Research Papers on Classroom Management

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.


    This 3-page paper is a research proposal regarding elementary school teachers and preparation for dealing with ADHD. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Urban versus Suburban Standardized Testing

    This 9 page paper presents part of a research proposal to study the factors that contribute to the difference in achievement levels between suburban and urban students. The introduction provides a basic overview of standardized tests, the purpose of the study and the hypothesis for the study. The literature review reports studies that confirm the gap between suburban and urban but also identifies other variables affecting achievement, such as poverty. The methodology section describes the types of data to be collected. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Literature Review on LEP

    A 10 page research paper that examines the literature pertaining to instruction of LEP (limited English Proficiency) students. The writer offers a literature review for a proposed research study that posits that LEP students will learn faster in a literacy-based, rather than phonics-based, program. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Multicultural Education Challenges for Teachers

    A 20 page paper that presents a modified research proposal, including an abstract and purpose of study. The literature review reports scholarly articles related to the preparation of preservice teachers in multicultural education. The purpose of the present study is to obtain information from teachers as to how prepared they feel to implement a multicultural education program. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Study Method for Inclusion Classroom Grades Investigation

    A 3 page paper discussing the method that will be used in an upcoming study, explaining the choice of including both qualitative and quantitative components. The qualitative component will seek to discover teachers' and students' attitudes and perceptions, while the quantitative aspect will assess changes in grades as a result of the action research. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Learning Styles And Reaching Full Potential

    3 pages in length. Based upon the student's learning assessments outcome, she – like many other people -- incorporates tenets of both Gardner's multiple intelligence theory and Kolb's experiential learning theory. The ability to draw something from each of these theories illustrates the manner by which to ensure learners reach their full potential and are not pigeon-holed into methods that do not address their personal learning style. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Quantitative Methodology on Scholastic Achievement of Students and the Involvement of Parents

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a quantitative methodology for a paper that tests the role that parental involvement plays in educational achievement. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Reducing the Number of Hispanic High School Dropouts Proposal

    A 12 page research proposal designed to evaluate the effects of a specialized class on Hispanic dropout. The author suggests that twenty-two students be randomly selected from a school and entered into a special program emphasizing positive educational networks and continuous exposure to material patterned after the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). The idea is to compare these students pre and post test scores as well as their future drop-out rate to other Hispanic students in the school. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Improving Student Performance

    This 9 page paper is a proposal for a research project to assess the ways that a school may increase the level of student performance. The format is based in sections outlined by the student looking at the aims and the outcomes of the research and the tools that will be used. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • How Literacy and Writing is Enhanced by Science

    A 20 page research paper that offers a discussion and analysis of research findings, as well as suggestions to a student concerning how to prepare a proposal for a planned intervention study that will address the professional development needs of a group of first grade teachers on how to integrate reading and science instruction. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Teaching English to ESL Students/Research Proposal

    An 8 page proposal for a research study that proposes that the student-researcher will conduct a study of relevant literature that would summarize and synthesize the data that is currently available. The working hypothesis/assumption of this study is that such an examination of literature could be utilized to fashion an effective instructional guidelines that teachers could use to aid them in the complicated task of meeting the needs of ESL students. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • 2 Education Articles Reviewed

    A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Action Research in a 7th Grade Classroom

    A 15 page proposal for action research in a 7th grade classroom. The paper discusses the problem in Chapter 1; provides a literature review in Chapter 2; and contains Methodology in Chapter 3. The paper recommends that improvement efforts be made on a school-wide basis for greater effectiveness. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • The Traits of an Effective Principal

    A 20 page paper. The role of the principal has become far more complex over the last two decades and how that role is defined and described depends on many different variables, including demographics. This essay discusses the research leading to lists of roles the principal plays and the traits or characteristics found in an effective principal. The writer also comments on leadership styles. The essay also includes components of a research proposal including the methodology, procedures and participants. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Research Study Proposal on Equitable Education

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal on the issue of gender equity in the classroom. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • College Grades and the Impact of Pop Quizzes Research Study Proposal

    An 8 page research paper that outlines a research study proposal for evaluating the effect of pop quizzes, and quizzes in general, on final course grade at the college level. The proposal includes literature review on this topic and outlines the parameters of the proposed research study. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Proposal on Distance Learning and 'Desocialization'

    A 25 page research paper. While distance education itself is not new, Internet-based courses are a relatively new phenomenon. The question this proposal asks is: Is there a difference in student achievement between those taking Online courses and those attending the traditional classroom course? The paper is a research proposal that includes: a general introduction to the topic of distance education/learning and to Internet-based education, in particular. The purpose of the study, hypotheses and methodology are included. The literature review reports both anecdotal comments and results of previous research studies, both qualitative and quantitative. One concern with this medium has been students feeling isolated with a lack of socialization with other students. As the literature illustrates, there are many tools and strategies that can be used to minimize any negative effect of distance. Statistical data are reported. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Classroom Management in a Junior High School Setting

    A 9 page paper in the format of a proposal for an action research project. The problem is that some students disrupt their classrooms, which results in decreasing learning opportunities for all students. The sections of this essay include: Problem Statement, which includes a planning matrix for the study and a questionnaire to be used to gather needed information to validate the problem; purpose of the study, description of the community, including the school district; description of the work setting; the writer's role in the school; and a summary. No Bibliography.

  • The Importance of Cultural Skills in Reaching Multicultural Students

    A 10 page proposal for a research study to assess teacher ability to successfully interact with students from a variety of cultural backgrounds and the relation that skill has with student performance in reading comprehension. The proposed study revolves around a ten question survey designed to assess teachers' cultural skill in Cuban-American language and other cultural elements as well as the teachers' educational approaches. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Survey Development

    A 5 page paper reporting on a six-week process of developing a questionnaire for a qualitative research effort in education and curriculum reform. The process begins with a literature review, followed by identifying key questions evident in the literature. The researcher identifies several areas of interest, devising questions from those areas for the trial survey. Independent reviewers assess the questions for content and validity; the researcher incorporates their suggestions and returns the revised questionnaire to them. He will incorporate further comments into what will become the final survey instrument. No sources listed.

  • Research Into the Literacy Needs of Adult Students A Research Proposal

    This 11 page paper does provide a research proposal, but much of the paper relays information about adult learners and their reading abilities, problems and desires. Questions, suitable for use in the form of a questionnaire, are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Contextual Issues for a Research Plan

    This 14 page paper is part of a research proposal to investigate potential ways of improving student performance. The paper is based on the framework provided by the student, looking at the organizational context, stakeholders, external issues and 3 types of research methodology that will be utilized. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Classrooms That Are Graded versus Nongraded

    A 15 page research paper that presents the suggested framework for a proposed study on performance of student in nongraded classrooms as compared to student in graded classrooms on standardized tests. The writer offers extensive background material and a broad literature review as well as suggestions for methodology. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Research Proposal for Head Start Program

    A 63 page paper that presents a research proposal project. Includes abstract. Chapter 1 includes: introduction, background, problem statement, purpose, definitions, hypothesis, research questions. Chapter 2 is the literature review, which is subdivided into the historical and legal background of Head Start and Early Head Start, including the program's mission, goals and outcome exceptions, and a report of research conducted over the years. Research studies that support and do not support the program are reported. The writer also points to the contradictions not only between research studies but also in the interpretation of the same data by different "experts." The writer also points to the expectations in terms of the original purpose of the program and he disparity between these. Chapter 3 is the Methods section and begins with comments and recommendations from the Head Start Bureau regarding research projects. The population to be studied is identified, assessment process, demographics to be considered. The results section comments on what the researcher might want to do. The Discussion section provides a hypothetical discussion of the study's results. Data are included. Bibliography lists 29 sources.

  • A Research Proposal on Standardized Testing

    This 4 page paper provides a research proposal in examining standardized testing and its affect on curricula. A proposal is made. A review of literature is included. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Science Instruction for Elementary School Research Proposal

    An 8 page research proposal for a study pertaining to the length of time devoted to science instruction in the elementary grades. The proposed study would examine which class schedule was more effective--80 minute lessons every other day or 40 minute lessons every day. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • An Evaluation of the Research Proposal 'Early Reading Program As an Intervention to Reduce the Need for and Negative Effects of Social Promotion Among African American Males Grades K-12'

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a proposal for a study of An Early Reading Program As an Intervention to Reduce the Need for and Negative Effects of Social Promotion Among African American Males Grades K-12. This paper includes a outline of the proposal. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Suspension Alternative Program Grant Proposal

    A 16 page research paper that presents a hypothetical grant proposal to start an alternative program to out-of-school suspension in the Palm Beach County School District in Florida. The writer discusses why suspension and zero tolerance policies have not worked to correct disciplinary problems; reviews literature on alternative programs; and recommends the RALLY program designed by Noam, Warner and Dyken (2001). Budgetary considerations and evaluation processes are also discussed. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Research Study Proposal on 1st Year Teacher Support

    A 6 page paper offering a research proposal for investigating the issue of supportive relationships and first year teacher success, specifically what kinds of support the novice teacher needs. Sections include: Statement of the problem, hypotheses; Review of literature; Analysis of findings; Conclusions and recommendations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Education Gender Inequities Proposal

    This 3 page paper is a proposal for a study focusing on gender inequities in education. The introduction comments on the purpose of the project. The literature research reports studies that demonstrate boys receive more attention from their teachers than girls. The writer comments on the importance of school as a socialization process for learning gender roles. The paper ends with a summary and suggestions for research. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Achievement and School Uniforms

    A Research Proposal: This 5 page paper presents a research proposal to determine if wearing school uniforms has any effect on elementary student academic achievement. The paper begins with an introduction that discusses the lack of empirical evidence regarding the effects of wearing uniforms. Very few studies have been conducted and the few that are published have conflicting data. The writer presents the hypothesis in this introduction. The next section is the proposed methodology for the study and finally, the data analysis strategies to be used. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cooperative /Collaborative Language Learning; PowerPoint Presentation

    This 10 page paper is a presentation concerning the use of a collaborative/co-operative approach to language teaching. The presentation looks at the background to collaborative learning including the theory and principle and then considers teaching approaches applied to language lessons. A PowerPoint file is included with the paper. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Learning Theory: Impacts on Curriculum Development

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of the 25 slides in an inlcuded powerpoint presentation on learning theories and their application for curriculum development. Bibliography lists 10 sources. Please contact the office and request MHedtheoryenvppt.PPT to be sent in addition to this paper.

  • Chapters One through Three of Introduction, Study of the Problem and Outcomes and Evaluation Education Action Research Proposal

    A 15 page paper providing the Introduction, Study of the Problem and Outcomes and Evaluation chapters of a proposal for action research in a junior high school. The purpose of the research is to discover the state of classroom disruptions that teachers deal with and their responses to those disruptions, followed by implementation of a school-wide classroom management program designed to decrease students’ disruptive behavior. The goal of the action research is not only to improve the classroom environment, but also to reduce teachers’ stress; improve teachers’ effectiveness; improve student achievement; and improve student morale. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Academic Achievement and Class Size Research Study Proposal

    A 9 page paper that presents a research proposal, including hypothetical results. Topics include: introduction, problem statement, hypothesis, definition of terms, literature review, design of study, including participants, procedures, analysis, findings and conclusions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Student Motivation Study Proposal

    An 8 page research paper that offers the outline for a proposed research study into motivational factors for high school students. There is an old saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Likewise, high school teachers constantly try to offer the curriculum in a manner that engages their students minds, but fail to connect with many of the adolescents that they are trying to reach. In 1984 and 1989 a Gallup/Phi Delta Kappa national poll of educators found that lack of student motivation was a top concern of all public school teachers surveyed (Gonzalez, 2002). The question that these teachers ask, that is, "what is the key to unlocking student motivation," is the principal question to be addressed by this proposed study. The paper consists primarily of a review of literature on this topic before discussing possible ways to complete the proposed research study. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Learning Process and Live Video's Impact Proposed Thesis

    This 4 page paper is divided into four parts: Hypothesis, Statement of Interest, Literature Review and Methodology. The proposal for a research project includes literature on how the use of video impacts students in a learning situation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Accountability and School Principals Proposal

    A 17 page paper that presents a dissertation proposal. Schools have changed and so has the principalship. Accountability is not the focus word and principals are required to be accountable not only for the smooth operation of the school but also for student achievement. Many experienced principals are saying the multitude of tasks and responsibilities are simply not 'doable' and are retiring early. How are novice/beginning principals dealing with the challenges of expanded demands on the principal? This paper includes these sections: introduction, problem statement, purpose of study, significance of study, literature review and methodology. Standards for principals as published by two organizations are reported along with some of their many responsibilities. 2 Appendices reflect the surveys to be sent to new principals for this study. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Reducing Class Size/A Research Proposal

    This 15 page paper presents a research proposal for the state of Virginia but the information is applicable to any school district or as a general resource for research on the topic. It begins with a short abstract, and includes a statement of the problem, literature review, hypothesis, significance of the study, participants, instruments to be used, and procedure. There is an abundance of literature addressing the issue of class size and academic achievement but there is still a great deal of controversy. The writer attempts to place the controversy in context and explains some of the reasons for the criticism of research studies addressing this issue. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Class Size Effect/A Research Proposal

    This 10 page paper is a research proposal to determine the effects of class size on academic achievement. This is an issue of controversy and heated debates. The research has often been controversial but the general prevailing opinion is that students in small classes have higher academic performance than students in classrooms with more students. The paper includes: introduction to the study proposal, statement of the problem, hypothesis; literature review that includes the results of a number of different studies in different states; design of the study, including selection of participants, methodology, data to be collected, treatment of data; possible outcomes and a summary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Inclusion Program In High School/A Research Proposal

    A 15 page proposal for a research study, which includes a table of content and an abstract as part of this page total. This proposal describes a study that would examine the success or failure of inclusion at the high school level by examining the attitudes of general education teachers and special education teachers as to whether or not inclusion programs are meeting the needs of all students and can, therefore, be classified as successful. The page count also includes suggestions as to proposed methodology and instrumentation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Four Blocks Literacy Framework Adoption and Change Management

    This 70 page is a dissertation case study up to the collection and analysis of actual data. The study involves an elementary school where the Four-Blocks Literacy Framework is being adopted but many teachers are resisting the change. The sections of this comprehensive paper include: Introduction, including background about the school, changing demographics, test scores, the Four-Blocks approach and change implementation. The Literature Review includes a comprehensive explanation of the Four-Blocks Framework with research studies reported; an example of a comprehensive literacy-based lesson plan; an extensive discussion of change management, including types and causes of resistance and strategies to deal with it. The purposes of the study are then outlined, followed by a methodology section that includes participants, an explanation of qualitative research and case studies, and the procedures for the study. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model is outlined because one component of the model is to be used. A draft survey for teachers is included. The paper ends with a description of how the data will be presented, a restatement of the purpose of the study and conclusions. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 52 sources.

