Research Papers on Social Research

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Research Proposal; Success Factors in Rehabilitation in Ugandan Prisons

    This 9 page paper is a research proposal to examine offender rehabilitation in Ugandan prisons. The paper is made up of a literature review, looking at prison issues and rehabilitation in Uganda along with relevant theories which may be used to assess their efficacy, the proposed hypotheses and a methodology. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • UK Qualitative Study Proposal on Understanding the Effects of Sexual Abuse on Adult Learning Disabilities

    This 10 page paper give a detailed proposal for a study to determine the level of acceptance and understanding of sex abuse in adults with learning disabilities. The paper includes a comprehensive literature review followed by a methodology for qualitative primary research. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Ethnic Animosity

    A 5 page paper that begins by defining ethnic animosity and relating it to racism. Researchers who address the issue of hate crimes, including crimes against whites are discussed. The increase in hate crimes, a violent expression of ethnic animosity, against Muslims and Middle Easterners following the September 11 attacks is reported. The writer then presents a proposal for a case study to investigate expressions of ethnic animosity on a college campus. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Sex Offender Proposed Methodology Study

    A 10 page research paper, in which the writer/tutor offers a student advice concerning the methodology section for a proposed research study. The writer, first of all, states the parameters of the proposed study and then discusses assessment instrument selection and the basics in statistical methods of evaluating results. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Comparison of Integrative, Quantitative, and Qualitative Research Designs

    An 8 page paper that describes qualitative, quantitative and integrative research designs. Examples of qualitative and quantitative approaches are included. The writer then discusses why knowing the different research designs is important to clinical nurse specialists. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Contrasting Qualitative and Quantitative Research Analyses

    A 4 page research paper/essay that argues that quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are grounded in fundamentally different paradigms, which makes it impossible to combine them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Problem of Poverty: A Look at Santa Rosa, Florida

    This 6 page paper includes a 9 PowerPoint slide presentation and extensive notes. Statistics are included. Poverty is discussed in general. Theories are relayed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Data Entry Codes and Quantitative Analysis

    A 1 page table providing data-entry codes for transforming qualitative data to quantitative data that can be statistically analyzed. The codebook addresses variables such as age, gender, marital status, education and general level of health. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the differences between quantitative and qualitative research, as well as the debate ongoing in the scientific community about which is best. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Qualitative, Quantitative, Interpretive Research Methodology

    This four page paper compares and contrasts qualitative, quantitative, and interpretive research methodologies as they are utilized in these two disciplines. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social Groups and Alcoholism Research

    A paper which looks at social research methodology with regard to a particular social group, and the way that assumptions might be tested through quantitative and qualitative research.

  • An Overview of Social Stratification

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of social stratification. It takes the form of an outline for a Power Point presentation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of 2 Social Research Methodologies

    This 20-page paper examines examples of two research methodologies (interpretative and quantitative) through examining two sociological studies. Questions asked include limitations of these studies, as well as whether the methodologies used were the correct ones. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Proposal to Investigate the Social and Cultural Influences on Drinking Among Young Adults in Britain

    This 9 page paper is an outline proposal to investigate the social and cultural influences on excessive alcohol consumption by the under 25 year olds in Britain. The paper gives an introduction, explains why the research is important, discusses how the research will be undertaken and gives a sample questionnaire. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Gender differentiated dyads and Power Distribution Research Study

    A five page paper which looks at the way in which a research study can be set up to assess the importance of gender in power distribution, the types of properties and symbols which need to be defined, and the broader applications which such studies can have in various sociological fields.

  • Study Feasibility and Proposal

    A 7 page term paper proposal for a quantitative analysis class proposing a statistical analysis of traffic deaths in which alcohol is a factor. Specifically, the study will investigate alcohol's influence in fatal crashes as it relates to speed, sex, time of day and age. All data will come from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA); the study will consider only the data reported for 2005. This study is expected to demonstrate that younger drivers are more likely to be involved in fatal crashes when alcohol is a factor. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Qualitative Research and Graffiti

    5 pages in length. Essential to one's chosen method of research is establishing a statement of why the research is to be done and what specific questions it will addresses in order to address the controversial nature of qualitative methodology. The writer discusses qualitative research with regard to the antisocial behavior of graffiti. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Qualitative Research Rating Scales

    A 4 page paper discussing several scales intended to measure attitudes and perceptions. Each has benefits depending on the type of measurement being sought, but some have increased potential for introducing researcher bias into the study in which they are used. The purpose here is to discuss the relative merits of the Likert, Thurstone, Semantic Differential and Stapel scales. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Assessment of Graffiti Through Qualitative Research

    5 pages in length. Utilizing the qualitative research approach as a means by which to interview graffiti artist Jean Michel Basquiat's provides the student with a significantly better insight to the social and cultural aspects of what is considered to be an antisocial behavior. The following question/answer session and assessment will strive to delve into the fundamental reasoning behind the act of graffiti, attempting to distinguish it from other destructive antisocial behaviors. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Qualitative Research and Ethnography

    A paper which considers the relevance of ethnography and qualitative research to the analysis of wider social issues as well as to the observation of cultural lifestyles. Bibliography lists 6 sources

  • Qualitative Research Questions

    A 20 research paper that answers specific questions that pertain to qualitative research. The writer particularly draws on Creswell's discussion of the five traditions of qualitative research. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Pros and Cons of Using Qualitative Research

    This 8 page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking qualitative research using face to face interviews and observations. The writer uses a fictitious situation where a researcher wishes to investigate the causes of graffiti. However, the main points raised can be seen as applicable to most social research. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Qualitative Data Categorizing

    A 6 page paper discussing approaches to dealing with data in qualitative research methods. The paper answers three questions, two of which begin with Creswell's (1997) qualitative methods book. Another question focuses on case study research. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Proposed Study Concerning Adolescent Drug/Alcohol Use

    A 7 page research proposal that outlines the parameters of hypothetical qualitative study. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Research Proposal on a Community Homeless Drop In Center

    This 8 page paper is a research proposal to examine a project that will determine how a drop in centre can be set up to help the homeless and meet the needs of the local community. The paper outlines the aims, the reseach questions, gives an in-depth methodology and considers the practicalities. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Bullying and How to Address It

    An 8 page paper assesses the probable causes of bullying. The author presents a research proposal to quantify the relationship between bullying, violent media content, and shyness. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Proposal for Outreach Education in a Community Needs Assessment

    A 3 page proposal for conducting a needs assessment of community outreach education efforts targeting health care issues. Designs a study incorporating qualitative input from independent focus groups and representatives from various governmental and private agencies regarding the effectiveness of existing outreach programs and specific community needs. Anticipates that coupling this qualitative input with quantitative information retrieved from the U.S. Census Bureau will aid the design of stand-alone, financially independent, outreach education programs within a three year time frame.

