 page paper is divided into two essays. One focuses on work and the fact that there are feminine and masculine occupational roles. the other focuses on male sexuality and coming of age. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Sexuality and Language in Candide by Voltaire
This 5 page essay report discusses the relationship between language and sexuality in Candide, as well as pointing out how those elements led to the comic aspects of Voltaire’s story. The connection between language and sexuality in Candide is similar to that of the relationship between Candide and the many characters he encounters throughout his adventures. His gentle and “candid” spirit regularly is brought up short in comparison to the far more worldly people he meets. No bibliography.
Constructing Sexuality/The Problem with Duality
An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses how sexuality is understood in society. The writer focuses on developmental systems theory as explained by Fausto-Sterling, and also explains essentialism and constructivism in this context. This discussion illustrates the practicality and logic of this conceptualization of sexuality, and how it holds the promise of releasing sexuality from the restrictions inherent in dualism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Political Culture and Music of Haiti
A 6 page research paper/essay that take the unusual form of presenting a hypothetical Haitian family over two generations. The writer pictures the family as reflecting their political and cultural orientation toward Haiti in regards to the choices of music made at their weddings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Evolution Of Gospel Music In America
A 7 page paper that presents the history and evolution of gospel music beginning with music created by slaves. The name of this music also changed from anthem to spiritual to gospel over the years. The essay comments on the separation of white gospel music and black gospel music and identifies some of the pioneers in this field as well as more contemporary performers as gospel transitioned to mainstream. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Music History, Classical Era to the 20th Century
A 4 page essay that offers a concise summation of music history from the classical period in the eighteenth century through the twentieth century. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Female Sexuality and Racial Differences
A 10 page research paper/essay that examines the topic of female sexuality. The writer argues that white women must come to understand the experience of women of color and discusses how poor and non-Western women are targeted for reproductive rights discrimination. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Theme of Sexuality in Works by Sophocles, William Shakespeare, and Toni Morrison
A 10 page essay that contrasts and compares Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, Shakespeare's Hamlet and Morrison's The Bluest Eye. The writer argues that while human society changes, human nature does not and that these works are remarkably consistent in the manner in which they present parental obligation and the hazards of coming of age. Examination of these works shows that each of these authors considers this period to be thwart with peril and that this is particularly true when parents abdicate their responsibility to oversee this process, which includes guiding and protecting their children. No additional sources cited.
Connection Between Social Work and Sociology
A 5 page paper. It could be said that social work is the practical application of sociological theories and perspectives but it is more than that. This essay first defines and explains what sociology is and what social work is. From there, the writer discusses the integration of other disciplines, such as psychology, in the practice of social work. Two examples are discussed – the research regarding alcoholics and the practice of collaboration in social work. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Brazilian Samba Music
A 3 page essay on Brazilian Samba. The writer describes the music, concentrating on its evolution and history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Literature Review of Depression and Sexual Abuse
This essay offers a literature review about recent studies conducted that tie together sexual abuse and depression. Journals from 1999 and 2000 were studied in this paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Biological, Psychological, and Social Obstacles to Understanding Transsexuality
In five pages this paper examines transsexuality within biological, psychological, and social contexts with references to Joyce Meyerowitz’s How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States and George Chauncey’s Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Makings of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940, with the theme of misunderstanding transsexualism also addressed within the context of Sigmund Freud’s essay, ‘Sexual Aberrations.’ There are no additional sources listed in the bibliography.
William Faulkner's 'A Rose for Emily' and Society's Views on Sexuality
A 3 page essay that discusses the societal context of William Faulkner's short story, "A Rose for Emily." In this story, Faulkner paints a complex psychological portrait not only of a Southern woman who is caught between conflicting social mores and her own desires, but he also shows the sociological complexity of the small Southern town in which she lived. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in WSJ Ad
This 4 page anthropology essay looks at the way sex, gender and sexuality are used in the WSJ ad for the Times Reader. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Music Considered in 4 Brief Essays
This is a 6 page paper, that discusses Debussy's "Nuages" and Bartok's "Music for Strings , Percussion and Celesta", Berg's "Wozzeck", Crumb's "Black Angels" and Varese's "Poeme electronique" & Ligeti's "Lux aetema," Berio's "Sinfonia," Leon's "Kabiosile,"
and Reich's "Tehillim" briefly. 2 sources are cited.
Reflecting on Two Ethnomusicology Articles
This 6 page essay reflects on, summarizes and analyzes two articles in ethnomusicology. The first is "Drum-Making Among the Bala (Basongye)," by Alan P. Merriam and the second is "The Challenge of 'Bi-Musicality" by Mantle Hood. Only these sources are cited.
Comparing the Music of J.S. Bach, Ludwig von Beethoven, and The Beatles
A 12 page essay that addresses the technological and social contributions of each and interrelationships between them. The paper also addresses individual pieces by each composer and compares it to the advances made in music which sets these artists apart from others. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Managing the Classroom Through Observation
A 4 page essay describing an observation of a high school literature classroom with particular emphasis on classroom management techniques used by the teacher. Research in this area suggests there are numerous things a teacher can do to prevent major behavior problems from occurring, such as enforcing the rules. This teacher demonstrated knowledge and skills in averting potential problems. The writer describes what the teacher did in her classroom in terms of prevention and correction. No bibliography.
Pushkin/Moor of Peter the Great
A 10 page research paper/essay that examines an incomplete work by Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin (1799-1837), a "founding father" of Russian literature. In 1827, Pushkin began, but never completed, a novel based on the life of his African ancestor and his relationship to Peter the Great entitled "The Moor of Peter the Great." The writer explores Pushkin's portrayal of both the Tsar and his ancestor and relates this to why Pushkin might not have finished this novel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Contemplating the Diet Monster
A 4 page contemplative essay/ research paper on the topic of dieting. The writer looks at the variety of trends that have dominated the literature of dieting over the last several decades and offers personal observations on the subject. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Women, the Workplace, Management, and Glass Ceilings
A 9 page essay on the struggles that women still endure in the professional, corporate world. It is argued that while women have indeed enjoyed some advancements in business, they still are barred from achieving top-level management positions. Thus, they are looking through a 'glass ceiling.' In answer to this, many women are forming their own businesses. The role of downsizing and other relevant minority issues are brought into the discussion as well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Marks and Spencer and Customer Value Management
This 15 page paper investigates customer value management and customer value analysis and applies the concepts to the practices Marks and Spencer seem to implement and/or advocate. Examples of other businesses are also be offered for the purpose of demonstrating some of the concepts discussed. The essay concludes with recommendations for Marks and Spencer to further their competitive advantage through specific customer value management action steps. One graphic illustration is provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
King Leopold and the Congo
This 5 page paper provides bulleted information about literature on King Leopold and the destruction he had done in the Congo. This is not written in essay format but is suitable as a study guide on the topic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
History of Russia in a Combination of 4 Papers
This 22- page paper is comprised of four shorter papers dealing with Russia. The first is a 17-page paper that traces the history of Russia from ancient rulers, through the Romanov dynasty, the Decembrist revolution, the revolution of 1905 and the Revolution of 1917. It discusses the Communist period, and the post-Communist period, and touches on economic problems today as well as ethnic conflicts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The second paper, which is incorporated into the whole, is a 3-page essay describing some of Russia's cultural icons. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The third paper, which is incorporated into the whole, is a 3-page essay describing Russian and Soviet geography. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The fourth paper, which is incorporated into the whole, is a 2-page essay describing Russian demographics. Bibliography lists 1 source.
'Born to be Good?' by Celia Kitzinger Summarized and Discussed
This is a 4 page paper discussing Celia Kitzinger’s article “Born to be Good?”. British psychologist Celia Kitzinger discusses human motivation in relation to the psychology of morality of the “good, bad or indifferent” treatment of others in her essay “Born to be Good?” (1997). Kitzinger’s article tells readers some of the more popular social, biological and psychological theories in regards to moral development and some of the controversies with these theories. In addition to theories of moral development and beliefs, perhaps more importantly Kitzinger tackles the differences which exist between moral beliefs and action. In many situations people who may have high moral beliefs act in horrible ways because of social pressures. Overall, the essay presents a well informed look at moral beliefs, motivation and actions and opens the discussion for future discussions on what can be done to overcome social pressures which cause people to act counter to their moral beliefs and upbringing.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Metaphorical Uses of Hunger
A 6 page research paper that examines food and hunger as cultural metaphors. Food is a basic need. It fulfills the biological requirements of hunger, but it fulfills broader cultural goals as signified by the numerous metaphors that surround its use. Susan Bordo, in her essay "Hunger as Ideology," addresses the numerous metaphors that employed for hunger in American society, particularly in regards to advertising. A pivotal point in Bordo's discussion is how hunger and food are frequently featured in advertising and culture as terms that are synonymous with sexual desire, particularly in regards to women. This examination of this metaphorical relationship between sex, desire, food and femininity demonstrates that the extent to which this metaphor describes a cultural perception, but it also demonstrates the limits of this metaphor in regards to the manner in which it overlays the deeper context of society's fears about female sexuality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Language Acquisition and the Case of Genie
An 11 page paper. This essay reports the historical background of Genie and what happened to her when she was taken to the local hospital. The paper is divided into four sections: Who was Genie; How Genie contributed to our understanding of the psychology of language acquisition; What we could learn from Genie; and What would happen if another Genie were discovered today. The writer is very pessimistic and believes the same things that happened to Genie in the 1970s would happen again. Experts would converge, each promoting their own ideas and opinions. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Music Appreciation Among Adults
Adult Music Appreciation: This 21-page analytical essay examines a plethora of subjective and objective concepts germane to the life-learning experiences of listening to music. In addition, the views expressed herein will be those that are outside the scope of typical norms that are associated with the commercial entertainment musical genre.
Bibliography lists 5 sources. SNMusica.doc
Eminem's Music
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses and analyzes the music of rap star Eminem. Marshall Mathers, who is known by his stage name of "Eminem," is one of the world's most famous rap artists (Eby 289). Even his critics acknowledge that he is highly creative, a "musical and lyrical genius" (Eby 289). However, while this is true, Eminem's music is also highly controversial due to the various themes embodied in his songs, as they "pulsate with vulgarity, adolescent sexuality, hatred, misogyny and violence" (Eby 289). This examination of Eminem's music will consider its possible effect on listeners, as well as the possible reasons for his popularity with teens and the antagonism of mainstream critics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
2 Versions of 'To Build a Fire' by Jack London
A 12 page essay that discusses both versions of London's most famous short story. The earliest version, published in 1902, appeared in Youth's Companion and was written for a juvenile audience. London produced a second version of the story in 1908 and it was published in The Century Magazine. The second version of the story is famous as London's best work and is clearly for an adult audience. While the stories are different in both style and content, due to their intended audiences, both delve heavily into the psychological makeup of their protagonists and, in each, London describes the protagonist's perception in relating each man's fate. In so doing, London offers clear and perceptive insight into the psychology of risk-taking behavior for a young and older man, showing both the similarities and the differences in their perception of a dire situation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Trumpet Music and 20th Century Composer Karl King
A 3 page research paper/essay that analyzes 2 composition by turn-of-the twentieth century composer Karl L. King (1891-1971), an American composer famous for his march music (Karl King). A self-taught musician, King began his career playing in and directing circus bands (Karl King). During this long career, he wrote and published more than 300 works, which includes 188 marches. A contemporary of the "March King," John Philip Sousa, it should be noted that King out-wrote Sousa by over 50 marches (Karl King). Some scholars have argued that it was the superb musicality of King's compositions that limited his success compared to Sousa (Karl King). This examination of his compositions, A Trumpeter's Prayer contrasted against Emblem of Freedom, indicates the scope of his considerable musical talent as these are two very different compositions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Comparing 3 paintings & painting/music
A 6 page essay that discusses three paintings and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. “The Abduction of the Sabine Women” by Nicolas Poussin (1634), “The Death of General Wolfe” by Benjamin West (1770), and “The Raft of the Medusa” by Theodore Gericault” (1818) are each representative of a specific period in art history. Comparing the three works illustrates the way in which the Romantic era reconnected with the emotionality and vibrancy of the Baroque. However, it should be noted that Neoclassical works were not without emotion, as Beethoven’s striking Fifth Symphony exemplifies, rather it indicates that comparison between the periods illustrates that in the Neoclassical era, emotion was controlled within the confines of rationality. A bibliography is not offered.
Piety, the Bible, Sophocles, and Plato
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares Plato's Euthyphro, Sophocles' Oedipus and the Book of Genesis, chapter 22. The writer points out that all of these works concern the perspective of ancient peoples on issues of piety, justice and the manner in which these issues intersect with religion. Examination of these texts shows that Sophocles and the author of Genesis agree that divine authority demands and deserves unquestioning obedience. However, Plato, in representing the philosophy of Socrates, presents a more ambiguous picture that emphasizes the unreliability of a purely religious foundation for issues of justice. Analysis of these positions shows that Plato's stance in Euthyphro is the most logical-- and just-- by modern standards. No additional sources cited.
Homosexuality and Family Acceptance
A 6 page essay/research paper that looks at Gloria Feliciano's play "Between Blessings," which is a poignant account of a twenty-eight year old Puerto Rican son, Diego, finally telling his proud, macho, traditionalist father that he is gay. In this work, Feliciano's use of language and dramatic devices serves to expand the scope of the play beyond the immediate domestic situation between father and son and, in so doing, brings up issues of culture and religiosity, specifically the stand of the Roman Catholic Church on homosexuality. This factor of the play is achieved by framing the confrontation between Diego and his father within scenes that feature a family friend, Father David, a priest who is also homosexual. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Truth in Patient Care
An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses the ethics involved in telling the truth to patients. Healthcare practitioners are routinely faced with the responsibility of informing patients about the details and implications of their prognoses. No one enjoys being the bearer of bad tidings when a prognosis offers little hope. Also, it can be difficult to handle patient care when family members insist on sheltering a relative from the knowledge that they have a chronic condition. In other words, when, where and how to convey the truth of a prognosis is a recurring problem in healthcare in general and one that specifically impacts nursing. The writer explores ethical considerations, referring to Kantian ethics and cases cited in nursing literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Community College and Psychology Teaching
A 3 page essay supporting the choice to teach psychology at the community college level. The psychology instructor at a university enjoys full access to subscription-based literature databases as well as employer-paid conference attendance opportunities. Psychologists in private practice gain the satisfaction of being involved in improving the lives of individuals, and some achieve significant financial rewards. The community college can expect none of these financial supports or rewards. The rewards possible are significant and can be immense, however. As is the case when comparing community college education with university education, the end result is only different, certainly not inferior. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Space Race and the Participating Cosmonauts and Astronauts
An 8 page thesis essay which confirms the technological preeminence given America for being the first nation on the
moon, but which also analyzes the closeness of the race and the competency of the Russian cosmonauts. The "rude awakening" experienced by America during Russia's
launch of Sputnik I and Sputnik II is discussed along with the procession of steps taken by America to place herself back in the space race. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Nursing Community Services, Asthma & Diabetes
A 4 page essay/research paper in which the writer uses tutorial language to advise a student on relating nursing experience that pertain to community service, specifically, asthma and diabetes care. The student's assignment calls for student to report on professional community services that the student has rendered as an RN within the last several years. Community nursing covers a broad expanse, however, two common topics addressed by community nursing pertain to the treatment of asthma and diabetes, particularly Type 2 diabetes, within the context of a community setting. Therefore, this synopsis of two articles on these topics may give the student some ideas that are pertinent to relating her own personal experience. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
U.S. Foreign Educated Nurse Licensing
This 23 page paper discusses the licensing process for foreign-educated nurses in America. The essay begins with an introduction that reports the nursing shortage, the practice of importing foreign-trained nurses in developed countries and the ratio of nurses to population in several countries. The next section reports the licensing process for nurses who are trained in the U.S., which is followed by the process for licensing foreign-trained nurses, including the CGFNS program and the NCLEX examination. The contents and process of the exams are discussed. The author then discusses other challenges for the foreign-educated nurse, such as the sometimes vastly different communication process. The last section is recommendations to help foreign-educated nurses become more successful. The writer also discusses negative impact importing nurses has on global health and the need to resolve the real problem. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Explaining DNRs
A 15 page paper. The paper begins by explaining the differences between an Advance Directive and a Do-Not-Resuscitate order. DNRs are not well understood. They are misinterpreted largely because patients and their families do not understand them. The one health care professional who has the best opportunity to clear up this confusion is the nurse. This essay discuses DNRs, their implications, and how they affect nurses. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PG698592.doc
Causes and Solutions Regarding Shortage of Nurses
This 11 page paper explores the nursing shortage. Experts have predicted that the number of registered nurses will be at least 20 percent below the number needed by 2007. There are a number of reasons for this crisis. Fewer young people are choosing nursing as their career. Nurses do not receive adequate compensation. The current shortage has resulted in unpleasant and stressful working conditions, which keeps young people away from this profession. This essay discusses these and other causes and reasons for the shortage of nurses. The writer then reports recommendations for solving the problem as provided by experts in the field. Data are included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Virginia Henderson/Neonatal Application
A 5 page essay that, first of all, addresses the parameters of the theoretical perspective on nursing that was developed by Virginia Henderson. The basic assumptions and major points of Henderson's theory are summarized, which includes briefly addressing how she perceives the four meta-paradigms of nursing (i.e., person, environment health and nursing). Then, a clinical application of this nursing theory is discussed. Specifically, the research conducted by Ahmed (2008), which describes a successful educational intervention that was undertaken with the mothers of pre-term infants in regards to breastfeeding, is described and then discussed in terms of Henderson's theory. This discussion demonstrates the utility and versatility of Henderson's theoretical perspective and why this theory is highly applicable to neonatal nursing. This paper also includes an abstract which is 117 words in length and included as part of the page count. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Master's Degree in Nursing and Self Development
A 15 page essay/research paper that offers a student a comprehensive template for discussing self development in reference to pursuing a masters degree in nursing. It is taken as axiomatic that in order to reach a specific destination, it is wise to obtain a road map and plan one's route for reaching that destination. Similarly, this type of thinking is equally wise in regards to life in general. In order to achieve specific goals, that is, one's "destination," it is advantageous to have a "road map," which delineates, first of all, what the destination-goals are and offers a strategy for achieving them. The development of such a "road map" begins with self knowledge. However, it also entails looking at available options; evaluating areas for possible improvement, and consideration of lifetime goals and objectives, both professional and personally. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Sports Coverage and the Media II
In this well-reasoned 6 page essay, the writer discusses what the media's ethical responsibilities should be in covering sports-related issues & events and how these measure up with reality. It is argued that the media spends too much time influencing the opinions of fans while it should really be providing objective news. Ultimately, the media's poor coverage of sports helps ruin the private lives of athletes, creates dishonesty among players & coaches, and in the specific case of college sports,-- helps draw the spotlight away from education itself. Recommended ideas about what the media should be doing are presented. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Teaching of Math in California
A 5 page paper. The catalyst question for this paper was: How to teach Saxon Math to 4th/5th grade GATE students in accordance with the California math standards. The essay begins with some general comments about the California Mathematics Standards, including a general synopsis of what students are supposed to do by the end of the 5th grade. The focus of the Saxon math series is then explained. Comments about Saxon math from others are reported. The writer concludes that while Saxon math may fit within the general criteria of the standards, it would not be a good program to use with students who were gifted in math. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Application of Montessori Mathematics to Children Between the Ages of Three and Six
This 8 page paper discusses how Montessori mathematics takes the young child from concrete learning to abstract thinking in mathematics. The essay begins with Montessori's beliefs about the child under the age of 6, the materials presented to children and, in general, how the materials help the child make this transition. The principles for the materials are outlined. Two lesson plans are included: one that moves the child from concrete rods to understanding of the numerals and the other is the introduction of fractions. Additional comments further clarify how the Montessori materials help children make the all-important transition from the concrete to the abstract. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Shipping Operations and Operations Management Objectives
A 5 page paper. The goal of operations management is to increase customer satisfaction, productivity and efficiency. There are many approaches to accomplishing this goal and numerous tools the operations manager can use. This essay discusses what operations management is. It then discuses the major challenge for shipping companies and the effectiveness of automation. Finally, the writer uses FedEx as an example of how a shipping company can greatly improve operations using different techniques, including technology, teams and incentives. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
CPM and PERT Management Tools of Project Planning
A 21 page paper. The introduction to this essay briefly discusses the importance of planning and provides data regarding the proportion of projects that fail and why. The writer then explains the difference between project planning and project management and discusses the importance of managing the project. Work Breakdown Structures and their importance as the one of the first steps in project planning are discussed. A brief historical overview of Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Management (CPM) is offered with a comprehensive discussion of each of these project planning tools. Using PERT and CPM are discussed with examples from two actual projects and the results of those projects. The writer ends the paper with a discussion of the importance of risk management within project planning and project management and steps for managing risk and uncertainty. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Answering 4 Operations Management Questioins
This 15 page paper responds to four questions that address how certain environmental events or conditions would affect operations management in corporations. The first question discuses the effects of an increase or decrease in tariffs. The beef industry and the higher tariff in Japan is used as an example. Second, what effect would more stringent air and water quality laws have on operations. The Kodak company's problems with the EPA are explained in this discussion. The next issue has to do with the expectation for greater employee empowerment in the workplace. FedEx is the example used in this discussion. Finally, what would be the effect on operations management if there was an outbreak of a serious disease. For this question, the essay first comments on the SARS epidemic and the effects on two companies in Asia. Ebola is used as an example, also. The anthrax attack and the change in operations with the U.S. postal service is also discussed. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Hospitality Industry and HRM
A 21 page paper that focuses primarily on the hotel business within the hospitality industry. This is a case study of one hotel chain and begins with background information about this small hotel chain. The writer describes and discusses four specific functions within human resource management: Staffing: selection and retention; Training and development; Performance management; and Compensation, including incentives for performance. Each function is discussed reporting some of the many effective processes within that area. The actual practices of each area are described. The essay ends with recommendations for improving the four human resource management functions at this firm. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A Poem Comparison, Frost, Hughes
This 3 page essay compares "Design" by Robert Frost and the "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes. No additional sources cited.
Negron-Muntaner/Barbie's Hair
A 3 page paper that discusses this essay. A doll seems like an unlikely candidate for controversy. Yet, yet Frances Negron-Muntaner, in her essay "Barbie's Hair," describes how controversy immediately arose when the Mattel Toy Company released a Puerto Rican version of their famous Barbie doll in 1997. Communities, both in Puerto Rico and the mainland US, associated the doll with cultural connotations that involved "Puerto Rican identity" (Negron-Muntaner 39). The author of this provocative essay makes a number of pertinent points about this version of Barbie within the context of popular culture, however, two of the most intriguing points made in the essay are the significance that was attached to the meaning of the doll's hair and how this related to Puerto Rican identity and also how the doll represented a political position in terms of Puerto Rico's place on the world stage. No additional sources cited.
An MSW Admission Essay
This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for an MSW program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
An Admission's Essay Sample
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an admission's essay for a student seeking a doctoral degree in Natural Health.
Bald Eagles No Longer Endangered
This 3 page paper uses the definition essay to determine whether or not the bald eagle is an endangered species. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Zinsser's College Pressures
This 3-page paper, based on Williams Zinsser's essay "College Pressures," compares the college students of today (ala 1979) with those of earlier years.
Moral Theology/Remarriage After Divorce
A 3 page essay/research paper that discusses scriptural guidance on this issue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Three Essays on Realtors and Real Estate
This 3 page paper comprises three short essays on realtors and some of the issues they face in the real estate industry.
Analysis of 4 poems by Robert Frost
This 3 page essay offers analysis of four poem by Robert Frost that the writer argues reflect how Frost was influenced by his era.
A Sample Allied Health Care in Radiology Admissions Essay
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for allied health care in radiology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Television Situation Comedies and Family Love Relationships
A 3 page essay on the development of love relationships within the American family as shown on TV sitcoms. Bibliography not included.
The Traits Necessary for a Career in Hotel Management
In this 1 page essay, the writer describes the job and traits of a successful hotel manager and then presents reasons why (s)he believes that they will excel in this profession.
An Overview of the Advantages and Disadvantages of 401 K Plans
A 5 page essay discussing the pros and cons of 401k plans. Bibliography lists approximately 6 sources.
An 8 page analysis of essays on the topic of cheating offered by Michael Cooley and Katherine Powell in their book Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context. Each essay introduces a situation or moral dilemma that involves the issue of cheating and stimulates the reader to form moral judgements based on the given situations. In essence, the authors provide fuel for a discussion centered on the central question of 'does everybody cheat?' The writer summarizes the articles and then offers some perspective on the question. No additional sources cited.
Humanity, the Universe and its Hierarchy
This 5 page report is actually two essays with the first half dealing with the hierarchy of the universe beginning with the atom and through the super clusters of galaxies. The second essay examines the question of whether or not humanity would collectively behave differently if people understood the infinite nature of the realm in which they exist. No bibliography is included.
Charles S. Peirce's Philosophical Perspective
A 7 page research paper that examines four essays by Charles S. Peirce is regarded as one of America¹s greatest philosophers and perhaps the nation¹s greatest semiotician. The writer demonstrates through the medium of the four essays that Peirce's views on cognition and intuition stayed consistent throughout his career. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Energy Crisis
An 8 page paper. We have a serious energy crisis that few seem to be acknowledging. Leeb and Strathy, however, say we are on the edge of the most serious crisis ever. Beginning with the comments of these authors, this essay compares two economic energy policies, CARE from the 1970s and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 in term so which had greater impact. The essay then briefly describes some alternative energy approaches. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Divorce's Impact on Children
This 4-page paper focuses on an argumentative essay that proves that children of divorce aren't necessarily impacted by the divorce itself -- but rather, the type of divorce it is. The essay presents pro and con arguments, as well as a thesis statement. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Admission Essay
This 3 page admission essay relates a general essay for admission into a Masters of Social Work program (MSW) at Hunter College in New York. No sources cited.
Study Guide/Oedipus the King & Darker Face of the Earth
A 5 page research paper that offers a study guide and suggestions on how to understand and approach the task of essay writing on 2 plays: Oedipus the King by Sophocles and The Darker Face of the Earth by Rita Dove. To repeat this, this paper is not an essay but it rather suggestions and a study guide. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Is The Japanese Manufacturing System Appropriate In The U.S.
A 4 page paper. Manufacturing in the U.S. has been declining for years in volume and quality. This essay comments on possible reasons for that situation. The essay also compares some of the aspects of the manufacturing system of Japanese and American companies and ends with a conclusion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Fair Trade In The United Kingdom
This 8 page paper begins a short explanation of what Fair Trade means and the purpose of Fair Trade. The essay discusses Fair Trade as it applies to the United Kingdom, including data and statistics and consumers' perceptions of this type of product. The essay identifies some of the stores that strongly support Fair Trade and how they do so. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Information Security Management
A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Three Essays on Business Management
This essay is actually three essays dealing with business management topics. One covers the five stages of new companies, and why new management is needed for various stages; the second follows the concept of changing a vertical organization to a a flat, or horizontal one; and the third issue deals with the role of managers and leaders in today's corporate culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
MSW Program Admissions Essay
This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for an MSW program. This paper integrates fictitious material about the student and demonstrates the way to write a solid essay for admissions in a MSW program.
J.R.R. Tolkien's Imaginary Worlds and Philology
In this 5 page essay, the writer essentially discusses the life and works of Tolkein,-- focusing specifically upon the imaginary worlds he managed to create in "The Hobbit" and "Lord Of The Rings" and his love for language (philology). Throughout the essay, examples of words and names created by Tolkein are provided as are their meanings & usefulness in his stories. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Modified Leadership Construct for Health Care
A 15 page paper. This essay presents a modified leadership construct for health care organizations. The essay discusses constructs, leadership constructs, functional leadership model, and transformational leadership. The modified leadership model incorporates the functional leadership model within transformational. A graph of the new model is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Analysis of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal
A 6 page essay that analyzes Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.” The writer offers an examination of Swift’s use of language in the essay, as the research analyzes how Swift accomplished his purposes, which were to shake the British public into seeing beyond their prejudices, biases and self-interest. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Teachers and Technology Training That is Effective
This 5 page paper discusses effective technology training. The essay begins with general comments, including some essential components of any effective staff development program. The writer then relates six different programs that were highly successful in training teachers to use technology. The essay concludes with tips to improve technology training. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Teaching Profession from a Philosophical Position
This 7 page first person essay provides an example of what a teacher might write concerning his or her own philosophical position on the profession. An essay provided by a student is referenced and used as the basis for the discussion. No bibliography.
S. Foss's Inviting Transformation, Presentational Speaking for a Changing World and Public Speaking
A 6 page essay written in the first person that expresses how a public speaking student might discuss what he/she has learned in class, drawing heavily from the textbook Inviting Transformation, Presentational Speaking for a Changing World by S. Foss (2002). The second part of the essay discusses the student's realization of personal strengths and weaknesses in regards to public speaking. No additional sources cited.
A Guillermo Gomez Pena Essay Evaluation
This 3 page paper considers Gomez-Pena's essay entitled "Documented/Undocumented." The essay serves as a springboard for discussion on identification and assimilation. It is argued that while multiculturalism is positive to an extent, it does more harm than good. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Managing the Supply Chain in the Retail Grocery sector
A 22 page paper. This essay discusses supply chain management perspectives, activities and components in supply chains. It also discusses supply chain management in the retail grocery industry and the factors that affect management of retail grocery supply chains. Examples of major grocery chains in the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe are provided and discussed. The essay also comments on the difficulties of measuring the performance of supply chains. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Delinquency and Labeling Theory
This 3 page paper begins by explaining labeling theory, including criticism of the theory. The essay provides examples of prevention programs that would support this perspective. The writer also comments on parenting styles found most effective for preventing delinquency. The essay concludes with comments related to treatment of status offenders. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Theology of Sacraments
A 7 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of what sacramental theology is. The essay reports and discusses sacramental theology of Holy Communion as it pertains to Methodists, Catholics, Anglicans, and the United Reformed church. The essay ends with comments about lay people serving Holy Communion. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Genesis 1-2:3 Compared to Genesis 2:4-25
A 6 page paper. The essay reports the author of Genesis and the general structure of the Book. The essay discusses the story of Creation in Genesis 1-2:3 and in Genesis 2:4-25. The writer points out the differences and possible reasons for those differences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Life of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels
An 8 page paper that responds to specific questions beginning with the nature of the Bible, including what the synoptic gospels are. The essay mentions the Q Bible and how the Old Testament is brought into the New Testament. The essay comments on Christ's birth, miracles and resurrection, the kinds of things Jesus did and said and it reports why the Romans executed Christ. The New Jerusalem Bible is used. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Impressionism/Music & Art
An 11 page research paper that is an expansion on a previous essay khimmuar.rtf. This essay discusses how impressionist painting is related to impressionist music in more detail and draws more heavily on the sources cited in the previous paper. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Four Insights into the Meaning of Life
A 5 page research paper that consists of 2 separate essays that each deal with philosophical questions about life. The first essay concerns Gaines' A Lesson Before Dying and Gomes' The Good Life. The second uses Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie and McFarland's The Music Room. No additional sources cited.
United Kingdom and United States Government Processes
A 10 page paper, including tutorial comments, that compares and contrasts the U.K. governmental process with the U.S. governmental process. The focus is on policymaking and includes comments on the citizens of both countries becoming disillusions with their governmental process. Influences on the political process for both countries are discussed. The essay ends with comments about which country's system would result in better policymaking. Material used for the essay was provided by the student. No bibliography.
Interracial Relationships
A 7 page paper that begins with the data regarding interracial marriages in the U.S. The major focus of this essay is white men with black women but it also includes information about the converse. The essay reports comments from other authors about the acceptance of interracial relationships. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
iPhone Marketing
A 9 page paper. This essay begins with a discussion of some of the many principles of marketing that have been published. The essay goes on to discuss the marketing program for Apple in general and the iPhone in particular. The paper illustrates how marketing principles were actualized in the marketing program for this product. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Great Plains and Severe Weather
A 4 page paper that identifies where Tornado Alley is and why it has that nickname. The essay explains what a tornado is and how scientist think it is formed. Some examples of tornadoes are provided. The essay comments on the development of the Great Plains region and how people deal with tornadoes today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Postcolonialism In Korea, China And Japan
A 14 page paper that begins with a brief explanation of colonialism and postcolonialism. The essay goes on to discuss Korea when annexed by Japan and the years following their liberation; the partial colonization of China by Japan and some of the major events following liberation. The essay also discusses Japan, which was never colonized but that experienced events that changed the country. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Sports, Society and a Student's 'Senior Wish'
This 3 page paper addresses the subject of sports and society. In this essay, why a student wants his or her team to go to the state playoffs is discussed. Written in first person, this essay presents this desire in the form of an ultimate wish for senior year. No bibliography.
Father and Son Bonding Through Sports
A 5 page essay that examines Scott Russell Sanders' essay "Reasons of the Body," which discusses how he bonds with his son through sports, and also how sports, or even just the way he moves, also reminds him of his own father. In other words, Sanders sees the societal significance of sports in men's lives and this perspective is informative and intriguing. No additional sources cited.
3 Views on Psychology of Foreign Policy
A 6 page research paper/essay that summarizes, analyzes and contrasts three essays by experts in the field of foreign policy decision making. Ole R. Holsti, Jerel A. Rosati and Jack L. Snyder, in their writing, are in consensus that the realist approach leaves out certain cognitive factors that can play a pivotal, often crucial, role in crisis decision-making. No additional sources cited.
Employee Handbook Creation and Project Management
A 6 page paper. In this scenario, a consultant has been hired as project manager to prepare a manual for new personnel. The essay discusses assumptions made, then, lists content of the manual. Two other staff members are also assigned to the team, one who is responsible for gathering the needed documents and one who will design the layout for the manual. The writer identifies the critical path tasks and includes a Gantt chart. The writer then discusses contingencies and trade-offs. 1 Graphic illustration included. Tutorial notes included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Management, Organizational Structure, and National Culture
A 14 page paper. The essay begins by defining national culture and corporate culture and how national culture influences business culture. The writer then explains the different factors that influence the national culture, such as language, class stratification, emphasis on group or individual. Hofstede's four dimensions of culture are described and used as the benchmark for determining the national culture in the U.K. and the U.S. The writer uses two companies to illustrate the relationships between and among national culture, organizational culture and management styles. The companies used are Dyson Appliance from the UK and Apple Computer from the US. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Cultural Differences
A 14 page paper. As businesses continue to expand globally, the ability to negotiate and resolve conflict in different cultures successfully becomes essential to success. This essay discusses how culture affects conflict management and business negotiations. The four approaches to researching this topic are outlined as are different ways of understanding culture and how those approaches can interfere with communication and conflict management. Specific examples of how company managers in other cultures approach conflict management are provided. For example, U.S. managers often approach conflict as competition while many Asian managers either try to avoid conflict or try to compromise. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Culture, History and Artistry of Black America
A 5 page paper which examines Paul
Beatty’s “The White Boy Shuffle” as it involves a somewhat irreverent look at African
American history and culture. The paper then compares his presentations with the
outlooks provided by Addison Gayle’s “The Black Aesthetic” and Larry Neal’s essay
“The Black Arts Movement.” No additional sources cited.
Following Watson's Example/Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A 10 page research paper/essay that offers a guide for contrasting and comparing a student nurse's personal nursing philosophy to that of nursing theorist Jean Watson. The writer argues that each individual nurse brings personal perception to the act of interpreting Watson's theory. This interpretation is necessarily influenced by that nurse's personal history, knowledge level, and understanding. The purpose of this discussion of Watson's theory is to compare and contrast it with the personal nursing philosophy of a particular nursing student. The paradigms of person, environment, health and nursing are addressed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Leadership and Management in Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses leadership and management in nursing. The ongoing nursing shortage has generated numerous changes in the nursing manager role, as the exemplary functioning of nursing leadership has become increasing crucial to the priority of continuing to delivery quality patient care (Heller, et al, 2004). Consequently, there has been a huge interest in nursing research on the topic of leadership in recent years. However, Redfern points out that while nursing managers are required to be effective leaders, managerial skills are also important as "leadership without management is an abdication of responsibility that can lead to disaster" (Redfern, 2008, p. 10). As this statement emphasizes, both leadership and management are essential to achieving the goals of nursing and both factors must intertwine synergistically to achieve nursing goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Human Resources Management and Diversity Training
Diversity Training in Human Resources Management: This 13-page essay examines
the feasibility of diversity training relevant to corporations and their HR management staff. Diversity is about respecting differences, fostering understanding, value creation and overall market effectiveness inside and outside of one’s organization. But will there be a backlash? Bibliography lists 8 sources. SNDivhus.doc
Visual Discrimination
A 3 page paper. Children develop visual discrimination skills as they grow and learn. These are the skills that are imperative for learning to read, for doing math, and even for sorting objects. As they grow, they learn more sophisticated visual discrimination skills. Visual blindness happens when one looks at something and does not see it. It happens because the person’s attention is on something else. Both will be discussed in this essay. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
New York City and Asian American High School Students
A 18 page paper that discuses the academic achievement of Asian American students with an emphasis on Manhattan. The essay includes available data regarding the achievement of high school students, e.g., the percentage who meet graduation requirements in English and Math, the dropout and graduation rates. Cram schools in NYC are discussed. The writer comments on the effects of stereotyping. The education system in Japan, China and Korea are described to illustrate the effects of culture on learning and achievement. Immigrants from these countries transferred the focus on education from their home countries to America. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Interdisciplinary Unit on Earth Day
This is a 4 page paper that begins with a general introduction of the need for children to understand the dangers to the earth. The unit, which is appropriate for grades 2 and 3, begins with an explanation of how Earth Day originated and why. Activities for this unit are outlined under multiple headings to provide an interdisciplinary unit. The headings are: Reading/Literature/Writing/Science/Environmental Health and Science/Environmental Education/Math/Writing/Reading/Art/Music. The essay also includes a brief outline of which Pennsylvania standards are included in the activities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Comparative Analysis of US and Japan Structuring of Youth Sports
A 5 page essay comparing the structure of youth sports in Japan to the structure of youth sports in the United States, concentrating primarily on the schooling period that equates to middle- and early secondary school in the United States. Japanese students operate on a modified year-round school schedule and the school days are much longer than those of the U.S. In addition, more than half of the students of middle school age also attend private tutoring classes five and six nights each week, and three hours of homework daily from the public school is common. Japanese students have little time for sports activities of any kind, and the structures between the two countries are very different. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Confidentiality Issues When Counseling Minors
A 7 page paper that addresses the issue of confidentiality when licensed professional counselors are counseling minors. There is a dearth of literature that deals with the topic of confidentiality when counseling minors outside of the school setting. Neither the Code of Ethics for the American Psychological Association nor the Code of Ethics for the American Counseling Association address this issue specifically. What little literature that could be found is discussed in this essay. The writer comments on the APA and ACA Code of Ethics. The issue of privilege is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
An Analysis of the Films, The Sacrifice, Stalker, and Daughters of the Dust
An 8 page essay that reviews and analyzes three movies - The Sacrifice(1988) and Stalker (1979) by Tarkovsky and Daughters of the Dust (1992) by Dash. The writer argues that, in previous eras, individuals with an artistic vision had two mediums in which to express themselves—art or literature. The twentieth century has witnessed the blossoming of a third choice—cinema. The writer maintains that there are numerous examples of twentieth century film makers who manipulate light, color, words and music in such a way as to create art that rivals the finest paintings and literature for the way that it can move the human soul. No sources cited.
Piano and Orchestra
A 6 page research paper/essay that explores critical literature that has addressed the relationship between the piano and the orchestra that exists within the context of concerti and how this relationship has been represented in terms of the Romantic era notion of the individual against society. This notion pictures the solo pianist as a lone warrior pitted against the formidable sound of a full orchestra. The pianist is the hero that defies the conformity and domination of society as represented by the orchestra. The following examination of literature and thought on this topic, first of all, lays out the parameters of the piano/orchestra relationship as it is expressed in Romantic works; and then investigates whether or not the same can be said about impressionist concerti, or if this style of music ushered in a new relationship. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Beowulf, Tempest, Don Quixote/Their Lasting Appeal
A 7 page essay that examines 3 works of great literature. “Beowulf,” the Anglo-Saxon epic poem by an unknown poet; Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”; and “The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes illustrate the characteristics of a great work of literature that cause it to endure. Examination of these three great literary works demonstrates that each one continues to resonant with modern readers because they accurately reflect human nature. Additionally, each work demonstrates expert use of such features as characterization and plot construction. Also, each author’s use of language is lyrically beautiful and expertly executed. No additional sources cited.
Six Stories and Lower and Upper Classes
A 5 page essay that addresses six works by six authors: Orwell, Dostoevsky, Goldsmith, Goldstone, Huxley and Jackson. The writer argues that literature is, among other things, a reflection of an author's perception of society, its values and concepts of knowledge and truth. As this suggests, through the medium of literature, readers can gain insights about their society, and particularly its class structure, which they may not perceive in the course of their everyday lives. This examination of six works illustrates this principle, as each tale focuses on a different aspect of class structure, informing the reader, but, more importantly, causing the reader to reflect on the justice of taken for granted societal norms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Manager's Toolbox Website and Peru's 3rd Sector
This 6 page paper discusses the Third Sector, i.e., private, nonprofit organizations and also comments on the Manager's Toolbox, a Web site for the nonprofit manager. The emphasis is on Peru. The essay first identifies the type of theoretical approach and type of development regime for nonprofits as they exist in Peru. It then reports some useful data found at the Manager's Toolbox site. The writer then goes on to further discuss how the nonprofit sector operates in Peru and concludes with comments to the effect that the Manager's Toolbox is very helpful for American nonprofit managers but not for one investigating Peru. Bibliography lists 3 sites.
Cybercrime, Privacy, and Security
A 14 page paper. Cybercrime is increasing every year. The costs are staggering, as much as hundreds of millions of dollars each year plus the cost to human dignity and morale. The crooks have had more tools to use than our law enforcement agencies and law enforcement has been consistently thwarted in their attempts to gain authority to use the kinds of programs and strategies that could result in capturing the criminals. That changed on September 11. The Attack on America woke up the public and the Congress and resulted in a number of new laws that give expanded authority to specific agencies to "listen" in on the Internet. This essay discusses Cybercrime and then, the issue of security versus privacy. The writer takes the position that more security is worth less privacy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Bluest Eye & The Color Purple
A 5 page essay that discusses Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, which are similar in that both authors use the structure of their novels as a tool that facilitates the achievement of their thematic purposes. In The Bluest Eye, Morrison’s references to the Dick-and-Jane reading primer aids Morrison in contrasting the mainstream cultural ideal, that is, the world represented in the Dick-and-Jane stories, against the violence of her protagonist’s world. This contrast also serves to underscore the way in which mainstream white ideals are assimilated by black Americans and contribute to their dysfunction and unhappiness. Similarly, in The Color Purple, Walker uses her novel’s epistolary format to dramatize her protagonist’s evolution from an insecure, brutalized girl toward an independent, secure woman with her own voice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Imperialism of Europe in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
A 3 page essay that analyzes Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart, which concerns the period in which the British first came to Nigeria and the culture clash that this invasion brought about with the native population. Achebe presents a picture of African culture, as seen in the Igbo tribe, that has more nuance than simply presenting the British as ethnocentric and imperialistic in their efforts to impose colonialism on a native culture and the Africans as the "good guys." While Achebe presents native Nigerians with sympathy, he also shows the flaws in their culture, and in so doing, presents the positive, as well as the negative, effects of British colonization of Nigeria. No additional sources cited.
Second U.S. President John Adams
This 10 page paper consists of two parts. The first is the nomination of John Adams for the Leader of the Century Award. This section discusses some of Adams' remarkable history and the leadership qualities for which he is being nominated. The last part of this section ranks ten attributes of leadership as they pertain to Adams with examples demonstrating each characteristic. The second section of this paper is an essay about Adams that includes further examples of his leadership, some of his attributes that were no included in the nomination document and why, and what the writer might have done differently with the XYZ event. Both sections identify Adams' leadership styles and how these were demonstrated. Adams has been called the unsung hero and the forgotten hero in the founding of this nation. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
American's Government Distrust and the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
A 5 page paper. Was there a specific point in time when Americans began distrusting the government? According to many, that time was the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent Warren Commission's report. Prior to that event, 75 percent of Americans believed the government did what was right and since then, as many as 75 percent do not trust the government. This essay investigates this premise using support from numerous authors. There have been other events, incidents and reasons for the increasing lack of trust, some of which are explained here. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Jesus Christ and Friedrich Nietzsche
A 3 page essay that compares and contrasts Jesus and Nietzsche. The Gospel According to St. Matthew records the Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:1-7:29). This sermon effectively summarizes Jesus' moral teaching. In his text The Consolation of Philosophy, Alain de Botton offers an interesting perspective on the life and philosophy of nineteenth century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Amazingly, De Botton finds commonality between the philosophy expressed by Jesus and that of Nietzsche. This is amazing because Nietzsche's philosophy is commonly regarded as the antithesis of Christianity. Nevertheless, De Botton, in offering a kinder, gentler view of Nietzsche, shows how there are life affirming points in supremacist orientation. No additional sources cited.
