Research Papers on Social Security & Welfare

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  • Proposals on Health Care Reform

    A 5 page research paper that examines the health care crisis in the US by looking at current proposals for health care reform that have been made by the Democratic candidates for the presidency, President Bush, and others. The writer then examines briefly why health care reform efforts are difficult to legislate. Annotated bibliography lists 4 sources and also includes a brief outline for a longer paper on this topic.

  • Childcare and Immigrants

    This 5 page paper argues for childcare for children of immigrants. Figures and facts included in the proposal.Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Linda Gordon's Single Mothers and the History of Welfare - Pitied But Not Entitled

    A 15 page review of Linda Gordon's book in which the writer analyzes how reformers view poor single mothers and welfare. Three of its chapters are about the views of the white women's social welfare network, the black women's social welfare network (excluded from the white women's groups mostly by raw segregation), and the white male social insurance reformer network. Gordon argues that contemporary welfare programs for single mothers were shaped by the ideas and the decisions that went into state aid programs created between 1910 and 1920, programs that were variously called mothers' pensions, widows' pensions and mothers' aid. Various sociopolitical points and arguments presented by Gordon are analytically presented. No other sources cited.

  • History and Implications of Medicare's Managed Care

    A 5 page paper discussing the history of Medicare managed care, economic implications and outlook for the future. The paper focuses on the history of the Medicare managed care, which saw its greatest growth throughout the decade of the 1990s. Medicare managed care has as much difficulty as other types of HMOs, however, and many are ceasing operations. This leaves seniors in a pool of uncertainty as increasing numbers of physicians turn away Medicare patients. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Health Care Management, Hiring and Retention of Employees

    This paper looks at health care management hiring and employee retention practices addressed via job satisfaction issues based in content (external)and process (internal) modeling. Bibliography lists 6 sources. JVhcmot.rtf

  • ANA as a Political Action Committee

    This 5 page paper focuses in on the political action committee (PAC) affiliated of the ANA. The ANA's support of health care for the elderly is at the crux of this paper as well as the history of such issues affecting the aging population. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing Homes and the Financial Crisis Confronting Them

    This 20 page report discusses the state of the nursing home industry in the United States and the many problems and challenges it has face and continues to face. Even though Congress restored nearly $3 billion to skilled nursing facilities in 1999, it still wasn’t enough to keep many of the facilities operating. In general, the government’s payment system and the ever-increasing costs of doing business and providing services has resulted in financial disasters throughout the nursing home industry, especially for the most financially leveraged nursing home chains. Issues associated with nursing homes’ financial, regulatory, and administrative problems are discussed. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Social Security System and Its Impacts

    A 3 page review of the history of the Social Security System. The author emphasizes that while the system has proven invaluable to some of the less fortunate of our society, it has proven to be a chain and ball for those that continue to struggle to make the ends meet.

  • Trade Relations Between India and the US

    This 10 page paper discusses trade between the United States and India. The essay begins with some background comments about India's place in world trade and when the country increased trade efforts. The writer reports different efforts made by officials of the two countries to increase trade by reducing certain barriers. In fact, trade has increased over the last few years. The essay reports the most common exports and imports between India and the United States and comments on business service outsourcing, e.g., tech support for products. 2 Tables are included. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Social Security and Policy Making Models Reviewed

    This 4-page paper attempts to align Social Security and its payment with certain policy making models.

  • Health Care - United States vs Canada

    An 8 page paper. Compares health care in both countries, reports data regarding costs and comments on access and goals of each program. The problems reported with each system are reported and discussed. A recommendation is made for the health care system in the U.S. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • American Public Policies

    A review of several of the most troubling public policy arenas of the modern day. These include health, welfare, education, and energy. The paper outlines concerns in each and emphasizes the importance of public policy in addressing these concerns. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Racial Segregation and Housing

    A 4 page discussion of the historical development of the suburb and the racial segregation that it perpetuated. This paper argues that our governments itself played an incriminating role in this development. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Civil War and Reconstruction Social Welfare Programs

    This is a 12 page paper discussing the social welfare programs developed throughout the Civil War and Reconstruction Era. The Civil War and the Reconstruction years until 1896 saw a change in the social reform system in the United States as it was a time when “thousands of people received public assistance for the first time in their lives” according to Green (2003). The 1800s and the impact of the Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation also saw African Americans and minorities for the first time receiving some pensions and benefits although largely the welfare and pension system favored the whites and former soldiers in the war. Nevertheless, the formation of charities, organizations and pensions in the 19th century which addressed the needs of the increased state of poverty and the minority populations provided a basis for the social welfare system and civil rights which progressed through the 20th century. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • An Argument Against Reforming Social Security at the Present Time