  • Delimitations, Limitations, Summary/Research Proposal

    A 3 page research paper that elaborates on a research study proposal. In previous papers, this writer/tutor has provided guides to a student to aid in formulating a research study whose goal is to determine the effect of absenteeism in the elementary grades. This paper adds to the previous guides by discussing how to formulate the sections of the proposed study dealing with delimitations, limitations, and a study summary. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Educational Psychology - Case Study

    This 4 page paper presents the case study of a six-year-old boy who was observed by the student. The essay discusses the boy's behaviors, learning theories (Piaget, Vygotsky and Erikson) and how the teacher could have helped the boy in the classroom. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Case Study

    A 3 page research paper/essay that answers questions that pertain to a case scenario in which a fourth grade Cuban-American boy is recommended by his teacher for special education classes and suspension. The writer discusses the boy’s background, the circumstances, and recommends that the child should be kept in a general education classroom, but could benefit from a classroom in which the teacher takes a constructivist approach to learning. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Literacy Case Study

    A 7 page example paper that is intended to serve as a guide for an elementary school teacher in reporting a case study with a third-grade boy in regards to literacy skills. Tutorial language is used. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Case Study in Education

    This 5 page paper examines a case study provided by a student. The case study involves a child exhibiting at risk behaviors. Interventions in the classroom are provided for each behavior. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Developmental Supervision Case Studies

    A 6 page research paper/essay that summarizes and analyzes three case studies that deal with examples of supervisory style in education. Each case study discusses how a supervisor handled the problems of a particular teacher. Supervisory styles examined include collaborative, directive informational, an directive control. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Journal Article Review on Teaching Fifth Graders Science

    This 3 page paper presents a review of a journal article. The article reports a case study of four fifth-grade teachers. This review reports the type and purpose of study, an overview of the study, the conclusions of the authors and the relevance of the article for teachers. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Utilizing Literature To Enhance Vocabulary Skills

    10 pages in length. The writer discusses methods, data analysis and summary as they relate to applying literature-based techniques to teaching vocabulary retention to elementary students. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 2 Education Articles Reviewed

    A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 4-page paper focuses on a case study dealing with a third-grade teacher and how to handle her class of troubled learners. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Rich, Freire and Education

    This 3 page paper discusses the essay and poems of Adrienne Rich and the banking theory of education put forth by Paolo Freire, and how they can be related to education. Bibliography lists 2 sources

  • Standardized Testing and its History

    This 11 page paper discusses the history of standardized testing and it's impact on education. This paper examines standardized testing from its inception through the 1970's. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Education and the Use of Cinema

    5 pages. Paulo Freire has several interesting theories concerning the types of education, teaching methods, and which work best in the classroom or other venues. This paper will focus on teaching methods and the use of film as a viable media for Freire's Problem Posing Education theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Geography / Art Lesson Plan

    A 3 page paper the provides a lesson plan for 6th graders that integrates geography and art. The lesson plan includes a description of the activities, including the teacher's role and what students are to do with each type of map. Includes assessment activity of drawing a map of the route from school to home with certain criteria. No Bibliography.

  • Grades First through Fourth Content Area Writing and Reading Instruction

    This 9 page paper emphasizes grades 1-4 but the concepts and strategies discussed may be used at any grade level. The focus is on strategies to teach reading and writing in content areas. General strategies that may be used in any content area and at any grade level are outlined and described. The paper also comments on teaching reading and writing in specific content areas: social studies, math, science and geography. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cooperative Learning, History, and Reading

    A 5 page paper discussing learning the subject of history by incorporating content reading and cooperative learning into the curriculum. By combining the various methods and approaches to learning, the student can expect to gain much more valuable information out of history, a subject often confined to lectures. The content area reading method is discussed and defined, as is the method of cooperative learning. Bibliography lists 6sources.

  • Education and its History

    This 13 page paper deals with the philosophies of education of several experts in the field, namely Barbara Thayer-Bacon, and Joe Kincheloe. Works cited include Philosophy Applied to Education, and Contextualizing Teaching. Constructivist and indivdualistic views are discussed as well as philosophies that impacted the modern development of the educational processes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Information for Those New to Teaching

    A 5 page paper presenting general comments about being a new history teacher. Tips regarding the kinds of strategies a new teacher needs are included as is an example that focuses on the Revolutionary War. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Teaching Jr. and Sr. High School History Problems and Perspectives

    A 7 page paper which examines some of the problems and perspectives of teaching history in Junior highs and High schools. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Reading Education History

    A 6 page paper. One writer developed a historical framework that illustrated four ages of reading pedagogy. These are used as the basis for the historical account of reading education. The writer also includes major theorists in the discussion, such as Noah Webster, John Dewey and Norm Chomsky. A history of reading education would not be complete without mentioning the decades old debate of phonics versus whole language. Finally, the essay considers the major trend in literacy and reading programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History Texts' Depiction of Native Americans

    This 8 page paper evaluates a variety of American history books and focuses on how Indians are portrayed. Many texts ar mentioned. It is noted that there is still scant information on Native Americans in all history books in a variety of decades. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Intermediate English as a Second Language Class Reading Lesson Plans on US History Themes

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of a reading lesson for an intermediate ESL class. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History/Education & Educational Psychology

    A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of the historical foundations of education, psychology and how they combine in educational psychology. The writer gives a brief sketch of the men and concepts that makeup this history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Literature Review on Post 1980s' Teacher Education Programs and Trend Causes and Effects

    This 12 page paper provides an overview of the current literature that represents changes in the trends in teacher education programs since the 1980s. In particular, this review of the current literature provides an overview of some of the central issues in education that have impacted changes in educational programming, including the reform movement, the transformation of educational directives under TQM, increasing immigration and subsequent diversity training and educational directives to define equity in the educational setting. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Using Literature to Teach Vocabulary

    11 pages in length. The writer addresses several issues in relation to elementary vocabulary instruction, including the relationship between vocabulary and comprehension; the goals of vocabulary instruction; guidelines/principles for vocabulary instruction; words that should be taught; classroom strategies; how to teach students to acquire words independently; records and logs for keeping new vocabulary words; characteristics of vocabulary development in whole language classroom; and characteristics of vocabulary development in literature-based programs. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Learning Enhancement and the Integration of Math and Literature

    7 pages. This research review includes a synthesis of the recent literature on the topic of integrating literature and math in the classroom. It reflects critical analyses of the research design, methods and the conclusions drawn by the researchers. This is a well-written paper explaining all aspects of the research design and analysis of the findings in the usefulness of the integration of literature and mathematics in teaching. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Early Childhood Education and Multicultural Literature

    This 2.5 page paper discusses the benefits of using multicultural literature in the ECE classroom. The essay begins with the fact that children develop attitudes and opinions towards people from other cultures, nations, races very early in life. Exposure to different cultures through picture and early reader books can help change children's attitudes. The writer then discuses the dual role multicultural literature can play in the early childhood classroom. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Special Education Integrative Literature Summary

    This 5 page paper discusses a variety of special education topics from the perspective of a special edcuation director. This paper highlights the importance of a person in this position in regards to the information provided in these articles, and asserts that the director necessarily must be informed on these issues. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • An Analysis of Dr. Georgi Lozanov's Integrated Learning Techniques

    This 7 page paper examines the techniques of Dr. Georgi Lozanov - specifically, his integrated learning techniques. This paper explores how these techniques serve to help ESL students achieve more academic success. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Children in Family Situations and Literature

    This 3 page paper discusses the elements of literature which specifically address the situations of children in families. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Literature Review on Paralinguistic Features of English Language Skills

    This 4 page paper relates the fact that a number of different theories reflect upon the nature of paralinguistic features in the development of English language skills for foreign learners. Adams, Orton, Gassin and Pillar all consider the factors that influence assessments of English language development in foreign learners related to efforts at teaching second language speaking skills in the classroom setting.

  • Classroom Significance of Children's Literature

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of the basic theories behind the use of children's literature in the classroom setting. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature Review on the Disadvantages of Standardized Testing

    This 4-page paper provides a literature review about the topic of standardized testing and its disadvantages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Childcare Classroom Inclusion Introduction and Literature Review

    This 10 page paper provides an introduction to a paper on inclusion in early childhood classrooms. Childcare workers are looked at and attitudinal variations as well as experience are aspects discussed. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Ethics and NCLB Act

    This 11 page paper considers ethical issues related to the NCLB Act. The essay begins with the major provisions of the Act and the funding levels for 2004. The ethical issues raised are: Chicago's refusal to stop their public tutoring program paid for with NCLB funds (they failed to meet the criteria to continue funding their own program). The ethical issue addressed is the law versus the child's needs. Another ethical issue discussed is the fact that every state is sitting on NCLB money they have not distributed to local districts and they have been holding these monies for over three years, in most cases. The essay ends concluding most educational leaders will not face the same ethical issue that exists in Chicago but they will face another issue. This is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Plan For Building School, Parent, Community Partnership

    A 3 page paper. The first part of the paper presents a school-wide plan for building and strengthening a school-parent-community partnership at an elementary school. The second part presents a plan for a 5th grade resource room program. The ideas included are based on Epstein's six types of involvement. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Issues Pertaining to School Leadership Effectiveness

    This 7 page paper discusses specific issues related to effective school leadership: maintaining high faculty morale, parent involvement, and inservice training. The writer begins with confirmation of the importance of the principal and how the role of the principal has changed. Sergiovanni's nine essential tasks of the principal are also mentioned. Teacher morale is approached with a study that illustrates some of the many behaviors that positively or negatively affect teacher morale. Ideas to improve morale are provided. The writer then discusses the importance of parent involvement and how principals and teachers might gain more involvement. Finally, the issue of the importance of staff development or inservice training is discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Efficacy of Tutoring Programs & Math

    A 10 page research paper that offers a template to a student researcher on how to go about conducting a proposed research study that examines the effect of 2 types of tutoring programs, peer-tutoring and a math content master lab, on academic achievement using a sample group of African American special education students within inclusive classrooms. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Effective Tutoring Programs

    A 10 page research paper that examines the parameters and efficacy of various tutoring programs. The writer examines the different types of tutoring programs and what research has shown to their efficacy. This examination demonstrates the components of these programs; how teachers perceive them; and how they have, in many cases, incorporated technology into the context of tutoring. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Rochester, NY, and Education According to John Dewey's Philosophy and Carter G. Woodson's The Mis Education of the Negro

    A 15 page research paper that consists of three 5-page subsections. The first section has to do Carter G. Woodson's 1933 text on African American education, The Mis-Education of the Negro. The second section addresses the failed educational reforms that were implemented in Rochester, New York, in the 1980s and early 1990s. The final section deals mainly with the constructivist educational philosophy of John Dewey. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Challenges and Achievements of Educational Philosophy

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a personal educational philosophy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Philosophy of Education by Jean Jacques Rousseau

    This 5 page paper examines Rousseau's educational philosophy through an examination of his book Emile. Emile is discussed in depth and applied to modern education. No additional sources cited.

  • Facilitation and Education

    This 9 page paper explores facilitation as a concept. It also examines a personal philosophy of facilitation and teaching. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Key Concepts/Phonemic Awareness

    A 3 page paper that summarizes 12 key concepts pertaining to teaching reading and phonemic awareness as discussed in the NRP publication Put Reading First. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Children Who Lack Awareness of Phonemes and Remediation Strategies

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of remdiation strategies for children lacking phonemic awareness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Education Research Study Critique

    This 5 page paper evaluates an article by Helwig, Anderson and Tindal that appears in The Journal of Education Research. The study as explained in the article is explored and critiqued in an outline format. No additional sources cited.

  • Professional Development and Understanding South Korea

    This 3 page paper emphasizes that instructors who have firsthand experience in South Korea can impart a greater understanding in their professional development classes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Reading Comprehension

    A 3 page paper that summarizes the six strategies for reading comprehension found in the Put Reading First report. The writer also reports the strategies that can be used to teach students the comprehension strategies. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Oral Reading Fluency and RTI

    A 5 page paper that begins with an explanation of Response to Intervention, its purpose, tiers and how it came to be. The paper reports what some schools have done and discusses reading fluency. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Assessing Reading

    A 16 page paper That begins with some background information about reading achievement levels and the difficulties teachers have in the classroom. The essay discusses reading fluency and assessing fluency both informally and formally, identifying specific published tests that can be used as well as suggestions for improving a student's fluency. The writer also discusses curriculum-based assessment and self-assessment. The essay concludes with the test the writer would use to assess a new student in a middle school who was having difficulties with reading. Abstract included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Reading Fluency

    A 4 page research paper that offers strategies on reading fluency to be used in conjunction with lesson plans derived from a Dr. Seuss book. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Teaching Reading Fluency

    A 3 page research paper that, first, offers methods of building fluency, which are defined and described. Then, the writer offers a brief lesson plan that incorporates Dr. Seuss's One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish in teaching several of the fluency strategies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Curriculum and Reading Fluency

    This 3 page paper is an article review that examines one research project published in 2003. The usefulness of the material, and how students learn in respect to curriculum and early experience, are things discussed. No additional sources cited.

  • Low Reading Levels and Teens At Risk

    A 5 page research paper that examines 2 scholarly articles on reading and strategies for at-risk adolescents with low-level reading skills. The articles are summarized and related to teacher practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Reading Activities Associated with Teaching Herman Melville's Moby Dick

    An 8 page research paper that describes various reading strategies. There are various ways in which a teacher can facilitate student comprehension as they read a classic work such as Herman Melville's Moby Dick. The following lesson plans incorporate three such techniques: Note-taking; Question-Answer Relationships (QAR technique); and Reciprocal Teaching. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Guiding Children's Reading in Content Area Instruction

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the topic of using reading strategies to guide students' comprehension of content instruction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Achievement and School Uniforms

    A Research Proposal: This 5 page paper presents a research proposal to determine if wearing school uniforms has any effect on elementary student academic achievement. The paper begins with an introduction that discusses the lack of empirical evidence regarding the effects of wearing uniforms. Very few studies have been conducted and the few that are published have conflicting data. The writer presents the hypothesis in this introduction. The next section is the proposed methodology for the study and finally, the data analysis strategies to be used. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • School Uniforms and Their Impact

    A 15 page paper. The debates and controversy about mandating students wear school uniforms have gone on for more than a decade. Proponents argue that school uniforms decrease violence, reduce crime, reduce the incidence of discipline and behavior problems and increase learning. Opponents argue that uniforms are a violation of student's right to express themselves and have no effect on discipline. Few empirical studies have been conducted to investigate this issue, instead, most of the evidence in support of uniforms is anecdotal but it is very compelling. This paper reports both anecdotal reports and empirical results regarding the impact of school uniforms. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Science Education

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of an article on science education goals and science classroom practices. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Teaching American Sign Language to Infants

    A 5 page paper which examines the potential benefits of teaching American sign language to infants. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Style of Teaching and Gender Impact

    A 12 page paper. An individual's sex is a biological factor but gender is developed through culture and socialization. This paper addresses the question of whether or not gender affects a teacher's instructional approach in the classroom. Some studies have found specific gender-related differences in teaching style while other studies conclude there are no dramatic differences between the approaches used by men and women teachers. As one researcher said: teachers are teachers first and gendered persons second, although even this investigator did find some differences. Another study is reported that compared classroom approaches of experienced and inexperienced teachers; result are reported according to male and female teachers. 5 Tables included. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Solar Energy (Grant Paper)

    This 5 page grant paper focuses on a solar energy project suitable for a fourth grade classroom. No bibliography.

