Research Papers on Global Comparative Politics

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Research Papers on Global Comparative Politics

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Global Economy and Comparative Advantage's Relevance

    An 8 page paper discussing how, as the global economy continues to emerge, comparative advantage theory slips further into the recesses of history and further away from any applicability in the global market. One reality of today's business climate is that competition is seen only as increasing. Being centered in geographic locations offering supporting infrastructure for specific industries aids organizations in more effectively competing within their industries, but it reduces the relevancy of the concept of comparative advantage as it has existed in the past. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer by Miller

    An 8 page comparative essay on Henry Miller's 'Tropic of Cancer' and 'Tropic of Capricorn.' The writer argues that the subject of these sexually explicit books was the real quadrangle of sex—passion, politics, boredom and death. Although he viewed the works as conscious-raising efforts, he believed his attempts would be futile. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Global Production Patterns and Hardware and Software Industries

    This 9 page paper looks at how and why the current patterns in hardware and software production have emerged, using software production in India, hardware production in China and support services in Ireland as examples of his pattern. The explanation used is that of global competitive and comparative advantages. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Trade Economic Theories

    This 3 page essay discusses economic theories of trade in terms of comparative advantages and other fundamental determinants of trade. Bibliography lists one source.

  • Religions of the World

    This 200 page paper is a dissertation on the world religions, and promotes a comparative view on the major religions. Bibliography lists 100 sources.

  • LPNs and RNs

    This 10 page paper provides a comparative view of LPS and RNs, including a focus on diffences in their duties. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Analyzing the Turbo Capitalism of Luttwak

    This 9 page paper examines the book in light of contemporary politics. Global issues are considered. No other sources cited.

  • Comparison of Equity and Expectancy Theories

    A Comparative Report: This 5 page report compares the comparative report between Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory and J. Stacy Adams' Equity Theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Evidence for Evolution

    A 3 page overview of the theory of evolution. This paper outlines the usefulness of the fossil record, biogeography, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, and molecular biology as evidence that evolution is a valid concept. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Nursing Models and Theories of Erickson and Orem

    This 8 page paper provides a comparative view of the nursing models outlined by Orem and Erickson. This paper integrates a comparative assessment of both of their theories and applies them to nursing care. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • Enlightenment Modernity and Black Politics

    This 5 page report discusses the parallels between the origins and evolution of Black politics and the Enlightenment's project of modernity. The shift from 'modernity' to 'post-modernity' has been duplicated in the process that resulted in the development of modern politics for the African American community in the United States. Parallels between the emergence of Black politics in the U.S. and the entire process of 'modern' thinking actually can be compared to the development of the 'Enlightenment' of earlier centuries and its focus on 'modernity.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Does the Media Manipulate Presidential Politics?

    In 3 pages, the author discusses the role of the media in presidential politics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Relationship between Politics and Economics

    This 6 page paper discusses the relationship between politics and economics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ethiopia: History, Politics and Challenges

    This 6 page paper discusses Ethiopia's history, it politics and political parties and some of the challenges it faces. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • International Marketing, Strategy Shift, and Coca Cola

    A 20 page paper discussing the shift in Coke’s marketing perspective from a global view to one that is much more local in its approach. The company suffered massive setbacks in Europe when contamination in cans sold in Belgium and northern France sickened consumers. This is one reason for the shift away from the global focus, but there are others as well. The purpose here is to examine the shift from global to local focus, particularly as it applies to Coca-Cola France. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Global Data Security

    A 12 page paper that begins with a report of electronic security breaches, followed by a discussion of the global security market and trends within that market. The essay then introduces a global security company and outlines a business unit structure and a geography matrix map, which is limited, and discusses how the company can gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Using health/medical data and information, the writer discusses concerns in the global security industry with comments about the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The writer then makes a recommendation for the global security company in terms of greater global expansion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Global Capitalism And Standard Requirement Issues

    5 pages in length. As multinational and global capitalism continues to develop, various global systems will become increasingly essential to its orderly progression. In order to meet these specific needs, it will become necessary to reorganize the manner by which many global standards address certain criteria with regard to structural content. The writer discusses how such global standards as currency, accounting, labor, corporate formation and the stock exchange represent integral components in the overall aspect of orderly progression; if not properly engaged, the concepts of multinational and global capitalism will not reach their full potential. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Late Twentieth Century History and Politics of Chile

    A 20 page overview of Chilean politics, and the role of the U.S. in those politics, in the years spanning the election of Allende and the end of the Pinochet regime. The author contends that the U.S. exerted considerable manipulation in Chile and the result was the overthrow of Allende and the rise of Pinochet to the Chilean presidency. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Worldwide Environment and American Film Performers

    A 10 page paper which examines the impact of American films and performers on the global environment of world cinema. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses intermodal systems and global supply chains. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Global Workplace

    This 5 page paper discusses whether or not the global workplace can be a solution to social conflict, and if so, how.

  • Technology

    A 3 page paper which examines technology regarding education and technology involving digital pursuits from a global perspective. Bibliography lists 1 source.


    This 3-page paper discusses the impact of the current global economic meltdown on Nigeria. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Global Warming

    An 8 page paper which discusses global warming. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Warming

    A 6 page paper which examines various articles concerning global warming. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Financial Analysis of Haverty Furniture

    This 17 page paper analyses this well-known furniture company by calculate financial ratios for profitability, liquidity, efficiency, leverage, and also uses the DuPont system. The financial position is ascertained using trend analysis, comparative analysis and benchmarking. The paper then looks at the cost of capital, showing detailed calculation of the weighted average cost of capital; WACC, and how this may be impacted by different changes to the dividend payments. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Does the World Trade Organization Hinder Economic Growth in Developing Countries?

    This 3 page paper looks at how why the international political environment and the operation of the World Trade Organization A constraint rather than promote growth in developing nations. The paper considers how developing nations will often go through comparative advantage, and then discusses some of the ways in which World Trade Organization regulations, the general environment undermine and limit that growth. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Outsourcing by American Firms; A Literature Review on the Political and Economic Issues

    This 6 page paper is a literature review looking at the political and economic issues that arise where outsourcing takes place within the United States. The impact on companies and their employees as well as the theory of comparative advantage discussed. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Relaxation Techniques

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of three techniques for relaxation: television viewing, book reading and yoga. This paper integrates a comparative view of the process of relaxation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Political Comparison of Iraq and Mexico

    The world is in a state of flux. Economies as diverse as Japan and Russia are in the middle of political and economic crisis and globalization has either made productivity soar or has been the death toll for different countries. This 6 page paper compares the current status of the economic, political and social development of Mexico and Iraq. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Outsourcing by American Firms; A Literature Review on the Political and Economic Issues

    This 6 page paper is a literature review looking at the political and economic issues that arise where outsourcing takes place within the United States. The impact on companies and their employees as well as the theory of comparative advantage discussed. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Empowerment, Management, and Leadership

    A 5 page paper that begins with a discussion of the differences between leadership and management. This discussion includes a comparative list of some of the different actions characteristic of each. The paper then comments that a change of organizational culture to one of empowerment may be met with resistance, which, in turn, may be the result of fear and the three steps to take when dealing with this kind of resistance. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Why Does International Trade Take Place?

    This 3 page paper examines some of the drivers that have supported the increase in international trade. The writer looks at the drivers and motivators for international trade taking place including the concept of comparative advantage. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost

    This 3 page paper looks at the concepts of absolute advantage in comparative advantage comparing and contrasting the two. The paper then defines and discusses opportunity cost and considers the way in which this is seen with in international trade theory. The bibliography cites for sources.

  • Successful Communist Revolutions in China and Russia A Comparative Assessment

    This 8 page paper provides a comparative overview of the factors that account for the successful communist revolutions n Russia and China. This paper considers the similarities of each revolution and the factors that determined the maintenance of communism over time. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Comparative Musicology, An Overview

    This; 6 page research paper offers reflection and an overview of the evolution of the field of musicology as it moved from the perspectives of comparative musicology to ethnomusicology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Two Fathers in Cry, the Beloved Country

    Cry, the Beloved Country – Two Fathers Come Together: This 7-page comparative essay examines Alan Paton’s divergent patriarchs, Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis in Cry, the Beloved Country. The specific events in the novel that ultimately cause them to change are enveloped in the related loss of their sons, their subsequent relationship and the self-revelatory journey each takes while trying to understand the enigmatic behavior of his own child. Bibliography lists 1 source. SNPaton1.doc

  • Demographics and Homosexual Experiences

    11 pages in length. The writer provides a brief critique and a lengthier comparative between the author's findings and what others have had to say. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and Hamlet by William Shakespeare

    In five pages this comparative analysis considers how both protagonists regard redemption and how they are conflicted by their moral concepts of good and evil in these respective plays. There are no additional sources in the bibliography.

  • Immigrants: A Comparative Analysis of Poems by Robert Frost and Pat Mora

    In three pages this paper presents a comparative analysis of two poems entitled ‘Immigrants’ by Robert Frost and Pat Mora with subject, diction, style, and devices among the topics discussed. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research Articles Reviewed

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a number of qualitative and quantitative research articles, and provides a comparative view. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Methodology of Driving Test Data Analysis

    A paper which looks at ways in which quantitative data relating to comparative success rates of driving school instructors and test centres can be analysed, with some recommendations as to how qualitative data might be used to supplement this.

  • Methods of Qualitative Research

    This 4 page paper outlines the use of qualitative research methods, including content analysis. Content analysis is one form of qualitative research that has been used in creating comparative views of different views presented in the current literature or in the mass media. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Himachal Pradesh and Xinjiang Province: A Comparative Essay

    Comparative Analysis of China’s Xinjiang Province and India’s Himachal Pradesh: In eleven pages this paper compares and contrasts the regions, geography, ethnic/tribal influences, religion, and economy. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Book and Film Versions of Empire of the Sun

    “Empire of the Sun” – The Book/ the Film: This 8-page comparative essay examines the semi-autobiographical book “Empire of the Sun” by J.G. Ballard, and the later Steven Spielberg film adaptation of the same name. Ballard wrote about living through the world-altering events of WWII, as he is transformed from affluent schoolboy into a struggling street rat. Yet, it is Spielberg who made the epic masterpiece. Bibliography lists 3 sources. SNEmpire.doc

  • Comparison of Original and Subsequent Interpretations of Frederic Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4

    An 10 page comparative analysis on Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4 on editions of the piece by arranger/artists Autograf, Paderewski, Augener, Allans, and Henle. The paper analyzes this piece in conjunction with phrasing, pedal and dynamic markings, tempo indicators, and several of the notes themselves. This paper also has a short discussion on critics of the time, today's critics, and a comparison of two audio discs. Bibliography lists 8 sources .

  • Analyzing World Cultures and Gender Issues

    In seven pages, this paper examines the similarities and differences that exist in global (non-U.S.) cultures including Japan, India, the Middle East, and Africa (Ghana), making connections with those in the United States, and also examines the role the gender researcher plays in such analyses. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Ancient Civilizations' Religion and Politics

    A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the relationship between politics and religion in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Orient and India. There are many similarities in each of these ancient civilizations considering it was a time when religion was the most important aspect of life for most of these people. Politics more often than not, used this to their advantage. The only difference was perhaps, to what degree it was used. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Judicial Matters and Politics in the United States and Mexico

    An 8 page comparison of the two countries in terms of the party system, electoral system, and the judiciary. Other information touched on includes the executive branches of government, recent changes in Mexico, and apathy in the U.S. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Lotus Development Corp. and its Growth

    5 pages in length. Of the early days of Lotus Development Corporation, Janet Axelrod says that she and Mitchell Kapor, Lotus' founder, had come to an understanding early on: Kapor would deal with the business end of things; Axelrod would ensure that Lotus employees enjoyed some of the most liberal benefits in the industry and that Lotus would be recognized as a leading innovator in corporate responsibility. That agreement was struck in 1981, and it still holds today. Though IBM broke its own precedence and acquired Lotus by means of a hostile takeover in 1995, Lotus remains a leader in its field and is increasingly global in its focus. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Modern Hollywood Cinema, Class and Gender Politics

    This 15 page paper looks the role of gender and class in contemporary Hollywood films. The paper looks at two modern films; The Matrix of 1999 and Underworld in 2003. The paper looks at the representations of class and gender and applies modern theory to these films to demonstrate the way that dominate stereotypes are retained even where films appear to react against social constraints. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Manuel Castells' "The Power Of Identity" - Literature Review

    3 pages in length. Technological advancement of the late twentieth century has transformed into an ironic duality of both blessing and curse as mankind ventures into the twenty-first century. Manuel Castells utilizes myriad examples of how humanity's desire to improve and simplify have actually complicated and even threatened global societies in a number of ways. With rapid technological change arguably the single most important aspect of mankind's progress over the past fifty years, there can be no question as to the double-edged sword inherent to such tremendous advancement. Social and ethical threats abound from the combined speed and expanse with which the world is being inundated with rapid technological growth. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Email Laws and Relevant Literature

    4 pages in length. The tremendous impact computers have had upon today's global community represents the staggering progress contemporary society is experiencing. That business is conducted from opposite ends of the planet, people forge lifelong relationships without ever having met and employees work from the comfort and convenience of home via telecommuting speaks to the reality of what was once only far off aspirations. Indeed, the benefit of computers far outweighs the inherent drawbacks, however, those negative aspects are not so insignificant that they can be ignored; rather, the extent to which such concerns as email laws are necessary to address issues pertaining to personal privacy, unsolicited correspondence/advertisements and hacking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature and Political Overtones

    This 5 page paper outlines the poltical overtones present in both the novels of Tolstoy and Kleist. Examples are given and cited from texts.Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Postwar Settlement Consequences in War And Peace in The Middle East A Concise History by Avi Shlaim

    5 pages in length. According to Avi Shlaim's "War and Peace in the Middle East: A Concise History," ignorance of human rights and a tendency toward political oppression were the consequences of the post-war settlement of 1918-1922, clearly reflecting the consequential elements of imperialism for American policy in the Middle East. At the turn of the twentieth century, the United States was on the verge of becoming one of the world's most important imperial powers. The combination of public pressure, foreign policy elite and agricultural/industrial capitalism clearly signaled a massive global change of significant proportions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Police Corruption History Including Issues and Solution Possibilities

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the history and the issues involved in police corruption on a national and global scale. Specific examples are used and possible solutions are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Islamic World, the West, and the Relevance of Medieval History

    7 pages in length. It is a harsh reality that has reinvented itself over and over again during some of the most difficult times of global conflict. While at times it serves to unite people under the umbrella of solidarity, it also fuels aggression and hatred toward those who do not uphold the same tenets. This demon of such tremendous proportion seeks to unify but ultimately divides, which reflects the way in which religious fundamentalism of medieval times has perpetuated throughout the centuries to once again raise its ugly head where contemporary relations between the West and the Islam world are concerned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Analysis of Al Qaeda's Strategy And Organization

    10 pages in length. The agenda typical of militant operations is that of complete anarchy; the fact that suicide missions are one of the most widely used tactics speaks to a mindset whereby no life is sacred, not even their own. The world-view of fundamentalists like Al Qaeda is unlike the rest of the civilized planet, with skewed perspectives, inflated self-importance and malicious agendas fueling the global mayhem. Al Qaeda's steadfast organization and extremist strategy resembles several who wreaked havoc throughout history with the same intent to isolate or abolition by way of fanaticism. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Kama Sutra and Modernity

    Modern society is obsessed with sex. Any glance at the television screen, tabloids, or even traditional news outlets informs of a world that cannot get enough of the dirty details of a star’s sexual affairs or even those of a Prince and Princess or a President of a country. Today, movie stars and celebrities are considered automatic ambassadors for a country, making the sexploits of these national figures even more riveting to most people than serious global issues. In fact, there is no taboo sexual subject. This makes it difficult for a religious text such as the Kama Sutra to be held up as a religious document and retain the proper respect it is due. 4 works cited. jvkamasu.rtf

  • Sexual Identity Politics

    A 3 page paper which discusses how different groups and individuals have involved political claims in relationship to their sexual identity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Information and Knowledge in the Age of Cyberspace

    6 pages in length. Knowledge and information have become synonymous in the cybernetic age, but not necessarily to the benefit of understanding. The power of this statement illustrates that while technology might improve man's progress in some areas, it also fails to do so in a holistic manner. The global community is bombarded with information from myriad sources unlike any other time in history, which would lead one to presume this generation to be more knowledgeable than their parents or grandparents. This is, indeed, a logical deduction to make considering this age group was quite literally brought up in the midst of the technological revolution. However, the barrage of information today's younger generation receives on a daily basis via the Internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines serves more to clog the assimilation into understanding than to allow for it. In short, the information is dispensed but the receivers have not been adequately taught how to decipher and retain what is important. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Politics Use of Health Care Research Proposal

