Free Research Papers On Linguistics

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  • Jewish History and Spain's 'Golden Age'

    7 pages in length. Major changes occurred in the 11th century when the Umayyads steadily lost power as the Berbers rose in influence after capturing Cordoba in 1013 CE; the passing decades served as their barometer of progressing power. Cultural and commercial prominence became their focus as capitals and other cities were transformed into Meccas for the two very important elements. As these significant changes were taking place, one more addition would serve to establish an entire population as being both welcomed and honored: the Jews. Indeed, these individuals did not come empty-handed into their newfound environment; rather, they brought with them such important endowments as financial aptitude, politics, economic advisory, as well as a vast amount of humanities-related knowledge in the form of literature, academia and science. The blending of art, linguistics, philosophy, science and medicine rounded out a society that was heretofore underdeveloped in many of these areas. As such, the influence of so many learned Jews soon saw intellectuals and doctors alike holding some of the most important social/legal/political positions in the land. No bibliography.

  • Linguistics and Culture

    A 4 page overview of language and how it reflects culture. The author considers a fictional culture with no word for ocean, many positive words for child, only plural words for leader, no word for war, words describing men and women only in terms of the domestic relationship, many words for grain and no words for meat products and discusses what that must mean in terms of this culture's ideologies and lifeways. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • History and Linguistics of the Jamaican Creole Language

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the Jamaican Creole language. The Jamaican Creole language, also known as Western Caribbean English, has been a unique language since the beginning of the 19th century although is it still only officially linguistically classified along with Creole and Pidgin languages as “language isolate, unclassified” with the International Linguistics Center in Dallas, Texas. Because of its unique elements which differentiate it from Standard English in the areas of linguistic phonology, morphology, semantics and pragmatics, linguists believe that it should not be considered a “dialect” but should be reclassified as a “nation-language”. Not only spoken in Jamaica, Jamaican Creole is also spoken in Columbia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. Jamaican is also influencing cultures and societies around the globe as large communities of West Indians who reside in countries such as Canada and the United States not only bring their language to the culture but also elements of their music, mannerism and lifestyle which are being adopted by neighboring communities. The Jamaican language is considered an excellent example of the many languages which are participating in the “Latinization” of the English language and are important in the linguistic study of the evolution of language. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Language Acquisition and Children

    This is a 7 page paper discussing language acquisition in children. Research in developmental psychology and linguistics has shown that children, regardless of culture, acquire language in certain stages. The initial stage of babbling in the first year shows the infant physically testing his own speech sounds and shows early interaction with the world around him. Before the child reaches one year old and for about the next year, he begins to utter single words strings which describe aspects of his daily life. At eighteen months, children begin to form two word strings and accelerate their rate of language acquisition at an alarming rate. By the time the child reaches the age of 2 ½ to 3 years of age, the structure of his language has expanded to not only include 3 word strings but from 3 to 4 years old also includes complex and embedded strings. Interaction is a key element for the acquisition of language in children and adults are encouraged to interact with their children from the onset. Many adults use “motherese” when speaking with children and speak in a slower more precise manner in order to help the child learn. One of the most important learning processes for children is one-to-one reading with an adult preferably a parent or guardian. Children’s language acquisition increases dramatically when one-to-one interactive reading is a daily routine in normal children and those with language learning difficulties. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cognition and Solving Problems

    The ability to assess a problem and formulate solutions has been a subject within such varied disciplines as mathematics, psychology, linguistics, neurobiology and computer science. The fact remains that problem-solving is a complicated procedure that merits study. This 10 page paper explores information processing and memory in terms of problem solving. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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