Research Papers on Hardware & Software

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Riordan Manufacturing and Active Directory Implementation

    A 4 page continuation of an earlier proposal discussing implementing Active Directory at Riordan Manufacturing. The purpose here is to further develop the ideas of that proposal and to identify groups that will be used individually and nested with others. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Exploring Decision Support System Usage in ECommerce Research Proposal

    This 27 page paper is a research Proposal to Explore the Use of Decision Support System in E-Commerce and includes a literature review. The use of both E-commerce has increased tremendously over the last decade. E-commerce is usually seen as sales over the internet but actually incorporates any transactions over an electronic medium. This is usually seen as an advantage. This paper considers how the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) may help a business to enhance their e-commerce strategy and align strategies so that the efficiency is increased and results in a better profit. Many companies, such as Air Canada and FedEx already use DSS to great advantage increasing the efficiency through management of their resources. These are systems designed espially for those companies, but DSS are also available over the counter for smaller companies. The paper then shows how, with the use of a qualitative case study, following an extensive literature review the student can undertake primary research to identify the option model for the use of DSS is any given industry. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Healthcare and IT Influence Increases

    An 11 page paper discussing emphasis on training and cost containment; the origins of success and failure of IT projects in health care; and a recommendation for achieving real IT-based value while decreasing training cost and time. The success and failure of IT projects in health care rests on the same basis as IT success or failure in any other industry. Recommendation for solution to training costs is to adopt industry-wide standards, as suggested by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative in 2003. An accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • PowerPoint by Microsoft

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of this popular software used for presentation purposes. As part of Microsoft Office, this application is compatible with others and the latest version is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Visually Impaired Individuals and WWW Access

    This 8 page paper examines literature on how the visually impaired can access the WWW. A thesis and study proposal are provided. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • IT Consulting and the RFP

    A 3 page paper using two online articles and one IT consultancy's website to assess the true need for a request for proposal (RFP) being extended for every IT need. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Research Proposal on a Rental Equipment Business's Management Information Systems

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal for a project to study the use of information system in the rental trade. This is a proposal that outlines the questions, undertakes a brief literature reviews before outlining a methodology and a time plan to undertake the project. The bibliography cities 9 sources.

  • Business Intelligence Acquisition Approaches

    A 12 page paper discussing approaches to acquiring business intelligence tools such as hardware and software, and then presenting proposed methods and anticipated results of a study seeking to determine whether organizations seek "best of breed" solutions or those that provide a "best fit" with existing infrastructure. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Dissertation Proposal on the Commercial Value of IT

    This 6 page paper considers the value and impact of information technology investments and the implications of those investments for effective management of information system organization. The paper outlines a proposal to study the way that value can be added and to develop a model to help mangers who are looking at making IT investment decisions. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Project Proposal for IP Telephony

    This 4 page paper is an outline for a dissertation looking at the current status of IP telephony and the future potential in order to project the way in which this technology may be used in the future. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Case Study: Decision Time at Lotus Corporation

    This 3 page paper uses a case study to describe the way in which Lotus Corporation launched its Lotus 1-2-3. It further considers whether Lotus should sell directly to its large accounts, or go through its network of distributors.

  • A Case Study Concerning Data Protection

    This 3 page study examines various ways to protect data in a stand alone computer. Authentication is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Security Risk Management for IT Systems

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of risk management for IT systems. A hypothetical case study is derived from Huffman Trucking. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Information Gathering and System Design for Riordan Manufacturing

    Riordan Manufacturing, a fictitious company, decided to consider implementing a new IT system to support the HRM functions. This 7 page paper considers the aspects of information gathering and the approach to be utilized for the design of the system. The paper is based on the case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Planning and Assessments for Information Systems Development

    In The Development Of Information Systems This 16 page paper considers the need and importance of a strong comprehensive assessment and analysis of system requirements and needs in order to information systems to be developed that will enable for the systems to be successful. The required elements and potential failing are considered in a comprehensive manner and then applied to a real world case study. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Employees and Corporate Cyber Security

    This 5 page paper discusses the state of cyber security, what sorts of problems companies encounter in trying to maintain security, and how their employees are involved in these efforts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History and Future of TCP/IP

    A 3 page paper tracing TCP/IP’s origins and assessing its likely future. Other technologies such as Ethernet and ATM have too many technical barriers that TCP/IP does not. In determining TCP/IP’s future, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Network Management Tools' Test Results

    An 11 page paper discussing the results of a test of six network management tools for large networks. Of the six products, the Peregrine InfraTools Network Discovery was rated the best overall in both function and price. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • ERP Implementation and Critical Success Factors

    This 6 page paper is the introduction for a project and a brief literature review. They hypothesis states that for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to be implemented usefully there needs to be an holistic approach with a complex approach taking a broad number of factors into consideration, meaning this should not be seen as only a technological implementation. The second part of the paper then performs a brief literature review, looking a the different identified key factors to successful implementation of ERP. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Software Project Management Issues

    A 5 page paper discussing social considerations and qualities of project team members in planning and implementing a software project. The paper uses Wal-Mart as its example, in the data it collects on what items are in single shopping carts. Competitors collect customers' credit card information without gaining any real knowledge about what specific products they are buying. Team members should be able to communicate with managers and users with equal ease. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Property Management and Database Design

