Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Black Church's Musical Dynamics
A 10 page paper which offers a research proposal for studying the dynamics of music in the Black church. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Critical Thinking, Elementary Grades, and Music Education
A 12 page research paper that consists of a literature review on research on this topic that can be used as part of a proposed research study project. The literature review discusses recent research pertaining to the connection between musical instruction and critical thinking skills. Studies are discussed and suggestions are made concerning possible research design on this topic. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Life and Works of Nineteenth Century French Composer Cesar Franck
This is a 9 page paper discussing composer Cesar Franck and his works. French composer Cesar Franck (1822-1890) born in Liege, Belgium was considered one of the most talented French composers of all time. While he was known initially for his organ music and playing, especially in the new church of Ste. Clotilde in Paris, he became considerably better known for his range of compositions throughout his lifetime. The organ and the Church played significant roles in some of his early works but his talent was truly revealed through his exceptional range in compositions which included not only singular pieces for the organ, keyboards and other instruments but also symphonies, chamber music and the nineteenth century phenomenon symphonic poems, among others. Much of Franck’s work showed the influence of the Church within his work and life and many of his works are still used within the Catholic liturgy. Other works, such as the symphonic poem Psyche among others showed how passionate and romantic Franck could be often revealed within the mythical and natural worlds.
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Sublime and Subjective Romanticism in William Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”:
In four pages this paper examines the Romantic themes of the sublime and subjectivity within the context of Wordsworth’s poem, and also considers how these themes are similarly expressed in the Romantic musical compositions of Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, and Felix Mendelssohn. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
Disturbed's "Inside the Fire" and Ownership by the Devil in a Social Interaction Theory Context
This 4 page argumenatative paper posits that the lyrics in "Inside the Fire" encourage fraternization with the devil and suicide as a subset of the rock music genre. The argument is framed within social interaction theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Dark Side of Country Music
A 5 page paper that argues the point that country and western music does not express the noble and pure American spirit as has been claimed. Discussed is the inherent depression and violence that has come to mark contemporary country music. Also disused is recent research aimed at linking country music with depression and high suicide rates. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Flute History and Use
A 4 page paper discussing changes in the flute since the 14th century. The flute as it is known today owes many of its characteristics and qualities to the changes designed and implemented by Theobald Boehm (1794-1881) in the early 19th century. A woodwind most often used as a soprano voice in orchestras, marching bands and ensemble groups, the flute remains one of the most popular of all the musical instruments commonly in use today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Copyright Law and Music Piracy
This 10 page paper takes a look at music piracy and copyright law and how entities like Napster have gone south. Some cases are mentioned. Recommendations on what record companies should do to make money are noted.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Effects of Violent Lyrics on Aggressive Thoughts and Feelings
In twenty-six pages this paper presents research on the effects violent song lyrics have on aggression that examines various types of lyrics (heavy metal, rap/gangsta, and country), demographics (age, gender, geography), and subheadings including introduction, statement of the problem, aims/objectives of the study, relevance of the study, literature review, rationale of the present study, statement of hypothesis, operational definition, subject/sample population, instrument/materials, design, procedure, scoring of data, analysis, references, and appendix. Fifteen sources are listed in the bibliography.
Music in the Films of the Coen Brothers
A 5 page paper which examines the use of music in the films of the Coen Brothers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Film Genre Known as 'The Musical'
A 7 page analysis of this definitive film genre which considers its historical context, common themes, key directors along with some of their trademark films, examines what made these films popular, and examples of three important musical films. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
An analysis of Beethovern's Music in Immortal Beloved
A 4 page discussion of the 1994 film Immortal Beloved (directed by Bernard Rose for Columbia Pictures), which speculates on the personal life of composer Ludwig van Beethoven. The primary focus of the paper however is on two scenes from the film, one that features Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata and another which features the "Ode to Joy." The writer offers a brief musical analysis of both works within the context of the film. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Film Adaptation of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie and the Mood Function of Music
A 3 page essay that discusses the function of music in the 1987 film adaptation of Tennessee Williams' play The Glass Menagerie, directed by Paul Newman. In this film, composer Henry Mancini provided some truly memorable music. Mancini's score adds immeasurably to the mood of the film, underscoring Williams' thematic meaning. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Gone with the Wind's Cinematography
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the cinematography of Gone With The Wind (1939, directed by Victor Fleming; produced by David O. Selznick for Selznick International and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), which is one of the most popular and profitable films every made (GWTW, 1995). The film won 9 Academy Awards, which includes Ernest Haller and Ray Rennahan winning for Best (Color) Cinematography. Examination of GWTW in terms of cinematography demonstrates that this accolade was well-deserved, as lighting and camera choices, throughout the film, serve to underscore the narrative's major themes by helping to establish mood and characterization. In this manner, cinematography serves to underscore the central theme of the film, which is the centrality of Tara in Scarlett O'Hara's life. Three scenes are described. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Analysis of John Woo's The Killer
A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses how John Woo's 1989 film The Killer reflects the sociopolitical atmosphere and anxiety of the 1980s and 1990s in Hong Kong prior to the transition to Chinese governance. The writer discusses similarities to film noir. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Film Director Gordon Parks
A 10 page research paper that examines three films directed by Gordon Parks: Shaft, The Learning Tree, and Leadbelly. The writer explores thematic elements in the films that tie these very different movies together. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Early Music Revival A History by Harry Haskell
6 pages in length. The writer offers a general review of Harry Haskell's book, which is the first comprehensive historical study of its kind chronicling the early music revival, tracing its origins to the eighteenth century. No additional sources cited.
The History of Modern Music
This 5 page paper is an informative journey through music from 1920 until the modern day. There is brief coverage of all the decades since the 1920's with examples of the contemporary styles of the day, including music by Stravinsky, Jazz, Modern, Blues, Rock and Roll, RAP and Punk. The bibliography cited 4 sources
A History of Performance Art
(10 pp.) Performance art is a confrontational art
experience, whether one chooses to say that the
art form begins in the sixteenth century with
Comedia del Arte political street theater, or the
recorded fistfight that broke out in the beginning
of the twentieth century. Both forms were
Italian, and both began with audience participation
in the performance itself. Yet the form continues
to make its own history today.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Electronic Music History
A 6 page research paper that gives an overview of the history of electronic music. The writer discusses the contributions of various composers, as well as giving a brief description of the electronic technological advancement that pertained to music. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Harpsichord History
A 6 page research paper that offers a brief history of the harpsichord, its development and the principal schools that characterized the production of the instrument during its heyday. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Musical Differences Between Classical and Romantic Eras
An 8 page research paper that examines the differences between the Classical era in music history (i.e. Haydn, Beethoven, etc.) and the Romantic era (i.e. Schumann, Brahms, etc.). Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Trumpet History
A 15 page research paper that examines the long evolution of the trumpet. Long used as a military signaling device, or as a symbol of high social status, an examination of the trumpet's history and evolution demonstrates that it is only in its modern incarnation that the trumpet fulfills its full potential as a musical instrument capable of great versatility. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Microphones and Their History
This 3 page paper examines the history of microphones. Furthermore, this paper emphasizes how microphones relate to the music industry. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Jazz Music and its History
A 4 page paper which examines the history of Jazz music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Blues Music History
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the blues. Attention is paid to origins of this important music style Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Disco Music and History
A 3 page paper which examines whether disco music was a result of history or rather influenced history. No sources cited.
Grade Point Averages and Music Education
A 5 page research paper that examines the current literature regarding whether or not music instruction has a positive effect on academic performance. After a literature review, the writer concludes that music instruction is beneficial to academic performance, but that literature discounts the celebrated "Mozart Effect," which maintains that just listening to classical music can improve math scores. Instruction in playing an instrument appears to be crucial in obtaining the optimum cognitive effects from music education. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Piano and Orchestra
A 6 page research paper/essay that explores critical literature that has addressed the relationship between the piano and the orchestra that exists within the context of concerti and how this relationship has been represented in terms of the Romantic era notion of the individual against society. This notion pictures the solo pianist as a lone warrior pitted against the formidable sound of a full orchestra. The pianist is the hero that defies the conformity and domination of society as represented by the orchestra. The following examination of literature and thought on this topic, first of all, lays out the parameters of the piano/orchestra relationship as it is expressed in Romantic works; and then investigates whether or not the same can be said about impressionist concerti, or if this style of music ushered in a new relationship. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Punk Music in the Buddha of Suburbia and Trainspotting
This 5 page paper examines the importance of the use of music in different mediums. Punk music is highlighted. Music is discussed as being very important in life and in literature.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Eminem; the Background and Work of Marshall Bruce Mathers III
This 5 page paper looks at the background, work and successes of Eminem starting with the period before he was signed by Dre with the Infinite Album up until 2007. The bibliography cites four sources.
Ireland's Version of Masefield's 'Sea Fever' and Barnby's Setting Of Tennyson's 'Crossing The Bar'
5 pages in length. Understanding the greater meaning behind traditional songs of the sea enables one to gain a significantly better perspective of just how powerful the ocean's presence is in some people's lives. To those who live and breathe by the sea, her swelling waves and wafting salt air reflect a world still unknown to man yet comforting nonetheless. When Tennyson's Crossing the Bar and Masefield's Sea Fever were put to music by Barnby and Ireland, respectively, the already absorbing and intimate meanings beheld by the poems took on an even greater sense of emotion with each man's haunting melody, clearly expanding the meaning of the words. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Connection Between Sexuality and Pop Music
This 10 page paper asserts that there is a direct connection between popular music and the expression of sexually explicit messages. This paper sites many examples which support this thesis. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Music of Jamaica
(6 pp.) According to an internet site labeled
"fantasy tours," Jamaica is "eternal summer." So it
only makes sense that it would have "hot music."
