Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Research Proposal Annotated Outline
This 5 page paper is an annotated outline of a proposal for research on a personality test known as the 'five factor model' or the NEO Personality Inventory. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Emotional Disorders
A 4 page paper that begins with a definition of emotional disorders, including the description provided in IDEA. The paper discusses the characteristics and behaviors and comments on causes. An outline of a PowerPoint presentation is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Ddifferent Issues about Memory
This 6 page paper discusses many different issues related to memory and learning, including short-term memory, long-term memory, three memories are stored in the brain, the effect of the context, synapses, brain health and what interferes with learning and memory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Extroverts vs. Introverts/Who Is Happiest?
A 10 page study proposal that addresses the topic of the effect of personality type of perceived level of happiness, and specifically, the question of whether or not extroverts are happier than introverts. Previous research has unequivocally associated extroversion with self-reported higher levels of happiness, but there has been little research on whether there is variation in regards to this perception within groups of each personality type. This proposed study would address this neglected area of investigation. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Proposal on Personality Research
A 7 page research proposal seeking approval of a project designed to discover possible connections between personality type and current occupation. It will be in the form of a longitudinal study because we will use as subjects alumni from this university who completed at least one Myers-Briggs survey while in school here, but we will ask these alumni to complete another survey more reflective of their current lives. These results will be compared to current occupational status and type in an effort to determine whether personality type can be used to predict future occupation.
Forensics and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
An 18 page literature review that surveys articles on applications of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) within a forensic setting. The writer outlines the purposes of the survey, methodology employed and summarizes and comments on the articles surveyed, indicating areas for future research. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Smoking Contributors' Study Proposal
A 9 page research proposal investigating reasons that smokers smoke. Without exception, every active and committed smoker will say that the first cigarette was simply nasty. It smelled bad, it tasted bad, it made the would-be smoker cough. So why does the individual have a second? Why does s/he become addicted to the point of wheeling his IV tree outside hospital doors for the purpose of continuing to indulge? The paper includes a literature review and proposed methodology for conducting the study. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Infant Imitation Representational Research Proposal
This 6 page paper is a research proposal to study the influences on infant imitation of facial expressions. The proposal is for a study that will compare two sample groups, and seek to ascertain if other associated factors, such as noise or movement will enhance the level or quality of the imitation. The paper outlines the reasoning, the methodology, including participants, materials, procedures and analysis, and outlines how it will be presented when finished. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Charitable Donations and Honesty Research
A 5 page paper that presents a research proposal designed to determine the degree of ethical responsibility and honesty of charitable donations displayed by different socioeconomic groups in an unobserved environment. Included are detailed instructions in the construction of the hidden camera methodology proposed by this research, reviews of previous research findings, and projected outcome of the study. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Visual Perception
A 3 page paper written in bulleted outline form. The paper identifies the relationships between visual perception and cognitive processes and how visual perception is used. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Research Proposal To Assess the Value of CBT For Patients Diagnosed with Depression
This 5 page paper presents a rough research outline for a research project to determine the value of cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of depression. The paper consists of an introduction, research hypothesis and questions, a brief literature review and the identification of a suitable methodology. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Conflict Management Styles - Case Study
This 5 page paper begins with a brief description of the five major conflict management styles. The rest of the paper analyzes a scenario provided by the student in which a teenager arrives home very late on a Saturday night and in which the mother and her fiancé disagree on how to discipline the boy. Conflict management styles used by each party are discussed and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Marriage Counseling - Case Study
An 8 page paper that begins with an overview of family counseling. The writer then discusses a case scenario supplied by the student. The essay discusses how the therapist prepares for the third session, some of the questions and hypothetical responses from the couple, what family therapy approaches would be used, other questions that will need to be asked and finally comments on whether or not the couple will remain together. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Case Study Questions/Cognitive Development, Young Adults
A 3 page paper that responds to questions on a case scenario involving a young college student whose religious preconceptions are challenged by her roommate. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Case Study: Depression & CBT
A 4 page research paper/essay is also a reaction paper to a case study vignette, which describes a woman suffering from depression. The writer responds to the vignette by suggesting how cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) could be used to address the woman’s depression. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Adult Development/A Case Study
A 10 page research paper that consists of a case study that discusses the life course of human development by drawing on the experiences of Rita Blitt, a 77-year-old Jewish woman and artist who has successfully overcome each obstacle that characterizes adult development. The writer particularly draws on Erikson’s model of development in this discussion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Narrative Therapy With Case Study
An 8 page paper that begins by explaining what narrative therapy is, what premises it is founded on, what certain terminology means, like deconstruction, and how it works. The paper then incorporates a student-provided scenario of a family where there are many problems, so many the family and even members of the family are problem-saturated. Ideas about how the therapist will work with the family are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Three Person Motivation Case Study
A 4 page paper that discusses three motivational theories: biological, psychosocial, and interactionist. The differences in the reasons each of three people are striving for a promotion are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Personality Disorders: Case Study Analyses
This 15 page paper examines two case studies on two different personality disorders. Recommended treatments--cognitive therapy and REBT-- are discussed.
Psychometric Case Studies
A 40 paper that includes several case studies that report referral issue, background, observations, tests administered, results, interpretation, multi-axial diagnoses; recommendations. Tests include Rorschach Ink Blots, MMPI-2; NEO Pi-R. An integrated comprehensive case study includes the WAIS-IV and the MMPI-R and the reason for the Rorschach not being used. The writer concludes with comments that reflect a self-evaluation. Bibliography lists 35 sources.
Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology
This 5 page paper explains what evidence-based practice in psychology is along with its criticisms. The second part of the paper discusses case conceptualization and why it is important. A case study is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Self-Analysis of Automatic Attidudes
A 3 page paper. The student provided results from four IAT tests. The writer discusses those tests and the results. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Psychotic Depression Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This 12 page paper provides an overview of a case study for applying CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy. This paper outlines the case study of one patient with psychotic depression. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Humanistic Existential Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
A 4 page paper that uses a case study supplied by the student. Each of the two therapeutic approaches are briefly explained. Each is then discussed related to the case study. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Personality and Sexual Orientation
A 5 page paper discussing personality, type indicators and factors identified as being specific to sexual orientation. All of these individual characteristics combine to influence personality, which in turn influences how individuals react to conditions around them. Whether from anecdotal or empirical sources, it seems that sexual orientation can be said to influence personality to the degree in which individuals differ in their reactions to events and conditions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Nature and Treatment of Suicide
8 pages in length. Suicide is a topic of conversation, like other unpleasant subject matter, is typically avoided at all costs. This knee-jerk response is both understandable and dangerous at the same time, inasmuch as it does not address the importance of prevention. The reasons that people commit suicide are varied and complex; however, for the vast majority of those who either attempt or succeed, depression serves to be the catalyst of death. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Suicide, Stress, and Coping
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the topic and relates it to the findings in the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
College Students and Emotional Issues
A 3 page paper which looks at the problem of depression and suicide among students in college. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Various Psychology Assignments
A 3 page research paper that addresses various topics in psychology. Issues covered include the existence of ESP, the legalization of marijuana and the education of gifted children. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and Applicatioins of Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg's Theories
This is a 7 page paper discussing Kohlberg and Erikson’s developmental stages as reflected in Rachel from “The Poisonwood Bible”. In Barbara Kingsolver’s 1999 novel “The Poisonwood Bible” the fifteen year old daughter, Rachel, reflects primarily Lawrence Kohlberg’s “conventional” level of moral reasoning and the progression from Erik Erikson’s “identity versus role confusion” (stage 5) to “intimacy versus isolation” (stage 6) levels of personality development. Rachel is considered the most self-absorbed of the characters within the novel and because of this her perspective remains primarily a selfish one and how her family’s environment and values impact her life and development. However, from Rachel, readers can also see a development in her awareness of her surroundings and although she remains still fairly self-absorbed she at least realizes how little impact her and her family and their Christian intentions have on the social and physical environment of the Congo showing a maturity of her moral and personal development.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Film The Breakfast Club and the Interaction Significance of Teen Role Taking
This is a 5 page paper discussing the role-taking process in the film “The Breakfast Club”. The 1985 John Hughes’ film “The Breakfast Club” provides a good example of teen role-taking. The film is based on the premise of five high school students from diverse backgrounds and social groups who are forced to spend a Saturday detention at the school together. While it appears that none of the teens have anything in common at the beginning of the film and must all remain within their well-established roles or personas known while they are at school, throughout their interaction within each other they manage to reveal their genuine identities, establish a rapport and respect for one another and solve some of the problems which they are all faced with being teenagers and having to maintain certain roles throughout the course of their social lives. These interactions lead them to a higher level of peer understanding and moral maturity.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Eastwood's "Invictus" - Theories of Motivation
This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of the film, "Invictus". Emphasis is placed upon motivational strategies employed by Mandela in the film. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
History and Testing Measures of Intelligence Theory
This 5 page paper outlines major points in the history of intelligence theory and testing. These types of theories began with Pythagoras and have a long history that includes Plato, Aristotle, Philo, Galton, Binet, Terman, Weschler, Gardner and others. What each contributed is discussed. The measures of intelligence began with Galton but it is the Stanford-Binet and the Weschler scales that are most well-known. The essay briefly explains what the Mental Status exam measures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 6 page paper provides an overview of behaviorism, which is one of two primary schools of psychological theory that were defined by long-standing philosophical premises but fine-tuned in the 20th century in reaction to the Freudian constructs that had shaped much of the psychological research after the turn of the century. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A History of Temperament Theories
This 10 page paper provides a historical report of theories about temperament. The history begins about 2,500 years ago when the four humors were proposed, a theory that was continued to be popular in the Middle Ages and even later. Philosophies and scientific advancements changed the theme somewhat but there continued to be four dimensions of temperament. Even Keirsey proposed four dimensions of temperament. It was in 1990 when five dimensions of temperament were proposed by McCrae and Costa, Jr. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy History
This 6 page paper examines this umbrella of cognitive theories. Various ideas from Beck, Ellis and others are duly noted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Memory Research and its Value
This 5 page paper discusses why psychologists think memory research is important. The writer addresses the question by reporting some of the knowledge gained from memory research, such as the Atkinson-Shriffin model that identifies different types of memory. A brief explanation of the brain and memory is also included. bibliography lists 9 sources.