    A 31 page paper discussing criteria for and design of a distributed database for a small real estate management company. The company sells properties and manages others, and needs a database useful to both employees and tenants. The paper recommends that the company use an SQL-based distributed database. The designer’s primary focus, after determining all the needs of the company, should be that of producing a design that will be useful several years into the future. Its cost should be recovered at least in part through its usefulness as a sales tool, rather than only a method of reporting historical results, those things that already have occurred. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Management Support System Success

    12 pages. This paper gives an excellent example of a Management Support System used in the banking industry. Designed as a case study, it looks at the current application and future potential of MSS within the industry. Describes the system currently in use within the company and the characteristics as regards the MSS as well as an overall assessment of the position within the organization with respect to MSS. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Pathology Management and the Impact of New Technology

    A five page paper which looks at the impact of new technology on pathology management, particularly with reference to the use of common platforms with multiple sites, and the impact which this has had on clinical and management resources.

  • Knowledge Management (KM) Processes

    This 5 page report discusses the fact that virtually every organization in the modern world has somehow been transformed by the availability and ongoing development of information technology. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is used as an example of that fact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Development of Digital Rights Management

    A 12 page paper discussing the present state of development of this technology. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a proactive approach to protecting intellectual property that exists in digital – i.e., downloadable – form. National and international copyright protection has been found not to be enough to protect the rights of those owning rights to intellectual property. The entertainment and software industries particularly have been adversely affected by individuals’ abilities to appropriate content for their own use (or worse, for sale to others) without paying developers or providers for the benefit they receive from the products. DRM is an emerging technology that seeks to rectify that situation, at least in part. The paper discusses Intuit’s use of DRM protection in TurboTax® and Microsoft’s proposed Palladium product. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Software Quality and Configuration Management

    This 6 page paper discusses Configuration Management in the context of software quality. The paper includes aspects such as the configuration management of products, such as source code and production development and releases of applications. Software and hardware maintenance is also included. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • BayesiaLabs Data Mining System

    A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • E-Systems and the Addition of a KMS or Knowledge Management System

    A 13 page paper discussing the addition of a knowledge management system to an existing e-system, in this case drug retailer Rite Aid’s e-commerce efforts. As specific systems, they have existed only for a relatively short time. As for feasibility, many organizations have enough trouble defining what they would want from a knowledge management system to make any such addition impractical. One of the hallmarks of successful IT project management and completion is that there are highly specific and narrowly-defined end goals quite clear at the beginning. The purpose here is to follow a knowledge management upgrade through the process of being added to an existing electronic system. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Database Management Systems for Health Care Call Center

    A 10 page paper discussing the potential value of implementing a call center at a company providing software for long term care facilities. The paper reviews the benefits of meeting customers’ needs for technical assistance and providing that assistance in a timely manner. It also discusses the types of database management systems available (Oracle 9, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server), recommending that the company choose either Oracle or SQL. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Software for Health Information Management

    A 3 page paper discussing 3M Company’s Clinical Workstation Application component of its 3M™ Care Innovation Expert Applications system for automating patient records. The software is useful in putting all available patient information into the same location and maintaining it in a format that is highly useful for enhancing patient care quality and increasing the organization’s operational efficiency. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Overview of Database Management

    A 3 page overview of database management. The database administrator must be cognizant of security and control measures, as well as ensuring that the data contained within the database is accurate and reliable. This requires nearly constant scrutiny of database use and access to it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Memory Management and Functionality of Windows XP

    This paper explores the basic functionality of Windows XP and its method of memory management -- virtual memory. 5 References. jvWinXP.rtf

  • Project Management Programs Advantages and Disadvantages

    The use of project management software programmes, such as MS Project, is increasing in popularity. This 11 page paper loos at why this may be occurring by examined both the advantages and benefits of using this type of software as well as the potential disadvantages or weaknesses. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Common Management Information Protocol and Simple Network Management Protocol

    This 17 page paper looks at Simple Network Management Protocol also known as SNMP and Common Management Information Protocol also known as CMIP are both alternatives that can be used in network management. Both of these systems have advantages and disadvantages. This paper considers why Simple Network Management Protocol is not the ideal system for network management and how Common Management Information Protocol may resolve many of these issue, but also has some additional problems, such as increase use of overhead resources and increased complexity and also examines the functionality of CMIP. The paper presents two case studies to illustrate the way that CMIP is of great benefit to the telecommunication industry, but is of limited benefit to other industries. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Small Business Inventory Management Automation and Networking

    A 6 page paper discussing considerations for building a network and establishing a database-oriented inventory management system for a small firm with fewer than 100 employees.. The network designed for the firm should be a thin client, three-tier client/server system operating on Fast Ethernet. Small groups of users should be connected via token ring groups connected to a 100 mbps Fast Ethernet backbone network. Windows 2000 Server is the operating system; Microsoft Access is the database program that the firm will use. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Various Formats of Digital Audio

    A 4 page paper discussing .wav, MP3, MIDI and MOD music-storing formats. Digital music and other audio forms have benefited greatly from the innovations of recent years. After the advent of the Internet, audiophiles formerly started their music downloads before going to bed for the night, for the download time of only a few files would take hours to complete. The legal landscape has greatly changed as well; the involvement of more corporate entities in music and other audio file downloading has resulted in more options being available for today’s users. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Uses of Digital Audio Technology

    A 4 page paper current use of digital audio technology, particularly as it applies to the creation of current popular music. Digital audio technology allows the electronic creation of any number of combinations of people or effects, without the need for having all contributors present at the same place or at the same time. In some respects, the artistic influence in much of today’s popular music can be seen to lie more with mixing technicians than with performers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Collaborative Group Online Learning Management

    A Worthwhile Challenge : This ten-page-paper presents and indepth discussion on the pros and cons of managing and online collabrative enviroment for learning . Bibliography lists eight sources.

