Research Papers on Internet

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Internet Security Threats

    A 3 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available accompanying PowerPoint® presentation on why every online merchant needs to be concerned about security. The paper discusses an old breach in Microsoft's Front Page® web publishing software (2000); use of a Novell-owned server to scan computers for personal information (2005); and theft of personal data affecting 140,000 people from ChoicePoint (2005). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Riordan Manufacturing and Active Directory Implementation

    A 4 page continuation of an earlier proposal discussing implementing Active Directory at Riordan Manufacturing. The purpose here is to further develop the ideas of that proposal and to identify groups that will be used individually and nested with others. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • E-Voting and a Compromised Democracy

    This 4 page paper takes a look at the democratic process and how e-voting will compromise the process. Other aspects, such as safety, is discussed. This is essentially a research proposal with a thesis and suggestion for further study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Internet and Information Democratization

    This 4 page paper provides information on the controversy with a focus on health information. Both sides of the issue are explored. A proposal for a research project is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce

    This 4 page paper is an outline research proposal for a project to examine e-commerce. The project is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce for an existing business and how these may be used to determine the best possible strategy for entrance and continuation of trade on the internet. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Adolescents, Socialization And The Internet: Research Proposal

    7 pages in length. The writer offers a proposal to research the impact of Internet communication on real-life socialization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Exploring Decision Support System Usage in ECommerce Research Proposal

    This 27 page paper is a research Proposal to Explore the Use of Decision Support System in E-Commerce and includes a literature review. The use of both E-commerce has increased tremendously over the last decade. E-commerce is usually seen as sales over the internet but actually incorporates any transactions over an electronic medium. This is usually seen as an advantage. This paper considers how the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) may help a business to enhance their e-commerce strategy and align strategies so that the efficiency is increased and results in a better profit. Many companies, such as Air Canada and FedEx already use DSS to great advantage increasing the efficiency through management of their resources. These are systems designed espially for those companies, but DSS are also available over the counter for smaller companies. The paper then shows how, with the use of a qualitative case study, following an extensive literature review the student can undertake primary research to identify the option model for the use of DSS is any given industry. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • A Strategy for Entering into an E-Commerce Business

    This 57 page paper is a comprehensive dissertation style paper that examines the factors which need to be considered by a company proposing begin trading on the internet. The issues discussed in detail include a definition of e-commerce, advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce, security issues, legal factors, trade off’s and the general strategy. Real life examples are used to illustrate the discussion points. The in-depth literature review is then used to develop a strategy for entering this market. The bibliography cites 52 sources.

  • How Companies Should Compete to Maximize Internet Returns A Proposed Dissertation

    E-commerce is an important element of many businesses. This 7 page paper is a proposal for the development of an e-commerce model that can set out the requirments for a business to be successful in e-commerce. A literature review is undertaken and then a methodology is outlined which includes primary and secondary research. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • eBusiness Strategy Establishment

    A 1 page overview of a 9-slide PowerPoint presentation, “Determining e-Business Strategic Goals.” The entire effort highlights the need for sound management and explicit identification of where the organization wants to lead its e-business unit. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Assessing School Web Sites; A Reseach Proposal

    Schools are now using the internet and web pages, not only as a learning tool or teaching aid, but to communicate with stakeholders such as parents. This 18 page paper is a reseach proposal to look at how schools are using their web pages so communicate in terms of marketing communication and communicating with stakeholders. The paper presents an introduction along with aims and objectives, the limitations and the justification of the study. A literature review and a methodological approach is also presented. The proposal is based on researching secondary schools in the UK. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Political Participation and the Internet

    This 4 page paper provides information on this subject in addition to a proposal for further research. The topic is discussed and results reveal that the Internet does increases political participation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Dissertation Proposal For E-Commerce Strategies

    This 5 page paper is the outline for a dissertation looking at the implementation of e-commerce by a large company. The outline includes security issues, advantages and disadvantages, the trade offs that may need to be undertaken to gain the most value, legal issues and how e-commerce should be approached and used strategically. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Project Proposal for IP Telephony

    This 4 page paper is an outline for a dissertation looking at the current status of IP telephony and the future potential in order to project the way in which this technology may be used in the future. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Research into the Use of CRM in a Kazakhstan Hotel

    This 5 page paper is a proposal for a study to look at the best type of CRM to use in a hotel in Kazakhstan. The paper includes an introduction, objectives, brief literature review and presents an outline methodology for primary research. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Case Study

    This 6 page paper answers specific questions regarding Amazon and its market. The questions include consideration of how or why Amazon have been a successful online retailer, whether or not Amazon customers also use other sites to shop for books and CDs, what aspects of customer services have aided Amazons development, why high turnover does not necessarily result in higher profits, the differences between an online and a bricks and mortar experience and the potential problems may face as they continue to expand their product ranges. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Monster Networking Case Study

    A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Clust; Group Buying

    This 8 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Clust is a French web site based on the idea of group purchasing, but this model of selling is taking time to develop and revenues are not as high as the company hoped for. The paper considers the positions and potential strategies the company can follow. The paper is based on a HBS case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Internet Gerocery Shopping and the Case of Webvan

    This 8 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. The market for the internet shopping services is considered and the needs of the segment are outlined, the cost structure is considered in order to identify areas that may be leveraged in order to support profit creation and the problems that the firm faces in becoming profitable. The bibliography cites 6 sources.


    This 16-page paper focuses on the Broadway Cafe case study, along with information technology and information systems advise. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Cyber Bullying

    3 pages in length. Schoolyard bullies have long made lives miserable for their victims who typically endure unrelenting taunting and physical abuse, a problem administrators and teachers alike continue to address in today's academic environment. Disturbingly, just as education has taken to the Internet, so too has the menacing act of cyber bullying where its presence has been magnified to such a degree that people have actually committed suicide to escape the online harassment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Constitutional Rights v. Internet Privacy

    A 9 page paper that examines the issues of privacy and freedom of information on the Internet as well as the crimes that have been bred by this privacy and freedom. Discussed are the types of crimes that occur in cyberspace, the attempts the U.S. government has made to deter these crimes, and the opposition these attempts have raised from civil liberty organizations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Options of eCommerce Payment and the Cost of Cyberspace

    A 20 page paper that looks at the various payment options that presently exist in the world of e-commerce. Payment options discussed are online credit card transactions, digital cash, online checks, and smart card technology. The features and benefits of each of these options are examined and the privacy and security concerns surrounding each are discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Overview of Cybersquatting

    his 12 page paper provides an overview of cybersquatting. The concept is defined and trademark law is discussed in depth. Recent cases are discussed and philosophical issues are broached. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Cyber Cafe Life and Media Imperialism

    This 6 page report discusses the concept of media imperialism is the idea that Western media exerts considerable influence over the cultures of countless nations around the world and how the “imperialism” of the media is reminiscent of the behavior of the European colonizers. The report then moves on to discuss the ways in which online life has become a common reality for millions of Americans. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Technophobia and Cyberphobia

    6 pages in length. The writer provides a 15-source annotated bibliography.

  • Cybercafe Gaming

    A 6 page paper discussing a popular trend. The game-specialist cybercafé in Hong Kong as in any other country offers patrons a wide variety of activities they can pursue. It provides a setting like no other that can be found by any other means. Individuals can be and remain anonymous online while taking part in solitary activities in a social setting. Alternatively, they can choose to meet those who they discover through their online gaming entertainment. The atmosphere of the game-specialist cybercafé in Hong Kong broadens the options available to game players who use the Internet. Some are so compatible that they choose to make their partnerships more permanent. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Report on Cyber Crime

    This 8 page report discusses the fact that the “consensual hallucination” (a term coined by science-fiction writer William Gibson) of cyberspace must, of necessity, include a “consensual” understanding that the realm of cyberspace is no less vulnerable to the negative aspects of human nature such as deceit, fraud, and theft. In many ways, the opportunity for criminal activity in cyberspace is heightened due to its very nature which supports anonymity and a certain freedom of action that few people would ever act on in their “real” lives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • New Perspective Through Cyberspace

    A 4 page paper which examines how cyberspace, the internet, is creating a different kind of society with new perspectives. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cybercrime

    This 8 page paper considers the increase in the use fo the internet and cybercrime and the way that the Computer Misuse Act 1990 may be used it dealing with different cybercrimes such as cyberobscenity, cybertrespass, cybertheft and cyberviolence which can include cyberstalking. The paper looks at what the Computer Misuse Act 1990 will cover and how it may be possible to improve the legislation and enforcement of the law concerning cybercrime. The paper is written with reference to UK law. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Cyberstalking Issues

    This 5-page paper examines issues in cyberstalking, especially from a legal standpoint. Taking a fictional case study into account, the paper discusses whether cyberstalking actually took place, and whether the stalker should be convicted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Summary of Cyberdistributors The Liability Of Online Service Providers For Defamatory Speech Of Others by Mark D. Robins