Overview of Short Term Memory Loss Research
A 13 page paper reviewing short term memory loss and current research on the topic. One of the difficulties inherent in research into short term memory loss is that the condition can be caused by so many different factors, some of which are physiological in origin while others lie more in the psychological realm. It is often the first visible sign of Alzheimer’s disease, but it also can result from an over-burdened, over-stressed life that prevents facts and items from being stored for later recall. Short term memory loss is most closely associated with age, alcohol abuse and Alzheimer’s Disease, all of which are discussed in the paper. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Memory Types
This 7 page paper looks at the concept of memory looking at the current operates under three different types of memory; sensory memory, short-term memory and a memory each is discussed considering it's characteristics and whether or not the type of memory can be improved. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Environment and Genetics - The Development of Personality
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of personality and behavior. The role of both genetics and environment in long-term personality development is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Intelligences and Intelligence
Charles Spearman (1904) defined and developed a unilinear testing approach to general intelligence (g), which is based on a positive correlation among varying subjects like math, earth sciences and vocabulary. Gardner (1983) proposed there were multiple intelligences (MI), or seven areas of intelligence.... These are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvIQmster.rtf
Oprah Winfrey's Personality Characteristics
This 4-page paper analyzes the personality style and traits of talk show/actress/publisher/producer Oprah Winfrey. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Peer Rejection
This 3 page paper looks at peer rejection including some of the causes and aggravating factors, the short and long term results of peer rejection and the use of intervention strategies. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Overview of Personality Psychology
A 5 page research paper that examines the way in which personality is defined, theoretical approaches to studying personality and analyzes factors that may influence the personality development of individuals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Factors That Affect Personality Development
A 4 page paper that begins by explaining the three primary factors involved in personality development. The writer then discusses the effects of abuse and neglect on cognitive and personality development. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Overview of the TAT Personality Test
4 pages in length. Like its Rorschach and MMPI counterparts, the thematic apperception test (TAT) seeks to uncover hidden facets of an individual's thought processes, attitudes, emotional responses and observational abilities. Christiana D. Morgan and Henry A. Murray, who designed the personality test at Harvard in the 1930s, has long been one of the most repeatedly applied psychological approaches to determining these multiple factors of human awareness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Personality Change Concept and Personality Theories
This is a 4 page paper discussing different personality theories in regards to personality change. Personality theories range in their discussions regarding nature (psychobiological and trait theories by Eysenck, Allport and Cattell) and nurture (social and psychodynamic theories by Skinner, Bandura and Freud) to those which are based on simple concepts of human existence and responsibility (humanistic theories by Maslow and Rogers). Other than the biologically-based theories however, there seems to be some concepts which allow for personality change in either terms of continued knowledge and development or a change in reinforcement and stimuli within the environment. Adult personalities in many of the theories are formed during childhood development but can undergo change in certain environments later in life. Even the trait theory which does not allow for a great deal of change does allow for some change in secondary traits such as preference and attitude. Tutorial language is used throughout for writing direction.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Assessing Traits
A 4 page paper that includes an outline in the page count. The paper begins with the thesis statement: Personality, interest, and attitude measures can be helpful in different settings. The essay goes on to explain the history of personality measures through the Big 5. It describes the Strong Interest Inventory and measures of attitudes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Personality Characteristics
A 5 page essay that provides an example paper that is designed to aid a psychology student in this task by providing a guide that discusses the development of three of the student’s personality traits. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator
A 5 page paper that discusses the origins of the MBTI and its relationship to Jung's personality types. The writer identifies the personality types per Jung and according to the MBTI. The writer also briefly comments on the ethics of administering personality assessments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Proposal on Personality Research
A 7 page research proposal seeking approval of a project designed to discover possible connections between personality type and current occupation. It will be in the form of a longitudinal study because we will use as subjects alumni from this university who completed at least one Myers-Briggs survey while in school here, but we will ask these alumni to complete another survey more reflective of their current lives. These results will be compared to current occupational status and type in an effort to determine whether personality type can be used to predict future occupation.
A New Kind of Psychology
A 3 page paper that explains what positive psychology is, its major themes, and its underlying principles. The essay includes a research example where positive psychology was used with depressive patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGpospsyc.rtf
Helping Children Adjust to Divorce, Positive Psychology
A 5 page research paper that discusses how to aid the children of divorce to achieve positive developmental outcomes using a positive psychology approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Development of Problem Solving Skills
Piaget thought that problem solving abilities develop in late childhood. This 7 page paper considers this idea and compares the Piaget’s theory of cognitive development leading to problem solving with the work and theories of Erickson. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Procrastination and GPA
An 8 page (including brief abstract) proposed research study, which discusses the fact that procrastination is a prevalent today on college and university campuses. A review of this literature is offered and then a study design is discussed that would address the correlation between procrastination and grade point average (GPA). A possible method for analyzing the data from this hypothetical study is also briefly outlined and the Pearson correlation statistic is recommended. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Developmental Psychology and a Premier Virtual Computer Generated Symposium
This 20 page paper addresses the problems of ADHD treatment, treatment of juvenile offenders as adults, and the treatment of many psychiatric or psychological problems with drugs. While a symposium including Freud, Erikson and Gilligan would be impossible, with the magic of virtual reality and imagination, such a symposium comes to life. How might these theorists feel about these twenty-first century topics? Background information is also provided on each particular topic. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
A Biopsychosocial Assessment of Ray Charles
This 10 page paper provides an overview of basic elements and personality characterstics presented of Ray Charles in the film Ray. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
How Children Develop a Sense of Morality
A 6 page essay/research paper that discusses how children develop a sense of morality. For the most part, literature on the development of a moral sense in childhood and adolescence has bee dominated by the cognitive-developmental perspective espoused by Piaget's theory of moral judgment and Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development (Singer, 1999). The following discussion of how children develop a moral sense, first look specifically at these two theoretical models and then briefly describes the model formulated by James Rest. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Birth Order's Effect on Sibling Rivalry
This 15 page research paper investigates a sampling of current literature in order to discern what is empirically known about the effect of birth order on sibling rivalry. Conclusions and recommendations are drawn from this information. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Behavioral and Psychoanalytical Theories of Sigmund Freud
This is a 7 page paper discussing Freud’s psychoanalytical theories of human behavior in comparison with the behavioral theories. When Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) first developed his psychoanalytical theory as treatment for those people who had mental dysfunctions, he was one of the first analysts to attempt to tackle patients head on by developing a series of therapeutic sessions directly with the patients. These sessions were largely based on talking to patients and discovering their repressed feelings which he believed were the cause of the mental disorder. His theory was based largely on the fact that he believed human behavior was developed through a series of stages in childhood that largely relied upon the satisfaction of needs in the individual, mostly sexual. If the unconscious mind was unable to control the interpretation of the needs and how to understand them in relation to the real world then behavioral problems would arise. Once these problems were unearthed, then behavior would change. Behaviorists however did not agree with his methods. Behavior theorists are more concerned with what patients do and say and are not as concerned with the theoretical mental processes which are “behind” the behaviors. Instead, they believe that using conditioning, called behavior therapy, people’s destructive and dysfunctional behaviors can be altered for the better. Those who promote the behaviorist theory believe more that the stimulus and the behavior have a direct relation regardless of the mental process while psychoanalysts believe that there are mental processes and repressive tendencies which have to be resolved before any behavior can be changed.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Learning and Utilizing Language
A 3 page reaction paper to “Language and Education,” which appears in Life-Span, Human Development by Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider. This is a fascinating chapter in that it addresses the development of what is arguably the defining characteristic of what it means to be “human,” which is the ability to use language. This point is illustrated through the authors’ opening paragraph, which refers to Helen Keller, who was both deaf and blind from infancy, and how the ability to communicate through sign language connected her connected her to her family and society. The chapter then describes in detail how young children acquire language. No additional sources cited and the bibliography is incomplete.
Sense Of Self In Erikson's 6th Developmental Stage
3 pages in length. Having balance in life is an especially important component that makes a person both happy and well-adjusted; to direct all effort on a career to the exclusion of filling human emotional needs causes a disproportionate burden upon the ability to function as a whole person with a positive sense of self. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Myers-Briggs and Rorschach
A 6 page research paper that examines the validity, comprehensiveness, applicability and cultural utility of the Myers-Briggs and the Rorschach personality assessment instruments. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Death, Attachment and Development Theories
An 8 page paper which examines the impact on death, especially sudden death) on human development, and also explores the subject from a cross-cultural perspective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Visual Perception: Part-Based And Surface-Based
9 pages in length. The manner by which human beings perceive what they see is comprised of a multidimensional approach of part-based and surface-based visualization that serves to segment the object and then reconstruct it in the mind's eye so as to finally see it as a whole. A chair, for example, is looked at two ways: 1) as a holistic entity and 2) as an assemblage of four legs, a seat and a back support; walking around that chair confirms there is yet another side that cannot be viewed from the front but serves to complete the structural identification of this chair. A 2-D photograph of a chair, by virtue of this understanding, would thereby make holistic perception more of a challenge due to self-occlusion; only because we know chairs have a backside do we automatically presume the one in the photo does, as well. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Two Questions on Childhood Development
This paper answers two questions pertaining to childhood development: "What are the advantages and disadvantages of cross-educational and longitudnal research in researching the impact of early childhood sexual abuse on later childhood, adolescence and adulthood?" and "In terms of physical, cognitive and psychosocial development durig the first two years of life, how is Erikson's assertion that babies control and bring up parents correct?" Bibliography lists 1 source
Personality's Spiritual and Metaphysical Components
A 5 page paper that provides a concise overview of the metaphysical and spiritual components of personality and then considers their implications in terms of psychological theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
16PF Questionnaire
This 15 page paper investigates the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, also called the 16PF. The essay provides: a general overview of the assessment, tables displaying and describing the primary and global factors, the development of the 16PF, changes in the latest revision, utility of the Questionnaire, how it is structured, and a critical analysis of the instrument. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Memory's Precategorical and Categorical Distinctions
Many theories have been proposed to explain the cognitive development of the human mind and the distinctions between the stages of development as well as the types of processing and modes of perception. In recent years, a number of researchers have considered the distinction memory as a component of cognition, and have made distinct delineations between iconic and echoic (or auditory sensory) store and their relationship to precategorical and categorical stages in development. This 5 page paper supports the contention that auditory sensory store (echoic) is precategorical and considers the implication of this theory. In addition, the researcher also provides an overview of studies that could be conducted to evaluate this theory and to assist in clarifying this issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Rent Seeking Issues
This 3 page essay discusses issues inherent to rent-seeking, its desired results, and quasi-rent seeking behaviors. Rent seeking behavior can best be described as 'the expenditure of resources in order to bring about an uncompensated transfer of goods or services from another person or persons to one's self as the result of a "favorable" decision on some public policy. ' Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Spiritual and Metaphysical Personal Influences
because of their history and family patterns, their desire to shape their personal beliefs around structured religion, or negative personal components, like loneliness, confusion or a lack of a sense of belonging. This 5 page paper reflects on the nature of the relationship between the spiritual and metaphysical and personal characteristics and behaviors. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Factors Associated with Visual Memory
A 6 page paper that investigates the subject of remembering what one sees -- what factors play a role in one person remembering accurately and another not remembering. The writer reports studies and discusses different issues such as mood, hormones, aging and types of memory that are affected. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Designing and Implementing a Token Economy for the Mentally Unstable
A 12 page paper that provides an overview of the major components of creating a token economy to shape the behaviors of people who are mentally unstable. In essence, a token economy is a reward system by which individuals receive compensation (tokens) for positive behaviors and compliance with outlined expectations, and lose compensation for negative behaviors or non-compliance. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Comparison of Lawrence Thornton and Bernhard Schlink's Works on Memory's Role
A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Lawrence Thornton's Imagining Argentina. The writer argues that both authors address the function of memory and imagination in regards to the creation of political knowledge and moral responsibility. No additional sources cited.