  • School Budget Internet Technology Spending

    This 7 page paper considers a school that has been given a budget to spend on IT. The scenario involves a primary school for teaching IT in early years. The paper is written to explain how the founding should be used, identifies potential equipment and justifies the choices in persuasive terms related to the school and pupils needs. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Comparison Between the iPhone and Google’s Android Operating Systems

    This 3 page paper looks at the two dominant operating systems used in cellular telephones; Android and the iPhone OS. The two operating systems are compared and contrasted, looking at how they operate and what they can and cannot do. The paper gives a good general overview. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • NetObjects Fusion, Cold Fusion, and Net Dynamics

    A paper which looks at three web applications, Net Dynamics, Cold Fusion and NetObjects Fusion, in terms of the way in which they are designed and utilised. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Upgrading Riordan Manufacturing's Working Information

    A 3 page paper discussing upgrade needs in sales and marketing. Riordan Manufacturing has a wealth of information available to it, but it is not using that information to its best advantage. Providing the sales force with laptop computers networked to Riordan's primary system will provide a start on building current information, while the addition of appropriate database or forecasting software can make use of the information that already exists. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Object Oriented Database Systems (OODB)

    A 5 page paper discussing attributes and benefits of object-oriented (OO) database management systems. As organizations’ data needs become more complex, the need for OO databases will grow as well. Though more complex and more difficult to manage, the OO database management system enables more efficient use of data. Includes a SWOT analysis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Proposal for an Oracle Database Solution

    This 5 page paper is an outline recommendation for a new database to support HR functions in a firm. The data users, importance of the data and software are all outlined. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Computer Hacking's Impact

    This 7 page paper provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of computer hacking. This paper considers the effects of the practice on individuals as well as corporations, and provides insight into the reasons why hackers do what they do. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sui Generis and Database Protection

    This 14 page paper considers the protection that is granted to databases under EU law with the application of sui generis, which is embedded in Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases. The protection that is afforded is discussed and the way this has changed since Simon Chalton posed a rhetorical question in the title to his 2001 article "Database Right: Stronger than it Looks?" The bibliography cites

  • Types of Computer Programming Languages

    A five page paper which looks at the different types of computer languages, why there is such a wide range of such languages, and the advantages and disadvantages of using C in preference to other compilers. Bibliograpphy lists 8 sources.

  • Web Based Application Tool and Cross Platform Programming Language Known as Java

    This is a 3 page paper discussing Java as a Web-based application tool and as a cross-platform programming language. When Sun Microsystems first introduced Java it was considered a “cross-platform programming language” in which the introduction of such a tool could “level the Intel/Microsoft playing field by lowering the cost of application development”. Among other things however, Java is essentially considered as “Sun’s cross-platform application development language for Internet applications” which is why it is often considered as a development tool for Web-based applications. While Java clients were attracted by the low costs associated with adopting the Java platform, what really appealed to developers was the lack of the administration required to adopt the platform in that the language could be easily incorporated within existing HTML web pages to provide more robust interactive features and applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Choosing a Computer

    This 7 page paper looks at how a computer may be chosen. The paper is written in three parts, looking first as the way the student may want to use the computer, then at the software that will be needed and finally at the hardware requirements. A computer system and software is selected using an $800 budget. The bibliography cites 7 sources.


    This 10-page paper is about eBay and its Internet security efforts. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Computers and Usage of Security Blankets

    This 7 page paper discusses the importance of using security blankets to prevent the circumventing of computer security and protecting digital copyrights. Furthermore, this paper offers insight into the vulnerabilities of security blankets and determining the appropriate countermeasures. Biblioography lists 10 sources.

  • Examination of Database Security

    A 6 page paper discussing database security. The database administrator must be cognizant of security and control measures, as well as ensuring that the data contained within the database is accurate and reliable. This requires nearly constant scrutiny of database use and access to it, and it typically requires that the database manager or systems manager make clear, concerted decisions regarding the balance of access to control. Certainly the organization’s employees need access to the data contained in the database, but greater access increases the possibility of data being compromised. The bottom line is that the organization operates under a degree of risk concerning its database contents. It must actively determine how much risk it is willing to assume. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Failure Prevention and Development Problems Associated with Software Engineering

    An 8 page overview of the challenges faced by software engineers in the last five years. Identifies the most predominant of these as revolving around the Internet and issues such as networking and operating system compatibility. One of the primary problems which is central to each of these arenas is that of data sharing. Software engineers not only have to address compatibility across operating systems but between networked computers and over the Internet. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Overview of Computer Aided Software Engineering

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of CASE. Various aspects are explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • ISO 9000, CMMs, and Software Engineering Improvement Models The Use of Process Improvement Models in the Software Engineering Industry Including the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and the Importance of the ISO 9000

