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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
An 8 page paper discussing the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth I to England. Bibliography lists six sources.
This 8 page report discusses the ways in which Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) used religion as her tool for engineering her survival and to safeguard her role as monarch. Under the leadership and the strong reign of Elizabeth, England increased its political power and made many cultural achievements. Elizabeth, even by modern standards, was a brilliant politician. Her manipulations were never without purpose or focus. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
King Richard the Third is known historically as well as through the plays of William Shakespeare to be a notoriously evil man who seeks power above all else and lets nothing or no-one stand in his way. This 5 page paper presents the argument that Queen Elizabeth is one of the few characters that meets Richard on his own ground, without fear or complacency and manages to outwit him. No additional sources are listed.
A 7 page overview of English exploration of the world during the late sixteenth century. Gives a brief description of political unrest in England during this time period. Emphasizes the voyages of Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake. Describes the difficulties early explorers and colonists faced in the 'New World.' Bibliography lists six sources.
A 5 page comparison of character and suicide between Queen Jocasta (Oedipus the King) and Queen Phaedra (Hippolytus). The writer argues that in both instances, the Queen was a lovelorn woman; deeply frustrated and in the end, completely desperate. Jocasta's death, however, was more sudden and rash when compared with the suicide of Phaedra who had accumulated such tendencies throughout the progression of her story. No Bibliography.