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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
12 pages in length. That hacking was present in the phone system over one hundred years ago speaks to a problem that has experienced a slow but steady evolution. The 1960s, however, is where the timeline of contemporary hacking gets its start, continuing on into the 1970s with John Draper – aka Captain Crunch – hacking the phone company by mimicking the tone that opens a line. By the 1980s, hacking had become much more sophisticated as a vast new entity called 'cyberspace' was introduced to the world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
In 10 pages, the author discusses the ethics of computer hacking and spreading computer viruses. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
This 3 page paper analyzes an article about information security, hacking, cracking and privacy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
An 8 page overview of computer crime related to hacking. This paper explores the ethics and justifications of hacking, dismissing those justifications as simply illogical. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
This 27 page paper examines three cinema websites which markets the cinema and encourage ticket sales. The three websites assessed in terms of their target population and the way they are presented with reference to Neilson's 10 usability heuristics. The cinemas chosen for the assessment the Odeon, Vue and a small independent called Palace Cinema. The websites assessed the UK websites for the cinema. The bibliography cites eight sources.