Behaviorism's History and Development
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history and development of behaviorism. This paper answers some central questions, including: How did Pavlov’s work influence Watson’s behaviorism? How do the studies of little Albert and Peter support Watson’s ideas on emotion? and How did hull’s behaviorism differ from the views of Watson and Tolman? Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Erikson and Vygotsky Theories on Life History
8 pages in length. Understanding the developmental path each individual takes throughout life requires the realization of how so many elements play an integral role in this overall growth. The extent to which developmental theories help to put this into perspective is both grand and far-reaching; that Erikson and Vygotsky represent two of the most well received of all theories speaks to the manner by which the following life history incorporates the tenets of social cognition and specific stages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
History Of Child Rearing Practices
This 5 page paper provides an overview of child-rearing practices beginning in the 1800s. The 20th century was called the century of the child by the National Congress of Mothers in 1899. The writer reports the focus during that century was not on the child. The essay comments on changes in society and beliefs about children and childhood. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Literature Review on Daycare's Positive and Negative Aspects
This 4 page paper provides a literature review on daycare. Many studies are cited,each containing results to show both the positive and detrimental effects of daycare. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Mathematics Test Anxiety
A 9 page paper that begins with a speech about the topic. The paper explains anxiety and it prevalence, test anxiety, mathematics anxiety and mathematics test anxiety. The writer comments on the increase in anxiety with high stakes testing. Research about the topics is discussed. The paper ends with ideas teachers can use to reduce this type of anxiety. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Logico-Mathematical Knowledge, Montessori, Piaget
A 5 page paper that discusses Montessori's and Piaget's general theories on learning and explains Piaget's concept of logico-mathematical knowledge and how Montessori's model is related to that type of knowledge. The essay also explains Piaget's thoughts about adaptation, absorption and organization. Montessori and Piaget are compared throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Intelligences and Intelligence
Charles Spearman (1904) defined and developed a unilinear testing approach to general intelligence (g), which is based on a positive correlation among varying subjects like math, earth sciences and vocabulary. Gardner (1983) proposed there were multiple intelligences (MI), or seven areas of intelligence.... These are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvIQmster.rtf
Effect of Childhood Experience of Sex Abuse on Marriage
A 12 page research paper/literature review that examines the effects of childhood sexual abuse on women within the context of marriage. This literature review investigates the findings of empirical research and what this body of information reveals about the precise effects of childhood abuse on the relationships of adult women, with a particular regard for how a history of child abuse has an effect on their marriages. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Literature Review on Pregnant Teens, Counseling Theories, and Treatment Approaches
An 8 page paper which first presents a brief literature review discussing teen pregnancy and what professionals have found to be pertinent counseling issues, then a brief literature review that discusses the effectiveness of the person-centered theory and cognitive-behavioral interventions, then concludes by developing a theory-based treatment that best addresses the issues and effective interventions, and includes treatment goals, the role of the counselor, along with techniques and strategies that must be used to achieve treatment goals. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Schizophrenia in Adults
A 9 page literature review. Schizophrenia has been extensively researched over the years, but in many ways it remains an enigma. The overwhelming majority of cases occur in young adults, but some cases do not develop until much later in life. The purpose here is to review the literature addressing factors associated with adult-onset schizophrenia. The paper concludes that though much more information is available on adult-onset schizophrenia now than was available in the past, real determinations that can be widely generalized still have yet to be discovered. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Literature Review on Christian and Psychological Theories of Personality
An 8 page research paper that offers a literature review and analysis, which looks at psychological theories of personality development, their efficacy and application, but also at new Christian perspectives that are evolving in the field of psychology. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Human Interaction and Impression Management
5 pages in length. The writer discusses impression management as it relates to human interaction. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Concept of Learning
4 pages in length. In its simplest terms, learning is the capacity to absorb information not previously known and in most cases incorporate it into the process of living. Some things people learn are not utilized at any point in their lives, such as certain math courses in school or the casual acquisition of a stranger's life story while at a party; however, the brain has the ability to store every bit of information it receives whether people realize it or not, which is part of what distinguishes long- and short-term memory and their respective recall faculties as people age. In short, to learn is to expand one's cognitive capacity by allowing - and hopefully encouraging - the transfer of thoughts, ideas and concepts from sources other than the self. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Visual Discrimination
A 3 page paper. Children develop visual discrimination skills as they grow and learn. These are the skills that are imperative for learning to read, for doing math, and even for sorting objects. As they grow, they learn more sophisticated visual discrimination skills. Visual blindness happens when one looks at something and does not see it. It happens because the person’s attention is on something else. Both will be discussed in this essay. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Personality Development/Albert Einstein
A 5 page research paper that examines Einstein's life and genius. Albert Einstein is "the icon of scientific genius," one of the "most recognizable faces in the history of mankind," and certainly the most influential scientists of the twentieth century (Khoon, 2007, p. 9). This examination of Einstein's life discusses his biography in terms of developmental psychology and the possible influences that may have shaped his genius for math and creative insight. The two personality development theories utilized for this purpose are those of Erik Erikson and Karen Horney. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management
A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Negative Recency and the Faulty Communications Perceptions Within the Work and Management Environments Study
This is a 10 page paper discussing the perception of the recency effect within the work environment. Recency in which the most recent information received by an individual seems to be given the most weight in decision making has a great deal of importance in the field of management and the work environment. Managers within the business environment are used to dealing with recency plans within a business sense in that recency in business is a measurement of customers who have purchased merchandise “recently” or within an advertising perspective it is the psychological effect in which customers remember the “most recent” merchandizing when purchasing products. Despite management knowing about business recency, few if any are aware of the psychological recency effect within their own decision making process and the perceptual errors which can be made. In fact, the recency effect within the work environment can lead to poor judgment, poor or inconsistent management and poor communication skills throughout administration.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Social Psychology and Application of Aggression Theories
This 7 page paper provides an overview of the issue of aggression in youth populations and the psychological and social indicators. In school-aged populations, the issue of aggression and the presence of behavior disorders presents considerable problems for educators and parents, who struggle with the displays of physical aggression and the behavioral developments that extend from manifestations of aggression. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Personality Theories in Humanistic and Existential Psychology
This is a 3 page paper that explores personality theory. The views of Maslow, Rogers, and May are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Depth Psychology And Healing
A 5 page paper that begins by explaining what depth psychology is and some of the persons who have contributed to it. This discussion includes some of the assumptions of depth psychology. The writer then discusses the difficult subject of healing and what gets healed in psychotherapy and suggests the outcomes of psychotherapy should not be discussed in terms of healing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Category Formation, Causal Theories, and Cognitive Psychology
This is an 8 page paper comparing and contrasting the prototype and causal-based theories of category formation. In cognitive psychology, category formation is considered one of the most fundamental aspects of understanding mental representation. Within the area of category formation however, there are several theories which appear to conflict in some aspects. Two of these theories are the prototype theory of category formation and the causal theory of category formation. In the most basic sense, the prototype theory argues that individuals categorize items based on the typicality level of the objects in comparison with the “prototype” concept or image that an individual has. When new objects are encountered by an individual, a comparison of features based on prototypes takes place until that object is categorized. From a causal model theory perspective however, the categorization process also takes into account prior knowledge and theories of how the world works in addition to the causal relationships between features. Causal theorists find that the prototype theories base categorization from an independent and “probabilistic” viewpoint whereas individuals in fact use their causal knowledge in order to categorize and build relationships conceptually.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Eating Pace and Style from a Psychological Perspective
This 5 page paper looks at fast and slow eaters and tries to find reasons for differences in pace and style. Gender, age and culture are each discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Lifespan Developmental Psychology; The Case of an Elderly Bereaved Patient
This 4 page paper looks at the case of an elderly patient who has suffered the loss of his wife and does not approve or feel that they fit in with modern society. The issues the patient faces and ways of helping him are identified using the lifespan developmental model of Erickson and Ainsworth's theory of attachment. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Industrial Organizational Psychology
A 5 page paper that defines and discuses industrial organizational psychology and also discuses the evolution of the field. The writer briefly discusses personality psychology and developmental psychology to illustrate the interrelationship of the different fields. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Psychological Hypothesis Testing
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of hypothesis testing in psychology. An example research question provides the context for each step in the process. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Developmental Psychology: Theories
8 pages in length. Theories and concepts in developmental psychology assist in understanding the challenges individuals face at different stages of their life. The contributions of such prominent theorists as Bandura, Watson, Skinner, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Fowler and Piaget have served to assemble a collection of developmental philosophies that provide a significantly better understanding of why people develop the way they do. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Psychology Q and A
This 15 page paper refers only to Gerrig & Zimbardo's text Psychology and Life in answering questions in psychology. Topics include basic goals of psychology, operant conditioning, cognitive development, socialization and much more. Terms are defined and fully explained. The paper is written in a simple Q & A format. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Home, Workplace, and the Psychological Effects of Color
This is a 12 page paper on the psychology of color and its effects based on laboratory, educational, home and work based perspectives. The perception of color and emotions varies greatly between cultures, age groups and individual experiences which form the connections and preferences between emotions and colors.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Reasoning, Intelligence, Culture
An 8 page paper that discusses specific issues within cognitive psychology. These are: the impact of errors in reasoning; deductive and inductive reasoning; intelligence and wisdom; impact of culture on intelligence; and insights gained from the class. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Heroin Addiction Treatment and the Impact of Developmental Psychology
This 130 page paper provides an overview of a study on the effects of developmental psychology on the treatment of heroin addiction. This paper considers many different types of treatment options based in developmental psychology. Bibliography lists 50 sources.
Basis of Cognitive Psychology and Ecological Validity
6 pages in length. Cognitive psychology is occasionally criticized for having a lack of ecological validity; the extent to which one might argue against this accusation is found in the fundamental basis of what cognitive psychology is all about. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Parenting and Psychology
This 3 page paper examines the psychological theories of Binet, Piaget and Vygotsky. Various issues are discussed inclusive of the use of intelligence testing. The practical application of theory by parents is included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Social Work and Psychology
A 5 page paper discussing whether cognitive-behavior therapy or humanistic psychology are more effective in the context of social work. Both behaviorism and humanism have places in social psychology and in the psychological aspects of social work. When more immediate results are either desired or necessary, it is behaviorism that offers the most effective tools. Humanistic psychology can be used after that as a mechanism for “fine tuning” the results gained through effective use of behaviorism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Classrooms and Developmental Psychology Applications
This 4 page paper touches on the idea of how psychology may be applied in education. Much of the paper outlines theories from Erickson, Piaget, Freud and others. Developmental staging is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A Sample Psychology Experiment
This 5 page paper presents an overview on how to do a proper experiment. Various concepts such as statistical significance, the use of control and experimental groups, and which are the independent and dependent variables are discussed. A sample hypothesis submitted by a student is used to demonstrate how an experiment may be conducted. Sample results and an analysis of results are provided. Bibliography lists 1 source.
This 3 page paper defines the subject of biological psychology is also known as biopsychology and psychobiology, looks at the historical development of the subject and the areas that are included within the modern definition. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Milestones in Cognitive Psychology
A 4 page paper that begins with a definition of cognitive psychology. The paper reports and discusses important theorists in the development of this field. The writer also comments on the importance of observation in cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Disaster Preparedness and Environmental Psychology
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of environmental psychology. The use of environmental psychology in studying personality is explored in the context of disaster preparedness within communities. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Young Golfer Training and Sports Psychology
This 6 page report discusses the advice
and training that a sports psychologist would address in helping a young golfer compete
in the professional golfing world. The primary issues addressed are concentration, "the
zone," and focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nurture and Nature Psychological Intelligence Debates
A 9 page discussion of the question of just what it is that determined our intelligence. The author compares the various theories which have been purported over time, noting the controversy associated with the theory that genetics play a role in our intelligence. The conclusion is presented that it is likely that both genetics and environment which shape this critical aspect of our being. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Mamawawa, Sleep, Drug Addiction and Other Issues
This 16 page paper includes several sections. Topic headings are: Weight loss program including discussion of set point; mamawawa premise; sleep; stages of sleep; health hazards of drug addiction; positive incentive theory of addiction and an outline for a research paper on autism. Each section includes its own bibliography. Total Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Questions and Answers in Developmental Psychology
This 5 page paper explores theories of Freud, Erikson, Piaget and Kohlberg. Stages of these theories are included in answers to three questions submitted by a student. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Anatomy and Psychology
A 9 page paper which examines various perspectives,
psychological and otherwise, concerning the body. The paper uses "Shelter, Blues, Sanity,
and Selfhood Among the Homeless" by Robert Desjarlais, "Travesti, Sex, Gender and
Culture Among Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes" by Don Kulick, "Beyond Anorexia:
Narrative, Spirituality, and Recovery" by Catherine Garrett, "Metalogue: Why a Swan" by
Bateson, and the "Writings of Edward Sapir" by Edward Sapir in discussing and
addressing the various perspectives. No additional sources cited.