    This is an 8 page paper discussing process improvement models in the software engineering industry. Process improvement models in the software engineering industry are important in the development of consistent and improved output of software. Many of the early models were based on generic manufacturing models and were difficult to apply in the software engineering process. A useful process however is defined in the capability maturity model (CMM) while allows for five stages of maturity in a project over the course of conception and the expected development in the first years of the process. The final stage of the CMM, level 5, allows for further change and improvements to continue. Regardless of the improvement model chosen for a software engineering company, its compliance with international standards, the ISO 9000, are also considered essential for the guarantee of continued high standards and improved quality. The documentation aspects of the ISO 9000 are also considered useful models in the establishment of a software development process. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Software Engineering and TQM

    A 12 page paper discussing software engineering in terms of Total Quality Management (TQM). The paper includes a brief history of TQM as well as discussion of the Deming, Juran and Crosby models, and then places software engineering within that framework. A primary feature of software engineering quality, then, is the service of assisting customers to identify all aspects of their requirements for any new product, particularly in those areas that they have not considered because they are not technically proficient in designing and producing new systems. Quality results from meeting customer expectations, which may be difficult to identify. Appropriate antidotes can be found in the Deming model of quality. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Software Quality and Can It Be Measured?

    This 19 page paper considers is the quality of software can ever be measures. The paper starts by trying to define what is meant by quality and then looking at ways the needs that quality software will meet can be defined. The paper then looks at systems of developing software that can be used with the measurements that have made to assess if they can be used ion conjunction with each other. Theories included in the paper encompass soft systems modelling, hard systems modelling, actor network theory, requirements engineering and agile engineering. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • ICT Segments in the Middle East

    The ICT market in the Middle East has a great deal of potential to develop. This 4 page paper defines and explains the ICT market segments in this area. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Stating a Business Case for the Linux Operating System

    A 10 page paper providing rationale for choosing Linux operating system over various Windows® systems. Unix – and its Linux variation – remains the most versatile operating system in terms of hardware requirements. Windows is more hardware-specific with each generation, and less open to alteration than either Linux or UnixWare. The paper discussing points of cost, security (system, file, workgroup, Internet), performance and includes a list of some of the companies currently using Linux systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • NT2000, UnixWar, and Linux Operating Systems' Hardware Considerations

    A 6 page paper comparing the general hardware needs of each of these three operating systems. The ongoing debate typically centers on what operating systems can do; the purpose here is to focus more on what Linux, UnixWare and NT2000 need in order to fully perform. Unix – and its Linux variation – remains the most versatile operating system in terms of hardware requirements. Windows is more hardware-specific with each generation, and less open to alteration than either Linux or UnixWare. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Microsoft's Operating Systems Dominance and the Emergence of Linux

    This 4-page paper examines how Linux and Microsoft systems are going head to head, and examines if Linux will be the system that breaks Microsoft's dominance in the operating systems market. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Magnetic Disc Storage Industry and EMC

    A 25 page paper that begins with an executive summary. This paper investigates the mass storage system industry and EMC's position in the industry. Sections include: EMC and Industry Structure; Industry Analysis using Porter's 5 forces; a simple strategy group map; Evolution of the Industry and trends; Strategy Formulation for EMC and Conclusions. This is an industry that is always changing to meet the demands for more capacity, smaller size, quicker access and lower costs. Thus far, the industry has kept pace with the demands. Three companies hold an aggregate world market share of about 60 percent in both the disk drive and network storage solutions industry. Statistical data are included. 1 Table and 2 illustrations are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Memory Management and Functionality of Windows XP

    This paper explores the basic functionality of Windows XP and its method of memory management -- virtual memory. 5 References. jvWinXP.rtf

  • Protocol Layering Advantages and Disadvantages

    This 7 page paper explores the reasons for protocol layering. Advantages of layering are the focus of this paper. The OSI and TCP/IP models are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Avatar Game Interaction

    This three page paper considers how the results of the analysis of people, activities, context and technology has influenced the way a platform game should allow an avatar to collect a variety of items and interact with whilst the game player needs to be aware of the status of the game. The paper considers the use and inputs, interactions and outputs.

  • Amazon and the Potential for New Technology

    This 7 page paper looks at the way may benefit from the adoption of new technology. The paper considers the use of RFID for stock control to compliment the existing systems and increase value in the value chain. The first part of the paper looks at how this would add value to Amazon. The last page discusses the way the change could be introduced. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Computer System Security Types

    This 4 page paper looks at Internet security for individuals and businesses alike. Linux, Windows and the Mac O/S are each discussed and specific software problems are noted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Comparison of Three Operating Systems

    A 3 page paper comparing common operating systems. Several operating systems continue to vie for most-used status in networked computers; the three examined here are Windows NT/2000, Windows 2000 Server and Linux. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Microsoft SQL and Oracle 10g

    This 3-page paper presents a brief overview of Oracle, and compares Oracle's 10g database with that of Microsoft's SQL. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Requirement for a New IT System

    This 5 page paper is an introduction and requirements document for the implementation of a new IS system to deal with payroll to a hospital. The document looks at the very violence, sources of information, and the impact of the structure of the organization and those requirements.