  • Children and the Psychosocial Effects of Television Violence

    A 6 page research proposal for studying the topic question: does violence on television have an impact on children. Controversy and debate have raged for at least three decades on this question. Meanwhile, the level of violent acts committed on television shows during prime-time, including the family hour, has increased steadily. A brief search of the literature suggests that TV violence does have an impact on children's behaviors and level of sensitivity.

  • The Influences of Advertising on the Behavior and Values of Children; A Research Proposal

    This 3 page paper is a research proposal to study the impact that advertising has on the behavior and values of children under the age of 8. The proposal gives an introduction, hypothesis, justification for the research briefly outlines a methodology. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Research Proposal on College Students and Their Attitudes About Smoking

    A 12 page proposal for a questionnaire-based study is presented which is designed to quantitatively assess student smoking and attitudes toward smoking. A review of the literature is presented which details both the known health impacts of smoking and exposure to secondary smoke and the known correlation between an individual’s attitude and their smoking status. Includes a 13 question survey. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Child Abuse Qualitative Study Proposal

    A 4 page research proposal that outlines the parameters for a study to assess whether being abused as a child puts a person at risk for becoming an abuser later in life. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Case Study: Interview With An Older Person

    6 pages in length. The writer provides a the results of a fictitious interview with a sixty-two-year-old work associate pertaining to her life and views on getting old. No bibliography.

  • Social Problem of Pornography

    This 15 page paper presents both sides of the pornography issue. It argues that pornography may be a social problem, but also addresses questions that come up such as where to draw the line. Issues concerning sexual addiction, child pornography, the reality or mythology of snuff films and whether or not pornography degrades women, is included. Class factors are also discussed. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Social Barriers of Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation

    A 5 page discussion of the numerous societal barriers and limitations which are put in place on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation. Contends that since the advent of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, societal restrictions and limitations made on the basis of gender and race have slowly lessened. The reason for this change is the willingness of individuals to stand up for their basic rights, to exert their differences and to insist that there be no societal differentiation based on those differences. While there has been tremendous progress in regard to societal equality of the races and genders, however, there are still many barriers and limitations which are imposed on such factors as sexual orientation. The author contends that these restrictions and limitations can be overcome as well. All that is needed is the willingness to do so and the fortitude to stand in the face of all resistance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review on Sexual Orientation and Risk of Suicide

    This 7 page paper looks at several studies on suicide as it respects sexual orientation. Literature on the subject is presented and Durkheim's findings on suicide are briefly introduced as a springboard for discussion. Statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • U.S. Forced Sterilization and the 7th Edition of Sociology by John J. Macionis

    (5pp) A less than reputable part of US sexual history of forced sterilization , in examined in the light of John J. Macionis classroom Text, Sociology, seventh edition, 1999. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Violence and Pornography

    A 9 page research paper attempting to answer questions about the relationship that may exist between pornography and violence. The writer evaluates articles arguing both ways and ultimately concludes that certain forms of pornography do indeed have a tendency to cause violent sexual behavior. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Grounded Theory Applied to Sexual Abuse

    In their article, Constructions of survival and coping by women who have survived childhood sexual abuse, Susan L. Morrow and Mary Lee Smith utilized grounded theory in providing qualitative research. This 5 page paper explores and analyses the methods and results of their study in terms of grounded theory principles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sexual Terrorism and Pornography Propaganda

    A 14 page overview of the issues surrounding pornography. The author addresses the question of whether pornography is the propaganda of sexual terrorism by assessing public viewpoints on the issues. The results are rather unexpected. Indeed, not only do students appear more receptive to pornography, the general public is generally apathetic to the issue. Even some feminist stand on the side of supporting pornography and view it as a natural expression of sexuality. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Suicide and Patients with AIDS and HIV

    This 18 page report discusses the many issues associated with suicide and people with HIV/AIDS. The disease has raised numerous issues such as access to care, prevention, cost of treatment, drug therapy and much more. Not surprisingly, it has also intensified the debate regarding right to die, physician assisted suicide, and the moral issues associated with suicide. As people are forced to live with a disease that slowly but surely robs them of all strength and any measure of personal dignity, many have made the decision not to endure that process or cause their loved ones to have to experience it with them. The impact of the loss of personal autonomy, the emotional and physical suffering, and the related care issues are presented in terms of both AIDS patients and their caregivers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Suicide by Emile Durkheim and its Relevance

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the work, but primarily discusses the applicability of the book in today's world, more than a century after he wrote it. Issues such as changing aspects of marriage and religious life are discussed as are other social variables that have changed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • United Kingdom and Policies of Suicide Prevention

    This 7 page paper looks at the problem of suicide, quantifies the problem, considers the views of suicide from a sociological perspective and then looks at the policies in the UK to try and reduce the suicide level. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Suicide And Sociological Theories

    3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses suicide in relation to functionalist, control, feminist, symbolic interactionist and postmodern theories. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Analyzing Suicide A Study in Sociology by Emile Durkheim

    This is a 10 page paper discussing Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology”. Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology” (1897) was considered one of the first studies in the social sciences which used a purely scientific and methodological approach to study a social phenomenon. Suicide, for the large part, previously was considered an individual act focused upon mainly by psychologists. Durkheim however related the individual act of suicide to the cohesiveness or imbalance within society. According to Durkheim, during the age of industrialization throughout the 1800s, the incidence of suicides increased as a result of the demise of the traditional social institutions such as the church and social guilds which could not be replaced by the goals of wealth and the division of labor. Suicides were the result of an imbalance of two major social forces: social integration and moral regulation. Durkheim’s focus on the influence of social forces on the individual was highly controversial during his time as it undermined the concepts of “free will and individual moral agency”. Nevertheless, Durkheim managed to establish sociology and the social sciences as one of the major areas of study within France and his theories and methods are still considered significant in contemporary sociology, more than a century later. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Canadian Aboriginal Youth and Suicide Among Canadian Aboriginal Youths: Rates, Causes, and Solutions

