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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 3-page paper examines a logistics method of getting bottled water to tourists spots in southern India. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
3 pages in length. According to a report by Dan Vergano, whose article entitled Water Shortages Will Leave World in Dire Straits appears on the Water Environment Federation's Web site, the next fifty years poses a significant threat to the entire global population where water shortages are concerned. Over half of all people on the planet will suffer with the detrimental impact of a worldwide water crisis caused by man-made problems such as coral reef destruction, coastal rise due to global warming, tremendous drops in various bodies of water, waste (human & industrial), poverty, as well as wholly inadequate management of current water resources. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A six page paper which looks at the way natural resources are managed in France, especially water and forestry, and considers how well the country's environmental policies are implemented.
This 7-page paper examines issues pertaining to coastal resource management in the U.S. Topics include government and non-governmental efforts, as well as the management of land, agriculture, vegetation and water as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.