    This 4 page paper provides a proposal, inclusive of an outline, to do a project related to health care and how it is used as a political football. Source recommendations are included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Lyrical Left Wing Greenwich Village Community

    This is a 9 page paper discussing the sexual politics within the lyric left from the Greenwich Village community. The New York Greenwich Village community in the late 19th and throughout the 20th century became the center for writers, journalists and artists all promoting ideas and lifestyle representing the political and sexual left including feminism, bohemianism, bisexuality, homosexuality and overall freedom of thought and action. Much of the writing which came from Greenwich was considered within the realm of the “lyric left” through the works of Jack Kerouac, Djuna Barnes, Sinclair Lewis, Willa Cather and especially Edna St. Vincent Millay among many others. Millay wrote a great many poems which not only revealed the bohemian and “radical sexual” conduct within the lifestyles of her and her colleagues but also commented on the fullest extent of feminism in which women can feel sexual desire and needs in addition to having control over their own lives and sexual fulfillment. At the same time, her poems also show the conflict which still existed between men and women and her own desire to overcome any restrictions carried over from the previous Victorian expectations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • GREECE AND POLITICS - 2000-2004

    This 9-page paper discusses the political landscape in Greece during the 2000 and 2004 general elections. Bibliography lists 9 sources

  • Hawaii Natives, Loss of Identity and Politicsi

    This 7 page paper looks at economic problems and cultural issues in Hawaii. Much history is relayed in this paper that discusses the political problems in the state. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Japan's Outlook on World Politics

    This 5 page paper examines some of Japan's policies in order to evaluate the statement that Japan will continue the active, assertive and nationalist stance it takes now with regard to its defense policy, foreign economic policy and diplomatic stance regarding its history. The paper finds that the statement is largely untrue since Japan is changing – or considering changing – all three of these policies; however, the terms "active, assertive and nationalist" will still apply. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Huntington, Clash of Civilizations

    A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the thesis proposed in the 1993 article “The Clash of Civilizations?” (which was later expanded into a book) by Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington, he which he proposes that the central source of global conflict will not be “primarily ideological or primarily economic,” but will be between cultural perspectives (Huntington, 1993, p. 22). This examination of Huntington’s thesis, first of all, looks at his position in more detail, and then examines the implications of Huntington’s position and the storm of controversy that it has generated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Indian Politics and the Significance of Religion

    This 7 page paper addresses the significance of religion in India and why secularism is both desired but problematic. The caste system is discussed. The problem is looked at sociologically through the eyes of theorists like Durkheim and Marx. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hip Hop Group Public Enemy

    A 5 page research paper that examines the hip hop group "Public Enemy" and their place in popular music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Interpretation Of Claims Made In "The Da Vinci Code"

    10 pages in length. A fictional story based within a factual premise is not typically an alarming dichotomy within the literary world, however, when the topic at hand is religion - more precisely the Bible's legitimacy and accuracy - the coupling elicits a tremendous chorus of disapproval particularly when the purported "truth" is collectively argued to be the author's own fabrications. Even more infuriating to the truly pious, however, is how Dan Brown – author of the highly criticized The Da Vinci Code – maintains through the most blistering accusations of intentional falsehood that his fact-finding research he performed for the story uncovered these valid truths. The extent to which Brown's assertions have reverberated throughout the global religious community is both grand and far-reaching; that the author stands firm upon his convictions of fact speaks to the ongoing debates as to whether Brown actually believes his own lies or if he is merely perpetuating them for the benefit of publicity. Despite the reason, Brown continues to stir the flames of heresy where any God-fearing Christian is concerned. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Partner Violence

    5 pages in length. The compulsion to physically or verbally abuse one's partner has been under scrutiny for decades; to understand the mind of someone who can inflict such mental and/or physical pain upon a person one allegedly loves has been the focus of myriad articles on the psychology of relationships. The extent to which partner violence is more prevalent than most people realize is both grand and far-reaching; that women are the greater recipients of such abuse speaks to the way in which partner violence is grounded at least to some degree in the patriarchal composition of global society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Human Mate Selection

    10 pages in length. The process of human mate selection is as vast and diverse as the global communities from which people hail. Physical attributes, sexual stimuli, life objectives, personality traits, cultural mandates and biological components are just some of the criteria that comprise the foundation of how humans choose their mates. Arranged marriages are typically devoid of the same love that inhabits the union of two people who believe they are each other's soul mate, while marriage for financial security is at the other end of the spectrum from matrimony between two people who are merely seeking amicable companionship. Moreover, what compels a person to select a certain mate at age twenty-five can - and often is - completely different than what stimulates that choice at age fifty. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • William Faulkner's 'A Rose for Emily' and Society's Views on Sexuality

    A 3 page essay that discusses the societal context of William Faulkner's short story, "A Rose for Emily." In this story, Faulkner paints a complex psychological portrait not only of a Southern woman who is caught between conflicting social mores and her own desires, but he also shows the sociological complexity of the small Southern town in which she lived. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Economics and Political Influences in Sport

    This 4 page paper is written in two parts, the first part of the paper looks at the contradictory economic position of the NFL team managers, who have to work as partners sharing revenue as well as competitors. The second part of the paper looks at the relationship between sports and government polices. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Cross Promotional Advertising Between Sports Brands and Consumer Products

    24 pages in length. Maintaining one's competitive edge while immersed within the local and global marketplace not only takes substance and endurance but also an inherent ability to see beyond tomorrow. Establishing a company's firm grip upon the many variables that are associated with competitiveness is a challenge that most consumer product companies have encountered with a mixture of eagerness, anxiety and anticipation. It is not always an easy venture to maintain one's established position given the consideration of respective infrastructure and labor costs, cultural barriers, as well as monetary fluctuations. The desire to break free of the constraints associated with standard advertising techniques has become all-important to the future of advertising as a whole, which has become quite apparent with the presence of consumer product companies working with sports brands in cross-promotional advertising. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • The Relationship Between Sport And Politics

    3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses, drugs, race and poverty as they relate to the political aspect of sport. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Foreign Educated Nurse Licensing

    This 23 page paper discusses the licensing process for foreign-educated nurses in America. The essay begins with an introduction that reports the nursing shortage, the practice of importing foreign-trained nurses in developed countries and the ratio of nurses to population in several countries. The next section reports the licensing process for nurses who are trained in the U.S., which is followed by the process for licensing foreign-trained nurses, including the CGFNS program and the NCLEX examination. The contents and process of the exams are discussed. The author then discusses other challenges for the foreign-educated nurse, such as the sometimes vastly different communication process. The last section is recommendations to help foreign-educated nurses become more successful. The writer also discusses negative impact importing nurses has on global health and the need to resolve the real problem. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Global Warming: Real or Imagined?

    A 4 page review of the issue of global warming. This paper contends that our perception of global warming is based more on a misrepresentation of fact and emotion than it is on hard scientific data. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Global Environment Management

    This 8-page paper discusses handling of the global environment and includes discussions about how local companies suddenly find themselves in a global market (how they got there, and how they work within the market). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Impact of HIV/AIDS on Nursing

    A 6 page research paper that discusses how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected nursing on a global scale, but particularly within the healthcare systems of the developing countries. This literature review examines the affect of HIV/AIDS on the profession of nursing, with an emphasis on nursing in Africa, but also addressing global experiences and concerns. The implications drawn from this research indicate the challenges facing nursing today due to HIV/AIDS. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Global Account Management

    This 5 page paper looks at global account management according to information submitted by a student. The pitfalls of global accounts are discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Globalism, Technology, Capitalism, and Sport

    A 6 page paper that focuses on LaFeber's book, Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism. The essay looks at how sport has become so commercial over the decades to become part of global capitalism with major corporations sponsoring sporting events in the 1960s. The writer comments on the interaction of technology, capitalism and sport. LaFeber uses the relationship between Jordan and Nike as an example. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Security in the Global Context

    This 20 page paper is made up of a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation along with speaker notes examining what is meant by the globalization of security and how security has become a global issue. The presentation looks at what is meant by globalization, identifies different types of threat, including, but not limited to, war, terrorism, crime as well as energy and food security. The problems are defined and described along with some of the global responses to those problems. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Status of the American Economy

    A 5 page paper on the state of global economics. The writers discusses where the U.S. stands in the world of economics and the likelihood of it being able to maintain it's rank as the global economic leader. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Can and Do Global Brands Exist?

    Many companies seek to compete with the development of global brands. This 9 page paper considers what can be defined as a global brand, looking at the spread of the brand and the way the branding messages are communicated. The paper considers the theory and uses examples to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Impact of HIV/AIDS on Nursing

    A 6 page research paper that discusses how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected nursing on a global scale, but particularly within the healthcare systems of the developing countries. This literature review examines the affect of HIV/AIDS on the profession of nursing, with an emphasis on nursing in Africa, but also addressing global experiences and concerns. The implications drawn from this research indicate the challenges facing nursing today due to HIV/AIDS. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sustainable development and The United Arab Eremites

    This 10 page paper looks at the concept and practice of sustainable development in a global context, including what it is, how it takes place and general attitudes and practice. The paper then considers the way that the UAE is adopting sustainable development policies and practices within the global context. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • The Global Warming Debate

    5 pages in length. The debate over whether global warming is actual truth or mere fallacy is perpetuated by those who stand to lose a great deal of money and power if such desecration is irrefutably proven to exist as a direct result of man's selfish and damaging behavior. Al Gore was successful in illustrating this fact with the evidence found in An Inconvenient Truth, a chronicling of how and why global warming is not only real but also a travesty that occurred by human hand. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Global Warming: Disproportionate Impact and Foreign Aid

    A 3 page discussion of how to prepare developing countries to deal with the impacts of global warming. This paper contends that those most responsible for the pollution contributing to global warming provide aid to those countries in need. The point is made, however, that foreign aid is only one potential approach. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Presentation Guideline for Global Warming

    A 3 page guide for an oral presentation on global warming. The paper presents as balanced view as possible in only 3 pages, discussing evidence of polar ice cap and glacier loss as well as the fact that Al Gore's Tennessee farm frequently runs afoul of the state environmental commission. The paper discusses the difficulty of measuring true data in the face of naturally occurring phenomena such as El Niño, concluding that the evidence for global warming is compelling enough that certainly we should be acting to counteract it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Commercial Aviation and Global Positioning Systems

    This 10 page report discusses the 24-satellite Global Positioning System became fully operational in 1995 and was developed by the U.S. military to help the armed forces determine their exact locations anywhere on the planet. Each satellite transmits a regular electronic pulse, which is used by GPS devices to figure the user's latitude, longitude and elevation within 110 yards. Throughout the 1990s, GPS has served a variety of purposes and had become an essential factor in virtually all aspects of global navigation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • WTO's Founding, Mission, and Development

    This 7 page report discusses the founding, development and mission of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO was designed to oversee an array of global trade treaties. Its architects declared it to be a triumph and a new dawn for trade. The WTO now rivals the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in global importance, because it has a dispute settlement mechanism with enforcement powers. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nursing and Global Perspectives

    A 12 page research paper that examines how nursing is changing to meet the new demands of the twenty-first century. With the advent of global marketing and the revolution in telecommunications, the world has suddenly become a much smaller and much more interrelated place. All aspects of society are under reconstruction to fit the parameters of the changing global situation, and it is in this context that many nursing professionals are exploring what this means for nursing and what should be the place of a caring nurse, or as simply a caring individual, within the context of global health and healing. Literature review offered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Politics and Realism's Strengths and Weaknesses

    8 pages in length. As the world embarks upon the new millennium, questions abound with regard to events that occurred during the twentieth century. With particular emphasis upon those that took place just in the past several years, one can surmise that many of these incidents can be attributed to idealism, a philosophy that employs the conscious desire to change the world, as opposed to efforts based in realism. Issues such as national security, arms control, global economy, foreign policy, peace efforts have, indeed, not been grounded in a realistic composure. When one assesses the main strengths and weaknesses of realism in describing world politics, the primary contention that exists is its constant battle against the notion of idealism. The writer discusses how this theory is quite relevant for addressing global contingencies in the 21st century, inasmuch as it is a chronic lack of realism, combined with cynical politics that continues to threaten world issues. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • World Politics and Theory

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses two topics: Liberal internationalism as it relates to world conception; and feminism as it relates to world politics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Honolulu Annotated Bibliography

    This 9 page paper is an annotated bibliography of sources giving information regarding Honolulu and the surrounding area. Sources are drawn from books, journals, magazines and Internet sites covering such things as geography, history, society, politics and culture. The paper lists 22 sources.

  • Jo Ann Mort's Not Your Father's Union Movement

    This 5 page paper presents an example book review of Jo-Ann Mort’s anthology on the AFL-CIO. The compilation of writings includes a variety of topics including those pertinent to American politics as well as those which affect workers abroad. No additional sources cited.

  • US Moral Crisis According to William Bennett, Bob Avakian, and Jim Wallis

    This 6 page report discusses the “moral crisis in America” as it is discussed by Jim Wallis in “The Soul of Politics” (1995), Bob Avakian in “Preaching from a Pulpit of Bones” (1999), and William Bennett’s anthology “The Book of Virtues” (1993). Each of the three point to the prevalence of Americans’ apparently unsatisfied desires for more things and less moral responsibility and compassion in simple daily actions. No secondary sources.

  • Taste of Power by Elaine Brown

    A 5 page analysis of the autobiography of Elaine Brown, who briefly led the Black Panthers in the early 1970s. Brown offers a revealing look into the dynamics of an organization that symbolized the militant left in the Civil Rights movement, the organization that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover referred to as the greatest internal threat facing American national security. Brown's frank discourse reveals the sexism that was inherent in the black power politics of this organization. No other sources cited.

  • Comparison of the Western World and the Renaissance

    A 6 page paper discussing the Renaissance and its differences and similarities to contemporary society. The writer briefly examines science, culture, politics, philosophy, and other key aspects of the culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Julius Caesar's Military Campaigns

    An 8 page research paper on the military campaigns of Roman leader, Julius Caesar. In general, the paper details Caesar's rise, his war efforts, his problems, and his eventual downfall. An excellent resource for those studying Roman politics and/or civilization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Importance of Political Study

    A 4 page paper that determines the significance of studying politics, while also looking at the impact of the two predominant political parties and democracy as a whole. Bibliography lists several sources.

  • Tadeusz Borowski and the Holocaust

    A five-page paper analyzing the view of the Holocaust expressed in two short stories from Tadeusz Borowski’s “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman.” There is a spiritual element to the way most Jews approached their fate that Borowski’s narrator cannot empathize with at all; for him everything is a matter of sheer expediency, and people who refuse to cooperate with the necessary politics of camp life deserve not pity but contempt. Stories discussed are the title story “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman” and “A Day at Harmenz”. Bibliography lists three sources.

  • Type of Feminism

    This 7 page report discusses the evolution of the radical and reform sectors of the feminist movement. By the middle of the 1970's, the original formats of feminist consciousness-raising gave way to one through which women began to examine their subordinate status in other hierarchies that were based on race, politics, or sexual orientation rather than only gender. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Politics and Sports

    This 5 page paper suggests that sports and politics do not mix. At the same time, the paper contends that while politicians should try to avoid becoming entangled in sports, it is not easy to do. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Trade in the Aftermath of the World Wars: A Comparison of Post-WWI and Post-WWII

    This 14 page paper examines the periods after each of these wars. Information about WWI and WWII are provided. Politics and economics are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Change Considerations at Good Sport

    A 21 page paper discussing Good Sport's culture and structure; power structures and politics; managing resistance to change; and leadership style and conflict management. The conclusion provides recommendation for managing change and conflict at Good Sport. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Right and Left Wing Politics in India

    This 14 page paper looks at politics in India and how in recent years, it has been gradually changing from left to right. Marxism is explored, especially how it has existed in India. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Massachusetts' Inhumane Racing of Greyhounds

    5 pages in length. Greyhound racing in Massachusetts is one of the state's most popular and revenue-driven events. The excitement mirrors that of a horse track where bettors become as involved in the sport's politics as they do in the wagers. On the surface, one might not think that greyhound racing is anything but a fun activity for both dog and spectator, but one would not be privy to the gruesome reality behind the inhumane sport, where it is the residual effect of racing that proves most detrimental to the dogs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Business and the Effects of Environmental Regulation

    This is a 9 page paper discussing the impact environmental legislation has had on business and the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation. Within the last two decades, the environmental impact of business and industry has led to necessary legislation in global resource management. In many instances, businesses have had to change their design, processing and testing practices in order to comply with legislation which cost many industries a great deal of money. On the other hand, there has also been a great deal of waste in the business and industry sectors which has had an extreme environmental impact globally. Because of this, the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation has increased significantly. Many businesses have taken a pro-active stance and initiated environmentally-friendly practices which not only decrease their own costs, especially in the area of energy consumption, but have also provided the businesses with a positive public image and can help in the marketing of their products. Because the world’s population and need is seen as increasing while the natural resources around the world are seen as decreasing, it is the expected role of business to not only comply with environmental legislation which will decrease the environmental impact of industry but businesses must also become proactive in the areas of conservation and global resource management. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam by Ira Lapidus and The Community in Islamic History by Hamilton A.R Gibb

    This 4 page paper looks at The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam by Ira Lapidus and The Community in Islamic History by Hamilton A.R Gibb, comparing and contrasting the views of Islam and the relationship between religion, politics, and government in the classical or Pre-Modern Muslim world. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • The Straight Path by John Esposito

    A 5 page book review of John Esposito's The Straight Path, which the writer describes as an easily readable, comprehensive historical introduction to the study of Islam that provides the student with a thorough grounding in Muslim theology, politics and law. By discussing Islamic history within a cultural context, Esposito provides insight into why the Muslim world developed as it did. By offering a means to understand Islamic history, Esposito also aids his readers in understanding the Islamic world of the present. No additional sources cited.