But we also learn, "the island"
"has rugged mountain ranges, with Blue Mountain
Peak, the highest point, soaring 7,402 feet. It has
miles of white beaches, bordered by the blue
Caribbean. It has 120 rivers flowing from the
mountains to the coast. And it has great central
plains, fertile agricultural lands, towering
cliffs, magnificent waterfalls, and dense tropical
forests." What that tells us is our "hot music,"
still has a lot of varied cultural influences.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Russian Ballet and Musical Development and the Impact of the Bolshevik Revolution
An 8 page paper which examines how the government used these art forms to their advantage and why, how music and ballet was used as a form of propaganda and considers the influences of such artists as Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev and Vaslav Nijinsky. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Consumer Choices and Music
6 pages in length. The writer discusses how music
influences consumer choices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
An Examination of Baroque Musical Forms
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of Baroque musical forms. Forms such as the madrigal, motet, and concerto grosso are examined. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Comparative Musicology, An Overview
This; 6 page research paper offers reflection and an overview of the evolution of the field of musicology as it moved from the perspectives of comparative musicology to ethnomusicology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Social Change and Rock Music
A 3 page paper discussing the paradox of popular music's ability to shape the culture that creates it, focusing on the 1960s and 1970s. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Syncretic Music
A 3 page research paper that discusses the definition of “syncretic music” and then offers examples, first drawing on Malaysian music and then relating this genre to music to American popular music. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Society and Rap Lyrics
A 2.5 page paper which examines the effects of rap lyrics on today’s society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Latino Music Genre Known as Salsa
A 5 page research paper that demonstrates the evolution of this genre and the tremendous impact that this musical expression has had not only on Latino music, but on practically every other musical genre. This "spicy" expression of the Latino zest for living has won adherents worldwide and continues to expand rapidly in popularity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Analysis of Latin Music
A 5 page paper which examines how Latin music has been influenced by jazz. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Opera's Evolution After 1945
A 19 page research paper that examines the evolution of opera as a music form in the post-1945 era. The writer begins by asking the question "Can musical forms that evolved during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries still serve serious composers today?" To answer this question, the writer focuses on the opera. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Movie Music Analysis
A 4 page research paper that discusses and analyzes the effects of music in three films: Psycho, Jurassic Park and the Harry Potter movies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Music of Guide D’Arezzo
A 3 page research paper that discusses the biography and contribution to music of Guido D’Arezzo, the monk who invented present-day musical notation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Creativity is Stifled by the Music Curriculum
This 7 page paper discusses creativity, and why the usual school curriculum stifles it. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
George Harrison's Life and Music
An 8 page paper which examines George Harrison’s influential career as a musician, both as a member of The Beatles and as a solo artist and songwriter. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Eminem's Music
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses and analyzes the music of rap star Eminem. Marshall Mathers, who is known by his stage name of "Eminem," is one of the world's most famous rap artists (Eby 289). Even his critics acknowledge that he is highly creative, a "musical and lyrical genius" (Eby 289). However, while this is true, Eminem's music is also highly controversial due to the various themes embodied in his songs, as they "pulsate with vulgarity, adolescent sexuality, hatred, misogyny and violence" (Eby 289). This examination of Eminem's music will consider its possible effect on listeners, as well as the possible reasons for his popularity with teens and the antagonism of mainstream critics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer Music and Its Impact Upon Society
A 5 page research paper that examines how the advent of computerized music has impacted society. The writer focuses on how computers have made musical instruction, performing and composition more available to a wider section of the public. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Music During the Elizabethan Period of William Shakespeare
This 6 page paper discusses music from the Elizabethan era. Specifically, music within Shakespearean plays is discussed in terms of insturments, how music compliments the acting, etc. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Evolution of Rap Music in France
An 8 page research paper that discusses the evolution and status of rap music in France and compares this to rap music in the US. The writer particularly focuses on the reaction of the legal system in both countries to offensive rap lyrics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Society, Communication, and Music
An 18 page research paper that argues that studying music provides a great deal of information not only about how human beings communicate, but also how musical communication works within the context of societal frameworks. The writer examines research on musical cognition, such as the Mozart Effect, how music is used to enhance communication with autistic children, and in regards to ethnomusicology. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Musical Analysis of Bjork
A 9 page research paper that examines the career and music of the Icelandic singer/songwriter known as Bjork. The writer focuses on Bjork's considerable talent as a songwriter, her brilliance as a performer, as well as where she finds the motivation and inspiration to be constantly producing music that breaks new ground. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
National Identity and Ethnic Music
A 6 page research paper that explores the use of ethnic music by political ideologies in the construction of national identities. The writer also discusses the use of ethnic music to preserve the cultural identity of an ethnic minority within a larger diverse society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Music Considered in 4 Brief Essays
This is a 6 page paper, that discusses Debussy's "Nuages" and Bartok's "Music for Strings , Percussion and Celesta", Berg's "Wozzeck", Crumb's "Black Angels" and Varese's "Poeme electronique" & Ligeti's "Lux aetema," Berio's "Sinfonia," Leon's "Kabiosile,"
and Reich's "Tehillim" briefly. 2 sources are cited.
The Recording Ban and Other Issues in Music History
This 3 page paper examines the 1942 ban and other issues that plague the industry. Problems concerning radio stations and recording companies are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music Licensing and Technology
This 7 page paper provides an overview of the use of technology and the problem of music licensing. This paper considers the reasons why music licensing has come up as a major issue in the midst of significant changes in technological access. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Southern Florida and Jazz Music
A 3 page paper which examines the popularity of Jazz music in Southern Florida. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Internet as Distribution Medium for Music
This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the supply and value chain comparing the internet and the bricks and mortar distribution medium. The second compares the costs associated with each medium. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Comparison of Maurice Ravel's Bolero and Claude Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
This 3 page paper compares the musical works "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun" by Claude Debussy and "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music and Sex
This 19 page paper begins with a general introduction of the use of sex in advertising, per se. The author then reports the way sex has been used in the music industry, including some of today's rappers moving into making porn movies. Britney Spears and others are used as examples of performers who began with an image of wholesomeness and transitioned into a very different image. Examples from Russia and Japan demonstrate that using sex to sell music is not and American phenomenon. Does sex really sell music? The jury is out. Consider the fact that while sales in the industry dropped by 3 percent in one year, sales in the Christian and gospel arena rose by over 13 percent in that same year. The author presents a discussion that includes comments from those who believe sex sells, e.g., even a classical label used sex to sell one artist's classical music, and those who believe it is not working at all. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
This 5-page paper focuses on various methods by which a teen consumer can download music for free. The paper focuses on pros and cons of this. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Los Tigres del Norte
A 6 page paper which looks at the musical group Los Tigres del Norte from San Jose, California. The paper examines the music as it relates to the culture of the group and San Jose, examining the group’s evolution and future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'The Music of the Night' from Phantom of the Opera
A 4 page research paper that analyzes "The Music of the Night" from Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. The writer relates the lyrics and structure of the song to the manner in which Webber uses it to underscore the characterization, set the mood and subtly propel the plot. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Bach's Concerto Number 2 in F Major Baroque Music
A 4 page research paper that examines the major features and characteristics of Baroque music. The writer also analyzes Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No 2 in F Major as an prime example of Baroque music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Connection Between Youth Culture and Pop Music
A fourteen page paper which looks at the relationship between youth culture and the development of music genres, and the way in which the development of particular genres is related to such elements as socio-economic issues and generational influences, especially with regard to the wider dissemination of information now available via the Internet.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Life and Music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
A 5 page research paper that offers a comprehensive look at Mozart's life, his educational background, parental influence, etc., as well as his career, its focus and his considerable talent. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Reflecting on Two Ethnomusicology Articles
This 6 page essay reflects on, summarizes and analyzes two articles in ethnomusicology. The first is "Drum-Making Among the Bala (Basongye)," by Alan P. Merriam and the second is "The Challenge of 'Bi-Musicality" by Mantle Hood. Only these sources are cited.
Comparing the Music of J.S. Bach, Ludwig von Beethoven, and The Beatles
A 12 page essay that addresses the technological and social contributions of each and interrelationships between them. The paper also addresses individual pieces by each composer and compares it to the advances made in music which sets these artists apart from others. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Ragtime Music as a Societal Phenomenon
In five pages this paper examines the societal phenomenon of ragtime music in an analysis of why this genre became so popular. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
Necessity of Music Education
A 6 page research paper that discusses the advantages offered to students by music education. Research shows that music should be regarded as a crucial component in childhood development that promotes discipline, self-esteem and responsibility. Examination of the importance of music education shows that it should be a part of every school curriculum as it is through music that society has the hope of producing a happy, mentally-healthy, productive citizenry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Country Music and the Blues
A 6 page paper analytically comparing these two styles of music. The writer details various similarities and differences in lyric and content, and includes two original songs as examples in an appendix.
American Appeal of Blues Music
This 6-page paper focuses on blues music, its history (and how it has depicted American history) and its never-ending appeal. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Creative Cultural Expression and Rap Music
This 6 page paper considers the culture and development of RAP music as a valid genre of expression and creativity. The writer considers the history of the music, how it became popular, its reputation and how this may indicate who it will grow in the future. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Cinema and the Impact of Music
This 4 page paper discusses the effect of musical scores on the integrity of a movie. The Fellowship of the Rings score, by Howard Shore, is exampled. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Overview of Hindustani Music
This 3 page paper discusses various aspects of Hindustani music. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Musical and Libretto Contributions of Wolfgang Mozart's The Magic Flute
A 5 page research paper that examines the relationship between the libretto and the music in Mozart's The Magic Flute. The writer also discusses how this opera can be interpreted according to Masonic symbolism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
African American Hip Hop and its Influence
A 6 page paper which examines how African American hip hop music has influenced today’s youth culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Music Appreciation Among Adults
Adult Music Appreciation: This 21-page analytical essay examines a plethora of subjective and objective concepts germane to the life-learning experiences of listening to music. In addition, the views expressed herein will be those that are outside the scope of typical norms that are associated with the commercial entertainment musical genre.
Bibliography lists 5 sources. SNMusica.doc
Musical Representations of Various Eras
A 6 page research paper that consists of 2 separate 3-page papers. The first paper discusses how Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom fits within the context of the history of Broadway music. Bibliography lists 3 sources. The second 3-page investigation briefly looks at 3 different works and relates them to the era's in which they were composed and how the composer expressed emotion. These are Beethoven's Fifth Symphony (classical); Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet (romantic) and Schoenberg's Five pieces for Orchestra (contemporary). Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Music of Mozart
A 19 page research paper that offers analysis of Mozart’s Piano Sonata in A Minor (K.310) and his Sonata in D Major (K.311). This paper is a longer version of khmozson.rtf, as it has 5 added pages that discuss Mozart’s life and music in more detail, drawing on Joseph Machlis’ text The Enjoyment of Music. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Southern and South African: Power of Christian Music
A 12 page research paper that offers an overview of the influence and history of Southern Christian music in the US, and its role in the Civil Rights Movement, and the influence and history of Christian Music in South African, looking at its role in the anti-apartheid movement. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Music Licensing and Creative Commons
In four pages this paper examines music licensing and copyright issues in a discussion of the Creative Commons nonprofit organization that offers various licensing methods for holders of music copyrights. An analysis of various licenses and their implementation impacts are also presented. Two sources are listed in the bibliography.
Evolution of Black Music Hybrids
(5 pp) A hybrid of anything is the offspring of
"genetically differing parents;" or one of "mixed
origin or composition." For a change Mr. Webster
is not too far off. A musical hybrid, then has a
similar definition, a musical "child" of different
parents. In this discussion we will examine some
of those musical hybrids as well as looking at
what influenced their development. People may not
know about the "art" element of African American
music, but that's true of the society at large.
Classical music, in general, has nothing to do
with the listening habits of the average American.