Adaptation Research and Developmental Psychology
This is an 8 page paper discussing research on adaptation in developmental psychology. Within the field of psychology, adaptation describes “the process of change in organisms or species to accommodate to a particular environment, enabling their survival”. From a developmental, biological and sociological level, there are considered to be two main types of adaptive behavior: closed programs which basically are transmitted from generation to generation and remain relatively unchanged; and, open genetic programs which are greatly influenced from environmental factors (Gale, 2001). In addition, adaptation can be discussed in terms of individuals or in terms of how groups adapt to new environments. Often individual adaptation is studied in regards to the biological or physiological components which are carried from generation to generation and largely these factors are inflexible and remain relatively unchanged. However, there are many studies which examine how social or environmental factors can also affect adaptive behavior and increase the survival in new situations. These studies examine the cultural, family and socioeconomic relationships in groups and individuals and indicate that while initially some individuals may not be flexible or adaptive to new environments, positive adaptation factors such as strong culture bonds, strong family relationships and resilience can increase adaptability in individuals suggesting that individuals are flexible and can be highly adaptive in new environments; factors which increase their chance of survival.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Defining Physiological Psychology
5 pages in length. The brain's role in human behavior is so interwoven that an entire scientific discipline is dedicated to its relationship. Physiological psychology - also known as biopsychology, behavioral neuroscience and psychobiology - studies the influential components brain activity has upon they way people act. This coupling of neuroscience and analyzes the reasons why and how patterns of behavior happen in direct association with brain function and neurotransmitters. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Helping Children Adjust to Divorce, Positive Psychology
A 5 page research paper that discusses how to aid the children of divorce to achieve positive developmental outcomes using a positive psychology approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Psychology and Identity Approaches
This 5 page paper examines two different key approaches in psychology in examining issues of identity. Erickson's life stage model is outlined. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Interpersonal Liking and Psychology Research
A 5 page paper analyzing the report of a psychological study. Nesler, Storr and Tedeschi (1993) conducted a study of female college students using the Interpersonal Judgment Scale (IJS) as the instrument by which the researchers rated a "liking" scale. The bottom-line conclusion of the researchers in "The interpersonal judgment scale: a measure of liking or respect?" is that the IJS may be limited in its ability to measure attraction. The purpose here is to review the article, but also to comment on general research methods. Design and validity are two primary points of focus. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
An Examination of the Developmental Psychology of Piaget
This 7 page paper focuses on Piaget but also looks at other schools of thought in psychology. The stages provided by this well known theorist are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Response to Statements on Cognitive Psychology
This 3 page paper provides responses to two statements about cognitive psychology, which specifically look at issues related to the social context of learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Maslow And Nursing
A 4 page paper that begins with an introduction to Maslow's hierarchy and then briefly explains each of the levels in the hierarchy. The writer then discusses the implications of the theory to nursing, emphasizing the need for nurses to remember what level most of their patients are on. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Psychology and its Meaning
This examines what the meaning of psychology is, and four different psychological approaches; psychoanalytical, behavioral, humanistic and cognitive. The paper also uses examples of each approach. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Articles on Memory, Consciousness, Pattern Recognition, Attention, Perception, and Cognitive Psychology Summarized
5 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses each of these points. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cognitive View of Psychology
A 3 page research paper that looks briefly at the history of cognitive psychology and the factors that differentiate it form other braches of psychology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Myers/Exploring Psychology/Chaps. 1-9
A 10 page research paper that summarizes the first 9 chapters of David G. Myers' Exploring Psychology, 6th Edition. The writer also offers a personal reaction to each chapter. No additional sources cited.
Counseling and Psychology Questions
This 15 page paper provides an overview of some central questions about psychology and counseling. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Overview of Health Psychology
A 5 page paper. Health psychology is a vast field and is, in fact, the umbrella classification for all psychologists who work in the area of health. This essay addresses why this is an important field in today's world by discussing some of the knowledge and insight gained through research. The link between stress, individual behaviors and illness is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Psychology Questions and Answers
This 16 page paper is similar to the paper entitled Questions and Answers in Psychology and refers only to Gerrig & Zimbardo's text Psychology and Life. Topics for this paper include social psychology, personality theories, motivation, abnormal psychology and schizophrenia, and information about Maslow's hierarchy. Terms are defined and fully explained. The paper is written in a simple Q & A format. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Mental Prototypes, Language and More
An 8 page paper. Topics discusses include: mental prototypes, declarative and procedural knowledge, language acquisition, problem solving creativity and more. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
ECE and Psychology
This 4 page paper examines the use of psychology, with focused attention on Erikson's stages of development, in early childhood classrooms. Information about the stages are provided.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
APA Ethics Code
A 9 page paper. The sections in this paper include: discussion of confidentiality, privileged communication and privacy with the exceptions identified for the state of Hawaii; informed consent; dual relationships; personnel testing; and how rules regarding test data reporting have changed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Human Psychology and the Brain
This 5 page paper considers the nature of the brain and the impact on human psychology. This paper relates the views of Coon, in his Introduction to Psychology, as a basis for considering the impact and function of the brain. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Psychology and Biology
A five page paper which looks at the relationship between biology and psychology, and the way that behavioural and cognitive patterns interact with physiology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Article Synopsis; L. S. Vygotsky and Contemporary Developmental Psychology
This 3 page paper is a summary of the article by Wertsch and Tulviste (1992), “L. S. Vygotsky and Contemporary Developmental Psychology” published in Developmental Psychology. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Four Chapter Overview of Gazuniga Cognitive Neuropsychology Mind Biology
This 7 page paper provides an overview of four of the chapters of Gazuniga's book Cognitive Neuropsychology: The Biology of the Mind. This paper defines elements like the progression of motor structures, the development of cognition, and the progression of evolutionary elements. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Connections Between Nature, Madness, and Cognitive Psychology
This 5 page paper relates the connection between views of cognitive psychology and assessment of nature and madness. This paper integrates a view of CBT, cognitive/behavioral therapy, as it can be applied to this subject. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Psychology Students and College Campus Linguistic Subcultures
A 5 page contention that one does not have to travel to far away and exotic places to encounter linguistic subcultures. The author demonstrates that even psychology students utilize language which sets them apart from other students and, in effect, allows them to be classified as a subculture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Issues in Psychology
A 50 page research paper that answers 50 questions pertaining to the field of psychology with an emphasis on the role that emotions play in human development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Integral Psychology by Ken Wilber
This is a 5 page paper discussing the major concepts in Ken Wilber’s Integral Psychology. Ken Wilber’s “Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy” (2000) includes a combination of various developmental psychological theories, -- “West and East, ancient and modern” to try and understand the “full spectrum” of the range of human consciousness. Through inclusion or integration of the various theories, Wilber develops a “brain-mind” theory that “does justice to both sides of the equation – the brain and the mind – because what follows can reasonably be expected to cover much of the ‘mind’ aspects that should be included, along with the ‘brain’ aspects derived from neuroscience, in order to arrive at any sort of sturdy and comprehensive model of consciousness”. Wilber’s work involves the discussion of holons, or hierarchical levels, or waves, which progress through three realms (prepersonal, personal and transpersonal) of development. The holons build on and yet are an interactive part of the other levels in development as well as including an integral relationship within the four-quadrant model representing phenomenon as relationships between the intentional, behavioral, cultural and social perspectives.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
How Structuralism, Functionalism, Evolution And Applied Behavior Analysis Relate To Psychology
3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses how the aforementioned concepts are associated with the study of psychology. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Developmental Psychology and a Premier Virtual Computer Generated Symposium
This 20 page paper addresses the problems of ADHD treatment, treatment of juvenile offenders as adults, and the treatment of many psychiatric or psychological problems with drugs. While a symposium including Freud, Erikson and Gilligan would be impossible, with the magic of virtual reality and imagination, such a symposium comes to life. How might these theorists feel about these twenty-first century topics? Background information is also provided on each particular topic. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Jung's Archetypes
This 11 page paper provides an overview of the Jungian archetypes and considers the role that that they play in personality psychology. This paper considers the implications of those archetypes and the creation of type-based personality assessments. There are 6 sources cited.
Tourism and Psychology
A 6 page paper discussing using psychological knowledge in marketing and providing services. The tourism industry formerly was able to operate on the “if you build it, they will come” philosophy, but it no longer has that luxury. Tourism has been forced in recent years to join the ranks of all other types of businesses, particularly in actively marketing to the target group it most wants to attract. Assessing marketing and service needs from the perspective of personality and psychology can assist organizations within the travel industry in achieving and maintaining greater success. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Influences In The Discipline Of Cognitive Psychology
4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses Bruner, Piaget, Sperry and cognitive restructuring as they relate to cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Psychology of Architecture
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of psychology and architecture. Discussion questions highlight the role of commercial and residential design in psychology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cognitive Psychology
This 4 page paper provides an overview of cognitive psychology and determines the link to early behaviorism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Positivism, Behaviorism and Gestalt Psychology
This 3 page paper provides an overview of two sections of questions on psychology. Part 1. What is logical positivism? How is legitimate science consistent with logical positivism? Explain your answer. What is radical behaviorism? What is cognitive psychology? How are radical behaviorism and cognitive psychology similar? How are they different? Part 2. How has the Gestalt view of mental organization in perception and thinking relate to the cognitive psychology paradigm? What is the difference between short-term and long-term memory? What did Donald Broadbent mean when he referenced attention filters, as related to encoding into short-term memory? Bibliography lists 3 sources.
American Psychology - Considering Three Streams
A 6 page paper. It has been suggested there are three streams in American psychology: experimental laboratory, clinical and folk. The question is whether or not the three streams provide a useful model. To respond to the question, the writer discusses the 1948 Boulder Conference, explains First Force, Second Force and Third Force psychology, Taylor's thoughts on the shadow culture, and the emergence of behaviorism, humanistic psychology, existential, and transpersonal psychology. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Behavioral and Cognitive Schools of Psychology
A 9 page paper that explains and discusses the cognitive and behavioral schools of psychology. Major theorists from each perspective are identified. The writer discusses how these two perspectives are similar and how they differ. The writer explains tenets from each theory can be found in the other. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Gifted Child Education
An 8 page paper that examines the issue of adequately educating the gifted child and the educational systems and models that have been developed in this capacity. Discussed are the Structure of Intellect System, or SOI, the Enrichment Matrix Model, and the Cognitive-Affective Interaction Model. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Factors Affecting Human Behavior
A 7 page paper that responds to different issues in the field of psychology. Most of the paper discusses factors that influence human behavior, including biological, learned behavior, disorders, personality theories, motivation, memory, culture and sociological factors. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Littering and Environmental Psychology
An 8 page discussion of the problems associated with littering. The author categorizes the different types of litterers and proposes solutions that might be applied to all. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Theories in Psychology: Freud and Erikson
A 4 page overview of the theories of these two influential psychologists. Personality development is highlighted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Developmental Psychology Overview
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of developmental psychology with attention to Piaget, Freud and Erikson. Each of the theorists' basic views is discussed as it concerns development. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cognitive Neuroscience
This 3 page paper discusses specific issues. The first part defines cognitive psychology and neuroscience and comments on how cognitive psychologists can promote positive social change. The second section reports research methods in cognitive psychology and comments on conducting a study that deals with perceptual decision making. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Humanistic And Psychodynamic Psychology: Comparative Analysis
11 pages in length. The fundamental composition of psychology encompasses such a vast array of components to address a specific situation that it is sometimes necessary to borrow from more than one application in order to realize holistic healing. At the same time, however, there are systems that already incorporate holism as a way in which to delve deeply within the human mind and fully achieve the desired objective, with humanistic and psychodynamic therapies occupying the top of the list. While Freud and Jung are directly related to the concept of psychodynamic psychology, Rogerian and Gestalt therapies represent two of the approaches most associated with humanistic psychology. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Psychology Interview
A 7 page research paper that offers a transcription of an interview in which the writer asked an acquaintance questions concerning his attitudes and personality development. Where it is applicable, the writer draws on outside sources. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cognitive Psychology and Human Error
A 7 page investigation of the reasons behind human error. Defines “error” and outlines its relationship to cognitive psychology. Contends that given the potential of errors, either positive potential or catastrophic potential, psychologists must undertake the task of determining why they occur. The factors which enter into errors range from the physiological to environmental. The role of cognitive psychology is determining the basis of errors so that they might be minimized, or even abolished. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Milestones in Cognitiivism