Nurture Wins in the Nature versus Nurture Debate
A 3 page research paper/essay that examines the nature v. nurture debate and argues in favor of nurture. The "nature versus nurture" debate has been going on now for over a century, as it began in the nineteenth century when a cousin of Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, came up with the idea of "improving" the human race through "selective breeding" (Hogenboom 1402). Since that time the pendulum has swung back and forth with either "nature" (that is, the influence of inherited traits) or "nurture" (the influence of the environment) being predominant among scholars. However, considering the latest research, the indications are that nurture is more important than nature in making us who and what we are. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hospitality Industry and HRM
A 21 page paper that focuses primarily on the hotel business within the hospitality industry. This is a case study of one hotel chain and begins with background information about this small hotel chain. The writer describes and discusses four specific functions within human resource management: Staffing: selection and retention; Training and development; Performance management; and Compensation, including incentives for performance. Each function is discussed reporting some of the many effective processes within that area. The actual practices of each area are described. The essay ends with recommendations for improving the four human resource management functions at this firm. 1 Table is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Huntington, Clash of Civilizations
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the thesis proposed in the 1993 article “The Clash of Civilizations?” (which was later expanded into a book) by Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington, he which he proposes that the central source of global conflict will not be “primarily ideological or primarily economic,” but will be between cultural perspectives (Huntington, 1993, p. 22). This examination of Huntington’s thesis, first of all, looks at his position in more detail, and then examines the implications of Huntington’s position and the storm of controversy that it has generated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Monster Networking Case Study
A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Eminem's Music
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses and analyzes the music of rap star Eminem. Marshall Mathers, who is known by his stage name of "Eminem," is one of the world's most famous rap artists (Eby 289). Even his critics acknowledge that he is highly creative, a "musical and lyrical genius" (Eby 289). However, while this is true, Eminem's music is also highly controversial due to the various themes embodied in his songs, as they "pulsate with vulgarity, adolescent sexuality, hatred, misogyny and violence" (Eby 289). This examination of Eminem's music will consider its possible effect on listeners, as well as the possible reasons for his popularity with teens and the antagonism of mainstream critics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Once We Were Warriors/Postcolonial Theory
A 6 page research paper/essay that analyzes the 1994 film “Once Were Warriors” offers an international audience a representation of Maori ethnic identity. When viewed in the light of postcolonial theory, the question that such an investigation immediately raises is whether or not the film offers an accurate vision of urban Maori society or if this film is itself a product of a postcolonial mindset. While certainly the domestic difficulties encountered by the film’s protagonists mirror the social disorder that plagues the Maori minority population of New Zealand, an examination of literature indicates that this question is complex and that an ethnic people cannot and should not facilely characterized as fitting so neatly into European-influenced stereotypes. Particularly in regards to how the film pictures Maori men. In order to argue this point, it is necessary to first look at the content of the film, then the basic arguments of postcolonial theory Bibliography lists 4 sources.
E-Commerce, Tax Revenues and Physical Stores
An 8 page paper that addresses two specific questions: What impact does e-commerce have on brick-and-mortar stores? What impact does e-commerce have on sales tax revenues for cities and states? Everyone knows that e-commerce sales are still increasing exponentially. Some analysts argue this trend will only get stronger and will eventually force physical stores to close while others argue that e-commerce, at least in terms of the average consumer, will dwindle and die. Neither argument is valid. This essay discusses the effects of e-commerce and how it can be complementary to physical stores, not a substitute. A discussion regarding the reported loss of sales taxes for cities and states presents some interesting data. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
College Students and Spirituality
This 17 page paper actually responds to the question: What are the outcomes when college students are able to fulfill their spiritual needs? The essay begins with an introduction to spiritual development in adults. One author believes spirituality is part of human nature. Studies have shown that despite the media reporting on binge drinking, a large proportion of our college students are very spiritual and they believe it is important to integrate spirituality and/or religion into their lives. Many are turning to the traditional morals and practices their parents avoided. A study from UCLA is discussed because it provides the most amount of data relative to spirituality on our college campuses. The differences between students who are highly spiritual and those who are not are discussed. Data are included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Goodbye Tsugumi and N.P. by Banana Yoshimoto
A 4 page essay that examines the fiction of Japanese writer Banana Yoshimoto, specifically looking at Goodbye Tsugumi, Kitchen and N.P. as being representative of her fictional style. The writer argues that Yoshimoto writes from the heart, offering her readers insight into the minds, as well as the lives of her protagonists. It is this quality in her writing that provides the essential ingredient that gives her novels international appeal. Her books picture young Japanese women trying to cope with the pressures of a traditional culture in a modern world. In portraying their problems and dreams, Yoshimoto creates stories that connect with young people everywhere. No additional sources cited.
Holy Spirit Baptism
A 5 page essay/research paper that discusses the meaning of baptism of the Holy Spirit in contemporary Christianity. Many Christians today promote the concept that "speaking in tongues" is proof-positive of "baptism of the Holy Spirit" (Williams 84). This brings up the questions as to whether or not those who have not spoken in tongues are without the Holy Spirit (Williams 84). There are dedicated Christians on both side of this debate. Basically, opinion on this issue falls into two camps. The Pentecostals or charismatic movement maintains that gifts of the Holy Spirit that the apostles experienced at Pentecost are still being experienced by Christians today. The opposite camp believes that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ended in the first century of Christian history. Both positions are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Aging and Mitochondria
This 14 page paper discusses the aging of America. Today, more than 6,000 people turn 65 every day, that number will jump to 10,000 by 2011. This essay provides information on aging trends and the effect on the health care system. The writer also comments on the mitochondrial damage theory of aging and reports two dietary supplements that have been shown to be effective in preventing and even reversing certain age-related symptoms. 1 Graph included, Statistical data included. Statistical data reported. 1 Graph included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Automobile Repair Racket Targeting of Women
6 pages in length, this persuasive essay explores the reasons why women are cheated by fraudulent automobile
repair practices. This paper argues the point that women should become better informed, more aggressive, and more assertive in the area of auto repair in order to protect
themselves from unscrupulous business practices.
Florida and Foster Care
A 15 page paper. The primary focus of this paper is the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), and more specifically, the foster care system. The subtopic is mental health issues facing children in foster care. The essay reports data regarding the incidence of mental health and behavioral disorders among children and youth, in general, and among children in the foster care system, in particular. A great deal of data regarding children in Florida's foster care system are included. Numerous cases of Florida's mishandling of foster care children in included, including the "loss" of over 500 youngsters. The writer illustrates through examples how the Florida DCF has failed children. These issues are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Metaphysical Spiritual Healing
A 48 page exploration in the entitled field of healing beginning with an introduction and background of metaphysical spiritual healing and an historical background. The essay's subheadings are: metaphysical healing, metaphysical healing and tools and approaches, including Reiki, magnet and crystal therapies and how they are used, spiritual healing, metaphysical spiritual healers and approaches, including faith healing and reports of some of the most successful healers, Jesus Christ and His followers, the faith of metaphysicians and the faith and Divine powers of Christ, concluding comments. Numerous examples are provided throughout the paper along with comprehensive discussions in each section. Discussion and questions of Christ's healing and raising people from the dead are explored. Bibliography lists 34 sources.
M.L. King/Letter from a Birmingham Jail
A 3 page essay that analyzes Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous letter. On April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King responded to a published statement signed by eight of his fellow clergymen that castigated him for his involvement in Civil Rights protests that took place in Birmingham, Alabama, which is the reason why King was arrested. King’s response to the allegations of these clergymen is considered to be a masterpiece of modern rhetoric. This examination of King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” demonstrates that his argument fits with the framework offered by Rogerian analysis. No additional sources cited.
Boeing 787 Project Supply Chain
An 12 page paper. The first part of this paper is devoted to supply chain management, in general. The writer explains and discusses supply chains and supply chain management, including the JIT approach. Following the information and discussion on supply chain management, the essay continues to discuss this in terms of the aerospace industry, in general, and Boeing's 787 project, in particular. The writer makes recommendations for others who have large complex supply chains. The stimulus question is: whether or not Boeing's supply chain for the 787 project will become the normal way of establishing supply chains. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Eyes in Film
A 4 page essay that discusses eyes and vision in three films, Being John Malkovich (1999, directed by Spike Jonze), Vertigo (1958, directed by Alfred Hitchcock), and Rear Window (1954, also directed by Hitchcock). In these films, the camera position is frequently crucial, as vision, that is, what the character sees, is an integral part of the film's premise. Therefore, the camera angle is expertly used so that it enhances this thematic perspective. Additionally, in all three films, there is an emphasis on eyes, close-ups of eyes that naturally lead to an association with the audience between eyes, vision and the camera as a means of seeing what the character sees. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Sexual Exploitation and the Trafficking of Women
A 48 page paper presenting a comprehensive overview of human trafficking, particularly of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The introduction provides a general overview and insight into the extent of this crime. Human trafficking is reported to be the third most profitable illegal business in the world. The second section of the paper offers a feminist perspective on trafficking of women and girls into prostitution. Data include numbers from many different regions in the world. Estimates run as high as 2 million women and girls trafficked every year. Data support the premise that human trafficking is a gendered business, a backlash against feminism, according to one well-known author. The impact of globalization on sex trafficking is then explored. Countries are categorized as origin points, transition points or destination points. The classifications of numerous countries are reported, some of which fit into all three categories. International and national laws and agreements regarding human trafficking and particularly sex trafficking are reported in the next section. Two case studies are then reported: Ukraine and the Philippines. A summary and conclusions end the essay. Bibliography lists 50 sources.
Imaginative Style Developed by J.R.R. Tolkien
6 pages in length. Ever since man began telling tales, incredible accounts of freakish, monster-like animals have captivated and horrified entire communities. The basis for these extraordinary fabrications was the inability of early writers to distinguish between truth and fantasy. As the stories were passed down through generations, they
eventually became accepted as the legends we know today. The younger years of one of mythological literature's most beloved writers – J.R.R. Tolkien – served to greatly impact this imaginative style; however, the author did not fully grasp his unique talent until the 1930s when he worked and reworked The Hobbit and ultimately came up with new ideas of
mythological literature in the essay "On Fairy Stories." By this time Tolkien had come to realize that fantasy stories were plainly not primarily concerned with possibility, but with desirability. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Chancellors A History Of The Leaders Of The British Exchequer, 1886-1947 by Roy Jenkins
12 pages in length. Roy Jenkins' purpose for penning The Chancellors: A History of the Leaders of the British Exchequer, 1886-1947 was not so much to chronicle the political contributions of each of the nineteen men who held office during this particular period; rather, the author chose a more personal approach as a means by which to portray the psychological and political components of each
protagonist. Unlike similar accounts on the subject, Jenkins employs a significant sense of humor, not-so-subtle irony and rather unflattering perspective of what he calls a disparate lot of British Chancellors who had no more in common with one another than somewhat more than average ability and substantially more than average ambition.
Indeed, The Chancellors' essays do not represent the typical and stuffy account of history's British moneymen. No additional sources cited.
Answers to Questions on Immigration History
A 7 page paper which answers
questions (asked by student requesting this essay) from Nancy Foner’s work “From Ellis
Island to JFK.” No additional sources cited.
The Politics of Recognition by Charles Taylor
A 5 page paper which analyzes and
summarizes Charles Taylor’s essay “The Politics of Recognition.” No additional sources
Overview of Information Security Management
A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Types of Management Projects
A 7 page paper that discusses some of the many ways in which different industries use project management techniques. The essay begins with some data about how the field of project management has grown over the decades and the need for project management in today's marketplace. The essay then goes on to report how project management strategies are being used in four different industries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Nursing and the Management of Time
A 9 page paper. This essay first identifies some of the things that waste time, such as not planning and not organization. The next section in the essay comments on the shortage of nurses, which is followed by a discussion of the results of being overworked. The last section offers some time management strategies for nurses and nurse supervisors. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Three Essays on Business Management
This essay is actually three essays dealing with business management topics. One covers the five stages of new companies, and why new management is needed for various stages; the second follows the concept of changing a vertical organization to a a flat, or horizontal one; and the third issue deals with the role of managers and leaders in today's corporate culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Strategic HRM and TQM
An 8 page paper. The writer has selected two articles that act as the basis for this essay about human resource management: one focuses on the theoretical foundations for strategic human resource management, the other focuses on the relationship between total quality management and human resource management. The essay provides a brief overview of what each article reports and supports the conclusions with other literature. The writer than discusses the value of each approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Admission Essay
This 3 page paper is an example of an admissions essay for a student wishing to enroll in an MA clinical psychology course. The essay outlines the motivation for wanting to become a clinical psychologist, the reasons for applying to the collage and general background to support the application.
Cognitive Psychology and More
A 5 page paper that responds to specific essays. The writer comments and responds to short essays provided by the student in the areas of cognitive psychology, psychology and social change and psychopharmacology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Counseling According to Scripture
A 7 page paper. This essay uses Dr. Neil T. Anderson’s book, Discipleship Counseling as the source. The essay discusses some of the themes found in Anderson’s book. These include integration of psychology and theology; the definition of mental health; barriers to overcome before a person’s relationship with God can be restored; and the seven steps to freedom in Christ. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Writer's Personal Feelings About Music
A 3 pages essay that expresses the writer's personal feelings about music. The writer argues that music is a highly complex, abstract language that bypasses the brain and affects the central nervous system directly causing a change in mood. The essay goes on to discuss this emotional component of music and its implications. No sources cited.
Comparative Analysis of Carl Jung's Unconscious Archetypes and the Tarot
A 22 page research essay that explores the similarities between the symbolisms found in the Tarot and in Jung's Collective Unconscious Archetypes. The essay is divided into three major sections: an explanation of Jung's Archetypes; a description and explanation of the Tarot cards; and the relationships between the two. Synchronicity is discussed both in terms of Jung's psychology and the use of the Tarot cards. An example illustrating the archetypes found in the Tarot cards is given, interpreting two of the cards. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Impact of a BSN on Nursing Role
A 4 page research paper/essay that uses tutorial language in order to provide a nursing student with a guide to writing a personal essay that discusses the student’s personal beliefs and values relative to nurses within the context of how the student perceives obtaining a BSN degree will impact the student’s practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nursing Leadership for Today and Future
A 3 page example essay that offers a nursing student suggests for how to respond to an essay prompt that asks for evaluation of an online nursing leadership course. The writer makes use of tutorial language in advising the student. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Jean Watson's Theory Of Human Caring & Personal Reflection
A 14 page paper. This essay is an expansion of PGwtsnr.RTF. The last pages of this essay reports a case study, demonstrating which of Watson's clinical caritas processes are applied during the interaction between nurse and patient. It also includes the writer's reflection on the processes and what the nurse must do to continue to follow Watson's model. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Nursing Application Degree Essay
A 3 page nursing degree program essay. The essay stresses motivation and dedication as strengths, and lack of knowledge of nursing theory and the means of putting it into practice as weaknesses. The applicant states, “I seek to augment the knowledge and experience I already possess with learning on levels I have not visited before. Additional training and education can enable me to further contribute to the nursing profession and benefit patients, and I am eager for the opportunity to gain that knowledge and training.” Bibliography lists 1 source.
Plan to Win at Merck
A 3 page paper based on a case study. This essay discusses some of the important elements in Merck's Plan to Win strategy, which was initiated in 2005. The essay also discusses challenges the company faced and how they handled those. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Blake and Wordsworth
A 6 page essay that offers 2 3-page essays: one on William Blake’s “Chimney Sweep” poems and one on William Wordsworth’s “The World is Too Much With Us Late and Soon.” The writer in each case uses the poems to discuss each poet’s poetic philosophy and style. No additional sources cited.
Components in Dissertation
A 5 page paper that begins with a specific dissertation’s research question and problem statement. The essay discusses the theoretical framework for a research study and applies it to this particular dissertation. The essay also includes a syllogism and comments on a dissertation rubric. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Traits of an Effective Principal
A 20 page paper. The role of the principal has become far more complex over the last two decades and how that role is defined and described depends on many different variables, including demographics. This essay discusses the research leading to lists of roles the principal plays and the traits or characteristics found in an effective principal. The writer also comments on leadership styles. The essay also includes components of a research proposal including the methodology, procedures and participants. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Human Resources: Hospital Case Study
A 20 page paper that presents a case study of a hospital's human resource activities. The essay begins with an executive summary. The sections included are: a description of the organization, a description of human resources, its role, and strategies, an analysis of HRM and recommendations. The essay addresses how HR will develop strategies to be in line with the organization's business strategies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Virgin Suicides Aspects
A 5 page essay that consists of 5 one-page short essays that each address some aspect of the novel. Topics covered include social and psychological aspects a narrative that describes the suicides of five sisters. What the boys think of the Lisbon sisters; why Trip leaves Lux on the football field; Dr. Hornicker's opinion; the symbolism of the debutante party are discussed. No additional sources cited.
Chopin/The Awakening/Suicide as Closure
A 4 page reaction essay to Kate Chopin's nineteenth century novel The Awakening. In this essay, the writer argues that Edna Pontellier commits suicide not because she cannot escape the yoke of patriarchy, but because she cannot escape her own scarred psyche and the biological destiny of being female. No additional sources cited.
Marijuana Legalization Argument and Criticism
This 6 page report presents an essay that supports the legalization of marijuana in the United States. It then offers a critical analysis of that argument based on the rules and constraints of critical thinking and logic. Problems based on faulty reasoning and the presentation of theory as fact are discussed. The third part of the paper then presents a rewrite of the original essay. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Feminist Critique/Disney Films
A 3 page summation and analysis of Pamela O'Brien's essay "The Happiest Films on Earth." The writer states that the purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that, despite certain superficial changes in perspective, the Walt Disney films Cinderella and The Little Mermaid show that the Disney support of patriarchal ideology did not change between the production of these two films. No additional sources are cited.
Medieval Italian History and Literature
A 15 page research paper that offers brief (generally 1 page) synopses of essays that deal with Italian medieval society. Then the writer offers a more extended analysis of parts of Patricia Skinner's 2001 text Women in Medieval Italian Society; a brief essay on Dante's Inferno and Otto of Freising's Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa. The underlying theme to the entire paper is how these sources contribute to the study of history. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Car Racing History and NASCAR Marketing
A 14 page paper that provides the history of car racing beginning in the prohibition era. The first actual organized race was held in Daytona Beach in 1938, organized by Bill France who went on to establish the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. NASCAR was officially established in 1947 with the first race under the bylaws and rules being held in 1948. A lot has changed since those first races. Today, the NASCAR races take place across the country although Daytona Beach is still the headquarters for the organization. This essay traces the history and evolution of NASCAR and comments on the changing demographics of fans over the years. The second part of this essay focuses on marketing strategies used by NASCAR, including partnerships and sponsors. The essay concludes with comments regarding future trends in marketing strategies. Data regarding fans and sponsors are included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
2 First Person Sample Essays
This 4 page paper contains two example first person essays. One essay examines the plight of a student who has to make a sound decision. The example used concerns an apartment rental. The second essay has two parts. The first involves a place of business where a decision is made based on erroneous assumptions. The second part involves black and white thinking. The issue chosen for the second part is abortion. No bibliography.
Morally Defensible Keeping of Secrets
An 8 page analysis of essays on the topic of when it is morally defensible to keep a secret. In Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context, authors Michael Cooley and Katherine Powell offer the reader a selection of essays that address this issue. Each essay introduces a situation or moral dilemma that involves this topic and stimulates the reader to form moral judgements based on the given situations. In essence, the authors provide fuel for a discussion centered on this issue. The writer summarizes several of the articles and then offers some perspective on the question. No additional sources cited.
Overview of Management
A 38 page paper. What is management? What are the functions of management? What are the skills needed to be an effective manager? These are the questions answered in this comprehensive essay. The essay begins with an introductory overview. The next section explains and discuses a number of the schools of management/philosophies of management, including TQM, systems, behavioral approach, transformational, strategic and others naming many of the internationally known experts. A discussion of management functions and roles is next in the essay. The four major functions of management are discussed as are the levels of management. The ten roles of management according to Mintzberg are identified and discussed. The skills needed for effective management as presented by a number of scholars and practitioners are discussed in the next section. Skills are also correlated with the functions of management. The essay ends with a summary and conclusion. The essay includes some specific discussions related to the United Kingdom. 2 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 48 sources.
Cheap Mexican Labor, Supply and Demand
A 4 page discussion of the many factors that come into play when utilizing cheaper labor sources in
Mexico. Factors such as the bribes that are expected by Mexican customs, the red tape they can throw your way when you refuse to pay such bribes,
and labor strikes all exert influence on supply and demand calculations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Christian View on Immigration
A 10 page research paper/essay that examines the questions of how Christians should view immigration issues. This examination of immigration issues, with a particular focus on the United States and illegal immigration, seeks to establish a consensus of how scholars feel Christians should regard immigrants and immigration policy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Holy Trinity and Systematic Theology
A 22 page paper that explores the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Systematic theology is an approach that studies all the facts about a specific topic. The Theological Method is one where three questions are kept in mind during the investigation and study. This exploration of the Trinity follows the precepts of systematic theology and the theological method. The essay firs explains systematic theology and cites the three questions in the theological method. It then begins tracing the historical foundations for the doctrine of the Trinity citing numerous sources, including the both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The thesis is that although a doctrine may not be found explicitly in Scripture, it may still be a Biblical doctrine. This is shown throughout the evidence presented in this essay. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
How a Remote School District in Alaska Changed
A 5 page paper. This school district covers 22,000 square miles in remote parts of Alaska. Three villages offer educational experiences for students, which are accessible only by small planes. Chugach began a reform movement in 1994 and has had remarkable success in terms of increasing student learning. This essay will explain the highlights of the reform including some of the things teachers had to change their attitude about. The essay also presents an abstract from a different study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Professional Learning Community Creation
Creating A Professional Learning Community : A 16 page paper. The first part of this essay discusses learning communities and professional learning communities and comments on the piecemeal approach to educational reform. The six principles of a learning community as presented by Boyer are outlined as a comparison to the components found in professional leaning communities, which are comprehensibly described. The writer reports the process one superintendent used to initiate professional learning communities in a district. The purpose and activities of the collaborative team are explained. This essay is a comprehensive introduction to professional learning communities with examples. Bibliography lists 11 sources. PGplcom.rtf
Three Stages of Alzheimer's Disease
This 4-page essay discuss Alzheimer's Disease and its three stages. Statistics of the disease are also portrayed relaying the millions of people directly affected by the disorder. There are 5 sources cited.
Grades Seven through Twelve and Literacy That is Literature Based
A 12 page paper that begins with an abstract. This essay has three sections in the main body of the paper. The first is an outline of a literature based literacy program for grades 7-12. The second part of the essay presents the program materials: the primary literature program, which is the Globe Fearon Literature program. This program is designed for reading levels 6-10. A description and justification for secondary materials is presented next, followed by a special discussion on writing activities. An example of titles is offered in the secondary materials section. The next section discusses the types of modification that could be made for different learners, e.g., the ESL learner or a student with learning disabilities and who is reading below grade level. The last section is a short conclusion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Maturity in the Relatoinship of Romeo and Juliet
A 5 page essay that focuses on the relationship between Romeo and Juliet and argues that Juliet aids Romeo in maturing and establishing an adult relationship. In portraying this relationship, Shakespeare says a great deal about the nature of romantic love and its ability to mature individuals when love is genuine. This examination of the play, with a particular focus on the "balcony scene," reflects this theme. Over the course of the play, Romeo's love matures from the shallow puppy-love of an adolescent to a love that reflects a profound and intense passion, which signals the reciprocity of an adult relationship. Romeo achieves this level of maturity, at least in part, because of the level-headedness of Juliet, who, from the beginning of the play, displays a maturity beyond her years. The last page of the essay focuses on a review of play as performed by the Actors from the London Stage. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Hebrews 11, Chapters 1 through 6 on Faith
A 15 page paper. This essay begins with general comments about faith in the Bible and then provides examples of what faith is not, for instance, it is not a hunch or magical powers and Biblical faith is not without doubt and confusion. The essay then begins a comprehensive explanation and discussion of the first six verses of Hebrews, Chapter 11. This is the book that is referred to as the 'great faith book' in the Bible. Numerous scholars and ministers are cited with their thoughts on each of the verses. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Mature Playwrights Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares plays by Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. The writer argues that while Miller's plays had a broader thematic scope (e.g. The Crucible is applicable to the McCarthy era), Williams' The Glass Menagerie is still a "mature" drama, as it offers insight into human relationships. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The First Amendment is the Most Important
A 4 pages essay that argues that the First Amendment is the most significant to the American way of life in the Bill of Rights. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Stifling Talk Radio/First Amendment Issues
A 5 pages research paper/essay that, first of all, discusses the importance of the First Amendment, and then relates the history of the Fairness Doctrine, relating this to an Amendment proposed by Sen. Dick Durbin that was designed to stifle conservative talk radio. The writer argues against this. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Soviet Union's 1991 Collapse
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was undoubtedly one of the great transforming events of the twentieth century. The collapse of the Soviet Union was influenced less by world affairs than by the internal mechanisms of a military-political regime that had exceeded its economic and political limits. This 2 page essay examines a few of the contributing factors in the collapse of the former Soviet Union.
Business Tax Planning
A 4 page paper that begins with brief comments on the purpose of tax planning. The essay describes the four maxims of tax planning, reports tips for reducing taxes and comments on the value of the sources used. The writer comments briefly on the importance of ethics when tax planning. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Japanese Edo Art and Vincent Van Gogh's The Courtesan
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses Van Gogh's The Courtesan and Japanese Edo art. This discussion contrasts and compares Van Gogh's Courtesan to its inspiration, the artwork of Japan during the Edo period. This shows not only how Van Gogh incorporated features characteristic of the Edo style in this own work but also how Van Gogh made these conventions uniquely his own. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's HIstory Writing
A 3 page paper that begins by commenting on the changes in writing history, specifically, the change to the Annales school and Braudel's total history schema. The essay then discusses Ladurie's Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error. The writer discusses how Ladurie uses the total history approach as well as the scientific approach supported by von Ranke. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Homeless and Health Care
This 5 page paper begins with the most recent estimate of the number of Americans who are homeless. The essay discusses the health problems of this population and includes examples of some homeless health care projects. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Education, Knowledge, the Human Soul, and Plato's 'Allegory of the Cave'
A 5 page essay that relates and analyzes the allegory of the cave that Plato relates in Book 7 of his Republic. The purpose of the narrative is to illustrate the effect that education, and specifically knowledge of philosophy, has upon the human soul. Essentially, the allegory of the cave posits that the enlightenment bestowed by philosophical education moves the cognitive powers of the individual from darkness into light, opening up a whole new world in which the individual is prepared to recognize what Plato deems to be the true nature of reality. No additional sources cited.
Nature of the Soul and the Theories in Phaedo by Plato
An in-depth, 9 page examination of Plato's 'Phaedo' and the immortality of the soul. The writer goes into great philosophical detail-- analyzing Plato's recounting of Socrates' theories on life, death, and the nature of the soul itself. Inquiries are made into whether the soul is in touch with eternal reality.. Whether it can have ultimate knowledge, etc;. Specific quotes from Phaedo are cited throughout the essay.
Media Prophet and Renaissance Man Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuhan – Renaissance Man?:This 7-page essay discusses this legendary Canadian dubbed “the Media Prophet.” In addition, his core ideologies relevant to various electronic media and his overall contributions are examined. Misunderstood and disliked in his own time, he now seems idolized for all the wrong reasons. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNMarshm.doc
Movies/Then & Now
A 3 page essay that refers to an article written in 1907 that describes the movie theatres of that era. The writer compares this early movie-going experience to going to the movies today. The writer argues that this early movie-going treat shows that the experience of going to the movies has not changed all that much, but rather the aspects that appealed to people in the early part of the twentieth century are still there--only increased in degree. Bibliography is incomplete.
An Article on Fetal Growth and Exposure to Smoke Reviewed
An 8 page paper that reviews and critiques an article entitled, "The exposure of nonsmoking and smoking mothers to environmental tobacco smoke during different gestational phases and fetal growth." This was a large study involving more than 6,000 mother-infant pairs. The essay reports and comments on methodology, research questions, introduction, theoretical foundation, results, discussion and conclusion. Bibliography lists 1 source.
A 3 page paper that begins with a short introduction to Socrates where the writer comments on the fact that all we know is second-hand. The essay then illustrates Socrates' method of question using his discussion with Euthyphro about what piety is. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Software Design Systems Analysis and Ethics
A 3 page research paper/essay that considers ethics in regards to systems analysis and software design and IT in general. The writer discusses viewpoints on ethical guidelines. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Types of Knowledge in Solar System Lesson
A 3 page paper. A lesson plan about the planets is reviewed. Declarative and procedural knowledge is explained. The essay discusses the type of knowledge in the lesson plan and makes suggestions for ELL students with a focus on the CALLA approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Social Responsibility and Business
This 3 page argumentative essay considers if business should be primary concerns with making profit or if there should be a perceived moral obligation placed on business to be socially responsible. The paper looks at both sides of the argument. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Global View Molded by the Media
This 5 page paper argues that media is responsible for shaping the world. Many examples are provided in this persuasive essay that takes a strong position on the detrimental effects of media. The other side is discussed as well , and the paper concludes with possible solutions to the problem. Globalization is touched on in the discussion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Best Things in Life, No they are not free
A 3 page argumentative essay that presents the proposition that the best things in life are love, family, etc. but these things require work and are, therefore, not free. No bibliography is offered.
Educational Strategies and Teaching Approaches According to Chickering, Gamson, and Angelo
A 5 page research paper/ essay that examines Chickering and Gamson's "seven principles of good practice" and Thomas Angelo's fourteen teaching strategies. The writer argues that these educators, with these recommendations, provide a solid foundation for teaching practice and personal philosophy. This examination explores how these principles and strategies might relate to middle school English education in the seventh and eighth grades. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Teaching Strategies and Dyslexia
A 9 page paper that begins with an introduction to dyslexia and the regular education classroom teacher. This is a frustrating condition for both the student and the teacher because it sometimes seems that no matter how motivated the student is or how hard the teacher works, little progress seems to be made. This essay discusses some approaches that have been shown to be effective for elementary dyslexic students in regular classrooms. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Teaching Mission And How To Achieve It
A 4 page paper that begins with the teacher's mission statement and explanation of what the different points mean. The essay then discusses what the teacher's hopes are for students, what knowledge is important and what teaching styles will be used. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Sense of Taste
A 3 page paper. Scientists know less about taste than they know about the other senses. In some ways, taste is a mystery but more knowledge about this sense is evolving. This essay examines what we know about taste. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Wal-Mart Sustainability
A 3 page paper that reports and discusses Wal-Mart's sustainability goals. The process began three years ago. The essay reports those goals and describes some of the activities to support them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Spirituality & Religion in Counseling
A 6 page research paper/essay that considers the integration of spirituality and religion with therapeutic techniques within the framework of counseling. In increasing numbers, health practitioners, clinicians and therapeutic counselors are realizing that spirituality and religion are an indispensable component of human life. Furthermore, these professionals are increasingly realizing that the incorporation of spiritual and religious elements within the framework of counseling or health care facilitates the healing process and promotes the achievement of positive client outcomes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Stress And Change At Work
A 4 page paper that beings with general comments about change and stress in the workplace. The essay explains some of Selye's thoughts about stress and then discusses what stress is in the workplace and how people can deal with and manage stress. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Case Study on the Hall, Dickler, et al LLP Law Firm
Law Firm Case Study – Hall, Dickler, et al LLP: This 5-page essay chronicles the case study of the Hall Dickler, et al law firm of legal professionals. It also offers an overview of its inside machinations, and the contributory factors relevant to its success. Bibliography lists 7 sources. SNAkghal.doc
How Children Develop a Sense of Morality
A 6 page essay/research paper that discusses how children develop a sense of morality. For the most part, literature on the development of a moral sense in childhood and adolescence has bee dominated by the cognitive-developmental perspective espoused by Piaget's theory of moral judgment and Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development (Singer, 1999). The following discussion of how children develop a moral sense, first look specifically at these two theoretical models and then briefly describes the model formulated by James Rest. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Porter's 5 Forces Analysis & Value Chain - Retail Industry
This 8 page essay explains each Force in Porter's Five Force Analysis process. It then explains each of the categories and supporting factors found in Porter's generic value chain analysis process. The writer uses Wal-Mart as an excellent example in the retail industry of how information technology can be used to create value as well as a competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Similarities and Differences Between Private and Public Management
This 4-page paper is a sample essay, discussing if the educational training for a public administration manager can be handled through an MBA program. The paper contends that no, MBAs and MPAs teach two different aspects of management, and if an MPA were abolished, students would have no idea how to work in public sector agencies.
Municipal Public Administration
6 pages. This essay relates to municipal administration as based on articles in scholarly journals. This critical analysis of administrative tactics and policies as based on the articles will help the student to assess the necessary requirements for successful public administration techniques in such things as urban management and public policy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
State Funding of Public Education
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the issue of whether or not states should provide full state funding for public schools. This examination looks at this concept as a means for equalizing funding and concludes that broadened. but not necessarily full, state funding would serve this purpose, while helping school districts to retain some control. Bibliography lists 1 source.
What Makes a Public School Public
This 5 page paper begins with a very brief overview of the history of education in America. The essay discusses what makes a public school public and some of the many differences in the country. The proportion of federal, state, and local funding is reported. Accountability is also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Quantum Leader
A 4 page paper that discuses innovation leadership and the structural context needed for innovation. The essay discusses the roles of certain members such as the board and the executive team. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Wal-Mart And RFID
A 3 page paper that reports Wal-Mart's 2003 decision to have its largest suppliers adopt RFID technology. Examples are provided of companies who complied. The essay discusses Wal-Mart's own delay in equipping stores. The benefits of this technology are also discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Cerner Corporation - Training Analysis
A 9 page paper. The essay includes a Table of Contents and Executive Summary. The main paper is divided into six sections that provide a background of the company and its mission, sales, employees, discussion of current employees, existing training and career development programs, the company's ranking in turnover and training, training interventions recommended, the cost of training and how it will be evaluated. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A Case Study of The Frigidaire Company
This 6 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. In 1996, Frigidaire introduced a new front-loading washing machine, the only real innovation in the industry in many years. Sales were more than 30 percent below projections. The essay provides a brief background, problem statement and analysis, key facts in the case, alternative solutions, recommended solution and implementation using the 4 Ps marketing mix. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Racism in Othello
A 10 page research paper/essay that explores how racism is an overt factor in Shakespeare's Othello. The writer argues that the Elizabethan cultural background necessarily informs and shapes the meaning of the play because Shakespeare would naturally have written within his own cultural framework. This examination of Othello explores this thesis and, in so doing, it takes a post-colonial approach to criticism as this literary theory encompasses how "knowledge of subordinate people is produced and used" (Post-colonialism). Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Shakespeare/Sonnets 73 and 130
A 3 page essay that analyzes these two sonnets. William Shakespeare is universally acknowledged as one of the greatest masters of the English language who ever lived. Examination of two of his sonnets, Sonnets 73 and 130, demonstrates this expertise in regards to Shakespeare's use of metaphor, alliteration, enjambment and imagery. No additional sources cited.
The Uncommon Man's Tragedy and Aristotle
A 5 page paper analyzing the concept of tragedy as defined by Aristotle (and illustrated in Sophocles' Oedipus the King) and Arthur Miller's definition of the form (as described in his essay 'The Tragedy of the Common Man' and illustrated in Death of a Salesman). Bibliography lists one source.
The Element of Tragedy as Presented in Literature
In 7 pages, the author presents an argumentative essay in which it is argued that of the two plays, Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman,' and William Shakespeare's 'The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice,' the one that is more tragic is 'Death of a Salesman.' Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper
An insightful 3 page essay in which the writer examines what meaning Watty Piper's classic story "The Little Engine that Could" holds for a child and in retrospect, the story's psycho-motivational value for an adult as well. For the most part, the writer is concerned with similarities and dissimilarities between the ways that an adult perceives the story vs. how a child does the same. No Bibliography.
First Symphony by Peter Tchaikovsky's First Movement
A 3 page essay that discusses in detail a musical analysis of the first movement of Tchiakovsky's first symphony. Only the first movement is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
1 Peter
A 3 page paper that discusses the First Epistle of Peter. This essay discusses the authorship of the letter and proof that it was written by the Apostle Peter, a short background of Peter, the similarities between what Peter says in this letter and his speeches as recorded in other Books, Peter as one of three in the inner circle, how Jesus entrusted Peter with His Church, the characteristics/themes of the letter and the audience. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Fides et Ratio - Philosophy
A 10 page paper that begins with some of the many statements made in this Encyclical about philosophy. The focus of this essay is on the relationship between philosophy and the Church. Numerous examples are included from the text to illustrate how the Pope related the importance of the interrelationship of philosophy to theology to doctrine. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A Reading of Emily Dickinson's 'After Great Pain…'
A 5 page essay that offers an explication of Dickinson's poem "After Great Pain a Formal Feeling Comes." The writer argues that, in this poem, Dickinson indicates the various stages of recovery from traumatic pain. Her verse delineates the various stages that an individual goes through after experiencing great pain: the philosophical questions that one asks; the mechanical feeling of detachment; and, also, that the pain eventually ceases, if one survives it. No additional sources cited.
'Coole Park and Ballylee, 1931' by William Butler Yeats
A 5 page essay that examines Yeats' assertion in this poem that 'We were the last romantics…' (line 41). The writer argues that this is a fair assessment and that examining the context of the poem demonstrates Yeat's version of romanticism, which is embedded in his love of the Irish country. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Comparison of Poems by Keats and Blake
A 3 page essay that compares "La Belle Dame sans Merci" by John Keats with William Blake's "The Divine Image." The writer first addresses their similarities by showing how both poems reflect the characteristics of Romantic poetry, but then differences are addressed by outlining the themes of each poem. Bibliography lists 3 sources
A Reading of Emily Dickinson's Poem #632
A 5 page essay that critically analyzes Dickinson's poem #632, "The Brain is wider than the Sky." The writer argues that, in this poem, Dickinson equates humanity's capacity to reason with the divine, locating God within humanity's ability to reason and imagine. No other sources cited.
Emily Dickinson, Popular Music, and Death Fascination
A 5 page essay that compares two poems by Emily Dickinson, "I heard a fly buzz when I died" and "Because I could not stop for death," to two popular songs concerning death -- "The Death Song" by Marilyn Manson and "Prey for Death" by Graham Woolley. The writer argues that Dickinson's poems, like the songs profiled, take the approach that death is not to be feared. However, the writer also points out where the tone of these works differ. No additional sources.
Science According to the Poems of Walt Whitman and Edgar Allan Poe
A 4 page essay that compares and contrasts 2 poems by Poe and Whitman. Poe's "Sonnet--To Science" and Whitman's "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer," address not only the same subject matter, but also they take an identical stand on the topic. While Poe's poem is the most overt in its message, Whitman also takes the stand that science, specifically astronomy, attempts to drain the beauty and mystery from life and turns the wondrous into the mundane. No additional sources cited.
'My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun' by Emily Dickinson
A 3 page essay that discusses Emily Dickinson's poem number 754, "My Life has stood--a Loaded Gun," in which Dickinson represents herself and her life, metaphorically, as a loaded weapon, a phallic symbol that is associated with masculinity. The imagery, and the energy, that pervades the poem indicates Dickinson's deeply seated conflicted feelings concerning traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity and the symbolism she employs expresses her inner rage at the restricted nature of gender that was prevalent in Victorian society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road and Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
In this 6 page essay, the writer uses two of Whitman's poems 'Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking,' and 'Song Of The Open Road, to show how the poets works were usually similar in theme yet dissimilar in purpose. The first of these is a poem filled with rich images, sounds, and symbolic meanings. The second is a collection of meaningful yet ambiguously patterned sentences decorated with inquiries into life -- yet each remain focused upon the underlying theme of humanity, nature, etc. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
2 Carpe Diem Poems
A 4 page essay that explicates 2 carpe diem poems. Carpe diem, a Latin phrase meaning “cease the day,” is a favorite theme found in seventeenth century poetry. Two of the most famous carpe diem poems from this era are Robert Herrick’s “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” and Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress.” An examination of these poems indicates that while Herrick makes effective use of imagery in order to argue his carpe diem seduction theme, Marvell’s poem is the most effective. No additional sources cited.
'A Prayer for My Son' by William Butler Yeats
A 7 page essay that offers a detailed explication of W.B. Yeats' poem "A Prayer for My Son," which is one of most religious poems, yet it also has secular aspects. By combining these two tonal features, Yeats demonstrates how the divine is intrinsically connected to the cares of everyday life. In this poem, the speaker, by beginning with this relationship to his son, extrapolates from the microcosm of his family life to the macrocosm of the relationship between the divine and humanity, and, in so doing, offers reassurance on the protective quality of love, both human and divine. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Puerto Rican Obituary and the Nuyorican Community
This 3 page essay explores the text of the poem in relationship to the Nuyorican community on the thesis that while Pietri felt the American Dream a lie, he felt the community would transcend the lie. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
t.s. eliot's 'The Waste Land' and Maud Ellmann's 'A Sphinx Without a Secret'
A 3 page essay that summarizes and discusses Maud Ellmann's "A Sphinx Without a Secret: The Waste Land," a critique of the poem by T.S. Eliot. Ellmann begins her discussion of T.S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land by comparing it to a phrase from an Oscar Wild's story, saying that the work is an example of a "sphinx without a secret" (Ellmann 258). In so doing, Ellmann begins her detailed and insightful examination of Eliot, which looks at this poem from a psychoanalytical perspective, which favors a post-structuralist reading of the text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Romantic Era Poetry and the Conflict of Man versus Nature
An insightful, 6 page essay on how the poems of Blake, Wordsworth & Keats represented a renewed hope for civilization. The writer argues that each of these poets spoke of how the world could be cured of its problems if man would only work in harmony with nature. Wordsworth's 'The World is Too Much With Us' and Blake's 'London' are among the poems used in this analysis. No Bibliography.
Rainbow Importance in the Native American Poem 'The Vision'
A 1 page expletive essay on the poem The Vision. The author writes about their feelings of what the poem means and is trying to explain.
'Alysoun' Medieval Poem Explication
A 4 page essay/research paper that offers an explication of "Alysoun," a medieval lyric poem. The writer argues that an examination of this poem illustrates the medieval perspective on life, as well as the people's love of life and its pleasures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Ovid's Banquet of Sence' by George Chapman
A 3 page essay that examines Chapman's sixteenth century poem "Ovid's Banquet of Sence." The writer discusses how Chapman assumed that his readers would be cognizant of numerous literary references and focuses on how Chapman's poem reflects Platonic ideals expressed by Diotima in Plato's Symposium. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
History and 'The Iliad' by Homer
A 7 page analytical essay that examines Homer's Iliad in terms of how the details of the poem reflect the culture and beliefs of Homer's era. The writer argues that the works of Homer, regardless of whether or not Homer actually existed or if his account of the Trojan War is historical accurate, definitely reflect the cultural concepts, beliefs, and worldview of the time in which these epic poems were composed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'Michael Robartes and the Dancer' by Irish Poet William Butler Yeats
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers explication of Yeats' poem "Michael Robartes and the Dancer." The writer argues that in this poem Yeats voices his nineteenth century rationalization against women having a wider role in public life, even going so far to oppose women in higher education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Beauty and Friendship in 3 of Sappho's Poems
A 5 page research paper/essay that offer analysis of three of Sappho's poems. The writer argues that while her verse is notorious for its connection with Lesbianism, there is much more to Sappho's poetry than mere eroticism. An examination of her poems reveals a deep and passionate connection with nature and appreciation for beauty, which are sentiments that reach across time and space and speak to the modern reader, establishing a feeling of connection and friendship. Bibliography lists 1 source.
American Society in Three Literary Views
A 7 page essay that contrasts and compares three works: Katherine Anne Porter's "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall," Mark Twain's "Corn-Pone Opinions," and Countee Cullen's poem "Incident." The writer argues that in each case, the author endeavors to reflect to the American people certain aspects of society that are contradictory to the prejudices that were evident during the time when these works were created. In other words, these works reflect aspects of the society in which they were created and, in doing so, provide a critique of that society. No additional sources cited.
Agard"s 'Listen Mr. Oxford,' William Carlos Williams' 'Impromptu', and Language Codes
This 5 page paper explores the idea of vernacular English as opposed to standard use English through the poems of William Carlos Williams and Agard. Barbara Mellix's essay, From Outside, In and her ideas on language as identity are also included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'Dialogue between the Soul and the Body' by Andrew Marvell
A 3 page essay that explicates Marvell's poem "A Dialogue between the Soul and the Body." In this poem, Marvell addresses the duality of human nature. Examination of Marvell's thought on this topic shows that he considers the perspective of the soul and the body to be contradictory. No additional sources cited.
