• Recent Papers

    • Analysis of “The Zebra Storyteller”

      This 4 page paper gives an analysis of the story The Zebra Storyteller. This paper includes both lateral and vertical analysis as well as a Rogerian argument. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE


      Presents a detailed budget for a fictitious financial literacy program. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper. ... MORE

    • Mobile Technology

      Wireless and mobile devices have become part of everyone's life even if they do not own a smart phone. This paper defines these technologies. It then compares the use of them between Delta Airlines and Southwest airlines. There are twelve sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Web Site Analysis

      Churches need to have attractive, effective Web sites just as any other business or organization. They need to provide information for members but they also need to attract people to attend that church. Web sites can help in both these goals. This essay reviews and analyzes the Web site for Second Nazareth Baptist Church. A recommendation is also made for improvement. There are four sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Cycle Time Throughput Time Hospital

      The focus of this paper is colonoscopy procedures at a clinic. This essay discussed cycle time and throughput time, the percent value added to the colonoscopy process, and if the colonoscopy department could really meet the needs. Recommendations include identifying non-value added, unnecessary processes and eliminating them. This will reduce costs, which is the same thing as generating revenue. There are four sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

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