4 page paper that traces eh history and reports the milestones in this school of psychology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A New Kind of Psychology
A 3 page paper that explains what positive psychology is, its major themes, and its underlying principles. The essay includes a research example where positive psychology was used with depressive patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources. PGpospsyc.rtf
Robert Johnson's We The Psychology of Romantic Love
This 4 page paper gives an overview, synopsis, and detailed discussion of Robert Johnson's book, We: The Psychology of Romantic Love. Quotes included. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Aspects of Cognitive Psychology
A 5 page essay that presents an overview of various aspects of cognitive psychology. The overview includes a brief explanation of cognitive psychology and numerous studies investigating different aspects, such as memory and cognitive-behavior therapy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Study of Learning
A 5 page paper that addresses four issue related to the study of learning. Headings are: the dawn of the modern era, the definition of learning, methodological aspects, and the use of nonhuman animals in research. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
An Introduction to I/O Psychology
A 4 page paper that offers the definition and explanation of what industrial organizational psychology is, the evolution of the field, and the role of research in the field. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Is Psychology a Science
A 14 page paper that begins with a definition of science, then discusses whether or not psychology is a science. Other topics that are discussed are: how theories improve understanding of psychology, the APA standards for psychological research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the rules for publishing research in psychology, current trends in the field, personal vision of psychology and how integration would strengthen the field. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Cognitive Psychology as a Neurological Framework
A 5 page research paper that considers this topic. Cognitive neuropsychology is a branch of cognitive psychology. The goal of cognitive psychological research is to ascertain more information about the "architecture of cognition," and this generally involves formulating and testing "information –processing models," which are intended to explain how people go about accomplishing specific cognitive tasks (Coltheart, 2008). This goal is often pursued by research psychologists by examining the behavior of people are who are skilled in the performance of the focused task; however, the real of cognitive neuroscience generally pursues research goals by examining the cognitive functioning of people who have experienced some sort of brain damage (Coltheart, 2008). In other words, in cognitive neuropsychological investigation, cognitive psychology's goals are examined using a neurological framework as its guiding assumption. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Developmental Psychology and Adolescence
This 4 page paper provides an overview of concepts to come from various theorists. Erickson, Maslow, Bandura and Piaget are each discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Behavior and the Effects of Culture
This 8 page essay begins with some general comments about the difficulties associated with defining culture. Using a variety of sources, the writer does define culture, subculture and ethnic group and suggest by their very nature, all three influence an individual's behavior. This paper also focuses on cultural psychology, what it is, why it is important and how it relates to mainstream psychology. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Contributions of Abraham Maslow
A 5 page paper that reports and discussions some of Maslow's work. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is discussed. His influence in humanistic psychology and founding of transpersonal psychology are also discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Quitting the Cigarette Habit and The Role of Health Psychologists
This is a 5 page paper on the role of health psychologists in smoking cessation. The Website of the Health Psychology Associates ( addresses issues related to the research, treatments and role of health psychologists in the health care setting. One area of particular concern for health psychology is smoking. Essentially, health psychologists are concerned with the psychological and biomedical reasons for why people are addicted to smoking and have difficulty stopping and what treatment programs can be initiated to help people stop smoking. Research has found that people begin and continue smoking from a combination of social, psychological, and biological factors. In smoking cessation therapies health psychologists have found that a combination of psychological, social and biological factors are also the most effective in that patients are instructed on the use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in addition to the more important aspects of personal and social counseling, coping strategies, skill management and stress reduction throughout the stages of contemplation of smoking cessation through until well after action and maintenance of smoking cessation.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Adolescents and Cognitive Behavior Theory
20 pages in length. Psychology as a discipline has come to be an essential element in the overall aspect of human life. Without its influential element, myriad individuals would not be able to properly function within their world. The practice of psychology has proven to be more than merely a treatment for the affluent or the crazy; rather, it has been embraced by mainstream society as a means by which people are able to work out various psychological situations. No longer is such treatment considered taboo in a world where mental imbalance is quite prevalent. An example of such mainstream approaches is that of cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents, illustrating how powerful one's thought process truly is with regard to one's overall mental and physical health. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Meditation and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
6 pages in length. Psychology as a discipline has come to be an essential element in the overall aspect of human life. Without its influential element, myriad individuals would not be able to properly function within their world. The practice of psychology has proven to be more than merely a treatment for the affluent or the crazy; rather, it has been embraced by mainstream society as a means by which people are able to work out various psychological situations. The writer discusses meditation as it relates to cognitive behavior therapy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Klein, Adler, Jung
This 10 page paper explains and discusses several neo-analysis theories and responds to questions about them. The EP neo-analytic theory of child development from birth to age 2; how Melanie Klein’s theory differed; self-psychology; Jungian typologies and writer’s type; preferred theory (Jung) and why; what ‘acting as if’ is; why Adlerians use early recollections; social interest according to Adler; Adler’s birth order; Individual psychology and diversity. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Levels of Language and Psychology
A 5 page paper that begins with definitions of language and lexicon. The paper then discusses the key features of language, the four levels of language structure, and the role of language processing in cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
B.F. Skinner's Contributions
A 6 page overview of the contributions of B.F. Skinner to the field of psychology. Emphasizes the importance of such theories as operant conditioning and naturalistic ethics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Personality Development - The Major Theories
This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of developmental psychology. Theories are explored through a hypothetical case study and interview. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
A Mock-Autobiography of Carl Jung
This 7 page paper supposes that the writer is Carl Jung, and from this perspective writes about the major contributions of this psychologist/philosopher. Furthermore, this paper expounds on why he made the contributions that he did, and how he affected psychology in the process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Parent and Child According to the Attachment Theory
Attachment theory, although relatively new within
the field of psychology, has become the basis for understanding the
relationship between an infant and those around him or her, especially
in terms of the primary caregiver, generally considered to be the
mother. This 5 page paper explores the parent, child attachment
according to attachment theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Laa Laa Teletubby's Developmental Assistance
A 4 page paper discussing the value of the cognitive training that a small, soft toy provides for infants. Parents always can carry to extreme the number of toys they furnish their children. Many believe that very young infants need no toys, but that position denies the ability of the infant to distinguish between items and to learn about them. The purpose here is to assess a stuffed toy’s applicability to the developmental psychology of the infant. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Personality Characteristics
A 5 page essay that provides an example paper that is designed to aid a psychology student in this task by providing a guide that discusses the development of three of the student’s personality traits. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Three Theories of Human Psychology
This 5 page report discusses three leading perspectives that have had a profound influence in the understanding of human psychology and the ways in which human beings struggle with their own consciousness, personal insight, and awarenesses. The theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, and Albert Ellis are briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Article Critique/Prospective Memory
A 4 page paper that offers a synopsis and critical analysis of a study article by Khan, Sharma and Dixit (2008) entitled "Cognitive load and task condition in event- and time-based prospective memory: An experimental investigation" (Journal of Psychology, September 2008 edition). The authors investigate the parameters of how differences in individuals' estimations of time affect prospective memory and also the differences between the event-based and time-based prospective. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Psychological Analysis of Sophie in the Film Sophie's Choice
(5 pp)
Based on an examination of the title character in
the movie "Sophie's Choice," and an incorporation
of Essential Papers on the Psychology of Women
(1990) edited by Claudia Zanardi.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The 'Science' of Human Behavior According to B.F. Skinner
A 5 page analysis of the principles of behavioral psychology as discussed by B.F. Skinner, a pioneer in this field. The writer gives a summation of Skinner's theories relative to the dynamics of operant conditioning and operant behavior. No additional sources cited.
Holding Onto Youth: Going from Boys to Men Takes a ‘Whole Lotta Love’
In thirteen pages this psychology paper discusses the difficult male transition from adolescence to adulthood and the desire to hold onto youth for as long as possible, drawing parallels between this transition and ‘adult’ bands that seem to forever cling to adolescence such as Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.
Approaches to Psychology
5 pages in length. The writer discusses Gesell's Maturational Theory, Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory and Erikson's Eight Stages of Life as they relate to behavioral, cognitive and social approaches to psychology. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Early Cognitive Theorists
A 3 page paper that briefly describes the theories of these three cognitive psychology theorists. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Views of Tolman Compared to Watson and Skinner
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the theoretical perspectives of Watson, Skinner and Tolman as they relate to the field of psychology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Child Development and the Theories of Jean Piaget and Sigmund Freud
This 6 page
report discusses the theories of Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget in terms of their beliefs
about children and child development and psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Socialization and its Importance
This 9 page paper provides an overview of this topic in psychology. Many concepts and theorists are discussed including Freud, Piaget and Gilligan. Feral children are also discussed in the context of development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Decision Making, Cognition, and Emotions
3 pages in length. Emotions are crucial for effective decision making, the ability to reason and influencing memory. Being that cognition refers to the process of knowing, which applies to a combination of judgment and awareness, it becomes clear how emotions play such an integral role in cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Microsoft Word and Gestalt Perception
5 pages in length. Gestalt theory, which was introduced by German psychologists Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Köhler and Max Wertheimer, is a faction of psychology that contends human thought and behavior should be studied as a whole, as opposed to breaking it into isolated segments of stimulus and response. The manner by which the theory of perception applies to a word-processing package such as Microsoft Word resides in how the operator psychologically perceives the program. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Biological Psychology and Cognition
This 3 page paper provides a response to the following statement: Thinking critically, how might the biological psychology make-up of man be connected/correlated to the cognitive development of the mind? Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cognition and Solving Problems
The ability to assess a problem and
formulate solutions has been a subject within such varied disciplines as
mathematics, psychology, linguistics, neurobiology and computer science.
The fact remains that problem-solving is a complicated procedure that
merits study. This 10 page paper explores information processing and
memory in terms of problem solving. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
B.F. Skinner and Operant Conditioning
5 pages in length. The writer discusses B.F. Skinner, child psychology and the workplace as they relate to operant condition. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn and Human Motivation
A 5 page research paper which focuses on Alfie Kohn's book Punished by Rewards. The writer analyzes Kohn's stance regarding the fallacies in behaviorist psychology as it applies to both education and the workplace, concluding that while Kohn is right in many instances, not all aspects of his philosophy are applicable to the work environment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Harriet Goldhor Lerner's 'he Dance of Anger'
A 5 page paper which examines
Harriet Goldhor Lerner's book, "The Dance of Anger," and illustrates how its contents are
applicable to life and psychology. No additional sources cited.
Approaches to Cognitive Rehabilitation, Both Past and Present
7 pages in length. The student discusses past and present theoretical approaches as they relate to cognitive psychology and rehabilitation. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Aspects of language and cognition
This 9 page paper defines and/or describes numerous topics/concepts including: representation of knowledge, imagery and cognitive psychology, language cognition and neurology, language and words, cognitive development, concept formation, logic, decision making, problem solving creativity, human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Addiction and Kohlberg and Adler
A 5 page paper that discusses the major concepts of Adler's Individual Psychology and what Adler attributes addiction to in terms of his theories. The paper also outlines Kohlberg's stages of moral development and discusses what Kohlberg would say about addiction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Spiritual and Psychological Influence on Human Identity
This 10 page paper delves into the topic of spirituality and psychology and how it relates to identity. Aspects of development in human beings are explored. Van Kaam's ideas are discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
John B. Watson's Theory on Human Development
A 4 page research paper that presents the environmentalist theory of John B. Watson, the creator of the behaviorist school of psychology. The writer outlines the nature vs. nurture debate concerning human development and then discussing the details of Watson's environmentalist (nurture) approach to human development. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Topic in Biological and Cognitive Psychology
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the topic of the epigenetic effects on mental illness. This paper relates this to the fiels of biological and cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Classical Conditioning
This 5.5 page paper delves into behaviorism and the development of Ivan Pavlov's classical conditioning. It also discuss its impact on psychology today. There are 2 sources cited.