When you combine that indifference, with
separatism or racism, no wonder the African
American share of performances or broadcasts is
considerably smaller.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Learning Enhanced Through Music
A 5 page paper that explores the connection between music and enhanced learning abilities. Discussed are the opinions formed from traditional research on this subject, the altered opinions gleaned from recent studies, and the phenomenon dubbed 'The Mozart Effect' in author Don Campbell's The Mozart Effect for Children: Awakening Your Child's Mind, Health, and Creativity With Music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Downloading Music Legally
A 3 page paper which examines the controversy surrounding downloading music from the Internet, discusses recent court rulings and mandates, and considers how the music industry will benefit from legally downloaded music. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Music and the Negative Depiction of Women
This 5 page paper provides an overview of various genres that seem to contain misogynist lyrics. Eminem's songs are highlighted. Experts discuss the effects of music on young people and the paper concludes that music does not have a serious effect on adolescents despite the hard-core lyrics which are popular today.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Life and Music of George Frederic Handel
A 3 page research paper that refers briefly to Handel's life, but concentrates on discussing one of Handel's operas Giulio Cesare and his oratorio Messiah as example works that demonstrate the mastery that was characteristic of Handel's music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Music of Ireland and the Chieftains
A 15 page research paper that examines the career and music of the Irish traditional music group, the Chieftains. In connection with this, the writer also explores the characteristics, dance features, and instruments of traditional Irish music, analyzes some of the Chieftain hits and discusses the future of Irish music. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Funk Music
This 10 page paper discusses various aspects of funk music. Bibliography lists 5 sources
Edgard Varese's Music
An 8 page paper which examines the musical work of
Edgard Varese, focusing predominantly on “Deserts” and “Ionisation.” Bibliography lists
4 sources.
Teens and Negative Influence of Music
This 8 page paper looks at contemporary music in the twentieth century and suggests that it is bad for today's youth. Many genres and bands are referenced. Misogyny and violence are discussed as is safety issues at rock concerts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Preparing Children to Take Music Lessons
A 4 page paper. Two topics are discussed in this paper. The first is how music can be used to reach children. Two examples are offered, autistic children and children who are both deaf and blind. The other topic is preparing children to take music lessons. Different tips, exercises and activities are reported. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Tradition and Evolution of Indian Carnatic Music
An 8 page exploration of this traditional form of Indian music. Emphasizes that while this musical style has been exposed to a number of cultural stressors, it has not only managed to survive but to encompass a number of other musical genres as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Analyzing John Cage's Changing Music
This 5 page paper looks at this composer's methods of writing. The I Ching and his Zen practices are duly noted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Trumpet Music and 20th Century Composer Karl King
A 3 page research paper/essay that analyzes 2 composition by turn-of-the twentieth century composer Karl L. King (1891-1971), an American composer famous for his march music (Karl King). A self-taught musician, King began his career playing in and directing circus bands (Karl King). During this long career, he wrote and published more than 300 works, which includes 188 marches. A contemporary of the "March King," John Philip Sousa, it should be noted that King out-wrote Sousa by over 50 marches (Karl King). Some scholars have argued that it was the superb musicality of King's compositions that limited his success compared to Sousa (Karl King). This examination of his compositions, A Trumpeter's Prayer contrasted against Emblem of Freedom, indicates the scope of his considerable musical talent as these are two very different compositions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Listening to Music
This 3 page paper describes five pieces of music, including those from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Writer's Personal Feelings About Music
A 3 pages essay that expresses the writer's personal feelings about music. The writer argues that music is a highly complex, abstract language that bypasses the brain and affects the central nervous system directly causing a change in mood. The essay goes on to discuss this emotional component of music and its implications. No sources cited.
Richard Wagner’s Theories of Music
This 6 page paper discusses Wagner’s theories of music and why he had such an impact on music in general and opera in particular. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Musical Innovations of John Cage
A 10 page research paper that examines the career of John Cage, a serious composer whose innovative music in the 1940s and 50s was a tremendous influence on subsequent composing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Tony Awards Contest Between West Side Story and The Music Man
This 9 page paper theorizes about the causes and factors which allowed The Music Man to garner Tony awards over West Side Story which was also produced during the same year. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
1960s and 1970s Music Photography
A 5 page paper which examines why the work of certain photographers has become so valuable (is it because of their style or the artists they photographed), and also discusses the historical effect of music photography on contemporary design, the design movements that relate to music photography and how the study of music photography can help the fledgling student photographer formulate ideas and develop a distinctive visually aesthetic style. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Music As Sedation for Children
A 3 page research paper that summarizes the effect of music in a study conducted by Loewy, et al (2006), which utilized a sample group of 60 pediatric patients who ranged in age from 1 month through 5 years in order to compare the effects of chloral hydrate to music therapy in regards to sedating children while they underwent EEG testing. This study showed music therapy to be a safer and more efficient means of sedation for young children undergoing diagnostic testing. No additional sources cited.
Comparing 3 paintings & painting/music
A 6 page essay that discusses three paintings and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. “The Abduction of the Sabine Women” by Nicolas Poussin (1634), “The Death of General Wolfe” by Benjamin West (1770), and “The Raft of the Medusa” by Theodore Gericault” (1818) are each representative of a specific period in art history. Comparing the three works illustrates the way in which the Romantic era reconnected with the emotionality and vibrancy of the Baroque. However, it should be noted that Neoclassical works were not without emotion, as Beethoven’s striking Fifth Symphony exemplifies, rather it indicates that comparison between the periods illustrates that in the Neoclassical era, emotion was controlled within the confines of rationality. A bibliography is not offered.
Early 20th Century's Neoclassical Music and its Anti Romantic Elements
A paper which looks at the development of neoclassical music, such as that of Stravinsky, in the early twentieth century, with particular reference to the rejection of the Romantic movement and the socio-cultural changes brought about by the First World War. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Musical Instruments and Acoustics
An 11 page research paper that, first of all, considers the various forms of excitation employed by musical instruments. String, woodwinds, brass, and percussion instruments are discussed. The second half of this paper focuses on the piano: how the strings are excited, how the acoustics of the piano differ from the classical model, etc. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
A Short History of Reggae Music
This 3 page paper looks at the history and the meaning of Reggae. The paper includes many facts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Thinking About Music, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Music by Lewis Rowell
A 10 page book review that summarizes and critiques Lewis Rowell's Thinking About Music, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Music (1983). The writer points out that a careful reading of the title suggests that the author does not limit himself to music, but rather places music within a philosophical framework that encompasses the entirety of Western art and culture. No additional sources cited.
Music Philosophy
8 pages. Different people can describe music many different ways. This paper discusses some of the aesthetic viewpoints about music and some of the following philosophers: Eduard Hanslick, Arthur Schopenhauer and Gustav Schilling. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Musical Differences Between the U.S. and India
The music of different countries, in this case that of India and the United States, is comprised of different histories, cultures, faiths and education. While the music of these two countries might be completely different from one another, the fact remains that each country has music that represents these same agendas. Includes outline
Bach and Handel, Their Musical Languages
A 6 page research paper that contrasts and compares these 2 great composers. It is interesting that George Fredric Handel and Johann Sebastian Bach were both born in the same year, 1685, but their musical languages are very different. As Joseph Machlis points out, "If Bach represents the subjective mysticism of the late Baroque, Handel incarnates its worldly pomp," which is a fact that is primarily due to the fact that Handel's "natural habitat was the opera house" (Machlis 303). The following examination of the music of Bach and Handel offers a general overview of each composers' musical language, putting their music within the context of their lifetime, while focusing on the contributions of each composer to the music of their era. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
1960s' Civil Rights Music and Martin Luther King Jr.
A 5 page paper
which examines the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights music of the
1960s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Non-Western & Western Music
A 3 page research paper that contrasts and compares Western and non-Western music. The writer also discusses how music preserves cultural identity and how it cross-pollinates to produce new genres. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Musical Offering to Frederick the Great by Johann Sebastian Bach
An 8 page research paper that analyzes the two ricercars that are part of Bach's "Musical Offering" to Frederick the Great. A form of fugue, the writer offers a detailed musical comparison of the two. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses how music impacts American culture. The two examples used are hip-hop/rap and disco. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music Element Analysis of Aaron Copland’s Ballet Billy the Kid
In four pages this paper presents a brief biographical consideration of Aaron Copland’s life and compositional contributions and then concentrates on an analysis of the music elements (such as melody, rhythm, meter, and texture) of his 1938 ballet, Billy the Kid. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.
Popular Music and the Effects of Technology
A 6 page research paper that examines the effect that technology has had on the development of popular music. The writer discusses Tin Pan Alley, but concentrates on the developments since the 1980s. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
John Cage, “Winter Music” (1957)
A 7 page research paper that profiles the music and technique of John Cage, focusing on his work “Winter Music.” Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Ambient Music of Brian Eno
A 6 page research paper that examines the techniques and philosophy behind the genre of music that Brian Eno invented in the 1970s. The writer argues that this music, ambient music, was decades ahead of its time and evaluates its form and significance. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Brazilian Samba Music
A 3 page essay on Brazilian Samba. The writer describes the music, concentrating on its evolution and history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Post Second World War Generation and Rock 'N Roll's Impact
This 10 page paper discusses the contributions of Elvis to the music industry as well as the cultural impact his music had for a generation. Examples from four songs analyzed for sexual content. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Music in the Czech Republic and the US
A 5 page paper which compares and contrast the music in the United States with the music in the Czech republic during the 18th century, a time often associated with the Classical Era of music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Second Movement of Beethoven's Fourth Piano Concerto
An 8 page essay that compares and contrasts two essays that evaluate the second movement from Beethoven's Fourth Piano Concerto. Owen Jander, in his essay, "Beethoven's 'Orpheus in Hades': The Andante con moto of the Fourth Piano Concerto," poses some premises that suggest interesting questions for musical interpretation. Specifically, Jander's observations cause the reader to ponder the significance of the composer's intentions to listener appreciation. Theorist Edward Cone challenges Jander's interpretation. The following examination of Jander's essay looks at both arguments and also offers personal assessment of this form of interpretation. No additional sources cited.
The Dissemination and Marketing of Music from Tin Pan Alley to the Modern Day
This 8 page paper looks at the way music has been distributed and marketed from the latter part of the nineteenth century and the role of Tin Pan Alley up until the model day of the internet and the iPod. Included in the paper is consideration of the impact of technology including records, cassette tapes, CD's and MP3 files as well as the role of the media. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 7-page paper points out "gangsta" rap as a form of music that provides more than demaning lyrics and images. It shows how it can switch behaviors among adolescents, particularly African-American females. The paper also examines non-gangsta rappers who are trying different forms of music. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Giuseppe Verdi and His Life's Influence on His Music
A 7 page research paper that explores the life and music of Giuseppe Verdi, the renown Italian opera composer. Verdi lost his wife and 2 children within 2 years of each other. The writer argue that Verdi never got over the loss and that this highly influenced his work, particularly the operas that feature father/daughter duets. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Digital Music - Blog Entries
This 8 page paper looks at different aspects of digital music. Written in the style of blog entries the development of digital music formats, the influence of iTunes on the industry, piracy and measures to prevent piracy, music and cellular telephones and the opportunities offered to unsigned bands. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Classical versus Romantic Music and Meaning
A 6 page research paper that contrasts and compares the music of the classic and romantic periods. The writer discusses how the boundaries of these eras are imprecise, but also outlines the general characteristics of each era and how they are differentiated, concentrating on the music of Haydn, Beethoven and Wagner. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Music During the Romantic Era
A 4 page research paper that discusses the nature of music composition during the Romantic era, focusing on individualism, nationalism and program music. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Issues in Ethnomusicology, Agawu and McClary
This 6 page essay summarizes and analyzes two articles in ethnomusicology: Kofi Agawu:'s "Representing African Music" and Susan McClary's "Reshaping A Discipline." Only these 2 sources are cited.