  • Types of Knowledge in Solar System Lesson

    A 3 page paper. A lesson plan about the planets is reviewed. Declarative and procedural knowledge is explained. The essay discusses the type of knowledge in the lesson plan and makes suggestions for ELL students with a focus on the CALLA approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • General Education and Special Education Teachers

    A 10 page paper which compares the stress levels between special education teachers to general education teachers and considers if special education teachers are at a higher risk of stress disorders than their general education counterparts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Study Plan Development

    This 12 page paper is the development of a guidance plan for study skills to help students aged between 14 – 16 years who are to sit a state exam covering a range of issues. The paper considers how the lessons should be planned and developed, the methodology and delivery and final assessment with the plans backed up by educational theory. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Importance of Cultural Skills in Reaching Multicultural Students

    A 10 page proposal for a research study to assess teacher ability to successfully interact with students from a variety of cultural backgrounds and the relation that skill has with student performance in reading comprehension. The proposed study revolves around a ten question survey designed to assess teachers' cultural skill in Cuban-American language and other cultural elements as well as the teachers' educational approaches. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Suspension Alternative Program Grant Proposal

    A 16 page research paper that presents a hypothetical grant proposal to start an alternative program to out-of-school suspension in the Palm Beach County School District in Florida. The writer discusses why suspension and zero tolerance policies have not worked to correct disciplinary problems; reviews literature on alternative programs; and recommends the RALLY program designed by Noam, Warner and Dyken (2001). Budgetary considerations and evaluation processes are also discussed. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • TESOL Educator Effectiveness

    This 5 page paper discusses the characteristics, knowledge, and skill needed to be an effective ESL teacher. An outline of the skills, knowledge and even personal traits offered by researchers and practitioners is included along with explanations. For example, teachers in this field need to understand the interrelationship between culture and language acquisition and they need to have an excellent command of the English language. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Teachers and Technology Training That is Effective

    This 5 page paper discusses effective technology training. The essay begins with general comments, including some essential components of any effective staff development program. The writer then relates six different programs that were highly successful in training teachers to use technology. The essay concludes with tips to improve technology training. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Educator Evaluation of Technology Needs

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of a technology needs assessment for educators. This paper outlines the reasons for technology in the classroom and then gives an actual example of a technology needs assessment survey for educators. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Supervision & Teacher Evaluation

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the implementation of contemporary pedagogical concepts regarding supervision instruction and teacher evaluation in a small rural high school. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Teacher Observation

    A 6 page research paper in which the writer offers a guide to a student who is to conduct observation of two classrooms. This research paper reports on an observation that was conducted that pertained to two classrooms. One teacher was selected because she was perceived as functioning at high level of professional development and this observation is contrasted with the classroom instruction of a teacher who was perceived as having a low level of development. The writer discusses this difference in term of a constructivist approach to pedagogy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ten Faulty Notions About Teaching And Learning By Heward

    A 5 page paper. The full title of the article analyzed is: "Ten faulty notions about teaching and learning that hinder the effectiveness of special education" by William L. Heward. The writer provides a very brief synopsis of each of the ten notions and comments on several of them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Reasons for a Career In Teaching

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of the basic reasons for becoming a teacher. This paper considers intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, community contribution and other factors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Jere Brophy's 'Teaching'

    A 4 page summation of an excellent article by Jere Brophy entitled "Teaching." The writer covers Brophy's main points and argues that this overview of teaching exemplifies superlative teaching methodology. No additional sources cited.

  • Teaching Cooperation in the Competitive Educational Environment

    This 3 page paper considers the problems presented in the multicultural classroom when some cultures are more competitive than the others. The author suggests integrating students in small groups as well as approaching sometimes grouping them in culturally monogamous groups and using SIOP. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Teaching English As A Foreign Language - TEFL

    A 10 page paper that begins by explaining three TEFL teaching methods, PPP, ESA and Cooperative Learning. The writer explains the communicative approach and discusses role play and its benefits. A role play example is provided as part of the communicative approach. The writer discusses techniques for developing learner autonomy and independence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Teaching Reading

    A 9 page paper. For more than three decades, a battle has raged over the most effective approach to reading instruction. Is phonics or whole language better when teaching reading? This paper discusses the controversy from each of the perspectives, explaining each along with their respective advantages or benefits. The writer suggests a balanced approach may be the answer to end the controversy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Educational Leadership and American Literature

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this issue. American literature includes a vast body of infomraiton that integrates themes that can be applied to every day life. Authors like Willa Cather and Mark Twain pursued themes that have lent themselves to discussions of leadership, initiative, social perspective and even the conflicts between right and wrong. Though not all of the themes in the works of these authors reflect ways to introduce the topic of educational leadership ability, there are a number of stories, including Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Willa Cather’s My Antonia and The Professor’s House, that demonstrate the most common themes applied to the concept of leadership. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature Review on Primary School Music Education for Children Ages 5 through 7

    This 38 page paper provides an overview of music education and a review of the existing literature. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Relationship Between Education and Youth Literature

    A 4 page research paper that, first of all, discusses aspects of Chris Crutcher's young adult novel Whale Talk as they relate to teaching. The latter part of the paper then reviews Wong and Wong's The First Days of School, a textbook for novice teachers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Grades Seven through Twelve and Literacy That is Literature Based

    A 12 page paper that begins with an abstract. This essay has three sections in the main body of the paper. The first is an outline of a literature based literacy program for grades 7-12. The second part of the essay presents the program materials: the primary literature program, which is the Globe Fearon Literature program. This program is designed for reading levels 6-10. A description and justification for secondary materials is presented next, followed by a special discussion on writing activities. An example of titles is offered in the secondary materials section. The next section discusses the types of modification that could be made for different learners, e.g., the ESL learner or a student with learning disabilities and who is reading below grade level. The last section is a short conclusion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Math Lessons and Classroom Management Plan for 3rd Grade Inclusion

    A 9 page paper that presents a classroom management plan, including rules and policies and how they will be established, reinforcement and contracts, routines. The paper then provides two math lessons and finally discusses the inner discipline philosophy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Math Classrooms and Cultural Sensitivity

    A 12 page paper. As schools become even more diversified, teachers face daunting challenges in creating a classroom that meets the needs of all students. Math is typically viewed as the subject area in which culturally and linguistically diverse students would have the fewest problems. This is not true. Upon more careful review, we find that mathematics has its own language and includes terminology that can easily cause confusion to culturally diverse students. This essay begins with general comments about teaching linguistically and culturally diverse students and provides suggestions within that discussion. The essay then discusses issues concerning classroom environment and then, language and materials in the teaching of math. Suggestions for improving math instruction for students from different cultures are included. There are also specific discussions about African-American and Hispanic students. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Mathematics Test Anxiety

    A 9 page paper that begins with a speech about the topic. The paper explains anxiety and it prevalence, test anxiety, mathematics anxiety and mathematics test anxiety. The writer comments on the increase in anxiety with high stakes testing. Research about the topics is discussed. The paper ends with ideas teachers can use to reduce this type of anxiety. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Current Mathematics Instruction Methods of Assessment

    A 12 page paper discussing traditional assessments of mathematics proficiency in students in light of recent changes in overall goals imposed by government and the public. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Montessori, Piaget And Logico-Mathematical Knowledge

    A 7 page paper that begins by reporting Piaget's definitions of three types of knowledge and explaining logico-mathematical knowledge. Some of Piaget's other ideas, like adaptation, are discussed. The essay then turns to a discussion of Montessori and subsequently compares the two theorists. Examples of Montessori exercises are provided with discussions about going from concrete to abstract in learning experiences. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Montessori Mathematics

    A 7 page paper that begins with Montessori’s thoughts about math and intelligence. The paper demonstrates how a child is exposed to math and mathematical concepts from birth. Sensitive periods of learning are reported. Practical Life and Sensorial Activities are reported. The paper includes examples of how the mathematical mind is developed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Stigler and Hiebert's The Teaching Gap

    This 12 page paper provides a synopsis of parts of the book, The Teaching Gap by Stigler and Hiebert. A math lesson in each country is outlined, including data regarding the percentage of time, each spent on certain types of activities. The Japanese lesson included far more deductive reasoning. The writer then discusses Stigler and Hiebert's recommendations to initiate the lesson study approach used in Japan and how that might work. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Mathematics Lessons for Primary Learners

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of lesson plans for first grade learners in mathematics counting, tallying and graphing. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Six NCTM Principles Of High Quality Math Programs

    A 3 page paper that explains the six NCTM principles of high quality math programs. The essay also comments on the ESOL standards. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Use of a New Math Program

    An 8 page paper. The writer presents a scenario of an elementary school whose students are performing poorly in math. A new mathematics textbook series is chosen but the teachers do more - they change their instructional approach, adopting both constructivist principles and exercises and cooperative learning. The writer explains why these choices are made and the anticipated effects. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Math Anxiety, Understanding the Fear of Mathematics

    9 pages in length. A comprehensive look at the problem of 'math anxiety' and numerous studies that have attempted to help improve our understanding of its treatment. Among other things, the writer discusses how to quantitatively assess Math Anxiety and concludes with recommendations for helping young children who suffer from it. Bibliography lists 20+ sources.

  • Middle School and Inclusion of Algebra in the Curriculum

    An 8 page research paper that addresses the topic of algebra integration into the math curriculum both at the elementary and middle school levels. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Rote Memorization vs. Strategy Based Learning: A Research Study

    This 25 page paper provides a comparison and relates research into the different methods of mathematics instruction: rote memorization and strategy based learning. This paper relates a research study of different methods used by teachers. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Multiple Intelligences, Behaviorist Approaches, and the Teaching of Math

    This 4 page paper begins with a brief description of behaviorism and names the four major theorists. The writer comments on the need to incorporate the humanist approach into math instruction. The paper then discusses multiple intelligences by providing examples of how certain intelligences can be used to help students understand problems and concepts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Math Lesson Design

    This 9 page paper looks at how a maths lesson may be designed to tech children how to divide a rectangle. The paper uses curriculum design theories and applies them the lesson design. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Cohen's Equal Exchange Model and Teaching Math

    This 5 page paper considers the role of small group teaching in mathematics according to Cohen’s “Equal Exchange Model”. The witer considers different mathematical topics to differentiate between the topics that should be taught individually, those that can increase value to the student when small groups are used and those where a combination approach may be best. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Mathematics One on One Tutorial and Peer Alternatives

    A 7 page overview of the importance of the one on one tutorial approach in improving a student's academic performance. The author emphasizes that the tutorial environment has a long history of success and is becoming a more and more important feature of twenty-first century education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Logico-Mathematical Knowledge, Montessori, Piaget

    A 5 page paper that discusses Montessori's and Piaget's general theories on learning and explains Piaget's concept of logico-mathematical knowledge and how Montessori's model is related to that type of knowledge. The essay also explains Piaget's thoughts about adaptation, absorption and organization. Montessori and Piaget are compared throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Year Long Mathematics Program Planning for the Fifth Grade

    This 3 page paper describes a year-long plan for mathematics, using the NY standards as a guide. The essay includes some of the general topic areas to be covered, instructional approaches, and offers suggestions for adapting the program for special education and ELL students. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Learning Event/Math Lesson Plan for 5th Graders with ADHD

    A 5 page research paper that offers a guide to writing a learning event. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as a "childhood onset neuropsychiatric disorder," which is characterized by "developmentally inappropriate and impairing levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity" (Capano, et al, 2008, p. 393). There is an urgent need for mathematics learning events that address the needs of ADHD students. This paper outlines a learning event designed for use by fifth grade students, with a particular focus on the needs of students with ADHD. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cynthia Arem on Anxiety About Math

    A 3 page book review that offers a summation of Cynthia Arem's text Conquering Math Anxiety: A Self-Help Workbook, which is designed to aid the reader in overcoming the often heady emotions that many students associate with math and math tests. This research also includes suggestions for how the student can relate personal experience to Arem's text. No additional sources cited.

  • Tracking and Ability Grouping

    A 9 page paper that discusses tracking and ability grouping, the differences, why they have been used, and the outcomes of these approaches. This essay explains how these systems work. It reports research on ability grouping in math classes and it reports detracking cases studies. It infers and identifies the pros and cons of ability grouping. Bibliography lists 6 sources. PG699838.doc

  • Technology In Middle And High Schools

    A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Brain Dominance and Various Learning Styles

    A 6 page research paper that addressing the different learning styles associated with right or left-brain dominance. The writer discusses what characteristics are typical of these learners, how right-brain students have problems with traditional teaching, and suggestions for accommodating right-brain students in reading and math skills. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Multicultural Education And Technology

    A 10 page paper that includes these sections: abstract, stimulus statement and topic, teacher competence to teach multicultural education, what we know about technology and student achievement and technology in pre-service multicultural education classes, what we do not know and recommendations. There are many suppositions that make good sense about the value of technology when teaching multicultural lessons but there seems to be very little empirical evidence. Data are provided for studies where technology was used with ELL and disadvantaged students for math and writing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Confirming Understanding of Probability

    A 3 page research paper that discusses how a sixth grade math teacher can confirm that students understand the principles of probability. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Analysis Of Lesson Plans

    A 6 page paper. Two lesson plans are analyzed according to specific criteria. The first, which is a 7th grade math lesson plan is analyzed according to Gagne's nine events of instruction. The second, a 6th grade social studies lesson plan is discussed in terms of the ADDIE model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • SIM Test Strategies: Literature Review

    A 12 page literature review section of a larger paper. The paper discusses both the teacher and student perspectives, as well as several test-taking strategies that will be used in an attempt to improve reading grade level among sixth-graders at a rural school in North Georgia. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • "Bridging the Gap Between School and Home Using Children's Literature"

    A 5 page review of the online article by online article by Emsme Raji Codell. This article is chock full of innovative strategies for making reading a life-long enjoyable habit for children. No additional sources are listed.

  • Early Intervention Programs and Student Achievement: A Review of Literature

    This 4 page paper examines early intervention programs. Several articles and books, in addition to online information, is reviewed. Politics are noted as well. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Effects and Impact of Technology on Standardized Test Scores: A Literature Review

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the effects of technology on standardized test scores. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Four-Blocks Literacy Framework: Literature Review

    15 pages in length. Reaching and teaching all students in today's troubled academic climate - no matter their (in)capacity to learn - has presented quite a challenge for educators who are often faced with the responsibility of instructing many different types of students within a single classroom. Various methods have been introduced as a means by which to address a system whereby at-risk students fall through the cracks because of not being taught in a way they understand, however, not all have demonstrated a true ability to overcome the struggle. Drs. Dorothy Hall and Patricia Cunningham recognize how all children do not learn alike and therefore require "substantial instruction to support the learning personalities of all students" (Hall et al, 2001), which is why they developed the Four-Blocks Literacy Model. As a "multilevel, balanced literacy framework" (Hall et al, 2001), Four-Blocks incorporates four separate components into each day's lesson plans that instruct children as to how they can read, write and spell better, an approach that focuses upon the academic diversity found in today's schools. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Multiculturalism And Literature In The Classroom

    This 9 page paper is written in four parts. The first part looks at the current trends in content area reading and content oriented literature, including the movement towards the requirement for the ability to discern between sources and critical literature review skills rather than just issues of comprehension. The second part fop the paper considers the way that technology may be used within a reading program. The third part of the paper examines the four approaches proposed by Banks in the way multicultural literature may be used in the classroom, looking at the contribution approach, the additive approach, the transformation approach and the decision making and social action approach. The last part of the paper outlines some ideas for the way multicultural literature may be used in the classroom. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Test Taking Skills (A Literature Review)

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of test taking skills through reviewing two articles and a book. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Does Studying Literature Improve Individual Writing Skills?

