Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
What are the Benefits for Contract Owners in the use of Variation Orders? - A Research Proposal
A variation order is an instruction that an architect gives to the builder concerning any variations to the original building contract. They are often associated with increased costs and delays, but they continue to be used. This 11 page paper proposes research in order to identify the benefits and advantages that the use of variation orders can provide for the contract owners. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Designing Entertainment Venues
7 pages in length. Erecting entertainment venues like museums, casinos and concert halls serve a number of social, cultural and economic purposes to a given community; that a single entertainment venue can encapsulate all of these elements speaks to the vast advantages inherent to such urban geographical growth. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
A Consideration of the American Museum of Natural History
(6 pp). The Rose Center's permanent exhibits,
detailing the size, scope and growth of the
universe as well as the earth's place within it,
were unveiled in February (2000) inside the new
structure of steel and glass. The seven-story orb
appears to hover next to the museum, and at night
it is illuminated, by a soft blue light. The
center replaces the old Hayden Planetarium, a New
York City landmark that introduced millions of city
kids to the night sky between 1935 and 1997: kids
are still thrilled - no matter what their ages.
still and
design and exhibits are spectacular.
Gardens of Versailles Art History Examination
A 10 page paper which examines how the fountains, sculptures and gardens that surround the famed French palace of Versailles reinforces the notion that kings are god-like and exert authority over their subjects as a father does over his children. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Southwest's Architectural History
A 2 1/2 page paper which discusses some of
the architectural history of the Southwest. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Park and the People A History of Central Park by Roy Rosenzweig and Elizabeth Blackmar
This is a 5 page paper reviewing Roy Rosenzweig and Elizabeth Blackmar’s book, “The Park and the People: A History of Central Park”. Roy Rosenzweig and Elizabeth Blackmar’s “The Park and the People: A History of Central Park” (1992, 1998) aptly chronicles the history of New York’s Central Park and the people who created it. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the book is the highlighting of those who created, designed, and controlled the park and how it was adopted by the elite and the working class citizens of New York through its growing concept of a ‘public park’. Despite the influences of the elite gentlemen and designers who were inspired by the great city parks of Europe, Central Park was quickly adopted by the working classes from those who labored during the construction of the park to those who were settlers in the area. The concept of “public park” and the query of “whose park is it anyway” continues to be of great importance in present day New York as does the importance of the people who play a role in the continued popularity of the park.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A History of the Tabernacle and Catholic Pulpit
A 22 page research paper that consists of 18 full pages of text and 4 pages of annotated bibliography. The writer offers an overview of the history of Catholic architecture, focusing on the evolution of church construction, but also touching on the history of the pulpit. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
'Picturesque' Landscape as an Evolving Concept
A 3 page consideration of how our concept of man's impact on the environment has changed over time. The author reviews the literature to support the contention that, as Robert Smithson contends in his discussion of "Frederick Law Olmsted and the Dialectical Landscape", the concept of "picturesque" is indeed a material one and one that has been in place since ancient times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nursing Mentoring & Burn-out
A 3 page research paper that explores the benefit that being a mentor/preceptor has on retention of novice nurse graduates. The write argues that mentoring prevents these new nurses from burning out. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Chartres Cathedral Architecture Compared with Music of Valkyrie by Richard Wagner
5 pages. Determining that there is a connection between building a physical structure and composing a piece of music is not that hard to imagine. In each endeavor the creator is bringing forth from the heart and the imagination a thing of beauty and stability that will bring pleasure to those who experience it. In this paper there is made a comparison of the architecture of the Chartres Cathedral and the classical music piece by Richard Wagner 'Ride of the Valkyrie'. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Venice, Italy
A 10 page research paper that discusses the history of Venice, Italy, and also its architecture, painting and music, focusing particularly on the sixteenth century. Then, the writer discusses the current crisis of Venice sinking and what is being done to preserve the city. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Architecture of the Italian Renaissance
A 5 page paper discussing the work of Filippo Brunelleschi, Andrea Palladio and Arnolfo di Cambio as being representative of Italian Renaissance architecture. A hallmark of the Renaissance was that it broke with the traditions of the Middle Ages in form and culture. Whereas the focus of the Middle Ages and the source of all knowledge had been in theology, the study of humanity was the focus of the Renaissance. Theological matters still were of great importance, but they were expressed in different terms. During the Renaissance, beauty came to be acceptable in its own right. Italian Renaissance architecture follows this progression of thought throughout the Renaissance period. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Theories of the Egyptian Pyramids
This 9 page paper outlines how the Egyptian pyramids were built by credible sources and explores nonconventional theories as well. Information about mathematics used by the Egyptians is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Water Temple Design of Tadao Ando
An 8 page consideration of one of Hyogo Japan's most notable structure. The author explores the design elements incorporated into this structure and contends that the Temple is distinct not just because it exemplifies the difference between Eastern and Western ideas of architecture, but because it blends the eastern and western perspectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Design, Creativity and Innovation
This 3 page paper evaluates, and compares and contrasts, the concepts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Carbon Emission cause by Materials Used in the Construction Industry
