Research Papers on Religion & Political Issues

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  • An Intervention Using Appreciative Inquiry Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the use of appreciative inquiry theory to address an intervention. This study relates the problem of communication in a church setting, where 200 members have a difficult time focusing on the expansion of the organization. Further, this study provides a qualitative approach for assessing the views and the application of AI in this specific “case study” setting. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Interpersonal and Sexual Relationship Commitment

    This 20 page paper explores the topics of commitment in interpersonal and commitment in sexual relationships beginning with an introduction to the concept of commitment – what is it, what does it mean in today's world, and the conclusions of two studies looking into commitment between dating couples. The writer then discuses the ethics of commitment and sexual ethics, a very hot topic in today's world, most of which focuses on the relationship of homosexual couples; next, is a discussion of the theology of commitment. The writer asserts that God wants us to make commitments, first to Him and then to others in our lives but where does commitment fit in this disposable world. The last section addresses pastoral care and counseling, premarital, marital, and divorce. Here, the different types of families are identified along with the ways in which some pastors face the challenge of these diverse families, including the lesbian or gay couple. An approach that has been remarkably successful in reducing the number of divorces is explained in this section. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Medical Treatment, Parents, Religion and the Law

    A 5 page paper which examines whether or not parents should be forced by law to provide medical treatment for children regardless of religious beliefs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Significance of Religion and Geography in the Middle East

    This is a 5 page paper which examine the religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the Middle East. The paper also addresses the significance of the geographic location of the region. The bibliography has 3 sources.

  • Historical Connections Between Puritanism and Calvinism

    An 8 page discussion of the history of the Puritans. The author contends that this history is considerably more extensive than that that unfolded in the “New World”. Indeed, the Puritans are integrally connected to Scotland and a man known as John Calvin. Puritans were followers of Calvin’s radical new approach to religion. The reverberations of that approach would reach far beyond Scotland and into the Americas as well as the rest of the world. Not only would it shape the actions of the Puritans themselves, it would determine the way they would interact with others throughout history. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History Of Religious Orders and Monasticism

    A 7 page paper that begins by explaining the origin or the word monasticism and the types of lifestyles that may be adopted as a monk. The connection between monasticism and asceticism is explained. The writer then traces the history of the practice of monasticism before and after Christ and identifies the first Christian monastic orders that were founded. The differences between Eastern monastics and Western monastics are described. It was in the 6th century that the monastic way of life grew so much with the founding of the Franciscans and the Dominicans. The founding of more religious orders, including the Jesuits, was re-emphasized during the Reformation. The challenges to monasticism are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Islamic World, the West, and the Relevance of Medieval History

    7 pages in length. It is a harsh reality that has reinvented itself over and over again during some of the most difficult times of global conflict. While at times it serves to unite people under the umbrella of solidarity, it also fuels aggression and hatred toward those who do not uphold the same tenets. This demon of such tremendous proportion seeks to unify but ultimately divides, which reflects the way in which religious fundamentalism of medieval times has perpetuated throughout the centuries to once again raise its ugly head where contemporary relations between the West and the Islam world are concerned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theology and Psychology Integration

    A 10 page research essay discussing the how and why psychology and theology, or religion, should be integrated. Beginning with some statements and citations about the integration of science and religion, or theology, and moving into specific examples of the integration of religion and psychology, the writer offers evidence from the literature to support the premise these two should be integrated. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sexual Offender Characteristics

    A 5 page paper which examines some of the characteristics of sexual offenders, focusing on clergymen. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Homosexuality and World Religions

    This is a 9 page paper discussing homosexuality and religion in regards to Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The policies and issues relating to homosexuality vary a great deal throughout different religions. While in some cases, specific references are difficult to find in ancient scriptures and holy text, other references such as in Islam’s Quran and Hadith, seem quite specific as to the opinion of homosexuality and what, if any, punishment should be given. The Jewish and Christian religions both have conservative divisions which forbid homosexual practice and homosexuals’ participation in rituals while at the same time they also have liberal or reformed divisions which recognize homosexuals in regards to equal rights and respect. Hinduism and Buddhism also have varied perspectives within their own religions as while some Hindu researchers cannot find specific references either way, others refer to the Kama Sutra and its devotion of an entire chapter to gay men. Most Buddhist divisions refer to the precepts of Right Conduct but with some differentiation as to the interpretation of “sexual misconduct”. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Christine Leigh Heyrman's Southern Cross The Beginnings of the Bible Belt

    This 6 page report discusses the 1997 book, “Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt” that the American South has been influenced and has influenced the Christian evangelical movement in ways that are deeply connected, both historically and ideologically. Bibliography lists only one source.

