Research Papers on Family Issues

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Parenting and the Effects of Substance Abuse

    This 18 page paper is a proposal, literature review and methodology with a pilot study for a dissertation looking at the impact of substance abuse, such as drug addiction or alcohol abuse, on parenting, specifically the way in which substance abuse can impair parent - child communications directly and indirectly. The paper considers prenatal substance abuse and the way it may impact a child’s development and communisations abilities, then the abuse of substances after birth and the direct interference it may cause. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • 3 Human Services Providers Websites Assessed

    A 4 page paper presenting the speaker notes for a PowerPoint® presentation with the same name. There is a wide variety of human services providers that can be found on the Internet. Three types are examined here and in the presentation: addiction treatment, job training and counseling services. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Boys and Girls Clubs of America and Their Organizational Structures

    A 3 page paper listing contents of a 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation available separately. Slides address organizational structure, decision making and program effectiveness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Elderly and Substance Abuse

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of substance abuse among the elderly. A quantitative survey instrument is developed for assessing risk factors. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Overview of 2 Social Research Methodologies

    This 20-page paper examines examples of two research methodologies (interpretative and quantitative) through examining two sociological studies. Questions asked include limitations of these studies, as well as whether the methodologies used were the correct ones. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Variations According to Gender in Parenting Styles

    A 7 page research paper that is written in the form of a research proposal that investigates the difference between parenting styles for fathers and mothers. The writer argues that more research on this problem is needed due to the multiple variables. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Case Study & Calgary Family Intervention Model

    A 3 page research paper that uses a brief case scenario in order to discuss the details of the Calgary Family Intervention Model and the Calgary Family Assessment Model. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Natalie: A Case Study Using the EBP Model in Social Work Practice

    This 4 page paper provides a fictitious case study. The case is evaluated using the evidence-based practice model. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Social Work and Attachment Theory

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of attachment theory in social work. A hypothetical case study is used to propose an evidence-based intervention strategy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Client Goals Assessment and Attainment

    5 pages. In this social psychology case study, a young man is despondent over the breakup of he and his girlfriend. He has considered suicide and is also compelled to use alcohol and drugs. Based on client assessment and goal attainment, this case study will focus on the target problems and possible solutions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 4 Major Child Abuse Types, Treatment, Prevention, and Statistics

    This is a 3 page paper discussing child abuse. The four types of child abuse: physical, sexual, emotional and neglect affects over 879,000 children in the United States on an annual basis. In the past decade, it has been found that over 3 million suspected cases are reported each year. Perpetrators of the abuse are parents, caregivers, babysitters, relatives, and foster parents among others. While the rates of male and female children are around the same, female children suffer four times the rate of sexual abuse than males. In addition to the annual rates of abuse, approximately 1,200 children die each year from abuse and neglect with 85% of child fatalities occurring in children under the age of six. Each year new prevention and treatment programs are developed on national and state levels in order to lessen the incidence of child abuse through support programs and education. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Food and Parent and Daughter Relationships in Camryn Manheim's Wake Up, I'm Fat and Marya Hornbacher's Wasted Compared

    This is a 5 page paper comparing the parental relationships found in Marya Hornbacher’s book “Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia” and Camryn Manheim’s book and one woman play “Wake Up, I’m Fat”. Marya Hornbacher’s book “Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia” and Camryn Manheim’s book and one woman play “Wake Up, I’m Fat” show two different perspectives in regards to parental reactions and complications to the weight gain or loss of their daughters. In Hornbacher’s “Wasted”, she explains how her mother remained reserved about her condition and claimed to be ignorant of her problem until well into her teens because of her daughter’s ability for “deceit”. Her father, who was much more emotional, became dependent on Hornbacher during his disputes with her mother. Neither parent seemed to focus on Hornbacher’s inner plea of “Look at me, look at me” and Hornbacher still feels vulnerable to her illness to this day. Manheim, on the other hand, has a positive fighting attitude and acceptance of her body weight and this is partially due to the support offered to her from her mother and her father. Her parents were hard on her and tried to bride her in order for her to lose weight in addition to taking her to numerous doctors and specialists at a young age. The difference however, lay in their concern and support of their daughter’s condition and attention to her weight gain became a cause of their own. In addition, her parents taught her the importance of fighting for others and the strength needed to do this which aided Manheim in fighting for herself. Manheim’s work remains humorous and positive in her overall acceptance of her weight and her appreciated support of her parents. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Readings on Family Reunion Theme

