Research Papers on Chemistry

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  • Overview on the History of Dental Fillings

    An 8 page discussion of the history of dental fillings. Traces the filling from ancient times to present exploring the various types of materials which were used. Explains that the choice of filling is related to performance but also to availability and cost. Notes that the evolutionary path of fillings is tied as well to the evolutionary paths of other dentistry aspects such as drill evolution and the development of molding techniques and materials. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Enzyme Rubisco and Cellular Transport

    A 4 page discussion of the function of the enzyme rubisco in regard to its importance in plant photosynthesis. The author describes the enzyme, detailing a molecular composition which enables it to interact with and be impacted by environmental constituents such as heat, carbon dioxide, and inactive rubisco. This same molecular composition plays an important role in the binding process which allows the enzyme to be transported throughout plant tissue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cross Membrane Transport and Molecular Mixtures in Joe Alper's Article 'Drug Delivery Breaching the Membrane'

    A 5 page review of “Drug Delivery: Breaching the Membrane”, an article by Joe Alper published in the May 3, 2002 edition of “Science”. Alper’s (2002) research concentrates on the cell membrane and the manner in which cross-membrane transport occurs, specifically the manner in which membrane-bound protein transporters function to allow various nutrients and hormones across. Alper’s paper adds insight to both the structure and function of the cell membrane and its components and how each relates to the molecular structure of the body’s complex mixture of chemicals. No additional sources are listed.

  • Ocean Floor's Hydrothermal Vents

    A 9 page overview of this recently discovered geologic phenomena. This paper provides a description of hydrothermal vents as well as a detailed overview of their geology and the biology which they drive. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Hydrothermal Vents' Geology

    A 9 page discussion of the unique geology of hydrothermal vents. The subterranean processes which result in these vents also results in the expulsion of numerous minerals to the surface of the ocean floor. These mineral deposits form distinctive features which are potentially valuable not only from an aesthetic and ecological standpoint but mining standpoint. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • An Infrared Light Exploration

    An 8 page discussion of infrared as it relates to the color spectrum, astronomical phenomena, gemstone coloration, and even psychology. This paper defines infrared light and describes its importance to mankind and the workings of our universe in general. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Chemical Structure of Water

    A 6 page description of water. The author details the chemical structure of water and how this structure determines its behavior in response to temperature and in response to other substances. A brief history on temperature measurement with specifics of the distinction between the Fahrenheit scale, the Celsius scale, and the Kelvin scale is provided as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Water Quality Reviewing

    This 4-page paper is a general review of water quality and includes topics such as acidity, alkalinity, hardness and softness as well as water quality standards and distribution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Drug Ionization, Absorption, Excretion

    A 4 page overview of the relation of drug ionization, specifically of whether the drug is a weak acid or a weak base, to its absorption into the body and consequent excretion from the body. Notes a differential absorption and excretion, according to physiological pH, as to where the drug is absorbed and when it is excreted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Benzilic Acid Multi Step Synthetic Process

    This 6 page laboratory study considers the multi-step synthesis process in the creation of benzilic acid. The project proposes the use of benzaldehyde and potassium cyanide and the focus on the varied steps in order to synthesize benzilic acid. This study reviews the procedures, outlines the findings relative to this process, and produces some data regarding the process in order to show the impacts of each step in the process. The multi-step synthesis approach and the use of specific agents are central to the views created in this study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Chemistry of Boron

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the chemistry of boron. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cocaine's Chemistry and its Impact

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the history, chemistry and effects of cocaine and its usage in Western society. Originating in 1860 in Western society, cocaine has been used extensively as a recreational drug. Synthetic cocaine is now produced because of the increased effort in the restrictions of obtaining drug from its natural source. Recently researchers have found that the dopamine hypothesis can account for the psychological effects of the drug while the physiological effects include tachycardia, hypertension and renal failure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Science Studies and Varied Topics

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of three different topics that can impact the study of science: plagairism, dynamic equlibrium, and carbonic acid/bicarbonate buffer system. There is one page provided on each of these topics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • An Overview of Fuel Cell Technology

    A 22 page paper that provides a comprehensive overview of fuel cell technology. Discussion includes: an introduction to fuel cells, what they are, how they work and the types of fuel cells in research; applications for fuel cell technology, including those that are already in use; fuel cell-powered motor vehicles and what the progress is in this industry, including manufacturers who have already introduced fuel cell-powered cars and the forecasts for the near future; issues concerning hydrogen; problems and disadvantages with fuel cells and a conclusion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nanotechnology: The Pros and Cons

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of nanotechnology. Issues related to economics, ethics, and the environment are explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cleaner Plastics; Lifecycle and Recycling

    Plastics are associated with poor environmental practices consuming fossil fuels in their production and disposal. This 20 page paper considers the way in plastics production and recycling may be undertaken in a cleaner way. The paper focuses on recycling looking at the lifecycle from the recycling perspective including the creation of plastics using plants that result in biodegradable plastics as well as the ways in which plastics may be recycled. The bibliography cites 50 sources.