    3 pages in length. The writer discusses if there is a viable and legal way for online service providers (OSPs) to police the content of message boards where subscribers post defamatory and/or false statements, given the enormity of the Internet and the undetermined legal ramifications of such behavior. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Cyberspace Crimes and the Law

    This 9 page paper examines cybercrime and how the law is involved. This paper argues that while the law is important, it is sufficient. The problem with catching the criminals who participate in this type of activity is that technology in law enforcement is not up to par. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Cyber Crime

    This 5 page paper begins with comments from two FBI Cyber Agents about their typical day. Although all law enforcement agencies know cyber crime is the fastest-growing crime in the history of the country, officials do not know exactly how extensive it is because only about 5 percent of the crimes committed are ever reported. The writer discusses the difficulties obtaining statistical data. The writer provides examples of specific crimes and how the FBI, working with other agencies, was involved in solving them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Communication and Disputes in Cyberspace

    This 10 page paper considers how disputes and misunderstandings can occur in cyberspace as a result of the style of the communication medium and the way the communication is interpreted. The paper also looks at how and where he disputes may be resolved and where the distance and detachment of cyberspace is an advantage or a disadvantage. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Data Security and Cyber Crime

    This 3 page paper looks at the issue of data security in the context of cyber crime. The paper gives a good overview of the subject from as range of literature, discussing what is meant by cyber crime, how it takes place and how it is dealt with. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Cyberterrorism

    A 3 page research paper that describes three cyber attacks what occurred between nations, which concludes with the analysis that the US response to the attack on the State Department's East Asia Bureau in 2006 constituted the best defense. Bibliography lists 3 sources


    This 3-page paper discusses a plan for preventing phishing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Internet Addiction Disorder

    This is a 6 page paper discussing internet addiction. Internet addiction, also known as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), Internet Behavioral Dependence (IBD) or Problematic Internet Use (PIU), is considered a behavioral or social pathology similar to other nonchemical addictions such as pathological gambling, or compulsive shopping, sex or over-eating among others and has become an international concern. There are considered several different sub-types of internet addiction such as cyber-sexual addiction for those who are addicted to pornographic or sex web sites; cyber-relationship addiction for those who are addicted to online relationships; net compulsions which include internet shopping and gambling; information overload for those who compulsively surf the web or search databases; and computer addiction which is related to compulsive playing of computer games. Generally, internet addiction is assessed and treated similar to other addictive behavior which may include the 12-step program, cognitive therapy or other therapies such as expressive art therapy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dystopia and the Film The Matrix

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the film “The Matrix” as a dystopia. The 1999 Wachowski brothers’ film “The Matrix” reflects the most severe fears and anxieties within today’s society in regards to a futuristic world as a “dystopia”. Opposite of More’s idealistic world portrayed in his work “Utopia”, the literary term “dystopia” refers to a “bad place”. Since the industrial revolution and more recently the computer and information revolution, society’s fears of possible negative results from growing technological achievements have been reflected in literature and cinema. While currently cyber-technology, that which is related to the computer world and artificial intelligence, is being promoted as a positive element within society in that humans are able to access free information and share information on a global scale, the film “The Matrix” portrays more so that element not promoted within technological circles, that is, the negative and de-humanizing aspects of cyber-technology which robs human of their individuality from a physical and mental perspective and uses humans for the proliferation and eventual dominance of artificial intelligence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cyber Security and Government System Protection

    This 10 page paper looks at cyber security and why the U.S. government's systems are vulnerable. Suggestions are provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Information Security

    A 3 page paper that reviews an article on cyber security. The article explains why good passwords are needed and how top choose them. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Internet Business Marketing

    This 5 page paper focuses on as an example of an e-business and looks at a variety of marketing schemes. ACNielsen, SRI and Cyber Dialogue are noted as companies that help businesses gain access to marketing information and techniques. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • IT Forensics: Digital Evidence

    5 pages in length. The article entitled "Computer Forensics" by Peter Sommer delves deeply into the advantage law enforcement officials have in the ongoing pursuit of apprehending cyber criminals. Discussing each component of IT forensics in a comprehensive yet understandable manner, the author provides a beginning-to-end overview of why computer forensics has become a necessity in today's high-tech world, how police carry out the often-tedious task of finding virtual evidence and when said evidence is considered permissible in a court of law. In short, Sommer offers an encapsulated yet thorough glance at the inner workings of an entirely unprecedented element of technological law enforcement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Computer In Criminalistics

    3 pages in length. Staying one step ahead of the criminal has long been the first line of defense for law enforcement officers; when intelligence is gathered that precludes the ability for the offender to actually commit the crime, it serves to establish a pattern by which subsequent foils can also be utilized. However, technology has created quite a significant challenge for law enforcement to maintain that critical step ahead of criminal activity by virtue of the wholly comprehensive nature of cyber crime. As such, the entire criminal justice field has come to incorporate the very instrument that has facilitated so many crimes as part of its arsenal for thwarting those offenses and ultimately catching the lawbreakers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Case for Making Virtual Pornography Outlawed

    An 8 page discussion of the impacts of virtual pornography on society. The writer emphasizes that while the issue of Internet regulation is highly controversial, pornography on the World Wide Web should definitely be outlawed if for no other reason than its impacts on the most vulnerable members of our society, our children. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Internet Laws and Pornography

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the need for legal control with regard to pornography and the Internet. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Legal Issues and E-Commerce

    This 12 page paper considers the risks of e-commerce identifying breach of copyright as one of the most relevant, followed by privacy concerns of employees and confidentially concerns of employers. The writer considers this from a UK legal perspective. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Contract Law Case and the Internet

    This well written 16 page paper considers the following case; Jez, subscribes to an Internet magazine site. After paying his subscription fee, he is required to agree to the terms of use Jez does read them, but and proceeds to click on The “I agree to the terms of use”. Rob, a work colleague, discovers Jez's username and accesses the site without Jez's permission. Rob spams members of the chat room advertising his services as a freelance artist. The magazine wish to end the contract, the users of the chat room are not happy and he employers are also unhappy. The paper advises Jez, Rob, the magazine, the chat room users and the employers. The paper then considers a second issue where a company with a similar name wish to set up a domain and take action against the magazine company who have a very similar domain name. The case is written with reference to English law and cases are cited throughout. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Risk Management Issues in E-Law

    4 pages answering 4 questions about Internet law and risk management, particularly in matters of privacy and use of information gathered from site visitors. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • WWW History

    This paper provides an overview of the development of the internet and the world wide web, providing a great deal of technical information in 9 pages. In addition to the evolution of this widely used phenomenon, current application in terms of business, entertainment and education are noted as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • World Wide Web and its History

    A 7 page paper tracing the history of the world wide web, how it started, why, and how it has evolved to its present state, as well as the future outlook for the web. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of the Arpanet

    5 pages in length. Reviews the history of the Arpanet from its beginnings, the problems it has faced and the innovation it has wrought as a forerunner to the Internet. The myth surrounding the Arpanet is that it was devised as a means to survive a nuclear war. While this is certainly interesting, the truth is that the Arpanet was commissioned by the Department of Defense in 1969. The true purpose of the Arpanet was to save money by linking the computers of scientists and researchers. The writer explains in this well-written paper details regarding the Arpanet. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Internet Medieval History Websites Compared

    A 6 page research paper that examines and critiques three internet sites that deal with medieval history. The writer evaluates each site according to graphics, usability and the quality of information. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Internet2 History

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of the history of Internet2, including its development, implementation and the future ambitions. This paper considers the basics of Internet2, the underlying reasons for its development and the implications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Web Design and Internet Technology

    This 6 page paper considers two aspects of new technology. The first part of the paper considers development and spread of the Internet. The second part of the paper considers web design, why it is important and how it has developed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Historical and Social Relevance of Silicon Valley

    This 11 page paper provides a history of Silicon Valley and also delves into how personal computers and the Internet are important to society. Many people are named in this historical look at computers, inclusive of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Frederick Terman. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature Review of Mathematics Distance Learning

    This 8 page paper provides a review of literature on the use of online education in mathematics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • eCommerce History

    An 11 page paper tracing the history of ecommerce over the past century. After computers became necessary for business, it became desirable to use the electronic environment for more than only information storage. Data networking was the only missing link, and eventually telecommunications networks were sufficiently available to enable purchasing and payments in the electronic environment. Ecommerce was born, to be embraced by business and consumer segments at different rates. The purpose here is to trace the history of ecommerce and technology over the past century, and to make a conclusion as to whether the industrial age has ended. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Voice Over Internet Protocol History

    A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Internet History and General Information

    This 5-page paper provides an overview of the history of the Internet, as well as dial-up, satellite, cable modem and DSL Internet connections. Also included are discussions about Internet 2.