Alban Berg's Music
An 8 page research paper that analyzes the music of Alban Berg, who was a devotee of Schoenberg and the twelve-tone school. The writer specifically spotlights Berg's masterpiece 'Wozzeck' and his 'Concerto for Violin and Orchestra.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Trinidad and Tobago and Chutney Music
This 5 page paper examines the Chutney music that is popular in Trinidad and Tobago. Local customs in respect to this music are noted. The popularity of the genre is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Elementary Classroom Learning and Music Instruction
A 5 page research paper that presents a theoretical justification for music instruction in the elementary classroom, based on empirical research. Then, the writer offers some examples of music activities for the classroom. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Jimi Hendrix, the Counter Music Revolution, and the 1960s
In thirteen pages this paper examines the impact of Jimi Hendrix and the counter music revolution on the American culture of the 1960s. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography.
Music Education, Performance Skills
A 3 page research paper that discusses the areas of performance instruction that should be covered by a musical educator in regards to ensemble performance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music and Its Role in the Classroom
A 5 page research paper that examines the ongoing debate relative to the importance of music instruction in public schools and argues vehemently in favor of musical instruction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Leisure Music
This 7-page paper focuses on house/dance music, its history, its current status, some information about demographics, and its evolution. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Anthropology of Rock Music
This 3 page paper examines rock music in terms of effects on culture as well as its alliance with different cultures. Many examples are provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Religious Influences in the Music of Charles Ives
A 7 page research paper that explores the influence of Ives' New England background on his music. The writer discusses the influence of Transcendentalism, but concentrates on the influence of hymns on Ives' choral compositions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dallas and Fort Worth's 4 Live Musical Performances
This 6 page paper compares and contrasts four live music venues in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Analyzed for music, musicans, audience, atmosphere and overall impression. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
Mainstream Society, Underground Music, and African American Culture
In five pages this paper examines the concept of underground music as it relates to African American culture and urban history with go-go music and soul among the topics of discussion. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.
Distinguishing Between Musical Genres - Messiah, Dies Irae, and Sicut Cervus
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of musical genres. Various baroque and Gregorian works are compared. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
Music Software and its Complexity
This 9 page paper provides many examples to show that music software is generally too complex for most people to operate. Specific software is discussed and problems are highlighted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Fan Culture Ideology and Music
A 40 page paper which looks in detail at the relationship between musical genres and the development of fan cultures, with reference to the part that music plays in the development of collective memory and cultural ideology, as well as the relationship between music and the validation of outsider cultures. Bibliography lists 12 sources
Political Culture and Music of Haiti
A 6 page research paper/essay that take the unusual form of presenting a hypothetical Haitian family over two generations. The writer pictures the family as reflecting their political and cultural orientation toward Haiti in regards to the choices of music made at their weddings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Lute in Renaissance Music
A 3 page research paper that discusses the lute as used in Renaissance music. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
'The Old Guard' versus 1920 Avant Garde Music
A 10 page paper which examines how the music of the European and American avant-garde illustrated the rebellions they and their supporters wished to stage against the ‘old guard.’ Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Music as a Reflection of Society
This 6 page paper takes a look at the history of music from the 1960s through the present day. The paper argues that popular music reflects society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
India, Africa, and the Effects of European Music
A 5 page research paper that examines the impact of European musical traditions on Indian and African music. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
'Praxial Music Education' According to David Elliott
This 7 page paper discusses David Elliott's concept of musicianship, which he calls "praxial music education." Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music and Society
A 5 page paper which examines how music affects society. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Case of Rap Music and Adorno's Mass Culture Theories
This 5 page paper examines Adorno's theory of mass culture, with concepts such as the culture industry, standardization, pseudo individualization and the pacification of the masses with the creation of false needs leading to political apathy. This concept is applied to the development and presence of Rap music in modern society and argues that the theory is still valid, even where the music form is seen as differentiated. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Evolution Of Gospel Music In America
A 7 page paper that presents the history and evolution of gospel music beginning with music created by slaves. The name of this music also changed from anthem to spiritual to gospel over the years. The essay comments on the separation of white gospel music and black gospel music and identifies some of the pioneers in this field as well as more contemporary performers as gospel transitioned to mainstream. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Listening to Music in an Active Fashion
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of listening to music. Techniques for actively listening to and interpreting music are explored. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Creation and Development of the Universal Music Group, Formerly Known as MCA
This 5 page report discusses the creation and development of the Universal Music Group (known as MCA until late 1996), one of the world’s largest music company with global operations. In fact, Universal Music Group (UMG) is the “market leader in every major region, including the United States, Europe, Latin, America, and Asia.” Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Designing Research; Why Do Music Users Download from Illegal Sources?
This 10 page paper shows how research can be designed. Using the example of a music company that wants find out what music users download tracks illegally so they can devise a marketing strategy to encourage legal downloads. The paper identifies the potential sample, considers what data should be collected and how the sample may be most effectively approached and how the information should be collected and presents an outline for a questionnaire. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
The Music Industry
This 6 page paper looks at the industry and the changes it has gone through. The Internet is noted as something that has altered it to some extent. Economic factors are considered. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music as Symbolic Behavior/Alan P. Merriam
This 6 page paper summarizes than analyzes chapter 12, "Music as Symbolic Behavior," in The Anthropology of Music by ethnomusicologist Alan P. Merriam. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Traditional Music in Pakistan
A 3 page overview of traditional Pakistani music. This article provides a brief glimpse of the diversity of this music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music Industry Survival and Development
This 21 page paper provides an abstract, a table of contents and then a look at the history of the music industry and where it is headed. Sections include ideas about the specifics of the music business, inclusive of legal issues. Genres as well as the changes in popularity from decade to decade are issues discussed in this paper that also looks at the social problems caused by music. Violence, sex and other problematic aspects are part of the analysis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
1960s Music and Film Authenticity
A 4 page paper which examines film and music from the 1960s discussing how it was used to present an image of authenticity. The paper primarily examines the film “Easy Rider” (1969) and the song “Blowin’ in the Wind” (1962) by Bob Dylan. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Medieval Christianity: Music and Sculptures
A 6 page paper which examines how the Medieval philosophy of Christianity influenced music and sculpture of the time period. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Romantic and Classical Music Compared and Assessed
This is a 6 page paper discussing the Classical and Romantic periods of music. Classicism or the Classical Period (1750-1820) of music was quite different from that which followed it found in the Romantic Period (1820-1910). The Classical Period was known for its shift away from the flowery Baroque Period and toward more balanced and simple pieces which were performed before a public audience. For the first time music was written for its own means and not as an accompaniment for dancing or a special occasion. This “absolute music” saw the emergence of such composers as Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven among many others and also saw the development of the instrumental importance in the form of concertos, symphonies and sonatas as well as the comic opera. The Romantic Period built upon the instrumental work of the Classical Period by expanding the size of the orchestras and the length of the symphonies. In addition, styles unique to the Romantic Period emerged which included the development of the Romantic symphony, the symphonic poems, the concert overtures, the Romantic operas, the Lieder, National music and the popularity of works for the piano. Composers from the Romantic era included Bizet, Chopin, Dvorak, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Puccini, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and Wagner among many others in which forms were not always based on the traditional German, Italian or French styles.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Impressionism/Music & Art
A 5 page research paper that discusses the relationship between impressionist music and painting. Art and music have always developed in parallel with one another throughout the course of history (Impressionism). The impressionism of the late nineteenth century, which originated in France, exemplifies this principle as impressionist music and art are closely related. This examination of impressionism in music demonstrates the close relationship that the development of this genre of music history had with painting of the same era. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Lanza/Elevator Music
A 5 page book review on Joseph Lanza's history of Muzak and easy listening mood music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Music History, Classical Era to the 20th Century
A 4 page essay that offers a concise summation of music history from the classical period in the eighteenth century through the twentieth century. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Popular Music and Mariah Carey's Influence
A 5 page research paper on the 1990s diva of popular music‹Mariah Carey. The writer explores Carey's history, her popularity, t he tendency of the press to focus on her personal life, and her general influence in popular music. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Elvis Presley's Contributions to Music and the Music Industry
5 pages in length. One would be hard pressed to gauge the unmitigated influence Elvis Presley – the man, the music and the combination of both – has had upon the music industry. Incorporating the fundamental tenets of gospel, blues and rock & roll, this musical enigma did not set out with an agenda to completely obliterate what listeners had come to accept as mainstream sound; rather, he merely followed his honed instincts in order to establish a sound that ultimately – and quite effectively – defined pop music as it has been known for more than fifty years. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Overview of Ethnomusicology
This 4 page paper looks at what is meant by the term ethnomusicology and how it is studied along with the way it has developed. The paper then looks at the difficulties and challenges that might exist for a western student studying the music of the Tibetan monks, using an interpreter. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Popular Music, Gender, Sexuality, and Cultural Identity
A 12 page paper which
examines to what extent popular music contributes to cultural identity through sexuality
and gender. The paper examines the influence of Madonna and Mariah Carey.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Art Music Composers and Jazz's Influence
A 7 page research paper that examines the influence of jazz on art music composers. This examination looks at how two art music composers were highly influenced by another musical traditional, which is generally considered to be outside of the realm of serious music--jazz. Examining certain works of Igor Stravinsky and the entire repertoire of George Gershwin shows that art music was enriched by this influx of "new blood" from the realm of popular music. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Aural Training and Music Education
A 14 page research paper that explores the topic of aural training in music, that is, learning to play by ear. The writer discusses the importance of aural training and outlines six lesson plans designed to introduce young students to the keyboard. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
World Music of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
This paper supports the thesis that with infiltrations of Western missionaries into various parts of the world during the 19th and 20th centuries, the world's music has become homogenized. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Recorded Music Industry In The UK
This 5 page paper looks at the recorded music industry in the UK. The sales for 2007 are given with the break down between physical sales, digital sales and performing rights, the way in which royalties are paid to songwriters/composers and performers is discussed, and a 2008 Top 10 Pop Chart is provided. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
A Letter Evaluating the Work of Beethoven
A 6 page research paper that takes the form of an imaginary letter written by someone who attended the premier performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony on May 7, 1824. The letter not only summarizes and analyzes the work, but also relates the Ninth to the facts of Beethoven's biography and how the music reflects Beethoven's triumph over despair. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
John Cage/His Impact on Music
An 11 page research paper that discusses the career and contributions of composer John Cage, whose impact on electronic and experimental music has been substantial. Particularly during the 1940s, his experimental works pointed contemporary art music in new directions, while also exerting a significant influence on a variety of "avant-garde composers," both in the US and abroad (Machlis 632). Examination of Cage's music shows a consistent move toward more extreme experimentation, while also developing his own musical style and vocabulary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
An Analysis of a Chamber Music Concert
A 4 page research paper that offers a summation and analysis of a chamber music concert in which the program included Glick's Sonata for oboe and piano (1978); Martinu's quartet (1947); and Beethoven's "Archduke" trio (1811). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Beat Goes on for Cuba's Rhythmic Culture of Music
In three pages this paper presents an overview of Cuba’s musical culture, and considers its transmission to the United States, and examines how the musical culture has been transformed. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.