  • Reducing Green House Gas Emissions in Irish Dairy Farming

    There is little doubt that green house gases need to be reduced. This 15 page paper summarizes an article that assesses the potential of different dairy herd management systems to reduce the direct and indirect green house gas emissions. The reseach also looked at the impact on profit levels. The paper summarises the findings of the reseach and then offers a neutral opinion on the reseach. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Equilibrium and Drinking Water Purification

    A 5 page exploration of the chemical factors that facilitate the use of reverse osmosis to purify drinking water. Bibliography lists 3 sources

  • Ethanol and Biomass Conversion

    This 5 page paper examines the use of ethanol as a fuel. The writer starts with a description of how crops may be converted into ethanol, and then considers the arguments for and against using food stuffs in this way when there are food shortages in some parts of the world. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Biochemistry of Creatine Phosphate

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the biochemistry of creatine phosphate, a crucial element in the production of muscle energy. The writer discusses its function, structure, and pathways. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Type I Diabetes' Biochemistry

    This 5 page paper focuses on the biochemistry of this disease but also discusses treatment, etiology and symptoms. How insulin therapy works is also included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Article Review on Bioremediation

    A 3 page review of a December 2003 interview of Dr. Barbara Methe, the collaborative investigator at the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and Dr. Derek Lovely, the head of the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) microbiology department. These researchers clarify the benefits of using bacteria, especially the Geobacter bacteria, in the cleanup of hazardous waste. No additional sources are listed.

  • The Phenomenon Known as Ageing

    An overview of the phenomenon of ageing from a biochemical perspective, looking at the programmed and random damage theories and the ways in which these might be approached in order to take into account both genetic and stochastic causes of ageing. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • The Hydroxyl Group and Aspirin

    This 5 page paper considers the development and composition of aspirin, paying special attention to the hydroxyl group. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Ossification and Chemical Processes

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of chemical processes. The chemical formulae and equations involved in ossification are presented. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • "Chemical Analysis By Observation Of Spectra" - Summary

    4 pages in length. The purpose of the experiments is to illustrate how important spectrum analysis is within the context of chemical reaction where various substances are concerned. For the chemicals in this experiment, all have the ability to create specific bright lines when brought into contact with the flame. The inherent value of performing these experiments, therefore, is to establish the importance of spectrum analysis in relation to further discover of elements that may not be detected without the influence of certain light properties. No bibliography.

  • Developing New Medicines through Neural Networks and Expert Systems' Pattern Recognition and Diagnostic Abilities

    6 pages in length. The extent to which diagnostic and pattern-recognition abilities of expert systems and neural networks aid bioinformatics research and the development of new medicines is both grand and far-reaching. That artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral component of medical advancement speaks to the growing need for machines that can start with a basis of man's knowledge and aptitude and expound upon it with self-learning abilities. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Cross Membrane Transport and Molecular Mixtures in Joe Alper's Article 'Drug Delivery Breaching the Membrane'

    A 5 page review of “Drug Delivery: Breaching the Membrane”, an article by Joe Alper published in the May 3, 2002 edition of “Science”. Alper’s (2002) research concentrates on the cell membrane and the manner in which cross-membrane transport occurs, specifically the manner in which membrane-bound protein transporters function to allow various nutrients and hormones across. Alper’s paper adds insight to both the structure and function of the cell membrane and its components and how each relates to the molecular structure of the body’s complex mixture of chemicals. No additional sources are listed.

  • Chemical Toxic Threat of Mercury

    Mercury is a known neurotoxin and for this reason, it has been targeted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a primary toxic exposure threat. Mercury is transferred through multiple means including ingestion, airborne, and osmosis through the skin. Mercury toxins are released into the air naturally, as well as through car and other exhaust. Mercury is a component of computer chip manufacturing and for the IUB, it is served in the cafeterias and restaurants around campus via fish. The National Research Council cites prenatal exposure effects ranging from mental retardation and cerebral palsy to deafness and blindness.... 9 references. jvToxThr.rtf

  • Carbenes And Nitrenes In Organic Chemistry

    4 pages in length. The basic composition of carbenes is such that as electron deficient molecular species, their uncharged state plays an integral role in containing a sextet of electrons that surround a divalent carbon atom. By comparison, nitrenes - uncharged electron deficient molecular species as well - harbor a sextet of electrons that surround a monovalent nitrogen atom. Single state is presented as electrophilic character, trigonal planar geometry, while triple state is diradical-like in nature, linear geometry (Wieder, no date). For nitrene insertion to occur, chiral alkane concentration is separate from observed rotation. Triplet nitrene is formed in greater measure when chiral alkane concentration is under one-hundred percent; this occurs, however, to the detriment of initially produced singlet nitrene. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Osmosis Defined

    This 5 page report discusses and explains the concept of osmosis which is how one element or ingredient of a solution flows through a membrane while other components of a solutuon are shut out and unable to pass through the membrane. In order to determine which membranes allow the flow of which constituents of a solution requires experimentation since not all membranes act the same way. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Process of Making Protein

    This 5 page paper considers the existing research that has been undertaken in converting non-protein nitrogen into protein. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Single Cell Protein Success

    A 3 page paper which discusses how the single cell protein has been called an instant 30 year success. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, and Coke Soft Drinks Compared

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts ingredients and amount of carbonation in each drink. Some history of each soft drink is provided. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview on the History of Dental Fillings

    An 8 page discussion of the history of dental fillings. Traces the filling from ancient times to present exploring the various types of materials which were used. Explains that the choice of filling is related to performance but also to availability and cost. Notes that the evolutionary path of fillings is tied as well to the evolutionary paths of other dentistry aspects such as drill evolution and the development of molding techniques and materials. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


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