Click on any of the research paper to read a brief synopsis of the paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Social Psychology
This four-page paper discusses what social psychology is and how it falls within sociology and psychology. Three references included.
Sociology and Psychology Integration
5 pages in length. The integration of psychology and sociology has been brewing for some time now; indeed, contemporary society can no longer ignore the inherent connection between the two disciplines. When applied to the business community, the cohesion of psychology and sociology represents an enlightened approach to the working environment that has long been lacking. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 3 page review of what makes the academic discipline of sociology distinct. This paper compares sociology to psychology and anthropology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analyzing Suicide A Study in Sociology by Emile Durkheim
This is a 10 page paper discussing Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology”. Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology” (1897) was considered one of the first studies in the social sciences which used a purely scientific and methodological approach to study a social phenomenon. Suicide, for the large part, previously was considered an individual act focused upon mainly by psychologists. Durkheim however related the individual act of suicide to the cohesiveness or imbalance within society. According to Durkheim, during the age of industrialization throughout the 1800s, the incidence of suicides increased as a result of the demise of the traditional social institutions such as the church and social guilds which could not be replaced by the goals of wealth and the division of labor. Suicides were the result of an imbalance of two major social forces: social integration and moral regulation. Durkheim’s focus on the influence of social forces on the individual was highly controversial during his time as it undermined the concepts of “free will and individual moral agency”. Nevertheless, Durkheim managed to establish sociology and the social sciences as one of the major areas of study within France and his theories and methods are still considered significant in contemporary sociology, more than a century later.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Article Analysis of Sherry Turkle's Article 'Cyberspace and Identity'
A 3 page article analysis. The writer examines an article by Sherry Turkle entitled "Cyberspace and Identity," which was originally published in Contemporary Sociology (November, 1999). The writer summarizes the author's main points and then offers personal observation as to the author's effectiveness and thesis. No bibliography offered.
Male Health and Understanding Through Biomedical, Psychological, and Sociological Disciplines
6 pages in length. The writer discusses how sociology, psychology and biomedicine play a role in understanding the impact of coronary heart disease (CHD) and suicide upon the male gender. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Sociology An Overview
This 4 page paper defines sociology, contrasts it to anthropology and psychology, and describes some its historical figures and their contributions to the discipline. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Advertising and Its Relation to Psychology, Sociology, and Mass Communications
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of academic disciplines related to advertising. Psychology, sociology, and mass communication are explored in this context. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Religion and its Origins According to Various Theorists
This 8 page paper focuses on the book called Religion by James Thrower and looks at how religion came about, with the assumption that God does not exist. From this point of view, there are three areas of focus which are primitive belief systems, psychology and sociology. The theorists included with this paper are Malinowski, Jung and Marx. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Psychological and Sociological Perspectives on Smoking
A 3 page consideration of this perplexing question. The author points out that, of all the social sciences, the disciplines of sociology and psychology are best suited to answer this question. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Connection Between Social Work and Sociology
A 5 page paper. It could be said that social work is the practical application of sociological theories and perspectives but it is more than that. This essay first defines and explains what sociology is and what social work is. From there, the writer discusses the integration of other disciplines, such as psychology, in the practice of social work. Two examples are discussed – the research regarding alcoholics and the practice of collaboration in social work. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Racial Inferiority Concept
A 5 page overview of racism as it has existed since the nineteenth century when anthropology, medicine, psychology, and sociology all became vehicles of racism as they proposed and supported theories which perpetuated disenfranchisement and segregation. Even the concept of evolution itself indirectly supported the predominant feeling that there was a hierarchical relationship between the races from the primitive to the advanced. The author of this paper presents the contention that our everyday classroom activities and even our standardized educational tests perpetuate the age-old institution of racism. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Aborigines of Australia and Social Darwinism
A 5 page contention that racism has been one of the primary shapers of contemporary Australian society. In the nineteenth century in particular the concept of racial inferiority was purported by a number of disciplines. Anthropology, medicine, psychology, and sociology all became vehicles of racism as they proposed and supported theories which perpetuated disenfranchisement and segregation of the aborigines from mainstream Australian society. The premises of social Darwinism held that the fittest would survive while the weaker and inferior aborigines would perish. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Concept of Human Relations
8 pages in length. Human Relations practice is based upon an eclectic mixture of theories from different academic disciplines such as psychology, sociology and political science; while each discipline indicates divergent methods to the overall approach of human relations, they all share a common denominator of empowerment and reassurance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Social Work Case Study Analysis
7 pages. This series of three case studies is a case-by-case analysis of the best therapy to be used for each case. There is a thorough explanation of why the particular therapy was chosen and what specific actions need to be taken in order to address the problems at hand. An excellent source paper for any sociology or psychology course as it considers many different therapies including cognitive behavior, behavioral and many more. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun: A Sociology Paper
In this 4-page paper, the music video for Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun is looked at through the symbolic interactionism perspective in sociology. There are 2 references.