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the high rate of suicide among Canadian Aboriginal youths and the possible causes and solutions to the problems. The suicide rate among Canadian Aboriginals living on reservations is more than twice the Canadian average of non-Aboriginals with the largest rate recorded for young Native males. Half the Native communities living in the Northern areas of Canada report suicide as one of the major problems in their community. The causes for the high rates of suicides among Aboriginals seem to relate to the historical treatment of the Natives which through the Canadian government’s attempt at assimilation, the Aboriginals lost ties with their traditional ways of healing and self-government and eventually the means to remain economically stable. These factors led to a high unemployment rate, overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions among many other negative factors which in turn led to an increase in the number of mental and physical disorders such as depression, and alcohol and substance abuse. Within the last decade, several reports from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and other Aboriginal-based task forces have outlined possible positive solutions for the recovery of the Aboriginal communities which will hopefully reverse the high suicide rates. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • New Perspective Through Cyberspace

    A 4 page paper which examines how cyberspace, the internet, is creating a different kind of society with new perspectives. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Western English Society and Male and Female Suicidal Behavior

    15 pages in length. Suicide: The quest to end one's life by means other than natural death. That a person would want to commit suicide is clearly indicative of a severe mental disorder that leads to feelings of hopelessness and despair; that men are far and away more prone to taking their own lives is indicative of pressures inherent to the male gender in a civilized society. Indeed, living in today's world requires a strong mental and emotional stamina in order to deal with the myriad issues and concerns with which people are bombarded on a regular basis. For the most part, people deal with these periodic problems in typical fashion by addressing the issue and seeking resolution; for others, however, even seemingly insignificant problems are blown up into catastrophic circumstances where the individual is unable to cope. When things begin to reach a breaking point and the person believes there is no end in sight, the most attractive lure by which to escape this torment is suicide. Both Canada and the United States, two western English speaking societies, have high statistical findings in relation to national suicide that indicate a significantly higher rate among men than women. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Use of Cocaine and Marijuana Among Adolescents

    An 8 page discussion of the problems of drug abuse among the world’s youth. Concentrating on the impacts of marijuana and cocaine, this paper illuminates the causes and potential solutions for one of the most concerning problems of our time. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Society According to Emile Durkheim

    A 5 page paper which discusses the theories of Emile Durkheim as they involve society. The paper also addresses Durkheim's beliefs concerning the transition of society from traditional to modern, emphasizing issues such as society, suicide, crime, and deviance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Case for Making Virtual Pornography Outlawed

    An 8 page discussion of the impacts of virtual pornography on society. The writer emphasizes that while the issue of Internet regulation is highly controversial, pornography on the World Wide Web should definitely be outlawed if for no other reason than its impacts on the most vulnerable members of our society, our children. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Arguments for English Only Laws in the U.S. Both For and Against

    4 pages in length. The debate over whether English-only laws will actually help or hinder the issues of social and cultural determinism is one that has both sides in an uproar. A number of recent events and protests have made it clear that there exists a distinct dividing line with regard to the inherent benefits of a bilingual American society. Not only is this concept a hot potato within the ethnic community, but it has also served to touch upon a raw nerve with the general public, as well. No bibliography.

  • Norma Rae’s Depiction of Labor

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the 1979 film “Norma Rae,” which was directed by Martin Ritt and written by Irving Ravetch and Harriet Frank, Jr. The writer summarizes the key points of the film and argues that, in this film, Hollywood’s vision of the working class is accurate and true to life. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Early Labor History in Three Strikes by Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, and Robin Kelley

    A 5 page analysis of the circumstances and meanings presented in the book by Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, and Robin Kelley. Broken into three major sections, each authored by either Zinn, Frank, or Kelley, this book details the bloody Colorado Coal Strike of 1913-1914, the Detroit Woolworth's Strike of 1937, and the New York Musicians Strike of 1936-1937. Although only the Detroit Woolworth Strike was won, these labor strikes will forever memorialize internal labor movement relations of the early half of the twentieth century. The author of this paper contends that the progress made in these strikes are directly applicable to the contemporary working environment as well. No additional sources are listed.

  • Defining Prostitution

    An 16 page review of the many faces of prostitution. This article defines the phenomena and frames it in a sociological context. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Literature Review on Custodial Grandparenting

    This 9 page paper evaluates six articles regarding the phenomenon. The trend where grandparents raise their grandchildren is discussed sociologically. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Literature Review on the Value of Mentoring

    This 40 page literature review is divided into four relatively equal sections as follows: I. Does Mentoring Decrease Criminal Involvement for African American Girls? II. What needs does mentoring address in African American girls? III. Is one on one mentoring more effective than group mentoring? IV. What are the long term results of mentoring for African American girls ages 12-18? Many studies are cited throughout the course of the paper and sources include journals, books, newspaper articles, magazine articles and web sites. Bibliography lists 75 sources.

  • Differential Association Theory and Drug Use: A Literature Review

    This 12 page paper focuses on the college student but explores more generally the theory of differential association and drug use. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Age and Opinions on Illegal Immigration: A Review of Literature

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of a review of literature on illegal immigration and the impact that age plays. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Children And Literature: Learning About Themselves In A Book

    3 pages in length. For children, the opportunity to learn about themselves in the context of culture and the surrounding world appears in a number of different ways: parents, family, teachers and clergy all work together to create a solid sense of self for the child. However, literature plays a critical role in how a child perceives himself as the characters play out in a particular story. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Children Who are Physically Abused, Depression, and Suicide

    An 8 page literature review investigating the psychological impacts of physical child abuse. The author emphasizes that the variables involved in this relationship are numerous and that the literature fails in delineating each of these variables. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Abuse Reporting Barriers and Disabled Women Victimized by Abuse

