Research Paper On The Boston Tea Party

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Factors Leading to the Boston Tea Party

    This 13 page paper discusses the Boston Tea Party and the factors leading up to it. This paper examines why this happened and what happened afterwards as a result. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Boston Tea Party

    A 7 page paper answering 5 questions about this event in American history. The covert destruction of 45 tons – 90,000 pounds – of British tea in Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773 did not directly lead to the American Revolution, but it certainly became a contributing factor in perspective if not in economic consequence. In many respects it bears similarity to some of the sentiments rising up in America again today. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Classification Essay/Birthday Parities

    A 3 page classification essay that discusses 3 types of birthday party. While birthday parties are appropriate entertainment for all ages, the types of birthday party activities that are suited to each age group differ considerably. For example, birthday party activities, music and the food and beverages served should all be geared toward the age of the person celebrating his or her birthday and the age classification of the guests. For example, consider these factors in relation to a birthday party for a toddler, a teenager and a senior citizen. No bibliography is offered.

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