  • eCommerce Management Challenges

    This 5 page report discusses the management of electronic commerce or “e-commerce” and how it continues to revolutionize the way the modern world is doing business. The most successful businesses involved in e-commerce are able to provide dynamic connections to customer data bases using numerous interconnected routers for corporate clients, as well as Internet access for mainstream consumers. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Email Laws and Relevant Literature

    4 pages in length. The tremendous impact computers have had upon today's global community represents the staggering progress contemporary society is experiencing. That business is conducted from opposite ends of the planet, people forge lifelong relationships without ever having met and employees work from the comfort and convenience of home via telecommuting speaks to the reality of what was once only far off aspirations. Indeed, the benefit of computers far outweighs the inherent drawbacks, however, those negative aspects are not so insignificant that they can be ignored; rather, the extent to which such concerns as email laws are necessary to address issues pertaining to personal privacy, unsolicited correspondence/advertisements and hacking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparing Online Purchasing Practices and Environments of Developing and Developed Countries

    This 4 page paper is a literature review regarding the development and use of online shopping comparing the characteristics of the way that it takes place between the developed and the developing world environment. The bibliography cites 11 sources.


    This 5-page paper discusses the building of trust among e-commerce users. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Information Technology Lessons, Student Performance, and Gender Differences

    There is a great deal of research that indicates there is a gender difference in the classroom when studying IT. Most research indicates that female students are disadvantaged and are not reaching their full potential. However, there is also some research that indicates there is equality. This 30 page paper undertakes a literature review to identify the relevant studies and how gender differences may be manifesting and then conducts primamry research based on a questionnaire supplied by the student to test the empirical evidence. The paper then correlates the primamry research and the literature review in a discussion and recommendations. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Military Operations and IT

    A 12 page paper. Information technology systems have not only changed the corporate world, they have changed the defense and military worlds. This paper is a literature review of articles addressing the issue of information warfare, changing military operations, the need for information by military commanders, the risk and vulnerability of information systems. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Online Learning and Teaching

    A 4 page research paper that investigates this topic. Online learning encompasses the possibility of bringing about a revolution in delivery of higher education. However, along with benefits, online education also brings concerns. Literature addressing online education discusses concerns about instructional strategies and best practices in online teaching, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and how online learning compares with traditional classroom instruction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 21st Century Corporate Success and Management Reporting

    A 5 page paper that examines the benefits of management reporting as part of a productive and profitable inter-enterprise business management philosophy. Included is a description of a type of management reporting and analysis software that is currently being offered as an innovative solution to organizational and management reporting problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Risks, Structure, and Security Management

    (8 pp) The complexities of modern society have combined to generate a variety of threats to business organizations, information networks, military installations, government operations, and individuals. For information technology, information is the core of its existence. Anything that threatens information or the processing of the information will directly endanger the performance of the organization. Whether it concerns the confidentiality, accuracy, or timeliness of the information, the availability of processing functions or confidentiality, threats that form risks have to be countered by security. That means there are structural risks. Structural risks require structural security. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Formation of Security Management Policy and Risk Management Effects

    An 18 page paper discussing issues that need to be addressed when forming security risk management policy. The very essence of developing an effective security policy is dependent in great extent to the level of risk that exists. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that network and computer administrators face the threat of security breach each day. Building security is less predictable, particularly as groups of fanaticals place their energies into dreaming up increasingly grand plans for murdering innocents by the thousands. Those responsible for forming and implementing security management policy must be aware of the types of risk faced by the organization and then control for contributing factors. The paper discusses management of risks that are both physical and informational. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Tutorial on Electronic Commerce Quality Management

    This is an 8 page tutorial paper that presents a discussion of quality management in electronic commerce businesses. The writer first presents a proposition that quality management is needed for success. The method of research is explained and the two companies to be considered ( and Dell Computer) which is followed by a literature review. The paper includes a brief explanation of total quality management and a discussion of why quality management is essential. Comments are offered regarding the quality of management at the two identified companies. Tutorial comments are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • BayesiaLabs Data Mining System

    A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • E-commerce Service Options

    A 5 page paper discussing external customer service and payment options available to online merchants. The variety of services available translates to a wide range of choices being available to online merchants, allowing them to operate their businesses exactly as they choose. The cost of these services generally will be far less than any in-house effort to provide the same, bringing cost benefits for both merchants and their customers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Best Practices in Risk Management and eBusiness Law

    A 3 page paper discussing legal and risk management issues. In many respects, best practices collectively are a reflection of common sense. In today’s electronic environment, there should be more effort placed in staying ahead of those who exercise fraud as their livelihood. Virtually everyone writing on the topic today predicts that the problem will get worse before it improves, and the small business, at least, must guard well against the losses it could incur. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • eCommerce Content Management

    33 pages in length. The ever-changing face of global e-commerce has called for greater efficiency when it comes to content management, a critical component of online retailers that helps maintain unstructured information found on any given Web site. This information exists in many digital forms, not the least of which include text documents, engineering drawings, XML, still images, audio/video files and many other types/formats. Modification is a primary consideration when addressing issues of content management, given the constant modification required for maintaining a current cyberlocation. This ability to constantly modify a Web site's content also carries with it a tremendous responsibility for doing so properly in relation to easy reorganization and updating. The reason why content management has become such a critical component to the success of e-commerce sites is, as Ko et al (2002) note, is because Internet/Web users are becoming more savvy with so many emerging resources. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Online Trading and the Infrastructure of Technology

    A 3 page paper describing the network of an online brokerage. “Infrastructure” is defined as “the underlying foundation or basic framework … the resources (as personnel, buildings, or equipment) required for an activity.” Fictional Primus Securities entered the competitive brokerage service market and in three months’ time has enabled online trading; differentiated its website from competitors; and achieved enhanced customer satisfaction. The purpose here is to describe the technology infrastructure that supports and enables such accomplishments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Computer System Security Types

    This 4 page paper looks at Internet security for individuals and businesses alike. Linux, Windows and the Mac O/S are each discussed and specific software problems are noted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pros and Cons of Internet Grocery Retailers

    This 14 page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of selling groceries on the Internet. Written in two parts the first part considers the advantages and disadvantages for both the supermarkets and the customers. The second part considers the profile of customers in Hong Kong supermarkets and how they may or may not be suited to shopping on the internet. The primary research was conducted by the student.

  • Pros and Cons with Search Engines

    This 4-page paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages to search engines. It also discusses why children should have access to the internet as long as the material they are viewing is closely monitored.

  • Cultural Gatekeepers and Search Engine Politics

    A 6 page paper which examines the political implications of Internet search engines shaping cultural perceptions by indexing and ranking information, and also considers what influences the inclusion and exclusion of Web page ‘hits.’ Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Maximizing Search Engines

    This 6 page paper looks at how web pages may be created to gain high rankings with search engines. Different methods that can be used to enhance results are examined, as well as the way these may be used correctly as well as misused. Both HTML and Flash pages are considered. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Web Developer Career Path

    A 5 page paper discussing qualities of a success web developer. The new web developer leaves school with a solid foundation of technical knowledge ready to use. S/he also leaves school with the greatest learning in the future rather than in the past. The path of a successful career as a web developer includes learning about business processes, business needs, customer concerns and similar matters. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The History of the Internet

    This 3 page paper provides a brief history of the Internet. Specific individuals are named. The Internet and WWW are differentiated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Small Family Travel Agency Going Online

    A 17 page paper discussing the rationale for a small family travel agency to develop an online presence. The travel industry still has not fully recovered from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but growth in “Internet travel” continues. This paper provides rationale for developing an online presence and describes the ideal web development team. The agency will need to decide in the beginning how it will use the site in order to be able to assess the site’s ultimate value. Even a simple site can be productive if it contributes to wider dissemination of knowledge of the agency that translates to use of its services. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Windows LINUX and UNIX Implementations

    If there is no living without networking, there is no living without network security, and this growing threat makes it wise to consider other options to the Windows OS. Two operating systems, UNIX and LINUX, are possibilities. They are compared in terms of implementing network security. Considering what is at stake, LINUX proves the better system. Bibliography lists 6 sources. jvOSimpl.rtf

  • Developments in Voice Over Internet Protocol

    A 3 page paper discussing current developments in Voice over IP (VOIP), which has been available for some time but has not always been technically- or cost-effective in the past. Alliance between IBM and Nortel Networks in 2001 resulted in the most promising arrangement for VOIP to date being released in late 2002. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Voice Over Internet Protocol History

    A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Essay Questions on Voice Over Internet Protocol Answered

    This 4-page paper offers answers to essay questions in areas of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).