  • Article Critique of 'Beyond Theology' by Judith Nagata

    A 5 page summation and critique of an article by Judith Nagata entitled "Beyond Theology: Toward an Anthropology of 'Fundamentalism.'" In this article, Nagata offers a comprehensive overview of scholarship on the topic of "fundamentalism," arguing, primarily that this label has been used in identity politics as a demarcation that establishes specific boundaries and demonizes those outside those boundaries as "other," the enemy, as "fundamentalist." She also attempts to formulate an anthropological approach to this topic that provides a synthesis of common elements amid the widely divergent cases where this term is employed worldwide. No additional sources cited.

  • Madame Butterfly and Cultural Context

    This 7 page paper considers the issues of gender, colonization and human psychology from the play of David Henry Hwang, M. Butterfly. This paper parallels the Pucinni opera, but changes the outcome to reflect changed perceptions of East/West politics. Examples from the text and cited. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Sandra Cisneros: Women Hollering Creek

    Sexual Warfare : A 4 page paper which examines the politics of sexual warfare in three stories from Sandra Cisneros’ work Women Hollering Creek. No additional sources cited.

  • Political Reflections in 'The Inferno' and Divine Comedy of Dante

    A 5 page overview of the primary structure and plot of this fourteenth century classic poem. Discusses the literary classification of the poem and the historical and political circumstances under which it was written. The author contends that while Dante’s work is influenced to some degree by the historical setting, it is not limited to a discourse on politics. “Inferno”, in particular, is considered the greatest medieval poem and holds many political as well as religious parallels. No additional sources are listed.

  • eCommerce Content Management

    33 pages in length. The ever-changing face of global e-commerce has called for greater efficiency when it comes to content management, a critical component of online retailers that helps maintain unstructured information found on any given Web site. This information exists in many digital forms, not the least of which include text documents, engineering drawings, XML, still images, audio/video files and many other types/formats. Modification is a primary consideration when addressing issues of content management, given the constant modification required for maintaining a current cyberlocation. This ability to constantly modify a Web site's content also carries with it a tremendous responsibility for doing so properly in relation to easy reorganization and updating. The reason why content management has become such a critical component to the success of e-commerce sites is, as Ko et al (2002) note, is because Internet/Web users are becoming more savvy with so many emerging resources. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Johnson and Kaplan's Relevance Lost The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting Reviewed

    This is a 10 page paper reviewing the book “Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting” by H. Thomas Johnson and Robert S. Kaplan first published in 1987 and has since been printed over nine times. The book is extremely relevant in its recognition of the importance of the development of the management accounting discipline over its course in history and the realization that the system must be drastically updated in order to be effective in today’s global competitive industries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Proctor and Gamble Communication and Management Issues

    A 12 page paper examining the paradox presented by management structure at Proctor & Gamble. Proctor & Gamble's 'paint by number' approach to organizational decision making appears to be inhibiting with the effect of stifling the same creativity that senior management claims the company seeks at all levels, but Proctor & Gamble has reached a level of standardization in their decision process that would be unworkable in many other organizations. Other businesses with Proctor & Gamble's rigid hierarchy would only be immobilized, but this company is able to use its strict procedures to channel the creative energies of its managers into a single common direction. That focus enables managers of all departments to be better able to meet their objectives, which presently lie in making Proctor & Gamble a global company with local focus. Bibliography lists 14 sources. P&G.wps

  • Basics of Strategic Market Management

    This 14 page report discusses the basics of strategic market management. In terms of the larger strategies involved in market management, strategy and specific management objectives must be truly responsive to both consumer needs and desires. These are very much the attitudes necessary for success in strategic market management as the world moves into the 21st century. The key to success in the face of global competition is to find the specific and unique niches that are not being served as well as they could be and then either exert or develop an organization’s strength and expertise. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Communication Structure and Global Management

    5 pages. This paper is being prepared in order to help structure the communication needed with international clients. Visiting with clients from Bonn, Milan, and Instanbul means there will be cultural complications in some ways due to the fact that there is no translator that will be accompanying those on the trip. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • International Athletic Shoe Company Establishment

    A 5 page paper establishing a new company to manufacture and market athletic shoes in the US, Canada, Singapore and South Korea. The initial budget is $350 million, allocated among five primary activities. Includes a five forces analysis of the industry. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 6-page paper is a case study analysis about Haier and globalization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Competitive Position of Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts

    This 20 page paper is a case study based on a case supplied by the student. The background to the firm, vision and mission and competitive strategy are assessed. The environment is examined using Porters Five Forces framework and the competitive position of the firm assessed. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Research Proposal on China's Impact Upon Global Trade and Supply

    This 18 page paper considers how and why China may have a significant impact on world trade. China is not a member of the World Trade Organization and is activity participating in world trade. This country is projected at becoming the largest economy and also has a massive potential capacity to increase the supply of goods. This paper undertakes a literature review to assess the development and level of the potential increase and outlines a methodology for primary research for a dissertation. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Managing a Global Brand

    When a company wants to sell brands in more than one country it has choices in the way it managements the brand, either with a stand approach or it may customize the marketing for each market. This 14 page paper is a research proposal with the objective to identify which of these approaches is the most effective marketing strategy and of there is no clear winner how a company should determine which strategy to use. The proposal gives a strong background to the question and presents a clear methodology for primary research. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Understanding the Psychological Contract

    This 100 page paper examines the role of the psychological contract on the employment relationship in an international context. The paper is written as a dissertation, with a full introduction, literature review methodology and then research using a case study approach. The paper defines what is meant by a psychological contract and then considers the influences on the expectations of the employees and employers that are inherent in the psychological contract. Two cases studies are created and then analysed using international examples the employment relationship in France and Japan, these are examined to assess the theories, and assess the impact of the psychological contract on the employment relationship and how it is influenced by different cultures. The bibliography cites 89 sources.

  • Global Population Analysis

    A 6 page paper. This essay looks at five countries: Rwanda, Costa Rica, Iraq, the United Kingdom and Australia. The writer reports demographic data for each country, points out the significant differences between countries, such as life expectancy and mortality rate, and discusses specific issues, such as the impact of population growth. 2 Tables included. A great deal of statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Domestic and Global Security Management

    A 15 page paper that presents a study proposal. The paper includes: a statement of the problem, the significance of the problem, purpose of the study, literature review, research questions and methodology. The problem is that security classes are not included in all organizational leadership programs and this kind of class should be included because managers at all levels are being asked to be responsible for security. The literature review presented provides the justification for including such a course. September 11, 2001, combined with hundreds of terrorist attacks across the world have taught us that certain fanatics will stop at nothing to kill and destroy. Companies and organizations face threats today that are new and more complex. Examples of how some companies responded in terms of security upgrades are included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • The Depiction of Reality in the Age of Global Production

    Contemporary art is full of images that reflect or represent reality in some form. This 22 page paper looks at the way contemporary art is produced and reproduced with controversy stretching barriers and creating a type of hyper reality. Then paper considers some of the foundations of this work, including Andy Warhol and then looks at the work of Matt Collishaw, Marc Quinn and Damien Hirst. The file TEartreal1.rtf is a PowerPoint presentation that can accompany this paper. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Literature Considerations of Global Issues

    The role of literature is to provide a mirror image of the world, its cultures and conflicts in a way that adds meaning and understanding to the processes of change and development. This 6 page paper examines Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih; Survival At Auschwitz by Primo Levi; Wild Thorns by Sahar Khalifeh and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad to explore the uses and devices of global literature. No additional sources are listed.

  • Unifying the Global Economy?

    A 5 page paper refuting the central ideas behind a 'World Unified Currency' plan (W.U.C.). The writer describes the economic problems that would result from countries being able to choose their own exchange rate, troubles experienced by private industry, the destruction of capitalism, and more. It is concluded that as difficult as it may be, the world must accept the fact that some nations will succeed where others will not. The ceilings imposed by a W.U.C. plan are counter-productive and do not effectively promote the competitive efforts upon which the world economy is built. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Competitive Position of Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts

    This 20 page paper is a case study based on a case supplied by the student. The background to the firm, vision and mission and competitive strategy are assessed. The environment is examined using Porters Five Forces framework and the competitive position of the firm assessed. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Ethical Problems Related to the Global Recession

    This 3 page paper focuses on problems in 2009 and what caused them. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • A South Africa Global AIDS Perspective

    An 8 page outline of the problems facing South Africa in terms of effectively addressing the AIDS epidemic. This paper assesses the AIDS epidemic in the region from the perspective of the cultural behaviors and mindsets which continue to feed it. The contention is presented that the most effective address of the problem must overcome the cultural refusal to acknowledge it. Home testing coupled with government-enforced mandatory attendance at educational workshops is proposed as being a solution which will ensure self-awareness, avoid social ostracization, and hopefully spawn positive behavior change. A free one-page solution outline is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Iris M. Young's Justice and the Politics of Difference and Susan M. Okin's Justice, Gender and the Family

    (7 pp) This discussion addresses the nature of social politics and diversity through the work of two feminist scholars: Susan Muller Okin: Justice Gender and the Family (1989), and Iris Marion Young: Justice and the Politics of Difference (1990).

  • An Anorexia Nervosa Qualitative Study of Family Therapy vs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    This is a 9 page paper using a qualitative approach to study cognitive behavioral therapy versus family therapy for treatment of anorexia nervosa. A qualitative study of cognitive behavioral therapy versus family therapy for treatment of anorexia nervosa includes various non-experimental components. Firstly, a statement of the problem introduces the prevalence of anorexia and the need for successful treatment in this disease which claims over 10 percent of those diagnosed. The statement of the problem is then followed by the purpose for the study, if any assumptions can be made and a qualitative review of the current methods of therapies. Several therapies have been used in the treatment of patients with anorexia which includes cognitive behavioral therapy, individual and group therapy, family therapy and pharmacotherapy as well as nutritional counseling. In this study, an assessment of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and that of family therapy are examined through a comparative view of current literature. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Math Assessment, Authentic Assessment Programs, and Inconsistencies

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the interpretative and inconsistent nature of math assessment and possible authentic assessment programs. Several issues relate to the inconsistent and interpretative nature of math assessment within the educational curricula today. Firstly, on a national basis, studies reveal the range in attitudes in regards to importance math assessment has in the overall educational curriculum. While math assessment is often mentioned, its importance does not seem as highly weighted as other aspects of assessment of school performance. Secondly, within the school systems themselves, teachers in mathematics vary a great deal in their teaching practices which can affect assessment; perception of their students’ abilities based on social factors and past performance; perception of the importance of national and consistent assessment; and desired learning outcomes. There are many educational assessment tools which are available. However, assessment tools vary in regards to their expense, time, and curriculum considerations which can affect whether or not the tool can be usefully applied. One of the goals of the U.S. educational system is be “the first in the world in mathematics and science achievement” and some educational programs are trying to fulfill this goal by not only developing consistent national education and assessment programs but programs which are comparative on an international scale, such as that found within the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Reviewing Feminism's Evolutionary Nature

    A 4 page review of the multifaceted nature of feminism. This diversity is emphasized by a number of writers, one of the more notable of which is Estelle Freedman. Freedman's "No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women" is complimented by an exploration of a number of other authors and viewpoints. Rosemarie Tong's "Multicultural and Global Feminism", Pat Mainardi's "The Politics of Housework" and Barbara Ehrenreich's "The Road to Equality" each add considerable insight into the diversity of feminism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of the League of Nations

    A 10 page paper in which the writer discusses what led to the development of the League of Nations, as spearheaded by Woodrow Wilson. Why the United States refused to join the League will be reviewed, as will what influence this 25 year old organization had on the current United Nations, and how the League of Nations may still influence United States politics. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Feminist Approach to Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

    5 pages in length. Leslie Marmon Silko's "Ceremony" addresses a long-standing issue that has existed between Native American men and women: the open and equal pursuit of identity. That patriarchy has been the controlling social force for centuries has effectively placed the female gender in the shadows of acceptance, while the male gender has successfully progressed in all possible areas: politics, education and economics. For women, these areas have long histories of restraint through design of the woman’s role; the effects of such designs have been so well entrenched that they have automatically applied to virtually every other area of public life. No additional sources cited.

  • Beuys and Warhol, Two Different Artists

    This is a 6 page paper comparing and contrasting the works and politics of the artists Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol. Artists Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol lived and worked basically at the same time from the 1920s to the 1980s. Beuys, who grew up fairly conservatively, served in the war and held an academic position, expressed a great deal of warmth and hope in his art works which was also reflected in his political and philosophical outlook on life. He believed that all humans were students of life and it was their obligation to use their creativity throughout their disciplines to integrate the ideals of all cultures. Throughout his lifetime he was the founder of several activist groups designed to allow for a more open-minded society. His convictions to freedom of education were often at his own expense as he sacrificed a great deal for his activism. Warhol was known as one of the most influential commercial and pop culture artists of his time. His outlook on life and the human race was somewhat more grim than Beuys’ however as he believed that modern culture should and does act like a machine. He stressed that he was superficial along with the rest of society and used his celebrity to further his career mostly in the art, film, music and television industries. He did however use some of his exhibitions to display some of what he considered to be disasters of the twentieth century but most of his activism was through his art and not through outward causes like Beuys. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Management and Business Practices and the Influence of Chilean Culture

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the influence of Chile’s culture on business and management practices. Chilean management structures and practices are influenced by a diverse number of factors from Chilean culture. The strong military presence and influence of the Church resulted in management procedures which are strict, conservative and respectful in nature. Strong social class hierarchies in Chilean society has resulted in highly hierarchical structures in management where the higher end executives are responsible for the decision making processes and are well rewarded because of this. Finally, women’s roles in Chilean culture are quite prominent and this is also reflected in the Chilean work place as women have equal representation in the social classes as well as professional positions and politics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Contemporary Actions and the Predeterminant of History

    A 4 page contention that our actions today are often determined by decisions that we made well back into the chapters of history. Indeed, even if we consider such gross aspects of our lives as our politics and our religions we see that this is indeed the case. One of the more interesting examples that supports this contention is the Renaissance. We are still feeling the reverberations of this historical period today, over six centuries since its advent. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Political Reflections in 'The Inferno' and Divine Comedy of Dante

    A 5 page overview of the primary structure and plot of this fourteenth century classic poem. Discusses the literary classification of the poem and the historical and political circumstances under which it was written. The author contends that while Dante’s work is influenced to some degree by the historical setting, it is not limited to a discourse on politics. “Inferno”, in particular, is considered the greatest medieval poem and holds many political as well as religious parallels. No additional sources are listed.

  • War Films and Politics

    A 6 page paper which looks at the relationship between war films and politics as seen in Saving Private Ryan and Full Metal Jacket. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Corruption and Police

    A 6-page essay that traces the history of the American police department and the corruption that has hindered it from its early beginnings. A look at early police involvement with politics is included, as well as a look at the corruption that resulted from the association of the department with organized crime during America’s prohibition era. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Honolulu Annotated Bibliography

    This 9 page paper is an annotated bibliography of sources giving information regarding Honolulu and the surrounding area. Sources are drawn from books, journals, magazines and Internet sites covering such things as geography, history, society, politics and culture. The paper lists 22 sources.

