Research Papers on U.S. History

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  • Race and the War Film Genre

    In this well reasoned 5 page essay, the writer argues that war films have traditionally avoided having to portray African Americans in a realistic manner. Even films about the Civil War "hid" Black people to a large extent -- out of fear that doing otherwise would invoke some controversial discontent. A number of insightful examples from war films are provided to support this thesis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Louisiana Purchase

    A 3 page paper which examines the history and legacy of the Louisiana Purchase which is considered to be one of the most important land deals in the history of the nation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • What if the Mayflower Had Landed in Jamestown instead of Plymouth?

    A 4 page paper that speculates how the issue of slavery might have been different had the Puritan influence been over the plantations of the south. Included is a comparison of the type of people who colonized Jamestown and the type who colonized New England. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Erie Canal's History

    A 6 page paper discussing this major inland waterway and its influence in American history. The paper covers why it was built, the many roadblocks to its completion, its importance economically, socially, and politically, and how it is used today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • U.S. Government Actions from 1861 through 1900

    A 7 page paper discussing noble and brutal acts of the government during the period of 1861 through 1900. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Early 20th Century Historical Contributions of the Average Female

    An 8 page paper looking at the way women's contributions to our culture have fundamentally altered American history in the early part of this century. The paper contends that even if women's political contributions are ignored, changing social attitudes - changed by women, from within -- toward such issues as consumerism, contraception, and working outside the home transformed our culture. Bibliography lists five sources.

  • Theme Parks and Their History

    This 7 page paper explores the evolution of theme parks from Disneyland to Universal Studios' Jurassic Park. Specifically discussed are the economic benefits provided by theme parks, the ever-growing number of theme parks throughout the United States, and the changes theme parks have undergone over the years. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • American Literature and the Impact of Benjamin Franklin

    A 5 page paper which examines the impact Benjamin Franklin had on American literature, specifically considering his autobiography. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Causes and Results of World War I

    A 5 page paper discussing the domestic and international causes of WWI. From those we examine the after effects which led to the somewhat stable order that existed in the post war countries of Russia and the United States. Much like any after math of war, there must be some adjustments that allow for the countries to exist in peace for some time, especially in regards to countries which possess the power that the former Soviet Union and the United States did. Without some form of stability in this respect, incidents might well occur that could not be retrieved. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Reshaping Everyday Life/Jack Larkin

    A 5 page paper offers a brief overview of Jack Larkin's history text The Reshaping of Everyday Life, 1790-1840 and then offers a 4 page detailed discussion of chapter 6, which is on music during this period. No additional sources cited.

  • Guerrilla Tactics and the Vietnam War

    An 8 page paper discussing the guerilla warfare tactics used during the Vietnam war and how they differed from those used in other wars. Also examines the effects of those tactics on U.S. troops. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Weapons of World War II From Rifles To The Atom Bomb

    This 9 page paper reviews the variety of weapons developed and implemented during World War II (mostly by the United States). Bibliography lists six sources.

  • The Cherokee Nation and Andrew Jackson

    A 7 page paper that discusses the issued surrounding Andrew Jackson's role in the removal of the Cherokee Nation for its lands. Removal of Indians dated back for decades; Jackson's actions therefore not only supported his own beliefs, they sanctioned the actions and opinions that were historical present in the country during the 1800s. The writer explores the background of the principal parties and discusses the events leading up to the forced march of the Cherokees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • When Life Gave Him Lemons, Ben Franklin Made Lemonade

    This 4 page paper discusses some aspects of Ben Franklin’s life, and how he faced challenges and used them to create opportunities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 9/11 Attacks Were No Conspiracy

    In six pages this persuasive essay argues that the 9/11 attacks were not a conspiracy, but also considers the existing evidence that supports a conspiracy theory conclusion. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • From the Invention of the Automobile to the Kent State Massacre

    This 8 page paper addresses fifteen specific questions in American history starting with the invention of the automobile and its impacts on American society and ranging to the US expansion into Cambodia and the Kent State Massacre. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • FDR and Pearl Harbor Knowledge

    A 6 page paper that discusses what Roosevelt did know in terms of the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Behind the Attack on Pearl Harbor

    This 3 page paper argues that President Roosevelt knew about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance, and actually encouraged it. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Social Chaos and Confusion of Children of Vietnam War Veterans

    It is well-documented that the Vietnam war left many veterans in a deterioriated mental condition. But what is less frequently discussed is the depressed lifestyles of children -- those born of American soldiers who had sex with Vietnam women as rape or otherwise. Many of these children live in the United States today.. Some have even attempted to find their fathers.. The behavior patterns of these youths reflects their war torn heritage and this 6 page essay examines this concept as well as its effects on the parent - veteran (i.e., post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.;). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Samuel Adams and the Events Associated with the Boston Tea Party

    A basic, 9 page discussion of the Tea Party, its participants, and primarily-- its impact. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Pilgrim Separatists and William Bradford

    A 5 page paper discussing the background of those who sailed over to the 'New World' on the Mayflower. After a discussion of the difference between Separatists (Pilgrims) and Puritans, the paper analyzes Bradford's role in the history of the Plymouth Colony. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • What if the Mayflower Had Landed in Jamestown instead of Plymouth?