Behavior Origins and the Development of Personality
A 5 page paper discussing some of the ongoing points of debate in psychology. The concepts of genetic versus environmental influences; conscious versus unconscious behavior; and free will versus determinism are matters that have been debated for decades. Consensus thinking about each has been different in the past than it is now, and it likely is possible that it could revert to previous beliefs. Each concept has its proponents and detractors, individuals arguing an all-or-nothing position on one side or the other. If the absolute truth could be known about each of these concepts, however, likely it would be found to lie somewhere between the extremes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Operant Conditioning, B.F. Skinner, and Criminal Behavior
A 5 page review of Skinner's theories and their application to criminology. This work has applications in many arenas. These include such diverse facets of our lives as learning and
distinguishing right from wrong. Although Skinner has had many critics over the years, much of this criticism revolved a misunderstanding of the
man and his theories. His work is, in fact, supported by many that both preceded and followed him in history and has many applications in criminal
psychology in particular. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
'Born to be Good?' by Celia Kitzinger Summarized and Discussed
This is a 4 page paper discussing Celia Kitzinger’s article “Born to be Good?”. British psychologist Celia Kitzinger discusses human motivation in relation to the psychology of morality of the “good, bad or indifferent” treatment of others in her essay “Born to be Good?” (1997). Kitzinger’s article tells readers some of the more popular social, biological and psychological theories in regards to moral development and some of the controversies with these theories. In addition to theories of moral development and beliefs, perhaps more importantly Kitzinger tackles the differences which exist between moral beliefs and action. In many situations people who may have high moral beliefs act in horrible ways because of social pressures. Overall, the essay presents a well informed look at moral beliefs, motivation and actions and opens the discussion for future discussions on what can be done to overcome social pressures which cause people to act counter to their moral beliefs and upbringing.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Anxiety Attacks and the Analysis of Sigmund Freud
This is a 4 page paper discussing how Freud would analyze anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks, panic attacks and anxiety disorders in general have been studied in medicine and psychology for over a century. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) considered the father of psychoanalysis believed that “anxiety neurosis” and anxiety attacks experienced by individuals resulted from individuals no longer being able to repress impulses which were in conflict or not satisfied during the childhood psychosexual developmental stages. Freud found that anxiety and panic attacks resembled greatly people’s reactions when they were confronted with danger except there would seem to be no danger present. Therefore, Freud would conclude, the danger must be internal and resulting from “failure of repression” in which an individual would be overwhelmed with panic or a phobia. Through psychoanalysis, Freud would attempt with the patient to discover the area of conflict from their past in which their needs were not nurtured or gratified or which had instilled a fear which they had repressed; a repression which could no longer be contained and resulting in anxiety attacks.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Language Acquisition and the Case of Genie
An 11 page paper. This essay reports the historical background of Genie and what happened to her when she was taken to the local hospital. The paper is divided into four sections: Who was Genie; How Genie contributed to our understanding of the psychology of language acquisition; What we could learn from Genie; and What would happen if another Genie were discovered today. The writer is very pessimistic and believes the same things that happened to Genie in the 1970s would happen again. Experts would converge, each promoting their own ideas and opinions. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Carl Jung's Unconscious Archetypes and the Tarot
A 22 page research essay that explores the similarities between the symbolisms found in the Tarot and in Jung's Collective Unconscious Archetypes. The essay is divided into three major sections: an explanation of Jung's Archetypes; a description and explanation of the Tarot cards; and the relationships between the two. Synchronicity is discussed both in terms of Jung's psychology and the use of the Tarot cards. An example illustrating the archetypes found in the Tarot cards is given, interpreting two of the cards. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Holistic Dynamic Personality Theory of Abraham Maslow
This is a 9 page paper including abstract that discusses Maslow’s holistic-dynamic theory of personality. Personality has been studied in regards to various psychological approaches including psychoanalytical theories, learning theories, dispositional theories and humanistic psychology theories among others. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) developed theories of personality from a humanistic psychological standpoint. His holistic-dynamic theory of personality advocates that individuals require the fulfillment of certain fundamental needs in order to develop their personality and use their intelligence efficiently, acquire higher functioning and problem solving proficiently. Basic needs consisted of safety, love and respect. A more complex hierarchy of needs addressed the more comprehensive concepts of belongingness, esteem, self-esteem and self-actualization among others. Without the gratification of having these fundamental needs met, individuals will suffer frustration and eventually psychological “sickness”. Within the work environment, individuals experience boredom, lack of energy, low self-esteem and personal and professional problems seems insurmountable.
Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Behavior Modification & Stopping Procrastination
A 10 page research paper on behavior modification. This examination of behavior modification examines the history of this branch of psychology, describing the ideas that are intrinsic to understanding the principles that form the foundation of this body of psychological knowledge. This discussion of sources also describes the work of B.F. Skinner, including his text Walden Two, as Skinner is the psychologist who was instrumental in popularizing the field of behaviorism. Finally, the writer looks at how behavior modification can be used in overcome a personal behavioral problem, such as procrastination. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Nature Of Visual Perception
11 pages in length. People may have eyes with which to see, however, the manner by which they actually visualize is comprised of significantly more than merely gazing at an image. Human visual perception encompasses myriad components that, when working synergistically, create visual awareness. Some of these aspects are strictly physiological in composition (black/white, color, object/motion/depth/multimodal perception, achromatopsia, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, color blindness) while others are theoretical in nature (unconscious inference, Gestalt theory, ecological psychology), all of which allows man to visually perceive his world from a diverse perspective. The extent to which visual perception reflects even the most subtle nuances of many disciplines is both grand and far-reaching; that 'seeing' something equates with embracing its imagery through so many variations speaks to the greater complexities of visual perception than most people realize. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Aviation Inspection, Maintenance, and Human Factors
A 10 page contention that aviation maintenance and inspection, like any activity which involves humans, is subject to the limitations of human performance, performance which often as not is replete with errors. Errors, in fact, occur on an everyday basis in aviation. Some errors are minor but others can have disastrous consequences. Errors may be either direct or indirect but they can be minimized by the same analyses as that which is applicable to other human factor-sensitive fields as well. We often look to psychology, rather than solely to aviation, to help us identify the means to improvement in human error. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Tulving/Episodic Memory
A 3 page article review that summarizes the main points of “Episodic Memory: from mind to brain” by Endel Tulving (2002), published in the Annual Review of Psychology, which presents a thorough discussion of this neurocognitive system that includes the history of this concept; what is known today; criticism of the concept; its biological reality and the current state functional neuroimaging in regards to memory. In so doing, Tulving proves his hypothesis, which is that “episodic memory is a true, even if as yet generally unappreciated, marvel of nature” (Tulving, 2002, p. 1). No additional sources cited.
Language Acquisition and Children
This is a 7 page paper discussing language acquisition in children. Research in developmental psychology and linguistics has shown that children, regardless of culture, acquire language in certain stages. The initial stage of babbling in the first year shows the infant physically testing his own speech sounds and shows early interaction with the world around him. Before the child reaches one year old and for about the next year, he begins to utter single words strings which describe aspects of his daily life. At eighteen months, children begin to form two word strings and accelerate their rate of language acquisition at an alarming rate. By the time the child reaches the age of 2 ½ to 3 years of age, the structure of his language has expanded to not only include 3 word strings but from 3 to 4 years old also includes complex and embedded strings. Interaction is a key element for the acquisition of language in children and adults are encouraged to interact with their children from the onset. Many adults use “motherese” when speaking with children and speak in a slower more precise manner in order to help the child learn. One of the most important learning processes for children is one-to-one reading with an adult preferably a parent or guardian. Children’s language acquisition increases dramatically when one-to-one interactive reading is a daily routine in normal children and those with language learning difficulties.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Psychoanalysis and Sexuality
This 5 page paper looks at the role and meaning of sexuality in psychoanalysis. The paper focuses on Freud, as the founder of psychoanalysis and how he saw sexuality as a motivator, which directed normal or abnormal development. Jung is also mentioned. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Memory and Brain Effects of Classical Music
7 pages in length. Music's impact upon brain and memory function has been studied at great length, with classical melodies proving significantly beneficial where mental imagery is concerned. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Cognitive Stages of Jean Piaget and the Psychosexual Development Stages of Sigmund Freud
This is a 7 page paper discussing Freud’s psychosexual stages of development as they correspond to Piaget’s cognitive stages. Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget were developmental psychologists both influenced by the evolutionary concepts introduced by Charles Darwin in that an individual’s psychological, intellectual and emotional development occurs in evolutionary stages from birth into adulthood. Concepts and conflicts experienced within a developmental stage may in fact deter the progression into a further stage resulting in cognitive or psychological difficulties. While Freud’s psychological development stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital) were based on the link between sexual and emotional development, Piaget’s cognitive stages (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete and formal operations) were based more so on an individual’s mental understanding and the relationships with his or her environment. While the two theories may not appear to be similar in their basic developmental processes, there are certain components which may reinforce or coexist in both theories.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Exploring Transsexuality and its Modern World Implications
A 6 page contention that insurance plans should pay for sex change operations in that these operations serve to correct error in human physiology, just as other types of medical approaches correct errors which manifest themselves as diseases or psychological disturbances. Furthermore, the contention is presented that society is obligated to treat those transsexuals who have undergone sex change operations as they treat others of the sex which has been chosen by the transsexual. This obligation extends, in fact, to placing those surgically altered transsexuals who enter the criminal justice system in prisons which correspond to their chosen sex.
Constructing Sexuality/The Problem with Duality
An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses how sexuality is understood in society. The writer focuses on developmental systems theory as explained by Fausto-Sterling, and also explains essentialism and constructivism in this context. This discussion illustrates the practicality and logic of this conceptualization of sexuality, and how it holds the promise of releasing sexuality from the restrictions inherent in dualism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Poetry, Art, and Music Creativity
A 9 page research paper that investigates the topic of artistic creativity. The standard cultural myth about creativity is that "Only artists have creativity and creativity is rare" (Epstein, 1996, p. 41). Creativity is part of human existence. Rather than being rare, creativity seems innate to human experience as every human culture, throughout history, has devised its own art, music and storytelling traditions, either oral or written. Empirical research verifies what insightful people appear to have realized throughout the ages, which is that creativity is the result of education and work, learning and building on the creations of others, and then filtering that knowledge through the prism of personal experience and individuality. In short, this discussion proposes that creativity is a distinct cognitive process that is common to all endeavors, which includes music, art and poetry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Developing Children's Memory by Using Music
A 5 page paper. Memory is a highly complex process that incorporates numerous interacting systems functioning at different levels. These systems in the brain are explained briefly. The writer also notes that mnemonics is one of the most commonly used strategies for memorization and it is particularly beneficial when incorporated into a game-like activity. Some of the research on music and memory is discussed, including the types of music found to be most beneficial and the ages at which infants begin to develop memory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Mozart Effect/Beneficial or a Gimmick?
A 3 page research paper that looks at a specific baby product, in this case a CD of music by Mozart. Then , the writer discusses research in order to determine if the assertion of the product’s manufacturers that this product will increase a baby’s IQ has any merit. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Process of Learning
A 6 page research paper which examines some of the current theories on how knowledge is acquired. The writer looks specifically at two different theories regarding 'learning styles' and provides analysis. The writer's own personal analysis of how the learning process takes place is also presented. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
4 Andragogical Assumptions by Knowles
A 3 page essay discussing the four assumptions of adult learners offered by Knowles. The writer discusses the importance of each in their own learning experience. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Theories of Memory and Learning
This 4 page paper discusses the various theories assocated with learning and memory. A reaction paper, this paper examples one's applications of Pavlovian principles, adaptive behaviors, shaping, and characteristics of good trainers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Learning Process and the Development of the Brain
A 6 page research paper that examines current research on the human brain and the process of learning. The writer demonstrates that research into how the brain develops has revealed some fascinating facts that have serious implications for early childhood educators relative to such areas as developmentally appropriate practices, active learning, reading readiness, and phonological awareness. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Relationship Between Cognition and Learning
A 4 page paper that responds to these questions: what is the definition of learning and what role does behavior play; an explanation of three types of learning (Bloom, Gardner, association); and what is the relationship between learning and cognition. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Learning Theories
Social, Constructivist, Behaviorist : A 4 page paper that explains and discusses each of these learning theories, including their major principles and theorists. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura
A 7 page paper that discusses Albert Bandura's social learning theory and comments on its impact on curriculum design. Bandura believed that learning occurs by observing others. His theory became the bridge between behaviorism and cognitivism. The four components or steps in the theory are explained. Bandura's thoughts on self-regulation are also discussed. The writer also discusses the relationship between social learning theory and lifelong learning goals and reports a program that uses the concepts to reduce physical aggression in children. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Learning Theories - Emphasis On Adult Learning Theories
A 30 page paper. Part 1 of the paper discusses the learning/development theories of Thorndike Bandura, Rogers, Maslow and Kohlberg. The major points of each theory are presented and discussed, including the contribution of that theory to the field of education. The five theories are also compared and contrasted. The second part of the paper discusses adult learning, specifically, again, relating comments to the five theorists identified. 1 Table is included that shows the differences in focus of each theory. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Learning Styles And The Mature Learner
A 6 page paper that begins by defining the mature learner in higher education degree course. The paper discuses the advantages and challenges for this student and reports and discusses Kolb's Learning Cycle and Honey and Mumford's learning styles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Learning Theories And Technology
A 4 page paper that is a 5-column Table. The columns are: learning theory, contributors, dates, strengths and weaknesses and complementary technology. Four learning theories are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Behavioral And Social Learning Approaches Personality Assessment
6 pages in length. The writer discusses the defining factors of each personality theory and creates a brief method of operant conditioning for smoking cessation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Bandura's "Social Learning Theory" - Analysis
3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief analysis of content and writing style. No additional sources cited.