  • Sexual Politics in Women in Love, The Rainbow, and Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence

    An 8 page paper which examines the male-centered aspects of the controversial novelist’s sexual politics, which was defined by feminist Simone de Beauvoir as “phallic pride.” Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Ancient Civilizations and Geography

    This 5 page paper explains how geography played a role in terms of politics, economics and culture in both Ancient Greece and Rome. Many aspects are discussed inclusive of the effects of weather, terrain and natural disasters. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • China; Geography, Culture, Population, Language, Ethnicity and Politics

    This 4 page paper gives a good overview of China, looking at its geography, culture, population, language, ethnicity and politics. Each of the different aspects of China is presented individually. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Compare and Contrast: The US and Great Britain

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts the United States and Great Britain, using the book Countries and Concepts: Politics, Geography, Culture by Michael Roskin as its primary reference. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Early Intervention Programs and Student Achievement: A Review of Literature

    This 4 page paper examines early intervention programs. Several articles and books, in addition to online information, is reviewed. Politics are noted as well. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Political Institutions Shaped by the History of Western Europe

    This 6 page paper looks at European history and how it has affected Europe as it is known today. An emphasis is placed on politics. Communism is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Politics, Religion, and Language of South America

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the South American continent with particular attention paid to language, religion and politics. The effect of culture on the political economy of the region is an important component of the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Politics and Metaphysics of Thomas Hobbes

    A 6 page paper that provides an overview of Hobbes metaphysical considerations as they relate to both politics and religion and considers these elements in terms of Hobbes' Leviathan. No additional sources cited.

  • Machiavelli's Beliefs on Religion and Politics

    5 pages in length. According to Machiavelli, a successful and powerful government balances is strengths by offsetting differing interests, while always taking into account public good. The writer discusses religion and politics as they relate to Machiavelli's Discourses. No additional sources cited.

  • Aphra Behn, Restoration Author

    A 12 page research paper that discusses the work of Aphra Behn, the first female British professional author. The writer highlights two of her works, offering an overview of her politics. The works reviewed are Oroonoko and The Rover. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Human Behavior and “Chimpanzee Politics”

    This 13 page paper takes the book “Chimpanzee Politics” by Frans de Waal as a springboard for answering five questions about the chimps described in the book, and how their behavior can be related to human behavior. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • “Chimpanzee Politics” and Human Behavior

    This 10 page paper takes the book “Chimpanzee Politics” by Frans de Waal as a springboard for answering five questions about the chimps described in the book, and how their behavior can be related to human behavior. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • “Chimpanzee Politics”

    An 8 page overview of the many similarities that exist between humans and chimps when it comes to group dynamics. Using the book by Frans De Waal as a reference, this paper highlights how chimp group dynamics share more similarities than they do differences with politics in American government. No additional sources are listed.

  • Politics of the Banana Trade War

    This 14 page paper looks at the politics of the banana trade war with particular attention on the Caribbean and how it has been affected by this phenomenon. The role of the WTO is discussed. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Integrated Technology and Smart Business

    This 4 page paper looks a concept of a ‘Smart Business’ and integrated technology answering three questions set by the student. The first question discusses the way in which information technology may be perceived in an objective manner, the second question considers the influence of politics and power on the way IT is implemented and the last price concept of smart business to a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • The United States and The Civil Rights Movement

    A brief, 4 page overview of the struggle for civil rights in the United States. Covers relevant politics and law-making from 1870 to the present. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Comparing the Empire of Ancient Rome with Ancient Greece

    This 4 page paper compares Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, looking at the different cultures comparing social structure, politics, religion, economies and terrain. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Tan, Orwell and Baldwin: Language

    A 4 page paper which examines “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, “Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell, and “If Black Language Isn’t a Language, The Tell Me, What Is?” by James Baldwin and then examines their discussions of language and identity, and language as political. No additional sources cited.

  • California's Settlement

    This 5 page paper discusses the settlement of California from Native American peoples through to the influx of anglo-Americans. Issues of federalism discussed from the books: Power and Politics in California, and California; An Interpretive History. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Politics in Organizations

    A 4 page paper. The catalyst for this paper is a 1998 article entitled "The new rules of leadership and organizational politics - In the Trenches." The writer discusses the content in relationship to today's workplace. The writer comments on power in social relationships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • South Africa and Independence

    A 10 page analysis that compares and contrasts two books on South Africa‹South Africa: the Struggle for a New Order by Marina Ottaway and Twentieth-century South Africa by William Beinart. The writer argues that Ottaway's book offers a more focused examination of South African politics, while Beinart's offers the best historical overview. No additional sources cited.

  • Canada and the Connection Between Public Administration and Politics

    This 3 page paper evaluates Canadian public policy, its politics and its problems with globalization. Several points are made within this brief paper. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Media and Canadian Politics

    This 10 page paper examines the relationship between media and politics in Canada. Media bias is examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Scandal, the Media, and Public Opinion

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the impact of media coverage on such political scandals as the Lewinsky/Clinton debacle by applying the theory of agenda setting, yellow journalism and briefly touching upon the Lawrence/Bennett article entitled "Rethinking Media Politics and Public Opinion: Public Reactions to the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal." Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Mass Media and Its Influence

    A 5 page paper that examines the tremendous influence of the mass media as presented in The Interplay of Influence: News, Advertising, Politics, and the Mass Media by authors Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Karlyn Kohrs Campbell. Discussed are the three sections in which the book is divided, sections that detail the influence and role of the mass media in news presentation, advertising, and political campaigns respectively. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) During Recent History

    5 pages in length. Historical literary accounts of Latin America's quest for freedom delve deeply into the social and cultural foundation of discrimination and oppression during the nation's formative years, effectively illustrating the extent to which the Americas suffered gross indignities at the hands of those who were in control, with primary emphasis upon the oppressive nature of European colonization. Andrea & Overfield's The Human Record : Sources of Global History and Bulliet et al's Earth and Its Peoples : A Global History Since 1750 are instrumental in illustrating the detrimental impact of colonization, as well as concentrating upon the significant quest for independence that Latin America ultimately realized as a nation. No additional sources cited.

  • Global Branding And Global Brands

    An 8 page paper that begins with a discussion about brands and branding and the importance of branding. The essay then reports the most recognized brands and the top global brands, according to different reports. One report includes a comparison of the top brands in different geographic regions. Another study reports top brands in terms of brand value. Brands are identified. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Hong Kong Labor Market Trends

    This 75 page dissertation papers examines the labour market in Hong Kong. The paper begins by exploring the impact that global economic slowdown is having on the Hong Kong labour market, looking first at the economy globally and the problem of over-capacity and then at the specific impacts the global economy is having on Hong Kong as well as more local impacts, such as the transfer of rule to China. The writer then looks at the development of the labour market and how the economic changes have forced the structure of the labour market to change away form the more traditional manufacturing to new technology and the desire to build knowledge based economy. Issues such as the skills shortage, the disadvantages and advantages of the links with China and its’ membership of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the role of vocational training are all considered before the conclusion that within Hong Kong occupational trends demonstrate a new economy. The bibliography cites 61 sources.

  • Dan Vergano's Article 'Water Shortages Will Leave World in Dire Straits'

    3 pages in length. According to a report by Dan Vergano, whose article entitled Water Shortages Will Leave World in Dire Straits appears on the Water Environment Federation's Web site, the next fifty years poses a significant threat to the entire global population where water shortages are concerned. Over half of all people on the planet will suffer with the detrimental impact of a worldwide water crisis caused by man-made problems such as coral reef destruction, coastal rise due to global warming, tremendous drops in various bodies of water, waste (human & industrial), poverty, as well as wholly inadequate management of current water resources. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Global Joint Ventures and the Management of Risk

    An 11 page paper discussing some of the conditions from which organizations involved in international joint ventures must protect themselves. Business has a more global focus now than at any time in the past. While that global presence contributes to the success of all segments of a specific organization, it also enhances the need for astute risk management. Aside from the normal fluctuations of the business cycle, international joint ventures also can be affected in their success through currency fluctuations, economic health of the host country and local political stability. Business entry into a new national market in the form of an international joint venture is in itself a measure of risk management, in that neither party bears the full weight of the risks associated with the new venture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Complexities of IAS

    This 14 page report discusses international accounting standards and the complexity of financial accounting in terms of multi-national corporations, the global market place. Modern accounting practice can be looked at as a multi-layered system of assumptions, doctrines, formulas, formalities, and much more. Accounting and auditing standards have historically been set by national bodies such as FASB and specialized regulatory agencies in countries all over the world. Each country virtually has its own set of standards. Now, the developing global economy and growth in cross-border financing are creating an environment that would benefit from greater harmonization of accounting standards at both the international and the national levels. Paper includes a one-page executive summary. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • World Market Ideologies

    A 3 page paper discussing five components of the ideology that would need to exist in order to achieve a true global market in which all economies are intertwined. The five components are the relationship of the individual to the group; institutional guarantees of the relationship; ownership of the means of production; the role of the state; and the prevailing perception of reality. Of these, the two components inhibiting further development of the proposed global economy are identified as those of ownership and the role of the state. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Human Beings and Information Processing

    This 5 page report discusses Timothy Salthouse’s 1980 article in Arts Psychologist titled “Conversing Evidence for Information Processing Stages: A Comparative Influence Stage Analysis.” In it, the author examines the primary techniques used for analyzing cognitive processes and offers his own theories as to the means through which those techniques can be integrated. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.

  • Global Internet Business Opportunities and Challenges

    A 5 page essay discussing the challenges and opportunities that await a business when it decides to go global on the Internet. Bibliography lists six sources.

  • Ottoman Empire Roots of the Modern Turkish State

    A 12 page research paper that examines the development of the modern Turkish state and compares this to roots as part of the Ottoman Empire. The writer concludes that Turkey will have to address its human rights abuses before it can fully realize its dream of becoming a fully modernized part of the global community. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Global Power Rise of the U.S.

    A 5 page overview of the rise of the U.S. to international power. The paper begins with the ideals of the forefathers, leading to the inventions rising out of the Industrial Revolution and continuing through World War II (a-bomb), telecommunications, computer technology, military technology and the space program. The paper includes a discussion of some of the problems that have emerged as a result of democratization of communist and socialist states and how the United States is working to assist those countries in the move to the global market. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • London's Development History

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the development of London through the time of the Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans. From the first established settlement north of the Thames River by the Romans in AD 43, the building of the bridge and the naming of Londinium, London developed substantially over the next 1200 years through the Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans. While it can be said that the Romans first established trade and the development in London, the Saxons and the Normans were largely responsible for the model of the city as it now stands today in regards to architecture, commerce, politics and civil liberties. Although the arrival of the Vikings caused a certain amount of turmoil, it did cause England to eventually unite under King Alfred of Wessex and establish London as the capital of Britain. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Plato's The Laws Summarized and Analyzed

    This is a 10 page paper summarizing and analyzing Plato’s “The Laws” on a chapter by chapter basis. Philosopher and educator Plato (427-347 B.C.E.) wrote extensively in general philosophy which he believed was the basis for the theory of education and political thought. Plato was greatly influenced by the philosophies of Socrates and in addition was critical about Athenian public life “which he presented as dominated by the rhetorical and poetical uses of language in the formation of policies and attitudes”. “The Laws” (360 B.C.E.) was Plato’s last and most extensive work and it reaffirms many of his arguments from previous works in regards to the practical politics of running a Republic. The central speaker is an “Athenian stranger” who gives “advice on the constitution of a proposed new city”. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of the Films The American Revolution (Part I: ‘The Conflict Ignites’), Williamsburg: The Story of a Patriot, and John Adams (Part I: ‘Join or Die’)

    In ten pages this paper summarizes each film, compares and contrasts them, addresses any biases in the treatment of subject matter, analyzes the producers’ techniques, and offers the writer’s personal opinion on the accuracy of each film. One source is listed in the bibliography.

  • Cinematic Comparison of Jean Renoir's The Rules of the Game and Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times

    A 3 page paper which examines how these films present conflicts between various social forces and the characters’ spontaneous human impulses. Also compared and contrasted is how the urban and country settings of the respective films set the stage of this conflict. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Mexican Literature Comparison Victor Valle's Recipe of Memory Five Generations of Mexican Cuisine and Ruben Martinez's Crossing Over A Mexican Family on the Migrant Trail

    A 5 page overview of the content of these two books and the differences in presentational style elected by each author. The author of this paper emphasizes that Mexican literature offers a wide gamut of style and subject matter. Of particular interest is the way different writers chose to present their information. Some chose a discursive appropriation while others use formal appropriation. The approach elected by Valle falls into the latter category while that of Martinez falls into the former. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Eighteenth Century Analysis of Poems "Little Black Boy" by William Blake, "Holy Willie's Prayer" by Robert Burns, and "We Are Seven" by William Wordsworth

    In four pages this paper contrasts and compares the style and poetry of each of these eighteenth century British poems. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Love in Andrew Marvell's 'The Definition of Love' and in Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's 'Love, That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought'

    A 10 page paper which examines how each poem defines love and how, in the end, love fails in both. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Poetic Comparison of Robert Frost's 'Meeting and Passing,' 'The Road Not Taken,' and 'An Old Man's Winter Night'

    A 4 page paper which compares and contrasts this trio of Frost’s poems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literary Analysis of Jeffrey Eugenides' The Virgin Suicides and Timothy Findley's Not Wanted on the Voyage

    A 6 page paper which compares and contrasts the authors, their writing styles, they ways in which they convey themes, symbols, storylines, settings and characterizations and, in particular, considers the role of women in their respective novels. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Poetic Comparison of John Keats's 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer' and William Wordsworth's 'Lines Composed upon Westminster Bridge'

    A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the two Romantic poems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literary Comparison of Graham Greene's 'The Destructors' and D.H. Lawrence's 'The Rocking Horse Winner'

    A 5 page paper (4-1/2 pp. + ½ pg. outline) which compares and contrasts each story’s plot, characters’ emotions and feelings, setting and mood, authors’ purposes (whether to entertain, satirize, realistically portray a life problem, analysis of emotions and responses, communicate a moralistic message), and the authors’ styles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Alfred de Musset's Confession d'Enfant du Siecle and A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

    An 11 page paper which compares the autobiographical elements of these novels represented by the protagonists and considers how society’s ills contributed to a youthful loss of innocence in nineteenth-century French and Russian societies. No additional sources are used.

  • Literary Comparison of Wallace McRae's 'Reincarnation,' Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, and Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

    A 5 page paper which analyzes how point-of-view shapes the exposition, prose, style, tone, plot, theme, and character of these works. No additional sources are used.

  • Overview of the The Silk Industry : Brief History, Modern Day Markets, Trade and Production

    This is a 7 page paper discussing the silk industry. Originating in Ancient China, the Chinese silk industry alone still maintains an annual global market of over $2 billion. While China still remains the largest exporter of raw silk and Japan is its largest consumer, silk is still one of the most popular natural fibers in demand in Europe and North America. The introduction of synthetic fibers and the more affordable sand-washed silk within the last decade however have driven the cost of silk down almost 50% on international markets. This has led to recent production center closures in Japan and the Republic of Korea which has caused a devastating effect on the millions of silk farmers in the countries of China, India and Brazil. The International Trade Commission and the International Silk Association are currently working together to continue the silk industry because it is comparatively an environmentally friendly product in addition to its employment of millions of people in developing countries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Tutorial on Motivation, Marketing, Decision Making, and Accountancy

    This 62 page paper incorporates 5 essays addressing different topics within the general headings in the title. Essay #1 begins with a scenario and then discusses quantitative methods for forecasting, specifically explaining the time-series decomposition model. The essay does not include actual calculations but describes this model. Essay #2 focuses on strategic marketing management and includes discussions of developing brand loyalty and brand equity and marketing and advertising to gain market share. This essay also includes a discussion of the importance of global branding. Essay #3 is about managing people and organizations and includes discussions and explanations of several theories of motivation, including a discussion of theories of motivation for today's knowledge workers. Essay #4 discusses accountancy for managers and includes explanations of the absorption costing approach, marginal costing and activity based costing. The last essay is about strategic decision making and competitor analysis. It discusses economies of scale, economies of scope, marginal costing, price elasticity of demand. This final section also includes a comprehensive discussion of Porter's structure -> conduct -> performance paradigm and resource-based approaches to strategy. Numerous examples are incorporated in each section. 4 Illustrations are included. Tutorial comments are incorporated throughout the text. Bibliography lists 44 sources.

