Research Papers on Black Politics

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Studies

    A nine page paper which looks at two research studies concerned with the way in which stress and resultant high blood pressure affect Black people, and the different aims and methodologies of the two studies in terms of the quantitative and qualitative approach, the way the which the studies can be used in juxtaposition to provide an overview of the problem, and the applications which they have in the fields of health care and social issues.

  • Program Proposal for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS in Teens

    A 5 page research paper that takes the form of a hypothetical proposal for initiating an HIV/AIDS prevention program for teens, age 11-18. The parameters of the proposed educational intervention are outlined in 4 pages, with a 1 page abstract. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Black Middle Class and the U.S. Civil Rights Movement

    A 11 page research paper, plus a 1 page proposal for that paper, that examines how the civil rights movement has caused the creation of a large, African-American middle class in contemporary America. The writer offers an overview of the civil rights era and argues that this large black middle class has reaped the benefits of that era, as well as furthering its goals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Study of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    A 3 page research paper that in which the writer explains that another paper (kheeoc3.rtf) offers a suggested methodology for a proposed research study, which hypothesizes that an examination of news articles on the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) published in the popular press, that is, non-academic sources, would suggest whether or not the EEOC was fulfilling its mandate to oversee fair and just employment practices. The following examination of literature provides an example of how such a study might be accomplished. The writer summarizes news articles on the EEOC. The evaluation phase of this proposed study is offered in kheeoc5.rtf. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Freedom Bound A History of the Civil Rights Movement by Robert Weisbrot

    This 3 page report is an overview of Weisbrot's chronicle of the major events of America's civil rights movement. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Proposed Research Study for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Methodology

    A 3 page research paper that offers an outline for the methodology section of a proposed research study. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency charged with overseeing whether or not both the private and public sectors of the economy use non-discriminatory hiring practices. The proposed research study suggests a methodology that examines the past and present of the EEOC by examining the content of news articles on the EEOC that have been published in the popular press, that is, non-academic sources. Please note that this paper does not contain references to these news articles, but simply outlines procedure for a proposed study. The hypothesis for this study would be that such an examination would point toward whether or not the EEOC was fulfilling its mandate. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Diversity Issue/Harassment

    A 4 page essay that, first of all, summarizes a news article that addresses the diversity issue of racial workplace harassment. Then, the writer discusses this information in regards to its implications for workplace management. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Social Barriers of Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation

    A 5 page discussion of the numerous societal barriers and limitations which are put in place on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation. Contends that since the advent of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, societal restrictions and limitations made on the basis of gender and race have slowly lessened. The reason for this change is the willingness of individuals to stand up for their basic rights, to exert their differences and to insist that there be no societal differentiation based on those differences. While there has been tremendous progress in regard to societal equality of the races and genders, however, there are still many barriers and limitations which are imposed on such factors as sexual orientation. The author contends that these restrictions and limitations can be overcome as well. All that is needed is the willingness to do so and the fortitude to stand in the face of all resistance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Countee Cullen's 'Heritage' and African American Ancestry Perceptions

    A 5 page paper that examines early twentieth-century poet Countee Cullen's perception of his African-American ancestry as expressed in his poem "Heritage". Discussed are the conflicts and contradictions Cullen found in this perception and the factors and emotions that contributed to these conflicts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Culture, Demographics and Socioeconomics of the Black American Family

    This is a 6 page paper discussing the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families. Studies of demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families and communities have shown that overall, African Americans report lower incomes, lower education, higher unemployment and poverty rates, and higher mortality and suicide rates than most White communities in the United States. All of these factors have improved over the last decade and unemployment was reported at an all time low in the last U.S. Census. Despite these adversities however, a large percentage of African American families have succeeded in their educational and professional careers. It is believed that this “resilience” is enhanced by several cultural support characteristics which exist within the African American families and their communities. Most African Americans have reported that their most difficult challenges are based on racism and oppressive factors rather than factors which relate to their family or socio-economic status. Racism, oppression, and segregation are also believed to be some of the primary differences in the mortality and suicide rates in the African American population from the white population. In social science studies and in relation to agencies which wish to establish social support groups to help African American families, all of the cultural, socio-economic, and demographic differences must be taken into account. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Our Kind of People Inside America's Black Upper Class by Lawrence Otis Graham