  • Ubicom SX's Family of Controllers

    A 12 page paper discussing Ubicom's SX family of controllers, focusing on ports and bus interface. Memory chips have continued to evolve over the years since the earliest semiconductor. Increasingly, they are smaller in size but have consistently-increasing storage and retrieval capabilities. One type, the Ubicom SX series, is described here. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Portfolio Management and Information Technology Investigation

    A 13 page paper discussing the communications aspects of IT project management and providing a study of IT portfolio management (ITPM) as a means of increasing transparency and protecting the schedules of projects already underway. The study concludes that the IT project manager should not reject suggested alterations out of hand, but that the organization should agree to begin alteration of the project upon completion if omissions are discovered after the project has begun. In the end, it is communication and respect for individuals that lead to project success. The project itself must be well-thought out and well planned. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Information Technology Portfolio Management

    A 5 page paper defining and discussing the use of the IT portfolio as a means of gaining control over IT projects and IT costs. ITPM is an approach to managing IT and IT projects as components of a larger portfolio of IT-related assets. This implies, of course, that the one managing that portfolio is able to identify and assess applicable risks and quantify potential returns. The portfolio management approach is being used in a wide range of industries and appears to be gaining attention of additional ones. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Hewlett Packard and Dell Printer Wars

    A 4 page paper discussing HP’s decision to stop offering HP printers to Dell to sell with its computer systems following Dell’s announcement that it also would offer low-end, low-quality Lexmark printers that eventually took on the Dell private label. The entire scenario highlights the fact that both HP’s and Dell’s management disregarded the needs of customers and shareholders in acting from arrogance toward each. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Portable Printer Marketing and Business Plan

    A 5 page paper providing a mission statement, SWOT analysis, business and marketing plan for the PalmPrint, a truly portable printer designed for use with handheld computers. The PalmPrint represents the next generation of miniaturization of computer peripherals. It will appeal to the “gadget conscious” for early sales; it will appeal to serious users for sustainable growth and development because of the value it offers the user. The new generation of handheld computers elevates the class from PDA to true computer when adding a folding keyboard; addition of the PalmPrint completes the set. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Project Managers

    A 15 page paper answering 10 questions about project management. All questions directly relate to the final chapters of Project Management: The Managerial Process by Gray and Larson (2003) addressing the traits of effective project managers; conflict management; culture shock; organizational partnerships; and portfolio management. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Prototype Model Building and Layer manufacturing

    Layer manufacturing is the use of computer controlled and latest Materials and forming processes in building the physical model layer by layer based on a digital model. The 10 page model looks at three different systems that make use of layer manufacturing; the Thermojet Printer by 3D systems, The Perfactory Concept Modeler from Envisiontech and the ProMetal Rapid Tooling System. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Structured Evolutionary Prototype Development and Prototype Software Development Introductory Discussion

    This is a 3 page paper which introduces the concept of protostype software development and evoltionary rapid prototyping. The bibliography has 4 sources.

  • Case Study on Network Design

    This 23 page paper provides a case study. The case study concerns a small advertising studio. Recommendations are made in respect to the setting up of a computer network at the office. Software and hardware are discussed as well as the networking process. Pricing and other financial considerations are included. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Property Management and Database Design

    A 31 page paper discussing criteria for and design of a distributed database for a small real estate management company. The company sells properties and manages others, and needs a database useful to both employees and tenants. The paper recommends that the company use an SQL-based distributed database. The designer’s primary focus, after determining all the needs of the company, should be that of producing a design that will be useful several years into the future. Its cost should be recovered at least in part through its usefulness as a sales tool, rather than only a method of reporting historical results, those things that already have occurred. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Diversity Practices and Google

    This 5-page paper attempts to examine diversity practices at Google by examining this company's culture and studying Silicon Valley's attitudes toward diversity and inclusion programs in general. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hospital Information Systems and Inventory Process

    A 4 page review of an article published in the December 2003 edition of “Hospital Materials Management” concerning an automated inventory system. This paper recounts the benefits of such systems and notes their growing acceptance through many business arenas. No additional sources listed.

  • Computers and Floating Point Arithmetic

    6 pages. In understanding floating point arithmetic in computers it is necessary to understand that floating numbers are inexact representations of real numbers and that because of this the operations that are performed on them are also inexact. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Architecture of Information Systems

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of information systems architecture. Fundamental principles of sound system design and management are examined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Internet Security and Recent Developments

    This 4 page paper provides a great deal of Information on how to protect systems. Various products are discussed. The idea that perhaps the dangers are overblown is suggested. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Active Directory Plan

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of Active Directory Plan. Active Directory is a Microsoft directory service that first appeared in the Windows 2000 server. Active Directory is a database system that allows for the grouping of objects, including computers, users and shared folders. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ideal Computer Building

    This 6 page paper builds an ideal computer with a budget of $2,000. The writer looks for the different components, including monitor and keyboard as well as the computer itself. The result is a powerful computer suitable for a high end advanced user. A complete breakdown of all costs is included. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Database Management and Use

    A 3 page paper overview of database management and use as the database continues its metamorphosis from keeper of historic data only to the tool that identifies trends and opportunities found through examination of the information the database holds. Now and in the future, the database uses its historical data to identify trends and new business opportunities that lead the well-managed organization to greater competitive advantage, greater efficiency and more favorable overall business results. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Use of Databases in a Typical Organization

    This 5 page paper starts by defining what is meant by a database and a database management system. The paper then looks at how a database is used in a typical organization; the example discussed has an Oracle database system. The way it is used and managed is outlined. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Overview of Databases

    This 3 page paper explains what a data base is and how it is used. The paper includes two examples of a database used in a business scenario, the example of a website using a database, the applications of databases and how the information may be used in a business report. The bibliography cites 2 sources.