    This 10-page paper discusses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), some history, current usage and predictions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Overview of VoIP Technology

    The 14 page paper is a comprehensive overview of voice over internet protocol (VoIP). The paper explains how VoIP operates including the use of packet switching, examines the technology, looks at some sample prices and considers the future of the technology. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Shifting Media Formats Comparing News on the Web by Comparing Five Web Sites

    A 6 page overview of web-based news services with specific comparison and contrast of five such services. Concludes that while the format of each, being limited by the confines of HTML, is similar editorial content can vary significantly. Bibliography lists two sources.

  • Web Services Technologies

    This 10 page paper looks at web services technology and considers different aspects. The first part looks at Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile, what it is and its components and then considers how it may compete or compliment EDI. The second part of the paper looks at RCP v Document usage for messages and other technologies useful for business. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • XML and Web Services Development

    A twelve page paper which looks at the importance of XML in the development of web services, and the impact which web services have had on international trade and e-commerce, especially with regard to increased globalisation by Australian corporations. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • India's Internet Services Industry

    This 4-page paper analyzes the current status of web-related services and Internet use in India and then determines if investment in this area would be high-risk Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Website Questions

    An 11 page paper in two parts. Part 1 assesses the websites of EasyJet, British Airways and Malaysia Airlines. Part II is a discussion of considerations for Kohinoor Ltd's website design. Included in the discussion are the topics of strategy, business model, objectives and Google Analytics. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Web Page Design

    This 4 page report briefly discusses some of the basic steps involved in designing a website such as understanding the reason for the website, not reinventing the wheel, offering appropriate information, and connecting with search engines. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Design for Politicians' Website

    This 4 page paper uses a case study submitted by a student as a springboard for discussion. Web site design is discussed and recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Website Design Analysis

    An 8 page paper that analyzes the appeal of the home pages of twenty separate websites on the basis of user-friendliness, color, graphics and professionalism. Also included is a brief discussion of the factors that make some websites sizzle while others sink.

  • Daily Life and the Impact of Wireless Technology

    This 3 page paper considers how wireless networking and wireless devices are used in everyday life focusing on the work environment. The paper then looks at how this is likely to develop in future. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireless Networks

    This easy to understand 8 page paper consider the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks, including both LAN and WAN. The writer takes a balanced approach before arguing that there are more advantages than disadvantages. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • E-Mail Security on Laptops

    This 3 page paper looks at the problem of security of e-mails on laptop computers in a wireless environment. The paper assesses the problem and presents some solutions. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Internet Usage by Two Companies - Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct

    A 5 page paper discussing two companies that heavily participate in Internet commerce, Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct. Overall, the promise of great success through Internet marketing has not been realized in most areas of sales, but personal computer sales and online brokerage services have been exceptions. Both are wonderfully suited to Internet commerce: Gateway's customers obviously are computer literate; DLJ Direct's customers have come to rely on the ease and rapidity of stock trading using an Internet service. Though the Internet has not reached its full potential as a sales tool, it is heading resolutely in that direction, and to the point that those companies not offering extensive online options to their existing customers may lose those customers to businesses that do. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • World Wide Web and its History

    A 7 page paper tracing the history of the world wide web, how it started, why, and how it has evolved to its present state, as well as the future outlook for the web. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Addiction to the Internet

    This 8 page paper describes and explores the subject of Internet addiction. Several areas are discussed including cases concerning child neglect and infidelity. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Publishing and Applications That Are Intranet, Extranet, and Internet Based

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the difference between the three applications as they relate to the publishing industry, as well as offers examples of each. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Computer Phobia and Gender Differences

    Fear of computers is deemed as the main reason women avoid the internet in this 6 page paper on gender differences. Statistics reveal that more men are using the internet as society encourages males to pursue the sciences, while discouraging females. Solutions to the problem are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • VRML

    A 5 page paper discussing VRML, what it is, how it works and what the future of it is. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • File Transfer Protocol ZMODEM

    A 10 page examination of the file transfer protocol known as ZMODEM. Its history, application, and efficiency are discussed. A brief background is provided on it predecessors MODEM, XMODEM, and YMODEM. Bibliography includes six sources.

  • Failures of Intent and 1996's Telecom Act

    This 6 page paper outlines the law and explores legislation prompted by its existence. Failures of the act's intent are noted and the focus is on the major portion of the law which attempts to deregulate the industry and inspire competition and lower prices. Also included is a portion on the Communications Decency Act which is part of the 1996 legislation. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Controlling the Internet

    5 pages in length. What sort of message are people getting today with all the Internet pornography available at their fingertips? Who is responsible for controlling what they can access while surfing the Web? With nearly six thousand pornographic Web sites on the Internet these days, users are 'virtually powerless' (Brake 20) to protect themselves and their families from accessing such sites. Industry analysts, experts and concerned parents alike contend that there is a great need for Internet control when it comes to the ease with which people can access pornographic sites. The writer addresses the fact that the Internet should be regulated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Starwood Hotel's Switching Services, WizCom versus Pegasus

    5 pages in length. The writer compares switching services as they relate to the Starwood Hotels. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Internet Use by Employees

    This 10 page paper presents a comprehensive literature review. This objective study highlights the way in which employees utilize the Internet at their places of employment as well as noting the problems such activities may cause. Employer liability is a significant concern. Other issues addressed include the way in which Internet use can lead to a hostile work environment, loss of productive time and other problems. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Overview of Nortel Networks

    This 6 page paper discusses Nortel Networks, a giant in telephony, data, wireless and wireline solutions for the Internet. Topics discussed include: a critique of Nortel's Web site, their involvement with the Internet, their innovations, including what they call the four pillars of high performance Internet services. Also discussed: the long history of the company, acquisitions, partnerships, and overview of fiscal data for the last three years, and activities in which they are involved. Bibliography lists 10 sources. 1 table is included.

  • Twenty First Century High Tech Markets and Low Skills

    A 5 page paper that looks at America's current practice of importing high-tech workers from foreign countries and explores the reasons why this practice has become necessary if America is to stay competitive in the technological world of the 21st century. Discussed are the options that the HI-TECH Act of 2000 will make available on both a short term and a long term basis. Views held by the opposition are included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Internet Sales Tax Proposal

    10 pages. Presents an argument in favor of an Internet sales tax. Includes one graph. Discussion includes options on how to base the sales tax rate, who should collect it and what some repercussions might be. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Corporate Infrastructure and Intranet Usage

    A 5 page paper that defines the construction and the use of an intranet platform in corporate infrastructure. Included is a discussion of the organizational benefits and competitive advantages gained by a corporation through the use of the intranet platform. Bibliography lists 5 sources. LCIntra.doc

  • Internet Taxing

    This 16 page paper provides an overview of this debate. Both pro and con arguments are thoroughly examined and The Tax Freedom Act is explained. Mechanics of collection is also discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  •'s Success

    This 5 page paper addresses the dot com phenomenon by focusing on one lucrative enterprise. is evaluated in terms of its success. A description of its services and information about competitors and alliances are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Issues of Privacy Associated with Web Browsers

    (10pp) When you are surfing the web you may think you are anonymous, but there are various ways that information about you or your activities can be collected without your knowledge or consent. Because of the great wealth of information that the World Wide Web provides, many of us use it on a day-to-day basis. However, like many other things we do every day, using the Web's resources is not without risks. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • An E-Commerce Marketing Plan

    A 10 page paper. No one can doubt that e-commerce is here to stay; it grows exponentially each year. Companies, whether product or service, that do not have an Internet presence will lose business to those companies that do have an Internet presence. This paper presents a marketing plan for a chiropractic consortium. Topics include: description of the business; competition; e-commerce; designing a web page; and salesmanship on the web. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • 21st Century Corporate Success and Management Reporting

    A 5 page paper that examines the benefits of management reporting as part of a productive and profitable inter-enterprise business management philosophy. Included is a description of a type of management reporting and analysis software that is currently being offered as an innovative solution to organizational and management reporting problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Solutions to System Security Issues

    11 pages in length. System security has become increasingly more important within the past several years, inasmuch as new and innovative methods have been developed in order to breach well-tested protective measures. That hackers can readily infiltrate any given company's entire computer system with the intent to destroy data is more than enough reason to augment security measures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Reviews of 3 Websites

    5 pages in length. The writer reviews the validity of information found on three Web sites:;; and No bibliography.

  • Customer Relationship Management and its Relation to E-Commerce

    is seen by many as having a great deal of potential to add to the value chain, creating better information and enhancing the relationship between the supplier and the buyer. This 20 page paper considers applications of CRM to e-commerce. There is a great deal of potential synergy in this market, but there are also problems. The paper considers these problems and presents some guidelines by which CRM and E-commerce should be integrated. The bibliography cites 23 sources.

  • Germany's Infrastructure of Technology and Transportation

    This 4 page paper examines the macro environment in Germany outlining the transport and technology infrastructure that is in place. Many useful facts are quoted in the paper. The bibliography cites 6 sources.