    The research question addressed in this literature review is whether abused disabled women report their abuse, or whether there are specific reasons for their failure to report abuse. This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Teamwork, Stress and Organizational Behavior

    A 9 page research paper that discuss teamwork and stress within the workplace. This examination of literature investigates the nature of stress, that is, how it is defined; and then looks at the relationship between stress and teamwork, drawing on literature that indicates the aspects of teamwork that can increase and decrease the levels of stress in work environments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Development in the Lifespan/Preschool & Elderly

    An 11 page research study (including an abstract) that consists of a literature review of scholarly research and articles available online through the Internet databases. Through this investigation, the researcher endeavors to contrast and compare early childhood (preschoolers) to senior adults (age 60 or older) in regards to social, cognitive and physical developmental domains. The review encompasses 12 sources, which includes sources for establishing a theoretical base. The researcher analyzes this data in order to reach conclusions about the generations and concludes that while there are, of course, marked differences, the literature supports the study hypothesis that there are numerous common factors across the generations that support the conceptualization of the lifespan as a continuum and not a series of distinct, separate stages. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Crime and Substance Abuse

    A 4 page discussion of the root causes of substance abuse and the unfortunate correlation of crime. The author discusses major theories from the literature. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Causes and Effects of Child Abuse

    A 5 page overview of the many causes and impacts of child abuse. The author provides a review of the professional literature on the topic. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Homeless Adolescents and Resiliency Correlations Part Two

    This 7 page paper gives an example of how to write an review of literature, study design, sample, and variables, which are all important components of any quantitative research study on resilience in the homeless populations. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Homeless Adolescents Resiliency Correlation Part Three

    This 5 page paper gives an example of how to write a review of literature on the topic of correlates of resilience in homeless adolescents, including race, socioeconomic status and parental involvement. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • The Effects of Parental Mental Illness on Children

    This 4 page paper examines the problem of mental illness for parents. Does the mental illness affect children? A look at literature on the subject is the focus of this concise paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • American College and University Campuses and the Practice of Illegal Gambling on Sports

    A 5-page paper that examines the causes and concerns of widespread illegal sports gambling practices among America's college and university students. Discussed is the nature of this problem and the steps that are being considered to resolve it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Raising Moral Youth

    A 3 page paper which examines how today’s youth can combat negative moral influences through such involvement as church, education and sports, and volunteering. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing Theory and the Importance of Domestic Violence Screening and Intervention

    A 7 page discussion of the issues presented by domestic violence. The author contends that increased screening for domestic and partner violence is imperative if this problem is to be effectively addressed. Consequently, there is a need for increasing nurses' awareness of the problem. The problem that must be overcome, however, is the medical profession's tendency to not look beyond the obvious, a potentially fatal flaw when it comes to domestic violence. This flaw can be overcome, however, through a reemphasis of the on the deliberative process. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Beehive Home Assisted Living Facility

    7 pages in length. For the most part, senior citizens are independent people who strive to maintain their independence in the face of physical and mental adversity; even after their spouses pass away, many continue to remain self-sufficient despite having ailing bodies and minds. When these conditions become too challenging - and even dangerous - for the seniors to undertake on their own, where attending to even the basics of daily life is progressively more difficult, the next step is often an assisted living facility. A common misconception about assisted living facilities is that they are one and the same with state-run nursing homes, however, unlike nursing homes - which are nothing more than warehouses for the infirmed aged - assisted living facilities serve as a conduit between the individual's limitations and maintaining an independent lifestyle. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Brook and Tseng's Research on the Correlation Between Negativity and Anger in Toddlers and Drug Use by Parents

    A 3 page overview of this 1996 study published in “Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs”. This paper reviews the researchers’ hypotheses, methods and conclusion. The researchers find that the mediational model hypothesis that one parental factor is capable of mediating the impact of another parental factor in terms of child behavior is supported.

  • Learning Prejudice

    This 3 page paper discusses racial discrimination, argues that it is learned and explains how it is learned, and what theory of social psychology best accounts for it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Psychological and Sociological Perspectives on Smoking

    A 3 page consideration of this perplexing question. The author points out that, of all the social sciences, the disciplines of sociology and psychology are best suited to answer this question. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Raising Children in America Today

    A 5 page paper which examines who is really raising our children today. The paper examines how music and television have a very powerful influence on how children grow and who they become. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Validity or Bigotry in Rap Music Criticisms

    In this well-prepared 5 page essay, the writer argues that there exists a great societal irony in the fact that lyrically-violent rap music is critiqued as destructive to a specific culture and at the same time praised by ‘hip-hop advocates' for its realistic contributions to the social advancement of today's inner city Black youths. It is asserted that critics of rap music fail to recognize it for its redeeming social value. And more importantly, we should be struggling to correct the very real problems that rap describes in its lyrics and not trying to hide or bury them even deeper by attacking the music itself. No Bibliography.

  • Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun: A Sociology Paper

    In this 4-page paper, the music video for Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun is looked at through the symbolic interactionism perspective in sociology. There are 2 references.

  • Illegal Immigrants

    A 4 page position paper on illegal immigrants. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Illegal Immigration

    A 4 page paper which examines the pros and cons regarding illegal immigration. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Drug Problems as a Social Construct

    This 4 page paper pays attention to the war on drugs and the way in which media portrays drug use and abuse. The idea that the phenomenon is a social construction is supported. Drug testing is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Case for and Against the Decriminalization of Drugs

    This 11 page paper considers the arguments for and against the legalization of drugs, looking first at historical precedent in the way in which drugs had been utilized in the past, and in considering the links between drugs and crime, addiction and the problems associated with drugs being underground as well as the potential taxation benefits from the legalization of drugs. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Learning How to Drive and the Lessons Learned Along the Way

    This 11 page paper considers the development personal practice and skills by looking at a learning experience; the way in which driving is learnt. The paper begins with a fictional account of the experience of learning to drive,. This is the examined with reference to learning theories, such as Lewin and Klob and motivation theory of Maslow. With this understanding the value of learning new skills can then be understood when it is a potential re-offender who is undertaking the learning. A lesson that has been enhanced by beginning the process from a personal rather than a theoretical perceptive. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Children And Literature: Learning About Themselves In A Book