  • Medieval Concepts of Love, Sex, Marriage, and The Bible

    A paper which investigates the way in which the bible influenced concepts of love and sexuality in medieval times, and considers not only the specific rules and codes of social practice set out in the scriptures regarding sex and marriage, but also the way in which these affected the socio-economic structures of the time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Discrimination and Justice in Public Education

    Ju An 8 page paper. There are three general elements in this paper. First, there is a discussion of the growing diversity in the public schools and the discrimination that exists against "minority" students; next, is a discussion of what the Bible says about discrimination and justice; third, there are recommendations regarding changing the situation. Data are provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Christian Worship Music and Theology

    A 4 page paper which examines the role of music in the theological history of Christian worship. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Galileo's Defense in His Letter to the Duchess

    5 page analytical review of an infamous letter from Galileo to the Dutchess in his own defense (many accused him of disrespecting principles set forth in the bible). Please send e-mail to request more information. No Bibliography.

  • Reason Plus Spirituality Equals Enlightened Theology

    A 5 page paper that examines the integration of the sciences of philosophical thinking and theological belief beginning with the Age of Enlightenment in the eighteenth century. The progression of this integration is traced across the nineteenth century and through the 1960s racial tensions of the twentieth century. Included are the philosophies of Jonathan Edwards, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William James, W.E.B. DuBois, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Theology and Gospel Preaching in the African American Church

    A 14 page paper which examines the definitions of theology and preaching the gospel from an African-American perspective, considering among other issues the impact of the church, how belief in God and Jesus Christ relate to socio-cultural conditions such as racism, crime, injustice, what it means to preach the gospel, and speculates as to whether or not this approach to the gospel is going to last. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Hans Urs von Balthasar and Bernard Lonergan on Liberation and Transcendental Theologies

    This is a 5 page paper discussing transcendental and liberation theologies in relation to Bernard Lonergan and Hans Urs von Balthasar. Transcendental and liberation theologies have recently been developed within the paradigms of the Catholic Church and both can be seen to be culturally and historically based. Traditional teachings in the Catholic Church tended to have “onesidedness” in which man was “allowed” to partake of God’s glory and God’s truth and goodness were seen as the purpose for following Him. In light of recent historical and cultural events, this onesidedness was becoming more and more difficult to understand because of the horrific treatment of individuals. Liberation theology was developed in Latin America and the ideas of sin and grace were understood more on a social level where God did not place individual sins and grace on those less fortunate but instead provided empathy. Transcendental theology was developed more as a study not on God’s effect on man but more so based on man’s development of religion working on an understanding of “man towards God” and not on the traditional “God towards man”. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • God's Doctrine as Interpreted by Gordon Kaufman, Pamela Young, and Sallie McFague

    This 12 page paper discusses the shift in paradigms facing Christianity in the next century. Based on the works of Sallie McFague, Pamela Young and Gordon Kaufman, theologies are discussed, examples given, quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Issues In Religion And Social Inequality

    A 4 page paper that discusses two issues. The first has to do with the devotion of Anastacia in Brazil. Anastacia was a slave and is not canonized but millions are devoted to her. The second is about liberationist theology, particularly in Latin America. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Christianity Challenges, Mandates, and Dualism

    (6 pp). "Dualism" and "cultural mandates" are the new buzz-words in theology. This discussion will examine their meaning in current society as well as God's instruction to "cultivate the garden." Thesis question: If we are created as unique individuals in the holy image of God, can we take the initiative to apply the spirit of the law, rather than the words of the law, to our lives and to the lives of those around us? Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Hans Kung's Women in Christianity

    A 6 page overview of the manner in which we have historically viewed the role of women in Christianity. Kung targets theologians and the general readership alike in his discourse on the manner in which Christian women have been treated by their fellow Christians, and the social setting which inspired that treatment. Kung’s intent is to analyze the past injustices and to chart the way for a new theology of women in the Christian religion. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Examining Catholic Church Unity

    This 7 page theology paper discusses the four marks of the Catholic Church and how these relate to the unity of the Church. Many examples are used to highlight the oneness of the Catholic Church such as authority, eucharist, and the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Reformation Concepts of Skepticism and Faith

    A 2 page paper that examines the two fundamental issues of philosophy and theology that were involved in the Reformation Period, the issues of faith and skepticism. Discussed are the introduction of Martin Luther's Protestant beliefs in 1517 and the era of new philosophical and theological thinking that followed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Homosexuality and World Religions

    This is a 9 page paper discussing homosexuality and religion in regards to Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The policies and issues relating to homosexuality vary a great deal throughout different religions. While in some cases, specific references are difficult to find in ancient scriptures and holy text, other references such as in Islam’s Quran and Hadith, seem quite specific as to the opinion of homosexuality and what, if any, punishment should be given. The Jewish and Christian religions both have conservative divisions which forbid homosexual practice and homosexuals’ participation in rituals while at the same time they also have liberal or reformed divisions which recognize homosexuals in regards to equal rights and respect. Hinduism and Buddhism also have varied perspectives within their own religions as while some Hindu researchers cannot find specific references either way, others refer to the Kama Sutra and its devotion of an entire chapter to gay men. Most Buddhist divisions refer to the precepts of Right Conduct but with some differentiation as to the interpretation of “sexual misconduct”. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Social Attitudes and the 'Mirror' of Religion