    (7 pp) Through six years of interviews with more than three hundred prominent families and individuals, journalist and commentator Lawrence Otis Graham weaves together the revealing stories and fascinating experiences of upper-class blacks who grew up with privilege and power. Previously known for his provocative New York magazine exposé of elite golf clubs, when he left his law firm and went undercover as a busboy at an all-white Connecticut country club, Graham now turns his attention to the black elite. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Race According to Charles R. Lawrence and John Stuart Mill

    This 5 page report discusses the viewpoints of the 19th century philosopher, John Stuart Mill who was certain that the highest normative principle is that, “actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness” and the modern writer and legal scholar, Charles R. Lawrence who believes that “racist speech is peculiarly deserving of curtailment.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Education, Special Needs Individuals' Rights, and the Law

    An 11 page overview of the diversity of considerations which are reflected in the laws, court decisions, and legislation pertaining to the rights of people with special needs. The author provides a detailed summary of several of these considerations and emphasizes that applications range from addressing the needs of individuals with physical disabilities to addressing the needs of individuals with specific cultural characteristics which make special educational provisions a necessity. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Discrimination Law Interpretation and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    A 4 page research paper on the policymaking of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that oversees compliance with federal laws that guard against discrimination in employment practices. The writer examines loopholes in EEOC policy, specifically look at the manner in which academicians evaluate the EEOC. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History and Traps

    (3 pp) Author, James Baldwin claims that, 'James Joyce is right about history being a nightmare—but it may be the history from which no one can awaken. People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.' Malcolm X and Elie Wiesel are used as examples as well as the writer's personal history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Subjugation in Rabbit-Proof Fence

    An 8 page discussion of the concept of manifest destiny as it is illustrated in the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence". The author reviews the plot of this film and compares the blatant discrimination experienced by the characters with other acts of discrimination conducted against other aboriginal peoples around the world. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Harlem's Musical Renaissance Reflected in Josephine Baker and Diana Ross

    A 7 page paper that compares Josephine Baker and Diana Ross and the contribution that each has made to the advancement of African American music. Included is a discussion of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s and the effect this era had on black entertainment. Also included is a brief history of the changes that have shaped African American music from the time of the Harlem Renaissance to the present. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Healthcare of African Americans After the Second World War

    A 5 page paper which discusses how Africa Americans experienced a great change in access to health care, and access to health care professions following WWII, when the federal government made an active assault on discrimination policies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Culture, History and Artistry of Black America

    A 5 page paper which examines Paul Beatty’s “The White Boy Shuffle” as it involves a somewhat irreverent look at African American history and culture. The paper then compares his presentations with the outlooks provided by Addison Gayle’s “The Black Aesthetic” and Larry Neal’s essay “The Black Arts Movement.” No additional sources cited.

  • 20th Century Race History

    This 6 page paper discusses the history of race in the twentieth century and included such major movements as slavery, segregation, desegregation, and the civil rights movement. Furthermore, many notable authors and their views on this topic are noted in this paper, such as Zinn, McBride, Mel King, and more. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Monica Sone's Nisei Daughter, Pauli Murray's Proud Shoes, and History

    A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the historical aspects found in “Proud Shoes” by Pauli Murray and “Nisei Daughter” by Monica Sone. No additional sources cited.

