Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Understanding How Crime is Experienced by Senior Citizens Research Proposal
This 6 page paper is organized as a research proposal to understand how the elderly experience crime. Included in this proposal are objectives of research, how to conduct the research, analysis and reporting, and more. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Types of Serial Killers
( 5pp includes outline) The National Center for the
Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia, US, according to
Mitchell (1996), divides serial murder into two
types: "spree" and "classic". Spree serial murder
satisfies the criteria of geographical separation,
but rarely is there a "cooling off" period. The
motive is usually financial and/or thrill-seeking.
Classic serial murder satisfies both criteria: a
predatory/stalking method is typically employed,
and crime-scene evidence often suggests a
sexual/sadistic motive.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Film and Book Version Analysis of 'The Godfather'
This 5 page research paper compares how the characters change between parts 1-3 of Mario Puzo's novel, The Godfather, vs. the changes in the film versions, scripted by Francis Ford Coppola. Specifically examined are the changes of the Corleone characters depicted in the book as opposed to the film. No additional sources cited.
Chicago History and Organized Crime
A 6 page research paper which looks specifically at the Prohibition era and how Chicago was ruled by gangsters, bootleggers, and corrupt politicians at that time. This era ended when mobster Al Capone was finally arrested for tax evasion by 'Untouchable' leader Elliott Ness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Yakuza, Triad, and Mafia History
A 3 page paper which presents the history of the organized crime groups of the Mafia, Triad, and Yakuza. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Women and Children as Products in the Sex Industry
This 7 page paper examines the issues surrounding human trafficking. The problem is apparent not just in third world countries but even in countries like the US. The author suggests education is the key to addressing human trafficking. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Firearms' Trafficking Overview
This 5 page paper looks at the sale of illegal firearms in the U.S. and internationally as well. Laws designed to curb illegal gun sales are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Italian Mafia of New York
6 pages in length. Popular culture routinely portrays the New York Italian Mafia as a malignant tumor on the face of society. After assessing the facts against what popular culture has had to say about the brutalizing collection of Italian gang members, it can easily be argued that New York's Italian Mafia has earned the literary reputation it has worked so feebly to dispel. Not only is this violent group guilty of living an existence that mirrors such interpretation as brought about by author Mario Puzo, but it has also been quite successful at reaching beyond prison walls and infiltrating society at various levels as a means by which to gather pertinent information. The extent to which New York's Italian Mafia has its fingers spread throughout the community – from cops to merchants and public officials to the neighborhood drug dealer – is both implausible and repugnant. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Stereotypes Involving Organized Crime and Italian Americans
5 pages in length. At no time can New York's Italian Mafia defy the legitimacy of its association with violence, inasmuch as news report after news report finds its members involved in one kind of killing spree or another. There is little support in disputing that primary to its objective as a self-imposed social overseer, the New York Italian Mafia showcases the violence and power that renders its members fully able to take possession of whatever they want any way they can obtain it. One might readily surmise that written into their clandestine constitution are the words that give them the power to obstruct justice, play by their own rules and literally attend to life in any manner they see fit. That ordinary Italian-Americans are automatically branded with this stereotype when, in fact, they have nothing to do with organized crime speaks volumes regarding the powerful image their violent counterparts have erected. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Measures to Reduce the Risk of Terrorism in the Finance and Accounting Sector
This 15 page paper looks at the risks and reactions to terrorism within the accounting and finance industry. The paper starts by considering the way crime theory may be used to assess risks of terrorism, looking at concepts such as opportunity theory, rational choice theory and routine actions theory and then assesses the measures that have been out into place within the industry. The paper compares the UK with Saudi Arabia to assess effectiveness of measures in different countries. The bibliography cites 23 sources
Community Notification on Reported Sex Offenders
This 15 page paper evaluates the problem of sex offenders that are released into the community. Megan's law along with similar legislation is discussed in depth. The problem of impinging on offenders' rights, as well as these laws having the opposite of the intended effect, are issues included. Statistics regarding recidivism are relayed. The paper supports community notification despite some arguments made to the contrary . Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Late 19th Century and Impact of Political Machines
3 pages in length. The last half of the nineteenth century was a time of significant political growing pangs. As a means by which to address the concerns that had sprouted up throughout the previous decades, the country's officials decided to implement what was termed political machines: a well-oiled operation that, some feel, took advantage of immigrant labor workers and the rest of America. While these political machines were initially created in order for politicians to gain a more solid voter following, it also served to undermine the very integrity upon which America had been established. Indeed, the only people who stood to benefit from the outcome of political machines were the ones who held a significantly higher social status. The writer discusses political machines as they relate to the late nineteenth century. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mafia and Roles Played by Women
This 8 page paper looks at the roles women play in the Mafia and how the role has evolved over time to one that is slightly more active. Despite the change in female participation, Mafia families remain patriarchal in nature and wives are still put on pedestals. A look at the phenomenon is taken with examples drawn from both the United States and Italy. Bibliography lists 9 sources
Organized Crime Syndicates and Commercial Burglaries
In this 15 page paper, the question of what is meant by 'organized crime' is explored with particular reference to commercial burglaries and robberies. Several different types of criminal organization are discussed, from the organized efforts of individual criminals and affiliated acquaintances ('teams' or 'partners in crime') to more professionally organized 'gangs,' 'rings,' and finally to international sydicated crime with contracted criminals who conduct robberies and burglaries. It is argued that a new approach is needed to this significant risk to businesses from burglaries and robberies of all these types. This would, like new approaches to physical health, include attention to the causes as well as the symptoms of the worldwide crime disease, and to the general health of society as a preventative measure. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Terrorism and the Media
A 12 page research paper that explores how terrorists are successful at exploiting the link between the news media, public opinion, and presidential decision making. The writer discusses the sociological and political dimensions of reported violence in hostage, terrorist attacks, and bombings situations. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Riggs v. Palmer Court Case
This 9 page paper examines the origin and scope,
the content, and methods of developing approaches
to this 1889 law case. This case is considered a
favorite of the issue of morality vs legality
involving a grandson who kills his grandfather and
then lays claims to the estate. Bibliography lists
7 sources.
Types of Serial Killers
( 5pp includes outline) The National Center for the
Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) at the FBI
Academy in Quantico, Virginia, US, according to
Mitchell (1996), divides serial murder into two
types: "spree" and "classic". Spree serial murder
satisfies the criteria of geographical separation,
but rarely is there a "cooling off" period. The
motive is usually financial and/or thrill-seeking.
Classic serial murder satisfies both criteria: a
predatory/stalking method is typically employed,
and crime-scene evidence often suggests a
sexual/sadistic motive.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Individual and Societal Effects of Organized Crime
A 9 page paper discussing how both organized crime and society have changed since its early-20th century origins in the US. The Great Depression gained far more attention than did flamboyant criminals, as has been the case with the rapid rise of organized crime in Eastern Europe since the fall of communism.
Violence formerly was limited to that between organization members, but today's spills over into a broader area. Ultimately, it is political corruption that provides the environment in which organized crime can thrive. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.