    3 pages in length. For children, the opportunity to learn about themselves in the context of culture and the surrounding world appears in a number of different ways: parents, family, teachers and clergy all work together to create a solid sense of self for the child. However, literature plays a critical role in how a child perceives himself as the characters play out in a particular story. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Waters (2007), Summary and Outline

    A 3 page research paper that presents a 1 page summary of "Immigration, intermarriage and the challenges of measuring racial/ethnic identities" by M.C. Waters (2007). This is followed by a 1 page outline and the paper concludes by discussing this article in relation to 3 additional sources that support the information offered. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Exploitation of Child Labor

    This 11 page report discusses the exploitation of children around the world, especially in Third World nations, as a source of cheap and compliant labor. Governments, businesses, and individual consumers have an obligation to do what they can to bring a halt to the exploitation of children throughout the world. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Vicious Circle of Child Abuse, Juvenile Delinquency, and Future Abuse

    A 6 page discussion of the factors associated with child abuse, delinquency, and the likelihood that an abused child will ultimately become an abuser. The author weaves in the "broken window" theory of James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelly in the argument that we must address child abuse early on if future impacts are to be lessened. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Family Corporal Punishment and the Impact It Has on Children

    This 10 page paper considers each of corporal punishment on children within a family environment. The paper spots by defining what is meant by corporal punishments and then goes on to consider the short and long-term consequences to those who suffer from corporal punishment. Issues considered include the physical, psychological and psychosocial results of corporal punishment on individuals, families and society as a home. The paper then goes on to consider some of the approaches which may be adopted in order to avoid the need for parents to use corporal punishment. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Plastic Surgery

    A 9 page research paper that discusses plastic surgery. The writer begins by citing statistics that show that more and more people are choosing to have cosmetic plastic surgery and then offers a review of literature that gives an overview of the topic, discussing different types of plastic surgery, as well as cosmetic plastic surgery as a cultural phenomenon, that is, why people choose to have elective surgery. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Comparative Analysis of Cherokee and Appalachian Native American Cultures

    A 9 page comparison of these sometimes diverse yet sometimes astonishingly similar cultures. The author of this paper defines the geographic range encompassed by the Appalachians and the unique peoples who presently live there. The author notes that this range was once the homelands of the Cherokee Indians. Specific details are provided on the cultural organization of these two groups, as well as their subsistence patterns, and information about their material culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Causes and Conditions of Homelessness

    A 6 page paper which examines many of the conditions which lead to homelessness and those conditions which involve the homeless. The paper discusses socioeconomic concerns, physical and psychological health issues, and environmental issues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses how families are involved in human trafficking and potential solutions to the issue. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Iceland/Overview of Chapter 4

    A 5 page summation of the main points presented by John Iceland in chapter 4 of his text Poverty in America. No additional sources cited.

  • Overview of Illegal Immigration in the U.S.

    An 8 page paper. There are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. There are also 3 bills pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee plus the House Bill that was passed in December. This essay reports the comments of two journalists and adds comments by the writer. Problems and concerns regarding illegal immigrants are discussed. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Immigration, Pros and Cons

    An 8 page research paper that discusses the pro and cons of the immigration debate, offering an overview of immigration policy that considers history, as well as the present. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Juvenile Delinquency and A Child's Emotional Needs

    This 18 page report discusses the fact that juvenile delinquency is directly related to a child not having his or her emotional needs met at a very early age. Issues associated with juvenile delinquency are always multi-faceted and present numerous challenges to parents, educators social service agencies, law enforcement, the court systems and, of course, to the actual child. Whether a child is abused, raised in poverty, has physical and/or mental problems, or any number of other difficulties, it is always the child who suffers and the child who should be kept at the forefront of society’s collective consciousness in addressing the problems of juvenile delinquency. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Brook and Tseng's Research on the Correlation Between Negativity and Anger in Toddlers and Drug Use by Parents

    A 3 page overview of this 1996 study published in “Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs”. This paper reviews the researchers’ hypotheses, methods and conclusion. The researchers find that the mediational model hypothesis that one parental factor is capable of mediating the impact of another parental factor in terms of child behavior is supported.

  • Abusive Behavior, Consequences, and Responsibility

    A 3 page research paper that discusses, first of all, how people tend to rationalize abusive behavior to avoid taking responsibility and the importance of taking responsibility. Then, the writer explores some of the consequences to such actions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Social Work Examination of Postsecondary Binge Drinking

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of a potential study on binge drinking. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun: A Sociology Paper

    In this 4-page paper, the music video for Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun is looked at through the symbolic interactionism perspective in sociology. There are 2 references.

  • Argument for Child Labor

    A 3 page paper which argues for child labor. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • An Economic Perspective in the Reduction of Child Labor

    This 5 page paper discusses the problem of child labor from an economics perspective and considers how, with the use of economic models, potential methods of reducing child labor may be identified and assessed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Philippines, Child Prostitution and Labor

    Poverty is blamed for child labor and prostitution in this 10 page paper that focuses on the Philippines. The culture is examined in an attempt to explain the disturbing phenomenon of child abuse which exists in the country. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Human Trafficking

    A 5 page paper which examines human trafficking. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Children and the Psychosocial Effects of Television Violence

    A 6 page research proposal for studying the topic question: does violence on television have an impact on children. Controversy and debate have raged for at least three decades on this question. Meanwhile, the level of violent acts committed on television shows during prime-time, including the family hour, has increased steadily. A brief search of the literature suggests that TV violence does have an impact on children's behaviors and level of sensitivity.

  • Societal Causes of Divorce.

    This 9 page paper discusses some of the causes of divorce, and argues that a "culture of divorce," coupled with a lack of respect for marriage and the diminished influence of the church all contribute to the rising divorce rate. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Divorce in America

    This 24 page paper examines divorce in America with a focus on religion. A historical view is presented as well as research on social aspects of divorce in society. Socioeconomic issues are examined. Religion is discussed. A separate section analyzing biblical text is also included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Domestic Abuse

    A 3 Page overview of domestic abuse. This paper identifies the victims, perpetrators, and impacts of domestic violence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and the Family

    This 16 page paper argues that the ideal family may be seen as a place of safety, but in reality it may pose dangers to those members inside the family with the ideal perception acting as a shield to help hide the dangers. The paper focuses on domestic violence and child abuse. The bibliography cites 24 sources.