    This 7-page paper compares object oriented database systems, relation oriented database systems and object-relation database systems, and determines security and other features of each. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Dell and Apple Websites

    This 3 page paper compares the Apple and Dell websites. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Global Production Patterns and Hardware and Software Industries

    This 9 page paper looks at how and why the current patterns in hardware and software production have emerged, using software production in India, hardware production in China and support services in Ireland as examples of his pattern. The explanation used is that of global competitive and comparative advantages. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Futures and Options on Silver and Yahoo!

    This 6 page report discusses the various investment properties, futures, options, and features of silver and the web portal company Yahoo! The world of Internet stocks and investment is often bewildering to the more traditional investment experts, as well as the individual investors. However, attempting to protect investments through a commodity of great 'traditional' value such as silver is not a wise move in the modern marketplace. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Overview of Decision Support Systems

    This 4 page paper explains what is meant by Decision Support Systems (DSS) as well as why and how they are used. Examples of systems are given to illustrate the facts presented.

  • Case Study on Decision Making

    This 5 page paper answers five questions asked by the student concerning issues such as classifying decision making processes, Keirsey personality types, and which would be best for teaching the use of a computer system, the value of modelling, the use of an executive cube and the way that group decision-making support may be used. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Research Proposal on a Rental Equipment Business's Management Information Systems

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal for a project to study the use of information system in the rental trade. This is a proposal that outlines the questions, undertakes a brief literature reviews before outlining a methodology and a time plan to undertake the project. The bibliography cities 9 sources.

  • X.500, Novell Directory Service, and Active Directory

    A 3 page paper discussing two directory services. Novell’s Directory Service and Microsoft’s Active Directory both are based on X.500 or a subset of it. Novell has been the leader for years, and Microsoft seeks to unseat the leader. The paper discusses X.500, LDAP, NDS and Active Directory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • I, Robot and Race/Slavery

    A 3 page paper which argues that robots, such as pictured in I, Robot the film, should not be treated as slaves and property. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • BayesiaLabs Data Mining System

    A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Security and Secrecy Issues Following the Cases of Wen Ho Lee and Robert Hanssen

    This 10 page paper considers a range of security and secrecy issues following the cases of Robert Hanssen and Wen Ho Lee, in the light of the Webster Report. The paper discusses what policies and practices can be put into place to protect security, why securely breaches have taken place with specific attention to government organizations, the problem of balancing privacy and confidentiality issues with investigating espionage, the problems of data security and role of digital forensics and evidence standards and the short falls of many systems. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Video Games and Social Responsibility

    In three pages this paper discusses the continued controversy surrounding the violent content of video games and considers whether or not video game designers have a social responsibility to eliminate the gratuitous violence and abuse of women that are prevalent in video games, an entertainment market that consists predominantly of children. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • The Technological Evolution of Computers

    A 10 page outline of the changes which have overtaken the computer industry since the invention of the first analog computer. This paper concentrates on changes in storage mediums such as tape drives, floppy disks, and CDs as well as changes in CPU technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • File Access Security Systems of UNIX

    A 10 page paper discussing the file access security systems of Unix. The paper discusses the file permission system, as well as Kerberos and the kernel. Bibliography lists 9 sources. Includes 2 tables and a figure

  • Overview of India's Tata Consultancy Services

    This 3-page paper is an overview of India-based Tata Consultancy Services, one of the world's largest software services companies. The paper focuses on the mission on the company, the service it offers, its clientele and other factors. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Ths History of the Linux Operating System

    3 pages in length. Linux was created in 1991 by Linus Benedict Torvalds, a twenty-one-year-old Finn who was attending the University of Helsinki. His self-taught talent of hacking served him well by affording him the deep understanding of how and why computers operate the way they do; from this knowledge was born an operating system that rivaled what had heretofore not been applicable to professional demands. The closest system was MINIX, however, it was severely limited in its professional application due to its instructional nature; because professionals already had the training, they required a more sophisticated system for industry use. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Google’s Decision to Launch an Operating System

    This 3 page paper looks at the decision by Google to compete with Microsoft and launch a new operating system. The reasons behind the decision are discussed along with an assessment of the way that the announcement was made. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • History and Function of the Linux Operating System

    A 5 page paper overview of Linux specifically focusing on kernel (2.4 vs 2.2) use and security function. Linux took years to gain the attention of a significant number of engineers and programmers. Now that it has and major computer manufacturers are providing it instead of Windows, it is likely to grow in popularity more rapidly than in the past. The paper includes a list of several major companies using Linux for their major systems including supercomputing applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources in MLA format.

  • Bluetooth Technology

    This 6 page paper discusses Bluetooth technology in detail, but at a layman's level. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • King Harald Bluetooth and the Stuff Named for Him

    This 3 page paper explores Bluetooth technology: what it is, how it works, and where in the world that name came from. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cloud Computing in the Future

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of cloud computing. The likelihood of cloud computing being adopted as a future standard is explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dealing with Disaster using Computer Networks

    An 8 page overview of system design which could be critical in times of warfare or natural disaster. The author emphasizes that infrastructural aspects of a network must be in place prior to the eruption of a disaster. The primary consideration for system design is the ability to handle increased network traffic, a consideration which can be accomplished in a number of ways but which would most efficiently be accomplished utilizing Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Use of Prime Numbers in Cryptography