Music Industry Changes Resulting from Digital and Analog Music
An 8 page paper which examines how analog and digital music has both changed the music industry as well as how music is made. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Beethoven, Life, Music and Romanticism
A 5 page research paper that outlines the life and music of Beethoven in the first four pages and then focuses on Beethoven’s contribution to Romanticism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Musical Evolution from Baroque to Classical
A 5 page paper on the the evolution of Baroque and Classical music, and the contributions of individual composes to that evolution. The paper presents technology and techniques that influenced those changes. Artists include: Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Beethoven, and Haydn. 4 bibliographical references.
Complexities of Ethnomusicology
An 11 page discussion of the complexities of ethnomusicology. This paper defines the term and provides insight into how it provides insight on a culture's lifeways and origins. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Tonality in Music and Art
A 5 page research paper on tonality in art and music expressed in terms of linearity, rationality and order from the single-point perspective. The writer defines each of these and reviews them in Miro, Tzaikovsky, Magritte, Chopin, Ensor and Debussy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Indian and Sikh Music
A 20 page research paper that reports on the features of Indian music, with a particular focus on Sikh music. The writer describes, melody, harmony, tempo, rhythm and its use in regards to Sikh religious services. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Music and Poems
A 5 page research paper that offers lines from four poems and then describes the features of music that might be composed to express the poetry with each section of the paper representing a different era in music history. Eras included are the Baroque, the Classical, the Romantic and the Modern. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Twelve Tone Scale
A 7 page research paper that analyzes two works: one by Karlheinz Stockhausen and one by Pierre Boulez. These two twentieth century composers are acknowledged masters of the 12-tone school. The writer offers analysis of how each work is constructed, the principles involved and the underlying techniques. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Music in Martin Scorsese's Film Casino
A 6 page research paper that explores the functions and use of music in the 1995 Martin Scorsese film 'Casino.' Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Impressionism/Music & Art
An 11 page research paper that is an expansion on a previous essay khimmuar.rtf. This essay discusses how impressionist painting is related to impressionist music in more detail and draws more heavily on the sources cited in the previous paper. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Validity or Bigotry in Rap Music Criticisms
In this well-prepared 5 page essay, the writer argues that there exists a great societal irony in the fact that lyrically-violent rap music is critiqued as destructive to a specific culture and at the same time praised by ‘hip-hop advocates' for its realistic contributions to the social advancement of today's inner city Black youths. It is asserted that critics of rap music fail to recognize it for its redeeming social value. And more importantly, we should be struggling to correct the very real problems that rap describes in its lyrics and not trying to hide or bury them even deeper by attacking the music itself. No Bibliography.
Children's Neurology and the Effects of Music
A 10 page research paper that explores the impact of music on the neurology of children. The writer explores research that addresses benefits derived from music instruction and also the neurological impact of listening to music. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Music School Application Letter Sample
A 3 page example letter from a student applying for admission to a music school. The writer emphasizes the benefits to be gained from musical education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Christian Worship Music and Theology
A 4 page paper which examines the role
of music in the theological history of Christian worship. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Rap Music: Social Meaning
6 pages in length. The writer discusses the social and cultural impact of rap music by using Tupac Shakur's "Against All Odds" as an example. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Similarities between Classical and Popular Music
This 12 page paper discusses the similarities between classical and popular music, and argues that in effect, there are very few. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Censoring Rap Music Because Freedom of Speech Has Gone Too Far
In five pages this paper examines why this musical genre should be banned in an assessment of pros and cons and also discusses whether or not such censorship is detrimental to society. Eight sources are listed in the bibliography.
Cold War Ideology and Music
A 3 page research paper that examines the role of music in the Cold War. The writer argues that in order to win the ideological battle, both sides were determined to co-opt music for their own purposes. Examination of this period demonstrates that music was both affected by the Cold War and also that it affected the Cold War, as it was used to sway the public mindset toward specific ideologies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
African American Music
A 3 page paper which examines aspects concerning the influence and evolution of African American music. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Music of Ancient Greece and Rome
This 7 page paper looks at Ancient Greek and Roman music with a particular emphasis on the instruments they used. New research is shown to indicate that people who lived in earlier times were more sophisticated than once thought, even playing similar instruments and employing comparable techniques. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Punk Rock and Heavy Metal Music
This 3 page paper provides an overview of rock music from the 1970s through today. Punk and metal are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Preface to Musical Experience in Tumbuka Healing by Steven Friedson
This 6 page essay offers summation and reflection that focuses on the Preface from Friedson's text. The writer explains Friedson's thesis in the text and relates this to modern practices. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Teens and Music's Influence
This 8 page paper looks at contemporary music in the twentieth century and suggests that it is a reflection of society and not necessarily bad for today's youth. Many genres and bands are referenced. Misogyny and violence are discussed as is safety issues at rock concerts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Music Addressing Racial Prejudice and its Political Implications
This 7 page paper examines the implications of using music to "discuss" racial discrimination, with particular emphasis on the Billie Holiday song "Strange Fruit." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Music of Samoa
A 5 page research paper that discusses Samoan music. Samoa, unlike many societies exposed to Western influences, as clung tenaciously to their own culture and their own ways. Samoan music is a vibrant entity that exists in two forms, traditional and contemporary. As the name suggests, traditional Samoan music draws on the ancient Samoan heritage while contemporary Samoan music represents the assimilation of Western influences, particularly in the introduction of Western instruments, such as the guitar. Both forms of Samoan music have contributed to maintaining the vibrancy of the Samoan language and culture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Structure in Music
A 3 page research paper that addresses the topic of structure in music. The writer, first of all, describes what is meant by structure in music and then discusses whether or not all music has structure, which the writer argues in the affirmative, even in regards to the music of atonal and abstract modern composer John Cage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Chartres Cathedral Architecture Compared with Music of Valkyrie by Richard Wagner
5 pages. Determining that there is a connection between building a physical structure and composing a piece of music is not that hard to imagine. In each endeavor the creator is bringing forth from the heart and the imagination a thing of beauty and stability that will bring pleasure to those who experience it. In this paper there is made a comparison of the architecture of the Chartres Cathedral and the classical music piece by Richard Wagner 'Ride of the Valkyrie'. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Modern Music Industry and Subcultures
This 8 page paper examines the music industry and how it has spawned various subcultures. Hip hop is the focus of the paper but other genres are explored. Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osbourne and Connor Oberst and others, who seem to have made an impression on society, are each discussed. The music subcultures are analyzed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Edgard Varese
Despite living and working in the first half of the 20th century it may be argued that Edgard Varese, a composer born in France in 1883 is a significant founder of electronic music. This 9 page paper looks at his work and contributions to this genre of music. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Listening and the Appreciation of Music
A 12 page research paper that examines the art of music appreciation and what it takes to really listen to music. The writer argues that knowledge of how music is composed and musical history adds to the appreciation and enjoyment of the discerning listener. The three planes of listening as defined by Aaron Copland are discussed and the writer includes a brief survey of the basic period in musical development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Three Brief Essays on Musical Topics
A 5 page paper that contains three short essays on three specific topics. These are: Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as 'absolute' music, compared with Berlioz's 'Symphonie Fantastique' as 'program' music; Mozart's 'The Marriage of Figaro' and Verdi's 'La Traviata' as revolutionary opera; and The Lives of Mozart, Schubert and Mendelssohn. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Scott Joplin & George Gershwin
A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares composers Scott Joplin (1867-1917) and George Gershwin (1898-1937), who were born a generation apart, but their music is intimately connected, in that jazz arose out of the legacy of ragtime, which was highly influenced by Joplin and jazz was the natural medium for the music of Gershwin. The two composers also bear other similarities. Each man had ambitions of writing art music, that is, music that would be taken seriously by music critics. Both Joplin and Gershwin enjoyed fame within their lifetimes, and their music has proven to be highly influential on subsequent composers. However, both men had difficulty having their classical works receive the due notice that these works deserved because of their association with the realm of popular music. However, ironically, both men are remembered today for the ways in which they advanced the art of popular music, taking it into new realms. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Violent Song Lyrics/Teen Aggression
A 10 page research that investigates the effect of violent music lyrics on aggressive behavior in young people. This examination shows that research has confirmed the detrimental emotional and psychological effects that this type of music has on young people. However, besides examining the surface "symptom" of this music's popularity, this discussion will also examine commentary on possible reasons for why this dark music is embraced by so many young people. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Composer Frederic Chopin's Life and Music
This 5 page report discusses
Frédéric François Chopin, (1810-49), Polish composer and pianist
of the romantic school, regarded by some as the greatest of all
composers of music for the piano. The music he provided the
Western world has served as some of the most soulful of all piano
music and while his mazurkas are some of the most joyful
renditions of folk music in a classical framework. Bibliography
lists 5 sources.
Sixteenth Century Keyboard Instruments
A 9 page research paper that discusses the manner in which the clavichord, harpsichord and organ were used in sixteenth century music. Typically, when one thinks of the history of keyboard music, the era recalled is the Baroque and the career of J.S. Bach. While the three most significant keyboard instruments of the Baroque era were the clavichord, harpsichord and organ, these instruments' origins considerably predate the age of Bach and were also very important to music during the sixteenth century. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Singer and Songwriter Ani DiFranco
A 7 page research paper that discusses the career and talent of singer/songwriter Ani DiFranco. The writer argues that Ani DiFranco is not quite like anyone else in the highly commercialized music business, as she is an artist of extraordinary talent who also produces her own music. This gives DiFranco a degree of freedom enjoyed by few artists and allows her to keep making the intimate connections with her fans that make her music so important to her young cohort. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 5 page paper examines the social and cultural development and context of calypso music from the slave trade to the 20th century, as well as the style of the music. The paper traces the development and the evolution of the style, looks at the content the motivations of the musicians and then considers the patterns seen within the music. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Mariachi Music of Mexico
5 pages in length. Mariachi music is as much of Mexican heritage as is the overall cultural mystique that surrounds its haunting melodies. The various sones typically associated with this particular type of music is what separates – sometimes almost indistinguishably – the unique musical attributes that each son projects. Realizing the subtle differences between such sones as huasteco, jalisciense and jarocho provides the student with a significantly better understanding with regard to the history of Mexican music. No bibliography.
This 4-page paper discusses business models used by The Doors and the Dave Matthews Band, music distribution and building an iconic band.
