Research Papers on Air & Aviation

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • General Electric's TF34 and CF34 Engines in Canadair Regional Jets

    A 4 page paper (including a 1 page outline) examining the GE FT34 jet engine used in the Canadair Regional Jet. Quiet and fuel efficient, the TF34 is the military version; the CF34 is the commercial version of the same engine. PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • General Electric TF34, CF34, and Canadair CRJ Regional Jet Engine

    A 1 page outline of an accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation examining the GE FT34 jet engine used in the Canadair Regional Jet. Quiet and fuel efficient, the TF34 is the military version; the CF34 is the commercial version of the same engine. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research on Marketing for the UK's Airline Industry

    This 13 page paper look at research to consider the ways in which the airline industry in the UK should be marketing their services. The paper has a short introduction and the main part of the paper presents some realistic, but fictitious quantitative and then qualitative research, first using written surveys and then with the use of a focus group. The paper ends with the results and conclusion. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • A Research Project To Determine The Best Way Of Increasing Customer Loyalty At Scandinavian Airways Systems (SAS)

    This 79 page paper is a dissertation style paper undertaking research to look at how the Scandinavian airline SAS can improve customer loyalty and the potential of using customer relationship management (CRM) to achieve increased loyalty. The paper looks at the development of the company, how they compete and the current loyalty system that is in place followed by an in-depth literature review concerning customer loyalty and CRM. A methodology is offered and simulated primary research results are presented before a conclusion is reached that recommends the adoption of a CRM system. The bibliography cites 54 sources.

  • Airline Industry - Profitability And Risk Management

    This 10 page paper is the beginning proposal for a research study that asks if there is a relationship between operational risk management and profitability in the airline industry. The paper presents the problem, the questions, an overview of the literature on the topics and the research design. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Proposal and Literature Review on UK Marketing of Low Cost Airlines

    This 11 page paper is the first of two papers. The paper gives a proposal for research to identify to most effective ways of marketing low cost or budget airline companies in the UK. This first paper starts with a proposal, which includes justification for the research and a methodology. The paper then undertakes a literature review looking at the way marketing takes place. This section uses a case study to look at how one successful company; EasyJet is marketed and how the marketing forms a part of their core strategy and is both supportive and reflective of the company culture. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • JetBlue Case Study

    This 42 page paper examines the airline JetBlue in the context of the US airline industry. After an introduction the paper discusses the condition of the airline industry, the profitability of the industry and uses a pest analysis to examine the macro environment. The strategies of JetBlue are then examined at firm, business and operational levels and compared to strategies of competitors. With an understanding of the industry and the firm the writer goes on to suggest potential future strategies. Each of the suggested strategies is analysed and recommendations made for viable future strategies and how they may be implemented. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Airbus Case Study

    This 24 page paper is written in two parts. The first part is a case study looking at the Airbus Company, which is an EADS company. The case study looks at the history of the company, its products including be A380, the structure of the company and it is facilities, the competition it faces from Boeing, the management and leadership. The second part of the paper answer questions regarding some of the challenges faced by Airbus including the pressure for innovation, the accusations of insider trading in 2006, the dual CEO structure, the policy of compensating for currency changes as well is other influencing factors such as US government influences on Boeing and the potential of new entrants into the aircraft manufacturing business. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Ryanair - Competitive Advantages and Main Competitor

    This 15 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student, and examines the competitive position of Ryanair in 1999. The first part of the paper looks at the competitive advantages that the company has been able to develop, and discusses the way that value is added. Second part of the paper discusses whether or not the competitive advantages are sustainable and identifies the most likely competitor. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Railway and Airline Industry Labor Relations Laws

    This 3 page report discusses labor law, the Railway Labor Act of 1926, labor law, and the rights of airline and railroad workers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Hub and Spokes and Airline Scheduling Overview

    This 21-page paper focuses on how airlines might schedule their flights based on geography, demand and population. The discussion centers on U.S. air carriers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Connection Between Global Travel and the History of Flight