Evaluating The Protestest Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber
This 13 page paper gives a thorough evaluation and analysis of Max Weber's work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Criticisms are supported with quotes from the text as well as informed opinions of experts in the fields of sociology, theology, and philosophy. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Erving Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach to Human Interaction
A 7 page research paper that discusses Erving Goffman, one of the twentieth century's most influential sociologists, who developed and supported a dramaturgically oriented approach to explaining the world of human interaction and behavior (De Boer, 1994). This approach to sociology holds promise in regards to both understanding the nature of human behavior in everyday life and also in regards to utilizing this perspective within the context of cultural and art experiences that are designed to have a positive impact on public participation in the arts. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun: A Sociology Paper
In this 4-page paper, the music video for Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun is looked at through the symbolic interactionism perspective in sociology. There are 2 references.
History of Aging
A 3 page research paper that briefly explores t he history of aging, discussing the age considered to be "old," as well as such factors as retirement trends. The writer also discusses the increase in the older population how this might impact the plans of a student planning to teach sociology at the community college level. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Suicide' by Emile Durkheim
This 5 page paper looks at the book by Emile Durkheim called ‘Suicide : A Study in Sociology’. In this Book Durkheim identifies society as an influencing factor on suicide rates, and goes on to describe four types of suicide; egoistic suicide, altruistic suicide, anomic suicide, and fatalistic suicide. This paper considers these definitions and their meaning. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Poverty, Work, and Single Mothers
5 page review of an article from the American Journal of Sociology examining the relationship between work and welfare in poor, female-headed families, tracing the process single mothers follow to get off of welfare. Various social and economic issues are explored and it is ultimately concluded that background characteristics actually have very little direct influence in determining the route of exit from welfare. Full citation for the article is provided.
The Space Between Us by Ruthellen Josselson
This 5 page research paper provides a critical analysis to consider the importance of the sociology text, The Space Between Us, by Ruthellen Josselson. No additional sources cited.
Religion and World Construction by Peter L. Berger
A 5 page analysis of the first chapter of Peter L. Berger's book, 'Sacred Canopy: Elements of a sociological theory of religion.' The first chapter of this work, 'Religion and World Construction,' demonstrates for the sociology student where religion fits into an overall model of how human society originated. No additional sources cited.
A Review of Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory
Martin Albrow, in his book Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory, argues that Max Weber provides a long-neglected foundation for sociology, and that the arguments of Weber can be utilized in understanding the sociological premises of a number of other theorists, including Kant and Nietzche. Further, Albrow relates the arguments of Weber to the assertion of the value of sociology as a science, and also defines the link between
the premises of social theory and the development of social philosophy, social psychology and the logical correlation between the two. This 4 page paper reflects the essential arguments in Albrow’s work and considers the implications for evaluating sociological, philosophical and psychological underpinnings. No additional sources cited.
Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior
This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior
as an important component of business
administration, which combines psychology,
sociology, and management and attempts to explain
behavior within organizational settings. As a
manager, it is fundamental to understand how
individual personality attributes, group dynamics,
and organizational structure interface to create
corporate cultures and affect behavior.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Review of Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory
Martin Albrow, in his book Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory, argues that Max Weber provides a long-neglected foundation for sociology, and that the arguments of Weber can be utilized in understanding the sociological premises of a number of other theorists, including Kant and Nietzche. Further, Albrow relates the arguments of Weber to the assertion of the value of sociology as a science, and also defines the link between
the premises of social theory and the development of social philosophy, social psychology and the logical correlation between the two. This 4 page paper reflects the essential arguments in Albrow’s work and considers the implications for evaluating sociological, philosophical and psychological underpinnings. No additional sources cited.
Organization and Individual Study Similarities
This 5 page paper provides an overview of how organizations and individuals are studied. Studies and theories from psychology and sociology are discussed in light of business research. Similarities regarding individuals and organizations include goal oriented strategies and attention to the aging process.
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Beyond Caring by DF Chambliss
A 10 page examination of D.F. Chambliss' text Beyond Caring (1996). Chambliss (1996) conducted extensive research on the sociology of hospitals, beginning in the 1970s and extending to the early 1990s. His text records his observations and conclusions pertaining to the workings of hospital routine and the sociological and psychological processes that are an inherent part of the hospital environment. This examination of Chambliss' research focuses specifically on the information he relates concerning nursing experience, the situations encountered by nurses, how they cope within the hospital environment and what this suggests about how nursing should be perceived within an ethical framework. No additional sources cited.
Sibling Rivalry Literature Review
This is a 7 page review of the literature on the issue of sibling rivalry which has uncovered several trends and several areas which obviously need more study. Several disciplines research sibling rivalry most especially psychology, sociology, communications and pediatrics. While some studies indicate that the older brother/younger sister remains the most negative of the dyads, other researchers believe that it is the closeness of age and gender which results in children trying to differentiate themselves from one another.
Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Sibling Rivalry Literature Review
This is a 7 page review of the literature on the issue of sibling rivalry which has uncovered several trends and several areas which obviously need more study. Several disciplines research sibling rivalry most especially psychology, sociology, communications and pediatrics. While some studies indicate that the older brother/younger sister remains the most negative of the dyads, other researchers believe that it is the closeness of age and gender which results in children trying to differentiate themselves from one another.
Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Qualitative, Quantitative, Interpretive Research Methodology
This four page paper compares and contrasts qualitative, quantitative, and interpretive research methodologies as they are utilized in these two disciplines. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Sociology Q and A
This 5 page paper answers three questions posed by a student. Topics covered include the application of Freudian psychology to social science, functionalism, conflict theory and interactionism and the application of feminism to social theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Sociology Applied to News and Music
This 4 page paper discusses three subjects – child support payments, a Trisha Yearwood song, and “hip-hop football” – from sociological perspectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Drug Abuse and the Influences of Psychology and Sociology
3 pages in length. The writer discusses how drugs have affixed themselves to the very foundation of urban blight's contemporary framework, a reality that has been a thorn in society's side for decades upon decades. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
An Overview of Child Development Issues
In 15 pages, the author discusses child development. Children are not just small people. They are developmentally different from adults. This is a major concept that all parents must learn. An infant will develop at his/her own rate within a certain time span. They create their own sense of identity. In fact, it is important for a child to have a sense of identity. Children need to be supplied with the tools for learning and proper development. Child growth and development is the result of human biology, anthropology, medicine, sociology, and psychology. It is not only one area of science or social science. The topic is broad and can be overwhelming if one does not keep in mind the simple concept of nurture verses nature. A child must be nurtured. He/she should not be abused or thrown away. A child is a human being after all, and as such has not only the right to develop but also the right to develop in a manner that is acceptable, normal, healthy, and good for the child. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Criminology Foundations
