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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 3-page paper focuses on questions concerning healthcare, finance and accounting. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 4 page paper that discusses specific issues. The paper begins with comments related to what the philosophy of public finance seems to be today (spend, spend, spend), then discusses the differences between governmental accounting and non-governmental accounting and lastly, comments on government budgeting and financial reporting. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 14 page report discusses international accounting standards and the complexity of financial accounting in terms of multi-national corporations, the global market place. Modern accounting practice can be looked at as a multi-layered system of assumptions, doctrines, formulas, formalities, and much more. Accounting and auditing standards have historically been set by national bodies such as FASB and specialized regulatory agencies in countries all over the world. Each country virtually has its own set of standards. Now, the developing global economy and growth in cross-border financing are creating an environment that would benefit from greater harmonization of accounting standards at both the international and the national levels. Paper includes a one-page executive summary. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
This 3 page paper discusses why it’s important to have a Security Manager who understands something about finance and accounting, and what they might mean to internal and external threats to the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
4 pages addresses 2 accounting and finance problems. The first involves Banbury Corporation’s acquisition of Luttrell Co., which owned residential investment property that Banbury did not want. The second discusses Ms. Sack’s investment in Dylan, consisting of $20,000 cash and $20,000 (FMV, basis $2,000), concluding that half of the capital gains on the sale of her interest in the company are short-term, half long-term. Bibliography lists 3 sources.