Romantic Musical Composer Robert Schumann
A 5 page research paper that examines the music of Robert Schumann in regards to how it exemplifies the Romantic era. Music of the Romantic era differs sharply from that of the Classical period that proceeded it. While Classicism promoted reason and rationality, Romantic composers favored an emphasis on emotion. Musical philosopher Lewis Rowell offers an extensive list of Romantic features that collectively serve to define music from this era. Furthermore, Rowell offers an intriguing discussion of qualities in music that he refers to as "perception" and "values." Considering these points in relation to the work of nineteenth century composer Robert Schumann demonstrates that Schumann was a quintessential Roman composer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Eminem and Elvis Compared
This 8 page paper examines the similarities and differences between these two musicians and uses specific songs from each artist as examples. This paper details their music in terms of lyrics, the technical aspects of the music, their cultural impact, and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Blues People Negro Music in White America by Leroi Jones
A 3 page analysis of Blues People: Negro Music in White America by Leroi Jones. This book is a comprehensive and highly readable account that traces the birth and development of African American music and the considerable effect that it has had on white mainstream culture. No additional sources cited.
Uses of Digital Audio Technology
A 4 page paper current use of digital audio technology, particularly as it applies to the creation of current popular music. Digital audio technology allows the electronic creation of any number of combinations of people or effects, without the need for having all contributors present at the same place or at the same time. In some respects, the artistic influence in much of today’s popular music can be seen to lie more with mixing technicians than with performers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Monteverdi, Handel and Baroque Opera
A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares the music of Monteverdi and Handel and their innovations with the context of Baroque music, with a particular focus on opera. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Debussy and Chopin
A 5 page research paper that compares and contrasts the Romantic era with the Impressionist, but focuses primarily on contrasting Chopin with Debussy. The Romantic and Impressionist eras in music history are quite different in their repertoires. However, an examination of the music of Impressionism, and specifically, a comparison between the piano styles of Chopin and Debussy, illustrates the connections between the Romantics and the Impressionists and shows that there were features of Romanticism that the Impressionists adopted and then emphasized rather than abandoned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Comparison between a Classical and a Romantic Symphony
This 4 page paper contrasts and compares the Fifth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), as an example of the music of the Classical era, to the Third Symphony of Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), as an example of Romantic music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Beethoven's Eroica
A 5 page research paper that examines the impact of Beethoven's Third Symphony, known as the "Eroica," on the music world. The classicism of the eighteenth century valued reason above the emotions, the romanticism of the eighteenth century revolted against this perspective and it was Beethoven who brought Romanticism to music with the Eroica. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Jazz Music of the Alex Blake Quartet
A 4 page research paper that describes the music of the Alex Blake Quartet, which specializes in jazz. The writer first discusses what makes jazz popular music, then discusses Alex Blake's biography and concludes with a brief analysis of one of his songs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Criss Cross Album of Jazz Legend Thelonious Monk
A 4 page music review of the new release of Monk's Criss-Cross album for Columbia, originally released in 1963. The writer discusses Monk's style and eccentric behavior, as well as the genius of his music and the selections on this album. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Herbie Hancock
A 5 page research paper that offers a discussion of the career and music of Herbie Hancock, the jazz pianist and composer. The writer discusses his influences and music. Bibliography lists 4 source.
'Classical' and 'Pop' Gap That Was George Gershwin
A 7 page research paper that examines the music of composer George Gershwin. The write argues that while Gershwin's career was short, he accomplished the task of bridging the gap between "pop" and "classical" or serious art music. The writer focuses primarily on Rhapsody in Blue. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Sonata Form, Haydn and Mozart
A 6 page research paper that, first of all, discusses what is meant by "sonata" and "sonata form," illustrating why the sonata form is considered synonymous with classical music. Then the writer addresses this topic in reference to the music of Haydn and Mozart. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Baroque Cantatas of J.S. Bach
An 11 page research paper that analyzes Bach's cantata music. The writer includes an analysis of Baroque music and also offers a detailed analysis of Bach's Cantata No. 140 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Ludwig von Beethoven and His Influence
A 5 page research paper that examines the influence that Beethoven and his music had on his own contemporaries and on modern society. The writer argues that Beethoven's music has become virtually synonymous with everything that epitomizes musical excellence in Western culture, and that it continues to inspire and motivate. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Life and Music of Composer Oliver Messiaen
A 15 page research paper that explores the life and music of French composer Oliver Messiaen. The writer discusses Messiaen's biographical information, as well as his use of rhythm, harmony, tonal color and use of birdsong in his music. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
John Philip Sousa, Jean Sibelius, and Nationalistic Music
A 4 page research paper that discusses nationalistic music and specifically Sibelius and Sousa. In expressing his own personal view of life, the artist necessarily also expresses the "hopes and dreams" of a cultural heritage. In the nineteenth century, political conditions encouraged the growth of nationalism and this occurred to such a degree that it became a driving force within the context of the Romantic movement in music history. National tensions, "the pride of conquering nations" set against the "struggle for freedom" of the subjected countries, game rise to emotions that their most perfect expression in music. Two composers that are associated with nationalism are Jean Sibelius, who personifies his homeland of Finland, and John Philip Sousa, whose rousing marches personify American nationalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
2 Very Different Popular Songs
A 4 page research paper that discusses 2 different popular songs. The term "popular music" encompasses a huge range of music, written for a variety of purposes for use by a broad range of performers and intended for an equally varied audience. At what might possibly be considered as opposed ends of the popular music spectrum are Bob Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff," which incorporates Caribbean rhythms into a song that expresses the frustration of marginalized people against the often arbitrary power of authority, and Rodgers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma! from their 1943 musical. One song is an underground protest against authority; the other is a song meant to celebrate the mythos of mainstream culture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
War Requiem by Jarman
A 3 page research paper that discusses British director Derek's Jarman's War Requiem. The score of the film consists of Benjamin Britten's major sacred work of the same name. In 1961, Britten composed his War Requiem, which utilized the bitter anti-war poems of Wilfred Owen, alongside the "timeless and universal Latin text of the Mass for the Dead" (Headington 123). In War Requiem, Jarman does not merely interpret the music or Owen's poetry, but rather offers a fusion of the arts that integrates all the elements-- film, music and poetry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Just My Soul Responding: Rhythm and Blues, Black Consciousness and Race Relations by Brian Ward
This 6 page report discusses
Brian Ward’s 1998 book that looks at forty years of Black music
in America and the ways in which its development paralleled that
of the political and civil rights movements of the times. Ward
makes the point that it was Rhythm and Blues that became the
first musical genre to successfully permeate white American
culture. As a cultural historian, Ward is able to eloquently
present a number of fascinating correlations between white
admiration for black music (and culture) and how it related to
and still relates to racial inequalities. Bibliography lists 2
Resistance, Subculture, and Hip Hop
A 4 page research paper on hip op. This examination of hip hop seeks to answer to basic questions on this music sub-genre. First of all, do the fans of hip hop constitute a subculture? Secondly, does this form of music in the early twenty-first century still offer modes of resistance to capitalism, such as those that have been identified in relation to punk? The following literature examination shows that the answer to both questions is definitely "yes, it does." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Franz Liszt/The Romantic Concerto
A 4 page research paper on Liszt. Born October 22, 1811 to an Austrian mother and a Hungarian father in the village of Raiding, Franz Liszt was consistent throughout his lifetime in laying claim to his Hungarian heritage and as Hungarian (Walker 48). However, the primary way in which to view the life and music of Liszt is not as a Hungarian, although much of his music draws on that heritage, but rather to view Liszt as a Romantic. This brief discussion of Liszt focuses on Liszt within the overall context of the Romantic Period, as exemplified by the Romantic concerto. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Overview of Jazz and Its Legendary Artists
In 5 pages the author discusses jazz. Jazz is a type of music. It is legendary. Its roots are buried in rhythmic music that is African American origin. Jazz places an emphasis on interpretation, with its main characteristic being that of improvisation. No one truly knows where the name 'jazz' originated, although there are speculations. There are many great jazz artists. They include, Louie Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, John Coltrane, Billie Holiday, Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker, and William Parker, to name a few. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
History of the Guitar
In ten pages this paper offers a history of the guitar and how it has changed the face of music from classic to modern times. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
Act I of La Tosca by Puccini and Mario and Tosca's Relationship
The title character of Puccini's La Tosca is a deeply conflicted woman. Tosca is both fragile and volatile, vulnerable and enraged. Her jealousy, perhaps her central character flaw, is expressed through the music of this opera, and the relationship between Tosca and Mario is the central tragedy of this work. This 5 page paper considers the relationship between the actions of the characters and the operatic developments that represent the tormented and tragic relationship between Tosca and Mario. No additional sources cited.
Mariah Carey's Life and Musical Career
A 7 page biographical paper which the diva’s popularity, continued success, and her influence on popular music. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Andre Young and 'Dr. Dre's' Musical Success
This 3 page paper provides biographical information about André Young and traces his successful path in the music industry. Why he is different and why he is successful is the focus of this paper.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Jazz Pioneers Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins
A 4 page research paper that discusses the distinctly different music styles of jazz greats Coleman Hawkins and Lester Young, the men who are primarily responsible for the tenor sax becoming a leading instrument in jazz. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Financing of Opera in London in the 1730’s
This 7 page paper looks at the financing of opera in London during the early 18th century and whether or not opera was self financing. The way opera was financed is discussed, focusing on Heidegger and Handel and the second Royal Academy of Music, but also discussing the Opera of the Nobility and fringe opera. The paper also considers the way in which profits would have been distributed and performers paid. The bibliography cites four sources.
Handel, Back, Monteverdi and Josquin
A 5 page research paper that, first of all, compares the music of Josquin des Prez and Claudio Monteverdi, and then looks at the careers of later Baroque artists, Bach and Handel. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Overview of the Entertainment Industry
A 6 page paper that offers a general overview of the entertainment industry. The largest conglomerates are identified and discussed along with their major diverse interests. Issues facing certain segments, music, films, Broadway, and movie theaters, are also discussed. Data included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Reaction to the Works of Claude Debussy and Claude Monet
A 5 page essay that records the writer's reactions to Claude Monet's painting "Garden at Sainte-Adresse" and Claude Debussy's music "Claire de Lune." The writer discusses how, in both cases, the construction of their work creates a specific "impression" in the mind of the viewer/listener, and the writer posits that this objective is obtained by subtly altering standards in their respective arts that previously had been considered immutable. No sources cited.
Korea and Jazz Music
This 7 page paper discusses jazz in Korea in general; how paraxial music education could be used to develop school curricula; and how it impacts jazz itself. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Musical Tonal Coloring or Timbre
A 4 page research paper that examines timbre, which refers to the aspect of tonal color in music composition. The writer defines timbre and discusses its physical attributes, as well as how it is used in orchestration, focusing on Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Sociological Importance of Timba
This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of timba. The role of timba music in Cuban society during the Special Period is explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Golden Mean, Irrational Numbers & Fibonacci Series
A 3 page research paper that discusses the interrelated nature of the Golden Mean, irrational numbers and Fibonacci series numbers. The writer defines these concepts and then discusses them in regards to music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Jazz as Modernism
A 5 page research paper that offers a discussion that, first of all, examines the philosophy of art that characterizes the modern period and, then, demonstrates how jazz, specifically the music of Jelly Roll Morton and his "King Porter Stomp," embodies this aesthetic. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Analysis of This Old Man Folk Song
A 5 page research paper that analyzes the musical makeup of a traditional folksong, "This Old Man." In so doing, the writer discusses the basic elements of music -- melody, harmony and rhythm. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Brief Life of Actress and Singer Aaliyah
This 2.5-page paper examines the brief life of singer/actress Aaliyah Houghton, her contribution to the music industry and why she was able to connect with her fans, although she died young. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Beethoven vs. Bach
A 5 page paper in which the writer compares a the Baroque and Classical eras in music. Using Bach's Fugue in G Minor and the first movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, the writer discusses the distinctive characteristics of each era. No sources cited.