    This 5-page paper focuses on various methods by which a teen consumer can download music for free. The paper focuses on pros and cons of this. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 12-page paper provides an essay about the band Radiohead and how the Internet has changed the recording industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Music CD Sales in Australia and the Impact of P2P File Sharing

    This 12-page paper focuses on whether P2P music file sharing has a dire impact on sales of CDs. There is also emphasis on the Australian music industry. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Various Formats of Digital Audio

    A 4 page paper discussing .wav, MP3, MIDI and MOD music-storing formats. Digital music and other audio forms have benefited greatly from the innovations of recent years. After the advent of the Internet, audiophiles formerly started their music downloads before going to bed for the night, for the download time of only a few files would take hours to complete. The legal landscape has greatly changed as well; the involvement of more corporate entities in music and other audio file downloading has resulted in more options being available for today’s users. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Was the Introduction of the Digital Economy Act 2010 Wise Legislation?

    This 9 page paper examines the UK's Digital Economy Act, which came into force in June 2010, looking at the reason for the introduction of the legislation, or text achieve as well as examining the reasons driving those who are in favor and those who oppose the legislation with particular attention paid to the music industry. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Napster

    This 4 page paper looks at Napster and the way in which it brought the downloading of music over the internet into the mainstream. The paper is based on questions and materials supplied by the student.

  • WIPO Internet Intellectual Property Protection

    This 3 page paper looks at the role and remit of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The paper then considers the way intellectual property on the internet is protects, with specific attention to music by looking at the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Downfall of Napster Inc.

    A 9 page paper examining the reasons that Napster was forced out of business while other download services still operate today. Shawn Fanning’s Napster music download site unleashed a flurry of legal action that eventually led to the company’s demise. The purpose here is to assess the case and look for lessons in it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Collaborative Group Online Learning Management

    A Worthwhile Challenge : This ten-page-paper presents and indepth discussion on the pros and cons of managing and online collabrative enviroment for learning . Bibliography lists eight sources.

  • Literature Review of Mathematics Distance Learning

    This 8 page paper provides a review of literature on the use of online education in mathematics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Assessing Distance Learning Online Class Groups

    This 5 page paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of online class groups. Issues discussed include barriers to communication, the absence on non verbal communication, team dynamics and development social loafing, cultural diversity and many other factors that may be present in this environment.

  • Employees and Electronic Monitoring

    A 3 page paper. The writer comments about the beginnings of electronic monitoring and how that translated the workplace. The writer then discusses the increase in the proportion of employers who electronically monitor their employees and some of the reasons they do so. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Should Your Company Accept Credit Cards Over the Internet?

    This 7 page paper considers the case of a company that wishes to start accepting credit card payments over the internet. In an easy to understand paper, the writer considers the issues the company will need to consider, such as the use of servers, security, encryption, processing, authorising and the possibility of using an agent. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • The Value of Customer Relationship Management for Web Based Retail Operations

    This 16 page paper considers the potential value implementing customer relationship management software to support increasing sales for an online retail company. The paper gives a brief a general overview of an online retail organization, and then presents an overview of the technology. The application of CRM is considered in terms of the benefits, how it fits in with the value chain, potential risks as well as enabling technology, potential approaches to implementation and associated costs. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Accreditation Need and Distance Education

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of distance education, the increasing enrollment in Online higher education programs, research comparing Online versus traditional classroom student achievement and the need for accreditation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Wireless Industry Overview and ATandT

    This 15-page paper offers an analysis of the wireless industry and the part AT&T Wireless plays in it. Topics discussed include an overview of the U.S. economy, an overview of the wireless industry from the perspective of Porter's Five Forces and an analysis of AT&T Wireless, its background and competitive strategy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Google And Internet Search Engine Industry

    This 4 page paper begins with a brief overview of Google, Inc. The paper provides an analysis of Google using Porter's 5 Force analysis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet and Hotel Industry

    This 7-page paper offers an overview of the hotel industry, as well as the impact of the Internet on the industry. Also included are analyses of five hotel web sites. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Music CD Sales in Australia and the Impact of P2P File Sharing

    This 12-page paper focuses on whether P2P music file sharing has a dire impact on sales of CDs. There is also emphasis on the Australian music industry. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Monster Networking Case Study

    A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Social Networking Does Not Enhance Life Skills

    This 6 page paper examines social networking and why it is not a positive thing for children or adults. Its negative relationship with the enhancement of social skills is discussed. An outline is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • On-Line Fraud and E-Commerce

    This 10 page paper looks at the issue of e-commerce fraud, the extent of the problem; the way scams are perpetrated, problems dealing with fraud, fraud prevention and the cost of controlling fraud. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • WIPO Internet Intellectual Property Protection

    This 3 page paper looks at the role and remit of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The paper then considers the way intellectual property on the internet is protects, with specific attention to music by looking at the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Advertising and the Internet

    An 8 page overview of the world transition toward Internet-based advertising. This paper emphasizes the low cost and tremendous effectiveness of the media in capitalizing on the public’s growing tendency to turn to the Internet to research their buying interests. The author emphasizes as well, however, that despite the technological distinction of the Internet, many of the same marketing ploys are necessitated in this new medium as were necessitated by more traditional advertising campaigns. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Internet Censorship of Dangerous Information

    This 5 page report makes the argument that censorship of dangerous information on the Internet is an important consideration in preventing both domestic and foreign terrorist attacks. In particular, information regarding how to make a bomb is both harmful and dangerous and should be censored from the Internet. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Putting Company Brands on the Internet

    This 7 page paper discusses the following quote "A brand is a brand regardless of its environment. Therefore, there is no need for a new theory of branding for the online environment, but merely a different approach to executing the brand’s essence". The paper assesses this statement with reference to marketing theory and practice arguing that the traditional approach may have the required knowledge but that a different approach needs to be adopted, especially for international brands. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Internet Marketing

    This 8 page paper considers how marketing o the internet can take place, The paper begins by considering the market itself, its’ development and future potential of e-commerce. The paper then looks at the opportunities it presents and how it need to market in order to fit in with the purchasing models that are emerging. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Constitutional Rights v. Internet Privacy

    A 9 page paper that examines the issues of privacy and freedom of information on the Internet as well as the crimes that have been bred by this privacy and freedom. Discussed are the types of crimes that occur in cyberspace, the attempts the U.S. government has made to deter these crimes, and the opposition these attempts have raised from civil liberty organizations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Privacy and the Internet

    A 5 page paper which examines how the Internet affects privacy, considers the First Amendment and discusses important information to ensure privacy will be protected. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Analysis of the Internet's Past, Present, and Future

    This 21-page paper is a thorough analysis of teh Internet, exploring the medium from its early days to the present, and even venturing some opinions about the future of the Internet. Topics under discussion include security issues, advertising and sales, privacy and technology. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • The Internet, Security, and Financial Institutions

    A six page paper which considers some of the problems faced by financial institutions and large corporations in terms of the security issues surrounding Internet communication and transactions, and some of the ways in which these problems are currently being addressed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Internet Security and Recent Developments

    This 4 page paper provides a great deal of Information on how to protect systems. Various products are discussed. The idea that perhaps the dangers are overblown is suggested. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • ASP Code and Internet Shopping Carts

    A 3 page research paper that briefly describes the ASP code behind Internet shopping carts, Security Sockets Layer code, and the logistics of employing PayPal to handle shopping transactions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • WWW Shopping

    7 pages in length. Shopping has never been so fast and convenient as it is via the World Wide Web. Not only are people able to research large purchases such as televisions and furniture before making the commitment, but they are also afforded the luxury of buying groceries, personal items, gifts and a whole host of other commodities right from the comfort of their homes or offices. Indeed, the extent to which Internet shopping has increased consumer spending is something analysts have been tracking for the past several years, noting that the upward trend is clearly indicative of a convenience-driven society. However, anything so seemingly perfect must have at least one flaw, and Web shopping is no exception. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Encouraging the Development of the Internet in Developing Nations

    A 16 page paper arguing that developing nations should encourage the development of the Internet and the necessary infrastructure within their borders. Whether the government should be directly involved is arguable, but the fact that the economy needs the benefits of the Internet is not. The Internet has become nearly as crucial for business operation as has the telephone, and other nations such as Singapore demonstrate that it is business activity and the resulting economic growth that lifts developing nations' peoples out of abject poverty. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Controlling Workplace Internet Usage Through Planning

    This 5 page paper focuses on problems of Internet usage in the workplace. Aside from the problems, a plan is provide that is related to how a company can balance security with privacy issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 4-page paper presents data on Internet usage in Singapore. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • IPv6

    Internet Protocol version 6 or IPv6 is taking over from IPv4. This 4 page paper looks at what it is, what it does and how IPv6 is an improvement on IPv4 functionality and with consideration on the way resources are used. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Search Applications, Java, and Complexity of Symbolic Artificial Intelligence

    This 10 page report discusses a number of issues associated with symbolic artificial intelligence, particularly in regard to the programming language of Java. The report is divided into four specific areas - functionality, Java as a suitable programming language for AI, virtual representation, and measuring the complexity of a search application. Bibliography lists 12 sources.