  • STDs and Plans of Health Promotion

    This is a 5 page paper discussing health promotion plan for STDs in small and large communities. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global as well as local concern for health care providers. In addition to guidelines and fact sheets about the prevalence, treatment and symptoms of STDs provided by the World Health Organization, national and local organizations are developing plans for the prevention of STDs through the education of the public provided mainly through health care facilities, centers and providers. Nurses play a dominant role in regards to health promotion in communities as many are involved not only in the larger centers such as hospital settings in which they will come in contact with patients with STDs but nurses also promote education in smaller communities through awareness programs for the schools, local centers and physician practices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Studies and Recommendations on Burnout of Nurses in Oman and Other Countries

    This is a 4 page paper discussing nurses’ burnout. Nurses’ burnout is a global problem which is considered more severe in developing countries due to the initial high patient nurse ratio and the increased number of health care workers which leave developing countries for other opportunities. While the Sultanate of Oman has a fairly large nursing population, over 70% of the nurses are foreign born leaving Oman even more vulnerable to the departure of a large portion of its nurses. The Ministry of Health within Oman has undergone several initiatives which will hopefully help to retain the current nursing population such as increasing the percentage of Omani and adopting international nursing standards, but in addition, the administrators responsible for the well being of nurses in Oman may wish to consult worldwide studies on nurses’ burnout which indicate that environmental factors such as resource availability, supervisor support, length of stay in high demand departments and overall “empowerment” within the workplace among many other factors are equally important in decreasing emotional exhaustion and stress which leads to burnout. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • STDs and Plans of Health Promotion

    This is a 5 page paper discussing health promotion plan for STDs in small and large communities. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global as well as local concern for health care providers. In addition to guidelines and fact sheets about the prevalence, treatment and symptoms of STDs provided by the World Health Organization, national and local organizations are developing plans for the prevention of STDs through the education of the public provided mainly through health care facilities, centers and providers. Nurses play a dominant role in regards to health promotion in communities as many are involved not only in the larger centers such as hospital settings in which they will come in contact with patients with STDs but nurses also promote education in smaller communities through awareness programs for the schools, local centers and physician practices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Dystopia and the Film The Matrix

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the film “The Matrix” as a dystopia. The 1999 Wachowski brothers’ film “The Matrix” reflects the most severe fears and anxieties within today’s society in regards to a futuristic world as a “dystopia”. Opposite of More’s idealistic world portrayed in his work “Utopia”, the literary term “dystopia” refers to a “bad place”. Since the industrial revolution and more recently the computer and information revolution, society’s fears of possible negative results from growing technological achievements have been reflected in literature and cinema. While currently cyber-technology, that which is related to the computer world and artificial intelligence, is being promoted as a positive element within society in that humans are able to access free information and share information on a global scale, the film “The Matrix” portrays more so that element not promoted within technological circles, that is, the negative and de-humanizing aspects of cyber-technology which robs human of their individuality from a physical and mental perspective and uses humans for the proliferation and eventual dominance of artificial intelligence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of the The Silk Industry : Brief History, Modern Day Markets, Trade and Production

    This is a 7 page paper discussing the silk industry. Originating in Ancient China, the Chinese silk industry alone still maintains an annual global market of over $2 billion. While China still remains the largest exporter of raw silk and Japan is its largest consumer, silk is still one of the most popular natural fibers in demand in Europe and North America. The introduction of synthetic fibers and the more affordable sand-washed silk within the last decade however have driven the cost of silk down almost 50% on international markets. This has led to recent production center closures in Japan and the Republic of Korea which has caused a devastating effect on the millions of silk farmers in the countries of China, India and Brazil. The International Trade Commission and the International Silk Association are currently working together to continue the silk industry because it is comparatively an environmentally friendly product in addition to its employment of millions of people in developing countries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 1998 Article Review on NASA Decision Making and Spacecraft Disasters

    This 5 page report discusses NASA’s Apollo I, Apollo XIII, and The Challenger disasters and whether or not there was a common thread in the various decision making processes that ultimately led to the problems encountered by each of the missions. No secondary sources.

  • IS and Virtual Workteams

    A 10 page paper discussing principles of sound team formation and the growth of virtual teams. Global competition, the computer age and excessive travel expenses have combined to make the concept of “virtual teams” not only possible but more attractive than ever before, allowing people to work together in groups though they may not even reside in the same time zones. There have been myriad management fads and gimmicks come and go over the years, but the virtual team is unlikely to be relegated to that category. Particularly in IS, it is far too valuable a practice for organizations to be abandoning it. It appears to be a management tool that is here to stay; it is quickly becoming accepted standard rather than a corporate oddity. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Medieval Literature and Portrayal of Political Issues

    A 7 page paper which examines how two Medieval works offer us an examination of the political structure of the time period. Though the works do not directly discuss politics, they get a great deal of information across to the reader through such political examinations as gender, social class, and the issue of power. The stories examined are "Guigemar" by Marie de France and "Erec and Enide" by Chretien de Troyes. No additional sources cited.

  • Film Noir and McCarthyism

    This 5 page report discusses the idea that it would be useful to take the idea that film noir evolved in the midst of McCarthyism one more metaphorical level and consider the ways in which McCarthyism actually was the embodiment of film noir. Creativity was questioned in the service of pointless but generally hysterical politics. Interestingly, the dark and brooding tone of film noir echoes the dark, brooding, and accusatory climate that was the norm in Hollywood during the government’s hunt for communist witches and potential informers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Postmodern Playwright Marina Carr

    This 15 page paper of post-modern playwright Marina Carr examines her recent successes, as well as the real and perceived background of being Irish. While the historical bridge with the mythic has protected the imaginative Irish, it has now also provided a unique bridge to their participation in the creative global world. Carr reflects the intensity of our modern world through the disguise of her Irish one. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Agricultural Needs for Water in California

    This 5 page paper discusses water scarcity, and how water should be reserved for agricultural needs primarily as opposed to urban centers in these situations. This paper uses California as an example, as well as other global locations to show the need for making agriculture a priority. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cloud Formations and Weather Patterns

    A 5 page research paper on weather patterns. Topics included are types of clouds and cloud formation, global warming and the effects of El Nino. The writer also discusses how weather patterns can be predicted by observation, listening and a barometer. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

    3 pages in length. The ability to maintain accurate and ever-evolving statistics of - and trends for - global economies is both grand and far-reaching; that the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is instrumental in reaching this objective speaks to the manner by which North America's ever-changing economy must be closely monitored by the most up-to-date and technologically sophisticated system. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Annotated Bibliography on Special Interest Tourism

    This 8 page paper is an annotated bibliography looking at 10 articles concerning special interest tourism, specifically eco-tourism. The paper summarises each article or book and looks at how they are useful in writing a paper about special interest tourism in the global tourist industry.

  • Urbanization in Dresden, Germany

    6 pages in length. Dresden, Germany, has experienced more urbanization than many other global communities; that the city was forced to reconstruct itself not once but twice speaks to the overwhelming internal fortitude of its people. The extent to which Dresden lost a significant part of its inward presence, however, is directly associated with the extent to which the city's original and distinctive architectural identity was destroyed in the process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Effective Ecological Volunteerism

    A 3 page research paper that first discusses the problem of global warming and then suggests a plan involving college student volunteerism that is designed to help. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Management and Employee Goals in a Recession

    This 9 page paper looks at the argument that management and employee needs are more likely to be aligned during a global recession rather than at a time of growth. The reasons how and why this may occur are discussed, looking at the causes of the recession and how they may be associated with short term profit needs of business owners and the ways that the needs may change in a time of recession. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Detecting Oil Spills With Remote Sensing

    5 pages in length. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is employed as a means by which to determine various environmental changes that would otherwise be quite difficult – if not impossible – to track, not the least of which is utilizing remote sensing for detecting oil spills, which is defined as "the science — and art — of identifying, observing, and measuring an object without coming into direct contact with it" (Remote Sensing & Natural Hazards). However, it has been discovered that coupling GIS with Global Positioning System (GPS) greatly enhanced the capacity to achieve more accurate oil spill mapping. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Terrorism and Security Policies

    This 14 page paper looks at the way in which security policies and practices have changed as a result of increasing levels of terrorism. The paper starts by considering the impact of the policy changes on a global basis. The second part of the paper considers the practical measures seen in Australia to protect the citizens and the critical infrastructure, the third part of the paper finished with a critical evaluation of the current level of Australian security. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Problems with Changing to the Year 2000

    This 5 page paper explores the subject of the millennium bug by focusing on two particular articles on the topic. Both pieces address the scope of the concern as being global, and each in its own way present solutions to fix it. The paper also includes the subject of contingency plans. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Economic Effects of Unemployment

    A 10 page paper which presents the economic condition of the world based on unemployment. The paper presents the poor unemployment conditions of England, France, and Spain, with Spain's unemployment as high as 22 percent and states the effects this has on those countries ability to compete in the global marketplace and internal ills. By comparison, the paper presents the productivity of the United States, its low unemployment figures, despite downsizing and cost reductions, and how this affects its economic status on the world front. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Globalization's Human Benefits

    A 5 page paper discussing a statement that world events other than tragedy serve to bring the world's people together in an increasingly effective global village. The paper discusses the formation and operation of the European monetary union and the emissions credits of the Kyoto protocol as examples. The ability to sell its emissions credits to industrialized nations has brought economic opportunity to Madagascar that did not exist before resolution of the Kyoto protocol, positively contributing to long-term sustainability while providing the people of the nation an item for sale that places no pressure on the local environment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Logical Fallacies: Glenn Beck on Global Warming

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of a radio show by Glenn Beck on global warming, and points out the logical fallacies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Shortcomings of the Clean Air Act

    This 4 page paper considers the ways that the Clean Air Act has failed to effectively address air pollution and global warming associated with coal burning power plants. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Examination of the Structure, Conduct and Performance of Airlines

    This 7 page paper presents an analysis that looks at the structure, conduct and performance found within the airline industry on a global basis. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Airline Industry Trends

    A 6 page paper discussing trends in the global airline industry. Several airlines have made changes specifically targeting the business traveler, but many of the world's leading airlines face survival issues. All airlines are required to address financial, security and customer issues. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Position Paper on Religious Symbolism in 'Rappaccini's Daughter'

    This 5 page paper discusses the use of religious symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story: Rappaccini's Daughter. The position is taken that religious symbolism is outmoded given the global nature of the world and the vast array of religions in which symbols can have different meanings. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Supply Chain Management at Carrefour

    A 12 page paper examining the supply chain of the world's second-largest retailer and the largest retailer in Europe. The paper discusses the company's history; its Aldata supply chain management software; JIT; Carrefour's shared service centers; global supply chain management; RFID; and Future Supply Chain 2016. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • The Digital Divide - 6 Blogs

    This 12 page paper looks at different issues concerning the digital divide, written in the style of 6 blog entries. Subjects considered include looking at what it meant by the digital divide, how the digital divide manifests, how the digital divide may simply be a part of larger social inequalities, the policies that have been used to try and minimize the digital divide, how it may undermine democracy and the global digital divide. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • The Dangers Of Smoking

    3 pages in length. Once hip and socially acceptable, cigarette smoking has become the looming beast from which communities across the globe are trying to escape. Cities across the United States are implementing smoking bans as a response to the steadily growing proof that cigarettes pose tremendous health risks - even to those who do not smoke. Considering the many detrimental issues associated with cigarette smoking, three of the top concerns include secondhand smoke, lung cancer and global impact. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Climate Change and Technology

    This 10 page paper looks at the potential for technology to be used to help with the international problem of climate change and global warming. The paper assessing the problem of climate change and outlines some of the potential causes and then looks at a range of ways technology, including biotechnology, can help alleviate some of the issues associated with climate change. The technologies considered include forms of carbon sequestration including ocean iron fertilization and alternatives fuel sources, including ethanol and solar energy. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Managing Climate Change In Developing Countries

    A 3 page paper. Managing climate change means reducing global warming and devising strategies to reduce warming and also adopting strategies to try to minimize the damage climate changes have caused. This paper discusses these issues and reports examples of what these countries can do to manage these changes. The paper also reports commitments developing countries have made to reduce warming. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Consequences of the Conflict in Darfur

    With the world focused on the latest Iraqi War and its consequences, it takes little time to focus on a smaller conflict with potentially greater consequences. Discussed are the issues of deterrence, global hatred toward the U.S., U.S. policy, Canadian aid and other real and potential consequences. 7 works cited. jvDarfur.rtf

  • The Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons In Developing Countries Is A Reality

    10 pages in length. The United States, in fear of losing its imperial status so well documented throughout the twentieth century, is being forced to address the proliferation of nuclear weapons by those in the global community whose reputations are less than trustworthy; for these powerful arms to be in control of such hotheads as Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia and China all trying to possess the manipulative influence inherent to having nuclear weapons, America is rightly concerned over loss of national security. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Does Global Outsourcing Lower A Firm's Costs and Improve It’s Profitability?

    This 8 page paper looks at whether global outsourcing can result in lower coasts and increase the profitability of a company. The paper looks at the theoretical reasons why outsourcing may cut costs and considers the hidden costs. Specific cases are cited and the impact on profits is considered. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Global Outsourcing

    5 pages of the text content of a 13-slide PowerPoint® presentation (available) on outsourcing. There are four slides each on Global outsourcing, alternatives to outsourcing and outsourcing to insourcing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Global Recession 2009; The Causes and Subsequent Government Policies

    This 11 page paper examines the global recession and credit crunch of 2008/9 and explores some of the potential causes, including a lack of regulation, irresponsible and imprudent lending, borrowers attitudes and exacerbation by other environmental factors. The policies and potential solutions that are being pursued, to assess how they are projected and working and whether or not they are likely to have any impact. The bibliography cites 9 sources.


    This 5-page paper discusses the impact of the global recession on Antigua and Barbuda. Also discussed is the impact of the Stanford scandal. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Explaining the Phenomena of Increasing Protectionist Policies During a Global Recession

    This 10 page paper is a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes looking at trade and the way that a global recession may lead to governments adopting more protectionist policies. The paper examines the concepts of international trade, looking at why it takes place and then the conditions of the 2008/9 credit crunch to assess the value and problems associated with protectionist policies in that environment. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Global Commonality of the English Language

    A five page paper which looks at the prevalence of English as a common language on a global level, the historical reasons for this, and the ways in which multilingualism can be encouraged.

  • Responses of the International Community to Climate Change Issues

    This 8 page paper looks at some of the international responses to the threat of global warming and climate change. The responses include the use of legislation and voluntary agreements at international, national and local levels as well as the responses of businesses, including large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • The Ecosystems of Brazil

    A 5 page overview of the tremendous ecologic value of the Brazilian ecosystems. Discusses the many threats to the sensitive ecologic balance of this system including deforestation, global warming, and slash and burn agriculture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Pakistan and Income Inequality

    A twelve page paper which looks at various studies on income inequality in Pakistan from both a local and a global perspective, and suggests ways in which a combination of key indicators might be used to give a more accurate picture of poverty levels and income inequality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy and Marilyn Monroe

    A 15 page paper. This is a hypothetical case that supports the use of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) with Marilyn Monroe one year before she died. First, a comprehensive overview of Monroe's life is offered. Using the DSM-IV criteria, a diagnosis is made as well as a The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale score. The writer then explains, briefly, what Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is and how and why the elements will be used with Monroe. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Global Woman and the Problems Faced by Migrant Female Workers

    This 3 page paper examines the book entitled Global Woman that is comprised of a number of articles on migrant women. Much of the discussion is on domestic workers. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Global and Multi-Country Strategies

    This 4 page paper looks at three different products; a personal computer, a washing machine and an online MBA degree and discusses whether a multi-national company should adopt a global or a multi-country strategy for each of these products. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Lifelong Education and Globalization

    9 pages in length. The very essence of globalization is that of change, to relearn stable and familiar ways in order to make room for ever-growing progress. While this concept would appear to reflect beneficial movement for global societies, the relevance to lifelong learning actually represents advancement at the detrimental social, political and economic expense of myriad unsophisticated societies. As such, this dichotomy of progression has rendered globalization a much-contested concept. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Geographical Wonder of Niagara Falls

    10 pages in length. When one contemplates the most awe-inspiring global locales, a handful of images immediately come to mind; it can readily be argued that among those instant responses is the watery world of Niagara Falls. The writer discusses that whether one partakes of its beauty from a geological, tourism or preservation perspective, Niagara Falls has remained a source of wonderment for decades. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Explaining the Recession of 2001

    This 11 page paper looks at various theories for the recession. There is some focus on consumer confidence and the fact that businesses have been spending less. Global factors are examined as well. Information from the 1990s on is discussed in an effort to determine causation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Missile Defense System of President George W. Bush

    This 5 page paper begins with comments related to the need for an anti-ballistic missile program. The essay then outlines President George W. Bush's anti-ballistic missile defense program, including future capacities and technology. The writer also comments on the difference between the current program, President Reagan's SDI and President Bush's global protection program. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Canada's Global Views on Foreign Policy

    This 16 page paper argues that Canada's changing policy is not supported by the state of its military forces. Its rhetoric is global in nature, while its reality is still relative isolationism. Much of the problem is attributable to a public, and a a government, that does not want to spend the necessary dollars to build up its armed forces. U.S./Canadian relations are discussed. Bibliography lists 15 sources.


