Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
American Corporate Sphere and Sexual Harassment
A 6 page paper which examines sexual harassment policies and training programs in corporate America. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
EEO Violations (Personal Examples and Analysis)
This 6 page paper evaluates a number of issues related to EEO complaints. Examples are provided from personal life. Two issues of focus are religion and sexual harassment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Federal and State Employment Laws
7 pages in length. Employment laws exist as a bridge between companies and staff so each receives equitable consideration when it comes to on-the-job treatment. From age and gender discrimination to employee benefits and workplace safety to sexual harassment, federal and state employment laws work to provide an environment that is legally and ethically amenable to all. Two of the most common laws found at both a federal and state level are those that pertain to discrimination and whistle blowing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
American Hotel Industry Changes
A 21 page research paper that is divided into two distinct parts: Part 1 discusses a history of American Labor Law and Part 2 discusses the Changes in the Labor Market. An overview of the major labor laws that would be applicable to the hotel and hospitality industry is provided beginning with the Fair Labor Standards Act and going through the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The most often filed complaints in the hotel industry are those related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment. There have also been legal problems with the child labor laws. The second part includes, among other topics, the median ages in specific job categories, current employment and expected changes by 2008, changing labor market, and how to hire and retain good employees in the hotel industry. Significant amount of data included. 4 tables included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Labor Relations Laws and the 'Right to Work'
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the labor relations laws, including right to work laws and laws prohibiting union security clauses in labor agreements. This paper evaluates the guidelines set by the National Labor Relations Act, and also considers attempts at initiating union security clauses and the implications of both for the negotiating and arbitration of labor agreements. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Labor Law Issues
This 5 page paper looks at several articles pertinent to labor law as contained in a 1993 issue of Conservative Digest. The articles are discussed in terms of labor trends in the nineties. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Issues in English Employment Law
An 8 page paper. Two situations are presented by the student – employees suing a company, one for stress endured on the job and one for a poor reference. The writer explains specific English laws, including Unfair Dismissal, Wrongful Dismissal and the law of negligence. Cases are presented to demonstrate how courts have ruled. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
U.S. and Japan Labor Laws Compared
7 pages. This paper looks at labor laws in both the United States and Japan, comparing many aspects of each. Discussion includes major labor issues that face each country, the strength of labor unions in both countries, the government's involvement in labor unions and bargaining agreements. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Collective Bargaining and Labor Laws
A 12 page paper that begins with a comprehensive explanation of the labor laws that govern employer-employee relationships, i.e., the National Labor Relations Act and the Taft-Hartley Act. This is followed by an examination of collective bargaining and current thoughts about this process, how the power has shifted in management-labor relations and the shifts during recent years. The writer then outlines what employers cannot do and what union/employees cannot do pursuant to the laws. Under the heading of what employers can do to resist attempts to form a union, the writer provides an example of one company where unionization attempts have consistently failed and lastly, under the heading of working with the union, the writer discusses another company that changed the relations between labor and management to make the process less conflictive. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
United Kingdom's Ethnic Minorities and Management
A 14 page paper which examines
management in the workplace in the UK as it relates to ethnic minorities. Bibliography
lists 6 sources.
