Research Paper On Marriage And Divorce

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Premarital Counseling Effects Upon Marriage Length

    An 8 page paper describing a quantitative study assessing whether pre-marital counseling positively affects length of marriage. Despite all of the attention that the problem of divorce receives, divorce rates continue to increase. Most couples do not undergo pre-marital counseling, which anecdotally is viewed as being beneficial in strengthening and preserving marriages. The hypothesis tested here is that couples who undergo pre-marital counseling remain married longer than those who do not; results of the empirical study support the hypothesis. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Societal Causes of Divorce.

    This 9 page paper discusses some of the causes of divorce, and argues that a "culture of divorce," coupled with a lack of respect for marriage and the diminished influence of the church all contribute to the rising divorce rate. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Cohabitatiin Divorce First Marriage Age

    A 3 page paper that to three topics. How changes in the economy affect: cohabitation, rising age for first marriage, divorce rates. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Bulimia Struggles of Diana, Princess of Wales

    This three-page-paper discusses the eating disorder bulimia. The emotional abuse that Princess Diana suffered in her marriage to Charles coupled with the stress of trying to fit into the royal family triggered the disorder that was not made public until the divorce was underway. The things that caused her to develop bulimia are discussed in detail. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • Examination of Divorce, Its Causes and Effects

    In 4 pages, the author discusses the causes and effects of divorce. In today's society, divorce is more the norm than ever before. There are as many causes for divorce as there are people who divorce. Divorce itself is both a cause and an effect. There are many factors that contribute to divorce, such as lack of money, drug and/or alcohol abuse, immaturity of one or both parties, sexual indiscretion, the ease of getting a divorce, and various others. Free one page Roman numeral sentence outline is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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