    A 5 page paper which examines the theme of family reunions through various readings. The literature discussed or examined is Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use,” Seamus Heaney’s poem “Mid-Term Break,” Kazuo Ishiguro’s “A Family Supper,” Sam Shepard’s play “True West,” and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead’s “Dan Quayle Was Right.” No additional sources cited.

  • Definition of an American and Homelessness

    A 7 page paper which focuses on the homeless to define an American living in 2006, illustrating how the homeless portray American ideals, and considers the struggle to survive through contemporary articles and literary/artistic media (a speech, memoir of a homeless person, and two poems). Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A Cybernetics and Systems Science Overview

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the concepts, and explores the differences between first order and second order cybernetics. Family systems are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature Review on Stress Agents

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses stress agents as they relate to second- hand smoke adolescent marijuana use; unemployment (women); alcoholism in fathers; and excessive clutter. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Culture, Demographics and Socioeconomics of the Black American Family

    This is a 6 page paper discussing the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families. Studies of demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families and communities have shown that overall, African Americans report lower incomes, lower education, higher unemployment and poverty rates, and higher mortality and suicide rates than most White communities in the United States. All of these factors have improved over the last decade and unemployment was reported at an all time low in the last U.S. Census. Despite these adversities however, a large percentage of African American families have succeeded in their educational and professional careers. It is believed that this “resilience” is enhanced by several cultural support characteristics which exist within the African American families and their communities. Most African Americans have reported that their most difficult challenges are based on racism and oppressive factors rather than factors which relate to their family or socio-economic status. Racism, oppression, and segregation are also believed to be some of the primary differences in the mortality and suicide rates in the African American population from the white population. In social science studies and in relation to agencies which wish to establish social support groups to help African American families, all of the cultural, socio-economic, and demographic differences must be taken into account. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Work Case Study Analysis

    7 pages. This series of three case studies is a case-by-case analysis of the best therapy to be used for each case. There is a thorough explanation of why the particular therapy was chosen and what specific actions need to be taken in order to address the problems at hand. An excellent source paper for any sociology or psychology course as it considers many different therapies including cognitive behavior, behavioral and many more. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • The Film Ordinary People & Carl Rogers

    A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the film Ordinary People, directed by Robert Redford for Paramount in 1980, which presents a dysfunctional family that is traumatized by guilt and grief. Conrad Jarrett is an adolescent who tries to commit suicide following the death of his brother, Buck, in a boating accident. Conrad cannot overcome his intense feeling of guilt for having survived the accident that killed his brother. Conrad is eventually able to heal due to the intervention of a therapist, Dr. Berger, the context of the movie suggests that Dr. Berger’s intervention can be viewed as adhering to the therapeutic and theoretical perspective of Carl Rogers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Laws Governing Adoption and Child Protection in England

    5 pages in length. Margaret's legal rights as the birth parent may have helped her maintain custody of her children; however, it has reached the point where she has exhausted her chances to prove worthy of caring for and protecting them. The past decades has witnessed many changes in the UK's approach to child protection, and Margaret may have just lost her last opportunity to raise Peter and Mary if the Thomas's prove more suitable for the responsibility. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Incredibles and Family Dynamics

    A 4 page essay that discusses how this animated film from Disney/Pixar illustrates points pertaining to family dynamics. The writer discusses how the family dynamics evolve over the course of the film. No additional sources cited.