Employment Law of the UK and the Unfair Dismissal Concept
This 22 page paper reports and explains unfair dismissal as outline in the Employment Rights Act 1996 and the Employment Rights Act 2002 and the changes made in the interim. There are any number of contexts for an unfair dismissal claim, for example, claims related to maternity leave or to trade union activities. Some of the multitude of Codes of Practice are discussed, such as those ACAS issued in 2000 regarding Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures. Many of the changes in the 2002 Act were actually enacted prior to this Act, such as the qualifying years of service for unfair dismissal claims and the increase in the maximum awards. Tribunal cases are used to illustrate why a tribunal may find the dismissal fair or unfair. Data regarding the number of cases going to tribunals are reported as a justification for changes in the procedures. The writer comments on whether the 2002 Act was more advantageous to the employer or the employee as compared to the 1996 Act and its subsequent revisions. Data are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Collective Bargaining and its History
This 5 page report
explains that collective bargaining is when one group argues for
its rights, needs, or demands from another group. It most often
refers to the workplace and labor relations, negotiations between
employers and employees (who are usually represented by a labor
union) about terms and conditions of employment. A brief history
of collective bargaining in the United States is presented.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Various Employee Issues in the Workplace Workplace Considerations: Entitlements, The History of Rights, Education & Training, Community Support, and Whistle-Blowing
This is a 5 page paper discussing some issues considered by employees within the workplace. In addition to the basic elements of an employee contract, employees should be aware of their employers’ support of their employees and to what extent this support covers. Employee entitlements for instance may be expected but can vary from organization to organization. While employees are aware of certain rights which exist within the workplace, they should also know whether or not these rights are indeed better or worse than the rights of those who preceded them. Many organizations support education and training for their employees but in almost all cases, the education should be job related for the employers make a considerable financial investment in their employees and wish to retain them. Employees should also be aware of any community-related support their organization has and to what extent that support also benefits the organization. Lastly, employees should be aware of whether or not their organization and state supports “whistleblowers” and in what instances whistle blowing would be considered a positive step.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Industrial Relations and HRM
This 14 page paper discusses human resource management, industrial relations and labor unions and begins with an introductory historical background of each and the impact of globalization. The relationship of human resource management and industrial relations is the next section, which begins with data about declining union membership and the possible reasons for this situation. Changes in the relationship between human resource management and industrial relations are explained and discussed. The shifting paradigms in each are also explained. The next section discusses the scientific management model, its use postwar and the incompatibility of this model with today's goals in industrial relations and human resource management. Saturn Corporation is used to exemplify a unique and successful partnership between management and labor where union members are an integral component in the management of the company. Finally, the writer discusses possible trends in both HRM and industrial relations and also comments on the need for balance. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and Risk Assessment
A paper which looks in detail at the Risk assessment and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, with particular reference to the concepts of "sufficient" and "suitable" as used in the Regulations, and the way that these have been interpreted in recent case law. Bibliography lists 25 sources
Transportation Unions Pros and Cons
This 5-page paper examines the benefits and disadvantages to organized labor within the railway and trucking industries. Some points examined include wages, benefits and working hours. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Shared Governance v. Collective Bargaining in Nursing Labor Relations
A 3 page paper comparing the benefits of collective bargaining and the shared governance approach as they apply to nursing. Labor unions superficially appear to be attractive, but their relationship with management almost always is adversarial. Partnership and greater patient focus are expected within the shared governance model, however, which also is more consistent with the core values of nursing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Capitalist Model and Union Prosperity
This 8 page paper explores various theories as they respect unions. Capitalism and communism are discussed. The paper supports both unionism and capitalism and makes recommendations as to how unions can flourish under the capitalist paradigm. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Malaysia Human Resource Analysis
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the country, including population, literacy rate, GDP, type of government, types of industries and general economic facts. The writer also discusses the issue of foreign workers, illegal immigration, wages, poverty factors, who may and may not participate in a trade union and other aspects of work in Malaysia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Industrial Relations and HRM
This 14 page paper discusses human resource management, industrial relations and labor unions and begins with an introductory historical background of each and the impact of globalization. The relationship of human resource management and industrial relations is the next section, which begins with data about declining union membership and the possible reasons for this situation. Changes in the relationship between human resource management and industrial relations are explained and discussed. The shifting paradigms in each are also explained. The next section discusses the scientific management model, its use postwar and the incompatibility of this model with today's goals in industrial relations and human resource management. Saturn Corporation is used to exemplify a unique and successful partnership between management and labor where union members are an integral component in the management of the company. Finally, the writer discusses possible trends in both HRM and industrial relations and also comments on the need for balance. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Slavery: From Ancient Times to the Modern Day
This 6 page paper addresses questions about modern slavery but also looks at the history of slavery globally. Should the United States, a country that once held slaves but denounces slavery, tolerate slavery in other nations? This concept is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Social Security System and Its Impacts
A 3 page review of the history of the Social Security System. The author emphasizes that while the system has proven invaluable to some of the less fortunate of our society, it has proven to be a chain and ball for those that continue to struggle to make the ends meet.
