• Recent Papers

    • An overview of Stress

      This paper intends to provide an overview of different aspects of stress, including definition, dimensions, work and stress, environmental stress, effects of stress and more. There are eleven sources used in this eleven page paper. ... MORE

    • Impact on Language Learning, Global Issues

      This research paper explored organizational websites of intuitions that focus on global issues, such as environmental issues, poverty, food supply and women's rights. The writer investigated six issues and provides brief summations about organizational missions, questions raised, the impact of the issue on language learning, and the writer's personal view on the issue. The paper concludes with a proposal for further exploration of women's rights. Six pages in length, twelve sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Director Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet (1996)

      This paper pertains to Kenneth Branagh's adaptation of "Hamlet." The writer describes the overall film and the cinematic devices employed, but primarily focuses on the way in which Branagh presents the character of Hamlet. Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Climate Change Policy and Carbon Tax

      This paper compares two policy approaches to decreasing carbon emissions -- cap and trade approach and imposing a carbon tax. The writer argues in favor of a carbon tax. Six pages in length, that paper includes a brief abstract and cites eight sources. ... MORE

    • How the Bubonic Plague Spurred the Renaissance

      This paper argues that the horrors of the black plague, in the end, actually resulted in ripening the conditions that were required for the Renaissance. There are six sources listed in this seven page paper. ... MORE

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