Three Poems by Gary Soto, Nikki Giovanni, and William Blake
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares poems by eighteenth century poet William Blake and modern poets Nikki Giovanni and Gary Soto. Examination of a representative poem from Blake, Giovanni and Soto shows that each of these poets, in his or her own individualistic manner, addresses how human beings deal with each other and how this affects the individuals involved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Maya Angelou/Phenomenal Woman
A 4 page essay that offers an explication and analysis of this poem. Throughout the course of human history, men haven been primarily admired for their accomplishments, but the focus of admiration for women has been on whether or not their appearance fit with what a particular society considered beautiful. In her poem "Phenomenal Woman," Maya Angelou challenges this pervasive cultural feature and asserts that she is extraordinary and immensely attractive, without fitting within any of society's preconceived notions of how female beauty and attractiveness should be defined and conceptualized. No additional sources cited.
Lord Byron, We'll Go No More A-Roving
A 5 page research paper/essay that analyzes this poem by George Gordon, Lord Byron. A close examination of this poem and where it fits in Byron's life suggests a negative view of Bryon, both as a poet and as an individual. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Dead and the Living by Sharon Olds
A 4 page essay that offers a general overview of Sharon Olds' poetry collection The Dead and the Living. Several poems are briefly explicated and the major themes of each section are addressed. The writer argues that the poems serve to capture a moment in time, a feeling, a memory, preserving not only the way something or someone looked, but also the emotions involved. In this manner, her verse preserves human experience. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Langston Hughes, An Overview
A 5 page essay that offers background on the biography of Langston Hughes and then discussion of five of his poems: "Bad Man," "Cross," "Let American be America Again," "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "Silhouette." Bibliography lists these poems and 2 additional sources.
Advancing Age in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats
A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes 3 poems by Yeats. In three of his best poems, William Butler Yeats addresses the age-old topic of mortality and the bitterness of advancing age. These poems are "Among School Children," "Sailing to Byzantium," and "Byzantium." These three poems thematically share and develop Yeats' thoughts relative to the loss of youth and the decline and decay of the human body contrasted against what is eternal in human experience, which is the medium of art and the striving of the soul toward perfection. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
2 Carpe Diem Poems
A 4 page essay that explicates 2 carpe diem poems. Carpe diem, a Latin phrase meaning “cease the day,” is a favorite theme found in seventeenth century poetry. Two of the most famous carpe diem poems from this era are Robert Herrick’s “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” and Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress.” An examination of these poems indicates that while Herrick makes effective use of imagery in order to argue his carpe diem seduction theme, Marvell’s poem is the most effective. No additional sources cited.
Beowulf & Odysseus/Ancient Heroes
A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares Beowulf and Odysseus. The sagas of these two heroes seem similar at first glance because the ancient epic poems that record their exploits both deal with heroic action, battles against monsters and similar feats of daring-do. However, a closer look at both the Beowulf poem and Homer's Odyssey shows that these tales are each products of the culture that produced them. Therefore, they reflect different cultures, different eras, and different beliefs about what it means to be a hero. No additional sources cited.
Imagery in Ulysses by James Joyce
A 5 page essay on James Joyce's use of language and imagery in his novel Ulysses. This novel loosely (very loosely) follows the episodes created by Homer in his epic poem The Odyssey. The writer analyzes three chapters from Joyce's Ulysses and argues that, as far as language use is considered, it is similar to a prose poem. No additional sources cited.
Women and Love According to Kahlil Gibran
A 4 page essay that discusses and analyzes three poems by the famous Arab writer and poet. The poems addressed are "Marriage," "Love," and "Children." No additional source are cited.
Emily Dickinson's Views of Self and Society
A 5 page essay that examines three of Dickinson's poems that deal with the self, how Dickinson saw herself and her society, "I'm Nobody! Who are You?," "Much Madness is divinest Sense," "The Soul selects her own Society." The writer argues that these poems give the reader insight into the remarkable personality of this nineteenth century poet. No additional sources cited.
A Reading of Emily Dickinson's 'After Great Pain…'
A 5 page essay that offers an explication of Dickinson's poem "After Great Pain a Formal Feeling Comes." The writer argues that, in this poem, Dickinson indicates the various stages of recovery from traumatic pain. Her verse delineates the various stages that an individual goes through after experiencing great pain: the philosophical questions that one asks; the mechanical feeling of detachment; and, also, that the pain eventually ceases, if one survives it. No additional sources cited.
'Coole Park and Ballylee, 1931' by William Butler Yeats
A 5 page essay that examines Yeats' assertion in this poem that 'We were the last romantics…' (line 41). The writer argues that this is a fair assessment and that examining the context of the poem demonstrates Yeat's version of romanticism, which is embedded in his love of the Irish country. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Comparison of Poems by Keats and Blake
A 3 page essay that compares "La Belle Dame sans Merci" by John Keats with William Blake's "The Divine Image." The writer first addresses their similarities by showing how both poems reflect the characteristics of Romantic poetry, but then differences are addressed by outlining the themes of each poem. Bibliography lists 3 sources
A Reading of Emily Dickinson's Poem #632
A 5 page essay that critically analyzes Dickinson's poem #632, "The Brain is wider than the Sky." The writer argues that, in this poem, Dickinson equates humanity's capacity to reason with the divine, locating God within humanity's ability to reason and imagine. No other sources cited.
Emily Dickinson, Popular Music, and Death Fascination
A 5 page essay that compares two poems by Emily Dickinson, "I heard a fly buzz when I died" and "Because I could not stop for death," to two popular songs concerning death -- "The Death Song" by Marilyn Manson and "Prey for Death" by Graham Woolley. The writer argues that Dickinson's poems, like the songs profiled, take the approach that death is not to be feared. However, the writer also points out where the tone of these works differ. No additional sources.
Science According to the Poems of Walt Whitman and Edgar Allan Poe
A 4 page essay that compares and contrasts 2 poems by Poe and Whitman. Poe's "Sonnet--To Science" and Whitman's "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer," address not only the same subject matter, but also they take an identical stand on the topic. While Poe's poem is the most overt in its message, Whitman also takes the stand that science, specifically astronomy, attempts to drain the beauty and mystery from life and turns the wondrous into the mundane. No additional sources cited.
Arguing the Position of the Outsider
This 8 page paper provides an argumentative essay about the nature of being an outsider. The process of being an “outsider” reflects two different views of individuals in the world: those who belong to a dominant culture and those who do not. Outsiders are often individuals who are different in terms of their race, social standing or behaviors, and outsider status, sometimes described as social marginalization, can be viewed in personal stories, literature, and even in current theoretical and practical research. Bibliography lists 3 sources
Ethical Dilemma Pertaining to a Do Not Resuscitate Order
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses a case study in which there is dissension over a DNR order, the terminally ill patient requests it, but his wife talks him out of it. The writer offers a possible solution/nursing intervention discussed in nursing literature. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Gateway Inc. and the Application of Sales Management Principles
An 11 page paper. This essay presents a sales plan for Gateway, Inc., which is the #2 direct marketer of personal computers. Topics include: description of Gateway, Inc, including their vision and philosophy; selected fiscal data; marketing mix (4Cs); competition; fiscal comparison with primary competitor; competitive environment; goals; marketing strategies; sales plan monitoring and controlling; summary and conclusions. 2 tables are included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Leadership vs. Management
An 8 page paper. What are the differences between a manager and a leader? Are there distinct functions for each, distinct characteristics and attributes? This essay discusses these questions and provides answers. The writer also discusses those attributes that are common to both. 1 table included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Healthcare Industry Financial Management
This 5 page essay discusses issues revolving around effective and meaningful financial management in the health care industry. The political system of the United States is fundamentally responsible for the development of policy and no area feels the politicized nature of policy-making more than health care. As a result, comprehensive and effective financial management is the key component of the modern health care delivery process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
HRM and the Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act
The ADA’s Impact on Human Resources Management: This 5-page essay examines the relationship between the American with Disabilities Act and human resources management. Implementation of the ADA programs for any organization will take time, effort and additional financial resources. However, taking the time up front end to outline an organizational plan is one of the best first option choices that management can make. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SNAdahum.doc
Nursing: Article Reviews
This 10 page paper reviews three articles related to nursing and nurse leadership. The first article reviews an article about interventions to reduce problems for patients discharged from the hospital; the second article investigates the new quality assurance procedures in the United Kingdom; and the third article investigates why nurses become nurse leaders. The essay ends with the writer's reflections on the nurse leadership article. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Nursing Metaparadigms/Nursing Philosophy
This 5 page research paper/essay discusses the parameters of nursing philosophy, as related to the nursing philosophy of the Jacksonville University School of Nursing and the four nursing metaparadigms of Person, Environment, Health and Nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Social Policy Statement of Nursing
A 3 page essay that summarizes and discusses Nursing's Social Policy Statement (ANA, 2003). Nursing's Social Policy Statement offers a concise yet comprehensive description and introduction to professional nursing as it is practiced in the United States. This document specifies not only the core values of American nurses but also addresses the fundamental social responsibility that is associated with the nursing profession. No additional sources cited.
Similarities and Differences Between Private and Public Management
This 4-page paper is a sample essay, discussing if the educational training for a public administration manager can be handled through an MBA program. The paper contends that no, MBAs and MPAs teach two different aspects of management, and if an MPA were abolished, students would have no idea how to work in public sector agencies.
Overview of Performance Management
This 5 page paper begins with an explanation that the term performance management refers to everything from the performance of the entire company to employee performance to the performance of a department. Since it is more often used in terms of employee performance, the essay addresses this area. Specifically, three theories of motivation are briefly described and three approaches to employee appraisal are discussed. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
College Classroom Management
A 5 page paper that focuses on classroom management in college classrooms. Contrary to what many college instructors, especially new instructors, believe, a classroom discipline or management plan must be developed. This essay offers ideas and suggestions for developing such a plan. Glasser's work is cited in terms of choice theory, drive theory and classroom meetings. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Performance Appraisals and Management
A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
New Hospital Case Management System Project Management Case Study
A 5 page paper. A hospital is installing a new case management system. This essay presents a budget, a detailed time-phased budget, an explanation of costs, including the calculation of indirect costs. 2 Illustrations included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Introduction to Operations Management Approaches
This 2.5 page paper provides a basic introduction to operations management. The essay explains what it is and reports three approaches that increase the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the operations management department. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Educational Management Business Model
A 7 page paper. This essay is based on one book: "The "Business" of Reforming American Schools" by Denise Gelburg. The writer addresses the issue of adopting private sector business and management models to public education. the writer comments the effect of this practice on social justice and equity and also on the profession of teaching. Bibliography lists 1 source.
TQM Implementation
This 10 page paper explores the relationship and importance of human resource management, operations management and corporate culture when implementing total quality management. The writer begins by discussing the need for total commitment to the principles of TQM. The writer then discusses the need for the appropriate culture and climate and the essential role of human resource management for successful implementation of TQM. The essay includes a case study example, using FedEx and the operational changes this company made to implement the TQM principles. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Essays on Computer Management
This 5-page paper provides a series of questions to be answered dealing with technology and computers. Questions include ethics over selling names to other businesses, competitive advantage and technology, how to configure a system for a small business and advice to an employee who is looking for a promotion
Business and Professional Athletes
Pro Athletes’ Impact on Today’s Business World: This 9-page essay discusses professional NBA, NFL and MLB athletes and their impact on productivity and cost in today’s business world. In addition, elements relevant to data collection, cost variance, effective measures, and misplaced blame are examined. Where might the blame lie and can we reasonably expect a return to the exemplary attitudes of America’s sports figure/ role models of yesteryear? Bibliography lists 7 sources. SNAthlet.doc
Competitive Advantage and Strategic HRM
A 6 page paper. This essay begins with descriptions and definitions of human resource management and strategic human resource management. The writer then discuses why and how human resource departments can be a competitive advantage for their companies. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Management Challenges of Coca Cola
A 6 page paper that discusses some of the many challenges this corporation has faced in the last several years. Revenues have declined steadily while more resources have been poured into markets, sometimes declining markets. Decisions have been made that were strategically unsound and that reflected poor asset management and allocation. These are some of the issues discussed in this essay. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Operations Management and Technology's Impact
This 10 page paper addresses the questions: What impact has technology had on operations management? What is the significance of technology to operations managers? The writer begins with a brief overview of operations management, outlining the many diverse areas in which the operations manager is involved. The essay then goes on to discuss how technology impacts operations by using the example of supply chain management. Bibliography lists 8 sources. f
Globalization and Supply Chain Management in the Automotive Industry
This 8 page paper discusses the effect of globalization on supply chain management in the automotive industry. Globalization has had a significant impact on supply chains leading to mergers, alliances and other forms of cooperative efforts. This essay discusses some of the many changes that have taken place. 4 illustrations included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Human Resource Management and Affirmative Action
This 5 page paper begins with an introduction and definition of affirmative action. Research has shown that a companies with a diverse workforce tend to be more successful if the diversity is managed well. The writer discusses two approaches to managing diversity and ends the essay with comments regarding how HR managers can protect the company. bibliography lists 7 sources.
A Business Consideration of the Fictional Artemis Sportswear Company
An 8 page paper. Artemis is a fictional company. This essay briefly reports actions taken by five real companies to reduce operational expenses in one area of the business, then discussed how Artemis might use these same tactics to reduce their operational costs and do so without having a negative impact on employees. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Globalism, Technology, Capitalism, and Sport
A 6 page paper that focuses on LaFeber's book, Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism. The essay looks at how sport has become so commercial over the decades to become part of global capitalism with major corporations sponsoring sporting events in the 1960s. The writer comments on the interaction of technology, capitalism and sport. LaFeber uses the relationship between Jordan and Nike as an example. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Sports Agents
A 3 page paper. Sports agents have reputations similar to those of lawyers and for good reason. This essay reports the styles of three real sports agents and discuses the potential ethical issues involved as well as the behaviors that must be changed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Utilitarian Approach to Sports
This 4 page paper is an essay about the application of the ethical theory of Utilitarianism and the Deterrence theory as applied by a student determined to win a place on the team and a basketball scholarship. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Women's Athletics and Equity
A 4 page paper. Everyone knows who Babe Ruth was but far fewer people know who Babe Didrikson Zaharias. One reason for this discrepancy in notoriety is news coverage. Women's athletic and sports programs have not received the same level of funding or the same degree of publicity. This essay discusses these discrepancies, comments on Title IX and cites research that illustrates the benefits of sports programs and athletics for girls and women. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Organizational Knowledge and Knowledge Management
An 8 page paper that begins by describing organizational knowledge and the primary modes to create knowledge. The writer discusses the importance of managing knowledge and the estimated amount lost by corporations because they do not share knowledge. The essay then focuses on communities of practice as a useful model for sharing knowledge and even for generating new knowledge. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Philosophy of Nursing and Future Plans
An 8 page research paper/essay that offers a guide to a student, using tutorial language, that provides a guide to writing a personal philosophy of nursing and then turns its focus to the crucial role that obtaining a Bachelor's degree in nursing science can play in a nursing career before closing with a discussion of author's short-term and long-term professional goals, which includes becoming a trauma nurse practitioner. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Beer and Circus by Murray Sperber
A 10 page essay/book review that discusses the basic premise of Murray Sperber's book Beer and Circus, How Big-Time College Sports is Crippling Undergraduate Education. The writer/tutor also offers the student research this topic suggestions for how to apply Sperber's book to a planned career in college sports. No additional sources are cited.
Australia's Recreation and Leisure
An 8 page paper that discusses sport, leisure and recreation in Australia and the reasons the government has promoted these activities. Australia has been called the "Land of the Long Weekend" because of its natural beauty and its emphasis on sport and recreation activities. The essay reports some of the many government agencies involved in promoting sport and recreation. The writer comments on why the Australian government placed an emphasis on leisure and recreation after the Second World War and how this emphasis has changed over the decades. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Women's Participation in Traditionally Male Sports
This 6 page essay reviews the 1992 film A League of Their Own, directed by Penny Marshall, whose characters comprise a team in the AAGPBL, and a young adult novel by Liz Tigelaar, Playing with the Boys, which portrays the struggles of a high school girl who wins a place on her high school's football team as a place kicker. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
U.S. and Japan Pro Sports
A 5 page essay comparing the professional sports of Japan and the United States. Though almost every Japanese citizen follows their traditional sport of sumo wrestling, the growth of baseball in popularity and following in recent years has led even the Japanese to refer to it as the national sport. Nearly a mirror image of its American counterpart in administrative structure, it has allowed Japan to add another, unexpected, export: professional baseball players to U.S. teams. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Evolution of I/0
Although industrial/organizational psychology is a relatively recent branch of psychology, it has its foundations in studies conducted in the late 1800s. This essay reports the evolution of the field in psychology. It also explains why research and statistics are important in I/O. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Healing after the Vietnam Experience
This 4 page essay compares how nurses viewed their experience and healing after the war to how Caputo wrote about it in "A Rumor of War." Bibliography lists two sources.
Slow-Pitch Softball Essay on Team Sports.
In seven pages this first-person essay on slow-pitch softball is divided into three subtopics, which addresses the issues specified within each subtopic. There is no bibliography.
Faith, Good Sportsmanship, and Goodwill Promoted by Jewish Athletes
A 12 page creative essay and informational paper which examines the efforts of exemplary athletes whose commitment to their faith and to the performance of good deeds have made the world a better place. Athletes discussed are Benny Friedman (football player, coach, and member of the NFL Hall of Fame), Barney Ross (boxer), Hank Greenberg, Sandy Koufax (baseball players and members of the MLB Hall of Fame), Bruce Fleisher (golfer), Paul Tagliabue (NFL Commissioner), Gary Bettman (NHL Commissioner), Tamir Goodman (basketball player), and Gal Fridman (windsurfer and Israel’s first Olympic gold medalist). Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Texas Physicians and Nurse Practitioners
This 9-page paper examines the relationship between advanced practice nurses and physicians in Texas. The essay discusses the attitudes of physicians toward APNs, and explores legislation passed that provides somewhat more freedom for APNs to define the scope of their duties. Also included in the paper are examples of how successful APN/MD relationships work. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dreaming of Becoming a Nurse
A 5 page paper which provides an essay sample of expressing a childhood dream of working in the nursing profession in the future. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mexican Film/Maria Candelaria
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses Emilio Fernandez’s Maria Candelaria (1943) and how this film relates to the task of addressing the legacy of colonialism within the context of Mexican history. Mexico, as Andrea Noble points out, is fundamentally a “mestizo entity,” that is, it is the product of “the colonial encounter between Indians, Spaniards (and Africans)” (Noble 81). As such, the Mexican culture struggles to understand its fundamental nature and to express the cultural dichotomies held within this paradigm. One of the ways in which this task has been expressed is through cinema. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Laura, In Williams’ Glass Menagerie
A 3 page essay that discusses the character of Laura from Tennessee Williams’ poignant play “The Glass Menagerie.” There are a number of similarities between Laura Wingfield and the small glass animals that she collects. As with her small glass animals, Laura is fragile, both in health and temperament. Also, like her animals, which are a beautiful expression of art, Laura herself has an ethereal beauty. This metaphor also connects Laura with nature as the shapes of her glass suggest the natural world, which is distant from the play’s urban setting. As this suggests, the glass menagerie itself can be viewed as a metaphor for understanding Laura’s inner nature and Romantic beauty. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Analysis of the Fifth Psalm
A 8 page paper. The essay begins with a general introduction to the Book of Psalms, commenting on the literary style and literary features, such as parallel lines, contrasts and repetitions with examples from Psalm 5. The writer explains one way in which the Book of Psalms has been divided and categorized. Since Psalm 5 is an individual prayer, the writer explains the common phrases usually found in individual prayers. The writer also comments on the theology that may be found in Psalms. The discussion specifically related to Psalm 5 includes examples of similarities and differences between and among five translations; the switch from an individual prayer to a community prayer; and the purposes of the different sections within Psalm 5. Finally, the writer comments on the applicability of this psalm in today's life. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Powerful Words and 1984
This 5 page essay deals with the question of the power of language. Does language reflect reality or does it shape it? Examples are given from George Orwell's novel, 1984, which support the position that language does indeed have power to influence, but that it only reflects what is already existing.
Short synopsis of 1984 included. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Theology of C.S. Lewis
A 5 page research paper/essay that explores the theology and writing of C.S. Lewis, who is considered to be "one of the most important writer in English in the first half of the twentieth century" (Bell, 2005, p. 12). Famous for his books on theology and this other proselytizing writings, Lewis is best-known by the general public as the author of a famous series children's books, the Chronicles of Narnia, as the first two books in this series have recently been adapted in major motion pictures. This series, as is true of much of Lewis's writing, can be regarded in terms of evangelism, as Lewis used the written word to spread his ideas concerning theology and the importance of Christian belief. This discussion of Lewis's theology looks specifically at the Narnia books and how this series reflects his overall theological perspective as a Christian allegory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Early Christian Theology and Jesus
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses the changing images of Jesus in early Christian theology. In the millennia since he walked on earth, the image of Jesus has undergone various paradigm shifts that primarily reflect the theology of a particular era. In other words, the manner in which the image of Christ has been perceived has been both seriously influenced by and, in turn, influenced the ways in which humanity perceives God. The writer discusses the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity, the Council of Nicea, Arian heresy and the theology of Augustine. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
O. Henry/Gift of the Magi
A 5 page essay that discusses the career of William Sydney Porter, who is better known by his pseudonym of “O. Henry,” a man who is one of America’s most prolific writers of the short story genre (O. Henry, Writer). Over the course of his career, O. Henry wrote roughly 600 short stories, which were published in 14 volumes (William Sydney Porter). A master of suspense, O. Henry portrayed the lives of ordinary people, but would typically use a plot twist that gave his stories a characteristic sense of irony (O. Henry). It is O. Henry’s trademark sense of irony that gives one of his best known stories, “The Gift of the Magi,” its grace and meaning. The paper focuses on discusses this story. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Need for Hard-Back Books
A 3 page essay that discusses why hard-back books are better than reading books online. Reading a book is not the same as reading text on a computer screen. This is true for several reasons. First of all, there is the immediacy of hard-back book, as everything the reader needs is there, at the fingertips. There is also the factor of portability, that is, not everyone has a laptop or a book reader. Also, there is the problem of copyright and issues pertaining to access, which seem likely to continue to constitute obstacles to Internet access to recent books. Taking these points individually, the value of hard-back books is self-evident. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Alice in Wonderland and Harry Potter
A 7 page essay that discusses Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling are children's books that share many points in common, as they both present fantastical worlds and fairy tale narratives that are drastically different from reality. The Harry Potter series, in general, has been the source of controversy because the premise entails presenting Harry as a young wizard capable of doing feats of magic, which some fundamentalist Christian organizations have found objectionable. Alice has also generated controversy in that scholarly tomes have been formulated by critics regarding the meaning of Carroll's use of symbol and allegory. Examination of these two books shows that, of the two, Harry is the more conventional in its approach, as it upholds and maintains middle-class values and ethics. No additional sources cited.
Biblical Scripture's Doctrine of Inerrancy
This 7 page paper discusses the inerrancy of the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Doctrine of Inerrancy means that Scripture is without error. This essay offers validation for this doctrine through Scriptural passages as well as through the opinions of Biblical scholars, such as Henry Thiessen, who said that the writers were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. The writer also comments on whether or not the prophets and the Apostles knew what they were writing would be considered as the Word of God in the future. The greatest proof of the inerrancy of the Bible is found in the contents of the Bible itself. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, Reservation Blues
A 14 page essay that discusses James W. Johnson's The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and in Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues, which are novels in which these authors address issues of race and identity as these subjects pertain to the identities of the main characters and also to the nature of racism, which is interwoven within the warp and weave of current American culture and within its history. In each novel, the authors relate these issues to music and musical expression by exploring the theme that music is both indicative of personal identity, but also an expression of culture, and, therefore, a possible means for bridging the chasms that exist between races. No additional sources cited.
Validity or Bigotry in Rap Music Criticisms
In this well-prepared 5 page essay, the writer argues that there exists a great societal irony in the fact that lyrically-violent rap music is critiqued as destructive to a specific culture and at the same time praised by ‘hip-hop advocates' for its realistic contributions to the social advancement of today's inner city Black youths. It is asserted that critics of rap music fail to recognize it for its redeeming social value. And more importantly, we should be struggling to correct the very real problems that rap describes in its lyrics and not trying to hide or bury them even deeper by attacking the music itself. No Bibliography.
Origen/Early Christian Exegete
A 6 page essay that examines the writing of Origen, an early Christian scholar and theologian, who the writer argues is remarkably relevant to the way in which many modern Christians interpret the Bible. It is interesting that this second century exegete would undoubtedly take issue with fundamentalist Christians who insist that a literal interpretation of scripture is the only legitimate viewpoint. While certainly as a Church Father, Origen's theological positions are conservative in nature, his exegesis indicates Origen's objections to scriptural interpretation that focused on what he considered to be insignificant or trivial detail in favor of digging deeper and discerning the hidden spiritual truths scriptural writers were trying to convey. No bibliography is offered.
The End of the Earth
A 7 page paper. There is a great deal written about the world ending on December 21, 2012. The date is taken from the Mayan calendar which ends on that date. There has been a great deal written and broadcast about the End of Times, which is based on the Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible. Are the prophecies in Scripture accurate or not? That is the topic for this paper. The essay reports the predictions and discusses the arguments using information from scientists. The write ends with a suggestions that reflects a type of compromise between the opposing viewpoints. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Mysterious Book of Judith
An 8 page paper. The Book of Judith presents the world with a fascinating and mysterious story. Here is a widow, a pious woman, who defies the standards of the day and defeats a great warrior to save her city. Considered more as folklore and written for the purpose of sending specific messages to the people in times of trouble, the Book of Judith is included only in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox versions of the Bible and as part of the Apocrypha in the King James version. This essay provides the highlights of the story of Judith and explains the many interpretations of the story, including some psychological insights and the feminist take on the story. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Comparative Feminist Theology Analysis
A 12 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares Lisa Isherwood and Dorothea McEwan's Introducing Feminist Theology (2001) and Mary Kassian's The Feminist Gospel (1992). The writer argues that these texts offer two very different views of feminist theology. Kassian refers to this difference in her introduction when she states that "Biblical feminist believe that the Bible is properly interpreted as supporting the central tenets of feminist philosophy" (1992, p. 7). However, unlike "liberal religious feminists," Kassian maintains that "Biblical feminists" reject any "radical revision of the Scripture and the alteration of core Christian doctrine such as salvation and redemption" (1992, p. 7). This, in a nutshell, sums up the major philosophical difference between these two texts. As Isherwood and McEwan are two of the "liberal" religious feminists that Kassian dismisses out of hand. Examination of these texts and authors shows that, while they are in agreement that women are equal with men in the sight of God, they disagree about practically everything else. No additional sources cited.
John's Gospel
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines John's gospel, focusing primarily on the meaning of the seven signs of Jesus' ministry. The writer argues that this gospel is distinctly different from the three synoptic gospels that precede it in the Bible. It is both highly literary and symbolic and does not follow the same order in telling the stories of Jesus that one finds in the synoptic gospels; and, furthermore, it offers a developed theological reflection to a much greater degree than the earlier gospels, which indicates that it evolved from different circumstances and traditions than did the earlier gospels. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Doctrine of the Reformed Church
A 10 page paper that discusses the Reformed Church, its doctrine and some of the differences between this church and others. Luther's goal in his protest was to bring the Bible to everyone in a language they could read. It is also noted that nearly as soon as the Reformed Church was established, it split into two churches, the Lutheran church and the Reformed Church, i.e., the Presbyterian Church. This essay discusses the five solas, including sola fide, on which the doctrine was based. The paper includes discussions on predestination as presented by Boettner, grace, justification, limited atonement, salvation. Berkhof's explanation of the differences between churches regarding certain issues is included. Scripture is cited to support the arguments of major authorities. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
C.S. Lewis and Catholic Morality Instruction
This 15 page paper begins with general comments about the state of morality among youth and in society using a citation from C.S. Lewis to illustrate the point. The scenario is then presented for the paper, including challenges of teaching morality to ages 11-16 in a Catholic school. The first major issue to be discussed is conscience, how is it described, what does it do, kinds of conscience, citing Biblical scholars, the Gaudium Et Spes, the magisterium and the Bible. What it means to live a moral life is then discussed. The next topic is marriage and chastity or abstinence brining into the discussion the Catechism, Sacraments and the Gaudium Et Spes and the Veritatis Splendor. What the church documents say about abortion is then discussed. The essay ends with a moral decision making process for students and an example of a lesson plan for making healthy decisions. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
A 5 page essay that examines the principal theme of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, as it is suggested by the title. At the beginning of his novel The Sun Also Rises (1926), Ernest Hemingway includes an epigraph that consists of two quotations. The first is from Gertrude Stein, an avant-garde American poet who was the emotional center of the group of expatriate American writers living in Paris during the 1920s. This quote describes the generation that came of age during World War I as a "lost generation." The horror of the war had caused this group of young people to lose faith in traditional values, leaving them adrift, without a center, in the fluctuating current of modernism. But also included in the epigraph is a quote from the Bible, from Ecclesiastes, which states that the world endures and the sun continues to rise, which suggests that time and nature will eventually provide a new generation and new hope. Examination of this novel shows that both themes, hopelessness and the hope of rejuvenation, are integral to the structure of the text as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Genesis/An Overview
A 3 page research paper/essay that offers a brief overview of the Book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah. This is an ancient document that relates a considerable amount of Jewish history. The writer argues that there are themes that bind it together. One of these themes is the entrance of evil into the world via the repercussions of human actions. However, countering evil is the possibility of redemption, as men such as Noah and Abraham each submit themselves to the will of God and thereby earn reward of God's favor. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Medieval Theology in Dulcitius
An 8 page research paper/essay on this medieval play. From a modern perspective, medieval drama is interpreted by the average person as being incredibly sexist and somewhat perverse in its intense focus on tortures that Christian martyrs, who are usually beautiful maidens, undergo for their faith. In her analysis of the plays of Hrotsvit, Colleen D. Richmond, assistant professor of writing and literature at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon, argues that Hrotsvit's intentions are to help women redefine themselves and find empowerment within the framework of Christianity that allows them to subvert the domination of patriarchy. In other words, when viewed from a scholarly perspective, "Dulcitius," as well as the rest of Hrotsvit's plays, can be perceived in terms of constituting both social protest and medieval feminism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Development of Theology of Christology
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses the formulation of modern Christological thought. The entire ministry and Christ's crucifixion, burial and resurrection were completed within a span of just three years, according to the Gospels. However, it took centuries for Christian theologians to sort through the meaning of these events and how believers should conceptualize the mystery and majesty of the historical person who became known as Jesus Christ. The development of modern Christology, which is a term used to refer to scholarly inquiry and reflection that addresses the person of Jesus, his messianic mission and nature, occurred over the course of the first few centuries of the Christian era and was formalized through the auspices of Catholic Church councils. A brief overview of these councils demonstrates how Christology evolved. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Global Data Security
A 12 page paper that begins with a report of electronic security breaches, followed by a discussion of the global security market and trends within that market. The essay then introduces a global security company and outlines a business unit structure and a geography matrix map, which is limited, and discusses how the company can gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Using health/medical data and information, the writer discusses concerns in the global security industry with comments about the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The writer then makes a recommendation for the global security company in terms of greater global expansion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Latino Films Mi Vida Loca and West Side Story
A 5 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares the films "West Side Story" and "Mi Vida Loca." The writer argues that these films are part of the same continuum, a continuum that represents the way that Hollywood sees Latinos, which is a view that is not altogether accurate. Both films focus on barrio life and the gangs that characterize the life of so many Hispanic young people. They both picture this life as a violent and often brief, a struggle for survival. Each film presents itself as a realistic picture of this American subculture. However, while each film has much to recommend it, ultimately both films must be judged as perpetuating stereotypes regarding the Latino life that they attempt to portray. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
National Identity in 2 Chinese Films
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses 2 films in reference to Chinese national identity. Cinema has become one of the main means of societal discourse that expresses how people perceive and define themselves and their society. In other words, national cinemas contribute to the conceptualization of national identity and influence the way in which people perceive their place in the contemporary world, as well as their past. The following examination of this sociological phenomenon focuses on two Chinese films: “The Killer” (1989) directed by John Woo and “The Blue Kite” (1993) directed by Tian Zhangzhuang. The writer also discusses what critics say about the ways in which national cinemas are defined and perceived. Bibliography is incomplete and lists 7 sources.
The Passion of the Christ Film by Mel Gibson
A 5 page essay that analyzes Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ," which is a depiction of the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus of Nazareth. In presenting this bloody and brutal depiction of Christ's death, Gibson ignores certain cultural truths that have been evident since the time of the Crusades. Jules Isaac, a French historian whose family died in the Holocaust, wrote in his 1964 book The Teaching of Contempt: Christian Roots of Anti-Semitism that it is specifically the demonizing of all Jews, for all time, as guilty of killing Jesus that provides the "lethal core of anti-Semitic ideology" (Brackman, 2004). Examination of Gibson's film shows that, despite his well-publicized objections, this film is anti-Semitic and possibly incendiary in regards to a resurgence of anti-Semitism among Christian movie-goers. In proving this point, this discussion of Gibson's film examines, not only the film content, but also how this content relates to what is definitely known about the period. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Christian Theology, Family, and Marriage
A 6 page paper that discusses the crisis in marriages and families today and the evolution of the theology of marriage and family. Prior to the 1930s, the official position of the Catholic Church was that the purpose of marriage was procreation. That doctrine and theology have changed dramatically over the years and especially since the Second Vatican. Citing authors such as Lawler and Cahill, this essay discusses the evolution of marriage from an institution to a union. The essay also comments on the fact that marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic Church. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Essay on Management Skills and Philosophies
A 28 page paper. This essay first reviews some of the many schools or philosophies of management, such as the behavior school, the transformation school, total quality management. The next section discusses the many functions and roles of the manager. The four basic functions most often cited are explained. Mintzberg's 10 Management Roles are also reviewed. One study that looked at the effect of national context in terms of developing personnel is reviewed. A comprehensive discussion of the skills needed for effective management is then provided. Besides discussing the skills as cited in the literature, the writer provides a correlation between the functions of management and the skills needed for each function. The essay concludes with a summary and conclusions. Bibliography lists 28 sources.
Supply Chain Management and Radio Frequency Identification Tags
A 15 page paper. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are tiny, miniscule microchips that promise to reshape and revolutionize supply chain management. Since effective supply chain management means knowing where every item is located at any given time, RFID could just accomplish the goal. This essay provides background information on the person who initiated the idea for RFID tags. The technology of radio frequency identification is explained. The essay then comprehensively discusses what RFID can do and how it does it. RFID tags are briefly compared to bar codes. The advantages and benefits of the technology in terms of supply chain management are discussed. Companies that are already using RFID tags are identified and how they are using them. Bibliography lists 12 sources. PGrfid.rtf
Controlling Asthma
A 10 page paper that begins by reporting the prevalence of asthma and the contradictions between the symptoms patients report and their perception of how well they are controlling this disease. The essay discusses triggers, allergens and irritants, the typical treatment, the latest research connecting stress to asthma attacks and ideas for how patients and caregivers can help better control this condition. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Discussion of Controversial Issues in Classroom Management
This 12 page paper begins with a scenario that describes the context of the secondary school and the specific issue to be discussed. A teacher wants to incorporate issues-based discussions into the curriculum. The issue is: How to manage the discussions to meet the objective of students feeling safe enough to voice their opinions? and What model of classroom management can be used to establish this type of safe environment and that will also avoid having the discussions escalating into shouting matches and/or verbal abuse? The essay discusses the avoidance of issues-based curriculum in schools. The writer then describes what is thought to be the best classroom management model for this particular situation. The essay ends with an action plan. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Human Resource Management Changes
A 29 page paper that responds to the question of whether or not human resource management has changed over the years or does it just appear to have changed? To respond to the question, this essay provides a historical overview of the evolution of personnel administration in the 1920s to strategic human resource management today. Strategic human resource management is then described and explained. The essay then addresses human resource development and the complexity of HRM. Employee motivation is discussed, including theories of equity, expectation and justice. The writer also comments on incentives and rewards as motivational processes. The writer reports the need for a human resource measurement framework and the activities that need to be measured. Bibliography lists 31 sources.
Performance of Teams and Project Management
A 9 page paper. Projects fail more often then they succeed, which is why it is so important for the project manager to know how to establish a team and how to influence their performance. Project managers face any number of challenges, such as the cross-functional matrix team and the geographically-dispersed team. This essay discusses what is needed for projects to succeed, the skills and knowledge the manager needs to have, the most effective techniques to overcome the 'authority gap' and the strongest influencers to motivate team members. The essay also comments on the group and team development process and on motivation theories. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A 3 page essay that offers a template for a student nurse to use in writing about his/her personal nursing philosophy. A nurse’s beliefs “regarding humanity, values, the nature of nursing, the focus of nursing, the goals of practice and the focus of nursing research and education” collectively formulate a personal philosophy of nursing that informs and shapes that particular nurse’s practice behaviors (Courier, 2008). As a medical profession, nursing knowledge draws upon the related scientific fields (CSUB, 2006). However, nursing also goes beyond the medical model of healthcare delivery to stress humanistic, caring qualities that address the emotional, psychological side of human experience, as well as physiological needs. The purpose of the following essay is to provide a guide to a nursing student that can aid that student in describing his or her own personal philosophy of nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Children and Early Formal Educational Instruction
An 11 page paper. There is a significant amount of pressure to begin children in formal education programs younger and younger. For this essay, a 'formal education program' is defined as any systematic early childhood education program where children receive any type of rating on cognitive performance, even reciting their numbers or the alphabet. It seems to make sense to think that sending children to formal programs at early ages would be detrimental to them. The literature belies this supposition, however, in fact, there is an ever-increasing amount of literature that demonstrates the short- and long-term benefits of very early education. This essay discusses the issues and presents the literature. The writer does comment on the practice of using standardized tests with four-year-olds. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
High School Science Teaching
A 7 page paper that represents a college student's ability to blend theory with practice. This essay begins by identifying two themes that emerged from both the literature and coursework - students have different learning styles and science curriculum and methods of teaching need to change. The essay discusses why science education needs to change with an emphasis on secondary schools. The paper identifies the courses the student enjoyed the most and relates that to the literature on the need for the active engagement of students with the curriculum and materials. Gardner's multiple intelligences theory is outlined with an example of a science teacher who used this framework. This is also related to theory and practice in teaching science. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Nursing Shortage And Access To Quality Care
A 6 page paper. The writer reports various studies that confirm a shortage of nurses now and in the future and the implications of that shortage. For example, nurses work more mandated overtime, leaving them more tired and more stressed. The essay also reports studies that show a direct link between the shortage of nurses and the quality of care patients receive. The essay comments on the aging of the population and its impact. The writer comments on ethical issues related to access to quality care. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Grades Seven through Twelve and Literacy That is Literature Based
A 12 page paper that begins with an abstract. This essay has three sections in the main body of the paper. The first is an outline of a literature based literacy program for grades 7-12. The second part of the essay presents the program materials: the primary literature program, which is the Globe Fearon Literature program. This program is designed for reading levels 6-10. A description and justification for secondary materials is presented next, followed by a special discussion on writing activities. An example of titles is offered in the secondary materials section. The next section discusses the types of modification that could be made for different learners, e.g., the ESL learner or a student with learning disabilities and who is reading below grade level. The last section is a short conclusion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Math Classrooms and Cultural Sensitivity
A 12 page paper. As schools become even more diversified, teachers face daunting challenges in creating a classroom that meets the needs of all students. Math is typically viewed as the subject area in which culturally and linguistically diverse students would have the fewest problems. This is not true. Upon more careful review, we find that mathematics has its own language and includes terminology that can easily cause confusion to culturally diverse students. This essay begins with general comments about teaching linguistically and culturally diverse students and provides suggestions within that discussion. The essay then discusses issues concerning classroom environment and then, language and materials in the teaching of math. Suggestions for improving math instruction for students from different cultures are included. There are also specific discussions about African-American and Hispanic students. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Case Study of Hewlett Packard's European DeskJet Supply Chain
This 6 page case study is based on a case study included in Operations Management for Competitive Advantage by Chase, Jacobs and Aquilano. The essay describes the situation and the challenges and issues HP needed to address regarding the distribution of DeskJet printer models in Europe. The issue was to develop an inventory management model for this segment of HP's business. The model included the use of generic printer models with customization and localization performed at distribution centers in Europe. The essay then comments on the inventory control model of the student's place of employment, a restaurant. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Foreign Direct Investment in Japan Proposal
An 8 page paper. Japan has become more open to foreign direct investment in the last few years. The government is beginning to view FDI as something that can help their economy by creating jobs. This essay is a proposal for Starbucks to enter Japan. The essay discusses barriers and some of the changes the Japanese government is trying to make. An overview of Starbuck's is included including their marketing mix and their criteria for selecting partners. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Ford Motor Company and Incidences of Harassment and Discrimination
A 12 page paper. This essay discusses the issues of discrimination and harassment at Ford Motor Company. The company has had charges brought against it numerous times in the last several years that include racial, gender and age discrimination, racial and sexual harassment, and reverse discrimination. This essay discusses these cases and their outcomes. The writer comments on Ford's lack of improvement despite huge settlements awarded to employees. The writer also offers recommendations for the company to change the apparent discrimination in the work environment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Media and Religion
A 5 page research essay that explores the relationship between the many forms of the media and religion. How do journalists report about religious events or do they? Are journalists knowledgeable about religion? Where does the public gain its opinions about religion, faith and spirituality? These are the questions explored in this essay. The historical mistrust between religious leaders and the press is based on a number of issues which were revealed in a 1993 study. This writer argues that the media do, in fact, influence what people believe. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Christian Theology, Family, and Marriage
A 6 page paper that discusses the crisis in marriages and families today and the evolution of the theology of marriage and family. Prior to the 1930s, the official position of the Catholic Church was that the purpose of marriage was procreation. That doctrine and theology have changed dramatically over the years and especially since the Second Vatican. Citing authors such as Lawler and Cahill, this essay discusses the evolution of marriage from an institution to a union. The essay also comments on the fact that marriage is a sacrament in the Catholic Church. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Octavio Paz/Diego Rivera
A 5 page research paper/essay that critiques how each man viewed Emiliano Zapata. The Labyrinth of Solitude is one of the most famous works by the noted Mexican author Octavio Paz. It is a collection of nine essays that are all concerned with the central theme of how one should understand Mexican identity, which translates in the book into understanding the quest for this understanding as an existential labyrinth, which leads inevitably to a profound feeling of solitude. Diego Rivera, through his art, also expresses a vision of Mexican identity. This discussion interprets Rivera's "Agrarian Leader Zapata" in light of the themes brought out in Paz's text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Ethics and NCLB Act
This 11 page paper considers ethical issues related to the NCLB Act. The essay begins with the major provisions of the Act and the funding levels for 2004. The ethical issues raised are: Chicago's refusal to stop their public tutoring program paid for with NCLB funds (they failed to meet the criteria to continue funding their own program). The ethical issue addressed is the law versus the child's needs. Another ethical issue discussed is the fact that every state is sitting on NCLB money they have not distributed to local districts and they have been holding these monies for over three years, in most cases. The essay ends concluding most educational leaders will not face the same ethical issue that exists in Chicago but they will face another issue. This is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Assessing Reading
A 16 page paper That begins with some background information about reading achievement levels and the difficulties teachers have in the classroom. The essay discusses reading fluency and assessing fluency both informally and formally, identifying specific published tests that can be used as well as suggestions for improving a student's fluency. The writer also discusses curriculum-based assessment and self-assessment. The essay concludes with the test the writer would use to assess a new student in a middle school who was having difficulties with reading. Abstract included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Technical Writing
A 12 page paper. Technical writing is a diverse field and includes all documents that intend to convey specific types of information. This essay discusses technical writing and getting published. It begins with a comprehensive discussion about how to write a good technical article or document. This includes the need for proper and clear writing, the sections included in technical documents ideas for writing clearly. The rest of the essay discusses getting published. This section provides numerous tips and ideas for the new writer. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Canada, Mercy Killing, and R v. Latimer
A 23 page paper. In 1993, Robert Latimer, a farmer from Saskatchewan, killed his severely disabled twelve-year old daughter Tracy. The case was heard in four courts, including the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. The defendant asked for an exemption from the mandatory minimum sentence citing section 12 of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. This essay recounts the incidents, the court rulings, and opinions from legal minds. The essay also provides a brief discussion regarding mercy killing and how Canadians have reacted to the concept. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Societal Marketing and Green Marketing
A 14 page paper. For the last three decades there have been intermittent attempts at marketing campaigns that emphasize the environmental safety of products. Concern for the environment has become a common and popular theme among consumers in many regions of this world. This essay explains green marketing, the principles of green marketing, the past failures of green marketing and the different segments of green consumers. The second part of the essay discusses societal marketing, the principles of societal marketing, the movement towards sustainability and the concept of the triple bottom line, and Kotler's five societal marketing concepts for which companies should be responsible. The writer also comments on the reasons consumers became cynical about marketing campaigns promoting environmentally-safe products. Survey data are included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Concept of Worldwide Sports Federations
This 7 page essay discusses the concept of
international sports federations and the ways in which they have a distinctly economic
impact on the world. The past few years have not been some of the best for the various
international sports federations of the world in terms of their image and prestige. At the
core of many of the issues is the one that governs so much of modern life -- economics.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A 3 page essay that offers a template for a student nurse to use in writing about his/her personal nursing philosophy. A nurse’s beliefs “regarding humanity, values, the nature of nursing, the focus of nursing, the goals of practice and the focus of nursing research and education” collectively formulate a personal philosophy of nursing that informs and shapes that particular nurse’s practice behaviors (Courier, 2008). As a medical profession, nursing knowledge draws upon the related scientific fields (CSUB, 2006). However, nursing also goes beyond the medical model of healthcare delivery to stress humanistic, caring qualities that address the emotional, psychological side of human experience, as well as physiological needs. The purpose of the following essay is to provide a guide to a nursing student that can aid that student in describing his or her own personal philosophy of nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
UK Gender Discrimination
A 12 page paper. The gender pay gap in the UK is the widest of any country in the European Union. About 30 percent of managers and administrators in the country are women but they are concentrated at the lowest levels of management. Further, they are paid 24 percent less than male counterparts. This essay explores the issue of gender discrimination in the workplace and the very real glass ceiling that exists. The writer provides the core elements of the law and reports the lack of significant changes in more than three decades. The essay also provides suggestions for eliminating gender discrimination. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Ehreirch/Serving in Florida
A 3 page overview of an essay on what it is like to hold down a low-wage job. In her essay "Serving in Florida," Barbara Ehreirch describes what it is like to be on the low end of the socioeconomic ladder, surviving on wages and tips, which collectively equal the minimum wage, while working as a waitress in Florida's food service industry. Ehreirch's experience demonstrates that while management theories and practices regarding white-collar workers may have changed in recent years--becoming more progressive--these humanistic reforms have failed to filter down to pink-collar work, as Ehreirch and her co-workers are treated more like indentured servants or automatons than human beings. No bibliography is provided.