  • Structural Inequality And Diversity

    This 25 page paper is comprised of two parts. The major portion discusses the history of structural inequality, how systems of oppression and inequality are created and perpetuated, the systemic nature of inequality, and the value of diversity. The second and shorter part of the paper discusses structural inequality and communication skills. In this section, the writer focuses on the education system. Numerous examples are provided throughout the paper as are statistical data when available. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Pakistan and Income Inequality

    A twelve page paper which looks at various studies on income inequality in Pakistan from both a local and a global perspective, and suggests ways in which a combination of key indicators might be used to give a more accurate picture of poverty levels and income inequality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Zip Code 11572 and Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, looks at drug and alcohol addiction in the 11572 zip code, which refers to Oceanside, New York, in Nassau County, Hempstead Township. Then, the writer offers a more general view of the damage caused by addiction, and closes with an overview of prevention steps taken by New York State. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Media and Body Image

    A 5 page paper which considers the importance that media images of body shape have on the way that individuals, especially teenage girls, perceive themselves and whether this may be related to the recent increase in the incidence of eating disorders amongst this group. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Constructing Knowledge and Feminist Theory

    8 pages in length. Lorraine Code's 'What Can She Know?' is a celebration of gender, with particular emphasis upon issues of feminism and patriarchal control. Indeed, Code portrays the perpetuation of feminism; not only are her writings a solid reflection of her sentiments of a lacking Anglo-American epistemology but so is the manner in which she reflects the female reawakening. Code displays her craft well and does not hesitate to apply her talent as more of a social statement than one of mere entertainment. Thus is the case with her ongoing assertion that there was truly no separation of the sexes in reality, short of the obvious physical differences; rather, her perpetual argument clearly makes the point that the female gender -- no matter how seemingly fragile and delicate -- is indeed just as much an emotionally strong and self-reliant individual as her socially-accepted male counterpart. The writer discusses Code's book as it relates to feminism and patriarchy. No additional sources cited.

  • American Population Impact of Immigration

    This 7 page paper discusses the history of immigration in the United States and the effect this has had on the population. Specifically, this paper examines the effect of immigration on natural resources as well as examining the rate of population growth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparing Western Civilization's Marriages of Choice and India's Arranged Marriages

    An 11 page paper which discusses and analyzes arranged marriages in India with free choice marriages in Western civilization. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A Proposal for the Problem of Drinking and Driving

    This 3 page paper examines the social problem of drunk driving and provides a proposal. An anecdote from a recent murder case involving drunk driving is used as a springboard for discussion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Bullying and How to Address It

    An 8 page paper assesses the probable causes of bullying. The author presents a research proposal to quantify the relationship between bullying, violent media content, and shyness. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nursing Practice and Types of Research Methodologies

    A paper which considers the relative merits of action research and phenomenology in relation to nursing practice, particularly in terms of the use of quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

  • Methodologies of Sociological Research

    A paper which looks at sociological research methodologies, with particular reference to the conflict and rational-utilitarian perspectives of sociological theory.

  • Research Methodologies in Elijah Anderson's Code of the Streets and Margerie DeVault's Feeding the Family

    This 4-page paper focuses on the two research methodologies used by authors Elijah Anderson and Margerie DeVault in their respective books, Code of the Streets and Feeding the Family

  • Social Justice : Hiv/Aids, Obesity, Aging

    A 4 page paper divided into two parts. The fist part discusses social justice and HIV/AIDS and obesity; the second part discusses the aging population and how social workers can help. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Suicide and Patients with AIDS and HIV

    This 18 page report discusses the many issues associated with suicide and people with HIV/AIDS. The disease has raised numerous issues such as access to care, prevention, cost of treatment, drug therapy and much more. Not surprisingly, it has also intensified the debate regarding right to die, physician assisted suicide, and the moral issues associated with suicide. As people are forced to live with a disease that slowly but surely robs them of all strength and any measure of personal dignity, many have made the decision not to endure that process or cause their loved ones to have to experience it with them. The impact of the loss of personal autonomy, the emotional and physical suffering, and the related care issues are presented in terms of both AIDS patients and their caregivers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction

    An 8 page paper that addresses the questions of whether poverty reduction increases economic growth and whether economic growth reduces poverty. The writer begins by quoting President Franklin Roosevelt who argued for a living wage. Other researchers are then cited with an overview of their conclusions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • College Fraternities and Hazing

    This 5 page paper the problem of hazing on college campuses and the role that college fraternities play. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social Work and Alcoholism

    A 13 page review of alcoholism as it pertains to the field of social work. This paper clarifies the relevance and delineates developmental stages, interventions, strengths and future projections. Includes a Roman Numeral Outline. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • EVE Online/Authority in an Online Community

    An 8 page research paper that explores the virtual world of an online community, specifically the science fiction world of EVE Online. The writer focuses on the economy of this online community and how it functions. Bibliography lists 6 sources, with additional information drawn from an interview with an EVE player.

  • Abortion Yes No or Maybe

    This 5 page paper explores the three opinions on the issue. The opinions of the Pro Choice camp is contrasted with that of the Pro Life Camp and of those that think abortion should be legal under specific circumstances like rape or incest. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Teen Pregnancy Problems and Issues

    A 3 page essay on problems associated with teen pregnancy including emotional, financial, and social considerations. The writer focuses upon some of the reasons teen pregnancies occur so frequently with mention of which measures may or may not be effective in curtailing the problem.

