Research Papers on Art From Ancient Cultures

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  • Kama Sutra and Modernity

    Modern society is obsessed with sex. Any glance at the television screen, tabloids, or even traditional news outlets informs of a world that cannot get enough of the dirty details of a star’s sexual affairs or even those of a Prince and Princess or a President of a country. Today, movie stars and celebrities are considered automatic ambassadors for a country, making the sexploits of these national figures even more riveting to most people than serious global issues. In fact, there is no taboo sexual subject. This makes it difficult for a religious text such as the Kama Sutra to be held up as a religious document and retain the proper respect it is due. 4 works cited. jvkamasu.rtf

  • History of Chinese Art

    10 pages in length. Chinese art history is both vast and comprehensive, spanning centuries and encompassing myriad formats. When one examines Chinese culture as it relates to art history, one can readily surmise that artistic endeavor is not merely superficial filler, but rather an integral component to the overall existence of Asian heritage. The writer discusses calligraphy and feng shui as they relate to Chinese art history. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Historical Functions of Museums

    This 10 page paper delves into museums and how they are to be considered in light of new technology. The function of museums throughout history, and throughout the world, are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ancient Greek Women and the Effects of Medicine, Law, and Architecture

    A 12 page investigation into the lives of ancient Greek women as they were impacted by architecture, law and medicine. Exactly how these factors interacted to shape a woman’s life, however, is largely a matter of conjecture. Because most of Greek history was dominated by male authors, we must turn to other aspects of Greek culture to glean hints as to how a woman interacted in this male-dominated world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Culture of Costa Rica

    A 6 page research paper that examines the culture of Costa Rica by looking the topics of religion, education, economics, family, class structure, language, history, natural resources and geography. In so doing, this survey of culture shows the complexity of this Latin American society. Biography lists 8 sources.

  • Egypt's Early History from 3100 until 1200 B.C.

    (3 pp). Archaeological evidence suggests that, Egypt was inhabited by hunters over 250,000 years ago when the region was a green grassland. The Paleolithic period around 25,000BC brought climatic changes, which turned Egypt into a desert. Desertification of Egypt was halted by rains, which allowed communities of cultivators to settle in Middle Egypt and the Nile Delta. Throughout most of its pre-dynastic history Egypt encompassed a multiplicity of settlements, which gradually became small tribal kingdoms. These kingdoms evolved into two loosely confederated states: one encompassed the Nile valley up to the Delta (with the Naqada dominating) with Hierakonpolis as capital, represented by the deities Seth and White Crown; the other encompassed the Delta, with Buto as its capital and represented by the deities Horus and Red Crown. The two kingdoms vied for power over all the land of Egypt. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Pakistan's Miniature Painting

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the history, influences and contemporary issues in miniature painting in Pakistan and India. The art of miniature painting was first known to exist in Persia where it was imported from into India during the 1500s at the beginning of the Mughal dynasties. In the Mughal schools of artistry, the art of miniature painting was given a more intense and dynamic feel which differentiated it from the formal structures used by the Persians. The technique is very specific in its use of wasli paper, squirrel hair brushes and vivid water based paint applied in multiple layers to earn it a silky finish. When the Mughal dynasty was displaced, so too were many of the artists who then had to earn livings applying their craft to other objects such as walls and furniture. During the late 1800s, when Indian nationalism began to take place, a revival of the traditional arts led to the re-introduction of miniature painting into the educational system where artists could earn specialties in it. Today, the art of miniature painting is one of the more popular and traditional methods of art especially found in the graduates of the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan, the only school in the world offering a specialty in miniature painting. Modern miniature artists apply traditional Mughal methods in their depictions of the contemporary world and the political and lifestyle issues in Pakistan. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Hera Temple and Early History of Greece

    This 4 page paper analyzes the architecture of the first Temple of Hera in Greece. Elements analyzed for style and lifestyle of the people, function, and symbolism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cultural Understanding of Chinese Women Through Literature and Art

    This 8 page paper examines how women in the Chinese culture are expected to adhere to a far more traditional role than Western women. This paper examines the literature of Ha Jin as well as artwork by Zhou Fang and Chen Yifei in order to provide evidence of this thesis. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Analysis of Six Museum Works of Art

    A paper which looks at six museum pieces, representing different branches of art, architecture and literature, and considers their importance both at the time of their creation and in relation to other cultures and time-periods. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Time Capsule: Renaissance & The Age Of Baroque