Overview of Singer Janis Joplin
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the life and emotional expression of Janis Joplin, with a focus on how her manic depression was described within her songs. This paper considers how Janis Joplin revolutionized music and style and relates specific songs to different periods in her life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Look at Notre Dame Organum
This 3 page paper examines this type of music. Historical information is relayed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Scott Joplin/Maple Leaf Rag
A 4 page research paper/analysis that offers a biography of Scott Joplin's life and the influence of his music, which is followed by an analysis of his most famous composition "The Maple Leaf Rag. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Was the Introduction of the Digital Economy Act 2010 Wise Legislation?
This 9 page paper examines the UK's Digital Economy Act, which came into force in June 2010, looking at the reason for the introduction of the legislation, or text achieve as well as examining the reasons driving those who are in favor and those who oppose the legislation with particular attention paid to the music industry. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony/An Analysis
A 4 pages research paper that offers a detailed, analytical description of the four movements of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, which is drawn from Joseph Machlis’s text The Enjoyment of Music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Suite No. 3 in D Major by Johann Sebastian Bach
A 5 page research paper that analyzes Johann Sebastian Bach's Suite no. 3 in D major. The writer leads the reader through the sections of the Suite explaining how the instruments are utilized and describing where Bach modulates the music from one key to a contrasting key. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Backgrounds of Musical Composers Igor Stravinsky, Arnold Schoenberg, and Bela Bartok
A 6 page research paper that explores the backgrounds of composers Igor Stravinsky, Bela Bartok, and Arnold Schoenberg, who were all contemporaries of each other; all highly influential to modern music in the first half of the twentieth century. This examination of their backgrounds demonstrates that they were also very different due to their life circumstances and varying backgrounds. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Influential Jazz Musician Miles Davis
This 11 page paper discusses the extraordinary life of Miles Davis and his impact upon Jazz. This paper highlights the many notable achievements of Davis' career as well as the unique elements of his music which contributed to his success. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The 24th Annual Arkansas Bean Fest and Annual Outhouse Races
This 4 page paper discusses some of the music played at the Arkansas Bean Feast and Outhouse Race. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Angry White Rapper: The Life and Music of Eminem
A 7 page research paper that examines the career and music of Eminem (aka Marshall Mathers), a rap star who has become a recording phenomenon. The writer examines why Eminem is so successful and also so controversial. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Music of Composer Ruth Crawford Seeger
A 4 page research paper that examines the music of American composer Ruth Crawford Seeger. The writer discusses this composer's influence and focuses on the technical details of her use of harmony. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Handel/2 Operas
A 5 page research paper that examines the life and music of George Fredric Handel, with a particular focus on Handel's operas. The writer profiles Handel's operas, Tamerlano and Giulio Cesare. Musical analysis is offered in regards to Giulio Cesare. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Lerner and Lowe's Brigadoon
A 3 page essay that offers suggestions to a student on how to analyze a video of this production, in regards to the music. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Minute Waltz by Frederic Chopin
A 7 page research paper that analyzes the music of Frederic Chopin as representative of the Romantic era, focusing on his work known as the "Minute Waltz" (waltz in D-flat, opus 64, no. 1). Brief biographical background material is also discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Burning CDs/Ethical Issues
A 3 page research paper/essay that analyzes the ethical issues involved in downloading music illegally from the Internet or burning an illegal copy of a CD obtained from a friend. Utilitarian and deontological positions are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Falasha Liturgy and Indian Cassette Industry, Reflection on these Issues
A 6 page essay that summarizes and reflects on the 1980 article "''Historical Ethnomusicology': Reconstructing Falasha Liturgical History" by Kay Kaufman Shelemay and Peter Manuel's 1991 article "The Cassette Industry and Popular Music in North India." No additional sources are cited.
Analysis of the Fourth Act of Aida by Giuseppe Verdi
A 5 page analysis of the opening duet between Amneris and Radames in Act IV of Verdi's classic opera Aida. The writer looks at the traditional four-movement structure of this duet and shows how the words and music work together to express the volatile emotions of the scene. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Biography of Clara Wieck Schumann
6 pages in length. The author offers a detailed biography of the music virtuoso, her influential friends and the tragedies that struck again and again throughout her life. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Die Walkure and Richard Wagner's Influences
This 12 page paper examines Wagner's well known opera. Attention is focused on the third act. Specifics related to the music of the third act is discussed but the paper embraces the idea that the composer was driven by his own personal dilemmas. Much about the personal life of Richard Wagner is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Symphony Orchestra's Future
A six page paper which looks at the future of the symphony orchestra and the way in which classical music companies are being obliged to adopt a more varied and eclectic approach in the modern day.
Bibliography lists 2 sources
Mass Messa di Gloria by Puccini
An 11 page research paper that examines in detail one of Puccini's first compositions, the Mass Messa di Gloria. The writer discusses Puccini's biographical background and how this relates to the work profiled. While Puccini is best known for his operas, his heritage, as a member of the Puccini family, was in religious music. Therefore, it can be seen that it is logical that one of his first serious compositions was the Mass that is known as Messa di Gloria. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
'Rainbow' Piano Etude 5 by Gyorgy Ligeti
A 10 page research paper that examines the music of Gyorgy Ligeti, who is acknowledged as one of Europe's leading contemporary composers. In his later years, Ligeti has devoted a great deal of his time to producing a series of Etudes pour piano that are considered some of the greatest ever written in this particular genre. The writer looks at his work, and his etudes, and particularly focuses on Etude #5. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
This 3-page paper examines the ethics of downloading music from a peer-to-peer arrangement, similar to Napster. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mozart's Don Giovanni and Figaro
A 7 page research paper/essay that examines Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) and Don Giovanni, which shows that these two operas are mirror images of Mozart's Enlightenment era philosophy on the struggle between the classes. The writer emphasizes how the plots of these operas demonstrate Enlightenment concepts (music is addressed in this regard, but not the focus of the paper). Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Recording Studios and Changes in Technology
A 12 page discussion of the technological changes which have occurred in the recording studio since the popular music explosion of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Emphasizes the impetus behind these changes is attributable not only to the entertainment industry but also to factors as diverse as computer, military, and medical applications. Notes specific changes in Signal Inputs, Signal Conditioning, Sound Recording Equipment, Mixers, and Signal Outputs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Production of 'Aida' by Giuseppe Verdi and Reaction to It
A 5 page essay that discusses the writer's reaction to a production of Verdi's Aida. The impact of the set decoration, the pageantry and the drama of the narrative are discussed as well as the music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Godsmack and Disturbed A Two Concert Review
This 5 page paper analyzes the two rock concerts for various elements such as sound quality and showmanship. The meaning in the music, as well as the type of crowds present, are also discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Relationship Between Mario Cavardadossi and Tosca in La Tosca by Puccini
The title character of Puccini's La Tosca is a deeply conflicted woman. Tosca is both fragile and volatile, vulnerable and enraged. Her jealousy, perhaps her central character flaw, is expressed through the music of this opera, and the relationship between Tosca and Mario is the central tragedy of this work. This 5 page paper considers the relationship between the actions of the characters and the operatic developments that represent the tormented and tragic relationship between Tosca and Mario. No additional sources cited.
An Evaluation of the Ninth Symphony by Beethoven
An 11 page research paper that examines and analyzes Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, with particularly emphasis on the chorale finale. The writer discusses the sonata-allegro structure and how Beethoven adapted this structure in the Ninth, as well as the emotional qualities of the work that foreshadowed the development of music during the Romantic era. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Neil Bogart and Casablanca Records' Rise and Fall
A 5 page synopsis of Fredric Dannen's account of the risk and fall of Neil Bogart and Casablanca Records in his book Hit Men: Power Brokers and Fast Money Inside the Music Business. The writer relates how Bogart and Casablanca defined the worst excesses of the disco era. It is a tale of extravagance and incredibly bad business management. No additional sources cited.
1960s' Countercultures
This 11 page paper explores counter culture in the 1960s with a focus on how various disciplines treat the time period. History, art history and music are three areas discussed in depth. The mainstream culture is also looked at. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Black Noise by Tricia Rose
A 7 page research paper that offers a comprehensive overview of this text. The writer summarizes this book, chapter by chapter, and how it offers a detailed analysis of rap music and its relationship to black culture in contemporary America. No additional sources cited.
Confucianism and 'Peony Pavilion'
A 4 page research paper that analyzes the 400 year-old Chinese opera, The Peony Pavilion, in regards to how it reflects Confucianism. Also the writer discusses the music and style of this work. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Dvorak and Brahms' Piano Quintets
An 8 page research paper that examines Brahms' Piano Quintet in F minor (Opus 34) and Dvorak's Piano Quintet in A major (Opus 81), which are two exemplary examples of chamber music, in which listeners hear a classical musical form interpreted along romantic lines. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses the various parts of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. The writer describes each section, its music and its symbolism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Dr. Dre and Hip Hop Culture
A 3 page research paper that discusses the music and career of hip hop artist, Dr. Dre. The writer also discusses his influence on hip hop culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Concerto Grosso Number 4 in A Minor by Charles Avison
A 3 page research paper that discusses a work by Charles Avison (1709-1770), English Baroque composer. The writer argues that this concerto grosso demonstrates the typical characteristics of Baroque music. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Music of Mississippi John Hurt
A 5 page research paper that describes the life and music of Mississippi John Hurt, an African American blues musician. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Dr. Dre and Hip Hop Culture
A 3 page research paper that discusses the music and career of hip hop artist, Dr. Dre. The writer also discusses his influence on hip hop culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Does Hip Hop Harm Black Americans?
A 7 page research paper that addresses how to perceive hip hop: Does commercial hip hop harm Black Americans in its focus on and glorification of racist, negative images; or does it primarily represent a reflection of Black experience that mainstream America does not want to face? This examination of literature explores this topic in order to determine a reasonable response to these questions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 3-page paper discusses how music impacts American culture. The two examples used are hip-hop/rap and disco. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hip Hop and American Culture
This 3 page paper expounds on an idea that everyone is part of hip hop. Hip hop culture is defined and explored. An argument is made as to why hip hop is a dominant theme in modern American culture. No bibliography.
