• Recent Papers

    • Positivity and Input Strengths

      Leadership strengths is a topic that has been written about for decades. Recently, two surveys to identify strengths and talents were published and both are being used frequently. This paper discusses how people with different strengths make decisions and it also discusses how managers can develop different strengths. Examples are included. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Spina Bifida Overview

      This paper presents a comprehensive overview of spina bifida that discusses various aspects of the disease before losing with a brief case study. Five pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Code Green - A New Challenge

      Code Green is a huge global project that Thomas Friedman proposed in his book, Hot, Flat, And Crowded. Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How it Can Renew America. New leaders are needed, which leads to a discussion on leadership development and the need to include spirituality in the programs. There are thirteen sources used in this twenty page paper. ... MORE

    • Strategic Direction Case

      This paper presents a case study about how the owner of a small store planned to make changes and how the changes linked to the vision and to strategic direction. ... MORE

    • Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy

      This essay has attempted to provide a strong background in marriage and family counseling by reporting a brief history, the needs in the field of marriage and family counseling, identification of some of the therapeutic models, and an explanation and discussion of cognitive-behavioral family therapy, which is the most commonly-used approach in the field. ... MORE

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