  • US Black Muslim History

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of how African Americans embraced Islam in the United States. While Farrakhan is mentioned the focus of this paper is on other factions. Some statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Analysis and History of The Congress of Racial Equality

    A 10 page paper which examines the history of CORE (The Congress of Racial Equality) and analyzes the organization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pacific Northwest Immigration of Blacks and History Lessons

    A 5 page discussion of the problems black immigrants to the Pacific Northwest have faced. The author asserts that the deep societal prejudice and the discrimination that resulted has had long term impacts for black immigrants and their descendants. A complimentary annotated bibliography is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History and Immigration of Blacks to the Pacific Northwest

    An 11 page discussion of the problems black immigrants to the Pacific Northwest have faced. The author asserts that the deep societal prejudice and the discrimination that resulted has had long term impacts for black immigrants and their descendants. A complimentary annotated bibliography is included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Freedom Rides and African American History

    A 6 page paper which discusses the history of the African American through the Freedom Rides. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History and Contemporary Issues of African Americans

    This 5 page paper discussed the types of discrimination and segregation faced by African-Americans in the United States. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • "Colored People": The History of the Term

    This 3 page paper considers the various terms applied to African Americans over the years, whether or not the term "colored people" is derogatory, and whether the NAACP should consider changing its name. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Feminist Literature's Portrayal of Prejudice and Oppression

    This 11 page paper looks at Zami: A New Spelling Of My Name" By Audre Lorde and the way in which we can see social criticism of different forms of prejudice include gender, race and sexuality. The way this is communicated in the book, and the underlying message are considered by looking at social norms and the way in which, as a reader, we may interpret the book. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Spirituality as a Concept in Black American Literature

    This 5 page paper discusses the issue of African American Literature and the evidence of spirituality in that medium. Furthermore, this paper cites many African-American writers and their works as examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Zora Neale Hurston's 'The Gilded Six Bits' and Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use'

    This 5 page paper analyzes Walker's "Everyday Use" and Hurston's "The Gilded Six-Bits". Specifically, this paper highlights their portrayal of women, black-on-black issues and mother-child relationships. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

  • True Life Stories, Literature, and Issues of Gender, Sex, and Race

    A 5 page paper which examines the theme of sex, race, and gender in Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye,” Harriet Jacobs’ “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” Paule Marhsalls’ “Brown Girl Brownstone,” and Henry Roth’s “Call it Sleep.” Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Perspective on Slavery

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of some basic questions regarding the literature of slavery, including: 1. What is/was one of the most enduring themes in African American literature? 2. Why did early African American anti-slavery advocates study the history of human slavery? and 3. Define fully the term social death. These questions are answered relative to works of African American literature. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Under Representation Ethnic Minority Students in College Attendance Figures

    This 14 page paper considers two hypotheses; Members of ethnic minorities are less likely to attend colleges for post compulsory education and counties with higher than average ethnic minority populations are more likely a lower proportional number of college degrees than countries where there is an average or lower than average ethnic population. The paper starts by explaining the hypotheses, then conducts a short literature review, presents an annotated bibliography and then conducts two statistical tests, one for each hypothesis, to test if they are correct. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Black, Professional & Female

    A 7 page research paper that, first of all, offers a literature review on factors affecting the success of professional black women. Then the writer relates this information to suggests to a student on how to compose a "Findings" section for a research project conducted by that student. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Racial Factors Within the Context of Sports

    This 10 page paper looks at race as a social construction but explores theories that suggest biological aspects play a part in sports. Both sides of the controversy are discussed. Various explanations are offered, inclusive of stereotyping. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Societal Effects of Sports

    This is a 12 page paper with examines how the integration in sports lead to the integration of both races and gender in society. The bibliography has 7 sources.

  • Issues of Stereotypes and Prejudice

    A 5 page paper which examines various issues concerning prejudice and stereotypes as perceived through "Beyond Silenced Voices : Class, Race, and Gender in United States Schools" by Lois Weis, "A Country of Strangers: Blacks and Whites in America" by David Shipler, "Beyond the Masks : Race, Gender and Subjectivity" by Amina Mama, "Social Psychology of Prejudice" by Melinda Jones, and "It's the Little Things : The Everyday Interactions That Get Under the Skin of Blacks and Whites" by Lena Williams. No additional sources cited.