Christ Symbolism in Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
A 6 page essay analyzing the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe's work. It points out that Uncle Tom was never intended to be realistic, because he is a symbol for Christ and therefore for the holiness of the black man. Numerous correspondences between the life of Christ and the Uncle Tom narrative are provided. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.
Reaction to Germinal by Emile Zola
A 3 page essay on the Emile Zola novel 'Germinal.' The writer details the main characters and the ideologies they represent, as well as some of the key incidents in the book. No bibliography.
'The Anagram' by John Donne
This 2 page essay discusses poet John Donne's 'The Anagram' and explores the ways in which it relates to Donne's ideas of female beauty and language. No bibliography.
Analysis of a Town Meeting
In this 6 page essay, the writer re-caps events and issues covered at a local town meeting they attended. Issues in public administration, roles of municipal executives, and various procedural functions are all included in the discussion. Town budget information, tax issues, and more are covered. No bibliography.
The Life and Accomplishments of Louis the Pious
A 5 page essay on Charlemagne's only legitimate son. The writer posits that although Louis was a weak governor in many ways, which resulted in his failure to unite Germany, he instilled within all of the Germanic tribes the desire for study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Prophecies in The Book of Revelation
This 7 page essay investigates the claims that the prophecies found in the Book of Revelation are coming true in today's world. Writers point to specific events in the world and link these to specific verses in Revelation. Critics say that this type of activity has been going on for 2,000 years and that the interpretations are changed to fit the events of the day. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Zen Koans and Pratityasamutpada Buddhism
A 5 page research essay on the similar use of koans between the pratityasamutpada (ancient) and Zen forms of Buddhism. The writer provides a background for the similarity between the two forms of Buddhism, and discusses examples of the koans and the reasons behind them—the Middle Way. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Islamic Modernism and its Development
9 pages in length. An insightful essay on Islamic Modernism as it began in the 19th century preceded by movements to improve the political and economic situations of the Muslim world. The belief and works of Sayyid Jamal al-Din-Al-Afghani, Shaykh Muhammad 'Abduh, and Sayyid Ahmad Khan are discussed in great detail as are the various sociopolitical conditions and factors that facilitated their philosophies and movements. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Imprint of Religions on Nations
In a 5 page essay, the author discusses the topics of Buddhism in China, Judaism in Israel and Christianity in America. Comparisons of the different religions and the countries are made. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Countering
A 7 page rhetorical essay. The writer discusses the prevalence of teen drug and alcohol abuse, its possible causes, and some solutions which would help parents become more involved in their teens' lives. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Edward II's Queen Consort Isabella
An 8 page essay on the Queen consort of Edward II who, partially in retaliation for his homosexual affairs, led a successful rebellion against him. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ambiguity in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
A 7 page essay briefly examining the life of the author of 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' and how his life and times affected how he recast the ancient struggle between good and evil that thrives in the heart of every man. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
'Easter 1916' and the Irish Nationalistic Sentiments of William Butler Yeats
A 3 page essay that analyzes the poem in terms of the political climate of the time as well as the literary trends of the day. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
16PF Questionnaire
This 15 page paper investigates the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, also called the 16PF. The essay provides: a general overview of the assessment, tables displaying and describing the primary and global factors, the development of the 16PF, changes in the latest revision, utility of the Questionnaire, how it is structured, and a critical analysis of the instrument. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Rent Seeking Issues
This 3 page essay discusses issues inherent to rent-seeking, its desired results, and quasi-rent seeking behaviors. Rent seeking behavior can best be described as 'the expenditure of resources in order to bring about an uncompensated transfer of goods or services from another person or persons to one's self as the result of a "favorable" decision on some public policy. ' Bibliography lists 3 sources.
1987's Whittier, California Earthquake
In this 7 page essay, the writer uses the Whittier Narrows Quake to show how frighteningly unpredictable and random California's earthquakes have become. The writer discusses the occurrence of that particular quake, its socioeconomic devastation, and most importantly-- describes what "lessons" we should have learned from this random example of geologic terror. Comparisons are also made between the Whittier quake and the Loma Prieta quake of 1989. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia
This 3 page essay discusses one of the adversarial relationships, the one between Celia and her daughter Lourdes, in 'Dreaming in Cuban.' Bibliography lists 1 source.
Mexican-American Border Culture and Across the Wire by Urrea
Urra's book is the subject of this 5 page review. The essays in the book describe life in Tijuana along with the problem of poverty and the crime it attracts. No additional sources cited.
Jury System's Significance
Beginning with an appropriate overview of why the U.S. Founding Fathers saw the need for a jury system, this well-prepared 8 page essay argues that the jury still remains an ultimate symbol of true American Democracy. Recent Supreme Court decisions as well as the linkage between jury service and other rights of political participation are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Mask by Fumiko Enchi, Turn of the Screw by Henry James, and Gender
In this 4 page essay, comparisons are made concerning depictions of culture and power (as they relate to gender and feminity) in 'Turn Of The Screw' and 'The Mask.' The first of these suggests that a man can also be the object of a mastering look and that the association of that position with the woman is conventional. The latter work illustrates harsh conditions under which Japanese women had to live in their own society and relevant comparisons are made. No other sources are cited.
The Pertinent Social and Economic Events of the Twentieth Century
A 6 page essay that discusses in great detail the social and economic events which have contributed to the changing world structure. Bibliography contains 4 references (report contains many examples to illustrate its points).
French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
A 10 page research paper that traces Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power from a shaky beginning to becoming the military genius he is credited to be. The essay reviews some of the major battles that he won and lost, his reorganization of France and of a great part of Europe, his two exiles and his death. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
AIDS and the Bubonic Plague
In this insightful 5 page essay, the writer discusses similarities between the Bubonic, or 'Black Plague' (a.k.a. 'Black Death') of the 14th century, and the modern-day A.I.D.S. crisis. Public health and social issues are taken into consideration as they relate to each of the two societies discussed. Stereotypes, discrimination, and popular fears are analyzed as well. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Media's Gender Bias and the 'Smurfette Principle'
Nearly three decades after the 'Feminist Movement' and the initiation of the Equal Rights Amendment, much of the entertainment media is still reflecting lower-level roles, even subordinate roles for women. This 4 page essay explores 'The Smurfette Principle' in terms of various preschool television shows. The similarity of today's storylines to those of 25 and more years ago is astounding. . . a rather incredible fact in light of the feminist movement. Gender bias is alive and well in entertainment media. No bibliography.
Children and the Negative Impacts of Television
A 4 page essay addressing the negative effects of TV viewing on children. The writer discusses alternatives to TV for children. No Bibliography.
Seek Specific Job Opportunities Based on Bilingualism
A 2 page essay outlining some of the many advantages to bilingualism in the modern workplace. The role of education is stressed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Future Social Worker's Goals
A 4 page essay in which the writer re-caps a one-on-one interview with a social worker. For the most part, the paper contains an informative explanation of the field, its prerequisites, opportunities, and obstacles to success.
Neil Postman's The Judgment of Thamus
This is a 5 page paper that reviews the essay "Judgement of Thamus" by Neil Postman in terms of Postman's presentation on the concept of the role of technology in education and information dispersal. No additional sources cited.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Prenatal Exposure to Drugs
An 8 page research essay on individualized and multilevel approaches to diagnosis and treatment of children with prenatal drug exposure. The writer reviews research literature to point out the complexity of the problem and offers a case study approach to treatment program determination. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Overview of the Drug LSD
7 pages in length. In this well-organized essay, the writer describes the nature of LSD, its history, use, properties, and banning. Particular emphasis is placed upon the 'LSD controversy' and some of the known side effects of drug usage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Library Sources and the Research of a Controversial Issue
A 5 page essay in which the writer provides thoughtful tips on library use. The writer essentially 'walks' the novice researcher through everything he or she would need to know in order to quickly find information on both sides of an issue. No additional sources cited.
Effectiveness of the United Nations' Peacekeeping Efforts
A 6 page argumentative essay that supports the argument for UN peacekeeping. The writer reviews the stated function, peacekeeping failures, successes and lessons learned in support of the argument for. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Coffee Industry
A 5 page essay on the world-famous aromatic brew from the coffee bean which includes an analysis of the fluctuating coffee prices of 1997 and the history behind the beverage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Social Classes and Growing Up
A 3 page essay contrasting and comparing growing up in the upper and lower classes. The writer focuses on money and spontaneous freedom of actions. No additional sources cited.
California and At Will Employment
A 14 page essay on the legal doctrine which states that employers can dismiss employees for any reason at any time, and, conversely, that employees can quit for any reason and at any time. This paper examines exceptions which have been made and at the current rash of ‘‘wrongful discharge'' lawsuits which are slowly changing this doctrine as it applies in the U.S. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Defining Wisdom
A short, 2 page essay attempting to define wisdom and its components of knowledge, insight and judgment. The writer mentions studies into the decision-making process and asserts that wisdom is an effective insulator against slipping into bitterness when life just doesn't go 'right.'
Modern Art and The Painted Word by Thomas Wolfe
This 5 page report discusses Tom Wolfe's essay on modern art and then reviews the work of one of the artists who fits into his dismissive description of 'modernism.' Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Impressionism and Photography
An 8 page essay on the influence that photography had on Impressionism and art in the 19th Century. The writer argues that these include viewpoint, realistic public scenes in light of cubist methods, and the use of light. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Strategic Commitment and Corporate Competitive Advantage
This 3 page essay discusses the ides of strategic commitment in a company and the ways in which it adds to a larger corporate advantage. Strategic commitment is a separate and unique field of endeavor that is marked by the inclusion of ethics and the moral responsibilities of management as a part of a much larger strategic planning process. Follow-through on such a commitment is what allows any firm to enjoy a unique competitive advantage based on the relationship that it has established with its constituency. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Marks and Spencer and Customer Value Management
This 15 page paper investigates customer value management and customer value analysis and applies the concepts to the practices Marks and Spencer seem to implement and/or advocate. Examples of other businesses are also be offered for the purpose of demonstrating some of the concepts discussed. The essay concludes with recommendations for Marks and Spencer to further their competitive advantage through specific customer value management action steps. One graphic illustration is provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Analyzing 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr.
A 5 page essay on the sufficiency, value and effectiveness of Martin Luther King Jr.'s letter to the clergy written while incarcerated. The writer argues that through poetics, rather than potentially misunderstood detail, King made a factual, ethical, and inductive argument which succeeds by virtue of a variety of equitable treatments. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Stereotypes and the Media
A 5 page essay that looks at the current state of media and its obsession with stereotypical images. The paper reviews social theory relating to image, racial portrayals in the media, and the portrayal of women in the media—and posits that in the United States, legitimate media is currently underground. Bibliography cites 7 sources.
Television Situation Comedy Married With Children and Family Dysfunction
A 5 page essay on this popular TV sitcom in which the writer analyzes the show from a sociological point of view. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
An Analysis of Television Commercials and Programming
In this 5 page essay, the writer reports their observations of television commercials as they occurred during a certain one hour television program. Recorded were the times that commercials occurred, their length, and content. These variables are analyzed with respect to advertising market and other relevant data. An illustrative chart is included .No Bibliography.
Issues Surrounding the Tobacco Trade
A 5 page essay exploring the issues surrounding the exporting of tobacco and tobacco products. Is this a policy the United States Government should continue to support in view of its opposition to the use of tobacco within the nation? As one of the top cash products within the country and with hundreds of thousands of people dependent on the industry, the question as to the U.S. government's role in supporting its export is a complex one. The writer discusses the issues in terms of economics and ethics. No bibliography.
Global Internet Business Opportunities and Challenges
A 5 page essay discussing the challenges and opportunities that await a business when it decides to go global on the Internet. Bibliography lists six sources.
Jon L. Pierce and John W. Newstrom's The Manager's Bookshelf
A 5 page analysis of the book The Manager's Bookshelf: A Mosaic of Contemporary Views, edited by Jon L. Pierce and John W. Newstrom. In this book, the editors introduce the serious business student to roughly forty of the most recently published management books via essays summarizing the main points of the books. The result is a rich collage of multiple perspectives that cuts through the hype to give a concise understanding of the current thinking on management practices. No additional sources cited.
Moving Beyond Writer's Block
A 10 page essay on writer's block. Written largely as a narrative, this paper gives examples of things that can cause a writer to 'get stuck,' and what they can do to get their 'creative juices' flowing once again. A number of insightful techniques are explained. Bibliography lists 6 supporting sources.
Hitchcock/Psycho & Shadow of a Doubt
An 11 page research paper/essay that discusses these two films. Director Alfred Hitchcock’s film “Psycho” (1960) is generally acknowledged to be a masterpiece of the cinematic art. Interestingly, however, Hitchcock frequently stated that his personal favorite among his many films was “Shadow of a Doubt” (1943), in which a “debonair murderer of widows,” played by Joseph Cotton, has formulated a complete nihilistic theory of existence prior to settling in the little town of Santa Rosa, California (Denby 26). This examination of these two films demonstrates how Hitchcock’s legendary skill at manipulating and misdirecting his audience can be seen in the earlier film, as well as how this factor has matured and grown in subtlety and nuance by the time that “Psycho” was produced. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
When A Man Loves A Woman
A 6 page essay that discusses the film When A Man Loves A Woman from the stand point of alcoholic recovery. This film is a sensitive and insightful look at about alcoholism and how this insidious disease affects lives in multiple dimensions. Filmmakers have been known to handle alcoholism in a relatively facile way, that is, the film shows the decline of a protagonist, who hits bottom and has an epiphany that results in a determination to recover and the credits role over this happy ending. However, this film realistically portrays recovery as a beginning, not an end and shows the repercussions that this also can have in people's lives. In short, the film not only portrays what it means to be socially responsible in regards to alcoholism, but it takes a social responsible stance. No additional sources cited.
Once We Were Warriors/Postcolonial Theory
A 6 page research paper/essay that analyzes the 1994 film “Once Were Warriors” offers an international audience a representation of Maori ethnic identity. When viewed in the light of postcolonial theory, the question that such an investigation immediately raises is whether or not the film offers an accurate vision of urban Maori society or if this film is itself a product of a postcolonial mindset. While certainly the domestic difficulties encountered by the film’s protagonists mirror the social disorder that plagues the Maori minority population of New Zealand, an examination of literature indicates that this question is complex and that an ethnic people cannot and should not facilely characterized as fitting so neatly into European-influenced stereotypes. Particularly in regards to how the film pictures Maori men. In order to argue this point, it is necessary to first look at the content of the film, then the basic arguments of postcolonial theory Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night/On Film
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses 2 film adaptations. While there are numerous film adaptations of Shakespeare’s tragedies, the Bard’s comedies have proven to be notoriously difficult to translate successfully to the screen (Crowl 69). However, Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing (1993) and Trevor Nunn’s Twelfth Night (1996) successfully overcome the challenges inherent in a film adaptation of a Shakespearean comedy, as both films were artistically and commercially successful. First of all, these films overcome the problems of translating the plays from the restrictive confines of the stage to the visual options available in film. They also combine aspects of Hollywood storytelling and cinematic technique that are familiar to modern audiences with Shakespeare text and, thereby, imbue the classic plays with fresh energy and postmodern aesthetic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Kubrick/The Shining
A 7 page essay that discusses the 1980 film, The Shining. In this film, director Stanley Kubrick added fresh dimension to the horror film by reinventing many of the conventions of that genre. First of all, Kubrick offers a slow-paced script that builds tension slowly and in subtle, unexpected ways. In many cases, he defies conventions. For example, Kubrick filmed many of his film's most terrifying scenes in bright daylight or scenes that were brightly lit (Dirks). Unforgettable images build tension as the narrative portrays a man's descent into insanity. The psychological disintegration of the protagonist, Jack Torrance, is portrayed via Kubrick's use of camera angles and effects, as well as the cumulative effect of the other cinematic characteristics of the film. While the writer primarily discusses Kubrick's use of the camera, thematic issues are also discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
1920 and 1992 Cinematic Adaptations of James Fenimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans
A 6 page research paper/essay that examines 2 film adaptations of James Fenimore Cooper's classic novel of early America The Last of the Mohicans. The two most memorable film adaptations to Cooper's text are widely considered to be the silent 1920 film directed by Maurice Tourneur and the 1992 version directed by Michael Mann. An examination of both films shows that the 1992 version is a worthy successor to the glorious cinematography displayed in Tourneur's film. However, an examination of both films also shows that Mann and his script co-writer, Christopher Crowe, made a number of changes that depart from Cooper's narrative. These changes pertain to details that make the earlier film not only more authentic in regards to Cooper's novel, but they also mean that the latter film avoids issues of racial controversial that the earlier film does not hesitate to address. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Bram Stoker's Dracula and Kate Chpin's The Awakening Compared
A 10 page research paper/essay that examines Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening (1899) and Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897). The writer argues that these works provide readers with vastly different conceptualizations of fantasy, sexuality and race. Chopin addresses the negative consequences of a woman's sexual awakening and her eventual suicide to escape the restrictions of Victorian society on female life. Stoker creates a fantasy in which an Eastern European monster preys on innocent English women and children. Examination of these two works shows that while these two authors each address common themes, they do so from diametrically opposed positions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Film Ordinary People & Carl Rogers
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the film Ordinary People, directed by Robert Redford for Paramount in 1980, which presents a dysfunctional family that is traumatized by guilt and grief. Conrad Jarrett is an adolescent who tries to commit suicide following the death of his brother, Buck, in a boating accident. Conrad cannot overcome his intense feeling of guilt for having survived the accident that killed his brother. Conrad is eventually able to heal due to the intervention of a therapist, Dr. Berger, the context of the movie suggests that Dr. Berger’s intervention can be viewed as adhering to the therapeutic and theoretical perspective of Carl Rogers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Explication of 'My Last Duchess' by Robert Browning
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess." This poem takes the form of an extended monologue. A duke is showing his art collection to an emissary, who has come to arrange a marriage between the duke and his master's daughter. The collection includes a portrait of the duke's first wife. What soon becomes clear is that the duke is a jealous, paranoid, egomaniac who had his "last duchess" killed because she did not worship him in a manner to suit his ego. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Federico Garcia Lorca/Play Trilogy
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the Federico Garcia Lorca’s play trilogy. The editors of the New England Review add a biographical note to their publication of Federico Garcia Lorca’s poem “Siguiriya’s Way,” which identifies Lorca as one of the greatest poets and dramatists of modern Spain (Lorca, 2005, p. 96). This poem mixes sensuality with the ever-present threat of violence, which is as theme that is prominent in Lorca’s work. Three of Lorca’s best-known plays are his trilogy: “Blood Wedding,” “Yerma,” and “The House of Bernarda Alba.” Examination of these plays demonstrates how Lorca uses the elements of melodrama to represent the presence of overwhelming sexual desire within the context of the negotiated power. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Sylvia Plath, Mirror & Metaphors
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses 2 poems by Sylvia Plath, who was born in 1932 to Aurelia and Otto Plath in Boston, Massachusetts and died in 1963 by her own hand, committing suicide just a few months after her thirtieth birthday (Inness 10-13). Talented, young, beautiful, with two small children—despite the depression caused a separation from her husband--Plath’s suicide remains an enigma that critics draw upon when facing the task of deciphering the meaning of her poetry and her life. Looking specifically at two of her poems, “Metaphors,” which is dated March 20, 1959 and “Mirror,” which is dated October 23, 1961, it is possible to discern something of the disintegration of Plath’s mindset between writing these two works. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Greek Values in Homer's 'The Iliad'
A 4 page essay that examines Greek values in the Iliad. In his epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, the ancient Greek poet Homer praised numerous qualities and values. "Patriotism, heroism, loyalty, resistance to temptations, truthfulness, generosity, honesty and hospitality" are just a few of the virtues that "Homer praised and exalted" (Christian and Greek philosophy, 2003, p. 15). This examination of Homer's Iliad focuses on what this epic poem tells the modern reader concerning the importance of Greek values, specifically heroism, honor and solidarity, in Greek society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift' by Jonathan Swift
A 4 page essay that analyzes Jonathan Swift's poetic commentary on his own death. Swift (1667-1745) is one of the greatest satirists of all time. His wit and critical viewpoint of society did not exclude himself as a topic. In his poem "Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift," he addresses how he imagines his own decline, death and the response of his so-called friends and public. The underlying theme in this poem is that profuse shows of concern and compassion serve to cover the basic self-interest of the individual, who is enormously glad that the sufferer is not himself. Likewise, Swift lampoons his own reactions to the success of others. Examination of this work shows how Swift uses the symbol of pride to point out the follies inherent in human behavior. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Poems by Gary Snyder and Robert Creeley
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares poems by Robert Creeley and Gary Snyder. The writer argues that in Creeley's "I Know a Man," he demonstrates the shallowness of consumerism as an answer to life's problems. Snyder, on the other hand, in "Riprap" and "Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout," takes a more naturalistic approach, focusing on the contrast between the grandeur of nature and the inconsequential nature of human existence in comparison. While vastly different in context and tone, the stark imagery of each poem shows that the poets are not dissimilar in their consideration of thematic material as they both endeavor to demonstrate the nature of modernity. No additional sources cited.
Browning's Last Duchess & Her Fatal Misstep
A 3 page essay that discusses Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess" and how this applies to the concept of "hamarita." The literary term "hamarita" has been defined simply as a "tragic flaw," however, it does not necessarily refer to flaw in character, as it can also be an "unwitting, even a necessary, misstep in doing rather than an error in character" (Literary Vocabulary). In Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess," it is made clear that the duke's last duchess did, indeed, take a fatal misstep that brought about her demise and that action consisted, not in a character defect, but in the fact that she was too good, too caring, too human, to be a proper aristocrat in the eyes of her husband. Her hamarita lay in her love of life and individuality, which prevented her from existing solely as just one more beautiful possession belong to the duke. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Early Snow' by Mary Oliver
A 3 page essay that discusses the imagery in Mary Oliver's poem "Early Snow." The writer states that this is a lyrical description of an early snow fall. Examination of this poem shows that, first of all, the poet concentrates on how the snow looks as it covers familiar objects in the landscape. Then, the poet goes on to internally explore the sense of awe and amazement that she feels watching the snow. These musings lead her to consider humanity's place in the scheme of things, as represented by the natural world. No additional sources cited.
Literature and Society's Veils or Illusions
A 7 page paper which examines the veils, or
illusions, of society in literature. The essay discusses characters as they make choices
concerning compromises with society in exchange for happiness. The novels examined
are “Robinson Crusoe” by Defoe, “Emma” by Jane Austen, “Joseph Andrews” by
Fielding, and “The House of the Seven Gables” by Hawthorne. No additional sources
Shoah Train Holocaust Poetry of William Heyen
A 3 page research paper/essay that examines Heyen's latest volume of Holocaust poetry. Heyen's poetry has frequently focused on the Holocaust. He published his collection The Swastika Poems in 1977, which was subsequently revised and expanded into Erika (1984). His latest volume of Holocaust poetry is Shoah Train, which encompasses more than 70 poems written over the last dozen years (Shoah Train, 2003). A great deal of Holocaust literature has addressed the question of how such evil could have taken place. The Holocaust poetry in Shoah Train does not offer the reader definitive answers, but it does reveal multiple perspectives on human nature and its seemingly engrained propensity toward violence and evil. Heyen's poetry not only illuminates the nature of the evil that was the Holocaust, but also relates this experience to today's world and the continuing legacy left by this world-altering example of what human beings are capable of perpetuating on each other. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Arguing in Support of Marijuana Legalization
8 pages in length. Although the writer of this essay does not necessarily endorse the use of marijuana, (s)he agrees with the argument that it is politically-incorrect to outlaw it in the United States. Very good points are made from the history of marijuana's existence in the country as well as the similar case of alcohol prohibition during the 1920's. The writer feels that the FDA should regulate the drug so that smokers do not risk using pot that is sneakily mixed with other substances. Medical evidence of marijuana's comparatively mild effects is presented and the report concludes that the negative impacts of marijuana's ban are far worse than those that would prevail if it were allowed to be sold openly and legally. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Roman Catholic Teachings and Suicide
A 9 page paper. The Roman Catholic Church considers any type of deliberate suicide, any act that is not meant to preserve life, including assisted suicide a grave sin. This essay looks at suicide in terms of both Christian teaching and Catholic teaching. The writer discusses the formation of conscience, conscience, natural moral law, and the Church authority. Comments are cited from the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Scripture along with comments from Biblical scholars in the discussion of suicide. The clear acts of suicide that are found in Scripture are reported and discussed. The writer also discusses whether or not Samson's death was a suicide. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
'The End of History?' by Francis Fukuyama
A 17 page paper that presents an outline and explanation of Fukuyama's thesis about the end of history and the last man. The essay "The End of History?" published in 1989 and the book, The End of History and the Last Man, published in 1992 are still being discussed and analyzed in today's literature. Fukuyama's works created a great deal of furor and criticism in some circles and were applauded in other circles. This paper reports the interpretations of these two works by numerous scholars and also presents the criticisms levied against the thesis by other scholars. The thesis is that liberal democracy has won as the preferred system; this was evidenced by the end of the Cold War and this constitutes the end of history. One question asked by a number of authors is whether Fukuyama means this is the end of history or the end of historical thinking? The thesis is much more complex than this statement would imply and the complexities are discussed and reflected upon. The writer includes their own reflections. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
New England in the Seventeenth Century and Environmental History
A 6 page research paper that examines chapter 3 from a text concerning American environmental history. In the text Major Problems in American Environmental History, editor Carolyn Merchant assembles an eclectic yet revealing collection of documents and essays that offer a form of "snap shot" of a specific period in American history in relation to environmental issues. Chapter 3 of this text focuses on the New England forest in the seventeenth century. Examination of this chapter demonstrates the basic conflict not only between how the Native Americans perceived the natural world, but also between how different groups of Europeans perceived it. These documents indicate that how the natural world is perceived and conceptualized within the boundaries of the human imagination is crucial to human interaction with the natural world. Bibliography lists 12 sources taken from this 1 text.
Literature for Young Adults and Homosexuality
This 6 page personal essay discusses homosexuality and the fact that it should be presented in young adult literature along with any other issue that will have an impact on a young person’s life. The author points out that there are people who think of it as a the most heinous of sins “against nature” and others who believe it is of no more relevance than the color of one’s eyes. And, of course, there are others who are convinced that they “aren’t bothered” by gays and lesbians but don’t understand why “they can’t just keep to themselves.” Each of these attitudes are attitudes which have evolved as the result of personal experience and belief systems, most of which were established before a person reached adulthood. What an adolescent or teen reads serves as an important component in shaping his or her beliefs. To deny that homosexuality exists r to declare it as a perversion or sin only serves to negate the existence of an entire group of people. No sources listed.
Reading Education History
A 6 page paper. One writer developed a historical framework that illustrated four ages of reading pedagogy. These are used as the basis for the historical account of reading education. The writer also includes major theorists in the discussion, such as Noah Webster, John Dewey and Norm Chomsky. A history of reading education would not be complete without mentioning the decades old debate of phonics versus whole language. Finally, the essay considers the major trend in literacy and reading programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
What Defines Americanness in American Literature
A 4 page essay that discusses works by Chopin, Emerson, Twain, James and Irving in regards to what qualities or characteristics make American literature "American." The writer argues that in the early days of the United States as a free and independent nation, its culture was still largely derivitive of European cultures, particularly that of England. However, throughout the nineteenth century, U.S. writers successfully established a body of literature that was distinctly American, owing little to outside sources and signifying that the US possesses a literary tradition that reflects the experience of a unique people, their history and orientation toward life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Black Literature and Violence
A 15 page research paper/essay that examines the theme of violence in Frederick Douglass' Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and W.E.B. Du Bois' The Souls of Black Folk. The writer argues that the violence regularly perpetrated against people of African descent is a common thread connecting these works. While, naturally, these authors address other issues and complications of the institution of slavery, violence provides a background theme that serves to underscore all else. It is the coercive and pervasive element that white mainstream culture uses to keep blacks "in their place" during the antebellum era, and long after African Americans theoretically were free. In regards to the slave narratives of Douglass and Jacobs, the writer focuses on the differences between male and female slave experience. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Trade Relations Between India and the US
This 10 page paper discusses trade between the United States and India. The essay begins with some background comments about India's place in world trade and when the country increased trade efforts. The writer reports different efforts made by officials of the two countries to increase trade by reducing certain barriers. In fact, trade has increased over the last few years. The essay reports the most common exports and imports between India and the United States and comments on business service outsourcing, e.g., tech support for products. 2 Tables are included. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Four Poems on Grief
This 8 page essay explicates 4 poems that deal with grief. These poems are: "Stairway to Heaven" by Joaquin G. Rubio; "Don't Forget About Me!" by Jenny Gordon; "My Mother Just Died" by Attila Jozsef; and "A Picture of You" by Deborah Robinson. Bibliographical information is incomplete and only the poems are cited.
Speech on Public Speaking and Audience Analysis
A 3 page research paper/essay on public speaking. This writer, firs of all, details the results of a survey that a student conducted of a public speaking class. Then, the writer relates this audience analysis to the topic of public speaking. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Comparision of Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure and Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. While each novel features an independently minded female protagonist, the writer argues that there are distinct differences between them as well, specifically focusing on the topic of marriage and sexuality. No additional sources cited.
Technology In Middle And High Schools
A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Driving Under the Influence Narrative Essay
This 4 page paper examples a narrative essay on the topic of drunk driving. It is written from the perspective of one who has lost a husband to a drunk driver. Laws, legislation, potential solutions offered. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
Bamboozled by Spike Lee
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers an discussion and analysis of Spike Lee's 2000 film "Bamboozled." The writer uses Marion Riggs' documentary "Ethnic Notions" and the minstrelsy stereotypes that it discusses, to provide insight into Lee's film. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
White Man's Burden, A Film Analysis
This 5 page essay offer analysis of director Desmond Nakono's White Man's Burden, which premiered in 1995. Drawing on Marion Riggs' documentary "Ethnic Notions," the writer argues that the characterization of Louis Pinnock references the stereotype of the "Brute Negro." Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Medical Coders
A 3 page research paper that discusses the field of medical coders. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), health information technicians who specialize in assigning codes to patients' medical records for insurance purposes are known by a variety of terms, such as "health information coders, medical record coders, coder/abstractors or coding specialists" (BLS, 2008). This essay offers a brief overview of the medical coding profession: that is, what they do, the education required, associated certification processes, licensure, etc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management
The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.
Action Research
A 12 page comprehensive explanation and discussion of action research. Paper includes the historical origins of action research, what it is, and the cycles/phases involved. The essay then explains quantitative and qualitative research designs and the difference between them. The last section discusses interviewing techniques. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Discrimination In Job Advertisements
A 12 page paper. There are many ways a job advertisement can covertly convey a preference for a certain type of applicant. This essay provides a brief overview of the laws concerning discrimination and discusses the types of discrimination that may be found in job advertisements. The writer provides a few examples of this type of EEOC complaint. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Standardized Testing, Immigrants And ESL
This 5 page paper discusses nine journal articles/book chapters with a focus on standardized testing. The essay is not a summary of the articles/book chapters but rather discusses issues that are cross-referenced, such as the issue of using standardized tests with new immigrants, the disadvantages and English language learners. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Gardasil Vaccine/The Debate
A 10 page research paper/argumentative essay that discusses the issues surrounding the use of Gardasil, a vaccine developed by Merck that provides protection against human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes genital warts and cervical cancer. The writer provides an overview of the vaccine, addressing its efficacy and safety issues, but focuses primarily on moral/ethical issues, and then concludes with an argument that the use of the vaccine is morally correct. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Should Anthrax Vaccine Be Mandatory For Military
A 4 page paper. The government requires all military to have certain inoculations, based on where they are serving. The danger of anthrax exists in some countries and the military has mandated all military personnel to get the anthrax vaccine. This has caused a furor. This essay discusses the objections voiced and recent reports from various agencies testifying to the effectiveness and safety of this vaccine. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing and Issues of Gender and Loyalty
A 6 page essay that argues that Shakespeare's portrayal of women in The Merchant of Venice and in Much Ado About Nothing shows that he considered women to be capable of showing intelligence and loyalty to equal any man. Beatrice through her loyalty to Hero and Portia in her dramatic defense of her husband's friend, Antonio, show that they possess intelligence, loyalty and courage equal, or superior, to the men in these plays, whom they overshadow in this regard. No additional sources cited.
Crime and Hate
A 9 page argumentative essay pertaining to 'hate crimes' and whether or not enhanced criminal penalties should exist for those who commit them. Used as a constant reference is the relevant Supreme Court Case of R.A.V. vs. St. Paul and various tenets of the First Amendment. The writer concludes that free speech must be protected at virtually any cost in the U.S. even if it means that hate speech and 'hate crimes' will continue to cost lives.
Role of Ideology in Genocide/Germany and Rwanda
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses the role that was played by ideology, first in the massive genocide conducted by Nazi Germany, and then the role that it played in the genocide in Rwanda. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Narrative Writing & Shepherd's Christmas Story
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses narrative writing technique by analyzing an excerpt from Jean Shepherd's A Christmas Story. The writer describes good narrative techniques and then applies them to the text of the Shepherd narrative. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Exploring the Legality and Ethics of Drug Screening at Work
While there is little legal support for an invasion of privacy for urine and sweat testing in the workplace, there are many reasons to believe the practice is unethical. This 5 page argumentative essay explores the facts and issues behind the issue. Bibliography list 4 sources.
Crimes and Drugs
An 11 page research paper that summarizes the first three essays in Drugs and Crime, edited by M. Tonry and J. Wilson. This volume offers a compilation of research on drugs and crime that comprehensively covers this topic to 1990. No additional sources cited.
Early Childhood Development, Ages 2-5
This 6 page paper discusses the topic using three primary stage theorists, Freud, Erikson and Piaget but reporting only the stages that incorporate these ages. The writer also discusses attachment theory. Throughout the essay, the write comments on the importance of human services professionals knowing these theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
English Language Learners Reading In Content Areas
A 4 page paper that begins with comments about the ELL student's difficulties reading in content areas. Some explanations of this situation are provided. The essay reports one program that has increased ELL performance in content areas and an outline of suggestions for teachers to help ELL students learn. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Improving Ethics In Finance And Corporate Governance
A 5 page paper that begins with comments about how ethics emerged in the first place. The essay discusses the importance of ethics and comments on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and how this can be used to improve ethics in the company. An example of how one company changed its procedures to become more ethical is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses how Ellen Watkins Harper's poem "The Double Standard" explores the relationship between the sexes during the 19th century.
Arguing in Favor of Eighteen Year Olds Having the Right to Legally Drink
A 5 page argumentative essay that argues the point that a minimum legal drinking age of 21 is a form of age discrimination against 18 year-old citizens who are considered adults in all other aspects. This paper concentrates on the effects an MLDA of 21 has on college students who are considered adults, live in adult settings, and yet are not allowed the adult choice of responsible drinking. Included are views from the opposition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Analyzing a Security Guard Company
A 4 page paper. The security guard industry is one that is highly fragmented with more than 10,000 companies. This essay provides a SWOT analysis of one company, Command Security Corporation. The analysis attests to the company's adaptability, strong fiscal position and the challenges it has faced as well as trends in the industry. Statistical data included.
Meaning of 'Daddy' by Sylvia Plath
A 3 page essay that analyzes the meaning behind Sylvia Plath's poem "Daddy." The writer points out that throughout the poem, images of men jumble together, some of her father, some of her ex-husband, some that present attempts by Plath to understand her father through his Germanic background. Collectively, along with the intentionally schoolgirl-like rhymes, the poem conveys the black desperation of a lost little girl, which definitely was Plath's psychic state at that time. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Role of Faith/Cry, the Beloved Country
A 3 page essay that discusses the role of faith in Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton. The true faith of protagonist Stephen Kumalo is contrasted briefly against the self-serving "faith" of Nathan Price in Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible. No additional sources cited.
Peter Kreeft/Fundamentals of Faith
A 5 page research paper that addresses specific topics that are drawn from Peter Kreeft's Fundamentals of Faith. An apologist for the Catholic Faith, Kreeft addresses arguments for the existence of God , the relationship between faith and truth and the new paganism. Bibliography cites 7 essays drawn from this one source.
The Other Five Pillars Of Reading Instruction
A 5 page paper that begins by reporting the original 'five pillars' as identified by the National Reading Panel. The essay then identifies and discusses the "five other pillars" as identified by Allington. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Value Of Agricultural Land
A 3 page paper that begins by explaining the two types of value related to agricultural land. The essay then discusses land development, i.e., construction of homes, and its effect on the value of agricultural land. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Air Pollution/Cause and Effect
A 7 page research paper/essay that examines the cause and effect relationship of industrialization and air pollution. The problems associated with air pollution in the contemporary era are attributed to human actions. In other words, there is a direct cause-and-effect situation at work wherein human societies engage in industrialization and the myriad side effects of this industrialization results in polluting the air and the environment. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Retail Automotive Industry
This 3 page paper begins by reporting the importance of this industry to the national economy. The essay reports sales increases and increases of major brands and models and which types of automobiles are selling best. The writer comments on the major American manufacturers and how this industry needs to change. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Falasha Liturgy and Indian Cassette Industry, Reflection on these Issues
A 6 page essay that summarizes and reflects on the 1980 article "''Historical Ethnomusicology': Reconstructing Falasha Liturgical History" by Kay Kaufman Shelemay and Peter Manuel's 1991 article "The Cassette Industry and Popular Music in North India." No additional sources are cited.
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
A 7 page essay that discusses the central role that Franklin’s list of virtues plays in his autobiography. While Franklin’s account demonstrates that he largely succeeded in his goal to live by these virtues, his references to others, specifically Samuel Keimer, John Collins, and Hugh Meredith, provide contrast to Franklin’s own behavior, as they provide an antithesis for the virtues in Franklin’s list. Examination of Franklin’s autobiography indicates how he uses this contrast to paint a strong portrait of himself as his text’s protagonist. No additional sources cited.
Analysis of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
A 5 page essay that analyzes the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin in regards to the how Franklin embodied the American Dream. The writer also examines how Franklin can be seen as a model for the ideal eighteenth century man and, also, how his memoirs contributed to the concept of an American character. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Classroom Management
A 3 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of classroom management. The essay discusses general techniques for effective classroom management and briefly explains choice theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Training Program For McDonald's Franchisees
This 7 page paper is an analysis of a group project provided by the student. This essay discuses the organization, purpose of training and participants; the effectiveness of the training program; challenges the team faced during the project; interpersonal relationships of the team members; the effectiveness of the project as a learning experience and what could be done differently. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Death By Electricity
This 5 page paper begins with an explanation of different terms associated with electricity. The writer discusses whether it is current or voltage or both that cause injury and death. A case of murder by electricity is used to demonstrate how electricity can kill. The essay also discusses the injuries and deaths that can be caused by lightning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
UK and the Crisis Between Pakistan and India
An 8 page paper that responds to the question: What does Britain stand to gain from the India/Pakistan crisis? The essay begins with the historical background of the current "crisis" between India and Pakistan which dates back to 1947. The specific question is addressed in the last part of the paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
UK Post World War II Comprehensive Education Development
This 5 page paper discusses the development of the comprehensive education system following World War II. The Butler Education Act of 1944 established the comprehensive secondary education system. It was a tripartite system with students identified for one of three types of secondary schools based on tests they took at age 11. This essay discuses the purpose of the Act and the arguments for and against the system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Education and Leadership
This 5 page paper discusses leadership in education. The research focusing on educational leadership is plentiful, yet, despite the volumes, leadership remains an elusive concept. This essay reviews some of the literature and what is said about the characteristics and theories of leadership in educational settings. Sizer's essential schools concept is mentioned as is stewardship leadership. A list of commonalities among leaders is provided as are other comments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
U.S. Perspectives on Patriotism
This 5 page essay presents definitions and views on patriotism in the United States. The focus of the paper is on how patriotism can be preserved. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Atrocities of Auschwitz and Balancing Sanity and Survival
A 7 page interpretive essay that strives to answer the question of how one would survive, both physically and emotionally, the atrocities of Auschwitz. Included is a discussion of accounts and emotions presented in Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chamber, a book written by Auschwitz survivor Filip Muller. Bibliography lists 1 source.
'Host of the Beast' and 'Host of the Lamb' in Billiards at Half Past Nine by Heinrich Boll
A 5 page essay that examines the significance of the 'host of the beast' and the 'host of the lamb' in Boll's masterpiece, 'Billiards at Half-Past Nine.' No additional sources cited.
Business and Change
A 12 page paper. Change is the only constant in business as well as in life. Nothing stays the same. Social, technological, political and economic forces demand organizations to change or go out of business. One of the most difficult challenges facing any company is how to overcome the natural resistance of employees when changes are made. This essay discusses change theory, including the reasons for resistance and techniques for overcoming resistance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Overview of Apple's Steve Jobs
A 5 page paper that offers an overview of Steve Jobs. Apple Corp. was floundering until they brought Jobs back as interim-CEO. By all accounts, his style has not mellowed much in these last 20 years but he has brought Apple out of its troubles and put it on the way to growth again. This essay discusses some of the actions Jobs took to do so. The writer offers an overview of his management style. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
'To Penhurst' Poem by Ben Jonson
This 2 page essay discusses Ben Jonson’s poem “To Penhurst” that celebrates the peace, harmony, beauty and cooperation of a country estate. Unlike his satire and comedies, it is clear that Jonson finds the ideal of English society in Penhurst. No bibliography.
A World View and Personal Faith
A 10 page essay in which the writer expresses personal views relative to religious faith. Citing numerous references from scripture, the writer offers a personal interpretation and then relates this to a wider theological context. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Marketing Plan for ICM
An 18 page paper that discusses the integrated communication marketing plan approach. Specifically, the essay is an ICM for a new hypothetical product, surge and data protectors for the PC. The writer offers information about the ICM approach, then discusses strategy, market analysis, target market, situational analysis, promotional campaign including advertising strategies and promotions and how performance will be evaluated. An advertising budget is also included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Comparison of Lawrence Thornton and Bernhard Schlink's Works on Memory's Role
A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Lawrence Thornton's Imagining Argentina. The writer argues that both authors address the function of memory and imagination in regards to the creation of political knowledge and moral responsibility. No additional sources cited.
Illuminating Social Life Edited by Peter Kivisto
A 15 page analysis of the book Illuminating Social Life edited by Peter Kivisto. In assembling this brilliant collection of essays, the intent of Peter Kivisto is to demonstrate the practical application of social theories to understanding societal structures and situations. Ten chapters highlight ten sociological theories and are briefly discussed. No additional sources cited.