    This 14 page paper provides an overview of aviation history, with a focus on technology and engine development. New trends in world travel are also discussed in light of technological change. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Passenger Aviation

    This 5 page considers the development of passenger aiplanes from the beginning of the twentieth century until today. The writer looks are aircraft such as the Boeing 247, the Boeing 307 Stratoliner, DC-3, DC-6 and DC-6 as well as the Dash 80 and Concorde. Consideration is also given to the on board flight management system. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • History of U.S. Aviation and Terrorism

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of air disasters that were either tied to terrorism or possibly linked to terrorism. While of course the events of September 11, 2001 are relayed, other events such as the downing of Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland are included. The Flight 800 disaster that occurred near Long Island, New York is discussed in depth. Information about reaction by society and how these things affect the economy are also included along with data on what the FAA is doing about it all. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • History and Future Promises of Space Exploration

    An 8 page overview of the timeless attraction of space and how that attraction has translated into space exploration programs. This paper traces the history of space exploration and contend that this exploration has the potential to result in more than just satisfying academic curiosity. Space exploration, in fact, directly benefits mankind in a number of ways. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • American Airline Industry Fortunes and Yield Management Impact

    A 9 page paper on the positive financial effects that yield management pricing has had on the major airlines of the U.S., exhibited by a $2.5 billion industry-wide profit after posting losses of over $13 billion over the previous four years combined. With the major airlines' increased financial health, they are better able to compete not only with each other, but against the newer, smaller airlines that would like to create a secondary market in areas not well-served by the major carriers. The major airlines, however, are using all their new-found financial might to drive the smaller ones out of their markets and then follow with increased fares when the threat of competition is gone. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 3 Major Airlines and Management

    A 9 page paper discussing the similarities and the management philosophies of American, United and Delta. All old, established companies, they are the three leaders of the US airline industry in terms of total revenues. Neither was profitable until the federal government authorized air mail by private carrier in 1925, and all three operate with only an uneasy peace with their pilots. The paper asks whether any of the three practices TQM, and concludes, based on the company-as-hostage stance of the pilots, that they do not. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Aviation Industry's Air and Noise Pollution Management

    This paper examines the pollution issue that is plaguing the aviation industry -- both in terms of noise and air pollution -- and tries to describe what steps some independent operators are taking to curb the problem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Impact of Airport Security Measures on Management Operations

    7 pages in length. The extent to which the airport industry environment is different now than prior to September 11, 2001 illustrates the significant lengths to which the nation's security system has been augmented. This vast development in the wake of America's worst terrorist attack in history is, however, said to be just as inefficient and incapable of averting another 911 episode as what existed before the fateful day; that the airport industry has strategically bolstered itself has made all personnel more keenly aware of the potential for a repeat performance, yet the ultimate performance of these presidential instituted mandates and the Transportation Security Administration role continues to leave gapping holes in the overall objective toward national protection. On a smaller scale, however, advancement is being made in certain areas where tremendous sweeps are not expected to occur – such as onboard – where a smaller cluster of people is able to make a bigger, more immediately visible and overall impact. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Risk Management and Airline Security

    A 5 page paper discussing aviation’s efforts to manage the risk to flight safety that became glaringly apparent with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The paper discusses the need for security risk management, offers several alternatives and recommends an alternative currently scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2004, that of fingerprinting many foreign visitors arriving at American airports and seaports for the purposes of positive identification and comparing to terrorist watchlists. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management and Airport Security

    A 16 page paper. Airport security has changed in the United States and other countries since the September 11 attacks. Had certain technology, like face recognition, been installed, at least two of the hijacker may never have boarded the plane. Many different systems have been proposed and some have been initiated. For example, the airport in Amsterdam installed iris scanning technology for passengers who fly a great deal. A similar pilot program was installed in one terminal at JFK is using iris scanning for employees. This paper discusses the types of biometric devices that are being considered and/or that have been installed and where they are being used to improve airport security. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Four Questions Pertaining to Management of the Airline Industry

