Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Introduction To IT Questions
This 14 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first part of the paper defines a number of terms associated with the internet, word processing, spreadsheets and databases. The second part of the paper identifies a number of books, CD's and DVD's that would be useful to a business studies student and calculates costs for bulk purchase. The third part of the paper presents PowerPoint slides outlines the background and use of the internet. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Systems Analysis, Computer Design, and Mathematics
This 3 page paper discusses the job of a systems analyst and why he/she needs to be good in mathematics to hold the position. Bibliography lists 1 source.
K through 12 Instructional Technology
3 pages of the text of a PowerPoint® presentation of the same title. The presentation provides an introduction to instructional technology and a rationale for integrating instructional technology within the K-12 environment. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Work, Group Members, and Technology
A 3 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an accompanying PowerPoint® presentation. The paper addresses the types of information technology used by four group members at work. Group members work in mortgage origination, an independent grocery store and the offices of two California counties. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
'Fault Line' and Intel
A 3 page paper discussing an Intel Corporation case in two pages, a review of technology's "fault line" on the product life cycle in the third. Two PowerPoint® presentations are available. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Money Laundering Detection Through Information Technology
This 13 page paper discusses aspects of money laundering, and the feasibility and methodology of a research project based on trying to discover the best IT techniques for detecting money laundering; it includes a literature review. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Software Programs for Qualitative Research
A 3 page paper that reports and discusses three computer software applications for conducting qualitative research. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Role Of Database System In 5 Star Hotel In Kazakhstan; Research Proposal
This 5 page paper looks at the way research could be undertaken to identify the type of database and database management system a five star hotel would need. The paper includes an introduction, objective, a brief literature review, justification, methodology and expected results. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
EFL, ESL, and Microsoft PowerPoint
A 7 page paper which examines how PowerPoint presentations can help teaching English in EFL/ESL classes. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Visually Impaired Individuals and WWW Access
This 8 page paper examines literature on how the visually impaired can access the WWW. A thesis and study proposal are provided.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Organizational Efficiency and Cloud Computing: A Research Proposal
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of cloud computing and organizational efficiency. A quantitative study is proposed to establish a correlation between the two. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
How Employees View Technology/A Research Proposal
A 5 page paper proposing research into workers’ acceptance of the growing role of technology in their jobs, using the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas as the ground from which the sample is taken for the qualitative study being proposed. An appendix contains the 20 questions tentatively proposed to comprise the questionnaire that will be used for data collection. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A Case Study Concerning Data Protection
This 3 page study examines various ways to protect data in a stand alone computer. Authentication is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 16-page paper focuses on the Broadway Cafe case study, along with information technology and information systems advise. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Risk and Security Considerations for the IT System of Huffman Trucking
This 4 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. Huffman Trucking are considering introducing a new information technology system to do with employee benefits, the paper discusses the potential risks of security issues that need to be considered when undertaking this project. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
This 7-page paper examines socio-technology systems as introduced by the case study about Telebank Call Center. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer System Development
This 6 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student and summarised the problem, the need to develop a computer network for a doctors surgery that will allow connections to the hospital and the doctors home and then carry out a requirements analysis. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Technology In The Doctor's Office
A 3 page paper that describes and explains how one physician's office uses technology to save time for everyone. This is real doctor's office. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Home Health Agency Information Technology Upgrading
A 5 page paper describing the work process at a home health agency and how increased use of information technology could improve work processes, patient care and responsiveness of the company to both patients and their doctors. Bibliography lists 1 source.
New Frontier of Cyberspace
5 pages in length. John Perry Barlow concludes that cyberspace is a new frontier where people may find a communal home. The reasons why Barlow initially believed this to be true have been somewhat modified from their original composition; however, Barlow still subscribes to the belief that cyberspace presents a certain – if not unorthodox – form of communal atmosphere. The writer discusses that while others acknowledge this seemingly inherent element of Internet relations, there is still some trepidation with regard to fully condoning Barlow's assertion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Technophobia and Cyberphobia
6 pages in length. The writer provides a 15-source annotated bibliography.
Employees and Corporate Cyber Security
This 5 page paper discusses the state of cyber security, what sorts of problems companies encounter in trying to maintain security, and how their employees are involved in these efforts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Forensics And Cyber Crime
5 pages in length. The writer discusses how and why cyber forensics has become a growing consequence of the digital age. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
This 2.5-page paper analyzes the potential threat of cyber war and my opinion on the topic based on the 60 Minutes news story. There are 2 sources cited.
The Computer In Criminalistics
3 pages in length. Staying one step ahead of the criminal has long been the first line of defense for law enforcement officers; when intelligence is gathered that precludes the ability for the offender to actually commit the crime, it serves to establish a pattern by which subsequent foils can also be utilized. However, technology has created quite a significant challenge for law enforcement to maintain that critical step ahead of criminal activity by virtue of the wholly comprehensive nature of cyber crime. As such, the entire criminal justice field has come to incorporate the very instrument that has facilitated so many crimes as part of its arsenal for thwarting those offenses and ultimately catching the lawbreakers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Development and History of Artificial Intelligence
A 10 page paper discussing the history and development of artificial intelligence to the current time and an analysis of IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing computer. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
PC's History and Impact
7 pages. Personal computers have come a long way since the seventies, the eighties, and even within the last five years. Because technology is changing at such a rapid pace we have seen personal computers impact our lives in many different ways. Socially, economically and industry-wise the personal computer and its history are described in this well-written and concise paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
History and Future of TCP/IP
A 3 page paper tracing TCP/IP’s origins and assessing its likely future. Other technologies such as Ethernet and ATM have too many technical barriers that TCP/IP does not. In determining TCP/IP’s future, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Historical and Social Relevance of Silicon Valley
This 11 page paper provides a history of Silicon Valley and also delves into how personal computers and the Internet are important to society. Many people are named in this historical look at computers, inclusive of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Frederick Terman. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer Hacking History
3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief history of computer hacking from the 1960s forward. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Voice Over Internet Protocol History
A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
History of the Modem
This is a 5 page paper which explains the history and development of modems.
The bibliography has 5 sources.