This 12 page paper looks at the carbon footprint of the construction industry, they that the emission are created and measures that may be used to reduce the carbon footprint. The paper focuses on the materials used in construction and building and levels in the UK. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
A Civil Engineering Overview
This 9 page paper provides an overview of civil engineering, inclusive of its history. The past, present and future are examined, and there is attention paid to the influence of CAD on the development of this important field. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Concrete Slab House Foundation Construction
This 4 page paper examines the usefulness of this type of foundation. It then goes on to provide information on how to create such a foundation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Landscape Architecture and Italian Designs for Pavement
5 pages. The use of Italian pavement designs in landscape architecture is becoming increasingly popular. Topics within this paper include the origin of the paving patterns throughout history, the cost and installation techniques of using pavement stone and the usefulness of this decorative approach in landscape architecture today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Smart House
In fourteen pages this paper examines the concept of the ‘smart house’ in an informational overview that includes its history, various components, pros and cons, progress, and also discusses some famous smart houses such as Bill Gates’ compound in Seattle, Washington. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Listening to Color
In six pages this paper examines how color theory influences interior design in an overview that consider the psychological effects of color on the home environment, how people choose colors on the basis of perceptions and what that says about them, why people are afraid of certain colors, and how an interior designer can help such individuals can steer them the right direction. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
Why Engineers Should Not Design Products for the ‘Average’ Consumer
This 3 page paper looks at why design should not be undertaken with the average person in mind. The paper argues that for design purposes there is no such thing as the average person and that more may be gained if diversity is embraced and allowed for in design. The paper cites many examples to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Civil Engineering and Reinforced Concrete Design Concerns
This 3 page paper provides an overview of this concern in civli engineering. Different types of reinforced concrete design are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
American Landscaping
An 8 page paper which examines the history of American landscaping. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
What are the Benefits for Contract Owners in the use of Variation Orders? - A Research Proposal
A variation order is an instruction that an architect gives to the builder concerning any variations to the original building contract. They are often associated with increased costs and delays, but they continue to be used. This 11 page paper proposes research in order to identify the benefits and advantages that the use of variation orders can provide for the contract owners. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Meaning of Grace Slick's Song White Rabbit
This 5 page paper offers a glimpse into the history of Jefferson Airplane singer and 1960s psychedelic icon Grace Slick, while exploring the impact and meaning of one of her greatest hits, “White Rabbit.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Design Collaborations of Charles and Ray Eames
This 4 page paper considers the collaborative design work of
Charles and Ray Eames, who throughout their careers aimed to deliver affordable, well-designed, and high quality products. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
NYC Skyscrapers' Controversy
This 5 page paper focuses on controversies regarding building skyscrapers in New York in terms of aesthetics and safety. The Pan Am Building is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Overview of Skyscrapers
A 5 page paper which examines how skyscrapers relate to the people and the surrounding environment. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Overview of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge
This 5 page paper highlights the construction of the third longest suspension bridge in the world. Sections include an analysis on the building of the bridge from a cultural perspective, a religious and philosophical perspective and concludes with a look at the project from an ethical standpoint. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Great Sphinx of Giza
A 3 page examination of the Great Sphinx of Giza. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Abstract on Architecture and the Role of Virtual Reality
This 2 page paper is an abstract of a paper on virtual reality and the role it plays in architecture. This paper outlines the basic elements that would be presented in an abstract of a study on this issue. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Ancient Egypt and the Pyramids
An 8 page paper on the great pyramids of ancient Egypt. Focusing upon the Pyramid at Giza, the Pharaoh's pyramids, and more,-- the writer examines architecture, purpose, use, etc; Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Pyramids of Ancient Egypt and Who Built Them
This 6 page paper explores the possibility of alien life through a look at the ancient Egyptian pyramids. The paper concludes that man did make the pyramids but both sides of the issue are addressed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Gothic Cathedrals of 1100 to 1500 A.D.
15 pages on the Gothic cathedral movement between 1100 - 1500 a.d. in Europe. Divides into centuries. Describes Gothic architecture, changes and developments for each time period. Includes descriptions of major cathedrals for each century. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Chicago Architectural and Planning Impact of Edward Bennett and Daniel Burnham
This 5 page report discusses the impact of Burnham and Bennett on the architecture and plan of Chicago at the turn of the century and how that plan has continued to be recognized as a major contribution in the design and planning of a modern city. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
McDonald's Restaurants and the Unity Temple of Frank Lloyd Wright
A 5 page paper discussing the similarities and differences between Frank Lloyd Wright's design of the Unity Temple and the general design of McDonald's restaurants. Are there really any similarities between these two seemingly disparate structures? Indeed, the writer points to at least four ways in which the architecture is similar. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.