    This 6 page paper examines the role and importance of prime numbers, or prime factors, in cryptology. The paper looks at public key cryptography (PKC) and the RSA algorithm demonstrating the way in which public and private keys are calculated with the use of prime numbers. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • An Overview of Public Key Cryptography

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of public key cryptography. A section on positive and negative aspects of this type of cryptography are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Employees and Corporate Cyber Security

    This 5 page paper discusses the state of cyber security, what sorts of problems companies encounter in trying to maintain security, and how their employees are involved in these efforts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Data Compression

    This 8 page paper discusses aspects of data compression including its theory and how it works. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Expand and Peribit Data Compression

    Data compression is becoming increasingly important as companies seek to maximize their use of bandwidth. The 5 page paper compares the different data compression techniques of two companies; Peribit and Expand. The paper looks at how they work, the cost of the solutions offer and the support that is provided. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Wireless Sensor Networks and New Power Sources

    Sensor networks are increasing in their application and popularity. One barrier to use has been powering when used in wireless sensor networks. The 6 page paper is the introduction and then brief literature review for a project to examine the potential for renewable energy sources for the scenario nodes in the wireless networks. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • A Brief History of Wireless Networking

    This 5 page paper gives an outline of the history of wireless networking, starting with the developments of Marconi, and the first wireless network at the University of Hawaii up to the development and use of 802.11g. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Fashion Industry, Technology, and Inventory Control

    This 8 page paper examines the fashion industry and how changes in technology have changed it. The focus is on software and inventory tracking systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Development of Agile Software

    This 7 page paper examines the concept of agile development when designing software. The paper explains what is meant by agile development, considers the benefits and disadvantages and looks at the lifecycle stages of agile development when using extreme programming. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Expert System

    A 3 page paper that defines expert systems and discusses their relationship to artificial intelligence. The paper identifies the elements of an expert system and provides examples of the categories of these systems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Computer Software and Hardware Assessment Questions

    A 4 page paper answering 4 questions dealing with artificial intelligence; choosing hardware and software for changing an automated purchasing system; the differences between DSL and T-carrier; and examples of hardware ergonomics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Do Computers Have Creative Ability? An Artificial Intelligence Consideration

    (7 pp) When was the last time that you wondered how "smart" you are? We wonder about it all the time with computers. We may not use the "s" word, because that makes "them" seem too humanoid. But we will ask how much memory does it have - what other things can it "do?" And ever since machin g more and more in our lives there is that faint whisper of a question, what will we do, if "they" get smarter than we are. This discussion will look at some of those, "what-ifs," in the area of artificial intelligence, and the ability of computers to be creative. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Artificial Intelligence v. Human Brain

    This 6 page paper discusses the possibility of Artificial Intelligence as compared to the reasoning and learning capacities of the human mind. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Security and Wireless Technologies

    A 9 page paper that begins by identifying some of the many benefits of wireless technologies, including the fact that research studies reveal a substantial increase in worker productivity. Security concerns are discussed along with an explanation of the standards intended to reduce risks, such as Bluetooth and 802.11b standards. Hot spots are defined and discussed, including the fact that their numbers are growing exponentially. The essay ends with a discussion of the use of wireless technologies in hospitals and the concerns about installing them. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cluster Computing and Supercomputers

    This 8 page paper considers the way both super computers and cluster computers can be used, looking at what they are and how they operate. The paper then considers four well known companies; Wal-Mart, GE, Nedcor and Boeing, and assess which type of system would best suit each company, giving an explanation for each. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Article Review, Software Development Study

    A 3 page summary of a research article on software development. Research has suggested that user participation in the analysis stage of software development will be more significant to the overall success of software development than user participation in the design stage. Most of this research has focused only on project team members and not on operational users whose work will be impacted by the system being developed. Wu and Marakas designed a study that explored the “impact of operational end user participation in two important stages of the system development life cycle,” specifically, the analysis and design phrases of software development (Wu and Marakas, 2006, p. 127). No additional sources cited.

  • Software Project Management Issues

    A 5 page paper discussing social considerations and qualities of project team members in planning and implementing a software project. The paper uses Wal-Mart as its example, in the data it collects on what items are in single shopping carts. Competitors collect customers' credit card information without gaining any real knowledge about what specific products they are buying. Team members should be able to communicate with managers and users with equal ease. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Software Quality and Configuration Management

    This 6 page paper discusses Configuration Management in the context of software quality. The paper includes aspects such as the configuration management of products, such as source code and production development and releases of applications. Software and hardware maintenance is also included. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Software Quality and Systems Development

    This 7 page paper looks at the issue of software quality in the context of systems development. Tools are discussed as well. Management models such as TQM are seen as valuable in the development of systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Quality of Software and the Impact of Testing

    A 12 page paper reviewing several types of software testing approaches. The paper discusses unit, integrated, regression and acceptance testing, and also discusses automation. Testing in the software development lifecycle is crucial to the overall success of any program and is the factor on which software quality depends. Includes 3 charts. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Question on the Productivity of Software Testing

    A 9 page paper considering this question: “Are testing and quality assurance the cause of productivity impacts, or are they the effect?” Whether good or bad, positive or negative, there are instances when the answer to this question can be “Both.” Greater productivity attributable to higher quality certainly causes positive productivity effects. Conversely, attention to quality as part of the corporate mission is likely to result in greater quality in production as well. The paper examines quality, efficiency of operation, costs and customer focus. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Flat Panel Computer Monitors Advantages and Disadvantages

