• Recent Papers

    • Women's Participation in Domestic Violence

      This essay, first of all, considers the impact of recent media exposure in regards to domestic violence incidents and celebrities. Then, the writer considers why women remain in abusive relationships and makes the assumption, based on statistics that indicate the involvement of women in aggressive behavior, that violence becomes the norm of these relationships. The writer proposes that this is one of the most challenging aspects of domestic violence facing counselors. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

    • Personality Tests

      This paper discusses different personality assessments: it comments on how personality assessments and theories are influenced by the lack of a definition for personality. The paper discuses the MMPI and the NEO and how tests are used at work. There are four sources used in this three page paper ... MORE

    • Examples Socially Responsible Companies

      This essay discusses two companies that are trying to provide a better world. Honest Tea produces an completely natural, organic, bottled tea and is heavily involved in social responsibility activities. Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc. is changing how plants of all sorts can be grown. It is able to produce a natural seed/spore that allows remarkable growth with less water. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Proposal Hospital Implement Electronic Management

      Information technology plays a major role in mitigating different issues such as increasing demand, constrained resources, continued pressures containment of cost, and improving the quality of care in hospitals. This essay discusses decision making models, planning timeline, likely comments from stakeholders, criteria for new information management system, and how decision will be made. There are nine sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE

    • Sex and Disability: Response to Research

      This essay presents the writer's response to the study conducted by Pebdani (2013), which pertains to the topic of sexual counseling for disabled clients. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

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