Research Papers on World Affairs

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  • Security in the Global Context

    This 20 page paper is made up of a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation along with speaker notes examining what is meant by the globalization of security and how security has become a global issue. The presentation looks at what is meant by globalization, identifies different types of threat, including, but not limited to, war, terrorism, crime as well as energy and food security. The problems are defined and described along with some of the global responses to those problems. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Was Genocide Committed During the Gulf Wars?

    This 4 page paper is a proposal for research to assess whether or not there was genocide committed by the allies in the first and the second gulf wars. The paper gives an introduction, a rationale, a brief literature review and a methodology. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Analysis of Al Qaeda's Strategy And Organization

    10 pages in length. The agenda typical of militant operations is that of complete anarchy; the fact that suicide missions are one of the most widely used tactics speaks to a mindset whereby no life is sacred, not even their own. The world-view of fundamentalists like Al Qaeda is unlike the rest of the civilized planet, with skewed perspectives, inflated self-importance and malicious agendas fueling the global mayhem. Al Qaeda's steadfast organization and extremist strategy resembles several who wreaked havoc throughout history with the same intent to isolate or abolition by way of fanaticism. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • This 7-page paper discusses the World Bank 2009 Report, "Reshaping Economic Geography." It portrays the major findings of the report and the criticism the report received. There are 8 sources cited.

  • History and Structure of the WTO

    A 10 page research paper tracing the origins of the WTO from it's GATT beginnings and including critical views of the organization's strengths, weaknesses and direction. The paper examines the structure of the WTO, briefly including decision/appeal procedures and how the WTO could affect the sovereignty of member nations. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Developments in Negotiation Theory

    This 26 paper looks at the development and scope of negotiation theory and its’ interdependence with conflict theory. The paper is written as a literature review and focuses research published in or after 2007. The different approaches to negotiations are outlined along with the potential for different factors impact on the way they take place and their outcomes. Influences such as emotions, stereotyping, social issues, the media and trade are all included in the review. A table at the end of the paper summarizes the research. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • The United Nations' Efforts to Control Drug Trafficking in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and Korea Commission On Narcotics & Drugs

    Increased cooperation among the Koreas has brought positive results in the worldwide war against narcotics but its production, trafficking and consumption remain a major problem in the region. In this 2 page paper, the writer evaluates United Nations efforts to curtail the production and development of drugs in Korea, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Does the World Trade Organization Hinder Economic Growth in Developing Countries?

    This 3 page paper looks at how why the international political environment and the operation of the World Trade Organization A constraint rather than promote growth in developing nations. The paper considers how developing nations will often go through comparative advantage, and then discusses some of the ways in which World Trade Organization regulations, the general environment undermine and limit that growth. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Johan Galtung’s Peaceful Approach to Peace

    This 8 page paper discusses the concept of conflict resolution form the aspect of the peace research approach developed by Johan Galtung and discusses the statement that “International conflicts should be handled in a co-operative spirit by all countries, big, small, on an equal basis”. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Potomac River and Chesapeake River Basin Cleanup

    This 4 page hypothetical essay looks at the issue and provides discussion around sevaral stakeholder responsilities including the U.S. government (according to the World Bank), companies like Omega Protein, and support of nonprofits. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Perfecting the EU

    A 10 page research analysis on the European Union; specifically which factors influence a country to join or decide not to join the Union. Included are the history of the union, its political and economic attributes, and which factors have been hailed and which have caused problems for countries before and after joining the organization. Bibliography cites eight sources.

  • Necessity for Women's Rights Worldwide

    5 pages in length. The author discusses the need for women's rights activists in the international community and gives examples of the current treatment of women. Several platforms for change are discussed. Bibliography included.

  • Human Rights, Sovereignty of States, and the United Nations

    A 4 page paper on U.N. efforts to protect human rights and state sovereignty in countries around the world. According to the writer, the United Nations have traditionally been very outspoken -- going against human rights violations, but really doing nothing to stop them from occurring. Specific cases, quotes, etc.; are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The League of Nations' Failure

    A 6 page paper that argues that the League of Nations ultimately failed due to its lack of membership from the major world powers, its lack of unity in purpose, its lack of organization, and its lack of commitment to cause. Each of these weaknesses is discussed as well as the damage each inflicted on the believability and support of the coalition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Comparing the United Nations and The League of Nations in Political Approaches

    The success of the United Nations is based on a conglomeration of many political ideologies and precepts. The unshakable liberalism of democratic values, in concert with the idealistic belief in cooperative security brought Woodrow Wilson to the fore of international politics and was the foundation for the League of Nations. The time was not right, there was too many domestic problems in the world for the League to have the power it needed to handle international conflicts. After World War II, with the change in outlook of domestic policy in the United States and in the Soviet Union, in combination with the neorealist philosophy based on balance of power, the time was right for the establishment of an organization based on cooperative security and the United Nations was founded. This 7 page paper examines the forces that brought the League of Nations into being, explores the reasons it was not able to maintain power and looks at the processes used to conceive the United Nations as the force it is today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Effectiveness of the United Nations' Peacekeeping Efforts

    A 6 page argumentative essay that supports the argument for UN peacekeeping. The writer reviews the stated function, peacekeeping failures, successes and lessons learned in support of the argument for. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Political Comparison of Iraq and Mexico

    The world is in a state of flux. Economies as diverse as Japan and Russia are in the middle of political and economic crisis and globalization has either made productivity soar or has been the death toll for different countries. This 6 page paper compares the current status of the economic, political and social development of Mexico and Iraq. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Biodiversity and the UN

    In 5 pages, the writer discusses how the United Nations deals with biodiversity, the issues biodiversity programs address, how biodiversity operates, where biodiversity operates, and its strategies and action plan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Serbs and Kosovo Crisis in Yugoslavia

    An 8 page paper discussing the ongoing crisis between the Serbs and Kosovo. Some analysts attribute the reasons for today's war to the events of the 'Field of Blackbirds' battle of 1389, but that portion of history only colors the current crisis without fully explaining it. The Kosovars refused international attempts at peace in order to preserve principle, even though they understood they were greatly outnumbered by the Serbs and ill-equipped to resist them. As Milosevic's resolve only appears to have been strengthened following his indictment, there remains no end in sight. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History and Structure of the WTO

    A 10 page research paper tracing the origins of the WTO from it's GATT beginnings and including critical views of the organization's strengths, weaknesses and direction. The paper examines the structure of the WTO, briefly including decision/appeal procedures and how the WTO could affect the sovereignty of member nations. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Wall Street Journal Article on the Tobacco Settlement

    This 5 page paper provides an executive summary of a Wall Street Journal article reporting on a tobacco settlement. The summary relates the facts to other situations in business. No additional sources cited.

  • Global Aid, Intergovernmental and Nongovernmental Organizations

    This 12 page report discusses non-governmental organizations and intergovernmental organizations, paying special attention to the United Nations and The International Committee of the Red Cross. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Theory and International Relations

    This 7 page research paper discusses international relations as it endeavors to identify current problems, dangers an sources of tension. Specifically discussed are the three prevailing theories of gender, dependency and realism to determine which one most effectively addresses the problems of international relations today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


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