Computed Dental Radiography
A 5 page essay that explores new breakthroughs in the field of dental x-ray techniques. This paper focuses on the benefits of the newly introduced process of Computed Dental Radiography, or CDR. The process and benefits of CDR are explained. Also touched on are attempts made during this past decade to prove and perfect methods of early detection of tooth decay by the use of electrical current. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Middle East Leadership Transition
A 5-page essay that examines the succession in leadership from Jordan’s King Hussein to his son King Abdullah and from Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to new Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Discussed are the positive and negative arguments for peace that face each of these new leaders and the impact this shift in leadership is projected to have on peace negotiations in the Middle East. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Madness and The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A 5-page essay that analyses the descent into madness depicted in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Included is a look at the cause of this madness and how it reflects the social view toward women in the late nineteenth century. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Symboliism in Bartleby, The Scrivener and The Yellow Wallpaper
A 5-page essay that compares the diverse symbolism used by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 'The Yellow Wallpaper' with that used by Herman Melville in 'Bartleby, The Scrivener'. This thesis argues that the two short stories are very similar in symbolism structure and use, presenting the fact that both use specific symbolism to reveal the true identity of the character at the conclusion of the story. Also pointed out is the fact that both authors use suggestive symbolism to depict their character's descent into madness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Jealousy in Othello
A 3 page essay that discusses jealousy in Shakespeare's Othello. Jealousy, both professional jealousy and sexual jealousy, plays is the primary motivational force portrayed by Shakespeare in Othello. While Shakespeare focuses primarily on Othello's sexual jealousy as his motivation for the murder of his wife, Desdemona, behind Othello's actions are the manipulations of Iago, which are motivated by professional jealousy. In other words, throughout the play, in general, Shakespeare warns his audience against the insidiously evil effect of jealousy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Diversity Issue/Harassment
A 4 page essay that, first of all, summarizes a news article that addresses the diversity issue of racial workplace harassment. Then, the writer discusses this information in regards to its implications for workplace management. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
'The Waste Land' by T.S. Eliot
T. S. Eliot – The Waste Land: This 6-page analytical essay examines the poem The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot. This poet believes that modern society lacks a vital sense of community and a spiritual center. In addition, Eliot asserts that human beings are isolated, and sexual relations have become sterile and meaningless. Bibliography lists 1 source. SNEliot1.doc
'The Holdfast' Poem by George Herbert
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines and analyzes "The Holdfast," a religious poem by seventeenth century poet George Herbert. The writer offers a line by line "translation" of the poem into Modern English, as well as offering a discussion as to the meaning of the poem. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Human Condition as Described by Andrew Marvell and William Blake
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares two poems, Marvell's To his Coy Mistress and Blake's The Sick Rose. In both poems, the decay of death is contrasted against the beauty and vibrancy of life. Therefore, both poems can be seen has having a similar carpe diem orientation toward the human condition. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Three Poems by Philip Arthur Larkin
A 5 page essay that examines three poems by British poet Philip Larkin. These poems are "The Whitsun Weddings" (from the collection that bares that name), "Ambulances," and "MCMXIV." The writer also relies heavily on the criticism of Michael O'Neill and argues that these poems prove O'Neill's assertions pertaining to Larkin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analysis of Both Versions of 'The Chimney Sweeper' in William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
A 6 page essay that analyzes Blake's poems "The Chimney Sweep" (both versions) in his Songs of Innocence and Experience. The writer argues that the ultimate meaning of the poems derives from a synthesis of the two "contraries" considered together. Blake's intent with these poems is always to alter the consciousness of the reader, to open a new vista, a new perspective, to force the reader to reconsider the paradigms of the era. No additional sources cited.
Mixture of Christianity and Paganism in 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'
A 3 page essay that analyzes the medieval poem "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (circa 1375-1400). The writer argues that this poem is an amalgamation of Christian and pagan elements, which are discussed and substantiated with quotes from the poem. No additional sources cited.
Meaning of 'Daddy' by Sylvia Plath
A 3 page essay that analyzes the meaning behind Sylvia Plath's poem "Daddy." The writer points out that throughout the poem, images of men jumble together, some of her father, some of her ex-husband, some that present attempts by Plath to understand her father through his Germanic background. Collectively, along with the intentionally schoolgirl-like rhymes, the poem conveys the black desperation of a lost little girl, which definitely was Plath's psychic state at that time. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis of 'The Tyger' by William Blake
A 5 page essay that analyzes Blake poem "The Tyger." The writer explains the nature of Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience and relates this poem to its counterpart, "The Lamb." The writer also argues that this poem's principal concern is the nature of God. No additional sources cited.
Nature Perspectives
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares Williams Carlos Williams' poem "Spring and All" with Elizabeth Bishop's poem "The Fish." The writer argues that while the poems are quite different in content, the styles of the two poets are similar in that both create vivid visual images that convey a particular view of nature, which shows how nature relates to a human perspective. No additional sources cited.
'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' by Langston Hughes
A 5 page essay that explicates the many layers of meaning in this poem by Hughes. The writer argues that this poem presents a vision of African American culture and life that was totally different from the one that existed at the time of the poem's publication (the 1920s). No additional sources cited.
Wordsworth & Hardy/Perspectives on Nature
A 3 page essay that observes that both William Wordsworth, in 1838, and Thomas Hardy, in 1900, wrote poems that were inspired by the beautiful song of the thrush. But while these two poems share a common topic, the Romantic approach and exuberant optimism of Wordsworth is quite different from the dark skepticism that characterized the Victorian worldview exemplified by Hardy. Nevertheless, examination of the two poems shows that each poet took inspiration and encouragement from the thrush, each in his own way. No additional sources cited.
Part One of Faust by Goethe
A 3 page essay that examines Goethe's Faust, Part I and argues that while it is Faust who is the presumed genius, the man of letters and learning and Margaret, his love, is but a simple peasant girl, it is Margaret who has learned from her experiences at the end of Goethe's Faust, Part I, not the learned doctor. This is evidenced by Faust's continued association with the devil, Mephistopheles, while Margaret rejects them both, repents, and is, therefore, taken to heaven. No additional sources cited.
"Dr. Glass-Case" by De Cervantes
A 3 page essay on Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's "Doctor Glass-Case." The writer argues that this sixteenth century protagonist can be viewed as the quintessential Renaissance man. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Coronary Angiography
A 6 page paper that begins by explaining what this test is, including why dye is injected into the blood vessels and why the doctor might order this test, e.g., symptoms the patient might be exhibiting or other test results that suggest the angiography should be performed and what can be learned from this X-ray test. The essay comments on angioplasty and stents and why and how they are used. Other tests that may be performed are also mentioned. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Pledge of Allegiance and the U.S. Supreme Court
A 5 page argumentative essay that examines the Supreme Court case in which a California doctor is challenge the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance. The writer presents the facts of the case and its history and argues that the Court should uphold the Pledge as it is now written. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Becoming a Doctor Motivation
A 3 page essay that answers three questions: what qualities do you bring to a career in medicine? What would you change or improve? Why do you want to pursue a career in primary care medicine? No bibliography is offered.
W.B. Yeats/An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
A 3 page essay that analyzes this Yeats poem. During World War I, millions of young men lost their lives. In his poem “An Irish Airman foresees his Death,” Irish poet W.B. Yeats explores why one particular young man, a pilot, engages in that awful conflict and how he views his death, which he knows is sure to come. The words that Yeats selects and the pilot’s manner of speaking tells the reader a great deal about how Yeats imagined this man’s character. No additional sources cited.
Emily Dickinson's Religious Perspectives in 'Some Keep the Sabbath by Going to Church'
This 3 page paper is an essay on Emily Dickinson's religious views as expressed in the poem, "Some Keep the Sabbath By Going to Church". This poem illustrates Dickinson's deep-rooted spirituality while evidencing her skepticism toward religion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Gender and Death in 4 Poems by Anne Sexton
A 7 page essay that examines four poems by Anne Sexton. The writer asserts that by examining these poems, it is possible to demonstrate how the poet is pushed toward depression by the manner in which patriarchal society defines gender. No additional sources cited.
'Arms and the Boy' by Wilfred Owen
A 5 page research paper/essay that analyzes one of Owen's war poems, "Arms and the Boy." The writer discusses the technical aspects of this poem, as well as the usual themes that Owen employed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Poems 'Sir Patrick Spens' and 'Schoolsville'
This essay compares and contrasts two extraordinarily different poems; "Schoolsville," by Billy Collins and "Sir Patrick Spens" by an anonymous writer. The theme of the paper is that while the poems do differ, they also share similarities.
'Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' by T.S. Eliot
A 6 page essay/analysis of Eliot famous poem. The writer argues that this poem captures perfect the ennui and alienation that has characterized the way people have felt for so much of the last century. It captures the sense of social paralysis that keeps the shy, insecure person from ever doing anything for fear of seeming foolish, or out of place, or experiencing the embarrassment of having tried and failed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Harlem' by Langston Hughes
A 5 page essay/research paper that offers an analysis of "Harlem," a poem by Langston Hughes. Written in 1951 and later re-titled "Dream Deferred," the writer argues that the structure of the poem portrays metaphorically what has happened to the dream of equality, and the realities of black experience. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'A Noiseless Patient Spider' by Walt Whitman
A 5 page essay/research paper that discusses Walt Whitman, his era, and his poetry. The writer specifically analyzes the poem "A Noiseless Patient Spider," and how this poem demonstrates the timeless quality of Whitman's verse, as well as how it reflects his era. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
'Blackberry Sweet' by Dudley Randall
A 3 page essay that explicates this seduction poem by Dudley Randall. Also known as "Black Magic," this poem concerns Randall's description of a black girl's beauty and the effect that this has on the poet. No additional sources cited.
'Cross' by Langston Hughes
A 3 page essay that explicates Langston Hughes' poem "Cross," which refers to the "cross" that the narrator has to bear, which is his mixed-race heritage. Due to this heritage, the narrator of the poem feels that he has no cultural "home," as he does not fit with either white or black society. Unlike current society in which mixed-raced individuals, such as golfer Tiger Woods, are regarded simply as "people," in the first half of the twentieth century, which is when this poem was composed, this was not the case. No additional sources cited.
The 'Sir Patrick Spence Poem
A 3 page essay that analyzes "Sir Patrick Spence," a medieval poem (author unknown) that was written in the twelfth century. The poet relates how Sir Patrick Spence set to see on the king's command and met with watery grave. The poem is a sea saga that is told in vivid images, which serve to connect the modern reader to the real human feeling of loss that is portrayed in the verse. No additional sources cited.
Number 305 'The difference between Despair' by Emily Dickinson
a 5 page essay that analyzes Emily's Dickinson's poem "The difference between Despair," #305. The writer argues that this poem demonstrates Dickinson's amazing ability to choose precisely the correct words to convey deep meaning within just a few lines. No additional sources cited.
Dylan Thomas's 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night'
This 5 page essay on Dylan Thomas's poem gives examples of the poet's use of imagery, tone, repetition, metaphor, and word choice. Quotes and examples included as well as interpretation of the poem, itself. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Flaubert/Emma Bovary
A 4 page essay that discusses the causes for Emma Bovary’s unhappy life and eventually suicide. These causes include Emma’s convent education and her passion for Romance novels, which is a habit she continued into adulthood. Also in childhood, the death of her mother and the occupation of her father influenced her environment, as did the double standards of the nineteenth century in regards to the social opportunities and expectations of women and men. No additional sources cited.
Pericles' Funeral Oration as Reported by Thucydides
A 3 page essay that proposes a hypothetical speech as it might have been given by a member of the Athenian leadership council in reaction to Pericles' funeral oration. The writer argues that due to the fact that Pericles largely devotes his speech to praising the virtues of the Athenian city, painting their culture as the epitome of freedom and individuality, it would have been political suicide for any Athenian leader to dispute this magnificent example of patriotic rhetoric. No additional sources cited.
Shange/For Colored Girls…
A 4 page essay that consists of 4 short answers to specific questions on Ntozake Shange’s “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide when the Rainbow is Enuf.” No additional sources cited.
Cunningham's The Hours/Implications for Healthcare
A 3 page observational essay that summarizes the issues in the novel that pertain to suicide and then discusses how this insight might affect a nurse involved in psychiatric or social care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin
A 6 page essay that first of all describes to the student researching this subject (in one paragraph) why the student's proposed thesis that Louise Mallard in Kate Chopin's short story "The Story of an Hour" committed suicide and why the writer chose the alternate thesis that she was murdered. The writer then offers an argument that explains and supports this thesis, which relies on the idea that while the murder was inadvertent, it nevertheless was the sight of her husband alive that shocked Louse into a fatal heart attack. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Jesse Logan Story
This 3 page paper is an argumentative essay that considers the reason that Jesse Logan died. This paper relates the story of a girl who committed suicide after being harassed following a sexting incident. Bibliography lists 1 source.
In Defense of Brutus
A 3 page essay that is fashioned as if Brutus did not commit suicide, and the writer is offering a defense of his actions based on Shakespeare's play. No additional sources cited.
14 Essay Questions on the Law
A 6 page paper answering 14 essay questions, 7 of which deal with an assisted suicide case. Other questions address topics such as tort, contract and real estate law. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
An Argumentative Essay on Using Marijuana
A 5 page argumentative essay that first presents the arguments in favor of marijuana legalization and then argues against them, relying primarily on the proven facts regarding marijuana's detrimental effects on the body and its tendency to be a gateway drug for the young. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Can Marijuana Rescue California’s Economy?
In five pages this argumentative essay discusses whether or not the legalization of marijuana will provide the cure for the seriously ailing economy of California. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
In Support of Legalizaing Marijuana
This 8 page analytical essay explores the medical benefits of legalizing marijuana, giving evidence of a number of research studies, including studies designed to prove the opposite. Bibliography lists 6 references.
Similarities Between Two Works By Ferlinghetti and Frost
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and Ferlinghetti's "The Poet's Eye Obscenely Seeing." Although these poems are extremely different, the writer argues that they say similar things about the demands of industrialized society. No additional sources cited.
Process of Poetry
A 8 page research paper/essay that, first of all, examines what Robert Frost and Wallace Stevens have to say about the process of writing poetry, and then looks at how this is expressed in three poems – 'The Road Not Taken' by Frost, 'Democracy' by Langston Hughes, and 'The Young Housewife' by William Carlos Williams. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Friendship in Three Poems by Sappho
A 5 page research paper/essay that analyzes three poems by the ancient Greek poet Sappho. The writer argues that Sappho's love of beauty comes across to the reader, establishing a bond of friendship -- a feeling of connection -- between the reader and the poet that transcends the millennia. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Christian Dogma in Beowulf
A 5 page essay that draws on the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf to argue that a close examination of the poem suggests that the Christian poet that set the tale of Beowulf to paper for the first time saw in this Germanic folklore the outlines of Christian dogma, with the consequent result that Beowulf fits the broadest parameters of a Christ-like figure, yet with undeniable pagan elements. No additional sources cited.
Maya Angelou/Caged Bird
A 4 page essay that discusses aspects of Angelou's autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. The first section of this report discusses the significance of this title, which is taken from a poem by Paul Dunbar. The second half offers a detailed description of Angelou's family tree, drawing description of each member of her family from the text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Dream State Validity and 'Ode to a Nightingale' by John Keats
A 5 page essay that posits that contrary to Keats' critics at the time, Keats was not lost in the romantic dream state, but was fully aware of the aesthetic artifice of his poetry. The writer explores both sides of the argument through myriad examples from within the poem itself. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Assisted Suicide, Ethics, and Nursing
A 5 page essay exploring a nurse's experience with patients requesting assisted suicide. The writer describes the experience from a firsthand perspective and then presents the position held by the American Nursing Association on this controversial issue. The ANA is opposed to assisted suicide but the writer reports feeling a strong desire to help one particular patient in their quest to end suffering and die-- This ethical dilemma is discussed in great detail. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
4 Poetry Classics and Their Meanings
A 5 page essay that looks at four poems and analyzes them according to the poet's meaning and purpose. These are Robert Browning's 'My Last Duchess,' 'Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam' translated by Edward Fitzgerald; 'Ulysses' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson; and 'Ozymandias' by Percy Bysshe Shelley. No additional sources cited.
The Affectionate Shepherd by Richard Barnfield
A 3 page essay that analyzes Richard Barnfield's homoerotic Renaissance poem. The writer analyzes Barnfield's argument that homosexual love is no more sinful than heterosexual love, exploring his points and classical allusions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Carpe Diem Poems by Herrick and Donne
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares Herrick's poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" and Donne's "The Flea." The writer argues that both poets make use of the carpe diem them to create seduction arguments. No additional sources cited.
'Yvain' by Chretien de Troyes and Relationship Reciprocity
A 5 page essay that analyzes the reciprocity of relationships in Chretien de Troyes' twelfth century epic poem Yvain, the Knight of the Lion. The writer argues that the message that these relationships transmit to the reader is that that give and take is necessary to the maintenance of society in general. No additional sources cited.
'First Follow Nature and 'An Essay on Criticism' by Alexander Pope
This 4 page
report discusses a section of Pope’s An Essay on Criticism (published in 1711) that is
often thought of as a poem in itself and referred to as “First Follow Nature” (lines 68
through 87). Also addressed is the importance and meaning of nature in 18th century
English poetry and thinking. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Life and Works of Emma Lazarus
A 5 page essay on the poetry of Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) who is the most prominent Jewish American poet of the nineteenth century. Through her eloquent poetry and other literary work, she endeavored to express what it meant to be outside the mainstream of American society, to give a voice to the thousands of immigrants who were trying to integrate themselves into American society during the nineteenth century. The writer discusses 3 of Lazarus' poems. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Mending Wall by Robert Frost
A 4 page essay that explicates "Mending Wall," a poem by Robert Frost. The writer argues that Frost envisions the task of mending the wall between himself and his neighbor as an extended metaphor that protests the blind acceptance of ideas. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock/Eliot
A 3 page essay that offers explication of T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The writer discusses how love and romance are envisioned in the poem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Overview of Book of Songs
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses and analyzes the four poems that begin each section of The Book of Songs, which is an ancient collection of Chinese poetry that dates from the tenth to the seventh centuries B.C. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Black Magic' by Dudley Randall
A 3 page essay that explicates "Black Magic" by Dudley Randall, which is also known by the title "Blackberry Sweet." The writer argues that this homage to the beauty of a young black woman is in the tradition of English seduction poems. No additional source cited.
Symbols Used in Poetry and in the Bible
A 6 page essay that explores the meaning of symbol in 4 works: Matthew 13:24-30; "The Boston Evening Transcript" by T.S. Eliot; "The Lightning is a Yellow Fork" by Emily Dickinson and "The Road Less Traveled" by Robert Frost. The writer offers some biographical facts on each author; then discusses the meaning of the poem and then how it uses symbols to convey that meaning. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Homer's 'The Iliad' and Achilles' Shield
A 3 page essay that discusses the moving images on the shield of Achilles, which is wrought before the final battle with Hector. The writer contrasts the story told by these images with the plot of the poem and speculates about their purposes within the overall structure of Homer's epic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Sonnet 23 and Sonnet 147 by William Shakespeare
A 9 page essay that contrasts and compares Shakespeare's use of figuratively language in Sonnets 23 and 147. These sonnets focus on the dark side of love and the excruciating torment that it can bring when love is unrequited or undeserved. The writer also points out where the poems are different in context, as Sonnet 23 still holds out hope for the poet while Sonnet 147 contemplates the utter ruin of an affair. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Rich, Freire and Education
This 3 page paper discusses the essay and poems of Adrienne Rich and the banking theory of education put forth by Paolo Freire, and how they can be related to education. Bibliography lists 2 sources
Marvell/To His Coy Mistress
A 3 page essay that explicates this poem by Andrew Marvell, the seventeenth century British poet, in which Marvell makes a carpe diem argument that his mistress should throw caution to the wind and surrender her virginity because life is short and they will grow old and die within a heart beat. No additional sources cited.
Dante’s Inferno/Canto XX
A 3 page essay that analyzes Canto XX from Dante Alighieri’s epic poem “The Divine Comedy,” which begins with the book entitled “Inferno” and records how Dante journeys through Hell led by the specter of the ancient Roman poet Virgil. In Canto XX, Dante, the poet as opposed to the character in the poem, reasons that piety lives but that pity is dead. This may seem hard-hearted to the modern-day reader, but it fits with the theological reasoning of Dante’s era, which believed that God’s justice should be accepted unequivocally and with complete faith, that is, with piety. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Gender in Beowulf
A 3 page essay that discusses the role of women and gender in Beowulf, the Old English epic, is reflective the culture of Germanic tribes that invaded England during the early middle ages. A close examination of this poem shows that gender and women play a distinctive role in this tale of heroism. While Beowulf's focus is on the warrior ethos and what this entails, there is also the fact that the poem implies fear of female power, along with an overarching societal need to keep women in a properly subjugated role. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Robert Frost/The Road Not Taken
A 4 page essay that analyzes Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.” There are crucial decisions in life that influence the nature that the person’s life takes from that moment onward. For a Christian, one such decision is when the individual decides to accept the gift of Salvation and follow Christ. This crucial decision sets the path or course for the person’s life. Robert Frost beautifully dramatizes the significance of this type of momentous decision in his poem “The Road Not Taken.” Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Wordsworth/A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses William Wordsworth’s enigmatic short poem “A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal,” which has generated considerable scholarly debate over its meaning. In eight brief lines, Wordsworth records his reaction to the death of a woman, in which he conveys a vision of death that equates it with immortality through a return to nature. Examination of two different interpretations of the poem reveal its complex nature, as well as the fact that correct interpretation lies in the perspective of the reader, as both positions have validity. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Browning & Bradsteet/Love Poetry
A 3 page essay that discusses the fact that Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) penned two of the greatest love poems that the world has known, “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and “How to love thee? Let me count the way.” While there are certainly differences in style between the two poems, these poets each express similar themes. They each describe the depth and breadth of their love, which is heartfelt and selfless, and is grounded in Christian imagery. No additional sources cited.
'Big Black Car' by Lynn Emanuel
A 3 page essay that discusses the poet's use of metaphor. Poets frequently face the question of how to describe the indescribable, that is, how to convey, within the limited context of a poem, the complexity of life and its multi-layered, convoluted reality. One way of accomplishing this task is through the utilization of metaphor, imagery and action, which are part of the poet's "toolbox" for conveying complex meaning through the representation of sights, sounds, smells, touch, etc. An ideal example of this point is Lynn Emanuel's poem "Big Black Car." No bibliography is provided.
Depictions of Nature in the Poetry of Dickinson and Frost
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares 2 poems. Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost are both evocative poets whose verse shows each poet's gift for reflecting natural scenes with photographic accuracy, conveying to the reader not only how the scene looked, but also what it made the poet feel and the thoughts it conjured. Two representative poems, "The Wind begun to knead the Grass" by Dickinson and "Design" by Frost, demonstrate the marked similarities between the ways in which these two great American poets utilized diction and poetic imagery in their work and also how they differed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Corruption and Police
A 6-page essay that traces the history of the American police department and the corruption that has hindered it from its early beginnings. A look at early police involvement with politics is included, as well as a look at the corruption that resulted from the association of the department with organized crime during America’s prohibition era. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Family and History of the American South
A 3 page essay on southern family life. The writer discusses the relevance of family history in the way many southerners perceive themselves today. Race relations, culture, and other historical factors all contribute to the importance of family in this region of the Untied States. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Illusionist as Myth
A 4 page essay in which the writer argues that there are numerous factors in director Neil Burger’s 2006 film The Illusionist that draw upon the classic archetypes of myth. First of all, the imagery of the film draws directly on the symbolism of myth, but also, and more prominently, the concept of two rivals who vie for the attention of the Goddess constitutes the film’s pivotal focus. Examination of this film demonstrates that, at its heart, is an ancient pattern that is played out in terms of turn-of-the twentieth century Vienna. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Breakfast Club/A View of Adolescence
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses The Breakfast Club, directed by John Hughes for Universal, which is an insightful film that offers more substance and analysis of adolescence than the typical Hollywood teen movie. This film rises above the banality of the teen movie genre by exploring in more depth the psychological ramifications of the various high school stereotypical characters, i.e., a “brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal” (Hughes, 2007). Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Ozu/Tokyo Story
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses Yasujiro Ozu's 1953 film Tokyo Story, which is considered to be one of the finest ever produced in Japan (Russell 50). In this canonical film, Ozu, who also co-authored the screenplay, addresses a cultural generation gap that emerged in post-World War II Japan. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Universal Health Care
A 3 page paper that begins with facts about the number of Americans with no health care insurance and the number who die unnecessarily because of it. The essay explains what universal health care means, the advantages of having such a system and the disadvantages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Healthcare Administration Leadership
A 3 page essay that justifies pursuing a doctorate degree in healthcare administration. Doctorate education in healthcare administration is formulated to aid in the creation of highly motivated, advanced healthcare leaders, who can effectively address the challenges of today's healthcare system, as well as shape effective public policy for the needs of the future (Doctor in HA). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system, as well as the healthcare systems in all Western, industrialized societies, are formidable. Effective leadership in healthcare administration is a crucial factor in meeting these challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Project Presentation on a Distance Learning Program
A 3 page paper that presents an outline for a presentation to an investment agency for initiating a distance learning program. The essay begins with general comments about preparation and how the speaker should present him/herself. An outline of the presentation follows with the number of minutes scheduled for each segment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Learning Lessons in Billy Budd and Antigone
A 3 page essay that argues that the main theme in both Sophocles' Antigone and Herman Melville's Billy Budd is a warning that the society that ignores humanitarian issues does so at its own peril. These narratives warn us that the society that puts punitive justice ahead of all else may be enacting a certain kind of justice, but it does so at the expense of its own soul. In a country that is prosecuting children to the full extent of the law, it is a lesson that should be noticed. No additional sources cited.
Two Fathers in Cry, the Beloved Country
Cry, the Beloved Country – Two Fathers Come Together: This 7-page comparative essay examines Alan Paton’s divergent patriarchs, Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis in Cry, the Beloved Country. The specific events in the novel that ultimately cause them to change are enveloped in the related loss of their sons, their subsequent relationship and the self-revelatory journey each takes while trying to understand the enigmatic behavior of his own child. Bibliography lists 1 source. SNPaton1.doc
Integrating Assessment to Support Learning
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the need for authentic assessment and several forms of authentic assessment. The writer argues that the goal of teaching and assessment is to instruct students on how to go about the process of becoming self-motivated in their learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Wall is Not the Answer to Illegal Immigration
A 6 page research paper/essay that argues that building a wall across the border between US and Mexico is an ineffective solution to illegal immigration. The writer provides arguments to support this position and discusses the reasons substantiating this stance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Effects of Illegal Immigration on the United States
In seven pages this expository essay examines the impact of illegal immigration on America, pointing out that despite its obvious drawbacks, there are also important benefits to consider regarding this issue as well. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.
Sexuality and Language in Candide by Voltaire
This 5 page essay report discusses the relationship between language and sexuality in Candide, as well as pointing out how those elements led to the comic aspects of Voltaire’s story. The connection between language and sexuality in Candide is similar to that of the relationship between Candide and the many characters he encounters throughout his adventures. His gentle and “candid” spirit regularly is brought up short in comparison to the far more worldly people he meets. No bibliography.
Constructing Sexuality/The Problem with Duality
An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses how sexuality is understood in society. The writer focuses on developmental systems theory as explained by Fausto-Sterling, and also explains essentialism and constructivism in this context. This discussion illustrates the practicality and logic of this conceptualization of sexuality, and how it holds the promise of releasing sexuality from the restrictions inherent in dualism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Learning Assessment
A 6 page research paper that, first of all, offers a 1 page guide on assessing one's personal views toward the processes of student assessment. Then a 3 page essay follows, which offers a defense of authentic assessment measures, such as use of portfolios. Then the paper concludes with suggestions on self-evaluation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Stylistic Techniques of Irvine Welsh in Acid House and Trainspotting
A 5 page essay that analyzes the writing style of Irvine Welsh in 4 short episodes from Trainspotting and Acid House. The writer argues that in representing the speech patterns of working class people, Welsh also addresses the outlook of a subclass of young people who have become trapped in drug addiction and its repercussions. The result of Welsh's approach to storytelling creates an intriguing cultural critique because it presents the perspective of these characters without apology, allowing the reader to see them and draw their own conclusions. No additional sources cited.
Passages Compared in Rain of Gold by Victor Villasenor
A 3 page essay that compares two passages from Victor Villasenor's Rain of Gold, a real-life account of his Mexican-American family background. The writer discusses two passages that highlight the texture and nuance of the mother/son relationship and the importance of the matriarch in Mexican culture. No additional sources cited.
Alternatives to Student Learning Assessed
This 6 page opinion paper discusses alternatives for assessing student learning. Tests are historically used to measure student learning but tests are not the only way to assess learning and, in fact, may be the worst method for determining what a student has learned. This essay explains why tests are not necessarily the best assessment method and offers alternative methods, such as portfolios, journals, observation, performance-based methods and others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Public Schools and Drug Testing
This paper examines the policy of drug testing students involved in extra curricular activities at school. Based on the recent case of Earl versus Tecumseh, the essay examines why drug tests are in place, legal ramifications and what needs to be considered before implementing drug tests in schools. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Freedom of Knowledge and the Courage of Learning
A 5 page essay that discusses the ultimate purpose of education and the benefits of living in a society where knowledge is freely available. The writer draws heavily upon Dai Sijie's novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress in making points on this topic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
e-Learning Personnel Development
A 7 page paper. Among the first technologies used were slides. The overhead projector provided a significant advance in training large groups. As computers became more common and the Internet became popular, they became predominant in training programs. This essay tracks the history of old and new technology used for employee training and includes possibilities for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
4 Andragogical Assumptions by Knowles
A 3 page essay discussing the four assumptions of adult learners offered by Knowles. The writer discusses the importance of each in their own learning experience. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Leo F. Buscaglia's Living, Loving and Learning
A 3 page essay that summarizes and assesses Leo F. Buscaglia's 1982 text Living, Loving & Learning, which is a marvelous book that deals not only with education and teaching, but how--ideally--individuals should approach life. In this regard, Dr. Buscaglia emphasizes that loving is the key to a fuller, more meaningful life and also to success as a teacher. This text is an eclectic assortment of material that ranges from the autobiographical to observations specifically designed to help teachers cultivate a loving approach to the art of facilitating learning in their students. No additional sources cited.
Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory
A 6 page paper. The writer identifies the two experiential learning orientations/perspectives, then, outlines, reports and discusses the four stages in Kolb's model, which have also been referred to as the Learning Cycle along with other titles. The four learning styles based on the Learning Cycle are discussed. The essay then comments on the relationship of Kolb's model to the adult student's specific situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Personal Learning Experience
A 6 page paper that discusses the writer's personal learning experiences with an anatomy and physiology course. The essay comments on the learner's attitudes towards taking the class, the type of learning experience it was, whether classical conditioning was involved, the obstacles for the student, and what could have made it a more positive experience. Theorists commented on include Pavlov, Skinner, Bandura and Gardner. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
A 4 page paper that offers a general discussion of The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. The essay includes discussions on the parallels found in the work as well as the different levels on which the novel can be read. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Pluralism Problem and Joseph Ratzinger's The Nature and Mission of Theology
A 5 page essay that examines the arguments made by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in his book The Nature and Mission of Theology. Specifically, the writer examines Ratzinger's theology and perspective on pluralism. No bibliography is offered.
Religious Pluralism and Christian Theology
A 4 pages research paper/essay that defines and describes pluralism and then addresses the struggle of Christian theologians to relate to global religious pluralism in order to find a balance between toleration for pluralism and the idea that the Holy Spirit is active and present in other religious traditions and the Christian understanding that the role of Jesus Christ is unique and universal. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Theology of Biblical Leadership
A 4 page research paper/essay that draws on literature in order to discuss what constitutes a theology of biblical leadership. This examination of what scripture indicates pertaining to the theology of biblical leadership shows that this leadership model is similar to, but also distinctly different from secular models. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
C.S. Lewis/Theology and Evangelism
An 8 page essay that discusses 2 books by C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity and The Four Loves. The writer focuses on describing Lewis's thoughts on Christianity and then relates this discussion to what this relates about Lewis's theology, that is, the vision that is presented in Lewis's masterfully written texts. No additional sources cited.
Aquinas by F.C. Copleston
A 3 page essay that analyzes F.C. Copleston's Aquinas, An Introduction to the life and work of the Great Medieval Thinker (1955). The writer argues that Copleston offers a balanced and well-written account of Aquinas' life and his contributions to theology and philosophy. This examination of Copleston's text shows that his interpretation of Aquinas' work is enlightening and insightful, particularly in regards to Aquinas' cosmological argument on the existence of God. No additional sources cited.
Evil and God
A 5 page research paper/essay that explores the topic of theodicy, which is the branch of theology that focuses on the question of how the concept of a good or benevolent God can be reconciled to the existence of evil (Theodicy). There are numerous ways in which the dichotomy of evil in the face of belief in an all-good, benevolent Deity has been approached in a variety of ways. This examination of a few of positions discusses the presumptions that stand behind these positions, and then offers personal observations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Fides et Ratio - Philosophy
A 10 page paper that begins with some of the many statements made in this Encyclical about philosophy. The focus of this essay is on the relationship between philosophy and the Church. Numerous examples are included from the text to illustrate how the Pope related the importance of the interrelationship of philosophy to theology to doctrine. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
God & The Existence of Evil
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines the problem of evil and why it exists in the creation of an all-powerful, all-good God. The writer draws on the theology of Augustine and Aquinas addressing this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
John Donne and God
A 4 page research paper/essay that looks at the religious poetry of John Donne, specifically Holy Sonnets 14 and 18. The writer argues that Donne's religious poetry expresses his confusion, sometimes anger, over the doubts engendered by Reformation theology. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Tutorial on Clinicians and Child Abuse
This tutorial essay addresses several issues that clinicians and health care practitoners must consider in issues of child abuse and neglect including profile of an abuser, determining when abuse has taken place and whether a child should be returned to an abusive family. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Economic Growth And Inflation
A 4 page paper. The writer responds to this question: Should a country's economic growth rate be higher than its inflation rate? The essay discusses ideal growth rates, reports growth rates and inflation rates in the U.S. for 2006 and 2007 and discusses the growth and inflation rates in Vietnam. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Last Emperor Film by Bernardo Bertolucci
Bertolucci’s, The Last Emperor – An Overview: This 6-page essay examines the 1987 Bernardo Bertolucci film, The Last Emperor. Part embellished fiction, in part fact this epic motion picture depicts the biography of Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Ling Dynasty and much of 20th Century China’s tumultuous history. Bibliography lists 3 sources. SNEmpero.doc
Why I Want to be a Mechanical Engineer
This 4 page paper is an essay written to express why a student might want to become a mechanical engineer. The discussion includes childhood motivation, the passion for the career path and the skills and academic abilities that the student may already have.
System Dynamics in Gilbert Grape
A 4 page essay that analyzes the family of Gilbert Grape, as portrayed in the novel What's Eating Gilbert Grape by Peter Hedges, from a Living System Theory perspective. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Weight-Loss Diets Cause Weight Gain/Diet for Health
A 3 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares weight-loss diets with eating healthy. The writer argues that weight-loss diets, per se, do not work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Motivation In Three Companies
A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to motivation theories, identifying the two major categories of theories. The essay reports some of the activities in three companies and correlates those to Maslow's and Skinner's theories of motivation. The companies are: HSBC, Tesco Plc, and Google. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Cave Allegory in The Republic by Plato
A 3 page essay that provides an overview of the Allegory of the Cave in Book VII of Plato's Republic. This paper suggests that Socrates proposed the Allegory as a way of demonstrating the importance of philosophers in demonstrating knowledge and truth.
Principle Theme of Antigone by Sophocles
A 5 page essay that examines the principal theme in Sophocles' Antigone, the play that continues the sage of Oedipus Rex and his progeny. The writer argues that in this play the conflict is between the loyalty that one owes family and religious precepts vs. the loyalty owed to the state. No additional sources cited.
Multiple Personality Disorder And Consciousness
A 4 page paper. Multiple Personality Disorder is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder. The paper begins with a brief explanation of this condition and one cause for it. The writer also comments that dissociative lapses are common in many people but not to the extent of DID. The essay discusses how DID affects the consciousness. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Fight Club/Dissociative Identity Disorder
A 3 page essay/research paper that analyzes the 1999 film "Fight Club" in terms of what it tells the audience about Dissociative Identity Disorder. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A Plan For Diversity
A 10 page paper. The shift in the country’s demographics has had a dramatic effect on organizations. If companies want to succeed in this century, they are will need to develop and implement a strong diversity strategic plan. Research consistently demonstrates that diverse organizations outperform other organizations. Diversity offers a strong competitive advantage to companies. This essay explores this premise and explains how to implement an effective diversity plan. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
International Financial Reporting Standards and US GAAP
A 4 page paper. IFRS 13 Fair Value Measure becomes effective January 2013. Managers have the option of using this standard prior to that time, though. This paper explains what IFRS 13 is and how it was developed. The essay provides examples of differences between IFRS and GAAP. The writer comments on how this might affect Pfizer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Voltaire's Candide and Literature of the Enlightenment
A 4 page essay that discusses how Voltaire's Candide exemplifies the Enlightenment. Burns (1969) asserts that Voltaire "epitomized the eighteenth century period known as the Enlightenment in a manner similar to the way that "Luther epitomized the Reformation or Leonardo da Vinci did the Italian Renaissance" (Burns, 1969, p. 571). It was Voltaire who popularized the scientific and political theories of John Locke and Isaac Newton, as he promoted the Enlightenment perspective that the natural world can be understood via the use of reason. Voltaire's Candide (1759) is representative of his Enlightenment philosophy and shows the extent to which this philosophy differed radically from what came before it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Impact of the Great War on Western Literature
A 4 page essay that discusses the impact of the “Great War,” that is, World War I on Western literature. World War I is known for its “mindless squandering of human life with negligible results” (Hull 17). During its era, it was known as the Great War, the war to end all wars, as well as the war that would make the world “safe” for democracy. The Great War accomplished none of these purposes and, when it was over, the survivors were gripped by grief, guilt, rage and, in the case of one German lance corporal, a young man named Adolf Hitler, by the desire for revenge (Hull 17). The Great War had another significant effect in that it had a tremendous impact on the course of modern Western literature. The collective consciousness of both Europe and America was forever changed by World War I and this change was reflected in the literature produced both during the Great War and in the decades afterward. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Spirited Away Film by Hayao Miyazaki
A 5 page research paper/essay that analyzes and review Hayao Miyazaki's 2002 animated film Spirited Away. The writer argues examination of this wondrous piece of storytelling reveals that this work is extremely complex, as it offers the adult viewer a mythological story that has nuance and depth. A close examination of the structure and content of the film demonstrates that there are levels of interpretation that can be applied to this film that include natural, personal, social and cultural aspects of Miyazaki's world. An overview of the film demonstrates that it also follows the template for understanding myth and the hero's journey as outlined by Joseph Campbell (1973) in his famous text on this subject The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Storytelling and the Film Adaptation of Joyce Carol Oates' 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?'
A 4 page essay. The writing of Joyce Carol Oates frequently addresses the predicament of being female within a patriarchal culture (Wesley 75). In her short story, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Oates again addresses this subject in a way that focuses on the cruel initiation into the sexual realities of male domination for the story's fifteen-year-old heroine, Connie. The film Smooth Talk (directed by Joyce Chopra, 1985) dramatizes this work. In many ways, the film remains faithful to the critically acclaimed short story, however, the director chose to alter the ending and some critics found this inappropriate. However, examination of this feature of the film shows that it fits with Oates' intentions in her storytelling and is, therefore, an appropriate ending to a superb film adaptation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Sense and Sensibility/Novel v. Film
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses the differences between these 2 mediums. Every few years seems to bring a new film adaptation of Jane Austen's classic early-nineteenth century novel Sense and Sensibility. Nevertheless, one of the finest of recent film adaptations of this novel is still director Ang Lee's 1995 production, which was produced by Mirage Films and released by Columbia Pictures. The script for this movie was written by Emma Thompson, who also stars in the role of Elinor Dashwood. This examination of the film will demonstrate that while Thompson makes some departures from Austen's novel, these differences are minor, as she remains true to the story and Austen's characterization. In fact, some of her changes tend to enhance, rather than detract, from the viewer's enjoyment of this narrative. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Gone with the Wind's Cinematography
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the cinematography of Gone With The Wind (1939, directed by Victor Fleming; produced by David O. Selznick for Selznick International and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), which is one of the most popular and profitable films every made (GWTW, 1995). The film won 9 Academy Awards, which includes Ernest Haller and Ray Rennahan winning for Best (Color) Cinematography. Examination of GWTW in terms of cinematography demonstrates that this accolade was well-deserved, as lighting and camera choices, throughout the film, serve to underscore the narrative's major themes by helping to establish mood and characterization. In this manner, cinematography serves to underscore the central theme of the film, which is the centrality of Tara in Scarlett O'Hara's life. Three scenes are described. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Passion of the Christ v. The Bible
A 4 page research paper/essay that analyzes Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ” has an air of authenticity that is designed to enhance the illusion that the audience is watching a highly accurate dramatization of biblical accounts of Christ’s Passion. The writer argues that a close examination of the film reveals that there are numerous deviations from the gospel accounts. These deviations, while still in keeping, overall, with the biblical text, tend to promote a theological perspective on the Bible that is in keeping with traditional Catholicism. Collectively speaking, the differences between gospel accounts and Gibson’s film offer an interpretation to the Passion of Christ that is substantially altered, which means that film’s air of authenticity is inaccurate. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Eyes in Film
A 4 page essay that discusses eyes and vision in three films, Being John Malkovich (1999, directed by Spike Jonze), Vertigo (1958, directed by Alfred Hitchcock), and Rear Window (1954, also directed by Hitchcock). In these films, the camera position is frequently crucial, as vision, that is, what the character sees, is an integral part of the film's premise. Therefore, the camera angle is expertly used so that it enhances this thematic perspective. Additionally, in all three films, there is an emphasis on eyes, close-ups of eyes that naturally lead to an association with the audience between eyes, vision and the camera as a means of seeing what the character sees. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
12 Angry Men/TV's Law and Order
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the defendant is seen in the film 12 Angry Men (1957, directed by Sidney Lumet) and in an episode of TV's Law and Order. In the film, the defendant is a young Puerto Rican teenager. The defendant is only briefly glimpsed at the beginning of the film, as the judge gives instructions to the jury who thenw adjourn to the jury room to deliberate. Consequently, the audience perceives the defendant solely through the perception that the juror have of him, which changes slowly over the course of the film. Similarly, in an episode of TV's Law and Order, the perception of attorneys McCoy and Borgia toward the primary suspect in a murder case slowly changes as new evidence emerges. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Women's Rights According to Edmund Burke and Mary Wollenstonecraft
(6 pp.) This discussion will examine Mary
Wollenstonecraft's idea of individual self
development especially as it applies to women in
her essay the Vindication of the Rights of Man
and Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), in
relationship to political thought as it is
expressed in Edmond Burke's Reflections on the
Revolution in France (1791).
My Left Foot/Social Responsibility
A 5 page essay that discusses the 1989 film My Left Foot (directed by Jim Sheridan for Miramax Films), which dramatizes the autobiography of Christy Brown, who became a celebrated author, painter and poet despite being handicapped with cerebral palsy. This film offers audience a fascinating and compelling study in how various characters deal with adversity and disability, as Christy’s handicaps not only affect his life but also the lives of those he touches. This discussion of the film focuses on ideas, values and motivational factors of each of these characters, as well as which ones demonstrate examples of social responsibility. No additional sources cited.
Sexual Imagery/Depression in 3 Poems By Robert Frost
A 5 page essay that analyzes 3 poems by Frost. Robert Frost is one of America's best-loved poets. His use of evocative and lyrical natural imagery speaks to a broad audience. However, in addition to the folksy wisdom, there is tension in many of Frost's poems that subtly intimates both his battles with lifelong depression, as well as conflicted feelings toward sex. The following examination of 3 of Frost's poems, "Acquainted wit the Night," "The Road Not Taken," and "Birches," demonstrates that below the literal surface meaning of these poems, Frost invites the reader to look deeper into his perception. No additional sources cited.
Nature and Poetic Views Contrasted
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares four poems, --"A Sick Rose" by William Blake; "Apparently with no surprise" by Emily Dickinson; "Digging" by Seamus Heaney; and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. The writer argues that in these poems the reader encounters brilliant imagery that perfectly invokes scenes of nature in the reader's imagination. However, examination of these four poems shows that the poets intend their verse to send very different messages. Blake and Dickinson picture nature as beautiful, but unfeeling. Their poems see nature as evidence of a divine power that can be capricious in its cruelty. Frost and Heaney, on the other hand, picture nature as soothing, positive and more benign. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
'Smile' in the Poetry of Robert Browning and Dorothy Parker
A 3 page essay on the use of the world "smile" in 2 poems. Robert Browning in "My Last Duchess" and Dorothy Parker in "A Certain Lady" create poems that employ the word "smile." "Smile" in each poem refers to the standard meaning of the word, that is, a facial expression in which the corners of the mouth turn upward, indicating pleasure or amusement; however, this word is employed quite differently within the context of each poem. Browning's Duke Ferrara condemns his "last duchess" because she smiled too freely and too genuinely and did not keep her smiles as something belonging solely to him. Dorothy Parker's "certain lady" convinces her lover that her special smiles are only for him, but admits that they hide a duplicitous heart. No additional sources cited.