African American Hip Hop and its Influence
A 6 page paper which examines how African American hip hop music has influenced today’s youth culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Social Effects of Hip Hop
A 6 page paper discussing positive aspects of hip-hop’s influence on society. At present, at least the “clean” versions of much of today’s rap is beneficial to society in that it diminishes the effects of racial prejudice, as predicted by Lewin’s theory. It has the ability to overturn the typical power pattern common in the US in all other areas of life in that rappers overwhelmingly are African-American, being followed by legions of white teens. They are followed by black teens as well; the surprising factor is that millions of whites fall so easily into the step called by the music industry in general and hip-hop specifically. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Digital Music - Blog Entries
This 8 page paper looks at different aspects of digital music. Written in the style of blog entries the development of digital music formats, the influence of iTunes on the industry, piracy and measures to prevent piracy, music and cellular telephones and the opportunities offered to unsigned bands. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Eminem's Music
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses and analyzes the music of rap star Eminem. Marshall Mathers, who is known by his stage name of "Eminem," is one of the world's most famous rap artists (Eby 289). Even his critics acknowledge that he is highly creative, a "musical and lyrical genius" (Eby 289). However, while this is true, Eminem's music is also highly controversial due to the various themes embodied in his songs, as they "pulsate with vulgarity, adolescent sexuality, hatred, misogyny and violence" (Eby 289). This examination of Eminem's music will consider its possible effect on listeners, as well as the possible reasons for his popularity with teens and the antagonism of mainstream critics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Angry White Rapper: The Life and Music of Eminem
A 7 page research paper that examines the career and music of Eminem (aka Marshall Mathers), a rap star who has become a recording phenomenon. The writer examines why Eminem is so successful and also so controversial. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Eminem; the Background and Work of Marshall Bruce Mathers III
This 5 page paper looks at the background, work and successes of Eminem starting with the period before he was signed by Dre with the Infinite Album up until 2007. The bibliography cites four sources.
Eminem and Elvis Compared
This 8 page paper examines the similarities and differences between these two musicians and uses specific songs from each artist as examples. This paper details their music in terms of lyrics, the technical aspects of the music, their cultural impact, and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Music and Society
A 5 page paper which examines how music affects society. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Downloading Music Legally
A 3 page paper which examines the controversy surrounding downloading music from the Internet, discusses recent court rulings and mandates, and considers how the music industry will benefit from legally downloaded music. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Quincy Jones for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
A 3 page proposal for inclusion of Quincy Jones in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Quincy Jones (b 1933) discovered music in elementary school, settling on the trumpet at about ten years of age and teaming up with Ray Charles as a young teen. He released his first album in 1956 and was well known in the industry before the rest of the world "discovered" him with the release of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album in the 1980s, which Jones produced. Quincy Jones more than only meets the basic criteria for inclusion in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Punk Rock and Heavy Metal Music
This 3 page paper provides an overview of rock music from the 1970s through today. Punk and metal are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Designing Research; Why Do Music Users Download from Illegal Sources?
This 10 page paper shows how research can be designed. Using the example of a music company that wants find out what music users download tracks illegally so they can devise a marketing strategy to encourage legal downloads. The paper identifies the potential sample, considers what data should be collected and how the sample may be most effectively approached and how the information should be collected and presents an outline for a questionnaire. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 3-page paper examines the ethics of downloading music from a peer-to-peer arrangement, similar to Napster. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 5-page paper focuses on various methods by which a teen consumer can download music for free. The paper focuses on pros and cons of this. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Gangster Rap and Family Values
This 3 page paper takes a look at gangsta rap, family values, and the problems of mass production. The bibliography lists 2 sources.
Falasha Liturgy and Indian Cassette Industry, Reflection on these Issues
A 6 page essay that summarizes and reflects on the 1980 article "''Historical Ethnomusicology': Reconstructing Falasha Liturgical History" by Kay Kaufman Shelemay and Peter Manuel's 1991 article "The Cassette Industry and Popular Music in North India." No additional sources are cited.
Brazilian Samba Music
A 3 page essay on Brazilian Samba. The writer describes the music, concentrating on its evolution and history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Brief Life of Actress and Singer Aaliyah
This 2.5-page paper examines the brief life of singer/actress Aaliyah Houghton, her contribution to the music industry and why she was able to connect with her fans, although she died young. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Financing of Opera in London in the 1730’s
This 7 page paper looks at the financing of opera in London during the early 18th century and whether or not opera was self financing. The way opera was financed is discussed, focusing on Heidegger and Handel and the second Royal Academy of Music, but also discussing the Opera of the Nobility and fringe opera. The paper also considers the way in which profits would have been distributed and performers paid. The bibliography cites four sources.
1960s' Civil Rights Music and Martin Luther King Jr.
A 5 page paper
which examines the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights music of the
1960s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Evolution of Rap Music in France
An 8 page research paper that discusses the evolution and status of rap music in France and compares this to rap music in the US. The writer particularly focuses on the reaction of the legal system in both countries to offensive rap lyrics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
East and West Coast Rap Wars and the Deaths of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G.
This 10 page paper addresses the problem of the east coast and west coast rap wars. The Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac are viewed as casualties of the rivalry. The murders of each rap star are highlighted and the problem is discussed in general. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Louis Armstrong's Musical Influence
This 6 page paper provides and overview of Jazz trumpeters who came after Armstrong. His influence on them is explored. The musicians detailed are Miles Davis, Clifford Brown, Jon Faddis and Dizzy Gillespie. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Music of Composer Ruth Crawford Seeger
A 4 page research paper that examines the music of American composer Ruth Crawford Seeger. The writer discusses this composer's influence and focuses on the technical details of her use of harmony. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Johann Sebastian Bach's Keyboard Instruments
A 6 page paper which discusses and examines the keyboard instruments of Johann Sebastian Bach. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Music As Sedation for Children
A 3 page research paper that summarizes the effect of music in a study conducted by Loewy, et al (2006), which utilized a sample group of 60 pediatric patients who ranged in age from 1 month through 5 years in order to compare the effects of chloral hydrate to music therapy in regards to sedating children while they underwent EEG testing. This study showed music therapy to be a safer and more efficient means of sedation for young children undergoing diagnostic testing. No additional sources cited.
Impressionism/Music & Art
A 5 page research paper that discusses the relationship between impressionist music and painting. Art and music have always developed in parallel with one another throughout the course of history (Impressionism). The impressionism of the late nineteenth century, which originated in France, exemplifies this principle as impressionist music and art are closely related. This examination of impressionism in music demonstrates the close relationship that the development of this genre of music history had with painting of the same era. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Evolution Of Gospel Music In America
A 7 page paper that presents the history and evolution of gospel music beginning with music created by slaves. The name of this music also changed from anthem to spiritual to gospel over the years. The essay comments on the separation of white gospel music and black gospel music and identifies some of the pioneers in this field as well as more contemporary performers as gospel transitioned to mainstream. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
First Symphony by Peter Tchaikovsky's First Movement
A 3 page essay that discusses in detail a musical analysis of the first movement of Tchiakovsky's first symphony. Only the first movement is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Meaning of Grace Slick's Song White Rabbit
This 5 page paper offers a glimpse into the history of Jefferson Airplane singer and 1960s psychedelic icon Grace Slick, while exploring the impact and meaning of one of her greatest hits, “White Rabbit.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Southern and South African: Power of Christian Music
A 12 page research paper that offers an overview of the influence and history of Southern Christian music in the US, and its role in the Civil Rights Movement, and the influence and history of Christian Music in South African, looking at its role in the anti-apartheid movement. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Necessity of Music Education
A 6 page research paper that discusses the advantages offered to students by music education. Research shows that music should be regarded as a crucial component in childhood development that promotes discipline, self-esteem and responsibility. Examination of the importance of music education shows that it should be a part of every school curriculum as it is through music that society has the hope of producing a happy, mentally-healthy, productive citizenry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Bach's BWV 782 and Invention 11
A 5 page research paper that discusses Bach's Inventions, in general, and then offers specifically an analysis of Invention 11 in G minor. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Comparison of Original and Subsequent Interpretations of Frederic Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4
An 10 page comparative analysis on Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4 on editions of the piece by arranger/artists Autograf, Paderewski, Augener, Allans, and Henle. The paper analyzes this piece in conjunction with phrasing, pedal and dynamic markings, tempo indicators, and several of the notes themselves. This paper also has a short discussion on critics of the time, today's critics, and a comparison of two audio discs. Bibliography lists 8 sources .
Baroque Concerto Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi wrote his baroque concerto 'Four Seasons' in the 18th century, during a period of extended musical expressionism in Venice and throughout Italy. This 2.5 page paper provides a concise overview of Four Seasons and considers key elements such as composition, dynamics, medium, form and overall impression. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Bolero Classical Piece by Maurice Ravel
Maurice Ravel's 'Bolero' is believed to be one of the most popular pieces of classical music that has ever been written. In 3 pages, the writer of this paper provides an analysis of Bolero that includes an overview of the type of composition, the dynamics, tempo, melody, harmony, and an overall impression. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Relationship Between Mario Cavardadossi and Tosca in La Tosca by Puccini
The title character of Puccini's La Tosca is a deeply conflicted woman. Tosca is both fragile and volatile, vulnerable and enraged. Her jealousy, perhaps her central character flaw, is expressed through the music of this opera, and the relationship between Tosca and Mario is the central tragedy of this work. This 5 page paper considers the relationship between the actions of the characters and the operatic developments that represent the tormented and tragic relationship between Tosca and Mario. No additional sources cited.
Act I of La Tosca by Puccini and Mario and Tosca's Relationship
The title character of Puccini's La Tosca is a deeply conflicted woman. Tosca is both fragile and volatile, vulnerable and enraged. Her jealousy, perhaps her central character flaw, is expressed through the music of this opera, and the relationship between Tosca and Mario is the central tragedy of this work. This 5 page paper considers the relationship between the actions of the characters and the operatic developments that represent the tormented and tragic relationship between Tosca and Mario. No additional sources cited.
Recording Industry and the Long Playing Vinyl Disc
An 8 page outline covering the technological history of the vinyl disc, prehistory influences, marketing influences, and advancements in the industry since the first vinyl discs. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Life and Works of Composer Nicola Vincentino
A 10 page research paper on the life and work of the 16th century composer. The writer details the context of his life and work in regard to the music of the time, his harmonic theories, and his published works. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Frederic Chopin and Eugene Delacroix as 'Artistic Brothers'
This 9 page paper discusses the
similarities and diffeences between the
"artistic brothers" Eugene Delacroiix
and Frederick Chopin. Delacroix labeled
Chopin, "a man of exquisite heart and..
mind" - quite a complement coming one
of the foremost French artists of the
nineteenth century. Bibliography lists
5 sources.
Folk Ballads and the Theme of Murder
A 3 page analysis of three ballads from the late eighteenth century that deal with the topic of murder. The writer argues that these ballads expressed the 'news' of their day, but emphasized moral considerations over factual recitation. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Performance of the Baroque Cello
A 22 page research paper that examines both the Baroque cello (differences between the Baroque and modern instruments, its history and development) and the nature of Baroque performance (the various requirements for playing Baroque cello, practical performance tips). Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.