  • Abused Foster Children and Coping Strategies

    This 5 page paper examines a study that indicated foster children that have suffered from sexual or physical abuse use divergent coping strategies that are non productive and make successful placements more difficult due to the way they are more self reliant. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Early Childhood Education Professionals and an Administrative Training Literature Review

    This 9 page report discusses the literature related to research that has been conducted regarding management and administration and its place in running a successful child care center. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sibling Rivalry Literature Review

    This is a 7 page review of the literature on the issue of sibling rivalry which has uncovered several trends and several areas which obviously need more study. Several disciplines research sibling rivalry most especially psychology, sociology, communications and pediatrics. While some studies indicate that the older brother/younger sister remains the most negative of the dyads, other researchers believe that it is the closeness of age and gender which results in children trying to differentiate themselves from one another. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Review of the Article 'Predictors of Divorce Adjustment'

    This 3 page article review examines the topic of divorce. The paper summarizes the information from the article and points to demographic factors, results and literature, amongst other things. No additional sources cited.

  • Marital Emptiness and 'The Empty Nest Syndrome'

    This 9 page paper examines the rationale for having children earlier or later in life. Marital happiness as well as feeling empty are examined after the children leave home. Two women are interviewed and literature is evaluated and used in the analysis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Teen Pregnancy and Case Management Protocol

    According to the website for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, based on the 1996 U.S. Census, the vital statistic for teen pregnancy for the state of Oregon is a 90 in 1,000 chance that a girl between the age of 15 and 19 will become pregnant (Fact Sheet). The national average for this age group is 97 in 1,000. This is only one reason why this population was chosen for this study in case management. Note that focus is also placed on general concepts of case management. Bibliography lists 8 sources. jvCaseMg.rtf

  • Nursing Homes and Elderly Abuse

    5 pages. Many times, abuse of the elderly is fraught at the hands of overstressed nursing home staffs that have too much work in a facility that does not have enough employees to get the work done. This is no excuse for abuse of the elderly; it is just an unfortunate fact in today's nursing home situation.Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Illness and Culture in How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Alvarez

    A 7 page research paper that addresses the problems that can be encountered for a health care practitioner in dealing with Hispanic clients. The writer draws on Julia Alvarez's novel How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent in applying social psychology concepts pertaining to culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Salvador Minuchin's 'Dance' Structural Family Therapy Model

    A 10 page paper that examines the techniques used in the structural family therapy model developed by Salvador Minuchin and explores how these techniques are being applied in the field of psychology. Included are the successes these techniques have achieved as well as a look at the therapy's weaknesses and limitations. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Connection Between Social Work and Sociology

    A 5 page paper. It could be said that social work is the practical application of sociological theories and perspectives but it is more than that. This essay first defines and explains what sociology is and what social work is. From there, the writer discusses the integration of other disciplines, such as psychology, in the practice of social work. Two examples are discussed – the research regarding alcoholics and the practice of collaboration in social work. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • John Gottman's Successful Marriage Components and Marital Failure or Success

    This is a 10 page paper discussing theories involved for successful marriage. John Gottman, a professor of psychology and director of the Gottman Institute is one of the more popular researchers on success in marriages today. Gottman and his colleagues address situations which are prevalent in today’s couples such as lack of time for one another and defensive and critical strategies during communication. While Gottman realizes that different components of communication such as effective listening, listening non-defensively and editing while speaking are important, other more ‘emotionally intelligent’ components are also important such as respect, admiration, influence, acceptance, and accepting and coping with conflict are equally important. Theories of marital therapy include many of Gottman’s components while at the same time, some researchers have added other useful strategies such as exploring new interests together and maintaining a sense of humor and realistic scope among others. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Women and Children as Products in the Sex Industry

