• Recent Papers

    • Written Language, The Mayan Civilization

      This research paper presents a comprehensive overview of research that pertains to Mayan civilization and its system of writing. Eight page in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE


      Provides a Five Forces, PEST and SWOT analysis of DISH Network, to prove that a macro-analysis is necessary to the company's micro-analysis and decision-making capabilities. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography of this 7-page paper. ... MORE

    • Marketing Issues for Stores Competing with Discount Stores

      Companies in just about all industries are facing stiff competition from similar stores that offer items at a much lower cost. For instance, two low-cost grocery stores have opened in the United Kingdom and other places and are hurting revenues for stores like Tesco. This essay focuses on different marketing issues, such as the marketing mix, corporate structure, the differences between low-cost and mainstream stores. The essay concludes with two recommendations for Tesco. There are three sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • CRM and Business Management

      In a paper of three pages, the author relates the importance of customer relationship management (CRM) in business management. The author identifies articles that provide a range of views of this issue in the business environment. Major themes are identified. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ... MORE

    • Obama and a Story of Race

      In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on the autobiography about Barack Obama's childhood and his development. The author considers the impacts of Obama's story to an interpretation of social and racial messages. There are two sources. ... MORE

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