Comparison of the Poems by Christina Rossetti and John Milton
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares works by Milton and Rossetti. John Milton (1608-1674), in his epic poem Paradise Lost, and Christina Rossetti (1830-1894), in her poem The Goblin Market, each present narratives in which women are tempted by sin that is represented allegorically by fruit. In each poem, there are also depictions of acts of love. But while these features indicate that the poems bear similarities, they also have fundamental differences that deal mainly with the poet's depiction of women. Eve is depicted as shallow, easily deceived and not capable of thinking as rationally as Adam. Rossetti's heroine, Lizzie, on the other hand, is clever, self-sacrificing, and saves her sister from sin through her actions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'To His Coy Mistress' by Andrew Marvell and Imagery
A 5 page essay that discusses Andrew Marvell's seduction poem "To His Coy Mistress." In this poem, Marvell (1621-1678) employs striking use of imagery delineates both the pleasure involved in "ceasing the day" (carpe diem) and the shortness of time, which is the philosophy's rationale. The first half of the poem employs imagery to establish a sense of intimacy between Marvell and his lover. The second half employs time imagery to focus on the point that life is short. Collectively, this argument makes this one of English literature's most persuasive seduction poems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Interpretation of 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' by T.S. Eliot
A 5 page essay that offer interpretation of Eliot's famous poem. The writer argues that Prufrock realizes that he has aged without ever really having lived and there is the suggestion at one point in the poem that he toys with the idea of asking a woman to marry him. He does not, however, do this because of his fear of rejection. As this suggests, Eliot's poem captures perfectly the psychic state of a shy, insecure person who feels trapped in a "hell" created by his social paralysis, which keeps him from ever doing anything, from ever really living, out of fear of looking foolish, as well as the fear of embarrassment that results from having tried and failed. As this suggests, examination of this poem shows how it is a psychological profile of a modern individual whose life is meaningless due to his internalization of what he feels is expected of him. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Dante’s Inferno & Humanism
A 3 page essay that discusses “The Inferno” from Dante’s medieval epic poem The Divine Comedy. This poem describes the experience of the author, led by the specter of the ancient Roman poet Virgil, through a journey of spiritual enlightenment that takes him through Hell, Purgatory and finally to Heaven. The punishments that are inflicted on the souls in Hell strike Dante, as a character in the poem, as inhumane, but Dante, the poet, makes it clear that each punishment is ideally suited as retribution for the sins committed by these souls while the individuals were alive on earth. Therefore, as the poem’s narrator moves through Hell, he receives progressive lessons pertaining to what it means to be fully human and fully in accord with the expectations of God. No additional sources cited.
Dreams and the Poetry of John Keats
An 8 page essay/analysis of several of poems by John Keats. The writer argues that while Keats did not speak often of "dreaming" in a literal sense, i.e. the activities of the subconscious mind while asleep, "dreaming" as in the activity of the imagination while awake, i.e. the "daydream" -- the ability of the individual to "dream" of goals or the attainment of some heart's desire -- this aspect of "dreaming" played a pivotal role in his worldview. Poems include On looking in to Chapman's Home, Sleep and Poetry, On seeing the Elgin Marbles, The Eve of St. Agnes, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Ode to Melancholy, Ode to a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale and To Autumn. No additional sources cited.
Analysis of Two Poems by Sharon Olds
A 3 page essay that analyzes two of Olds' poems, "Indictment of Senior Officers" and the "The Death of Marilyn Monroe." In these poems, Sharon Olds addresses violence perpetuated toward women and arrives at conclusions that suggests that, in both cases, society must bear some of the responsibility for the women's pain. Her verse causes the reader to contemplate the challenges facing women and how they are prepared for those challenges. Evocative and thought provoking, both poems compel the reader to consider women's place in Western society, as these poems are essentially critiques against the manner in which women are treated in Western society. No additional sources cited.
'Song to a Waitress' by Aron Kessbury
A 5 page essay that interprets the poem "Song to a waitress" by Aron Kessbury. The poem is included in its entirety as the writer offers a stanza by stanza analysis. "Song to a Waitress" is a blank verse poem that expresses a great deal of anger and dissatisfaction with the transformed nature of male/female relationships that have come with the dismantling of patriarchy. The thrust of the poem expresses the narrator's longing for -- what to him -- appears to be a simpler time, a time when women, particularly lower class women, were somewhat cowed by men, that is, a time when women "knew their place." No bibliography is offered.
Sexual Imagery/Depression in 3 Poems By Robert Frost
A 5 page essay that analyzes 3 poems by Frost. Robert Frost is one of America's best-loved poets. His use of evocative and lyrical natural imagery speaks to a broad audience. However, in addition to the folksy wisdom, there is tension in many of Frost's poems that subtly intimates both his battles with lifelong depression, as well as conflicted feelings toward sex. The following examination of 3 of Frost's poems, "Acquainted wit the Night," "The Road Not Taken," and "Birches," demonstrates that below the literal surface meaning of these poems, Frost invites the reader to look deeper into his perception. No additional sources cited.
Nature and Poetic Views Contrasted
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares four poems, --"A Sick Rose" by William Blake; "Apparently with no surprise" by Emily Dickinson; "Digging" by Seamus Heaney; and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. The writer argues that in these poems the reader encounters brilliant imagery that perfectly invokes scenes of nature in the reader's imagination. However, examination of these four poems shows that the poets intend their verse to send very different messages. Blake and Dickinson picture nature as beautiful, but unfeeling. Their poems see nature as evidence of a divine power that can be capricious in its cruelty. Frost and Heaney, on the other hand, picture nature as soothing, positive and more benign. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
'Smile' in the Poetry of Robert Browning and Dorothy Parker
A 3 page essay on the use of the world "smile" in 2 poems. Robert Browning in "My Last Duchess" and Dorothy Parker in "A Certain Lady" create poems that employ the word "smile." "Smile" in each poem refers to the standard meaning of the word, that is, a facial expression in which the corners of the mouth turn upward, indicating pleasure or amusement; however, this word is employed quite differently within the context of each poem. Browning's Duke Ferrara condemns his "last duchess" because she smiled too freely and too genuinely and did not keep her smiles as something belonging solely to him. Dorothy Parker's "certain lady" convinces her lover that her special smiles are only for him, but admits that they hide a duplicitous heart. No additional sources cited.
Comparison of the Poems by Christina Rossetti and John Milton
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares works by Milton and Rossetti. John Milton (1608-1674), in his epic poem Paradise Lost, and Christina Rossetti (1830-1894), in her poem The Goblin Market, each present narratives in which women are tempted by sin that is represented allegorically by fruit. In each poem, there are also depictions of acts of love. But while these features indicate that the poems bear similarities, they also have fundamental differences that deal mainly with the poet's depiction of women. Eve is depicted as shallow, easily deceived and not capable of thinking as rationally as Adam. Rossetti's heroine, Lizzie, on the other hand, is clever, self-sacrificing, and saves her sister from sin through her actions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'To His Coy Mistress' by Andrew Marvell and Imagery
A 5 page essay that discusses Andrew Marvell's seduction poem "To His Coy Mistress." In this poem, Marvell (1621-1678) employs striking use of imagery delineates both the pleasure involved in "ceasing the day" (carpe diem) and the shortness of time, which is the philosophy's rationale. The first half of the poem employs imagery to establish a sense of intimacy between Marvell and his lover. The second half employs time imagery to focus on the point that life is short. Collectively, this argument makes this one of English literature's most persuasive seduction poems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
'Ode to a Grecian Urn' and 'To Autumn' by John Keats
A 7 page essay that analyzes Keats' "To Autumn" and "Ode to a Grecian Urn," with a primary focus on "To Autumn." It is Keats' rich use of language that pays tribute to this season. As the poem progresses, Keats piles up sensory images in much the same way as a farmer piles up his harvest. An examination of this poem, in comparison with another poem that exemplifies Keats' style, the famous "Ode to a Grecian Urn" reveals Keats' optimistic outlook, a perspective that found meaning in the ordinary events of life, as well as in great art. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Gary Jennings/Aztec
A 6 page book review and essay that consists of 2 parts, each 3 pages in length. The first half of the paper offers a synopsis of the novel Aztec by Gary Jennings. The write covers the structure and main topics of the novel, describing how it informs the reader about Aztec culture. The second part of the paper then compares Aztec culture to the modern world, pointing out similarities and differences. No additional sources cited.
The Biblical Ruth
A 7 page paper. This essay offers a summary of the Book of Ruth, discussing major events and the character of Ruth. The writer comments on Ruth's relationship with God as is suggested by the text. The paper also discusses the events in the Book that reveals the culture. Lastly, the writer discusses the lessons we learn from Ruth. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Global Branding And Global Brands
An 8 page paper that begins with a discussion about brands and branding and the importance of branding. The essay then reports the most recognized brands and the top global brands, according to different reports. One report includes a comparison of the top brands in different geographic regions. Another study reports top brands in terms of brand value. Brands are identified. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
This 5 page paper comments on the origins of the co-leadership model and its re-emergence. The essay discusses what co-leadership is, the pros and cons of the model and offers one example of how it works successfully in a large corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cognitive Therapy : Addiction & Trauma
A 10 page paper. The essay begins by explaining cognitive therapy, its foundations and major premises. The writer comments on the relationship between cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. The focus turns to using both approaches with substance abuse. The writer then discusses the use of cognitive therapy with trauma victims. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Expectations of a College Education
A 3 page College Admissions Essay discussing what a student expects to receive from their college experience. Written from the perspective of one student, this paper outlines the major purposes of a college education. These purposes include the instillation of skills and knowledge, the transition from youth to adulthood, the enhancement of communication skills, and the provision of contacts that will be of value in the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Eugene Ionesco's The Bald Soprano
An 8 page essay that examines how Ionesco's play The Bald Soprano demonstrates how Ionesco parodies theatre in general as well as society. The writer discusses the play's stilted, nonsensical dialogue and how this "works" within the framework of Ionesco's satire. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Security and Wireless Technologies
A 9 page paper that begins by identifying some of the many benefits of wireless technologies, including the fact that research studies reveal a substantial increase in worker productivity. Security concerns are discussed along with an explanation of the standards intended to reduce risks, such as Bluetooth and 802.11b standards. Hot spots are defined and discussed, including the fact that their numbers are growing exponentially. The essay ends with a discussion of the use of wireless technologies in hospitals and the concerns about installing them. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Issues Pertaining to Addiction
A 5 page research paper that offers several definitions of "addiction" and relates these definitions to illustrative case studies, while also addressing other issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Girl, Interrupted And Borderline Personality
This 6 page paper discusses the entitle movie and focuses on whether the writer believes the main character, Susanna, really did have borderline personality disorder. The writer recalls the era, the 1960s and what was happening in terms of Susanna's actions. The DSM criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder today are outlined and the writer suggests the one or two criteria the patient met. The essay continues with this type of discussion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Admissions Essay
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an admission essay for Liberty University. This paper relates the importance of a Christian religion and the factors that a student can contribute to the educational experience. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Corporate Culture And Corporate Social Responsibility
A 6 page paper that focuses on three multinational corporations who have operations in Brazil. The essay reports and discusses CSR activities of Archer Daniels Midland Company, Diageo plc, and Chiquita in Brazil. The writer comments on how the corporate culture supports these activities. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Nursing: Article Reviews
This 10 page paper reviews three articles related to nursing and nurse leadership. The first article reviews an article about interventions to reduce problems for patients discharged from the hospital; the second article investigates the new quality assurance procedures in the United Kingdom; and the third article investigates why nurses become nurse leaders. The essay ends with the writer's reflections on the nurse leadership article. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
An Article on Obesity, Diabetes, and the Effect of Estrogen Reviewed
An 8 page paper that reviews an article entitled: "Estrogen can prevent or reverse obesity and diabetes in mice expressing human islet amyloid polypeptide." The essay reports and comments on methodology, research questions, introduction, theoretical foundation, results, discussion and conclusion.
Amphibian Mortality Caused by Chytridiomycosis
A 5 page paper that discusses the causes of the dramatic decrease in the numbers of amphibians in Australia and Central America. The essay describes a study conducted by a group of scientists who not only found the cause of the declining population but who discovered a new fungus. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Healthcare Industry Phase
A 4 page paper. The writer identifies the four phases of industry growth with comments about the healthcare industry related to each growth stage. The essay also identifies some advances made in the industry, demonstrating why this industry will always be in a growth phase. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Performance Appraisals and Management
A 10 page paper that begins by discussion the importance and purposes of performance appraisals. The writer describes four appraisal models, including MBO and 360 Feedback. The essay then discusses the elements of successful performance management and steps to improve the appraisal process regardless of the specific model being used. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Films and 3D Computer Graphics
A 5 page essay on how the modern film industry now uses 3D computer graphics to create special effects instead of more traditional methods. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
9/11 Attacks Were No Conspiracy
In six pages this persuasive essay argues that the 9/11 attacks were not a conspiracy, but also considers the existing evidence that supports a conspiracy theory conclusion. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
The American Dream
A 3 page creative essay that analyzes and offers commentary on the state of the American Dream. The writer first defines the American Dream and then discusses how its obtainment has become harder in recent decades. However, the writer concludes with an overall evaluation of the Dream as positive as it offers people hope. Bibliography lists 1 source.
National Statistics And Local Decisions
A 3 page paper that begins by briefly explaining what statistics is and the purpose of statistics. The essay discusses how easily it is to misuse statistics, using the example of national teacher salary averages. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Intercultural Communication In Organizations
A 10 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of these interactions. The writer reports and describes Hofstede's dimensions that describe a culture with examples. The essay also reports the six barriers to intercultural communication as presented by Jandt. The writer discusses and comments on cross-border mergers and joint ventures reporting a couple of the problems with the Daimler-Chrysler merger. Examples of marketing miscommunications are provided. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
'The Poisonwood Bible' by Barbara Kingsolver and a Responsibility Letter
A 6 page creative essay in letter form which examines what responsibility (if any) do individuals have to reach out to cultures and other individuals that are foreign to them and what responsibility does the United States and its citizens have to the world community, citing passages from “The Poisonwood Bible” to support the argued thesis. No additional sources are used.
Pro and Con: Are Professional Women 'Opting Out" of Work by Choice?
A 6 page essay that examines both side of the question: Are Professional Women 'Opting Out" of Work by Choice? Arguments pro and con are summarized and the writer argues in favor of the con argument. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Rose for Emily by Faulkner
A 5 page paper which discusses how the character of Emily was severely controlled by the gender conditions inherently possessed in the time period and the region of the South. Mention is made of Judith Fetterly's essay titled "A Rose for "A Rose For Emily." Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
Nonprofit Organizations and 2002's Sarbanes-Oxley Act
A 5 page paper. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, also known as the American Competitiveness and Corporate Accountability Act of 2002, was passed in response to the many accounting scandals in private sector corporations. There are provisions in this Act that apply to everyone, however. This essay discusses how nonprofits are being affected by the Act. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Feasible Alternative Represented by Nuclear Energy
A 10 page paper that begins with an introduction in which the writer comments on the need and desire for inexpensive energy and also explains the Kyoto Protocol. The essay then provides a brief explanation of the general operation of a nuclear power plant, the number of plants in the world, the two major accidents at nuclear reactor sites. Safety measures that are in place are explained followed by a short discussion on nuclear waste and cooling and disposal process. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Career in Multimedia Programming (First Person, Interview Based Essay)
This 7 page example paper provides a first person essay concerning a student majoring in multimedia programming. The student interviews two individuals who work in the field and the paper concludes by relaying what the student learned as a result. The interviews are fictitious.No bibliography.
Right to Die Argumentative Essay
A 5 page research paper, which presents an argumentative essay that addresses the right to die issue of physician assisted suicide. The writer argues in favor of this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Karen Ann Quinlan 'Right to Die' Case
The sociolegal controversy over an individual's right to die is one that has attempted to re-define death and to question when it actually occurs (i.e., brain death or heart death ?). This 2 page essay looks at the infamous Karen Quinlan case in which the Supreme Court granted Ms. Quinlan's family the right to let her die (ruling that "No compelling interest of the state could compel her to endure the unendurable") -- but she continued to live on anyway after being removed from life-sustaining medical equipment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Civil Rights Act of 1991
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964, in order to provide damages in regards to employment discrimination cases and to make it clear how provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act pertain to “’disparate impact’ actions. The writer discusses how its provisions affect the workplace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Potomac River and Chesapeake River Basin Cleanup
This 4 page hypothetical essay looks at the issue and provides discussion around sevaral stakeholder responsilities including the U.S. government (according to the World Bank), companies like Omega Protein, and support of nonprofits. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Transformations in the Works of Chinua Achebe and Franz Kafka
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis and Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. The writer argues that while these two narratives are very different, in both works, the authors address issues of transformation in regards to how individuals adapt, or fail to adapt, to challenge in their culture. No additional sources cited.
Managing Knowledge in Schools
This 9 page paper begins with a discussion about knowledge and knowledge management and how human resources relates to knowledge management. The essay then focuses on knowledge management in educational settings, providing ideas for implementation and examples. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Landscape and the Environment
This 9 page argumentative essay explores the synthesis ideas of Tilley concerning landscape and apply it to the environmental issue. Explored are biological needs, societal needs and psychological needs in the evolutionary process. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
2 African American Poets/Cullen & Hughes
A 3 page essay/research paper that discusses and analyzes 2 Harlem Renaissance poets, Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen. The writer briefly discusses the historical context and background of each poet and analyzes Hughes' "Mother to Son" and Cullen's "Saturday's Child." Bibliography lists 3 sources that were drawn from the Norton Anthology of African American Literature.
2nd Amendment 'Right to Bear Arms' of the US Constitution
A 15 page argumentative essay in support of the Second Amendment right to bear arms. The paper explores the history behind the Constitutional Amendment, gun legislation, new legal and historian interpretations of the Amendment, and public opinions on the issue--leading to the final conclusion in support of the Second Amendment. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Winkie, Road & Corruption in Society
A 4 page essay that looks at 2 books. Cormac McCarthy in The Road and Clifford Chase in Winkie offer two very different commentaries on the corruption, narrow-mindedness and hubris that colors the present political and social atmosphere in the United States. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Supply And Demand - Law Of Diminishing Returns
A 6 page paper. The first part of this essay reports an article from the WSJ about the supply and demand of oil and corn, explaining how the demand impacts the supply and the affiliated cost issues. The second part of the paper discusses the law of diminished returns and provides three specific examples. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Choice, Scarcity, Supply and Demand
This 3 page paper explains the law of supply and demand, the concept of scarcity and the concept of choice. The essay then explains the interaction and how scarcity and choice affect supply and demand. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Homeland Security Personal Response
Safety, as defined by President George W. Bush in his establishment of homeland security measures, is dedicated to the protection of the country as a whole beginning at its borders and moving inward to tap into the individual lives of citizens and immigrants who might offer a threat. This places the privacy of every citizen in jeopardy and diminishes Constitutional law. (Essay) jvhmlsec.rtf
Teen Pregnancy Problems and Issues
A 3 page essay on problems associated with teen pregnancy including emotional, financial, and social considerations. The writer focuses upon some of the reasons teen pregnancies occur so frequently with mention of which measures may or may not be effective in curtailing the problem.
Road Construction Environmental Impact
An 11 page paper. The proposal is to construct a road in a remote area in Latin America. This essay discusses environmental issues related to the project, including an initial simple assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts. The paper discusses both the negative and positive environmental, social and economic consequence of the project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Argument for Banning Generically Engineered Food
This 3 page paper is an argumentative essay supporting the argument that genetically modified food should be banned until it can be proven to be safe, with the proof achieved through the application of tests which are used for drug trials. The argument and supporting evidence are all presented. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
An Essay on MSW Admission
This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for a MSW program. This paper outlines the specifics for one person and provides a solid example of this kind of writing.
Goodfella/Its Moral Message
A 4 page essay that discusses the moral message in Martin Scorsese's 1990 film Goodfellas. The film's protagonist, Henry Hill, finds out the allure and honor of the Mafia is a sham and illusionary. Implications are discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Spike Lee’s ‘New York State of Mind’
An 8 page analytical essay which examines how New York is represented in Spike Lee’s films. Specifically discussed are what aspects of New York’s reality are represented and what aspects are neglected or ignored, comparing and contrasting with filmmaker Woody Allen’s representation of the Big Apple in his 1979 film, “Manhattan.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Incredibles and Family Dynamics
A 4 page essay that discusses how this animated film from Disney/Pixar illustrates points pertaining to family dynamics. The writer discusses how the family dynamics evolve over the course of the film. No additional sources cited.
Media Messages, Gender Stereotypes & Baby Mama
A 3 page essay that analyzes a recent film, "Baby Mama," in terms of stereotypical portrays. In large part, comedies often rely on stereotypes, as these cultural concepts offer writers a handy shorthand in regards to characterization that the audience will readily understand. This film takes advantage of gender stereotypes to underscore its comedic effects. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Characterization in Crash
A 3 page essay that discusses characterization in this 2005 film. Also, in response to an assignment prompt, the writer offers personal opinion on a moral dilemma that is part of this film. No additional sources cited.
Sociologically Implications of a Comedy
A 3 page essay that comments on sociological implications of the film "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story." Bibliography lists 2 sources (reviews of the film). khdodgeb.rtf
Argumentative Essay: Avatar's Script is Same Old Same Old
This 5 page argumentative essay explores the script as an extension of a hundred similar storylines in the film genre, first parodied in "Forbidden Planet" in 1956. The argument specifies that the film's only redeeming feature was the technology. Bibliography list 2 sources.
Amelie, A Film Review
A 3 page essay that reports the writer's experience watching the first 30 minutes of a French film, Amelie, (2001, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet) with the subtitles turned off and then watching the entire film with the subtitles turned on. The writer relates the experience to what was learned about the importance of language to understanding. No additional sources are cited.
Analysis of John Woo's The Killer
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses how John Woo's 1989 film The Killer reflects the sociopolitical atmosphere and anxiety of the 1980s and 1990s in Hong Kong prior to the transition to Chinese governance. The writer discusses similarities to film noir. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Instruction of the Deaf, A Film Analysis
This 5 page research paper/essay discusses the film Children of a Lesser God (1986, directed by Randa Haines). The film's plot is summarized and then related to a discussion of instruction for the deaf. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
12 Angry Men, film analysis and the RAP Model
This 5 page research paper/essay offers an analysis of the film "12 Angry Men" Men (1997, directed by William Friedkin) that focuses on group dynamics and then discusses the film in terms of the RAP model, which stands for recognize, anticipate and problem solve. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Bamboozled by Spike Lee
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers an discussion and analysis of Spike Lee's 2000 film "Bamboozled." The writer uses Marion Riggs' documentary "Ethnic Notions" and the minstrelsy stereotypes that it discusses, to provide insight into Lee's film. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Fatal Attraction and Borderline Personality Disorder
This 6 page research paper/essay reports on the film "Fatal Attraction" (1987, directed by Adrian Lyne) and how this film offers a cinematic portrayal of borderline personality disorder. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Raven, 1963 Film and Poe's Poem
This 3 page essay compares the plot, theme and setting of Poe's famous poem with the same factors in a 1963 film adaptation of the film directed by Roger Corman. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Scene Analysis, Election (1999)
This 3 page essay provides a scene analysis pertaining to the film "Election," directed by Alexander Payne, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Jim Taylor. This is a comedy that satires an election for student government president and the scene analysis argus that the emphasis in the film is on personality types. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis of To Kill A Mockingbird
This 12 page research paper/essay focuses on the 1962 film adaptation of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird, directed by Robert Mulligan. This extensive review considers the film from an historical perspective that discusses its content in terms of congruence with the social paradigms of the 1930s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filmmakers Bernardo Bertolucci and Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Directors Joseph L. Mankiewicz & Bernardo Bertolucci: This 16-page essay examines films by directors, Joseph Mankiewicz and Bernardo Bertolucci – “Julius Caesar” and “The Conformist” respectively. Contributions by both directors, their underlying motivation, the historical slant of their film versions, their interpretations, political views, and the like are all considered. Bibliography lists 17 sources. SNDirect.doc
Book and Film Versions of Empire of the Sun
“Empire of the Sun” – The Book/ the Film: This 8-page comparative essay examines the semi-autobiographical book “Empire of the Sun” by J.G. Ballard, and the later Steven Spielberg film adaptation of the same name. Ballard wrote about living through the world-altering events of WWII, as he is transformed from affluent schoolboy into a struggling street rat. Yet, it is Spielberg who made the epic masterpiece. Bibliography lists 3 sources. SNEmpire.doc
Tennessee Williams' Cat On a Hot Tin Roof Play and Film Versions
A 5 page essay that compares the Tennessee Williams play with the 1958 film version. The writer discusses how the homosexual element was downplayed in the film, and how this effected the overall thrust of the play. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Tremors Science Fiction Film Review
In this 3 page essay, the writer attempts to show the effect of this films in terms of emotional impact and the ability of the film to express the aura of horror. Also explored are the impact of plot development, the use of directorial techniques, camera shots, character development, etc;
Aspects of Formalism in the Film, The Graduate
A 3 page essay that discusses The Graduate from a standpoint of formalism in classic film theory. The writer begins by defining realism and formalism and then discusses formalist aspects of this 1967 film by Mike Nichols. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Analyzing Bowling for Columbine from a Sociological Perspective
An 8 page research paper/essay that analyzes Michael Moore's 2003 film Bowling for Columbine from the sociological perspective of Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. The writer briefly states the philosophy of each man and then applies this to analysis of the film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hollywood's Classic Film Maltese Falcon
A 7 page research paper/essay that analyzes this classic film. This critique looks at The Maltese Falcon (1941) as a film that features all of the characteristics of what defines a motion picture as following the classic Hollywood style model. First of all, the Hollywood style is defined and its elements identified. Then, the manner in which The Maltese Falcon exemplifies this model is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis of Tom Tykwer's 1999 Film Run Lola Run
A 5 page research paper/essay that summarize and analyzes the 1999 film Run Lola Run (directed by Tom Tykwer). The writer summarizes the film and then relates the aesthetics of Aristotle and Tim Burton to a particular scene. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Policy Implications of the Film Cool Hand Luke
A 3 page essay that discusses the impact that the film Cool Hand Luke (1967) had on criminal justice policy. The writer discusses how this film contributed to the spirit of penal reform that existed in the 1960s and 70s. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Montessori, Piaget And Logico-Mathematical Knowledge
A 7 page paper that begins by reporting Piaget's definitions of three types of knowledge and explaining logico-mathematical knowledge. Some of Piaget's other ideas, like adaptation, are discussed. The essay then turns to a discussion of Montessori and subsequently compares the two theorists. Examples of Montessori exercises are provided with discussions about going from concrete to abstract in learning experiences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
I am Legend/Matheson
A 3 page essay that discusses the way in which Robert Neville perceives his identity over the course of the novel. No additional sources cited.
The Six NCTM Principles Of High Quality Math Programs
A 3 page paper that explains the six NCTM principles of high quality math programs. The essay also comments on the ESOL standards. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Logico-Mathematical Knowledge, Montessori, Piaget
A 5 page paper that discusses Montessori's and Piaget's general theories on learning and explains Piaget's concept of logico-mathematical knowledge and how Montessori's model is related to that type of knowledge. The essay also explains Piaget's thoughts about adaptation, absorption and organization. Montessori and Piaget are compared throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Year Long Mathematics Program Planning for the Fifth Grade
This 3 page paper describes a year-long plan for mathematics, using the NY standards as a guide. The essay includes some of the general topic areas to be covered, instructional approaches, and offers suggestions for adapting the program for special education and ELL students. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Tracking and Ability Grouping
A 9 page paper that discusses tracking and ability grouping, the differences, why they have been used, and the outcomes of these approaches. This essay explains how these systems work. It reports research on ability grouping in math classes and it reports detracking cases studies. It infers and identifies the pros and cons of ability grouping. Bibliography lists 6 sources. PG699838.doc
Technology In Middle And High Schools
A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Anxiety In Children In The Classroom
A 5 page paper. This essay on anxiety in children, reviews and comments on three journal articles that discuss the topic. The articles specifically deal with: strategies teachers can use to reduce anxiety; how anxiety and other factors affect student math performance; and treating and preventing test anxiety in the school. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Medieval Literature/Marie de France & Chaucer
A 3 page research paper/essay that addresses 3 topics from medieval literature. The first page is on Marie de France and her lai "Lanval." The second page is on Chaucer's motivation in writing The Canterbury Tales and uses the example of the Prioress to argue that he used this novel to comment on his society. The third page discusses Chaucer's structure and influences in writing his masterpiece. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Showalter, Culture and Literature
A 3 page essay that analyzes Elaine Showalter's A Literature of Their Own, which offers a challenge to the narrowness of the traditional canon of what is considered to be valuable contributions by women to English literature. In so doing she directly addresses the way in which culture has had an influence on women's literature. Showalter's theoretical perspective presents women's writing in terms of being a subculture, which evolved in direct reaction to the elements in mainstream patriarchal culture that tended to trivialize women's experience and role in society. No additional sources cited.
Conrad, Condorcet and Achebe
A 4 page paper which examines Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, Condorcet’s essay The Future of Human Progress and Chinua Achebe’s Image of Africa. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Kipling and Kincaid/Perspectives on Colonialism
A 6 page essay that uses Kipling "The White Man's Burden" and Kincaid's A Small Place to discuss the different orientations on colonialism taken by Victorians and post-colonial writers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Literature of Canada and Authors Atwood, O'Hagan, and Davies
A 6 page essay that briefly summarizes three Canadian novels -- Tay John by Howard O'Hagan, fifth Business by Robertson Davies, and Surfacing by Margaret Atwood. The writer offers a brief plot synopsis and analysis of each novel. No additional sources cited.
Questioning the Past in Literature of the Enlightenment
A 4 page essay that discusses how Enlightenment literature was different from what had come before it. While the Enlightenment looked to the classical past for inspiration, its neoclassicism endeavored to find a balance with the desire to conserve against the desire to obtain independence and its own identity (Gay, 1969). This orientation can be seen clearly various works of Enlightenment writers, such as Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
British Literature 18th vs. 19th Century
A 9 page essay comparing 18th and 19th century literature. Writer describes themes, styles, and their relevance to the changing times. Most works discussed are by English authors including Chaucer, Defoe, and so forth. Bibliography lists 4 primary sources.
The Use of Critical Sources in Understanding Works of Shakespeare
In this 5 page essay, the writer recounts how remarkably important critical sources (i.e., books, articles, etc;) were in helping them to understand various plays of Shakespeare and truly appreciate them. The writer presents what they "got" from plays like Macbeth, Othello, & King Lear on their own, and then to what subtle points other authors helped them open their eyes. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Element of Tragedy as Presented in Literature
In 7 pages, the author presents an argumentative essay in which it is argued that of the two plays, Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman,' and William Shakespeare's 'The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice,' the one that is more tragic is 'Death of a Salesman.' Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Classical Literature and Common Theme of Perseverance in Overcoming Obstacles
A 5 page essay that argues that common themes can be found in the classical literature of the past. The writer explores the theme of perseverance that can be found in Gilgamesh, The Book of Job, The Odyssey and The Aeneid. The writer argues that in each case, the hero perseveres against adversity by overcoming obstacles that stand between him and his goal. He goes on despite those who advice that his quest is foolhardy and eventually is rewarded for his pain by reaching and achieving his goal. No additional sources cited.
U.S. Refugee Population, Health Policy Treatment, Prevention, and Care Services
This 5-page paper examines literature pertaining to health care needs of asylum-seekers and refugees in the United States. The essay, based on the literature, develops some legislative policies that would help this vulnerable population. Topics touched on include savings to taxpayers. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Literary Social Criticism
A 5 page essay that analyzes Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Henry David Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience," and Martin Luther King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" as examples of literature in which the author provides social criticism. The writer asserts that in each of these works, the author argues, not only that an individual can fight the system, but also that it is his or her duty to do so. No additional sources cited.
Early Childhood Education and Multicultural Literature
This 2.5 page paper discusses the benefits of using multicultural literature in the ECE classroom. The essay begins with the fact that children develop attitudes and opinions towards people from other cultures, nations, races very early in life. Exposure to different cultures through picture and early reader books can help change children's attitudes. The writer then discuses the dual role multicultural literature can play in the early childhood classroom. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Literature of the First World War, Dying, Mutilation, and Death
A 7 page essay that examines the work of 5 WWI British poets and also Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises. The writer argues that this literature recounts the horrors of war through subtext, that is, not stating observations overtly. Subtext, expressed through metaphor, satire and allusion, provides the motivational engine that propels these works. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
An Analysis of Virgil's Depiction of the Tragedy of Dido
A 3 page essay that examines Book Four of Virgil's epic poem of Rome's founding, the Aeneid, which relates the tragic love of Dido for the epic's hero Aeneas. This section of the poem pictures the course of Dido's love in five stages, which range from her realization that she loves Aeneas to her suicide, as his ships sail away. Throughout this narrative, Virgil pictures love as the equivalent to disease, an external force that subverts attention from what it truly important in life, that is, one's responsibilities. The implication in the poem is that Aeneas, being male, is better able to keep a proper focus than is the hapless, lovelorn Dido. No additional sources cited.
Love According to Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Margaret Atwood
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares contemporary Canadian poet Margaret Atwood's "You Fit Into Me" and nineteenth century poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet XLIII, better known as "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." The writer argues that these poems are complete opposites. Atwood's poem is terse and short, expressing her stance in just four lines. As her title suggests, Browning's poem has the traditional 14-line form of a sonnet. Also, Browning employs a traditional rhyme scheme, while Atwood uses unrhymed free verse. But while these differences are striking, the biggest difference between the two works is the individual poet's stance on love. No additional sources cited.
'Forgiving My Father' by Lucille Clifton
A 4 page essay that explicates Lucille Clifton's poem "forgiving my father." The writer argues that this poem concerns the legacy of a childhood made harsh by a father's inability to provide for his family. Clifton, as a woman, identifies most heavily with her mother's anger and disappointment at having married a man who could not provide for his family. However, within the context of this poem, Clifton comes to perceive that her mother's anger is not necessarily her own and that she can forgive them both and, in doing so, move on with her own life. No additional sources cited.
Explication of 'London' by Poet William Blake
A 3 page essay that explicates William Blake's poem London. The writer argues that Blake was frequently critical of English society in his poetry, subtly attacking many of the established institutions and cultural ideas of his era. In his poem "London," Blake paints a portrait of the city that depicts it has having fallen into moral chaos. Appalled at the suffering, poverty, prostitution and mistreatment of children, Blake's poem is scathing social commentary that was intended to open the eyes of the upper classes to the degradation of their society as a whole. London is also briefly compared to Blake's The Chimney Sweeper. No additional sources cited.
Analysis of Two Poems by Sharon Olds
A 3 page essay that analyzes two of Olds' poems, "Indictment of Senior Officers" and the "The Death of Marilyn Monroe." In these poems, Sharon Olds addresses violence perpetuated toward women and arrives at conclusions that suggests that, in both cases, society must bear some of the responsibility for the women's pain. Her verse causes the reader to contemplate the challenges facing women and how they are prepared for those challenges. Evocative and thought provoking, both poems compel the reader to consider women's place in Western society, as these poems are essentially critiques against the manner in which women are treated in Western society. No additional sources cited.
'Song to a Waitress' by Aron Kessbury
A 5 page essay that interprets the poem "Song to a waitress" by Aron Kessbury. The poem is included in its entirety as the writer offers a stanza by stanza analysis. "Song to a Waitress" is a blank verse poem that expresses a great deal of anger and dissatisfaction with the transformed nature of male/female relationships that have come with the dismantling of patriarchy. The thrust of the poem expresses the narrator's longing for -- what to him -- appears to be a simpler time, a time when women, particularly lower class women, were somewhat cowed by men, that is, a time when women "knew their place." No bibliography is offered.
Robert Browning's 'My Last Duchess'
A 3 page essay that addresses Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess." This poem presents a dramatic monologue, in which a duke is discussing his art collection with the emissary of a family with whom the duke is negotiating the details of an arranged marriage. The duke stops before a portrait of his last duchess and begins to recount a story that is clearly intended to relay a message to the family concerning the duke's expectations for his next wife. In presenting the duke's diatribe against his previous duchess, Browning, in many ways, contrasts the restricted Classical worldview against the more humanistic Romantic worldview. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Poems for Children by Shel Silverstein and Robert Louis Stevenson
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares children's poems by these two poets. Being able to recreate the magic and joy of childhood and to do it from the child's perspective is a rare gift that few poets have exhibited. Two poets who manage to accomplish this feat are Shel Silverstein and nineteenth century author Robert Louis Stevenson. Examination of a representative poem demonstrates not only the technical virtuosity of each poet, but also the fact that each man managed to capture a child's narrative voice without talking down to their young readers, but rather showing empathy and understanding of a child's world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Mourning and Separaton in the Poems of John Donne and W.H. Auden
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares poems by these two poets. Separation from a loved one, either through death or prolonged absence, engenders the natural response of mourning. In his poem "Funeral Blues," W.H. Auden captures in metaphors the heart-wrenching experience of losing a loved one. John Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" also uses metaphor in order to offer solace to his beloved concerning a prolonged separation. In both cases, the poets capture the experience of mourning the creative use of metaphor. No additional sources cited.
'Poem (As the Cat)' by William Carlos Williams
A 5 page essay that discusses the imagery in this poem. The poetry of William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) uses imagery that typically refers to everyday experiences and concrete images that describe material objects. Goodblatt and Glicksohn propose that comprehending a metaphor is akin to problem solving, "in its more creative form," and that this involves "an act of perceptual and semantic restructuring. Considering this perspective, this analysis focuses on the imagery that Williams employs in his verse entitled "Poem (As the cat," which offers a typical example of Williams utilization of metaphor and imagery within a short lyric form. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Cultural Influences Exerted by the Life and Art of Robert Frost
A 3 page essay that discusses the life of Robert Frost in connection with his poetry. Three poems are briefly analyzed and the writer relates what has been learned by this assignment. One of twentieth century America's greatest poets, Robert Frost (1874-1963), wrote verse that was not initially popular with the American public. For the first several decades of his adult life, Frost worked at a variety of jobs, and his family existed on the edge of poverty. He did not obtain financial stability and success as a poet until he was forty years old (Baym, et al 1762). Frost was a conservative poet who adhered to traditional forms and continued to write in the twentieth century the "kind of traditional poetry that modernists thought could no longer be written" (Baym, et al 1762). Through his remarkable use of imagery and also through his use of rhythm, which mirrors that of colloquial speech, Frost's poems often draw on the natural world to express complex meanings and nuances of understanding concerning life's major issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Dante’s Inferno & Humanism
A 3 page essay that discusses “The Inferno” from Dante’s medieval epic poem The Divine Comedy. This poem describes the experience of the author, led by the specter of the ancient Roman poet Virgil, through a journey of spiritual enlightenment that takes him through Hell, Purgatory and finally to Heaven. The punishments that are inflicted on the souls in Hell strike Dante, as a character in the poem, as inhumane, but Dante, the poet, makes it clear that each punishment is ideally suited as retribution for the sins committed by these souls while the individuals were alive on earth. Therefore, as the poem’s narrator moves through Hell, he receives progressive lessons pertaining to what it means to be fully human and fully in accord with the expectations of God. No additional sources cited.
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
A 5 page essay that analyzes Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," an enigmatic in which Gray does not disclose precisely for whom he mourns. In other words, the reader is left to guess at the identity of the "youth" whose epitaph make up the final twelve lines of the poem. Is it the poet, foreseeing his own demise? Or, an ode to someone whom he loved? It is difficult to say; however, the emotions that the poem engenders in the heart of the reader are more distinct. This poem leaves the reader feeling nostalgic toward the simple life of the agrarian past. The latter part of the poem leaves the reader feeling pensive and reflective on the sanctity and transient nature of life, which causes one to identify with the unfortunate young man described at the end of poem who has passed away in the flower of youth. No additional sources cited.
2 Education Articles Reviewed
A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Monster Networking Case Study
A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
2 Education Articles Reviewed
A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Business Contract Law - Case Study
An 8 page paper based on a scenario provided by the student. The case involved thermostats. The company has exclusive distributor contracts in different countries for their Celsius thermostat with a faceplate instead of decals. A person representing himself as an exporter assures the thermostats will be going to the Middle East but they start showing up in the Netherlands undercutting that distributor. The essay discusses the elements of an enforceable contract, breach of contract, the facts of the case and how they relate to different legal issues, the value of oral agreements and more. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Interpretation of 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' by T.S. Eliot
A 5 page essay that offer interpretation of Eliot's famous poem. The writer argues that Prufrock realizes that he has aged without ever really having lived and there is the suggestion at one point in the poem that he toys with the idea of asking a woman to marry him. He does not, however, do this because of his fear of rejection. As this suggests, Eliot's poem captures perfectly the psychic state of a shy, insecure person who feels trapped in a "hell" created by his social paralysis, which keeps him from ever doing anything, from ever really living, out of fear of looking foolish, as well as the fear of embarrassment that results from having tried and failed. As this suggests, examination of this poem shows how it is a psychological profile of a modern individual whose life is meaningless due to his internalization of what he feels is expected of him. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
History of U.S. Sexual Harassment Legislation
This 8 page paper provides a comprehensive history and background of the sexual harassment laws in the United States. The essay begins by reporting how and when the term sexual harassment was coined and the fact that the issue is not a new one. At least one author has traced serious incidents of sexual harassment to the 1800s. A chronology of the most important acts and laws regarding sexual harassment is included, beginning with the 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that also created the EEOC. The legal definition of sexual harassment is included along with the evolution of the concept over the years. The two specific types of sexual harassment are explained. An overview of two specific cases, Ford Motor Company and Lutheran Medical Center in New York is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
D.H. Lawrence/The Piano
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses this poem and D.H. Lawrence. It is something of a quandary for modern readers as to how to evaluate the poetry and fiction of D.H. Lawrence. Praised in previous eras, he has been castigated by many critics, particularly feminist theorists, who view his work through the lens of current sensibilities towards political correctness. The following discussion, first of all, reviews briefly how Lawrence has been viewed before evaluating his poem "Piano", which was completed in 1918. This analysis argues that when viewed as a product of Lawrence's time, i.e., this poem conveys the reality of male emotional experience rather than the Victorian preconceptions of his era. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Deciding Who Lives and Who Dies
A 5 page essay that relates to an assignment scenario that presents an ethical dilemma, in which a committee must decide on which one of four candidates in renal failure should be given the opportunity to live, as this decision would allow that individual access to the "famous kidney machine," which can filter their blood, allowing life to continue despite kidney failure. There is only one vacancy on the machine's current use schedule and the committee has to consider four candidates who have been recommended by the facility's doctors. Each of the candidates has an aspect of his or her personality and life situation that recommends that individual as the ideal candidate. The writer also argues against the ethics of this scenario as both unethical and immoral. No bibliography is provided.
Yellow Wallpaper & Female Marginalization
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story "The Yellow Wallpaper" (1899), which can be understood as indicative of women's role in late nineteenth century society. This narrative portrays the way in which Victorian patriarchal attitudes served to marginalize women. Male authority trivialized female voices and regarded women more as children in adult bodies than as adult themselves. In addition to this element, Gilman's short story also introduces the way in which the medical professional interacted with women, supporting the cultural paradigm that marginalized women and added the authority of the male doctor to the social boundaries that keep women from having any sense of adult autonomy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Spielberg/Catch Me If You Can
A 10 pages research paper/essay that examines Catch Me If You Can (2002, directed by Stephen Spielberg), which is the most-or-less true story of Frank W. Abagnale Jr., a disturbed, but ingenious adolescent who successfully impersonates being an airline pilot, a lawyer, and a doctor, while also forging 2.5 million dollars in checks, all between the ages of 16 and 21. There is arguably nothing more appealing in film than the hero who has the ability to do anything. However, this film also provides insight into deeper, more poignant truths about human nature than are evident in Frank's flashy criminal lifestyle. The writer discusses cinematography, editing, sound design and other aspects of the film. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Robert Louis Stevenson's Autobiographical Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
A 5 page essay that makes the point that on the surface, there is little to connect The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to the events that make up the life of its author Robert Louis Stevenson. Jekyll was English; Stevenson was born in Scotland. Jekyll was a scientist, a doctor; Stevenson a lawyer by education and a writer by profession, and, of course, the fundamental premise of the novel, which is that Jekyll transforms into Hyde, is in the realm of science fiction. However, if one looks below the surface and consider this work for what it says about Stevenson's Victorian mindset, autobiographical aspects begin to emerge. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
A 5 page essay that analyzes Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," an enigmatic in which Gray does not disclose precisely for whom he mourns. In other words, the reader is left to guess at the identity of the "youth" whose epitaph make up the final twelve lines of the poem. Is it the poet, foreseeing his own demise? Or, an ode to someone whom he loved? It is difficult to say; however, the emotions that the poem engenders in the heart of the reader are more distinct. This poem leaves the reader feeling nostalgic toward the simple life of the agrarian past. The latter part of the poem leaves the reader feeling pensive and reflective on the sanctity and transient nature of life, which causes one to identify with the unfortunate young man described at the end of poem who has passed away in the flower of youth. No additional sources cited.