  • School Bullying/The Effect on Bullies and Victims

    This 20 page research paper consists of a 15 page report and a 5 page annotated bibliography. The paper offers an examination of literature that explores what is known about the effects and repercussions of bullying, both in regards to victims, but also in regard to what the bully experiences in terms of mental health outcomes. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • The Effects of Parental Mental Illness on Children

    This 4 page paper examines the problem of mental illness for parents. Does the mental illness affect children? A look at literature on the subject is the focus of this concise paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Legalization of Gambling: Its Social Impact and the Reasons for Its Continuation Paper Outline

    This is a 3 page outline discussing the points needed for a paper on the legalization of gambling and its social impact. However, the outline concludes with the continuation of legal gambling opposed to possibilities of banning it. An outline involving the legalization of gambling and its social impact includes various elements: the history of gambling on a worldwide scale; the history of gambling in the United States; and the impact of the legalization of gambling on a psychological, sociological and economic scale among other factors. The negative impact of legalized gambling has been found to be mainly socioeconomic in that people who become addicted gamblers often end up not only ruining their own lives financially and socially but also the lives of those around them. From a psychological perspective as well, gambling addiction must be treated similar to other addictions and therefore requires financial assistance to administer recovery programs. The positive impact of gambling is largely economic in nature by providing communities and state governments which much needed funding and employment opportunities in addition to the fact that many people enjoy gambling as a leisure activity. Despite the negative aspects related to gambling however, most researchers seem to conclude that banning gambling would not only be ineffective in stopping compulsive gamblers who may increase their risk by continuing to gamble but that banning gambling will take away some of the fundamental rights expected within the U.S.; freedom of decision-making and individual responsibility. Individuals currently have the freedom to decide whether or not to take part in the leisure activity of gambling or not; if this freedom were to be taken away it would negatively affect the nation’s moral health.

  • Sample Populations and Designs of Probability and Nonprobability

    An 8 page paper that begins with a statement explaining target population and sample population. The first part of the paper explains different non-probability designs, including purposive, convenience and volunteer. Probability designs are then discussed, including simple random designs, stratified, systematic, cluster and multi-stage with examples. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Phenomenon of Road Rage

    A 9 page research paper which examines the increasing phenomenon of drivers becoming so enraged at often minor traffic incidents that it results in violence and even death. While discussing specific incidents, the writer gives an overview of what the experts think, the scope of the problem, and solutions which have been proposed thus far. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Living Within the US Poverty Standard

    A 13 page paper presenting and discussing an experiment in which a family of six limited its total food budget to that specified by the 2006 U.S. poverty-level food budget. Most of the paper discusses the family’s experience during the week and its normal approach to its food budget. The family lives in a rural area and so has garden-produced vegetables and fresh eggs from its chickens, advantages not available to inner-city families striving to achieve adequate diets at current poverty standards. A table contains the family’s menu and total food costs for the week. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Gun Ownership and the Rights of the People

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses how the Constitution sits on the side of gun control opponents, legally reminding everyone that people have a right to bear arms. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • How Did the New Left Lead to the Rise of the New Right?

    This 5 page paper uses the book “The Movements of the New Left, 1950-1975” to argue that it was the rise of the New Left and their battle for equal rights for all (gays, women, blacks) that led to the rise of the New Right to oppose them. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Media and Body Image

    A 7 page paper which examines how media influences body image in the United States. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • An Analysis of Media Violence and its Impact on Children and Teens

    A 6 page discussion of the relationship that exists between increased media violence and child aggression. This paper approaches the problem from the analytical framework that media violence is directly related to child aggression. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Delinquency and Labeling Theory

    This 3 page paper begins by explaining labeling theory, including criticism of the theory. The essay provides examples of prevention programs that would support this perspective. The writer also comments on parenting styles found most effective for preventing delinquency. The essay concludes with comments related to treatment of status offenders. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 4-page paper uses the case of Cindy Sheenan's "campout" outside of President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch in 2005 to determine why suppression doesn't work in conflict resolution. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Poverty and the Typification of Poverty in the U.S.

    This 3 page paper discusses poverty and the typification of poverty as a social problem in the U.S. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Poverty : Causes And Effects

    This 12 page paper begins with the data regarding poverty, including rates, regions, minority factors. The paper discusses theories on the causes of poverty and the outcomes and consequences of poverty, including poorer health and less education. The long-term consequences are also discussed. The writer comments about poverty and the schools and the implications for educators. Statistical data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 13 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses poverty, types of people likely to be caught in poverty and initiatives to end poverty. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Conceptual View of Poverty and its Impacts

    This 4 page paper looks at the history of poverty in the United States and how its definition has changed over time. A historical perspective is taken. Changes in the welfare program are duly noted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Qualitative Data Collection Tools and Probability Distribution Subjectivity

    A three page address of two specific questions. The first questions regards the usefulness of probability distributions in terms of statistical analysis. The second question asks for the delineation of three specific tools that are useful in the collection of qualitative data. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Social Chaos and Confusion of Children of Vietnam War Veterans

    It is well-documented that the Vietnam war left many veterans in a deterioriated mental condition. But what is less frequently discussed is the depressed lifestyles of children -- those born of American soldiers who had sex with Vietnam women as rape or otherwise. Many of these children live in the United States today.. Some have even attempted to find their fathers.. The behavior patterns of these youths reflects their war torn heritage and this 6 page essay examines this concept as well as its effects on the parent - veteran (i.e., post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.;). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Reality TV/Why We Watch

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the appeal of reality TV. Three dating shows are profiled, ElimiDATE, Next and Flavor of Love. The writer argues these shows are, first of all, gossip carried to a new level, but also a means for viewers to make social comparisons that assess the courtship norms of society. Also, the writer argues that the norm portrayed by such programming is not working as the rules for dating in contemporary society are both muddled and too intense. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Programs To Reduce Recidivism

    A 3 page paper that reports some programs that have been shown to reduce recidivism. The writer includes a caveat: some programs work for some prisoners and not others, thus, there are no programs that will always reduce the rate of recidivism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Rape in the United States Explained

    This 8 page paper asks what causes rape in the most developed nation in the world, and answers that question with several suggestions from the sociological camp. The preppie murder case is used as an example. Date rape is discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Teamwork, Stress and Organizational Behavior

    A 9 page research paper that discuss teamwork and stress within the workplace. This examination of literature investigates the nature of stress, that is, how it is defined; and then looks at the relationship between stress and teamwork, drawing on literature that indicates the aspects of teamwork that can increase and decrease the levels of stress in work environments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Causes and Effects of Violence in Schools

    A 4 page discussion of the increase in school violence. The author presents the case that an increased violent content in the media, in television in particular, can be held responsible. Bibliography lists sources.