    This 3-page paper focuses on some aspects of change management, as presented through a fictitious company called Global Tech. The paper delves into certain aspects of change management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Successful Women's Soccer in the US

    13 pages in length. The twenty-first century has witnessed myriad changes to the sport of soccer, not the least of which has been the addition of women's teams. Amidst the struggle and strife rose a special strength that helped propel soccer to the heights it has reached in contemporary global athletics; with the entire world rallying around this original form of football, the World Cup has taken on an entirely new look by adding women to its long and illustrious history. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • The Steel Industry

    This 28 page paper is an examination of the global steel industry. The first part of the paper looks at the historical and the current performance and structure of the steel industry. The paper then looks at the performance of three international steel companies representative of different segments of the steel industry; The United States Steel Corporation, China Precision Steel Inc. and Acrelor Mittal. The background of each company is outlines and the financial performance is assessed with ratio analysis before an assessment of the stock performance and the stock price. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Global Warming And Methane Hydrate

    A 4 page paper. The writer suggests that the exact location and time when global warming began cannot be determined but it does appear to have begun millennia ago, even prior to the industrial revolution. Recent research from drillings in Greenland suggest a new theory for past ice ages and warming trends. Data are reported when available. Both carbon dioxide and methane hydrate cause this greenhouse effect; this is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Technology Helps Companies Become Global

    This 5 page paper begins with reports of entrepreneurs in developing countries who are becoming successful because of technology. The paper then discusses how Zurich Financial Services Group became a truly global company by improving their technology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Big Mac Index

    A 4 page paper exploring the usefulness of the Big Mac Index, how it is used in global financing and how it can be used in managing risks, using the February 2007 edition. Britain's The Economist introduced the Big Mac Index in 1986 as a comparison of the relative value of world currencies from the perspective of unique British humor. The index proved to be highly useful and popular, however, and The Economist has published an updated version every year since its 1986 debut. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Year 2000 Crisis and How Y2K Can Be Successfully Managed

    A 10 page overview of the predicted computer/communications apocalypse and management techniques. The author concentrates on two areas of concern, date coding and the introduction of viruses based on the millenium and other biases. However, the larger view is taken of 'mainstream' date coding problems, and considers audit cases and costs. Mitigation focuses on internal and global management of the problem. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Risk Management, Security, and Communication

    A paper which looks at the role of communication in security and risk management, with reference to corporate organisations and societal institutions such as the health service, and considers the impact of IT and global communication on these issues.

  • International Operations and TQM

    This 6-page paper discusses the concept of TQM and how it fits with global operations. Issues discussed include understanding of worldwide customer service and re-thinking what, exactly, quality is. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Correlation Between Transportation Industry and Management

    This 3-page paper covers the launch of FastShip, a global supply chain/cargo forwarding agency, and the international business relationships the company must consider and develop to remain successful. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Shortage of Nurses and Its Global Implications

    A 4 page paper discussing difficulties in recruiting, long hours and growing work-related stress. These are not unique to nursing, but likely nursing is the profession that finds these characteristics most problematic. The nursing shortage has been reality for a long while in both the US and the UK. Nurses in developing countries have taken note, and the ongoing shortages in the nursing profession now have taken on global proportions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Successful Women's Soccer in the US

    13 pages in length. The twenty-first century has witnessed myriad changes to the sport of soccer, not the least of which has been the addition of women's teams. Amidst the struggle and strife rose a special strength that helped propel soccer to the heights it has reached in contemporary global athletics; with the entire world rallying around this original form of football, the World Cup has taken on an entirely new look by adding women to its long and illustrious history. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Transportation Fuel Possibilities of Natural Gas

    5 pages in length. Without question, the world's energy demand has increased due directly to the fact that the population continues to rise. What this translates to in correlating statistics is that energy demands throughout the past half-century have tripled, the global economy has quintupled and the world population increased twofold. If the human species is going to sustain its existence much past the new millennium, alternative fuel sources – such as natural gas – must be implemented in virtually every sector of transportation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • First World War and its Aftermath

    A 14 page overview of the social and political environment that resulted after World War I ended. This paper illustrates the relationships between European nations in the 1920s, contending that probably even less chance of global peace existed in post-war Europe than existed prior to the war. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Why Ocean Exploration Should be Funded at the Same Rate as Space Exploration

    This 3 page paper argues that although space exploration has discovered products and processes that are important, the study of the oceans, and particularly their connection to global warming, is at least as important, and should be funded. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Marine Life, Ocean Pollution, and Other Human Environmental Impacts

    12 pages in length. Man's desire to further his own progress as a species has rendered a wholly detrimental impact upon the global environment; that humanity continues to pursue recreation, community development and technological advancement in such a way as to impose tremendous pollutants into the ground, water and atmosphere speaks to a species whose careless actions are influencing the planet's very survival. Nowhere is this more evident than with ocean pollution and the devastating impact it has had upon marine life. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Paleoclimatology

    A 3 page research paper that, first of all, defines paleoclimatology and discusses what is meant by paleo proxy data. Then the writer includes a brief chart of the sources found on the topic of iron fertilization, which is a scheme proposed to “fix” global warming by inducing ocean plankton blooms by seeding the ocean with iron. These sources are then summarized and the topic briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Developing World's Problems with Water Contamination

    12 pages in length. The truism attached to shipwrecked sailors afloat in miles and miles of ocean – water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink – is easily equated with the long-standing problems plaguing underdeveloped countries where their own water supply is concerned. While the sailors must grapple with life-killing salt that prevents their ability to drink from the limitless reserve all around them, those in such global communities as Africa are faced with an entirely different challenge to obtain clean, uncontaminated drinking sources. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Climate Change and Technology

    This 10 page paper looks at the potential for technology to be used to help with the international problem of climate change and global warming. The paper assessing the problem of climate change and outlines some of the potential causes and then looks at a range of ways technology, including biotechnology, can help alleviate some of the issues associated with climate change. The technologies considered include forms of carbon sequestration including ocean iron fertilization and alternatives fuel sources, including ethanol and solar energy. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Economies of Scope and Scale, Learning Curve, and Competitive Advantages

    Companies wishing to establish a position in the global economy would do well to look at the economic practices of economies of scale, economies of scope, and learning curve. These economic concepts put into practice have saved many companies billions, while opening them up to competition on a grand scale, as exemplified below. Cases include Ford, Boeing and T1 networks. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvLrnC06.rtf

  • Overview of Ford Motor Company

    An 8 page paper. The first part of this paper offers a general overview of Ford Motor Company, including its global position and revenues, profits and number of vehicles sold in 2000. The rest of the paper focuses on employee issues and most specifically, on the sexual harassment and discrimination cases brought against the company. The settlement with EEOC is described as is subsequent charges against managers and the company. Recommendations are made regarding these issues. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Religious Pluralism and Christian Theology

    A 4 pages research paper/essay that defines and describes pluralism and then addresses the struggle of Christian theologians to relate to global religious pluralism in order to find a balance between toleration for pluralism and the idea that the Holy Spirit is active and present in other religious traditions and the Christian understanding that the role of Jesus Christ is unique and universal. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Lazard and the Investment Banking Industry

    This 42 page paper is written in two parts. The first and largest part is an examination of the investment banking industry using a range of models, including a PEST analysis, Porters Five Forces Model, strategic group mapping, price and quantity dynamics, game theory, Yip's global drivers, Porters Diamond, Barlett and Goshal's model and the Uppsala Model. The second part of the paper examines Lazard using the tools of Mckinsey's 7 S's Model, Ansoff's Matrix, Porters generic strategies, BCG Matrix and the blue ocean strategy. The bibliography cites 38 sources.

  • A New course on Global, Multicultural Aspects of Psychology

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue of multiculturalism in education, with a focus on creating a new course in global, multicultural aspects of psychology in order to address the changing client base. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cross-Cultural Studies and the Influence of Media

    A 3 page research paper that has 2 parts. The first part concerns the influence of media on global society and cross-cultural studies. The second half of the paper concerns what the student has learned from participating in a class on Cross-Cultural Psychology and her plans for the future. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Creation and Development of the Universal Music Group, Formerly Known as MCA

    This 5 page report discusses the creation and development of the Universal Music Group (known as MCA until late 1996), one of the world’s largest music company with global operations. In fact, Universal Music Group (UMG) is the “market leader in every major region, including the United States, Europe, Latin, America, and Asia.” Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Global Communication and Marketing; Disney

    Disney is a global media company; this 10 page paper looks at the strategy of Disney Corp., focusing on media and marketing issues. The paper looks at how the company has communicated in the past, the current strategy, the impact of technology and the actions and reaction of competitors. The paper ends with some future marketing strategy recommendation. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Analysis of Jaguar's Web Site

    A 4 page paper that begins with a short historical account of what is now Jaguar Limited. The writer analyzes the company's Web site considering user-friendliness, ease of obtaining different kinds of information, the evidence of a global perspective and a general overall analysis of the Web site and its links. Different URL addresses are incorporated into the text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Lazard and the Investment Banking Industry

    This 42 page paper is written in two parts. The first and largest part is an examination of the investment banking industry using a range of models, including a PEST analysis, Porters Five Forces Model, strategic group mapping, price and quantity dynamics, game theory, Yip's global drivers, Porters Diamond, Barlett and Goshal's model and the Uppsala Model. The second part of the paper examines Lazard using the tools of Mckinsey's 7 S's Model, Ansoff's Matrix, Porters generic strategies, BCG Matrix and the blue ocean strategy. The bibliography cites 38 sources.

  • Investment Decisions and Calculations

    This 12 page paper answers a set of questions regarding investment, looking at how to construct an investment portfolio, looking at the potential outlook on the global economy in 2010 and then calculating returns on different investment, including adjusting the investment return to allow for currency exchange rate movements. All calculations are shown. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Prospect of Global Democracy

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses how nationalism and ethnic cleansing continue to thwart the prospect of global democracy, citing Huntington’s "The Clash of Civilization," Dahl’s "On Democracy" and Snyder’s "From Voting To Violence". Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Globalization and Culture by Tomlinson

    This 5 page paper discusses Tomlinson's book, Globalization and Culture, chapter six, and the cosmopolitization as a result of global endeavors. Quotes and citations included from the text.Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Negative Outcomes Resulting from the Impact of IT on Globalization

    This 14 page paper considers the way in which the world is becoming "flatter", looking at the arguments put forward in Friedman’s “The World is Flat” and assessing the way in which these may be having negative as well as positive impacts on the global environment. The different arguments are considered, and the negative outcomes are discussed. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Modelo’s Beer Market

    This 6 page paper examines the Mexican beer brewer; Modelo and answers questions sector by the student. Questions included examination of the trends in the global beer market, how and why Modelo successful in entering the US market through strategic alliances, consideration of the next potential market, the challenges of the organization are likely to face the future and a discussion concerning whether or not the organization should undertake diversification. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Developing World's Problems with Water Contamination

    12 pages in length. The truism attached to shipwrecked sailors afloat in miles and miles of ocean – water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink – is easily equated with the long-standing problems plaguing underdeveloped countries where their own water supply is concerned. While the sailors must grapple with life-killing salt that prevents their ability to drink from the limitless reserve all around them, those in such global communities as Africa are faced with an entirely different challenge to obtain clean, uncontaminated drinking sources. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Global Warming

    A 5 page paper which evaluates the various perspectives on global warming. Some people argue that it is a manmade and serious reality while others argue that it is part of nature’s course. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Managing Conflict in Brazil

    A 4 page paper that discusses a proposal to offer training in conflict management in organizations in Brazil. A recent global study regarding the costs and frequency of conflict is reported. The writer explains why the proposal is good and why it would work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • English Class Research Proposal

    A 3 page paper. The essay introduces the topic of global warming and notes that this issue remains a topic of controversy, which the writer explains. Following this narrative about the topic, the writer reports the purpose for writing the paper, the reason for selecting this topic, the intended audience, the writer's position on the topic and the thesis statement. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • BRL Hardy Case Study

    This 8 page paper looks at the case of BRL Hardy and two decisions that need to be made. Firstly, whether or not the company should introduce a new range of Italian wines and secondly, which low price wine should be introduced into Europe; one that has been developed especially for the UK market, or one that has been developed for the global market. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Starbucks Case Study

    This 6 page paper considers the case Starbucks. The paper answers for questions posed by the student. The first looks at the controllable and not controllable element is the companies faced while entering a global market. The second question considers the sources risk faced by the company, the third critiques of Starbucks overall corporate strategy and the last question discusses the way Starbucks could improve profitability in Japan. The bibliography cites two sources.

  • Global Communication Case Study

    This 20 page paper looks at a case study; Global Communications are going to be outsourcing call centre functions in order to make significant cost savings. There is resistance from the union and the company wants to be able to retain some of key the staff. The paper looks at the strategies the company could adopt in order to retain core staff, to prevent falling levels of motivation and protect the culture. The strategies are examined and recommendations are made. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Case Study on Global Marketing, the Japanese Anime Astro Boy, and an International Youth Culture

    In nine pages this paper answers questions pertaining to this case study on global marketing, the Japanese anime sensation Astro Boy and the impact of an international youth culture. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Hospital Emergency Department and Supply Chain Management

    An 11 page paper that presents a case study of a large hospital and clinic organization but that focuses on the emergency department. The writer describes the existing supply chain management issues for the emergency rooms, provides examples of supply chain management systems in other global industries as well as in the health care industry and then makes recommendations for the emergency rooms under study. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Environmental Business for Virotech

    This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Virotech have developed a technology using waste from one industry to clean up waste from others. The paper presents answers to two questions, concerning the business model used and whether this clean up model is a suitable long term model and looking at how and why the local firm has become global. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Questions on OneCafe

    This 9 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. OneCafe have developed a new coffee pod, the paper answers questions about the case, looking at whether or not the firm was ‘born global’, considers why Uganda as chooses as a source and looks at potential marketing strategies. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Modelo’s Beer Market

    This 6 page paper examines the Mexican beer brewer; Modelo and answers questions sector by the student. Questions included examination of the trends in the global beer market, how and why Modelo successful in entering the US market through strategic alliances, consideration of the next potential market, the challenges of the organization are likely to face the future and a discussion concerning whether or not the organization should undertake diversification. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Strategies and Change At Temsa Global

    This 6 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student, at the way in which Temsa Global compete, considering the way this is changed since 1984, strategies which may be needed for expansion and the benefit of investment in the research and development center. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • International Influences for SME a Niche Market Businesses

    This 4 page a paper looks at the case study provided by the student concerning the aircraft industry in New Zealand. Two questions are answered; the first considers the potential benefits for a small to medium-size enterprise to utilize in export strategy. The second question considers the way in which a global approach strategy may aid with cost advantage or differentiation. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Case Study: Flexsin, a Study in Outsourcing

    This 4 page case study looks at the globalization of Flexsin. It first explores the company dynamic and change to outsourcing many of its professional resources and responsibilties. Next explored are risks associated with outsourcing, both inhouse (management) and global requirements. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Ford Motor Company

    An 8 page paper. The first part of this paper offers a general overview of Ford Motor Company, including its global position and revenues, profits and number of vehicles sold in 2000. The rest of the paper focuses on employee issues and most specifically, on the sexual harassment and discrimination cases brought against the company. The settlement with EEOC is described as is subsequent charges against managers and the company. Recommendations are made regarding these issues. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Global Outsourcing

    5 pages of the text content of a 13-slide PowerPoint® presentation (available) on outsourcing. There are four slides each on Global outsourcing, alternatives to outsourcing and outsourcing to insourcing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Benefit of Falling Trade Barriers for Developing Economies

    This 14 page paper looks at the potential value of global trade talks and a reduction of trade barriers for developing economies. The potential benefits are assessed and the underlying economic theory is discussed and applied. The paper is written as a proposal with an extensive literature review and brief methodology. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • National Laws and Global Staffing

    A 5 page paper using Singapore and Japan, both cultural and geographical neighbors, to illustrate the complexities that multinational firms face in organizing international staffing efforts. Of course organizations need to operate as efficiently as possible, and adopting a global perspective on staffing ostensibly could work to achieve that greater efficiency. National laws and cultural perspectives can vary widely even within a single geographical region, however. Depending on the company and where its sites are located, more efficient international HRM may take the form of coordinating the efforts of nation-specific offices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Australian History and Blight

    This 10 page paper looks at the period of time when Aboriginal children were stolen and placed into mainstream white culture. The paper uses singer Archie Roach as the primary focus. Roach was a victim and had been taken from his family in 1958. The paper looks at events in historical context and argues that this event is one in a larger chasm of global racism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Thailand's Cultural Diversity and its History

    This 5 page paper consider how the cultural diversity in Thailand originated with the tribal kingdoms and different ethnicities. The writer then consider how this has proven to be of bandit to Thailand in today’s global economy where cultural diversity is common. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Post Second World War and Global History

    7 pages in length. The changes that have occurred since the end of World War II have been both grand and far-reaching; from a global standpoint, myriad events have taken place to completely alter the direction in which the world has progressed. Choosing but a handful of these incidents is weighty indeed, however, it can readily be argued that two issues served to transform the world in significant ways: The Cuban Missile Crisis and technology/globalization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Low Cost European Airline Industry Literature Review and Categories of Information

    This 11 page paper examines the way a information for a literature review may be divided into different sections. The literature review this considers is the way low cost airlines compete in Europe, specifically Ryanair and whether it should become a global company. The paper divides the subjects into the generic strategy areas and more specific air industry categories.