    This 14-page paper discusses the advantage and disadvantages of cloud computing, with focus on the security issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Internet and Information Democratization

    This 4 page paper provides information on the controversy with a focus on health information. Both sides of the issue are explored. A proposal for a research project is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Guide to Software Download and Installation

    This 6 page paper is a step by step guide on how to download and install software taken from the internet. The paper starts with the preparation of the computer and ends with the software being installed.

  • X.500, Novell Directory Service, and Active Directory

    A 3 page paper discussing two directory services. Novell’s Directory Service and Microsoft’s Active Directory both are based on X.500 or a subset of it. Novell has been the leader for years, and Microsoft seeks to unseat the leader. The paper discusses X.500, LDAP, NDS and Active Directory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Research into the Use of CRM in a Kazakhstan Hotel

    This 5 page paper is a proposal for a study to look at the best type of CRM to use in a hotel in Kazakhstan. The paper includes an introduction, objectives, brief literature review and presents an outline methodology for primary research. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Options of eCommerce Payment and the Cost of Cyberspace

    A 20 page paper that looks at the various payment options that presently exist in the world of e-commerce. Payment options discussed are online credit card transactions, digital cash, online checks, and smart card technology. The features and benefits of each of these options are examined and the privacy and security concerns surrounding each are discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Overview of Generation N"e"XT

    (10 pp). For the first time in history, most teenagers and young adults are more experienced in a computer based technology than the majority of their caregivers or parents. Rather than be frightened by this new skill employed by Generation N"e"XT, we should see it as a creative challenge to learn more about our young people and ourselves. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Corruption of Business Through the Computer Security Endangerment of Internet Hacking

    6 pages in length. With the advent of Internet technology came the challenge to hack into sensitive personal and business information; as the Internet has advanced in sophistication, so have the hackers' ability to do even more damage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Internet Marketing Information Management

    An 11 page paper discussing various data mining techniques and their applicability to marketing tasks. The paper examines searching newsgroups postings, web mining and opt-in email lists as workable approaches to gaining consumer information for the purpose of more narrowly targeting the Internet consumer. It recommends a combination of web mining and opt-in lists as a realistic and cost effective method of gaining valuable consumer information without entering the world of spam. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of 3 Search Engines

    This 10 page paper compares and contrasts Altavista, Infoseek and Google in terms of quality and ease of use. Boolean logic is explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Analysis of Website Surfing for Specific Contents

    An 8 page paper that presents an analysis of eight specialized, specific-content websites. Discussed are the overall presentation of each of these websites in regard to graphics and theme, color and contrast, user-friendliness, and professionalism.

  • Life in the 21st Century and Secrets of Success and Survival

    A 5 page paper that examines the factors that stand to determine survival and success in the very changed environment, society, and civilization of the twenty-first century. This paper focuses on Information Technology as the pivoting point of change in this new environment and posits that the sole key to survival and success in the face of this change is adaptability. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Evolution of Internet Marketing

    An 8 page paper discussing issues of consumer behavior, promotion strategy and product positioning on the Internet as its use continues to grow. With all that is uncertain about the evolution of Internet commerce and the final path it will take as it continues to change, marketers can be certain that they will be required less to guess what consumers are doing. Tracking and data mining software increasingly will be in operation to give statistical reports about what consumers are doing on the Internet and will give marketers a quantitative base from which to work. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Controlling Network Congestion

    This 10 page paper takes a look at network congestion and remedies to alleviate it. The paper is broken down into various sections such as applications, configurations and technology in order to explore these topics individually while addressing the problem of congestion as a whole. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Data Security and Cyber Crime

    This 3 page paper looks at the issue of data security in the context of cyber crime. The paper gives a good overview of the subject from as range of literature, discussing what is meant by cyber crime, how it takes place and how it is dealt with. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Cyber Crime

    This 5 page paper begins with comments from two FBI Cyber Agents about their typical day. Although all law enforcement agencies know cyber crime is the fastest-growing crime in the history of the country, officials do not know exactly how extensive it is because only about 5 percent of the crimes committed are ever reported. The writer discusses the difficulties obtaining statistical data. The writer provides examples of specific crimes and how the FBI, working with other agencies, was involved in solving them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • United Kingdom and Computer Crime

    This 8 page paper considers the current levels of computer crime in the UK and asks the question "is there sufficient legislation to combat computer crime or is there still a need for more?". The writer considers the barrier to combating this type of crime with some surprising results. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Report on Cyber Crime

    This 8 page report discusses the fact that the “consensual hallucination” (a term coined by science-fiction writer William Gibson) of cyberspace must, of necessity, include a “consensual” understanding that the realm of cyberspace is no less vulnerable to the negative aspects of human nature such as deceit, fraud, and theft. In many ways, the opportunity for criminal activity in cyberspace is heightened due to its very nature which supports anonymity and a certain freedom of action that few people would ever act on in their “real” lives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Cybercrime

    This 8 page paper considers the increase in the use fo the internet and cybercrime and the way that the Computer Misuse Act 1990 may be used it dealing with different cybercrimes such as cyberobscenity, cybertrespass, cybertheft and cyberviolence which can include cyberstalking. The paper looks at what the Computer Misuse Act 1990 will cover and how it may be possible to improve the legislation and enforcement of the law concerning cybercrime. The paper is written with reference to UK law. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Cybercrime, Privacy, and Security

    A 14 page paper. Cybercrime is increasing every year. The costs are staggering, as much as hundreds of millions of dollars each year plus the cost to human dignity and morale. The crooks have had more tools to use than our law enforcement agencies and law enforcement has been consistently thwarted in their attempts to gain authority to use the kinds of programs and strategies that could result in capturing the criminals. That changed on September 11. The Attack on America woke up the public and the Congress and resulted in a number of new laws that give expanded authority to specific agencies to "listen" in on the Internet. This essay discusses Cybercrime and then, the issue of security versus privacy. The writer takes the position that more security is worth less privacy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses a plan for preventing phishing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • EPA and Envirofacts Data Warehouse

    This 5 page paper examines the US Environmental Protection (EPA) website and the envirofacts data warehouse. The paper looks at what it does, how it is achieved and the motivations for creating the system. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • BayesiaLabs Data Mining System

    A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • WWW and Down's Syndrome

    A 9 page overview of the information which is available on the Internet regarding this genetic-based condition. The author reviews ten consumer-oriented web sites for content and presentation. Includes a table covering the major features of each of the reviewed site. No additional sources are listed.


    This 5-page paper focuses on various methods by which a teen consumer can download music for free. The paper focuses on pros and cons of this. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Assessment Three Cinema Websites Using Nielsen's 10 Heuristics

    This 27 page paper examines three cinema websites which markets the cinema and encourage ticket sales. The three websites assessed in terms of their target population and the way they are presented with reference to Neilson's 10 usability heuristics. The cinemas chosen for the assessment the Odeon, Vue and a small independent called Palace Cinema. The websites assessed the UK websites for the cinema. The bibliography cites eight sources.

  • The Roles of the Computer and E-Commerce in a Video Store

    This 23 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at why e-commerce and computerisation is becoming a necessity in business. The potential the internet provides and the disadvantages of not maintaining a presence on the web are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of computerisation are also discussed. These are applied to a video rental business. The second part of the paper considers which cataloguing systems would be best for a video rental store, either providing an online catalogue or only in store reference. This includes flat file and relational databases, looking at the operation and use these systems to determine the best approach for this business. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • How Important Suppliers are In the Development Of eBusiness B2B Solutions?