    This 6 page paper examines the issues surrounding human trafficking. The problem is apparent not just in third world countries but even in countries like the US. The author suggests education is the key to addressing human trafficking. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Stepparents and Child Sexual Abuse

    A 5 page (4.5 pp. + .5 pg. abstract) paper which examines the issue of stepparents who sexually abuse their stepchildren. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ethics, Labeling, and Video Games

    A 12 page paper describing video games and the fact they contain graphics, language and ideas that may be objectionable and damaging if not handled properly. At present the method of censuring is labeling the games. Descriptions of games and of advertising is described. The main point in focus is the fact that it is the parents' responsibility to filter the information of video games just as it is their responsibility to control the child's access to television, music, and movies. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Learned Helplessness and Interdependence Theories

    10 pages in length. The manner by which the theory of learned helplessness is intrinsically related to the interdependence theory – which states that close relationships are about behavioral choices that create rewarding and/or costly interactions – speaks to the vast differences between long-term (LT) and short-term (ST) relationships. Examining child abuse and domestic violence in this light provides a significant basis upon which the student can draw inferences as to how this occurs, inasmuch as both children and spouses are typically involved in long-term relationships with their abusers. The investment of emotions and the existence of family ties often precipitates the learned helplessness for the reason that the abused child or adult believes on the one hand that their daddy/husband did not mean to do it, while on the other thinks that nothing he or she does will make the situation any better. Bibliography lists 11 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses how families are involved in human trafficking and potential solutions to the issue. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Counselors: Skills And Characteristics

    5 pages in length. Counseling is a profession whereby one must possess myriad skills and characteristics not necessarily required in a number of other occupations. Given the extent to which this area of human services necessitates a greater capacity for empathy, emotional guidance and patience, an individual entering this particular field must already possess these characteristics inasmuch as these innate qualities simply cannot be taught. The skills associated with such inherent characteristics form the basis upon which counselors learn to channel their compassion and guiding abilities through the aspect of therapeutic alliance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Welfare Consumerism and Family Authority

    This 4 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper considers how and why authority within the family has changed ion the UK since the 1950's, including reference to Foucault and sexual liberation. The second part of the paper considers why there has been an increase in welfare consumerism in the UK since the 1980's. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Tutorial on Clinicians and Child Abuse

    This tutorial essay addresses several issues that clinicians and health care practitoners must consider in issues of child abuse and neglect including profile of an abuser, determining when abuse has taken place and whether a child should be returned to an abusive family. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Family Corporal Punishment and the Impact It Has on Children

    This 10 page paper considers each of corporal punishment on children within a family environment. The paper spots by defining what is meant by corporal punishments and then goes on to consider the short and long-term consequences to those who suffer from corporal punishment. Issues considered include the physical, psychological and psychosocial results of corporal punishment on individuals, families and society as a home. The paper then goes on to consider some of the approaches which may be adopted in order to avoid the need for parents to use corporal punishment. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • The Middle Class and Homelessness

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the emerging problem of employed, formerly middle class families that fall into homelessness due to their inability to weather a financial crisis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Abusive Behavior, Consequences, and Responsibility

    A 3 page research paper that discusses, first of all, how people tend to rationalize abusive behavior to avoid taking responsibility and the importance of taking responsibility. Then, the writer explores some of the consequences to such actions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Considerations in Blended Families

    A 4 page look at a case study involving the large blended family of of Cherise Oozel and Rick Miller. This paper emphasizes the ways through which family function have been insured. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Laws Governing Adoption and Child Protection in England

    5 pages in length. Margaret's legal rights as the birth parent may have helped her maintain custody of her children; however, it has reached the point where she has exhausted her chances to prove worthy of caring for and protecting them. The past decades has witnessed many changes in the UK's approach to child protection, and Margaret may have just lost her last opportunity to raise Peter and Mary if the Thomas's prove more suitable for the responsibility. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Kayla McKean Child Protection Act