    A 5 page contention that religion does not act only to change and challenge prevalent social beliefs and behaviors but, because it is an evolutionary phenomena, it also acts to mirror and support those attitudes. The author of this paper utilizes the current evolving religious attitude regarding homosexuality as a support for this contention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Indian Politics and the Significance of Religion

    This 7 page paper addresses the significance of religion in India and why secularism is both desired but problematic. The caste system is discussed. The problem is looked at sociologically through the eyes of theorists like Durkheim and Marx. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Women

    A 6 page paper that reviews attitudes towards women in three religions: Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity. The writer reports how the Holy writings for each of these religions seems to say and then discusses how women are really treated. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Conflict Between Israel and the Palestine and Policy Alternatives

    5 pages in length. Arabs and Jews carry a lot of hatred and hurt from a history of war and terrorism. Although efforts have been made to quell this perpetual discord, it will be extremely difficult for the bitter combatants to embrace the simple concept of forgive and forget; realizing this, other policy options must be considered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Euthanasia and the Christian Perspective

    An 8 page paper which examines the Christian view of euthanasia. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Genetically Modified Food: Two Views

    This 3 page paper compares two opposing viewpoints about the use of genetically modified foods. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparing Synoptic Gospels with Plato's The Republic A COMPARISON OF: THE REPUBLIC OF PLATO AND THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS

    This 8 page paper compares the Synoptic Gospels and their messages to the philosophies of Plato in The Republic. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Islam and Interfaith Marriage

    This is a 5 page paper discussing interfaith marriage in the Islamic religion. Interfaith marriage is not recommended in Muslims as Muslims are encouraged to find spouses with a similar religious outlook for the sake of future compatibility and for the raising of children. However the guidelines for marriage in the Qur’an do allow for some instances of intermarriage between Muslim men and non-Muslim women but not between Muslim women and non-Muslim men. For those couples who have interfaith marriages in the Islamic religion, mostly in the Western countries where there are fewer Islamic communities, they have reported success only when they allow themselves equal respect for each other’s religion, educate themselves about the practices of each other’s religion, maintain open communication regarding the practicing of religion, the raising of children and the recognition of holidays. Despite the liberal views of many interfaith couples, difficulties still arise in the raising and faith of the children. Muslim men who have children who have not be raised Muslim may have difficulty bringing them into Islamic states and retaining custody after a divorce. In the world today however and despite the strict guidelines of the Qur’an, interfaith marriages are occurring with the couples themselves largely deciding how to handle their choices for success in their marriage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Reformation, Martin Luther Writings, and the Impact of the Printing Press

    This 6 page paper discusses the effect of the printing press on the spread of the Reformation movement and Martin Luther's writings. Evidence given from various resources. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Christian Views on the Islamic Prophet Muhammad

    A 6 page discussion of the growing world pressure for Christians to acknowledge and even to accept the Prophet Muhammad and Islam. This paper notes the misperceptions and ignorance surround Islam which characterizes Christian understanding of the religion and to clarify those misunderstandings. At the same time, however, the author stands firm in the argument that Christians simply cannot accept Islam for to do so would be to renounce Christianity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Scientific Revolution and the Connection Between Science and Religion

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses how Copernicus and Galileo were condemned for asserting that anything could carry more weight than religious thought. That religion and science were at significant odds is certainly an understatement; it was only a matter of time before Copernicus' 1543 publication of On the Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs was stricken from public consumption due to society's fear and ignorance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 18th and 19th Century 'Great Awakenings' in America

    A 12 page research paper that examines the differences and similarities between the First Great Awakening for US religious observance, which occurred in the eighteenth century, and the Second Great Awakening, which occurred a century later. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • American Religion and The Great Awakening of the Eighteenth Century

    This 12-page-paper presents a discussion about the Great Awakening in America that took place during the 1730's and 1740's. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • Galileo's Defense in His Letter to the Duchess

    5 page analytical review of an infamous letter from Galileo to the Dutchess in his own defense (many accused him of disrespecting principles set forth in the bible). Please send e-mail to request more information. No Bibliography.

  • The Imprint of Religions on Nations

    In a 5 page essay, the author discusses the topics of Buddhism in China, Judaism in Israel and Christianity in America. Comparisons of the different religions and the countries are made. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Reformation Concepts of Skepticism and Faith

    A 2 page paper that examines the two fundamental issues of philosophy and theology that were involved in the Reformation Period, the issues of faith and skepticism. Discussed are the introduction of Martin Luther's Protestant beliefs in 1517 and the era of new philosophical and theological thinking that followed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Arguments Surrounding the Issue of Prayer in Schools

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this heated argument. Both sides of the issue are adequately explored. The ACLU's position is explained. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Finding Our Voices by Patricia O'Connell Killen

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of the work and expounds on it. Religion is discussed as it pertains to women. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


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