    A 4 page paper that speculates how the issue of slavery might have been different had the Puritan influence been over the plantations of the south. Included is a comparison of the type of people who colonized Jamestown and the type who colonized New England. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Global Power Rise of the U.S.

    A 5 page overview of the rise of the U.S. to international power. The paper begins with the ideals of the forefathers, leading to the inventions rising out of the Industrial Revolution and continuing through World War II (a-bomb), telecommunications, computer technology, military technology and the space program. The paper includes a discussion of some of the problems that have emerged as a result of democratization of communist and socialist states and how the United States is working to assist those countries in the move to the global market. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • James Wilson's The Earth Shall Weep A History of Native America

    A 5 page review of the 1999 book 'The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America' by James Wilson. Relates the various trial and tribulations delineated by Wilson which the Native Americans have been forced to endure since the point of contact with non-Native Americans. No additional sources are listed.

  • The U.S. Constitution and Articles of Confederation Compared

    In 2 pages the author discusses the differences between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, and answers whether she would have supported ratification of the new Constitution as it was submitted to the states. Bibliography lists one source.

  • Lillian Fowler et al's Samuel Adams Radical Puritan

    A 5 page paper discussing the book 'Samuel Adams - Radical Puritan' by Lillian Fowler, William Fowler, William Fowler, Jr., and Oscar Handlin. The book covers the life and times, as well as the adventures of Samuel Adams, the American revolutionary and political leader. No additional sources cited.

  • Erie Canal's History

    A 6 page paper discussing this major inland waterway and its influence in American history. The paper covers why it was built, the many roadblocks to its completion, its importance economically, socially, and politically, and how it is used today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Texas as a Colony

    A 4 page research report on the Colonization of Texas in 1824. At that time, Mexico wanted to prohibit the encroachment of its territories by the pioneers moving West. They offered an agreement of three conditions to any Anglos who wanted to settle there. Conflict erupted and Texas eventually gained its independence from Mexico. Bibliography included.

  • The Assimilation of the Irish

    A 12 page paper discussing just how 'American' the Irish are. Throngs—literally millions—of Irish immigrants poured into America in the mid-1800s and again toward the end of that century in response both to rumors of America as the land of opportunity at a time when their own country not only was in economic ruin but also could not support all of its people. There are those who maintain that the Irish were never fully assimilated into the American culture, but those making such claims often fail to take into account all applicable factors. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Scandalous Presidency of Ulysses Grant

    An 8 page research paper on the Grant administration. Discusses the Union Pacific Railroad scandal and the Whiskey Scandal and gives a view of Grant as being guilty only by asociation of the corruption which is often associated with his administration. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • Overview of the Whiskey Rebellion

    An 8 page research paper that gives an overall view of the Whiskey Rebellion that occurred in the counties of Pennsylvania and Virginia that are west of the Allegheny Mountains in 1794. The rebellion developed due to opposition to a federal excise tax on spirits that was enacted in 1791 according to a plan devised by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton wherein the states would assume their own debts. Washington eventually called out the militia and the rebels dispersed; however, the incident illustrated the power of the new federal government and the US presidency. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Assimilation and Conflict in the Western Settlement

    A 12 page paper that provides an overview of the progression of settlements and Christianity westward in the 19th century and considers the elements of socialization, land value and conflict that determined the roles of both settlers and Native Americans. Bibliography lists two sources.

  • U.S. Government Actions from 1861 through 1900

    A 7 page paper discussing noble and brutal acts of the government during the period of 1861 through 1900. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • America as a Growing World Power

    In this 7 page research paper, the writer explores the factors that contributed to making the United States a world leader/power between the end Civil War and the beginning of World War I. The primary aspect ofthis success has always been the promotion and fostering of democracy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Socialist Movement and Eugene Debs

    The movement in the United States, as well as the life of Eugene Debs are discussed in a 3 page overview. -- Analysis of why Debs became involved as well as why the socialist movement was not successful included as well. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Eliot Asinov's '1919'

    America's Loss of Innocence.' Book offers evidence that key events such as the passing of the Valstead Act, the Black Sox scandal, and the U.S. decision not to join the league of nations contributed to this nation's 'loss of innocence.' 6 pages in length, Bibliography lists 5 supporting sources.