  • Global Warming, Climate Change and War

    A 12 page research paper, which includes a Table of Contents and an abstract, that presents a literature review and analysis, which examines fifteen current sources in order to discern how scholars and political commentators view the connections between climate change caused by global warming and war. Literature is summarized and then discussed before offering conclusions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Shortage of Nursing Faculty

    A 3 page nursing literature review that examines articles on the nursing faculty shortage. The nursing shortage is a healthcare crisis that has been recognized as affecting medical services at the global, regional and local levels (Mathews, 2003a). A corresponding shortage in nursing faculty serves to perpetuate and compound this problem, as a nursing faculty shortage limits the number of applicants that can be accepted for nursing degree programs. This literature review shows the causes and the scope of this problem, as well as proposed solutions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature Review of Global Brands' Localization and Technology

    This 10-page paper provides a literature review to determine how and if technology does help localization of global brands. The paper also points out pros and cons to globalizaion versus local marketing activities. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • School Violence in Russia, China, and the US in Children Between the Ages of 13 and 18

    7 pages in length. The problem of school violence shared by China, Russia and the United States may reflect its presence in different nations, however, geography is the only separation when it comes to addressing this particular global issue. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Commerce, IT, and Productivity

    This 11 page paper considers the ways in which technology, specifically information technology can improve productivity with a company. Examples illustrated by using a case study of a global company; Royal Dutch Shell, and examining the various ways in which information technology has facilitated increased productivity and efficiency. The bibliography cites 6 sources

  • The Marketing of Snowboards Case Study Analysis

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses e-commerce possibilities with regard to the marketing of snowboards as they relate to global competition, maintaining a competitive edge and technical aspects of the future site. No bibliography.

  • Global Corporation and Communications

    A 5 page paper discussing the performance and communications skills of Doug Lee, a procurement manager who has been promoted to fill the new position of vice president of procurement. Global has ten plants scattered throughout the world, each lacking any cohesive sense of membership with the others. Lee's first act in his new position was to commit a communications faux pas demonstrating his lack of leadership ability. The paper discusses communications alternatives available to him that he chose to ignore. No sources.

  • Production and Sales' Growth and the Establishment of a a Global Logistics Network

    This 5 page report discusses the process of creating a global logistics network and the benefits such a system can offer. The ability to reduce the uncertainty of transportation, sales, and manufacturing by tracking the movement of goods and updating the information continuously allows any organization to better manage exceptions and problems, as well as reducing the number of production mishaps or materials allocations and supply. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • WHO and its Efficacy

    A 20 page research paper that examines several problematic issues that have interfered with the World Health Organization's (WHO) stated mandate to bring the highest possible level of heath to all the people of the world. The issues include the sale and quality control of pharmaceuticals on the international market, the advertising and sale of infant formula in developing countries and the effectiveness of the Global Program on AIDS. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • 16PF Questionnaire

    This 15 page paper investigates the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, also called the 16PF. The essay provides: a general overview of the assessment, tables displaying and describing the primary and global factors, the development of the 16PF, changes in the latest revision, utility of the Questionnaire, how it is structured, and a critical analysis of the instrument. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Distribution and Value Economic Theories

    A 9 page research paper on the influence of Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo, Karl Marx and Alfred Marshall on labor value and distribution of income. The writer discusses Marshall's synthesis of earlier theories and ethical points, and closes with a modern 'ideal society' scenario based on his synthesis, which foreshadows a perfect global economy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • International Media Tool of Radio

    This 9 page paper provides a look at global media and whether it is truly diverse in nature or American flavored. Radio is the focus of this paper that highlights the value of audio talk shows. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Twenty First Century Labor

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the issues related to the labor developments in the past 30 years, and relates the issues of past labor movements to the future of labor developments in the emerging global economy. This paper considers current issues and the way in which these will shape the labor movement of the 21st century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Actor and California Governor Ronald Reagan

    12 pages in length. Ronald Wilson Reagan has led a life unlike many politicians before him. The writer discusses that not only is he considered Hollywood royalty due to his presence mid-century as a dashing and capable actor, but also because of his ability to smoothly transition from a life on the screen to one in front of the global eye. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • World Politics

    (7 pp) Contemplating the nature of world politics exposes us to the problems of reflecting upon politics at a global level. It examines the ways in which we seek to interpret, explain and understand world politics, the systems, institutions and processes that are said to govern world politics and the beliefs and values that are held to be important in world politics. It considers the main theoretical perspectives on world politics and follows this with an assessment of key issues in world politics. Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of liberal internationalism also fits in this area. Bibliography lists 8 sources. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Post Unification Germany Political Party Competition and Voting Behavior

    5 pages in length. The voting behavior has most certainly been on the decline since the unification of Germany; as well, party competition has generated more apathy than interest, which speaks volumes about the significant disillusionment the Germans have felt toward its politicians and political parties in post-unification Germany. This outright disdain, which ultimately infiltrates society and affects the outermost regions with its diversity, is well chronicled in both Gordon Smith's Developments in German Politics and Jurgen Winkler and Siegfried Schumann's "Radical Right-Wing Parties in Contemporary Germany" in Hans-Georg Betz' The New Politics of the Right : Neo-Populist Parties and Movements in Established Democracies. In determining what guides people to lose or gain interest in the overall political process, opinion polls are frequently administered as a means by which to test the political climate. Their overall effectiveness, along with their tremendous influence, help to establish exactly where Germany has been in post-unification. No additional sources cited.

  • A Ghana Dissident Teacher 20 Years After Convention People's Party Membership

    This 5 page report discusses the scenario in which an Asante-speaking high school teacher in Accra, Ghana, deals with the political concerns of students in the modern Accra classroom. Once Ghana's Constitution of 1951 introduced universal adult suffrage, public expectations and mood seemed to propel African Gold Coast politics and manipulating popular culture became an important means of gauging and shaping popular opinion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Red Storm Rising, The Hunt for Red October, and the Cold War

    A 5 page review of the Cold War years. The author of this paper emphasizes that the intent of the Cold War was to stabilize world politics and to maintain peace. In reality, it could be contended that the real outcome of this political approach was anything but a peaceful and secure world order. Indeed, the Cold War itself was a kind of warfare. Even in recognition of the fact that no actual warfare between the two main players, the Soviet Union and the United States erupted during the Cold War years, it was a period of intense hostility. This hostility is no better imprinted on the American psyche than through literature and movies. Two books in particular have added to our understanding of the Cold War. These books, both by author Tom Clancy, are “The Hunt for Red October” and “Red Storm Rising”. Each offers significant insight to the tensions which existed between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War years. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparing the United Nations and The League of Nations in Political Approaches

    The success of the United Nations is based on a conglomeration of many political ideologies and precepts. The unshakable liberalism of democratic values, in concert with the idealistic belief in cooperative security brought Woodrow Wilson to the fore of international politics and was the foundation for the League of Nations. The time was not right, there was too many domestic problems in the world for the League to have the power it needed to handle international conflicts. After World War II, with the change in outlook of domestic policy in the United States and in the Soviet Union, in combination with the neorealist philosophy based on balance of power, the time was right for the establishment of an organization based on cooperative security and the United Nations was founded. This 7 page paper examines the forces that brought the League of Nations into being, explores the reasons it was not able to maintain power and looks at the processes used to conceive the United Nations as the force it is today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mappings, Feminism and Cultural Geographies of Encounters by Susan S. Friedman

    An 8 page book review that examines Mappings, Feminism and Cultural Geographies of Encounters by Susan S. Friedman. The writer argues that this powerful text moves feminist theory away from paralyzing debates concerning perceived dichotomies of identity, them vs. us, white vs. other, etc. and towards a broader geopolitical, social landscape. The vision that Friedman offers of the future of feminist theory goes beyond identity politics, as she guides the reader toward greater understanding of how identities are both negotiated and transformed. Drawing from the gamut of popular culture, Friedman relates to books, movies, poetry and the mass media, as she address theoretical issues that are pivotal to post-modern feminism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Accuracy in the Film "Frida"

    An 8 page research paper on the film "Frida" (directed by Julie Taymor for Miramax Pictures, 2002), which is a visually beautiful film that portrays the compelling story of the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. The film dwells primarily on the love between Frida and her husband, the famed Mexican artist Diego Rivera. Frida's art is also figured prominently in this film, with a particular focus on her self-portraits, but the filmmakers never address, or only address lightly, the darker side of this artist's life and her politics. This discussion of the historical accuracy of this film biography of Frida Kahlo will, first of all, offer a brief overview of the film's plot, before turning to the accuracies and inaccuracies in this narrative. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Race Concept and its History

    14 pages in length. Drawing upon the work of David Goldberg's "Racist Culture: Philosophy and the Politics of Meaning," one can readily argue that idea of race has always combined references to what is seen as natural (fixed) and social construct, suggesting that very divergent discourses have been implemented over time as a means by which to account for human diversity within the colonial context of European and non-European differences. Furthermore, the notion of race is not inherent to biology, but rather it is a social and cultural classification that has been erroneously attributed to biological implication. The writer discusses the concept of race from the Puritan colonization to present-day criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Jewish History and Spain's 'Golden Age'

    7 pages in length. Major changes occurred in the 11th century when the Umayyads steadily lost power as the Berbers rose in influence after capturing Cordoba in 1013 CE; the passing decades served as their barometer of progressing power. Cultural and commercial prominence became their focus as capitals and other cities were transformed into Meccas for the two very important elements. As these significant changes were taking place, one more addition would serve to establish an entire population as being both welcomed and honored: the Jews. Indeed, these individuals did not come empty-handed into their newfound environment; rather, they brought with them such important endowments as financial aptitude, politics, economic advisory, as well as a vast amount of humanities-related knowledge in the form of literature, academia and science. The blending of art, linguistics, philosophy, science and medicine rounded out a society that was heretofore underdeveloped in many of these areas. As such, the influence of so many learned Jews soon saw intellectuals and doctors alike holding some of the most important social/legal/political positions in the land. No bibliography.

  • Medieval Drama and Its Messages

    A 14 page paper discussing the means that medieval guilds used to promote political and religious ideology using plays as the medium. There was only a single church, and it sought to provide plays to act out important events described in the Bible. Plays grew in scope and size and were obliged to move outdoors where laymen took over the production duties, those laymen generally were members of the various guilds operational in local areas. Guilds were dedicated to business among the merchants and high quality among the craftsmen, and their leaders came to be highly involved in local politics. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Managerial Control, Organizational Learning, and Theory

    A 32 page paper discussing how these organizational characteristics can be matched with theory in devising a qualitative case study. Organizational culture, politics and power all combine to contribute to defining the organization. Each of these qualities is integral to every functioning organization, but extant literature indicates that they are only rarely considered as separate entities. Each can have direct effect on how well the organization is able to respond to changes in its markets, however. The paper discusses the characteristics and provides examples within the theories of Chris Argyris, Deming and others. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Nicaragua State Analysis

    11 pages in length. Nicaragua, which borders the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, has long struggled to obtain its own significant notion of existence, a quest that has been fraught with revolution, political upheaval and economic turmoil. The concepts found in relation to Nicaragua's revolution are based upon the fundamental aspects of economics, politics and history; without these integral elements, such astute determinations with regard to humanity's struggles for democracy and socialism would not have been achieved. By addressing relevant issues from both the past and present, geopolitical historians are able to formulate impressions of Nicaragua's future that prove revolutionary. Analyzing the manner by which the state has overcome such overwhelming challenges leads the student to examine specific components of its composition, not the least of which include demographic considerations, economy, government and military. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Democracy and Religion's Contribution

    This 8 page report discusses the role of religion and its contribution to the concept of democracy. Religion has played an important role in the development and the ongoing support of democratic principles. Religion and democratic politics have had difficulty coexisting, because one suggests an unyielding body of law, a peremptory understanding of what is right and wrong, while the other suggests a more relativistic approach, allowing for laws that can be changed, a sense that the majority should determine what is right and what is wrong. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of Thorndike and Skinner

    This 12 page paper provides an outline of each theorist's work and compares and contrasts their ideas. Issues related to behavior are discussed. Other topics addressed include ethics and the measurement of intelligence. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Comparative Strategic HR Management Between Southwest and Ansett Airlines

    11 pages in length. According to Mathis and Jackson (2000), the challenges of HRM are both vast and ongoing; the environment HR management must face on a daily basis is such "because changes are occurring rapidly across a wide range of issues" (p. 1). Examining two prominent airline companies and the manner by which they have addressed their respective HR challenges provides the student with grounds for comparison between two very different success outcomes in the same industry. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Humanistic And Psychodynamic Psychology: Comparative Analysis

    11 pages in length. The fundamental composition of psychology encompasses such a vast array of components to address a specific situation that it is sometimes necessary to borrow from more than one application in order to realize holistic healing. At the same time, however, there are systems that already incorporate holism as a way in which to delve deeply within the human mind and fully achieve the desired objective, with humanistic and psychodynamic therapies occupying the top of the list. While Freud and Jung are directly related to the concept of psychodynamic psychology, Rogerian and Gestalt therapies represent two of the approaches most associated with humanistic psychology. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Cultural Comparison of Korea and the U.S.

    A 3 page paper which specifically compares and contrasts food, marriage, lifestyles, love of sports, and the approach to handshaking by these two very different cultures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Character Comparison of James and Ruth in The Color of Water by James McBride

    A 2.5 page paper which compares and contrast the novel and son of this autobiographical tale. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Comparison of Minfong Ho's Rice Without Rain and The Clay Marble

    A 4 page paper which compares and contrasts the two novels featuring female protagonists and set in Southeast Asia during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparing Laurence Olivier's 1948 Film 'Hamlet' with William Shakespeare's Play

    A 4 page paper which compares and contrasts the two versions by specifically discussing any additions or deletions made in the transference of the play to film and weighs their appropriateness and value, considers the quality of the acting, settings, costumes, background music and cinematography, and contains a reaction to these differing productions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Emily Dickinson's Poems 435 and 632 Compared

    A 5 page paper which examines how both of these poems are expressing the same message. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparison of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Emma by Jane Austen

    A 5 page paper which examines the similarities of these novels, such as how they are representative of their time periods, how they feature women who were clearly before their time, and how rigid socioeconomic class conventions dictated gender roles and marital compatibility. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of Soccer and Football

    This 10 page paper examines American football and English football, also known as soccer. After looking at how each of the games are played there is a comparison of the differences and similarities, with an interpretation of how these may reflect and influence the cultures in which they take place. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Comparing Kate Chopin Tales 'The Story of an Hour' and 'Desiree's Baby'

    A 7 page paper which critically examines how these stories represent Chopin’s efforts to reflect her own life in her art, how they are innovative feminist critiques (such as gender stereotypes and oppression) of the social conventions that were defined and maintained by the American patriarchy. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road and Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking

    In this 6 page essay, the writer uses two of Whitman's poems 'Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking,' and 'Song Of The Open Road, to show how the poets works were usually similar in theme yet dissimilar in purpose. The first of these is a poem filled with rich images, sounds, and symbolic meanings. The second is a collection of meaningful yet ambiguously patterned sentences decorated with inquiries into life -- yet each remain focused upon the underlying theme of humanity, nature, etc. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 'Delilah' and 'Salome' Poems by Carol Ann Duffy Compared

    A 4 page paper which examines the validity of one critic’s contention that in these two poems from the feminist collection of prose, “The World’s Wife,” there is a trend reversal in that the author presents men as victims and women as totally unsympathetic. No additional sources are used.