    A 5 page paper answering 4 questions about the airline industry. Questions address codesharing at American Airlines and China Eastern Air; what makes Herb Kelleher worthy of admiration; suggestions for marketing for the future; and recommendations for allocating $5 billion for fleet replacement over 4 years. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Transporting Hazardous Materials by Air

    An 18 page paper discussing increasing regulation of air transport of hazardous materials, using primary lithium batteries and butane lighters as examples. Aviation authorities have moved to decrease risk in all areas, not only those appearing to be directly related to political pressures and the threat of terrorism. As hazardous materials are moved from one place to another and as manufacturing continues the trend of moving offshore, the movement of specific items becomes more frequent and therefore more open to accidents and transport-related problems. The current approach is to accept questionable items until it becomes apparent that these items should be transported by other means. The paper recommends that the government continue in this vein. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Internal In-Flight Acts of Terrorism

    This 5 page paper purports that internal in-flight acts of terrorism are the greatest threat to network security. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Air Transportation Environmental and Regulatory Issues

    A 7 page paper which examines issues that affects air transportation, particularly commercial and cargo aviation, cockpit cameras, environmental concerns, air/noise pollution, and airport land usage. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Air Travel Safety

    This 5 page paper discusses some of the measures put in place by industry and government to make air transportation safer. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Future Transportation Transformed by Digital Technology

    This 6 page paper discusses the future in terms of travel, and how it will be impacted by digital technology. This paper focuses on air travel, space travel, trains, cars, etc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hidden Dangers In Various Modes of Transportation

    This 5 page paper explores automobile, railroad, pipeline, air and sea methods of transportation and the dangers they pose to society. An outline is included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • What Caused the January 2000 Crash of Alaska Airlines' Flight 261?

    An 11 page overview of the circumstances leading up to the January 2000 crash of this McDonnell Douglas MD-83 aircraft into the Pacific Ocean approximately eleven miles offshore of Port Hueneme. The author of this paper raises a number of questions such as how faulty manufacturing processes may have been at play as well as how inferior were Alaska Air’s maintenance procedures. One question of particular interest is why ground maintenance personnel were troubleshooting the aircraft in flight with passengers on board. The conclusion is reached that the causes of this crash were multifaceted and included not only inferior parts but also inferior maintenance practices and questionable decisions attributable in part to communications with ground crews. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Aviation Inspection, Maintenance, and Human Factors

    A 10 page contention that aviation maintenance and inspection, like any activity which involves humans, is subject to the limitations of human performance, performance which often as not is replete with errors. Errors, in fact, occur on an everyday basis in aviation. Some errors are minor but others can have disastrous consequences. Errors may be either direct or indirect but they can be minimized by the same analyses as that which is applicable to other human factor-sensitive fields as well. We often look to psychology, rather than solely to aviation, to help us identify the means to improvement in human error. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nigeria, the Unites States and ATC Systems

    A 5 page research paper that examines and compares the air traffic control systems of the US and Nigeria, in that Nigeria is part of the overall problem of insufficient ATC systems for African airspace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Jet Engine's Economic Forecast

    5 pages. This paper gives an overview of the future of the airline industry as it pertains to the jets and engines themselves. The economic impact based on certain factors in the future is considered. An overall well-researched paper which will be very helpful in determining what way the future of the jet engine might be headed. 6 sources listed in bibliography.