Hotel Revenue Management Systems Twenty Five Article Literature Review
This is an 8 page literature review on hotel revenue management systems. A literature review on hotel revenue management systems covers not only the recently developed technological systems which handle different revenue management concerns such as forecasting, demand, competition and hospitality networks but also covers many traditional avenues used to increase revenue such as customer satisfaction, environmentally efficient programs, introduction of innovative and unique facilities and catering to specific target groups among other factors.
Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Email Laws and Relevant Literature
4 pages in length. The tremendous impact computers have had upon today's global community represents the staggering progress contemporary society is experiencing. That business is conducted from opposite ends of the planet, people forge lifelong relationships without ever having met and employees work from the comfort and convenience of home via telecommuting speaks to the reality of what was once only far off aspirations. Indeed, the benefit of computers far outweighs the inherent drawbacks, however, those negative aspects are not so insignificant that they can be ignored; rather, the extent to which such concerns as email laws are necessary to address issues pertaining to personal privacy, unsolicited correspondence/advertisements and hacking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Manuel Castells' "The Power Of Identity" - Literature Review
3 pages in length. Technological advancement of the late twentieth century has transformed into an ironic duality of both blessing and curse as mankind ventures into the twenty-first century. Manuel Castells utilizes myriad examples of how humanity's desire to improve and simplify have actually complicated and even threatened global societies in a number of ways. With rapid technological change arguably the single most important aspect of mankind's progress over the past fifty years, there can be no question as to the double-edged sword inherent to such tremendous advancement. Social and ethical threats abound from the combined speed and expanse with which the world is being inundated with rapid technological growth. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Literature Review: Cloud Computing Efficiencies
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of cloud computing. A review of literature documents the efficiency delivered by cloud computing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Education Technology and Teacher Training Effects
A 6 page research paper that investigates educational literature pertaining to the effect of teacher training on the implementation of technology into classroom instruction. The writer argues that this literature review shows the crucial nature of this factor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
ICT School Strategies Development
This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.
IT Acquisition by Developing Nations and Strategies of Identification
This 13 page paper is an outline for a paper studying the best ways for developing countries to develop strategies to help them develop information technology competences. The paper gives an introduction and a justifications of the research and then gives a lengthy literature review that focuses on the way foreign direct investment,(FDI), may be used with knowledge transfer and the role of education and internal policies. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Risks, Structure, and Security Management
(8 pp) The complexities of modern society have
combined to generate a variety of threats to
business organizations, information networks,
military installations, government operations, and
individuals. For information technology,
information is the core of its existence. Anything
that threatens information or the processing of the
information will directly endanger the performance
of the organization. Whether it concerns the
confidentiality, accuracy, or timeliness of the
information, the availability of processing
functions or confidentiality, threats that form
risks have to be countered by security. That
means there are structural risks. Structural
risks require structural security. Bibliography
lists 5 sources.
E-Learning In Employee Training
This 3 page paper presents examples of two companies that have been using E-learning in their employee training programs. The companies, Circuit City and Wal-Mart, while both retailers, are vastly different organizations. The writer describes the programs put in place by each company, the goals of the programs and the outcomes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Knowledge Management and Information Technology
A 13 page paper discussing the point at which IT data becomes organizational knowledge. In its early days and even until rather recently, IT provided only a means of tracking historical data and contributed virtually nothing to the bottom line. Every organization must operate as efficiently as possible in today's business environment, however, and IT moved into the position of being a strategic tool. The data it held then came to be knowledge that the organization could use and needs to use to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. As Laudon (1995) notes, IT truly is too important to the organization to leave only to the IT professionals. Marketing and senior management need the knowledge it holds or can create in order to form the most effective strategy for the future. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Machine Learning, Data Mining, and KM
This 19 page paper looks at knowledge management and the use of data mining in conjunction with machine learning. The writer considers how this may add value to banking practices, such as managing and reducing risk, increasing marketing response rates, retaining customers and maximising the use of resources. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
Telecommunications Management and Intelligent Agents
This 7-page paper reports on intelligent agents and their role in telecommunications management. Topics discussed include intelligent agents and their impacdt on organizations, trends and definitions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Knowledge Management (KM) Processes
This 5 page report discusses the
fact that virtually every organization in the modern world has somehow been transformed
by the availability and ongoing development of information technology. Case-based
reasoning (CBR) is used as an example of that fact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Collaborative Group Online Learning Management
A Worthwhile Challenge : This ten-page-paper presents and indepth discussion on the pros and cons of managing and online collabrative enviroment for learning . Bibliography lists eight sources.
E-Systems and the Addition of a KMS or Knowledge Management System
A 13 page paper discussing the addition of a knowledge management system to an existing e-system, in this case drug retailer Rite Aid’s e-commerce efforts. As specific systems, they have existed only for a relatively short time. As for feasibility, many organizations have enough trouble defining what they would want from a knowledge management system to make any such addition impractical. One of the hallmarks of successful IT project management and completion is that there are highly specific and narrowly-defined end goals quite clear at the beginning. The purpose here is to follow a knowledge management upgrade through the process of being added to an existing electronic system. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Using MIS
This 12 page paper looks at the use of Management Information Systems (MIS), what makes them successful and uses an example of an MIS to show how information is used and the value of the results. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Questions on Information Technology and Management Supply
A 10 page paper answering 6 questions about supply chain management; JIT; ERP; EDI and accounting. The paper contains diagrams for the supply chain of two manufacturers and a university. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
General Overview of Knowledge Management
This 15 page paper examines the rise of knowledge management; KM. Written in 5 parts the first part considers why this rise has taken place, the paper then considers the potential problems encountered in implementing an intranet into an organization, the existent to which social capital facilitate the creation of knowledge in organizations, Nonaka and Takeuchi’s four means of Knowledge creation and the defining characteristics of knowledge workers. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Evaluating Models of Project Management
This 12 page paper examines various models inclusive of but not limited to SSADM. Other models such as TQM are examined. The use of the conventional approach is discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Common Management Information Protocol and Simple Network Management Protocol
This 17 page paper looks at Simple Network Management Protocol also known as SNMP and Common Management Information Protocol also known as CMIP are both alternatives that can be used in network management. Both of these systems have advantages and disadvantages. This paper considers why Simple Network Management Protocol is not the ideal system for network management and how Common Management Information Protocol may resolve many of these issue, but also has some additional problems, such as increase use of overhead resources and increased complexity and also examines the functionality of CMIP. The paper presents two case studies to illustrate the way that CMIP is of great benefit to the telecommunication industry, but is of limited benefit to other industries. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Systems Analysis, Computer Design, and Mathematics
This 3 page paper discusses the job of a systems analyst and why he/she needs to be good in mathematics to hold the position. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Advanced Practice Nurse And Informatics
A 7 page paper that first reports the setting-an individual has applied for an APN position in the described physician's office. The first section describes the writer's vision of the most effective use of communication and information technologies in this office. The vision includes scanning all documents into a patient's file, networking all PCs and many other things. The next section recommends the kinds of programs to consider ending with the benefits of using these kinds of systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis
A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Digital Music - Blog Entries
This 8 page paper looks at different aspects of digital music. Written in the style of blog entries the development of digital music formats, the influence of iTunes on the industry, piracy and measures to prevent piracy, music and cellular telephones and the opportunities offered to unsigned bands. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
ICT School Strategies Development
This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.
