Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Unmanned Space Travel and its History
A 9 page paper that provides a history of unmanned space flight that has lead up to the Mars Pathfinder mission and the interrelationship of all of those missions to the eventual human habitation of another planets, namely, Mars. The quest for Mars was begun 40 years ago, and all of the space exploration to date, manned or unmanned, including discoveries about earth and the universe, have been made toward this purpose. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
History and Future Promises of Space Exploration
An 8 page overview of the timeless attraction of space and how that attraction has translated into space exploration programs. This paper traces the history of space exploration and contend that this exploration has the potential to result in more than just satisfying academic curiosity. Space exploration, in fact, directly benefits mankind in a number of ways. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere
A 5 page paper discussing changes in the Earth's atmosphere over the last several million years. It is possible that the secondary atmosphere (the first was probably lost) contained even more carbon dioxide than that of today. Volcanic activity was much more pronounced, and there likely were not as many photosynthetic ocean organisms available to use it. The one change we can be certain of is that there is more oxygen now than when it first began to be a standard element of the atmosphere. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Astronomy and Astrology
A 7 page historical survey of the bond of Astrology and Astronomy and how as the result of the scientific method that bond was broken. And how both are still influencing us today. Lists four sources in bibliography.
A Planet No More! Pluto's New Classification
In this 3-page paper, the reason behind Pluto's new status is examined. There are 3 sources included.
Theory and Application Regarding Satellite Communications
This 11 page report discusses the gaps between the theories related to satellite communications and their applications as compared with the actual practice being utilized or expanded upon. An ever-increasing number of applications of international communications satellite technology have developed in the past forty years but many of those applications are still variations on the communications theme. This paper both discusses satellites and their capabilities but also examines the number of potential satellite applications that have received little attention or development. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
This 6-page paper discusses the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt, and the objects contained in these two regions of the solar system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Theoretical Overview of the Solar System
An 8 page overview of our Solar System. The author reviews the theories relating to its origin and distinguishes between its major components, A distinction between planets, asteroids, and comets is provided and the theories regarding Pluto’s status as a terrestrial verses a Jovian planet discussed. Bibliography lists sources.
The question of life existing beyond the confines of our own planet and the visitations that such beings might make to our world, is one that pre-dates the twentieth century. In this 10 page research paper, the writer explores the mystery of U.F.O.s, historical "sightings," government reports, and the ensuing controversy today. Statistics concerning the number of people who claim to have seen a UFO are cited and alternative explanations are provided. It is ultimately concluded that while flying saucers may very well exist, such can not yet be proven. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Life of Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin
A 10 page research paper outlining the life of Yuri Gagarin. The writer describes the life of Yuri Gagarin, first human in space (Russian), traces his historic space flight and his life following that event. Bibliography lists 7 references.
Wireless Communications and Satellites
A 10 page research paper discussing the increasing use of satellite technology in the wireless communication industry. This paper discusses a description of the subject matter, the current state of technology in this field, and then presents the advantages, disadvantages and present and future trends in the use of satellites in wireless communications systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Overview of Primordial Black Holes
A good, 6 page overview of the phenomena of primordial black holes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Milky Way Explored
5 pages in length. A comprehensive research paper-- explaining our galaxy (The "Milky Way") in great detail. The writer describes the history of man's early exploration via telescope, the distance and brightness of stars, attempts to assess The Milky Way's age, problems with matter, and the size/relevance relationship between our own solar system and others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Unmanned Space Travel and its History
A 9 page paper that provides a history of unmanned space flight that has lead up to the Mars Pathfinder mission and the interrelationship of all of those missions to the eventual human habitation of another planets, namely, Mars. The quest for Mars was begun 40 years ago, and all of the space exploration to date, manned or unmanned, including discoveries about earth and the universe, have been made toward this purpose. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
European Space Agency's ISO
This 10 page report on the European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) gives an overview of what the ISO's investigations are revealing, why its observations are in demand, and how its discoveries are beginning to rewrite the textbooks on astronomy. Bibliography lists four sources.
Planet Venus's Active Volcanoes
A 2 page paper on findings from the early 1990's which show a number of geologic activities on the Earth's "twin" planet Venus,-- including live volcanoes and dramatic faulting. It is concluded that while the "case" of active volcanoes on Venus has not yet been entirely settled, there is indeed plenty of room for future research. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A Historical Overview of the Apollo Space Program
13 pages on the Apollo Space Program; Its mission, success & failures etc; Specifically covered are Apollo I, VIII, IX, & XIII. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Case for Mars by Zubrin and Wagner
A 5 page paper that provides an overview of Zubrin & Wagner's book which examines the importance of Mars exploration. The writer demonstrates the applicability of their work in science and technology and demonstrates why it is important to the overall efficacy of the space program.
Terrestrial Planets and How Climate Evolved
This 7 page report discusses the evolution of climate on the terrestrial planets. The idea of climate on the terrestrial planets is centered on the long-term effect of the sun's radiation on the rotating Earth’s, Venus’, and Mars’ varied surfaces and atmosphere. Climate is most easily understood in terms of annual or seasonal averages of temperature and precipitation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Space Race and the Participating Cosmonauts and Astronauts
An 8 page thesis essay which confirms the technological preeminence given America for being the first nation on the
moon, but which also analyzes the closeness of the race and the competency of the Russian cosmonauts. The "rude awakening" experienced by America during Russia's
launch of Sputnik I and Sputnik II is discussed along with the procession of steps taken by America to place herself back in the space race. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere
A 5 page paper discussing changes in the Earth's atmosphere over the last several million years. It is possible that the secondary atmosphere (the first was probably lost) contained even more carbon dioxide than that of today. Volcanic activity was much more pronounced, and there likely were not as many photosynthetic ocean organisms available to use it. The one change we can be certain of is that there is more oxygen now than when it first began to be a standard element of the atmosphere. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Humankind Roles of Trees and Astronomy
4 pages in length. Astronomy is an ancient science almost as old as the universe itself. From the beginning of time man has studied the stars, imagining pictures in the sky and relying on the fact that they will always be there to guide and direct. We all know the importance of the North Star in discerning direction. Trees have been used in the same way. Navigational tools in themselves, trees are known to have been read in order to help plot a course when maps were not an option. This interesting paper compares and contrasts astronomy and trees and the roles they play in the history of man. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of the Cassini Mission
This 12 page paper provides an overview of the Cassini mission, demonstrating the scientific aspects of this astronautic endeavor. Environmental issues are addressed as well as the potential for making discoveries about Saturn's mysterious rings. An outline is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.