  • General Electric TF34, CF34, and Canadair CRJ Regional Jet Engine

    A 1 page outline of an accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation examining the GE FT34 jet engine used in the Canadair Regional Jet. Quiet and fuel efficient, the TF34 is the military version; the CF34 is the commercial version of the same engine. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • General Electric's TF34 and CF34 Engines in Canadair Regional Jets

    A 4 page paper (including a 1 page outline) examining the GE FT34 jet engine used in the Canadair Regional Jet. Quiet and fuel efficient, the TF34 is the military version; the CF34 is the commercial version of the same engine. PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Causative Factors and Impacts of Fatigue

    This 11 page paper addresses the physiological and environmental factors contributing to fatigue. Adequate sleep, hydration, and nutrition are critical for pilots. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of the 'Dragon Lady' U2 Military Aircraft

    A 5 page discussion of the U-2 aircraft. The author details the aircraft’s history, specifications (including dimensions and weight), and details of its reconnaissance abilities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Should the ICAO Charter Articles 39 and 39 be Revised?

    This 16 page paper argues that Article 38 and 39 of the International Civil Aviation Authority is outdated. Article 39 states that were there are differences in national standards and the ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), the country concerned should make a notification. The paper argues that were the national standard is superior that the resulting endorsement that takes place after a notification is unfair and unnecessary. The paper looks at the background and the application of the article’s using examples, before making recommendations in the way the articles could be changed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Development and Marketing of Flying Cars

    This 3 page paper looks at the development of flying cars, summarizing some of the progress by the main players and assessing the way that they may be marketed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.


    This 6-page paper provides an overview of Jet Airways (India), as well as an overview of airlines regulatory markets in India and Europe. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Pollution and the Tourism Industry

    This 20 page paper examines the link between tourism and pollution focusing on air and water pollution. The paper explores how and why tourisms is causing pollution, this includes looking at how tourism is increasing, the ways in which air travel increases the presence of greenhouse gases and the pollutions caused by cruise ships. Other sources of pollution are also discussed with the paper ending by considering the extent of the pollution. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Long term Influences on the Airline Industry and the Position of Easyjet and Germanwings

    This 16 page paper examines the potential future of the airline industry, looking at the political, economical, social and technological influences that may impact on airlines planning, Two no frills low cost airlines are then considered assessing the way that they are performing within this industry, and how looking at how they may deal with the future, the products that they sell and compares the firms financial performance between the years 2004 - 2008. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Airline Industry Trends

    A 6 page paper discussing trends in the global airline industry. Several airlines have made changes specifically targeting the business traveler, but many of the world's leading airlines face survival issues. All airlines are required to address financial, security and customer issues. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme

    An 11 page paper with two sections. The first section discusses and explains the ICAO' resolution to establish a Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) and its subsequent Resolution A35-6, which changes the audits to a comprehensive system approach. The Annexes are identified and how they fit into the new audit process is discussed. The second section discusses how a project for the pre-audit might be established and managed and includes more information about the actual preparation process and tools that would be included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • How the Aviation System is Put Together

    This 3 page paper uses systems theory in order to provide a description of elements of aviation and how they are interrelated. Tangible and intangible items are described. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Recent Changes in Aviation Security

    This 14 page paper examines aviation security in a post-911 era. This paper, written more than five years after the terrorist attack, includes recent sources. The history of aviation security is addressed. An outline is included in addition to a Table of Contents. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History of Women in Aviation

    In five pages this paper examines the participation and contributions of women in aviation from an historical perspective and includes the effects of war on women’s roles, individual female aviation pioneers, public perceptions, and social impacts. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • International Aviation Safety Standards

    A 7 page paper discussing the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) influence on aviation safety throughout the world. Standards are initiated either by the ICAO or any member state beginning with a proposal or request. The matter is reviewed by those qualified to make judgments in the operational area the request addresses, who devise a draft of a new standard. New standards are implemented after gaining consensus among the 190 member states; all member states agree to operate according to the requirements of the new standard. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Aircraft Engines and the CFM Engine

    A 5 page paper describing and discussing CFM International's family of aircraft engines. The CFM56-2 was the first of the CFM engines. Based on the GE military F101, it entered service in 1982. Each of the CFM56 engines has a focused application. An 8-slide PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Advanced Aircraft Design Materials

    This 4 page paper looks at the different materials used in advanced aircraft design focusing on composite materials including the materials used for stealth technology. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Transporting Hazardous Materials by Air