The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Multimedia Software As An Instructional Delivery System: Assessment
3 pages in length. The fact that learning can be integrated with fun is one particular reason why multimedia software is beneficial as an instructional delivery system, inasmuch as it serves to facilitate the learning objective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Human Learning and Computer Technology
5 pages in length. There is little question that technology has given considerable advantage to reading skills at the school grade level, not only serving to improve present learning skills but also setting the stage for increased capability later on in school as well. Part of the challenge of acquiring a good, sound education is getting the student interested in the lesson plan; while some are inherently good students, others require the extra added incentive that such technological advances as computer access offers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Digital Music - Blog Entries
This 8 page paper looks at different aspects of digital music. Written in the style of blog entries the development of digital music formats, the influence of iTunes on the industry, piracy and measures to prevent piracy, music and cellular telephones and the opportunities offered to unsigned bands. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Google And Internet Search Engine Industry
This 4 page paper begins with a brief overview of Google, Inc. The paper provides an analysis of Google using Porter's 5 Force analysis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Post Industrialization Graphic Design
A 5 page paper discussing changes the computer age has brought to graphic design. The design abilities central to the success of the graphic designer receive greater expectation than in the past. No longer is it sufficient for a graphic designer to produce a marketing piece showing the product with a smiling consumer standing nearby. Now, such visuals are expected to convey a variety of marketing messages including quality, value and status. The creativity factor of the graphic designer has been highlighted so that it is now one of the most important qualities the designer can bring to work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Graphic Design, Typography, and the Impact of CAD Design
This is a 10 page paper discussing the evolution of typography and graphic design from a historical perspective and the recent advent of computer-aided design. Typography and graphic design have gone through a great deal of evolution since the introduction of the first printing press in the 15th century. Since that time, typography has been impacted greatly by the industrial revolution, the introduction of photocomposition and most recently, computer technology. In each revolutionary step, designers have maintained certain styles and formats while at the same time developed new and exciting aspects of the trade. The recent computer-aided design (CAD) applications which have been introduced have allowed graphic designers to not only develop new types of fonts, styles and logos at their desktop but have also expanded their responsibilities to include not only traditional design but the responsibilities previously of the typesetters themselves in addition to being the main designers for the market involving printed materials and graphics used in advertising, inter-active media and web design.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Hospital Information Systems and Inventory Process
A 4 page review of an article published in the December 2003 edition of “Hospital Materials Management” concerning an automated inventory system. This paper recounts the benefits of such systems and notes their growing acceptance through many business arenas. No additional sources listed.
Firms Tend to Under-Invest in the are of Information Technology
This 3 page paper examines the reasons why some firms do not invest enough in the area of information technology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Digital Technology's Pros and Cons
This 8 page paper looks at the world in general and how technology has changed it. Digital technology is the focus of the paper that spends much time on evaluating the problem of archiving in this changing world.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 7-page paper examines the impact of technology on customers (in this case, customer service) by examining the case of Volvo Cars Belgium. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Online Security
This 7 page paper focuses on the the problem that occurred early in 2000 when several companies' web sites came to a halt due to hackers flooding their servers. Several issues concerning security are explored, including but not limited to the use of encryption technology and hacker insurance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Opportunities To Create Value From Explicit Knowledge In A School ITC System
Many schools are using the ITC systems. This three-page paper considers the way that the explicit knowledge which is held within the system may be utilised in order to add value to the way in which school is run. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Alan Turing's Test and rtificial Intelligence
A 10 page paper that describes Alan Turing's development of artificial intelligence concepts and his test, also known as the 'imitation game' that was utilized for a number of years to attempt to determine the presence of artificial intelligence. The author demonstrates a number of reason that the test is flawed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Computer Graphics Applied to Photography
A 3 page overview of the advances computer graphics are making into the modern world of photography. Digital art is many times more powerful than any combination of previously existing medias such as television, radio, video, film, text and images. With electronic art the graphic design artist can produce a virtual world, images can be transmitted around the world in milliseconds and changes can be incorporated in almost as little time in sizing, composition, layering, blending and other artistic considerations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Use of Databases in a Typical Organization
This 5 page paper starts by defining what is meant by a database and a database management system. The paper then looks at how a database is used in a typical organization; the example discussed has an Oracle database system. The way it is used and managed is outlined. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Overview of Databases
This 3 page paper explains what a data base is and how it is used. The paper includes two examples of a database used in a business scenario, the example of a website using a database, the applications of databases and how the information may be used in a business report. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
This 7-page paper compares object oriented database systems, relation oriented database systems and object-relation database systems, and determines security and other features of each. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Proposal for a New Security Model Using Integrated Circuit Card Embedded with User’s Biometrics
This 16 page paper proposed a new security system using biometric data embedded in a card. Following an introduction a literature review looking at relevant areas of technology is undertaken and the results are sued to suggest a new security system that can be attached and work with other security measures, such as the metal detectors at the entrance at buildings. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
This 14-page paper discusses the advantage and disadvantages of cloud computing, with focus on the security issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of Data Mining
A 4 page paper which explains how data mining works, offers specific details about the practice, and examines future developments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses information technology needs for Club IT. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Technological Evolution of Computers
A 10 page outline of the changes which have overtaken the computer industry since the invention of the first analog computer. This paper concentrates on changes in storage mediums such as tape drives, floppy disks, and CDs as well as changes in CPU technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Overview of India's Tata Consultancy Services
This 3-page paper is an overview of India-based Tata Consultancy Services, one of the world's largest software services companies. The paper focuses on the mission on the company, the service it offers, its clientele and other factors. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Computer Science and Graph Theory's Future
This 3 page paper defines and explores graph theory in mathematics. How it applies to computer science, and where it can take it in the future, is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
What is Bluetooth Technology
This 2.5-paper focuses on Bluetooth technology, a radio frequency based communications standard and technology that is being hailed as a great cost saver (as it replace cable connection lines). The paper discusses the history of Bluetooth, as well as the interesting name. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Bluetooth Technology