This is a 3 page paper discussing the foundations of criminology in relation to contemporary developments. The study of criminology is important in contemporary society because crime affects everyone within society either directly or indirectly. Criminology uses expertise from a variety of disciplines such as law, sociology, psychology, anthropology and economics among others to try and understand the societal processes of the making of collective laws, the breaking of these laws, and society’s reaction to the breaking of the laws. While a crime is basically considered as the breaking of the criminal code, there are many other dimensions to crime which must be considered in order to understand its effect on society. The breaking of the criminal code is only the legal aspect of crime while normative, deviant, social, and basic right perspectives must also be included. Without these intensive studies in criminology, societal laws will not reflect the needs of society or the causes of ongoing criminal behavior.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
U.S. Forced Sterilization and the 7th Edition of Sociology by John J. Macionis
(5pp) A less than reputable part of US sexual
history of forced sterilization , in examined in
the light of John J. Macionis classroom Text,
Sociology, seventh edition, 1999.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
1990s' Consumer Influence of Fashion Magazines
This is a 27 page paper discussing the influence of fashion magazines throughout history on consumer society, culture and their status in the 1990s. The history of the fashion industry in relation to cultural influences, consumerism and the projected images of women and men in today’s society has led to a great deal of research in the fields of sociology, psychology and economics. While fashion magazines have changed their format a great deal in the past century as today their pages contain over one third in advertisements, their content has also changed a great deal. Initially the focus of fashion magazines was women’s clothing and the models were portrayed as older elite women who replaced the dolls previously used. Although women models replaced the dolls, there was no emphasis on the body of the woman. Men did not appear in advertisements and no close-ups were taken of the models. The influence of the fashion magazine on the female consumer at the beginning of the 20th century reflected the expectations of society in regards to conservative or opulent looks depending on the decade. Today, fashion magazines tend to reflect the standards, or lack of standards, as now seen in the music and media industries. Models within fashions magazines, both men and women, are seen as the disturbingly images that continuously reflect not necessarily the expectations of society but the unreal and artificial world of the media. Studies in focus groups have found that most women and men feel that they can discern from the images presented in fashion magazines those images which are more “realistic” than others. In addition, it appears that in regards to consumer choice, fashion magazines are considered one of the less reliable sources available to consumers who prefer peer, family and local store recommendations over that of fashion magazines which appear as unreliable and unrealistic in regards to most situations and events.
Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Consumer Culture and British Fashion Magazine Influence
This is a 27 page paper discussing the influence of British fashion magazines on the British consumer society and their influences throughout history up and including the 1990s. The history of the fashion industry in relation to cultural influences, consumerism and the projected images of women and men in today’s society has led to a great deal of research in the fields of sociology, psychology and economics. While fashion magazines have changed their format a great deal in the past century as today their pages contain over one third in advertisements, their content has also changed a great deal. While researching the development of British fashion magazines within the last century, magazines such as Vogue, Elle and InStyle, initially showed that the focus of fashion magazines was women’s clothing and the models were portrayed as older elite women who replaced the dolls previously used. The influence of the fashion magazine on the female consumer at the beginning of the 20th century reflected the expectations of society in regards to conservative or opulent looks depending on the decade. Today, British fashion magazines tend to reflect the standards, or lack of standards, as now seen in the music and media industries. A recent study of focus groups’ opinions of images found in Vogue magazine found that most women and men feel that they can discern from the images presented in fashion magazines those images which are more “realistic” than others. In addition, it appears that in regards to consumer choice, fashion magazines are considered one of the less reliable sources available to consumers who prefer peer, family and local store recommendations over that of fashion magazines which appear as unreliable and unrealistic in regards to most situations and events. Nevertheless, the continued popularity of fashion magazines and their continued focus on the Western and/or American entertainment industries as a source for fashion is considered as a reflection of societal cues and consumer behavior.
Bibliography lists 26 sources.
U.S. Society and the Impact of Discrimination
This 5 page paper considers the combination of
economics and sociology as a positive impact on
the slowly shrinking area of discrimination in
American society.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Significant Management Component of Organizational Behavior
This 5 page paper explores organizational behavior
as an important component of business
administration, which combines psychology,
sociology, and management and attempts to explain
behavior within organizational settings. As a
manager, it is fundamental to understand how
individual personality attributes, group dynamics,
and organizational structure interface to create
corporate cultures and affect behavior.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.