    This is a 6 page paper on the advantages and disadvantages of flat-panel monitors. Flat-panel monitors (for desktops) and flat-panel displays (for laptops) have taken off in the personal computer market because of their many advantages over traditional monitors. In addition to their obvious sleek designs and space saving abilities, flat-panel monitors have been found to offer users more viewer space with panels viewable up to 170 degrees and the ability to swivel 360 degrees in most models. Flat-panel monitors are also lighter, more maneuverable, use less energy, have lower electromagnetic emissions, and have lower heat output. Units can be purchased from as low as $350 US which makes the market available to users who have less expense for their systems and they can also be used as television monitors as well. While most flat-panel monitors require more video memory on computers, which will add to the overall expense of the system, all critics who have tested, and have now purchased flat-panel monitors, believe that their surge in the market will continue as they offer users superior quality and performance in addition to their improved energy and emissions ratings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Project Life Cycle and Software

    This 4 page paper talks about the relationship between the project life cycle and product life cycle. These interrelated concepts are discussed as they impact the real world. A brief history of the life cycle approach is included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Background and Analysis of the UNIX OS

    This 10-page paper provides a background and analysis of the UNIX Computer Operating System. Topics discussed include the history of the system and its importance to computing today, as well as shells, kernels, the file system, process management, memory management and input/output functions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • UNIX, Linux, and Windows OS Security

    This 6 page paper compared and contrasts the security characteristic of UNIX and Linux with Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The paper looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each operating system and compared them to asses which is the most secure and which is the easiest to use. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Fitness Center IT System Design

    This 14 page paper considers the desire of a fitness centre to design a computer system, to keep track of the different events and matches and to provide members with access to a program that can help them keep track of their progress. The paper defines the system and system needs from a business perspective and consider how this may be the source of a competitive advantage. The paper then looks at the way the planning of design and the designing stages can be planed and managed with the use of different approaches. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Questions on Information Technology Acquisitions

    This 4 page paper looks at different aspects of Information technology acquisitions. In five parts the paper considers the alignment of company and IT strategy, the value of The U.S. General Services Administration (GAS) contracts for IT purchases within US federal agencies, reducing ongoing IT acquisition costs, methods of evaluating acquisitions and the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing IT functions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Information Systems in Wireless Telephone Sales and Marketing

    A 6 page paper discussing information systems' contributions to sales and marketing of wireless plans and devices. Information systems can be a true help or a detriment to the salesperson seeking to meet quota or simply close a high percentage of customers entering the store. "Fast" hardware and particularly well-designed software can combine to present a view to the customer of efficiency and dedicated customer responsiveness, both of which positively influence total sales. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Unix and Microsoft Windows NT

    5 pages in length. Microsoft Windows NT and Unix have come head to head over which system is the best in the market. Variables aside, it appears NT still has a way to go before it will reach the status of Unix. The writer compares the two systems and offers comments from industry analysts as to why one may be better than the other. Bibliography included.

  • Comparative Analysis of Novell and Windows NT

    A 5 page overview of Windows NT and Novell. Emphasizes that while each product is excellent, Novell may currently have a slight edge with their new modular directory features. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Windows 95 by Microsoft

    A 7 page paper on Windows 95, its prolonged release, and the pros and cons of its use in comparison to previous versions. The writer describes news of 'bugs' in Windows 95 and some of the problems encountered by users. On the lighter side, technical aspects of the 32-bit operating system are also discussed as they relate to enhanced productivity and information management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Road Ahead by Bill Gates 2

    Bill Gates' book is discussed in this 5 page paper. The work is reviewed from a professional perspective, but also addresses areas that laymen would be interested in. Includes a discussion of the Microsoft Wallet and new home safety technology. No other sources are used.

  • WordPerfect vs. MS Word

    This 4 page paper discusses the comparable features of Corel WordPerfect 7 and Microsoft Word 7.0, provides a list of features and minimum specifications for operation and reviews lauding MS-Word because of the additional management suites. This still leaves the choice up to the user. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • High Technology Developments

    2 pages in length. Reviews an article by Keith Diefendorff describing Intel’s race on the new x86 architectural extensions. Intel, normally the leader in all the high tech races that appear on a daily basis, is now actually running to catch up to a new leader. Close on the heels of AMD in the x86 architectural extension race, it looks like Intel will be catching up quickly if they have not already.

  • Overview of Intel

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this well known firm and pays particular attention to its role as a socially responsible company. The company's mission statement is included and several financial quotes are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Digital Era and the Certified Public Accountant's Role

    This 7 page paper looks at the changing role of the certified public accountant in light of new technology. The need for the CPA to upgrade computer systems is emphasized. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • IT and Organizational Structure

    This 6 page paper looks at examples of companies, as well as theories, to discuss the relationship between how organizations are structured in respect to their use of technology. Organizations named include IBM and Motorola. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Early Problems with Handling Baggage at Denver International Airport

    A 6 page paper discussing Denver's baggage-handling fiasco from a software perspective. System designers approached problems from a patchwork view rather than as an overall system, and the Denver airport authority continually made changes without informing baggage claim designers. The result was that the airport was delayed in opening by nearly a year, at times costing more than $1 million a day. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Establishment of a VPM

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) including what things to consider when setting one up as well as how to handle security issues. Pitfalls and problems are discussed. Benefits of using a VPN, as opposed to other methods, are noted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


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