    This 9 page paper assesses the connection between the study of literature and the development of writing skills. Looking at the ideas of Orwell and Graves and considering the different ways in which writing may take place with differing motivations, the potential value and impact of studying literature is explored. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Reading Instruction and Phonics

    A 10 page review of the various means by which we have attempted to teach reading in our nation's schools. The author contends that methodologies utilizing phonics are surrounded by a number of misperceptions that, in fact, it is our concentration on non-phonic based methods that is responsible for our growing illiteracy rate. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Reading and Writing Fundamentals and the 'Hooked on Phonics' Program

    This 14 page report discusses the reading program “Hooked on Phonics” that is used to help children in learning to read and write. Proponents of the program believe that it is vitally important to understand that a great number of the children who appear to be unable to understand a concept or a set of directions are actually having problems recognizing actual words. As a result of having to direct their focus so carefully and devote so much attention to slowly and carefully figuring out the words, they focus less attention on what the text means. Children who recognize words more readily can focus more attention on meaning. That recognition can be enhanced through understanding the relationship that exists between sounds and letters in an alphabetic code. Phonics then establishes the basis for that process of decoding words. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Science and Art of Teaching

    8 pages in length. The role of teacher encompasses myriad elements that are critical to the overall learning experience; if an instructor does not implement a hands-on, well-rounded and interactive approach to education, then his or her students are being cheated out of one of the most important encounters of their lives. Clearly, teachers hold a power that few others employ when it comes to molding young minds. When one examines this influential element, one can readily recognize the fact that teaching reflects the combined components of art and science. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Teaching Profession

    A 4 page paper that begins by providing a definition for the student's personal name. The second section addresses some issues regarding teaching: definition of teacher, personal comments of writer regarding motives, the first teacher, the degrees, etc. required, job outlook, and the advantages and disadvantages of the profession. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Becoming Motivated to Enter the Teaching Profession

    A 4 page discussion of one student's motivations for becoming a teacher. The author outlines the events, observations, and experiences that persuaded this student to become a teacher. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Educational Strategies and Teaching Approaches According to Chickering, Gamson, and Angelo

    A 5 page research paper/ essay that examines Chickering and Gamson's "seven principles of good practice" and Thomas Angelo's fourteen teaching strategies. The writer argues that these educators, with these recommendations, provide a solid foundation for teaching practice and personal philosophy. This examination explores how these principles and strategies might relate to middle school English education in the seventh and eighth grades. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Students with Attention Deficit Disorder and Educational Strategies

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of potential strategies for teaching children with ADHD. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Teaching Strategies and Dyslexia

    A 9 page paper that begins with an introduction to dyslexia and the regular education classroom teacher. This is a frustrating condition for both the student and the teacher because it sometimes seems that no matter how motivated the student is or how hard the teacher works, little progress seems to be made. This essay discusses some approaches that have been shown to be effective for elementary dyslexic students in regular classrooms. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Teaching Mission And How To Achieve It

    A 4 page paper that begins with the teacher's mission statement and explanation of what the different points mean. The essay then discusses what the teacher's hopes are for students, what knowledge is important and what teaching styles will be used. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Educational And Instructional Technology

    This 11 page paper is divided into two parts. Part 1 discuses the history of technology in education and instruction and the purpose of technology. Part 2 reports a few studies that reveal enhanced learning when today's technology is incorporated into the lesson design. In some cases, specific applications or Web sites are identified. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History

    An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 5 Senses 1st Grade Unite Plan

    An 8 page paper that begins by describing the unit that is to be taught. Six lesson plans are provided, the first is an introduction to the five senses, each subsequent plan focuses on one of the five senses. Each lesson plan includes subject, objectives, materials, procedures and evaluation. A list of teacher preparation and instructional resources is offered at the end. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of the Total Learning Textbook

    A 10 page discussion of the textbook, "Total Learning" - a work concerned with offering insight into the total learning concept of developmental curriculum for the young child.

  • Applying Understanding by Design

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of a specific educational problem, student misunderstanding, that can be understood and addressed through the application of backward design. This paper considers how understanding by design can be applied to educational planning. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Education and Virtual Reality

    This 15 page paper discusses the use of virtual reality in schools. Following an introduction that includes comments about virtual reality and the two basic ways humans have to learn, the writer reports opinions on the benefits of virtual reality as well as how it has been used in some schools. A summer pilot program in an elementary and high school using the headsets and gloves is reported with the types of subjects virtual reality was used for. Two other programs using 3D virtual reality are explained. A case study using a Web-based virtual reality application for college students is described with the outcomes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Temperature and Viscosity

    A 4 page overview of the phenomena of viscosity and how it is affected by temperature. This paper provides an elementary review of these basic concepts. The author describes experiments that can be carried out using simple tools and materials found in every home. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Florida Virtual School

    This 3 page paper reports some facts about this school, the first statewide virtual school in the nation. Funding and staffing are reported as are the mission and purpose of the school. The writer comments on the different operational structure for this school and reports the latest addition, a comprehensive analysis system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Wireless Technology In The Classroom

    A 4 page paper. The writer reports three specific cases where teachers are using wireless technology in their classrooms. In one school, students are using it for a multitude of things and in the other two schools, wireless is used in algebra classes. The essay reports the outcomes related to the use of this technology and comments on some of the purposes of it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Does Studying Literature Improve Individual Writing Skills?

    This 9 page paper assesses the connection between the study of literature and the development of writing skills. Looking at the ideas of Orwell and Graves and considering the different ways in which writing may take place with differing motivations, the potential value and impact of studying literature is explored. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Academic Success and Standardized Testing

    A 6 page paper exploring three research designs to answer the question: Does the format of standardized testing affect student success? Models included are experimental, co-relational, and quantitative. Bibliography lists several sources.

  • Characteristics of Learners Who Are At Risk

    Three sections comprise this 10 page paper which examines the at-risk population. Explored in the first two parts are the characteristics of at risk learners as well as potential manifestations. Key contributory factors are noted in the third section. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • University Level Distance Learning

    This 12 page paper discusses the pros and cons of distance learning. Several issues are addressed. Paper focuses on distance learning at the university level. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Cooperative Learning Concept and its Pros and Cons

    This 12-page-paper presents a detailed overview of the concept of cooperative learning. It opens with a concise definition of what cooperative learning is all about and moves into the various theories about its use and effectiveness. Research studies are discussed as well as some of the negative things that can occur. Suggestions on how to make a cooperative learning situation successful are also included. Bibliography lists seven sources.

  • Learning Theories of Burrhus Frederic Skinner

    5 pages in length. When one hears the phrase "operant conditioning," the first name that typically comes to mind is Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Considered one of the ten leading educators in American history, B.F. Skinner set a significant precedence with regard to human behavior and the learning process. The writer discusses various components of Skinner's learning theories. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Discipline and Middle School

    In 5 pages, the author discusses different techniques that may be used for the problem of middle school discipline. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cooperative Learning Instructional Delivery Strategies and Methods

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the instructional method of cooperative learning, including a presentation of the pros and cons of this method. This paper also outlines tips for the more effective use of this method and describes a situation where the method would be most appropriately utilized. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Computer-Based Instruction/Effect on Reading Achievement

    A 33 page research paper that offers a review of literature addressing this topic. The following study surveys a broad-selection of scholarly literature pertaining to the effect that CBI has on increasing reading achievement. Using Internet resources and database, the researcher located articles describing empirical research studies with CBI and also articles summarizing and discussing CBI in regards to reading. These articles are summarized in an extensive literature review and then summarized and analyzed as to content and the resulting implications. Results from this investigation were mixed, but, on the whole, they support the contention that CBI does increase student reading achievement. However, the researcher also discusses literature that disagrees with this assessment and what this suggests as to future ramifications. Paper includes 1 page abstract and a 2 page table of contents. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Education Technology and Teacher Training Effects

    A 6 page research paper that investigates educational literature pertaining to the effect of teacher training on the implementation of technology into classroom instruction. The writer argues that this literature review shows the crucial nature of this factor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Physical Education Concepts

    A 3 page literature review on PE. Keeping high student interest and involvement is a goal of every teacher in regards to their subject matter. The following literature review explores the ideas presented in a variety of articles which demonstrate ideas for accomplishing this task in regards to Physical Education (PE). Exploration of these articles indicates that PE teachers and coaches are exploring new conceptual territory in regards to how PE programs and sports instruction should be designed and implemented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Need for CTE Education

    An 8 page research paper that examines literature pertaining to career and technical education (CTE) and to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. Three research questions are explored via a literature review and the writer concludes that the NCLB Act is not achieving its agenda and viable options for students, such as CTE, are being dropped as a consequence of pressure from high-stakes testing. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Phonological Awareness

    A 5 page research paper that examines the literature pertaining to early reading instruction. This examination of literature shows that research overwhelmingly supports the importance of phonics concepts, such as phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle and letter-sound correspondence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Strategies for Diverse Classrooms

    A 5 page research paper that offers a brief literature review, which examines several instructional methods profiled in the literature, which includes some strategies that involve technology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature Review on LEP

    A 10 page research paper that examines the literature pertaining to instruction of LEP (limited English Proficiency) students. The writer offers a literature review for a proposed research study that posits that LEP students will learn faster in a literacy-based, rather than phonics-based, program. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Elementary School Mathematics, Science, and the Internet

    A 9 page literature review that addresses the use of the Internet in teaching math and science in the elementary classroom. Elementary school teachers today are confronted not only with the sometimes daunting task of instructing a diverse student population in the intricacies of science and mathematics, but they are also frequently required to incorporate new technology into their pedagogy as they do so, such as the Internet. This review of relevant literature on this topic examines several questions. First of all, it asks if use of the Internet helps or hinders the instruction of elementary student in regards to studying science and math, or is it simply one more item to be addressed in an overworked teacher's busy agenda? Assuming that the use of the Internet facilitates educational goals for elementary schoolchildren studying math and science, what are the best pedagogical practices in regards to Internet instruction? Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • High School Science Teaching

    A 7 page paper that represents a college student's ability to blend theory with practice. This essay begins by identifying two themes that emerged from both the literature and coursework - students have different learning styles and science curriculum and methods of teaching need to change. The essay discusses why science education needs to change with an emphasis on secondary schools. The paper identifies the courses the student enjoyed the most and relates that to the literature on the need for the active engagement of students with the curriculum and materials. Gardner's multiple intelligences theory is outlined with an example of a science teacher who used this framework. This is also related to theory and practice in teaching science. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Survey Development

    A 5 page paper reporting on a six-week process of developing a questionnaire for a qualitative research effort in education and curriculum reform. The process begins with a literature review, followed by identifying key questions evident in the literature. The researcher identifies several areas of interest, devising questions from those areas for the trial survey. Independent reviewers assess the questions for content and validity; the researcher incorporates their suggestions and returns the revised questionnaire to them. He will incorporate further comments into what will become the final survey instrument. No sources listed.

  • English Language Instruction and Computers

    This 4 page paper is a dissertation plan to examine how and why computer teaching is able to help students learning English. The paper presents the reasons for the research, the research question, undertakes a brief literature review and states how the research will be useful for others in the future. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • No Child Left Behind and Standardized Testing

    A 10 page research paper that examines the topic of high-stakes, standardized testing, which was implemented by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The writer looks the effect of such testing on teaching practices and the teaching profession in general. This literature review reveals that educators have found the effect of this testing to be highly detrimental to the goals of good teaching practice. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Improving High School Graduation Rates for Texas Minorities in the Presence of Exit-Level Testing

    A 19 page review of the numerous factors that interrelate to result in a high Mexican American drop out rate. The author reviews these factors in relation to the standardized exit test that is now required by law for Texas to issue high school diplomas. Includes a brief Methods section for the literature search that was conducted. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Online Learning and Teaching

    A 4 page research paper that investigates this topic. Online learning encompasses the possibility of bringing about a revolution in delivery of higher education. However, along with benefits, online education also brings concerns. Literature addressing online education discusses concerns about instructional strategies and best practices in online teaching, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and how online learning compares with traditional classroom instruction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Elementary Schools, Mathematics Achievement, and Technology

    A 10 page paper. This is the literature review for a study that will investigate the impact of technology on math achievement of ELL students. The review discusses the effects of technology on achievement and reports studies that emphasized math achievement. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Obeserving and Managing the Classroom

    A 5 page research paper that offers an account of a hypothetical observational experience. While actually conducting a classroom observation is, of course, beyond the scope of this example term paper writing service, a great deal can be discerned from classroom management literature that indicates how such a classroom observation might be described. This paper indicates, hypothetically, how an observational experience might be described and also suggests an activity that the student may conduct with a class. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Autistic Children's Education and Pivotal Response Teaching

    A 5 page paper discussing research in autism intervention, specifically the benefits that pivotal response training can bring to children with autism. The paper provides a literature review and points for staff empowerment enabling teachers to put the research into practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • English-Language Learners

    This 15 page paper begins by presenting information about a particular school in terms of English-language learners' achievement and concerns expressed by teachers regarding their own ability to teach ELL students. The literature review considers many aspects of ELL instruction, including academic progress, literacy progress, and strategies that could help increase achievement and literacy, including the involvement of parents. The last section offers a critical analysis of the problem in outline form. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Managing the Classroom Through Observation

    A 4 page essay describing an observation of a high school literature classroom with particular emphasis on classroom management techniques used by the teacher. Research in this area suggests there are numerous things a teacher can do to prevent major behavior problems from occurring, such as enforcing the rules. This teacher demonstrated knowledge and skills in averting potential problems. The writer describes what the teacher did in her classroom in terms of prevention and correction. No bibliography.

  • How Teachers Should Manage Classroom Behavior

    This 6 page paper looks at various theories concerning behavior management in education. Several contemporary books are reviewed along with the theories of progressivism and reconstructionism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Inclusive Settings and Students of Low Academic Achievement

    5 pages. A critique of a research article on how students best learn to solve math problems. Bibliography includes 1 source.