This 6 page paper discusses Bluetooth technology in detail, but at a layman's level. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Literature Review: Cloud Computing Efficiencies
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of cloud computing. A review of literature documents the efficiency delivered by cloud computing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer Network Security: Security Devices
This 6 page paper discusses some of the devices used to enhance the security of computer networks, including keys, firewalls and digital certificates among others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Dealing with Disaster using Computer Networks
An 8 page overview of system design which could be critical in times of warfare or natural disaster. The author emphasizes that infrastructural aspects of a network must be in place prior to the eruption of a disaster. The primary consideration for system design is the ability to handle increased network traffic, a consideration which can be accomplished in a number of ways but which would most efficiently be accomplished utilizing Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Employees and Corporate Cyber Security
This 5 page paper discusses the state of cyber security, what sorts of problems companies encounter in trying to maintain security, and how their employees are involved in these efforts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Data Compression
This 8 page paper discusses aspects of data compression including its theory and how it works. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC) In Computer Systems
This 9 page paper examines the use of fuzzy logic in computer systems with special attention its use with fuzzy logic controllers (FLC). The development of fuzzy logic is shown with a three stage model and the value of neural networks to help system learning is discussed. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Overview of Grid Computing
This 7 page paper examines grid computing, what it is, how it is used, the way in which it materialised and considers the advantages and disadvantages of gird computing. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Organizational Efficiency and Cloud Computing: A Research Proposal
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of cloud computing and organizational efficiency. A quantitative study is proposed to establish a correlation between the two. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
UMTS Political Pitfalls of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System or UMTS
This 11 page paper provides an overview of wireless technology and highlights UMTS. Several aspects are explored. The advent of wireless is also discussed. Political pitfalls are noted and the technology as embraced in both the developed and developing world are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Daily Life and the Impact of Wireless Technology
This 3 page paper considers how wireless networking and wireless devices are used in everyday life focusing on the work environment. The paper then looks at how this is likely to develop in future. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis
A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireless Networks
This easy to understand 8 page paper consider the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks, including both LAN and WAN. The writer takes a balanced approach before arguing that there are more advantages than disadvantages. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Wireless Network Security Article Analysis
This 3 page paper analyzes an article about information security, hacking, cracking and privacy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Wireless Technology In The Classroom
A 4 page paper. The writer reports three specific cases where teachers are using wireless technology in their classrooms. In one school, students are using it for a multitude of things and in the other two schools, wireless is used in algebra classes. The essay reports the outcomes related to the use of this technology and comments on some of the purposes of it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Results of Antisocial Survey and Internet Chatting
5 pages in length. The writer presents the following for review of the antisocial aspects of Internet chatting: letter of transmittal, executive summary of study, introduction, results and copy of the original survey. No bibliography.
The Development and History of Artificial Intelligence
A 10 page paper discussing the history and development of artificial intelligence to the current time and an analysis of IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing computer. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Can Computers Lie?
A 10 page paper that postulates that under modern technology, a computer cannot tell a lie. The writer uses intelligent references and humor to explain why today's computer cannot lie because it cannot yet "think"--using an analogy to Descartes' "I think, therefore I am." To prove the technological thesis, the paper discusses thoughts about the human brain, digital "thinking," digital v. neural nets, and how SW programs are helping humans think in their creative endeavors. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Biological and Computer Viruses
A 6 page overview contrasting and comparing biological viruses and computer viruses. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Travel Agency Database Creation
This 10 page paper explores a sample problem of creating a database for future web publication. Software is chosen for a hypothetical travel agency that wants to make use of an electronic database which will be made available for customers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Discussion of Data Warehousing
A 5 page research paper that focuses on Data Warehousing. It begins with an introduction and brief history of communications/technology then defines the current usage of data warehousing. In lists 3 factors that can be used to evaluate a warehousing system and gives areas of focus for utilization of the system. Nine benefits of data warehousing are delineated and followed by a brief look at the advantages over current systems. The paper ends by looking to the future and the possibility of a Virtual Warehouse System. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Overview of Digital Video Cameras
This 10 page report discusses digital video (DV) cameras and the many applications they offer in terms of creativity, web site design, multi-media production, and more. Digital video cameras specifically target the desktop computer user and offer superior digital storage formats and higher-quality optics. A new generation of affordable digital video cameras, along with the standard DV format, is bringing quality video editing to the desktop. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Report on Distributed Object Computing
This 11 page report discusses distributed object computing. Distributed object computing extends an object-oriented programming system by allowing objects to be distributed across a heterogeneous network, so that each of the distributed object components interact as a unified whole. Three of the most popular and widely-used distributed object paradigms are Microsoft's Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), OMG's Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and JavaSoft's Java/Remote Method Invocation (Java/RMI).
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Automotive Manufacturing and Computer Technology
A 6 page research paper discussing the historical impact of computer technology on automobile manufacturing. The paper gives a brief history of manufacturing technology within the automobile industry, then presents the process of the introduction of computer technology and finally discusses the overall present impact computer technology has on
automobile manufacturing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Business Computer System Design
10 pages in length. In this day and age of technological advancement, companies can no longer rely upon the antiquated methods of conducting business. To be sure, the fast growth of computerization has proven significantly effective for business strategies that strive to meet the needs of the company's clientele. TLC Concepts, Inc. is one such company that has found great success in the marketing of a variety of products and ideas; however, the business lacks organization, costing more time and money than the company needs to be spending. The writer discusses how these wasted resources are eliminated by designing a new computer system to meet the demands of a steadily growing corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
High Technology Developments
2 pages in length. Reviews an article by Keith Diefendorff describing Intel’s race on the new x86 architectural extensions. Intel, normally the leader in all the high tech races that appear on a daily basis, is now actually running to catch up to a new leader. Close on the heels of AMD in the x86 architectural extension race, it looks like Intel will be catching up quickly if they have not already.