    This 24 page paper provides an overview of the Kayla McKean case, the 1998 child abuse tragedy where a man beat his daughter to death. Because he was known to be violent, the paper analyzes what might have been done to save her. Various agencies such as the department of children and family services, law enforcement, child protection teams, foster care, and the judicial system are evaluated. The resultant law to emanate from the case is the focus of the paper. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Divorce in Families w/Special Needs Children

    A 5 page research paper that examines divorce and looks specifically at factors that affect divorce in families with children who have special needs. This investigation of literature examines the effect of divorce on children’s physical and mental health; the importance of parents forging a new alliance that considers the welfare of the child, and the reasons why the parents of special needs children are at greater risk for divorce. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Divorce, Pro and Con

    A 3 page research paper that discusses divorce. What are the pros and cons of divorce in America? An examination of literature indicates that the negatives of divorce far outweigh the few positives. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • People Between the Ages of Twenty Five and Thirty Five and Divorce

    An 11 page (10 pp. + 1 pg. outline) paper which examines why people of this age group divorce, with the emphasis primarily on the couples, not the children (although the effects on the children are discussed). Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Domestic Abuse

    A 3 Page overview of domestic abuse. This paper identifies the victims, perpetrators, and impacts of domestic violence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Randy Albeda and Chris Tilly's Glass Ceilings and Bottomless Pits Women's Work, Women's Poverty

    A 7 page review of the book by Randy Albeda and Chris Tilly. is an expose’ on the numerous societal factors which are facing women today. It is a look into poverty as many of us have never seen poverty, a look at the blatant and sometimes shocking facts of being a poor woman in the United States, the facts of that ever present “bottomless pit”. It is also a look, however, a the so-called “glass ceiling” which confronts professional women in the workplace. This paper contends that while the two scenarios are definitely different, they are inherently related to the same societal factors of the patriarchal dominated society which has been in place for the history of mankind. No additional sources are listed.

  • Zip Code 11572 and Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, looks at drug and alcohol addiction in the 11572 zip code, which refers to Oceanside, New York, in Nassau County, Hempstead Township. Then, the writer offers a more general view of the damage caused by addiction, and closes with an overview of prevention steps taken by New York State. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 5-page paper discusses the strength-based approach in helping a female prisoner cope when she's released into society. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Critique of Familie Theories

    3 pages in length. The theory of structural functionalism serves as a basis upon which the nuclear family operates, whereby the man/husband is provider and the woman/wife nurtures him and the children. This traditional perspective also incorporates family values that adhere to conventionality and temperance, a duality that is constantly being challenged by the contemporary shift in core family values other theories demonstrate, not the least of which includes conflict, feminist and LBGT. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Florida and Foster Care

    A 15 page paper. The primary focus of this paper is the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), and more specifically, the foster care system. The subtopic is mental health issues facing children in foster care. The essay reports data regarding the incidence of mental health and behavioral disorders among children and youth, in general, and among children in the foster care system, in particular. A great deal of data regarding children in Florida's foster care system are included. Numerous cases of Florida's mishandling of foster care children in included, including the "loss" of over 500 youngsters. The writer illustrates through examples how the Florida DCF has failed children. These issues are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Structured Family Theory of Minuchin and Family Dysfunction

    A 6 page overview of a family as an interrelated series of components. Presenting a fictional case study, this paper provides a genogram of the major relationships and an analysis of the family unit under Minuchin’s theory of the structured family. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • Family Values are the Most Important Values

    This 3 page paper explains what family values are, and why they are so important. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History of Aging

    A 3 page research paper that briefly explores t he history of aging, discussing the age considered to be "old," as well as such factors as retirement trends. The writer also discusses the increase in the older population how this might impact the plans of a student planning to teach sociology at the community college level. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Homeless Shelter Oral Hygiene Teaching and Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory

    A 5 page discussion of the motivational theory behind dental hygiene. The author stresses that dental hygiene is a necessary component of good health. The observation is made, however, that in the homeless environment dental hygiene often falls by the wayside. A necessary focus of the homeless shelter, therefore, should be to reinstill the importance of good dental hygiene. A variety of motivational philosophies are reviewed with an emphasis on those by Albert Bandura. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Hypothetical Research Study/Chessie System

    A 10 page research paper that offers a proposed research study, that is, a template on how a study might be structured in order to address the efficacy Maryland’s computerized data system that is designed to track the caseloads being addressed by the state’s child protective services. In formulating this guide, the writer first describes Baltimore Child Protective Services and this system, Then, offers a suggested research design. This paper draws heavily on previous papers on this topic, specifically khcpsmd.rtf and khmdcps2.rtf. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social Work and Alcoholism

    A 13 page review of alcoholism as it pertains to the field of social work. This paper clarifies the relevance and delineates developmental stages, interventions, strengths and future projections. Includes a Roman Numeral Outline. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Domestic Violence and African Americans

    A 3 page consideration of the factors that contribute to domestic violence. While blacks might seem more prone to domestic violence, numerous factors are at play in creating that suggestion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Arlie Russell Hochschild's When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work

    A 3 page paper which examines the meaning of the title “The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work” by Arlie Russell Hochschild. No additional sources cited.

  • California State Department Of Mental Health: Infant Preschool Family Mental Health Initiative Delivery Of Services

    7 pages in length. Maintaining stable mental health is a critical component to being able to live within a civilized society; those whose mental health is compromised for any number of reasons are often without appropriate resources to help them function at an adequate cognitive level. As a direct result, these individuals may gravitate toward fringe communities whereby the challenge of meeting basic human needs is greater than they can achieve. Indeed, adults with mental health problems are difficult enough to assist through limited state services, but when the individual in question is an infant or young child, it becomes critical for the state to intervene in the effort to fend off a lifetime of mental instability. The California Infant Preschool Family Mental Health Initiative (IPFMHI), conceived as a way in which to develop and expand "infant and early mental health services for children age birth to five and their families" (Knapp, 2006). Prevention, however, is as much a part of this service as is addressing existing problems, being that the Initiative - as part of the overall California State Department of Mental Health - is rooted as much in avoiding mental health issues as it is in intervention. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Ethical Issues in Mental Health Care Practice

    A 7 page research paper that addresses 2 ethical issues for mental health care practice. Mental health counselors in the US follow the code of ethics layout by the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA). This comprehensive code covers numerous areas of ethical concern, two of which are the issues of obtaining informed consent and patient confidentiality. These are two areas that are integral to either counseling or research endeavors and therefore should be of prime consideration for practitioners. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Journalistic Bias, Disasters, Relief and the Media

    A 5 page discussion of media bias as it relates to the relationship which exists between journalists and relief agencies. These agencies not only act in the relief effort itself, they also provide considerable assistance to reporters. At the same time they are financially dependent on reporters calling attention to their plight. The implications of this relationship are that good reporting of the actual facts of relief efforts is potentially subject to a conflict of interest.

  • Delinquency and Labeling Theory

    This 3 page paper begins by explaining labeling theory, including criticism of the theory. The essay provides examples of prevention programs that would support this perspective. The writer also comments on parenting styles found most effective for preventing delinquency. The essay concludes with comments related to treatment of status offenders. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • How to Serve a Client with Multiple Physical and Mental Health Issues

    This is a 5 page paper giving a critique of a client who was assessed with multiple substance abuse, physical and mental health problems. A client was presented to the counseling team who was assessed to have multiple substance abuse, physical and mental health problems. The female client is 25 years of age, of Hispanic origin, homeless and currently unemployed. Assessment of the client found that she is HIV positive, bipolar, has a sexual addiction and also abuses cocaine and alcohol. The client was uncooperative during initial assessment with the counselor. In a critique of the client, it must be determined the possible causes of her afflictions and to what end the counseling team can offer assistance through an education of her symptoms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nature vs Nurture in “Born into Brothels”