  • Music of Jamaica

    (6 pp.) According to an internet site labeled "fantasy tours," Jamaica is "eternal summer." So it only makes sense that it would have "hot music." But we also learn, "the island" "has rugged mountain ranges, with Blue Mountain Peak, the highest point, soaring 7,402 feet. It has miles of white beaches, bordered by the blue Caribbean. It has 120 rivers flowing from the mountains to the coast. And it has great central plains, fertile agricultural lands, towering cliffs, magnificent waterfalls, and dense tropical forests." What that tells us is our "hot music," still has a lot of varied cultural influences. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Society and Rap Lyrics

    A 2.5 page paper which examines the effects of rap lyrics on today’s society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • African American Hip Hop and its Influence

    A 6 page paper which examines how African American hip hop music has influenced today’s youth culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 1960s' Civil Rights Music and Martin Luther King Jr.

    A 5 page paper which examines the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights music of the 1960s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Violence in Rap

    This 7 page paper contends that this musical genre promotes violence. All of society is affected but blacks, in particular, suffer as a result of rap music. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Just My Soul Responding: Rhythm and Blues, Black Consciousness and Race Relations by Brian Ward

    This 6 page report discusses Brian Ward’s 1998 book that looks at forty years of Black music in America and the ways in which its development paralleled that of the political and civil rights movements of the times. Ward makes the point that it was Rhythm and Blues that became the first musical genre to successfully permeate white American culture. As a cultural historian, Ward is able to eloquently present a number of fascinating correlations between white admiration for black music (and culture) and how it related to and still relates to racial inequalities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Hip Hop: Past, Present and Future

    A 13 page paper which examines the significance and position of Hip Hop music as it relates to the past, present and future. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • James H. Cone's Teachings in A Black Theology of Liberation

    A 3 page discussion of the teachings of James H. Cone. Cone presents a unique perspective of black theology, a perspective which is intended to overcome racism and to bond blacks together not only so they can reap the eventual reward of heaven but also so that they can enjoy an immediate improved status in their everyday lives. No additional sources are listed.

  • James Cone/Black Theology

    A 9 page research paper/essay that summarizes and reacts to James Cone's text A Black Theology of Liberation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History and Theology in the Black Church

    This 4 page paper discusses the history and theology of the black church. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Ideology of Dr. Martin Luther King's Nonviolence and Global Terrorism Applications

    A 6 page analysis of the applicability of Dr. King's teachings in contemporary times. Although many blacks continue to adhere to the ideology of nonviolence, others feel that the end justifies the means. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: Comparison/Contrast

    A 7 page paper which compares and contrasts Maya Angelou’s poem I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings to the life and experiences of a white male teaching in a Black school. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Dyson: Come Hell or High Water

    This 3 page paper discusses the concept of framing as explained by Michael Eric Dyson in his book “Come Hell or High Water,” and shows how that concept was used to denigrate blacks in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • African American Hip Hop and its Influence

    A 6 page paper which examines how African American hip hop music has influenced today’s youth culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hip Hop: Past, Present and Future

    A 13 page paper which examines the significance and position of Hip Hop music as it relates to the past, present and future. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Criminal Justice System and the Issue of Racism

    6 pages in length. One of the most damning aspects of racial stereotypes as it relates to the criminal justice system is the manner in which all members of a particular race become grouped together for the actions of a relative few. By casting a negative light toward being Black, Mexican, Asian or any number of other ethnic races, the criminal justice system clearly demonstrates a great deal of ignorance and disrespect for that individual; just because someone is a member of a certain race does not mean that he or she represents any of the negative connotations associated with that race. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Interracial Relationships

    A 7 page paper that begins with the data regarding interracial marriages in the U.S. The major focus of this essay is white men with black women but it also includes information about the converse. The essay reports comments from other authors about the acceptance of interracial relationships. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Interracial Relationships

    A 4 page review of the problem criticism of interracial relationships presents to those engaged in such relationships. This paper presents several solutions to that problem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Relationship among Race, Ethnicity and Binge Drinking