Methods in Group Counseling
A 4 page research paper that offers a brief overall discussion of group counseling. The advantages of group counseling over individual therapy are discussed, as well as delineating various types and approaches to group counseling. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Exploring Transsexuality and its Modern World Implications
A 6 page contention that insurance plans should pay for sex change operations in that these operations serve to correct error in human physiology, just as other types of medical approaches correct errors which manifest themselves as diseases or psychological disturbances. Furthermore, the contention is presented that society is obligated to treat those transsexuals who have undergone sex change operations as they treat others of the sex which has been chosen by the transsexual. This obligation extends, in fact, to placing those surgically altered transsexuals who enter the criminal justice system in prisons which correspond to their chosen sex.
Constructing Sexuality/The Problem with Duality
An 8 page research paper/essay that discusses how sexuality is understood in society. The writer focuses on developmental systems theory as explained by Fausto-Sterling, and also explains essentialism and constructivism in this context. This discussion illustrates the practicality and logic of this conceptualization of sexuality, and how it holds the promise of releasing sexuality from the restrictions inherent in dualism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Intervention - Recovered Memories And Trauma
This 6 page paper begins with an introduction to the study identifying independent and dependent variables and comments on the difficulties of validating recovered memories, which are the dependent variable. The paper identifies the target population and the two types of therapeutic approaches that would be used with victims of recovered memories of child sexual abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
This 7 page report discusses cognitive behavior therapy, what it is, how it is used, and who most benefits from it. or “CBT” is most often defined and explained as being an approach or a methodology for assisting people in being able to cope more effectively with their personal problems by offering them a different and hopefully better framework of thinking and behaving. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Nailbiting and CBT
This 4 page report discusses the cognitive
behavior therapy model of psychiatric care and the problem of chronic chewing on
fingernails and cuticles. Behaviors that may be dismissed as little more than a "nervous
habit" or a childish defense or self-comforting mechanism are representative of deeper
anxieties or concerns on the part of the individual with the behavior. In this paper,
excessive fingernail cuticle biting is used as an example of such a behavior and how
cognitive behavior therapy can serve as a means for dealing with the problem.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Evaluation of a CBT session
A 7 page paper that presents an analysis of a cognitive behavior therapy session. While the script from the session is not included, the reader learns the highlights through the evaluative analysis. The writer comments on what the counselor did wrong and why. The client in the case is suffering from panic disorder, however, the condition is only mentioned, not explained. The writer also comments on further training the counselor may need. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Elizabeth Spelke and Jean Piaget's Child Development Theories
A 5 page overview of the child development theories of Jean Piaget and Elizabeth Spelke. While Piaget recognized that the seemingly meaningless activities of play could have a tremendous impact on the development of the child, he failed to recognize the importance of innate knowledge in regard to the way things are expected to behave. Spelke, on the other hand, recognized that human cognition consists of many specialized abilities which depend on innately specified knowledge and predisposition. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Parenting in the First Person
This 12 page paper is a first-person examination of various issues involved in parenting, such as parenting styles, punishment and discipline. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Synthesist, Analyst And Idealist Thinking Styles
This 4 page paper looks at three different styles; the synthesist, the analyst and the idealist. The different styles are described and compared. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Nurture Wins in the Nature versus Nurture Debate
A 3 page research paper/essay that examines the nature v. nurture debate and argues in favor of nurture. The "nature versus nurture" debate has been going on now for over a century, as it began in the nineteenth century when a cousin of Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, came up with the idea of "improving" the human race through "selective breeding" (Hogenboom 1402). Since that time the pendulum has swung back and forth with either "nature" (that is, the influence of inherited traits) or "nurture" (the influence of the environment) being predominant among scholars. However, considering the latest research, the indications are that nurture is more important than nature in making us who and what we are. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Developing Children's Memory by Using Music
A 5 page paper. Memory is a highly complex process that incorporates numerous interacting systems functioning at different levels. These systems in the brain are explained briefly. The writer also notes that mnemonics is one of the most commonly used strategies for memorization and it is particularly beneficial when incorporated into a game-like activity. Some of the research on music and memory is discussed, including the types of music found to be most beneficial and the ages at which infants begin to develop memory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Human Behavior: Conditioned Responses
9 pages in length. The prevalence of conditioned response within the fundamental basis of human behavior illustrates how the concept of reward/punishment is integral to the way in which people act. To understand the connection between stimulus and learned behavior is to realize the strong motivational factor that draws an association between the two; that behaviorists like Pavlov and Skinner have clearly demonstrated the extent to which behavior in all species is prompted by reward/punishment outcome speaks to the straightforwardness of rescripting undesirable behaviors into desirable ones. The inherent value of such knowledge lends itself to addressing issues in criminality, education and a whole host of other areas where conduct plays an important role in a civilized society. Moreover, understanding the cues of behavior and how they are manipulated provides psychologists with the opportunity to restructure destructive thought processes. In short, Pavlov and Skinner set the precedent for proving how the components of human behavior are both simple and finite. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Human Brain's Recognition of Objects
This 5 page paper considers the complex subject of how objects are recognised by the human brain. The paper starts with the concept of structural decomposition and recognition by components and then moves onto the ideas of Humphrey and multiple view theories. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management
A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Trio of Perspectives on Antisocial Personality Disorder
A 12 page paper that describes three perspectives and treatment approaches of the antisocial personality patient. The three approaches are the dynamic approach, the cognitive behavior approach and the interpersonal approach. The scenario that describes the patient was provided by the student. After explaining each perspective, the writer discusses the goal and foci of each type of therapeutic approach. No Bibliography.
The Causative Factors and Impacts of Fatigue
This 11 page paper addresses the physiological and environmental factors contributing to fatigue. Adequate sleep, hydration, and nutrition are critical for pilots. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Operant and Classical Behavioral Conditioning
This 5 page paper explains what is meant by classical conditioning and operant conditioning and how they are achieved. Numerous examples are cited to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Freedom In Childhood And Adulthood: Compare/Contrast
3 pages in length. The stages of human development are replete with myriad lessons that serve to carry into later phases. Gaining independence is an especially important time for a child inasmuch as it is one of the most significant stepping stones from one stage to the next. However, frustration is present in abundance during this time as the child has a much more liberal concept of freedom than the parent, which often results in the child's quest for independence being temporarily thwarted. Other times, it is the child's own inability to coordinate mobility with desire that impedes his quest for freedom. Adult freedom, by contrast, may or may not be governed by another person or entity; just because an individual is over the age of eighteen does not automatically mean he or she has carte blanche freedom. No bibliography.
A 2003 Steptoe et al Article 'Behavioral Counseling to Increase Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in Low Income Adults' Revieweed
This is a 5 page paper reviewing Steptoe et al (2003) trial “Behavioral Counseling to Increase Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in Low Income Adults”. Investigators Steptoe et al (2003) conducted a randomized trial to study the effect behavioral counseling had in regards to increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults. The investigators were successful in outlining their assumptions for the study, participants, methods, assessment and measurements, results and conclusion in addition to including the limitations of their study. Using 271 participants aged 18-70 years old from a deprived ethnically mixed inner city area, the investigators conducted brief individual behavioral counseling sessions with groups based on the stage of change model as opposed to time matched nutrition education counseling. Assessment of self reported number of portions of fruit and vegetables as well as plasma carotene, tocopherol, ascorbic acid concentrations and urinary potassium excretion levels were taken at baseline, eight weeks and 12 months after the counseling sessions. Overall, it was found that consumption of fruit and vegetables increased in the behavioral (by 1.5 portions) and nutrition (by 0.9 portions) groups as well as an increase in the plasma carotene and tocopherol concentrations but the carotene levels were has a significantly higher increase in the behavioral group. The percentage of persons eating five or more portions per day increased by 42% in the behavioral group and 27% in the nutrition group. The investigators were able to surmise from these results that “brief individual counseling in primary care can elicit sustained increases in consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults in the general population” (Steptoe et al, 2003, p. 855).
Bibliography lists 1 source.
Development Age 4: Down Syndrome
This 9 page paper discuses developmental milestones of preschool children who have Down Syndrome and those who do not. The paper discusses some of the differences in development from infancy to age 4. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Early Childhood Development, Ages 2-5
This 6 page paper discusses the topic using three primary stage theorists, Freud, Erikson and Piaget but reporting only the stages that incorporate these ages. The writer also discusses attachment theory. Throughout the essay, the write comments on the importance of human services professionals knowing these theories. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Evolution of Language
This 7 page report discusses human biology and human language and the ways in which language has evolved in human beings and the biological foundations of such evolution. The argument being presented is that human language is unique in virtually all characteristics and must be seen as part of the advanced development of human cognition and the social nature of the species. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Public Communication Issues
THis 4-page paper focuses on certain issues in public communication including communication apprehension (both normal and high); techniques a presenter can do to lower fear of public speaking and what source credibility its. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Practice and Philosophy of Adult Education
In this 5 page paper, the writer describes their own personal philosophy of adult education, which is a combination of three of the five primary philosophical orientations in the field. Each of the three are described. The writer then goes on to discuss Knowles' comments on andragogy as compared to pedagogy. Finally, a mission statement for the adult educator is provided with a conclusion that describes an overriding principle of adult education. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
American Psychology - Considering Three Streams
A 6 page paper. It has been suggested there are three streams in American psychology: experimental laboratory, clinical and folk. The question is whether or not the three streams provide a useful model. To respond to the question, the writer discusses the 1948 Boulder Conference, explains First Force, Second Force and Third Force psychology, Taylor's thoughts on the shadow culture, and the emergence of behaviorism, humanistic psychology, existential, and transpersonal psychology. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Industrial Organizational Psychology
A 5 page paper that defines and discuses industrial organizational psychology and also discuses the evolution of the field. The writer briefly discusses personality psychology and developmental psychology to illustrate the interrelationship of the different fields. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
A Case Study That Examines Amelia's Choices
Focusing on a case study of a soon-to-be high school graduate, this paper discusses decision-making capabilities of adolescents (focusing mainly on theories by Jean Piaget) and provides a "plan" to help this particular young woman out of her dilemma. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Young Golfer Training and Sports Psychology
This 6 page report discusses the advice
and training that a sports psychologist would address in helping a young golfer compete
in the professional golfing world. The primary issues addressed are concentration, "the
zone," and focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Differential Association Theory and Serial Killer Ted Bundy
5 pages in length. Ted Bundy may truly have been the slickest of all killers. He taught FBI officials more about the inner workings of a serial killer than any other of his kind; Bundy would regularly counsel agents on the correct places to look for other murderers who followed his method of operation. Time and time again, he correctly predicted where the killers would resurface, which most often was one of the original crime scenes to relive the experience and look for token souvenirs. When the student examines the sociological aspects of Bundy's persona, it is with relative ease that his deviant behavior can be applied to the theory of differential association based upon Stephen G. Michaud's account in The Only Living Witness : The True Story of Serial Sex Killer Ted Bundy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
How Does ADHD Affect Learning
A 10 page paper that begins by describing what Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is and its incidence among children and adults. The paper then discusses ADHD and the brain, reporting results of studies that identify the parts of the brain that do not function correctly. In the last part of the paper, the writer discusses learning and cognitive theories with comments regarding the challenges the ADHD student faces. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Simon Baron Cohen's Autism Theories
This 9-page paper deals with Simon Baron-Cohen's theories of autism and "male-wired brain." The paper discusses the theories, defines autism and then points out what the critics are saying. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dying and the 'Execution' of Death
A 6 page paper which examines how dying, from something like cancer, is similar to awaiting execution in prison. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Depth Psychology And Healing
A 5 page paper that begins by explaining what depth psychology is and some of the persons who have contributed to it. This discussion includes some of the assumptions of depth psychology. The writer then discusses the difficult subject of healing and what gets healed in psychotherapy and suggests the outcomes of psychotherapy should not be discussed in terms of healing. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Family Crucible by Napier and Whitaker
6 pages in length. By following a family's therapeutic treatment through the various stages of healing, Napier et al (1988) are able to create a link between family relationships and the manner in which they impact the individual as both a member of that family and a separate entity. This obvious connection to anthropology enables the authors to continue applying such a concept even as the family structure continues to change; it becomes quite apparent that even though this was the case, there were issues within that particular family structure that also remained the same. Even within the relationship itself, individuals often do not embrace the same meaning. In one session, the family's position is noted as being highly indicative of inner turmoil. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Chosen by Chaim Potok in Terms of Family Analysis
This 9 page paper looks at family systems and family relationships in Chaim Potok's well known work. A detailed analysis of each family in the work--the Saunders and the Malters--are outlined and evaluated. No additional sources cited.