  • New Methods of Instruction for Teachers at all Levels

    This 7 page reviews five different methods of instruction in the classroom that involves engaging students in reading, math and science, as well as those with behavoral and poorer performance levels in these areas. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Classroom Management and Behavioral Conditioning

    10 pages in length. Just as people learn lessons pertaining to history or math, they also learn how to behave based upon the manner by which they are trained. Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner introduced the world to an approach to conditioning behavior response without the need for negative reinforcement; rather, the application of positive reception proved a much more viable approach toward getting the wanted behavior. As such, employing the concept within the classroom provides for a much more effective management outcome. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Interdisciplinary Unit on Earth Day

    This is a 4 page paper that begins with a general introduction of the need for children to understand the dangers to the earth. The unit, which is appropriate for grades 2 and 3, begins with an explanation of how Earth Day originated and why. Activities for this unit are outlined under multiple headings to provide an interdisciplinary unit. The headings are: Reading/Literature/Writing/Science/Environmental Health and Science/Environmental Education/Math/Writing/Reading/Art/Music. The essay also includes a brief outline of which Pennsylvania standards are included in the activities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • One School Reform Model

    A 5 page paper that discusses the Brazosport Eight Step Instructional Process. The eight steps are reported and briefly described. The writer comments on what would motivate a district-wide improvement plans, how student data play a role, and the sustainable processes steps. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Management in the Classroom

    5 pages. This paper describes how teachers can use various ways to keep their student's attention and keep the classroom under control. Several methods are discussed such as eye contact, facial expressions, and a myriad of unique ways to interest students. While some teachers must endure behavior problems among their students there are ways to counteract this problem that will enable teachers to have more control in the classroom. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Math Education for Children with Special Needs Article Critiqued

    5 pages. Looks at an informal inclusion program at a secondary school and critiques the study done based on that program. Gives information about the data collection, the success and weakness of the study and significant findings. An excellent research project in critiquing a data study. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management

    A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Planning to Manage Your Classroom

    8 pages. In classroom management the book Authentic Classroom Management by Barbara Larrivee can be invaluable. The book covers such necessary topics as rules, procedures and behavior; implementing change in the classroom; assessing the intervention plan and creating a need-satisfying classroom environment. All of these topics and more are discussed in this paper that will be of great use to those in the education field. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Management in the Classroom

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of classroom management techniques. Behavioral as well as issues regarding organization are addressed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Math Instruction in High School and Diversity

    A 3 page research paper that examines the problems facing high school math teachers regarding teaching exceptional students (with learning disabilities) and also diverse student populations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Math Performance and Middle School Students

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of a study of middle school special education students and methods to improve their performance on math assessments. This paper considers the implications of different methods. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Questions and Prompts Mathematical Thinking

    This 3 page paper looks at the value and use of prompts and questions in the teaching of mathematics in post compulsory education. The paper considers why questions and prompts can be important in developing mathematical thinking and considers the ideas of theorists including Zygfryd Dyrszlag. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Bolman and Deal's Theories as they relate to School Systems

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the primary management practices within the school system in the context of Bolman and Deal’s four organizational frames. Bolman and Deal’s text “Reframing Organizations” (2003) deals with the concepts of frames within the workplace which employs the “usable knowledge” available from a management perspective and also addresses the failures within organizations “due to lack of imagination”. Organizations are broken into the four conceptual “frames” of structural, human resources, political and symbolic which account for the various aspects of planning, staffing, organizing, directing and controlling within any organization. The management functions within school systems can also work within these frames as they include all of the same vital components which must be managed and maintained as within corporations. A study published by Souchet (2001) is used to show the management practices within the school system in regards to the role of a principal within a small urban setting in the Mid-Western United States. The school principal within the school setting is “also known as the middle manager and the site administrator” in organizational terms and is considered as the major managerial influence within the school as he or she must determine “whether the education is effective or ineffective, whether morale is high or low, whether the school climate is positive or negative; whether personnel are satisfied or dissatisfied; whether students achieve or don’t achieve; whether parents and the public are cooperative or uncooperative; and whether there is effective or ineffective management and leadership”. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Corporate Models and Management Training

    This 16 page paper looks at the way in which corporate training models may be formulated. The paper considers different, relevant models, of individual and group learning to gain an insight to the way in which corporate management training models may be used. Theorists quoted include Corey, Williams and Dunn, Klob, Lewin and Senge. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • Article Reviews on Early Childhood Education Behavior Management

    A 4 page paper. Two articles that discuss behavior management in the early childhood education classroom are summarized. The writer then provides ides on how these strategies could be incorporated into a behavior management plan. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Discussion of Controversial Issues in Classroom Management

    This 12 page paper begins with a scenario that describes the context of the secondary school and the specific issue to be discussed. A teacher wants to incorporate issues-based discussions into the curriculum. The issue is: How to manage the discussions to meet the objective of students feeling safe enough to voice their opinions? and What model of classroom management can be used to establish this type of safe environment and that will also avoid having the discussions escalating into shouting matches and/or verbal abuse? The essay discusses the avoidance of issues-based curriculum in schools. The writer then describes what is thought to be the best classroom management model for this particular situation. The essay ends with an action plan. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • College Classroom Management

    A 5 page paper that focuses on classroom management in college classrooms. Contrary to what many college instructors, especially new instructors, believe, a classroom discipline or management plan must be developed. This essay offers ideas and suggestions for developing such a plan. Glasser's work is cited in terms of choice theory, drive theory and classroom meetings. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Chapter 2 Problem Study Regarding Classroom Management in a Junior High School Setting

    This 5 page paper provides an outline of a the second chapter of a study on classroom management and disruptive behaviors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Classroom Management and Cognitive Strategies

    This 7 page paper discusses certain strategies for classroom management that are more of a cognitive nature, such as developing an appropriate mental set. Other strategies discussed include withitness, reaction, mindfulness, learning to forecast problems, developing student personal efficacy. Research data are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cultural Basis of Education, Pedagogy and Educational Psychology

    This 5 page paper considers the cultural basis for education, pedagogy and educational psychology in the U.S., England and elsewhere. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Managing Classroom Disruptions

    A 3 page paper offering suggested solutions for implementing a school-wide plan targeting increasing classroom disruptions. In ninth grade, the establishment of contracts and agreements can be associated with academic lessons in the contractual agreements that students may have to face outside of school. Each of these suggested approaches has value in teaching students the realities of life away from school, while simultaneously improving behavior in positive ways; reducing some students’ anxieties; and increasing the self-esteem factor for all involved. No sources listed.

  • Educational Human Resources and Diversity Management

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the impact and implications of diversity management in regards to educational human resource management. The writer specifically focuses on the example of LaGuardia Community College in New York City, which has used diversity management techniques to address the needs of its diverse student body. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Elementary School Math Teaching and Textbooks

    A 3 page discussion of the problems that regional diversity and expectations have caused in regard to textbook production. The author contends that because textbook producers are struggling to produce a book that will attract the greatest buying audience, they attempt to incorporate all of the varying criteria that our diverse school system presents. The result is too often a book that is not only bulky but that has room to explore only a few topics in the depth that is needed to properly instill mathematical concepts in the elementary classroom. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Teaching Math - Effective Strategies

    This 3 page paper discusses effective strategies for teaching the diverse math classroom. Three strategies are included: technology, cooperative learning and peer assisted learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Application of Montessori Mathematics to Children Between the Ages of Three and Six

    This 8 page paper discusses how Montessori mathematics takes the young child from concrete learning to abstract thinking in mathematics. The essay begins with Montessori's beliefs about the child under the age of 6, the materials presented to children and, in general, how the materials help the child make this transition. The principles for the materials are outlined. Two lesson plans are included: one that moves the child from concrete rods to understanding of the numerals and the other is the introduction of fractions. Additional comments further clarify how the Montessori materials help children make the all-important transition from the concrete to the abstract. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Questions on Math Instruction

    This 5 page paper discusses specific questions. Why is problem solving important to math instruction? Why is reading important for math instruction? Why it is important to understand mathematical content to teach math. The writer also comments on the importance of considering students when planning math lessons. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Profile of an Equitable Math/Science Classroom

    A 3 page summary of an article by Joy Wallace entitled "Profile of an Equitable Mathematics and Science Classroom and Teacher." The writer summarizes and analyzes the various categories. No bibliography is offered.

  • Learning Event/Math Lesson Plan for 5th Graders with ADHD

    A 5 page research paper that offers a guide to writing a learning event. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as a "childhood onset neuropsychiatric disorder," which is characterized by "developmentally inappropriate and impairing levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity" (Capano, et al, 2008, p. 393). There is an urgent need for mathematics learning events that address the needs of ADHD students. This paper outlines a learning event designed for use by fifth grade students, with a particular focus on the needs of students with ADHD. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Math Assessment, Authentic Assessment Programs, and Inconsistencies

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the interpretative and inconsistent nature of math assessment and possible authentic assessment programs. Several issues relate to the inconsistent and interpretative nature of math assessment within the educational curricula today. Firstly, on a national basis, studies reveal the range in attitudes in regards to importance math assessment has in the overall educational curriculum. While math assessment is often mentioned, its importance does not seem as highly weighted as other aspects of assessment of school performance. Secondly, within the school systems themselves, teachers in mathematics vary a great deal in their teaching practices which can affect assessment; perception of their students’ abilities based on social factors and past performance; perception of the importance of national and consistent assessment; and desired learning outcomes. There are many educational assessment tools which are available. However, assessment tools vary in regards to their expense, time, and curriculum considerations which can affect whether or not the tool can be usefully applied. One of the goals of the U.S. educational system is be “the first in the world in mathematics and science achievement” and some educational programs are trying to fulfill this goal by not only developing consistent national education and assessment programs but programs which are comparative on an international scale, such as that found within the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Logico-Mathematical Thought And Montessori’s Mathematical Mind

    This 4 page paper looks at Piaget’s concept of logico-mathematical and then considers the idea of Maria Montessori’s mathematical mind. The paper then considers some of the first tools that are used for teaching children maths using the Montessori Method. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • The Teaching of Math in California

    A 5 page paper. The catalyst question for this paper was: How to teach Saxon Math to 4th/5th grade GATE students in accordance with the California math standards. The essay begins with some general comments about the California Mathematics Standards, including a general synopsis of what students are supposed to do by the end of the 5th grade. The focus of the Saxon math series is then explained. Comments about Saxon math from others are reported. The writer concludes that while Saxon math may fit within the general criteria of the standards, it would not be a good program to use with students who were gifted in math. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Montessori, Piaget, Logico-Mathematical, Liebeck

    An 8 page paper that discusses a number of topics beginning with how math is found in a young child's daily life. The other sections include discussions on logico-mathematical knowledge, Montessori's ideas about math in a child's life, Piaget's stages of development, assimilation, accommodation and equilibrium, Liebeck's ELPS model. The relationships between these different topics are include din the discussions. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Mathematics and Creative Classroom Approaches

    A 12 page overview of the various factors which impact learning. The author reviews numerous theories and instructional styles to conclude that the teacher who most effectively assesses a child’s interests and designs their educational approach around those interests will be the most effective in instilling a sound mathematical knowledge. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Creating Curiosity About Math

    A 3 page research paper that explores ways to engage middle school students' curiosity and imagination by using math. Four lesson plans are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Efficacy of Tutoring Programs & Math

    A 10 page research paper that offers a template to a student researcher on how to go about conducting a proposed research study that examines the effect of 2 types of tutoring programs, peer-tutoring and a math content master lab, on academic achievement using a sample group of African American special education students within inclusive classrooms. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Traditionalism and Constructivism in the Teaching of Math

    This 2.5 page paper provides a review of a journal article using the format provided by the student. Topics include description of study, sample population, assessment instruments, statistical analysis, results of study and usefulness of article. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Middle School Math Teaching

    A 3 page paper that begins with brief comments about the NCTM Principles and Standards. The paper then reports an interview with a middle school math teacher about how she tries to meet the principle of equity. The writer reports some of the best practices for reaching all students. The paper concludes with the writer's personal comments. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Educational Psychology: Tracking

    6 pages in length. The educational experience is meant to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to the objective of learning; when students are divided by and taught within stringent criteria, the capacity for expansive knowledge is significantly stunted. The extent to which tracking serves to detach students from new experiences and each other by placing them within the confines of regimented, uniform study is both grand and far-reaching; that such division not only cultivates but also perpetuates such social ills as class and racial status speaks to the impact administrators very obviously do not take into account with such a divisive program. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • United Kingdom Education and the Effects of Psychology Development

    Over time education has changed a great deal in the UK. This 5 page paper considers how the changes have been influenced by the development of knowledge and understanding of the human psyche and the study of psychology. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Developing a Plan for Nursing Education

    A 6 page paper choosing teaching methods for a class to be titled "How to Deal with Negative Co-Workers." The learner group consists of nurse managers comprised of young adulthood (18-40 years) and middle adulthood (40-65 years) nurses. The paper lists role playing, group discussion and lecture as the methods that will be used, listing the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as means of evaluating them. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Educational Psychology

    This 9 page paper responds to 12 specific and varied questions. Some of topics include Piaget vs. neo-Piagetian, Baumrind's styles, how concepts of intelligence have changed, improving relations between cultures, acceleration vs. enrichment programs for gifted, classical and operant conditioning, Maslow's hierarchy, standardized tests and more. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • History Of Educational Psychology - Emergence Of Cognitive Psychology

    A 3 page outline of a future paper that provides a brief introduction and then, continues as an outline with headings and subheadings and sometimes includes full sentences and that leads up to the emergency of cognitive pyshcology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Depth Psychology/Early Childhood Educational Setting

    A 6 page research paper that discusses this topic. The term "depth psychology" is rather like an umbrella term that encompasses psychological perspectives that "concern themselves with the unconscious" (Reynolds and Piirto, 2005, p. 164). The purpose of this examination of depth psychology is to discuss how a depth psychology, in this case the psychological theory of Carl Jung, can be integrated into the context of working with young children within a school setting. However, before this topic can be approached directly, it is first necessary discuss the parameters of depth psychology and the concepts that it encompasses. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Education and Humanism

    A 3 page paper that presents a basic overview of humanistic education, a philosophy found in humanistic psychology. The writer reports how humanistic educators typically describe this approach. The basic components found in humanistic education classrooms is explained. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of the Theories of Austrian Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl

    A 5 page paper discussing the Austrian's view that involvement with others and work contribute to creating a meaning for life, without which individuals cannot live full lives or face problems that appear to be insurmountable. Frankl assigned love a primary role in supplying the meaning of life that is all-important for the outlook that individuals maintain. Six survivors of the Holocaust assessed Frankl's theories, and found that 'love was important but so were other factors' (p. 1075). Psychology routinely attempts to downplay the powerful effects of love, but Viktor Frankl took the opposing view. He was certain that we need it for our own well being. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Learning Enhanced Through Music

    A 5 page paper that explores the connection between music and enhanced learning abilities. Discussed are the opinions formed from traditional research on this subject, the altered opinions gleaned from recent studies, and the phenomenon dubbed 'The Mozart Effect' in author Don Campbell's The Mozart Effect for Children: Awakening Your Child's Mind, Health, and Creativity With Music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Contemporary Classroom Invention of Music and Montessori

    An 8 page discussion of the value of music in academic achievement. This paper provides a brief overview of Montessori history and notes the observations of a teacher who has informally implemented the methods. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Music Instruction and the Use of Technology

    A 10 page research paper which looks at how computer technology is impacting the field of music education. The writer gives an overview of some of the technological marvels available and then discusses the controversy as to how much these new innovations should replace traditional pedagogies. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Music Education, Performance Skills

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the areas of performance instruction that should be covered by a musical educator in regards to ensemble performance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History

    An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Developing Children's Memory by Using Music

    A 5 page paper. Memory is a highly complex process that incorporates numerous interacting systems functioning at different levels. These systems in the brain are explained briefly. The writer also notes that mnemonics is one of the most commonly used strategies for memorization and it is particularly beneficial when incorporated into a game-like activity. Some of the research on music and memory is discussed, including the types of music found to be most beneficial and the ages at which infants begin to develop memory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Appreciation of Music Throughout Time

    30 pages in length. One of the reasons that the 'average Joe' cares little for classical music is that he knows nothing of it. We have raised generations in which it is common for the average person to be unable to distinguish between Vivaldi and Tchaikovsky. Khatchaturian is an unknown name, and a response of, 'I've heard that one—it's on all the old cartoons' is commonplace. Some observers believe that classical music is now a special taste, like Greek language or pre-Columbian archeology. With the proper exposure and the proper method of teaching—that of anticipated surprise rather than supreme boredom and all-too-common pretentiousness—that respect can slip into a love of the music that will be enduring for a lifetime and so preserve the genius of the ages. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • The Use of Songs and Games to Teach English as a Second Language

    This 5 page paper discusses the use of songs and games to teach English in the ESL classroom. The writer first provides a theoretical justification for using music to learn, in general, and to learn English, in particular. The essay then discusses the use of music for cognitive, affective and linguistic purposes. Finally, the writer reports some specific ideas on the use of songs and games for specific learning goals, such as vocabulary, phonetics, listening comprehension and more. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Classrooms, Technology, and Education

    This 5 page report discusses the changes and trends in teacher education over the past two decades and the all-important introduction of technology into mainstream use in virtually all aspects of life, including the classroom. Teaching music teachers to use Internet technology in their classrooms is the focus of the studies proposed here. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Alternatives to Student Learning Assessed

    This 6 page opinion paper discusses alternatives for assessing student learning. Tests are historically used to measure student learning but tests are not the only way to assess learning and, in fact, may be the worst method for determining what a student has learned. This essay explains why tests are not necessarily the best assessment method and offers alternative methods, such as portfolios, journals, observation, performance-based methods and others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Collaborative Group Online Learning Management

    A Worthwhile Challenge : This ten-page-paper presents and indepth discussion on the pros and cons of managing and online collabrative enviroment for learning . Bibliography lists eight sources.

