• Recent Papers


      This 3-page paper analyzes tenant and landlord law, going into issues such as Implied Warranty of Habitability and tenant rights. ... MORE

    • Small Group and Tiered Instruction

      This research paper offers an investigation of research and educational literature that discusses the significance of small group and tiered instruction as pedagogical approaches that support scaffolding and differentiated instruction. Seven pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Guinea Worm, Eradication Program

      This paper describes the Guinea Worm Eradication Program, which was implemented by the Carter Center. This campaign has had remarkable success and is close to completely eradicating the disease. Three pages in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Report from a City Inspector General

      If a city lacks policies and procedures regarding any area of functioning, it makes it easier for employees to commit fraud. Joseph Ferguson gave a speech that discussed this issue and how to find it and prevent it. This essay analyzes a city inspector general's review of how city vehicles and how City fuel were being used. There are two sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Amelie and French Ethnocentrism

      This 3 page essay discusses the film Amelie (2001) from the perspective of ethnocentrism and what the film conveys about French cultural assumptions and ethnocentrism. Bibliography lists 2 sources. ... MORE

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