Internet Use by Employees
This 10 page paper presents a comprehensive literature review. This objective study highlights the way in which employees utilize the Internet at their places of employment as well as noting the problems such activities may cause. Employer liability is a significant concern. Other issues addressed include the way in which Internet use can lead to a hostile work environment, loss of productive time and other problems. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Digital Era and the Certified Public Accountant's Role
This 7 page paper looks at the changing role of the certified public accountant in light of new technology. The need for the CPA to upgrade computer systems is emphasized. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Adaptable Intellegence User Interfaces and Human Computer Communications
A 10 page paper that defines and examines adaptable intelligent user interfaces developed through computer technology and how these interfaces are used in human computer communications. The first generation of these interfaces and how they were implemented is discussed as well as future visions for the next generation of interfaces. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Authentication Practices on the Internet
This 7 page paper examines various types of web based authentication practices. Several products are examined and the use of authentication with firewalls is discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Image Records For The ARMA
3 pages in length. Working toward the ultimate goal of a paperless society, one of the most critical steps in this process has been the advent of digital electronic imaging as a means by which to store records. The process of converting paper documents over to their digitized counterparts has become an instrumental component in the overall processes of recordkeeping, not the least of which includes allowing for greater productivity in the absence of endless paper records. Because digital electronic imaging incorporates the single or combined application of text, graphics, handwritten or machine generated, it has proven a viable resource for virtually every type of industry and organization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
21st Century Retrieval of Information
This 7 page paper examines data retrieval and how things have changed over the years. Several issues are discussed and examples provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Bead Bar Network
This 6 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student; Bead Bar, to assess the outline of a potential network structure. The paper considers the background of the company, the use of the network, topology and architecture and the inherent advantages and disadvantages in the choices made. The recommendations made included a distributed network and a client/server architecture. The bibliography cites resources.
Integrated Technology and Smart Business
This 4 page paper looks a concept of a ‘Smart Business’ and integrated technology answering three questions set by the student. The first question discusses the way in which information technology may be perceived in an objective manner, the second question considers the influence of politics and power on the way IT is implemented and the last price concept of smart business to a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Smart House
In fourteen pages this paper examines the concept of the ‘smart house’ in an informational overview that includes its history, various components, pros and cons, progress, and also discusses some famous smart houses such as Bill Gates’ compound in Seattle, Washington. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.
Power and Wireless Senor Networks
This 13 page paper examines the role of wireless senor networks and looks at how they are powered and considers the way they may be developed in the future. The paper starts by looking at the range of commercial military and other uses that sensor networks can are used for. The paper then discusses the way they are powered, including the use of batteries and power harvesting from heat and wind and the management of that power. The paper finished by considering the way the powering of wireless sensors may develop in the future. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Medical Imaging and Neural Networking
A 5 page assertion that networking is opening vast avenues for increased efficiency and accuracy in the analysis of medical imaging. Traditional methods of data analysis in such applications and medicine relied solely on the visual inspection of that data by experts. Neural networking complements this inspection with detailed computer analysis utilizing complex computer algorithms. The technique has proven invaluable in a number of diverse medical arenas. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Expert System
A 3 page paper that defines expert systems and discusses their relationship to artificial intelligence. The paper identifies the elements of an expert system and provides examples of the categories of these systems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
An Artificial Intelligence Overview
This 10 page paper looks at theories as well as what scientists are doing in respect to AI. Science fiction is looked at as well, but the paper focuses on practical applications and future implications of artificial Intelligence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Real Uses of Artificial Intelligence Versus Portrayals in Science Fiction
A 5 page discussion of the value of artificial intelligence to future generations. The author points out that sci-fi films like “Neuromancer”, “Matrix”, and “Blade Runner” prey on the fears of those who have a poor understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the computer technology around which artificial intelligence revolves. Instead of being a threat to mankind as films such as those noted above delight in portraying it, artificial intelligence holds the most promise of practically any of mankind’s technologies in terms of the benefits which it has the potential to yield. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Artificial Intelligence and John Searle
5 pages in length. The writer discusses that no matter how sophisticated AI becomes over the scope of time, there will still be a line of separation that defines man from machine. Bibliography lists one source.