Parr, Sutherland, and Bullen Article Analysis on Urban and Rural Children's Labor and Economic Responsibilities
This is a 10 page paper discussing economic and labor responsibilities in children in rural farm families and urban working class children. Joy Parr’s chapter “Apprentice or Adopted” (1994) and Neil Sutherland’s chapter “The Working Lives of Modern Pioneers” (1997) tell of the work ethics, expectations, patriarchal control, family economic status, and gender role development in rural households and communities. Parr addresses the enterprising structure of families on farms which in addition to their gendered-role structure in which all members of families must contribute to the maintenance of the farm, also takes into account the position of immigrant children apprentices. While many farm children are unable to attend schools because of obligations on the farm, this is further diminished in regards to the immigrant children who have fewer educational opportunities than farm children. Sutherland’s work further argues the opportunities which are missed by rural children who are not always able to go to school because of work obligations on the farm. He argues that urban children, who do not have these same obligations, are therefore offered more educational opportunities and subsequent professional opportunities. John Bullen in his article “Hidden Workers: Child Labour and the Family Economy in Late Nineteenth-Century Urban Ontario” (1992) takes this argument one step further. While agreeing that rural children are at a disadvantage because of their labor obligations, so too are urban working class children who also live within family structures where every family member must contribute either in labor or wages in order to sustain the family lifestyle. In all cases, middle and upper class children who do not have the same labor obligations are given more educational, professional and social mobility opportunities in their stead.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cesar Chavez, the Man, the Union Organizer, and the Minority Rights' Activist
A 6 page paper which examines the man, the leader of migrant farm workers and his commitment to minority rights. Specifically considered are why he was able to achieve such dramatic social change; what made him a leader, and why he was able to succeed where others before had failed; his devotion to religion and human principles; his sensitivity to the needs of the impoverished; his ability to sacrifice himself; his belief in nonviolence, and the influences of the activism of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
United Parcel Service Strike of 1997
This 10 page paper discusses the UPS strike in August 1997. The writer discusses the issues, the strategy used by the union, the outcome, the lessons gained from this strike and why the American public supported this strike. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Increasing the Minimum Wage
A 5 page paper which discusses many aspects
of raising the minimum wage. The information provided illustrates that we should not
increase minimum wage, but perhaps look elsewhere for answers to helping the poor.
Minimum wage has proven to be more harmful than helpful. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Employee Rights and Organizational Security
This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of organizational security. Balancing security needs with privacy issues is explored. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
1990s' Labor Unions
A 6 page research paper looking at some of the changes in and political activities of the labor movement. Included is the AFL-CIO's aggressive recruiting of new members, downsizing in their own management ranks and a move to an informality of organization historically unknown in labor unions. Unions are experiencing election victories of more than 70% when paid organizers are not used, compared to a win rate of less than 30% when they are. Another boost to the unions is the increasing numbers of members from white-collar professions.
Overview of the Teamsters Union
A 6 page paper on the Teamsters union. The writer gives a brief history of the union, its recent declines, projected gains, and an outlook for the future. Bibliography cites 6 sources.
Labor Relations Laws and the 'Right to Work'
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the labor relations laws, including right to work laws and laws prohibiting union security clauses in labor agreements. This paper evaluates the guidelines set by the National Labor Relations Act, and also considers attempts at initiating union security clauses and the implications of both for the negotiating and arbitration of labor agreements. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Louisville, Kentucky and the Expansion of the United Parcel Service
An 8 page paper that discusses the issue of UPS's expansion in Louisville, Kentucky and the requests they made of the city and state for assurances that the thousands of available jobs would be able to be filled. The writer discusses the benefits of having UPS located in the city and how UPS and city and state government officials were able to work together to resolve the problems. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Fragile Bridge
A 6 page paper on this event in labor history as described by Steven Golin in his 1988 book. The writer describes the conditions which led to the unorganized strike by silk workers, who were subsequently supported by the IWW and intellectuals of the time. Full citation is provided for the book.
U.S. Immigration and the Green Card
A 5 page paper that argues the fact that recent attempts by the U.S. government to stem the wave of illegal immigration have proved to be futile and that the time has come to take a different approach to this growing problem. This paper focuses on the fact that the American nation was built on the concept of immigration and stresses the fact that employers who import and exploit illegal workers should absorb the full impact of government measures taken to rectify this situation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Twenty First Century Labor
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the issues related to the labor developments in the past 30 years, and relates the issues of past labor movements to the future of labor developments in the emerging global economy. This paper considers current issues and the way in which these will shape the labor movement of the 21st century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.