A Midwife's Tale by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
A 6 page essay on Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s richly
beautiful “A Midwife’s Tale.” The writer is particularly concerned with the book’s unique perspective on early Republic days. No additional sources cited.
Impact of Free Trade
A 3 page essay looking impartially at both sides of the free trade issue. The paper defines free trade and presents
some of the arguments both for and against it. No additional sources cited.
Defending Nuclear Power Facilities
A 5 page paper essay arguing in favor of nuclear power generation in the US. The bottom line is that as the world’s leading consumer of fossil fuels and electrical power, the US ethically, morally, environmentally and economically should be pursuing only nuclear and hydro power generation at the present time and for the foreseeable future. The benefits of nuclear power generation are too numerous and too clear to reject out of hand. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
'The Death of the Moth' by Virginia Woolf
This 5 page paper is a discussion of Woolf's essay, "The Death of the Moth". This paper examines how eloquently Woolf speaks of death and how the death of the moth can be likened to how human beings should value life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cultural Diversity/Religion in South Africa
A 4 page research paper/essay that is formatted to be delivered as a speech to a Methodist youth convention in South Africa. The topic is accommodating cultural diversity using the philosophy of ubuntu in South Africa. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Global Population Analysis
A 6 page paper. This essay looks at five countries: Rwanda, Costa Rica, Iraq, the United Kingdom and Australia. The writer reports demographic data for each country, points out the significant differences between countries, such as life expectancy and mortality rate, and discusses specific issues, such as the impact of population growth. 2 Tables included. A great deal of statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Lutheran Refugee Services
An 18 page paper. Lutheran Refugee Service is part of the Lutheran Family Service organization. This essay provides a brief historical overview, mission, vision and value statements, comments about human resource management, and a SWOT analysis of Lutheran Refugee Service with an emphasis on services in Nebraska. The paper also comments on leadership, fiscal management and responsibility, marketing, the impact of government and ethical and legal issues. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
A New Kind of Psychology
A 3 page paper that explains what positive psychology is, its major themes, and its underlying principles. The essay includes a research example where positive psychology was used with depressive patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGpospsyc.rtf
Missile Defense System of President George W. Bush
This 5 page paper begins with comments related to the need for an anti-ballistic missile program. The essay then outlines President George W. Bush's anti-ballistic missile defense program, including future capacities and technology. The writer also comments on the difference between the current program, President Reagan's SDI and President Bush's global protection program. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Good Mother 'Myth' Perpetuated by Princess Diana
This 10 page essay explores Diana's role as a mother and how, although she tried to fulfill this obligation, often chose selfish goals over the integration of family values. A synopsis of the events which led up to her divorce, and her death, portray a troubled woman intertwined with the colder side of royalty. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Girls, Women, and the Impact of the Media
This essay examines how the media (including television, film, print and commercials) impacts the self-image that women and girls have of themselves. Topics include studies that have been done to ascertain the media's impact on women's roles in society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Relationship Between Mother and Daughter in Warrior Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston
A 5 page essay on the mother's expectations, legacy, and results of the daughter's efforts in Maxine Hong Kingston's autobiography. The writer posits that both the mother and daughter, though retaining separate ideologies, come together in the fact that the daughter becomes a warrior woman, a warrior created through the help of the mother. No additional sources cited.
The Importance of Memory in Beloved by Toni Morrison
A 3 page essay discussing the essentiality of memory, re-call memory, and disremembering. The writer compares and discusses the painful memories of several key characters including : Sethe, Baby Suggs, and Paul D. Elements of the comparison include the effects of memory on each character and how they deal with it.
Evaluation Of A Web Site For Educators
A 5 page paper. The essay begins by identifying the Web site to be evaluated and the credentials of the author. The writer discusses the criteria for evaluating Web sites and relates these criteria to the target Web site. The Web site is Kim's Korner For Teachers. A specific document, Writing Process Timeline is evaluated in terms of its value and advantages. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Ethical Perspectives on Factory Farm Raising of Animals for Human Consumption
In five pages this paper considers the practice of rampant consumerism and mass production of animals for food from an ethical perspective with references made to Peter Singer’s essay “Down on the Factory Farm.” Also discussed are the practices associated with the corporate or factory farming of pigs, chicken, cattle, and dairy cows as well the role advertising plays in influencing individual eating habits. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Organizational Communication Theory and Downward Communications
This 5-page paper covers downward communciation, a theory of organizational communication. The essay examines the concept, discusses its use and then weighs the pros and cons of such a theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Enron And Corporate Culture
A 4 page paper that begins with comments about the four disciplines that influence the field of organizational behavior. The essay identifies seven dimensions of organizational culture and briefly discusses these as they relate to Enron's corporate culture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Jealousy in Othello
A 3 page essay that discusses jealousy in Shakespeare's Othello. Jealousy, both professional jealousy and sexual jealousy, plays is the primary motivational force portrayed by Shakespeare in Othello. While Shakespeare focuses primarily on Othello's sexual jealousy as his motivation for the murder of his wife, Desdemona, behind Othello's actions are the manipulations of Iago, which are motivated by professional jealousy. In other words, throughout the play, in general, Shakespeare warns his audience against the insidiously evil effect of jealousy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Essay on Nestles Withdrawing Infant Formula from the Third World
This 9-page paper is an argumentative essay that supports the idea that Nestles should remove its infant formula from Third World nations. The paper outlines pros and cons in this regard.
Marketing Strategies for Coca Cola
A 10 page paper. The Coca-Cola Company has been the world's largest producer of carbonated soft drinks for many years. It holds that position through diversification, development of new products, creating new markets, and market penetration. This essay reports and discusses the company's marketing mix, how they target niche markets, and how they position the company. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Assessing Traits
A 4 page paper that includes an outline in the page count. The paper begins with the thesis statement: Personality, interest, and attitude measures can be helpful in different settings. The essay goes on to explain the history of personality measures through the Big 5. It describes the Strong Interest Inventory and measures of attitudes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Personality Characteristics
A 5 page essay that provides an example paper that is designed to aid a psychology student in this task by providing a guide that discusses the development of three of the student’s personality traits. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Leadership Theories And Personality Traits Of Effective Leaders
A 20 page paper. The first part of this essay discusses some of the major leadership theorists and their ideas, including Drucker, Mintzberg and Goleman. The second part discusses the personality traits that have been associated with highly successful managers and leaders. The paper ends by presenting Collins' Level 5 as the quintessential leader and incorporates ideas presented earlier in the paper. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Evolution Of Gospel Music In America
A 7 page paper that presents the history and evolution of gospel music beginning with music created by slaves. The name of this music also changed from anthem to spiritual to gospel over the years. The essay comments on the separation of white gospel music and black gospel music and identifies some of the pioneers in this field as well as more contemporary performers as gospel transitioned to mainstream. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Stephen Jay Gould Panda's Thumb
This 5 page paper reviews this intriguing collection of essays by the controversial scientist Stephen Jay Gould. Evolution is discussed. No additional sources cited.
How To Improve Patient Satisfaction Article Review
A 5 page paper that discuses an article entitled: "How to Improve Patient Satisfaction When Patients Are Already Satisfied: A Continuous Process- Improvement Approach." The essay includes a brief summary of the article, discusses key learning pints, provides an analysis of the article and the method it proposes, and explains how this method can bridge the gap between theory and conceptual work. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Market Research on Frigidaire's Front Loading Washing Machines
This 2.5 page paper continues the case study of Frigidaire's new front-loading washing machine. The essay begins with an overview of market segmentation and an outline of market research the company has that segments the market. The writer then recommends positioning strategies for marketing this new machine. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
CSI Personal Code of Ethics
An 8 page research paper/essay that draws on sources in order to offer advice to a student regarding crafting a personal code of ethics for crime scene investigations (CSI). This discussion of literature focuses on the need of CSI agents to craft a personal code of ethics that builds on this professional ethical mandate using a major ethical framework as a guide. This example of such a personal code of ethics utilizes the framework provided by Christian Ethics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Marriage Counseling - Case Study
An 8 page paper that begins with an overview of family counseling. The writer then discusses a case scenario supplied by the student. The essay discusses how the therapist prepares for the third session, some of the questions and hypothetical responses from the couple, what family therapy approaches would be used, other questions that will need to be asked and finally comments on whether or not the couple will remain together. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Common Ground Stood on by Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X
A 4 page essay that contrasts the positions on political activism of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King by looking at Letter from the Birmingham Jail and Malcolm X's autobiography. The writer argue that by the end of his life, Malcolm X's attitude toward violence had changed and come much closer to that of Dr. King. No additional sources cited.
Anxiety In Children In The Classroom
A 5 page paper. This essay on anxiety in children, reviews and comments on three journal articles that discuss the topic. The articles specifically deal with: strategies teachers can use to reduce anxiety; how anxiety and other factors affect student math performance; and treating and preventing test anxiety in the school. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Maya Angelou/Phenomenal Woman
A 4 page essay that offers an explication and analysis of this poem. Throughout the course of human history, men haven been primarily admired for their accomplishments, but the focus of admiration for women has been on whether or not their appearance fit with what a particular society considered beautiful. In her poem "Phenomenal Woman," Maya Angelou challenges this pervasive cultural feature and asserts that she is extraordinary and immensely attractive, without fitting within any of society's preconceived notions of how female beauty and attractiveness should be defined and conceptualized. No additional sources cited.
Courage is Named Maya Angelou
This 5 page paper is an essay about the courageous spirit of Maya Angelou. Also quoted is the poem from the Million Man March which is used to depict her use of metaphor and message of courage to all people regardless of race or gender. Bibliography lists 1 source.
X-Ray Technician
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses the field of x-ray technician -- the duties of this position, how it contributes to a medical team and the educational requirements. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Leadership at Top Specialty Coffee Company
A 9 page paper that discusses the leadership styles Howard Schultz has used since he returned as CEO in 2008. They include autocratic, transactional, transformational, and servant. The essay also discusses a team leader at Starbucks, Howard Behar who was president of North America Starbucks and Starbucks International. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Nursing Leadership, A Reflective Essay
A 5 page reflective essay that discusses nursing leadership and offers tutorial guidance to a nursing student regarding how to incorporate the student's nursing style, which is democratic. Transformational and pacesetting leadership are also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Narrative Essay on the Most Influential Person in My Life, My Grandmother (Lola)
In three pages this paper offers a narrative essay on the difficult life and death of the author’s Filipino aborigine grandmother, who endured countless hardships in the southern fishing island section of the Philippines who struggled and sacrificed for her family until her death from tuberculosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
Women and Love According to Kahlil Gibran
A 4 page essay that discusses and analyzes three poems by the famous Arab writer and poet. The poems addressed are "Marriage," "Love," and "Children." No additional source are cited.
An Examination of Four Love Poems
A 3 page essay that examines four poems in terms of how they use poetic devices to express the emotion of love. Poems examines are Elizabeth Barret Browning's "How do I love thee?", Robert Burns' "My Love is like a red, red, rose", Ann Bradstreet's "To my dear and loving husband", and Sir Walter Raleigh's "The Nymph's reply to the shepherd." No additional sources cited.
William Shakespeare's Infamous Couple Lord and Lady Macbeth
A 4 page essay that analyzes the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's classic play and argues that these characters are very much alike. The writer argues that an examination of the action demonstrates that Macbeth is just as ambitious as his wife, and also just as murderous. In other words, Macbeth and his lady are well matched and very much alike in their aspirations towards power. No additional sources cited.
Legal Right Versus What's Right
A 4 page paper that discusses the issue of having the right to do something versus what is right to do. The essay presents four situations that could emerge in a company and discusses the company's legal right to do it and explains why it is not the right thing to do. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Global Economy and the United States
A 5 page essay discussing different aspects of the world economy, in general, and the U.S. economy, in particular. The asset-price inflation bubble is discussed with examples of the two primary dangers associated with it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Dust Tracks on a Road Autobiography by Zora Neale Hurston
A 5 page essay on Zora Neale Hurston's autobiography. It describes Zora's life briefly, then analyzes two major problems with the book, namely Zora's lack of closure regarding her prophetic 'visions' and her inability to perceive herself as a member of an oppressed race. No additional sources cited.
The theme of insanity in The Yellow Wallpaper
A 6 page essay on Gilman's 'Yellow Wallpaper' in which the writer describes how the narrator is pushed gradually into a state of madness by her husband, John. Her room is described as a prison and her eventual independence is remarked to have been traded in for her sanity. Quotes from the story are used to support points made. No other sources cited.
Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer by Miller
An 8 page comparative essay on Henry Miller's 'Tropic of Cancer' and 'Tropic of Capricorn.' The writer argues that the subject of these sexually explicit books was the real quadrangle of sex—passion, politics, boredom and death. Although he viewed the works as conscious-raising efforts, he believed his attempts would be futile. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Topsy Stereotyping in Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
A 10 page essay analyzing the characterization of this little girl in Harriet Beecher Stowe's classic work. The paper concludes that Harriet Beecher Stowe intended to show through her portrayal of Topsy that blacks are not inherently morally bankrupt, but simply unsaved souls who have never been shown the true path to salvation. Thus it was intended to be a symbol, not a realistic characterization. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
'My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun' by Emily Dickinson
A 3 page essay that discusses Emily Dickinson's poem number 754, "My Life has stood--a Loaded Gun," in which Dickinson represents herself and her life, metaphorically, as a loaded weapon, a phallic symbol that is associated with masculinity. The imagery, and the energy, that pervades the poem indicates Dickinson's deeply seated conflicted feelings concerning traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity and the symbolism she employs expresses her inner rage at the restricted nature of gender that was prevalent in Victorian society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road and Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
In this 6 page essay, the writer uses two of Whitman's poems 'Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking,' and 'Song Of The Open Road, to show how the poets works were usually similar in theme yet dissimilar in purpose. The first of these is a poem filled with rich images, sounds, and symbolic meanings. The second is a collection of meaningful yet ambiguously patterned sentences decorated with inquiries into life -- yet each remain focused upon the underlying theme of humanity, nature, etc. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses how Ellen Watkins Harper's poem "The Double Standard" explores the relationship between the sexes during the 19th century.
Advancing Age in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats
A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes 3 poems by Yeats. In three of his best poems, William Butler Yeats addresses the age-old topic of mortality and the bitterness of advancing age. These poems are "Among School Children," "Sailing to Byzantium," and "Byzantium." These three poems thematically share and develop Yeats' thoughts relative to the loss of youth and the decline and decay of the human body contrasted against what is eternal in human experience, which is the medium of art and the striving of the soul toward perfection. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
'Dialogue between the Soul and the Body' by Andrew Marvell
A 3 page essay that explicates Marvell's poem "A Dialogue between the Soul and the Body." In this poem, Marvell addresses the duality of human nature. Examination of Marvell's thought on this topic shows that he considers the perspective of the soul and the body to be contradictory. No additional sources cited.
Three Poems by Gary Soto, Nikki Giovanni, and William Blake
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares poems by eighteenth century poet William Blake and modern poets Nikki Giovanni and Gary Soto. Examination of a representative poem from Blake, Giovanni and Soto shows that each of these poets, in his or her own individualistic manner, addresses how human beings deal with each other and how this affects the individuals involved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Maya Angelou/Phenomenal Woman
A 4 page essay that offers an explication and analysis of this poem. Throughout the course of human history, men haven been primarily admired for their accomplishments, but the focus of admiration for women has been on whether or not their appearance fit with what a particular society considered beautiful. In her poem "Phenomenal Woman," Maya Angelou challenges this pervasive cultural feature and asserts that she is extraordinary and immensely attractive, without fitting within any of society's preconceived notions of how female beauty and attractiveness should be defined and conceptualized. No additional sources cited.
Lord Byron, We'll Go No More A-Roving
A 5 page research paper/essay that analyzes this poem by George Gordon, Lord Byron. A close examination of this poem and where it fits in Byron's life suggests a negative view of Bryon, both as a poet and as an individual. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Dead and the Living by Sharon Olds
A 4 page essay that offers a general overview of Sharon Olds' poetry collection The Dead and the Living. Several poems are briefly explicated and the major themes of each section are addressed. The writer argues that the poems serve to capture a moment in time, a feeling, a memory, preserving not only the way something or someone looked, but also the emotions involved. In this manner, her verse preserves human experience. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Langston Hughes, An Overview
A 5 page essay that offers background on the biography of Langston Hughes and then discussion of five of his poems: "Bad Man," "Cross," "Let American be America Again," "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "Silhouette." Bibliography lists these poems and 2 additional sources.
Is the Common Law of Posner Common Sense?
Posner’s Common Law – Does It Make Common Sense?: This 6-page analytical essay examines Posner’s claims regarding common law and its relevance to efficiency. Opposing expert viewpoints are included, and linear conclusions are reached. Whether or not Posner’s ideas pan out, he has nonetheless provided the judiciary system with a very valuable launching pad. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNPosner.doc
Race and the War Film Genre
In this well reasoned 5 page essay, the writer argues that war films have traditionally avoided having to portray African Americans in a realistic manner. Even films about the Civil War "hid" Black people to a large extent -- out of fear that doing otherwise would invoke some controversial discontent. A number of insightful examples from war films are provided to support this thesis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Horror Cinematic Genre
This paper examines the various sub-genres within the main genre of "horror films," noting examples of films during the late 20th century. The essay also discusses why horror films endure in appeal, and the difference between psychological thrillers and blood-and-gore films. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Contemporary Manifestations of Terrorism
This 10 page paper is really three essays combined into one paper. Three sections address different subjects related to terrorism. Sections are as follows: I. Major trends in terrorism in recent years; II. The most important emerging trends in terrorism; III. Major organizational patterns of current terrorist groups and how they may or may not change in the future. Many issues are addressed including biological warfare, suicide bombing and Internet terrorism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Biographical Sketch of Bipolar Disorder
A 14 page paper. The essay includes the definition, incidence, causes and symptoms of this mental illness and discusses the difficulty of diagnosing early onset of bipolar disorder. One of the issues with youth is the similarity to ADHD symptoms. The most effective treatment interventions are explained. The last section discusses suicide among bipolar disorder patients. A biographical sketch of a real person with bipolar disorder are intermingled in the text. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Colonial and Post Colonial History of Bali
An 8 page essay that draws heavily on J. Stephen Lansing's anthropological study of Bali entitled "The Balinese" and outlines the history of this island culture during its colonial and post-colonial eras. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and Interpretation of a Specific Passage
A 3 page essay that analyzes a passage from Tolstoy's novel and discusses it in relation to the rest of the book. Tolstoy's epic novel Anna Karenina, after dealing with adultery, disillusionment, being social ostracized and finally with suicide, concludes with a life-affirming declaration by one of the novel's principal characters, Konstantin Dmitrich Levin. Examination of this passage shows that it successfully enforces one of the themes that Tolstoy has stressed throughout the course of the novel, namely the importance of family to happiness and a sense of meaning in life. No additional sources cited.
Feminism and The Awakening by Kate Chopin
A 6 page essay that analyzes Kate Chopin's masterpiece The Awakening. The writer proposes that the ultimate question in interpreting this novel to discern why Edna commits suicide. Scholarship has explored this question, and this body of literature suggests that Chopin's evaluation of patriarchy and its effects goes beyond a surface reading that defines Victorian marriage as restrictive and Edna's "awakening" as purely sexual. Close examination of this novel suggests that Chopin intended the reader to see Edna as being psychically scarred by her strict Presbyterian background and cold, patriarchal father. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Chopin's Awakening/Edna & Adele & Mme. Reisz
A 3 page essay that discussing the roles of Adele and Mme. Reisz in Kate Chopin's nineteenth century masterpiece The Awakening, which tells the story of Edna Pontellier, a Victorian era wife and mother who rejects that era's strict interpretation of gender roles as she attempts to fashion a life as an autonomous, sexual individual and as an artist. Ultimately, however, Edna rejects even this alternative lifestyle and commits suicide. To aid the reader in understanding Edna and the motivations for her actions throughout the novel, Chopin contrasts Edna with two very different women, Adele Ratignolle and Mademoiselle Reisz. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Communities/Societies in 4 Films
A 6 page essay that discusses 4 films and how each one encompasses the concept of community. The films are Black Hawk Down, Hotel Rwanda, Deep Impact and The Village. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Gender/Sexuality in 6 Films
A 7 page essay that discusses six films. Films often address the topics of gender and sexuality. Even when these issues are not in the forefront of the narrative, they are impossible to completely delete from any story that addresses the human condition. This analyses of six films looks at how each one conceptualizes gender and addresses issues of sexuality. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Guinevere and Lancelot/Their Love in 2 Films
A 5 page essay that analyzes 2 films having to do with Arthurian legend. This examination of two film adaptations focuses on the handling of the love affair between Lancelot and Guinevere in First Knight, directed by Jerry Zucker in 1995 and Mists of Avalon, a 2001 televised production directed by Uli Edel. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A Research Paper and Essay on 3 Independent Films
A 6 page essay/research paper that examines Clerks (1994), Pulp Fiction (1994), and The Blair Witch Project (1999). These are very different movies, yet they are all classified as successful independent films. The differences between these films brings up what question of what, precisely, constitutes an independent film? The writer explores this question in relation to these 3 films. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Central Section Of The Gospel Of Luke
An 8 page paper. The central section of Luke is comprised of Chapters 9:51-19:44. Biblical scholars have been trying to understand why Luke wrote these chapters as he did, mentioning towns but never saying the group had arrived. The vagueness of the geography has led scholars to offer different names for this section, like the Travel Narrative. This essay discusses this issue, including comments on why Jesus may have taken a roundabout route from Galilee to Jerusalem. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Future Global Predictions
This 5 page essay focuses on predictions for the world in the context of cultural geography. Several issues are explored inclusive of population, agriculture, ethnicity, and religion. No bibliography.
English Law Land Legislation in 1925
1925 Land Legislation in English Law: This 12-page essay examines the tenets of Great Britain’s 1925 land law statutes, while discussing the underlying property ownership issues, overall objectives, and the legislation’s ultimate judicial legacy. The Law of Property Act and the Land Registration Act, (both of 1925) were two landmark pieces of legislation that would irrevocably and forever, change the face of English property laws. Bibliography lists 10 sources. SNLandlw.doc
Evaluating the Fairness of Megan's Law
A 6 page paper. Megan's Law is the federal and state laws that require sex offenders to register with local law enforcement agencies upon release from prison. This essay provides information about the law, how it came to be, and argues that this is a fair and just law. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Flawed Hero Victor Frankenstein
This essay tries to answer the question of whether Victor Frankenstein, in the Mary Shelley classic novel, acted heroically or was a flawed human being; a question that literary critics and analysists have attempted to answer for decades. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
'Odour of Chrysanthemums' by D.H. Lawrence and 'Chrysanthemums' by John Steinbeck
A 5 page essay that analyzes John Steinbeck's short story "The Chrysanthemums" and D. H. Lawrence's "Odour of Chrysanthemums." The writer argues that the female protagonists in the stories are similar, comparing similarities and differences in characterization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
North Carolina and Usury Laws
This 3 page paper explains and discusses usury laws. There is no federal law specifying maximum interest rates and fees for credit. Congress believed the Truth in Lending Act would provide sufficient protection for debtors. That is not true. This essay reports the number of states with and without usury laws and then provides the maximum legal rates in North Carolina. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analysis of 2 Horror Films
A 5 page essay that discusses the X factor, that is, the "horror" component, in Psycho (1960) and Frankenstein (1931), looking at the elements of the cinematic art. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Novel and Film Versions of The Rainmaker
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares the film The Rainmaker (1995), directed by Francis Ford Coppola, with the novel by John Grisham, on which the film is based. The writer argues that an examination of the book and film demonstrates that the changes instituted in the character of Kelly and her interactions with the main protagonist, Rudy, epitomizes the differences between these two forms of this story. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Film, Theater, and Rhetoric
Rhetoric in Theatre and Film: This 8-page essay examines the ways in which rhetoric functions within the constructs of theatre and film, while also contrasting the relationship between Eastern and Western mentalities relevant to rhetorical expression. By way of example, two divergent films will be used: “The Emperor and the Assassin” and “The Godfather.” Bibliography lists 6 sources. SNThefil.doc
Banned in East German
A 7 page research paper/essay that looks at 2 East German films that were banned in the 1960s: Carla (Karla), directed by Hermann Zschoche in 1966 and Born in '45 (Jahrgang '45), directed by Jurgen Bottcher also in 1966. This examination of these two films looks specifically at why these two films were targeted for censorship. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Born on the Fourth of July
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses “Born on the Fourth of July” (1989, directed by Oliver Stone for Universal), which is a film based on the autobiography of Vietnam War veterans Ron Kovic. The film focuses on Kovic and his experiences as a paraplegic, due to his war injuries, but it also encompasses the lives of his family and friends, revealing their motivations, preferences, actions and values. These factors direct and influence the ways in which each character in the film demonstrates a personal conception of social responsibility. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
1956 Film Adaptation/Moby Dick
A 3 page essay that discusses director’s John Huston’s 1956 film adaptation of Herman Mellvile’s 1851 novel Moby Dick. Huston offers a simplified version of the novel, yet the film manages to capture the basic thematic essence of Melville’s study of good and evil, as the film primarily focuses on the character of Ahab and how his obsession with the great white whale that took his leg comes to rule over his life. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A Narrative Analysis of the American Beauty Film
A 10 page research paper/essay that offers a narrative analysis of the 1999 film American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes. The writer argues that the film’s characterization is the point of the film and explains the characters and how they interact. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Urban Aesthetic and the Films of Martin Scorsese
A 9 page essay that examines film director Martin Scorsese urban aesthetic in regards to his representation of New York City in three of his films: After Hours, Mean Streets and Taxi Driver. The writer examines how the city is used in each film and argues that Scorsese portrays this environment as a nightmare vision in which a character can easily lose his way and his soul. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Film Noir Techniques in the Film, Kiss Me Deadly
A 3 page essay/research paper that discusses the mis-en-scene elements of costume and makeup in relation to the opening sequence in a film noir classic. In Kiss Me Deadly (1955, produced and directed by Robert Aldrich for United Artists) the defining elements of film noir are established in the first scene, a scene in which the mis-en-scene elements of costume and makeup aid in defining the film noir ambiance and specifically the anti-hero status of the protagonist, private detective Mike Hammer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Film Adaptation of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie and the Mood Function of Music
A 3 page essay that discusses the function of music in the 1987 film adaptation of Tennessee Williams' play The Glass Menagerie, directed by Paul Newman. In this film, composer Henry Mancini provided some truly memorable music. Mancini's score adds immeasurably to the mood of the film, underscoring Williams' thematic meaning. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Teen Suicide
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers a student doing a Bible Discernment exercise on suicide advice on how to address the various sections of this Christian analysis/response to the problem of teen suicide. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Right to Die Argumentative Essay
A 5 page research paper, which presents an argumentative essay that addresses the right to die issue of physician assisted suicide. The writer argues in favor of this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Nurse Retention and Teams Effects
This 8 page paper presents a case history of one trauma center that decreased their turnover rate from 58 percent to 15 percent and have a list of nurses who want to work at the center. This essay reports the process this center used to develop empowered teams that led to such remarkable success. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ratio of Patients to Nurses
A 5 page paper that reports and discusses nurse to patient ratios. California is the first state that initiated and subsequently passed a bill legislating the ratio of nurse to patient. The bill was passed in 1999 but it is only in 2002 that the mandates are finally being put into effect. This essay presents the argument against ratio limits and points out that research is clear about the correlation between nurse-patient ratio and quality of care. Bibliography lists 7 sources. PGnrsrto.rtf
Admissions Essay, Doctoral Program, Family Nurse Practitioner
A 7 page example admissions essay for a Family Nurse Practitioner discussing plans for a doctoral program. The writer specifically addresses suggestions for the student in regards to stating goals, providing an example of problem solving and plans for a final synthesis research project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Coping Strategies & Influences on Student Nurse
A 4 page paper that offers a nursing study advice on how to write an essay that addresses coping/defense mechanisms and personal influences. Tutorial language is used. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nursing Leadership, A Reflective Essay
A 5 page reflective essay that discusses nursing leadership and offers tutorial guidance to a nursing student regarding how to incorporate the student's nursing style, which is democratic. Transformational and pacesetting leadership are also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the nursing concepts of person, environment, health/illness and nursing. This examination of these concepts examines each idea in relation to how it is defined by the Barry University School of Nursing faculty, but also offering a personal perspective on the meaning of each term. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Philosophy of Nursing
A 7 page example essay that describes a personal philosophy of nursing. This perspective on nursing draws heavily on the career of Florence Nightingale and offers comparisons between this first modern nursing theory and the student's hypothetical personal position. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Responses to Two Nursing Posts
This 3 page essay describes how a student might possibly respond to two nursing posts. The first of which refers to creating a safer nursing system and the second to the role of the master's prepared nurse. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Nurses Job Satisfaction
An 11 page paper. This essay reports studies that reveal the shortage of nurses and future projections and studies that discuss and report conclusions on the level of job satisfaction among registered nurses in hospitals. One of the issues discussed is moral distress. Other issues include the high patient ratio and satisfaction levels related to specialty area and setting. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Role of Charge Nurse
A 3 page essay that discusses the implications of a significant question: "Why should I inform my charge nurse if the patient is in critical condition"? Bibliography lists 3 sources.
ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses
A 3 page essay that describes the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses and then addresses the topics of recommendations for areas of weakness and feasibility of enforcement. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nurse’s Role in Healthy People 2010 Agenda
A 3 page research paper/essay in which the writer offers advice to a student nurse on describing a personal role in the Healthy People 2010 agenda. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Interview With Nurse CEO
A 7 page paper that begins with a summary of this hypothetical interview with a nurse who is the CEO of a health network. The essay responds to certain questions asked and provides elaboration from the literature. Questions focus on leadership issues, such as definition, trends, qualities, philosophy, learning experiences, mentors and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
John F. Haught's 'A Theology of Evolution'
5 pages. This essay is an analysis of the book God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution by John F. Haught. Haught proposes some very interesting thoughts within these pages and there are questions brought up herein that would be fascinating to bring up with the author himself. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Moltmann's Theology Of The Cross And Trinity
A 9 page paper that discusses some of Moltmann's theologies regarding the Trinity and the significance of the Cross in the Trinity. The essay presents other theologians who agree in some part and disagree in other parts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Writings of 5 Founding Fathers of Early Christian Theology
A 7 page essay that addresses the writing of five of the founding fathers of the early Christian faith. The documents addressed are The Didache, Justin's First Apology, and Irenaeus' Against Heresy, as well as some of the writing of Tertullian and Cyprian. No additional souses cited.
The Reformation And Eucharistic Theology
A 15 page paper. There were three major Protestant Reformers: Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. This essay reports and discusses the doctrine and theology of the Church at the time and the beliefs of each of these reformers in terms of the Lord's Supper/the Eucharist. The writer discuses the controversy and conflict between and among them. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Saint Thomas Aquinas' Theology
A 3 page essay that discusses Aquinas' proofs of the existence of God, as outlined in his Summa theologica, and then discusses briefly Aquinas' conception of the nature of God. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
John and Matthew's Theology
A 3 page research paper/essay that compares and contrasts the theology in the gospels of Matthew and John. The writer discusses differences, but argues that these differences are simply due to the authors focusing on different aspects of the life of Christ. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Jesus and Christology
A 5 page research essay exploring contemporary study of Christology. The focus of Christology is somewhat different depending on which theologian one reads, however one definition that seems to be accepted is that Christology and bible studies are 'two aspects of a single inquiry into divine revelation.' It also focuses on the life of Jesus and once again asks the question, 'Who was He?' This writer contends that some things in life must be accepted on faith and 'who Jesus is' is one of those things. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Emergence of Feminist Theology
A 5 page paper. More than 30 years ago, a feminist interpretation of theology was argued by early writers such as Mary Daly. Since then, there have been numerous writers addressing this topic. This essay defines feminist theology and discusses the basis for feminist theology's emergence. How some of the writers have approached the topic is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Existence of Angels
A 5 page research essay about the existence of heavenly angels. The writer argues that if one believes in the Bible, which is the foundation for all Christian religions, then there is no other conclusion to draw regarding angels but the fact that they do, in fact, exist. There are thousands of references to God's angels in both the Old and New Testaments; references that place angels on earth. There is not reason to not believe that God would send His angels to earth today as He did then. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Achievement of Faith in Easing Conflict
Easing Conflict is Achieved Through Faith: This 12-page essay explores how we can find peace during times of conflict and personal struggle. Using the Holy Scriptures, many of God’s promises and teachings are quoted, then examined in-depth. According to the Bible the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, and He will always prove an avid listener if we simply just talk to Him. Bibliography lists 1 source. SNConfli.doc
Mozart's Don Giovanni and Figaro
A 7 page research paper/essay that examines Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) and Don Giovanni, which shows that these two operas are mirror images of Mozart's Enlightenment era philosophy on the struggle between the classes. The writer emphasizes how the plots of these operas demonstrate Enlightenment concepts (music is addressed in this regard, but not the focus of the paper). Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Production of 'Aida' by Giuseppe Verdi and Reaction to It
A 5 page essay that discusses the writer's reaction to a production of Verdi's Aida. The impact of the set decoration, the pageantry and the drama of the narrative are discussed as well as the music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Aristotle, Avenue Q, Joe Turner's Come and Gone
A 3 page essay that discusses Avenue Q, a Broadway play that is as study in pop culture. Aristotle's six elements of drama are plot, character, diction, music, thought and spectacle (McManus, 1999). While Aristotle wrote in relation to the ancient Greek theater of his time, his observations are still extremely applicable and can be used to address the dramatic elements of modern theater. For example, they provide a framework for analyzing the contemporary plays Avenue Q and Joe's Turner's Come and Gone. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A Four Cities' Analysis
This 9 page paper is a totally fictitious analysis of different demographic aspects of four areas, showing how to analysis different factors such as income, ethnicity, music preference, number o f children and use of the media. The paper shows how to use cross tabulation in essay format. The statistics used are fabricated. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses the various parts of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. The writer describes each section, its music and its symbolism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cultural Context And Interpretation Of Scripture
An 8 page paper that discusses how cultural context influences our interpretation of Scripture. The writer provides some examples of how people in different regions might interpret the same Biblical verse differently. The essay also comments on the importance of cultural context in understanding the Bible and what that phrase means. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Behemoth and the Leviathan
A 3 page paper that discusses the beasts in this chapter. There are many beasts described in the Bible. Typically, there is little agreement about what the beast really is. This essay discusses what these creatures might be and whether they are real or just myths. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Angels as God's Messengers in The Bible
This 6 page essay investigates the concept of angels throughout the Bible. Specific verses are cited to illustrate the various roles of angels, including but not limited to: protectors, warriors, chastisers, encouragers, predictors of the future and instructors, always fulfilling the word of God. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Preface to Musical Experience in Tumbuka Healing by Steven Friedson
This 6 page essay offers summation and reflection that focuses on the Preface from Friedson's text. The writer explains Friedson's thesis in the text and relates this to modern practices. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Three Brief Essays on Musical Topics
A 5 page paper that contains three short essays on three specific topics. These are: Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as 'absolute' music, compared with Berlioz's 'Symphonie Fantastique' as 'program' music; Mozart's 'The Marriage of Figaro' and Verdi's 'La Traviata' as revolutionary opera; and The Lives of Mozart, Schubert and Mendelssohn. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Use of Songs and Games to Teach English as a Second Language
This 5 page paper discusses the use of songs and games to teach English in the ESL classroom. The writer first provides a theoretical justification for using music to learn, in general, and to learn English, in particular. The essay then discusses the use of music for cognitive, affective and linguistic purposes. Finally, the writer reports some specific ideas on the use of songs and games for specific learning goals, such as vocabulary, phonetics, listening comprehension and more. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Lerner and Lowe's Brigadoon
A 3 page essay that offers suggestions to a student on how to analyze a video of this production, in regards to the music. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea and Symbolism
Symbolism in “The Old Man and the Sea”: This 5-page essay examines the novella “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway, while exploring some of its many intrinsic examples of symbolism. Whatever symbolic meaning is the ‘true’ Hemingway meaning of Santiago, (and they may all be true) the quality of this story is that of poetry rather than prose, and the music of its narrative language is the indefinable essence of its dignity. Bibliography lists 3 sources. SNMansea.doc
Burning CDs/Ethical Issues
A 3 page research paper/essay that analyzes the ethical issues involved in downloading music illegally from the Internet or burning an illegal copy of a CD obtained from a friend. Utilitarian and deontological positions are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Falasha Liturgy and Indian Cassette Industry, Reflection on these Issues
A 6 page essay that summarizes and reflects on the 1980 article "''Historical Ethnomusicology': Reconstructing Falasha Liturgical History" by Kay Kaufman Shelemay and Peter Manuel's 1991 article "The Cassette Industry and Popular Music in North India." No additional sources are cited.
Today's Youth and Counterculture Force Feeding
Counterculture Force Fed to Today’s Youth?: This 8-page essay examines how today’s dark counterculture is marketed to modern day youth, what at stake, and how music (and other media) contributes to its ribald success. Only by committing oneself to an ongoing program of talking to, listening to and systematically monitoring this demographic group can one hope to profit from this burgeoning market. Bibliography lists 6 sources. SNCountr.doc
Reaction to the Works of Claude Debussy and Claude Monet
A 5 page essay that records the writer's reactions to Claude Monet's painting "Garden at Sainte-Adresse" and Claude Debussy's music "Claire de Lune." The writer discusses how, in both cases, the construction of their work creates a specific "impression" in the mind of the viewer/listener, and the writer posits that this objective is obtained by subtly altering standards in their respective arts that previously had been considered immutable. No sources cited.
Comparing the Story of Joseph/Bible, Qur'an
A 5 page essay that compares and contrasts the versions of Joseph's story that appear in the Bible and the Qur'an. No additional sources are cited.
Issues in Ethnomusicology, Agawu and McClary
This 6 page essay summarizes and analyzes two articles in ethnomusicology: Kofi Agawu:'s "Representing African Music" and Susan McClary's "Reshaping A Discipline." Only these 2 sources are cited.
The Parable Of The Mustard Seed
This 5 page paper compares the text of Matthew 13:31-32 according to three versions of the Bible: New King James, King James, and the New Living Testament. The essay also comments on the text of this parable in Mark 4:30. Three parallels in the Hebrew Bible are usually mentioned for this parable, which are also reported: Psalm 104.12; Ezekiel 17:23 and Daniel 4:12. The writer discusses how these relate to each other and analyzes the meaning of them with an emphasis on Matthew's text. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Role of Faith/Cry, the Beloved Country
A 3 page essay that discusses the role of faith in Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton. The true faith of protagonist Stephen Kumalo is contrasted briefly against the self-serving "faith" of Nathan Price in Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible. No additional sources cited.
Jeremiah 29-33
A 5 page essay that consider this passage. This examination of Jeremiah, first considers the issue of redaction in understanding this scripture and then turns to the topic of personal interpretation. Bibliography lists 2 sources, one of which is the Holy Bible.
Chinese Opera The Peony Pavilion
A 2 page essay that analyzes, very briefly, the music and the use of music in the 400 year old Chinese opera The Peony Pavilion. No bibliography is provided.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses the main themes, symbolism and imagery of Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which portrays a futuristic society in a decaying post-nuclear holocaust world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Value Chain Analysis of Papa Geno's Herb Garden
This 5 page paper is based on a case study of Papa Gene's Herb Garden, specifically, why they survived when their much larger partner folded. The essay comments on primary and support activities, core competencies, intangible assets, and Porter's strategies for a competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Internal Environment of a House and Creating a 'Home Away From Home'
A free-flowing 5 page essay on a specific internal environment. The writer describes a house and the feelings and memories it inspires in her.
'Variations on the Word Love' by Margaret Atwood
A 5 page essay that examines Margaret Atwood's poem "Variations on the Word Love." In this poem, Atwood expresses her thoughts and feelings on the inadequacy of the English language at expressing what is meant by "love." Atwood accomplishes this by exploring the many connotations, or "variations," in which this word is used. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
An Analysis of Three Frost Poems
A 5 page essay that compares three poems by Robert Frost, "Acquainted with the Night," "Desert Places," and "Out, Out--." The writer argues that Frost's world perspective is basically dark, regardless of whether the poem has urban or rural setting, or rather Frost is examining human relations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Culture of the Beowulf Poem
A 7 page essay that analyzes the Old English epic poem Beowulf in regards to what the poem tells the modern reader about this culture. The writer discusses what sort of traits were admired by this culture, what they disdained, and what they considered to be the traits of good leader. No additional sources cited.
Use of the Word 'I' in 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost
A 3 page essay that explores why Frost used the word "I" both at the end of line 18 and the beginning of line 19 in this poem. The writer argues that this emphasis on a first person perspective can be better understood if the poem is considered within the context of Frost's life. No additional sources cited.
An Examination of Four Love Poems
A 3 page essay that examines four poems in terms of how they use poetic devices to express the emotion of love. Poems examines are Elizabeth Barret Browning's "How do I love thee?", Robert Burns' "My Love is like a red, red, rose", Ann Bradstreet's "To my dear and loving husband", and Sir Walter Raleigh's "The Nymph's reply to the shepherd." No additional sources cited.
Wordsworth/Solitary Reaper
A 4 page essay that offers summation and analysis of Williams Wordsworth's "The Solitary Reaper, a poem which offers a romantic view of what was undoubtedly a common sight during his lifetime for anyone traveling through the countryside--a person reaping the grain harvest on some rural farmstead. The context of the poem implies the everyday nature of this occurrence. However, Wordsworth's romantic vision teaches his reader to perceive this young woman, reaping and singing to herself, with new eyes and to consider how this ordinary scene was uniquely beautiful. No additional sources cited.
Christianity in Beowulf
A 6 page research paper/essay that discusses Christian symbols in the epic poem Beowulf. This poem has its origins in pagan culture, but it was recorded by a Christian scribe (Saupe 97). Therefore there are “overlays” that color the narrative with Christian religious meaning (Saupe 97). This examination of the Christian overlay of meaning in Beowulf attempts to discern if this Christian influence changes in the descriptions of Beowulf’s three quests, or remains uniform throughout. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
'And Death Shall Have No Dominion' by Dylan Thomas
An 11 page research paper/essay that analyzes Thomas' poem "And death shall have no dominion." The writer argues that in this poem, it is not religion that Thomas honors, but the idea behind Christian dogma, which is that there is life from death-- an idea, which Thomas argues in his verse is self-evident in nature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Panic Over Aging in 'Mirror' by Sylvia Plath
A 5 page essay that analyzes Sylvia Plath's poem 'Mirror.' The writer argues that in this poem, Plath created a narrative voice that perfectly expresses the sense of panic that women frequently feel at the prospect of aging. Through her use of tone, situation, and imagery, she expresses how the societal evaluation of women makes them feel trapped in a cycle that offers no escape, no recourse, from an ever-diminishing feeling of self-worth. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Sonnet Uses of Hopkins
A 9 page research paper/essay that analyzes four of Hopkins's poems in relation to how they demonstrate Hopkins' use of the sonnet form. The poems "God's Grandeur," "The Windhover," "As Kingfishers Catch Fire," and "Carrion Comfort" are explicated. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Infant Joy' and 'Infant Sorrow' Poems by William Blake
A 4 page essay that discusses Blake's intentions with his poems Songs of Innocence and Experience. The writer explicates and contrasts "Infant Joy" and "Infant Sorrow" and also discusses both poems by Blake entitled "The Chimney Sweeper." No additional sources cited.
Motivation Retention Hotel
A 7 page paper that presents a case study of JC’s Casino. The casino has had some problems with dealers and housekeepers. Specifically, dealers are leaving even though they are paid more than competitors and there is increased absenteeism and turnover among housekeepers. This essay reports some facts about the case and responds to issues regarding motivation and job satisfaction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Celulosa Arauco: Forward Integration Or Horizontal Expansion
A 7 page paper that responds to this Harvard case study. The essay explains the situation at the company, discusses the case and makes a recommendation. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Analysis Of Change Process In A Hospital
A 6 page paper that reviews a case study entitled Change Through Persuasion and responds to specific questions. The essay comments on the process according to Kotter's stages, discusses psychological contracts and the phases of change reaction. The writer provides an overall analysis of the change process used in the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Product Safety Management and the Infamous Ford Pinto Case
This is a 10 page analysis of the entitled Harvard case study. The Pinto debacle happened in the 1970s. This essay identifies the facts of the case, provides a legal analysis and an ethical analysis. Rawls' theories of due care, responsible person and moral justice are included in the discussion. The writer provides concluding remarks. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses how Ellen Watkins Harper's poem "The Double Standard" explores the relationship between the sexes during the 19th century.