  • The Impact of Media Violence on Children

    A six page paper which looks at the way in which violence on television is thought to affect children, and the ways in which this issue can be dealt with by society as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Social Security Versus The American Dream

    3 pages in length. The realization of achieving the "American Dream" based upon the limited resources of average social security income and a modest private pension is vastly different when constructing a monthly budget for men versus women; however, while males earn $250 more than their female counterparts based upon 2004 statistics, it does not make them much more capable of attaining the spoils of the American Dream unless their expectations have dropped considerably as their age has increased. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Addressing the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency

    A 20 page discussion of the problem of juvenile delinquency. The author asserts that this problem can relate to a number of factors including the particulars of a child's home life, their socioeconomic status, etc. Finding a solution to juvenile delinquency, however, is not as easy as determining its causes. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Hunter Thompson and The Hells Angels

    This 4-page paper examines the California motorcycle gang Hell's Angels and the book Hunter Thompson wrote about them. There is 1 source cited.

  • An Atlanta Homeless Families' Overview

    This 7 page paper provides data and statistical information about homeless families in the world, the United States, Georgia and most specifically Atlanta. The problem of homelessness is addressed. An overview of one shelter is provided. There is a decided focus on homeless families and available resources for women and children. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Video Games and Violence

    This 5 page paper examines studies on youth violence as it respects video gaming. The paper takes the position that video game violence is unnecessary and should be stopped. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Sociological Aspects of Weight Control

    This 12 page paper describes in detail the reasons behind an individual's decision to join Weight Watchers, and then approaches the case from a sociological viewpoint. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Discussion of Applied Conflict Theory

    A 5 page paper discussing minimizing the potential destructiveness of conflict through awareness of conflict styles as delineated in Hall's Conflict Management Survey. Conflict truly can be found in any situation involving more than one person and one set of ideas. An awareness of Hall's conflict styles can aid in resolving that conflict more quickly, whether it be in a manner of compromise or competition and whether it be in the board room or in the back yard, allowing the participants to return more quickly to the issues at hand. There are strengths in each style of conflict advantageous to each setting, and it is up to those involved to make honest assessment of which style would best suit their purposes and the current issues before them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Children and the Negative Impacts of Television

    A 4 page essay addressing the negative effects of TV viewing on children. The writer discusses alternatives to TV for children. No Bibliography.

  • Addiction to the Internet

    This 8 page paper describes and explores the subject of Internet addiction. Several areas are discussed including cases concerning child neglect and infidelity. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Radical Conflict Perspective Analysis of Rape

    5 pages in length. Applying this well-documented crime theory, the writer attempts to analyze rape as a crime whose actors can be motivated by such things as an egocentric need for self-fulfillment and a lack of concern or respect for others. Various sides of the issue are discussed from a theoretical perspective and a number of insightful examples are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Quitting Smoking and Orem's Model

    A 10 page medical paper on smoking cessation program development for nurses using Dorothea E. Orem's conceptual model. Paper includes discussion of the model, comparison to Dorothy E. Johnson and Steenbarger's model, plus an example process record for a smoking cessation program for a college student. Includes intervention and evaluation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Issues of Censorship and Pornography

    An 8 page paper that considers the issue of pornography within a social and philosophical construct and provides an overview of the debates that exist in order to answer the question: "Should pornography be censored even if it does not cause harm?" Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Children and the Effects of Domestic Violence

    This 8 page research paper examines the long-term effects of domestic violence on children. Specifically discussed include signs and symptoms of behavior exhibited by children who have witnessed acts of domestic violence and what can be done to help them. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Countering

    A 7 page rhetorical essay. The writer discusses the prevalence of teen drug and alcohol abuse, its possible causes, and some solutions which would help parents become more involved in their teens' lives. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Violence, Their Complexities, and Complex Solutions

    A 4.5 page paper examining the complexities in analyzing mass murders in the last 18 months. Solutions and programs concerning youth (18 and under) are emphasized. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Increase or Decrease in Racial Discrimination Over the Last 25 Years?

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses whether or not racial discrimination has decreased or increased over the past twenty-five years, addressing the particular influence of media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature Review on Custodial Grandparenting

    This 9 page paper evaluates six articles regarding the phenomenon. The trend where grandparents raise their grandchildren is discussed sociologically. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Problem of Violence in Schools

    In 9 pages, the author discusses school violence. School children are becoming increasingly violent. They are waging a virtual war with teachers and other students, and many injuries and deaths have resulted from this catastrophe. Conversely, school violence and the ensuing discipline problems related to the violence are serious problem across not only this nation, but also across the world. In order to assess what should be done, different techniques from authorities on the subject should be studied and discussed, and a recommendation should be made for the problem of school violence. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Presocial Behavior and Deindividuation

    5 pages in length. The article in question addresses a very fundamental instinct of every human being: individualism. That this quest for uniqueness asserts itself in every aspect of one's existence is paramount to the extent of prosocial behavior an individual might demonstrate. The author acknowledges the fact that altruistic tendencies are, in and of themselves, accomplished with the expectation – whether conscious or not – of receiving some level of recognition for the act. It is important for the student to realize that this concept is pertinent to the author's examination of children and their donation of candy on Halloween, inasmuch as it relates directly to the child's sense of deindividuation as to the amount he or she ultimately dispensed. No bibliography.

  • Social Problem of Pornography

    This 15 page paper presents both sides of the pornography issue. It argues that pornography may be a social problem, but also addresses questions that come up such as where to draw the line. Issues concerning sexual addiction, child pornography, the reality or mythology of snuff films and whether or not pornography degrades women, is included. Class factors are also discussed. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Digital Age and Parental Direction and Discipline

    A 9 page paper that examines conventional parenting styles and their applicability to the new conventional family unit of the twenty-first century. Discussed are the changes that traditional parenting styles underwent during the twentieth century due to the 1946 publication of Dr. Benjamin Spock's The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care. Also discussed are the views of those currently advocating a return to stricter parenting styles as well as the views of those opposing this return. Free outline included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Methamphetamines

    The increasing use of illegal drugs has been a subject that compels politicians to make statements and instigate punitive legislation, however, the numbers continue to increase. This 7 page paper examines the problem of methamphetamine use and abuse, its effects and treatment. Bibliography lists 11 sources.


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