Impact of Artificial Intelligence Development
This 5 page paper discusses the development of artificial intelligence and its impact. This paper examines the history of artificial intelligence as well as lastest developments. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Organizational Conduct and ELearning Effects
A 12 page paper. -learning is the fastest growing segment in education in education history and it continues to grow. Adopting E-learning/training methods and decreasing or eliminating traditional classroom training models represents a significant change for any organization. Since the research continues to support the effectiveness of E-training, more companies are changing to this technology. This report provides examples of companies and their successes, including ROI, data regarding the growth of E-training, and a general overview of E-learning in the corporate world. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Questions on Electrical Engineering
A 3 page answer to 2 questions: (1) Indicate recent trends and future challenges of these fields: Novel RF Concepts; Ultra High Frequency Integrated Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems; and Fundamentals of Communication Circuits and Systems; and (2) Application of Meso-optics in Photonics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Electrical Engineer's Duties
8 pages in length. From the time of Benjamin Franklin, electricity has been a critical component to virtually every entity of human existence. From worldwide communications systems, space vehicles, computers, microwave ovens, washing and sewing machines, transportation vehicles, and manufacturing processes, Franklin's discovery established an entirely different world in which to live. Contemporary use of electricity has rendered the need for specialized training so that electrical engineers are capable of focusing their trade upon myriad fields that have developed throughout the twentieth century. Indeed, the common duties of modern-day electrical engineers are both vast and unlimited with regard to the way today's society utilizes electricity. The writer discusses the duties of an electrical engineer as they relate to military computer systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Security and Wireless Technologies
A 9 page paper that begins by identifying some of the many benefits of wireless technologies, including the fact that research studies reveal a substantial increase in worker productivity. Security concerns are discussed along with an explanation of the standards intended to reduce risks, such as Bluetooth and 802.11b standards. Hot spots are defined and discussed, including the fact that their numbers are growing exponentially. The essay ends with a discussion of the use of wireless technologies in hospitals and the concerns about installing them. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Denial of Service Attacks Overview
This paper presents an overview of denial of service attacks (DDoS), what they are, what their effects are and how they can be prevented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Processes and Threads in Operating Systems
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of computer operating systems. The use of threads and processes are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Computer Operating Systems at Huffman Trucking
This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student, identifying the computer operating system that are used within the company and discussing potential reasons why those systems were chosen. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Overview of Information Economics
9 pages. This is a complete and thorough description of Rapid Applications Development (RAD) and the connection between that and Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM). This paper will explain the synergy in the information systems development process which leads to a cost saving or benefit gain to the organization involved in initiating and implementing the systems project. The differences and similarities of content and approach between RAD and DSDM are discussed as well as whether or not one system is preferable to another. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Business Intelligence
This 3 page paper examines and defines business intelligence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Crimes Committed by Computers
12 pages in length. That hacking was present in the phone system over one hundred years ago speaks to a problem that has experienced a slow but steady evolution. The 1960s, however, is where the timeline of contemporary hacking gets its start, continuing on into the 1970s with John Draper – aka Captain Crunch – hacking the phone company by mimicking the tone that opens a line. By the 1980s, hacking had become much more sophisticated as a vast new entity called 'cyberspace' was introduced to the world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Computer Hacking History
3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief history of computer hacking from the 1960s forward. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Computer Hacking's Impact
This 7 page paper provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of computer hacking. This paper considers the effects of the practice on individuals as well as corporations, and provides insight into the reasons why hackers do what they do. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
ARP Protocol Subversion and Network Security
This 9 page report discusses how an intruder can compromise network security by subverting the ARP protocol. The address resolution protocol or "arp" is a protocol used by the "IP" or Internet Protocol to plot the pathways for IP network addresses to the hardware addresses being used by a data link protocol. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Security Issues and Computer Viruses
A 4 page research paper on computer viruses in which the writer describes their execution, destructive capability, progression, and seriousness. Tips and techniques for protecting systems from viruses are presented with a note of caution that new viruses are constantly being created and that no safeguard is ever foolproof. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Stock System Design
This 7 page paper is an outline for information needed to deign a stock control system. The paper looks at who the users are and the way they use the system, a potential questionnaire to assess the needs of the operational users and description of the potential design for the new systems functional and non functional requirements. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Types of Computer Programming Languages
A five page paper which looks at the different types of computer languages, why there is such a wide range of such languages, and the advantages and disadvantages of using C in preference to other compilers. Bibliograpphy lists 8 sources.
Web Based Application Tool and Cross Platform Programming Language Known as Java
This is a 3 page paper discussing Java as a Web-based application tool and as a cross-platform programming language. When Sun Microsystems first introduced Java it was considered a “cross-platform programming language” in which the introduction of such a tool could “level the Intel/Microsoft playing field by lowering the cost of application development”. Among other things however, Java is essentially considered as “Sun’s cross-platform application development language for Internet applications” which is why it is often considered as a development tool for Web-based applications. While Java clients were attracted by the low costs associated with adopting the Java platform, what really appealed to developers was the lack of the administration required to adopt the platform in that the language could be easily incorporated within existing HTML web pages to provide more robust interactive features and applications.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of Prolog Programming Language
A 10 page paper which provides an overview of the history and uses of this versatile programming language. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Use of Coaxial Cable in Communications
This 6 page paper examines the use of this particualr kinds of cable. The telephone and cable industries are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Personal Finance and the Impact of Technology and Computers
This 6-page paper discusses specific examples of how technology has impacted personal finance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Mobile Commerce
This 6 page paper focuses on m-commerce and other related topics such as t-commerce, v-commerce and p-commerce. WAP (wireless application protocol) and wireless communications are also discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Biometric Technology & Identity Theft
A 10 research paper that discusses biometric technology and how it can be used to protect against identity theft. This literature review explores a possible solution to curbing the incidence of identity theft—the field of biometric technology. Biometric solutions to security are explored with emphasis on fingerprint scanners as the best available solution. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Best Practices for Internet Security Protection
In six pages this paper examines Internet security issues in an overview that focuses on the best practices computer and Internet users should adopt. Twelve sources are listed in the bibliography.
Computers and Usage of Security Blankets
This 7 page paper discusses the importance of using security blankets to prevent the circumventing of computer security and protecting digital copyrights. Furthermore, this paper offers insight into the vulnerabilities of security blankets and determining the appropriate countermeasures. Biblioography lists 10 sources.