    This 5 page paper considers the B2B eCommerce and looks at how important the suppliers are in the development of ebuisness solution and the advantages of using B2B ecommerce. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Pros and Cons of E-Commerce for SME's

    This 4 Page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages that are presented with the advent of the internet and e-commerce specifically for the small and medium sized enterprise (SME). The paper outlines both the advantages and disadvantages and considers viable solutions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Smyth Printing and Ecommerce

    A 6 page paper discussing the planning process that Smyth Printing should undertake in preparation for designing and implementing an e-commerce addition to the business. The paper discusses system (whether manual or automated) analysis; identifying all that the company would want from an e-commerce application; and the most cost effective way of going about achieving its goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Issues in e-Commerce

    This 10 page paper discusses five issues that are of importance in e-commerce: security; identity theft; legal issues such as copyrights; cross-border problems; and market valuation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Electronic Commerce Trading Accessibility and Security Dichotomy

    This 10 page paper considers the following statement. "Security in the world of e-commerce is focused on protecting information - information about accounts, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and identities. It is not about hardware or physical access. But there is a built-in paradox; e-Commerce systems must be open enough to be inviting to customers and users, and at the same time the systems must be difficult to penetrate to those who would steal the information. Achieving the balance that satisfies those opposing needs is the challenge of security in the e-Commerce world. Too much security pushes away the people you have invited; too little and valuable information can be stolen". The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Electronic Payment And Security Subsystems in E-Commerce

    15 pages in length. To stand by and allow the competition to overtake one's target market via the Internet is to ignore one of the most impacting components of today's technological revolution. Indeed, the extent to which e-business has influenced the way contemporary commerce reaches an ever-expanding market is both grand and far-reaching. However, there are myriad considerations to make when organizing an online presence to insure the site's integrity and user-friendliness, with issues of security and payment subsystems two of the most important. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • A Dissertation Proposal For E-Commerce Strategies

    This 5 page paper is the outline for a dissertation looking at the implementation of e-commerce by a large company. The outline includes security issues, advantages and disadvantages, the trade offs that may need to be undertaken to gain the most value, legal issues and how e-commerce should be approached and used strategically. The bibliography cites 11 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses information technology needs for Club IT. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Evolution of Technology and Communication

    A 7 page paper that begins with a reminder that the telephone, radio and television changed communication dramatically when they were invented. The writer discusses today’s technology and how they have change our communication. The discussion includes comments about social Web sites. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Digital Divide - 6 Blogs

    This 12 page paper looks at different issues concerning the digital divide, written in the style of 6 blog entries. Subjects considered include looking at what it meant by the digital divide, how the digital divide manifests, how the digital divide may simply be a part of larger social inequalities, the policies that have been used to try and minimize the digital divide, how it may undermine democracy and the global digital divide. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • The Potential Influence of the Digital Revolution on Society

    This 6 page paper considers the potential impact of the digital revolution is how to on Ireland in social and commercial terms. The paper starts by considering what is meant by digital information and determining whether or not an information revolution is taking place. After this the different potential impacts are discussed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Cyber Bullying

    3 pages in length. Schoolyard bullies have long made lives miserable for their victims who typically endure unrelenting taunting and physical abuse, a problem administrators and teachers alike continue to address in today's academic environment. Disturbingly, just as education has taken to the Internet, so too has the menacing act of cyber bullying where its presence has been magnified to such a degree that people have actually committed suicide to escape the online harassment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Problem of Data-Mining and Data-Warehousing

    This 3 page paper examines both positive and negative aspects. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Data Mining and Ethics

    This 10 page paper explores data mining, the new trend to compile data on individuals. Data mining is defined and explained. Ethics are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Dealing with Disaster using Computer Networks

    An 8 page overview of system design which could be critical in times of warfare or natural disaster. The author emphasizes that infrastructural aspects of a network must be in place prior to the eruption of a disaster. The primary consideration for system design is the ability to handle increased network traffic, a consideration which can be accomplished in a number of ways but which would most efficiently be accomplished utilizing Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Information Security

    A 3 page paper that reviews an article on cyber security. The article explains why good passwords are needed and how top choose them. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Expand and Peribit Data Compression

    Data compression is becoming increasingly important as companies seek to maximize their use of bandwidth. The 5 page paper compares the different data compression techniques of two companies; Peribit and Expand. The paper looks at how they work, the cost of the solutions offer and the support that is provided. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • 21st Century Retrieval of Information

    This 7 page paper examines data retrieval and how things have changed over the years. Several issues are discussed and examples provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Sociological Impact of Jealousy on Facebook

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of Facebook and jealousy. A study is cited which provides statistical confirmation of the link between Facebook usage and jealousy in relationships. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • E-commerce Service Options

    A 5 page paper discussing external customer service and payment options available to online merchants. The variety of services available translates to a wide range of choices being available to online merchants, allowing them to operate their businesses exactly as they choose. The cost of these services generally will be far less than any in-house effort to provide the same, bringing cost benefits for both merchants and their customers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Technology

    A 3 page paper which examines technology regarding education and technology involving digital pursuits from a global perspective. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Comparing Search Engines; Dogpile and Kartoo

    This 6 page paper compares two meta search engines, comparing the search features, way that they index results, present results, different features and ownership of the sites. The paper compares an identical search on each engine. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Charter One Bank's and Bank of America's Online Banking

    An 8 page paper discussing the state of ecommerce at these two banks. The key factors for success is continued assurance to customers that their transactions and their personal information remain secure, and that the banks keep their online banking services – including bill payment – free of charge to the customer. The value to the end user is only now beginning to be realized by that end user. As more people become familiar with the increase in personal productivity that online banking services can provide, both banks can expect greater activity at their Internet banking sites. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet Banking and Traditional Banking

    This 10 page paper considers how the role of traditional banks is changing and the way that banks need to providing internet banking services. The paper considers how these services can be supplied looking at issues such as convenience, savings in the value chain, security and the risks associated with decreasing loyalty created by a lack of direct personal contact. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • The Ethics of Hacking

    An 8 page overview of computer crime related to hacking. This paper explores the ethics and justifications of hacking, dismissing those justifications as simply illogical. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Security and Wireless Technologies

    A 9 page paper that begins by identifying some of the many benefits of wireless technologies, including the fact that research studies reveal a substantial increase in worker productivity. Security concerns are discussed along with an explanation of the standards intended to reduce risks, such as Bluetooth and 802.11b standards. Hot spots are defined and discussed, including the fact that their numbers are growing exponentially. The essay ends with a discussion of the use of wireless technologies in hospitals and the concerns about installing them. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    This 4-page paper examines the video game console industry, its major players and its strategies (both development and marketing).

  • Tutorial on Electronic Commerce Quality Management

    This is an 8 page tutorial paper that presents a discussion of quality management in electronic commerce businesses. The writer first presents a proposition that quality management is needed for success. The method of research is explained and the two companies to be considered ( and Dell Computer) which is followed by a literature review. The paper includes a brief explanation of total quality management and a discussion of why quality management is essential. Comments are offered regarding the quality of management at the two identified companies. Tutorial comments are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Fast Food and E-Commerce

    This 10 page paper considers the impact that e-commerce has had on the fast food companies and their financial management. The paper looks at the potential ways e-commerce may be used, such as management of the supply chain, marketing and the use of the internet as a sales medium. The paper uses examples of real companies to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • E-Commerce, Tax Revenues and Physical Stores

    An 8 page paper that addresses two specific questions: What impact does e-commerce have on brick-and-mortar stores? What impact does e-commerce have on sales tax revenues for cities and states? Everyone knows that e-commerce sales are still increasing exponentially. Some analysts argue this trend will only get stronger and will eventually force physical stores to close while others argue that e-commerce, at least in terms of the average consumer, will dwindle and die. Neither argument is valid. This essay discusses the effects of e-commerce and how it can be complementary to physical stores, not a substitute. A discussion regarding the reported loss of sales taxes for cities and states presents some interesting data. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Gap Inc, Nordstrom Inc and E-Commerce Operations

    This 17 page paper compares the way in which Gap Inc. and Nordstrom Inc. compete for business on the internet. Then paper includes consideration of what is meant by e-commerce, background to both the companies as well as an examination of the companies’ strategies and the way these are reflected in their web sites. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Daycare Centers and Surveillance Cameras

    A 3 page research paper that argues against the use of video cameras for surveillance in daycare centers. The writer argues that violates the privacy rights of employees. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • SQL Injection Attacks

    This 9 page paper looks at a recent hacking attack to assess the cause and impact. The event examined is the SQL injection attack on the Nokia Developer Forum in August 2011. The event is outlined including an examination of and the method of hacking using the injection of malicious code into an open part of the system. The vulnerability is explored and action which may be taken to prevent SQL injection attacks being successful are also considered. Tne bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Denial of Service Attacks Overview

    This paper presents an overview of denial of service attacks (DDoS), what they are, what their effects are and how they can be prevented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Third Party Computers and Denial of Service Attack

    This 3 page argumentative paper considers a position where a company suffers a denial of service attack (DDOS) and considers if there is any potential culpability if a third party was used as a zombie to carry put the attack. The paper argues the case concerning tort law and the ethical considerations. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Crimes Committed by Computers

    12 pages in length. That hacking was present in the phone system over one hundred years ago speaks to a problem that has experienced a slow but steady evolution. The 1960s, however, is where the timeline of contemporary hacking gets its start, continuing on into the 1970s with John Draper – aka Captain Crunch – hacking the phone company by mimicking the tone that opens a line. By the 1980s, hacking had become much more sophisticated as a vast new entity called 'cyberspace' was introduced to the world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Computer Hacking and Ethics

    This 5 page paper argues that computer hacking is not ethical. However, both sides of the issue are discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Computer Hacking's Impact

    This 7 page paper provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of computer hacking. This paper considers the effects of the practice on individuals as well as corporations, and provides insight into the reasons why hackers do what they do. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • ARP Protocol Subversion and Network Security

    This 9 page report discusses how an intruder can compromise network security by subverting the ARP protocol. The address resolution protocol or "arp" is a protocol used by the "IP" or Internet Protocol to plot the pathways for IP network addresses to the hardware addresses being used by a data link protocol. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Computer Viruses

    The path of technology has confronted and overcome each new problem that has stood in the way of 'progress'. The computer viruses currently 'attacking' the computer population is no exception. This 5 page paper defines computer viruses, looks at their effects and provides a guide to prevention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Types of Computer Viruses

    This is a 4 page paper which discusses the types of computer viruses, the manner in which they are transmitted and give examples of two recent computer infections. The bibliography has 5 sources.

