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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 4 page review of P. Sawyer's "Age of Vikings" -- a book describing the activities of Viking people. The Vikings were Nordic people including but not limited to Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians, who ranged abroad during a period of dynamic Scandinavian expansion in the Middle Ages, from about the year 800 A.D. until 1100 A.D. Sawyer is particularly concerned with presenting the contributions & accomplishments of the Viking people over the centuries. No other sources cited.
A 5 page research paper which examines whether the Vikings were primarily a constructive or a destructive force in European development. The writer shows that while the term "Viking" has been used to describe those who made brutal raids on European coastal settlements, it has also been used to describe the peaceful Scandinavian farmers, traders and craftsmen who brought beneficial skills to the European countries in which they settled. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 5 page overview of some of the formative periods of London’s history. In short, the history of London occurred in leaps and bounds but it also included many years of slow, gradual change. Over her history London progressed from a people whose subsistence was meager and relationships with the rest of the world were essentially non-existent, to a people whose city serves as one of the foremost cultural, economic, and political capitals of the world. This rise included influence from a diversity of peoples ranging from the Romans, to the Saxons, to the Vikings, and to the Normans.
A 3 page overview of the impacts these warriors had on the world, particularly on Western Europe. The author emphasizes that while the Vikings are often remembered in a negative light they also had positive impacts on the regions they invaded. Bibliography lists two sources.
This 4 page paper examines The Vikings and how they were integral to contributing to civilization. The paper is positive and relays information about the good things these Norsemen did. Bibliography lists 3 sources.