    A 4 page examination of the importance of environment is shaping the lives of children of prostitutes in Calcutta India. The chance they are given to improve their lot in life is capitalized upon by some but not taken advantage of by others. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Sorting Out the Advantages verses the Disadvantages of Various Adoption Types

    This 3 page paper weighs out the relative advantages and disadvantages of informal, private, public, and international adoptions. Closed verses open adoptions are discussed as well. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Polygamy Among the Latter Day Saints

    This 3 page paper considers one case where three individuals were charged under Utah’s bigamy law. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Good Mother 'Myth' Perpetuated by Princess Diana

    This 10 page essay explores Diana's role as a mother and how, although she tried to fulfill this obligation, often chose selfish goals over the integration of family values. A synopsis of the events which led up to her divorce, and her death, portray a troubled woman intertwined with the colder side of royalty. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Sibling Rivalry Literature Review

    This is a 7 page review of the literature on the issue of sibling rivalry which has uncovered several trends and several areas which obviously need more study. Several disciplines research sibling rivalry most especially psychology, sociology, communications and pediatrics. While some studies indicate that the older brother/younger sister remains the most negative of the dyads, other researchers believe that it is the closeness of age and gender which results in children trying to differentiate themselves from one another. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Engagement Process

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses preparation, tasks and technique as they relate to the first interview of the therapeutic engagement process. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social Work and Concept of Systemic Thinking

    A six page paper which looks at the concept of systemic thinking and the various ways it can be applied by social workers and therapists within the context of family relationships, in terms of establishing a dialogue through which conflict can be resolved and individual autonomy established.

  • An Atlanta Homeless Families' Overview

    This 7 page paper provides data and statistical information about homeless families in the world, the United States, Georgia and most specifically Atlanta. The problem of homelessness is addressed. An overview of one shelter is provided. There is a decided focus on homeless families and available resources for women and children. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Violence and Video Games

    A 9 page review of the violence of video games and the possible impacts of these games on real life violence. Suggests that the level of violence we are experiencing in our society today can be correlated, at least to a certain degree, with the violent stimuli our children are being exposed to through video games and other sources. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Volunteerism in the Community

    5 pages in length. When considering the monumental task of keeping a thriving community a friendly, safe and educational place in which to raise a family, one might wonder how it can possibly all get done. This paper takes a look at the important role of the volunteer and how communities benefit from volunteerism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Mainland Puerto Rican Migration

    A 10 page paper focusing on this topic. The writer looks at the impact on the US of Puerto Rican migration, and examines how this ethnic group has assimilated into the culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Future Social Worker's Goals

    A 4 page essay in which the writer re-caps a one-on-one interview with a social worker. For the most part, the paper contains an informative explanation of the field, its prerequisites, opportunities, and obstacles to success.

  • Television Situation Comedy Married With Children and Family Dysfunction

    A 5 page essay on this popular TV sitcom in which the writer analyzes the show from a sociological point of view. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Television Situation Comedies and Family Love Relationships

    A 3 page essay on the development of love relationships within the American family as shown on TV sitcoms. Bibliography not included.

  • The Way American Families Never Were and the Nostalgia Myth

    Focusing primarily upon the argument in Stephanie Coontz's (1992) book by same title, the writer of this 5 page paper presents the argument that each generation has looked upon the one previous to it and commented on how pure and innocent things were back in the proverbial "good ol' days." In actuality, however, morality was never as high in the past as we are led to believe. We are "brainwashed" by family-orientated television programs to believe that during the 50's and 60's, people were more "innocent" when in reality, juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, etc.;-- soared-- sometimes to levels much higher than today. This social phenomenon is explored in great detail. Bibliography also cites 2 additional sources.