Computer Security Issues
This 4 page paper discusses computer security in four areas: auditing and monitoring; cryptosecurity; transmission security; and TEMPEST. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Computer Security
8 pages in length. As the first of billions of emails flew through cyberspace nearly thirty years ago, the idea of computer security was not at the forefront of users' minds. In fact, the very notion of any threat inherent to the World Wide Web was so unheard of that even those who stood a great deal to lose from unauthorized entry were basically oblivious to the looming danger that would appear only years later. Today, computer security is the number one priority for anyone who uses the Internet, a reality born of unforeseen infiltration by those who seek to do great harm to the recipient of such an attack. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Examination of Database Security
A 6 page paper discussing database security. The database administrator must be cognizant of security and control measures, as well as ensuring that the data contained within the database is accurate and reliable. This requires nearly constant scrutiny of database use and access to it, and it typically requires that the database manager or systems manager make clear, concerted decisions regarding the balance of access to control. Certainly the organization’s employees need access to the data contained in the database, but greater access increases the possibility of data being compromised. The bottom line is that the organization operates under a degree of risk concerning its database contents. It must actively determine how much risk it is willing to assume. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Security in a Role-Based Environment
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of database security. The practice of role assignment is emphasized. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Technology and Batteries
This 10 page report discusses the battery market and the fact that as technology has come to dominate virtually every aspect of modern life, one of the supporting industries of all types of that technology is simply the power source that keeps the technology operating -- batteries. This paper considers what that means in terms of batteries for consumer electronics and the interrelationships that exist between the manufacturers of both batteries and electronics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 7-page paper investigates the need for information assurance and information security in a healthcare organization's information system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Why Passwords and Good Information Security Technologies Are Compromised by Users
In three pages this paper discussed why in a corporate an/or business environment passwords and decent information technologies that are in place are still compromised by the people who use them and also considers how information security can be improved. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Robotics Science and Technology
4 pages in length. The science and technology of robotics involves the construction of mechanical devices that operate either automatically or via remote control. In this research paper, the writer examines robotics functions, industry, and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Failure Prevention and Development Problems Associated with Software Engineering
An 8 page overview of the challenges faced by software engineers in the last five years. Identifies the most predominant of these as revolving around the Internet and issues such as networking and operating system compatibility. One of the primary problems which is central to each of these arenas is that of data sharing. Software engineers not only have to address compatibility across operating systems but between networked computers and over the Internet. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Computer Evolution from Mainframe to Distributed Systems
A 10 page paper providing a brief history of computers, beginning in 1944 when IBM's first mainframe was born of collaboration with Harvard University. That machine was fully electromechanical and though capable of computations, can be considered as less powerful than any pocket calculator today. The paper discusses the early portable computers and the first commercially successful personal computers, ending in a discussion of distributed systems including the debate surrounding fat clients vs thin clients, and the still-viable concept of the network computer designed to be for Internet use rather than providing all the capabilities of the PC. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Internet and the Impacts on Post-Secondary Education
This 5 page paper provides an overview of research on the impacts of the Internet on changes at colleges and universities. This paper reflects the process of change, as well as the views of different populations about the impacts of changes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Web Page Design and the Uses of Frames and Tables
This 4 page paper examines the creation and use of tables and frames in respect to designing web pages. Frames and tables are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Wi Fi Network Selection and Integration
This paper looks at the decision to adopt Wi-Fi and the way it may be implemented. The paper is written using a range of secondary looking at the current technological abilities and the potential future developments. The paper shows the different choices and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the different choices, paying particular attention to the 802.11 family and then consider how a wireless network can be implemented and integrated with existing an IT infrastructure in a company. The bibliography cites 10 sources
Microsoft's Operating Systems Dominance and the Emergence of Linux
This 4-page paper examines how Linux and Microsoft systems are going head to head, and examines if Linux will be the system that breaks Microsoft's dominance in the operating systems market. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Magnetic Disc Storage Industry and EMC
A 25 page paper that begins with an executive summary. This paper investigates the mass storage system industry and EMC's position in the industry. Sections include: EMC and Industry Structure; Industry Analysis using Porter's 5 forces; a simple strategy group map; Evolution of the Industry and trends; Strategy Formulation for EMC and Conclusions. This is an industry that is always changing to meet the demands for more capacity, smaller size, quicker access and lower costs. Thus far, the industry has kept pace with the demands. Three companies hold an aggregate world market share of about 60 percent in both the disk drive and network storage solutions industry. Statistical data are included. 1 Table and 2 illustrations are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Money Laundering Detection Through Information Technology
This 13 page paper discusses aspects of money laundering, and the feasibility and methodology of a research project based on trying to discover the best IT techniques for detecting money laundering; it includes a literature review. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Protocol Layering Advantages and Disadvantages
This 7 page paper explores the reasons for protocol layering. Advantages of layering are the focus of this paper. The OSI and TCP/IP models are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Nanotechnology: Role In Speeding Up Computers
10 pages in length. The yearly trek to upgrade outmoded electronic devices that have barely been paid off from the previous year has indeed become a tradition; with the ever-progressing nature of technological breakthrough, a computer that had all the new bells and whistles for 2007 can hardly draw one-quarter of its original sales price in 2009 when being sold on eBay. This never-ending cycle whereby perfectly good - if only a tad bit slow - computers are being tossed into the closet to make room for speedier versions of themselves has become somewhat of an obsession with the IT manufacturing industry and all those who eagerly wait to scoop the next version of electronic velocity. However, the time is nearing where such a huge step in the arena of computer speed - nanotechnology - is about to be realized that may well extinguish the need for inevitable annual upgrade. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Disaster Recovery Planning
This 5 page paper considers how a company can plan to protect its’ computers against a range of potential disasters, including extended power outages, fire, flood, blizzard and computer shutdown due to hackers or a virus. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Preventing Network Attacks
A 5 page discussion of network security. This paper emphasizes the importance of approaching this problem not just from a technological perspective but also from a human perspective. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Wireless Networks for a Small Business; Governance and Security
This 10 page paper looks at the issues a small business may need to consider when implementing a wireless network. The 802.11 family is examined and the governance and security issues are discussed with reference to ISO 17799. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
General Overview of Network Security
This 10 page paper looks at network security today. Specifics in terms of how hackers work are included. is utilized as an example and specific problems are duly noted. The subject of network security is addressed in general as well. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Implementing New Technology; A Consideration Of Virtual Private Networks
This 6 page paper considers the case of a medium-sized company which is considering implementing new technology. With offices in different parts the country the company is considering installing a virtual private network. The paper looks at the potential of the virtual private network, including its' background, the technology and the advantages and disadvantages of the technology. The bibliography cites eight sources. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Online Trading and the Infrastructure of Technology
A 3 page paper describing the network of an online brokerage. “Infrastructure” is defined as “the underlying foundation or basic framework … the resources (as personnel, buildings, or equipment) required for an activity.” Fictional Primus Securities entered the competitive brokerage service market and in three months’ time has enabled online trading; differentiated its website from competitors; and achieved enhanced customer satisfaction. The purpose here is to describe the technology infrastructure that supports and enables such accomplishments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Comparison of Databases
This is a 3 page paper which compares Oracle Database and Filemaker Database to Microsoft Access.
The bibliography has 4 sources.