  • Technology and Learning Styles Among High School Freshman

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of an article on education. Vicki Cohen’s article Learning Styles and Technology in a Ninth-Grade High School Population relates the details of a study on variations in learning styles in technology and the implications for curriculum development. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Learning from Leapfrog

    This 4 page paper uses a case study to discuss the success of Leapfrog Enterprises. It discusses the No Child Left Behind Act, as well as Leapfrog’s business model. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • General Overview of Project Based Learning

    A 12 page paper that provides a general overview of project based learning. The writer then focuses on three issues – how project based learning enhances student motivation and problem solving skills and how technology enhances project based learning approaches. Research that illustrates the success and effectiveness of this approach to learning is reported. Examples of projects are also included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Complex Thinking Skills and Cooperative Learning

    A 5 page paper. Cooperative learning has been found to enhance and increase performance in many different areas, including thinking. In this paper, the writer discuses how cooperative learning improves higher level thinking skills. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Leo F. Buscaglia's Living, Loving and Learning

    A 3 page essay that summarizes and assesses Leo F. Buscaglia's 1982 text Living, Loving & Learning, which is a marvelous book that deals not only with education and teaching, but how--ideally--individuals should approach life. In this regard, Dr. Buscaglia emphasizes that loving is the key to a fuller, more meaningful life and also to success as a teacher. This text is an eclectic assortment of material that ranges from the autobiographical to observations specifically designed to help teachers cultivate a loving approach to the art of facilitating learning in their students. No additional sources cited.

  • Using Technology To Support Learning

    This 4 page paper discusses a project for middle school students in which they will use technology in all parts of the project. The project is designing a future city and is multidisciplinary in nature. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Personal Definition Of Video Games

    4 pages in length. Despite the general consensus that video games encourage antisocial behavior, obesity, sedentariness and - some argue - violent tendencies, there is an entirely opposite definition to this animated, interactive entertainment many people overlook: their value as effective learning tools. The extent to which children and adolescents alike connect with the fantasy world of video games is both grand and far-reaching; that this interactive relationship has spilled over into the academic environment as an unexpected - yet highly welcome - educational device speaks to the overwhelming benefit this particular type of technology has had upon reaching and teaching students, inasmuch as being engaged with the overall learning process is half the struggle of achievement. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Michael J. Schmoker's "Results Fieldbook Practical Strategies From Dramatically Improved Schools" - Critique

    4 pages in length. Michael J. Schmoker's Results Fieldbook: Practical Strategies From Dramatically Improved Schools serves to set a precedence whereby five school districts are showcased for stepping away from traditional approaches in exchange for embracing alternative methods that produce results. In examining these five school districts, it becomes clear how there is no single style of teaching that can reach every student; rather, instructors must offer a compilation of methods in order to draw out the learning potential of each individual student. The most astonishing aspect about these strategies is how they do not require extensive amounts of time to see results; using Schmoker's approach, they are both immediate and effective. No additional sources cited.

  • Experiential and Brain-Based

    A 4 page paper that discusses the definitions of cognition and learning, the role of behavior in learning, experiential learning and brain-based learning, and the relationship between learning and cognition. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory

    A 6 page paper. The writer identifies the two experiential learning orientations/perspectives, then, outlines, reports and discusses the four stages in Kolb's model, which have also been referred to as the Learning Cycle along with other titles. The four learning styles based on the Learning Cycle are discussed. The essay then comments on the relationship of Kolb's model to the adult student's specific situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning and the Significance of Prior Experiences and Knowledge

    A 4 page paper that discusses a number of factors involved in learning. The writer comments on brain-based learning, meaningful learning, schema theory, relevance, neural connections, prior knowledge, levels of processing and activating prior knowledge. The paper ends with a short example of brain-based learning. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Grouping Students for Success

    A 5 page paper that describes and explains what cooperative learning is. Discussion includes components, benefits, grouping and techniques. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Neurological Issues And Learning Disabilities

    A 10 page paper that investigates the recent neurological discoveries and information as they relate to learning disabilities. The paper discusses the development of the brain and factors that effect its development. The writer also discusses the parts of the brain that have been correlated with different learning disabilities. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • A Challenging Learning Experience

    A 5 page research paper that offers a first-person account of a challenging learning experience personal to the writer/tutor. This account discusses the writer’s feelings and attitudes toward the experience in terms of classical conditioning and negative reinforcement. The writer then relates how the learning was finally accomplished in terms of the constructivist paradigm. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Influential Factors in Early Childhood Learning

    A 7 page review of the factors influencing early childhood learning. The author reviews numerous theories on the importance of environment, parental interaction, and culturally sensitive materials. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Learning Disabled Students and Social Skills

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the problem. Studies are cited showing that there is a relationship between social skills deficits and learning disabilities. The importance of learning social skills is emphasized and some techniques are provided for a variety of age groups. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Learning Theories

    Social, Constructivist, Behaviorist : A 4 page paper that explains and discusses each of these learning theories, including their major principles and theorists. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura

    A 7 page paper that discusses Albert Bandura's social learning theory and comments on its impact on curriculum design. Bandura believed that learning occurs by observing others. His theory became the bridge between behaviorism and cognitivism. The four components or steps in the theory are explained. Bandura's thoughts on self-regulation are also discussed. The writer also discusses the relationship between social learning theory and lifelong learning goals and reports a program that uses the concepts to reduce physical aggression in children. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Curriculum Design and the Impacts of Experiential Learning Theory

    8 pages in length. The Kolb Model of experiential learning clearly demonstrates how there is no comparison to seeing something in a book and experiencing it in real life. Students, like sponges, soak up knowledge when placed in the right setting. Clearly, incorporating all the senses is an educational philosophy every teacher should adopt into his or her curriculum, yet not all instructors are experienced enough themselves to be able to lead their students through such an intense journey as the Kolb Model offers. Tangible learning is just that - a journey - because it incorporates so many facets of a person and requires the student to participate fully and completely in such environments as physical education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Reaction Paper to Taking the Good from the Bad by McArthur

    This 3 page paper examines an article that critiques the way that science is taught. The article makes recommendations and the reaction to the paper is positive. No additional sources cited.

  • Rounding Numbers/Nearest Tenth

    A 4 page research paper that discusses how to teach fifth graders how to round numbers to the nearest tenth. The writer also discusses what prerequisite concepts and skills should be mastered by fifth graders before presenting this lesson. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • No Child Left Behind and Standardized Testing

    A 10 page research paper that examines the topic of high-stakes, standardized testing, which was implemented by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The writer looks the effect of such testing on teaching practices and the teaching profession in general. This literature review reveals that educators have found the effect of this testing to be highly detrimental to the goals of good teaching practice. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Visual Prompts and Educating Autistic Students

    This 9 page paper reviews three journal articles encouraging the implementation of organizational strategies such as visual supports in teaching autistic students. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Exploring Learning Styles

    This 7 page paper examines various ways of learning, learning styles and other factors related to learning. individual styles and unique teaching methods are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • English Language Instruction and Computers

    This 4 page paper is a dissertation plan to examine how and why computer teaching is able to help students learning English. The paper presents the reasons for the research, the research question, undertakes a brief literature review and states how the research will be useful for others in the future. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Dual Language Programs - Two-Way Immersion

    A 9 page paper. One type of bilingual program that has been found to be successful if the dual language, or two-way immersion program where half the class is taught in English and half the other language. This paper discusses this type of program and reports the success some schools have had with it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • How Division Can be Taught to Children

    This 9 page paper looks at how division may be taught to children, looking at the different ways a rectangles may be divided, the use of tables to identify a pattern, and how these can be used to show a student how maths and division works. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Using Literature to Teach Vocabulary

    11 pages in length. The writer addresses several issues in relation to elementary vocabulary instruction, including the relationship between vocabulary and comprehension; the goals of vocabulary instruction; guidelines/principles for vocabulary instruction; words that should be taught; classroom strategies; how to teach students to acquire words independently; records and logs for keeping new vocabulary words; characteristics of vocabulary development in whole language classroom; and characteristics of vocabulary development in literature-based programs. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Integrating Assessment to Support Learning

    A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the need for authentic assessment and several forms of authentic assessment. The writer argues that the goal of teaching and assessment is to instruct students on how to go about the process of becoming self-motivated in their learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Unanticipated Impacts of the No Child Left Behind Act

    This 3 page paper reviews the article by Linda Vallie and Daria Buese and comments on the current research in the field concerning the impacts of the No Child Left Behind Act. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • English-Language Learners

    This 15 page paper begins by presenting information about a particular school in terms of English-language learners' achievement and concerns expressed by teachers regarding their own ability to teach ELL students. The literature review considers many aspects of ELL instruction, including academic progress, literacy progress, and strategies that could help increase achievement and literacy, including the involvement of parents. The last section offers a critical analysis of the problem in outline form. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Warren Bennis's On Becoming A Leader

    A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the major points of Warren Bennis' book, On Becoming a Leader, and considers their application for teaching as a form of leadership. Bibliography lists no additional sources.


    This 3-page paper focuses on imparting information and teaching methods regarding educating about stroke recognition and treatment protocols. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Importance of the Anti-Bias Curriculum

    This 3 page research paper reports on the importance of teaching an anti-bias curriculum in today's cultural diverse society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Internet-Based Activities

    A 3 page research paper that describes and discusses 3 Internet-based activities designed to be used in a fourth-grade science class. The goal of the tasks is to teach the students about endangered species. The learning goals are scaffolded, each building on the other. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Strategic Plan for Pedagogical Improvement

    AThis 10 page paper considers a case where a primary school has gone through a pedagogy audit and the school is performing poorly in area of student learning. There has been a structure and leadership change put into place to improve the organizational culture of school. The next stage is to develop a strategy for improvement, this strategy is contained in the paper, which looks at who issues, who the stakeholders are, the goals and then the strategy to be adopted including looking at both the environment and teaching models that are used. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Achievement in Web-Based Courses

    A 6 page research paper that offers a critique of a study on web-based learning. Bell (2007) conducted a study that investigated the effects of self-regulated learning (SRL) and epistemological beliefs (EB) on the achievement of individual learners involved in courses that included web-based learning environments. The researcher points out that while online learning has been praised as creating greater access to higher education, it is questionable as to whether or not all students in their late adolescence/early adult years can benefit from this experience, as the online learning environment requires a high degree of self-regulation, as well as “higher levels of intellectual development” (Bell, 2007, p. 523). This critique of this study focuses on the methodology that was employed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Learning Theories - Emphasis On Adult Learning Theories

    A 30 page paper. Part 1 of the paper discusses the learning/development theories of Thorndike Bandura, Rogers, Maslow and Kohlberg. The major points of each theory are presented and discussed, including the contribution of that theory to the field of education. The five theories are also compared and contrasted. The second part of the paper discusses adult learning, specifically, again, relating comments to the five theorists identified. 1 Table is included that shows the differences in focus of each theory. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • High School Language, Direct Learning, and Cooperative Learning Approaches

    A 5 page review of the value each of these learning approaches have to the high school student. Emphasizing the lessons that are available in the skills of debate, the author contends that both the cooperative experience and the direct approach can be of tremendous value to the student. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Distance Learning is Ideal for Stay at Home Mothers

    This 3 page paper examines distance learning and how it has made it easier for stay at home mothers to earn their degrees. Online learning is discussed. Its applicability for this population is the focus of attention. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Methodology on a Study Regarding Student Outcomes and Parent Involvement

    This 6 page paper presents the methodology section for a real study. The paper includes an introduction, which presents some of the research regarding parent involvement and student achievement as well as the types of parental involvement. Hypothesis and purpose of study are identified. Subjects and procedure are described and statistical analyses are explained. The result section presents conclusions. The specific topic has to do with math achievement in First and Third Grades. Tutorial suggestions are included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Exploratory and Active Learning Activities

    A 4 page research paper that explores the topic of active learning and how activities can be implemented to achieve active learning goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Professional Learning Community Creation

    Creating A Professional Learning Community : A 16 page paper. The first part of this essay discusses learning communities and professional learning communities and comments on the piecemeal approach to educational reform. The six principles of a learning community as presented by Boyer are outlined as a comparison to the components found in professional leaning communities, which are comprehensibly described. The writer reports the process one superintendent used to initiate professional learning communities in a district. The purpose and activities of the collaborative team are explained. This essay is a comprehensive introduction to professional learning communities with examples. Bibliography lists 11 sources. PGplcom.rtf

  • Overview of Project Based Learning

    An 11 page research paper that explores project-based learning--what it is, its history, and examples of how it has been successful at all grade levels in promoting effective learning. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Grades Seven through Twelve and Literacy That is Literature Based

    A 12 page paper that begins with an abstract. This essay has three sections in the main body of the paper. The first is an outline of a literature based literacy program for grades 7-12. The second part of the essay presents the program materials: the primary literature program, which is the Globe Fearon Literature program. This program is designed for reading levels 6-10. A description and justification for secondary materials is presented next, followed by a special discussion on writing activities. An example of titles is offered in the secondary materials section. The next section discusses the types of modification that could be made for different learners, e.g., the ESL learner or a student with learning disabilities and who is reading below grade level. The last section is a short conclusion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Multicultural Learning Community Development

    This 10 page paper outlines Boyer's six principles of a learning community. The writer discusses the variables or elements that must be present in an educational institution for these six principles to exist. Two examples of variables that promote the principles of a learning community are commitment and collaboration. The last part of the paper is a plan for developing one of the principles in a school. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Multimedia Software As An Instructional Delivery System: Assessment

    3 pages in length. The fact that learning can be integrated with fun is one particular reason why multimedia software is beneficial as an instructional delivery system, inasmuch as it serves to facilitate the learning objective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Learning Styles