    A 5 page paper arguing that Social Security does not need dramatic reform, though it does need to be strengthened for the future. The paper recommends that younger workers, particularly those employed by businesses not offering 401(k) plans, be given incentives to save for retirement in addition to the money paid into Social Security. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Teen Alcohol Abuse Socioeconomic Policy Control and Proposition

    It has been shown that economic factors can have a decisive effect on the ability to purchase a product. The product under consideration is alcohol and its availability to adolescents. Although preventative programmes are in place, statistics indicate that success of deterrent programmes is questionable when used in isolation. Therefore, if a government regulatory agency were to make a decision about substantially curtailing the use of alcohol by adolescents to alleviate its long term effects, the agency could learn from economics theories surrounding supply and demand, particularly in relationship to binding price floors. But this would not work in isolation because of market factors. Therefore, the ultimate policy would incorporate educational methods as well. 5 works sited. jvAlcPrc.rtf

  • US Society and the Welfare System

    This 7 page paper discusses the significance & purpose of welfare in society. Specific issues concerning such relevant items as The Family Support Act are brought up to illustrate points argued about the possible costs of welfare reform. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Considering Welfare Reform

    This 4 page paper discusses some of the issues surrounding welfare and welfare reform. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Welfare Program Process

    Social problems and solutions are discussed in this 10 page paper. Problems such as crime, teen pregnancy and Aids are noted. The ongoing controversy surrounding implementation of social welfare programs is also included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Federal Supplemental Women, Infants, and Children Nutritional Program

    This 10 page research paper examines the federally-established program known as WIC (Women, Infants and Children). Specifically discussed is the agency's history, current available information on program eligibility and benefits, its goal and program objectives, standards and criteria, services, and some suggestions on how the WIC program could be more effective. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 1990s and the Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Food Program

    A 6 page paper discussing the Women's, Infants, and Children's supplemental food program. Beginning with its history, it describes how the program works, who is eligible, and discusses the various problems the government has had paying for it. Bibliography lists seven sources.

  • Changing Perspectives on Welfare and the US Federal Government

    3 pages in length. A brief look at how views on welfare have changed during the late twentieth century. The writer focuses on recent Presidential administrations and is particularly concerned with the revolutionary value of Bill Clinton's views on welfare. Important legislation such as the Family Support Act of 1988 and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1994 is included in the discussion. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Mock Case Study on Welfare to Work Programs

    This 8 page paper examines welfare to work programs inclusive of a mock case study. The feasibility of implementing such a program based upon a cost benefit analysis is the primary focus of the paper. Paper looks at tangible benefits over a five year period of time. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Mothers on Welfare and Economic Issues

    Economic issues involving welfare mothers are discussed in this 9 page paper. Myths of welfare mothers are exposed but arguments on both sides of this controversial issue are explored. Conclusions show that allowing parents to raise their own children is most practical; this view is supported by Economist John Galbraith as well as the author of The Decent Society, Avishai Margalit. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • US' Under Class

    This 8 page paper explores the underclass, particularly in American society. The term is defined and concepts pertinent to capitalism are explored. John Kenneth Galbraith's The Culture of Contentment is a basis for much of the discussion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Single Mothers and the Benefits of Welfare

    5 pages in length. A thorough analysis of benefits provided to single mothers on welfare and the controversy surrounding relevant issues. The writer is particularly concerned with whether or not research suggests that welfare mothers are "lazy" and do not try hard enough to find work. It is argued that welfare is indeed a necessary economic evil for this class of citizen and specific theories and presented to support this point. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Poverty, Work, and Single Mothers

    5 page review of an article from the American Journal of Sociology examining the relationship between work and welfare in poor, female-headed families, tracing the process single mothers follow to get off of welfare. Various social and economic issues are explored and it is ultimately concluded that background characteristics actually have very little direct influence in determining the route of exit from welfare. Full citation for the article is provided.

