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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 8 page report discusses numerous aspects of stress and stress management. Psychological and sociological factors have become the contemporary versions of the saber tooth tiger of prehistoric humans’ stress stimulators. Theories about the causes of stress ranging from the anthropological aspects to the physiological have been propagated for, at least, the past three decades. Such studies have shown that there are physiological, psychological and social components to stress and successful stress management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
7 pages. Critical incident stress management is very important to have for debriefing or diffusing purposes as a resource for first line responders to any disaster. Those firefighters, police officers and other disaster relief workers undergo untold amounts of stress and while they might not at first think so, the early intervention of stress related health problems could be averted with critical incident stress management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 22 page paper looks at the banks and banking system of the US and Saudi Arabia, to examine the similarities and the differences. The paper starts by looking at the banking environment inn general including issues such as bank management, supervision, and social and economic condition. The paper then goes on to assess the assets and liabilities in the banking sector before and after June 2008, looking at the similarities and differences. The bibliography cites 16 sources.