    A 10 page paper which first defines binge drinking as the drinking of excessive amounts of alcohol in one episode and then identifies it as a phenomena is of serious concern in that it is not only life threatening but is increasing on a world wide basis. Asserts that while alcohol consumption man be decreasing among adults in many countries, the propensity for youth to engage in binge drinking appears to be increasing. Contends that an individual’s propensity for binge drinking is believed to be directly related to their ethnicity and/or race. Summarizes several studies which would appear to support that contention. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Protests Against Black History Month

    A 3 page paper that summarizes and analyzes three essays that protest the institution of Black History Month. In general, these authors argue that black history should be taught throughout the year, rather than in just one month. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Importance of Black History Month for African American Youth

    A 5 page paper which illustrates why Black History Month is important for the African Americna youth to learn and celebrate. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Insight into the Black Panthers

    8 pages about the Black Panther party of the 1960's and 70's. Discusses their role, their purpose, and the government's "plot" to exterminate them. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • M.L. King/Letter from a Birmingham Jail

    A 3 page essay that analyzes Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous letter. On April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King responded to a published statement signed by eight of his fellow clergymen that castigated him for his involvement in Civil Rights protests that took place in Birmingham, Alabama, which is the reason why King was arrested. King’s response to the allegations of these clergymen is considered to be a masterpiece of modern rhetoric. This examination of King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” demonstrates that his argument fits with the framework offered by Rogerian analysis. No additional sources cited.

  • Utopia and Martin Luther King Jr.

    This 3 page paper discusses Dr. King's famous letter from the Birmingham Jail and how it relates to Utopian principles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • King’s Premise of Non-Violence: Applications to the Women’s Movement

    A 4 page exploration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s premise of non-violence. This paper observes the impact of this premise on the women’s movement. Biblography lists 4 sources.

  • Dr. Martin Luther King's Ideologies and How They Contributed to His Murder

    In six pages this paper takes a sociological approach to Dr. King’s 1968 assassination, considering how his personal and professional philosophies may have led to his demise. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Civil Rights' Struggles of African American Women

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the wya in which Belinda Robnett relates two specific themes in her book How Long? How Long? African American Women in the Struggle for Civil Rights. These themes include the role that women played in the background of the Civil Rights Movement, and the conflicts that arose from trying to view the Civil Rights Movement from a feminist perspective. Robnett recognized that women were instrumental in many aspects of the Black Power Movement, but that they were not recognized as leaders of a movement that was lead by men and seemed inherently sexist. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Studies

    A nine page paper which looks at two research studies concerned with the way in which stress and resultant high blood pressure affect Black people, and the different aims and methodologies of the two studies in terms of the quantitative and qualitative approach, the way the which the studies can be used in juxtaposition to provide an overview of the problem, and the applications which they have in the fields of health care and social issues.

  • The Mass Media and the African American CultureAfrican American Culture in the Media: Ebonics and Advertising

    A 4 page discussion of how African American culture is being reflected in the media. Television advertising is particularly interesting in this regard in that there is a greater and greater tendency to produce advertisements using ebonics, a form of communication developed by the African American community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Brazil, 'Social Democracy,' and Discrimination

    (5 pp) Attempting change is always difficult; and of course some clever soul said, the most difficult thing to change is ones ideas or belief system. That has certainly been true of the concept of "social democracy" in Brazil. Emilia Viotti da Costa examines that thought in an article entitled, "The Myth of Racial Democracy in Brazil: A Problem of Social Mythology."

  • Black American Perspectives on Death and Dying from a Religious View

    This 10 page paper discusses religious beliefs and cultural customs regarding death and dying among the African American population. First, it would be wrong to lump all African Americans together and assume they all share the same religious and cultural beliefs and use the same procedures when it comes to death and dying. That would be a gross stereotypical conclusion. There are a multitude of variables that influence any family's beliefs and customs. This essay reports the comments and discussions of a number of persons who belong to this racial community and/or who have studied the topics. There are some core beliefs that may be practiced by many of the black population, such as spirituality, the circle of life and the collective decision making process. These are explained and discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History and Traps

    (3 pp) Author, James Baldwin claims that, 'James Joyce is right about history being a nightmare—but it may be the history from which no one can awaken. People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.' Malcolm X and Elie Wiesel are used as examples as well as the writer's personal history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Domestic Violence and African Americans

    A 3 page consideration of the factors that contribute to domestic violence. While blacks might seem more prone to domestic violence, numerous factors are at play in creating that suggestion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Where Do We Go from Here Chaos or Community? by Martin Luther King Jr.