  • Tourism and the Internet

    This 16 page paper looks at the development of the internet as a distribution medium for travel services, concerning how and why this has occurred, identifying relevant factors and looking at how firms such as Expedia and Orbitz are able to satisfy customers’ needs in an effective manner. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • EVE Online/Authority in an Online Community

    An 8 page research paper that explores the virtual world of an online community, specifically the science fiction world of EVE Online. The writer focuses on the economy of this online community and how it functions. Bibliography lists 6 sources, with additional information drawn from an interview with an EVE player.

  • Personal Finance and the Impact of Technology and Computers

    This 6-page paper discusses specific examples of how technology has impacted personal finance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Electronic Commerce and Wal Mart

    This 3-page paper answers questions about Wal-Mart and e-commerce.

  • A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce

    This 4 page paper is an outline research proposal for a project to examine e-commerce. The project is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce for an existing business and how these may be used to determine the best possible strategy for entrance and continuation of trade on the internet. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Identity Theft

    A 5 page paper which examines identity theft. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet Addiction Disorder

    This is a 6 page paper discussing internet addiction. Internet addiction, also known as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), Internet Behavioral Dependence (IBD) or Problematic Internet Use (PIU), is considered a behavioral or social pathology similar to other nonchemical addictions such as pathological gambling, or compulsive shopping, sex or over-eating among others and has become an international concern. There are considered several different sub-types of internet addiction such as cyber-sexual addiction for those who are addicted to pornographic or sex web sites; cyber-relationship addiction for those who are addicted to online relationships; net compulsions which include internet shopping and gambling; information overload for those who compulsively surf the web or search databases; and computer addiction which is related to compulsive playing of computer games. Generally, internet addiction is assessed and treated similar to other addictive behavior which may include the 12-step program, cognitive therapy or other therapies such as expressive art therapy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Internet

    A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts Greenfield’s Virtual Addiction (Chapter 2: The Nature of Addiction), and Stoll’s Isolated by the Internet. No additional sources cited.

  • The Bahamas, Internet Security and Governance, and Challenges Facing the Islands

    This 4 page paper discusses Internet governance and security issus and challenges facing Internet users in the Bahamas. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Best Practices for Internet Security Protection

    In six pages this paper examines Internet security issues in an overview that focuses on the best practices computer and Internet users should adopt. Twelve sources are listed in the bibliography.


    This 10-page paper is about eBay and its Internet security efforts. Bibliography lists 12 sources.


    This 5-page paper focuses on how to prevent humans from compromising Internet security. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Computer Security

    8 pages in length. As the first of billions of emails flew through cyberspace nearly thirty years ago, the idea of computer security was not at the forefront of users' minds. In fact, the very notion of any threat inherent to the World Wide Web was so unheard of that even those who stood a great deal to lose from unauthorized entry were basically oblivious to the looming danger that would appear only years later. Today, computer security is the number one priority for anyone who uses the Internet, a reality born of unforeseen infiltration by those who seek to do great harm to the recipient of such an attack. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Marketing Plans and the Incorporation of eMarketing

    An 8 page paper. E-commerce continues to grow at exponential rates. In today's marketplace it is essential for companies to incorporate e-marketing in their overall marketing plan. This essay explains that e-marketing still requires the company to consider segmentation and positioning. The differences are also discussed. Three types of Web positioning are explained. Characteristics of Web shoppers are reported. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Types of eMarketing

    This 6 page paper that explains how online marketing differs from traditional marketing, and what types of eMarketing Tools are used to gain and retain customers on the internet. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Electronic and Physical Best Buy Stores

    A 6 page paper comparing the virtual and physical shopping experience and benefits for the company, using Best Buy as the example. The virtual and physical stores are great complements for each other. They each have their strengths and each contributes to the company’s overall success. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Why Passwords and Good Information Security Technologies Are Compromised by Users

    In three pages this paper discussed why in a corporate an/or business environment passwords and decent information technologies that are in place are still compromised by the people who use them and also considers how information security can be improved. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • Failure Prevention and Development Problems Associated with Software Engineering

    An 8 page overview of the challenges faced by software engineers in the last five years. Identifies the most predominant of these as revolving around the Internet and issues such as networking and operating system compatibility. One of the primary problems which is central to each of these arenas is that of data sharing. Software engineers not only have to address compatibility across operating systems but between networked computers and over the Internet. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Online Research Review

    A 5 page paper. The writer was asked to participate in several Online research projects and critique them. The paper begins with an introduction to research conducted on the Web, the typical formats, and the risks. The writer presents several studies with brief comments about them, regarding purpose, reliability, validity and format. No Bibliography.

  • Printing Industry and Its Technology's Economic Impact

    This is a 10 page paper which discusses the value of print and the impact of technology on the economy of the printing business. The bibliography has 5 sources.

  • Case Study

    This 6 page paper answers specific questions regarding Amazon and its market. The questions include consideration of how or why Amazon have been a successful online retailer, whether or not Amazon customers also use other sites to shop for books and CDs, what aspects of customer services have aided Amazons development, why high turnover does not necessarily result in higher profits, the differences between an online and a bricks and mortar experience and the potential problems may face as they continue to expand their product ranges. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • and Internet Jurisdiction

    A 5 page paper discussing's international operations and legal problems that the company potentially could become entangled with as Internet law continues to change. Amazon operates 9 sites (US, UK, China, etc.) and likely is bound by the laws of the country in which those sites are located. Jurisdiction changes have been occurring since an Australian court decided in 2002 that the site of injury imposed by a US site owner was Australia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparing and Contrasting Forms of Dating: Online and Traditional

    In three pages this paper compares and contrasts the traditional forms of dating with its online counterpart. Two sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Risk Management and Construction Information Sharing on the Internet

    A 10 page paper discussing information sharing as a form of risk management. Whether a one-person business specializing in small home repair or a multinational construction firm that undertakes only multimillion-dollar government-funded projects, cost and budget control can be as important to the success of the construction business as is technical expertise. In today’s environment, it is critical that partners involved in construction projects share the information they have about their joint projects. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Microsoft's Operating Systems Dominance and the Emergence of Linux

    This 4-page paper examines how Linux and Microsoft systems are going head to head, and examines if Linux will be the system that breaks Microsoft's dominance in the operating systems market. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Love in internet relationships

    A 3 page paper which looks at internet romance, and whether it is possible to develop romantic feelings for someone before meeting them face-to-face. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Use of Censorship in the Mass Media

    A 14 page paper which examines whether censorship of the media has been made weaker or stronger by diffusion since the 1980s. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Classifications of Web Sites

    9 pages in length. The writer discusses transaction-oriented, delivery system and database access web sites as they relate to front-end and back-end applications (Internet, intranet and extranet) Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses the aspect of computer and network security and how much security is too much. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Preventing Network Attacks

    A 5 page discussion of network security. This paper emphasizes the importance of approaching this problem not just from a technological perspective but also from a human perspective. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • General Overview of Network Security

    This 10 page paper looks at network security today. Specifics in terms of how hackers work are included. is utilized as an example and specific problems are duly noted. The subject of network security is addressed in general as well. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • New Media Technologies and Their Cultural Implications

    A 10 page paper discussing producer control of individuals’ use of digital information; the “digital divide” in Internet access; and cultural implications of Internet content. There are cultural implications of access, of course, but there are additional considerations of the cultural differences in which content can be perceived. The bottom line is that the developer needs to be aware of these disparities in perceptions, and speak to all possible – or profitable – aspects. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Online Shopping Analysis of Singapore's NTUC FairPrice Supermarket Website

    A 15 page report that provides an analysis of the NTUC FairPrice supermarket Online Web site. Sections of this paper include: Online Revenue Stream; Target Customers; Market Positioning; Marketing Mix (4 Ps); Web Site Design; Web Page Design; Payment Method; Security Measures; Privacy Policy. Statistical data included. 2 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Online Retailers, Social and Legal Issues

    This 4-page paper addresses some of the legal and social issues that face e-tailers. Topics discussed include security, the need for contracts and proper recording of transactions and consumer privacy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


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