    A 3 page paper that briefly describes some of the many learning styles, including field-dependent/independent; Kolb; Dunn & Dunn; and the coordination of learning styles and multiple intelligences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Assessment of English Language Learning

    This 5 page paper provides an assessment of a fictional student named Chin in regards to his English language learning needs. This paper examines the method best for this student as well as how this student will benefit from the method. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Lester and Onore - Learning Change

    A 4 page review of a chapter in Learning Change: One School District Meets Language Across the Curriculum by Nancy B. Lester and Cynthia S. Onore. The learning experiences of two veteran teachers are presented. One takes the constructivist approach and the other the objectivist approach. The author of this paper outlines each and analyzes them for their effectiveness. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Brain Dominance and Various Learning Styles

    A 6 page research paper that addressing the different learning styles associated with right or left-brain dominance. The writer discusses what characteristics are typical of these learners, how right-brain students have problems with traditional teaching, and suggestions for accommodating right-brain students in reading and math skills. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Project Presentation on a Distance Learning Program

    A 3 page paper that presents an outline for a presentation to an investment agency for initiating a distance learning program. The essay begins with general comments about preparation and how the speaker should present him/herself. An outline of the presentation follows with the number of minutes scheduled for each segment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review of the Topic Letter Reversal in Children with Severe Learning Disabilities

    This 5 page paper presents a literature review that may be used in conjunction with the paper entitled Letter Reversal in Children with Severe Learning Disabilities. This review of literature may also be used independently in exploring learning disabilities, dyslexia and letter reversal. Definitions, diagnostic considerations, and methodology utilized in such incidences are addressed as is the use of upper and lower case letters in teaching reading and writing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Distance Learning Programs' Evaluation

    This 5-page paper discusses how one would evaluate the success (or lack thereof) of an e-learning, or e-distance learning course. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 'Supporting and Facilitating Self-Directed Learning' Critiqued

    A 1 page paper discussing the value of an article from the ERIC database. The paper goes into as much detail as possible within the 250-word limit, and finds that the article is sound in its theory and practice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Learning That is Problem Based

    This 4 page paper discusses problem-based learning, what it is, how it works, and its value. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Programs of University and Online Distance Learning

    A 10 page paper which examines the distance-learning programs currently being offered by universities and the development of online learning worldwide. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Learning Assessment

    A 6 page research paper that, first of all, offers a 1 page guide on assessing one's personal views toward the processes of student assessment. Then a 3 page essay follows, which offers a defense of authentic assessment measures, such as use of portfolios. Then the paper concludes with suggestions on self-evaluation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Water Quality Lesson

    A 4 page paper that presents a lesson plan for studying clean water. The plan encompasses strategies that will lead to positive behaviors. These are explained. Backward design model is used. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Mary Aswell Doll's Curriculum Philosophies in Like Letters in Running Water

    A 4 page review of the contentions presented by this author in “Like Letters in Running Water: A Mythopoetics of Curriculum” regarding the curriculum value of fiction. This paper contends that Doll is correct in identifying fiction as a conduit to student understanding of historical circumstances and relationships. Analyzes this contention using primarily the writings of feminist author Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Concludes that while a student might recoil if only given historical detail as it is presented in the common curriculum, when provided these same messages in a fictional format they are able to forge a connection between history and reality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rain Forest Interdisciplinary Unit for Second Grade

    A 6 page paper that describes the major components of a thematic interdisciplinary unit for second-graders. The paper begins with a rationale for the unit and then presents the objectives for the unit. (These are also correlated to the Pennsylvania Standards.) Materials and resources are then listed. This is followed by activities for each of five different disciplinary areas. No Bibliography.

  • Arguing Against School Corporal Punishment

    This 4 page paper argues against the practice and gives reasons why it is ineffective and should be abandoned. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Creativity

    A 4 page paper that addresses these topics: what is creativity, the principles of creativity, why children are more creative than adults, if some people are more creative than others, and should creativity be encourages in school. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Art & Creativity/Elementary Classroom

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the relationship between art, creativity and learning within the context of an elementary classroom. The write argues that art, and the creativity associated with artistic endeavor, can open the door to enhanced student learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Middle School Differentiated Instruction

    A 20 page paper that provides an overview of differentiated instruction beginning with the recognition that educators are familiar with differences among children but find it difficult to change instruction that would address those differences. Differentiated instruction is defined, the four ways to differentiate the instruction are reported and the areas of difference that need to be considered are outlined. Some of the misconceptions of differentiated instruction are identified as well as some of the obstacles. The key principles in this approach along with the major characteristics of the differentiated classroom. Numerous strategies are offered along with a lesson plan checklist. Most of the information is applicable to all grade levels. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of Differentiated Instruction

    A 3 page paper that responds to questions: what is differentiated instruction and what does it involve, how can it address learner needs, how does it benefit the student. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Health & PE/Differentiated Instruction

    A 4 page research paper that discusses differentiated instruction in general and then focuses on applying these principles to health and physical education classrooms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Language Arts Instruction of the Twenty First Century

    A 6 page paper that examines both the direct instruction phonetic approach and the whole language approach to teaching elementary language arts as well as the debate that currently exists regarding the effectiveness of each. Discussed are the merits as well as the shortcomings of each of these approaches and the possibility is presented of combining the two in order to arrive at a more effective overall teaching approach. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • LD Students and Educational Instruction

    A 7 page paper. There is no single strategy or procedure for teaching students with disabilities. There are numerous instructional models that are used with very specific learning disabilities. This paper discusses four topics: direct instruction, peer tutoring, class-wide tutoring, and formative evaluation. The benefits of the three instructional techniques are discussed. The importance and benefits of formative evaluation/assessment are explained. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • English Language Learners and Direct Instruction

    A 5 page research paper. In the late 1960s and early 70s, S.E. Engelmann and his colleagues designed a comprehensive instructional model, Direct Instruction (DI), for Project Follow Through, a large experimental program funded by the federal government (Stein, Carmine and Dixon, 1998). DI integrates effective teaching practices with a sophisticated curriculum design that includes classroom organization and management, which is augmented by careful monitoring of student progress (Stein, Carmine and Dixon, 1998). This examination of DI, first of all, looks at what, precisely, constitutes DI practices and then investigates whether or not DI holds the potential to increase the academic achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs). Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Early Childhood Educational Instruction

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts direct/didactic instruction with developmentally appropriate instruction at the preschool level of early childhood education. This examination of research and literature demonstrates that most experts in early childhood education do not favor direct instruction, but rather support instruction that is developmentally appropriate. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Studies in Distance Education

    This 3 page paper analyzes three articles about distance education very briefly, and discusses what the concept of distance education comprises. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Distance Education and the Isolation of Rural Schools

    This 4 page paper discusses distance education and the benefits it offers, particularly to students in rural areas. It also briefly touches on how teachers interact with students in the distance learning situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Classroom Diversity

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of three types of diverse populations in a classroom setting. This paper considers specific accomodations to address their needs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Educational Trends

    A 9 page paper that reviews five journal articles that report existing or emerging trends in education. Not surprisingly, technology and the use of the Internet in the classroom is one of those trends. Others include a virtual classroom, cooperative teaching and school-university partnerships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 4th Grade/Endangered Animals Web Quest

    A 5 page guide/research paper that, first, discusses various web sites on the topic of endangered species that can be characterized by their approach. Then, the writer offers a lesson plan using some of these sites. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Developing Children's Memory by Using Music

    A 5 page paper. Memory is a highly complex process that incorporates numerous interacting systems functioning at different levels. These systems in the brain are explained briefly. The writer also notes that mnemonics is one of the most commonly used strategies for memorization and it is particularly beneficial when incorporated into a game-like activity. Some of the research on music and memory is discussed, including the types of music found to be most beneficial and the ages at which infants begin to develop memory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Listening Techniques

    A 16 page research paper, which includes a 1-page abstract and an 1-item appendix, that addresses the topic of listening, which is a foundational skill to academic achievement at all levels. This literature review explores the topic of listening, both from the perspective of how teachers can improve on their listening skills and also how they can instruct their students in regards to listening skills. Topics covered include the importance of listening; approaches to improving listening; classroom management techniques, getting students to listen; listening in the early grades; listening to music; listening techniques, effective listening; the importance of teachers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Inclusion - Costs And Outcomes

    A 7 page paper that begins with a clarification of inclusion and mainstreaming and the controversy surrounding the practice. The essay comments on the foundations for inclusion, the proportion of students with special needs in regular classrooms and the costs of educating a disabled student as compared to a non-disabled student. The writer also comments on the outcomes of inclusion. Statistical data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Magnet Schools

    A 3 page paper that proposes an alternative high school. The paper discusses the need for such a school, discusses alternative schools and the origin of magnet schools, their success, and what needs to be done. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Meaningful Learning Experiences

    A 4 page research paper that discusses how to provide meaningful and worthwhile learning experiences. There is an old saw that goes that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. As this cliche illustrates, a teacher may provide all of the information and instruction necessary for learning, but for a learning experience to be worthwhile and meaningful, that is, for actual learning to take place, the active cooperation and cognition of the student must be engaged. The goal, therefore, is to provide teaching and learning experiences that are effective, that is, that instigate thinking and learning on the part of the student. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Alternative Therapies for ADD/ADHD

    A 7 page research paper that examines research literature pertaining to alternative interventions for ADD/ADHD children. The writer particularly focuses on studies on massage/tactile stimulation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Language and Communication Problems Associated with Learning Disabilities (ADD/ADHD) in the School Age Child

    A 5 page review of the impacts these conditions can have in the academic setting. This paper recommends data-based intervention. Bibliography lists 7 sources).

  • Brief Overview of ADHD

    A 3 page paper that describes ADHD and offers classroom strategies, drawing on recent literature. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management

    A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Mother's Perspective/Asperger Syndrome

    A 3 page book review on Echo Fling's book Eating An Artichoke, which is a personal journal of what it is like to raise a child who has Asperger Syndrome. The writer describes Asperger Syndrome and then focuses on the strategies devised by Fling to help her son. No additional sources cited.

  • Activity Cycles

    A five page paper which looks at the Montessori theory of child development and education with particular reference to cycles of activity.

  • The Potential for Robots in Schools

    This 14 page examines the potential use of robots and robotics in education, considering how the technology may be utilized, the benefits to the students, the teachers and the education industry as well as the challenges that are inherent with the use of robots. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Core Model and Comprehensive School Restructuring (CSR)

    A 5 page overview of the Core Model being implemented in schools around the nation. This paper evaluates the success of the model in Virginia and Oklahoma City. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of Culture and Cultural Diversity

    A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses culture and cultural diversity, which are catchphrases that are frequently banded about in educational circles and also in regards to public policy formation, but examination of these terms brings up questions pertaining to precisely what is meant by these terms. This examination of culture and cultural diversity defines these terms and looks at associated issues. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • An Analysis of Dr. Georgi Lozanov's Integrated Learning Techniques

    This 7 page paper examines the techniques of Dr. Georgi Lozanov - specifically, his integrated learning techniques. This paper explores how these techniques serve to help ESL students achieve more academic success. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Multicultural Educational Tool of Drama

    A 12 page paper that begins with data regarding the proportion of ethnic and racial minorities in the U.S., the definitions of culture, and the need for multicultural education. Attitudes begin very early in life. The writer then discusses how drama can be used to lead to awareness and understanding of other cultures. Lesson plan is included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • UK's Talented and Gifted Education

    This 43 page research report addresses gifted education with an emphasis on the United Kingdom. The report begins with a brief history of gifted education (in the 1870s in New Jersey, USA) and includes the change in focus from intellectual cognitive ability to a broader perspective. Topics addressed in the report include: the definition of giftedness and how that has changed and why, underachievement, methods for identifying gifted children, including tests, teacher recommendations and checklists, identification by provision and identification by provision in practice, Freeman's Sports approach, comments on nature vs nurture, can giftedness be developed, characteristics of the gifted child, emotional/social development, implications for teachers, preparing teachers to work with the gifted, and comments about programs for the gifted. While most of the research is applicable to giftedness anywhere, there is an emphasis on the UK. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Issues with Regard to Gifted Students in the U.S.

    This 9 page paper discusses some of the issues, concerns and practices that affect gifted students in the U.S. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Reducing the Number of Hispanic High School Dropouts Proposal

    A 12 page research proposal designed to evaluate the effects of a specialized class on Hispanic dropout. The author suggests that twenty-two students be randomly selected from a school and entered into a special program emphasizing positive educational networks and continuous exposure to material patterned after the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). The idea is to compare these students pre and post test scores as well as their future drop-out rate to other Hispanic students in the school. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • High School Dropouts/North Toledo, OH

    An 8 page research paper that examines the problem of high school dropouts in North Toledo, Ohio. This evaluation of this problem attempts to outline the dimensions of the problem using demographic statistics and then discusses how the problem has thus far been addressed by public school and city officials as well as proposed solutions that have been presented in related literature. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Learning Environment Observation

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of the observation of one learning enviornment. Specifically, the learning environment observed was centered around six learning centers, with activities set up in each of these centers.

  • Toddler Development

    A 14 page research paper that explores the toddler years in early childhood development. The toddler years, roughly from 18 months to 3-year-olds, constitute a period of rapid social, emotional and cognitive growth in the life of a child. This discussion of childhood development during the toddler years focuses on how various models of personality development offer insight into childhood behavior during this period. Then, this information is applied to observations of specific toddlers, and this is followed by a discussion of implications of psychological theories of development, in regards to toddlers, from a Montessori perspective. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Early Childhood Education, Literacy Development

    This 3 page research paper offers analysis of an article, "Early literacy development: Merging perspectives that influence practice" by Lesley M. Morrow and Susan Dougherty (2011). The writer offers a reaction paper that discusses the content of the article, which describes approaches to early childhood literary, and judges the article to be accurate, well written, insightful and practical. Only the article is cited.