    A 5 page review of the civil rights leader’s last book. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 1960s' Civil Rights Music and Martin Luther King Jr.

    A 5 page paper which examines the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights music of the 1960s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Civil Rights Act of 1991

    A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964, in order to provide damages in regards to employment discrimination cases and to make it clear how provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act pertain to “’disparate impact’ actions. The writer discusses how its provisions affect the workplace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and the Civil Rights Movement

    This 9 page paper discusses the contributions of Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The writer recounts Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on the bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 and also explains the segregation laws concerning the buses in Montgomery. A small group of black women then distributed flyers asking blacks not to use the bus on the following Monday. A new committee was formed with a relatively new resident of the city as its leader - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The writer then recounts some of King's remarkable work and achievements on behalf of the civil rights movement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparison of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

    A 5 page paper which examines the lives and contributions of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, arguing that Martin Luther's life and works had a more understandable vision for change in relationship to the impact made upon the African American population. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Affirmative Action and Workplace Racial Discrimination

    A 10 page research paper including an 1 page Outline, examines the continued need for Affirmative Action policies instituted in the 1960's. Some authors state that American minorities still need Affirmative Action's protection; some state that we have moved beyond the quota system and that Affirmative Action has outlived its usefulness; and at least one maintains that the quota system was illegal from the outset and was never supposed to have been an issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Racial Segregation and Housing

    A 4 page discussion of the historical development of the suburb and the racial segregation that it perpetuated. This paper argues that our governments itself played an incriminating role in this development. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Spirituality as a Concept in Black American Literature

    This 5 page paper discusses the issue of African American Literature and the evidence of spirituality in that medium. Furthermore, this paper cites many African-American writers and their works as examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Heart of Whiteness by Robert Jensen

    A 7 page book review of Robert Jensen's The Heart of Whiteness, which deals with the lingering legacy of white supremacy and its effect on American society. Only the text is cited.

  • Maycomb, Alabama and Themes of Loneliness and Childhood in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird

    An 11 page review of Harper Lee’s novel depicting the many societal impacts of racism in 1930s Alabama. The author discusses the importance of Maycomb Alabama as a setting for the novel as well as the importance of the theme of children, and loneliness. No additional sources are listed.

  • The Health Care System in the United States and Access by Black Americans

    This 17 page paper reports the health status of African-Americans in the U.S. Statistics about the incidence of specific diseases and mortality rates among Black Americans as compared to White Americans are reported. The essay includes a discussion of the barriers to quality health care services. For instance, Black women are more likely to die of colon, rectal and breast cancer and Black men are more than twice as likely to die of prostrate cancer. The writer then turns to report the racial and ethnic composition of physicians as well as that of medical students. The discussion includes a few suggestions for correcting this inequity in quality health care. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 27 sources.

  • Causes and Effects of Discrimination

    In 6 pages, the writer discusses the cause and effect of discrimination. The Rodney King case is used as one of the prime examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Concepts of Negritude

    5 pages in length. The social, cultural and political events that helped to shape the concept of Negritude for Leopold Sedar Senghor, Leon Damas and Aime Cesaire were vast and far-reaching when it came to sculpting their individual interpretations of the word. In short, the birth of Negritude was the birth of Black Consciousness and the Harlem Renaissance, which was hastened by the need for the African community to be recognized for its beneficial and inherent contributions. Spawning a significant literary movement in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s comprised of French-speaking African and Caribbean writers, Negritude opened up an entirely different view of blacks that had never before been considered. The writer discusses what Negritude represented to the individual writers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 'Passing' and the Harlem Renaissance

    A 5 page paper connecting the prevalence of the theme of black people 'passing' for white in the 1920s with the way black literature emulated white modernism during the same period. The paper concludes that in both cases, white culture was seen as superior and desirable. Both a bibliography listing seven sources and endnotes are appended to the paper.