  • Working Parents and the Impact on Children

    This 5 page research paper discuses the controversy regarding the effects of having children in day care as opposed to having the child being cared for by a parent. Some researchers believe there is a negative effect, some do not think there is a negative effect. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Special Needs Child Rearing

    A 6 page research paper investigating the stress parents experience raising a child who has exceptional needs. Topics include types of stress, family functioning, social support, implications for parents and counselors. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Relationship Between Mother and Child and Mothers Who Work

    A 7 page research paper describing how the modern family has changed now that so many women are working full-time and not spending entire days with their children. The writer analyzes the effect that this social phenomenon has had on relationships between mothers and children-- arguing that mothers who work all day are not as apt to understand all needs communicated by their children and are consequently, unavoidably neglectful in some areas. Children do, however, often regard their maternal working parent much in the same light that they once did their father -- as a strict disciplinarian. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Divorce and its Effects on Children

    A 5 page research report examining the detrimental effects that divorce often has on children and adolescents. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Individual and Family Program Organization and Administration

    A 10 page paper that deals with the technicalities in starting a nonprofit organization emphasizing the need for an overall strategic plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Foster Care Changes

    A 6 page paper on changes taking place in the foster care system, how it has failed kids in the past, how changes are concentrating on getting kids out of the system and either back home or up for adoption within 1 year. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Child Adoption Benefit

    An 8 page research paper analytically detailing the importance of the child's benefit in adoption. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Gender Relationships and Anthony Trollope's The Way We Live Now

    This 5 page report discusses Anthony Trollope’s book and examines the consequences of a laissez faire society, especially as it applies to the relationships between men and women. No additional sources cited.

  • 2 Theories on the Family

    This 8 page paper explores sociological concepts as it pertains to the family. Families of the nineties are compared to earlier family structures. Definitions are explored. All discussion involves both systems theory and the symbolic interactionist approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Impact of Divorce Upon Families

    5 pages in length. Divorce shatters individuals as well as entire families. From children to adults to grandparents, there is no one left unscathed by the devastating influence of divorce. The writer discusses that with all the subtle yet apparent components that ultimately lead up to the final split, it is relatively easy to understand how the act of divorce, in and of itself, serves as the last tick of a family time bomb. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Salvador Minuchin's 'Dance' Structural Family Therapy Model

    A 10 page paper that examines the techniques used in the structural family therapy model developed by Salvador Minuchin and explores how these techniques are being applied in the field of psychology. Included are the successes these techniques have achieved as well as a look at the therapy's weaknesses and limitations. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Parental Accountability for Children's Crimes

    A 5 page paper that argues that parents should be held accountable for the crimes that their children commit if society ever hopes to put an end to these tragedies. Discussed are the circumstances that surrounded the Columbine shooting in 1999 and the Flint, Michigan shooting in 2000 and how both cases reflect parental negligence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Work and the Impact of School Violence

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses several research components in relation to school violence. These include stating a practice problem, reference information, hypothesis, variables, method, instrumentation, design and statistical analysis, results and conclusion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Human Services Worker of the Future

    (7pp) As the community of neighborhoods expand into the country at large, and grow more enmeshed with each other in the future, new methods of treatment and solution will need to be created for both the client and the human service worker. The complexity of issues, resulting in a downward spiral for the client will need to be addressed as well as the energy level of the human service worker. It will no longer be appropriate for an agency to accept "burn-out" of its most valuable resource, its staff - the investment in time and training of that worker is also a community resource to be valued. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Contemporary Families in Jonathan Kozol's Amazing Grace and Stephanie Coontz's The Way We Really Are

    A 5 page paper which compares "The Way We Really Are" by Stephanie Coontz and "Amazing Grace" by Jonathan Kozol, examining aspects of families today. These books are also briefly discussed as they address "Am I Blue?" by Bruce Coville and "The Woman Who Walked Into Walls" by Roddy Doyle. No additional sources cited.


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