  • Early Literacy - Emergent Literacy Skills

    This 3 page paper provides a synopsis of a journal article entitled: Promising interventions for promoting emergent literacy skills: Three evidence-based approaches. The three approaches are described. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Literature Review on Early Childhood Literacy

    An 8 page research paper that offers a literature review that examines three research studies that pertain to early childhood emergent literacy skills and at-risk children. The basic parameters of each study, its methodology and results, are briefly summarized and then each is discussed, referring to other studies and relevant literature were appropriate, before reaching conclusions based on this data. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • English Language Teaching And Metacognition

    A 4 page paper that discuss and explains what metacognition is and how it differs from cognition. The writer discuses the importance of metacognition for English language learners and provides some examples of strategies teachers can teach this population of students. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 4-page paper reviews three articles concerning English language learners. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • English Language Learners Reading In Content Areas

    A 4 page paper that begins with comments about the ELL student's difficulties reading in content areas. Some explanations of this situation are provided. The essay reports one program that has increased ELL performance in content areas and an outline of suggestions for teachers to help ELL students learn. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Technology In Middle And High Schools

    A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Multicultural Education And Technology

    A 10 page paper that includes these sections: abstract, stimulus statement and topic, teacher competence to teach multicultural education, what we know about technology and student achievement and technology in pre-service multicultural education classes, what we do not know and recommendations. There are many suppositions that make good sense about the value of technology when teaching multicultural lessons but there seems to be very little empirical evidence. Data are provided for studies where technology was used with ELL and disadvantaged students for math and writing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Considerations in Standardized Testing

    A 5 page overview of the many problems inherent in standardized testing. Despite these problems, standardized testing is a requirement in the contemporary classrooms and as such must be embraced as a tool to help students develop and succeed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Standardized Testing, Immigrants And ESL

    This 5 page paper discusses nine journal articles/book chapters with a focus on standardized testing. The essay is not a summary of the articles/book chapters but rather discusses issues that are cross-referenced, such as the issue of using standardized tests with new immigrants, the disadvantages and English language learners. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • ADHD: Causes, Behaviors, Strategies

    A 7 page research paper on ADHD. This examination of literature pertaining to ADHD, first of all, discusses the causes, symptoms, and behaviors that are associated with this disorder, but then concentrates on teaching strategies that have been formulated to address the management of ADHD in the classroom. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Other Five Pillars Of Reading Instruction

    A 5 page paper that begins by reporting the original 'five pillars' as identified by the National Reading Panel. The essay then identifies and discusses the "five other pillars" as identified by Allington. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Educational Leadership and American Literature

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this issue. American literature includes a vast body of infomraiton that integrates themes that can be applied to every day life. Authors like Willa Cather and Mark Twain pursued themes that have lent themselves to discussions of leadership, initiative, social perspective and even the conflicts between right and wrong. Though not all of the themes in the works of these authors reflect ways to introduce the topic of educational leadership ability, there are a number of stories, including Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Willa Cather’s My Antonia and The Professor’s House, that demonstrate the most common themes applied to the concept of leadership. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Educational Leadership and Teamwork

    A 2.5 page paper that discusses the use of teams in educational settings. The writer discusses some of the many elements necessary for a successful team, training in group processes being the most important. The educational leader also needs to be a coach for the team. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Classroom Management

    A 3 page paper that begins with comments about the importance of classroom management. The essay discusses general techniques for effective classroom management and briefly explains choice theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Plan for Managing the Classroom

    A 6 page research paper that covers several topics. First of all, the writer offers a philosophy of classroom management in bulleted format. Then, there is a sample letter to be sent home to parents describing this philosophy and listing class rules. Then, there is a task analysis (homework) and a plan for the implementation of the management plan. The paper concludes with a brief description of what should be included in a substitute teacher plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Teaching Math - Effective Strategies

    This 3 page paper discusses effective strategies for teaching the diverse math classroom. Three strategies are included: technology, cooperative learning and peer assisted learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Elementary School Vocabulary Teaching Strategies

    A 5 page paper that explains and discusses several strategies for teaching vocabulary that have been found to be effective and successful, such as the Word Box, repeated exposure, elaboration and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Reinforcement with High School Students

    A 3 page research paper that discusses Skinner's theory of reinforcement and its application in high school classrooms. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 2 Parts on a Lesson Plan in Pre Algebra

    A 3 page research paper in two-parts. The first section summarizes a lesson plan for teaching pre-algebra concepts. The second section discusses how to adapt this lesson plan for special needs students. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Education and Cross Curricular Activities' Impact

    7 pages in length. Acquiring an education no longer means sitting quietly in a classroom environment and listening to a teacher lecture for hours on end, receiving no mental or tactile stimulation or having to center upon one subject at a time. The very essence of learning is that students absorb the information bestowed upon them; however, the only way this can happen is if they are interested and focused. The approach to education has undergone significant modification over the past several decades, with one of the most promising being to raise level of inquisitiveness of high school students from varied cultures through cross-curricular activities. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Education and Constructivism

    This 5 page paper describes constructivism, beginning with a definition and description, including the commonalties among the divergent perspectives in the field and the beliefs upon which constructivism is based. A discussion of Vygotsky's social learning theories and how they acted as a building block for constructivism is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Collaborative Learning Communities

    A 3 page research paper that discusses collaborative learning communities, which are established between teachers, teachers and students and between the students themselves, have been found to provide an efficient and powerful framework for achieving academic goals. As this suggests, research that addresses the implementation and maintenance of such communities, exploring associated problems such as those that pertain to the topic of special education and inclusive classrooms, is extremely important because research data informs teachers about the possibilities inherent in collaborative learning communities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cooperative /Collaborative Language Learning; PowerPoint Presentation

    This 10 page paper is a presentation concerning the use of a collaborative/co-operative approach to language teaching. The presentation looks at the background to collaborative learning including the theory and principle and then considers teaching approaches applied to language lessons. A PowerPoint file is included with the paper. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Mathematics Test Anxiety

    A 9 page paper that begins with a speech about the topic. The paper explains anxiety and it prevalence, test anxiety, mathematics anxiety and mathematics test anxiety. The writer comments on the increase in anxiety with high stakes testing. Research about the topics is discussed. The paper ends with ideas teachers can use to reduce this type of anxiety. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overcoming Our Passivity and Addressing Bullying

    This 5 page paper encourages educators and parents alike to step up to the plate to eradicate bullying. The author discusses the factors that contribute to bullying and suggests educating people to be more proactive can help eliminate the problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Adolescent Literacy Rates

    A 4 page paper. that reports statistical data from different sources regarding the literacy (reading and writing) skills of adolescents. The writer also comments on a report from Canada regarding literacy rates and identifies where the U.S. falls in terms of national literacy rates across the world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Personal View of Constructivism

    A 3 page paper providing a personal view of the value of the constructivist approach to education and personal assessment of two statements of Ernst von Glasserfeld, who coined the term "radical constructivism." An accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint presentation compares radical, social and cognitive constructivism and identifies their primary theorists (von Glasserfeld, Vygotsky and Bruner, respectively) and uses the example of the success of the Montessori method (cognitive constructivism) over the course of nearly a century). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Freiberg and Albert on Cooperative Discipline

    An 8 page paper. The two most common approaches to cooperative discipline are from Albert and Freiberg. The writer discusses each, including the basic principles, components and goals of each. Freiberg's model is called Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline. As is shown in the essay the two approaches as far as cooperative discipline is concerned have a number of similarities. Research supporting Freiberg's model is also included. bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dyslexia and ELL

    A 5 page paper which examines the similarities and differences between an English Language Learner and a dyslexic student, how teachers can distinguish between a language problem and dyslexia and considers the factors involved in being dyslexic and learning a language. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Research Studies on Inclusion

    A 12 page research paper/essay that consists of 2 distinct parts. The first 6 pages offer a summaries of 10 research studies that pertain to inclusion classrooms. Then, a 6 page research paper is offered that discusses more studies, which analyzes the research in relation to inclusion. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Learning Theories Integrated Into The Online Instructional Approach

    5 pages in length. An online education has become both a viable and legitimate alternative to brick-and-mortar learning; initially questioned for its ability to teach students with the standard learning theories, online schools have proven their credibility by integrating such methods as active, behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism and exploratory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Teaching Elementary Science/Epistemological Framework

    A 5 page research paper/essay that summarizes and analyzes a basic science textbook for the elementary grades, Earth Science Made Simple, A clear introduction to the science of our planet by E.F. Albin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Homeschooling

    A 9 page paper which examines various elements and issues concerning homeschooling. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Relationship Between Language-Based And Learning Disabilities

    A 6 page paper that includes statistical data. The writer discusses the relationship between language disorders and learning disabilities or language-based learning disabilities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Lesson Plan on Bats

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, describes a lesson plan for an elementary classroom that focuses on bats. Then the writer presents 6 objective questions and 2 essay questions that address this material and discuss how these answers should be evaluated. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Technology Effects on Education

    A 6 page research paper that examines technology's integration into classroom instruction and its effect of student achievement. This discussion looks at the strengths and weaknesses in the available research literature, as well as what research says about teacher training in technology use and its effect on student achievement. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Piaget/Elementary & Middle-School

    A 3 page research paper that discusses and summarizes the cognitive learning theory of Jean Piaget and how this has impacted elementary education. The writer argues that, based on his research, Piaget concluded that a teacher should be more of a facilitator in the education process, than a leader, and that teachers should take their lead from the child. In other words, Piaget was one of the first psychologists to formulate a theory of knowledge as constructed by the learner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • School Bullying/The Effect on Bullies and Victims

    This 20 page research paper consists of a 15 page report and a 5 page annotated bibliography. The paper offers an examination of literature that explores what is known about the effects and repercussions of bullying, both in regards to victims, but also in regard to what the bully experiences in terms of mental health outcomes. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Health Education Teaching Strategies

    In this 3 page paper, the writer offers an overview of the 'seven by seven' health education curriculum in Hawaii, an introduction to the Personal, Social and Health Education program in the United Kingdom and provides an example using a nutrition unit. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Classrooms and the Multiple Intelligences Model of John Gardner

    This 10 page paper provides practical applications for Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory. In addition to application recommendations, the paper provides an in-depth overview of Gardner's theory including a description of all seven types of intelligences. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Managing Knowledge in Schools

    This 9 page paper begins with a discussion about knowledge and knowledge management and how human resources relates to knowledge management. The essay then focuses on knowledge management in educational settings, providing ideas for implementation and examples. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Role Of The First Language In The Acquisition Of A Second Language

    This 16 page paper looks at the way a second language is learned and the influence of the first or native language. The paper discusses second language acquisition theories and considers their appropriateness and accuracy in the way second languages (L2) are learned. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Approaches to Teach Foreign Languages

    A 5 page paper that reflects the writer's experience as a foreign language teacher (hypothetical). The paper describes the Communicative Language Teaching Approach, it concepts and principles and its value as a technique. The writer also integrated the Presentation, Practice, and Production technique and cooperative groups. Examples of activities are included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Teaching Language and Constructivism

    This 6 page paper discusses the use of constructivism in the language classroom. Possible applications as well as the main principles surrounding constructivism discussed and exampled. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Should Instruction Match Student Learning Style?

    This 10 page paper discusses the question of whether or not instruction should match student learning styles, and analyzes three articles that discuss the concept. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literacy Development in Young Children

    This 10 page paper looks at different aspects of literary development of young children by answering a set of questions all concerning the ideas of different educational theorists that deal with the way literacy skills are developed. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Literacy Development Site for Preschoolers

    A 3 page review of a web site that aids with the development of reading readiness skills for preschoolers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Approaches to Literacy

    This 4 page paper defines the behavioral, sociological and naturalistic approaches to literacy; and then considers how these approaches influence classroom practices. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Philosophy of the Montessori Educational Method

    This 4 page report discusses the philosophy and educational methods that were originally developed by Maria Montessori (1870-1952). The fact that Montessori insisted that a child “is not an inert being” initiated a remarkable shift in thinking. As more people found value in her philosophy and began to apply it in education and childhood development, it became clear that there was a great deal of merit in applying this changed way of thinking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Logico-Mathematical Thought And Montessori’s Mathematical Mind

    This 4 page paper looks at Piaget’s concept of logico-mathematical and then considers the idea of Maria Montessori’s mathematical mind. The paper then considers some of the first tools that are used for teaching children maths using the Montessori Method. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Discoveries of Maria Montessori

    A 3 page paper which discusses the discoveries made by Maria Montessori at Casa dei Bambini. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Maria Montessori

    A 3 page paper which examines important moments in the life of Maria Montessori. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Maria Montessori’s ‘New Education’

    In three pages this paper examines what Maria Montessori meant by the term ‘new education.’ Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Math Anxiety, Understanding the Fear of Mathematics

    9 pages in length. A comprehensive look at the problem of 'math anxiety' and numerous studies that have attempted to help improve our understanding of its treatment. Among other things, the writer discusses how to quantitatively assess Math Anxiety and concludes with recommendations for helping young children who suffer from it. Bibliography lists 20+ sources.

  • Cynthia Arem on Anxiety About Math

    A 3 page book review that offers a summation of Cynthia Arem's text Conquering Math Anxiety: A Self-Help Workbook, which is designed to aid the reader in overcoming the often heady emotions that many students associate with math and math tests. This research also includes suggestions for how the student can relate personal experience to Arem's text. No additional sources cited.

  • The Use of a New Math Program

    An 8 page paper. The writer presents a scenario of an elementary school whose students are performing poorly in math. A new mathematics textbook series is chosen but the teachers do more - they change their instructional approach, adopting both constructivist principles and exercises and cooperative learning. The writer explains why these choices are made and the anticipated effects. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Teaching of Math in California

    A 5 page paper. The catalyst question for this paper was: How to teach Saxon Math to 4th/5th grade GATE students in accordance with the California math standards. The essay begins with some general comments about the California Mathematics Standards, including a general synopsis of what students are supposed to do by the end of the 5th grade. The focus of the Saxon math series is then explained. Comments about Saxon math from others are reported. The writer concludes that while Saxon math may fit within the general criteria of the standards, it would not be a good program to use with students who were gifted in math. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Practical Life Exercises in the Montessori System

    This 8 page paper discusses the Montessori educational philosophy and how it provides the foundation for practical life activities. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Evaluation Of A Web Site For Educators

    A 5 page paper. The essay begins by identifying the Web site to be evaluated and the credentials of the author. The writer discusses the criteria for evaluating Web sites and relates these criteria to the target Web site. The Web site is Kim's Korner For Teachers. A specific document, Writing Process Timeline is evaluated in terms of its value and advantages. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Montessori: Nurturing the Spirit

    A 3 page consideration of how the Montessori method nurtures a child’s spirit and, in turn, encourages learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Introduction to Montessori

    A 7 page paper that discusses some of the principles and the components in the Montessori method. Different concepts, like the absorbent mind, preconscious level, sensitive periods and discipline, are discussed. The writer comments on the contributions Montessori made to early childhood education. Bibliography lists 7 sources. PGmnts10.rtf

  • Multiple Intelligences & Gifted Students

    A 9 page research paper that examines literature, which focuses on the theory of multiple intelligences and gifted students in order to ascertain the issues associated with the need to identify giftedness via a broader template than the one offered by traditional testing, such as the paradigm offered in the concept of multiple intelligences. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Intelligences, Metacognition, Moral Reasoning

    A 12 page paper. This paper defines, explains and discusses multiple intelligences, metacognition/self-regulatory learning, and moral reasoning. The writer explains how each could be applied in a year 8/8 (ages 13 and 14) ancient Egypt lesson and in year 7/8 (age 18). Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner and Education

    A 6 page paper which examines the value and effects of incorporating Gardner’s multiple intelligences into the classroom. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • NCLB, View of Teachers

    A 10 page research paper that discusses how teachers see the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act. The NCLB radically changed the nature of the public school system as it serves to deemphasize the local control of public schools, which has been a hallmark of American public education since its inception. The NCLB began to affect schools in the 2002-3 academic years, which means its effects have been ongoing for the last six years. This brings up the question of how do teachers, six years into the NCLB, perceive this legislation and its implications for the future of education in America. This literature review focuses on this question and the opinions of educators, rather than politicians or the general public. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • NCLB and High Qualified Teachers

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), which was enacted by Congress in 2002, and which requires among its provisions that all teachers, as of end of 2005-6 school year, should be "highly qualified," that is, meet the defining list of requirements listed in the law (Harrison-Jones, 2007, p. 356). This review of literature, first of all, describes the variety of forces that have shaped the public's understanding of the issues involved with the NCLB, using a historical perspective that indicates the impact that this law has had on teacher qualifications. This is followed by a discussion of the positive effects that the NCLB has had on teacher qualifications before addressing the issue of challenges for highly qualified teachers. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


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