  • Enlightenment Modernity and Black Politics

    This 5 page report discusses the parallels between the origins and evolution of Black politics and the Enlightenment's project of modernity. The shift from 'modernity' to 'post-modernity' has been duplicated in the process that resulted in the development of modern politics for the African American community in the United States. Parallels between the emergence of Black politics in the U.S. and the entire process of 'modern' thinking actually can be compared to the development of the 'Enlightenment' of earlier centuries and its focus on 'modernity.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Affirmative Action and Why People Support It

    A 15 page paper presenting a literature review and an abbreviated survey-based research seeking attitudes and reasons why Affirmative Action policies appear to be ingrained forever in our society. Research findings indicate that while individuals, both African American and white, believe that the very program tends to extend racial discrimination rather than alleviate it, none wants to be accused of being either 'racist' or uncaring regarding the fate of others. The sample is a limited number of women equally divided according to race; the findings indicate that further research is warranted. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Social Classes and Growing Up

    A 3 page essay contrasting and comparing growing up in the upper and lower classes. The writer focuses on money and spontaneous freedom of actions. No additional sources cited.

  • Mutiny on the Amistad by Howard Jones

    A 5 page analysis of Howard Jones' account of the Amistad case, in which black captives seized control of a slave ship in the early 1800s and tried to return to Africa. The writer argues that Jones demonstrates how the repercussions of the Amistad case went far beyond its immediate effect on the defendants, but rather affected the course of the American abolitionist movement, foreign relations with Spain, and the perspective that those involved toward the legal system of the US. No additional sources cited.

  • Common Misconceptions Regarding Affirmative Action

    A 7 page research paper that examines the white male backlash against affirmative action and offers a rebuttal against some of the assumed ideas of this movement. The writer argues that there are numerous misconceptions concerning affirmative action and that these programs are still needed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Taste of Power by Elaine Brown

    A 5 page analysis of the autobiography of Elaine Brown, who briefly led the Black Panthers in the early 1970s. Brown offers a revealing look into the dynamics of an organization that symbolized the militant left in the Civil Rights movement, the organization that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover referred to as the greatest internal threat facing American national security. Brown's frank discourse reveals the sexism that was inherent in the black power politics of this organization. No other sources cited.

  • Common Ground, A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families by J. Anthony Lukas

    (5pp) Common Ground: covering a great deal more than its subtitle suggests, is a huge non-fiction study of Boston in the 1970's, when it was under the pressure of court-ordered busing to achieve school desegregation. The three families J. Anthony Lukas focuses on include only a handful of the hundreds of people in a multilayered account of the moral fabric of a city and the vastly different social universes of its neighborhoods. Eventually the turmoil surrounding the desegregation efforts is seen in the context of history, not just national history, or that of Boston, but the history of the little villages cities are made up of, and in many cases even the histories of individuals.

  • Our Kind of People Inside America's Black Upper Class by Lawrence Otis Graham

    (7 pp) Through six years of interviews with more than three hundred prominent families and individuals, journalist and commentator Lawrence Otis Graham weaves together the revealing stories and fascinating experiences of upper-class blacks who grew up with privilege and power. Previously known for his provocative New York magazine exposé of elite golf clubs, when he left his law firm and went undercover as a busboy at an all-white Connecticut country club, Graham now turns his attention to the black elite. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Continuing Evolution of U.S. Desegregation

    ( 5 pp) The federal mandate of racially integrated schools began over forty years ago. Some schools, particularly in the South, were able to ward off compliance, for decades. Unfortunately, the desegregation of schools has been predicated on a case-by-case base and racially identifiable school systems continue to exist today. But recently, after the magnet and mid-point school plans, a new wrinkle in the form of choice and charter schools has surfaced. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Ordeal of Integration by Orlando Patterson

    A 5 page research paper that examines the position taken by Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson in his book The Ordeal of Integration regarding the paradoxes involved in understanding integration. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


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