  • Review of '1919'

    As above; 6 pages & 4 supporting sources. Asinof :

  • Book Review 3 for '1919'

    As above, 6 pages & 2 supporting sources. Asinof :

  • Mexican Intervention by the US in 1914, 1916, and Woodrow Wilson's Reasons

    A 4 page research paper exploring Woodrow Wilson's reasons for intervening in Mexico in 1914 and again in 1916. Mexico was involved in an internal revolution during those years, which affected the economic status of the United States in Mexico. Bibliography included.

  • Leadership Effectiveness of Theodore Roosevelt Assessed

    A 5 page research paper exploring the question, 'Was Teddy Roosevelt an Effective Leader?' Leadership and the qualities of a leader are first discussed then Roosevelt's accomplishments are analyzed. Bibliography includes 7 references.

  • Presidential Accomplishments of Harry S. Truman

    A 5 page paper that describes three specific achievements of President Truman. Other accomplishments are mentioned in addition to the emphasized three. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Theme Parks and Their History

    This 7 page paper explores the evolution of theme parks from Disneyland to Universal Studios' Jurassic Park. Specifically discussed are the economic benefits provided by theme parks, the ever-growing number of theme parks throughout the United States, and the changes theme parks have undergone over the years. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Walt Disney as a Role Model

    5 pages in length. When one thinks of Walt Disney, the mind conjures up visions of Mickey Mouse, amusement parks and feature-length films. But there exists more to the man who gifted the world with the likes of Donald Duck and Peter Pan: behind the imagination lived a role model who was impassioned with making the world a better place for both humanity and the animal world. Through his efforts, Disney enabled great -- if not subtle -- changes to occur while he cleverly hid his intentions within an entertaining platform. The writer addresses Disney's humanitarian contributions, as well as those he set forth for the environment, that clearly shows why he is a role model of a different color. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Canarsie The Jews and Italians of Brooklyn Against Liberalism by Jonathan Rieder

    A 5 page analysis of the book by Jonathan Rieder. Many books have investigated the societal and racial turmoil that began in the 1960s from the standpoint of the African-American community. This book, however, takes a look at the period between 1960 and 1980 from a different perspective--that of a middle-class white community. In so doing, the Rieder doesn't excuse the actions of this neighborhood, but he does help to the reader to understand their motivations. No additional sources cited.

  • The Way American Families Never Were and the Nostalgia Myth

    Focusing primarily upon the argument in Stephanie Coontz's (1992) book by same title, the writer of this 5 page paper presents the argument that each generation has looked upon the one previous to it and commented on how pure and innocent things were back in the proverbial "good ol' days." In actuality, however, morality was never as high in the past as we are led to believe. We are "brainwashed" by family-orientated television programs to believe that during the 50's and 60's, people were more "innocent" when in reality, juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, etc.;-- soared-- sometimes to levels much higher than today. This social phenomenon is explored in great detail. Bibliography also cites 2 additional sources.

  • Murder Investigation Comparisons of the Lizzie Borden and O.J. Simpson Cases

    In 7 pages, the author makes a comparison between the Lizzie Borden and O. J. Simpson investigations, looking at the police evidence, the cities in which the crimes were committed and public opinion of the cases. Bibliography lists 8 sources. PClb&oj.wps

  • The Pertinent Social and Economic Events of the Twentieth Century

    A 6 page essay that discusses in great detail the social and economic events which have contributed to the changing world structure. Bibliography contains 4 references (report contains many examples to illustrate its points).

  • Tanks Impact on Desert Storm

    6 pages in length. Within the three hundred and 8 pages of Robert M. Citino's book entitled 'Armored Forces' exists the proof necessary to ascertain just how positive an impact the tanks played during Desert Storm. It can be argued that by incorporating the latest in military technological advancements, the soldiers of this particular war were significantly better protected while at the same time able to perform their varied and jeopardous duties. The writer discuss how the reader gains a considerably more detailed account of just how integral tanks became to the overall safety and success of the Desert Storm mission. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Factors Leading To The Clinton Upset in 1992

    A 40 page paper that provides an overview of the basic elements that impacted the Clinton candidacy in 1992 and provided a win for Clinton even in light of controversy, questions of ethics, and the presence of Ross Perot. Bibliography lists 35 sources.

  • Call to Action by Bill Clinton in His 1997 State of the Union Address

    A 3 page paper summarizing U.S. President Bill Clinton's 1997 state of the union address. The writer discusses Clinton's 'call to action' and his aspirations for the United States over the four years that would follow. No bibliography.

  • 1998 Gongressional and Gubernatorial Campaigns

    A 5 page paper evaluating areas of nationwide Congressional and gubernatorial races in terms of debates, polls and the final results including the resulting state of balance of power in both the House and Senate. Elections held in years when there is no presidential election as well typically generate only mild interest on the part of the voters, and the elections of 1998 provided no surprises in that realm. One of the most heavily contested gubernatorial races was that of California, where not even the media was interested enough to broadcast all of the debates between candidates. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


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