  • Comparative Analysis of Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road and Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking

    In this 6 page essay, the writer uses two of Whitman's poems 'Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking,' and 'Song Of The Open Road, to show how the poets works were usually similar in theme yet dissimilar in purpose. The first of these is a poem filled with rich images, sounds, and symbolic meanings. The second is a collection of meaningful yet ambiguously patterned sentences decorated with inquiries into life -- yet each remain focused upon the underlying theme of humanity, nature, etc. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Short Story Comparisons of 'Tickets, Please' by D.H. Lawrence and 'Regret' by Kate Chopin

    A 5 page paper which examines the theme of loneliness as presented in both stories. No additional sources are used.

  • Comparing Alcohol Abuse in Heterosexuals and Lesbians

    This paper explores the increased risk to lesbians of alcohol abuse and associates risks, including suicide, battery, cancer, and lack of pyschological treatment. Bibliography lists 7 sources. JVlesalc.rtf

  • Cinematic and Text Versions of Literature A Comparative Analysis

    An 8 page paper which examines the qualities that differentiate text versions from cinematic versions of literature. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Insanity in Comparative Literature

    This 4 page paper examines two works: The Awakening by Chopin and Poe's The Cask of Amontillado. Protagonists in each of these works are discussed in terms of their display of insanity. The characters Edna and Montresor are compared and contrasted Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparing and Applying Theories of Criminology

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cinematic Comparison of Threads, The Day After, and Testament

    A 7 page paper which assesses the deeper cultural meanings, assumptions and messages of these films dealing with nuclear war and its consequences. Specifically discussed are the filmmakers’ implied use of language, symbolism and imagery, the impact of each film, and ways in which each film either reflects or departs from longstanding patterns in nuclear culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • G.I. Jane and Disclosure Sociological and Film Analysis

    A 7 page paper which examines Demi Moore’s performances in both films, compares and contrasts the social response to the main male actors of the movies, considers the villain of “G.I. Jane” and what makes this character a villain, an explanation of the utilitarian value of sex and sex differences, and how these differences manifest in the socialization of roles, providing supporting evidence from the films. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Political Film Comparision of the Nonfiction The Fog of War and Fiction Fahrenheit 911

    A 7 page paper which examines the representation of the concepts political and government in these films. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • William Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hamlet A Comparative Analysis

    A 4 page paper which examines the similarities of the two characters, their problems and life situations. No additional sources are used.

  • Comparing 'A Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess with Stanley Kubrick's Film A Clockwork Orange

    A 4 page paper which compares the book and the film, specifically concentrating on the behavior of the main character, Alex de Large. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Comparing and Contrasting Forms of Dating: Online and Traditional

    In three pages this paper compares and contrasts the traditional forms of dating with its online counterpart. Two sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • A Comparative Overview of Security Risk Analysis and Planning

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of security risk analysis methodologies. VSAT, ORM, and CARVER + Shock are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of the Economic and Business Plans of Barack Obama and John McCain

    In nine pages this paper examines the similarities and differences in the economic and business plans of 2008 presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain, and also considers how the economy would be affected overall by the implementation of each candidate’s plans. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Study:

    In ten pages this paper compares and contrasts the juvenile and adult court systems in a study that includes an overview of the juvenile justice system, point comparisons between juvenile and adult courts, pros and cons of juvenile court from a youth offender’s perspective, societal implications of abolishing juvenile court, and future juvenile justice system recommendations are also included. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Epic Poem 'Beowulf' and Comparison of the Dragon and Grendel

    A 6 page paper which compares and contrasts two of Beowulf’s opponents and analyzes their symbolic significance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • South African Politics

    A 16 page research paper that offers an overview of South Africa. The writer briefly reviews the circumstances of apartheid, but then offers an overview of the current political situation in that country, which includes consideration of the key issues currently facing the new South Africa, such as HIV/AIDS and unemployment. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • A Comparative Analysis Of Saudi Arabia And US Banks Before And After The 2008 Crisis

    This 22 page paper looks at the banks and banking system of the US and Saudi Arabia, to examine the similarities and the differences. The paper starts by looking at the banking environment inn general including issues such as bank management, supervision, and social and economic condition. The paper then goes on to assess the assets and liabilities in the banking sector before and after June 2008, looking at the similarities and differences. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Problems of Global Population

    12 pages in length. With the current global population at 6,079,229,255 and growing every second, people are overpopulating themselves right out of the planet. According to the Germany World Population Fund, a full one-third of all births is the result of incidental or unwanted pregnancies. With a staggering one billion teenagers right at the brink of their reproductive years, this particular period in time has come to be known as the largest 'youthquake' ever as global officials attempt to quell the perpetual – and highly damaging – population growth. The writer discusses the various impacts of human overpopulation, as well as addresses potential solutions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Latino Political Patterns

    This 5.5 page paper examines patterns in Latino politics, moving from civil rights based issues to more broad-based national concerns of cultural, political and economic natures. In California alone, Latino/Hispanic voting quadruped in the last presidential election. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Basics of Strategic Market Management

    This 14 page report discusses the basics of strategic market management. In terms of the larger strategies involved in market management, strategy and specific management objectives must be truly responsive to both consumer needs and desires. These are very much the attitudes necessary for success in strategic market management as the world moves into the 21st century. The key to success in the face of global competition is to find the specific and unique niches that are not being served as well as they could be and then either exert or develop an organization’s strength and expertise. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Dealing with Corruption, Theory and Strategy

    A 16 page paper discussing methods to establish an international regime. Transparency International, the OECD, former socialist governments intent on privatization and all multinational enterprises refusing to participate fight corruption today. Continued economic reform promises to feed further reforms, fueled by the realization on the part of many governments that they cannot be all things to all people. Many governments (i.e., China, Malaysia and others) appear to prefer to remain apart from the emerging global economy but are cognizant of the fact that the only "developed" nations of the world that are truly prosperous are those supporting market-driven economies. Further growth in that direction will increase the difficulty of keeping blatant corruption a viable practice. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • The Performance Appraisal and Money

    A 5 page paper discussing the role that performance appraisals can play in maintaining long-term strategy. For most workers of the world, pay scales are inexorably tied to local job markets. For those workers more mobile or able to deliver much of the results of their talents online, pay scales generally are more equal, and in fact appear to be taking on in some cases global rates, particularly in areas such as programming. The effective appraisal should begin with a detailed position description, and be formulated in such a way that evaluation can be as objective as possible but also give latitude for evaluating intangibles. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Agriculture and Global Positioning System

    The age of computers has brought with it many innovations. One area that has been greatly impacted by the rise in technological ability has been agriculture. The 'simple life' of the farm has been irrevocably changed by the advent of computer based renovations. 'Precision agriculture' is the term coined to represent the new era in farming techniques. Through the use of the global positioning system, GPS, computer age farmers are able to pinpoint the position of equipment and to analyze the soil content and product potential. This 5 page paper examines the benefit of GPS to the farming community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Revolt of the Masses by Jose Ortega

    10 pages in length. The loss of freedom and reason was a concept that greatly worried Spanish philosopher and social theorist Jose Ortega y Gasset. At the time of World War I, totalitarianism was taking a stronghold upon Europe, while the Great Depression proved to threaten the nature and destiny of the Western civilization. The Enlightenment had begun to show signs of wear, directly affecting the manner by which freedom and reason were slowly but surely being cast aside. It can be argued that with the weakening influence of World War I, reason and freedom stood little chance of escaping the impact of totalitarianism. It was Ortega's contention that through the means of such barbarism, those who were intellectually undisciplined and culturally unrefined would soon serve as the new ambassadors to European existence. Asserting that such masses would prove fatal to the Europe's cultural, economic and political progress, Ortega was mightily concerned with the fascist and communist implications of such a trend, which he clearly addressed in his book entitled 'The Revolt of the Masses.' Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Is Food Irradiation Safe?

    8 pages in length. As the world looks ahead to ensure the availability of its global food supply, talk of implementing a steady stream of irradiated food has become more and more pertinent. While a number of alternatives have been tested in the past, there appears to be a forward movement with regard to the utilization of irradiation over other methods food preservation. However, with such technological advancement, there also exists the need for a better understanding of just how detrimental this process is to all life forms. The writer discusses the safety factors of food irradiation. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Indian Banks and Corporate Governance

    A 13 page paper assessing governance at 2 private and 2 state-owned banks in India. Businesses within the same industry operate by standard means in many respects, but each is different in its management, goals for the future and perspective on the value of customers. The process of assessing governance at four Indian banks reveals immense differences in these factors. The banks examined here are ICICI Bank Ltd., HDFC Bank Ltd., State Bank of India and Global Trust Bank. The focus is on financial performance for two years prior to and two years after significant capital inflow. In the case of ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank, these points were when they became the first and second Indian banks to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Includes 2 figures and 5 tables. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Politics and Bananas

    This 6-page paper attempts to tie the banana trade wars together with political maneuvering, even to the point where it has helped elect presidents of the U.S. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Maleness and New Guinea's Sambia

    The Sambia of New Guinea have a unique view of maleness and the process by which individuals move from an almost genderless state into masculinity. The initiation of boys into manhood is based in homosexual practices, and rituals require that boys shed their female qualities in order to progress as men. The comparison of the Sambian perspectives on male attributes, masculine development and on child abuse demonstrates cultural relativism and underscores significant variances in perceptions of appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, including child abuse. This 5 page paper considers the evidence presented by Gilbert Herdt in his study of the Sambia, and defines the link between their practices and a global view of sexual behaviors. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Economics and Political Influences in Sport

    This 4 page paper is written in two parts, the first part of the paper looks at the contradictory economic position of the NFL team managers, who have to work as partners sharing revenue as well as competitors. The second part of the paper looks at the relationship between sports and government polices. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Ethics In Information Technology

    13 pages in length. Information Technology (IT) is arguably one of the most expansive and influential forms of advancement mankind has ever created; that it serves to connect, facilitate, market and educate the entire global community speaks to a human discovery of monumental value. Indeed, something so significant in a positive light must also harbor shortcomings that can be just as substantial, which is clearly the case with the ethical concerns inherent to IT. Considered the four most prevalent ethical issues in today's IT - privacy, accuracy, property and accessibility (PAPA) - they garner tremendous attention as the illustration of how imposing an otherwise beneficial human advancement can be to its own makers. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Anti Defamation League and the American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee

    15 pages in length. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stands up for myriad minority groups that find it difficult to defend their political existence amidst a wholly intolerant global society. From anti-Semitism to homophobia to Holocaust denial, the ADL's ongoing mission is to fortify the presence of these groups by infusing the younger, more impressionable members of society with a healthy dose of tolerance education. Similar to the ADL, the ADC's mission is to undo centuries' worth of bias toward people of all faiths, races and backgrounds; however, the grassroots civil rights organization's primary focus is upon Arab heritage in the United States. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Mobile Phone Technologies and UMTS and GSM Comparison

    10 pages in length. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Universal Mobile Telephone Service (UMTS) represent the future in mobile phone technology. The extent to which each entity has enhanced the entire wireless communication industry has been so significant that upgrades are already in the works to improve upon them even more. By April of 2001, five hundred million people around the world were GSM users; its counterpart, UMTS, boasts a third-generation (3G) mobile system in development within the ITU's IMT-2000 framework, which will ultimately enable the reality of portable videophones via its 2 Mbps data speeds. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • United Kingdom Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy

    A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education in the UK need to be informed of political and policy matters. The UK’s approach to early childhood education was as fragmented and variable as that in the US until the Labour government implemented changes beginning in 1997. Today, all 4-year-olds have access to free daycare that includes academic instruction in preparation for compulsory school attendance beginning at age 5. There are concerns that very young children receive instruction for which they are not yet ready, a fact that workers need to remain aware of and avoid. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy

    A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education need to be informed of political and policy matters. Much is said about the potential effectiveness of non-government organizations (NGOs) in developing nations and the extent of their influence in shaping government policy and social perception in developing nations. NGOs exist in the United States as well, of course, and one of the most notable is The United Way. Currently it is embroiled in a political struggle seeking to preserve the federal Head Start program that has been in existence literally for decades. This is not an issue likely to disappear soon, and workers in early childhood education need to be aware both of the struggle and its implications. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Phenomenon of Urban Heat Islands in Brazil

    5 pages in length. The phenomenon of urban heat islands (UHI) is a wholly manmade occurrence derived from humanity's tendency toward urban living. Vast numbers of global communities live in what can only be described as asphalt jungles comprised of too many people, too much pavement, too many darkly colored surfaces on roofs, roads and parking lots that make it incapable for the surrounding environment to reflect heat. As a direct result, temperatures in these areas of urban sprawl can spike an entire eight degrees in the summer when compared to their suburban and rural counterparts. Brazil's overwhelming pollution problem is particularly associated with the notion of urban heat islands, inasmuch as this rise in heat sets off a chain reaction of chemical compounds being emitted into the air that become worse with every degree in temperature. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Individual Rights Usurped by the U.S. Supreme Court

    A 5 page paper that argues the following: over the years, individual rights have been denied by the Supreme Court. In the criminal justice system, this has lead to the relaxing of laws to the extent that our Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights have been seriously infringed upon. All rights to personal freedoms in the workplace have been taken away by the Supreme Court, and women's rights to abortion have been substantially reduced. The remaining issue for many of us is the Supreme Court's decision on First Amendment rights in regards to imposed decency on the Internet. This decision is expected within the next month. We can only hope it is not their desire to usurp further rights from United States citizenry. The affect on global Internet business is inestimable. Bibliography lists 4 sources. Copies of sources included.

  • Professional Development and Understanding South Korea

    This 3 page paper emphasizes that instructors who have firsthand experience in South Korea can impart a greater understanding in their professional development classes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of the Foreign Exchange Rate Model

    A 2 page paper describing the exchange rate model. The exchange rate model is that which equates the currency of one nation to that of another. Movement in that ratio is the determinant of whether the currency of any given country is weakening or strengthening, which most basically depends on the relative perceived strength of the economies of the two countries in comparison to each other while also considering the state of the global economy. When the dollar is said to be strengthening against the yen, then more yen are required to equate to one dollar, raising US import prices in Japan and decreasing Japanese import prices in the US. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • America Combating Terrorism

    A 7 page discussion of the role the U.S. plays in combating terrorism on a global scale. Notes the atrocities of the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the simultaneous plane attack on the Pentagon itself and contends that acts of terrorism, whether they occur within the U.S. or outside, must be addressed not only through maintaining our integrity through military means, but also through a thorough understanding of the factors which lead to terrorism and a consequent redress in the manner in which the U.S. conducts its business and political affairs and relates to other political and ideological factions of the world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Syria's 'New' Politics

    (5 pp) Syria and the United States have balanced on a delicate political tightrope for years. In October of 1991 the two began discussions in Madrid, concerning the fate of peace between the two countries, and indeed peace in the Arab world. Within that same tenuous balance, is the fact that Syria ,is known to house volatile terrorists, that are a danger to United States citizens anywhere in the world, as well as a danger to the world, and her citizens. This discussion will examine current politics after the death of Syria's 30 year ruler. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Politics of Recognition by Charles Taylor

    A 5 page paper which analyzes and summarizes Charles Taylor’s essay “The Politics of Recognition.” No additional sources cited.

  • Industry Implications of the Merger Between Sprint and MCI WorldCom

    A 10 page paper discussing implications of the merger for both the national and international telecommunications industry. Announced October 5, 1999, the combination of MCI WorldCom’s global presence and Sprint’s strength in wireless technology promises enhanced growth for both sides, particularly in wireless communication and Internet access, which is expected to provide the greatest growth in telecommunications well into the next century. Both companies will need to provide sound evidence to the FCC in order to gain approval, for the merger of the two companies reduces the number of large long distance carriers in the US from three to only two. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Same-Sex Marriage: Redefining Love

    3 pages in length. The twenty-first century global society does not have enough to focus upon while in the midst of politically upheaval besides something that by all rights should concern no one other than the two people involved. The ever-present debate over same-sex marriage illustrates how contemporary social perspectives are not as progressive as many claim they are, but rather reflect a level of judgment and intolerance akin to witch hunts and slavery. To presume same-sex marriage indicates anything other than the desire of two people to legally demonstrate their love is to redefine love upon the myopic basis of what does or does not exist between one's legs, reflecting a perverse - if not wholly erroneous - connection to constitutional rights that simply cannot be validated. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cultural Gatekeepers and Search Engine Politics

    A 6 page paper which examines the political implications of Internet search engines shaping cultural perceptions by indexing and ranking information, and also considers what influences the inclusion and exclusion of Web page ‘hits.’ Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Education, Politics, and Northern Ireland

    This 4-page paper focuses on education in Northern Ireland as it pertains to political and religious divisions. Bibliography lists 1 source.


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