Healthcare Administration Leadership
A 3 page essay that justifies pursuing a doctorate degree in healthcare administration. Doctorate education in healthcare administration is formulated to aid in the creation of highly motivated, advanced healthcare leaders, who can effectively address the challenges of today's healthcare system, as well as shape effective public policy for the needs of the future (Doctor in HA). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system, as well as the healthcare systems in all Western, industrialized societies, are formidable. Effective leadership in healthcare administration is a crucial factor in meeting these challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
English Class Research Proposal
A 3 page paper. The essay introduces the topic of global warming and notes that this issue remains a topic of controversy, which the writer explains. Following this narrative about the topic, the writer reports the purpose for writing the paper, the reason for selecting this topic, the intended audience, the writer's position on the topic and the thesis statement. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Enlightened Age Elements of Progress, Nature, and Reason
A 2 page paper that discusses the elements of reason, nature and progress as they were interpreted and presented by the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. Discussed are Thomas Hobbes' The Elements of Law Natural and Politic (1640), John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), and Jean-Jacques Rousseau's A Dissertation on the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality of Mankind (1755). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Strategic Management and Trust Relationships
This is a 24 page proposal for a research study. The paper includes: an introduction, purpose, theoretical base, methodology, questionnaires and conclusion. The essay discusses strategic management processes, including planning and implementation, and the role of trust or confidence in the organization. 3 Questionnaires are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Road Construction Environmental Impact
An 11 page paper. The proposal is to construct a road in a remote area in Latin America. This essay discusses environmental issues related to the project, including an initial simple assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts. The paper discusses both the negative and positive environmental, social and economic consequence of the project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Downsizing - Hypothetical Case Study
A 10 page paper. Following an introduction related to downsizing, gender diversity and motivation, the essay provides a brief synopsis of the Drug, Inc. scenario. The next section synopses three articles about these issues. The case study analysis discusses the three issues in more depth and their effects on performance. The last section offers alternative solutions and the recommended solution. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Educational Psychology - Case Study
This 4 page paper presents the case study of a six-year-old boy who was observed by the student. The essay discusses the boy's behaviors, learning theories (Piaget, Vygotsky and Erikson) and how the teacher could have helped the boy in the classroom. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Marriage Counseling - Case Study
An 8 page paper that begins with an overview of family counseling. The writer then discusses a case scenario supplied by the student. The essay discusses how the therapist prepares for the third session, some of the questions and hypothetical responses from the couple, what family therapy approaches would be used, other questions that will need to be asked and finally comments on whether or not the couple will remain together. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Rock Of Ages Value Chain = Case Study
A 3 page paper based on a student-supplied case study. The essay provides a summary of management issues facing this company and recommendations for management actions. In the case, the company's manufacturing division is not performing up to expectations. This is a granite company with quarries and manufacturing facilities; the company also sells its own products. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Arbitration Dispute Resolution - Case Study
A 3 page paper based on a scenario provided by the student. The employee in this case was fired based on a binding arbitration clause in the employee handbook. The essay points out the discrepancies between the handbook and the document the employee signed. This employee is also covered under the ADA. Court cases are used as examples in the writer's analysis of this case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Komatsu Case Study
A 4 page paper. Komatsu is Caterpillar's main competitor although Caterpillar's dominance in this market continues to be stable. This essay discusses this Harvard Case study and includes a brief background of the company, growth, management principles, management strategies, progress, competitive environment and recommendations for the company. This case study discusses event up to the mid-1980s. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Smith & White Vs Makatume Case Study
A 5 page paper. An analysis is performed based on student-provide information. These two companies both make cordless power tools; Smith & White makes tools for the professional and consumer while Makatume makes only professional tools that are higher quality. The essay identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each company and makes recommendations for both. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Health Care Services Case Study
A 7 page paper that responds to specific questions about a 75-year-old patient and a health care organization. The essay includes reports and discussions of the services this health care agency provides and relates it to one of Etzioni's approaches to s social problems, Erikson's life stages, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system as related to the services provided by this organization.
A Case Study
A 3 page research paper/essay that answers questions that pertain to a case scenario in which a fourth grade Cuban-American boy is recommended by his teacher for special education classes and suspension. The writer discusses the boy’s background, the circumstances, and recommends that the child should be kept in a general education classroom, but could benefit from a classroom in which the teacher takes a constructivist approach to learning. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Case Study: Depression & CBT
A 4 page research paper/essay is also a reaction paper to a case study vignette, which describes a woman suffering from depression. The writer responds to the vignette by suggesting how cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) could be used to address the woman’s depression. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Classroom Management in a Junior High School Setting
A 9 page paper in the format of a proposal for an action research project. The problem is that some students disrupt their classrooms, which results in decreasing learning opportunities for all students. The sections of this essay include: Problem Statement, which includes a planning matrix for the study and a questionnaire to be used to gather needed information to validate the problem; purpose of the study, description of the community, including the school district; description of the work setting; the writer's role in the school; and a summary. No Bibliography.
Ethics, Organ Donation and A Proposed Bill
A 6 page research paper/essay that analyzes a scenario that pertains to the proposal of a hypothetical bill concerning mandatory organ donation. The writer argues that this idea is unethical and should be abandoned. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Action Research
A 12 page comprehensive explanation and discussion of action research. Paper includes the historical origins of action research, what it is, and the cycles/phases involved. The essay then explains quantitative and qualitative research designs and the difference between them. The last section discusses interviewing techniques. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Overview of Educational Research
This 11 page paper begins with a stimulus statement alleging research in social sciences, including education lack rigor. The essay discusses the criticisms levied against social science research and then discusses different qualitative methods that have been shown to be effective and valid. A table illustrates the criteria of good research and how that is translated into quantitative and qualitative approaches. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Applying Grid Group Paradigm to Public Sector Management
The grid group paradigm nay be used to assess and analysis culture. The writer explains the model and shows how it can be used in public sector management. The paper is made up of an essay, a PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper.
Contrasting Qualitative and Quantitative Research Analyses
A 4 page research paper/essay that argues that quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are grounded in fundamentally different paradigms, which makes it impossible to combine them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Learning the Virtual Campus
A 3 page guide to writing a personal essay on learning your way around a virtual campus within the context of online learning. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Oedipus Complex and Hamlet: 'Love Thy Mother
In five pages this paper examines Acts I through III of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet within the context of Ernest Jones’ essay ‘Hamlet’s Oedipus Complex.’ Two sources are listed in the bibliography.
Scenario with Cogntive Theory
A 6 page paper that begins with a scenario of an unmarried couple with children. The essay explains sociocultural theory and cognitive theory and applies them to the scenario. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Coaching Leaders - A Plan
A 5 page paper. This essay responds to a case provided by the student of a leader who was authoritarian. The writer suggests a coaching process be used with the leader to help her become more effective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Steel Industry
A 5 page paper that is based on a case study provided by the student. The essay discuss the company’s strategies, trends in steel, human resources issues with recommendations, and if Nucor should adopt related or unrelated diversification strategies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Austraian Wine Company
This 4 page paper is based on a case study of BRL Hardy wine company in Australia who wants to expand internationally. The CEO of the BRL Hardy Europe must choose among three options. The essay provides some background information and discusses the merits of each choice with a recommendation. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Literature and Violence
A 4 page essay that analyzes three literary works in regards to their use of violence. Throughout the history of Western literature, violence has been frequently used as an integral element of narrative. While unpleasant, often horrific, violence is nevertheless a commonality of human experience and often constitutes the defining element of individual lives. This factor is clearly evident in ancient literature as well as contemporary, as demonstrated in this examination of Sophocles' Oedipus the King, Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried, and Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Literature of the Medieval Period
This 21 page paper addresses several different topics. The authors discussed are St. Paul (Romans and Galatians); Augustine (Confessions); Gospel of Mark; Boethius (Consolation); and Gregory of Tours (History of the Franks). The essay discusses: the education of each author; who may have rewritten their original document; defining evil; authors' perceptions of a heavenly kingdom; the authors' use of belief; why each of the authors considered himself a Roman; conflict. While most of the five authors are discussed under each topic heading, not all are. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
The Literature of Black America
An 11 page research paper that begins with brief synopses of four African American novels: Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison; Native Son by Richard Wright; The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James W. Johnson; and Cane by Jean Toomer. These synopses are roughly 2 pages each. The remainder of the paper is an essay that compares the endings of Native Son and Song of Solomon. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Psychology and its Historical Evolution
This 7 page paper begins with brief comments about psychology in ancient times and events prior to 1800. The major discussion is on events since the 19th century. This essay is very much like a timeline in narrative form. The writer provides dates and persons who introduced different ideas and theories. Most of the major contributors to the field of psychology are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Differences in Silence in Poetry of the East and West
A 5 page essay that analyzes the differences between Eastern and Western poetry, using the work of Matsuo Basho for the east and Walt Whitman for the West. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analyzing Literature Pertaining to the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
This paper examines five sources to determine how well they cover The Gettysburg Address, one of the most important speeches of Abraham Lincoln. While some of the paper focuses on the address itself, the essay involves more of a survey of literature available that discusses the topic. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
America's Civil War, Literature, and Art
This paper, written in the style of a tutorial essay, describes the influence that the United States Civil War had on art, literature and the general philosophy of the country. The main thesis contends that, as the nation healed from divisiveness in the years following the war, that art and literature reflected the healing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
4 Brief Literature Essays
A 10 page research paper that is composed of 4 short essays (roughly 2.5 pages each) on works by J.D. Salinger, Kate Chopin, Thomas Hardy, Saul Bellow and Annie Proulx. Works discussed include: Chopin, The Awakening; J.D. Salinger, For Esme with Love and Squalor, De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period, A Perfect Day for Bananafish; Hardy's On the Western Circuit; Proulx's The Shipping News, and Bellow's Something to Remember Me By. No additional sources cited.
Modernity and History
A 5 page essay/research paper that looks at modernity. The writer addresses the question of when modernity began (which is debatable), why it began and how, but also discusses whether this was a good or bad development. The writer argues in favor of modernity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
History Of Child Rearing Practices
This 5 page paper provides an overview of child-rearing practices beginning in the 1800s. The 20th century was called the century of the child by the National Congress of Mothers in 1899. The writer reports the focus during that century was not on the child. The essay comments on changes in society and beliefs about children and childhood. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's HIstory Writing
A 3 page paper that begins by commenting on the changes in writing history, specifically, the change to the Annales school and Braudel's total history schema. The essay then discusses Ladurie's Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error. The writer discusses how Ladurie uses the total history approach as well as the scientific approach supported by von Ranke. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Life's Service and Disservice According to Friedrich Nietzsche
This 6 page paper talks about Nietzsche's essay entitled History in the Service and Disservice of Life. The ideas are related to modern philosophy. The concepts are further compared with Greek philosophy. Concepts regarding history and its importance are discussed in general. No additional sources cited.
Male Historians and the Challenges of Women's History
This 4 page paper considers the issue of a feminist approach to history. Joan Kelly-Gadol's essay Did Women Have a Renaissance, published in Becoming Visible: Women in European History, directly relates to the question of the emerging approach of female historians. Female historians, after reflecting on the traditional narratives of male dominated societies, have recognized that women essentially had no voice in the past. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Literary Portrayals of Blacks in Works by Eldridge Cleaver, Amiri Baraka, and Zora Neale Hurston
A 3 page paper which examines how Hurston’s concerns about the representation of blacks in literature in her essay, “What White Publishers Won’t Print” differs from the concerns of Black Arts Movement writers Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) and Eldridge Cleaver. These African-American authors beliefs about black arts and literature should be are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
History and Testing Measures of Intelligence Theory
This 5 page paper outlines major points in the history of intelligence theory and testing. These types of theories began with Pythagoras and have a long history that includes Plato, Aristotle, Philo, Galton, Binet, Terman, Weschler, Gardner and others. What each contributed is discussed. The measures of intelligence began with Galton but it is the Stanford-Binet and the Weschler scales that are most well-known. The essay briefly explains what the Mental Status exam measures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
History, Recreation, and Public Administration
A 12 page research paper that addresses two topics. The first half of the paper is a brief history of policy in public administration from Woodrow Wilson's essay in 1887 to the 1990s. The second half of the paper is a "memo" to a county Board of Supervisors concerning formulating a plan to address the county's recreational needs for the next two decades. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The History of Accounting and its Career Benefits
This 6-page paper examines the history of the accounting profession and explains why someone might choose accounting as a career based on its history. The essay discusses accounting in ancient times, as well as the first chartered accountant group and double-entry bookkeeping. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
American History X Film and Portrayal of Group Norms
A 5 page paper. Every group develops norms of behavior. Group norms are the behaviors that are expected of each member of the group. This essay discusses three group norms that were demonstrated in the group of friends in this film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
History, Literature, Knowledge, and Native Americans
8 pages in length. The writer provides two smaller essays on 1) Native American stereotyping and 2) the difference between history and literature. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Islamic History in Spain
This essay examines the period of time in Spain during which the land was under Islam rule. The paper examines the impact that the Muslims had on Spanish architecture, art and music. Bibliograpy lists 4 sources.
Judith Walkowitz's City of Dreadful Delight and Gender History
Gender History in Walkowitz’s “City of Dreadful Delight”: This 9-page essay examines Judith Walkowitz’s theories relevant to gender issues and female sexuality in the Victorian Era. Her treatise on the fluctuations pertaining to class and gender in late 1800’s London both informs about the past while still reverberating/ reflecting modernity. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNGenhis.doc
Psychopharmacology and Other Topics
A 6 page paper that responds to specific short essays provided by the student. Topics include cognitive psychology, psychology and social change and psychopharmacology. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Viktor Frankl, William James, Carl Jung, and Sigmund Freud on Psychology and Religion
This 5 page paper discusses the issue of religion and psychology. Religion and psychology itself is a relatively new discipline having been first mentioned by Freud. This essay discusses the beliefs of four theorists towards religion and religious experiences – Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, William James and Viktor Frankl. Each approached the subject in a different way, for example, Freud thought religious experiences were illusions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Family Health Nursing
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses family health nursing, families and the role of the family health nurse (FHN). Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Second World War and Nursing
This paper examines the nursing profession in the United States in conjunction with World War II. In addition to describing some of the duties that nurses performed during the war, the essay also discusses the impact that the war had on the nursing profession in general, and how the war helped move the profession to where it is today. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Personal Nursing Ethics
A 4 page research paper/essay that offers advice to a nursing student on how to write a personal reflection paper that discusses the student’s ethics and values. In order to do this, the writer employs tutorial language that draws on specific examples of nursing integrity and values in action from nursing literature. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Personal Nursing Philosophy
This 3 page research paper/essay offers suggestions to a nursing student on how to go about describing the student's personal nursing philosophy, which draws upon Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nursing Hybrid Program
A 3 page paper that discusses the Health Care Academy in the Delaware Community College district in Pennsylvania. The existing nursing shortage has the potential of seriously reducing quality patient care. Many approaches have been used to reduce the shortage and have more people enter nursing as a career. The program described in this essay may be successful. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Med-Surge Nursing
A 7 page research paper/essay that offers a nursing a template for discussing his/her career as a medical/surgical nurse. The writer first discusses the parameters of practice and then offers suggestions for how to critique practice. Tutorial language is used throughout this discussion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Accreditation in Nursing
A 9 page research paper that consists of 2 smaller papers. The first paper, 5 pages, has to do with the processes involved in nursing accreditation, which compares these processes, between two agencies, with the accreditation process as it applies to forensic science. The second 4 page essay discusses how a background of employment in the pharmaceutical industry aids the nursing student. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ethical Implications of Shortages in Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the ethical implications of the nursing shortage. The writer argues that managed care restructuring of nursing staff in hospitals has contributed to this situation, causing unethical declines in patient care. Also, the unethical nature of recruiting nurses from foreign countries, as a solution to the shortage, is also addressed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Leddy’s Human Energy Model of Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses and explains Susan Leddy’s Human Energy Model of Nursing. The writer describes the views of Leddy towards each of the four nursing meta-paradigms. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Doctorate of Nursing Goals A
4 page essay that offers first-person advice to a nursing student regarding specific questions concerning the academic and career goals associated with a doctorate of nursing program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Sharing Grief
A 5 page essay/research paper that offers a student nurse a template for describing his/her personal experiences with death and loss and applying this understanding to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Personal Narraive/2 Year RN to 4 Year RN
A 5 page personal essay that discusses the nursing education. The writer uses the metaphor of a journey to describe the various aspects of nursing. No bibliography is provided.
Importance of Nursing Theory
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses this topic. The writer first offers several definitions of nursing theory and then discusses its importance to nursing professionalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nursing as a Desirable Career Choice
A 3 page essay on why nursing should be chosen as a career. The writer discusses practical reasons, but also argues that the principal motivation for choosing nursing is a desire to serve others. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Importance of Evidence-Based Practice
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses what a nursing student has learned from a course that addresses evidence-based nursing practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Continuing Education
A 4 page essay/research paper in which the writer/tutor offers advise to the student on how to write a paper that relates her continuing education activities as a nurse. The writer/tutor, for the purposes of demonstration, selected the subjects of smoking cessation and an article describing 1-day continuing education conference on the implications of genomics on nursing practice as the topics for discussion because both topics are pressing concerns in contemporary nursing literature. The writer suggests that the student draws on this information in relating her continuing education activities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Student Interest in the Nursing Profession
A 3 page exploration of why more and more students are becoming interested in nursing. Written as a tutorial admissions essay, this paper emphasizes the attraction of the diversity of nursing duties and the growing recognition in the field of the importance of such factors as touch and caring in improving patient welfare. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cultural diversity, End-of-Life Issues
A 4 page essay/research paper that in which the writer uses tutorial language to offer advice to a student on how to report on her teaching experience as a nurse educator focusing on pain assessment as an end-of-life issue and on cultural diversity in nursing practice. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A Graduate School Admission Essay in Nursing
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an example of one person's graduate essay in nursing, and provides a view of why this person wanted to become a nurse practitioner. There are no sources cited.
Advocacy and Caring in Nursing
An 8 page paper. There is a link between a patient's level of satisfaction with hospital services and the patient's perceived level of caring from the nurse. This essay supports this premise by reporting studies that have made this conclusion. The underlying principles of the therapeutic relationship between nurse and patient are reported. The writer also discusses nurses as advocates for patients. Four models are presented along with comments about those models. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Nursing Concerns at Large Hospital System
The focus of this 6 page paper is a list of problems at Sutter Health in California. Nurses had identified patient safety issues that included high patient:nurse ratios. They finally went out on strike more than once. This essay identifies the problems and the steps taken and reports what three other hospitals did to resolve some of their problems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Paranormal and Transpersonal Psychology Relationship
A 6 page essay discussing the relationship between transpersonal psychology and the paranormal. Specific examples are given with discussion relating the effects of induced hypnosis and ESP which is then related to the precepts of the transpersonal movement. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Reallocating Marketing Budgets
A 5 page paper that introduces the topic by commenting on marketing changes when television became popular. The essay comments on Internet marketing and corporate sponsorship of different events with examples. The last part of the paper focuses on sponsorship marketing in Singapore. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Overview of Illegal Immigration in the U.S.
An 8 page paper. There are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. There are also 3 bills pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee plus the House Bill that was passed in December. This essay reports the comments of two journalists and adds comments by the writer. Problems and concerns regarding illegal immigrants are discussed. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Twenty First Century Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights in the 21st Century: This 12-page analytical essay defines and examines intellectual property rights. In addition, a detailed overview as to its ramifications in the new millenium is provided. Innovation, like liberty has always been an American core value – but now some very large dollars are at stake, and avarice is showing its true colors. Bibliography lists 10 sources. SNInvent.doc
Issues of Socialization and Achievement in Homeschooling
A 5 page paper. Homeschooling has become a definite trend in this country. More and more children are being schooled at home by their parents. Opponents argue these children will suffer both academically and socially. This essay demonstrates through studies that neither of these arguments are valid. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
American Society and Body Image
This 3 page essay explores body image in American society and how it is important in respect to self-esteem. Several issues are broached, inclusive of how media views women. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
A 6 page essay/research paper that, first of all, explains the real-life historical connection of this novel to the deaths of three sisters who were brutally murdered by the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic. Then, the writer discusses the structure of the novel and how Alvarez creates characterization by letting each sister narrate the story in turn. A specific passage from the novel is then analyzed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Inclusion - Costs And Outcomes
A 7 page paper that begins with a clarification of inclusion and mainstreaming and the controversy surrounding the practice. The essay comments on the foundations for inclusion, the proportion of students with special needs in regular classrooms and the costs of educating a disabled student as compared to a non-disabled student. The writer also comments on the outcomes of inclusion. Statistical data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Jerry Mander/The Indian Worldview
A 4 page essay that summarizes and discusses a chapter from Jerry Mander’s 1991 text In the Absence of the Sacred, which is entitled “Indians are different from Americans.” In this chapter, Mander argues that the worldview of the native or aboriginal peoples of the world—that is, the so-called “Indians,” which is basically a misnomer coined by a lost European—is fundamentally different from the worldview of mainstream culture in industrialized Western society. The discussion of this chapter summarizes Mander’s principal points in making this argument. No additional sources cited.
Nurses Job Satisfaction
An 11 page paper. This essay reports studies that reveal the shortage of nurses and future projections and studies that discuss and report conclusions on the level of job satisfaction among registered nurses in hospitals. One of the issues discussed is moral distress. Other issues include the high patient ratio and satisfaction levels related to specialty area and setting. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Dream State Validity and 'Ode to a Nightingale' by John Keats
A 5 page essay that posits that contrary to Keats' critics at the time, Keats was not lost in the romantic dream state, but was fully aware of the aesthetic artifice of his poetry. The writer explores both sides of the argument through myriad examples from within the poem itself. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
John Keats, John Donne, and Robert Browning's Uses of Imagery
A 3 page essay on the imagery of death created by these three authors in Porphyria's Lover, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, and La Belle Dame sans Merci. The author proves the argument in terms of techniques such as diction, shaping, figurative language. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Explanations of Communication in Organizations
A 10 page paper. This essay discusses these communication concepts: formal and informal communication, change management, conflict management, virtual office vs. conventional office, and internal communication. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Catholic Social Teaching
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses “Catholic social teaching,” which is a term that refers to a specific “body of social principles and moral teaching” that is addressed in documents issued by the Church (Major Documents). This body of literature includes not only papal encyclicals, but also “key teaching documents issued by national bishops conferences and Vatican congregations” (Major Documents). The writer discusses key tenets of this part of Catholic faith. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dell Computer Pop Up Ad Design
In this 12 page paper, the writer was asked to focus on Dell using a pop-up ad on the Internet. The writer begins by describing the intrusiveness of pop-up ads. This theme carries through the paper. The essay includes the objectives of the ad, expected results, costs of Internet advertising, where to place the ad, checking results and adjusting the ad and several other issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Written on the Body, The Color Purple
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares ideas about love in Jeanette Winterson's novel Written on the Body and the film The Color Purple, which was adapted from the novel by Alice Walker. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Death Penalty in Michigan
A 3 page research paper that argues in favor of the implementation of the death penalty in Michigan. The essay attempts to refute argument against the death penalty and focuses on the stance that it can be implemented justly. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Things Fall Apart by Achebe and Heart of Darkness by Conrad
A 3 page essay that contrasts and compares Achebe's Things Fall Apart to Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The writer argues that Achebe reverses the basic plot scenario seen in Conrad's novel. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
A 6 page paper plus 1 page outline providing a general overview of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. At least 5% of children ages 5 - 11 are diagnosed as ADD/ADHD. Essay includes a general introduction, symptoms, etiology and treatment. Information regarding most recent theories on neurobiological and genetic influences are also discussed. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Wollstonecraft/Vindication of the Rights of Women
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines some of the writing of Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), a humanist writer of the Enlightenment, who argued against slavery and monarchy, and supported “children’s rights, the value of breastfeeding, coeducational schools, animal rights and other progressive ideas” (“Humanist Profile” 2). This discussion, first of all, summarizes chapter 5-7 in Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792). Then an interpretation of her ideas is offered, and this is followed by a critique of those concepts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Johnny Tremain
A 3 page essay that addresses aspects of this novel. Esther Forbes' classic coming-of-age novel set in the Revolutionary era has as its protagonist a talented, intelligent, but somewhat arrogant fourteen-year-old boy, Johnny Tremain. The writer describes Johnny's maturation process, the novel's themes and other aspects. No additional sources cited.
The Color Purple and Catcher in the Rye Compared
A 5 page essay that contrasts and compares Alice Walker's The Color Purple and J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. The writer argues that these novels share common characteristics because they both feature the voices of young adolescents as their protagonists. The writer contrasts the emotional growth and maturity of each protagonists, while also comparing their basic plot lines. No additional sources cited.
Critical Thinking & Art Education
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the nature of creativity and critical thinking. The writer relates a personal change in perspective that affected the way to approach to elementary art education. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Internet Gambling Should be Banned
This 3 page argumentative essay looks at gambling and why Internet gambling is particularly disturbing. Gambling addiction is discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the nursing concepts of person, environment, health/illness and nursing. This examination of these concepts examines each idea in relation to how it is defined by the Barry University School of Nursing faculty, but also offering a personal perspective on the meaning of each term. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Overview of Culture and Cultural Diversity
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses culture and cultural diversity, which are catchphrases that are frequently banded about in educational circles and also in regards to public policy formation, but examination of these terms brings up questions pertaining to precisely what is meant by these terms. This examination of culture and cultural diversity defines these terms and looks at associated issues. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Fossil Formation and Why Fossil Records can be Misleading
This 3 page essay looks at how fossils are formed and reviews three specific examples within the literature concerning the argument over the efficacy of the fossil record. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Gretchen Fox And Fox Relocation Management Corp
A 5 page paper that presents a profile of the company and of its founder. The essay discusses the company's growth and success and its strengths, which include a collaborative culture. The writer comments that weaknesses, if any, are not apparent and ends with comments about the company's future. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Case Study of China and Petroleum Company Franchising
This 10 page paper discusses a case study of petroleum company in China that is offering water based diesel products. The paper begins with an overview of franchises, what they are, advantages and disadvantages. The major portion of the paper explains the new "Measures for the Regulation of Commercial Franchise," which became effective February 1, 2005. The case is about a domestic company, thus, that is the focus. The essay ends with the steps the company needs to take to prepare for franchising. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Flawed Hero Victor Frankenstein
This essay tries to answer the question of whether Victor Frankenstein, in the Mary Shelley classic novel, acted heroically or was a flawed human being; a question that literary critics and analysists have attempted to answer for decades. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Freedom of Religion, A First Amendment Right
A 4 page essay/research paper that discusses the right to Freedom of Religion, which is guaranteed under the First Amendment. This examination focuses on the issues that continue to define the division between church and state that this amendment imposes on the American government. Many people today would tear down the wall dividing church and state, but this is as inadvisable today as it was when Thomas Jefferson was president, as Americans today live within the context of an increasingly diverse society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Toxic Waste in America
A 4 page paper. The issue of e-waste is becoming more and more difficult as new electronics are developed and sold and old ones are put in storage or just disposed of in a landfill. This essay reports statistical data for e-waste in the U.S., including recycling rates. It discusses e-waste in Asia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Biographical Sketch of Bipolar Disorder
A 14 page paper. The essay includes the definition, incidence, causes and symptoms of this mental illness and discusses the difficulty of diagnosing early onset of bipolar disorder. One of the issues with youth is the similarity to ADHD symptoms. The most effective treatment interventions are explained. The last section discusses suicide among bipolar disorder patients. A biographical sketch of a real person with bipolar disorder are intermingled in the text. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Bipolar Effect on Learning
A 5 page paper. Much more attention has been paid to the psychosocial effects of bipolar than to the cognitive effects. This essay discusses research about how bipolar affects cognitive functioning even when the patient is in remission. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Protests Against Black History Month
A 3 page paper that summarizes and analyzes three essays that protest the institution of Black History Month. In general, these authors argue that black history should be taught throughout the year, rather than in just one month. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Mary Tyler Moore Show & Feminist Theory
A 6 page research paper/essay that analyzes the Mary Tyler Moore Show, which premiered in 1970, and was one of the "most literate, realistic, and enduring situation comedies" of that decade (Fuller). The leading character on the series, Mary Richards (Mary Tyler Moore), was an idealized single career woman. The writer discusses and analyzes this show in relation to feminist critical theory and concludes that this show's protagonist was, indeed, very feminist and offers still a positive portrayal of professional women. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Three Perspectives on Problems with Teaching English
A 9 page research paper that is made up of three short essays. The topic covered are a proposed workshop to deal with prejudice of teachers against students who speak a dialect of English rather than standard English; a discussion of how learning to speak relates to learning to read and write and how the native language knowledge that a child has can be utilized in learning English; and a discussion of animals learning sign language and its implications. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Animals in the Fairy Tales of The Brothers Grimm
This 6 page essay examines the role of animals in many popular Grimm Fairy Tales. The stories examined are Cinderella, The Frog King and Little Red Riding Hood. The paper examines both the use of animals in these stories, as well as the likely symbolism that their appearance could convey. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Hamlet, Was He Insane?
A 3 page essay that explores Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” in order to answer the question of whether Hamlet was truly mad. The writer argues that Hamlet was not meant to be perceived as mad, that is, insane, but rather Shakespeare meant him to be perceived as melancholic (i.e., depressed), which the Elizabethans perceived as a character flaw. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hamlet & Oedipus
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares the characters of Hamlet and Oedipus. Despite being separated by the passage of centuries, as well as differences in language and culture, Sophocles’ portrayal of Oedipus and Shakespeare’s depiction of Hamlet bear similarities, as well as the innumerable differences that one would expect. The similarities revolve around themes common to both plays, such as incest and the use of symbolism, while the differences largely involve the specifics of characterization. No additional sources cited.
Classification Essay/Birthday Parities
A 3 page classification essay that discusses 3 types of birthday party. While birthday parties are appropriate entertainment for all ages, the types of birthday party activities that are suited to each age group differ considerably. For example, birthday party activities, music and the food and beverages served should all be geared toward the age of the person celebrating his or her birthday and the age classification of the guests. For example, consider these factors in relation to a birthday party for a toddler, a teenager and a senior citizen. No bibliography is offered.
Persuasive Essay on Why People Should Not Eat Fast Food and Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation
In five pages this persuasive essay relies upon Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation as a primary source in this overview of the reasons why people should not consume fast food, with unsanitary practices, animal cruelty, and public health concerns such as obesity the primary focuses. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.
Child & Adolescent Obesity/U.S.
A 6 page research paper/ argumentative essay that examines the topic of childhood and adolescent obesity in the U.S. The writer examines the parameters of the problem, defines it, discusses epidemiological factors and argues that more research should be conducted in order to discern what interventions work and which do not work in preventing and alleviating this serious public health problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A Traditional Chinese Medicine Consideation
An Overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine: This 11-page essay gives a comprehensive overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Its origin, common practices, success rate, treatment modalities, etc. are examined, along with a comparison of theories relevant to Western Medicine. Bibliography lists 6 sources. SNMedcin.doc
Biblical Study on Israel's Creation
A 6 page essay on the establishment of Israel. The writer states that the will of the nomadic Israelites was to settle in a rich valley and establish a settlement, and shows how the political cannot be separated from the religious in the story of Israelite settlement. To keep up their vision, they relied on prophets to guide them, but in the end, King David, a warrior, saw to the actualization of their dream, although they attribute his presence to the will of God. Biblical passages studied include passages from Samuel I and II. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Carmen Laforet's Nada
A 5 page essay that analyzes the book by Carmen Laforet. Nada is the first novel written by noted Spanish author Carmen Laforet. First published in 1944, some critics have regarded this work as autobiographical as it recounts the spiritual desolation of a country emerging from civil war. Many have regarded this work as a feminist reworking of the Bildungsroman or "novel of maturation." However, others have offered a contrasting point of view that the main character, Andrea, does not appear to adhere to this model of development due to her extreme passivity. The writer discusses alternate views and the essential symbolism of the novel. No additional sources cited.
Moths, Life, and Death
This is a 3 page paper, that is based on Woolf’s essay “The Death of the Moth” and Thurber’s “The Moth and
the Star”. There are two sources cited.
Overview of 'Fannie Mae'
A 14 page paper that offers a comprehensive discussion and examination of Fannie Mae. The Federal National Mortgage Association, Fannie Mae, was originally chartered in 1937. Today, Fannie Mae is the largest buyer of mortgages for single-family homes in the nation. It does not act as the mortgage originator, instead, it buys the mortgages from the primary lenders. This paper introduces Fannie Mae discussing its operation and purpose. The essay than provides historical background of Fannie Mae, which leads into a discussion of the mortgage industry and also describes technological advances Fannie Mae is using and how these affect its operations. The next section presents a SWOT of Fannie Mae. The final section is recommendations for Fannie Mae. An executive summary is included. 1 Table reporting the most recent revenue and profits for the institution is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Teaching of Math in California
A 5 page paper. The catalyst question for this paper was: How to teach Saxon Math to 4th/5th grade GATE students in accordance with the California math standards. The essay begins with some general comments about the California Mathematics Standards, including a general synopsis of what students are supposed to do by the end of the 5th grade. The focus of the Saxon math series is then explained. Comments about Saxon math from others are reported. The writer concludes that while Saxon math may fit within the general criteria of the standards, it would not be a good program to use with students who were gifted in math. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
CPM and PERT Management Tools of Project Planning
A 21 page paper. The introduction to this essay briefly discusses the importance of planning and provides data regarding the proportion of projects that fail and why. The writer then explains the difference between project planning and project management and discusses the importance of managing the project. Work Breakdown Structures and their importance as the one of the first steps in project planning are discussed. A brief historical overview of Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Management (CPM) is offered with a comprehensive discussion of each of these project planning tools. Using PERT and CPM are discussed with examples from two actual projects and the results of those projects. The writer ends the paper with a discussion of the importance of risk management within project planning and project management and steps for managing risk and uncertainty. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Defining and Managing Diversity in the Workplace
A 12 page paper. Today's workforce is diverse. That is a fact. The definition of diversity is broad and includes: age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, knowledge, experience, background, sexual orientation, culture, and whatever other factors affect how a person works and how a group works together. This essay begins by defining diversity. A discussion of the benefits of a diverse workforce is next, followed by a lengthy discussion on managing a diverse workforce. Examples of how some companies have successfully managed a diverse workforce and the benefits of their efforts, such as increased profits. Principles of managing a diverse workforce are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Handkerchief Significance in William Shakespeare's Othello
A 4 page essay that discusses the significance of the handkerchief in Shakespeare's Othello. In the history of the theater, the argument can easily be made that there has never been a prop as instrumental to the substance of a play as Desdemona's handkerchief is to the action of Shakespeare's Othello. This prop becomes symbolic to Othello of Desdemona's supposed infidelity, which is precisely what Iago intends. Iago's manipulation of the handkerchief provides Othello's military mind with his supposed "proof" of Desdemona's betrayal and precipitates Othello's tragic subsequent actions. Examination of the play demonstrates the pivotal importance of this prop and how the action and the thematic substance hinge on this one image. No other sources cited.
Social Chaos and Confusion of Children of Vietnam War Veterans
It is well-documented that the Vietnam war left many veterans in a deterioriated mental condition. But what is less frequently discussed is the depressed lifestyles of children -- those born of American soldiers who had sex with Vietnam women as rape or otherwise. Many of these children live in the United States today.. Some have even attempted to find their fathers.. The behavior patterns of these youths reflects their war torn heritage and this 6 page essay examines this concept as well as its effects on the parent - veteran (i.e., post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.;). Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nick Carraway/The Great Gatsby
An 8 page essay that focuses on the character of Nick Carraway as the narrative voice in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. The writer argues that Nick Carraway, as Gatsby's friend and Daisy's cousin, is the ideal choice for providing the narrative voice of the novel, for a number of reasons. First of all, because the reader learns about Gatsby as Nick does, this gives the novel a definitive structure, which concentrates on the illusion that Gatsby has created in the opening chapters and then slowly reveals pertinent details of Gatsby's life as Nick discovers them. Nick's character also provides Fitzgerald with a means of commenting, interpreting and evaluating the action of the novel. In this manner, Nick's narration gives the reader insight into both Gatsby and Daisy that would otherwise be unavailable if Fitzgerald had chosen either one of these characters for providing the main point-of-view. Furthermore, Nick gives the reader someone with whom they can readily identify, as his emotional progress throughout the novel offers a hopeful template for reconciling the negative features of the era with a traditional past. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
'The End of History?' by Francis Fukuyama
A 17 page paper that presents an outline and explanation of Fukuyama's thesis about the end of history and the last man. The essay "The End of History?" published in 1989 and the book, The End of History and the Last Man, published in 1992 are still being discussed and analyzed in today's literature. Fukuyama's works created a great deal of furor and criticism in some circles and were applauded in other circles. This paper reports the interpretations of these two works by numerous scholars and also presents the criticisms levied against the thesis by other scholars. The thesis is that liberal democracy has won as the preferred system; this was evidenced by the end of the Cold War and this constitutes the end of history. One question asked by a number of authors is whether Fukuyama means this is the end of history or the end of historical thinking? The thesis is much more complex than this statement would imply and the complexities are discussed and reflected upon. The writer includes their own reflections. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
The Poet Essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson
This 5 page report discusses “The Poet” (1844) and essay by 19th century American poet and essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson. In it, he makes it clear that he has no use for those who he thinks of as “esteemed umpires of taste,” those who are unable to see beyond what is before them to the heart of the art and the beauty of its simple being
Bibliography lists one source.
Letter A Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
A 7 page analytic essay that examines the symbolism of the scarlet 'A' in Hawthorne's classic. Explored in the paper is the symbolism the Puritan elders intended the letter to
contain, the effect the scarlet letter had on the life of Hester Prynne, and the change in the symbolism resulting from the good deeds and silent endurance of Prynne. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Slavery & Religious Principles
A 4 page essay that draws upon 3 primary sources from the antebellum era. From a modern perspective, it seems incredible that the most engrossing religious topic of the antebellum era was whether or not God sanctioned slavery or prohibited it. As slavery seems to modern eyes to be completely antithetical to Christian principles, this historical fact is difficult to comprehend. However, an examination of primary sources, both pro and con, shows that this was a complex debate, which had both sides drawing on scripture for justification of their arguments. However, ultimately, the most compelling arguments are against slavery, as the reality of the inhumanity of slavery negates any rationalization that can be put forth. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Jesus and Socrates
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares two articles that compares Jesus and Socrates. “Jesus and Socrates,” written by Bostick (1916), and “A Comparison of the Portrait of Jesus in the Gospels with the Portrait of Socrates in the Writing of Plato and Xenophon,” written by Bostick (1935), address the same topic and make similar assumptions about that topic. Each of these authors offers a comparison between Jesus and Socrates that serves to underscore the parallels in the lives of two men who changed the course of history with their philosophy and teachings. Nevertheless, while the points made in both of these articles are every similar, these articles are also quite different. This is primarily because of their level of scholarship and the individual writing style of each author. Based on these t two factors, another difference is that one can logically assume that each article was written with a different reading audience in mind. No additional sources cited.
The Holy Spirit According to Thomas R. Edgar and Jack Deere
A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares 2 texts. Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deere (1993) describes Dr. Deere's conversion to the charismatic perspective on the Holy Spirit and his support for miracles of the Holy Spirit existing in the present era. Thomas R. Edgar takes the opposite stance in his text Satisfied with the Promise of the Spirit (1996), as he argues against the charismatic viewpoint and in favor of the traditional cessationist position, which asserts that Pentecostalism was limited to the first century of Christian history. Both texts are examined before relating this issue's practical application to current ministry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Guilt and Grief in The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
A 4 page essay that discusses Alice Sebold's novel The Lovely Bones, which begins with the protagonist, a fourteen-year-old girl named Susie, stating that she was murdered on December 6, 1973 (Sebold 5). Each of the principle characters in the narrative react to Susie's death in their own particular way. With the omniscience of death, Susie describes this with crystal clarity from her perspective in heaven. Using this narrative device, Sebold is able to delineate the various ways that people react to grief, loss and the guilt that comes from remaining alive when someone dear to us has died. The writer discusses how each character reacts to Susie's death.
The Health Care System in the United States and Access by Black Americans
This 17 page paper reports the health status of African-Americans in the U.S. Statistics about the incidence of specific diseases and mortality rates among Black Americans as compared to White Americans are reported. The essay includes a discussion of the barriers to quality health care services. For instance, Black women are more likely to die of colon, rectal and breast cancer and Black men are more than twice as likely to die of prostrate cancer. The writer then turns to report the racial and ethnic composition of physicians as well as that of medical students. The discussion includes a few suggestions for correcting this inequity in quality health care. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 27 sources.
Ecclesiology/Reformation & Great Awakening
A 5 page research paper/essay that examines the ecclesiology of the Reformation and the Great Awakening. The advent of the Reformation radically changed the ecclesiastical orientation of much of the population of Europe, as Protestants left the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church due to their new vision of what the church should be and how it should function. The history of the Christian faith shows an evolution of thought pertaining to ecclesiology, and this is particularly evident during two historical periods, the Reformation and the Great Awakening. This examination of predominant thinking on this subject looks at the variant views of the church during each period and how these views pertained to perspective on pastoral care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Gatsby & The American Dream
A 4 page essay that discusses this classic novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby overtly concerns the story of a man trying to win back his wartime lover and recreate his idolized version of their affair. However, beneath this romantic plot, there runs a much deeper and more serious theme, which addresses the decay of the American Dream that Fitzgerald witnessed in the years following World War I, which is when the US experienced a period of extreme opulence and sudden wealth. Fitzgerald portrays the American Dream as having been tarnished by the rampant materialism of American culture and its social and moral values. While his theme is evident throughout the novel, it is particularly evident in Fitzgerald’s characterization of Gatsby, Daisy, and Nick, with each character underscoring a different but related point. No additional sources cited.
Formulas for International Exchange Rate
This 17 page research essay describes and explains the factors involved in determining international exchange rates using Krugman's formulas as a point of reference and emphasis. The Bretton-Woods Agreement is first described in terms of its articles referring to exchange rates; the collapse of Bretton-Woods is discussed along with the results of the breakdown in the system. Target Zones have been widely discussed as the upper and lower boundaries within which to hold the exchange rates; Krugman is the first to offer formulas to describe the dynamics of money within target zones. His formulas are presented and explained. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
United Kingdom Workforce Diversity Management
A 12 page paper. Diversity is a fact of life in today's world. This essay provides data regarding ethnic minorities in the UK and discusses the drivers for workplace diversity, such as legal and social. The Race Relations Act 1976, amended in 2000 and again in 2003 is discusses as is the European Union Race Directive of 2000. The benefits of a diverse workforce are discussed with examples. Two specific companies and their strategies for managing diversity are reported. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Small Business Venture and Receiving Government Assistance
A 7 page paper. The question was: What types of government programs or other assistance is available to start-up businesses? The writer discusses some of the many programs and the vast amount of information available for small business entrepreneurs through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Some of the programs discusses are the more than 75 Online courses that can be accessed. Some of the hundreds of publications available, such as the Startup Guide, the Small Business Management Series (SBA) Publications and the Success Series along with workbooks available for many of these courses. The essay also provides an overview of the SBA loan guaranty program. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Essay on the Pros and Cons of Gun Control
5 pages in length. This is an argumentative essay on the gun control controversy. Both the pros and cons are considered. It is true that gun control in and of itself will not curb the violent streak that lives within an individual, nor will it lessen the number of violent acts committed on a daily basis. It will, however, serve to deter the level of fatalities as a result of gunshot wounds. On the other hand, gun owners are appalled by the idea that the government is trying to come between them and their Second Amendment rights. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Leadership and Management in Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses leadership and management in nursing. The ongoing nursing shortage has generated numerous changes in the nursing manager role, as the exemplary functioning of nursing leadership has become increasing crucial to the priority of continuing to delivery quality patient care (Heller, et al, 2004). Consequently, there has been a huge interest in nursing research on the topic of leadership in recent years. However, Redfern points out that while nursing managers are required to be effective leaders, managerial skills are also important as "leadership without management is an abdication of responsibility that can lead to disaster" (Redfern, 2008, p. 10). As this statement emphasizes, both leadership and management are essential to achieving the goals of nursing and both factors must intertwine synergistically to achieve nursing goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Laptops and Babies Are Not a Good Combination
Toddlers and Laptops
This 4 page essay describes a day in which one friend helped to repair another’s laptop with his 9-month old son “helping.”
Behaviorism/Teaching College Students
A 5 page research paper/essay that addresses use of behaviorism in the college classroom. As Russell (2002) points out, educators search for the environment and teaching approach that is “ideal,” that is, which aids students in learning efficiently and effectively. One of the principal approaches to creating the “ideal” learning environment, which dominated much of the teaching that occurred in the twentieth century, is the behaviorist approach. This examination of behaviorism, first of all, defines this model of instruction, but then considers whether or not behaviorism is appropriate to today’s college classroom. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Beowulf & Aeneas
A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares Beowulf with Aeneas. Beowulf is the protagonist in an Old English epic of the same name by an anonymous poet. Aeneas is the protagonist in the ancient Roman epic of Virgil, the Aeneid. These two heroes each represent transitions in their societies. Beowulf provides the transition between a world terrorized by evil to one of peace. Aeneas provides the transition from the old world of Troy to the glory of the new world of Rome. In providing these transitions, each epic offers insight on the differing worldviews that each work represents, that is, the world of Roman values and the world of ninth century Germanic society. No bibliography is offered.
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