  • Social Workers, Single Mothers, and Welfare

    In this 14 page research paper, the writer addresses the failure of social workers to resolve the problem of single mothers on welfare. The paper defines exactly who the individual so-called welfare mother is, what are her singular and particularly unique issues, and how the welfare mother attitudinally perceives `work' and what kinds of skills, background, education and other familial concerns the mother has that can either preclude going into mainstream society as a `worker' of not. Report contains an extensive review of the literature, original methodology, study, tables, charts, etc. Bibliography lists 10+ sources

  • Linda Gordon's Single Mothers and the History of Welfare - Pitied But Not Entitled

    A 15 page review of Linda Gordon's book in which the writer analyzes how reformers view poor single mothers and welfare. Three of its chapters are about the views of the white women's social welfare network, the black women's social welfare network (excluded from the white women's groups mostly by raw segregation), and the white male social insurance reformer network. Gordon argues that contemporary welfare programs for single mothers were shaped by the ideas and the decisions that went into state aid programs created between 1910 and 1920, programs that were variously called mothers' pensions, widows' pensions and mothers' aid. Various sociopolitical points and arguments presented by Gordon are analytically presented. No other sources cited.

  • Making Ends Meet How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low Wage Work by Edin and Lein

    An 8 page paper based on Edin and Lein's Making Ends Meet: How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low Wage Work, discussing some of the survival strategies of single mothers unable to support themselves and their children fully through either welfare programs or low-wage work. Full time low-wage employment appears to yield higher income than full dependence on welfare, but the net result of employment for single mothers is that after daycare expenses and the added expenses of working, the family's net income often is less than if the mother relied only on welfare to support herself and her children. Welfare recipients themselves often are forced to seek other, unreported, income in order to support their families. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • AFDC and Welfare Reform Issues

    A 5 page paper that studies the impact of welfare reform on single mother's collecting Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). This paper focuses on the inherent problems within the AFDC system that related directly to women's un-wed status, along with current misconceptions regarding participant status, education and ability to transition from the program into work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Controversy Over US Social Security

    A 6 page paper discussing the U.S. Social Security administration and presented as a 'policy report' being presented for use by a 'congressional policy maker.' Background, political ideology, developments and challenges, as well as recommendations for the future of Social Security are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Big Dig in Boston

    A 5 page paper discussing the big-business logistics of the largest public works project ever. Boston's Central Artery, the elevated six-lane highway that runs through town, opened in 1959 and was a marvel that had been planned for growth. Designed to carry 75,000 vehicles daily, it is now one of the most congested highways in the nation carrying 190,000 vehicles each day. The budget for its replacement is $10.8 billion and is scheduled for completion in 2004. Though construction began in 1991, there was no overseeing IT plan implemented until 1996. The project has run more smoothly with the IT system in place, and political posturings connected with the project have largely ended. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. Social Security System Improvements

    3 pages in length. There is no guarantee that American retirees will enter their twilight years with much financial support from the United States Social Security system. Indeed, the failing program has been stricken with a number of blows to its assets that have made it a significant concern for all citizens, no matter if retirement is around the corner or still several decades away. The writer discusses the inherent problems that plague the United States Social Security system, as well as addresses various ways to improve it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Bell Curve Propositions Defense

    A 10 page analysis of the infamous book by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray. The writer defends the arguments put forth by these two authors and supports it with observation from Leon Dash's Pulitzer Prize winning account of a welfare mother. No additional sources cited.

  • Pros and Cons of Reforming Welfare

    A 5 page research paper that examines the effects of recent welfare reform. The writer points out that trying to decide if the nation's current experiment with welfare reform is good or bad can be a rather perplexing problem for the average individual. Read one article, and it sounds as if welfare reform is a boon both to the nation and its lowest socioeconomic class. On the other hand, read another article and it sounds as if we have collectively hardened our hearts and transformed into Ebenezer Scrooge. The writer sites success stories and criticisms before concluding that, for the most part, welfare reform still leaves many of the nation's poor in dire circumstances‹particularly single mothers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Security Program Understanding

    8 pages in length. Explains the Social Security program, why it is likened to a pyramid scheme and the future of Social Security. A person who retired in 1940 earned a return on his contributions of approximately one hundred thirty five percent. Those type rates did not last too long, but the returns were still very good. The rate of return was twenty-four percent for those who retired in 1950, fifteen percent in 1960, and ten percent in 1970. This paper also tells 'the rest of the story'. Includes 2 charts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Social Work and Human Relations

    From the systems viewpoint, human relations is best approached in a manner that considers all aspects of the presenting problem. One would need to look at the different systems involved, how they interact and what forms the shared meaning base. This 5 page paper argues that there is an obvious and overwhelming need to utilize the knowledge and skills of an interdisciplinary approach in this matter. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


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