Peer to Peer Network and Client Server Network Computing
This easy to read 5 page paper considers the business benefits and challenges of computing networks in general and looks especially at client server networks and peer to peer networks. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Stress of the Workplace and the Impact of Technology
4 pages in length. Technological advancement -- as beneficial as it is to myriad aspects of contemporary society -- can be a detriment in the workplace by virtue of the capacity for increased productivity. Email, the Internet and computers in general have all been cited as having at least some negative impact upon workplace stress, a situation with which employers are working hard to address. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analogue to Digital Photography Shift and its Implications
This is a 4 page paper on the implications of the shift from analogue to digital photography. With the recent shift of analogue to digital photography, critics cannot help but wonder what the implications of this change will be in regards to the ideals of originality, truth and authenticity of the work. From a traditional viewpoint, Benjamin and others argued that art loses its authenticity and originality once it is mass reproduced because art and photography have an intrinsic link with time and space which relates to these two aspects. In addition to the fact that digital photography can be mass reproduced in an exact manner, it also lends itself to being altered and manipulated quite easily. While this may imply that all original components of the piece are lost forever, some graphic designers have recently expanded this component to create a new field to allow for original technical work which is considered reflective of modern society. While Baudrillard stated that the media has turned modern society into one which is devoid of authentic experience, some critics allow that digital technology may actually provide a further medium to create authentic and dynamic experience.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Structured Evolutionary Prototype Development and Prototype Software Development Introductory Discussion
This is a 3 page paper which introduces the concept of protostype software development and evoltionary rapid prototyping.
The bibliography has 4 sources.
Technology In The Management Of Distribution Companies
Technology has revolutionized the way in which distribution companies are able to operate. This 4 page paper looks at the way in which some aspects of technology are currently impacting on the distribution and logistics industry, considering the benefits and difficulties of a present, and considers how they may develop in the future. The technology discussed includes logistics software, satellite navigation systems and radio frequency identification (RFID). The bibliography cites to sources.
Improving Security Performance in an Organization with the Use of RFID Smart Cards and Biometric Data
The 73 page paper is an in-depth look at the way in which technology may be utilized strategically in the form of a smart card, incorporating both biometric data and RFID technology in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of security within an organization. The paper presents an introduction to the subject, includes objectives as well as limitations. The majority the paper is made up of a literature review examining the role of strategy in security, the development and role of smartcards, including the underlying technology, the use of RFID and the value of biometrics. The methodology for research is provided. This is then applied to a case study. The bibliography cites 51 sources.
Case Study on Network Design
This 23 page paper provides a case study. The case study concerns a small advertising studio. Recommendations are made in respect to the setting up of a computer network at the office. Software and hardware are discussed as well as the networking process. Pricing and other financial considerations are included. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Software Quality and Systems Development
This 7 page paper looks at the issue of software quality in the context of systems development. Tools are discussed as well. Management models such as TQM are seen as valuable in the development of systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Flat Panel Computer Monitors Advantages and Disadvantages
This is a 6 page paper on the advantages and disadvantages of flat-panel monitors. Flat-panel monitors (for desktops) and flat-panel displays (for laptops) have taken off in the personal computer market because of their many advantages over traditional monitors. In addition to their obvious sleek designs and space saving abilities, flat-panel monitors have been found to offer users more viewer space with panels viewable up to 170 degrees and the ability to swivel 360 degrees in most models. Flat-panel monitors are also lighter, more maneuverable, use less energy, have lower electromagnetic emissions, and have lower heat output. Units can be purchased from as low as $350 US which makes the market available to users who have less expense for their systems and they can also be used as television monitors as well. While most flat-panel monitors require more video memory on computers, which will add to the overall expense of the system, all critics who have tested, and have now purchased flat-panel monitors, believe that their surge in the market will continue as they offer users superior quality and performance in addition to their improved energy and emissions ratings.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Teachers and Technology Training That is Effective
This 5 page paper discusses effective technology training. The essay begins with general comments, including some essential components of any effective staff development program. The writer then relates six different programs that were highly successful in training teachers to use technology. The essay concludes with tips to improve technology training. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Background and Analysis of the UNIX OS
This 10-page paper provides a background and analysis of the UNIX Computer Operating System. Topics discussed include the history of the system and its importance to computing today, as well as shells, kernels, the file system, process management, memory management and input/output functions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Windows LINUX and UNIX Implementations
If there is no living without networking, there is no living without network security, and this growing threat makes it wise to consider other options to the Windows OS. Two operating systems, UNIX and LINUX, are possibilities. They are compared in terms of implementing network security. Considering what is at stake, LINUX proves the better system. Bibliography lists 6 sources. jvOSimpl.rtf
UNIX vs Windows In Terms of File Processing Functions
Windows is said to give programmers certain advantages over UNIX, particularly in the area of usability. However, Kirch (1999) refutes this statement, stating that UNIX offers a GUI interface and all the Windows advantages. According to Kirch, the reason the myth lives on is an unsolved mystery since there is no evidence that programming in Windows is any different from programming in UNIX. However, there is evidence of differences in the file processing functions between the two products, which only proves, as in all things, each system has its advantages. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvProcsg.rtf
Education and Virtual Reality
This 15 page paper discusses the use of virtual reality in schools. Following an introduction that includes comments about virtual reality and the two basic ways humans have to learn, the writer reports opinions on the benefits of virtual reality as well as how it has been used in some schools. A summer pilot program in an elementary and high school using the headsets and gloves is reported with the types of subjects virtual reality was used for. Two other programs using 3D virtual reality are explained. A case study using a Web-based virtual reality application for college students is described with the outcomes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Developments in Voice Over Internet Protocol
A 3 page paper discussing current developments in Voice over IP (VOIP), which has been available for some time but has not always been technically- or cost-effective in the past. Alliance between IBM and Nortel Networks in 2001 resulted in the most promising arrangement for VOIP to date being released in late 2002. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Voice Over Internet Protocol History
A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Essay Questions on Voice Over Internet Protocol Answered
This 4-page paper offers answers to essay questions in areas of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
The Uses of TCP/IP Protocol Today
A 5 page paper discussing Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), an 'old' technology that is finding new life. There are great hopes for the public Internet in terms of attainment of low-latency delivery and minimal packet drop, but achieving those likely also will end favorable views of any hybrid network between TCP/IP and ATM, or even the old SNA configurations that are dated but still operational. Greater availability of ISDN is another factor that will work against such a hybrid and more toward IP. Regardless of personal bias, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ksTCP-IP.rtf
This 10-page paper discusses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), some history, current usage and predictions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Overview of VoIP Technology
The 14 page paper is a comprehensive overview of voice over internet protocol (VoIP). The paper explains how VoIP operates including the use of packet switching, examines the technology, looks at some sample prices and considers the future of the technology. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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