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses art, music, architecture, literature and philosophy as they pertain to the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Boston Museum of Fine Arts' Oceania

    ( 5 pp.) The challenge presented to us in this discussion is twofold: first to be an "art critic" from the period when the art was first exhibited, assuming that it had just been completed by the artist; the second is to take a negative stance to the work that I have just seen. The theories that correspondingly present themselves from this type of construction is to realize that any type of artwork may be perceived differently from the time it is first made until later perceptions in its history. Obviously the work has not changed, but the attitudes towards if may have. The second idea is that in order to talk about something in a negative way, I will in fact have to know something about it first in a positive way. 4 visuals

  • Art History Questions

    A 4 page research paper in which the writer addresses four specific art topics, which includes ancient Egyptian art; Picasso's "Gernica"; the importance of music in the writer's life; and the writer's personal position on the importance and value of art. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Statues of Meleager and Aphrodite of Knidos

    A 3 page paper which examines Statue of the Aphrodite of Knidos, 2nd century A.D. and Statue of Meleager, 55-45 B.C.. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 1100 to 1250 Western Europe and Processes of Metal Working

    This 6 page paper considers the main metalworking techniques used in Western Europe during the period c.1100-1250 AD including a discussion on metalwork techniques that also involve the use of other materials such as enamels. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Dragons

    (5 pp) No single continent or culture has an exclusive claim on dragons or dragon lore. The animals have survived in time and imagination. Just as an adventurer might claim land for his sovereign, a wise traveler would also know when dragons would be about, and then, even whisper to himself, "here be-- dragons." This discussion will allow the reader to learn of these marvelous creatures, so he too can learn to recognize them, and the places where they live. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • APN Role in Protecting Elderly Abuse Victims

    A 5 page research paper that reports on elder abuse and the possible role that APNs can take in regards to this public health issue. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Consideration of Aztec Codices

    A 5 page paper which examines the ancient Aztec codices and discusses whether they are art, writing, or perhaps both. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Ancient Art: Egypt and Greece

    A 3 page examination of art from ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Egyptian Object/Catalogue Entry

    A 3 page research paper that takes the form of a catalogue entry for an ancient Egyptian artwork on display at a museum. The writer describes two ancient Egyptian tomb reliefs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pottery of Ancient Greece

    A 3 page paper on the pottery of ancient Greece. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Overview of 6 Roman Portraits

    An 8 page paper that begins with an introduction to Roman portrait. The writer describes six Roman portraits: The General, Togate, Portrait of a Roman Matron, Republican Couple, Aulus Metellus (The Orator), and Stele of a Republican Family. The writer then compares and contrasts the Egyptian The Seated Scribe and the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Roman Cultural Life and Architecture: Analysis and Interpretation

    In six pages this paper examines the Roman way of life and and then considers how two architectural works – the Pantheon and the Colosseum – reflect Roman culture, with detailed description, analysis, and interpretation included. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Mayan Cylindrical Vessel

    A 3 page research paper that describes a Mayan vessel from the eighth century. The writer offers a detailed description and relates this description to what is known of the Mayan culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Great Sphinx of Giza

    A 3 page examination of the Great Sphinx of Giza. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Modern Art and The Painted Word by Thomas Wolfe

    This 5 page report discusses Tom Wolfe's essay on modern art and then reviews the work of one of the artists who fits into his dismissive description of 'modernism.' Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Writing System of Ancient Turkey

    7 pages in length. As the fundamental basis of myriad other languages that followed, ancient Turkish helped to lead the way for other civilizations to cultivate their own language skills. Incorporated into contemporary Turkish are the properties of the ancient written and vocal components of what has now been classified as a lost language. Along with the Sumerians, Elamites, Medes, Scythians, Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, Trojans, Etruscans and Arameans, ancient Turkish -- as it was in the very beginning -- is nothing but a memory in today's world, having left a tremendous legacy behind its cultural contribution. The writer discusses ancient Turkish in relation to writing and language. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Symbols and Group Painting

    (5pp)Most indigenous peoples have a similar symbology which gives them a framework for their own personal movement in the Universe. Their life is related to the seasons, their brothers - the four legged, and the natural elements of earth, fire wind and water. It is natural that the expression of these constants vary since they are a reflection of the geographic world around them. In this discussion we will look for similarities of two geographically diverse groups, the Mimbres and the Sioux. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


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