    An 18 page paper discussing increasing regulation of air transport of hazardous materials, using primary lithium batteries and butane lighters as examples. Aviation authorities have moved to decrease risk in all areas, not only those appearing to be directly related to political pressures and the threat of terrorism. As hazardous materials are moved from one place to another and as manufacturing continues the trend of moving offshore, the movement of specific items becomes more frequent and therefore more open to accidents and transport-related problems. The current approach is to accept questionable items until it becomes apparent that these items should be transported by other means. The paper recommends that the government continue in this vein. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • The Future of Air Traffic Control - NextGen System

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of the NextGen air traffic control system. Costs, a timetable, and benefits are explored. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Some Barriers to Effective Implementation of a Safety Management System within an Airline Environment

    There are many pressures for constant change and implementation of new safety procedures in the airline industry. This 8 page paper looks at some of the barriers, including barriers at national level and the ICAO and the internal organizational barriers to change. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Aviation Industry's Air and Noise Pollution Management

    This paper examines the pollution issue that is plaguing the aviation industry -- both in terms of noise and air pollution -- and tries to describe what steps some independent operators are taking to curb the problem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Airport Construction and Operating Challenges

    This 7-page paper discusses the challenges and decisions when it comes to building and operating airports. Discussions about the Denver International Airport and Athens International Airport are also included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Strategy for Emirates Airline

    A 25 page paper discussing Emirates Airline growth and strategy for the future. In 2004, Emirates Air's CEO Maurice Flanagan stated that the airline's order for 90 new, luxury aircraft to be delivered over a period of time extending to 2012 likely would not be sufficient for the airline to meet the demand that its management intended to create by that time. The astounding statement proved to be prophetic. The paper discusses internal and external environments and makes recommendations for the future. Bibliography lists 35 sources.

  • Airline Pilots and a Mandatory Retirement Age of Sixty

    This 17 page research paper examines the issue of mandatory retirement for all American airline pilots at age 60. The writer includes background information and a detailed statement of the problem.

  • Case Study Analysis of ValuJet Airlines

    This 8 page paper examines the history, market niche, and organizational structure of ValuJet Airlines-- a company best known for its low cost airfare and frequent problems / crashes ! Issues concerning service, management style, and fiscal outlook are analyzed to provide an in-depth overview of the company's strengths and weaknesses. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of ValuJet and SWA

    In this 10 page report, the writer compares Southwest with Value Jet Airlines. It is reasoned that the reputation-wrecked ValuJet airlines has only trotted along a bumpy road to industry success. Its future is much less certain than the ever-growing Southwest Airlines. Marketability, cost issues, human relations, and more-- are examined with respect to each of these two companies to support such a thesis. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • 1958 to 1998 Requirements for Airplane Pilot Certification

    This 14 page research paper looks at the requirements to become a certified pilot and how those requirements have changed over the past forty years since the introduction of the Federal Aviation Act in 1958. Bibliography lists ten sources.

  • Human Error in Aviation Accidents

    A 5 page paper that discusses the types of human error impacting the aviation industry with a particular focus on the implications for pilots. This paper contends that increased training and a reduction in mechanical problems would assist cockpit crews in increasing safety. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Aviation and Voice Dictation Technologies

    A 10 page paper that provides a human factors perspective on the use of voice technologies in aviation. The writer supports the use of this technology in reducing pilot error. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Civilian Aircraft Crashes

    A 6 page research paper that examines some the common causes of crashes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Connection Between Global Travel and the History of Flight

    This 14 page paper provides an overview of aviation history, with a focus on technology and engine development. New trends in world travel are also discussed in light of technological change. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Nigeria's Rich and Poor Land

    A 5 page paper that discusses the political and economical chaos that has surrounded the African country of Nigeria for the past century and left this oil-rich land in a situation of ruin. Highlighted is the serious lack of proper air traffic control over this country and the problem this presents to Nigeria's floundering economy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.


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