Thinking Errors, Research Abilities, and Critical Thinking
4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses how critical thinking improves life; how research skills apply to the work environment; and the Chicken Little Syndrome. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Creative Intelligence And Decision Making
A 5 page paper that begins by explaining and discussing the four styles of creative intelligence. The writer then discusses mental models or mind sets and how they are related to creative intelligence. Porter's Five Force model is discussed in terms of creative intelligence. The paper ends with the writer discussing their own mental models and creative intelligence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment
This 5 page paper provides an overview of Marsha Linehan's book Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, with a focus on a discussion of the theoretical elements of the book. This paper integrates a solid overview of both cognitive-behavioral treatment and the impacts on this particular disorder. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cognitive Therapy : Addiction & Trauma
A 10 page paper. The essay begins by explaining cognitive therapy, its foundations and major premises. The writer comments on the relationship between cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. The focus turns to using both approaches with substance abuse. The writer then discusses the use of cognitive therapy with trauma victims. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Counseling and Behavioral Therapy
This 8 page paper looks at behavioral therapy as used in counseling situations. Many examples are provided. CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) is discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Stress Theory And Coping With Stress
A 10 page paper that reports and describes Hans Selye's, the father or modern stress theory, ideas and explanations of stress, including physical and psychological responses to stressors. The writer includes the evolution of PTSD from its origins in the Civil War as Soldier's Heart and traumatic neurosis. Physiological and psychological responses to stress are discussed. The paper also offers suggestions for preventing stress and coping with stress. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Color of Words and the Stroop Effect
5 pages in length. The Stroop effect assumes that naming the color of words in different colors will be accomplished in a slower fashion than the ability to name color bars, because reading is automatic and interferes with our ability to name the color of the word. Studying whether or not the Stroop effect is limited or encouraged by age, this example experiment found there to be little if any difference in the time factors between two divergent participants. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Homeless Shelter Oral Hygiene Teaching and Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory
A 5 page discussion of the motivational theory behind dental hygiene. The author stresses that dental hygiene is a necessary component of good health. The observation is made, however, that in the homeless environment dental hygiene often falls by the wayside. A necessary focus of the homeless shelter, therefore, should be to reinstill the importance of good dental hygiene. A variety of motivational philosophies are reviewed with an emphasis on those by Albert Bandura. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Mathematics Test Anxiety
A 9 page paper that begins with a speech about the topic. The paper explains anxiety and it prevalence, test anxiety, mathematics anxiety and mathematics test anxiety. The writer comments on the increase in anxiety with high stakes testing. Research about the topics is discussed. The paper ends with ideas teachers can use to reduce this type of anxiety. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Classrooms and Developmental Psychology Applications
This 4 page paper touches on the idea of how psychology may be applied in education. Much of the paper outlines theories from Erickson, Piaget, Freud and others. Developmental staging is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Developmental Psychology: Theories
8 pages in length. Theories and concepts in developmental psychology assist in understanding the challenges individuals face at different stages of their life. The contributions of such prominent theorists as Bandura, Watson, Skinner, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson, Fowler and Piaget have served to assemble a collection of developmental philosophies that provide a significantly better understanding of why people develop the way they do. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Article Synopsis; L. S. Vygotsky and Contemporary Developmental Psychology
This 3 page paper is a summary of the article by Wertsch and Tulviste (1992), “L. S. Vygotsky and Contemporary Developmental Psychology” published in Developmental Psychology. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Is Psychology a Science
A 14 page paper that begins with a definition of science, then discusses whether or not psychology is a science. Other topics that are discussed are: how theories improve understanding of psychology, the APA standards for psychological research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the rules for publishing research in psychology, current trends in the field, personal vision of psychology and how integration would strengthen the field. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Conflict Management Styles - Case Study
This 5 page paper begins with a brief description of the five major conflict management styles. The rest of the paper analyzes a scenario provided by the student in which a teenager arrives home very late on a Saturday night and in which the mother and her fiancé disagree on how to discipline the boy. Conflict management styles used by each party are discussed and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Teens and Addiction to the Internet
This 6 page paper discusses the emerging social problem of internet addiction amongst teens and young college students. The APA as well as other expert sources are quoted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
10 pages in length. To fully understand the nature of behaviorism is to realize that while there is a fundamental basis upon which all human beings act and react, there are still factors outside the traditional concept of conditioned response that play a role - albeit more limitedly - in how people behave and respond to various stimuli. That twins separated at birth and raised in entirely different family structures displayed a combination of shared and diverse behavioral traits illustrates the dual impact environmental and hereditary factors have upon demeanor. Annotated bibliography lists 8 sources.
Behaviorism's History and Development
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history and development of behaviorism. This paper answers some central questions, including: How did Pavlov’s work influence Watson’s behaviorism? How do the studies of little Albert and Peter support Watson’s ideas on emotion? and How did hull’s behaviorism differ from the views of Watson and Tolman? Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cognitive Development: Bygotski vs. Piaget
A 5 page overview of the theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotski. This paper explores the role of adults in a child’s cognitive development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Importance of Direct Learning in the Childhood Development Theories of Jean Piaget
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of the childhood development theories of Jean Piaget. It broadly examines the social, cognitive, and emotional/moral dimensions of human development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Carol S. Pearson's 'Innocent' Archetype Characteristics' Example
This is a 4 page paper with an example of an individual with the dominant traits of Carol S. Pearson’s “Innocent” archetype. Carol S. Pearson’s text “Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World” (1991) discusses the parallels of human psychiatric development with three stages of a hero’s journey: “preparation, journey, return” in that “we first develop the Ego, then encounter the Soul, and finally give birth to a unique sense of Self”. The stages for this transformation of the soul each have a series of developmental archetypes through which individuals journey or mature. Stage 1 includes the archetypes to strengthen the ego and include: “The Innocent” who is a hero of trust and optimism; “The Orphan” one of compassion; “The Caregiver” of social responsibility; and, “The Warrior” of strategy, discipline and boundaries. There are additional archetypes which relate to the awakening of the Soul and the eventual transforming of Self as well but in some cases individuals can exhibit dominant traits of one particular archetype.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and Applicatioins of Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg's Theories
This is a 7 page paper discussing Kohlberg and Erikson’s developmental stages as reflected in Rachel from “The Poisonwood Bible”. In Barbara Kingsolver’s 1999 novel “The Poisonwood Bible” the fifteen year old daughter, Rachel, reflects primarily Lawrence Kohlberg’s “conventional” level of moral reasoning and the progression from Erik Erikson’s “identity versus role confusion” (stage 5) to “intimacy versus isolation” (stage 6) levels of personality development. Rachel is considered the most self-absorbed of the characters within the novel and because of this her perspective remains primarily a selfish one and how her family’s environment and values impact her life and development. However, from Rachel, readers can also see a development in her awareness of her surroundings and although she remains still fairly self-absorbed she at least realizes how little impact her and her family and their Christian intentions have on the social and physical environment of the Congo showing a maturity of her moral and personal development.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Explaining the Stroop Effect Phenomenon
An 8 page investigation of the Stroop phenomena, that phenomena involving certain peculiarities in serial verbal reactions. The author explores the original literature investigating this phenomena and provides contemporary evidence as to why it occurs. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Levels of Language and Psychology
A 5 page paper that begins with definitions of language and lexicon. The paper then discusses the key features of language, the four levels of language structure, and the role of language processing in cognitive psychology. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Gendered Interpretations and Development of Language Relating to Childhood Cognitive Development
This 11 page paper provides an overview of the connection between cognitive development and language development. Further, this paper also relates the issue of gendered interpretations as they apply to an understanding of language development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Long-Term Memory
4 pages in length. The transitional process between stimuli to long-term memory involves three distinct components: encoding, storage and retrieval. At the moment sensory perception occurs (encoding), the memory sets to work keeping that information in its bank (storage) for later use (retrieval). The relative simplicity of this undertaking fails to emphasize the conscious aspects that must be happening simultaneously in order for this sensory information to leave the short-term memory and become embedded in the long-term. Four elements of control determine if and how much stimuli make that transfer: attention, rehearsal, encoding and retrieval. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Forgetting in short and long term memory systems
A 3 page paper which looks at the processes by which information is stored in memory, and some of the techniques which can be used to improve recall. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Love and Lust
A 4 page paper which compares and contrasts love and lust. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Marriage Counseling - Case Study
An 8 page paper that begins with an overview of family counseling. The writer then discusses a case scenario supplied by the student. The essay discusses how the therapist prepares for the third session, some of the questions and hypothetical responses from the couple, what family therapy approaches would be used, other questions that will need to be asked and finally comments on whether or not the couple will remain together. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Media Violence Influences Teen Violence
A 5 page essay/research paper that presents the argument that media violence is a direct cause of teen violence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Memory Development
A 3 page paper that provides an overview of memory development. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Personality and Attachment
A 14 page paper that discusses the varied psychological
principles which involve the issues of attachment in relationship to personality
development. While there are many different components that go into making up an
individual personality style, attachment plays many different roles in personality
development. Attachment primarily begins with our attachment to our primary caregiver,
and it is through this relationship that all other attachments, and relationships, are based.
A discussion of the importance of infant attachment is addressed, as well as a study which
illustrates how important the primary caregiver is in developing personality and
attachments in later life. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Self as Perceived from the Male Perspective
This 11 page paper highlights the concept of sense of self and applies it to gender. The male is the focus of this paper that delves into societal notions of maleness as well as dominant culture perceptions versus the uniqueness of the individual. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Human Interaction and Impression Management
5 pages in length. The writer discusses impression management as it relates to human interaction. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Verbal and Nonverbal Behavioral Redirection
This 2 page paper looks into this subject, inclusive of both nonverbal and verbal methods. Ideology regarding the use of other methods besides behavioral approaches are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Family Structure Theories and Clyde Edgerton's Raney
This 5 page paper discussed Clyde Edgerton's
successful novel Raney, as related to the family
structure theories of Minuchin, Bowen and Satir.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Serial Killers' Personalities
This 8 page paper looks at different serial killers and attempts to determine if their future actions could have been determined prior to the events by personality analysis. The paper discusses the similarities and differences, as well as the time and aspect of any observed personality changes. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Inner Childhood Issues and Group Therapy
A 5 page paper that examines the psychological and sociological treatments of group therapy and psychodrama and explains the benefits this type of treatment offers individuals who suffer from problems stemming from inner childhood issues or trauma. Included is a brief history of the group therapy treatment process as it was developed and defined by Dr. Jacob Moreno in the early twentieth century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Thorndike and Skinner
This 12 page paper provides an outline of each theorist's work and compares and contrasts their ideas. Issues related to behavior are discussed. Other topics addressed include ethics and the measurement of intelligence. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Intelligence and Its Genetic Component
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the nature-nurture debate with a focus on the genetic component. Several studies are cited, with a concentration on twin studies. IQ testing is explored. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Fiction or Truth in the Works of Joseph Wambaugh
(6 pp) Ralph Waldo Emerson asked, 'What is life
but the angle of vision? A man is measured by the
angle at which he looks at objects. What is life
but what a man is thinking of all day? This is his
fate and his employer. Knowing is the measure of
the man. By how much we know, so we are.'
This statement over a century ago, seems
particularly poignant considering police scandals
across the country. Is loss of humanity and self,
one of the by-products of a police career? Police
author Joseph Wambaugh portrays his characters with
the resulting human frailties of their work. We
will examine his 'fiction' to attempt to see how
stress affects this vital section of our workforce.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.